The Ultimate Freezer Meal Cheat Sheet

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r e e z e r m e a l

from This Crafty Home
Hey friend !

If you ve got this cheat sheet you are interested in Freezer Meals but

you want some extra tips for your journey .

Man do I have SO MANY good nuggets of info for you !

I discovered Freezer Meal Prep whenever I first became a work at

home mom Quite honestly it was life changing for me
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Then I had to share it with everyone because honestly it was just SO

exciting .

Since then I ve been creating Freezer Meal Guides for others to


follow and loving every second !

What is coming next is all my BEST tips and info on freezer meals
and freezer meal prep .

Are you ready ?

Let s do this
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What can/can't you freeze?
Honestly almost everything freezes well There are a few things

you ll want to avoid

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Cream based things like a fettucini sauce

Fried foods
Frostings icings

Fully cooked pasta under cook your pasta for frozen meals
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Fully cooked rice again under cook
( , )

Sour cream
So what do you do if the recipe you want to freeze calls for one of
these things ?

Generally I just leave it out and write on the bag or tray to add a
certain amount of X ingredient in later For example I make white
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chicken chili by adding everything it needs in the bags except the

broth sour cream and heavy whipping cream Then I write myself
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instructions for later on the bag It makes the entire process


REALLY easy !
What do I need for creating freezer meals ?

Not many things other than what you already have in your kitchen !

Here are a few things I suggest :

Freezer bag holders are my absolutely 1 recommendation I CANT

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imagine trying to do this without them .

Freezer bags or aluminum foil casserole pans I don t recommend

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glass or plastic because they take up more space and can lead to
freezer burn )

A Sharpie for writing on your bags .

Tennis shoes and a cushy kitchen mat for extended cooking

sessions Your feet will thank you later
. !

You can find links to everything I mentioned right here .

Lastly you ll need a PLAN I ll be talking about that next

, ' ! ' .
How do you create a month of meals in one cooking session ?

So I m going to be honest the first time I tried to create 18 freezer

meals at one time I thought it would be a piece of cake Two or.

three hours tops right

, ?

Well I got the kids to bed at 9 PM I started I rolled into bed at 1 AM


sore and not finished It took me two more hours the next day
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I went in cocky and without a plan DO NOT DO THIS

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Print all your recipes and come up with a plan of action .

Pick ingredients that are used frequently so there is little food

waste .

My Freezer Meal Guides are created specifically for this purpose !

If you want to take a look at them and find a super easy guide to

Freezer meal prep click right here .

What if I don t want to cook for that long

' ?

The beauty of freezer meal prep is you can always stop and pick it
back up another time I usually prefer to cook in two two hour
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sessions instead of a four hour session

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Food Safety and handling suggestions :

Put the foods in the fridge before freezing they need to get down

to 40 degrees before being put in the freezer I usually just pop


them in the fridge overnight and in the morning switch everything


Thawing should be done in a fridge or in a cold bowl of water Don t

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risk growing bacteria in your food!

To avoid cross contamination I usually like to use two cutting mats

and two different knives for meats and veggies .

Make sure your freezer it at or below 0 to keep your food as fresh as


Make sure to label your stuff with the made date and a used by
date just for safety .

Air is your enemy Trying using a small straw to suck out the of the

air out of a bag to keep it as fresh as possible.

Freezing Storage Time Lengths
1 to 2 months
Hot dogs lunch meat bacon and sausage
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2 to 3 months
Soups and Stews
3 to 4 months
Hamburger and other ground meats cooked ham

9 months
Chicken or turkey pieces
4 to 12 months
Steaks Chops Roasts
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12 months
Chicken or Turkey whole

SOURCE foodsafety gov

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How do I cook my freezer meals?
The best idea is to thaw things overnight in your fridge it ensures

you ll be absolutely ready for the next day You can also put the bag
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in a pot of cold water to thaw faster if you forget


Instant pots WILL cook from frozen But if something is half frozen

half thawed I have noticed that cooking times will vary and they
will taste off

I highly suggest cooking from thawed or completely frozen The in

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between stage gets you in trouble .


-I would suggest thinking about buying veggies frozen and pre -

chopped if you want to save time .

-Write cooking instructions on all bags before hand or have a


handy label ready .

-Make sure to only fill the bags ⅔ of the way just in case they freeze
then expand .

-Make sure to lay flat to freeze so they fit in the freezer well NOTE If
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you have room in your freezer I ve found it nice to freeze them in a

shape that I can pop into my Instant Pot since it can cook from
frozen You can use a round baking pan or just try and smoosh

them in a corner Whatever works

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-I do not put large amounts of liquid in my bags Anything over a


cup is written on the bag and saved for later This saves space in the

bags and helps them not expand as much .

-I strongly encourage you to use a scale for freezer recipes Chicken


breasts vary SO much in size !



Check out the Meal Planning and Prepping Facebook group right

Check out my Instagram Account right here !

Check out my Facebook Account right here !

Check out my Tik Tok Account right here !

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