Entrepreneure Buseniss
Entrepreneure Buseniss
Entrepreneure Buseniss
1. Introduction
Nowadays concrete blocks are very common and time proofed, earthquake resistant walling materials.
Concrete blocks can be produced by hand and by machine. The specific use of a concrete block defines its
size and the quality. One type of concrete blocks is Hollow Blocks. Hollow Blocks have better thermal
properties than solid blocks of the same material and total thickness.
A concrete block is primarily used as a building material in the construction of walls. It is sometimes
called a concrete masonry unit (CMU). In use, concrete blocks are stacked one at a time and held together
with fresh concrete mortar to form the desired length and height of the wall.
The first hollow concrete block was designed in 1890 by Harmon S. Palmer in the United States. After 10
years of experimenting, Palmer patented the design in 1900. Palmer's blocks were 8 in (20.3 cm) by 10 in
(25.4 cm) by 30 in (76.2 cm), and they were so heavy they had to be lifted into place with a small crane.
By 1905, an estimated 1,500 companies were manufacturing concrete blocks in the United States.
In other parts of the world, nowadays concrete blocks are very common and time proofed, earthquake
resistant walling materials. Concrete blocks can be produced by hand and by machine. The specific use of
a concrete block defines its size and the quality. One type of concrete blocks are Hollow Blocks. Hollow
Blocks have better thermal properties than solid blocks of the same material and total thickness.
Hollow blocks have certain advantages over bricks; they are only about 1/3 of the weight of the same
number of bricks. They can be laid about four times more rapidly and are of ample strength for all
purposes for which ordinary bricks are used. They have the advantages of hollow walls as regards
insulation against heat and sound. Moreover the production of concrete blocks is more environmentally
friendly than the production of clay bricks because they do not have to be burned.
Easy to establish
Division of profit
Tax consideration
Other factors we select partnership ownership
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Fast production of HCB Business proposal 2012
1.3 Objective
The objective of the business plan is:-
1.4 Mission
Production of good weather resistance, safe and durable Hollow concrete blocks by identifying qualified
ingredient of HCB construction materials.
1.5 Vision
Seeing the fulfillment of customer’s interest or maximize HCB users’ satisfaction for the future with
potentially balanced cost in the last we are expand and computable with the national and international
company and control the market by supply customer need.
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2. The product and service
Fast HCB production offers concrete blocks of new generation, which create 20cm, 15cm and 10cm
broad carrying wall, ceiling- and annular concrete blocks. After that, an isolating complex is sticker from
inside. The complex consists of expanded polystyrene with sticker plaster board. Windows are embedding
in this isolating complex; there is therefore no widow case, which could freeze. In the house, there is no
need to heat, when nobody is at home.
Grade A
Grade B
Grade C
The first one by optimum utilization of skilled, mix proportion and others we produce the first
grade of HCB.
The following picture shows a basic production line of thin-wall vibro-pressed concrete blocks:
• low weight
• high consistence
• accurate dimensions
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• sound insulation
A. Parameters:
The production Hollow Concrete block contains cement,fine agregate,course aggregate and pumice
with ratio of 1:2:2:2 respactively. The basic model of Brothers HCB production measuring
20x20x40cm,15x20x40 and 10x20x40 (width x height x length).
Walling is set up on mortar – concrete blocks are laid bottom up. Corner block has a hole, which creates
armour concrete pillaret after filling with concrete. Thus the construction allows creation of pillars and
horizontal armatures too. Construction of a house is therefore more stable and qualitative.
Concrete blocks resist atmospheric exposures, that is why they are used also on fences, garages,
workshops, plants, fundaments, bottom wallings. Walling after that isn’t mostly plastered, nor from
outside, only coadjacent kerfs are modified. In addition there is also an advantage, that one can keep it
clean excellently, because it is enough to wash the wall from time to time from inside and outside with
power water.
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3. Operational plan
3.1 Manufacturing technique/ methodology
Planned mill of our company consists of hall, measuring 20x30m, 11m high, where all the concrete
preparation and whole production with stock room will be located. Second architectural object is a shelter
19x19m, 5m high, isolated from the first one by reinforced asphaltic surface, which will serve as
a manouvre place. Shelter will be used partially as a resereve gravel storage bin and partially as a stock
room for finished goods.
•Sieve the sand, as a first step with 1 cm² sand sieve in order to separate bigger rocks.
• As a second step sieve with smaller mesh sieve (such as 4, 5 mm²) in order to get fine sand. The
sand must be clean from dirt, garbage, and mud.
Mixing of concrete
Mixing of concrete is usually done by hand for small quantities or by machine for big quantities.
a. Hand mixing
Hand mixing is adopted where in smaller quantities of aggregates are involved or the involvement or
procuring of mixing machines is out of reach. Mixing shall always be done on a watertight platform in
order to avoid cement water seepage.
1. Spread the measured quantity of sand in a layer of about 10 cm on the mixing platform;
2. Place the cement on top of the sand and mix the two thoroughly together until they form an
even color;
3. Pile the mixture into a heap and make a hollow in the middle;
4. Pour in water slowly in small quantities and mix until a smooth paste is formed;
5. Check your mix: take a handful of the mix and form a small ball. If the ball in your hand does not
crack, and your hand is a little bit wet, the mix is ready to be molded.
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Flatten the dry mix with a trowel, if properly Add water only once a uniform gray color is mixed a
uniform gray color is visible. But this method is time consuming relative to machine mixing. Therefore in
our business we prefer the machine mixer in order to supply quickly for our customer.
b. Machine mixing
Machine mixing is required for large quantities of concrete work and for good workability for placing the
concrete in a short time and with no wastage. Concrete having coarse aggregates is mixed in concrete
2. First add the aggregates and some amount of water, then the cement, then the sand;
3. Mix and add more water until the right consistency is reached;
Based on your customers’ needs and different qualities of your products, the mix ratio for your concrete
can be various. In general, the more cement you use in your mix the higher the quality you will achieve
(but also the more expensive your product will be for the costumer).
To make a high quality concrete hollow block, which can be used for walls of houses, your mix ratio
should be:
1 part good quality cement + 2 parts clean river sand + 2 parts course aggregate +2part pumice +
sufficient water (the sand are from Alaba)
Figure3.2-Measuring of mixtures
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Keep in mind that for building houses always best quality blocks are to be used as the safety of families
moving into the houses is at play. If you sell lower quality building blocks for building houses, risks are
very high that the newly built walls will collapse and bury the occupants of the house underneath. If you
sell these lower quality blocks without explaining the dangers and risks to your customers, you will be
responsible for their grieve as a consequence of a collapsed house.
a) Building Blocks
1. Fill the concrete mix into your measuring device (i.e. bucket with line for proper measurement);
2. Put the bottom part of the block mould into its proper position (underneath a roof structure – shadowy
4. Pour the exact amount of measured concrete mix into the block mould (every time use the exact same
amount of concrete mix, so you will get the exact same blocks – same size, same strength, same quality);
5. Put the compressive device of your block mould on top of the lower part of the mould;
5. Press the compressive device straight down until its “feet” touch the floor on both sides;
6.Step with your own feet onto the “feet” of the block moulds’ compressive device, bend over the mould,
take the handles of the lower part of the block mould into your hands, and carefully lift the bottom part of
the mould slightly up;
7. carefully, set the bottom part of the mould back down onto the ground;
8. Take off the compressive device from the lower part of your mould, and set aside;
9. Carefully lift the lower part of the mould straight up, and place next to your ready moulded building
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10. Leave your newly moulded building block, where it is for one day (do not move, but make sure it
does not come in touch with direct sunlight);
11. After this one day, your blocks can be piled up, and need to be cured for at least one week (proper
procedure see explained below)
12. Clean your mould from the remains of your previous block and dust;
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Raw materials
The sand and aggregate must be free of leaves, grass and other foreign matters. Sand should be fairly
coarse with particle sizes ranging from fine dust up to about 5mm. Clean aggregate with sizes of 26,5
mm, 19 mm, 13,2 mm or 9,2 mm can be used for concrete. Aggregate size of 26.5 mm can be used for
thick sections such as foundations, deep suspended slabs and industrial floors thicker than 120 mm. 19
mm aggregates can be used for floors, paths and driveways. Aggregates 13.2 mm or 9.5 mm can be used
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for thin concrete sections such as thin suspended slabs, precast items with sections’ thickness ranging
from 40 mm to 50 mm.
Generally most of the time the ratio of cement, sand, course aggregate, pumice in the raw material mix
determines the properties of hollow concrete blocks. A ratio of 1:2:2:2 (cement: sand: course aggregate,
pumice) confers higher strength.
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Hollow concrete blocks are substitutes for conventional bricks and stones in building construction. They
are lighter than bricks, easier to place and also confer economies in foundation cost and consumption of
cement. In comparison to conventional bricks, they offer the advantages of uniform quality, faster speed
of construction, lower labor involvement and longer durability. In view of these advantages, hollow
concrete blocks are being increasingly used in construction activities. Due to day to day development of
our countries, the government and privet owners construct a low cost building (condominium) house.
Since the needs of the market increases through day to day. Therefore we are inciting for the production
of hallow concrete block for satisfying the needs of the customer specially in Hawassa city and some
urban areas like yirgalem, wendogenet, shashemene, dilla town.
In case we tries to supply the product in efficient and more quality and feeling the gap between the market
and customer.
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5. Business strategy and implementation
Our strategy are use the stationary mixer and a machine of HCB production and produce the most popular
quality of blocks by:
Managing and
Controlling: the production of hallow concrete block and guiding the flow of works in order to
competent with other company production and suppliers and the last targets of the company is
controlling of the market.
5.1. Organization structures
In order to increase our business efficiencies and have a good management strategy we must category our
business in to different departments those structures are as follows:-
Department of management advisor board
Department of control quality
Department of material suppliers
Mentor and key advisors
Insurance agent
Department of financial and others in order to facilitate our production
The founders of this company production are by the contribution, interesting and intelligence initiation of
six people.
5.2 Production capacity
The plant and machinery proposed in the project has a production capacity of 800 No’s per day of
cement concrete hollow blocks of size 100X200X400 mm. within 26 working day per month the amount
of hallow concrete block is 20800 no. At 75% utilization of the capacity, productions of 187200No’s per
year of blocks have been taken into consideration.
Cement concrete hollow blocks are usually of the following three dimensions: 100X200X400 mm,
150X200X400 mm and 200X200X400 mm. Although hollow blocks of all the three sizes could be made
using the same machinery and equipment proposed in the project, for computation purpose only one size
viz 100X200X400 mm is considered in the sales turnover.
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Hollow blocks of other sizes could also be made depending on the customer needs and requirement. With
the given set of machinery and equipment used in making the hollow blocks, solid blocks could also be
made with the help of additional mold sets only.
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6. Financial plan
6.1. Capital cost
A. LAND & BUILDING (per month)
Rate per unit(birr)
Sl Description Quantity Units Amount (birr)
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3276000 3276000 3276000 3276000 3276000
0 1 2 3 4 5
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7. Conclusion
Fast production of HCB Company is to produce economically viable hollow concrete block, to
produce safe and durable HCB and produce technically sound replicable HCB for builder .This
hollow concrete block Construction Company will be the first choose by the builders or
constructor because this HCB is reduce mortar consumption, light weight and greater speed of
work compared to brick masonry.
Fast production of HCB also consider with the quality in case of good weather resistance, safe
and durable Hollow concrete blocks by identifying qualified ingredient of HCB construction
materials. Since many builders in this country are yet to become familiar with the use of concrete
blocks, guidance in the form of a code of practice will help them to appreciate the essential
constructional details and adopt hollow concrete block masonry in a larger scale wherever it is
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1The different advertising material in our business
Attach on billboard
Prepare ceremony
2 Detailed list of equipment and material we purchase
Stationary mixer
Machine produce HCB
Wood palette
EGA sheet
Truss wood
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Hand Shovel
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