AV3 - Speaking
AV3 - Speaking
AV3 - Speaking
8. Would you do a job you didn't like just because the money was good?
No, I would not do a job I didn’t like just because the money was good because I think that money is not the
most important thing in life. I believe that happiness and satisfaction are more valuable than wealth and status.
I would rather do a job that I enjoy and that matches my skills and interests than a job that makes me miserable
and bored.
1. . What's your favourite gadget?
The gadget that I love the most is my ipad. It is a tablet device that I can use for many purposes. I can watch
videos, read books, browse the internet, and learning on it. It is portable, convenient, and easy to use. My ipad
is a great gadget that I always have with me.
2. What do you think is the most important advance in technology?
3- Are there any gadgets that you think are a waste of money or time?
12. What are some problems that come with new technologies?
One of the problems that come with new technologies is that people may need some time to get used to them
and learn how to use them effectively.
1. Have you ever been camping? What was it like?
2. What's your favourite kind of holiday?
3. Do you prefer to visit places own?
10. What is something you do now, that you didn't used to do?
I didn’t used to make presentations, but now I do it a lot because I have developed my abilities and self-esteem. I
learned how to use various tools and methods to make my presentations more interesting and persuasive. I also got
more chances and feedback to practice and improve my presentation skills.
12. How can we convince someone to shop less/spend less time online?
I can explain the benefits of spending less time online, such as improved focus, productivity, mental health,
and sleep quality and encourage them to start a new hobby or activity that does not involve screens, such as
reading, gardening, cooking, or sports
1. Would you like to go on an expedition somewhere?
2. Where would you not like to go exploring and why?
3. What three personal things would you put in a time capsule?
4. Which three objects do you think best illustrate our lives at the moment?
5. Is the place you come from a place of historical interest?
6. Which ancient civilisation would you like to have lived in?
7. If you went back in time for a short visit, what would you miss most?
8. List three things that you used to do when you were younger.
1) . Have you ever been to a zoo?
I have been to a zoo before. It was a fun and educational experience. I saw many different kinds of
animals, such as lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, and monkeys. I learned about their habitats, behaviors,
and diets. I also watched some shows and demonstrations, such as feeding the seals and training the birds.
I enjoyed seeing the animals up close and learning more about them.
7) can you see from the windows in the place you live?
9) Would you live in another country if you could? Which one and why?
United States is the country I would choose to live in if I could. I want to live in United States to, to see its
various places and scenery, and to achieve my dreams and ambitions.
11)If you won a lot of money, would you stop working or studying?
If I won a lot of money, I would still studying because I think education is important and rewarding.
Money can buy many things, but it cannot buy wisdom or satisfaction.