MR Thompson Presentation
MR Thompson Presentation
MR Thompson Presentation
Funds $2,376
Start up costs $3,465
Amount short $1,089
Our Funds
Our Goal
- Sold 30 phonestands
- Got LLC
- Locked in Developers
- Started Mapping
- Finalize Finances
- Begin working on App
- Opened Bank Account
- Finished first floor of Norfolk Airport.
The Customer Our Business
Gain Creators:
A map that is easy
Products & to use.
Less stressful travels
Find a way from A ➤ B Services:
Phone Stand for
Customer An app that helps hands free calls
Jobs: make traveling and video chats.
stress free
Pains: Traveling
A phone stand that Pain Relievers:
- Stressed with can hold up your
getting lost during phone while you Helps to relieve
travels do other tasks. the stress that is
- Not understanding involved with
station layout/map crowded areas.
Value Proposition
Customer Problems Solution Unique Value Proposition Customer Customer Segments
Relationships Younger commuters
Hard time getting Creating a We show customers a
quick and simple route
and travelers going
around busy train website/app to give a to get to anywhere they
Email to or living in big
stations map with directions need in a train station Social Media metro areas
Ticket machines are for how to get where People traveling to a
hard to use you would like within (Possible future
Train Ads
new area for the first
Trains are late the station additions) - help people
to locate/track their
Notification that say People traveling for
Key Metrics trains in a seamless and Channels
estimate of train highly accurate way to vacations
arrival time is always ensure they never miss Business travelers
off, sometimes by Number of a ride. (or planes in Search engines The transit company
like 15 minutes. future)
monthly website Train companies itself so that they
Public transportation App store can distribute our
before/after the train visitors + track Possible universal
transit ticket Google play
ride is confusing which maps get
used the most
Cost Structure Revenue Streams
Professional website Ad revenue $7.4 first month
Business technology 1.57x rate of increase
Business permit
Train ads Premium content
Internet ads Possible overdraft fees
Domain Money paid to by the train company
Bug Fixes BMC
- GPS Of the train station