MgO Carbon Footprint
MgO Carbon Footprint
MgO Carbon Footprint
For building products, we don’t use pure magnesium (which is highly inflamable) but
magnesium oxide (MgO), which is extraced from the earth in dierent ways
9% is extracted from highly concentrated brine wells, and, the fascinating thing is, it is
also extracted from seawater (25%).
Material Extraction Production Transport
MgO 60kg 60-80% less 140 kg/t 340 kg/t
-Perlite 5%
-Glass Cloth 1%
Researchers have been devoted to optimize the CO2 absorption ability via introducing
alkali metal carbonates or nitrates.
H2O can accelerate the carbonation rate effectively, but the influencing mechanism of
H2O and the CO2 absorption stability in presence of H2Owas not clearly reported.
Source 3: (EXT-4-5) The embodied carbon analysis of a nearly
Zero Energy Building (nZEB) Mg O SIPs house in the UK
To achieve nZEB a building should not exceed energy consumption per unit area per year
(kWh/m2/year). Ofcourse the targets differ by country, for example Austria have set their
target as 160 kWh/m2/year, France 40-65 kWh/m2/year and the UK 44 kWh/m2/year [13].
This paper reports, for the first time, the LCA of a specific Magnesium Oxide (MgO) SIPs
system, sold under the brand name of Dragonboard.
Using LCA techniques, this specific SIPs homes embodied CO2e is 18 kg CO2e/m2/year.
Similar results were found in the study by Peixian Li et al [6] in 2018, who quoted a much
lower figure of 13.3 kg CO2e/m2/year.
These sandwich MgO panels are energy efficient and composed of 3 main layers: MgO
materials on both side and EPS foam in the middle.
However, DragonBoards SIPs panel have a great potential in meeting net zero building
by 2050 if the prefabricated MgO panels were manufactured locally using local materials.
If the substitute to MgO was sourced locally the embodied Co2e of the SIPs can be
subsided significantly resulting very low or nearly zero embodied carbon emission
Source 4: Exposure of magnesium oxide boards to various
conditions for extended durations
MOC and MOS cements have a lower environmental impact compared with traditional
Portland cement with which fibre cement boards are typically produced. This is largely
due to the lower calcination temperature employed for MgCO3 (600-1300 °C) compared
with the calcination of cement clinker (approx. 1400 °C) [13–15]. Moreover, carbon
sequestration via passive carbonation has the potential to eliminate 20-40% of the carbon
emissions associated with the production of MgO boards within 15 years of their
The most important questions here are how much CO2 emissions are generated during
the production process of a bioproduct, how long will be the durability of a bioproduct
and if a bioproduct is substituting a product which is made from fossil resources. The
same way as carbon in biomass has three possible paths – open air putrefaction,
combustion (energy source) and being turned into a bioproduct also bioproduct at the
end of its life cycle faces these three potential paths: landfill (open air putrefaction),
combustion and recycling (being turned into a new product).
The possible amount of CO2 avoided in a tonne of the raw material can be calculated
assuming that a tonne of carbon needs 2.67 tonnes of oxygen to be completely
transformed into CO2, therefore it can be assumed that a tonne of carbon can produce
3.67 tonnes of CO2.
The electricity and heat energy amounts for the production processes were taken from
Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Wood-based
Panels – the average amount of heat energy needed for 1 m3 production is: 0.955 (PB),
0.4 (OSB), 1.65 (MDF) MWh. The average amount of electrical energy needed for 1 m3
production is: 0.155 (PB), 0.115 (OSB), 0.505 (MDF) MWh [13]. Software ECO-it was used
to determine the amounts of CO2 generated using different energy sources andenergy
generation technologies.
A cubic meter of PB and OSB avoid 720kg of CO2 each, a cubic meter of MDF avoid 820
kg CO2. The emissions generated during the production processes of these products are
summarized in the Table 1.
For example using fossil resources to produce a cubic meter of product would yield: PB
363 kgCO2, OSB 201 kgCO2 and MDF 749 kgCO2.
Even though greater amount of carbon can be stored in MDF than in PB or OSB we can
see that if CO2 emissions during the production process are taken into account then PB
and OSB have better avoded CO2 balances than MDF. The acquired results confirm that
achieving the most desirable decreases in CO2 emissions is possible, when the cleanest
energy sources and technologies are used.
Source 6: Contrasting the environmental impact of
conventional walls and magnesium oxychloride walls
The high amount of CO2 emission in the MOC board is related to MgO withalmost 57%
of the share (2741 kg CO2 eq). According to Shen et al. (2016), the total CO2 emission of
MgO is 1.6 tons per ton which is mainly because of the CO2 converted from carbon
compounds of MgCO3.
The acidification of MOC panels is 29.45 kg SO2 eq and the share of MOC boards is about
76% of the total emissions (22.53 kg SO2 eq). 58% of MOC boards’ SO2 emission is
associated with MgO which is associated with the fossil fuel consumed during production
(Fig. 11). The required amount of heat to produce 1 tone of MgO is 4.1 GJ and the total
coal required is 0.19 tons (Shen et al., 2016).
Source of table:
The results show that, for different magnesia, the carbon footprints are 3.937–4.804 kgCO2-
eq/kg of fused magnesia, 2.151–3.064 kgCO2-eq/kg of sinter magnesia and 1.440–2.221 kgCO2
eq/kg of light calcinated magnesia at present, respectively.
Finally, the combination of nuclear power, hydrogen and the carbon capture system will
further pull the carbon footprint down to 0.244–0.767 kgCO2-eq/kg-magnesia.
Carbon Emission:
1.440–2.221 kgCO2 eq/kg of light calcinated magnesia
down to 0.244–0.767 kgCO2-eq/kg-magnesia
Source MAGOXX – Says that for usage in building applications purities between 80-85% are
good enough for the MgO used in a MgO Board.
ChatGPT- Says that Light Burned Magnesium Oxide is used in constructions for MgO Boards
Source 8: Magnesia (MgO) Production and Characterization,
and Its Influence on the Performance of Cementitious
Materials: A Review - Nobre José 1, HawreenAhmed 2,3,*,
BravoMiguel 4, EvangelistaLuís 5 and deBritoJorge 1,*
MgO is mainly produced from the calcination of magnesite in a process similar to the
production of lime from limestone.
This study suggests that the micro porous structure of MgO can be easily and well
controlled by the calcination temperature to attain high CO2adsorption capacity.
In particular, MgO can adsorb CO2 with the presence of H2O [11], which makes it
particularly suitable for capturing CO2 from flue gas containing a certain amount of
water steam release from fossil fuel power plants.
However, the CO2adsorption capacity of existing pure MgO is fairly small (~2 wt%)
One of reasons leading to low capacity is its poor porous structure. As a result,
extensive efforts have been devoted to the development of highly porous MgO for
increasing CO2 adsorption capacity.
In chemistry, the mass fraction of a substance within a mixture is the ratio of the mass of
that substance to the total mass of the mixture.
Carbon storage:
Pure MgO: 2 wt%
MgO Calcinated at 400 ℃ : 3.6 wt%
Commercial MgO 0.88wt%
After calcination of the precursor, the synthesized meso-
porous MgO showed an adsorption capacity of 8 wt% and 10
wt% . . at 25.C and 100.C, respectively.
Source 10: Assessing the carbon sequestration potential of
magnesium oxychloride cement building materials
Magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC) boards have the potential to offset carbon
emissions through carbon mineralization, a process whereby carbon dioxide (CO2) is
converted to carbonate minerals.
Boards (15 years old) contained MOC phase 5 (21-50 wt%), brucite, primary (e.g.,
magnesite) and secondary (hydromagnesite and chlorartinite) carbonate minerals.
In experiments using 10% and 100% CO2 gas, carbonation was accelerated by
approximately 400 and 1600 times in comparison to the passive rate. Integration of
carbonation reactions into MOC board production could provide significant carbon
Source 11: Kaunas University of Technology - Life cycle
assessment of magnesium oxide structural insulated panels
Total 93.09
A4 Transport 0.88
C1 Deconstruction 0.11
C2 Transport 1.4
C4 Disposal 11.79
The total amount of GHG emissions in kg-CO2-eq is 93.03, and this result can decrease
when considering the carbonation process that occur for MgO during a time period of 15
years, with a mean value of 0.07 kg CO2/m2/year. For the functional unit defined in this
study, where two boards of MgO of 1m 2 each are used, the amount of stored CO2 is 2.1 kg.
Carbon storage:
0.07 kg CO2/m2/year – 15 YEARS
Source 12: Carbon dioxide emission during the production of
magnesium binders based on dolomitized rocks To cite this
article: G Averina et al 2022 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci.
1061 012062
1 290
The emission of carbon dioxide in the production of magnesia binder with a low content of
magnesium oxide using the technology of intensified roasting is no more than 293 kg per
ton of products.