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Management FBS Club Limited
Sub: Application for Scholarship
Dear sir,
With due respect, | am a student of Department of management, University of
Dhaka. Currently, | am studying 2nd year 1 semester. My father is a farmer, his
monthly income is only 5000, Which is vey low to maintain our 4 member's
| don’t get tuition and part-time job. For your kind information, | don’t get any
kind of scholarship. It is difficult to maintain my educational expense by my
parents. | want to continue my higher studies. | need this scholarship badly.
Therefore, | am requesting to you to consider my situation and give me the
scholarship. | am grateful to you.
Sincerely yours,
Autom Dan
Pritom Das
1D: 076
: oe
Section:A eee
Session : 2020-21
Department of Management
University of DhakaIDENTITY CARD
Degree Name: BBS Blood Group: Be
MOBILE: 01630875227 VALIDITY: 24-05-2023
EU aa
e 220000022596 Signature of Facuy Dear
Thi card is the “property of Faculty of Business. Studies,
Unnersin of Dba This vot transferable. If found
es Studies
Unversity of Dhaka ;
O010525282 160.39!Name of the
Roll No. 076 Batch-27
BBA 1st mester ion 2024
[Course Code] ‘Course Tite [creat |Letior Grade [Grade Ports
leaned [Secure Secured
IMGT 107 [Iniroduction to Business 3 K 375.
MGT 102 [Principles of Management 3 A 3.50.
MGT 103 [Principles of Accounting 3 AS 4.00
MGT 104 [Principles of Marketing 3 Be 3.25
GT 105] Bangladesh Studies a Be 3.25
[Grade Pomnt Equivatence®|
fressranoe [stern [_mareeRarae | teerne [iat Part
fri na tove ae | temo | 375
row 74% A esmca% [ Be 325
eow-64%% a 275
sovs-54%6 ce f 45%649% | OC. 225
fan ae D on E °
(Dr. Farug Ahmed
Professor & Chairman
[ Note’ This is a Provisional transcript. The official transcript will be issued by the
Controller of Examinations, which shall be the final authentic academic transcript)Ga A AT
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FATAL, GATS AR - o¢, UREA - UIGUSTa, Bercern - Teprate, ceett- voattT |
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Der Gt, SIT SETS res aE GT 9,000/-("1S area) Breit Brae
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