This document provides monthly operating efficiency data for the New York City wastewater treatment plants for January and February 2023. It includes flow, influent and effluent levels of total suspended solids and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, and the percentage removal rates for each plant compared to permit limits. The weighted average rates for the city-wide system met or exceeded the permit limits of 85% removal for both months.
This document provides monthly operating efficiency data for the New York City wastewater treatment plants for January and February 2023. It includes flow, influent and effluent levels of total suspended solids and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, and the percentage removal rates for each plant compared to permit limits. The weighted average rates for the city-wide system met or exceeded the permit limits of 85% removal for both months.
This document provides monthly operating efficiency data for the New York City wastewater treatment plants for January and February 2023. It includes flow, influent and effluent levels of total suspended solids and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, and the percentage removal rates for each plant compared to permit limits. The weighted average rates for the city-wide system met or exceeded the permit limits of 85% removal for both months.
This document provides monthly operating efficiency data for the New York City wastewater treatment plants for January and February 2023. It includes flow, influent and effluent levels of total suspended solids and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, and the percentage removal rates for each plant compared to permit limits. The weighted average rates for the city-wide system met or exceeded the permit limits of 85% removal for both months.
Weighted Average 127 9 93% 134 8 94% 85% 12- Month Running Averages: 93.9% 85% #REF! #REF! 94.8% 85% NOTES: (1) All weighted averages based on Total Flow. (2) System-Wide (weighted average) limit for TSS and CBOD % Removals: 85%; and a 12-month running avg. of 85%. (3) Permit flows are for 12-month rolling averages of the total flows.
Weighted Average 134 8 94% 142 7 95% 85% 12- Month Running Averages: 94.0% 85% #REF! #REF! 94.8% 85% NOTES: (1) All weighted averages based on Total Flow. (2) System-Wide (weighted average) limit for TSS and CBOD % Removals: 85%; and a 12-month running avg. of 85%. (3) Permit flows are for 12-month rolling averages of the total flows.
Weighted Average 134 9 94% 134 8 94% 85% 12- Month Running Averages: 94.0% 85% #REF! #REF! 94.8% 85% NOTES: (1) All weighted averages based on Total Flow. (2) System-Wide (weighted average) limit for TSS and CBOD % Removals: 85%; and a 12-month running avg. of 85%. (3) Permit flows are for 12-month rolling averages of the total flows.