Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
3.DIVYA KHARADE B190264258
Search Engine and SEO
Submitted by
is a bonafide student of this institute and the work has been carried out by him/her under the
guidance of Prof N.V Gawali and it is approved for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of
Savitribai Phule Pune University, for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering
(Computer Engineering).
Place: Pune
Search Engine and SEO
It gives us pleasure in presenting the project report on ‘Optimizing a Web Search Engine’
Firstly, we would like to express our indebtedness appreciation to our guide Prof. A. A.
Bamanikar her constant guidance and advice played very important role in making the
execution of the report. She always gave us her suggestions that were crucial in making this
report as flawless as possible.
We would like to express our gratitude towards Dr. R.V. Patil Head of Computer Engineering
Department and Principal P.D.E.A. College of Engineering for his kind co-operation and
encouragement which helped us during the completion of this report.
Also, we wish to thank to all faculty members for their whole-hearted co-operation for
completion of this report. We also thank our laboratory assistants for their valuable help in
Search Engine and SEO
This paper is an analytic review of literature focused on search engine and search engine
optimisation techniques from period 2005 to 2016. The paper focuses on various features of
search engine optimization that will help the users to get the relevant and
adequate information needed.
The search engine optimisation techniques examine on the ranking of the search engine based
on different features like page hit ratio, frequency of hits, on site.
Search engines play important roles in the success of the Web, search engines helps any
Internet user to rapidly find relevant information. But the unsolved problems of current search
engines have led to the development of the semantic Web. In the environment of semantic
Web, the search engines should be more useful and efficient for searching the relevant Web
information. In this paper we have presented the architecture of a semantic search engine, and
our work shows how the fundamental elements of the semantic search engine can be used in
the fundamental task of information retrieval. And then an improved algorithm based on TFIDF
algorithm was proposed to guarantee the retrieve information resources in a more efficient
Keywords: Search engine, search engine optimisation techniques, page rank, web usage,
keyword selection, search ranking, keyword analysis.
Search Engine and SEO
List of Figures i
List of Tables ii
Search Engine and SEO
Search Engine and SEO
Search engine optimization is important in all the aspects like management, marketing,
production, strategy etc. It helps users to get right and new information through different
features like Website URL, Keywords and Keyword groups, Code structure, Link. Search engine
optimization also includes root dictionary, site map, site navigation, usage of social media. (Yalcona
& Koseb,2010). According to internet world stats June (2016), Asia has the leading position (49.6%)
among all other countries for internet users world-wide followed by Europe (17%), Latin
America/carib, (10.7%), Africa (9.4%), North America(8.9%), Middle east(3.7%) and
Oceania/Australia (0.8%).
The report also states that there are 462,124,989 Internet users in India (June 2016) which
makes it second highest among all the Asian countries after China. Currently the Internet
penetration in India is 36.5%. According to Net market share report (April, 2016), the total market
share of google is 71.11% followed by Bing (10.65%), Baidu (8.73%), Yahoo (7.52%), Ask (0.23%),
AOL (0.13%) and Excite (0.02%).
Search engine queries frequently have duplicate terms in the search string. Several companies use
duplicate words to name their brand or website. For example, pizza is a popular brand name of a
very large chain of pizzerias in Canada. Another example is the official website “” of
the English musical and multimedia group “The”. Similarly, there are many examples where
duplicate terms have a special meaning when a user is searching for information through a search
SEO is a process that uses a search principle for SE to acquire higher ranking for Web Pages or
websites to enhance the probability of website access. With the occurrence of Bing, Yahoo, Google
and Ask the SEO principles and SE innovations have been in the process of development. SE is a
methodology which depends on various techniques using a computer program to collect data from
the Internet and organizing and processing the searched information for displaying the search
results to the users in a systematic way. A SE contains four working areas: searcher, indexer, hunter,
and user. SE is not only the necessary function of the website to provide a convenience for users, but
it is also an effective tool of understanding web user’s behavior. Effective SE allows users to discover
the target information quickly and accurately.
At present, the major Internet SE are Google, Yahoo, Bing and so on. Search engines explore
websites contents to collect data about a website. Therefore, there is a need to optimize a website
to make it search engine friendly. This will help to bring a website in top search results. The SE
programs are called “crawlers” or “spiders”. Crawler: Crawler used for retrieving the web pages and
web contents. A Web crawler begins visit a list of URLs called the seeds. The crawler visits URLs, it
differentiates every one of the hyperlinks in the page and adds them to the URLs visit list called the
crawl frontier. Search engines crawl the Web to see what is there. Spiders: In this many Web pages
contains other web page links; a spider can begin anywhere. When it sees a link to another page, it
goes off and brings it. A spider visits Websites and creates a search index on basis read their page
and other information.
Search Engine and SEO
Retrieving information simply means finding a set of documents that is relevant to the user query. A
ranking of the set of documents is usually also performed according to their relevance scores to the
query. The most used query format is a list of keywords, which are also called terms. IR is different
from data retrieval in databases using SQL queries because the data in databases are highly
structured and stored in relational tables, while information in text is unstructured. There is no
structured query language like SQL for text retrieval.
First of all, efficiency is a paramount issue for Web search, but is only secondary in traditional IR
systems mainly due to the fact that document collections in most IR systems are not very large.
However, the number of pages on the Web is huge. For example, Google indexed more than 8 billion
pages when this article was written. Web users also demand very fast responses. No matter how
effective an algorithm is, if the retrieval cannot be done efficiently, few people will use it.
Web pages are also quite different from conventional text documents used in traditional IR systems.
First, Web pages have hyperlinks and anchor texts, which do not exist in traditional documents
(except citations in research publications). Hyperlinks are extremely important for search and play a
central role in search ranking algorithms as we will see in the next section. Anchor texts associated
with hyperlinks too are crucial because a piece of anchor text is often a more accurate description of
the page that its hyperlink points to. Second, Web pages are semi-structured. A Web page is not
simply a few paragraphs of text like in a traditional document. A Web page has different fields, e.g.,
title, metadata, body, etc. The information contained in certain fields (e.g., the title field) is more
important than in others. Furthermore, the content in a page is typically organized and presented in
several structured blocks (of rectangular shapes). Some blocks are important, and some are not
(e.g., advertisements, privacy policy, copyright notices, etc.). Effectively detecting the main content
block(s) of a Web page is useful to Web search because terms appearing in such blocks are more
Finally, spamming is a major issue on the Web, but not a concern for traditional IR. This is so
because the rank position of a page returned by a search engine is extremely important. If a page is
relevant to a query but is ranked very low (e.g., below top 30), then the user is unlikely to look at the
page. If the page sells a product, then this is bad for the business. In order to improve the ranking of
some target pages, “illegitimate” means, called spamming, are often used to boost their rank
positions. Detecting and fighting Web spam is a critical issue as it can push low quality (even
irrelevant) pages to the top of the search rank, which harms the quality of the search results and the
user’s search experience.
Search Engine and SEO
Search Engine and SEO
• Online reviews: Devise a strategy for collecting customer testimonials on your Google Business
Profile (formerly Google My Business), Yelp, and other pertinent review sites.
• Brand signals: Actions like people entering your company’s name into a search box or interacting
with your social profiles show Google that your business is real. Brand awareness and social
media marketing help your off-page SEO efforts.
Search Engine and SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is defined as “SEO is a method that uses search
principles for search engines to provide the higher ranking to the more suitable webpage.”
(Gupta &Agrawal & Gupta, 2016). Different researchers have given different definition
of search engine optimization as given below:
Search Engine and SEO
Search Engine and SEO
Also, Google (2008) has given the definition of Search Engine Optimization as “SEO involves
creating or modifying a Web site in a way that makes it easier for search engines to both crawl and
index [its] content”.
Aanchal Kakkar have studied that the PR of page is calculated by google spider once it come in
contact with it which has no idea nearly the contented or size of the page or the language and the
text used in the link.URL strips off to the parent page when present on the toolbar.
With the proper understanding of page rank under different cases we have summarized the result as
I. The normalized probability distribution of page rank will be 1.0
II. When number of pages includes and when we start page with 1, the little iterations
required to converge to a suitable result.
Search Engine and SEO
Kai Li, We have study that PSM and SEO are two main advertising services available to advertisers in
search engine marketing. In this study, we build two mathematical models, one in microeconomic
method and another in game theoretic method, to analyze the competition between PSM and SEO.
Search engine quality, which is divided into two dimensions: algorithm effectiveness and algorithm
robustness, is introduced as an important factor in the model. Based on search engines, algorithm
effectiveness brings in online searchers which are recipients of online advertisements that are the
revenue source of both PSM and SEO. Algorithm strength helps search engines to keep away from
SEO firms’ chasing and reduce the noise made by SEO firms in organic searching. This enhances the
searching experience of online searchers in organic searching, and also positively influences the
searchers’ clicks of sponsored links. SEO firms always have motivations to chase search engines in
search algorithm, so search engines have to keep running away to maintain their algorithm
robustness. However, when a search engine has a relatively low level of algorithm effectiveness,
keep investing in algorithm robustness contrarily reduces the total revenue. SEO is an interesting but
not well studied issue in the online advertising area. In this study, we endeavor to break down the
supportability of SEO firms, and explore the effect of SEO and different factors on SEP's benefit. A
few fascinating bits of knowledge rise up out of the examination of the SEO firms' supportability. To
begin with, the supportability of SEO firms depends, in any case, on the promoters' readiness to-pay
for web based publicizing. As this valuation ascends after some time, SEO firms offer favorable
position over paid inquiry. This outcome is principally because of the diverse estimating
arrangements received by the web crawler and SEO firms. Also, algorithm heartiness has a
monotonic negative impact on the manageability of SEO on the grounds that it legitimately limits the
act of SEO. The viable ramifications, consequently, is that SEP could improve its benefit through
steady learning and "outflank" SEO firms, with the goal that its outcomes are less defenseless
against SEO practice all in all. Thirdly, algorithm viability decidedly influences the maintainability of
SEO firm. All the more imperatively, a web search tool is conceivably subject to "without riding"
impact from SEO firms, in view of the parasitic idea of these organizations. As the web index put
resources into algorithm adequacy improvement, SEO firms may likewise profit by this venture since
more web crawler client implies more clicks in the two sides of web crawler. So as to receive a more
full reward from speculation, SEP has the motivating force to improve its algorithm vigor in the
meantime. This marvel has been as often as possible saw in Google Dance Syndrome, a purposeful
endeavor at improving its algorithm strength. Because of the extension requirement and the kind of
the investigation, there are a few confinements to this examination. Initially, the uniform circulation
supposition of publicists' readiness to-pay is shortsighted as a general rule. Second, the model is
constrained in publicists in a single industry. One conceivable augmentation is to demonstrate
industry distinction and promoter contrast with a various leveled circulation and in this way,
separate the two impacts. The outcome could yield administrative experiences as far as market
division. Then again, level separation model could be utilized to address the promoter heterogeneity
in keyword inclinations.
Wang Bin we have studies that University website for search engine optimization strategy research
has broad application value, it has profound guiding significance to improve website ranking, this
article from the website design, keywords, web pages, links and so on several aspects to discuss SEO
technology optimization and do search engine optimization (SEO) during the practice process for our
Search Engine and SEO
web site for. Through SEO optimization, our website has been well promoted, which has raised the
visibility of our college and has established a good brand effect.
Surbhi Chhabra analyzed that each web search tool is partitioned into assorted modules including
crawler module on which web index depends the most. A crawler is used to download and store
web pages for internet searcher. For any crawler two issues should be considered. First the crawler
should organize and select a strategy to decide which pages to download next. Second, It needs to
have optimized and robust structure with a goal to download maximum pages per second including
accidents and crashes. Web crawler is focused on data and can be orchestrated to target what we
require. A superior crawler for large search engine needs to address the accompanying issues: It
needs a profoundly advanced framework design that can download an extensive number of pages
every second. It ought to have great memory administration framework to dodge the memory stack
overflow. It needs to choose which pages ought to be downloaded next. It must be strong and solid
against crashes. It has to be managed by the accessible resources and web servers. To construct a
viable web crawler, different issues should be considered because the size of the web is enormous
and such far reaching scope is exceptionally troublesome. Several crawling strategies or algorithms
are utilized for downloading web pages from the World Wide Web. There are numerous more
procedures and techniques that might be considered for crawler to enhance its execution and
performance. Focused Crawler is intended for highly advanced users who crawl over a small part of
the internet for specific topic. Focused crawler is created to extort only pertinent website pages of
intrigued subject from the Internet with quicker recovery speed furthermore helps in giving Clean
client submitted content against a sheltered whitelist, to forestall XSS attack. Due to constraint of
network bandwidth and time a web crawler can't download all pages, it is critical to pick the most
imperative ones amid the crawling process and going by numerous immaterial pages.
Vishakha Chippier, We have analyzed that survey the working of web search engine and analyses
the role of web search optimization, web crawler, web mining. Increase in the user of web facility
results in insert, delete and manipulate of huge amount of data in web so study of Search engine
optimization, web crawler and web mining for search engine helps to provide an efficient structure
to the system that will handle web data as per the user convenience. Also we have discussed some
of the challenges that web search engine faces in web. To extract, manipulate and presentation of
information are discussed in terms of SEO, Web crawling and Web mining on which search engine
Sana, we have study that SEO strategy—and using the right tools to help you along the way—is
crucial to your success in search. Equally important is ensuring a proprietary advantage that your
competitors will be hard-pressed to duplicate. We outlined a long-term strategy for creating a
powerful SEO roadmap specifically tailored to you and your business. Search Engine Optimization is
constantly changing as new aspects come into play, and others go. Fundamentally, businesses need
to recognize the two crucial fundamentals for high-quality SEO, on-page and offpage. On-page SEO
refers to what a publisher can control directly, whereas off-page SEO basically relies on user
behavior, social engagements, visitors, and other publishers. Organizations must recognize - to have
the top spots in the search engine results page, recognition, support and the backing of others is
Search Engine and SEO
4.1. Keywords Research: A successful SEO begins with keyword research. This is an essential process
to help identify the best possible keywords to target for reaching the potential customers. We will
conduct an extensive study on what people are searching on the search engines for your products or
services. Recommend primary and related keywords based on your business niche and keywords
popularity and search frequency. Usually we will propose the keywords/search terms that has better
KEI (Key Effectiveness Index). For instance, keywords with high search volume and less competitive.
Or the long tail keywords that can achieve better conversion.
4.2. Competitors Analysis: Studying your competitors' website on search engine results and analyzing
the keywords they are targeting and how they are optimizing for their websites. We will then come
out with the best approach and strategies to move your site above your competitors in the search
4.3. Website Analysis: Analyzing the website for its search engine friendliness such as search engine
incompatibilities and errors, HTML coding compatibilities, navigation, link structure, keywords density
and positioning.
4.4. On-Site Optimization: On-site search engine optimization techniques are the actions take inside
your website. After the website analysis, we will optimize the website using ethical and proven SEO
techniques, using approved SEO standards set by the search engines such as Google. We will enhance
the website HTML coding that compliance with (W3C Web Standards), fixing your website search
engine incompatibilities and errors, applying right meta tags, adjusting keywords density and
positioning, internal link structure, improve website navigation structure and URLs.
4.5. Content Creation and Suggestion: We will make necessary adjustments to the existing content
or creation of new SEO-friendly content on your website. This includes improvement of content
relevance base on targeted keywords. Suggestion and creation of relevance articles about your
business, products or services to post on external websites and social media websites.
4.6. Off-Site Optimization: Off-site search engine optimization techniques are the actions take
outside of your website to help to increase your search engine ranking. This include improvement of
content and links popularity. Off-site optimization of your website are important part of getting your
site ranked well in the search engines. We will adopt link building strategies to recruit more quality
backlinks to your website from various reliable sources such as articles, directories, online PR, blogs,
forums, online communities and social media sites. Off-site optimization is an ongoing process that
must be done continually to stay on top ranking and ahead of the competition.
4.7. SEO Statistics Report and Maintenance: We will provide website ranking reports to track the
monthly status of your site perform with the targeted keywords in the search engines and monitoring
of visitors/pageview statistics by using integrated Google Analytics. Paying close attention to where
the potential traffic is coming from, and which long tail keywords people use to find your website.
Base on the stats we will improve your website SEO with more other better niche keywords.
Search Engine and SEO
PR (u) = (1-d) + ∑ PR (V ) /N v
vEB(u )
Where PR(u), (v): page rank of page u, v
N(v): number of outgoing links of page v,
B(u): set of pages that points to u,
D: damping factor (the probability of following direct link, usually taken 0.85).
Where Iu and Ip number of incoming links to page u and p, and number of outgoing links to page u
and p.
Search Engine and SEO
Search Engine and SEO
Search Engine and SEO
Figure 4: Califoodnia|Homepage
There is no gender biasing required taking this website into consideration. As this website is a food
blog, people from all genders will access this site. The searches on this website also doesn’t have any
age limit as a person with a mobile or a PC can access the data as he/she requires it.
The majority of the audience is from the state of Maharashtra and specifically from the financial
capital of Mumbai as the site usually operates for the restaurants in Mumbai. The second highest
number of viewers are from the state of Gujarat. I got the data from the owner of the website. The
owner usually keeps a track of the demographics with the help of Google Analytics and Alexa. The
potential way to help the site grow its user base is through Social Media Websites like Instagram and
Facebook. Specifically, keeping the website updated on a regular basis and editing their robots.txt
file, they can help the website to grow and rank well in the search results.
The primary traffic sources for this website are Instagram users and high school and middle-aged
people. Most of the people visiting the website are using mobiles and tablets and getting referred
through the social media handles. The useful way to reach this audience is through regular blogging
and uploading them on Instagram.
Now, I am working as a helper to the owner to help hi, with all the SEO basics and increasing the
rank of his page. We are now specifically working on the meta tags and limit on the characters to
gain a good authority.
Search Engine and SEO
Title tag: Food Blog | CALIFOODNIA | For the Taste of Readers
Meta Description: For the love of eating and reading. A Food blog on recipes, innovative food
websites, calorie counter, kitchen tips and tricks and many more.
H1: Eat to live, Live to Eat. Food Blog
H2: Get in touch with us.
Title tag: Gallery | CALIFOODNIA
Meta Description: None
H1: Eat to Live, Live to Eat
H2: We Explore, We Recommend • Get in touch with us
Title tag: Homepage | CALIFOODNIA
Meta Description: None
H1: Appeal to Senses • Nutrition & Choices • Happy Experience
H2: Eat to Live, Live to Eat • The Gut Feeding • Chief Resources • Get in touch with us.
Title tag: Instagram | Califoodnia
Meta Description: None
H1: Eat to Live, Live to Eat
H2: Social Feed and Reviews • Diner Reviews • Write a Review • Get in touch with us.
Figure 5: Califoodnia|instagram
Search Engine and SEO
7.4. Improvements:
• Title tags: The title tag for social pages must be changed from mentioning Instagram to
• There must be a Meta Description for the homepage namely: Our lip-smacking senses will help
you dive into the variety of food menu /selection that we bring before you with the help of our
food blog of Mumbai. H1 and H2 does not necessarily be changed. They are alright.
URL Content Content Type Notes
Search Engine and SEO
URL Twitter FB Shares FB Comment
Likes NA 13 1436 73 769 NA NA NA
Search Engine and SEO
URL Seasonality Images Internal Links
Type None Text yes yes All year Text yes yes All year Text yes yes Holidays Text yes yes
Call to
URL Post Type Target Category
action General Indirect Food yes Blog Direct Food yes Guide Direct Food yes
Social Direct Food yes
URL Notes Could use catchier title, poor heading focus
The search bar needs to be updates in order to
improve UX There isn't a lot of content to attract audience There needs to be a clean UI for the social page
Search Engine and SEO
Page Notes
Home The keyword has good volume
The keyword needs to be updated in order to focus on homemamkers
Blog page can easily focus on how your website is about offering different recipies to the
Blog people in their life to make them healthy.
The page consists of a carousel within which people are given insights about the healthy food
Gallery recipies from different households
The page has the contact details to the social media handles of the page and the page
Social handlers.
Table 9: Creating a keyword map 3
7.9 Keywords:
Food Bloggers
food bloggers, food bloggers in Mumbai, food bloggers India, food blog websites
Food competitions:
food competitions near me, food competitions ideas, competitions food and drink, cooking and food
competitions, food blog competitions, food network baking competitions, cooking competitions
food network, food and drink competitions, healthy food guide competitions, healthy food
competitions, hottest food competitions.
Search Engine and SEO
To increase the overall User Experience and User Interface of the website and to make the page
look tidier and attract organic searches: -
1.The search box in the blog page and the social page is very ugly looking as compared to the rest of
the page. If some CSS styles are applied to the page, then the page will look good as a whole.
2.The footer of the page looks a lot bland. The footer in order to look good, always has to be kept at
the bottom of the page as a sticky footer with position as static. Also, the line for copyright should
be a part of the footer.
Figure 7: Califoodnia-Footer
Search Engine and SEO
3.Here we can see that the write a review and dinner reviews is on the same page arranged side by
side, this creates a mess and people usually don’t feel like reviewing the page. Rather, a div block
element with one below another can be great looking.
As we can see, here they have allowed the web crawler to crawl all the pages available on the
website. There are a total of 61 warnings on the page and there are a total of 4 errors namely:
Search Engine and SEO
Search Engine and SEO
Search Engine and SEO
Remedies: - SEO ISSUE: Poorly optimized meta data, descriptions and tags and NAP.
• SEO Affect: Low ranking SERP results
• Recommendation: Implement well-structured and optimized Meta Data:
• SEO Result: Improved SERP position, increased search click-through-rate, and increased website
• Create a list of items to be fixed, updated and/or changed on the website and link profile.
• Design strategy for creating new and updating content.
• Design strategy for adding new links to the website.
• Design a strategy for new keywords and meta data.
• Propose Appropriate solution.
Actions: - Implement the agreed upon strategies. Ongoing review, test and monitor progress for
continual improvement.
Question “can you guarantee that I will get into the top results in Google?”
No two situations are alike. Even if two different websites are direct competitors, each has its own
unique circumstances and factors affecting it. In addition, nobody has a crystal ball to predict what
the market will or will not do, or demand. As such, we cannot guarantee certain results, but with
sound logic, research, and testing following fundamental processes, we can anticipate a high
probability of success. Our references will help to validate this, too.
Search Engine and SEO
Content Audit:
➢ What they do: -
Zomato is an Indian restaurant aggregator and food delivery start-up founded by Deepinder.
Goyal and Pankaj Chandah in 2008. Zomato provides information, menus, and user-reviews of
restaurants, and also has food delivery options from partner restaurants in select cities. Zomato is
also entering into grocery delivery amid the COVID-19 outbreak. As of 2019, the service is available
in 24 countries and in more than 10,000 cities.
delivery business. Every month, about 5% (of the 22 million new users) try out delivery and that is a
no-cost acquisition for us. So, for us, (food-delivery) is not a standalone business.This comes from
the ecosystem benefit they have.
Industry sources peg Zomato’s monthly cash burn at $23-25 million on food-delivery alone, but the
ad business’ monthly revenue of $6-7 million helps trim the company’s total burn to $17-18 million.
For them, the unit economics and cost efficiency that they do is much more than anyone else.
So, if someone else needs to raise $100 million, they can fight that with $33 million.
But they don’t really attract the crowd as they are not very famous among the people. For example,
a food vlogger from Chicago may not be famous in Mumbai. So, some famous food vlogging
channels like Mark Weins, Davids Been Here, etc. which are now quite famous across the world,
Zomato needs to get into a venture with them.
For example, veggie paggi channel on YouTube can be a brand ambassador for vegetarian food on
Zomato. Mark Weins and Davids Been Here can review multiple areas of food industry. Zomato can
arrange fan meets along with these people. This will lead to a relationship establishment between
the vlogger, the brand Zomato and its audience. The blogs of the food vloggers can be attached as a
backlink to the Zomato Website.
The concept of joining a walking tour where there is no set charge and tourists show their
appreciation by leaving a tip is becoming increasingly popular across Europe and the globe. A growth
in budget-conscious travel, an increase in savvy travel guides, and the ease of word-of-mouth and
internet marketing is helping drive the trend.
For the tourist, it’s quite simple: check the tour company’s website to find the daily meet up place;
sign up; take the tour alongside anyone else who shows up; and then leave a tip at the end (knowing
in advance that “free” is loosely employed as a marketing tactic and you are expected to part ways
with more than a handshake). For the guide, it can be surprisingly lucrative on a good day and
favorable reviews are pushing the best ones up the ranks on peer-to-peer review sites such as
One of the most prominent benefits of joining a walking tour is how it allows the individual to really
experience a new destination, as much as a tourist can, within a few hours. Partaking on a walking
tour allows you to feel your surroundings and walk the same streets and paths the locals do. In fact,
in some cities, like Prague, walking tours are the only way to see some historical sites.
A good guide will be able to explain the local culture and traditions and give you other local insights,
Search Engine and SEO
showing you off-the-beaten-path spots, historic buildings and monuments, eat from street vendors,
and see the people. This can speak volumes about lifestyle, culture, and diversity.
You can really get so much more value for your money by taking the time to get to know your guide
and pick their brain a little. Chances are they have some good ideas and recommendations. And if
you have a question about an area, it’s always nice to have a face-to-face discussion rather than just
pulling out your phone and searching Google. Use the allotted time to your advantage. Take note of
any restaurants and favorite spots they recommend so that you can take advantage of them later.
On a regular tour where you pay at least 20 £/$/€ per person, the tour guide is employed as part of
the company and automatically expects compensation from his/her company for the work they
carry out. At the end of a free walking tour, you are usually invited by the tour guide to leave a
voluntary donation, which hopefully reflects your satisfaction with the service. This means that each
tour done this way will be to the highest standards, as the guide will try their best to create the same
great experience every time in order to get paid. Feel free to share with the tour guide what you
thought at the end and if they ask, share your recommendations. Tour guides usually want feedback
and wish to do a good job. They’ll appreciate your opinion and commonly try to apply your feedback
to improve their tours.
Joining a walking tour is a great way to meet fellow travelers. For many, travelling solo is an exciting
adventure with a great sense of freedom. But occasionally it can also get lonely. If you join a tour
earlier in your stay, you may just make a new friend to spend time with for the remainder of your
trip in the city. The fact that you are joining a group with a common language also creates
familiarity, especially when travelling in a foreign country.
Walking tours bestow a lot of flexibility as there are typically multiple times available throughout
the day and don’t typically require a reservation. For tourists, it allows for more spontaneous travel:
if you oversleep or the weather is bad, you just try again later. Spending up to three hours on a tour
also means a full morning or afternoon when no planning is required, and you can trust someone
else to lead the way.
LinkedIn is growing as a platform where people with entrepreneurship and startup ideas find ideas
to grow their business. Zomato can open an account on LinkedIn wherein food industries with
startup mindsets can get in touch with Zomato and hence Zomato as well their own business to
Search Engine and SEO
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./main.css" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="./assets/icon.png" />
<ul class="nav-right-section">
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Search Engine and SEO
Results of Search
Search Engine and SEO
• SEO for Everybody: SEO is not limited to the size of the organization. Any organization
can optimize their website, be it a small business or an established organization. SEO can
work magic on your website if done properly.
• Guaranteed Unlimited Traffic: Once you optimize your website right, it naturally pops on
the first page of the search engine. Which practically means your website is relevant to
the user’s search, and there is a hundred percent possibility that the user will land on
your page.
• Quality Traffic: Unlike Google / Facebook Ads that pops for relevant audiences on
random pages, the audience may be the target audience but not the intended ones. This
is one of the major pros of SEO. The users who visit your site actually have the need for
services and can definitely be turned into sales.
• Relatively Less Expensive: Google ads, in the long run, can be expensive. By optimizing
your website right, you can avoid this. In fact, studies say that SEO brings in greater ROI
(Return of Investment) for users. It is less expensive and an efficient marketing choice.
• Solidifies Your Brand: We are in an age where people trust recommendations from
Google. Doing some SEO magic to your website can increase your brand awareness. It will
help you stand strong in the evolving market.
• Builds Trust & Credibility: Our search engine has become our unsaid advisor, be it
anything. Let us be honest and accept the fact that we blindly trust Google’s
recommendations. People believe these recommendations are trustworthy. Imagine your
website being recommended, it will gradually build trust & credibility for your brand.
• Can Increase your social media: The more you build your trust among users, the more
you are likely to gain brand credibility. The more credible you are as a brand can help you
gain visitors by backlinks. By this way, there is an automatic shift in your social media
• Better Conversion Rate: The user who lands on your website through a google search is
in search of your products/services. This, in other terms, is known as “Search Marketing”.
They are your quality leads. Better optimization enhances your chances of a better
conversion rate.
• On the Longer Run, SEO is a Better Choice: Google Ads pop up only until you are willing
to pay for them. Once you stop paying, your website will gradually slip to the second or
third page if not optimized properly. How long will you pay for Google to bring your
website on the first page? That is why SEO is a better choice in the long run.
• Measurable Results: SEO results are measurable. By this, you can, in real time track what
strategies are working for you, and which are not. This will be of great help to ace up
your games when you feel you are not getting desired results.
Search Engine and SEO
• Time Consuming: Let us get the cat out of the bag, SEO is not something that can be done
overnight. It takes time. We strategize plans, apply them, and wait for them to work. If
not, we carve out plans that will give us desired results. SEO works only by trial -and-error
• No Instant Results: As said earlier, SEO is not an overnight job. You cannot optimize your
website in a day, it takes time. There goes a lot of work behind every successful website.
You will at least need a minimum of six months to see impactful results.
• Not Predictable: The major downfall of SEO is that they are not predictable. You can get
1000-2000 visitors one day and get 0-2 visitors another. It doesn’t go into detail about
how those tools work or what they do.
• You Need an SEO Expert to do the Job: Though SEO can be done yourself by learning
strategies from the internet, you need an actual expert to do it for you. Organizations
hire experts to get the job done quicker and to drive quality traffic at the earliest.
• Risk of Getting Penalized: Just like your work organization, your search engine also
follows a set of rules and regulations to maintain its traffic and provide a great user
experience. You are in safe hands until you abide by them. If you slip them, your website
might be at risk of penalization.
• Stable Ranking – Not Promised: Your website might do amazing and rank on the first
page one day and be pushed down by competitors the next. There are no promised stable
rankings. Your competitors might do a better job and stand your place.
• Appears After Google Ads: Your search engine is a little partial. They provide a special
place to users who pay for them. That is, if you pay for Google Ads, your page is
recommended on the first page even if your website is not optimized properly. Then
follows the other recommendations.
• Do Not Have Full Control: Search engine algorithms keep switching daily. Keeping up with
them and optimizing your website in accordance with them might be a tedious task. It is
sure that you do not have absolute control over everything.
• Get Ready to Create Bulk Content: Creating bulky content is also another way of bringing
up your website’s ranking. It helps in the visibility of your website. Bulk content means
tons of information with a handful of keywords. Irrelevant content can also bring down
your rankings.
Search Engine and SEO
We successfully build clone of topmost ranking search engine i.e Google. Search engines offer users
vast and impressive amounts of information, available with a speed and convenience few people
could have imagined one decade ago. Their capabilities are expanding practically by the day. Soon it
will seem routine to be able to search the contents of vast libraries of books; to find selected
portions of video streams or audio recordings; to benefit from personalized searches that remember
a user’s preferences and keep track of changing geographical locations. Audio searching and search
results will be available for the blind; “implicit searching” will anticipate users’ queries and have
answers ready.
There is the importance of both on-page and off-page optimization method to improve website
ranking. Both optimization methods have their own advantages and importance. In this study, a
review of different available techniques for optimizing individual webpages or the entire website to
make them SE friendly. As a future dimension to this research, we intend to develop an effective and
accurate system for SEO for obtaining a higher rank for the websites in the search results.
Search Engine Optimization is a good keystone for any good web related strategy. In this study, we
show that SEO have different types of techniques. Using those, users/managers can easily find any
result by entering proper keywords and also improve sites visibilities, traffics, time and rank. SEO
techniques can be applied and explored on other search, likes image, video, news etc. SEO technique
is used to modify website and increase ranking in organic (v/s paid). This study conclude that SEO
gives more advance search result and using log tool and cluster algorithm get high ranking by
comparing different sites and URL.
Search engine optimization is a set of technical and content practices aimed at aligning a website
page with a search engine’s ranking algorithm so it can be easily found, crawled, indexed, and
surfaced in the SERP for relevant queries. SEO is about making improvements to your website’s
structure and content so its pages can be discovered by people searching for what you have to offer,
through search engines.
Search Engine and SEO
The future of SEO has a tremendous scope as SEO algorithms change continuously.
technology has become too advanced to be able to predict each and everything. This blog
contains the top 5 predictions made by SEO experts about how the future of SEO will be.
Search Engine and SEO
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