Policy - Health, Safety and Environmental
Policy - Health, Safety and Environmental
Policy - Health, Safety and Environmental
At Lethusiya General & Construction we believe that any person whose health and/or safety might be directly
by our operation has the right to be adequately protected from such direct influence.
To ensure that the Health and Safety of all persons is protected we will take the measures as set out below.
Any measures taken will follow a principle of the hierarchy of controls, for example:
Eliminate the hazard, Substitute with less hazardous means/substance; Engineer out all the
hazards where possible
Provide protective equipment and monitor; with the concept of "Reasonably Practicable" being used to guide
the decision process.
Supply every employee with sufficient health and safety equipment free of charge, to protect him or her from
any hazard that they may encounter in the execution of their duties.
Health and Safety training will be provided to all employees at regular intervals and will be based on the
control of hazards that they will be likely to encounter in the course of their work.
Implement a Risk Management Strategy to identify and control risks to health and safety in a participative
Maintain a program of occupational hygiene measurement and corrective actions to identify areas of
exposure and then to reduce such exposure to, as low a level as is reasonably practicable.
Support and encourage all employees to withdraw from any working place, which is dangerous to their health
and safety.
Adhere to sound Safety Management and Risk Control principles and use these to guide us in the way we
operate our company.
Render all assistance to the Department of Labour with regard to accidents and reportable incidents and will
provide feedback to the employees on their findings.
To ensure efficient application of these control measures, we will make use of both internal as well as
external reviews to give us an indication of performance.
We at Lethusiya general & construction commit ourselves to work towards pollution prevention and
improvement by setting new objectives and targets. It is therefore our policy to:
Conform to environmental legislation and bylaws set by local authorities.
Provide employee environmental awareness training
Provide human, physical and financial resources to achieve our environmental objectives and
Audit and review our environmental performance
Chief Executive Officer / 16.2: __________________________
Date: __________________________
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