Mini Projectdrone
Mini Projectdrone
Mini Projectdrone
Session 2020-2021
Subject Code: KMBN252
Session 2020-2021
Subject Code: KMBN252
project work entitled “” for the partial fulfillment of the award of Master of “DRONE
DELIVERY- Make A Step Ahead For Future” Business Administration degree from Dr.
As per best of my knowledge this Mini project work is an original piece of work and has
I wish him/ her all the best for his/her bright future ahead.
Project Supervisor
Department of Management Studies
GLBIMR Approved by A.I.C.T.E. & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
project work entitled “DRONE DELIVERY- Make A Step Ahead For Future” for the
partial fulfillment of the award of Master of Business Administration degree from Dr. A
As per best of my knowledge this Mini project work is an original piece of work and has
I wish him/ her all the best for his/her bright future ahead.
Department of Management Studies
GLBIMR Approved by A.I.C.T.E. & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
work entitled “DRONE DELIVERY- Make A Step Ahead For Future” for the partial
As per best of my knowledge this Mini project work is an original piece of work and has
I wish him/ her all the best for his/her bright future ahead.
Department of Management Studies
I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best
of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published
or written by another person nor material which has been accepted for the
award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute
of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in
the text.
This project is the outcome of sincere efforts, hard work and constant guidance of
not only me but a number of individuals. First and foremost, I would like to thank
faculty guide Dr. DURGAWATI KUSHWAHA for providing me help and
support throughout the Mini Project Report period. I owe a debt of gratitude to
my faculty guide who not only gave me valuable inputs about the industry but
was a continuous source of inspiration during these months, without whom this
Project was never such a great success. Last but not the least I would like to thank
all my Faculty members, friends and family members who have helped me directly
or indirectly in the completion of the project.
Mini Project
• Introduction
• Scope of Innovation
• Feasibility
1. Financial Feasibility
2. Operating/Production Feasibility
• Description
• References
Delivery – Make a Step ahead for Future”. In this project, I would like to make a
Navigation and deliver the product at customer prescribed address. In this project,
we will embed a software which navigates the Drone to Customer’s address with
the customer.Once the product is reached to the customer the customer will get an
OTP and a Call. On getting a Call the customer checks the door for the Product.
Product delivery by providing the Correct OTP & clicking the OK button in the
acknowledgement then Drone flies from there within the 10 Minutes of Landing.
Correct then the product is handover’s to Customer else it will not be Handovers
to Customer.
Scope of Innovation- Drones are being used by the world’s military forces
for more than a decade now. Today, with the advancement of smartphone
technology, it has become easier to produce and control drones. Drones can
in a drone. They can be used for many commercial applications and could
become a critical part of Iot in the near future. The business opportunities and
physical risks of drones will attract taxation and regulation in the near future.
The standardization of controls and capabilities of drone driven IoT will occur due
drone manufacturers who will naturally start to use similar apps, tools and
Financial Feasibility - The sponsor company currently leases their vehicle fleet.
The baseline model assumes the vehicle fleet is upheld; the savings in the model
came from fewer miles and less manpower. The three existing transportation costs
include fuel, maintenance, and driver cost. Fuel cost was variable by location and
was volatile for future predictions; however, the implementation strategy for the
analysis performed was relatively insensitive to fuel. Given a variety of selected
$3.50/gallon ($0.92/liter) was selected. Maintenance cost for drones was liable for
fixed and variable costs per mile. Some research exists on this subject, but the
analysis for this project arrived on a cost of $0.10 per mile. Driver cost was
deliveries cutting back on overtime that remain unexplored. Investment costs include
drone cost, container cost, and infrastructure cost. Drone cost is highly volatile and
Given current technology, $10,000 was a comfortable estimate for a delivery drone.
The current containers used by the sponsor company would not be sufficient for
container to delivery drone ratio was used to determine the number of containers.
Container cost for a secure and safe container was estimated at $100 per unit.
Infrastructure costs would be minimal for the proposed solution of sponsor facility
to customer to sponsor facility. A more reasonable solution like the Matternet and
drones. A simple $10,000 per facility for drone operations was considered. The cost
would cover partitioning an area suitable for drone takeoff and landing. IT upgrades
and other implementation costs were considered separately at $40,000 each. This
would cover required software, hardware, and administrative resources. Again, the
costs are estimated; Flirtey, Flytrex, Top Flight Technologies, and Matternet were
not responsive to academic inquires on costing. Fuel, driver costs, and vehicle
maintenance costs are three costs where drone delivery can create savings. Battery-
powered drones were considered exclusively in the analysis, so fuel cost represented
a direct savings for every mile covered by drones. Appendix E provides further
insight on how the miles saved were calculated. Driver’s wages were calculated by
a function of an hourly wage, how many miles were saved by drone usage, and an
average speed including stops of 25 miles per hour (~40 kilometers per hour).
Maintenance was liable for fixed and variable costs per mile. Vans and trucks had
different costs, but they were collectively combined into one metric of $0.20 per
mile. All of the costs above were used collectively to calculate the net present value
(NPV) based on the results from the operational analysis (further detail on the
2018 data from the sponsor company. Approximately 30- 50% of the data had all of
the relevant fields for analysis. Although there were potential limitations to the data,
manipulation was done to speculate missing entries. Cases where critical data was
specific routes, were excluded from the analysis. Data for airports was taken from
used for distributing packages to consumers during the last mile delivery process.
These types of drones generally have 4-8 propellers, rechargeable batteries and the
overseeing the flight. With drone technology already advancing, the capability of
drone delivery is currently being tested but could include lower costs, higher
operational efficiency, new revenue streams, instantaneous fulfillment, less
congested roadways, fewer accidents and lower emissions. Since delivery drones
are not yet an established solution, a few of the limitations being researched are
package weight limitations, flight time and range constraints due to battery life,
of delivery are no longer the most efficient option, delivery companies are
alternative for growth. The current most popular use cases for delivery drones are
time-sensitive materials such as medicine and food or small items for same-day
delivery drones in the United States, there have since been updated regulations
about the concept. In 2016, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) included
and a maximum speed of 100 mph. It also mandated that delivery drones can only
be operated during the daytime byoperators with a flying certificate and an age of
at least sixteen. In 2017, th United States Senate moved to work with local
officials to test drone delivery initiatives. While this technology has not yet been
brought to the mainstream market, it is being widely tested for various sectors and
use cases.
As the IoT device is already configured to work directly with the blockchain, it simply
from an outside
device, including
flight telemetry,
Luckily, DJI creates a line up of commercial drones that are already able to
communicate with the IoT device directly through standard serial communication. DJI
also has a powerful On Board SDK, which will essentially give us full access to all of the
drone’s capabilities, sensors, and internal flight controller. Combined with a compatible
operations. Zipline, Wingcopter, and Amazon Prime Air are amongst the 10
Delivery drones or unmanned aerial vehicle are pilotless aircraft carrying packages
operators can monitor multiple flying bots at once keeping track of every package
Traditionally, road transport has been the backbone of the logistics industry. But as
urban settlements are getting more congested, it is already hard to reach remote
becoming more apparent. The delivery industry is beginning to use drones to solve
these issues.
a four-rotor drone, two blades spin clock-wise and other two counter clock-wise.
Thus, the thrust generated by the rotation of the blades, along with stabilization
delivery operation.
needed. Guided by GPS systems, drones will be able to deliver packages to the
customer’s location. But may encounter potential obstacles. Whether a bird, tree
or even another drone, automatic sense and avoid systems is required to prevent in-
air and ground accidents. Unmanned traffic management system (UTM) would
control the skies shortly. Built-in sensors and cameras will be able to identify a
nearby object’s proximity and speed, enabling the drone to take a responsive
Applications -
Healthcare delivery –
In December 2013, the DHL parcel
Commercial operations of medical drone delivery have been underway since 2016,
when Zipline became the first sustained commercial drone operation. Zipline has
in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik Drones have been proposed as a solution for rapidly
Star Simpson, which was a taco delivery concept utilizing a smartphone app to
exist as a delivery
system or app led to it being
labelled a hoax. A similar
The USPS has been testing delivery systems with Horsefly Drones.
Ship resupply -The shipping line Maersk and the Port of Rotterdam have
smaller boats.
blood samples and other analysis material, provide automated external defibrillators,
support rescue operations and air transport, and perform agricultural activities.
• “Drones may be used to save lives in out of hospital cardiac arrest due to