Acoustics & Lighting Design: Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Acoustics & Lighting Design: Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Acoustics & Lighting Design: Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Acoustics &
Building Utilities 3
1.The science that studies the waves that are conducted through matter due to the motion
of the matter.
2. Pressure fluctuations in the air that are heard when an acoustic wave passes by.
3. The measure of the strength of sound. Units are decibels (dB) and usually measured
with a dB meter.
5. The part of a sound wave that travels directly along the line of sight path between the
speaker or sound source and the listener.
6. Sound waves that strike a surface and bounce off are reflected sounds.
7. Reflections that are heard within 1/20 of a second of the direct sound.
8. A distinct reflection that arrives at the listener later than 1/20th of a second after the
direct sound is heard.
9. This type of echo is most easily heard as one claps their hands out in front of them,
while standing in a hallway.
10. It is due to the accumulation of many reflections, compounding one upon the other, so
much that the sound no longer seems composed of echoes but rather just a sound of
a. Loudness b. Reverberation c. Intelligibility d.
12. The dying out of sound. Usually referring to the steady decline in the
loudness of the reverberation.
a. Decay b. Late reflections c. Intelligibility d. Boomy
13. The time it takes for reverberation to change from very loud to imperceptibly quiet.
14. The science and practice of amplifying or otherwise improving how well a person
hears sound.
15. The repetition of a sound produced by the reflection of sound waves from an
obstructing surface, loud enough and received late enough to be perceived
as distinct from the source.
17. It is expressed in hertz and the number of cycles of vibrations executed per
23. It is the term applied to the direct sound which if the originating body stops,
vibrating also stops.
24. States that the intensity of sound is inversely proportional to distance from
the source.
25. near large obstructions such as walls and is dominant and approaches a
diffused condition.
by any means.
so that none falls outside an angle of 140º, the sound intensity will
decay rapidly.
29. It exist between the near and reverberant field and the intensity varies as
pressure squared and inversely with the distance.
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Luminous Intensity, Luminous Flux, Illuminance
1.3. Definition of Terms
1.4. Physics of Light
1.4.1. Inverse Square Law
1.4.2. Quantity of Light
1.5. Light Sources: Characteristics and Application
1.5.1. Incandescent Lamp
1.5.2. Fluorescent Lamp
1.5.3. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamp
1.6. Lighting Design
1.6.1. Illumination Methods Types of Lighting Systems
1.6.2. Lighting Fixtures and its Distribution
1.6.3. Luminaire Efficiency: Coefficient of Utilization (CU)
1.7. Illumination Calculation
1.7.1. Calculation of Average Illuminance
1.7.2. Calculation of Loss Factor (LLF)
1.7.3. Calculation of Horizontal Illuminance by Lumen
1.7.4. Coefficient of Utilization (CU) Calculatioin
1. It is the quantity of the energy of the light emitted per second in all directions.
a. Luminous Flux
b. Luminous Intensity
c. Illuminance
d. Luminance
4. It is the luminous intensity emitted by the surface area of 1 sq. cm. of the light
a. Luminous Flux
b. Luminous Intensity
c. Illuminance
d. Luminance
1. When we shine a light on an object from a single point source of light it is called
_____; it highlights contours on the object and creates shadows; the exact effect
depends on the angle of the beam of light. Most of the time we want to light the
object to we can see its front. In these cases, the light source may be best place in
front of and to the side of the object at an angle of 45°.
a. Key Light
b. Fill Light
c. Silhouetting
d. Uplighting
2. While this scene effects drama, for our purposes we will assume we need_____. It
can either be directional or diffused. In our example we could shine a directional
light on the object from the opposite direction of the key light, softening or
eliminating shadows depending on the strength of the _____ relative to the
strength of the key light. We could also place _____ sources behind the object to
light the entire room evenly.
a. Key Light
b. Fill Light
c. Silhouetting
d. Uplighting
3. Suppose we wanted to emphasize the shape of the object as a ______. In this event,
we would soften or even eliminate the key light and directional fill light, and instead
provide only fill light, either intense or diffused, depending on the clarity of the
______ and the drama we want to produce.
a. Key Light
b. Fill Light
c. Silhouetting
d. Uplighting
4. The effect of _____ is either very desirable or very undesirable because it is unusual.
Effects range from intimate to eerie. A lot of landscape lighting includes _____ to
accentuate bushes and trees.
a. Key Light
b. Fill Light
c. Silhouetting
d. Uplighting
3. Is the emission of light when excited electrons fall to lower energy levels (in matter
that may or may not be “hot”).
a. Light
b. Physics of Light
c. Incandescence
d. Luminescence
4. Any point source which spreads its influence equally in all directions without a limit
to its range will obey this. This comes from strictly geometrical considerations. The
intensity of the influence at any given radius r is the source strength divided by the
area of the sphere. Being strictly geometric in its origin, this applies to diverse
phenomena. Point sources of gravitational force, electric field, light, sound or
radiation obey this.
a. Inverse Square Law
b. Quantity of Light
c. Physics of Light
d. Light
1. They produce light when an electric current passes through a filament and causes it
to glow. Because they are less energy efficient than other light sources, they are
best used for task lighting that demands high levels of brightness.
a. Incandescent Bulbs
b. Fluorescent Bulbs
c. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulbs
d. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) Bulbs
2. Application: They are commonly used in desk lamps, table lamps, hallway lighting,
closets, accent lighting, and chandeliers. They provide good color rendering and, in
fact, serve as the color standard by which all other lamps are measured. They are
also easily dimmable. These lamps have the lowest initial cost and require no ballast.
a. Incandescent Bulbs
b. Fluorescent Bulbs
c. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulbs
d. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) Bulbs
3. They produce light when an electric arc passes between cathodes to excite mercury
and other gasses producing radiant energy, which is then converted to visible light
by a phosphor coating.
a. Incandescent Bulbs
b. Fluorescent Bulbs
c. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulbs
d. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) Bulbs
4. They produce light when an arc passes between cathodes in a pressurized tube,
causing metallic additives to vaporize. They have long lives and are extremely
energy efficient, but – with the exception of metal halides – they do not produce
pleasing light colors.
a. Incandescent Bulbs
b. Fluorescent Bulbs
c. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulbs
d. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) Bulbs
5. Application: In residential settings, they are most often used for outdoor security
and area lighting.
a. Incandescent Bulbs
b. Fluorescent Bulbs
c. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulbs
d. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) Bulbs
2. The image appears more uniform. There is a strong contrast between the object
and background.
a. Direct Front
b. Diffuse Bright-Field
c. Diffuse Dark-Field
d. Dark-Field
3. Light with an oblique angle of incidence from a ring light with an angle between the
front illumination unit and the object.
a. Direct Front
b. Diffuse Bright-Field
c. Diffuse Dark-Field
d. Dark-Field
2. Distribution: Smaller portion direct upwards, Most of the light directed downwards.
a. Direct
b. Semi-Direct
c. General Diffuse
d. Direct - Indirect
4. Distribution: 50% of the light is directed upwards, 50% of the light is directed
a. Direct
b. Semi-Direct
c. General Diffuse
d. Direct - Indirect
6. Distribution: Most of the light is directed upwards, Small portion of the light is
directed downwards.
a. Indirect
b. Semi-Indirect
c. General Diffuse
d. Direct - Indirect
7. It is also called luminaire, an electrical device used to create artificial light by use of
an electric lamp.
a. Light Fixture
b. Recessed Light
c. Fluorescent Lamp
d. Pendant Light
8. Lighting Fixture: Down light, also called pot light in Canadian English, and
sometimes can light (for canister light). It is a light fixture that is installed into a
hollow opening in a ceiling.
Light Distribution: Direct Lighting
a. Light Fixture
b. Recessed Light
c. Fluorescent Lamp
d. Pendant Light
10. Lighting Fixture: It is sometimes called a drop of suspender. It is a lone light fixture
that hangs from the ceiling usually suspended by a cord, chain, or metal rod. They
are often used in multiples, hung in a straight line over kitchen countertops and
dinette sets or sometimes in bathrooms.
Light Distribution: General Diffuse
a. Light Fixture
b. Recessed Light
c. Fluorescent Lamp
d. Pendant Light
11. It is the ration of light output emitted by the luminaire to the light output emitted
by its lamps. Another way of looking at it. It is the percentage of light output
produced by the lamps that are in turn emitted by the luminaire.
a. Luminaire Efficiency
b. Coefficient of Utilization
2. The illuminance is calculated by describing the distance (d) between the light source
and the calculation point by means of the vertical height (h) of the light source above
the surface.
a. Light Loss Factor
b. Horizontal Illuminance
c. Coefficient of Utilization
Lighting Definitions
Illumination Techniques
Light Guide
Horizontal Illuminance
Coefficient of Utilization
BGUTIL 3 Notes
Faculty: Ar. Louie Gan
BUILDING UTILITIES 1 (Sanitary System)
Questions 1-70
Links/ References:
● Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines - NaMPAP
● Plumbing Design Data Handbook (1st edition) - Ar. Rommel O Aldaba, rmp
● Salvan, G. (1986). Architectural Utilities 1: Plumbing and Sanitary. Rizal Avenue, Manila:
Goodwill Bookstore
● Plumbing Facilities & Systems Design: A Guide in the Preliminary Design of Plumbing Facilities
- Arch. Raffy Cueva Alli, msarch
Cayomba, Francis Daniel T. c. Water Process
Estoce, Nelson S. d. Water
Water – BGUTIL 1
6. Refers to an individual who worked in the
1. The art and technique of installing pipes, sanitation field of ancient rome. –
fixtures, and other apparatuses in buildings Plumbarius
for bringing in the supply of liquids, a. Plumber
substances and ingredients and removing b. Plumbium
them. - Plumbing System c. Plumbarius
a. Building Utility d.Plumbae
b. Plumbing System
c. Water Distribution System 7. A main pipe or conduit through which a
d. Sanitary System public or community water system conveys
water to all service connections. – Water
2. Addition of chemicals, such as ferrous Main
sulfate and lime, to the water which cause the a. Water Pipe
larger suspended particles to form a b. Water Distribution Pipe
gelatinous mass which precipitates readily. c. Water Meter
- Coagulation and precipitation d. Water Main
a. Coagulation and Precipitation
b. Sublimation and Coagulation 8. A pipe which conveys potable water from
c. Precipitation and Osmosis the building supply pipe to the plumbing
d. Coagulation and Condensation fixtures and other outlets. - Water
distribution pipes
3. Water is injected with hypo-chlorite or a. Water Pipe
chlorine gas to kill harmful bacteria. – b. Water Distribution Pipe
Chlorination c. Water Meter
a. Acidity d. Water Main
b. Alkalinity
c. Base
d. Chlorination 9. Simple mechanism that produces a vacuum
within itself and permits the lifting of water
4. Water is passed through layers of sand and from the source supply by atmospheric
gravel in concrete basins in order to remove pressure. – Pump
the finer suspended particles. – Filtration a. Valve
a. Chlorination b. Water Meter
b. Distillation c. Pump
c. Filtration d. Water Lift
d. Mineralized
10. Most common type of well, shaft is
5. Water falls to the earth in the form of excavated and installed with a casing;
precipitation. It drains into rivers, lakes and shallow construction. – Dug Well
streams either naturally or via constructed a. Deep Well
storm water drainage system. – Water Cycle b. Water Well
a. Hydrology Cycle c. Dug Well
b. Water Cycle d. Dig Well
d. Shower
11. A hole is made by rotary drilling machine
installing a casing and a screen. Can reach up 17. Waste water with the exception of human
to 1000 meters. – Drilled Well wastes. – Grey Water
a. Hydraulic Well a. Dirty Water
b. Drilled Well b. Grey Water
c. Deep Well c. Black Water
d. Water Mining d. Water waste
12. Associated with distribution systems of 18. Articles of matters that are suspended in
tall buildings; build with an impeller/ water the water are allowed to stay in a container so
wheel. – Centrifugal Pump that they will settle in the bottom, then
a. Lift Pump drawing the water out, leaving these
b. Centrifugal Pump sediments in the container. – Sedimentation
c. Force Pump a. Chlorination
d. Rotary Pump b. Distillation
c. Filtration
13. A device for controlling the flow of a d. Sedimentation
liquid from a pipe by opening or closing an
orifice. – Faucet 19. Water are given chemical treatments to
a. Pipe kill the harmful bacteria’s present and to cure
b. Check Valve the turbid taste or mud taste, remove clay,
c. Lock salts, iron etc. commonly used chemical is
d. Faucet chlorine. – Chemical Treatments
a. Filtration
14. The column of water that is retained b. Sedimentation
between the overflow and the dip of the trap. c. Porosity
– Back Flow d. Chemical treatments
a. Up flow
b. Overflow 20. Water are filtered on various processes,
c. Down flow so as to remove the particles of vegetable
d. Backflow matter, mud, and other particles of matter
present in the water, most commonly used
15. A plumbing fixture used to convey materials are sand and gravel. – Filtration
organic body waste to the plumbing system. a. Chlorination
– Water Closet b. Distillation
a. Bidet c. Filtration
b. Water Closet d. Sedimentation
c. Pozo Negro
d. Sump Pit 21. Is a type of a water distribution system
wherein water comes from a normal water
16. A plumbing fixture designed for cleaning pressure from public water main for low rise
the most precious, delicate parts. – Bidet buildings. – Upfeed System
a. Bidet a. Upfeed System
b. Water Closet b. Pneumatic System
c. Lavatory c. Downfeed System
d. Plumbing System a. Angle Valve
b. Globe Valve
22. Is a type of water distribution system c. Check Valve
wherein water comes from air pressure from d. Gate Valve
suction tank for tall buildings which cannot
27. Consists of a wedge-shaped plug which is
be reached by normal water pressure. –
screwed flown to sea t between two brass rings
Pneumatic Tank
surrounding the inlet pipe so that a double seal is
a. Upfeed Tank
obtainer. - Gate Valve
b. Pneumatic Tank
c. Downfeed Tank a. Gate Valve
d. Plumbing System b. Globe Valve
c. Check Valve
d. Angle Valve
23. Is a type of water distribution system
28. It is used when it is desired that the flow
wherein water comes from gravity from
through a pipe be always in one direction and
overhead tanks and are supported either by
there is a possibility of a flow taking place in the
structural frames or on the roof decks. –
opposite direction. - Check Valve
Downfeed system
a. Upfeed System a. Angle Valve
b. Pneumatic System b. Gate Valve
c. Downfeed System c. Globe Valve
d. Plumbing System d. Check Valve
29. It has a pivoted flap which is readily pushed
24. Consist of a piston traveling up and down open by the pressure of water from one side but
within a cylinder which is connected with a is tightly closed by the force of a reverse flow. -
Swing Check Valve
pipe extending down into the source. – Lift
Pump a. Globe Check Valve
a. Lift Pump b. Angle Valve
b. Centrifugal Pump c. Swing Check Valve
c. Force Pump d. Automatic Check Valve
d. Rotary Pump
30. Consist of a loose disk which closes by
25. Used to deliver water at a point higher gravity when the pressures on both sides are
than the position of the pump itself. – Force equal. - Horizontal or Lift Check Valve
Pump a. Horizontal or Lift Check Valve
a. Lift Pump b. Vertical of Push Check Valve
b. Centrifugal Pump c. Diagonal or Pull Check Valve
c. Force Pump d. Globe Valve
d. Rotary Pump
31. Changes the direction of the flow of water as
26. Type of valve used for regulating flow in a well as control it. Acts somewhat like globe
pipeline, consisting of a movable disk-type valve but are usually used for a right angle turn.
element and a stationary ring seat in a generally – Angle Valve
spherical body. - Globe Valve a. Check Valve
b. Butterfly Valve
c. Angle Valve a. Water Meter
d. Disk Valve b. Flush Valve
c. Flushometer
32. Operate by means of a round, tapering plug,
d. Flush Bibb
perforated in one direction perpendicular to its
axis and ground to fit a metal seat. - Key Cock 40. Arranged to discharge water while they are
held open by the hand and to close by a spring
a. Key Cock
inside the Faucet as soon as the pressure of the
b. Corporation Cock
hand is removed. - Self Closing Faucet
c. Compression Cock
d. Hose Bibb a. Spring Faucet
b. Gate Valve
33. A stop valve placed in a service pipe close to
c. Compression Cock
its connection with a water main. - Corporation
d. Self Closing Faucet
41. A disc around a plumbing pipe at the wall
a. Key Cock
penetration that seals the wall opening. –
b. Corporation Cock
c. Compression Cock
d. Hose Bibb a. Escutcheon
b. Seal Plate
34. Operate by the compression of soft packing
c. Disc Plate
upon a metal sheet. - Compression Cock
d. None of the above
a. Key Cock
42. The minimum air gap for lavatories & other
b. Corporation Cock
fixtures with effective openings not greater than
c. Compression Cock
13mm in diameter if not affected by wall. –
d. Hose Bibb
35. Similar to a compression cock but has a
a. 25mm
screw outside for connection of water hose. -
b. 38mm
Hose Bibb
c. 19mm
a. Key Cock d. 50mm
b. Corporation Bibb
43. All piping of plumbing systems shall be of
c. Pipe Bibb
durable ________-APPROVED materials, free
d. Hose Bibb
from defective workmanship, designed and
37. A fitting used to connect a branch pipe into a constructed by Registered Master Plumbers to
straight run of piping at 45 degrees. - Wye ensure satisfactory service. – NAMPAP
a. Pipe Fitting b. PPAP
b. Wye Fitting c. NAMPAP
c. Coupling d. PPA
d. Seal Fitting
44. Used in pipe systems to connect straight pipe
39. A device which discharges a predetermined or tubing sections, adapt to different sizes or
quantity of water to fixtures for flushing shapes. – Fitting
purposes. -Flushometer
a. Escutcheon
b. Fitting
c. Sealant c. Water Meter
d. None of the above d. Flushometer
45. Installed between two lengths of pipe (or 51. A valve consisting of a pair of semicircular
tubing) to allow a change of direction, usually a plates that are attached to a spindle across a pipe
90° or 45° angle. - Elbow and hinge to allow flow only one way. –
Butterfly Valve
a. Coupling
b. Tee a. Check Valve
c. Union b. Butterfly Valve
d. Elbow c. Globe Valve
d. Gate Valve
46. Connects two pipes with different sizes, also
known as reducer or adapter. - Coupling 52. A valve opening automatically to relieve
excessive pressure, especially in a boiler. -
a. Coupling
Safety Valve
b. Tee
c. Union a. Check Valve
d. Elbow b. Butterfly Valve
c. Safety Valve
47. Similar to coupling, it allows convenient
d. Foot Valve
future disconnection of pipes for maintenance or
fixture replacement. It consists of three parts: a 53. A type of check valve that is typically
nut, a female and male end. - Union installed at a pump or at the bottom of a pipe
line. – Foot Valve
a. Coupling
b. Tee a. Check Valve
c. Union b. Butterfly Valve
d. Elbow c. Safety Valve
d. Foot Valve
48. The most common pipe fitting used to
combine or divide fluid flow. - Tee 54. Considered as universal solvent. - Water
a. Water
a. Coupling
b. Vinegar
b. Tee
c. Solvent
c. Union
d. Fire
d. Elbow
49. Applied to PVC, CPVC, ABS or other 55. Property of water that enables to climb up
plastic piping to partially dissolve and fuse the a surface against the pull of gravity. –
adjacent surfaces of piping and fitting. - Solvent Capillarity
a. Levitation
a. Brazing
b. Capillarity
b. Solvent
c. Gravitational Pull
c. Glue
d. Gravity
d. Soldering
50. A device that measure the volume of water 56. Property of water that enables to stick
delivered to a property. – Water Meter itself together and pull itself together. –
Surface Tension
a. Water Pressure Meter a. Surface Compression
b. Pneumatic Meter b. Capillarity
c. Surface Tension a. Centrifugal Pump
d. Viscosity b. Reciprocating Pump
c. Turbine Pump
57. Water quality problem wherein the cause d. Submersible Pump
is the presence of carbon dioxide. – Acidity
a. Hardness 63. A water supply pipe that extends one full
b. Turbidity story or more to convey water to branches or
c. Acidity to a group of fixtures. – Riser
d. Viscosity a. Feeder
b. Riser
58. Water quality problem wherein the cause c. Fixture Supply
is the presence of magnesium and calcium d. Vent Stack
salts. – Hardness
64. The water supply pipe between the fixture
a. Hardness supply pipe & the water distributing pipe. –
b. Turbidity Fixture Branch
c. Acidity a. Riser
d. Viscosity b. Feeder
c. Fixture branch
59. Water quality problem wherein the cause d. Fixture Supply
is the presence of silt or mud in surface or in
ground. – Turbidity 65. A water supply pipe connecting the
a. Hardness fixture with the fixture branch. – Fixture
b. Turbidity Supply
c. Acidity a. Fixture Branch
d. Viscosity b. Fixture Supply
c. Fixture Pipe
60. Water is sprayed into the air to release any d. Fixture Feeder
trapped gases and absorb additional oxygen
for better taste. - Aeration 66. The pipe from the water main or other
a. Aeration source of potable water supply to the water
b. Spraying distribution system of the building served. –
c. Gasification Service Pipe
d. Chlorination a. Supply pipe
b. Sewer Pipe
61. Use extreme water pressure so as not to c. Service Pipe
affect existing foundation in the vicinity. – d. All of the above
Jetted Wells
a. Dug Wells 67. A pipe within the structure or on the
b. Drilled Wells premises which conveys water from the water
c. Bored Wells service pipe or meter to the point of
d. Jetted Wells utilization. – Distribution pipe/Supply Pipe
a. Service Pipe
62. Pump having a plunger that move back b. Distribution pipe/Supply Pipe
and forth within a cylinder equipped with c. Sewer Pipe
check valves. – Reciprocating Pump d. Riser
68. Plumbing Code of the Philippines is also
known as_________. – R.A. 1378
a. R.A.1378
b. P.D.1096
c. R.A.1076
d. P.D.1378
3. What is the base of the building that is on the ground outermost part of the wall?
a. Building footprint b. Parameter c. Property Line d. Perimeter
6. What is the number of exits to accommodate more than 1000 occupant load?
a. 4 exits b. 1 exit c. 2 exits d. 5 or more exits
8. Eaves over required windows shall not be less than how many millimeters from the side and
rear property lines?
a. 1200 millimeters b. 750 millimeters c. 800 millimeters d. 700 millimeters
9. How many days given to the owner to appeal for re-inspection or re-investigation of his/her
building to the Secretary?
a. 7 working days b. 30-day period c. 10-day period d. 15-day period
10. Works in buildings or structures involving changes in the materials used, partitioning,
location/size of openings, structural parts, existing utilities and equipment but does not increase
the building height and/or floor area.
a. Renovation b. Demolition c. Addition d. Alteration
11. Refers to the Executive Officer of the OBO appointed by the Secretary.
a. Architect b. Building Admin c. Building Official d. Building Manager
15. What is the minimum front setback for Commercial, Industrial, Institutional and Recreational
buildings with 20.00 to 24.00 meters RROW width?
a. 8 meters b. 4 meters c. 5 meters d. 6 meters
16. What is the minimum air space per person in workshops, factories and offices?
a. 12 cu meters b. 10 cu meters c. 13 cu meters d. 11 cu meters
17. Noise as an unwanted sound both in quality and intensity and excessive vibration whose sources
in building/structure construction shall conform to acceptable limits the required emission
standards of what government agency?
18. Aside from PD1096, what law shall setbacks must also comply?
a. PD 957 b. RA 455 c. BP 344 d. PD 1185
19. All pipe materials to be used in buildings/structures shall conform to the standard specifications
of the?
a. DTI b. DENR c. DPWH d. DOST
20. What is the total minimum width of planting strip within 30 meters and above RROW?
a. 1.5 meters b. 1.3 meters c. 1.2 meters d. 1.6 meters
21. Occupancies are assigned to _________, while zones are assigned to _________.
a. people, buildings b. occupants, buildings c. occupants, lands d. buildings, lands
RA 9266
2. Means the architect registered and licensed or permitted to practice under R.A. No. 9266, who
is professionally and academically qualified and with exceptional or recognized expertise or
specialization in any branch of architecture.
a. Architect b. Architect-in-charge c. Consulting Architect d. Architect of record
3. Means a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation registered with the DTI AND/OR SEC
and then with the Board of Architecture and PRC.
a. Architectural group b. Architectural firm c. BP 344 d. BP 220
5. Any formal grouping of two or more architects or architectural firms working in joint venture on
a project basis.
a. Association b. Partnership c. Firm d. Corporation
8. In order for a foreigner architect to practice architecture in the Philippines, what do you call to
the permit that is given to the architect?
a. Architectural permit b. Test Permit c. Practice permit d. Special Permit
9. Refers to a sustaining and progressive learning process that maintains, enhances or increases
the knowledge and continuing ability of architects.
a. Review b. Master’s Degree
c. Continuing Professional Development d. None of the above
10. Refers to the author or authors of a set of architectural plans and specifications whoa are in
charge of their preparation, whether made by them personally or under their immediate
a. Owner b. Authorship c. Writer d. Author
PD 957
1. The minimum lot area for Single detached under Open market housing project.
a. 120sqm b. 100sqm c. 96sqm d. 80sqm
2. The minimum lot area for Duplex under Medium cost housing project.
a. 120sqm b. 100sqm c. 96sqm d. 80sqm
3. The minimum lot area for Single Attached under Open market housing project.
a. 120sqm b. 100sqm c. 96sqm d. 80sqm
4. The minimum lot area for Rowhouse under Medium cost housing project.
a. 120sqm b. 80sqm c. 60sqm d. 50sqm
BP 344
1. _____ long extension of handrail should be provided at start and end of ramps and stairs.
a. 100mm b.150mm c. 200mm d. 300mm
3. Walkways from accessible spaces of ____ clear width shall be provided between front ends of
parked cars.
a. 0.8m b. 1.0m c. 1.2m d. 1.5m
4. Entrance with vestibules shall be provided a level area with at least ____ depth and a ____
a. 1.5m, 1.5m b. 1.5m, 1.8m c. 1.8m, 1.5m d. 1.8m, 1.8m
6. Ramps exceeding 6m whose gradient is 1:12 shall be provided with landings not less than ____.
a. 1.0m b. 1.2m c. 1.5m d. 1.8m
7. Turnabout spaces should be provided at or within ____ of every dead-end.
a. 3.0m b. 3.2m c. 3.5m d. 3.6m
8. A turning space of _______ with a minimum dimension of ____ for wheelchairs shall be
provided outside water closet stalls.
a. 2.25sqm, 1.5m b. 2.25sqm, 1.8m c. 2.50sqm, 1.5m d. 2.50sqm, 1.8m
9. A ____ wide tactile strip shall be provided before hazardous areas such as sudden change in
elevation and at the top and bottom of stairs.
a. 150m b. 200m c. 250m d. 300m
10. Accessible elevators should be located not more than ___ from the entrance.
a. 10m b. 15m c. 20m d. 30m
BP 220
1. Housing projects undertaken by the government for the underprivileged and homeless citizens.
a. Socialized housing b. Economic housing
c. Single-family dwelling d. Multiple-family dwelling
10. A wall with no openings or only minimal openings for comfort rooms.
a. Firewall b. Party wall c. Blank wall d. Partition wall
PD 1185
4. Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warm the occupants of the
building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of fire to enable them to undertake
immediate action to save life and property and to suppress the fire.
a. Fire Alarm b. Fire hazard c. Damper d. Fire signal
5. Any condition or act which increases or may cause an increase in the probability of the
occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with fire fighting operations
and the safeguarding of life and property.
a. Fire alarm b. Fire hazard c. Damper d. Fire signal
6. The portion of a roadway or public way that should be kept opened and unobstructed at all
times for the expedient operation of fire fighting units.
a. Fire lane b. Fire door c. Public way d. Horizontal exit
7. A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exits or
fire escapes.
a. Danger zone b. Fire zone c. Fire trap d. Public assembly building
8. The purpose for which a building or portion thereof is used or intended to be used.
a. Occupant b. Owner c. Occupancy d. Public assembly building
4. A contractual arrangement whereby the public sector contracts out the building of an
infrastructure facility to a private entity such that the contractor builds the facility on a turn-key
basis, assuming cost overrun, delay and specified performance risks.
a. Build-transfer-and-operate c. Rehabilitate-operate-and-transfer
b. Build-operate-and-transfer d. Develop-operate-and-transfer
5. The BOT project proponent transfers the facility to the government agency or local government
unit concerned at the end of the fixed term which shall not how many years?
a. 20 years b. 50 years c. 60 years d. 30 years
6. The rate of return that reflects the prevailing cost of capital in the domestic and international
markets shall be determined by existing laws, which in no case shall exceed how many percent?
a. 10% b. 13% c. 12% d. 11%
7. The private sector entity which shall have contractual responsibility for the project.
a. Contractor b. Facility operator c. Project Proponent d. Client
EO 1008
3. Meaning of CIAC.
a. Conciliation Industry Arbitration Commission
b. Construction Industry Arbitration Company
c. Conciliation Industry Arbitration Company
d. Construction Industry Arbitration Commission
4. Definite date for rendition of award (_______ from the time the case is submitted for resolution
but not more than ________ from the date the terms of reference was signed)
a. 30 days, 6 months b. 60 days, 3 months c. 3 days, 6 months d. 6 days, 3 months
RA. 9285
1. What is RA 9285?
a. Construction Arbitration Law
b. Architecture Act of 2004
c. Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004
d. None of the above
2. Means to sign, execute or adopt a symbol, or encrypt a record in whole or in part, intended to
identify the authenticating party and to adopt, accept or establish the authenticity of a record or
a. Authenticate b. Authorize c. Confirm d. Sign
3. Means a voluntary process in which a mediator, selected by the disputing parties, facilitates
communication and negotiation, and assists the parties in reaching a voluntary agreement
regarding a dispute.
a. Medical b. Mediation c. Medication d. Mediate
4. In RA 9285, what does refer to a judicial, administrative, or other adjudicative process, including
related pre-hearing or post-hearing motions, conferences and discovery?
a. Law b. Hearing c. Processing d. Proceeding
5. Means the person appointed to render an award, alone or with others, in a dispute that is the
subject of an arbitration agreement.
a. Association b. Awardee c. Arbitrator d. Jury
RA 9184
4. Minimum number of pre-bid conference shall be conducted for each procurement, unless
otherwise provided in the IRR. Subject to the approval of the BAC, a pre-bid conference may also
be conducted upon the written request of any prospective bidder.
a. None b. 1 c. 4 d. 3
1. refers to any acceptable form of bond accompanying the Bid submitted by the bidder as a
guarantee that the bidder will enter into the Contract with the Owner for the construction of
the Work, if the Contract is awarded to him.
a. Bid Documents b. Performance Bond c. Guarantee Bond d. Bid Bond
2. is the approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and his Surety as a guarantee of
good faith on the part of the Contractor to execute the Work in accordance with the Contract.
a. Bid Documents b. Performance Bond c. Guarantee Bond d. Bid Bond
3. is the approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and his Surety as a guarantee of
the quality of the materials provided, the equipment installed, and the workmanship performed
by the Contractor.
a. Bid Documents b. Performance Bond c. Guarantee Bond d. Bid Bond
4. No payment shall be made in excess of how many percent of the Contract Price?
a. 90% b. 80% c. 85% d. 70%
5. Unless specified to the contrary or unless the Contractor’s submission is deficient, equipment,
samples or materials submissions shall be acted upon by the Owner within how many days of
submission __ working days
a. 7 working days b. 5 working days c. 6 working days d. 8 working days
Environmental Laws
3. Penalty for manipulation of results, revealing questions and tampering of grades ____ years
imprisonment or Php _______________ fine
a. 6-13 years imprisonment or Php 50,000-80,000
b. 6-12 years imprisonment or Php 50,000-100,000
c. 6-12 years imprisonment or Php 40,000-80,000
d. 5-13 years imprisonment or Php 50,000-100,000
4. The Commission shall be headed by 1 full-time Chairperson and 2 full-time Commissioners, all to
be appointed by the President without reappointment for a term of how many years?
a. 7 years b. 5 years c. 8 years d. 6 years
Civil code
2. When was the date when Civil code of the Philippines was enacted?
a. June 18, 1949 b. June 18, 1849 c. June 18, 1848 d. June 18, 1948
3. Article 1723 of the Civil Code states tht the engineer or architect who drew up the plans and
specifications is liable for ________ from completion of the building should it collapse due to
defects in the plans or the ground.
a. 10 years b. 15 years c. 16 years d. 17 years
RA 8293
2. When was the date when Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines was enacted?
a. June 6, 1997 b. June 7, 1996 c. July 6, 1997 d. July 7, 1996
RA 455
1. An act to amend section 2702, and 2703 of the revised administrative code.
a. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board b. House and Land Use Regulatory Board
c. Housing and Land Use Regulating Board d. House and Land Use Regulating Board
Electrical- BGUTIL 2
1. The form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or
protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.
a. Electricity
b. Power
c. Electrical energy
d. Electric Current
2. is a flow of electric charge. In electric circuits this charge is often carried by moving electrons in a
wire. It can also be carried by ions in an electrolyte, or by both ions and electrons such as in a
a. Electricity
b. Power
c. Electrical energy
d. Electric Current
3. is a type of electrical current, in which the direction of the flow of electrons switches back and
forth at regular intervals or cycles
a. Power
b. Direct current
c. Alternating current
d. Curved current
4. an electric current flowing in one direction only
a. Power
b. Direct current
c. Alternating current
d. Curved current
5. complete; continuous path
a. Close circuit
b. Open circuit
c. Circuit diagram
d. Electrical diagram
6. broken, incomplete, and disconnected
a. Close circuit
b. Open circuit
c. Circuit diagram
d. Electrical diagram
7. pressure or force; unit of electrical pressure or potential. Pressure makes electricity flow through
a wire
a. Voltage
b. Ampere
c. Ohms
d. Resistance
8. unit used to measure the magnitude of an electric current; the specific quantity of electrons
passing a point in one second
a. Voltage
b. Ampere
c. Ohms
d. Resistance
9. friction; inherent in insulator; Electricity flowing through a material always meets with some
a. Voltage
b. Ampere
c. Ohms
d. Resistance
10. rate of power; power consumption; The amount of power required to light lamps, heat water, turn
motors, and do all types of work is measured
a. Watts
b. Voltage
c. Rate
d. Ampere
11. A _______ circuit has two or more paths for current to flow through
a. Series
b. Parallel
c. Electrical
d. Energy
12. A _____ circuit is one with all the loads in a row. There is only ONE path for the electricity to flow
a. Series
b. Parallel
c. Electrical
d. Energy
13. Watts/ Volts = ________
a. Current
b. Power
c. Amperes
d. Resistance
14. Electrical Energy to Mechanical Energy
a. Solar
b. Battery
c. Motor
d. Generator
15. Mechanical Energy to Electrical Energy
a. Solar
b. Battery
c. Motor
d. Generator
16. In electrical power generation, the use of _________current is the preferred and natural form of
a. Circular
b. Alternating
c. Direct
d. Diffused
17. When a single-phase alternating current is rectified in the simplest manner, the reverse half of
the cycle is blocked out entirely
a. Half-Wave Rectified AC:
b. Single-Phase Alternating Current
c. Full-Wave Rectified Three-Phase AC:
d. Full-Wave Rectified Single-Phase AC
18. This rectified alternating current for which the rectifier is so connected that the reverse half of the
cycle is “turned around”, and fed into the circuit flowing in the same direction as the first half of
the cycle
a. Half-Wave Rectified AC:
b. Single-Phase Alternating Current
c. Full-Wave Rectified Three-Phase AC:
d. Full-Wave Rectified Single-Phase AC
19. This term refers to a simple current, alternating in direction
a. Half-Wave Rectified AC:
b. Single-Phase Alternating Current
c. Full-Wave Rectified Three-Phase AC:
d. Full-Wave Rectified Single-Phase AC
20. When three-phase alternating current is rectified the full-wave rectification system is used
a. Half-Wave Rectified AC:
b. Single-Phase Alternating Current
c. Full-Wave Rectified Three-Phase AC:
d. Full-Wave Rectified Single-Phase AC
21. It is used as a raceway system for electrical conductors; The wall thickness and strength of steel
provide the most mechanical protection to the enclosed conductors. An additional benefit of using
steel conduit is that it is used as an equipment grounding conductor.
a. Steel Conduit
b. Flexible Metal
c. Pipes
d. Tubings
22. The power driving the rotor, from a power source, eg a steam or gas turbine, is transferred to
electrical power in the stator winding. In the case of a large generator in a coal or nuclear power
station, to achieve 50 hertz the 'rotor' has two poles of a magnet N & S which rotate past the top
red winding of the 'stator' 50 times a second
a. Generator
b. Alternator
c. Genset
d. Battery
23. Why did the circuit breaker fail to detect the short circuit/ overloading?
The owner hired an electrician to prepare and install the electrical wiring for his house. The
electrician with the owner's consent, decided to use a larger size of wiring for the circuit breaker
to anticipate overload. After some time, the house was on fire. After the investigation, it has
proven that the cause of the fire was faulty wiring.
a. The circuit breaker is defective
b. The capacity of the wire is too large
c. The circuit breaker was too far away from where the short circuit happened
d. All of the above
24. What should be done by the electrician? The owner hired an electrician to prepare and install the
electrical wiring for his house. The electrician with the owner's consent, decided to use a larger
size of wiring for the circuit breaker to anticipate overload. After some time, the house was on fire.
After the investigation, it has proven that the cause of the fire was faulty wiring. Why did the
circuit breaker fail to detect the short circuit/ overloading.
b. RA 7920
c. RA 1378
d. EC F2F1
c.bus bars
friction; inherent in insulator; Electricity flowing through a material always meets with some
resistance. Insulators like wood, glass, and plastic have a high resistance. Copper, aluminum,
and silver have low resistance and are therefore good conductors of electricity.
a. Voltage
b. Ohms
c. Amperes
d. Ampacity
27. Prevents flow of electric current
a. Conductor
b. Insulator
c. Ohms
d. Voltage
28. Are connected to lighting outlets for the entire building. Different lights in each room are usually
on different circuits so that if one circuit breaker trips, the room will not be in total darkness
a. Lighting Circuits
b. Basic
c. Insulator
d. Voltage
29. These circuits provide power to outlets wherever small appliances are likely to be connected.
a. Small appliances Circuits
b. Lighting circuits
c. Electrical circuits
d. Individual circuits
30. Individual dedicated circuits are designed to serve a single large electrical appliance or device,
such as electric ranges, automatic heating units, built-in electric heaters, and workshop outlets.
a. Small appliances Circuits
b. Individual circuits
c. Electrical circuits
d. Lighting circuits
31. system furniture application/cable management
a. Flat cable assemblies
b. Round cable assemblies
c. Busbar
d. Flexible metal cable
32. Complete electrical plans ensure that electrical equipment and wiring are installed exactly as
b. Electrical plan
c. Individual electrical circuits
d. Transformer
33. Used for both exposed and concealed work in normally dry locations at temperatures not to
exceed 90 Celsius degrees as specified in the Philippine Electrical Code
a. Nonmetallic Sheated Cable (NMC/NM) – ROMEX
b. Flexible Metal Clad (FMC)/Metal Clad (MC)/Armored Cable
d. 5 Shielded Nonmetallic Sheated Cable
34. Telecommunication/submarine cable; originally developed for use in mines, but they are now
widely used in primary and secondary industries, chemical plants, refineries and general factory
b. Shielded Nonmetallic Sheated Cable
c. chemical plants
d. Flexible Metal Clad (FMC)/Metal Clad (MC)/Armored Cable
35. Actual use Fixtures, Switches, Convenience Outlets, Branch Circuits
d. individual circuits.
36. Typical architectural wiring diagrams identify the various electrical fixtures and devices and trace
the control of each fixture to a switch.
a. Room Wiring Drawings
b. Electrical layout
c. Power layout
d. Plumbing layout
37. Positions and connections of doorbells, chimes, music, and any communication units need to be
included on the floor plan.
c. System
d. Electrical Layout
38. argon and low pressure mercury vapor
a. Cathode
b. Cylindrical Glass Tube
c. Rapid Start
d. Starter
39. Is used to allow voltage to pass the length of the fluorescent tube in order for it to ignite and emit
light. Once ignited the starter is no longer required for the tube's continued operation.
b. Rapid start
c. Cathode
d. Integrated system
1. Is in common use in the heating and cooling industry. It stands for "heating, ventilation and air
conditioning," three functions often combined into one system in today's modern homes and
b. ventilation
c. room with ventilation
d. electrical room
2. HVAC systems can provide____________, reduce air infiltration, and maintain pressure
relationships between spaces.
a. heat
b. space
c. light
d. ventilation
3. It removes contaminants that could cause health problems.
a. ventilation
b. light filtration
c. Air Filtration
d. dirt
4. It is a type of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. In a simple CAV system, the
supply air flow rate is constant, but the supply air temperature is varied to meet the thermal loads of
a space.
a. Constant Air Volume (CAV)
b. Terminal Reheat System
c. Air filtration
5. It cools the air in the air handling unit down to the lowest possible needed temperature within its
zone of spaces. This supplies a comfortable quality to the space, but wastes energy.
a. thermal comfort
b. Terminal Reheat System
c. terminal view system
d. air system
6. it has two air streams, typically one for the coldest and one for the hottest needed air temperature in
the zone. The two air streams are strategically combined to offset the space's load
a. air system
b. cold air system
c. Mixed Air System
d. mechanical system
7. The air used for cooling the room or space is directly passed over the cooling coil of the refrigeration
a. Direct expansion
b. DX centralized air conditioning plant
c. A and B
d. none of the above
8. Chilled water air conditioning plant used to first chill the water, which is then used to chill the air used
for cooling the rooms or spaces
a. true
b. false
c. maybe
d. none of the above
9. The plant room comprises of the important parts of the refrigeration system, the compressor and the
condenser. The condenser is of shell and tube type and is cooled by the water.
a. true
b. false
c. maybe
d. none of the above
10. The refrigerant leaving the condenser in the plant room enters the thermostatic expansion valve and
then the air handling unit, which is kept in the separate room.
b. The Plant Room
c. The Air Handling Unit Room
d. none of the above
11. This is the space that is to be actually cooled. It can be residential room, room of the hotel, part of
the office or any other suitable application.
a. Air Conditioned Room
b. split type room
c. hvac room
d. electrical room
12. Enhance the heating and cooling in your home with the addition of a multi-split air conditioning
a. split type
b. dual slipt type
d. none of the above
13. A split system is a combination of an indoor air handling unit and an outdoor condensing unit. The
indoor air handling unit contains a supply air fan and an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger (or cooling
coil), and the expansion device.
a. true
b. false
c. maybe
d. none of the above
14. Which is not included to the types of condensers?
a. Air cooled
b. Water cooled
c. Evaporative
d. None of the above
15. This type of condenser are usually used in ice plants.
a. Water cooled
b. Evaporative
c. Air cooled
d. Condenser coil
16. ______________ are used in small units like household refrigerators, deep freezers, water coolers,
window air-conditioners, split air-conditioners, small packaged air-conditioners etc.
a. Air cooled
b. Water cooled
c. Evaporative
d. Condenser coil
17. It is the most popular type of AC compressor. A piston compresses the air by moving up and down
inside of a cylinder.
a. Scroll AC Compressor
b. Screw AC Compressor
c. Reciprocating Compressor
d. Centrifugal Air Conditioning Compressor
18. The___________ do not control the flow of the air through the air conditioning systems; rather they
act as the fan safety cut-off devices.
a. Airstats
b. Humidistat
c. Thermostat
d. None of the above
19. This type of evaporators are made up of copper tubing or steel pipes. The copper tubing is used for
small evaporators where the refrigerant other than ammonia is used, while the steel pipes are used
with the large evaporators where ammonia is used as the refrigerant.
a. Plate type of Evaporators
b. Bare Tube Evaporators
c. Shell and Tube type of Evaporators
d. Finned Evaporators
20. It is considered as the next generator of window units. This type of air conditioning unit takes in air
from the room and cools it, then directs it back into the room.
a. Window air conditioner
b. Hybrid air conditioner
c. Portable air conditioner
d. Central air conditioning
21. _____________are most common in parts of the home that have been retro-fitted. Like central air
conditioning systems, these systems have an outdoor compressor/condenser and an indoor
handling unit.
a. Portable air conditioner
b. Window air conditioner
c. Central air conditioning
d. Ductless, Mini-Split air conditioner
22. The chilled water types of central air conditioning plants are installed in the place where whole large
buildings, shopping mall, airport, hotel, etc, comprising of several floors are to be air conditioned.
a. True
b. False
23. Window type air conditioners shall be provided with drainpipe or plastic tubing for discharging
condensate water into a suitable container or discharge line.
a. True
b. False
24. Uses either baseboard or air handler mounted electric resistance strips.
a. Electric Strip
b. Heat Pump
c. Gas Furnace
d. Electric Resistance Strip
25. The plant room comprises of the important parts of the refrigeration system, the compressor and the
a. True
b. False
26. An air conditioner cools and dehumidifies the air as is passes over a cold coil surface.
a. True
b. False
27. ___________ is a moving staircase, a conveyor transport device for carrying people between floors
of a building.
a. Escalator
b. Roller Bed
c. Elevator
d. Wire mesh Belt Conveyor
28. What is the most economical angle in degrees for an escalator?
a. 30 degrees
b. 35 degrees
c. 20 degrees
d. 25 degrees
29. A type of escalator that minimizes structural space requirements by "stacking" escalators that go in
one direction, frequently used in department stores or shopping centers.
a. Multi Parallel
b. Crisscross
c. Parallel
d. Diagonal
30. A type of escalator that two or more escalators together that travel in one direction next to one or two
escalators in the same bank that travel in the other direction. This are used in mass-purchasing
facilities and malls and are mostly limited to two stories.
a. Multi Parallel
b. Crisscross
c. Parallel
d. Diagonal
31. A type of escalator that use more floor space than crisscross arrangements but have an impressive
a. Multi Parallel
b. Crisscross
c. Parallel
d. Diagonal
32. _________ are devices that move people and goods vertically within a dedicated shaft that connects
the floors of a building.
a. Escalator
b. Roller Bed
c. Elevator
d. Wire mesh Belt Conveyor
33. __________ are lifted by ropes, which pass over a wheel attached to an electric motor above the
elevator shaft.
a. Hydraulic Elevator
b. Freight Elevator
c. Holed Hydraulic Elevator
d. Traction Elevator
34. _____________ is operated using a pump that moves non-compressible liquid (such as oil) from a
fluid reservoir into a cylinder through an open valve.
a. Hydraulic Elevator
b. Freight Elevator
c. Holed Hydraulic Elevator
d. Traction Elevator
35. ____________ include glass car walls and glass hoistway, and are used in a wide variety of
environments, from office buildings, hotels, and retail centers to transportation hubs and cruise
a. Passenger Elevator
b. Service Elevator
c. Scenic Elevator
d. Dumbwaiter Elevator
36. They are small freight elevators intended to carry objects rather than people, whenever groceries or
laundry need to be sent up and down the stairs without making unnecessary trips that can quickly
tire people, people can simply place what needs to be transported.
a. Passenger Elevator
b. Service Elevator
c. Scenic Elevator
d. Dumbwaiter Elevator
37. A light usually at the entrance to an elevator on each floor of a multistory building, that signals the
approach of the elevator.
a. Annunciator
b. Signal
c. Lantern
d. Button
38. The horizontal section of railing at the upper or lower end of an escalator.
a. Combplate
b. Newel
c. Lantern
d. Post
39. An opening through a building/structure for the travel of elevators, dumbwaiters, or material lifts,
extending from the pit floor to the roof of flow above.
a. Hoist
b. Hoistway
c. Post
d. Lantern
40. An apparatus for raising or lowering a load by the application of a force, but does not include a
car or platform.
a. Hoist
b. Hoistway
c. Post
d. Lantern
41. It is an arrangement where Up and down escalators "side by side or separated by a distance,"
seen often in metro stations and multilevel motion picture theaters)
a. Parallel
b. Crisscross
c. Multiple Parallel
d. “Up” escalator next to staircase
42. Minimizes structural space requirements by "stacking" escalators that go in one direction,
frequently used in department stores or shopping centers.
a. Parallel
b. Crisscross
c. Multiple Parallel
d. “Up” escalator next to staircase
43. The __________ are yellow strips or may be in bold color around the step tread but mostly
located at the front and at the rear ends of the tread.
a. Demarcations
b. Yoke
c. Step Hook
d. Newel
44. Guided by vertical guide rails, the _________ conveys passenger or freight between floors.
a. Hoist
b. Elevator Car
c. Lobby
d. Elevator Pit
45. Elevator waiting areas which are designed to allow free circulation of passengers, rapid access to
elevator cars, and clear visibility of elevator signals.
a. Lobby
b. Elevator Pit
c. Hallway
d. Hoistway
46. Normally located directly over the top of the hoistways- it could also be below at side or rear. It is
designed to contain elevator hoisting machine and control equipment.
a. Elevator Pit
b. Machine Room
c. Elevator Car
d. Lobby
47. According to the NBC, the angle of inclination of an escalator shall not exceed ______ degrees
from the horizontal.
a. 40
b. 30
c. 35
d. 25
48. Elevators shall be provided with _________, over load switch and reverse polarity relay
a. Emergency Button
b. Fall-Free Safety Device
c. Emergency Break
d. Call Device
49. The rated speed, measured along the angle of inclination, shall be not more that _____ meters
per minute
a. 38
b. 40
c. 28
d. 35
50. In apartments or residential condominiums of five (5) storeys or more, at least one (1) passenger
elevator shall be kept on twenty-four-hour constant service.
a. True
b. False
51. The minimum and maximum width between balustrades.
a. 560 mm, 1200 mm
b. 600 mm, 1200 mm
c. 560 mm, 1500 mm
d. 600 mm, 1500 mm
Planning 1
13.0 Pertinent Planning Laws (HLURB Guidelines, BP957, NEDA, Local Government Units,
MMDA, DILG, NHA, etc.)
_____93. Minimum carriageway in meters for a motor court in a subdivision based on HLURB.
a. 3 b. 5 c. 4 d. 6
_____94. Minimum right of way in meters for a motor court in a subdivision based on HLURB.
a. 3 b. 5 c. 4 d. 6
Correlations Course
Planning 2 Questionnaire
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Nicanor Reyes St., Sampaloc, Manila
15. What is the Presidential Decree that created the Intramuros Administration for the purpose of
restoring and administrating its development?
a. PD 1784 c. PD 1616
b. PD 1516 d. PD 1749
16. What are these urban design elements that serve as connections between spaces and places?
a. Public Space c. Streets
b. Transport d. Landscape
17. What urban design elements do green spaces and urban parks represent?
a. Public Space c. Streets
b. Transport d. Landscape
18. These are the most pronounced elements of urban design.
a. Buildings c. Public Spaces
b. Transport d. Streets
19. These urban design elements enable movement throughout the city.
a. Public Spaces c. Streets
b. Transport d. Landscapes
20. Which urban design element serves as the living room of the city?
a. Buildings c. Public Spaces
b. Transport d. Landscapes
21. Urban design deals with the plan of the city, the various component parts of urban space, and their
functional and aesthetic aspects.
a. Community Architecture c. Urban Design
b. Urban Planning d. Regional Planning
22. Urban Design concerns the arrangement, appearance and functionality of towns and cities, and in
particular the shaping and uses of urban public space.
a. Urban Design c. Community Architecture
b. Regional Planning d. Urban Planning
23. Urban Design Framework- strategic planning that gives direction to areas in need of repair and
undergoing changes.
a. Community Architecture Framework c. Social Architecture
b. Urban Planning d. Urban Design Framework
24. The idea that the built environment should provide its users with an essentially democratic setting,
enriching their opportunities by maximizing the degree of choice available to them. These places are
a. Progressive c. Active
b. Responsive d. Urban Design
25. It affects where people can go, and where they cannot: the quality is called PERMEABILITY.
a. Variety c. Personalization
b. Permeability d. Legibility
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Nicanor Reyes St., Sampaloc, Manila
26. It affects the range of uses available to people; the quality is called VARIETY
a. Variety c. Personalization
b. Permeability d. Legibility
27. It affects how easily people can understand what opportunities it offers: the quality is called
a. Variety c. Personalization
b. Visual Appropriateness d. Legibility
28. It affects the degree to which people can use a given place for different purposes; the quality is called
a. Legibility c. Robustness
b. Richness d. Visual Appropriateness
29. it affects whether; the detailed appearance of the place makes people aware of the choices available;
the quality is called VISUAL APPROPRIATENESS
a. Legibility c. Robustness
b. Richness d. Visual Appropriateness
30. It affects people's choice of sensory experience; the quality is called RICHNESS
a. Legibility c. Robustness
b. Richness d. Visual Appropriateness
31. It affects the extent to which people can put their own stamp on the place; this is called
a. Robustness c. Richness
b. Personalization d. Legibility
32. The Community Design Architecture (CDA) is a systemic, highly scalable and robust methodology for
the facilitated co-evolution of communities of practice, other forms of c-learning communities, and
knowledge networks, with their virtual learning environments.
a. Community Design Architecture c. Urban Design Architecture
b. Urban Planning d. Regional Planning
33. Social Architecture – the network of relationships, collaboration, communication and coordination,
with supporting agreements, principles, metrics, leadership roles, decision making etc, need to create open
and trusting interactions.
a. Technology Architecture c. Business Architecture
b. Knowledge Architecture d. Social Architecture
34. Knowledge Architecture – the body of available knowledge (intellectual capital) to be upgraded to
meet new challenges, by orientation, exploration, reflection, sense-making, and shared memory.
a. Technology Architecture c. Business Architecture
b. Knowledge Architecture d. Social Architecture
35. Business Architecture - financing, attracting and allocating resources (two-way value propositions),
business model to ensure sustainability.
a. Technology Architecture c. Business Architecture
b. Knowledge Architecture d. Social Architecture
36. Technology Architecture – an advanced online environment with a wide range of tools to support
collaboration, communication and coordination in an efficient, effective and enjoyable way.
a. Technology Architecture c. Business Architecture
b. Knowledge Architecture d. Social Architecture
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Nicanor Reyes St., Sampaloc, Manila
37. Sampaloc- centered on two churches (Our Lady of Loreto and Saint Anthony of Padua)
a. Sampaloc c. Paco
b. Ermita d. Binondo
38. San Miguel (Malacanang)- where rest-houses were built for the Spanish government
a. Malate c. San Miguel
b. Paco d. Sampaloc
39. Malate- the early “summer resort” of wealthy and cultured Filipinos. Then became the first fishing
and salt-making town.
a. San Miguel c. Malate
b. Ermita d. Pandacan
40. Ermita- early tourist belt (red-light district)
a. Sampaloc c. Paco
b. Ermita d. Binondo
41. Paco- First town built around a train station
a. Sampaloc c. Paco
b. Ermita d. Binondo
42. Pandacan- town built by the Americans for Oil depots. The first “Industrial Town”
a. San Miguel c. Malate
b. Ermita d. Pandacan
43. Quiapo- the illustrado territory; the enclave of the rich and powerful; the manifestation of folk
a. Paco c. Pandacan
b. Quiapo d. Binondo
44. Tondo- coastal town adjacent to main city
a. Sampaloc c. Tondo
b. Quiapo d. Binondo
45. Binondo- the trading port developed by the Chinese and Arabs
a. Quiapo c. Paco
b. San Miguel d. Binondo
46. San Nicolas- a commercial town built by the Spanish with streets of “specialized” categories (i.e.
ceramics, soap, etc.)
a. San Miguel c. Binondo
b. Tondo d. San Nicolas
47. Sta. Cruz- The main commercial district with swirls of shops, movie houses, restaurants, etc.
a. Sta. Cruz c. Recto
b. Quiapo d. Binondo
48. Daniel Burnham- Designer of Chicago, San Francisco, and parts of Washington D.C.
a. Ebenezer Howard c. William Paul
b. Daniel Burnham d. Nicholas Radburn
49. Philamlife Homes- Icon of middle class suburbanization
a. Letchworth c. Philamlife Homes
b. Welwyn d. Los Angeles
50. Manila CBD- this traditional CBD is a center of business and commerce, has a population nucleus,
and seats the national government.
a. Ayala CBD c. Manila CBD
b. Ortigas CBD d. Makati CBD
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Nicanor Reyes St., Sampaloc, Manila
51. Makati CBD- a business, financial, commercial, convention, and recreational center to the
Metropolitan Region covering and area of 979 hectares. Begun by the Ayala conglomerate in 1948.
a. Manila CBD c. Ortigas CBD
b. Makati CBD d. Fort Bonifacio
52. Ortigas CBD- another business, financial, convention, shopping, and recreational node. Developed by
the Ortigas conglomerate in the 1950s, its present configuration fully developed only in the late 80s. The
area covers 600 hectares.
a. Makati CBD c. Ortigas CBD
b. Fort Bonifacio d. Manila CBD
53. Cubao CBD- Developed in the 1960s by the Araneta Family, Cubao was intended as an alternative
business center in the Eastern side of the metropolis. With small individual shops and throngs of vendors
and hawkers, this 37-hectare property reflected a bazaar economy.
a. For Bonifacio c. Makati CBD
b. Ortigas CBD d. Cubao CBD
54. Fort Bonifacio Global City- 500 has of prime land intended to be the first intelligent and ecological
city in the country.
a. Makati CBD c. Cubao CBD
b. Ortigas CBD d. Fort Bonifacio Global City
55. Boulevard 2000, Pasay- built under the auspices of the Philippine Estates Authority, this 1167 has
reclaimed land is intended to revive Manila as a city of commerce and tourism.
a. Boulevard 2000, Pasay c. Makati CBD
b. Fort Bonifacio Global City d. Ortigas CBD
56. Filinvest Corporate City- joint venture of government and private sector. Accessible to industrial
estates and technological parks.
a. Boulevard 2000 c. Fort Bonifacio Global City
b. Corporate City d. Filinvest Corporate City
57. Planning concept that is one of the most well-known planning ideas, by an English court stenographer
by the name Ebenezer Howard
a. The City Beautiful b. Concentric Zone Theory
c. The Garden City d. Arterial Expansion
58. The first American who is known in literature of Architecture and Urban Planning and for his successful
propagation of mass housing in the United States?
a. William Levitt b. Ebenezer Howard
c. Le Corbusier d. Daniel Burnham
59. Who was the lead proponent of “The City Beautiful Movement”?
a. Le Corbusier b. Ebenezer Howard
c. Frank Lloyd Wright d. Daniel Burnham
60. Who is the proponent of the location theory called “Concentric Zone”?
a. Ernest Burgess b. Le Corbusier
c. Homer Hoyt d. Mann
61. What theory suggests this thought? “The inner-city housing was largely occupied by immigrants and
households with low socio-economic status. As the city grew and the CBD expanded outward, lower status
residents moved further from the CBD.”
a. Concentric Zone Theory b. Multiple Nuclei Theory
c. Arterial Expansion d. Multiple Nuclei Sector Theory
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Nicanor Reyes St., Sampaloc, Manila
62. What theory suggest this thought? “The twilight zone was not concentric around the CBD.”
a. Concentric Zone Theory b. Multiple Nuclei Theory
c. Arterial Expansion d. Multiple Nuclei Sector Theory
63. What theory suggest this thought? “The cities tended to grow in wedge shaped patterns or sectors
emanating from the central business district and centered or major transportation routes.”
a. Concentric Zone Theory b. Multiple Nuclei Theory
c. Arterial Expansion d. Multiple Nuclei Sector Theory
64. Who is the “Father of Urban Planning” and introduced “Grid Planning”?
a. Alexander the Great b. Hippodamus of Miletus
c. Aristotle d. Leonardo Da Vinci
65. What ancient cities that did not follow a single pattern?
a. Egyptian b. Greek
c. Roman d. Babylonian
66. What is a defense in regions periodically swept by conquering armies?
a. Citadel b. city
c. wall d. Market
67. What is the system that divides urban land into uniform rectangular lots suitable for development?
a. Grid b. Linear
c. Organic d. Composite
68. What do you call to the rule codified the Spanish colonial cities in the New World?
a. Beautiful City Movement b. Laws of Spanish Planning
c. Laws of the Indies d. New Urbanism
69. What is the grandest example of idealized Urban Planning of the ancient Mediterranean World?
a. Alexandria b. Miletus
c. Kahun d. Italian Hilltown
70. What layout of the principle of Ideal Cities that is devised for hillside and flat lands?
a. Central Layout b. Quadralectic Layout
c. Plygon Lay-out d. Star-shaped
71. What is the starting point of the town under the Laws of the Indies?
a. Church b. Government Building
c. Plaza d. Marketplace
72. What do you call the street in Ancient Roman town planning that run through North-South?
a. Decumanus b. Cardo
c. Insula d. Mercado
73. What do you call the street in Ancient Roman town planning that run through West-East?
a. Decumanus b. Cardo
c. Insula d. Mercado
74. A shape of Urban Form and Function that describes a large circle with radial corridors of intense
development emanating from the center
a. Radiocentric b. Star
c. Linear d. Sheet
75. A shape of Urban Form and Function that describes usually with two corridors of intense development
crossing the center; usually found in small cities
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Nicanor Reyes St., Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Nicanor Reyes St., Sampaloc, Manila
c. Centralization d. Suburbanization
89. A type of Urban Ecological Processes of moving to the outskirts/hinterlands to escape the “ills” of the
inner city
a. Gentrification b. Invasion
c. Suburbanization d. Block-boosting
1. Which is ethical practice?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. I don’t know
3. Which is an unethical action with respect to the Architect’s responsibility to his colleagues
and subordinates?
4. Which is ethical action with respect to the Architect’s responsibility to his manufacturer’s,
dealers and agents?
5. Which is an unethical action with respect to the Architects responsibility to the people?
6. Which is an unethical action with respect to the Architect’s responsibility to his client?
7. Which is an unethical action with respect to the Architect’s responsibility to the contractor?
a. Knowingly call upon the contractors to correct or remedy errors in the contract
b. Reject any offer of fee professional engineering or allied design service.
c. Promptly inspect each phase of the work completed.
d. Give the contractor every reasonable assistance to enable him/her to fully understand the
contents of the contract documents.
8. In the Architect’s Code of Ethics, to whom does the Architect have responsibility to consider
the needs and aesthetic and functional requirements?
a. Contractor
b. Public
c. Manufacturer’s/dealers
d. Client
9. With regards to responsibilities to his client, which of the following is/are expected of the
10. The Architect may exhibit his/her professional shingle outside his/her office.
a. True
b. False
11. Complete the statement. The Architect shall not ______ in his/her name, advertisements or
other support towards the cost of any publication presenting his/her work.
a. promote
b. solicit
c. undertake
d. compensate
a. Responsive
b. Sensible
c. Artistic
d. All of the above
13. Which of the following is not part of the duties and responsibilities of an Architect?
14. Any registered and licensed Architect shall recite with ________, ________, and ________
the Architect’s Credo during special or important occasion.
15. True or False. The Architect’s responsibilities in relation to his/her colleagues and
subordinates, shall not maliciously, or unfairly criticize or discredit another Architect or the
latter’s work.
a. True
b. False
17. True or False. Any registered and licensed Architect shall recite with fair, hope and gratitude
the Architect’s Credo during special or important occasion.
a. True
b. False
18. True or False. The relations with manufacturer’s, dealers and agents is an exchange of
technical information between them and the Architects.
a. True
b. False
19. Is it possible for the Architect to undertake a commission even if he/she knows that another
Architect has been previously employed?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No
d. I don’t know
20. True or False. The Architects shall abide by the Basic Minimum fee prescribed under the
“Standards of Professional Practice”.
a. True
b. False
21. True or False. The Architect shall be compensated for his/her services solely through his/her
professional fee billed directly to the Client.
a. True
b. False
22. Which of the following is correct? The Architect’s has responsibilities with:
a. The people, his/her client, contractor, manufacturers, dealers and agents and to
his/her colleagues and subordinates.
b. The people, client and contractor.
c. The client only.
d. None of the Above.
23. Which is not included in pre-design services?
a. Architectural research
b. Consultation
c. Evaluation
d. Space planning
24. These involve the procurement, analysis and use of secondary information gathered for
the project to aid the Client in early decision-making.
a. Consultation
b. Pre-feasibility studies
c. Architectural research
d. Architectural programming
25. These studies will set the project against present and future trends to forecast how it will
perform over time.
a. Case study
b. Feasibility studies
c. Architectural research
d. Pre-feasibility studies
26. This entails the formulation of site criteria, assistance to the Client in site evaluation as
well as analysis to determine the most appropriate site/s for a proposed project or building
a. Site zoning
b. Site selection
c. Site utilization
d. Site planning
28. _________ entails the conduct of primary and secondary researches and assembled facts
used as basis for conclusion.
a. Architectural research
b. Case study
c. Interview
d. Consultation
29. This analytical problem-seeking process will lead to the statement and identification of
both horizontal and vertical requirements in offering a solution.
a. Space planning
b. Architectural programming
c. Architectural research
d. Design solution
30. The _______ determines the adequate size and appropriate configuration and assemblage
for a proposed project in consideration of the use, allocation and interface of spaces for given
a. Structural engineer
b. Interior designer
c. Architect
d. Civil engineer
31. In space management studies, the formulation of the __________ will serve as the basis
for the development of the architectural plan/design.
a. Space planning
b. Space program
c. Matrix diagram
d. Bubble diagram
32. This technique is applied in the cost management process to minimize the negative effect
of simplified operations associated with many cost-reduction programs.
a. Estimate
b. Design management
c. Bidding phase
d. Value management
33. The goal of value management is to achieve an impaired program at minimum cost.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. I don't know
34. Under design brief preparation, the Architect states the project _________ including the
concept, objectives and other necessary requirements to bid out architectural services (whether
public or private).
a. Terms of reference
b. Reference
c. Criteria
d. Interface
35. The Architect can act as the ________ of the Owner by producing and coordinating the
additional activities necessary to complete the services.
a. Consultant
b. Agent
c. Project manager
d. Construction manager
36. The Architect’s compensation is based on the Architect’s / architectural firm’s talents,
skill, experience, imagination, and on the type and level of professional services provided.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. I don’t know
37. This method of compensation is based on technical hours spent and does not account for
creative work since the value of creative design cannot be measured by the length of time the
designer has spent on his work.
38. This method of compensation is frequently used where there is continuing relationship
involving a series of Projects.
39. This method may be applied to government projects since they entail more paper work
and time-consuming efforts.
40. The architect consults with the Owner to ascertain the ___________ and related
requirements of the project and confirms such requirements with him.
a. Conceptual framework
b. Theoretical framework
c. Design concept
d. Space requirements
41. The architect reviews and refines the owner’s ___________ and translates them into an
architectural program.
a. Conceptual framework
b. Theoretical framework
c. Design concept
d. Space requirements
42. Under the schematic design phase, which is not included on the responsibilities of the
a. Evaluates the Owner’s program, schedule, budget, project site and proposes methods of project
b. Prepares the initial line drawings representing design studies leading to a recommended
solution, including a general description of the project for approval by the Owner.
c. Prepares an initial statement of probable construction cost.
d. Submits to the Owner a Statement of the Probable Project Construction Cost (SPPCC) based on
current cost parameters.
43. This phase consists of the preparation of schematic design studies derived from the Project
Definition Phase, leading to conceptual plans.
44. Which of the following architectural drawings is included in design development document
a. Sections
b. Architectural plans
c. Elevations
d. All of the above
45. In contract document phase, the architect submits to the Owner ___ sets of all construction
drawings and technical specifications for purposes of obtaining a building permit.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
46. The _______ makes decisions on all claims of the Owner and Contractors on all matters
relating to the execution and progress of work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents
a. Project manager
b. Construction manager
c. Architect
d. Civil engineer
47. The Architect shall be required to make exhaustive or continuous 8-hour on-site supervision
to check on the quality of the work involve.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. I don’t know
48. The architect is responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the Construction work in
accordance with the Contract Document.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. I don’t know
49. When the Architect is requested by the Owner to do the full-time supervision, his services and
fees shall be covered separately in conformance with the applicable and appropriate SPP
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. I don’t know
50. ___________ is a holder of a valid Specialist Architect that has been issued by the Board
and/or the Commission, upon due qualification or accreditation of the IAPOA.
a. Architect
b. Consulting Architect
c. Architect-of-Record
d. Architect in charge of construction
51. The consulting architect in this area of practice must know the detailed planning and design to
control sound transmission for compatibility with the architectural design concept.
a. Acoustic Design
b. Architectural Interior
c. Facilities Maintenance Support
d. Building Components
52. Road and transit networks, land-sea-air linkages, the movement of people and goods from one
place to another.
a. Socio-Cultural Component
b. Economic Component
c. Physical Component
d. Transport Component
53. The Architect in this area of practice undertakes a scientific study on the built environment’s
well-being, which allows the Architect to focus on the ways in which the building/structure
can best maintain itself and prolong its life in a cost-efficient manner.
a. Forensic Architecture
b. Building Systems Design
c. Structural Conceptualization
d. Special Building /Facility Planning and Design
54. It refers to the orderly arrangement of the vertical structures such as buildings and
monuments, as well as the horizontal developments such as right-of-way and open spaces in a
piece of land or property.
a. Site Planning
b. Site Development Plan
c. Physical Planning
d. Comprehensive Development Planning
55. Specifically mentioned under Sec. 3 and 14 of R.A. 9266, involves the detailed planning and
design of the indoor/enclosed areas of any proposed building/structure, including retrofit,
renovation, rehabilitation or expansion work which shall cover all architectural and utility
aspects, including the architectural lay-outing of all building engineering systems found
a. Site Development Planning
b. Architectural Interior
c. Acoustic design
d. Forensic Architecture
56. How many percentage of the total cost should the architect get from a specialized
architectural services?
a. 20 %
b. 5 %
c. 15 %
d. 10 %
57. Its the space planning, architectural lay-outing and utilization of spaces within and
surrounding a specific building/structure in relation with the existing natural and/or built
environments have to be a well-coordinated effort so that both the building/structure and the
host environment shall act as one.
a. Site Development Planning
b. Comprehensive Development Planning
c. Site and Physical Planning
d. None of the Above
58. The Consulting Architect in this area of practice must have more than the basic knowledge of
knowing the materials, its types, categories, etc., also he/she must be aware of the
specifications and know the science of materials.
a. Building Components
b. Structural Conceptualization
c. Building Appraisal
d. Forensic Architecture
59. Which Consulting Architect identifies existing land use, resources, social behavior and
interaction; undertakes environmental analysis, demographic analysis and feasibility studies;
examines existing laws, ordinances, political/social constraints; and prepares the conceptual
development plans, policies, implementing strategies to arrive at the desired comprehensive
and/or master planning solutions.
a. Comprehensive Development Planning Services
b. Site and Physical Planning Services
c. Architectural Research Methods
d. Post-Design Services
60. The suitably trained and experienced consulting architect in this area of architectural practice
provides research assessment, recording, management, interpretation, and conservation of
historical heritage.
a. Site development planning
b. Security evaluation and planning
c. Historic and heritage conservation and planning
d. Management of Architectural Practices
61. Scientific study on the built environment's well-being.
a. Building testing and commissioning
b. Architectural interiors
c. Facilities Maintenance Support
d. Forensic Architecture
62. The Architect in this area of practice recommends the systematic process of ensuring that a
building/structure’s array of systems is planned, designed, installed and tested to perform
according to the design intent and the building’s operational needs.
a. Building Environment Certification
b. Building Testing and Commissioning
c. Building System Design
d. Security Evaluation and Planning
63. What does the document 204-a all about?
64. In Doc 204-a the _____________ who orders for the implementation of the project.
a. Project Manager c. Contractor
b. Owner d. Architect
65. Who will be notify if there is any material or any portion of the work does not conform to
specifications or if unacceptable in quality in construction?
a. Project Manager c. Contractor
b. Owner d. Architect
67. The Construction Supervision Group is paid by the owner either on a salary basis or on an
agreed flat rate per month and over time work is paid on a higher rate.
a. True c. Sometimes
b. False d. None of the above
68. The Construction Manager could be a member of the staff of the owner or he could be
independent individual or firm hired by the owner to manage the construction of particular
a. True c. Sometimes
b. False d. None of the above
a. Professional
b. Has a long experience in construction
c. An Architect or Engineer
d. None of the above
71. Up to what percent of basic fixed fee of estimated construction cost is the total
a. 1-2% c. 1 ½ -3%
b.1 ½ - 2% d. 1-3%
72. It is one function of Construction Management.
a. Budget of the whole project
b. Cost and Time control
c. Plans and specs.
d. None of the above
73. What is the rate of the Management Fee for Post Construction Services based on percentage
of gross rentals?
a. 2-5 %
b. 3-4 %
c. 3-5 %
d. 4-6%
75. The Architect may enter into contract with the Owner in how many possible ways?
a. 4
b. 2
c. 1
d. 3
76. Which of the fllowing statement is true? Upon the request of the Owner, the Architect shall:
a. Determine the effectiveness of the various building systems and the materials system
in use.
b. Evaluate the initial design program vs. the actual use of the facility.
c. Assist the proper third parties in evaluating the functional effectiveness of the design and
construction process undertaken.
d. All of the above.
77. In the Architect’s post-construction services, under which services does the Architect evaluate
the plan’s functional and construction design effectiveness?
a. A building/equipment maintenance.
b. Post-construction evaluation.
c. Comprehensive services
d. Building/grounds administration.
78. Aside from the Architect, who else can have prime responsibility for the plan/design of the
a. Project manager
b. Specialist consultant
c. Contractor
d. Civil engineer
79. The _______ makes decisions on the project and assures that funds are available to complete
the project.
a. Architect
b. Project manager
c. Owner
d. Specialist consultant
80. He/she will plan, program and monitor the various activities, and will act as an adviser on
material costs and construction methods.
a. Architect
b. Project manager
c. Owner
d. Specialist consultant
81. The architect may expand his staff by hiring the experts needed, or he may form a team
consisting of professionals except:
a. Engineers
b. Market analysis
c. Psychologist
d. Lawyer
82. Upon completion of the project, if there is realized savings from the estimated project
construction cost; the whole savings will be going back to the owner.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. I don’t know
83. The project construction cost is guaranteed by the Architect not to exceed at what percentage
of the estimated project construction cost.
a. 5 %
b. 10%
c. 15 %
d. 20 %
84. The Architect does not advance any money for payment of expenditures connected with the
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. I don’t know
85. The Architect may be involved in construction, including that of his own design, by adopting
a/an ___________.
a. Partnership
b. Arrangement
c. Collaboration
d. Communication
86. The Architect may appoint, subject to the Owner/ Client’s approval, aside from the usual labor
personnel required.
a. Construction superintendent,
b. Time keeper
c. Property clerk
d. All of the above
87. An Architectural Design Competition can be classified as, except for:
a. For actual Projects proposed for implementation
b. Ideas competition
c. According to degree of complexity based on the project classification
d. None of the Above
88. The people are appointed by the owner to assess the entries to the competition.
a. Professional Adviser
b. Jury
c. Technical Adviser
d. Competition Secretariat
89. The Professional Advisor supervises the conduct of ADC and the preparation of the
conditions. He will assist the Jury and is allowed to vote.
a. True
b. False
90. All designs, including those disqualified by the Jury, shall be exhibited. The exhibition shall
be open to the public free of charge.
a. True
b. False
91. Which law covers the ownership and copyright provisions of worked done?
a. R.A. No. 8293 Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
b. R.A. No. 8927 Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
c. R.A. No. 8927 Intellectual Code of the Philippines
d. R.A. No. 8293 Intellectual Code of the Philippines
92. The prizes awarded for ADC must be related to the following except for:
a. The amount of work
b. Size and complexity of work
c. The time of work
d. The expenses incurred
93. The competitors are allowed to name themselves during the competition. They are identified
during the ADC for better judgement and background.
a. True
b. False
94. The condition for National ADC, whether single or two (2)-stage, upon or limited shall state
clearly the following except for:
a. The purpose of the ADC and the intentions of the Owner
b. The nature of the problem to be solved
c. All the requirements which competitors must meet
d. None of the Above
a. Registration permit
b. Temporary/Special permit
c. Clearance Permit
d. Building permit
97. It refers to an individual not a citizen of the Philippines who wants to work as an Architect
a. Foreign Student
b. Construction Manager
c. Foreign Consultant/Architect
d. Architect of Record
98. What is (PCA) stands for?
a. Professional Consulting Architect
b. Professional Consultant Architect
c. Professional Consulting Agencies
d. Project Consulting Architect
99. Generally refers to any organization under the umbrellas of the CBNE and PTC.
a. APO c. PCA
b. PACS d. RLA
100. Consulting Architect must fix his/her _____________ and seal on all Architectural
a. Picture c. Signature
b. Professional license number d. Name