RidgeBot 4.2.1 Datasheet Final-3

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Enterprise Security
RidgeBot ®
Intelligent Security Validation Robots to deliver
Automated Penetration Testing and Adversary Cyber Emulation

Latest Hacking Agentless

Automated Both Hosts & Web Apps


for Enterprise


Exploits Visibility
of Attack

© 2023 Ridge Security Technology Inc www. Ridgesecurity.ai 1

RidgeBot ® automates the enterprise IT security validation

process 100x faster than a human tester

Ridge Security is changing the game with RidgeBot® , an intelligent security validation robot.
Unified with state-of-the-art ethical hacking techniques and operationalized threat intelligence,
RidgeBot® helps enterprises to verify its external risk exposures and internal security controls.
RidgeBot® has a collective knowledge of threats, vulnerabilities, exploits, adversary tactics and
techniques. Acting like an experienced ethical attacker, RidgeBot® relentlessly locates, and docu-
ments exploits, pinpoint security control failures. Automating enterprise security validation makes it
affordable with the ability to run at scale. Working within a defined scope, RidgeBot® instantly
replicates to address highly complex structures.
Ridge Security enables enterprises, web application teams, DevOps, ISVs, governments, health-
care, education – anyone responsible for ensuring software security – to affordably and efficiently
test their systems.

Today’s organizations are facing cyber security challenges attack methods every month, often using tools to launch
from multiple angles. Security teams not only need to attacks automatically. In response to cyber security
validate IT infrastructure has no exploitable vulnerabilities threats, most organizations utilize security testing (a.k.a.
which may be leveraged by a hacker or a ransomware to penetration testing) for their computer systems, websites,
compromise the mission critical data, but also need to applications and networks, try to find risk exposures
verify the expensivee cyber defense solutions deployed before a hacker does. While security teams’ internal pen
can work as expected to detect and mitigate the most testing expertise are limited and expensive, can’t afford to
current attack techniques used by advanced persistent do continuous security validation. Many organizations are
threats (APTs) and other malicious entities. looking for an automated penetration testing system to
Cyberattacks are increasingly sophisticated and forever address this challenge in a more manageable and
on the rise, hackers are developing new exploits and cost-effective manner.

© 2023 Ridge Security Technology Inc www. Ridgesecurity.ai 2

RidgeBot® is a unified system that automates the penetration testing • Improve security test coverage
and efficiency
process and emulates adversary attacks to validate an organization’s
cybersecurity posture. It provides a clearer picture of your security gaps • Reduce the cost of security
and keeps the windows of opportunity closed for malicious attackers by
• Continuously protect the IT
increasing the frequencies of penetration testing, risk-based vulnerability
management and training your defense team with effective exercises
• Produce actionable and reliable
RidgeBot® assists security team in overcoming knowledge and experience results for different stakeholders
limitations and always performs at a consistent top-level. The shift from
manual-based, labor-intensive testing to machine-assisted automation
alleviates the current severe shortage of security professionals. It allows
human security experts to let go of daily labor-intensive work and devote
more energy to the research of new threats and new technologies.

1 Automated Penetration Testing

• Internal Attack • Security Control Validation

• External Attack • Continuous Measurement

• Lateral Movement • MITRE ATT&CK Framework

• Vulnerability Management

Adversary Cyber Emulation

RidgeBot ® Brings 360-degree security validation

within reach of every organization.

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RidgeBot ® Key Functions
Automated Penetration Testing Asset Profiling—Based on smart crawling techniques and
In a given task, RidgeBot® automates the entire ethical fingerprint algorithms, discover broad types of IT assets,: IP’s,
hacking process. When it connects to an organization’s domains, hosts, OS, apps, websites, database and network/OT
IT environment, RidgeBot® automatically discovers all devices
different types of assets on the network and then Vulnerability Mining— Utilizing proprietary scanning tools,
utilizes the collective knowledge database of vulnerabil- our rich knowledge base of vulnerabilities and security breach
ities to mine the attack surfaces of target system. Once events, plus various risk modeling.
RidgeBot® identifies vulnerabilities, it uses built-in Vulnerability Exploit—Use multi-engine technology to
hacking techniques and exploit libraries to launch real simulate real-world attacks with toolkits. Collect more data for a
ethical attack against the vulnerability. If successful, the further attack in a post-breach stage.
vulnerability is validated and the entire kill-chain trans-
Risk Prioritization—Automatically form an analytic view,
action is documented. RidgeBot® provides rick analyt- visualize a kill chain, and display a hacker’s script. Show
ics for risk assessment and prioritization, exporting a hacking results like data and escalated privileges from the
comprehensive report with remediation advice, giving compromised objects.
tools for patch verification.

Adversary Cyber Emulation (ACE)

IT security controls are mechanisms used to prevent, detect and mitigate cyber threats and attacks. RidgeBot® ACE
emulates the adversary by mimicking the likely attack paths and techniques to generates continuous assessment
data to help identify security control failures, resolve structural weaknesses and enable security control optimization.
RidgeBot® ACE has aligned itself with the MITRE ATT&CK framework and maps its assessment test scripts to MITRE
ATT&CK tactics and techniques. This increases the visibility of potential attack vectors and improves the communica-
tion of security control measurements.

Assets Management
RidgeBot® assets management provides a centralized repository to manage enterprise IT assets for security valida-
tion, including assets’ IP addresses, hostnames, OS versions, service open ports, active applications with app
versions, as well as website domain names, DNS resolution and web server versions.

Higher Precision and More Discoveries with AI Brain

RidgeBot® has a powerful “brain” that contains artificial intelligence and an expert knowledge base that guides
RidgeBot® in attack path finding/selection. It launches iterative attacks based on learnings along the path, achieving
more comprehensive test coverage and deeper inspection.

Global Intelligence Security Global Service

Network Knowledge Network

Response Knowledge

Request Feedback

RidgeIntelligence Artificial RidgeBot

RidgeIntelligence Threat Intelligence Intelligence Service
Platform Engine Platform

Threat Attack Event Vulnerability 3rd Party POC Exploit Fingerprint Privilege Escalation Ransomware Attack DNS Global URL
Intelligence 2B 100M 108K Vulnerability 12K 6000 Rule 3500 Vulnerability 1000 Techniques Database Database
RidgeBot ® Deployments
On-Premise Deployment Cloud Deployment

For enterprise environment—deploy RidgeBot® on the For Cloud and SMB customers—deploy RidgeBot® in the
customer’s premise, provides the lower Risk of Infosec Cloud (AWS EC2, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud), have
Data Leakage better flexibility while minimize the initial CapEx investment

Penetration Testing Scenarios

Internal Attack. Launch attacks from inside of Enterprise network with customer’s permission, focusing on exploiting
vulnerabilities discovered on local network and systems.
External Attack. Launch attacks from outside of Enterprise network towards publicly accessible assets such as
organizations’ websites, file shares, or services hosted in public cloud/CDN.
Lateral Movement. Escalate privilege on a compromised asset and use the compromised asset as a pivot to launch
attack toward adjacent networks; discover and exploit vulnerabilities on assets deeper in the network.

RidgeBot Lateral Movement

High-Value Assets

Use the Compromised
Machine as a Pivot DB
DB DB Server

RidgeBot Botlet Server


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Adversary Cyber Emulation (ACE) Methods
Agent-Based Attack Simulation: RidgeBot® uses agent-based Botlet to simulate adversary attacks. RidgeBot®
Botlet can be deployed on multiple OS platforms and in different network segments to simulate real-world cyber
threats continuously or on-demand.
Out-of-Box Assessment: RidgeBot® offers pre-built ACE assessment test templates, make it simple for all skill levels
to assess the efficacy in different aspects of your security controls. The assessment tests are comprehensive and safe
to launch in the production environment
MITRE ATT&CK Framework Alignment: The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a globally accessible knowledge base of
adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. The ATT&CK knowledge base is used extensively
by RidgeBot to create meaningful and life-like assessment test scripts for its customers to challenge, assess and
optimize their security controls.

RidgeBot System Requirements

The RidgeBot® solution is a software package deployed on specified bare metal servers, virtual machines or in the
Cloud. The RidgeBot® software package includes the RidgeIntelligence platform, the RidgeBrain engine, and Ridge-
Bot® plugins. Software upgrades are provided through professional services. We recommend on-premise deployment
for organizations to have complete control over test procedures, findings, and sensitive data involved.

Bare Metal Server Deployments Essential Advanced

Minimum Hardware Requirement • Intel Xeon CPU with a minimum of 4 • Dual Intel Xeon CPUs with a minimum of 6
cores with Hyper-Threadin cores each
• 32 GB RAM • 64 GB RAM
• 1TB SSD • 2 X 1TB SSD with RAID controller (RAID 1)
• 1 Ethernet Interface Card • 1 Ethernet Interface Card

Reference Platforms Dell PowerEdge R340 Rack Server Dell PowerEdge R540 Rack Server
• I • Dual

• 32 GB (2 x 16GB 2666MT/s DDR4 ECC • 64 GB (2 X 32GB RDIMM, 3200MT/s,

UDIMM) Dual Rank)
• 960GB SSD vSAS Mixed Use 12Gbps • PERC H730P RAID Controller, 2GB NV
512e 2.5in with 3.5in HYB CARR Cache, Adapter, Low Profile
Hot-Plug AG drive,3 DWPD 5256 TBW • 2 X 960GB SSD SATA Mix Use 6Gbps
• https://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/ 512 2.5in Hot-plug AG Drive,3.5in HYB
productdetailstxn/poweredge-r340 CARR, 3 DWPD, 5256 TBW, RAID 1

Concurrent Bots 16 32

Virtual Machine/Cloud Deployments Demonstration/Lab Production

Minimum Hardware Requirement • 8 vCPU • 8 vCPU
• 16 GB RAM • 32 GB RAM
• 100 GB Storage • 100 GB Storage
• 1 Virtual Network interface • 1 Virtual Network interface

Concurrent Bots Supported 16 32

Supported Hypervisors and Cloud Platforms • VMware Workstation 15 Pro or higher • QEMU KVM 7.2
• VMware Fusion 11 Pro or higher • Amazon AWS EC2
• VMware ESXi 6.5 or higher • Microsoft Azure
• Microsoft Windows/Hyper-V 2019 or higher • Google Cloud Platform

© 2023 Ridge Security Technology Inc www. Ridgesecurity.ai 6

RidgeBot ® Key Features

Automation Assistance

• Object recognition: Through this function can continue to run without any manual task, provides an automatic response to
module, RidgeBot® automatically identify intervention and achieve the automated interactive scenarios during the attack, so
information such as asset types, data process of security validation tasks. that the automated process of security
content types, record classification validation can be done.
• Sandbox simulation: Using the sandbox
Identifiers and then feed them to relevant • Embedded Fuzzing Engine: Generating
technology, RidgeBot® simulates a variety
modules, so that the entire attack process dynamic payloads for vulnerability detection
of operating environments in the validation
and exploitation

• Turing confrontation: By using Turing • Decision brain: RidgeBot® is built in with decision or a more effective path to
confrontation technology, RidgeBot® can many types of artificial intelligence penetrate the target system.
recognize character validation code and decision-making algorithms to provide • Vector engine: The vector engine creates
simulate manual operations through a smart optimal decisions such as selection and attack vectors and non-linear stitching
sandbox to bypass the manual operation ranking when executions are going down to which enable RidgeBot® to produce more
inspection required by the system, so that branch attack paths. efficient attack with high successful rate
the system can perform an automatic • Expert system: RidgeBot’s is embed-ded toward the targeted system.
execution of security inspection which with an expert system. During the execution
improves the efficiency of security of the security validation, it can always
testing. reference “expert experience” for a better

Risk Analysis

• Topology portrait: Automatically gener- • Proactive situational awareness: • Real time attack action visibility:
ate a topology map from the information Proactively poke the targeted system from Provide real time visibility to every single
collected during the attack, label the risks multiple perspectives to form a multidi- step of the attack, from discovery,
identified in each part of the topology, mensional analysis view and the real-time scanning to exploit attempts for security
and assist administrators in risk analysis graphic models; provide administrators a team to further analyze.
and evaluation. global view of the security landscape.

Vulnerability Mining

• Weakness discovering: Identify possible • Vulnerability scanning: Access and test results are checked to determine whether
weak links on the attack surface and the target system by using packet there are vulnerabilities that can be
check for vulnerabilities based on the generated by an automatic tool and the exploited.
intelligent decision system such as the payload provided by the attack compo-
expert models and RidgeBot brains. nent, vector engine etc., and the returned

Vulnerability Exploitation

• Attack Vector Supported:

Network attack: Explore network attack/Privilege Escalation: After gaining a Gain control of a compromised asset and
connected target machines, proactively lower privilege access on the target machine, use it as a pivot to exploit other target
discover and exploit security flaws on exploit additional vulnerabilities from local to machines on adjacent networks
target machines to gain access Local gain elevated privilege Lateral Movement:

• Attack Coverage • Attack User Intervention Mode • Web Penetration Testing

Host Servers (Windows, Linux, Unix, Enable experienced pentesters to control Support Dynamic Application Security
MacOS and others), Web Servers, the attacks of high impact penetration Testing(DAST)
Application Servers, Database Servers testing plugins, provide better risk control Support Authenticated Web Penetration
(Oracle, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, and attack visibility Testing with built-in web login sequence
MySQL, PostgreSQL and others), recorder utility to support automatic web
Virtualization Platforms, Network login
Equipment, IoT Devices and Bigdata
• Brute Force Weak Password • Automatic SQL injection testing • Customizable pentest plugins
Dedicated security validation scenario for Automates the process of detecting and User customizable application fingerprint,
OS, application and database weak exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking attack vector, vulnerability detection
credential exploit. over of database servers. payload, vulnerability exploitation payload
(scripts and rules) as well as remediation

Vulnerability Validation

• Risk validation: Validate whether the screenshots, shell terminal, file manager, • Risk Assessment: Provide real-time risk
vulnerability is exploitable in user’s real database name or database table name etc. assessment for IT assets being tested,
environment by using proof-of-concept • Kill-Chain Visualization: Visualize the full including health score rating and vulnerability
payload generated by RidgeBot knowledge attack path with attack sequence informa- details & risk analysis
base and auto-exploitation engine. Proof of a tion, including target machine information, • Patch validation test: Retest after patch is
successful exploitation is provided for attack surface exposure, vulnerability installed to verify whether the vulnerability
validated risks, includes privilege obtained, discovered and vulnerability exploited. has been fixed.

Adversary Cyber Emulation

• RidgeBot Botlet supports both 32-bit and • Assessment test scripts are mapped to and Techniques
64-bit Windows and Linux platforms Threat Groups and MITRE ATT&CK

Task Management

• Task scheduling: Support 1) Run Now, 2) ly task cycle • Stealth control: 4-tier penetration
Run Once, 3) Weekly (Daily) 4) Monthly task • Support scheduled pause for penetration testing flow control to control the traffic
scheduling testing tasks to minimize business volume being sent to the target
disruption during a penetration testing machines and minimize the impact to
• Support multiple runs within a weekly/month-
test targets

Asset Management

• A centralized repository to manage security application versions, as well as domain • Configure integration connectors
validation testing’s host and web targets, names and DNS resolutions
active applications/services, OS and • Botlet installation and status

Reporting and 3rd Party System Integration

• Professional Report: Provide professional • OWASP Top-10 Compliance Reports. • System Integration: Support RESTful
security validation test reports with detailed Support 2017 and 2021 versions of API and CEF-compliant syslog
asset information, vulnerability and risk data, OWASP Top-10 definition. Dedicated messages, easy to integrate with
assessment test results, mitigation OWASP Top-10 report templates for web 3rd-party security management
suggestions, and historical trend penetration testing tasks platform.
• Multi-language Reports: Support English, • MSSP Co-branding Reports: Support • Support Token-based authentication
Spanish, Italian and Korean reports. The report customization, and allow a MSSP for API communication
customer can select a preferred language (Managed Security Service Provider) user • DevSecOps Integration: Support Jira
before generating the reports to add its company logo on testing reports Software and GitLab for issue tracking

System Administration

• Support online and offline software updates • Support local management console for or virtual private cloud (VPC) access
• Support user role-base access control for system administration and service recovery • Support two-factor authentication (2FA)
security validation tasks and reports • Support OpenVPN for enterprise Intranet for web user login

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About Ridge Security Technology
Ridge Security delivers ethical, efficient and affordable security validation solutions to enterprises,
small and large. We ensure our customers stay compliant, alerted and secure at all times in the
cyber world. The management team has many years of networking and security experience. Ridge
Security is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and is expanding into other areas including Latin
America, Asia and Europe.
RidgeBot®, a robotic security validation system, fully automates the testing process by coupling
advanced ethical hacking techniques and adversary cyber emulation. RidgeBots locate, exploit
and document business risks and vulnerabilities discovered, IT security controls failures during the
testing process, highlighting the potential impact or damage.

Contact Ridge Security to learn more.

Sales@RidgeSecurity.ai RidgeSecurity.ai/contact-us

Ridge Security Technology Inc.
www.ridgesecurity.ai www.linkedin.com/company/ridge-security

© 2023 All Rights Reserved Ridge Security Technology Inc. Ridge Security, the Ridge Security logo,
and RidgeBot are trademarks of Ridge Security Technology Inc.

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