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Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10453-021-09693-9 (0123456789().,-volV)
( 01234567


Bioaerosols in the landfill environment: an overview

of microbial diversity and potential health hazards
Abhilash T. Nair

Received: 16 July 2020 / Accepted: 19 January 2021 / Published online: 4 February 2021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature 2021

Abstract Landfilling is one of the indispensable humidity provide a favourable environment for sur-
parts of solid waste management in various countries. vival and multiplication of microbes. Landfill workers
Solid waste disposed of in landfill sites provides involved in solid waste disposal activities are at the
nutrients for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes highest risk of exposure to these bioaerosols due to
which are aerosolized into the atmosphere due to the their proximity to solid waste and as they practise
local meteorology and various waste disposal activi- minimum personal safety and hygiene measures
ties. Bioaerosols released from landfill sites can create during working hours. Workers are recommended to
health issues for employees and adjoining public. The use personal protective equipment and practise
present study offers an overview of the microbial hygiene to reduce the impact of occupational expo-
diversity reported in the air samples collected from sure to bioaerosols.
various landfill sites worldwide. This paper also
discusses other aspects, including effect of meteoro- Keywords Bioaerosols  Air pollutants  Organic
logical conditions on the bioaerosol concentrations, dust  Occupational health  Landfill site 
sampling techniques, bioaerosol exposure and poten- Aerobiological monitoring
tial health impacts. Analysis of literature concluded
that landfill air is dominated by microbial dust or
various pathogenic microbes like Enterobacteriaceae,
CFU Colony-forming unit
Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens,
GNB Gram-negative bacteria
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Aspergillus fumiga-
MSW Municipal solid waste
tus. The bioaerosols present in the landfill environ-
ODTS Organic dust toxic syndrome
ment are of respirable sizes and can penetrate deep
PPE Personal protective equipment
into lower respiratory systems and trigger respiratory
RH Relative humidity
symptoms and chronic pulmonary diseases. Most
TVB Total viable bacteria
studies reported higher bioaerosol concentrations in
US United States Environmental Protection
spring and summer as higher temperature and relative
EPA Agency

A. T. Nair (&)
Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities,
National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology
(NIFFT), Hatia, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834003, India
e-mail: nairabhilasht@gmail.com

186 Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203

1 Introduction landfilling house many pathogenic bioaerosols at the

workplace (Pasmionka 2020; Yoo et al. 2016). In
Bioaerosols omnipresent in the atmosphere, are waste treatment plants, complex biological and
incredibly variable and complex and perform impor- physicochemical processes are used in a controlled
tant roles in almost all ecological units (Ghosh et al. environment to treat waste materials, leading to the
2015). Bioaerosols are airborne biological particles release many pathogenic bioaerosols into the atmo-
consisting of cells, pollen, fungi, parasite eggs, sphere (Walser et al. 2015; Wolany and Płaza 2017).
bacteria or viruses (Blais-Lecours et al. 2015; Breza- Wastewater treatment plants contain several patho-
Boruta 2016; Douglas et al. 2017). To a great extent, genic microbes, including the new novel coronavirus
these airborne microbes are present in the atmosphere SARS-CoV-2 (Burdsall et al. 2020). A recent study
due to natural origin like the forest, marine environ- has reported forty-one antibiotic-resistant bacte-
ment and desert dust. The components of bioaerosols ria present downwind of MSW treatment plant (Li
studied by aerobiologists include (1) living organ- et al. 2020). Several researchers have confirmed that
isms—including fungi, bacteria, microalgae, lichens; occupational exposure to bioaerosols at workplaces
(2) biological components—including spores, pollen, like composting, wastewater treatment plant, landfills
viruses, mycotoxins, endotoxins, exotoxins, proteins, can cause various allergic, inflammatory and infec-
(1-3)-b-D-glucans, and (3) non-biological particles, tious diseases (Pasmionka 2020; Ray et al. 2005;
organic dust, animal fragments/excreta (Pearson et al. Walser et al. 2015).
2015; Rengasamy et al. 2004; Šantl-Temkiv et al. Solid waste management is considered to be one of
2020). Bioaerosols have a biogeochemical association the most critical indicators of good city governance.
with atmospheric, marine and terrestrial environment By 2025, the urban population worldwide is antici-
and play a critical role in ecosystem interaction, pated to reach around 4.3 billion, generating around
nucleation and human health (Walser et al. 2015; Zhai 2.2 billion tonnes of MSW every year (The World
et al. 2018). Bank 2012). In most countries, the final accountability
Bioaerosols exhibit high variability in shape and of solid waste management lies with the municipal-
sizes. The size of pollen grains varies between 5 and ities/ urban local bodies. However, a large portion of
300 lm, while fungal cells and spores varies from the population does not receive adequate MSW
0.25 to 60 lm and the size of viruses are mostly less management services (Paul et al. 2012). Though being
than 0.2 lm (Sturm 2012). Fragments of cells and the least favourable method in the MSW management
colonies vary from some nanometres to hundreds of hierarchy, in most developing countries, due to
micrometre (Sturm 2012). The age of spores governs scarcity of financial support, technical expertise and
the bioaerosol size variation, types of associated institutional efforts, unscientific open dumping of
particles, type of microbes and aggregation rates of MSW in unlined open dumps is preferred for MSW
microbes (Chmiel and Kral 2019). Irrespective of the disposal (Nair et al. 2019a; Samadder et al. 2017).
diverse compositions, shape, size structures and Such landfills release a large amount of organic dust,
category, most bioaerosols have an aerodynamic VOCs, leachate and bioaerosols (Kalwasińska and
diameter less than 10 lm and can penetrate deep Burkowska 2013; Madhwal et al. 2020; Nair et al.
inside the respiratory tract (Sharma Ghimire et al. 2019a, b). Most landfill sites provide favourable
2019). Bioaerosols entering the respiratory tracks and conditions such as nutrients and moisture for degra-
deep into lungs and to the alveolar, sac induce dation of waste and proliferation of microbes, some of
numerous adverse health effects, including allergies, which are pathogenic. Exposure to these bioaerosols
pneumonia, rhinitis, hay fever, asthma, tuberculosis, from landfill sites could lead to irritations of the eye
bronchitis and cardiovascular diseases (Breza-Boruta and skin, and increased risk of gastrointestinal symp-
2016; Douglas et al. 2017). Additionally, bioaerosols toms (Ray et al. 2005).
encompassing non-culturable microbes or their frag- The microbes proliferate abundantly on the nutri-
ments are also responsible for chronic diseases (Blais- ents present in the biodegradable MSW, which forms
Lecours et al. 2015). the significant stake of the waste disposed of in
Biological processes in waste industries like landfills (Madhwal et al. 2020). These microbes along
wastewater treatment, solid waste composting and with dust particles are aerosolized during various

Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203 187

waste management activities comprising transporting analysis and associated exposure hazards. Bioaerosol
the waste to landfill sites, unloading the waste from the sampling methods, along with their benefits and
vehicles, spreading and levelling, sorting, compacting limitations, are also discussed.
and covering the waste with soil (Kalwasińska et al.
2014). The dust particles can comprise pathogenic
microbes, cytotoxins and endotoxins (Maharia and 2 Microbial diversity in landfill sites
Srivastava 2020; Schlosser et al. 2018). The increasing
population of cities in developing countries and Knowledge of microbial diversity present in the
expanding periphery of the urban area has brought landfill and the surrounding atmosphere is essential
landfill sites nearby or within the city border. There- to avert its harmful health hazards. The type and
fore, people are destined to reside adjacent to landfill quantity of pathogenic bioaerosols in landfill air are
sites, a potential source of bioaerosol-related epidemic influenced by various factors like composition of
disease outbreak (Madhwal et al. 2020). The concen- waste, nature of microbes present in the landfill site,
trations of bioaerosols in a landfill site can be a bio-meteorological conditions like wind speed, wind
thousand times greater than in any office building directions, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humid-
(Kalwasińska et al. 2014; Lis et al. 2004). ity, precipitation, solar radiation and electric phenom-
Landfilling operations in most developed countries ena (Kalwasińska and Burkowska 2013;
are mechanized, and workers practise adequate per- Krishnamurthi and Chakrabarti 2013). Hence, the
sonal safety measures and wear PPE; however, in quantity and composition of the microbial diversity
developing countries, landfill workers handle the always exhibit inconsistency and therefore cannot be
waste with bare minimum personal protective equip- reported with certainty. A varied array of microor-
ment and personal hygiene (Salve et al. 2019). Major ganisms exist in landfill sites as they play significant
waste handling activities like waste collection, trans- roles in the degradation of organic waste disposed in
portation, unloading of waste, sorting and final landfills over time (Awasthi et al. 2017; Krishnamurthi
disposal are carried out by workers physically with and Chakrabarti 2013). Microbes degrade the organic
minimum mechanization and personal protection. compounds present in MSW in methane, carbon
They physically handle various toxic waste like dioxide, water vapour and VOCs (Nair et al. 2019a).
decaying waste, carcasses of animals, excreta of The most common microbial group detected in
human and animals which puts them at risk of landfills are cellulose degraders, acidogens, acetogens
communicable and non-communicable diseases and methanogens (Xu et al. 2017). Some of the
(Salve et al. 2019). Hence, the workforces of landfill bacteria like Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis,
sites in developing countries are most exposed to Staphylococcus sciurii, Staphylococcus xylosus and
organic dust and dangerous bioaerosol and put them at fungi like Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus
high risk of occupational hazards. The primary are responsible for the degradation of waste disposed
exposure routes of bioaerosols are through inhalation of in landfill (Fraczek and Kozdroj 2016). However,
and dermal contact (Ray et al. 2005). Apart from these microbes are also associated with various
formal landfill workers, another group of people infections in human beings, specifically in the respi-
exposed to such high concentrations of bioaerosols ratory system (Fraczek and Kozdroj 2016; O’Gorman
are residents near landfill sites and informal waste 2011). These microbes can be disseminated from
pickers or scavengers in the dumpsite. Informal waste landfill sites mainly via three modes–leachate, vector
pickers spend the maximum amount of time in the and aerosols (Fedorak and Rogers 1991). Krishna-
landfill site with minimum personal protection and murthi and Chakrabarti (2013) reported the presence
hygiene (Fig. 1). Hence, it is imperative to consider of Actinobacteria, Aerococcus, Bacillus, Brevibacil-
the microbiological air quality of landfill and sur- lus, Clostridium, Cohnella, Desulfotomaculum,
rounding area to develop suitable safety interventions. Lysinibacillus, Microvirga, Oceanobacillus,
This paper aims to provide an overview of published Ornithinibacillus, Paenibacillus, Paenisporosarcina,
literature highlighting the various species and con- Pseudomonas, Roseomonas, Staphylococcus, Steno-
centrations of bioaerosols collected and identified trophomonas and Streptococcus in landfill situated in
from landfill air across the world, their seasonal India. Figure 2 shows the microbial diversity analysed

188 Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203

Fig. 1 Informal waste pickers handling solid waste in an open dumpsite without any personal protection (Source: Author’s own)

Fig. 2 Microbial diversity present at two sampling locations in Zhaozhuang landfill, China [Reproduced with permission from Wang
et al. (2017)]

from Zhaozhuang landfill, China. The results reveal Spirochaetes, Synergistetes, Thermotogae and Tener-
the presence of Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmi- icutes (Wang et al. 2017).
cutes, Deinococcus-Thermus, Proteobacteria,

Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203 189

The primary source of bioaerosols in the landfill site Enterobacter and Bacillus spp. (Rahkonen et al.
is the deposited organic waste. Some elements of 1990). Huang et al. (2002) reported the presence of
MSW disposed of in landfills may comprise enteric Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium,
pathogenic microorganisms. MSW discarded from Curvularia, Drechslera, Microsporum nanum,
residential units contains decomposed raw and cooked Nigrospora, Paecilomyces, Rhinocladiella, Stachy-
food waste, faecal matter of pets, soiled diapers and botrys, Tritirachium, Zygosporium, zygomycetes and
facial tissues which house a large quantity of microbes yeast from air samples of landfill sites in southern
(Pahren and Clark 2009). Similarly, commercial units Taiwan. Kalwasińska et al. (2014) studied the micro-
like restaurants and hotels discard a large amount of bial air quality of outdoor (operating landfill cell,
putrescible food waste. An exhaustive investigation technological square) and indoor space (sorting
carried out by the US EPA found that pet faeces station, weighing station, social room) of the landfill
contributed to 94–97% of Salmonellae, human site in Poland. The bioaerosol released in MSW
enteroviruses and protozoan parasites, while waste facility consisted of bacterial species like Bacillus
food contributes to more than 80% enteric bacterial subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and fungal species
pathogens in landfill (Gerba et al. 2011). Poliovirus 3, like Scedosporium apiospermum, Aspergillus fumiga-
echovirus 2, noroviruses and Cryptosporidium were tus, Cryptococcus neoformans, Madurella grisea and
reportedly recovered from soiled diapers disposed of Penicillium marneffei. Pagalilauan et al. (2017)
in landfill sites (Gerba et al. 2011; Peterson 1974). reported the presence of Staphylococcus aureus,
Analysis of air samples collected from some landfills Staphylococcus hominis, Staphylococcus kloosii and
has also reported the presence of human adenovirus Staphylococcus arlettae in the air samples of landfill
(Carducci et al. 2013). Apart from MSW deposited, site situated in the Philippines. Further details of the
the soil used to cover the MSW disposed of can also bioaerosols reported from various landfill sites are
contain a high amount of microbes (Kalwasińska and presented in Table 1.
Burkowska 2013). However, MSW disposed of in
landfill has a significantly higher diversity of micro-
bial diversity than cover soil (Wang et al. 2017). 3 Spatial variations in bioaerosol concentrations
The bioaerosols released from the landfill sites
commonly comprise bacterial species including Bacil- The concentration of bioaerosols in various landfill
lus, Clavibacter, Corynebacterium, Curtobacterium, sections depends on meteorological conditions, on the
Micrococcus, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus, distance from operational areas and waste manage-
while fungal types include Cladosporium Alternaria, ment activities (Breza-Boruta 2016). The maximum
Penicillium and Aspergillus (Abdel Hameed et al. quantity of potential pathogenic bioaerosols was
2015; Kaarakainen et al. 2008; Kalwasińska et al. reported in the main operational area of the landfill
2014; Kalwasińska and Burkowska 2013; Pagalilauan site (Kalwasińska and Burkowska 2013; Pagalilauan
et al. 2018; Schlosser et al. 2016; Vilavert et al. 2012). et al. 2018). High traffic of vehicles carrying waste,
The most abundant phyla present in landfill includes waste unloading and levelling operation aerosolize the
Firmicutes followed by Actinobacteria and Pro- microbes present in the solid waste resulting in high
teobacteria (Krishnamurthi and Chakrabarti 2013; concentrations of bioaerosols (Breza-Boruta 2012).
Xu et al. 2017). Several Firmicutes produce endo- The concentrations of bioaerosols decrease with the
spores, like Bacillus and Clostridium, which can distance from the landfill sites (Vilavert et al. 2012).
survive extreme conditions (Zhang et al. 2016). The decrease in the bioaerosol concentration is higher
Rahkonen et al. (1990) studied the concentrations of in downwind compared to upwind (Kalwasińska and
microbes from two sanitary landfills in Finland and Burkowska 2013). The spores and conidia of the
found that mesophilic bacteria and mesophilic fungi microbes can remain airborne for a long time and can
exceeded 105 CFU m-3 and 104 CFU m-3, respec- be transported to long distances (Blais-Lecours et al.
tively. 40% of the bacteria and 80% of fungi present in 2015; O’Gorman 2011).
the landfill working environment were of respirable Kalwasińska and Burkowska (2013) analysed the
size. The most abundant bacteria detected in the bioaerosols in the air samples of the landfill site in
landfill environment were Pseudomonas, Toruń, Poland. Air samples were collected from

190 Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203

Table 1 Concentrations of bioaerosols and the corresponding species studies in different landfills across the world
Continents Landfill Concentration Bioaerosol species studied References

Asia Taiwan Fungi Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Drechslera, Huang et al.

1.1 9 10 CFU m -3 Alternaria, Fusarium, Acremonium, Tritirachium, (2002)
(mean) non-sporing fungi and yeast
Payatas, the Bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella Pagalilauan
Philippines 7.87 9 10 to 2 pneumonia, Staphylococcus saprophyticus et al. (2018)
5.57 9 103 CFU m-3
Korea Bacteria Micrococcus, Aerococcus, Staphylococcus, Heo et al.
8.5 9 102 CFU m-3 Microbacterium and Bacillus (2010)
Dehradun, Bacteria Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Alternaria; Madhwal et al.
India 3.6 9 103 CFU m-3 Bacillus, Streptobacillus, Coccus (2020)
4.6 9 103 CFU m-3
Mumbai, Fungi Aspergillus, Peniciliium, Alternaria, Curvularia, Patil and
India 6.20 9 102 to Trichoderma and Rhizopus Kakde (2017)
1.45 9 103 CFU m-3
Iran Bacteria Staphylococcus, Bacillus cereus, Lactobacillus, Roodbari et al.
8.9 9 10 to 2 Cladosporium, Aspergillus Alternaria (2013)
2.3 9 103 CFU m-3
4.1 9 102 to
8.46 9 102 CFU m-3
Africa Giza, Egypt Fungi Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus ochraceus, Abdel Hameed
4.3 9 102 to Acremonium, Geotrichum, Aureobasidium, et al. (2015)
7.3 9 103 CFU m-3 Sepedomium, Streptomyces diastaticus,
Pseudonocardia compacta and Catellatospora
Bacteria Abdel Hameed
0.0 to 7.3 9 103 CFU m-3 and El Gendy
Lagos, Bacteria Aspergillus fumigatus Akpeimeh
Nigeria 2.189 9 103 CFU m-3 et al. (2019)
8.43 9 102 CFU m-3
Ghana Bacteria; Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Odonkor and
1.08 9 102 CFU m-3 to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Mahami
Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger (2020)
7.03 9 102 CFU m-3
1 CFU m-3 to
2.0 9 102 CFU m-3

Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203 191

Table 1 continued
Continents Landfill Concentration Bioaerosol species studied References

Europe Sosnowiec, Bacteria Acinetobacter lwoffi, Rhodococcus spp., Lis et al.

Poland 7.2 9 104 CFU m-3 Corynebacterium afermentas and Corynebacterium (2004)
aquaticum;Propagules of Cladosporium herbarum,
pink and white yeasts, Arthrographis alba,
1.2 9 104 CFU m-3 Geotrichum candidum, Penicillium verrucosum,
Staphylotrichum coccosporum, Phoma sp.,
France Fungi mesophilic moulds and Aspergillus fumigatus Schlosser et al.
38 to 5.7 9 104 CFU m-3 (2016)
Janik, Bacteria Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococcus warneri and Lis et al.
Poland 1.7 9 104 CFU m-3 Rhodococcus spp., Geotrichum candidum, (2004)
Staphylotrichum coccosporum, Aspergillus niger and
Myrothecium verrucaria
1.8 9 104 CFU m-3
North Qubéc, Bacteria Total bacteria Lavoie and
America Canada 103 to 104 CFU m-3 Dunkerley
8.3 9 103 to
9.871 9 104 CFU m-3
Mexico Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Hurtado et al.
9.7 9 103 to Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli (2014)
5.1 9 104 CFU m-3
South Londrina, Bacteria Not studied Fernanda et al.
America Brazil 1088.8 ± 825.2 CFU m-3 (2020)
2738.3 ± 1381.3 CFU m-3
Colombia Fungi Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus versicolor, Gamero et al.
73–1.83 9 103 CFU m-3 Cladosporium spp., Geotrichum spp., Penicillium (2018)
spp. Fusarium spp.

outside the landfill site premises, operating and closed (4.8 9 105 CFU m-3) and Aspergillus fumigatus
landfill cells, near leachate ponds, sorting facility, (9.3 9 103 CFU m-3) due to waste unloading activ-
weighing station and social room. Results of the ity. The study also found that concentrations of
analysis showed that maximum concentrations of mesophilic moulds and Aspergillus fumigatus were
mesophilic bacteria (20–8.75 9 102 CFU m-3), b- higher than the bioaerosol concentrations in the local
hemolytic bacteria (ND–60 CFU m-3) and mannitol- background even at a distance of 200 m and 500
positive bacteria (3–2.0 9 102 CFU m-3) were near downwind from the property boundary. Fraczek and
operating landfill cell. Some pathogenic species like Kozdroj (2016) reported that bioaerosols travelled
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus and Sta- only up to 100–200 m away from landfills. Breza-
phylococcus lugdunensis were also occasionally Boruta (2016) analysed the bioaerosols of landfill site
detected in the indoor and outdoor air of the landfill situated in Northern Poland and reported the presence
site. The average number of microorganisms at landfill of fungi species Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus
site was 2.5 times higher than the average numbers niger, Aspergillus terreus, Cladosporium herbarum
detected at the background site about 800 m away and the genus Fusarium. The total concentration of
from the site. Schlosser et al. (2016) investigated the bacteria and fungi spores in the air within the facility
bioaerosols (mould spores) contamination from a ranged from 1.34 9 102 to 5.38 9 104 CFU m-3 and
landfill site in France. The waste tipping area reported 1.21 9 102 to 1.829 9 104 CFU m-3, respectively.
the highest concentration of mesophilic moulds The mycological analyses of the bioaerosols

192 Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203

confirmed the presence of fungi like Aspergillus 2013; Schlosser et al. 2016). The airborne microor-
fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus, ganism can persist either as freely floating single or
Cladosporium herbarum and the genus Fusarium. aggregation of cells or attached to dust or water
Bioaerosols were transported up to 1250 m away from droplets (Madhwal et al. 2020). After being aero-
the landfill. Cyprowski et al. (2019) studied the spatial solized, bacteria can be conveyed up by convective air
distribution of bacterial aerosol inside the landfill in movements and can persist in the air for a considerable
Poland (Fig. 3) and found that bioaersol concentra- amount of time because of their small size (Smets et al.
tions varied radially from the main operational area of 2016). Similarly, concentrations of bioaerosols varied
the landfill. The maximum distance of bioaerosol even during day and night time. In countries with
travel was estimated to be 600–700 m from the temperate climate, low temperature in night combined
landfill. These variations in the concentrations may with sufficient aeration provided significant dispersion
be due to bio-meteorological conditions, quantity of of fungal spores (Odonkor and Mahami 2020).
waste and stage of degradation, affecting the Optimum microclimatic conditions for the prolif-
bioaerosol dispersion. eration of bacteria and fungi vary significantly. Most
researchers from countries with temperate or conti-
nental climates reported higher fungal aerosols during
4 Temporal variations in bioaerosol the warm season compared to the cold season
concentrations (Cyprowski et al. 2019; Fernanda et al. 2020; Fraczek
et al. 2017; Madhwal et al. 2020). The humid
Waste degradation in landfill sites results from com- environment supports maximum growth of bacteria,
plicated and symbiotic metabolic activities involving while fungi proliferate quickly in a dry environment
various groups of microbes (Krishnamurthi and (Hu et al. 2020). High relative humidity facilitates the
Chakrabarti 2013). Periodic fluctuations in bio-mete- fungal species to breed and form more compact
orological and bio-climatic conditions like tempera- colonies, leading to the lower release of fungal
ture, relative humidity, direction and speed of the propagules into the atmosphere (Breza-Boruta 2016;
wind, solar radiation play a vital role in the production, Vilavert et al. 2012). Similarly, high temperature with
dispersion, viability and deposition of these microbes low wind velocity and relative humidity restricts the
(Balyan et al. 2020; Kalwasińska and Burkowska transport of bioaerosols to the short distance which can

Fig. 3 Dispersion of bacterial aerosol inside landfill. a spring, TVB; b spring, GNB, c summer, landfill exploited, TVB; d summer,
landfill standstill, TVB [Reproduced with permission from Cyprowski et al. (2019)]

Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203 193

peak the concentration of bioaerosols in the landfill results (Šantl-Temkiv et al. 2020). Sampling methods
and adjoining areas (Fraczek et al. 2017). Microcli- are broadly classified as passive and active sampling.
matic conditions can also affect the biochemical In passive sampling, sterilized petri dishes with
characteristics of microbes. Higher temperature val- growth medium are exposed to ambient air for
ues, coupled with lower relative humidity, affect stipulated time (0.25–1.0 h) and later incubated at an
protein, nucleic acid and phospholipid membrane of appropriate temperature. The incubation temperature
microbes, preventing their growth and proliferation and media allow the microbes to form colonies which
(Jones and Harrison 2004; Schlosser et al. 2016). The are eventually counted and identified (Delort and
effect of microclimatic conditions on bioaerosol Amato 2018). Active sampling is similar to particulate
concentrations was noticeable in some studies. matter sampling, which utilizes pumps to pull in the
Cyprowski et al. (2019) reported the highest concen- air. The primary active sampling methods are based on
tration of total viable bacteria in summer (temperature filtration, impaction, liquid impingement and electro-
range 10–29.1 °C), while the levels of gram-negative static precipitation (Ghosh et al. 2015; Sharma
bacteria were highest in autumn (temperature range Ghimire et al. 2019).
0.8–10 °C) in Poland. Similarly, Fernanda et al. In the impaction method, sampler forces the
(2020) analysed the bioaerosol levels in landfill sites airstream to abruptly change its direction due to which
located in Brazil for all three seasons and observed high inertia particles are trapped on the collecting
highest concentrations of airborne bacteria in summer surface. Collecting surfaces for bacteria and fungi are
and fungi in spring. Madhwal et al. (2020) also mostly agar plates (Ghosh et al. 2015). The main
reported peak in fungal and bioaerosol concentrations advantage of the impactor is that microbes collected
during monsoon (temperature 29.14 ± 2.38 °C and on the medium can be directly incubated and later
RH 67.31 ± 8.64%), while winter (temperature counted/analysed (Ghosh et al. 2015; Sharma Ghimire
17.46 ± 3.0 °C and RH 34.83 ± 8.57%) witnessed a et al. 2019). However, sometimes agar plates are
dip in the levels of bioaerosols released from Indian overloaded, and colonies may overlap, making it
MSW landfill. Conversely, Huang et al. (2002) difficult to count (Ghosh et al. 2015). Also, impaction
reported higher concentrations of fungal and bacterial can cause injury to microbes, affecting the viability of
bioaerosol during winter in Taiwan as the temperature bioaerosols (Pillai 2007). Six-stage cascade impactors
and relative humidity range in winter was 23–27 °C were generally used for bioaerosol sampling, separate
and 69–72%, respectively. particle corresponding to their aerodynamic diameter.
Each stage collects particles of decreasing size and has

5 Bioaerosol sampling techniques

Bioaerosols exhibit high fluxes in types and quantities,

and hence, it is challenging to obtain representative
samples. Bioaerosol monitoring demands efficient
sampling technique for the collection of microbes
from the air. A wide range of sampling and analytical
techniques can be employed to determine concentra-
tions of microbes in the atmosphere. Each sampling
method has its requirements, advantages and disad-
vantages, and it is critical to consider them while
employing these sampling methods. However, vali-
dation of the sampling efficiency is still uncertain
(Pillai 2007). Sampling efficiency depends on species
of microbes, components of the sampler, type and
procedures of sampling methods (Burdsall et al. 2020).
Fig. 4 Cut-off diameters of each stage of the cascade sampler
Also, samplers have differences in efficiency, sam- and equivalent spots of deposition in the human respiratory tract
pling volume and size fractionation, influencing the [Reproduced with permission from Delort and Amato (2018)]

194 Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203

similarity with particle deposition in the human (Akpeimeh et al. 2019; Fraczek et al. 2017; Fraczek
respiratory tract, as shown in Fig. 4 (Delort and and Kozdroj 2016; Kaarakainen et al. 2008; Lenart-
Amato 2018). The cut-off aerodynamic diameters of Boron 2020; Madhwal and Prabhu 2020). The dura-
stages in cascade impactors are [ 7.0 lm, 4.5 lm, tion of sampling selected should be sufficient to
3.3 lm, 2.1 lm, 1.1 lm and 0.65 lm, respectively produce 30–100 colonies per plate (Madhwal et al.
(Delort and Amato 2018). The plates require no post- 2020). Generally, the air is drawn at the rate of
sampling processing and are incubated directly, and 28.3 L min-1 for 2–10 min when using cascade
colonies are counted (Ghosh et al. 2015). The plates impactors (Akpeimeh et al. 2019; Fraczek and Koz-
can also be subjected to microscopic examination for droj 2016; Madhwal et al. 2020). Few studies have
further analysis (Pillai and Ricke 2002). also used impingers with liquid medium for bioaerosol
Filtration sampler collects the microbes from the air sample collection in landfill sites (Capenter and
as it passes through porous membrane filters (Ghosh Bidwell 1996; Pahren and Clark 2009; Sigsgaard
et al. 2015). Filters are made of materials like gelatin, et al. 1994). In case of impingers with a liquid
teflon, cellulose, polycarbonate, polyvinylchloride medium, the sample is collected for 10–30 min at the
(PVC) or glass fibres (Ghosh et al. 2015). Filtration flow rate of 12.5 L min-1, to prevent dehydration of
methods for bioaerosol sampling are comparatively liquid medium (Ghosh et al. 2015). Filtration method
economical and straightforward, enabling the collec- is usually used in personal sampler due to the small
tion of high-quality bioaerosol samples of wide- size of instruments (Akpeimeh et al. 2019; Ghosh et al.
ranging particle sizes (Sharma Ghimire et al. 2019). 2015). After collections, samples are later transported
However, sometimes overloading the filter makes it to the laboratory in sterile sealed bags, for further
very difficult to enumerate the microbes (Ghosh et al. analysis (Akpeimeh et al. 2019).
2015; Sharma Ghimire et al. 2019). Also, drying of Recently, electrostatic samplers are also gaining the
microbes collected on the filter is an issue with attention of aerobiologist for bioaerosol sampling.
filtration techniques (Ghosh et al. 2015). Electrostatic samplers suck the air into the sampler and
Impingers diffuse the air into a liquid medium charge the particles in the air. Later the charged
using a vacuum to collect the airborne microbes into particles are exposed to an electric field which
the liquid medium. After completing the sampling, the neutralizes the charge and bioaerosols are deposited
aliquots are transferred to the growth media for mining on the collecting surface (Delort and Amato 2018).
various microbes (Ghosh et al. 2015; Sharma Ghimire The electrostatic sampler has high collection effi-
et al. 2019). The aliquots can be analysed by several ciency and induces comparatively less stress on the
methods including culture, molecular and microscopic microbes during sampling due to lower particle
methods (Pillai and Ricke 2002). It can also support deposition velocity (Delort and Amato 2018; Sharma
advanced characterization methods like denaturing Ghimire et al. 2019). However, the electric charge in
gradient gel electrophoresis to investigate the spatial the samplers can influence the microbial viability
and temporal variations in the bioaerosol diversity (Sharma Ghimire et al. 2019).
(Pillai and Ricke 2002). Impinger methods are mainly Additionally, new online methods like wideband
used for studying viable microbes as they are gentler integrated bioaerosol sensors (WIBS), spectral inten-
than filtration or impaction (Delort and Amato 2018). sity bioaerosol sensor (SIBS), ultraviolet laser-in-
However, significant disadvantages of this method are duced fluorescence (UV-LIF) used for direct particle-
the evaporation of liquid medium which can restrict counting can be used as alternative methods for the
the duration of sampling and survival of microbes in separate collection of bioaerosols (Ahmad et al. 2019;
the medium (Sharma Ghimire et al. 2019). O’Connor et al. 2013; Robertson et al. 2019; Schlosser
Ambient bioaerosol sampling at the landfill site is et al. 2016; Sharma Ghimire et al. 2019). Online
carried out at the height of 1.0–1.5 m above the ground methods characterize the auto-fluorescence of micro-
level to simulate human breathing zone (Fraczek and bial particles to measure the morphology and optical
Kozdroj 2016). Samples are normally collected on size. Online methods can provide real-time, continu-
petri plates with growth medium, filter or liquid. Many ous bioaerosol monitoring data. However, the tech-
aerobiologists have reported using six-stage cascade nology is still in its infancy (O’Connor et al. 2013).
impactor for bioaerosol sampling in landfill sites

Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203 195

6 Occupational exposure to bioaerosols and its headache, joint pain, chills, fever, cough and chest
health implications tightness are prevalent among solid waste workers
(Paulsen et al. 1995; Ray et al. 2005). The individual
In most conditions, landfill workers are exposed to a exposure to bioaerosols can be increased due to re-
complex mixture of bioaerosols, organic dust and dispersion of organic dust collected on clothing, more
endotoxins. Bioaerosols responsible for human health expected in landfill workers (Koshy et al. 2009).
hazards have particular biological characteristics, Workers may moreover act as the carriers for micro-
inhalation dose requirements, particle size distribution bial interceded respiratory illnesses (Madhwal et al.
and chemical composition (Yates 2016). Some non- 2020). Exposure to these bioaerosols has a wide range
viable, non-infectious elements of bioaerosols can of adverse health effects, including infections,
even initiate infections through harmful or immuno-allergic outcomes and toxic effects (Schlos-
immunopathological mechanisms (Yates 2016). ser et al. 2016). Certain bioaerosol species can be the
Unfortunately, with limited dose–response data in reason for lung diseases (Schlosser et al. 2016).
conjunction with health information, it is challenging Workers working near waste segregation, crushing,
to evaluate the health impacts of bioaerosols. Various shredding, grading, sieving, conveyor transfer are
waste disposal activities on landfill sites can lead to exposed to the highest concentration of bioaerosols
microbial exposure of landfill workers through inhala- (Macklin et al. 2011). Exposure to organic dust
tion and dermal contact. Landfill workers and informal increased the symptoms related to ODTS, which
waste pickers hardly use any personal protective include fever, chill, fatigue, headache, dyspnoea,
equipment and have significantly less opportunity to cough, joint pain and muscle ache (Perez et al.
clean themselves during working hours, which put 2015). A study in India reported a prevalence of
them at high risk of occupational hazards. Figure 1 39.6% breathlessness on exertion, 37.5% cough with
illustrates the informal waste pickers handling waste phlegm, 34.3% dry cough and 12.5% wheezing among
in an open dumpsite. The workers can bring home the the solid waste workers. Similarly, another study in the
microbes through clothes and shoes and infect other Gambia reported 17.3%, 14.3% and 15.4% prevalence
members of the residence. of cough, phlegm and wheezing, respectively (Darboe
A large variety of airborne microbes attached to et al. 2015).
dust particles of size less than 7 lm, can easily reach Fungi are a crucial element of bioaerosol. Asper-
the lungs (Kalwasińska and Burkowska 2013). Land- gillus fumigatus is responsible for allergic bronchopul-
fill site in Torun, Poland, reported the presence of monary aspergillosis, allergic alveolitis, sinusitis and
Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens and coliform asthma (Persoons et al. 2010). It is also accountable for
bacteria in the soil. The operating area of landfill 90% of invasive aspergillosis (IA) (O’Gorman 2011).
reported coliform bacteria and Clostridium perfrin- The fungal spores and volatile toxic metabolites are
gens of concentrations 4–1226 MPN g-1 of the dry responsible for allergic pneumonia, allergic rhinitis,
mass of soil and \ LOD-1604 CFU g-1 of the dry asthma, chronic bronchitis and irritation of mucous
mass of soil (Kalwasińska and Burkowska 2013). membranes. Exposure to high concentrations of
Workers involved in collecting household waste, and bioaerosols can induce fungal infection, cough,
workers possessing the trucks with small loading sneeze, diarrhoea, runny nose, throat irritation, skin
height had the highest microbial exposure (Madsen ulceration and asthma exacerbation in people living
et al. 2020). High concentrations of microbes have nearby landfill site (Macklin et al. 2011; Ray et al.
been reported inside the truck cabin, steering wheel 2005). Klebsiella pneumonia exposure is linked to
and palms of the driver in vehicles used to transport pneumonia, urinary tract infections and septicaemia
waste (Madsen et al. 2020). (Pagalilauan et al. 2018). Staphylococcus aureus
The most common health effects associated with induces various diseases through to its presence on
the bioaerosol are respiratory symptoms and lung nasal passage, skin and axillae and also through
function impairment due to the exposure of organic enterotoxins and antigens (Pagalilauan et al. 2018).
dust, fungal spores, bacteria and faecal coliform Pseudomonas, Klebsiella and Haemophilus influenza
(Yates 2016). Other health issues like skin and eye can cause lower respiratory tract infections (Madhwal
irritation, diarrhoea, nausea, fatigue, muscle pain, et al. 2020). Exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis

196 Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203

(Mtb) can cause tuberculosis (Kim et al. 2018). The diameter 2.1–4.7 lm are deposited in the bronchial
infections caused by Microbacterium spp. can result in area, while particles with an aerodynamic diameter
significant mortality and morbidity (Heo et al. 2010). less than 2.1 lm are deposited in alveoli of the lungs
Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium spp. also (Akpeimeh et al. 2019; Lenart-Boron 2020). The
produce mycotoxins which can have an immunosup- bioaerosol particles deposited in the mucous layer of
pressive, carcinogenic and toxic effect (Schlosser et al. bronchial airways required several days for complete
2020). Aspergillus, Alternaria, Cladosporium, Peni- removal. However, the particles reaching periciliary
cillium and Candida have been associated with severe spaces underneath the mucous layer are cleared by
persistent asthma (Baxi et al. 2016). Some of the slower mechanisms for instance uptake by alveolar
common health hazards associated with airborne macrophages or epithelial transcytosis which may be
pathogens are presented in Table 2. in the order of weeks to months providing an excellent
The aerodynamic diameter of bioaerosols plays a opportunity for bioaerosols to exhibit their pathogenic
vital role in its dispersion in the atmosphere and potential (Aghaei et al. 2020; Sturm 2012). Akpeimeh
deposition in various regions (tracheal, bronchial or et al. (2019) studied the particle size distribution of
the alveolar) of the human respiratory tract. Particles bioaerosols in an open dumpsite in Nigeria using six-
with the smaller size, i.e. 0.5–10 lm, can remain stage sampler, which mimics the human respiratory
suspended in the air for longer duration and can be system. Particle size distributions indicated that 41%,
carried by air for longer distances affecting adjoining of total bacteria, 46% of gram-negative bacteria, 76%
residents (Fraczek et al. 2017). Particles with an of Aspergillus fumigatus and 63% of total fungi were
aerodynamic diameter greater than 4.7 lm are depos- within respirable sizes and thus can penetrate deep into
ited in the nasal area, particles with aerodynamic the respiratory system (Akpeimeh et al. 2019).

Table 2 Details of the pathogens associated with solid waste and their health hazards (Epstein 2015; Gao et al. 2018)
Genera Pathogens Health hazards

Aeromonas spp. A. hydrophila, A. veronii Diarrhoea, chronic enterocolitis, fever, vomiting and
faecal leukocytes or erythrocytes
Actinomyces A. israeli, A. bovis Allergic symptoms in the respiratory tract extrinsic
spp. allergic alveolitis
Bacillus spp. B. mycoides, B. pseudomycoides, B. thuringiensis, B. Food poisoning, gastroenteritis, tissue abscesses,
anthracis endophthalmitis and anthrax
Bordetella spp. B. pertussis, B. bronchiseptica Pertussis or whooping cough
Entamoeba spp. E. histolytica Amoebiasis
Enterobacteria Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Yersinia pestis, Diarrhoea, severe damage to the lining of the intestine
spp. Klebsiella, Shigella, Proteus, Enterobacter, Serratia,
Klebsiella spp. K. oxytoca, K. rhinoscleromatis, K. pneumonia Lung inflammation and haemorrhage
Micrococcus M. roseus, M. denitrificans, M. colpogenes, M. flavus Recurrent bacteremia, septic shock, septic arthritis,
spp. endocarditis, meningitis and cavitating pneumonia
Mycobacterium M. tuberculosis, M. leprae, M. africanum, M. avium, Tuberculosis, fever, night sweats, fatigue, loss of
spp. M. microti appetite and weight loss
Pseudomonas P. aeruginosa Infect the blood, skin, bones, ears, eyes, urinary tract,
spp. heart valves and lungs, as well as wounds
Salmonella spp. S. enterica, S. bongori Diarrhoea, fever and abdominal cramps
Staphylococcus S. aureus Produces enterotoxins which can cause nausea, stomach
spp. cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea, headache, muscle
Aspergillus spp. A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger and A. terreus Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis, allergic
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203 197

Workers in the dumpsite had reported chronic wheez- two landfill sites in Finland. Ivens et al. (1999)
ing and asthma (Akpeimeh et al. 2019). Aspergillus conducted exposure study on 2303 male waste
fumigatus are usually of 2–3.5 lm in diameter collectors in Denmark and reported that the workers
(Akpeimeh et al. 2019). exposed to the high concentration of endotoxins and
Apart from the fungi and bacteria, the exposure to fungi frequently reported nausea, diarrhoea and gas-
the toxic metabolites produced by these microbes is trointestinal problems. Park et al. (2011) carried out
also responsible for serious health concern. Gram- the exposure study among the landfill workers in
negative bacterial cell wall produces endotoxins South Korea and found that 35% of landfill workers
during multiplication, growth and death (Maharia were exposed to endotoxin level higher than 1000 EU
and Srivastava 2020). Bacteria produce endotoxins m-3, which is regarded as the dangerous level of
that can lead to chills, fever, fatigue, headache, joint exposure (Park et al. 2011). Furthermore, endotoxin
pain, fluctuations in the number of leukocytes in the exposure level among workers sorting recyclable
blood, dry cough, upper airway inflammation, bron- waste was over 2000 EU m-3. Also, the exposure
chial asthma, ODTS and the acute form of byssinosis, level of landfill workers to fungi ranged from
systemic inflammatory response and death (Kozajda 2.4 9 104 CFU m-3 to 10.8 9 104 CFU m-3 (Park
et al. 2017; Liebers et al. 2008; Madhwal et al. 2020; et al. 2011).
Park et al. 2011). Endotoxins are major contributors to Furthermore, active growth of fungi can produce
occupational lung diseases and ODTS (Kim et al. more than 200 volatile organic compounds, known as
2018). Endotoxin attached to organic dust gets inhaled microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) (Per-
and precipitated in the lungs and induces several acute soons et al. 2010; Yates 2016). MVOCs are mostly
and chronic respiratory symptoms and gastrointestinal derivatives of amines, alcohols, aromatics, esters,
disorders (Aghaei et al. 2020). During waste handling, aromatics, hydrocarbons and sulphur-containing com-
even low exposure of endotoxins and medium expo- pounds which are abundant in MSW disposed of in
sure fungal spores and ß-glucans can lead to inflam- landfill (Yates 2016). For example, Penicillium and
mation in upper airways (Darboe et al. 2015). Inhaling Aspergillus can produce 2-methyl-1-propanol,
more than 80 mg of endotoxins can reduce lung 2-methylisoborneol, 3-methyl-1-butanol and 3-oc-
function (Kim et al. 2018). Similarly, glucans may tanone (Yates 2016). MVOC exposure can result in
induce immunosuppressive and inflammatory reac- irritations in upper airway, eyes and skin.
tions (Kozajda et al. 2017). Fungi produce toxic, low
molecular weight non-volatile secondary metabolites,
commonly referred to as mycotoxins (Schlosser et al. 7 Future perspective
2020). Mycotoxin ingestion can lead to immunosup-
pressive effect and cancer (Schlosser et al. 2020). Every landfill site is distinctive about the amount and
Aspergillus fumigatus can produce a large quantity of nature of waste disposed, stage of waste degradation,
small-sized (2–3 lm) mitotic conidia which can reach local meteorology and engineering practices. Local
the human lung alveoli through inhalation (O’Gorman biometeorological conditions like temperature, pres-
2011). D-glucan existent in the cell wall of the sure, relative humidity, wind direction and the com-
Aspergillus fumigatus suppresses the immune system position of waste and leachate generated can
and intensifies the sensitivity to allergens. Other significantly affect the survival and multiplication of
means of access include eyes, ears and broken skin pathogenic agents (Schlosser et al. 2016). Hence, the
(O’Gorman 2011). Mycotoxins produced by Asper- results of the microbial concentrations from these
gillus and Penicillium also have harmful effects on landfill sites should be assessed with caution. Regard-
respiratory health (Madhwal et al. 2020). Clostridium less of the terrestrial positions of the landfills or the
perfringens produces toxins and is also causative process employed to establish the microbial diversity,
agents of gas gangrene (clostridial myonecrosis), an observation common in the literature was that
enteritis necroticans, food poisoning and non-food- bacterial members of the phylum Firmicutes were
borne gastrointestinal infections (Kalwasińska and strongly predominant in landfill atmosphere, followed
Burkowska 2013; Rood 1998). Rahkonen et al. (1990) by Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria. It is essential to
reported 0.4–29 ng m-3 of endotoxin released from

198 Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203

understand the spatial and temporal patterns of The landfill workers are exposed to a complex
exposure to evaluate the potential health risks. mixture of bioaerosols, dust, VOCs and other com-
Though the previous researchers have excellently pounds. The waste management industries need to
studied the extensive array of microbes, the microbial heighten management efficiency and increase the
communities in real landfill sites are yet to be wholly effectiveness in complying with legal, environmental
exposed as there are several complications in sampling and occupational safety standards. The literature
and analysis. The existing bioaerosol monitoring reveals that landfill workers are directly exposed to
methods are tedious, expensive and time-consuming high concentrations of bioaerosols leading to several
with very low reproducibility (Leuken et al. 2016). occupational hazards. Their main route of exposure to
Aerosols in the landfill environment consist of a microbes is through inhalation and dermal contact
composite mixture of different microbial aggregates, (Madsen et al. 2020; Ray et al. 2005). Workers rarely
all of which were not analysed by the researchers. The practise protective measures and personal hygiene.
microbes identified depending on the methods adopted Lack of leadership and safety plans also aggravates the
for sampling and analysis, which are very specific for situation. Sometimes, the workers’ casual approach
many microbial species. Moreover, bioaerosol and leads to low-quality PPE procurement and their inap-
endotoxin analysis needs skilled personnel. Hence, a propriate use (Thakur et al. 2018). Hence, government
modern approach like real-time biosensors and online authorities must provide an appropriate legal frame-
autofluorescence can help acquire high-resolution data work regarding workers’ safety in solid waste indus-
(Sharma Ghimire et al. 2019). Also, atmospheric tries. Proper guidelines should be framed for the
dispersion models can facilitate scientists to simulate quality standards of PPEs used in the landfill sites
bioaerosol dispersion (Leuken et al. 2016). Using tools (Battaglia et al. 2015). Also, management should
like risk assessment and life cycle assessment can help ensure an adequate supply of high-quality PPE with
the authorities understand the quantity and negative engineering controls such as HEPA filtration, ultravi-
impacts of bioaerosols in landfill sites (Fattor et al. olet irradiation and photocatalytic processes to filter
2019). The outcomes of health and safety analysis can and inactivate the bioaerosols in the atmosphere
aid the authorities in designing suitable interventions. (Rodrigues-silva et al. 2016). Also, waste manage-
Limited epidemiological evidence is linking ment industries should focus further on training the
increased health risks among landfill workers and workers about the pathogen emission, host-suscepti-
bioaerosol exposure. As the health effects triggered by bility and various health hazards associated with the
the microbes vary significantly at the species level, it is bioaerosols in the working area. Regular training and
challenging to develop occupational exposure limits monitoring can improve the employees’ attitude
for fungal and bacterial exposure. Moreover, even towards personal safety and hygiene. Practising per-
deficient exposure levels can exacerbate the symptom sonal hygiene like cleaning themselves before leaving
in workers with pre-existing respiratory issues. Many the landfill site and consuming food can reduce the
of the exposure studies have limited samples, making number of microbes entering their respiratory and
it challenging to correlate the exposure of microbial intestinal tract. Madsen et al. (2020) reported that
species to the symptoms statistically. These studies landfill workers’ palms contain up to 270 CFU hand-1
also lack information about the potential confounders of fungi, up to 1800 CFU hand-1of yeast and
like age, sex, employment duration, lifestyle habits— 4 9 102–4.1 9 104 CFU hand-1 of bacteria. Studies
smoking, consumption of alcohol, diet, residential have proved that regular use of hand sanitizers by
environment and socio-economic status, and presence workers can significantly reduce microbial exposure
of other pollutants in landfill sites. These factors can through hands (Madsen et al. 2020). Providing water,
lead to misleading results. For instance, microbes may sanitation, vaccination and proper health care can
be bound to particulate matter in the landfill site, improve workers’ quality of life and reduce occupa-
which itself can induce health hazard (Koshy et al. tional hazards due to bioaerosol exposure. Despite the
2009). Hence, added studies are essential to correlate high risk in waste handling activities, vaccination rates
the microbial species with occupational health hazards among the solid waste workers are low (Black et al.
statistically. 2019). Regular cleaning of the equipment used to
handle the waste and sanitizing the steering wheels

Aerobiologia (2021) 37:185–203 199

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