Ieema Journal March 2022
Ieema Journal March 2022
Ieema Journal March 2022
VOL 13 z ISSUE NO. 7 z MARCH 2022 PGS. 100 ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/-
Poised for
growth and Transformation
India’s Transformer
Celebrating 75th year
of IEEMA’s journey
30 46 60 84
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4 March 2022
March 2022 5
From the President’s Desk
Dear Friends,
We are nearing the end of the financial year h 8x growth in per capita energy
2021-2022 and the sector is showing signs of consumption from 1200 to 10000
revival already. units
The Govt of India is focussing on Energy Transition h Energy Transition led by transportation
in a big way. with EV and storage and Green
Hydrogen value chain to be projected
h The Union Budget 2022 was forward looking to emerge as global champion
with a clear focus on energy transition and segments
sustainability amongst other things. The h 3% share in GDP from current 0.85%
boost to solar energy, storage, battery and of electrical & allied electronics sector
e-mobility will pave way for achieving India’s We will be sharing this Vision with other Ministries
commitment on tackling clean energy and as well.
climate change. We are now organising physical events again.
h The Prime Minister has called for developing We have announced Distribuelec and Buildelec
a Vision 2047 for India with aspirations of in May 2022. I invite our members and industry
creating a Future ready India as a significant to be part of these events to showcase their
part of the global supply chain, creating technologies and innovations.
domestic global champions. Thank you
h IEEMA participated in the Vision building
exercise of Dept of Heavy Industries, Govt of
India, and presented an overview of Vision
2047 for the electrical and allied electronics
Vipul Ray
6 March 2022
Dear Members,
On 25th February 2022, IEEMA entered its 75th for electrical industry in Electric Vehicle segment
year of existence. The platinum year celebration and on Cyber Security perspective in digital
kicked off virtually with addresses by our Guests of transformation of electricity infrastructure. Next in
Honour Shri Vivek Dewangan, Additional Secretary, line will be the Start-up Conclave in collaboration
Ministry of Power, Govt of India and Shri Jeetendra with VJTI, in March. This Conclave will provide an
Singh, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Heavy Industries, opportunity for industry to understand the nature
Govt of India. A special address was delivered by of technology-based innovation, products and
Prof Prabhat Ranjan, Vice Chancellor, and DY Patil services being developed by start-ups.
International University. While IEEMA unveiled Other significant events of IEEMA viz Distribuelec
an overview of Vision 2047 and announced its and Buildelec will be conducted from 25-27 May,
collaboration with Indian Green Building Council 2022 at BIEC Bengaluru. Energise Empower East
(IGBC). (E3) is scheduled for June, 2022. The 2nd edition
The glorious journey of 75 years began in the of Trafotech DT on 6 May, 2022, while technical
year 1948 when eight Indian companies formed conferences like Cablewire and Metering India
Indian Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (IEMA) will be held in the months of August and
November, respectively.
in Kolkata. IEMA eventually became ‘IEEMA’ when
it started serving the Electronics industry as well in The 75th year celebration will conclude with the
1986. Today, the Association is recognised as the 15th edition of ELECRAMA to be held in February
first point of reference for anything pertaining to 2023.
Power and Electrical Equipment. I urge you to share your feedback and suggestions
To commemorate this, we have planned a year- to mark this 75th year of IEEMA.
long series of events and programmes to mark
the 75th anniversary of IEEMA. Beginning this
month, we will conduct webinars on opportunities Charu Mathur
March 2022 7
leading electrical and electronics monthly
VOLUME 10 z ISSUE NO. 11 z JULY 2019 z PGS. 104 ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/-
VOLUME 11 z ISSUE NO. 1 z SEPTEMBER 2019 z PGS. 108 ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/-
Electrical Industry
records Storage
Growth ofin12.8% India: IEEMA Journal is the leading
A necessity
High Imports to go forward
plaguing the Growth
electrical and electronics Publication Date 1st working day of the month of the issue
Ponthl\ and an oIÀcial organ Cover Pages 210 GSM Art Paper *
of Indian Electrical
& Electronics
he lead
he leading
e t ic l & electronics
lectt ics monthly
VOLUME 10 z ISSUE NO. 10 z JUNE 2019 z PGS. 112 Cheap Chinese goods throbbing
ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/- the leading electrical & electronics monthly
Indian Electrical Equipment Units
c aliing
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9 Growth Advance Metering
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IEEMA Journal
AMR and
IEEMA’S timely intervention IPDS
Policy Support
helps restoration of power supply in
Rates for 4 colours
Customer Service
cyclone ravaged Odisha
is the publication
Data Analysis
Cover Positions
Deen Dayal Upadhyay
Gram Jyoti Yojana
Power for All
ll Use of
MDMS and and non bleed
registered with
n ttervie
Mr A
Mr Anand
nan ndd Kumar
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Mr Anil Saboo, Chairman, ELECRAMA 2020
SME Clinique 4-6 F
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International Presence
ELECRAMA-2020 Promotion in
Front (GateFold) - Half 20 mm [ 170 mm 88,000
Middle East Electricity
From the President’s
IEEMA enters into its 75th Year of
10 March 2022
46 46
In Focus
True “HOT SPOT” temperature of True
Transformers: A diagnostic tool in
conjunction with DGA-A case-study “HOT SPOT” temperature
thereof. of Transformers :
“HOT SPOT Temperature” is the A diagnostic tool
maximum temperature occurring
in conjunction with
in any part of the winding insulation
system. DGA-A
case-study thereof
Guest Article
Challenges in terminal arrangements 63 69
of multiple winding inverter duty
transformers for solar PV plants Expert speak Events and eventualities
Step by step brief guide to Case Studies on
Challenges in Prevent SHOCK AND FIRE
Transformer’s Abnormal
Terminal Arrangements of Multiple Winding in Electrical installation by
Inverter Duty Transformers for Solar PV Plants
Device Earth Leakage Circuit Situation (Part-13)
breaker 30mA (ELCB 30mA) CASE STUDIES
March 2022 11
Siemens Gamesa Will Supply IEEMA Database Worli, Mumbai 400 018.
Phones: +91(0) 22 24930532 / 6528
Turbines for Polish Offshore Basic Prices & Indices
Fax: +91(0) 22 2493 2705
Wind Farms Production Statistics Corporate OfÀce - New Delhi
Prayagraj Power Generation Rishyamook Building, First Áoor,
Company inks MoU with ZaaK 84 85 A, Panchkuian Road, New Delhi 110001.Phones:
+91 (0) 11-23363013, 14, 16
Technologies for Upcycling Ash Fax: +91 (0) 11-23363015
to Sustainable Sand Material Power Sector Updates Email:
PFC bestowed with the
Articles: Technical data presented and views
prestigious “ICAI Award expressed by authors of articles are their own and
for Excellence in Financial IEEMA does not assume any responsibility for the
same. IEEMA Journal owns copyright for original
Reporting” articles published in IEEMA Journal.
A Major Policy Enabler by Representatives:
Mitsubishi Power builds
Government for production of Guwahati (Assam) - Nilankha Chaliha
hydrogen park to test next-gen Email:
Green Hydrogen/ Green Ammonia Mobile: +91 9706389965
technologies Chandigarh (Punjab & Haryana)
using Renewable sources of energy Reema Shrivastava
Government of India sets policy
88 Mobile: +91 9910047001
for Electric Vehicle charging Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Devesh Vyas
Corporate News stations Email:
Mobile: +91 8955093854
ERDA receives prestigious
Applications invited for Ànancial Bhubaneshwar (Odisha)
Smruti Ranjan Samantaray
contract from IntelliSmart (Govt. support to Indian companies Email:
of India) for evaluation of Smart with indigenous technologies Mobile: +91 9437189920
Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
Meters in India in semiconductor & sensors Jesse A Inaparthi
HOP Electric Mobility expands
sector for c ommercialization Mobile: +91 9949235153
footprint to 54 cities in India; Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir)
Mohammad Irfan Parray
inaugurates Ten new Experience Email:
Centres 98 Mobile: +91 9858455509
& Boyce wins INR Sparks Sans Shocks For subscription queries write to:
Edited, Printed and published by Ms. Charu Mathur on behalf of Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ Association, and Printed at India Printing Works,
India Printing House, 42, G. D. Ambekar Road, Wadala, Mumbai 400 031 and Published at 501, Kakad Chambers,132, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018.
12 March 2022
March 2022 13
Shri Jeetendra Singh, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Heavy Industries Shri Vivek K Dewangan, IAS, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Power
sharing his thoughts addressing the industry
On 25th Feb 2022 IEEMA entered into its 75th year of with Indian Green building council.
existence, The platinum year celebration kicked off
The virtual event witnessed the presence of more
virtually with inciting exchange of ideas and thoughts
than 200 people including IEEMA members and past
from eminent speakers and guest of honour of the
presidents of IEEMA.
occasion, Shri Vivek K Dewangan, IAS, Additional
Secretary, Ministry of Power and Shri Jeetendra Singh,
Joint Secretary, Ministry of
Heavy Industries. A special
address was also delivered
by Prof Prabhat Ranjan, Vice
Chancellor, and DY Patil
International University. On
this occasion IEEMA also
announced collaboration
14 March 2022
March 2022 15
IEEMA WIP initiative
International Women’s Day 2022 campaign theme
The Women in Power Committee, IEEMA wishes you all a very Happy
International Women's Day 2022!
his Day is not only for women, but also for society in breaking rigid stereotypes.
T in general to respect and recognize women’s
contributions. The world may not need a particular day
We must eventually progress to a gender-equal world.A
world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.A
to celebrate Women’s Day, but showing gratefulness can
world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.A world
never go in vain, where women are acknowledged and where difference is valued and celebrated. Collectively
appreciated for all their hard work, efforts to maintain we can all #BreakTheBias.
lives of others and have indeed shown huge courage
Kick Start Deliberations on
“Sustainability & Carbon
We are closely aligned to the International
Women’s Day 2022 theme, “Gender
equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”
and #BreakTheBias, that recognizes and
celebrates the contribution of women and
girls around the world, who are working
to change the climate of gender equality
and build a sustainable future, and IEEMA
16 March 2022
March 2022 17
IEEMA WIP initiative
through the launch of the Women in Power Chapter the @IndiaVision2047 exercise, where we partner
is giving a thrust to diversity and inclusion across all the clean energy transformation goals of India, while
sectors. growing per capita consumption, by becoming fully
self-reliant and taking a leadership position in emerging
And on this August occasion on Women’s Day, I
technologies aligned with initiatives like #AtmaNirbhar
would take the opportunity to share my thoughts on a
Bharat and #MakeinIndia. Sustainability and Carbon
Topic where my passion and purpose unite: Kick Start
Neutrality is the Fabric that would weave the entire
Deliberations on “Sustainability & Carbon Neutrality”.
Industry in terms of Process, Operations, Product,
Against the backdrop of turbulence in 2020 from the Technologies, Services, Businesses, Utilitiesranging
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, social and political from Green Hydrogen, EV, Renewables, Green
unrest, and economic downturn, one Àeld emerged Buildings, Carbon Tax, Academia Collaboration, Start-
stronger than before: sustainability.In simple terms, the Ups, Skill Building, Sustainability Audits, Circular
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) are a ‘to do list Economy, Waste Management and so on. This Vision’s
for the planet that will transform the world’. They are a interesting highlights and Way Ahead was deliberated
blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future to all Stakeholders during the remarkable IEEMA
for all. They address the global challenges we face, foundation day Celebration Event 'IEEMA@75 years' in
including poverty, Gender inequality, climate change, Feb 22.
environmental degradation, peace and justice. Also, the Union Budget 2022-23 announcements in
Feb 22 by Hon’ble Finance Minister,involved Inclusive
Development, Productivity Enhancement & Investment,
Sunrise opportunities, Energy Transition, Climate
Action, Financing of investments. Introduction of Digital
Rupee by the Reserve Bank of India starting 2022-23,
would again be interesting from the integration and
operational aspects.
In today’s ever-evolving world, debating whether to
incorporate sustainability into business strategy is no
longer an option. Considering a values-driven approach
This bring back the memories of October 21, just a when developing business strategies can be vital to
day before “Digielec Bharat 2021-Positioning India long-term success.
for the Global Market Place” Launch, where I was The primary goal of businesses has historically been
the Session Chair for the Conference “Zero Ban Gaya to make a proÀt. Today, however, the world is highly
Hero”; there was a constructive Brainstorm during the complex, and businesses’ goals have changed.
Press Conference debating on what Net Zero Targets Leaders and purpose-driven professionals are
India would commit to and whether is would be justiÀed starting to value far more than just their companies’
for a Developing Nation perspective and so on. economic responsibilities; they also value their ethical,
philanthropic, and environmental responsibilities.
And in November 21, COP-26 in Glasgow, India
Sustainability is one such aspect that’s become critical
announced net-zero emissions commitment by 2070.
to how companies operate and impact society.
The role of the industry to combat climate challenge is
of paramount importance,and we have a responsibly to By keeping Three Ps”: People, Planet, and ProÀt in
achieve the same with a supportive ecosystem. mind, a business can measure how well it’s doing in
its sustainability efforts and can ensure they don’t get
overshadowed by proÀt alone.
Stay tuned for exciting activities and thought-provoking
programmes around Sustainability & Carbon Neutrality
and many more topics from IEEMA and the WIP Chapter.
Hope you make International Women’s Day your day
and do what you can to truly make a positive difference
for women around you.
Wishing everyoneHappy and Unbiased times ahead
18 March 2022
March 2022 19
2200 March
Maarcch 2022
M 220022
March 2022 21
22 March 2022
March 2022 23
What the government can do to improve brought into grids from renewables. Therefore, digital
technologies can also provide a good contribution in
global competitiveness of the transformer the grid integration of renewable energies.
To achieve and maintain global competitiveness, What are some of the other promising
strong R &D work on transformers is required to technology trends in the transformer market?
make available the technologies for designing and
manufacturing transformers. Expenses for developing Some of the future trends are automated fool-proof
or purchasing latest design software required for design software, semi-automated winding and core
analysis may be difÀcult to be borne by a single lamination building, optimisation of drying processes;
transformer manufacturer. Optimisation and reliability better on site building technologies to reduce repair
improvements can be achieved only by technical and transport cost, remote on-line monitoring and
development through dedicated R&D. self-correction through embedded sensors; remote
guidance for condition assessment, maintenance and
Government may support to establish a dedicated troubleshooting, using augmented reality. Stable and
transformer R&D centre attached jointly by ERDA and environment friendly insulating Áuids, nano materials
MS University at Vadodara, the transformer capital of and technologies in manufacturing.
India. China already has two such centres for transformer
development, attached to universities. Government can
offer tax beneÀts for the money spent by transformer What is your outlook for Power
manufacturers for the R&D work and routine work got
done at this centre of excellence, using specialised
Transformers in India?
software maintained by the centre. Outlook for transformer industry is bright in
India considering the huge addition in power
India being a superpower in IT, this centre should
generation capacity that will be required to
also develop low-cost transformer software for export
replace the fossil fuels, now being used for steam
to the global industry. Centre can also develop better
generation and transportation. Export potential
transformer manufacturing machinery and tools in
is also good considering the advantages that
collaboration with the transformer manufacturers
the country is having in areas of IT and labour
located in this city.
plus the economies of scales through the huge
Another area where this centre can contribute is in in-land market.
digitalization – in design, manufacturing, monitoring
and maintenance of transformers.
Government should select, guide and support a steel
mill to make best quality CRGO (Arcellor Mitall Nippon
Steel Ltd, Hazira) and an oil reÀnery ( eg Reliance) to
make insulating oil, to meet Indian and export markets.
24 March 2022
March 2022 25
26 March 2022
March 2022 27
an easy repository & analysis of data is available. More ratio in emerging economies of neighbouring countries
importantly, scalability and installation of embedded & has boosted demand considerably.
non-embedded sensors, use of A-I for data analysis
Now with the emergence of the requirement of charging
(DGA, PD etc) will help operational savings and increase
stations for electric vehicles at the national level, the
the transformer life.
transformer requirement will see further growth.
28 March 2022
What are the key benefits of digital What are some of the other promising
transformers (in terms of efficiency, technology trends in the transformer market?
reliability and reduction in transformer An important technology trend is the growing interest
failure rates) vis-a-vis conventional ones? in eco-friendly transformers for reducing environmental
Digital Transformers are going to do more with impacts and moving towards a circular economy.
less, “Knowing more” with sensor technologies Utilisation of Biodegradable Áuids instead of mineral
embedded in the transformer (These monitor and oil at higher voltages and currents, and ultra-low noise
assess, inform, store and connect data, thereby transformers. The need for integrating renewables is
increasing our knowledge of the asset), “Doing more” growing rapidly, creating speciÀc conditions in the
with monitoring and diagnostics (By a micro-processor network such as electrical pollution.
based devices embedded in the transformers), “Doing
better” as these monitoring and diagnostic platforms
What is your outlook for Power Transformers
plug into asset management solutions, “Enhancing
collaboration”, as Ànally, the above-mentioned features in India?
enable access to expert services such as fault root In India, there are several challenges facing the
cause analysis and recommendations for maintenance implementation of smart grid systems. These include
high capital costs and complex integration of systems
According to the CIGRE study, “Guide on Economics to manage the high volumes of data. Additionally, in the
of Transformer Management, Technical Brochure 248”, past decade, the Indian grid has grown exponentially in
the digitalisation of transformers will provide the beneÀts terms of transmission capacity. The increasing size and
at 75 per cent reduction in repair costs due to early complexity require greater system sophistication for
detection, 60 per cent reduction in revenue loss due to ensuring grid reliability. We are seeing more and more
unanticipated problems/outages, 50 per cent reduction utilities going in for sensor-based asset monitoring and
in the risk of catastrophic failures and 2 per cent annual
maintenance solutions.
cost savings, which is equivalent to the replacement
cost of a new transformer. Shalini Singh, IEEMA
March 2022 29
Budget 2022
focusses on enabling
Energy Transition
through Provisions
for Boosting
Domestic Industry -
Mr Vipul Ray
President – IEEMA,
Reacting on the budget Mr Vipul Ray, President –
IEEMA, expressed, “IEEMA welcomes the Union
Budget 2020. Its clear focus on energy transition
through various measures that give boost to solar
energy, storage, battery and e-mobility will pave the
way to achieving India’s commitment on tackling
30 Marchand
clean energy 2022tackling climate change. The zero
Industry Opinion
fossil fuel policy, Battery swapping policy and focus on
charging infrastructure for EV ecosystem will provide
the impetus to a future ready electrical and allied plan is an interesting innovation. In terms of speciÀc
electronics sector”. policy announcements, the move towards self-
Mr Ray mentioned this in the IEEMA interaction on reliance through shield for domestic manufacturers i.e.
Union Budget with captains of the electrical industry. calibration of custom rates to boost manufacturing of
IEEMA welcomed the increased focus on Infrastructure electronics, including smart meters supports the long-
through the Gatishakti master plan and Atmanirbharata term goal of AatmNirbhar Bharat.”
in Defence that will open up more business opportunities
for the electrical and allied electronics industry.
Mr Ray added “The introduction of e-Bill System
for reducing delays in payments is a progressive
step. IEEMA thanks the Hon’ble Finance Minister
for her announcement allowing use of surety bonds
as a substitute for bank guarantee as acceptable
in Government procurements. This will improve the
working capital of suppliers and work contractors. This
has been IEEMA’s long standing demand.”
Mr Rohit Pathak
Senior Vice President IEEMA
“We are happy that the Union Budget maintains
the continuity of focus on increased infrastructure
spending coupled with AtmaNirbharta. To facilitate
domestic manufacturing and to meet the ambitious
goal of 280 GW of installed solar capacity by 2030,
the additional allocation of Rs 19,500 cr for Production
Linked Incentive scheme (PLI) for manufacturing of high
Mr Hamza Arsiwala efÀciency modules is a very welcome step. The idea to
facilitate funding for clean energy projects and further
Vice President, IEEMA,
targeted PLIs for e-mobility and clean energy value
“Battery swapping and support for distributed renewable chain have the potential to change the course of India’s
energy projects are also critical announcements. energy roadmap.”
Distribution sector is critical to achieving the vision of a
clean energy transition. Overall, this is a budget that we
welcome with enthusiasm.”
Ms Charu Mathur
Director General – IEEMA
Mr Supushpa Kaushal
cited, “This is a progressive budget with emphasis on
Chairman, Economic & Taxation Cell – IEEMA Renewable sector, Digitalisation, EV and investment on
said, “The budget is a Àne balance to support economic infrastructure projects will create huge opportunities for
recovery. The inclusion of green bonds in the borrowing our IEEMA members to scale up their Business.”
March 2022 31
Tulsi Tanti
Chairman and Managing Director, Suzlon Group
This was a very crucial budget post pandemic and it will
go a long way in stimulating the economy. I congratulate
the government for coming out with such a growth
oriented budget in challenging times with focus capex
expenditure. This is a landmark budget for prioritizing
renewable energy in line with our commitments at
There is good support to domestic manufacturing
aligned strongly to building an Aatmanirbhar Bharat.
Jaideep N. Malaviya
I especially applaud the green bonds announcement
as this will bring about the much needed investment in Managing Director - Malaviya Solar Energy
Green Energy projects. Battery swapping and support Consultancy, Director – International Solar Energy
for distributed renewable energy projects are also Society
critical announcements which can change the course
of our energy roadmap. “The infusion of INR 19,500 crore for Production Linked
Incentive is welcome to make country ‘Atmanirbhar’
Overall, this is a budget that we should all welcome with
instead should be spread across any Renewable
Energy manufacturing product dependent on imports
“There are some areas where we could do better. and not centric to Solar PV value chain. This will ensure
Firstly, we really need to understand that renewable more job opportunities and more prospects for start-
energy can catalize the revival of the economy but the ups. For example India imports annually over 60 lakh
main constraint is that there is no GST on power sales evacuated tubes used in Solar Water Heating system.”
to complete the pass-through mechanism. The
government really needs to look at this.
Secondly, to accelerate the transition to a carbon
neutral economy and to reduce the exorbitant costs
of oil imports, we must have incentives in place for
generation of green fuels. This is a critical missing
aspect so far.”
Rahul Kale
Founder, and CEO, Sunpower Renewables
Commenting on the Union Budget 2022, Rahul Kale,
Founder, and CEO, Sunpower Renewables, said, “We
are encouraged with this climate-friendly budget and Mr. Vimal Kejriwal
happy to work with the Government in achieving the
goal to be net-zero by 2070. The aggressive allocation of MD & CEO, KEC International Ltd.
19,500cr for Production Linked Incentive (PLI) is a huge I welcome the forward-looking, capex-led Budget
boost for players who are in the segment of product 2022, with a sharp 35% increase in outlay. A strong
development for harnessing solar energy. We are glad focus on improving the safety of Indian Railways, faster
to see the focus and support from the government for implementation of metro rail systems, infrastructure
the domestic manufacturing of solar products. status for data centres, along with emphasis on PM
32 March 2022
March 2022 33
34 March 2022
March 2022 35
Impedance (% Z) –
An Important
Design Parameter
of Transformer
The transformer is an electric machine
which works on the principle of Faraday’s
Law of Electromagnetic Induction which
states that the magnitude of voltage is
directly proportional to the rate of change of
Áux, and is used to transfer electrical power
over the same frequency, but the voltage
level can be altered that means voltage
can be increased or decreased according
to the requirement. Actual picture of power
transformer is shown in Àgure 1.
The transformer has two main parts; core
and windings. The transformer core is
designed to provide a path for the magnetic
Àeld to Áow around, which is necessary for
the induction of the voltage between the two
36 March 2022
windings. The core acts as a support to the windings in Copper is a veryvery goo
ood co c
uctorr of cucurrent
rre ennt but not
the transformer. It also provides a low reluctance path super
a supepe
p er conductor.
uctor So
tor. S
to o boboth
b windings
th win
in diin
ng will
gs wi
w have
illll h ave some
av sso
to the Áow of magnetic Áux. Transformer windings have resistan
a ce. Th
resistance. his inter
This rn
naal rre
internal esistan
resistanceeo off both
t primary ya nd
mainly two types; Primary winding and Secondary seco
c ond
n ary windings iiss collectively
secondary collective
co ely
ly k
known resistan
nown as resistance ance
an c
winding. The Primary winding has N1 number of turns, of ttransformer
ransformer (Refe
ra (Refer
er Àggure 3)..
while secondary winding has N2 number of turns.
Primary winding is used to take power from the source
and secondary winding is used to transfer changed
voltage to the load(Refer Àgure 2). Fig.3 Winding Resistance Of Transformer
March 2022 37
If R1 and R2 and X1 and X2 are primary and secondary other words, transformer impedance is the percentage
resistance and leakage reactance of transformer of rated voltage necessary to circulate full load current
respectively, then Z1 and Z2 impedance of primary and when the secondary of the transformer is short circuited.
secondary windings are respectively,
The voltage drop due to impedance of winding is given
Z1 = R1 + jX1 as:
Voltage drops in the windings occur due to impedance Also the percentage impedance of the transformer is
of transformer. Impedance is combination of resistance given as:
and leakage reactance of transformer. If we apply %Z=VD/E
100 ««. Equation (4)
voltage V1 across primary of transformer, there will be
a component I1X1 to balance primary self inducedemf Where IFLA is the full load current
due to primary leakage reactance(Here, X1 is primary Z is the impedance of the windings and is given by
leakage reactance). Now if we also consider voltage
drop due to primary resistance of transformer, then Z= (R2+X2)1/2……Equation (5)
voltage equation of a transformer can easily be written R is the resistance of transformer
X is the leakage reactance
V1 = E1+ I1R1 + jI1X1 … Equation (1)
E is the open terminal voltage.
The name plate or speciÀcation plate which speciÀes the
value of percentage impedance of power transformer is
shown in Àgure 6.
Importance Of Impedance In
Impedance is the current limiting characteristic of a
Fig.5 Impedance(Z) Of Transformer transformer and is expressed in percentage. It is used
Similarly for secondary leakage reactance, the voltage for determining the interrupting capacity of a circuit
equation of secondary side is, breaker or fuse employed to protect the primary winding
of a transformer.
V2 = E2- I2R2 - jI2X2 ….. Equation (2)
The impedance (or resistance to current Áow) is
The transformer impedance is expressed as some important and used to calculate the maximum short
percentage of the rated voltageat full load current. In circuit current which is needed for sizing, circuit breakers
38 March 2022
March 2022 39
and fuses. This percentage represents the amount of The value of percentage impedance is the same for
normal rated primary voltage which must be applied to both windings as it is the percentage of rated voltage.
the transformer to produce full rated load current when However, the value of the rated current will be different
the secondary winding is short circuited. The maximum for primary and secondary windings. Accordingly, value
short circuit current that can be obtained from the of short circuit current will also be different for primary
output of the transformer is limited by the impedance and secondary windings.
of the transformer.
Percentage Impedance & Parallel
High and Low Impedance Transformers
High impedance transformers have a lower fault or
short circuit current and have no need for high SCC For parallel connection of transformers, primary
rated breakers. However, they will have a higher voltage windings of the transformers are connected to source
drop or regulation. bus-bars and secondary windings are connected to the
load bus-bars. Various conditions that must be fulÀlled
Low Impedance transformers on the other for the successful parallel operation of transformers are
hand have a lower voltage drop or regulation h Same voltage ratio and turns ratio (both primary
but have a higher fault or short circuit current and secondary voltage rating is same)
and will need higher SCC rated breakers.
In simple words, the percentage impedance of a h Same percentage impedance and X/R ratio.
transformer has a major effect on system fault levels. It h Identical position of tap changer
determines the maximum value of current that will Áow h Same KVA ratings
under fault conditions.
h Same phase angle shift (vector group are same)
It is easy to calculate the maximum current that h Same frequency rating
a transformer can deliver under symmetrical fault
h Same polarity
h Same phase sequence.
By way of example, consider a 2 MVA transformer with
an impedance of 5%. The maximum fault level available When transformers which have the same kVA rating
on the secondary side is: but with different percent impedances are connected
in parallel, the current divides in inverse proportions to
2 MVA x 100/5 = 40 MVA the impedances and larger current Áows through the
and from this data, the equivalent primary and smaller impedance. Thus, the lower percent impedance
secondary fault currents can be calculated. transformer can be overloaded when subjected to
heavy loading while the other higher percent impedance
A less percentage impedance has both positive and transformer will be lightly loaded.
negative effects.
The paralleling of transformers is simple unless KVA,
If Z% of the transformer is less, the short circuit current percentage impedance, and turn ratios are different. We
will be more which will produce more stress in will look at different scenarios by changing the above
insulation. This is a negative factor. mentioned convenient conditions. We are using the
On the other hand, it will reduce the voltage drop in the following parameters for the examples given below:
transformer winding. This will facilitate better voltage 1 KVA’= Rating of Transformer 1
regulation. This is a positive factor. 2 KVA”= Rating of Transformer 2
Therefore the percentage impedance of the 3 KVA1=Load on Transformer 1
transformer has to be precisely selected to maintain 4 KVA2=Load on Transformer 2
a proper balance between fault level and voltage
5 %Z1= Impedance of Transformer 1
6 %Z2= Impedance of Transformer 2
Short Circuit Current & Percentage 7 K= ratio of KVA of T1 & T2 i.e. KVA1/KVA2
Impedance A) Equal Impedances-Equal Voltage
Ratios-Same KVA
As we have discussed in the above section, when
we apply rated voltage at the primary winding If the percentage impedances of each transformer are
of a transformer whose secondary winding is same, there will be equal division of current and load
short-circuited, short circuit currentZLOOÀRZRQ sharing on each transformer.
The value of the short circuit current is,
Two transformers of 250 KVA, 5% impedance connected
Isc = Irated ï 100/Z% in parallel catering 400 KVA load.
40 March 2022
The KVA can be calculated as: applied at one side (primary winding) to circulate rated
current on transformer keeping its other side (secondary
KVA1=KVA2=200 KVA.
winding) under short circuit conditions.(Refer Àgure 7)
B) Equal Impedances-Equal Voltage Ratios-
Different KVA If we apply rated voltage at the primary winding of a
transformer keeping its secondary winding short-
In this type of situation each transformer in parallel circuited, then the amount of current at both windings
carry its rated load. The circulating currents will not be will be extremely high as compared to the rated current.
present since the turn ratios are same.
Two transformers of 250 KVA, 400 KVA, 5% impedance
connected in parallel catering 400 KVA load.
KVA1=153.4 KVA
KVA2=24.15 KVA
C) Unequal Impedances-Equal Voltage Ratios- Fig.7 Percentage Impedance Measurement In Transformer
Same KVA
This current is called short circuit current and its
The current is inversely proportional to the impedance, magnitude is very high due to zero impedance offered
thus a large amount of current Áows through smaller by the load (secondary winding is short-circuited).
impedance. In this situation, the lower impedance
Now, if we reduce the applied voltage on the transformer
transformer is heavily loaded while the higher
primary i.e. we apply a percentage of rated voltage in
impedance transformer is lightly loaded.
transformer primary, current on both windings will also
Example: reduce.
Two transformers of 250 KVA, 4% and 5% impedances At a particular percentage of rated voltage, the
respectively connected in parallel catering 400 KVA rated current will Áow on transformer windings. This
load. percentage of rated voltage at one side of the transformer
KVA1=222.22 KVA which circulates rated current on transformer windings
keeping its other side winding short-circuited is
KVA2=177.7 KVA called percentage impedance of the transformer.
D) Unequal Impedances-Equal Voltage Ratios-
Different KVA Example Calculation
This situation is not common. But, can be taken into For example, if a 2,000/240-volt transformer has a
account with care as the load current carried by the measured impedance voltage of 100 volts on the high
combination of transformers would be less than the voltage windings, its impedance (Z), expressed as a
rated KVA. percent, is:
Example: Z% = (Impedance Voltage / Rated Voltage) x 100
Two transformers of 250 KVA with 4% and 400 KVA Percentage Z = (100/2000)*100 = 5 %
with 5% impedances connected in parallel catering 400
KVA load. This means there would be a 100-volt drop in the high-
voltage winding at full load due to losses in the windings
KVA1=175.43 KVA and core. Only 1 or 2% of the losses are due to the core;
KVA2=224.56 KVA about 98% is due to the winding impedance.
March 2022 41
42 March 2022
March 2022 43
Example: If we order a transformer with 8% percentage It is pertinent to mention here thatwhile percent
impedance with tolerance of +-10%, its actual Z% after impedance is independent of the transformer voltage
manufacturing may be any value between 7.2% (-10% (or tap), absolute impedance is not.
of 8) to 8.8% (+10% of 8), unless it is speciÀcally agreed
In other words, separate absolute impedances would
with the manufacturer at the time of ordering.
need to be calculated not only for every voltage winding,
Tolerance in percentage impedance must be considered but also for every tap setting of every winding.
for power system calculations and accordingly system
Consider an ideal transformer (lossless, zero
fault level & voltage regulation must be Ànalized.
impedance) connected to a source V1 and providing
current to a load ZL. (Refer Àgure 8)
Per Unit (Or %) Vs Absolute Value
Of Impedance
Transformers used in commercial and industrial
applications typically show impedances marked in
While the technical deÀnition of this percentage
or “per unit” impedance is that this value is
a percentage of the base impedance of the
transformer, there is a more descriptive way of Fig.8 1000/200 V SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMER
thinking of it.
Figure 8 shows input and output voltages along with
The per-unit impedance describes that percentage of the impedance of the load. This provides enough
the rated voltage required to produce full load current information to calculate the secondary current.
while the transformer output is shorted. The lower the
impedance, the lower the voltage required to produce I2= V/Z (load)=200 A
full load current. Lower impedance transformers allow We know that V1āI1 = V2 āI2
higher fault currents to Áow at a particular voltage.
I1 = 40 A
Measuring impedance in units of percentage greatly
simpliÀes the calculation of currents and voltages in a Since impedance is deÀned as the ratio of voltage
power system. While absolute impedance (measured in divided by current, using the known voltage and the
ohms) could certainly also be used, doing so greatly derived current, the impedance looking through the
complicates the calculations. transformer to the load can be found. (Refer Àgure 9)
Z1= V1/I1= 1000/40 =25 ohm
Example 1
Consider a transformer with a 5% impedance. A voltage
is applied to the primary with the secondary winding
shorted (faulted).
At 5% input voltage 100% Full Load Current (FLA)
How much current Áows at higher voltages? Ignoring
non-linear effects such as core saturation, if 5% voltage
produces 100% FLA, then: Fig.9 Current In Hv Side Of 1000/200 V Transformer
At 10% input voltage 200% FLA is produced When performing a power systems analysis 25 ohms
is the actual circuit impedance that limits the 1000 V to
At 50% input voltage 1000% FLA is produced
only 40 amperes.
At 100% input voltage 2000% FLA is produced
However, It is clear that this value could not be
Note that at nominal full voltage on the primary winding, published on the transformer since its value is
the fault currents, both primary and secondary, increase dependent on the load and one other factor
to 20 times FLA. i.e.turns ratio squared (1000/200)* (1000/200)=
Hence one advantage of publishing per unit
impedances becomes evident. Virtually by inspection, Note that this multiplier, 25 is equal to the turns ratio
a Àrst approximation of this transformer’s available fault squared:
current is to multiply the FLA x 1/%Z.
It is evident that the secondary load impedance observed
Isc = IFLA/%Z at the primary terminals of the transformer changes
44 March 2022
Conclusion (Summary)
It is mandatory for electrical engineer to understand the
signiÀcance and measurement method of percentage
impedance of the transformers. The same has been
discussed in the article which will deÀnitely help the
electrical engineers especially young engineers to
understand the percentage impedance of transformer
and its signiÀcance in the Àeld. The crux of the article is
reproduced below:
1. All the Áux in transformer will not be able to link
with both the primary and secondary windings. A
small portion of Áux will link either winding but not
both. This portion of Áux is called leakage Áux. Due
to this leakage Áux in transformer, there will be a
self-reactance in the concerned winding. This self-
with the ratio of the primary to secondary voltage. That reactance of transformer is alternatively known as
means, changing taps settings will change the apparent leakage reactance of transformer.
impedance looking through the transformer.
2. The percentage impedance of a transformer
Because of this complexity, it is clear why power has a major effect on system fault levels. It
systems engineers began to favour per unit calculations
instead of using absolute measurements. determines the maximum value of current that
will Áow under fault conditions. It also plays an
Example 2 extremely vital role in voltage drop calculation.
High impedance transformers have a lower
Consider a 1000 kVA, 5 %Z, 1000/200 Volt transformer.
fault or short circuit current and have no need
The constant of proportionality used to convert per
for high SCC rated breakers. However, they will
unit impedance to absolute impedance is the base
impedance (= rated KVA , 1000). have a higher voltage drop or regulation.Low
Impedance transformers on the other hand have a
Zohms = Zpu*Zbase
lower voltage drop or regulation but have a higher
Beginning with the 200V secondary, the base impedance fault or short circuit current and will need higher
is calculated as:
SCC rated breakers.
Z = V2base/Sbase= 2002/1000000=0.40Ȏ
base 3. It is worth to understand that percentage
With base impedance calculated, solve for actual impedance is a function of geometry and
impedance. construction of transformer. Simply % Z is the
Zohms= Zpu*Zbase= (0.05*0.4)= 0.002 Ȏ result of leakage Áux i.e. to get low % Z, leakage
Looking into the 200V transformer from the secondary Áux should be minimum/ low.
side, that transformer would appear to place 0.002 Ȏ
impedance in series with the source.
To show how this value is not constant, we recall the 1. IS 2026 SpeciÀcation of Power Transformer
statement that absolute impedance changes with 2. IEC 60076 Power Transformer
voltage. Solving base impedance again but replacing
3. Manual on “Transformer” Publication No 317,
200V with 1000V:
C.B.I.P. New Delhi.
Zbase= V2base/Sbase= 10002/1000000=1Ȏ
4. IEEE C57.12.90. Test Code for Liquid -Immersed
With the new primary base impedance, the absolute
Distribution , Power and Regulating Transformer
impedance is calculated:
5. Manual and Test Reports of Transformer Published
Z = Z *Z = 0.05*1 = 0.05 Ȏ
ohms pu base by OEM
This means that measured on the 1000V circuit, the
transformer appears to place 0.05 Ȏ impedance in Dr. Rajesh Kumar Arora
series with the load, not 0.002Ȏ. Delhi Transco Ltd (DTL), Delhi, India.
March 2022 45
“HOT SPOT” temperature
of Transformers :
A diagnostic tool
in conjunction with
case-study thereof
46 March 2022
The Oil temperature is always indicated directly on an
OTI meter, whether the Transformer is in service or off the
service, however it is not the case with the WTI (winding
Temperature indicator). The Winding temperature is
proportional to the square of the current Áowing through
it(the replica thereof fed to the resistance through
WTI-CTs), thickness of Kraft paper insulation wrapping
and conductor-area for dissipation of heat into the Oil.
Fig.2: Depiction of Eddy current and Axial Losses.
While in service at no point of time the winding
temperature is actually measured. The winding The actual local temperature between conductor
temperature is measured only & only while Temperature and oil is therefore assumed to be higher by the
- Rise test of a Transformer is being carried out at the ‘Hot-Spot factor”. The factor is assumed 1.1 for
Manufacturer’s works. Since the Temperature-Rise Distribution Transformers & 1.3 for Medium size Power
Test is a Type -Test as per IS: 2026-1[4]& IEC 60076-1[5], Transformers.[3]
generally only 1No - unit of the offered Lot is subjected
to the same, the other units are not subjected to Hot spot gradient & Hot spot temp
Temperature-Rise Test at all.
The steady state Hot-Spot temperature rise above
The winding temperature is based on the readings of external cooling medium temp.( air or water) = Top Oil
resistance of the Winding taken at regular intervals of temp. rise above cooling medium temp. Hot-Spot factor
time, as per the test procedure laid-down in the IS: x (Average temp. difference winding-to-oil).[3]
2026 part-II[3] / IEC: 60076-part2[6].The resistance of the
winding at the time of shutting-down the power supply, The following Àgure (Fig.3) depicts the Hot spot gradient
is arrived at, by extrapolation of the resistance to time & Hot spot temp., considering Hot spot factor as 1.3.[10]
zero, on Time Vs Resistance curve. (ref.Àg:1).[3]
Fig.3: Hot spot Gradient & Hot Spot tempIt is observed from the
diagram above(Àg.3) that the;
March 2022 47
It is now, felt very essential to monitor the Hot-spot Transformer Tank-wall Plate assembly;
temperature online on real- time basis.
The fact, to the effect that the Hot-spot temperature
obtained through conventional method is considerably
lower than the actual temperature of the winding
obtained through direct measurement. Such situations
may shorten the life of the Transformers, un-noticed.
It has been seen established through practical
experiment carried out by Korean Engineers, using
both conventional method and Direct measurement
method by using Fiber Optic Sensors, simultaneously
on a 154kV, 15 MVA Power Transformer, wherein the
temperature recorded by Fiber Optic sensor was found
to be 13.3oC higher than the conventional thermal
imaging method at an ambient Temp of 24.7oC.[ 9 ].
Fig.5: Transformer Tank-wall Plate assembly;
Fiber Optic Sensor Device 6. Placement of Sensor probes:The sensors are inserted
/ placed in the top portion of the HV & LV winding, this
There are mainly three components;
portion is considerably hotter due to Spurious eddy
Fiber Optic sensor. They are 2 types; currents are at their highest value. The Àgure.6 shows
locations of Losses.
Probe type;
48 March 2022
March 2022 49
in 3- Ph Transformer windings and 4-6 Single the Àbre-optic multi- channel Monitor/controller. The
Phase Transformers.In the Àg below, the red spots output of this monitor/Controller can be directly sent for
indicate the placement of Fiber Optic probes in HV and further remote SCADA applications, through Ethernet/
LV. windings. RS232-RS 485 & compatible protocols like Modbus &
The recommended Fiber-Optic Probes is 8-10 nos., IEC 61850 protocols etc.
in 3- Ph Transformer windings and 4-6 Single Note: The Àgures shown above are only indicative of the
Phase Transformers. main components of Àber-Optic Hot- spot measurement
In the Àg.7 below, the red spots indicate the placement device. This is to conÀrm that Make/Manufacturer’s
of Fiber Optic probes in HV and LV. windings. names etc have not been shown / displayed on any of
the Àgures / drawings anywhere, therein. The display of
the above Àgures / drawings is in no-way connected to
any advertisement.
1 Methane CH4
3 Ethyline C2H4
Multi-channel Fibre Optic Monitor/
4 Acetyline C2H2
5 Carbon monoxide CO
7 Oxygen O2
8 Hydrogen H2
Phenomena of Decomposition[8]
Electrical & thermal faults give rise to session of some
of the bonds of different hydrocarbon molecules which
in-turn convert into free radicals or in ionic forms which
combine rapidly through complex reaction to form
Fig.9; Multi-channel Fibre- Optic Monitor/Controller; Methane(CH4), Ethane(C2H6),Ethylene(C2H4) and
The measurement of Hot-Spot Temperature shall be
displayed on and also recorded on real-time basis in which get dissolved in the Oil.
50 March 2022
March 2022 51
a) Low energy faults: Partial Discharge of cold h D1 (Discharge of Low energy), in Oil or /
plasma Type (Corona discharge) through ionization and paper, give rise to larger carbonized
reactions and accumulation of Hydrogen as main perforations(Punchers), Carbonization of the
recombination gas. paper surface(Tacking) or Carbon Particles in
h Methane and Ethane are formed below 500oC oil(as found in OLTC Diverter switch).
while Ethylene is formed above 500oC . h D2 (Discharge of High energy) in oil or/and in
h Acetylene requires Temp. of800OC to 1200OC. paper, with power Áow- through evidenced by
Acetylene is formed mainly in arcs, where excessive destruction and carbonization of paper,
temperature is thousands of degrees Celsius. metal fusion, extensive carbonization in oil.In some
h Carbon Particles form at 500OC to 800OC and cases Tripping of the Transformer is the evidence
are generally observed after arcing in the Oil or of excessive Power-Áow through.
development of very hot spots.
Thermal Fault in Oil or/and in paper,
h Oil may oxidize with formation of small quantities
h (T1) Below 300OC– If the paper turns Brownish.
of CO and CO2, which can accumulate over a
long period of time.. h (T2) Above 300OC– If it has carbonized.
Thermal Fault Due to high temperatures (T3);
Decomposition of Cellulosic Above 700OC – If there is strong evidence of
Insulation[8] Carbonization of oil.
Paper, Press-Board and Wood Blocks are in the category Above 800OC – If there is evidence of metal
of Cellulosic Insulation which decompose at the colorization.
temperature at >105OC with complete carbonization
>300o C. Mostly Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide Above 1000OC – If there is appearance of Metal fusion.
and water are formed in much larger quantities than Table of Abbreviations
by oxidition of oil at the same Temperature,together
with minor amounts hydro carbon gases and furanic
compounds. PD Partial Discharge
52 March 2022
March 2022 53
Probable causes of formation of Dissolved
Table 4: DGA interpretation on Gas ratios as per IEC 60599.[8]
i. As could be seen from the Photographs that
Carbonization/burning/ pitting of HV windings “1
History/Case Study U &1 W” phases have taken place in a very short
There has been a case of a 132/33 kV, 63 MVA period after commissioning ( 3 yrs, 4 months
approximately),It is a probability that the Kraft
Transformer in MPPTCL, wherein DGA carried out
paper used by the manufacturer does not appear
at some intervals, revealed that there appeared to to be of good quality ( as against 25 years of
be development of fault which came true, when the Life span the Transformer has developed such
transformer was got internally inspected after decanting condition in only 3 yrs & 4 months).Once Partial
the complete oil from the Transformer at site. discharge takes place the same would gradually
Date 16.11.12 05.08.13 02.05.14 10.07.14 11.11.14 27.11.14 05.12.14
Photographs taken during internal Inspection at site are attached here-with as annex-1.
54 March 2022
March 2022 55
spread and Carbonization/ burning/pitting shall cases were cleared instantaneously with the operation
take place. of High-set O/C-E/F units.
ii. Increase in Key- gasses is indicative of Discharge In view of above HOT SPOT Temperature is considered
through High energy, causing Tracking, arcing etc.
to be a diagnostic tool in conjunction with DGA which
iii. Failure of LV bushings may have made heavy could have detected in early stages had there been
current to Áow through the windings, categorizing Àber Optic temperature device as per Annex. E of IEC
in Discharge of high energy, giving rise to pitting 60076-2-2011[4]
of the winding conductor and burning of Paper
Irrespective of the age of the transformers, old or new,
Bushing failure taking place of 72 kV class cannot be
need for scrupulous monitoring of DGA and also of
due to power frequency over voltage on 33kV side,
HOT-SPOT Temperatures is essential. The Hot- spot
Lightening Impulse voltages on LV side or due to severe
temperature differs considerably between the On-line
short-circuit condition in LV side feeders. Since similar
2U phase bushing(please see photo. 2 in Annex I) Àber-optic measurement device and the conventional
had failed within a short period of failure of 2W phase measurement method which is purely on thermal image
bushing (please see photo.1 in Annex I), the lower basis. The utilities may consider procurement of Power
porcelain of the bushings have found damaged in both Transformers with Fiber Optic measurement devices
the cases, the bushings were also of the same batch for Hot spot measurements in-line with as described in
of manufacturing,It is indicative of some manufacturing IS:2026 part 2 Annex B-4.[3]
The increase of Methane and Ethane gasses indicate Acknowledgement
fault of about 300OC. The authors extend their gratitude to the MD of MPPTCL
Increase in Ethylene indicates that the fault must have who had been kind enough to permit the authors
developed giving rise to a temperature of more than to highlight DGA results conÀrming the actual faults
500OC. developed inside the 63 MVA Transformer of MPPTCL.
56 March 2022
Photo 5
Photo 3 Photo 6
March 2022 57
Photo 9
Photo 7
Photo 10
Er. K.K. Murty
Former C.E. (Testing & Commun.)
Er R.K. Agrawal
Photo 8 E.E. (Testing Dn.-II), M.P. Power Transmission Co. Ltd.
58 March 2022
March 2022 59
Challenges in
Terminal Arrangements
of Multiple Winding
Inverter Duty Transformers
for Solar PV Plants
60 March 2022
gradient due to pulsed output, provision of Electrostatic for isolated multiple LV winding terminals leading to
shield between LV & HV windings to prevent capacitive bushing pockets, pass through critically low gaps and
coupling etc. These factors are common for all inverter cross each other too (Fig.2). High current carrying
duty transformers irrespective of 2 winding or multiple busbars induce losses due to the Àeld surrounding
winding construction is chosen. However, for suitability them and cause localised overheating too, in and
to unbalanced loading on individual inverters, isolation around LV terminals.
of different windings shall be proper and LV to LV
Impedance required to be high enough. This situation complicates further when aluminium is
used as a winding material for economy purpose. The
Here typically, various design & construction options
size of busbars is increased in this case and terminals
for physical arrangement of windings & location of
are required to be accommodated in same or, marginally
terminals for higher rating such as, 12.5 MVA, with (4 x
increased space available in bushing pockets (Fig.3).
0.8 kV) LV & (1 x 33 kV) HV winding solar inverter duty
Because, tank size increases, but not proportionately
transformer is considered for explanation.
as compared to a copper wound transformer.
One design option is to use 4 Nos. isolated LV
windings whereas the HV winding split in 4 parts (i.e.,
equal to LV), which are assembled vertically in a core.
However, Vertical stacking (Fig 1.a) of coils increases
height of the transformer abnormally, whereas the
length of transformer tank is comparatively less to
accommodate 4 Nos. LV Cable Boxes in a row.
March 2022 61
62 March 2022
h Mandatory, ELCB 30mA is used to prevent
SHOCK AND FIRE. It is an electronic
components with switch
h It is NOT FAIL-SAFE device.
h ELCB must trip within 300ms (0.03
seconds) during shock otherwise person
may be killed.
installed in a new building must be tested
with an ELCB tester.
before use or once a year.
March 2022 63
64 March 2022
March 2022 65
be defective.
h Electrical shock INTENSITY depends on 2
factors: Current Áow in mA and time Áow in ms.
h Important that ELCB must trip at a certain time to
Arc due to cut in wire: Between phase to phase and prevent electric shock and save a life.
phase. Remedy: Arc fault detection device (AFDD). h Testing of tripping time of ELCB 30mA done by
Mandatory in USA and recommendation by IEC
inserting a plug of ELCB tester into sockets.
standard. Not in Indian standard.
h Yellow “TEST button” on the front of the device to
press and make sure ELCB trip.
66 March 2022
March 2022 67
68 March 2022
Events and Eventualties
This month, our attempt is once again on the continuation First TWELVE parts of this series had been published
of the subject on TRANSFORMER’s Abnormal situation. during February 2021, March 2021, April 2021, May
Transformer, the only compact electro-mechanical 2021, June 2021, July 2021 August 2021, September
device helps to connect two different voltage level 2021, October 2021, November 2021, January 2022
systems. Reliability of the electrical system depends and FEB 2022 with response of readers on this subject
upon the healthiness of this device, as because, any being in exponential trend.
eventuality on this device delinks the electrical network On the basis of the positive response and suggestive
dragging the situation towards instability and possible feedback from the readers, we have considered the
way to blackout scenario also. continuation of this series with few other case studies
FUSE Supply RY in % YB in % BR in % rn in % yn in % bn in %
March 2022 69
Events and Eventualties
In one 33/11 KV distribution Grid Station, the tripping
of outgoing feeders were resulting due to blowing of Y 75-80/¥Q
phase HG fuse on 33 KV side of the station transformer. Fig-2.1.2 Secy. Voltage (No Y Ph Fuse)
ANALYSIS of the INCIDENTS: - In general the winding
connection of 33/11 KV distribution transformer is
of Delta on the primary and Star on the secondary It was reported by few domestic consumers regarding
side. The blowing out of the fuse on any of the the burning/failure of electrical appliances during
phase connection is treated as SINGLE PHASING normal electrical supply to them.
supply to the transformer. For such condition the Investigation and Analysis: - The electrical circuits
voltage development on the other phases would be to the premises were checked. (Ratings, Supply
obtained as per the Áux distribution on its winding connections, Earthings System). It was found correct
and the nature of Áux distribution depends upon the
and in order. Then the supply transformer was checked
actual physical placement of the core and winding. The
and found with earthing connection in order. Finally, it
nature of voltage distribution is shown in the following
was suspected with the dis-connection of NEUTRAL
lead inside the transformer and on opening of the same
This has been observed in practice that for the case of it was found with the opening of lead. The lead was
Y phase FUSE BLOWING condition, the voltage on the connected to earth bushing and the problem was
secondary side becomes un-equal as mentioned in the rectiÀed
Mathematical explanation for non-earthing of neutral
With the blowing out of the H.V. fuse on the Y phase the point
primary voltage value on RY and YB would be collapsed
along with the collapsing of the secondary r and y For Non-earthing of neutral system and fault in any
one of the phase say in Phase B the following issues
phases. The voltage on BR winding on primary system
will arise.
would be NORMAL with corresponding NORMAL
voltage on b phase on the secondary side. So current
Voltage on the phase B = Zero,
on this blue phase may cause over drawal from the Voltage at N = - VB = V, angle (-600), So VR1 = ( VR-VN)
system and tripping of the system. (Refer the vector ¥9DQJOH0 ), VY1 = ( VY- VN ¥9DQJOH0
diagram Figure- 2.1.1, 2.1.2) ), VB1 = 0
NOTE: This tripping of the feeders is situational and VRY1 = VR1 - VY1 9DQJOH0).
depends upon the available of the load on the system.
V Y1
y VY
70 March 2022
March 2022 71
Events and Eventualties
ZERO Megger value of CT NOTE: This Study seems to be very silly, but sometimes
operator forget to remove the Earthing Point during IR
At one of 132/33 KV 63MVA Transformer, it was found
measurement. Not only from transformer, sometimes
with oil leakage from the Tan-delta point. Then the oil
Grid operators do the mistake of removal of EARTH
level was checked and found with low level. On Àlling
LINK from the PT system.
the oil, the IR value was measured from Primary point to
Ground, but found with ZERO-ohm resistance. Recommendations: This is recommended to review
the system if IR measurement is attempted for combined
Observations connected equipment system in case of obtaining ZERO
1. The Oil leakage on CT was found at the Tan-Delta resistance value, before declaring the final result.
2. As suspected that this had been resulted during Reptile fault on Power Transformer
Tan-Delta measurement by the testing wing and At one of the 132/33 Kv station, there had been tripping
loosened during that point. of the 50 MVA Power transformer.
3. So, the tightness was attended for arresting of the
oil leakage. Observation
4. At the same time, oil level was also checked and 1. This transformer was connected in parallel with
found with less than that of the limit. So, required another available transformer in the system.
level was Àlled and tested with the Primary to Earth 2. Both the transformers were catering the load
megger value. successfully.
5. The result was found with ZERO value. 3. One day it was found with 33KV fault on the Y
6. ZERO resistance of the running CT was suspected phase with fault actuation of Differential relay on
with the process of taking Insulation resistance one of the transformer.
measurement. 4. The other transformer in the system did not trip,
7. So, the grid personnel were inquired about the continued on catering the available load.
measurement process. 5. The Àeld veriÀcation was done and found with a
8. The actual mistake point was revealed on dead reptile near the transformer towards LV side.
inquiring that the grid personnel had taken the 6. The transformer bushing was also checked and
measurement, keeping Transformer winding in the found with sparking on the Y phase bushing.
system, without removing of the NEUTRAL EARTH. 7. This was suspected with this reptile fault on
9. On knowing the mistake, the NEUTRAL EARTH Y phase bushing, for which differential relay
of transformer was removed and IR value taken operated. (Refer Fig 2.4.1)
10. This time the actual megger value came above the
allowable limit.
11. The Transformer was charged along with this CT
and stood OK.
Technical Action
1. On Àrst instance and hurriedly without thinking
in the system, the grid operator took the insulation
resistance measurement by the available
motorized 5KV IR tester. ( Refer Fig No 2.3.1).
in the system, the IR measurement came ZERO. Fig 2.4.1 Reptile fault on Y phase Bushing
72 March 2022
Events and Eventualties
8. The fault was within internal zone of the transformer, got connected to earth towards load side. (Refer
for which differential relay got actuated, with no Fig 2.5.1)
other relays. 4. The protection system did not actuate, resulted
9. For the other connected transformer, this fault was with burning of ground shrubs due to laying of the
external fault, for which the transformer did not trip. wire from supply side.
10. The detail transformer testing was done and found
Technical Analysis
with no abnormality and transformer was allowed
for charging. 1. In fact, supply side was connected from the
11. But this time, insulation sleeve cap cover was put source point with Star- Star transformer from the
on the 33 KV bushing along with the stud clamp. transmission utility.
2. The load connected transformer is of Delta –star.
Recommendation: The required gap to be maintained So, for the faulty wire being snapped, touched to
between the LV bushings and if possible to be encapsuled DELTA connected winding.
with cover tank or suitable insulation sleeve cap.
3. The pattern of current and load impedance is
shown in Fig 2.5.2, Fig 2.5.3.
Issues on High Impedance Fault 4. The amount of current as Z ampere in this condition
With one 33Kv feeder, snapping of conductor and shall be Áowing through certain impedance of high
getting connected to Earth on Load connected side, magnitude, as circuit has to cause the Áow through
resulting with No action of Station Transformer. GROUND EARTH as the current path. So amount
Observations in maximum cases does not become high for the
actuation of protection scheme available at the
1. Fault on 33Kv feeder resulted, that connected
supply end.
between Star (Y) system to Delta loading system.
5. But because of this effect and non-actuation of
2. The snapping of jumper occurred in between the
protection system, in maximum cases, living being
supply connected wire.
in touch or coming in the zone of this electric Àeld
3. This snapping caused open circuit for the wire suffers with of electrocution and succumbs to
towards supply side, but other disconnected wire death also.
Solution to this effect
1. Sensitive earth fault relay, that works on the
Supply Side Load Side principle of ZERO SE4 UN-BALANCE current
Star Connected Delta Connected
System System could be used, collecting the secondary current
from Neutral CT being on the NEUTRAL of the
transformer. (Refer Fig 2.5.4)
2. But in the case of multi-used supply transformers
(More than one), the current magnitude shall be
less or may not be sufÀcient to result actuation of
Fig. 2.5.1 Snapping of Conductor on 33 KV side the SEF (Sensitive Earth Fault) Relay.
3. So, the feeder that used for feeding this
system should accordingly be used
Faulty Point, with special Logic for actuation of Earth
earthing to Load end
Fault relay and tripping of the feeder.
16.5 KV 16.5 KV
4. Presently Numerical Relays are in
extensive use with all features of
programmable logics. So considering
Y the situational condition, the logic can
be framed.
Fig 2.5.2
33KV side of 132/33 KV
TFR at GRID end
33KV side of 33/11 KV station
TFR at LOAD end Some Other Technical Solution
Z amp
X amp
in 33KV and 11 KV System
X amp Y a Different situations
a X-
X- Y A. Fault on the Supply connected side
Y Y+
X +Zamp Z
X +Zamp
SEF Snapping of Conductor for the 33Kv feeder
towards supply end side and touching to
Fig 2.5.3 Fig 2.5.4 ground:
March 2022 73
Events and Eventualties
Fig 2.6.2
Fig 2.6.3
74 March 2022
Events and Eventualties
OSR. Because of this residual moisture and after d. If so happens or made with multi-point Earthing,
total sealing of the cover, during heating and cold then due to Áow of the circulating current, certain
process, the vapour with condensation to moisture amount of heat may develop on this path.
caused tripping of the transformer. e. This un-wanted multi-point links may not affect
the functionality of transformer, but in long run
due to heating effect or temporary arching,
For the Transformer top mounted device, in the case of certain objectionable gasses may develop in
sealing of the external cover for the ingress of moisture the transformer.
etc…, before application of adhesives/ any sealing f. These evolution of gasses may create confusion
agent, the cover should be opened and internal part on the fault occurrence in the transformer.
should be properly cleaned and dried to avoid the g. Moreover, sometimes these faulty link
condensation of any residual moisture/vapour. connection results with abnormal TAN DELTA
value of the winding and confusion on the fault
Issue on the CORE-FRAME and TANK on the transformer winding.
It was found with problem on the insulation resistance 2. Now let us analyze the reason why such things
value between TANK and FRAME. happen on the in-service transformer.
Observations a. In case of OLD running transformer, the sludge
gradually sticks to the frame and results with
1. During regular routine testing checkup for the
less IR value during testing, but this may not
transformer of 50 MVA of 110/33KV, it was observed
affect the system.
with SHORT between TANK and FRAME while
doing the IR (Insulation Resistance) measurement b. There might be manufacturing lapse and left
by 1KV megger. with any inadvertent extended metal lead/wire,
which in service running condition may cause
2. The other values (CORE-FRAME and CORE-TANK)
short circuit.
value was found above 2 Gohm.
c. The insulator stack provided at the end point
3. The transformer was in service and found with no
of the enclosure box, sometimes gets crack
resulting with lower insulation value.
4. So, during re-charging of the unit, the OEM was
d. In some cases, the leads coming out of the
asked of his opinion. On reply it was said to charge
terminal box get connected to the common
the transformer and nothing to worry as Ànally the
insulating pad. This pad sometimes cracks,
Frame and Tank need to be interconnected and
resulting with lowering of insulation resistance.
earth also.
5. But it was suggested by the experts to investigate Action Taken
such reason of short-circuit before re-energisation. 1. It was advised to perform few of the following tests
Technical Analysis i. TAN DELTA of the winding and found with no
1. First of all, the reason of developing CFT links are
to be known. ii. IR value of the CFT once again on removal of
the links with 1Kv tester and PI Value (Ratio of IR
a. This shorting was generally provided to value of 3 minutes to 1 minute) to know the trend
maintain one-point Earthing of Metal parts of pattern, whether in rising or Áuctuated mode. It
the transformer. was found with no abnormality, but results were
b. So leads were brought from each metal part to observed with ZERO OHM between Tank and
the top of the transformer and maintained with Frame.
an enclosure box, where links are provided 2. Finally, it was concluded that some where the
between the terminals as like shown in the FRAME and Tank has been shorted internally.
Àgure (Fig 2.7.1). But this may not affect the working function of
c. The reason of one-point Earthing is to avoid Transformer.
circulating current in the loop. 3. The transformer was charged successfully and
kept for observation regarding heat development.
4. After few months it was observed with no any
abnormality. Even all the tests were also conducted
and found in order.
March 2022 75
76 March 2022
March 2022 77
78 March 2022
h Metering India date is Ànalized for November 10 -
February 9, 2022
11, 2022
Intelect 2022 Committee Meeting
February 7, 2022
Key points discussed:
Stakeholders’ consultation meeting with Secretary,
h Intelect-22 conference will be for two days
Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer
Affairs, Food & Public Distribution to discuss the testing h The draft themes for INTELECT-22 is under
discussion. Some of the listed theme are
need of Transformer industry
followingPreparing for Energy Transition, Path to
Attended by: Sh Rohit Kumar Singh, Secretary, Dept. Energy Transition, Road to Energy Transition, etc.
of Consumer Affairs; DG-Bureau of Indian Standards; h Dates for Intelect-22 are from May 25, 2022 to May
Dept. of Heavy Industries; Bureau of Energy EfÀciency, 27 2022
IEEMA was represented by Sh Alok Agarwal, Vice
h Draft agenda is under discussion of committee
Chairman, Northern Region; Sh Chanchal Jindal,
Vice Chairman, DT Division; Sh. Uttam Kumar and Sh already prepared and shared with the committee
Rishabh Joshi and Other Industry representatives. members.
Key points discussed: h Sponsorship proposal was tabled to the committee
which is under discussion
h To explore possibilities of setting up of a lab in
Eastern Region Action taken:
h NTH to upgrade their Testing Facilities in Ghaziabad Highest category sponsorship should be bundled with
Unit and include Short Circuit Facilities Distribuelec exhibition
h Testing should not be an impediment in the growth Outcome:
of the Power Sector Committee is requested to Ànalize theme for intellect-22
h Manufacturers highlighted the Logistic Problem
February 10, 2022
issues in taking samples to CPRI Bhopal,
Bangalore w.r.t testing in absence of S.C facilities Meeting with Secretary (Power) on Trusted Vendor
in labs available in the Northern Region. System for Power Sector
Action taken:
Attended by: Sh Alok Kumar, Secretary(Power); Sh
Information is sought from members of Distribution Vishal Kapoor, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power; Senior
Transformers and LV& MV Switchgear Divisions ofÀcials from Power Grid, NCIIPC, STQC, DPIIT, NHPC,
regarding the in-house testing facilities available POSOCO, C-DOT, NHPC, NSCS, CEA and IEEMA
Outcome: Members & ofÀcials.
Manufacturers were requested to furnish details Key points discussed:
regarding in House testing facilities for Transformers h IPR of any organization is one of the conÀdential
and Switchgears (LV &MV HV Switchgear) document and it is a part of security mandate,
February 9, 2022 hence this information cannot be shared to any
third party as it may lead to leakage of information
Webinar on “CYBER THREATS in the INDIAN POWER h There is a concept of sharing the information
SECTOR” through Software Bill of materials (BOM), where
requirement for source code can be eliminated
h Testing infrastructure needs to be placed before
we talk about various standards and products to
be tested
h There is a Need a lab on IEC 62443 and if the
product is not critical, testing can be exempted.
Key points discussed: h DoT does not require source code. It is required
Cyber Threats can come from any level in the only by testing lab during the testing process
organization set up. Without a cyber security Action taken:
programme, organization cannot defend it against data h IOT to consolidate the views from Members of
breach campaigns, which makes it an irresistible target Smart Grid and Energy Meter Division for further
for cybercrimes. This webinar focused on understanding submission to Ministry of Power
the cyber threats in the Indian power sector, detail
explanation of recent intrusions, real time case studies Outcome:
and potential opportunities and actionable steps that Ministry of Power requested all stakeholders to submit
can be adopted. It highlighted few terms that are very their comments/suggestions on the concept note of
important to know in the cyber security concept. Trusted Vendor System for Power Sector
March 2022 79
80 March 2022
March 2022 81
500 (765 kV Up to ¥ ¥ X
class) – 1 Ø 66 kV
¥ : Possible, X : Not Possible
Up to 500 MVA, 765 kV/66 kV Class, Single - Phase Of course, the fact that we are the world’s no. 1 induc-
Power Transformers; tion heating company for the electrotechnical sector helps
us develop solutions. As does our 50-plus years of expe-
h Measurement of Winding Resistance rience. And since we’re present in the Americas, Asia and
h Measurement of Turns Ration Europe, your solution is probably closer than you think.
h Measurement of No Load Losses
h Measurement of Load Losses and Percentage So contact us today to learn more about us—and how
Impedance our solutions can help your business. Visit our website for
the address of the EFD Induction office nearest you.
h Measurement of Zero-Sequence Impedance
h Magnetic Balance Test
h Induce Over Voltage Withstand Test
h Separate Source Withstand Voltage Test
Rajib Chattopadhyay
Head BD & CRM
Phone (D): 0265-3021505, Mobile: 9978940954, E-mail: rajib. HEAT TO SMARTER USE
82 March 2022
CCI 62
L&T Cover II
RE 71
83 March 2022
Kerala Government collaborates with Social Government, Social Alpha and the Tata Power to work
towards sustainability and climate.
Alpha for developing Startup Ecosystem in the
area of Clean Energy and Climate Action
PFC bestowed with the prestigious “ICAI
The Government of Kerala, through the Energy
Management Centre (EMC) and Kerala Development Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting”
and Innovation Strategy Council (KDISC), enters into Power Finance Corporation Ltd. (PFC) a Maharatna
a MoU with Social Alpha through its Clean Energy CPSE and country’s leading NBFC in the power sector,
International Incubation Centre (CEIIC). Set up in has won the prestigious ICAI (Institute of Chartered
2018 by Social Alpha, CEIIC is a joint initiative of Tata Accountants of India) Silver award for excellence in
Trusts and the Government of India, and is supported Ànancial reporting for the Ànancial year 2020-21 in
by the Department of Biotechnology, BIRAC, Tata ‘Public Sector Entities’ category.
Power and Tata Power-Delhi Distribution. The MoU
underlines the joint commitment of EMC, KDISC and PFC was bestowed with this coveted award for its highest
CEIIC to work together in the areas of innovative, degree of compliance with accounting standards,
clean energy technologies which integrate with the commendable accounting practices adopted while
initiatives and programs of the Government of Kerala. preparing Ànancial statements, the policies adopted
This collaboration will also facilitate the State of Kerala for disclosure & presentation of Ànancial statements
in curating innovative technologies for deployment amongst other information contained in the annual
through government initiatives for addressing the report.
challenges in the power sector and energy access for The award was received by Sh. R S Dhillon, CMD,
all. The jointly set-up incubation centre will leverage Smt. Parminder Chopra, Director (Finance) and Sh.
the labs and infrastructure already set up by the R K Malhotra, ED (Finance) from Dr. Jitender Singh,
collaborating agencies. Hon’ble MoS (IC) for Science and Technology, Earth
CEIIC will also bring with it a rich partner ecosystem Sciences, MoS for PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances
and a network for experts. Tata Power, one of the key and Pensions, Deptt of Atomic Energy and Space, at an
stakeholders and CEIIC, with a strong network of over award distribution ceremony held on 09th Feb., 2022.
a hundred national and international technology and Sh. Mohd Salim, GM (Finance) and Sh. Anurag Gupta,
institution partners, lab facilities and cadre of experts, CM (Finance) were also present on the occasion.
will also lend support to this joint incubator for creating
affordable and scalable solutions.
Prayagraj Power Generation Company inks
The initiative addresses the pressing need for solutions MoU with ZaaK Technologies for Upcycling
that leverage cutting-edge, disruptive clean energy
technologies to accelerate progress toward net zero. Ash to Sustainable Sand Material
The program aligns with the goals of the Mission Prayagraj Power Generation Company Limited (PPGCL)
Innovation Platform and India’s commitment towards has signed an MOU with ZaaK Technologies GmbH to
Climate. Climate Change is one of the biggest challenges jointly establish India’s Àrst Lypors® pilot manufacturing
facing our world today, spurring the call for global plant at PPGCL. PPGCL is a wholly owned subsidiary of
collaborations to tackle the crisis. The collaboration Renascent Power Ventures Private Limited incorporated
under this initiative reiterates the commitment of State in India which is in turn a wholly owned subsidiary of
84 March 2022
Resurgent Power Ventures Pte. Limited (a joint venture global players are booked and overÁowing till 2025,”
between Tata Power International Pte. Ltd. (TPIPL) (a he said.
wholly owned subsidiary of The Tata Power Company
Limited), ICICI Bank Ltd. (ICICI Bank) and other reputed
global investors. India to replace diesel with renewable energy
The partnership between the PPGCL and ZaaK would
in agriculture by 2024: Govt
create a whole new industry of sustainable construction Union Power Minister R K Singh said that India will
material by reducing the consumption of precious achieve zero-diesel use in agriculture and replace the
natural sand resources. This will enable PPGCL to fossil fuel with renewable energy by 2024. The minister
move rapidly towards its goal of adopting sustainable held a virtual meeting with the ofÀcials of the Ministry
practices in thermal power generation. Lypors® is a of Power and Ministry of New & Renewable Energy,
sustainable sand material manufactured through a Additional Chief Secretaries and Principal Secretaries
patented process by upcycling a wide range of mineral of Power or Energy Departments of states & UTs to
wastes, including Áy ash, pond ash, old-deposited ash, discuss their role in achieving India’s energy transition
bauxite residue and is used to produce lightweight goals and meeting climate commitments.
concrete, mortar, plaster, and other building products.
The minister asserted that India will replace diesel with
The partnership of PPGCL with ZaaK is in alignment renewables to achieve target of zero-diesel use in the
with the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate agricultural sector by 2024, a power ministry release
Change’s draft notiÀcation, mandating 100% ash stated.
utilization.The technology will enable the country to
manage the gainful utilization of Áy ash. Addressing the meeting, Singh stressed the need for
collaborative efforts between the Central and State
“We are happy to work with Zaak Technologies, and Governments towards the large-scale deployment of
we are certain that Lypors® will be a game-changer in energy efÀciency measures in potential sectors of the
turning Thermal Power ash into a useful and sustainable economy.
product. Our commitment to carbon neutrality and the
circular economy will be strengthened even more as a He emphasised the need to have a state-speciÀc agency
result of this collaboration.” said Mr. Vijay Namjoshi, dedicated for energy efÀciency and conservation. He
Chief – Generation, Tata Power urged that the states should develop action plan to
achieve the assigned targets.
Electrolyser supply crunch hangs over He further said that the central government is working
India’s hydrogen ambitions for a new and modern India, which cannot happen
without modern power systems, and it look forward to
A global supply crunch of electrolysers needed to
working with all states and UTs to achieve this.
produce green hydrogen and a lack of domestic
manufacturers to make them pose a major challenge
to India’s ambitious targets to use the zero-carbon
fuel, a government ofÀcial told Reuters.
India, which unveiled the Àrst phase of its hydrogen
policy, plans to manufacture 5 million tonnes of green
hydrogen per year by 2030, half of the European
Union’s 2030 target of 10 million tonnes.
Green hydrogen has the best environmental credentials
of the various categories of the clean-burning fuel
because it is produced using renewable energy.
For India, it is critical to its plans to cut carbon emissions,
but its green hydrogen target would require at least 10
gigawatts (GW) of electrolyser capacity to split water
into hydrogen and oxygen.
“The kind of electrolyser capacity that will be required
to realise all these ambitious programmes, they are not
available right now in the country,” S. S. V. Ramakumar,
a director at the country’s top reÀner Indian Oil who
helped to frame the country’s hydrogen policy, told
“All the production capacity and order books of big
March 2022 85
Solar Developer Has Plan to Turn Oil Wells Baltyk II and Baltyk III are located south of the Baltyk
I development in the Baltic Sea. Baltyk I, also being
Into Energy Storage developed by Polenergia and Equinor, is situated
A California developer of concentrated solar power on the border of the Polish exclusive economic zone
(CSP) systems has announced an innovation that it in the vicinity of the municipal commune áeba in the
says combines the company’s technologies to turn Pomorskie Province, about 81 kilometers (km) or 50
existing oil wells into energy storage sites that can miles from the port in áeba. The two additional Baltyk
provide clean energy. offshore wind farms also are in the Polish exclusive
economic zone, and will each have about 720 MW of
Hyperlight Energy on Feb. 24 said it was launching
generation capacity. They are located 37 km (23 miles)
Tectonic Sun, an electricity generation technology that
and 22 km (13.6 miles), respectively, from the coast of
when paired with the company’s Hylux solar thermal
solution can provide “zero-carbon electricity” from oil
wells “while reducing emissions during the extraction Polish ofÀcials have said the country wants to develop
process at enhanced oil recovery [EOR] sites.” 5.9 GW of offshore wind generation capacity by 2030,
Hyperlight on Thursday said the new system “is capable and up to 11 GW by 2040.
of providing emissions-free power with 80% capacity
factor for use at any time of day or night throughout
the year.” (Go here to view a video detailing how the
Mitsubishi Power builds hydrogen park to test
technology works.) next-gen technologies
Power solutions company, Mitsubishi Power, will
The company has a technology demonstration project,
establish the Takasago Hydrogen Park, a dedicated
Tectonic Sun Alpha, at a Hathaway oil drilling site in
centre for validation of hydrogen-related technologies,
BakersÀeld, California. Hathaway is an independent,
from hydrogen production to power generation.
BakersÀeld-based drilling company that operates six oil
and gas Àelds in Kern County, California. The center will be co-located at the gas turbine
development and manufacturing facility of Mitsubishi
Heavy Industry’s (MHI) Takasago Machinery Works
Siemens Gamesa Will Supply Turbines for in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, and will support the
Polish Offshore Wind Farms commercialisation of hydrogen gas turbines using
Poland’s pursuit of offshore wind took a step forward hydrogen as fuel.
with the announcement that Siemens Gamesa will The facility began long-term veriÀcation testing on 1
supply turbines for two new installations in the Baltic July 2020 as a 566MW class gas turbine combined
Sea. cycle (GTCC) power generation facility. Now, Mitsubishi
The MFW Baltyk II and MFW Baltyk III projects, being Power is beginning to test and demonstrate operations
developed by Equinor and Polenergia, will use SG of technologies including hydrogen production and
storage and hydrogen fueling of gas turbines, aiming to
14-236 DD offshore wind turbines, as part of two
commence operations in Àscal year 2023.
“Preferred Supplier Agreements” announced Feb. 22.
Siemens Gamesa on Tuesday said the deals are the Àrst Mitsubishi Power has already announced its 30%
conditional agreements for use of the SG 14-236 DD hydrogen co-Àring for large frame gas turbines and
equipment. will use Takasago Hydrogen Park to commercialize
86 March 2022
small and large frame gas turbines on a path to 100% states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, India, and form part
hydrogen Àring starting in 2025. of a credit line provided by German development bank
KfW to IREDA to assist developers in scaling off-grid
The hydrogen production facility utilizes a water
energy projects.
electrolysis system, and will test hydrogen production
technologies such as turquoise-hydrogen production According to Husk, the loan represents the biggest
by pyrolysis of methane into hydrogen and solid debt Ànancing for rural microgrids in India to date.
carbon, etc.
“The IREDA Ànancing demonstrates the Government of
An integrated system for all aspects of hydrogen-related India’s vision in making microgrids an integral part of its
technologies, from development to demonstration net-zero goal put forward at COP26,” said Husk CEO
and veriÀcation, will be established at the Takasago and Co-Founder Manoj Sinha.
Machinery Works. For the combustion chamber, the
”The IREDA funding will give Husk a much-needed
key component of hydrogen gas turbines, Mitsubishi
boost to achieve our target of expanding our microgrid
Power will create a work-Áow that includes development
Áeet 10x by 2025.”
at the development center (Research and Innovation
Center), design, production of an actual machine at Husk expects to raise a further $18 million in debt in
the manufacturing plant, and validation testing at the 2022, and after signing a contract with the United
demonstration facility. Nations will begin building 5,000 microgrids by 2030
in India, Nigeria and other countries in South Asia and
Sub-Saharan Africa.
Greencoat commissions Fluence battery
storage system for Irish wind farm
Energy storage Àrm Fluence has supplied a 10.8MW
9th meeting of India-Nepal JSC, JWG on
battery-based energy storage system for Killala power sector cooperation concludes
Community Wind Farm owned by renewable asset The 9th meeting of India-Nepal Joint Working Group
manager Greencoat Renewables. (Joint Secretary level) and Joint Steering Committee
(Secretary level) on bilateral power sector cooperation
The Killala Community Wind Farm, located in County
has concluded in Kathmandu.
Mayo, Ireland, has entered the commissioning
phase and aims to increase system stability in the The two mechanisms provide the necessary framework
Irish electricity grid. The farm currently comprises to support bilateral cooperation in the power sector. The
6 Siemens SWT101 3.4MW turbines with a combined meeting was commenced on February 23 and 24.
capacity of 20.4MW.
The apex JSC meeting was co-chaired by Alok
This project, which incorporates Fluence’s Gridstack Kumar, Secretary (Power), Government of India and
energy storage product, marks the Àrst investment in DevendraKarki, Secretary (Energy), Ministry of Energy,
energy storage technologies by Greencoat Renewables. Water Resources and Irrigation, Government of Nepal.
The proprietary Gridstack product is designed for During the JSC and JWG meetings, the two sides
frequency regulation, Áexible peaking capacity and reafÀrmed that power sector cooperation is a strong
enhanced transmission and distribution services. It pillar of India Nepal partnership and agreed to pursue
also includes intelligent controls and an edge-to-cloud it along the following axes: joint development of
communication platform for faster frequency response. generation projects in Nepal, joint development of
Ben Brooks, Portfolio Manager at Greencoat cross-border power transmission infrastructure, power
Renewables, commented: “Battery storage is playing trade under respective domestic regulations and policy
an ever-increasing role in the development of the framework, and capacity building assistance, as per the
renewable energy industry in Ireland, providing much release from Indian Embassy.
needed Áexibility and resilience to the electricity grid Indian side thanked the Nepali side for their warm
system and facilitating the growth of renewables and welcome and hospitality in Kathmandu and briefed
interconnection to support Ireland’s energy transition. the Nepali side on recent developments in India’s
power sector scenario, including installation of a large
renewable energy capacity and the achievement of
Husk Power receives funding for 140
“One Nation, One Grid, One Market”.
microgrids in India
“Nepali side briefed the Indian side on the recent
Indian clean energy company Husk Power Systems has
developments and future trends in power generation,
announced the successful close of $4.2 million in debt
transmission and demand scenario in Nepal. The Indian
Ànancing from the state-owned Ànancial institution India
side also acknowledged the recent enhancement in the
Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA).
installed power generation capacity in Nepal which
The funds will be used to Ànance 140 microgrids in the paves the way for stronger and mutually beneÀcial
March 2022 87
HOP Electric Mobility expands footprint to provide maximum comfort to all riders regardless of
age or gender. We strive to improve and evolve further
to 54 cities in India; inaugurates Ten new down the line and offer our consumers bonaÀde electric
Experience Centres vehicles that are cost-effective, easy-to-manoeuvre and
Making far-fetching changes in the existing Indian ecologically sound.” Added Mr. Mehta.
e-mobility space by leveraging cutting-edge
automobile technology and comprehensive Research ERDA receives prestigious contract from
& Development, HOP Electric has become India’s
leading electric vehicle manufacturer. Reinforcing its IntelliSmart (Govt. of India) for evaluation of
commitment to Atma Nirbhar Bharat, HOP Electric has Smart Meters in India
come up with a remarkable Republic Day present. In The Government of India plans to install 25 crore smart
addition to announcing soon-to-be-launched HOP meters in the next few years. With the replacement
OXO, an indigenous hi-speed electric motorcycle; of 25 crore conventional meters with smart meters,
HOP’s generation upgrade of LYF (internally named billing efÀciency can improve from 80 percent to 100
LYF2.0) has completed development cycle and launch percent, and has the potential to increase DISCOM
date will be announced soon. revenues by INR 1,104 billion. IntelliSmart Infrastructure
Private Limited or “IntelliSmart”, a JV company of EESL
Further, with the addition of 10 new exclusive cities, HOP
(Energy EfÀciency Services Limited, a Joint venture of
now has 54 exclusive experience centres in 12 states
PSUs of Ministry of Power, Government of India) along
across India, the brand is planning to further expand its
with NIIF (National Investment and Infrastructure Fund,
footprint across India and have retail presence in more
a Government of India, sovereign fund) is established
than 300 cities in 2022.
with the focus to implement, Ànance, and operate the
Ketan Mehta, CEO and Co-Founder of HOP Electric smart meter roll-out program of power distribution
Mobility said, “This latest addition is absolutely companies.
heartening for us. In the past few years, the demand for With focus on expediting the deployment of smart
electric vehicles has risen signiÀcantly. The key reasons meters across the country and to ensure performance
are high penetration of social media and the internet as well as quality, IntelliSmart has entered into a rate
that have triggered a conversation around sustainable contract for testing of smart meters with Electrical
transportation. There is a sudden spike in the demand Research and Development Association (ERDA).
for premium-grade electric vehicles among youth
today. Taking cognisance of this trend, we are soon ERDA’s Smart Meter testing facility is accredited by
going to launch our Àrst e-bike HOP OXO and a high- NABL and BIS. In fact, ERDA was the Àrst laboratory in
speed electric scooter. Furthermore, from our learnings India to get Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) accreditation
and our consumers feedback we have completed the for Smart Meter testing as per IS 16444: 2015. ERDA
development of the generation upgrade of LYF. We is having Communication Protocol veriÀcation facility
expect it to launch in the next couple of months. It as per IS 15959 using CTT 3.1 extended edition from
DLMS user association and Meter explorer software
will be a game changer for the Indian market making
tool. ERDA is also recognized as one of the designated
electric vehicles and advanced technology accessible
laboratories for testing of Smart meters with IEC 62056
to everyone.”
communication protocols by Ministry of Power, Govt.
“All HOP electric two-wheelers are specially designed of India. ERDA is having its own in-house EMI/EMC
88 March 2022
testing facility required for Smart Meter testing. ERDA RWE and Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited
presently meets around 50% of all India Smart Meter possess complementary strengths and will enable
Testing requirement. the establishment of a competitive offshore wind
market in India. Talking about the collaboration, Dr
Praveer Sinha, CEO and Managing Director of Tata
Godrej & Boyce wins INR 550+ crore Power, says: “RWE is our ideal partner to support Tata
orders in Domestic T&D Market for their Power’s plans to enhance and grow offshore wind
Power Transmission business business based on its global expertise in running and
operating offshore wind projects. In view of the Indian
Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd, one of the pioneers
Government’s heightened focus on offshore wind farms
in manufacturing, announced that its Power
to address the country’s expanding electricity demands,
Infrastructure and Renewable Energy business unit
the collaboration becomes even more signiÀcant.”
has secured orders of over INR 550 Crores in the
Power Transmission business. The orders comprise Sven Utermöhlen, CEO Wind Offshore of RWE
400kV New AIS substations, 220kV New GIS Renewables, explains: “India has excellent wind
substations, 220kV Transmission lines and 220kV resources, which can help to meet the country’s
Underground Cables in the Domestic T&D market. increasing energy demands. If clear regulations and an
effective tender scheme are in place, we expect India’s
Commenting on the order, Raghavendra Mirji, offshore wind industry will gain a real momentum. RWE
Senior Vice President & Head – Power Infrastructure wants to be part of this development.”
& Renewable Energy (PIRE), Godrej Electricals &
Electronics says, “We are enthused to have secured Ind-Ra maintains ‘neutral’ outlook for power
new orders amidst the challenging times. The current
orders further strengthen our presence in Domestic sector
T&D Market. With these orders, G&B has expanded its India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) has maintained
portfolio in EHV substation & transmission line projects a ‘neutral’ outlook for the power sector for FY23 and
across India.” expects the demand growth to come back to a normal
level of 6 to 7 per cent in the next Àscal year.
Godrej & Boyce has been delivering a range of
equipment, solutions and services aimed at driving “India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) has maintained
efÀcient energy management across the industry value a neutral outlook for the power sector for FY23, as it
chain. Godrej Electricals & Electronics, a business of believes the overall plant load factor (PLF) of thermal
Godrej & Boyce, forayed into the Power Transmission power plants would continue to improve and reach
business in 2010 and has successfully commissioned closer to 60 per cent in FY23,” an Ind-Ra statement said.
several EHV substation projects up to 400kV across all The improvement in PLF is largely due to the consistent
territories in India, and further aims to consolidate its growth in power demand and continued dependence
position in 400kV & above segment. on coal-based generation in the absence of any major
Over the years Godrej Electrical & Electronics has increase in the capacity additions in any other sector
established itself as one of the most trusted EPC except renewables, it added.
companies in the Power Transmission segment in India. Further, Ind-Ra expects the demand growth to come
RWE and Tata Power collaborate to explore potential for back to a normal level of 6 to 7 per cent in FY23, given
development of offshore wind projects in India a higher base.
RWE and Tata Power have agreed on a partnership to The impact of third COVID wave remains lower on
explore the potential for a joint development of offshore power demand, given the less stringent curbs imposed
wind projects in India. A corresponding Memorandum by local/state governments, although any stringent
of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between lockdowns in case of the emergence of any strong
Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited, a 100 percent COVID wave could derail the growth in power demand,
subsidiary of Tata Power, which is one of India’s largest it noted.
integrated power companies, and RWE Renewables Furthermore, the weak Ànancial proÀle of distribution
GmbH, one of the world’s leaders in offshore wind. companies (discoms), reÁected in increasing overdues
even after liquidity injections by the government of
India is an unexplored and highly attractive market
India, it said.
to develop opportunities for offshore wind as it has a
large coastline of about 7,600 kilometres. The MoU The government assistance of Rs 3.05 lakh crore for
between Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited and improving discoms infrastructure including smart
RWE becomes signiÀcant in the light of the Government metering and upgradation of systems should result
of India’s announcement of achieving 30 gigawatts in reduction in aggregate, technical and commercial
(GW) of offshore wind installations by 2030 to meet the losses, Ind-Ra said, adding that “implementation
country’s growing power demands. remains key”.
March 2022 89
90 March 2022
Import of coal and products i.e. coke during the last six years
(Million tonnes)
Total Coal Import 203.95 191.01 208.25 235.35 248.53 215.25 147.14
Despatch of coal to Thermal Power and Coal Consumption/Off-Take during last ten years
(Quantity of Million Tonnes)
Coal Despatch “Total Offtake/
Year "Power "Power Consumption” Growth %
Growth % Growth %
(Utility)" (Captive)"
2014-15 435.438 10.37% 62.263 14.41% 604.348 5.57%
2015-16 483.124 10.95% 34.645 -44.36% 632.778 4.70%
2016-17 490.987 1.63% 44.057 27.17% 646.267 2.13%
2017-18 519.582 5.82% 65.906 49.59% 690.246 6.81%
2018-19 567.645 9.25% 76.78 16.50% 733.014 6.20%
2019-20 534.256 -5.88% 77.153 0.49% 707.387 -3.50%
2020-21 provisional 510.265 -4.49% 70.293 -8.89% 691.084 -2.30%
March 2022 91
The basic prices and indices are calculated on the basis of raw material prices, exclusive of excise/C.V.
duty wherever manufactures are eligible to obtain MODVAT beneÀt.
These basic prices and indices are for operation of IEEMA’s Price Variation Clauses for various products.
Basic Price Variation Clauses, explanation of nomenclature can be obtained from IEEMA ofÀce.
Every care has been taken to ensure correctness of reported prices and indices. However, no
responsibility is assured for correctness. Authenticated prices and indices are separately circulated
by IEEMA every month. We recommend using authenticated prices and indices only for claiming
price variation.
Source : IEEMA
92 March 2022
Accounting For the
Name of Product From Oct 20 Highest Annual
September-21 to Sep 21 Production
Electric Motors*
AC Motors - LT 000' KW 1334 16422 15548
AC Motors - HT 000' KW 284 3995 5273
DC Motors 000' KW 36 455 618
Contactors 000' Nos. 1376 15783 13182
Motor Starters 000' Nos. 228 2684 2427
SDF 000' Nos. 54 659 731
Circuit Breakers DIN Rail Mounted 000' Poles 17538 213084 183142
Circuit Breakers - LT Nos. 371304 3920982 3311005
Circuit Breakers - HT Nos. 6739 74484 77659
Custom Built Product Rs. Lakhs 22762 22755 265267
HRC Fuses & Overload Relays 000' Nos. 1056 13637 17246
Power Cables* KM 60797 710072 838017
Power Capacitors - LT & HT* 000' KVAR 4327 47141 57368
Distribution Transformers 000' KVA 3507 37183 58341
Power Transformers 000' KVA 14997 161460 234922
Instrument Transformers
Current Transformers 000' Nos. 72 831 941
Voltage Transformers Nos. 10815 114403 158703
Energy Meters* 000' Nos. 2245 24903 41887
Transmission Line Towers* 000' MT 79 913 1250
* Weighted Production
March 2022 93
Green Hydrogen / Green Ammonia Policy
94 March 2022
x. Manufacturers of Green Hydrogen / Green access. Open access shall be provided within 15 days
Ammonia shall be allowed to set up bunkers near for this purpose. Only cross subsidy charges (not more
Ports for storage of Green Ammonia for export / than 20% as per Tariff Policy Guidelines), transmission
use by shipping. The land for the storage for this charges and wheeling charges shall be applicable.
purpose shall be provided by the respective Port
Guidelines also include the details of requirements of
Authorities at applicable charges.
Public Charging Infrastructure (PCI), PCI for long range
The implementation of this Policy will provide clean EVs and/or heavy duty EVs, Location of PCS, Database
fuel to the common people of the country. This will of Public EV charging stations, Tariff for supply of
reduce dependence on fossil fuel and also reduce electricity to EV PCS and service charge at PCS.
crude oil imports. The objective also is for our country
Due to high cost of rent for land and charges provision
to emerge as an export Hub for Green Hydrogen and
of land at promotional rates for PCS have been
Green Ammonia.
provided in the Guidelines. Land available with
The policy promotes Renewable Energy (RE) Government/Public entities shall be provided to
generation as RE will be the basic ingredient in making Government/Public entity on a revenue sharing basis
green hydrogen. This in turn will help in meeting the at a Àxed rate of Re.1/kWh (used for charging) to be
international commitments for clean energy. paid to the land owning agency, initially for a period of
10 years.
Government of India sets policy for Electric
The Charging Stations take connection from DISCOMs
Vehicle charging stations which in turn take the supply of electricity from the Grid.
Ministry of Power issued the revised consolidated The power is supplied to grid from both Non-Renewable
Guidelines & Standards for charging infrastructure on and Renewable Sources.
14th January, 2022. The salient features as stipulated in This information was given by Shri R.K Singh Union
the guidelines and standards are as under: Minister for Power and MNRE in a written reply in Lok
Tariff for supply of electricity for Public Charging Station Sabha.
(PCS) shall be a single part tariff and shall not exceed
“Average Cost of Supply” till 31st March, 2025. Applications invited for financial support
DISCOMs may leverage on funding from the Revamped to Indian companies with indigenous
Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) under ‘Part A – technologies in semiconductor & sensors
Distribution Infrastructure’ for the general upstream sector for commercialization
network augmentation necessitated due to the
upcoming charging infrastructure in various areas. Indian companies having innovative technologies at
The cost of such works carried out by the DISCOMs commercialization stage in semiconductor & sensor
with the Ànancial assistance from Government of India domain now have an opportunity of been supported
under Revamped Scheme shall not be charged from Ànancially for commercialisation and of Ànancial
the consumers for Public Charging Stations for EVs. assistance in the form of loans, equity, and grants.
Aligning with the national requirement and focus
Housing Societies, Malls, OfÀce Complexes,
in the electronic/semiconductor sector, proposals
Restaurants, Hotels, etc. are allowed to install PCS
have been invited from Indian companies with
for charging of vehicles including charging of visitor’s
indigenous technologies at commercialisation
vehicles permitted to come in its premises.
stage in semiconductor & sensor domain focusing
Charging stations meant for 100% in-house/captive on semiconductor fabrication, display fabrication,
utilization are free to choose charging speciÀcations as designing for integrated circuits (ICs), chipsets, system
per requirement. on chips (SoCs) and so on.
DISCOMs have been directed to provide electricity The proposals invited by Technology Development
connection to PCS in accordance with the timelines Board, a statutory body of Department of Science &
speciÀed in the “Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Technology, Government of India, has key features like
Rules 2020”. providing Ànancial assistance to Indian Companies
for Commercialization, evaluation based on ScientiÀc,
The connection for a PCS shall be provided within Technological, Financial and Commercial Merit, and
7 days in metro cities, 15 days in other municipal Financial Assistance in the form of Loan, Equity and/
areas and 30 days in rural areas. Appropriate or Grants. The companies applying should be Indian
Commission may specify a lesser time limit than the companies (as per Companies Act,1956 /2013) or Start-
aforementioned limit. ups with Recognition CertiÀcate from DPIIT.
Any PCS/chain of charging station may also obtain The vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra
electricity from any generation company through open Modi aims at positioning India as a global hub for
March 2022 95
Electronics System Design and Manufacturing. The since 01st April, 2019 by way of Demand Incentive
government has undertaken a large number of initiatives amounting to Rs. 827 Cr. (approximately).
for development of core components, including
chipsets, and creating an enabling environment for the This information was given by the Minister of State for
industry to compete globally. Heavy Industries Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar in a written
reply in the Rajya Sabha.
Semiconductors and displays are the foundation of
modern electronics driving the next phase of digital
transformation under Industry 4.0. Semiconductors India to have two National Centres of
and display manufacturing are very complex and Excellence in Carbon Capture & Utilization
technology-intensive sectors involving huge capital at IIT Bombay & JNCASR, Bengaluru,
investments, high risk, long gestation and payback
periods, and rapid changes in technology, which supported by DST
require signiÀcant and sustained investments. The Two National Centres of Excellence in Carbon Capture
call will give an impetus to semiconductor and display and Utilization are being established in India. The two
manufacturing by facilitating capital support and Centres, namely the National Centre of Excellence in
technological collaborations. Carbon Capture and Utilization (NCoE-CCU) at Indian
Sh. Rajesh Kumar Pathak, IP&TAFS, Secretary, TDB, Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai and
added, “TDB has played a pivotal role in developing the National Centre in Carbon Capture and Utilization
conducive ecosystems for growth of technology (NCCCU) at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
companies, this call shall provide impetus to the ScientiÀc Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru are being
Semiconductor & Sensor Ecosystem, which will be set up with support from the Department of Science &
essential to the AatmaNirbharBharat initiative.” Technology, Govt. of India.
For detailed Funding Guidelines and Proposal These CoEs will facilitate capturing & mapping of
Submission, applicants can visit TDB’s website- www. current R&D and innovation activities in the domain and Last date to submit the proposal also develop networks of researchers, industries and
is 26th March, 2022. stakeholders with coordination and synergy between
partnering groups and organizations. The Centres will
Phased Manufacturing Programme to act as multi-disciplinary, long-term research, design
promote indigenous manufacturing of development, collaborative and capacity-building hubs
for state-of-the-art research and application-oriented
Electric Vehicles, its assemblies / sub- initiatives in the Àeld of CCU.
assemblies and parts / sub-parts / inputs The NCoE-CCU at IIT Bombay will deÀne milestones
of the sub-assemblies and spearhead science and technology initiatives for
The Ministry of Heavy Industries has notiÀed a industry-oriented CCU innovation in India, alongside
Phased Manufacturing Programme (PMP) to promote developing novel methodologies for improving the
indigenous manufacturing of Electric Vehicles, its technology readiness levels in CCU. It will accelerate
assemblies / sub-assemblies and parts / sub-parts the R&D efforts in methods of carbon capture and
/ inputs of the sub-assemblies. The PMP envisaged utilization. The centre will also work on the conversion
a graded duty structure to promote indigenous of captured carbon dioxide to chemicals, CO2 transport,
manufacturing over a period of time. compression and utilization, as well as on enhanced
hydrocarbon recovery as co-beneÀt pathways. The
Another PMP for Electric/ Hybrid (xEV) Parts deÀnes NCoE-CCU will also develop and demonstrate efÀcient
the effective date of indigenization of xEV parts to avail CO2 capture from representative Áue gas from the
incentives under FAME Phase-II. efÁuents of power plant and biogas plant.
Since Automobile is a liberalized sector and 100% The NCCCU at JNCASR, Bengaluru, will aim to develop
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by automatic route is and demonstrate carbon capture and conversion by
permitted in this sector, the Ministry of Heavy Industries developing relevant materials and methodologies.
is not mandated to maintain the data related to the These processes will be scaled up to pilot scale mode
percentage of total electric two wheeler vehicles with a to produce hydrocarbons, oleÀnes and other value-
minimum range lesser than 80 kilometres per charge. added chemicals and fuels. It will also work on reaching
Further, in order to increase the performance and technology readiness level on par with the commercial
efÀciency of electric two wheelers, the Government requirement at the industry level. The centre will promote
has notiÀed the minimum range 80 km per charge for the CCU research, provide training and consultancy
electric two wheelers to be eligible for demand incentive and translate its research excellence into solutions with
under FAME India Scheme Phase-II. global economic and social impact.
Under Phase-II of FAME India Scheme, 2.31 lakhs The Centres will help bring together the country’s
Electric Vehicles have been supported till 01.02.2022 collective strength and assist in the development of an
96 March 2022
appropriate and feasible R&D and innovation roadmap. reserves this year especially when the coal prices are at
The Centres will also keep watch on international trends a high level in the international market. The government
and suggest possible collaborative endeavours. is continuing all efforts to further enhance the coal
Under the strict climatic regime, it is vital to identify production in the country as availability of additional
and adopt a right balance of portfolio of emission coal will aid in import-substitution of coal.
curtailment technologies. Carbon Capture and The Ànancial year 2020 -21 is not being taken for
Utilization (CCU) is among one such key pathways comparison purpose due to industrial production
to reduce emissions while continuing to develop getting severely affected during the year because of
sustainably at an unprecedented pace. CCU aligns with Covid-19 related restrictions.
Àve of the seventeen sustainable development goals
(SDGs), namely, climate action; clean energy, industry, National Grid has inter-regional
innovation, and infrastructure; responsible consumption
and production; and partnerships to achieve the goals. transmission capacity of 1,12,250 MW,
providing seamless power transfer
India Achieves Major Success in Coal Import throughout the Electricity Grid
Reduction Despite Increase in Power Demand The 19th Electric Power Survey (EPS) report, covers
India is the world’s third largest energy consuming electricity demand projection for the year 2016-17 to
country and electricity demand grows by 4.7% each year. 2026-27 as well as perspective electricity demand
To reduce the dependence on imports of coal, major projection for the year 2031-32 and 2036-37 for each
reforms have been carried out by the Ministry of Coal State/UT. As on 31.12.2021, the Installed Generation
with the vision of “AtmaNirbhar Bharat”. The Ministry has Capacity of the country was around 393 GW. Further,
also amended the Mineral Concession (Amendment) to meet the future demand of electricity as projected
Rules, 1960 under MMDR (Amendment) Act, 2021 to in 19th EPS, by 31.03.2030, the installed generation
allow lessee of captive mines to sell coal or lignite up capacity is planned to be around 817 GW.
to 50% of the total excess production after meeting the India has robust Transmission Grid capacity. Power
requirements of the end-use plant. With this amendment, from one State to another State can be transmitted
MoC has paved the way for releasing of additional coal through Electricity Grids. The cumulative inter regional
in the market by greater utilization of mining capacities transmission capacity of the National Grid as on
of captive coal blocks which has led to increase in 31.01.2022 was 1,12,250 MW, which has ensured
production of coal by 36.06% from 39.15 MT upto Nov 19* seamless transfer of power in the Electricity Grid.
to 53.27 MT during corresponding period of FY 22. The
reforms have led to an increase in domestic production This information was given by Shri R.K Singh Union
of coal by 9.01% and the overall coal production rose at Minister for Power and MNRE in a written reply in Rajya
447.54 MT upto November 21 as compared to 410.55 Sabha.
MT in the corresponding months of FY 20.
With increase in domestic production of coal, we
Smart Cities have tendered out 6,721
have achieved signiÀcant reduction in import of coal projects worth `1,88,507 crore so far
despite surge in power demand. The coal based power The Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, Shri Hardeep
generation upto November 2021 is 671.906 BU (Billion Singh Puri in a written reply to a question in the Rajya
Units) with an increase of 5.17% over generation of Sabha today informed that the Government of India
638.82 BU during the corresponding period of FY 20. launched Smart Cities Mission (SCM) on 25 June 2015.
Imported coal based power generation which was 100 Smart Cities have been selected through 4 rounds
61.78 BU during April to Nov 2019 has reduced by of competition from January 2016 to June 2018. As
51.38% to 30.036 BU during corresponding months per SCM Guidelines, Central Government will provide
of current FY 22. Imports of all grades of Non Coking Ànancial support to the extent of ` 48,000 crore over Àve
Coal has reduced to 107.36 MT during the period April years i.e., on an average ` 100 crore per city per year. An
to November 2021 from a level of 131.51 MT during equal amount on a matching basis will be contributed
the corresponding months of the FY 20, leading to a by the State Government/Urban Local Body (ULB).
decline of about 18.36%.
As on 21 January 2022, these Smart Cities have
The import of Non Coking coal primarily used in power tendered out 6,721 projects worth ` 1,88,507 crore;
sector has decreased by 57.59% from 46.53 MT to work orders have been issued in 6,124 projects
19.73 MT upto Nov, 2021 in comparison to the same worth ` 1,62,908 crore; 3,421 projects worth ` 58,735
period of FY 20 which has opened the doors to become crore have been completed. As on 21 January 2022,
self-reliant in coal production. The overall import of coal Government of India has released ` 28,413.60 crore for
has also reduced to 147.14 MT in the period from April 100 Smart Cities, out of which ` 23,668.27 crore (83%)
to November 2021 compared to 165.57 MT during the has been utilized. Presently, there is no proposal under
corresponding period of FY 20, a decrease of about consideration of the Government for adding more cities
11.13% which has resulted in signiÀcant savings of forex under SCM
March 2022 97
Sparks Sans Shocks
98 March 2022
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