Wave 1
Wave 1
Wave 1
Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional or
exercise program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it
because of something you have read in this publication. Any content or information
provided in this publication is for informational and educational purposes only and any
use thereof is solely at your own risk. The authors or the publisher of this literary work
bear no responsibility thereof.
Copyright (c) 2019 Molchanovs PTE Ltd.
Natalia’s aspiration was always to strive for safe and efficient freediving, and to achieve
this through the provision of education and training, and the world’s best freediving
equipment. Everything we create now is based on this philosophy and strategy,
but with the latest developments in education, technology and scientific research.
We are inspired and honored to have had Natalia as our founder. Without her, the
Molchanovs freediving movement would not exist today.
Tribute to Natalia ii
molchanovs freediving education
Natalia was the president of the Freediving Federation. She designed and established its
educational program from beginner to instructor level. Natalia shared her passion and
knowledge of freediving both through her courses and with her university students in
Moscow. Today thousands of freedivers have been trained by the Freediving Federation
and several hundred instructors share Natalia’s knowledge with a new generation of
freedivers. In 2015, the presidency was passed to her son Alexey Molchanov, also a
freediving world champion and record holder.
Natalia led research in freediver physiology and was interested in relaxation techniques
and improving freediving performance and safety. She was the author of many articles,
books and educational materials on freediving. Much of her work has been translated
into English. Her love and passion for the sea are also reflected in poems she wrote and
a short artistic movie she created, for which she received a number of festival awards.
Natalia’s life was about freediving.
molchanovs communit y
Natalia originally created the freediving education system for the Freediving Federation,
with the aim of taking a student from beginner to an elite freediver. She and her son
Alexey Molchanov founded the Molchanovs brand in 2010 and focused on developing
equipment and this education system further.
The Molchanovs business as it is today was formally launched in 2018. It has taken the
education and training system from Natalia, added its own expertise together with a group
of the world’s best freedivers (including Alexey Molchanov) and freediving trainers, and
launched Club Molchanovs in August 2018. Club Molchanovs covers education, training
and experiences. Our principle aim is to help a freediver to learn and train like one of
the world’s best, under instruction from Molchanovs instructors and with support from a
global freediving Molchanovs community.
We also recognize that world champions require ergonomic, highly efficient equipment
to support their freediving and to allow them to discover and to push past their limits. We
aim to continue to develop and provide the highest quality equipment to the freediving
Table of Contents iv
molchanovs freediving education
It was two years ago that Alexey Molchanov, Adam Stern
and I were sitting in a coffee shop in Bali worrying about
the state of the freediving world.
We talked about what the freediving world was missing and how a system that tied a first-
rate education, community training and shared experiences was the future of freediving.
As the conversation went on into the night, we became increasingly excited and convinced
that now was the time to create a new system and a new community, by freedivers for
freedivers. That conversation became the seed of Club Molchanovs.
Thank you for joining our freediving movement and we hope that Club Molchanovs will
be a part of your freediving journey. Welcome to the Club!
Chris Kim
CEO Molchanovs, July 2019
Wave 1 | Foreword 1
molchanovs freediving education
Your learning for each Wave / Lap starts with our online course which features content from
some of the best freedivers in the world, including world champion Alexey Molchanov.
Qualified Molchanovs instructors then take you through this learning and help you develop
your understanding and practical skills.
Once you have completed a Wave / Lap course, you can continue your training and track
your progress by joining Base Training. This is a global freediving community founded on
the philosophy and strategies of Natalia Molchanova and is a place to share knowledge,
skills and experiences with other freedivers. Training programs for freedivers of all levels
are published on a weekly basis, to help you progress through your learning and develop
your freediving skills.
This manual is aimed at the beginner freediver. It is divided into a number of chapters, each
of which introduces key topics about freediving. Each chapter is self-standing, although
we do recommend that you work your way through the manual. Take notes as you go
and ask your Molchanovs instructor to answer any queries you may have. A glossary of
general terms used in freediving is provided at the end of the document. Glossary terms
are highlighted in gold for reference.
Freediving is about feelings, whether it is the euphoria that comes from
weightlessness, or our amazement at the beauty of the underwater
world. We dive for the moments of joy which come from a deeper
understanding of our thoughts and experiences. We freedive for the
pleasure of solitude, where inner peace and awareness calm our racing
mind. Freediving offers us happiness from nothing more than a single
breath of air.
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter introduces freediving and explains how it is developing. It also provides an
overview of the aims of the Wave 1 / Lap 1 course, how you learn and what you have to
complete to pass.
Light hypoxic training, whereby oxygen availability in your body is limited by using
specific training techniques, is known to have positive effect on your physiological systems.
Freediving can also improve your mental health by increasing your ability to consciously
relax, to manage stress, to focus and concentrate, and to become more mindful and self-
a p p l ie d f r eed i v i n g
Applied freediving signifies the more advanced skills and techniques used by freedivers
to support their daily underwater activities such as hunting for seafood, exploring the
underwater world, providing assistance as part of rescue training or undertaking scientific
research with Giant Manta Rays. Freediving as part of daily life has been undertaken all over
Wave 1 | Introduction 6
molchanovs freediving education
the world for thousands of years. The female ‘Ama’ divers in Japan hunt for seafood and
pearls while the Bajau people, indigenous to Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines live
at sea and spearfish. Freediving is their life and their existence.
competitive freediving
Competitive freediving focuses on the specific skill development of a freediver for
competition and record attempts. There are different disciplines for pool and open water
freediving, including static apnea (breath-hold without moving), dynamic apnea (diving
to distance with breath-hold) and various forms of depth diving. Freedivers perform
these disciplines while competing against others to achieve personal bests and to break
records. There are different rules and equipment for each discipline. Reaching the top
of the competitive freediving community requires total commitment as a professional
athlete, to physical fitness and skills development as well as mental training, diet and
rest. Competition freedivers have a strong social community where experiences, skills and
knowledge are shared regularly.
Wave 1 | Introduction 7
molchanovs freediving education
Knowledge development
This covers the following:
○○ An online course presenting videos to guide you through the main topics and a
summary of key points.
○○ A course manual providing further information and detail on all topics. This
supports the online course.
○○ An online exam: A 30 question exam to review and test the knowledge you have
acquired during the course.
Pool sessions
Your Molchanovs instructor conducts a minimum of two pool sessions with you during
which you learn the basic skills of freediving including static breath-holding and diving to
distance, both with and without fins. For both disciplines, you also learn how to take care
of a freediver (buddying) and how to perform an appropriate rescue for a buddy who is
experiencing difficulties.
Your Molchanovs instructor also introduces you to a number of freediving disciplines, for
example, diving to depth by pulling yourself along a line (Free Immersion), or diving to
depth using only your fins (Constant Weight). Procedures for buddying, safety and rescue
are an important part of this learning.
Wave 1 | Introduction 8
molchanovs freediving education
To note:
○○ Lap 1 water-based skills are completed in the pool only.
○○ Additional Open Water performance skills and Open Water skills are completed for
Wave 1 only.
○○ Skills which can be performed with a monofin should be completed in the first
instance with bifins. Once performance requirements have been met, a monofin
○○ All skills are performed with a mask including FIM. The exceptions are No Fins
skills where the use of a nose clip is permit.
Wave 1 | Introduction 9
molchanovs freediving education
Wave 1 | Introduction 10
molchanovs freediving education
STA Static Static breath-hold lying face down and stationary at the surface.
DYN Dynamic with Fins Horizontal swim underwater. Bifins or monofin.
DNF Dynamic No Fins Horizontal swim underwater. No fins.
CWT Constant Weight Freedive to depth. Same weight for descent/ascent. Bifins or monofin.
CWTB Constant Weight Bifins Freedive to depth. Same weight for descent/ascent. Bifins. No dolphin kick
FIM Free Immersion Freedive to depth pulling down/up line. Same weight for descent/ascent.
Fins on for safety.
Wave 1 | Introduction 11
molchanovs freediving education
Freediving is not only a sport, it is a way to understand who you are.
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter explains the physics of water pressure and buoyancy, and how they affect
you when freediving. Your physiological state is also explained. Understanding these key
principles allows you to make safe choices while freediving and to be at ease underwater.
Therefore, the ambient (surrounding) pressure is the sum of atmospheric pressure and water
pressure. This is measured in atmospheres or bar.
○○ Atmospheric pressure is the weight of atmospheric air and is 1 bar (1 ATM) at sea
level. 1 bar is equal to 1 ATM.
○○ Water pressure also known as hydrostatic pressure is the weight of the water column
above your body and increases by 1 bar every 10 meters (33 feet) of depth.
Therefore, at 10 meters (33 feet) of depth, the total ambient pressure exerted on your
body is:
With this, you experience a total ambient pressure of 3 bar at 20 meters (66 feet), 4 bar at
30 meters (99 feet) and so on.
b oy l e ’ s law
Most of your body tissues consist mainly of water so they are non-compressible. This means
your body is largely unaffected by the change in ambient pressure as you freedive to depth.
However, gas is compressible so freediving has an effect on enclosed air spaces in your
body. During a freedive, the air in these cavities is affected by changing ambient pressure.
This is why for example, as you descend, you feel pressure in your ears (specifically your
middle ears) as ambient pressure is exerted on your body. Aside from your ears, there is also
air enclosed in other non-compressible spaces such as your sinuses, and between your face
and the front of your mask. Your lungs are also filled with air, however you do not need to
equalize them as they are compressible.
Boyle’s Law explains how the volume of a gas in these air spaces varies with the surrounding
pressure. It states:
‘At a fixed temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure exerted
by the gas.’
Wave 1 | Physics 13
molchanovs freediving education
○○ If you take a balloon to 10 meters (33 feet), the total ambient pressure is 2 bar.
Therefore, the balloon would be one half (1/2) its original size.
○○ If you take a balloon to 20 meters (66 feet), the total ambient pressure is 3 bar.
Therefore, the balloon would be one third (1/3) of its original size.
○○ If you take a balloon to 30 meters (99 feet), the total ambient pressure is 4 bar.
Therefore, the balloon would be one quarter (1/4) of its original size.
And so on...
Wave 1 | Physics 14
molchanovs freediving education
Your sinuses and nasal cavities are almost incompressible so the enclosed air volume does
not change during a descent. When equalizing pressure in your ears, the pressure in these
connected air spaces is equalized automatically. The pressure in these air spaces normally
decreases automatically on ascent, so there is no need to equalize.
A soft mask with a nose pocket and low internal volume is often used for freediving. The
flexibility of a soft mask makes it a little more forgiving as to when you should equalize
pressure. To note, swimming goggles and masks without a nose pocket should not be
used for freedives deeper than 1.5 meters (5 feet) to prevent eye injury. This is because
you are unable to exhale air into these air spaces to equalize the pressure.
The compressibility of your lungs is limited by the elasticity of your diaphragm and
the mobility of your ribs. On descent, the volume of air in your lungs decreases to its
residual volume. Residual Volume (RV) is the volume of air in your lungs after a maximum
exhalation and is approximately 20% of the Total Lung Capacity (TLC) for the average
person. The percentage of the RV to TLC tends to gradually increase with age, due to the
decreasing elasticity of the diaphragm and reduced mobility of the ribcage.
Wave 1 | Physics 15
molchanovs freediving education
archimedes’ principle
Your buoyancy has a huge effect on your freediving and it is important to understand
what influences this buoyancy. Achimedes’ Principle states that:
’An object immersed in water experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the
water it displaces.’
There are two forces acting on the object: its weight and the buoyant force equal to the
weight of water it displaces.
This is the same for your body. The upward buoyant force exerted on a body immersed
in water is equal to the weight of the water that the body displaces. Therefore, if your
body displaces 60 kilograms (133 pounds) of water, there is an upward buoyant force
equivalent to 60 kilograms pushing you up to the surface. If you are lighter than 60
kilograms, you float up or stay at the surface.
Understanding the principle of buoyancy is a key concept towards learning how to duck
dive and descend underwater. Many people experience difficulty with diving head-first
underwater. This is because the water pushes your body upwards at a force which is
usually greater than your body weight. Therefore, you must overcome this surplus of
buoyant force by using techniques such as the duck dive.
Wave 1 | Physics 16
molchanovs freediving education
There are three types of buoyancy:
Positive buoyancy
You are positively buoyant and float when the buoyant force exceeds the weight of
your body. With this, a reasonable amount of effort is needed to exert against this force
at the surface in order to duck dive. Positive buoyancy can be used to aid your ascent
and allows you to stop kicking and pulling during the last 5 metres (16 feet) before
Negative buoyancy
You are negatively buoyant and sink when the weight of your body exceeds the buoyant
force. With this, more effort is needed to swim upwards towards the surface.
Neutral buoyancy
You are neutrally buoyant. You neither float nor sink, when the buoyant force is equal
to the weight of your body. With this, you can move along underwater horizontally with
no effort and without floating to the surface or sinking to the bottom.
Buoyancy changes with depth. During a descent, as ambient pressure increases, the air in
your body compresses in particular in your lungs, and you slowly become less buoyant.
At the surface, you are positively buoyant i.e. the buoyant force exceeds your weight. As
you descend, you slowly become neutrally buoyant. If you descend further, you become
negatively buoyant i.e. your weight exceeds the buoyant force. As negative buoyancy
increases with depth during a freedive, a point is reached where gravity overcomes the
buoyancy of your body and you enter a state called free fall. When this happens, you can
stop finning and allow yourself to fall effortlessly.
On ascent the opposite occurs. As ambient pressure decreases, the air in your body
expands, in particular in your lungs and you soon become neutrally buoyant once more.
Towards the surface, you become positively buoyant. As you approach, you can stop
finning and allow the positive buoyancy to return you to the surface.
Water density
The density of seawater is greater than the density of freshwater due to its salt content.
The greater the density of water, the greater the buoyancy. Therefore, with the same
equipment, you require more lead weights when freediving in seawater than in freshwater.
The equipment you wear affects your buoyancy, in particular your wetsuit. A thick wetsuit
is very effective to keep warm. However, the thicker the wetsuit, the more positively
buoyant it is. Lead weights are required to offset this buoyancy and a weight belt is often
worn to hold them.
Wave 1 | Physics 17
molchanovs freediving education
Body composition
Your buoyancy depends upon the composition of your body. Fatty tissues are positively
buoyant in water, whereas muscles are negatively buoyant. The proportions of these
different tissues in your body affect your buoyancy in the water and determine your
personal weighting requirements. To note, your weighting can be very different from
your buddy.
In the Wave 2 course, you will learn how to perform a Neutral Buoyancy Check. This is
a skill which allows you to fine-tune the amount of weight worn and to set your neutral
buoyancy depth as you freedive deeper.
safe weighting
Establish that you are not overweighted by conducting a Surface Exhale Test.
Wave 1 | Physics 18
molchanovs freediving education
Wave 1 | Physics 19
molchanovs freediving education
2.4 Summary
1. Boyle’s Law explains how the volume of a gas in your air spaces varies with the
surrounding pressure. It states: ‘At a fixed temperature, the volume of a gas is
inversely proportional to the pressure exerted by the gas’.
2. As pressure increases during a descent, the volume of air enclosed by the lungs,
sinuses, middle ears, and mask decreases and must be equalized during a freedive.
3. The last 10 meters (33 feet) before the surface is where the largest change of
pressure occurs. Always chose a conservative approach to progression your
freediving, to prevent acute hypoxia or blackout. Always freedive with a buddy.
5. There are three types of buoyancy: positive, negative and neutral. Your buoyancy is
dependent on equipment, water pressure, water density, air volume in your lungs
and your body composition.
7. Be positively buoyant at the surface after a deep exhalation. This is a Surface Exhale
Wave 1 | Physics 20
molchanovs freediving education
There time will recognize
The deepness of the space
And, flowing to infinity of being,
We kindly wait for sense.
This time - it is
Just breath.
And then – the love that fills
The deepness of the heart
To all the living
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter explains the role of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body and covers
two important topics: hypercapnia and hypoxia. It explains what they are, how they
can affect you when freediving and how to practice safe freediving with them in mind.
This chapter also covers the short-term and long-term ability of your body to adapt to
hypoxia over time.
ox y g e n ( o 2 )
Take a breath in and slowly exhale. You breathe air continuously and as you breathe,
oxygen enters through your mouth or nose and makes its way into your lungs. Here, oxygen
molecules pass into your bloodstream and your red blood cells carry them around your
body for cellular respiration.
Cellular respiration is the process used by your cells to make energy available for activity
and they require oxygen to make this happen. During this process, oxygen molecules break
down glucose molecules in your cells, and energy in the form of ATP is released. ATP is used
by your body to power all functions. A byproduct of this process is carbon dioxide.
ca rb o n di ox i d e ( co 2 )
Carbon dioxide is created as a byproduct of cellular respiration and is carried back in your
blood to your lungs for exhalation. The main function of exhalation is to expel carbon
dioxide from your body.
When you hold your breath in freediving, you do not exhale and so carbon dioxide builds
up in your body. This increase in carbon dioxide causes the urge to breathe. To note, the
urge to breathe is not caused by decreased oxygen in your body.
h y p e rca p n i a
Hypercapnia is caused by an elevated i.e. a more than normal level of carbon dioxide in
your blood. When you hold your breath, you experience this as an urge to breathe. As a
beginner freediver, you may feel some discomfort and anxiety when experiencing this for
the first few times.
To explain this further: when the level of carbon dioxide in your blood reaches your
Wave 1 | Physiology 22
molchanovs freediving education
Hypoxia or oxygen deprivation, is caused by an insufficient supply of oxygen to your
body tissues. When you hold your breath, you begin to use up the limited amount of
oxygen you have in your body. After an extended time of breath-holding, the resulting
low level of oxygen is known as hypoxia. During the early stages of hypoxia, you may
actually feel very comfortable underwater and experience a sense of euphoria. However,
as your hypoxic state continues, the level of oxygen in your blood falls and the level of
carbon dioxide increases. Always end your freedive at this point and do not allow this
hypoxic state to develop any further.
If you continue to hold your breath and exceed your personal limits, you are in danger of
losing consciousness. This is known as a blackout. Blacking out is an unacceptable part of
freediving, even in competition. There are many world champions who have never had a
blackout. There is no advantage to blacking out and so it is not recommended and must
be avoided at all times.
How to avoid a blackout and the warning signs and symptoms of hypoxia is explained in
Section 8.1 Trauma relating to Hypoxia.
Wave 1 | Physiology 23
molchanovs freediving education
As a beginner, you may react relatively quickly to the urge to breathe because your body
is not used to elevated levels of carbon dioxide. The urge to breathe is an important
safety mechanism for you and allows you to gauge when to end your freedive. The urge
to breathe increases towards the end of your freedive when there are very high levels of
carbon dioxide. In theory, you can continue your freedive even when feeling the urge to
breathe because your body still has oxygen available. However, this is not recommended
for recreational freediving. Always begin your ascent as soon as you experience the urge
to breathe.
To note, some freedivers have a very low sensitivity to carbon dioxide and combined with
the ability to relax so deeply, they may experience weaker signals to end their freedive.
Therefore, during a freedive, always be fully aware of your body and pay close attention
to your sensations, in particular to your clarity of mind.
As a beginner freediver:
○○ Focus on relaxation before, during and after a breath-hold or freedive.
○○ Always freedive in a comfortable state and surface even before you feel the urge
to breathe.
○○ End your freedive immediately should you experience the urge to breathe.
○○ Remember that progress in freediving involves making consistent and conservative
○○ Never push yourself to the limit.
avoid b lackout
It is very important not to exceed your individual limits during a breath-hold. Sensitivity
of your respiratory chemoreceptors to carbon dioxide varies from individual to individual.
Through training and experience, you learn to read the signals of rising carbon dioxide
and this makes you a more competent and safer freediver.
Wave 1 | Physiology 24
molchanovs freediving education
Spleen effect
Your spleen contracts and releases stored red blood cells containing haemoglobin, into the
bloodstream. This increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of your blood, due to increased
concentrations of haemoglobin binding with oxygen.
Peripheral vasoconstriction
The blood vessels in your extremities - your hands, arms, feet and legs - constrict and
push more blood towards your body core, to optimize the supply of oxygen to your
vital organs and your brain.
Wave 1 | Physiology 25
molchanovs freediving education
Blood shift
Blood increasingly compensates the space created when air in your lungs compresses.
Therefore, blood vessels in your lungs expand and are engorged with blood to compensate
for the loss of air volume. This increases their ability to handle the rise in pressure.
Central vasodilation
While blood vessels in your extremities contract, known as peripheral vasoconstriction,
other blood vessels around your vital organs e.g. heart, brain and lungs, dilate to allow
more blood flow, known as central vasodilation.
Finally, immersion diuresis brings about an increase in urine production due to the
hydrostatic pressure exerted on your body, vasoconstriction and a decrease in body
temperature when you freedive. This is one of the reasons why it is important to keep
hydrated throughout your freedive session.
long-term adaptations
Long-term adaptations to hypercapnia and hypoxia through training result in multiple
changes in your organs and tissues. You can improve your freediving through consistent
practice, allowing your body to adapt gradually to situations with elevated carbon dioxide
and lowered oxygen levels. The more regularly you train, the greater the long term effect
on your body.
For example, your body’s tolerance to high levels of carbon dioxide can increase. When
you first start freediving, you may not be able to hold your breath for very long without
experiencing the urge to breathe. However with regular training, you are able to hold
for longer without feeling discomfort, and also remain fully aware of the effects of rising
Wave 1 | Physiology 26
molchanovs freediving education
carbon dioxide. You may experience contractions, but they no longer cause you significant
The better and more regularly you train, the better your body manages oxygen and
the longer you are able to hold your breath before putting yourself in a potentially
dangerous situation. It generally takes some time to improve the ability of your body to
handle hypoxia, but the ability of your body to tolerate higher levels of carbon dioxide
can change quite quickly. Regular training can result in dramatic improvements in a
short period of time. Should you stop training, these improvements generally reduce
very quickly. However, if you have raised your CO2 tolerance to a certain level, you can
generally return to this level more easily.
An increase in concentration of red blood cells in your blood which improves oxygen-
carrying capacity.
Wave 1 | Physiology 27
molchanovs freediving education
3.5 Summary
1. Hypoxia in breath-hold diving is called exercise-induced hypoxia. It is a temporary
functional state. Practiced incrementally with conservative progression, breath-hold
induced hypoxia is neither dangerous nor worsens your health.
2. Early stages of hypoxia may result in you feeling very comfortable underwater and
experiencing a sense of euphoria.
3. Hypercapnia occurs when there is an elevated level of carbon dioxide in your blood
and is characterized by a rising urge to breathe.
4. When the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in your blood reaches a threshold
value, chemoreceptors gradually trigger the respiratory centre in your brain, causing
the urge to breathe and subsequent contractions.
Wave 1 | Physiology 28
When you find yourself alone in a silent underwater world, you’ll
reconsider your previous thoughts and attitudes, and discover new
things. Thoughts pass and disappear in a few seconds, and this silence
has a calming and nurturing effect on our restless souls.
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter introduces basic breathing and relaxation techniques and explains how you
can maximize your performance and freedive safety.
Training regularly to develop your relaxation and breathing practice can enhance your
performance and allows you to have a more enjoyable breath-hold.
p re p a rati o n
The aim of preparation is to achieve maximum relaxation of your mind and body before a
freedive. This is best achieved by using a relaxation technique such as the body scan. This
relaxation technique involves bringing your awareness to different parts of your body in
turn, finding any tension and releasing this tension before moving to the next part.
There are different ways of scanning your body, from starting at the top of your head and
scanning down to your toes. Alternatively, starting at your toes and scanning up through
your body, or simply focusing on key areas of tension. You will learn which is right for you
and you will develop your practice and ability to scan your body as you learn. To note, keep
your mask on during preparation.
This practice is the most efficient way to fill your lungs with air and with minimal waste of
energy. Once you are completely relaxed and have full lungs, you are ready to freedive.
In the past, to prepare for a freedive, freedivers would hyperventilate. This would lower
the level of carbon dioxide in their body and thus extend the time they could remain
underwater without experiencing the urge to breathe. It is the carbon dioxide which is
responsible for the urge to breathe during a freedive. To note however, hyperventilation is
dangerous and detrimental to your performance as a freediver and is not recommended.
Please refer to Section 4.2 Hyperventilation for further information.
2. Inhale actively with a wide open mouth to allow maximum intake of air into your
lungs. This sounds like you are saying ‘hope’ on your inhale.
3. Exhale approximately half your air with light resistance. Do this by pursing your lips
or by using your tongue to restrict the airflow. This increases air pressure in your lungs
and facilitates oxygen transfer to your blood and the removal of carbon dioxide.
4. Inhale actively with a wide open mouth to allow maximum intake of air into your
5. Repeat step 3 and 4 a minimum of three times, or until you feel fully recovered and
able to resume normal breathing.
Your Molchanovs instructor will help you to learn and apply this technique correctly.
Should this technique work for you, it is important to practice it with a snorkel to prepare
you to freedive in open water. If you find your freedives are more enjoyable using the
chest breath technique, then use it for now. However, your long-term aim is to reduce the
chest breaths from three to two to one, and finally to none as you progress through the
Wave 1 / Lap 1 course or within subsequent Wave / Lap courses.
The key principle for a safe and longer breath-hold is to develop your ability to relax and
your tolerance to carbon cioxide.
4.2 Hyperventilation
Hyperventilation is defined by breathing more air in and out than your body
needs. Hyperventilation does not store more oxygen in the blood because your
body does not have the means to accumulate additional oxygen prior to a freedive.
Breathing more than needed does however increase the rate at which carbon
dioxide is removed. This results in a lower partial pressure of carbon dioxide
in your lungs and arterial blood and can give rise to a number of symptoms.
Trying to ‘get plenty of air before a freedive’ by breathing rapidly and deeply does
remove carbon dioxide from your blood and causes your respiratory system to signal
the urge to breathe later than usual. However, this is extremely dangerous and is not
recommended. A hyperventilated freediver may experience a false sense of well-being
and no urge to breathe, even when the oxygen level in the blood drops below critical
levels. In this instance, there is a significantly increased risk of a blackout, sometimes
without prior warning.
Therefore relax before a breath-hold and breathe naturally. Should any symptoms of
hyperventilation arise, resume your relaxation exercises and do not freedive until they
4.3 Summary
1. Preparation for a breath-hold is about achieving maximum relaxation of your mind
and body. Release any tension in your body and find inner calm and peace of mind
by focusing on a relaxation technique called a body scan for a minimum of two
minutes. Add three chest breaths to finish your preparation if appropriate.
2. Filling your lungs is a slow and deliberate process of ‘filling your belly’ first followed
by your chest.
5. Hyperventilation is defined by breathing more air in and out than your body requires.
This form of over-breathing reduces the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in your
lungs and blood and can allow you to stay underwater without experiencing an urge
to breathe. However, it is extremely dangerous to hyperventilate prior to a breath-
hold freedive and it is not recommended.
‘If you are in a hurry, you never experience the harmony and immensity
of the ocean around you.’
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter explains the basic theory and concept of equalization, introduces equali-
zation techniques such as the Valsalva and Frenzel maneuvers, and recommends which
techniques are suitable for freediving. It also provides exercises to help aid equalization,
and skills and tips on how to practice it safely and effectively.
Your lungs do not require equalization because they compress as pressure increases on descent
and expand again as pressure decreases on ascent. Middle ear and sinus barotrauma are
the most common injuries arising from increasing water pressure and failing of appropriate
equalization. Please refer to This is explained further in Section 8.2 Barotrauma.
Wave 1 | Equalization 36
molchanovs freediving education
Eustachian tube
Your Eustachian tube is a canal which connects your middle ear cavity to the upper part
of your throat and back of your nasal cavity. This is known as the nasopharynx. The
pressure within your middle ear is managed by your Eustachian tube to ensure it is equal
to the pressure outside your body. Your Eustachian tubes are normally closed, and open
only with certain movements such as yawning, swallowing or chewing. Then they open
allowing air to enter your middle ears which equalizes the pressure. When there are
rapid changes in atmospheric pressure such as during a freedive, you equalize your ears
Middle ear
Your middle ear is the part of the ear between your eardrum and the oval window to your
inner ear. The middle ear is also known as the tympanic cavity. During a dive descent,
ambient pressure increases which in turn puts pressure on your eardrums, causing them to
bend inwards. Your eardrums are very sensitive to pressure changes but you can equalize
this pressure purposely by equalizing. Should your Eustachian tubes remain closed or
are not opened sufficiently after equalization, you may experience pain and discomfort.
If a descent is continued without equalization, your eardrums can rupture. During a
dive ascent, ambient pressure decreases. The expanding air within your ears opens your
Eustachian tubes automatically so you do not generally need to equalize.
The nasopharynx is the upper part of your throat which connects with your nasal cavity
above the soft palate.
Wave 1 | Equalization 37
molchanovs freediving education
mask equalization
Equalize the pressure within your diving mask regularly throughout your descent. This
prevents your mask from sucking onto your face, potentially resulting in red eyes at the
end of your freedive.
ear equalization
Normally you pinch your nose to equalize. When one of the following equalization
techniques is used, this traps and builds air pressure in your nasal cavity and passes air
through your Eustachian tube and into your middle ear for equalization.
There are two ways to build up pressure in your nasal cavity to equalize your middle ear:
1. Exhale against pinched nostrils and use the air in your lungs to create pressure. This is
called Valsalva equalization.
2. Push with your cheeks or with your larynx and tongue against pinched nostrils to
create air pressure. This is called Frenzel equalization.
We recommend using Frenzel equalization. This course teaches you why this is more
effective for freediving and how to develop this technique.
sinus equalization
Your sinuses do not require separate equalization. When your equalize your ears, your
sinuses generally automatically equalize too. Your sinuses are lined with a membrane
which produces mucus. Over half a liter is produced each day by your body. This amount
increases when, for example, you have a cold or you work in a dusty or air-conditioned
environment. It can then become difficult to equalize your sinuses. A mucus blockage can
prevent air from getting into one or several of your sinuses and can therefore prevent
equalization altogether. Should you feel any pressure in your sinuses when freediving,
either under your eyes or on your forehead, return to the surface to prevent any further
difficulties and to avoid rupture of your blood vessels.
Wave 1 | Equalization 38
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Wave 1 | Equalization 39
molchanovs freediving education
are not actively engaged and you remain relaxed at depth. You may begin freediving
using Valsalva equalization but as you progress, you learn to use the Frenzel technique
detailed below.
Whichever technique you use during your learning as a freediver, perform it in a relaxed
and controlled manner. The more often you perform equalization, the easier it becomes.
Frenzel equalization is the preferred method for freediving, because smaller muscle groups
are used to perform the technique and there is no need to use your breathing muscles to
push air up from your lungs into your nasal cavity.
It is a more relaxed and more controlled way to equalize. Your Molchanovs instructor will
explain Frenzel equalization and demonstrate the technique to you.
Wave 1 | Equalization 40
molchanovs freediving education
Vocal folds
Your vocal folds or glottis, are a group of muscles located around your vocal cords and
the slit-like opening between them. They separate your oral cavity i.e. your mouth from
the thoracic cavity i.e. your lungs. The opening of your vocal folds widens on inhalation
and narrows on exhalation with a normal breath. Holding your breath causes your vocal
folds to close.
Soft palate
Your soft palate separates your nose and mouth cavities and directs the flow of air in and
out of your lungs.
○○ When you inhale and exhale through your nose, your soft palate touches your
tongue to direct air out of your nasal cavity.
○○ When your inhale and exhale through your mouth, your soft palate moves up and
back to direct air out of your oral cavity.
○○ When your soft palate is in neutral position, air passes through both your mouth
and nose.
To perform the Frenzel maneuver, your soft palate is in the neutral position. To note,
when you feel stressed underwater or try to equalize too hard, your soft palate can close
up against your nasal cavity and stop air from entering. It is therefore important to relax
when you equalize.
Wave 1 | Equalization 41
molchanovs freediving education
Your larynx controls the flow of air and is also known as your voice box. It is a tube about
5 cm (2 inches) long in adults. It sits above the windpipe (trachea) in your neck and in
front of your food pipe.
Your epiglottis is a flap of cartilage located at the top of your larynx near the base of
your tongue. It protects your vocal folds and prevents food from entering your larynx. To
note, your epiglottis closes the opening of your larynx during swallowing and is not used
during Frenzel.
To note, keep your soft palate in a neutral position to let the air pass from your mouth
through your Eustachian tubes.
If you are equalizing your ears without any thoracic or abdominal movement, you are
doing it correctly. You also hear clicks in your ears and feel air entering your nose under
your fingers. If you do not, your vocal folds are still open and air is leaking back to your
lungs. Alternatively, if the air remains in your mouth but equalization has failed, your
soft palate is still in the raised position and is preventing air from entering your nose.
Learning to Frenzel equalize takes time and patience. Ask your Molchanovs instructor to
demonstrate this technique so you can practice.
Wave 1 | Equalization 42
molchanovs freediving education
Once you have mastered dry equalization using the Frenzel maneuver, try the following
in the pool:
1. Enter the pool feet first using the ladder.
2. Stop at each step and equalize your ears remembering what you have learnt so far.
3. If you have no problems, practice by freediving to depths of 2, 4 and 6 meters
(7, 13 and 20 feet). Freedive diagonally underwater first and equalize your ears with
every movement cycle.
4. Gradually, move towards making a vertical descent and practice equalizing this way.
Wave 1 | Equalization 43
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Wave 1 | Equalization 44
molchanovs freediving education
Tongue control 2
1. Without pinching your nose, practice the K, T, P locks, while keeping your soft
palate closed and pressurizing the air by using your larynx and tongue.
2. This is similar to pronouncing the above consonants silently.
Wave 1 | Equalization 45
molchanovs freediving education
Mental stress can cause muscular tension. Tension in your abdominal and intercostal
muscles can hinder lung compressibility. Tension in your head and neck, in particular
in your soft palate and in the muscles attached to your Eustachian tubes can hinder ear
equalization. This can result in blocked Eustachian tubes. Therefore, two freedivers with
different elasticities of their diaphragm and different abilities to relax mentally attain
different maximum depths. Relaxation is key. Therefore:
○○ Take your time preparing for a dive. Dive when you feel completely relaxed.
○○ During your dive, focus on your neck and facial muscles to release tension in your
head and neck and focus on relaxing your mind.
○○ Release any worries and leave them behind.
○○ Make your first breath-hold dives in shallow water with good visibility to minimize
and conquer any fear.
Wave 1 | Equalization 46
molchanovs freediving education
3. Push the little lobe at the front of your ear - your tragus - in against your ear and
massage it with circular motions.
4. Stretch your jaw down and relax into this position.
5. Move your jaw left and right.
6. Rotate your jaw.
To note, perform jaw movements carefully, otherwise it is possible to damage the delicate
joints and muscles which move your jaw. Should you continue to experience problems
with equalizing, practice equalization gently. Do not push yourself to go deeper as this
can lead to more discomfort or injury.
Wave 1 | Equalization 47
molchanovs freediving education
5.6 Summary
1. Pressure increases the deeper you dive which causes the air in your body cavities
to compress and decrease proportionately. To prevent these air spaces from causing
discomfort, pain or injury, this build up of pressure requires active or passive
2. There are three main air spaces to equalize: the middle ear, the sinuses and the mask.
3. There are two ways you can build up pressure in your nasal cavity to equalize your
middle ear:
○○ Exhale against pinched nostrils and use the air in your lungs to create pressure.
This is called Valsalva equalization.
○○ Push with your cheeks or with your larynx and tongue against your pinched
nostrils to create air pressure. This is called Frenzel equalization.
4. We recommend you use Frenzel equalization because smaller muscle groups are used
to perform the technique and there is no need to use your abdominal muscles to push
air up from your lungs into your nasal cavity. It is a more relaxed and more controlled
way to equalize.
5. To perform the Frenzel maneuver, follow these steps: Pinch your nostrils. Place the
front of your tongue at the roof of your mouth as if you are making a T or K sound.
This is also called the T or K tongue position / lock. Or just squeeze your lips and
cheeks as if you are saying say P. This is the P lock. Lift the back of your larynx up to
push air out of the mouth and into the nose. You feel a popping or clicking sound as
the air equalizes in your middle ear. Repeat the above steps each time you need to
equalize. If performed correctly, you hear clicks in your ears and feel air entering your
nose under your fingers.
6. Equalize frequently and before you feel pressure building up against your ear drums.
Do not wait until you feel pain. Your eardrums and Eustachian tubes adapt to pressure
changes with regular training and you can then equalize with less effort.
7. Use the EQ Trainer to help train your larynx, vocal folds, soft palate and tongue and
develop your Frenzel technique.
8. To equalize pressure in your diving mask: Release your nose pinch. Move a small
amount of air through the nose and into the mask. Repeat frequently on descent
before you feel pressure build in your mask.
9. Facilitate ear equalization by equalizing early and frequently. Descend slowly and
relax your neck and facial muscles.
Wave 1 | Equalization 48
The pool is where you training. The sea is where a freediver is made.
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter introduces you to the No Fins technique and how to learn and develop your
Dynamic No Fins (DNF) is a horizontal underwater swim without fins. The stroke most
commonly used is a variation of the breaststroke.
w hat is n o f i n s?
The basis for the No Fins technique is breaststroke, the familiar, classic style of swimming
you may have learnt as a child and use today. You usually swim breaststroke on the surface
but you may have swum underwater breaststroke for one cycle when pushing off the wall
at the start of your swim. You may also have seen competitive swimmers push off the wall
and swim breaststroke underwater until they surface to continue their swim.
Learning a good breaststroke technique improves your streamlining, endurance and strength
as it uses your whole body. It is one of the more tiring and physically demanding styles but
by establishing a good technique, you add to the variety of swimming styles available to
you which is very beneficial for freediving. This in turn increases your options for training. It
is important to establish variety in your training and you improve significantly in freediving
by using different training methods and practicing different styles, both with and without
How well you feel the water and support yourself in it, is also an important and fundamental
part of swimming. By developing your No Fins technique, you engage more of your muscle
groups and you naturally develop a better feel and sense of the water. It is harder to develop
this when swimming with fins. The No Fins technique not only develops and builds your
confidence and comfort in the water, it also improves and fine-tunes your coordination.
Finally, learning this technique gives you complete freedom and flexibility to freedive
anywhere in the world without the need for fins, simply with just goggles (in the pool only)
or a mask.
Key to the No Fins technique is to keep your upper body still and horizontal in the
water, while your arms and legs do the work. Your Molchanovs instructor will explain and
demonstrate the breaststroke technique to you as this is a requirement for the Wave 1 /
Lap 1 course. Ask any questions you may have and include this as a regular part of your
on-going training.
6.2 Summary
1. There are a number of different freediving disciplines which are performed without
fins including Dynamic No Fins (DNF) and Constant Weight No Fins (CNF).
2. Dynamic No Fins is a horizontal underwater swim without fins and uses a variation of
the breaststroke.
4. Key points of technique to remember for breast stroke: Arm Pull. Keep your elbows
high during your arm pull. Leg kick. Push your legs down and not to the side.
A freediver should have a positive attitude and chase away all negative
thoughts related to the forthcoming freedive.
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter introduces and explains a simple mental technique which you can begin to
use prior to a freedive. Further techniques to enhance and improve your mental state is
introduced in later Waves.
w hat is v i su a li zati o n ?
What you see, what you remember and what you imagine, fire in the visual cortex of your
brain in a similar way and in fact the brain does not differentiate between them at all.
This phenomenon allows you to imagine a freedive and convince your mind that you have
performed the freedive before and that there is no need to worry. Diving to a certain depth
is much easier the second, third or fourth time.
Performing a visualization is simple. You imagine the freedive you are about to perform.
You imagine it in great detail and you imagine everything is going well. Detail is important.
The more detailed the visualization, the more convincing the story becomes. You imagine
the positive sensations of the freedive: the feeling of water on your face, the power of
kicking your fins and the happiness of reaching the bottom of the line. Choose whatever
you believe gives you the strongest emotional response and imagine it vividly as you go
through the freedive in your mind.
vis u a l izati o n ex a mp le
Use the following visualization as a guideline for your practice.
While resting at the surface prior to your freedive, focus first on your body scan until
you feel completely relaxed. Then visualize your freedive for 1 - 2 minutes, paying close
attention to every detail and aspect of your planned freedive:
1. Imagine starting with a perfect duck dive, then facing the dive line and staying close to
it as you descend.
2. Keep your head in line with your body.
3. Equalize the pressure in your ears and mask regularly.
4. Keeping your legs straight, make strong, powerful kicks at a moderate pace.
5. Then, imagine the turn. Grab the dive line with your hand and make a perfect forward
6. Start your ascent by making strong, powerful kicks.
7.2 Summary
1. Visualization is an effective method used by many athletes in different sports to
increase performance and alleviate anxiety from an activity.
2. When you perform a visualization, you imagine the freedive you are about to perform
in great detail and you imagine everything is going well.
3. Before each descent, spend one to two minutes visualising your freedive step by step.
4. Then ready yourself for your descent: check if you are fully relaxed, perform up to
three relaxed chest breaths if appropriate, fill your lungs in one full breath and start
your descent.
Freediving should be associated with internal calm, but never with
struggle. ‘In good time’ is a key principle in freediving.
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter explains two main types of trauma that can occur in freediving:
○○ trauma relating to hypoxia or the lack of oxygen in your body during a breath-
○○ barotrauma, which is physical damage to your body tissues caused by changes in
ambient pressure
It is important that you develop an awareness and understanding of how to prevent
these trauma and how to freedive safely and responsibly.
h y p ox ia a n d saf et y
Freediving is not dangerous providing you are aware of the risks and follow important safety
rules. Section 3.2 The Effects of Breath-hold explains that hypoxia induced by freediving
may cause you to experience a number of temporal effects, for example a sense of euphoria,
but these do not cause any damage to your brain. If you are a healthy and fit freediver,
generally you recover quickly after freedives with no lasting adverse effects. However,
should the partial pressure of oxygen in your lungs and blood fall below critical level, you
will suffer from acute oxygen deprivation and may blackout.
It is important to recognize the warning signs of acute hypoxia which can vary considerably
from person to person. Remember to ascend well before experiencing any symptoms of
hypoxia. To note, currently there are no pressure-resistant or waterproof pulse oximeters
available which can monitor the partial pressure of oxygen and therefore, the level of
hypoxia in your body.
Surface immediately as soon as you notice any of the symptoms listed above.
The key to safe freediving is learning to read the symptoms of increasing carbon dioxide
in your body during a breath-hold. As you progress in your training, you become more
tolerant to increasing levels of carbon dioxide. However, you still experience these
symptoms and you learn to judge when is the right time to end a breath-hold.
blacko ut
After a hypoxic blackout in the dry, for example during a breath-hold exercise at home,
you generally regain consciousness without assistance. However, if you are alone and
a hypoxic blackout occurs while your airways are submerged in water, spontaneous
recovery does not happen and so the danger of death is real. Should you blackout during
a freedive, water does not enter your lungs for some time. This is due to the occurrence
of a laryngospasm which is a sudden involuntary spasm of your vocal folds. Once your
buddy brings you quickly to the surface and exposes your airways to air, this spasm
usually stops and normal breathing resumes. Your buddy supports this by performing
several cycles of Blow, Talk.
○○ Blow on onto the area below your eyes to dry your skin. This causes your skin
receptors to signal to your brain that you can resume normal breathing. When
practicing, just blow next to the face out of courtesy.
○○ Talk to you by calling your name and asking you to breathe. Your unconscious
mind is able to recognise your name being called and this can help bring you
Artificial respiration known as rescue breaths must be provided should you not recover
after initial attempts to revive you for approximately ten seconds using Blow, Talk.
Occasionally for cases of severe hypoxia, rescue breaths should be given immediately at
the surface. To note, you can still blackout at the surface while actively breathing.
After regaining consciousness, you are generally unable to recall what has happened
and thus you should be supported by your buddy until you are fully in control of your
mind and body. You may suffer from fatigue, headache, vertigo, nausea, and body aches
following a blackout. Changes caused in your body by acute hypoxia are reversible. Full
recovery generally takes one to two days so do not freedive until this time has passed and
certainly until you are fully recovered.
Following a blackout:
○○ Breathe pure oxygen if available, for 5-10 minutes. This lowers the oxygen debt as
quickly as possible.
○○ Have a good rest to accelerate recovery.
○○ Drink plenty of water.
○○ Eat nourishing and nutritious foods.
○○ Do not freedive for a minimum of 24 hours.
○○ Establish the reasons for your blackout and correct your technique prior to
freediving again. Speak to your Molchanovs instructor if you require help to do this
or if you have any questions.
Rescue procedures to be followed in the event of a loss of motor control or blackout are
explained in detail in Section 9.3 Rescue Procedures.
recovery breathing technique and using it each time you surface is also important. With-
out correct recovery breathing, you are often unable to recover lost oxygen promptly
enough which may result in acute hypoxia.
Section 4.1 Basics of Breathing and Relaxation and Section 7.1 Technique: Visualization
introduced you to a number of techniques which can help you relax before a freedive.
Review these again now and practice them under guidance from your Molchanovs
Key to safe freediving is to progress in good time. There is no rush. Repeat your current
freedive performance several times before setting your next goal e.g. a deeper or longer
freedive. Increase your goals in small and manageable increments.
As a beginner freediver, focus on relaxation, monitor all changes in your body and ascend
as soon as the first sign of discomfort in your breath-hold arises.
8.2 Barotrauma
Barotrauma refers to the physical damage of body tissues which results from a difference
in pressure between internal body cavities and the external environment.
boyle’s law
The following principle explains why a barotrauma occurs. Boyle’s Law states that:
’The pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship. As the volume of a
container decreases, the concentration of the gas inside it, and its pressure, both increase.’
Therefore, as you descend and water pressure rises, the air volume in your lungs becomes
smaller. However, there are a few air spaces in your body which do not change, or only
change slightly in volume as the surrounding pressure rises. The middle ear and the
sinuses are two examples and you need to equalize these cavities as you descend.
There are three degrees of ear barotrauma. To note, either one or both ears can be
* An otoscopic picture is what your doctor sees during a check up of your ears.
Should you rupture your eardrum, you experience momentary pain and mild bleeding
from your ear canal. This bleeding may not be apparent until you surface. In addition,
water can enter your middle ear and irritate your inner ear. A ruptured eardrum is classed
as a severe ear barotrauma,
If you suspect you may have ruptured your eardrum during a freedive, ascend immediately,
stop freediving and seek medical advice. Ear barotrauma can also result from a diving
hood that is too tight or excessive earwax in your ear canal. Both can trap air in your
ear canal during a freedive. The pressure of this trapped air becomes lower than the
equalized air pressure in your middle ear, resulting in your eardrum curving outwards
towards your ear canal.
If you suspect either you or your buddy has ruptured an eardrum during a freedive,
ascend immediately, stop freediving and seek medical advice.
Occasionally, you may hear a squeaking noise in your ears during equalization which
results when air passing through the Eustachian tubes is obstructed. An obstructed
Eustachian tube can result from:
○○ a swelling of your mucous membranes, Eustachian tubes, and upper throat
○○ your anatomical structure such as a narrow or curved Eustachian tube
If this occurs, equalize with particular care and do not try to compensate for the reduced
air flow by applying excessive pressure during equalization. If you cannot equalize
comfortably and in a relaxed manner, it is safer to stop freediving for the day.
If you have chronic ear disease or a hearing impairment, consult a doctor and take special
care of your ears during your freedives. It is common to find that equalizing one ear is
more difficult than the other. It is the slower ear that defines the speed of your descent.
Should you fail to equalize during a descent, stop immediately and return to the surface.
reverse block
Ear barotraumas are unlikely to occur on ascent. This is because your Eustachian tubes
open automatically when pressure in your middle ear exceeds the surrounding pressure.
However, a condition called a reverse block can develop during ascent. In this instance,
air in your middle ear is blocked by a closed Eustachian tube, for example, if plugged
by mucus. The trapped air expands on ascent causing pressure and pain in your ears. A
reverse block can damage both your eardrum and your inner ear, and can even cause a
blackout if the pain makes it difficult to reach the surface.
To avoid a barotrauma relating to a reverse block, avoid freediving when your respiratory
tract is inflamed for example, with a cold or an ear infection. Also remember that the
effects of any medication you take is temporary and can wear off during a freedive. This
can result in a reverse block when you try to ascend.
Vertigo is a condition whereby you have a false illusion that the world is spinning or
swaying around you. Vertigo during a breath-hold dive is caused by exposure of your
inner ear to cold, or by a barotrauma, whether this is a middle or inner ear barotrauma
or a reverse block. The sensation of vertigo is caused by unequal signals received by your
inner ears. This can arise from unequal states of equalization or a barotrauma in one of
your middle ears. This is also known as an alterobaric barotrauma.
sinus barotrauma
There is no need to specifically equalize your sinuses. When you equalize pressure in your
middle ear on descent, pressure in your sinuses are normally also equalized. However,
the openness of these channels may be impaired by inflammation, allergic reaction
and a rapid descent. The growing pressure differential may lead to an injury of your
mucus membranes in the affected sinus cavities. This is called a sinus barotrauma or sinus
squeeze. Typical symptoms include:
○○ pain in the maxillary and/or frontal sinuses and the bridge of your nose
○○ bloody nasal discharge
○○ radiation of pain to your forehead, eye sockets or upper teeth
Blood in your diving mask is usually a sign of either a sinus barotrauma or a nosebleed.
A nosebleed can result from forceful equalization of the ears or in fact is an individual
predisposition unrelated to freediving. The following first aid can be provided when
blood is seen in your diving mask:
○○ Keep your head upright. Don’t tip it back as this causes blood to enter your throat.
○○ Avoid blowing your nose as this may further traumatize damaged blood vessels.
○○ Apply a cold wet cloth to your nose. The cold promotes vasoconstriction and slows
the flow of blood.
Occasionally, you may find blood in your diving mask if you have a cyst (a small fluid-
filled sac) in your sinus. Increasing pressure on descent may cause this cyst to rupture.
When this happens, the contents of the cyst blocks the channels connecting your sinuses
and the expanding air causes significant pain.
mask squeeze
Mask squeeze can occur when you fail to equalize your mask. Mask squeeze can result in
damage of the capillaries in your eyes and skin. To avoid mask squeeze:
○○ exhale regularly into your mask
○○ never inhale from the mask space
○○ release your nose pinch from time to time during equalization
○○ use a well fitting, low volume mask
○○ adjust the length of your mask strap so that it is not too tight
dental barotrauma
A dental barotrauma occurs when the pressure in air-filled cavities in your teeth changes.
Air bubbles in a dental cavity can squeeze a nerve which can cause pain. Occasionally, a
toothache caused by barotrauma will disappear after surfacing, but it can also continue
for a period of time until it subsides. To avoid dental barotraumas, see a dentist and
ensure any cavities are filled.
8.3 Summary
1. Loss of consciousness or blackout during a breath-hold dive is caused by the partial
pressure of oxygen in your brain dropping below a critical level.
2. The partial pressure of oxygen can fall due to oxygen consumed by your body and
surrounding pressure decreasing on your ascent from depth.
4. Acute hypoxia may be also be characterized by the following signs: Loss of coordination
and loss of balance
5. A loss of motor control (lmc) or samba is a late warning sign that can precede a
blackout. Involuntary contractions usually develop in your neck, shoulders, arms,
and sometimes legs, which are caused by lack of oxygen in the motor zone of your
cerebral cortex.
6. When you blackout during a freedive, water does not enter your lungs for some time
because of laryngospasm, a brief involuntary contraction of your vocal folds. When
brought to the surface, an intense hypercapnic stimulus stops laryngospasm which
usually causes you to resume breathing naturally.
7. You can also blackout while already on the surface and breathing actively. During a
freedive, vasoconstriction or narrowing of the blood vessels occurs which causes body
tissues receiving less blood than normal. This results in an increase in the total oxygen
8. After suffering from a blackout, breathe pure oxygen if available for 5-10 minutes.
Rest, drink plenty of water, and eat well-balanced and nutritious food to help recovery.
Do not freedive for a minimum of 24 hours. Establish the reasons for your blackout
and correct your technique prior to freediving again.
9. Assess your abilities before freediving and only freedive in good physical and mental
condition. Poor freediving techniques, and improper breathing before and after a
freedive, can increase the risk of LMC or a blackout.
10. A barotrauma occurs in body tissues located around air spaces. This is because pressure
in these air spaces may differ from the ambient pressure during both descent and
11. To prevent middle ear barotrauma: Equalize pressure in your middle ear before any
discomfort is felt in your ears, let some water into your diving hood if too tight, stop
your descent immediately if equalization fails, and never freedive with inflammation
in your nasopharynx or ears.
12. Symptoms of an inner ear barotrauma include: Loss of orientation, vertigo, nausea,
ear noise (tinnitus) and gait disturbances.
14. Acute pain in your forehead during a freedive indicates that you have inflammation
in your frontal sinus. Avoid freediving until you are fully recovered.
15. To prevent barotrauma in your sinuses, equalize pressure regularly, ascend immediately
if equalization fails, and never freedive with a cold or any inflammation of your
16. Excessively forceful equalization using the Valsalva maneuver is dangerous and at
depth, it may cause a lung injury.
17. To prevent facial injuries from mask squeeze, exhale into your mask by regularly
releasing the nose pinch during equalization, avoid inhaling from your mask, and
adjust your mask strap properly to ensure it is not too tight.
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter explains important safety procedures to follow when freediving and rescue
techniques to be used in the event of a loss of motor control (LMC) or a blackout. The
buddy system is also introduced.
a lw ay s f r eed i v e sa f ely
The most important part of safety in freediving is how you freedive. Firstly, be well trained
for your level, mentally and physically prepared and in good health before considering
freediving. Secondly and even more important is your attitude and approach when
freediving. Be relaxed, progress and improve in small increments and never push your
limits. Be a responsible freediver.
p ro g re s s i n go o d ti me
Progressing in good time is a sensible principle to remember and follow. It does not mean
that you do not challenge yourself but it does mean that you do so in a controlled and
planned manner. For example, if you reach a specific depth for the first time, repeat freedives
to this depth until you are fully comfortable with your performance. As a guide, this means
that you can comfortably:
○○ equalize at your target depth
○○ spend a few moments at this depth before starting your ascent.
Once, you have achieved this repeatedly, you are ready to add a few meters to your next
SI = Surface Interval
p = maximum pressure in bar (or atm)
t = Dive time in minutes or seconds
Example 1
A freedive to 7 meters (23 feet) with a 30 second duration.
Using Rule 1, the minimum surface interval is 60 seconds (SI = 2 x 30, 1.7 bar rounded
up to 2)
Your surface interval is a minimum of 60 seconds.
Example 2
A freedive to 15 meters (49 feet) with a 36 second duration.
Using Rule 1, the minimum surface interval is 108 seconds or 1 minute 48 seconds (SI =
3 x 36, 2.5 bar rounded up to 3)
Your surface interval is a minimum of 1 minute 48 seconds.
Example 3
A freedive to 28 meters (92 feet) with a 60 second duration.
Using Rule 1, the minimum surface interval is 240 seconds or 4 minutes (SI = 4 x 60,
3.8 bar rounded up to 4)
Your surface interval is a minimum of 4 minutes.
Example 4
A freedive to 35 meters (115 feet) with a 80 second duration.
Using Rule 1, the minimum surface interval is 400 seconds or 6 minutes 40 seconds (SI
= 5 x 80, 4.5 bar rounded up to 5)
Your surface interval is a minimum of 6 minutes 40 seconds.
Example 5
A freedive to 48 meters (197 feet) with a 100 second duration.
Using Rule 1, the minimum surface interval is 600 seconds or 10 minutes (SI = 6 x 100,
5.8 bar rounded up to 6)
Your surface interval is a minimum of 10 minutes.
Example 6
A freedive to 62 metres (213 feet) with a 140 second duration.
Using Rule 2, Freedives deeper than 60m (181 feet): one freedive in a 24h period
Do not freedive for 24 hours.
As a good buddy:
○○ Be attentive at all times.
○○ Know what your buddy is doing at all times and ensure your buddy knows in turn,
where you are and what you are doing.
○○ Be able to assess the physical condition of your buddy accurately and promptly.
○○ Provide accurate and prompt feedback about the hypoxic or physical load which
results from a freedive. To note, your buddy cannot always feel or judge their
personal limits accurately.
○○ Advise your buddy to avoid attempting the same distance or depth immediately
again, or if their personal limits have been exceeded, advise them against further
○○ Be trained and proficient in rescue procedures.
Recognize the key signs which indicate that your buddy has exceeded personal limits:
○○ If your buddy surfaces from a breath-hold dive with blue lips, note it and tell
them. This change of lip color can be caused by a slightly lowered but not yet
dangerous level of oxygen in their blood. This is also called cyanosis. Your buddy
cannot feel this and relies on you, as their buddy to tell them. Blue lips can also be
a sign of being cold i.e. hypothermic. If this is the case, advise your buddy to stop
freediving because they are using too much oxygen too quickly.
○○ If you notice one or more of the following signs: Unfocused eyes or loss of
motor control (LMC) after surfacing, a sudden exhalation or an abrupt change in
movement such as speeding up or slowing down towards the end of a freedive
For example, you may agree that you will notify your buddy that it is one minute prior
to the planned breath-hold, then 30 seconds, and then start. Also then to notify your
buddy every 15 seconds during their breath-hold. To note, notification of preparation
and breath-hold times are very much a personal preference. Some freedivers like a
verbal notification, others prefer just a tap. Some like to be checked regularly with time
notifications while others like to be checked at random intervals with no indication of
Towards the end of the breath-hold, your buddy holds on to the wall and places their feet
on the pool floor, while keeping their face immersed in the water. When they are ready to
finish their breath-hold, they slowly bring their head out of the water and start recovery
breathing. Continue to supervise this activity and prompt them to take their recovery
breaths. Make an assessment of the physical and mental condition of your buddy at this
dynamic buddying
During dynamic disciplines in the pool, as a buddy, swim above the freediver i.e.
your buddy, to assess progress, monitor their condition and ensure they are not in any
danger. To note, always use fins and a snorkel to ensure you conserve energy and are
ready to assist at any time. As a buddy, practice ‘sideways fin swimming’ so your fins
stay submerged during the whole finning cycle. In this way, you are able to easily stay
head-to-head with a fast freediver. Your buddy swims close to the pool wall or a lane
rope, so they can grasp it immediately after finishing their freedive. Should your buddy
experience difficulty keeping their head above water after they surface, help them stay up.
depth buddying
In depth disciplines, agree with your buddy the estimated dive time of their next freedive
and at what depth you will meet to return together to the surface. The meeting point
should be at a minimum one third of the target depth of your buddy. Then roughly
calculate how long it will take you to get to the agreed meeting point and so when to start
your freedive. For example, your buddy estimates it will take one minute to complete a
30 meter (99 feet) freedive. You estimate it will take ten seconds to descend ten meters
(33 feet and one third of the target depth) and ten seconds to ascend to the surface.
Therefore, you will begin your freedive at 40 seconds, meet your buddy at ten meters
(33 feet) at 50 seconds and ascend to the surface together, completing the freedive in
one minute.
During the freedive, meet your buddy at the agreed meeting point and accompany them
up to the surface. Do this by swimming face-to-face, about one arm-length away from
the dive line, keeping the line positioned between you. To note, pay special attention to
the eyes of your buddy as they ascend. If their focus changes this is a strong warning sign.
A blackout is a loss of consciousness due to insufficient levels of oxygen in your body. A
loss of motor control may result in a blackout.
key signs
In dynamic or depth disciplines, it is easy to see if your buddy is in trouble because
their movement is affected. They stop moving and generally exhale some air so you see
bubbles. In static disciplines, although your buddy is not swimming, there are still visible
Should your buddy experience a loss of motor control, bring their head out of the water,
help your buddy to keep their airways above the surface and protect their head from
hitting against the pool wall.
○○ If your buddy has a blackout in the zone of negative or neutral buoyancy, consider
removing their weight belt and/or removing your own, particularly if they are
heavy and/or you are quite small or inexperienced.
○○ If the blackout occurs in the zone of positive buoyancy, keep weight belts on. Lift
your unconscious buddy to the surface as quickly as possible.
5. Should they still not resume breathing, call emergency services for help and evacuate
them to the nearest medical facility. If no pulse is present, initiate CPR.
6. If available, pure oxygen should be provided to accelerate recovery. The freediver
should rest and stop freediving for the day.
7. Assess and understand why the blackout occured, and how to prevent it from
happening again
We strongly advise freedivers to take a reputable CPR and First Aid course. This is also a
mandatory requirement for Wave 3 / Lap 3 - Advanced Freediving.
Following a blackout:
The key to safe freediving is learning to read the symptoms of increasing carbon dioxide
in your body. As you progress in your training, you become more tolerant to increasing
levels of carbon dioxide. However, you will still experience these symptoms and you
will learn to judge when is the right time to end a breath-hold. Finally, please freedive
conservatively to avoid repeated blackouts and any damage to your body which this may
9.4 Summary
1. Safe freediving depends mainly on your responsible behavior.
3. Be attentive and assess the physical condition of your buddy. Inform them about the
hypoxic or physical load caused by the freedive and if necessary, advise them against
further freediving.
4. During static breath-hold, stand next to your buddy and carefully monitor their
condition while keeping them close to the pool edge. Conduct regular safety checks.
If your buddy loses control, they may not show an OK signal when tapped or asked
repeatedly. They may also make a sudden, strong exhalation into the water or
experience convulsive contractions in the neck and shoulders.
5. When your buddy undertakes a distance dive, swim sideways with fins and snorkel
(without weights) above them and monitor their movement. Signs of a loss of motor
control or blackout during a distance dive include slowing down to a stop, suddenly
speeding up, loss of coordination, exhalation of air and convulsive muscle contractions.
6. If your buddy has blacked out, bring them to the surface immediately. Keep their face
and airways out of the water. Remove facial equipment. Use the Blow, Talk technique.
Blow onto their face and Talk to them by calling their name and by asking them to
breathe. If they do not regain consciousness within 10 - 15 seconds, provide rescue
breathes. Should they still not resume breathing, call emergency services for help and
evacuate them to the nearest medical facility. If no pulse is present, initiate CPR.
7. We strongly advise freedivers to take a reputable CPR and First Aid course. This is also
a mandatory requirement for Wave 3 / Lap 3 - Advanced Freediving.
8. Following a loss of motor control or blackout, do not freedive for at least 24 hours.
Assess and understand why it occured and how to prevent it from happening again.
Those who have never made breath-hold dives are usually very surprised
when freedivers tell passionate stories about the freedives they have
made on their journey to penetrate deeper and deeper into the water
and to overcome personal fears and doubts. People wonder what
attracts freedivers to deep blue water which can be almost completely
black at depth. What drives them to set out on these challenging and
unusual adventures? There is no single answer to this question. Each
freediver has their own personal reasons.
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter provides an overview of basic equipment used by freedivers, together with
our recommendations on how to choose and maintain your equipment.
w e t s u it
The thermal conductivity of water is eight hundred times higher than that of air. This means
that the human body loses heat around 25 times faster in water than in air of the same
temperature. To keep warm underwater, freedivers often wear neoprene wetsuits of varying
thicknesses and surface types depending on the temperature of the water.
A wetsuit made with a smooth skin neoprene exterior combined with an inner lining of
elastic Lycra is the best choice for a beginner freediver. Although this is not the warmest
wetsuit available, the inner Lycra makes it easy to put on and take off without the need for
A wetsuit made with an open cell interior lining provides good protection against the cold
and when combined with a Lycra exterior, it is more durable. The open cell lining clings to
your skin and a lubricant like shampoo may be needed to put it on. Alternatively it is easy
to put this type of wetsuit on in the water. A wetsuit with a smooth skin neoprene exterior
and an open cell interior lining provides the highest thermal protection, but is also more
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fragile and difficult to put on and take off. This high quality and usually more expensive
neoprene wetsuit helps a freediver to feel more streamlined and unrestricted underwater.
A freediving wetsuit should be snug but not too tight as this restricts normal breathing.
When trying on a new wetsuit, take into account that it feels looser in the water than
on dry land. To note, as you go deeper, the water pressure squeezes your suit, gradually
making it thinner and reducing its thermal protection and buoyancy. Finally, consider the
water temperature you generally freedive in as well as your tolerance to the cold.
Neoprene socks and gloves are used for cold water freediving. An inner layer made of
open cell neoprene provides better thermal protection, while a nylon outer layer ensures
high durability. Tuck your socks under your suit legs and pull your gloves over your
sleeves for maximum streamlining.
weight belt
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A weight belt compensates for the positive buoyancy of a freediving suit and helps you
to pass through the zone of positive buoyancy on descent. The belt should be made of
elastic rubber so you can wear it on your hip bones and therefore not restrict relaxation
and breathing. The Marseille buckle is generally considered to be the most reliable
buckle as it has a quick-release, allowing you to remove your weight belt easily in an
emergency. Spring-loaded buckles are also widely used for freediving. Metal buckles are
recommended as plastic ones tend to be weaker, less durable and can open suddenly
without warning.
Freedivers generally use lead weights either on a rubber belt or as a neck weight. During
descent, if weights are located on your hip, it is easier for you to take in a full breath.
Neck weights are typically more streamlined. However, we recommend that you use
a neck weight only once you are an experienced freediver as it can take some time to
become accustomed to the feeling of having weight around your neck.
As a beginner freediver, always use rubber weight belts when freediving to depth. The
weight carried should be adjusted according to your suit thickness, your body composition
and the depth at which you wish to be neutrally buoyant. The weights should also be
evenly spaced out on your belt. Some general rules for choosing weights for an average
In a 3mm wetsuit
3 kilograms (6.6 pounds) for freedives up to 20 meters (66 feet)
2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) for freedives up to 30 meters (99 feet).
In a 5mm wetsuit
5 kilograms (11 pounds) for freedives up to 20 meters (66 feet).
4 kilograms (8.8 pounds) for freedives up to 30 meters (99 feet).
Use these general recommendations to start your first session in a new environment
and/or with new equipment. It is very important that you adjust your weights using the
following procedure:
○○ A Surface Exhale Test. See Section 2.3 Weighting for Freediving.
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A mask used for freediving should have a low internal volume and a soft skirt, as this
helps to save air for equalization during a freedive. When selecting a mask, remember
that it should fit your face perfectly. To try a mask: Look upwards, place the mask on your
face without moving it and while keeping the strap in your hand. Check for a good fit.
Then breathe in through your nose. If the mask sticks to your face, it is the right fit.
Other factors to consider when choosing a mask are the curvature of the lens and flexibility
of the frame. A slightly curved lens improves peripheral vision but tends to distort the
image seen. A flat lens gives a truer, though more restricted field of vision. A flexible
frame facilitates equalization, while a more rigid frame requires more effort to equalize.
The choice is your personal preference.
Prior to first use, read the manufacturer label carefully. If the mask has an anti-fog layer
already, use the mask as it is. If not, wash the lens with shampoo or toothpaste to remove
the oily film which protects the lens during production. This prevents mask fogging during
your freedive. It is recommended that you wash your mask with shampoo or dish washing
liquid every two weeks. To prevent fogging, right before use, it can also help to spit on
the lens, rub all over and rinse.
Freedivers use a snorkel when resting at the surface, when freediving for exploration or
when supervising a buddy. Freedivers use simple snorkels. There is no need for valves or
other features. If you plan to freedive along a reef, attach your snorkel to your mask at the
back of your mask strap. If you are freediving to depth, again either attach your snorkel
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to your mask or alternatively attach your snorkel to a buoy with rope so that you do not
lose it. Prior to your freedive, you can drop it from your mouth or pass it to your buddy,
and start your descent.
To note, never freedive with a snorkel in your mouth. In the event of a blackout, water
rushes into your mouth through the snorkel and this can make a rescue extremely difficult
Short rubber fins are appropriate for developing technique, strength and stamina during
pool training sessions. These fins also help you master the flutter kick. It is important
to keep your legs straight for maximum transfer of power. Using stiff, long fins in the
pool can be challenging if you are just starting to freedive because significant energy is
expended trying to keep your legs straight and learning the correct technique.
In open water training, use freediving bifins with long blades and soft foot pockets. Start
with blades of soft stiffness so they do not tire you out as you begin your freediving
learning. For freedives to depth, long fins made specifically for freediving are more
efficient. The blades are generally made of plastic, fibreglass or carbon fibre. The choice
of blade stiffness depends on your technical skill and body weight. Plastic fins are strong
and durable while fins made of fibreglass and carbon have more flexibility and efficiency.
Bifins with carbon blades are the most flexible and energy-efficient.
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safet y lanyard
A safety lanyard prevents you from getting lost in open water. One end of the lanyard is
attached to a dive line and the other to you.
To note, when freediving with fins, attach the safety lanyard to your wrist. During FIM
(Free Immersion) when pulling on a line, attach it to your ankle. During a constant weight
freedive without fins (CNF), it should be attached to a harness or alternatively to a belt
around your waist. Warning: Do not attach the lanyard to a simple weight belt.
When you are not using your safety lanyard, avoid carrying it or attaching it to the float
in an open loop. This can result in either you or your buddy getting tangled up in it, and
is particularly dangerous if you are in an emergency situation or rescue. Instead, twist and
loop your lanyard twice or more as shown overleaf.
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10.2 Summary
1. The thermal conductivity of water is higher than that of air, which causes you to lose
heat faster in water. To keep warm underwater, freedivers wear neoprene wetsuits
of varying thicknesses and materials depending on the water temperature and their
tolerance to the cold.
2. A freediving wetsuit should be snug but not too tight as this restricts normal breathing.
Take into account that a wetsuit loosens in the water and the increasing water pressure
squeezes your suit at depth, making it thinner and reducing its thermal protection and
3. A weight belt and weights compensate for the positive buoyancy of a freediving suit
and help you to pass through the zone of positive buoyancy on descent. The weight
belt should be made of elastic rubber and have a quick-release buckle for emergency
4. Freedivers usually use lead weights either on a rubber belt or as a neck weight. The
amount of weight depends on your suit thickness, body composition, and the depth
at which you wish to be neutrally buoyant.
5. Neoprene socks and gloves are used for cold water freediving. An inner layer made
of open cell neoprene provides better thermal protection, while a nylon outer layer
ensures high durability
6. A freediving mask should have a low internal volume and a soft skirt which saves air for
equalization during a freedive. When selecting a mask, check that it fits your face perfectly
and consider your preference regarding curvature of the lens and frame flexibility.
7. You should use a snorkel when resting at the surface, when freediving for exploration
or when supervising your buddy.
8. Long bifins made specifically for freediving are more efficient. The blades are made
out of plastic, fibreglass or carbon fibre. The choice of blade stiffness depends on your
technical skill and body weight.
9. A safety lanyard prevents you from getting lost in the open water. One end of the
lanyard is attached to a dive line and the other to you.
Wave 1 | Equipment 88
You should always enjoy the initial stages of training. Otherwise, what
is the point of doing it?
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter explains the importance of training, introduces Club Molchanovs and sum-
marises key aspects of the training and the 12 week cycle.
True understanding and mastery of freediving requires focus, practice and training. Continue
to practice what you have learned in Wave 1 / Lap 1 and you will begin to realize the
benefits of freediving. Your physical condition will improve and with regular training, your
technique will also improve and your body will become more accustomed to higher levels
of carbon dioxide and lower levels of oxygen. Freediving is also fundamentally a discipline
of the mind, so you will begin to develop a greater internal awareness, a deeper state of
relaxation and a stronger focus.
Follow Base 1 Training under guidance from your Molchanovs instructor or join one of our
training groups in many locations all over the world. Ensure you prepare for each session
with a full warm-up. To note, if you have a Lap certification, this only certifies you to
freedive in a pool. It does not certify you to freedive to depth in open water. You can easily
convert a Lap certification to the corresponding Wave certification at a later date by adding
the open water sessions. Please ask your Molchanovs instructor if you would like to do this.
b as e 1 tr ai n i n g ov erv i e w
Base 1 Training is organized into a 12 week cycle. A new cycle starts the first full week of
each calendar quarter i.e. the first full week of January, April, July and October. Base 1
Training has three components:
○○ Workout of the Week
○○ Benchmark Workouts
○○ Badges
To note:
○○ A WOW is not a replacement for guided training such as individual Wave or Lap
training with a qualified Molchanovs instructor or as preparation for competition.
○○ A WOW should be undertaken with safety measures in place. Always train with
other qualified freedivers who have received safety training.
○○ Safety must always be in place for all water-based training.
○○ If you have completed Lap 1, only undertake pool-based activities. Do not
undertake open water activities.
Benchmark workouts
Benchmark workouts are universal. They are an important indicator of readiness for the
next level and another way to compete and challenge yourself alongside the main dis-
ciplines. Workouts include activities such as Sweet 16s, 500 meter over/under and 50
meter Tortuga Races. For more information on Benchmark workouts, please ask your
Molchanovs instructor.
Badges recognize key milestones in your freediving journey. A number of the badges are
performance based, for example, the Benchmark Badges and the Complete Freediver Badg-
es. Others are meaningful or fun challenges and accomplishments. Badges are awarded to
community members by your Molchanovs instructor. Please view the list of badges here.
Your freediving journey is just beginning. Become part of Club Molchanovs and begin
Base 1 Training!
Freediving will give you many of the emotions you have been craving
your entire life.
Natalia Molchanov a
molchanovs freediving education
This chapter concludes the Wave 1 / Lap 1 - Introduction to Freediving manual, sum-
marises the main topics covered and provides information about questions and further
To note, it is very common at this stage to feel overloaded with new information and
overwhelmed by a new experience. It is important to discuss any concerns you may have
with your Molchanovs instructor. Through measured and regular practice at a pace suited
to you, you will begin to develop your freediving skills and also understand the changes
happening in your body.
Wave 1 | Round Up 93
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Ambient pressure Ambient or surrounding pressure is the sum of atmospheric
pressure and water pressure. This is measured in atmospheres
or bar.
Apnea The cessation of respiratory airflow. In freediving this is
a voluntary breath-hold during a freedive or with the face
below the surface of the water.
Archimedes' Principle Achimedes' Principle states that: 'An object immersed in a
fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the
fluid it displaces.' Therefore, there are two forces acting on the
object, its weight and the buoyant force equal to the weight
of water it displaces.
Arrow position A freediving position: arms extended and joined over your
Atmospheric pressure The weight of atmospheric air measured in ATM or Bar. The
atmosphere above you has a weight which is equivalent to
approximately ten meters (33 feet) of water. Therefore 1 bar
of atmospheric pressure at sea level.
ATM A unit of pressure equivalent to the weight of the earth's
atmosphere at sea level.
Bar A unit of pressure equivalent to the weight of the earth's
atmosphere at sea level. 1 Bar equals 1 ATM.
Barotrauma The physical damage of body tissues which results from a
difference in pressure between internal body cavities and the
external environment
Belly breathing Also known as abdominal breathing. A breathing technique
used for relaxation. Belly breathing involves inhaling by
moving the upper part of the abdomen forward which lowers
the diaphragm. This brings air into the abdomen and expands
the belly.
Bifins Fins specifically designed for freediving with long blades and
soft pockets
Blackout A blackout is a loss of consciousness due to insufficient levels
of oxygen in the body. A loss of motor control may result in
a blackout.
Blood shift Blood flow to your extremities is redistributed to your head
and chest during a freedive.
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Hip flexors A number of muscles in your hip which allow you to move
your legs and body together and apart, for example to move
your leg or knee up and towards your body, or to bend your
body forwards.
Hypercapnia Hypercapnia is caused by an elevated (more than normal)
level of carbon dioxide in your blood.
Hyperoxia Hyperoxia is caused by an excess supply of oxygen to your
body tissues or higher than normal partial pressure of oxygen.
Hyperventilation Hyperventilation is defined by breathing more air in and out
than your body needs. Symptoms of hyperventilation include
light-headedness and dizziness, tingling in the fingers or other
parts of the body, euphoria and an increased heart rate.
Hypoxia An insufficient supply of oxygen to the body tissues.
Hypoxic Fit A loss of motor control of the body characterised by jerky
movements of the head, body and limb. Also referred to as a
'samba.' A hypoxic fit happens at the surface after a freedive or
breath hold. It can be followed by full recovery or a blackout.
Larynx The larynx controls the flow of air and is also known as your
voice box.
Loss of motor control A late warning sign that can precede a blackout. Involuntary
(LMC) contractions generally develop in the neck, shoulders, arms,
and occasionally in the leg muscles. A loss of motor control
can happen following a freedive if your oxygen levels are too
low. Also known as a hypoxic fit, you are often unaware that
it is happening. A loss of motor control is sometime known
as a 'samba' due to the jerky movements of the head, body
and limbs.
Lung squeeze Damage or injury to your lungs due to increased ambient
pressure on the enclosed air spaces of your lungs during a
freedive. Also known as lung or Pulmonary barotrauma (PBT).
Mammalian Dive Reflex The bodily changes that happen during a freedive or freedive
(MDR) session, which allow your body to function more efficiently
under new conditions. They generally disappear when you
resume breathing.
Mask A freediving mask has a low internal volume and a soft skirt
to save air for equalization.
Middle ear The part of the ear between your eardrum and the oval
window to your inner ear. The middle ear is also known as
the tympanic cavity.
Mindful breathing This technique involves bringing your awareness and focus
to your breath, using the inhale and exhale to achieve deep
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Variable Weight (VWT) A freedive to depth using weight. Leaving the weight at the
bottom and ascending either by finning and/or by pulling
back up a dive line.
Vertigo Vertigo is a sensation of feeling disorientated or off balance.
You may have a false illusion that the world is spinning or
swaying around you.
Visualization A simple mental technique which you can begin to use prior
to a freedive. This involves imagining each step of freedive
you are about to perform in great detail.
Vocal folds Also known as vocal cords. Comprised of two folds of mucous
membrane lying horizontally across your larynx.
Water pressure The weight of the water column above the body. Increases
by 1 bar every 10 meters (33 feet) of depth. Also known as
Hydrostatic Pressure.
Weight belt A rubber belt worn around the waist, to which lead weights
are attached. Used to compensate the positive buyoancy of a
wetsuit and to aid descent.
Weights Lead weights worn either on a rubber belt around the waist
or as a neck weight.
Wetsuit Used by freedivers to keep warm underwater. Freediving
wetsuits are available in various materials and thicknesses,
and are chosen according to the temperature of the water.
main author
Natalia Molchanova
contributing authors
Alexey Molchanov
Adam Stern
Oli Christen
Chris Kim
Nathania Wong
Shuyi Chua
Alexey Molchanov
Daan Verhoeven
Alexander Akivis
illustr ation
Delun Chen
Ekaterina Kashevnik
Acknowledgements ii
molchanovs freediving education