Standard Price List 2021

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JULY 2021
Underground Mining Division
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JULY 2021
This edition of Standard Price List is revised and updated as per
approved ‘Guidelines for Preparation of Standard Price List for Mining
Equipment, August, 2020’ from the forty second edition brought out in the
month of June 2020.

Majority of the prices included in the Standard Price List have been
obtained from purchase orders of various equipment procured by different
subsidiary companies of CIL. The budgetary prices of the equipment have
been obtained from the manufacturers. Many of the manufacturers give only
tentative and inflated prices on adhoc basis. Hence, the procurement prices of
some equipment may be somewhat lower than the budgetary prices
mentioned in this Standard Price List. Budgetary prices for high value
equipment are indicated as ‘Budgetary Estimate’ in this price list. For
consideration of budgetary price for high value equipment please refer
para 5.1 and 6.1 of approved guidelines (attached).

The prices at site given in the Standard Price List, 2021 are the
prices of equipment as on May 2021 inclusive transportation charge and
GST (Goods & Services Tax). Transportation Charge (Includes Packing,
Forwarding, Insurance & Freight) = 4.0 % of the Ex-works price have
been considered.

Last column of Table–4 gives the escalation rates (on monthly basis)
for various categories of equipment which may be used for determining the
price of any equipment after May 2021. For example, the price of particular
equipment, say, pumps in the month of December 2021 may be 7 x 0.19 =
1.33 % higher than that given in the price list. Table–1 gives the GST rates
with their HSN Codes for the indigenous equipment included in the Standard
Price List.

The prices of imported equipment given in the Standard Price List

are the prices of equipment are FOR destination basis. Table–2 gives the
factors for calculating the FOR destination prices for the imported equipment
and Table–3 gives the exchange rate and multiplication factors adopted in the
price list for converting different foreign currencies into Indian rupees. The
prices mentioned in the Standard Price List are lower than the prices quoted in
a turnkey offer. Turnkey offers normally include the prices of equipment
together with installation, commissioning, trial run and miscellaneous charges.

Prices given in the price list are only for equipment and do not include
the cost of spares. The prices mentioned in the Standard Price List are for
planning purpose only but not for indenting and purchase.

Suggestions for any modifications are invited from users of this

“Standard Price List for Mining Equipment” so that future editions can be made
more realistic and useful.


8430 31 10 Coal Cutters 18%
8430 41 30 Coal/Rock Drilling Equipment 18%
3603 Exploder 18%
8428 32 00 Mechanised Face Loading Equipment 18%
7308 40 00 Open Circuit Hydraulic Prop & Accessories 18%
7308 40 00 Link bar 18%
7308 40 00 Steel cog 18%
3824 Resin Capsule 18%
3824 Cement Capsule 18%
4407 Sawn sleepers 18%
4403 Wooden Props 18%
8428 20 19 Medium duty & light duty chain conveyor 18%
8428 20 11 Belt conveyor 18%
8431 39 10 Belt conveyor parts 18%
4010 Conveyor Belting- Nylon/Rubber Belting 18%
3926 90 10 Conveyor Belting- PVC Belting 18%
4010 11 Conveyor Belting- Steel Chord Belting 18%
8428 90 10 Rope Haulage 18%
8428 31 00 Mine Tub/Mine Car 18%
8425 31 00 Electric winches 18%
8428 10 Skip Hoist 18%
8425 11 10 Cage Hoist 18%
8428 10 Skip suspension Gear 18%
8425 11 10 Cage Suspension Gear 18%
8425 11 10 Pit Bottom Buffer 18%
8425 11 20 Head Gear Pulley 18%
7308 40 00 Rigid guide 18%
8413 70 10 Centifugal pumps 12%
8413 70 94 Vertical turbine driven pumps 12%
8413 70 96 Slurry pumps 12%
7304 Steel Pipes 18%
3917 HDPE Pipes 18%
8414 Ventilation Fan 18%
3917 Ducting 18%
8414 Air Compressor 18%
8517 Communication & Telecommunication system 18%

8507 20 00 Chargeable Battery (Lead-acid type) 28%
8544 Telephone Cable 18%
9025 to 9031 Measuring and Safety Instrument 18%
8430 Boring and Drilling Machine 18%
8474 Feeder breaker & crusher 18%
8474 Vibrating Screen 18%
8474 Washing Equipment 18%
8423 Weigh Bridges 18%
8483 40 00 Gear Boxes 18%
8483 60 20 Fluid coupling 18%
Dragline 18%
Surface Miner 18%
Rope Shovel 18%
8429 Hydraulic Shovel 18%
Dozer 18%
Motor Grader 18%
Front End loaders 18%
8704 10 Dumper 28%
8430 41 30 Blast Hole Drill 18%
8428 Cranes 18%
8705 90 00 Water Sprinkler 18%
8427 Tyer Handler 18%
8427 Fork-Lift Truck 18%
8705 Fire fighting Trucks 18%
8704 Diesel Bouser Truck 28%
8704 Tipper Trucks 28%
8424 Automatic Fire Detection and Suppression System 18%
8427 Tyre Dismantling Machine for dumper 18%
8705 Tree Transplanter & Sky Lift 18%
12% (except engine capacity more
8701 Tractor tailor
than 1800 cc)
28% (engine capacity more than
8701 Tractor tailor
1800 cc)

8526 Slope Stability Radar 18%

Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the
8431 18%
machinery of headings 8425 to 8430
8456 to 8465 Machine Tools 18%
8705 Maintenance Van 18%
9025 to 9031 Testing Equipment 18%
8501 to 8502 Diesel Generating & Motors Sets 18%
8504 Transformers 18%
8504 Thyristor Drive 18%
8535 HT Starters and Switching & Protecting Device 18%

8536 LT Starter and Switch/Protecting devices 18%
8539 Electrical lamps (LED) 12%
8539 CFL/Tube light 18%
8532 Capacitor Bank (LT/HT) 18%
8544 Cables (LT/HT) 18%
7604 ACSR/AAAC conductor 18%
7308 90 70 Electric Poles (Tubler Steel Poles) 18%
7312 Wire ropes 18%
3602 18%
Prepared explosive such as Industrial explosive
3603 caps, igniters, electric detonators 18%
8703 Motor car and other Motor vehicles 28%
8704 Motor vehicle for the transport of goods 28%
7216 Iron & Steel 18%

8424 Fire Extinguishers 18%

5% for less than Rs. 1000 &
6402 Mine Shoes
18% for more than Rs. 1000
8415 Air conditioner 28%
8431 Elevators 18%
8705 Road sweeping machine 18%
8443 Printer/photo copier (Multi-function) 18%
5903 Brattice Cloth for UG Mine 12%
8443 Photocopier 18%

Note :-

The Price at Site mentioned in the Standard Price List, 2021 are inclusive
of transportation charge & GST (Goods & Services Tax).

Transportation Charge (Includes Packing, Forwarding, Insurance & Freight) = 4.0 % of the Ex-
works price have been considered.


1. Price at Site = Basic Price x Transportation Charge x GST Rate

Example: If the basic price of pump = Rs.X
then price at site for pump = X x 1.04 x 1.12

2. Escalated Basic Price = Basic Price x (1 + No. of Months x Escalation Rate per Month)
Example: If the basic price of pump = Rs.X as on May, 2021
To calculate the escalated basic price of pump in December, 2021 (say) = X x (1 + 7 x 0.0019)

3. Basic Price = Price at Site / (Transportation Charge x GST Rate)

Example:Basic price of pump = Price at Site of Pump / (1.04 x 1.12)




Description All imported equipment

1. Marine Freight & Insurance 6% of F.O.B value

2. CIF* (Cost, Insurance & 1.06 x F.O.B.

Freight) value

3. Basic Customs duty (BCD) Nil

4. Integrated Goods & Services Tax (IGST) 18% on (CIF + BCD)

5. F.O.R. (Indian Port) 1.06 x 1.18 x F.O.B.

= 1.2508 x F.O.B.

Port handling & clearance charge, inland

6. transportation and other miscellaneous
charges. 5% of F.O.B value

7. F.O.R. Destination (1.2508+0.05) x F.O.B

= 1.3008 x F.O.B.

8. Annual Escalation Rate 2% of F.O.B. Value

Note: The above custom duty is valid for equipments for the purpose of Coal Projects only
but not for other equipments & instruments.




Multiplication Factor
Exchange Rate
Sl.No. Currency (1.3008 x Exchange Rate)
(1) (2) (3) (4)

1. Ster £ 103.16 134.19

2. US$ 74.02 96.29

3. Euro 89.69 116.67

4. AUD 57.18 74.38

5. Jap.¥ 0.68 0.88

As on 30.04.2021

Note: In order to obtain multiplication factor in column 4, exchange rates of column 3 have been multiplied by
1.3008. The latest exchange rates are available on website :



Index Number of Whole Sale Prices (Base 2011-12 = 100)

Annual rate of Rate of
escalation escalation per
Chapter Name of Equipment Actual* for Actual* for Predicted** for Predicted** for
over May'2021 month over
May'2019 May'2020 May'2021 May'2022
(%) May'2021 (%)


Coal Cutters 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Coal/Rock Drilling Equipment 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Exploder 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Mechanised Face Loading Equipment 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Open Circuit Hydraulic Prop & Accessories 111.1 112.8 116.8 121.9 4.37 0.36
Link bar 109.6 103.3 111.3 115.7 3.95 0.33
Steel cog 115.4 113.9 111.6 110.2 0.00 0.00
Resin Capsule 116.8 114.1 119.9 123.4 2.92 0.24
Cement Capsule 122.6 123.8 123.2 126.2 2.44 0.20
Sawn sleepers 124.6 114.9 118.1 120.4 1.95 0.16
Wooden Props 124.6 114.9 118.1 120.4 1.95 0.16
Medium duty & light duty chain conveyor 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Belt conveyor 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Belt conveyor parts 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Conveyor Belting- Nylon/Rubber Belting 94.9 103.3 101.3 104.2 2.86 0.24
Conveyor Belting- PVC Belting 94.9 103.3 101.3 104.2 2.86 0.24
Conveyor Belting- Steel Chord Belting 94.9 103.3 101.3 104.2 2.86 0.24
Rope Haulage 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Mine Tub/Mine Car 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Electric winches 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Skip Hoist 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Cage Hoist 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09

*As per WPI data of 'Office of Economic Adviser

**Based on regression analysis (vii)
Index Number of Whole Sale Prices (Base 2011-12 = 100)
Annual rate of Rate of
escalation escalation per
Chapter Name of Equipment Actual* for Actual* for Predicted** for Predicted** for
over May'2021 month over
May'2019 May'2020 May'2021 May'2022
(%) May'2021 (%)

Skip suspension Gear 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09

Cage Suspension Gear 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Pit Bottom Buffer 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Head Gear Pulley 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Rigid guide 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Pump 110.1 109.8 112.3 113.3 0.89 0.07
Steel Pipes 115.4 113.9 111.6 110.2 0.00 0.00
Galvanised Pipes 114.3 110.5 113.4 116.6 2.82 0.24
HDPE Pipes 116.8 114.1 119.9 123.4 2.92 0.24
Ventilation Fan 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Ducting 116.8 114.1 119.9 123.4 2.92 0.24
Air Compressor 110.1 109.8 112.3 113.3 0.89 0.07
Communication & Telecommunication system 111.6 110.0 108.7 107.7 0.00 0.00
Primary Cells & Primary Batteries 121.4 111.9 108.9 103.8 0.00 0.00
Telephone Cable 110.3 108.1 114.1 116.4 2.02 0.17
Measuring and Safety Instrument 111.6 110.0 108.7 107.7 0.00 0.00
Boring and Drilling Machine 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Feeder breaker & crusher 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Vibrating Screen 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Washing Equipment 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Weigh Bridges 108.7 108.2 110.4 111.6 1.09 0.09
Gear Boxes 110.2 112.6 112.2 113.3 0.98 0.08
Fluid coupling 109.6 110.7 112.2 114.1 1.69 0.14

*As per WPI data of 'Office of Economic Adviser (viii)

**Based on regression analysis
Index Number of Whole Sale Prices (Base 2011-12 = 100)
Annual rate of Rate of
escalation escalation per
Chapter Name of Equipment Actual* for Actual* for Predicted** for Predicted** for
over May'2021 month over
May'2019 May'2020 May'2021 May'2022
(%) May'2021 (%)


Dragline 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Surface Miner 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Rope Shovel 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Hydraulic Shovel 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Dozer 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Dumper 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Blast Hole Drill 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Front Eand Loader 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Motor Grader 103.1 105.5 105.4 106.4 0.95 0.08
Cranes 111.3 111.2 114.0 115.6 1.40 0.12
Water Sprinkler 125.0 127.6 129.8 132.3 1.93 0.16
Tyre Handler 111.3 111.2 114.0 115.6 1.40 0.12
Fork-Lift Truck 111.3 111.2 114.0 115.6 1.40 0.12
Fire fighting Trucks 125.0 127.6 129.8 132.3 1.93 0.16
Diesel Bouser 125.0 127.6 129.8 132.3 1.93 0.16
Tipper Trucks 111.3 111.2 114.0 115.6 1.40 0.12
Tyre Dismentling Machine for Dumper 111.3 111.2 114.0 115.6 1.40 0.12
Tractor Trailer 113.8 116.4 118.8 121.2 2.02 0.17
Slope Stability Radar 111.6 110.0 108.7 107.7 0.00 0.00
Machine Tools 112.9 112.9 114.9 116.3 1.22 0.10
Maintenance Van 112.9 112.9 114.9 116.3 1.22 0.10
Testing Equipment 111.6 110.0 108.7 107.7 0.00 0.00
Electric equipments: Generator, Motor, Transformer,
109.7 110.2 113.3 115.0 1.50 0.13
Switchgear, Starter, Capacitor, Fuse
Electrical lighting and fittings 110.2 112.0 111.7 112.5 0.72 0.06
Cables (LT/HT) 110.3 108.1 114.1 116.4 2.02 0.17
AAAC conductor 116.8 117.5 126.9 131.3 3.47 0.29
ACSR conductor 111.8 114.3 116.5 117.4 0.77 0.06

*As per WPI data of 'Office of Economic Adviser

**Based on regression analysis
Index Number of Whole Sale Prices (Base 2011-12 = 100)
Annual rate of Rate of
escalation escalation per
Chapter Name of Equipment Actual* for Actual* for Predicted** for Predicted** for
over May'2021 month over
May'2019 May'2020 May'2021 May'2022
(%) May'2021 (%)

Electric Poles (Tubular Steel Poles) 115.4 113.9 111.6 110.2 0.00 0.00
Electric Poles (Concrete Poles) 127.8 128.5 131.6 134.0 1.82 0.15
Insulators 113.7 113.2 118.4 123.1 3.97 0.33
Solar panel 44.7 41.6 39.8 37.6 0.00 0.00
Wire ropes 132.0 133.1 133.7 135.0 0.97 0.08
Prepared explosive such as Industrial explosive 128.1 126.7 133.0 141.0 6.02 0.50
Safety fuses, detonating fuses, percussion or detonating
128.1 126.7 133.0 141.0 6.02 0.50
caps, igniters, electric detonators
Motor car and other Motor vehicles 113.8 116.4 118.8 121.2 2.02 0.17
Iron & Steel 109.6 103.3 111.3 115.7 3.95 0.33
Fire Extinguishers 112.9 112.9 114.9 116.3 1.22 0.10
Mine Shoes 130.6 132.2 139.8 143.5 2.65 0.22
Air conditioner 118.6 116.6 116.2 115.5 0.00 0.00
Elevators 111.3 111.2 114.0 115.6 1.40 0.12
Road sweeping machine 131.6 128.0 127.4 125.7 0.00 0.00
Printer/photo copier (Multi-function) 111.6 110.0 108.7 107.7 0.00 0.00
Brattice Cloth for UG Mine 109.0 109.9 113.1 115.0 1.68 0.14
Photocopier 111.6 110.0 108.7 107.7 0.00 0.00
- Foreign Equipment - - - - 2.00 0.17

*As per WPI data of 'Office of Economic Adviser (x)

**Based on regression analysis

Sl. No. Description Page No.


Continuous Miner, Road Header Drills & Drilling

Accessories including UDM 1-3


Side Discharge loader and Load Haul Dumper 4-4


Open Circuit Hydraulic Prop, Accessories, Link Bar,

Steel Cog, Wooden Prop, Resin & Cement Capsule 5-6


Medium & Light Chain Conveyor, Conveyor, Belting,

Haulage, Winder, Shaft fittings etc. 7 - 12


Face Pump, Main Pump, Submersible & Slurry Pump 13 - 16

6. PIPES 17 - 18


Main Fan, Booster Fan Auxiliary Fan, Ducting for

Auxiliary Ventilation 29 - 20




Communication and Telecommunication system,

Signalling Monitoring equipment,
Measuring and Safety Instruments. 23 - 33


Sl. No. Description Page No.


Safety boring machine, Diamond core drills. 34


Feeder Breaker, Screen, Crushers, Washing Equipment,

CHP Equipment etc. 35 - 46


Dragline, Shovel, Dozer, Dumper, Blast Hole Drill,

Cranes, Front End Loader, Miscellaneous. 47 - 59



Detailed index at the beginning of the chapter. 75 - 115

15. WIRE ROPES 116 - 118



Vehicles, Steel etc. 120 - 123

in lakhs
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

Komatsu Mining Make

Standard Height CM

1. Komatsu Joy 12CM15-10D Continuous Miner, operating range:2.16 m

to 4.60 m, cutting width : 3.30 m, cutting power : 2 x 170 kW, Lakh US$
total power of CM : 621 kW, 1100 V - 1 No. 32.00 3142.91 *L 05/2020
2. Komatsu Joy 10SC32-36B-5-AC Shuttle Car (Electric), capacity :
10.19 m3, power : 219 kW, 1100 V - 2 Nos. 21.00 2062.53 *L 05/2020
3. Fletcher CHDDR Twin Bolter, operating ht. : 2.4 m to 4.775 m,
power : 2 x 37 kW, 550 V - 2 Nos. 15.00 1473.24 *L 05/2020
4. Stamler Feeder Breaker, BF-17B-58-105C capacity : 500 tph,
power : 112 kW, 1100 V - 1 No. 9.00 883.94 *L 05/2020
5. Electricals for CM Package - 1 Set 7.00 687.51 *L 05/2020
6. Initial spares for the above CM 5.00 491.08 *L 05/2020
Equipment Cost 89.00 8741.21 *L 05/2020

Low Height CM

1. Joy 14CM15C Continuous Miner, operating range:1.2 m

to 2.40 m, cutting width : 3.30 m, cutting power : 2 x 170 kW, Lakh US$
total power of CM : 590 kW, 1100 V - 1 No. 31.00 3044.69 *L 05/2020
2. Joy 21SC04-64A Shuttle Car (Electric), capacity :
10.19 m3, power : 141 kW, 1100 V - 2 Nos. 20.00 1964.32 *L 05/2020
3. Fletcher Ranger-II Twinbolter, power : 2 x 37 kW, 550 V - 2 Nos. 12.00 1178.59 *L 05/2020
4. Stamler Feeder Breaker, BF-17B-58-10SC capacity : 500 tph,
power : 112 kW, 1100 V - 1 No. 8.50 834.83 *L 05/2020
5. Electricals for CM Package - 1 Set 7.00 687.51 *L 05/2020
6. Initial spares for the above CM 5.00 491.08 *L 05/2020
Package Cost 83.50 8201.02 *L 05/2020

Battery Hauler

1. Komatsu Joy Battery Hauler, Model:BH20, 20 T (18 te) - 1 No. with Lakh US$
3 Nos.battery & 1 No.Battery Charger 12.00 1237.52 *L 05/2020

Bolter Miner
Lakh US$
1. Komatsu Joy Bolter Miner, Model: 12ED30 - 1 No. 40.00 4125.06 *L 05/2020

Caterpillar Make

1. Caterpillar make, Free Steered Diesel Multi Utility Vehicle Model: Lakh US$
CL210 having load capacity: 10 te fitted with bucket, Tyne fork, Diesel FOB
Pod, Jib Crane, Work Basket & with special tools, DGMS approved 9.32 1168.25 ECL 05/2015


1. Rana make, Coal drill, hand held, 1.1 kW, 500/600 rpm, 110-125 V, 0.13 0.158 SECL 06/2018
FLP (1/2 hour rated), DGMS approved

2. Chanda, Stone drill, hand held, 1.1 kW, 300 rpm, 110-125 V, FLP 0.17 0.218 CCL 11/2016
(1/2 hour rated).

3. Simplex, D138/5M Universal drilling machine Std. height

with cable reeler for coal face width: 3.5 m to 4.5 m, height:
2.5 m, motor power:37 kW,Boom Extn:750 m, Feed Extn:0.8 mm
speed: 2 km/hr, drill hole: 25 mm to 65 mm, drill travel: 1.8 m in
single pass, boom movement: +450 to -200 including GEB 43.55 54.21 WCL 03/2019

*Budgetary Estimate 1
in lakhs
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
4. Eimco Elecon, 611 Universal drilling machine Standard height
with cable reeler for coal face width: 3.5 m to 4.6 m, height over canopy
1.925 m, motor power:37 kW,Boom Extn:600 m, Feed Extn: 300 mm
speed: 2 km/hr, drill hole: 25 mm to 65 mm, drill travel: 1.8 m in
single pass, boom movement: +450 to -200 including GEB
Height with adjustable canopy: less than 2.0 m (max) 44.65 54.79 WCL 05/2020

5. Eimco Elecon, 612 Universal drilling machine Low height

with cable reeler for coal face width: 3.5 m to 4.8 m, height:
1.8 m, motor power:37 kW,Boom Extn:600 m, Feed Extn:0.3 mm
speed: 2 km/hr, drill hole: 25 mm to 65 mm, drill travel: 1.8 m in
single pass, boom movement: +450 to -200 including GEB
Height with adjustable canopy: 1.5 m (max) 42.45 52.36 SECL 01/2020

Jumbo Drill :

1. Sandvik Mining make, model:CTH14long hole drill of drilling dia.

43 mm (minimum) for several lines of parallel holes in upward
and drilling depth : upto 1.2 m and 320° rotation in full parallel
coverage area and wide tilt angle range forward and backward,
complete with 37 kW, 550 V, FLP motor with FLP Gate End Box
and machine LxWxH = 5.81m x 1.7m x 2.5m. The machine is Lakh Euro
suitable for gallery size:3.6 to 4.8 m width & 2.4m to 6.0m height 4.16 550.33 SECL03/2018

Portable Roof Bolter :

1. Allied Mining make, pneumatically operated, closed ht.1.23m

extended ht. 3.05 m, pressure:60 - 100psi, air consumption:
100 - 120 cfm, max.leg thrust:90 psi, drill rod length : 900 mm,
1800 mm, 2400 mm, drill bit dia. 27 mm 1.73 2.28 BCCL 09/2015

2. Hydraulically operated, closed ht.1.5 m extended ht. 3.20 m, flushing water

pressure:30 kg/cm2, flushing water flow rate: 55 lpm,operating pressure:
100 - 175 bar, extension of leg: 1.8 m, 2-stage telescopic, drill bit dia. 27
mm, length of drill rod: 900 mm, 1800 mm & 2400 mm 7.20 Estd.

3. Hydraulic roof bolter with power pack, motor 22 kW, 550 V, FLP & GEB,
closed ht. 1.5 m, leg extension:2 m, extended ht. 3.2 m, speed:750 rpm,
pressure:100 - 180 bar, flow rate:50 - 75 lpm, machine can drill vertical as
well as inclined hole in sand stone or hard rock of compressive
strength:500 kg/cm2 , dia. of hole:1.2 - 2.0 m, drill rod dia. 22 mm 13.20 Estd.

4. Radient Mining Technologies make, hydraulic roof bolter with

power pack, motor 15 kW, 550 V, FLP & GEB, closed
height: 1.4 m to 1.6 m, extended height:3.2 m to 3.6 m speed:750 rpm,
pressure:100 - 175 bar, flow rate: 50-60 lpm, machine can
drill vertical as well as inclined hole in sand stone or hard
rock of compressive strength:500 kg/cm2 , dia. of hole:1.2 - 2.0 m,
drill rod dia. 22 mm with wet drilling facility for dust suppression 4.60 5.69 WCL 09/2019

5. Radient Mining Technologies make, hydraulic roof bolter with

power pack, motor 11 kW, 550 V, FLP & GEB,
height: 880 mm to 1700 mm m, speed:750 rpm,
pressure:100 - 175 bar, flow rate: 55 lpm, machine can
drill vertical as well as inclined hole in sand stone or hard
rock of compressive strength:500 kg/cm2 , dia. of hole:1.2 - 2.0
m, drill rod dia. 22 mm 4.50 5.53 WCL 03/2020

6. Paratech make, model: Pakhammer kit, pneumatically operated

hand held rescue tool for breaking, cutting etc for brick wall
stoppings for 1.0 m thickness, RCC stoppings of 30 cm thickness,
drilling in coal, stone at varying angles, operating pressure less than
20 bar, weight: 10 kg 11.08 13.60 WCL 05/2020

in lakhs
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Exploder :

1. Powerblast make, model: PB30, DGMS approved Multi shot Exploder

(30 shot) for all gassy mines, IS:9836/1981 0.16 0.19 WCL 02/2021

in lakhs
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price


Eimco Elecon Make

1. Eimco-Elecon, Std. height, 1.0 m3, 48 kW, 550 V, 9 t. with bi-

directional chain conveyor coal bucket complete with gate end box
and without cable reeler 25.5 30.09 ECL 10/2020

2. Simplex, model : D-113/1000, 1.0 m3, Std. Ht. 55 kW, 550 V, with bi-
directional chain conveyor coal bucket complete with gate end box
and with cable reeler 29.6 34.97 WCL 05/2020

3. Eimco-Elecon, model : 611, low height, 48 kW, 550 V with bi-

directional chain conveyor coal bucket complete with cable reeler
of 100 m capacity and gate end box 34.0 42.83 BCCL 07/2018

4. Eimco-Elecon, model : 611, low height, 48 kW, 550 V with bi-

directional chain conveyor coal bucket complete with gate end box
but without cable reeler 28.7 36.52 CCL 02/2017

5. Eimco-Elecon, model : 635, 1.7 m3, 48 kW, 550 V, 8 t. with bi-

directional chain conveyor coal bucket and grouser track shoes
cable reeler (120 m) alongwith Gate end box 45.52 L 06/2015


Eimco Elecon Make

1. Simplex, D142/1500, std. height, 1.5 m3, 37 kW, 550 V, 5.7 t, with
push plate front discharge bucket, tyre mounted, height over
canopy, 2000-2200 mm with cable reeler 44.5 54.83 WCL 01/2020

2. Simplex, D142/1500, std. height, 1.5 m3, 37 kW, 550 V, 5.7 t, with
chain conveyor side discharge bucket, tyre mounted, height
overcanopy, 2000 mm with GEB 44.4 56.42 WCL 02/2019

3. Eimco-Elecon, low height, 1.5 m3, 37 kW, 550 V, with push plate
front discharge bucket, tyre mounted, with cable reeler 44.3 54.58 WCL 01/2020

4. Eimco-Elecon, low height, 1.5 m3, 37 kW, 550 V, with chain conveyor
bi-directional side discharge bucket, tyre mounted, with cable reeler 44.0 54.79 SECL 03/2019

5. Eimco-Elecon, model : 912E, 3.0 cu.m push plate bucket, 100 HP,
with remote control arrangement, cable reeler and gate end box
tyre mounted 161.4 205.16 ECL 01/2018

6. 3.0 cu.m push plate bucket, 100 HP, with cable reeler and gate end
box but without remote control arrangement, tyre mounted 186.00 Estd.

7. Eimco-Elecon, Coal Hauler model:912CH, 5.0 cu.m bottom

discharge hopper 156.0 203.17 *L 06/2015

*Budgetary Estimate

in Lakhs
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
40 tonne hydraulic prop :

2.5/1.6 m - 100 kg. 0.57 Estd.

3.0/2.1 m - 110 kg. 0.67 Estd.

Filler gun assembly for 40t prop 0.47 Estd.


Link bar, 1250 mm, bending moment -
800 t-cm, 42.8 kg 0.28 Estd.


Heavy Duty Steel Cogs made of BIS marked square hollow section
(SHS) Tubes of size 72mmx72mmx4.8mm of size following sizes:
DGMS Approved
900 X 900 X 2400 mm 0.223 0.297 SECL 02/2017
900 X 900 X 1800 mm 0.198 0.263 SECL 03/2016
900 X 900 X 1500 mm 0.178 0.240 SECL 06/2016
900 X 900 X 1200 mm 0.177 0.236 SECL 03/2016
900 X 900 X 900 mm 0.155 0.206 SECL 03/2016
600 X 600 X 600 mm 0.128 0.172 SECL 09/2016
600 X 600 X 900 mm 0.144 0.191 WCL 04/2016
600 x 600 x 1200 MM 0.169 0.225 WCL 04/2016
600 x 600 x 1800 MM 0.171 0.228 SECL 11/2016
600 x 600 x 2400 MM 0.198 0.266 SECL 09/2016
300 X 300 X 1800 mm 0.181 0.240 SECL 03/2016

Price in
Size: 250 mm (W) x 3300 mm (L) x 2.0 mm (thickness) with
4 nos. of holes, distance between hole center: 450 mm &
dimension of hole: 40 mm (L) x 30 mm (W) 550.00 732.1 WCL 05/2017


Price in
Hard wood pit props 31.00 - 41.00 cm (Top Girth) &
46.00 - 60.00 cm (Bottom Girth), 3.01 m - 4.00 m length 383.0 483.1 WCL 06/2019

Hard wood pit props 31.00 - 41.00 cm (Top Girth) &

46.00 - 60.00 cm (Bottom Girth), 4.01 m - 5.00 m length 513.0 647.1 WCL 07/2017

Hardwood swan sleepers 10 cm x 10 cm x 1.2 m long 142.8 173.1 WCL 04/2020

Hardwood swan sleepers 10 cm x 7.5 cm x 1.2 m long 102.0 128.7 WCL 07/2017

Mine Prop, Length (ft) x Base Dia.(Inch)

22 x 8 1931.0 2533.3 CCL 08/2018
20 x 8 1900.0 2492.6 CCL 08/2018
20 x 7 1350.0 1771.1 CCL 08/2018
18 x 8 1815.0 2381.1 CCL 08/2018


in Lakhs
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
18 x 7 1202.0 1576.9 CCL 08/2018
18 x 6 914.0 1199.1 CCL 08/2018
16 x 8 1464.0 1920.6 CCL 08/2018
16 x 7 886.0 1162.3 CCL 08/2018
16 x 6 666.0 873.7 CCL 08/2018
16 x 5 424.0 556.2 CCL 08/2018
14 x 8 1400.0 1836.7 CCL 08/2018
14 x 7 733.0 961.6 CCL 08/2018
14 x 6 633.0 830.4 CCL 08/2018
14 x 5 345.0 452.6 CCL 08/2018
12 x 8 1346.0 1765.8 CCL 08/2018
12 x 7 633.0 830.4 CCL 08/2018
12 x 6 486.0 637.6 CCL 08/2018
12 x 5 321.0 421.1 CCL 08/2018
10 x 8 937.0 1229.2 CCL 08/2018
10 x 7 499.0 654.6 CCL 08/2018
10 x 6 363.0 476.2 CCL 08/2018
10 x 5 242.0 317.5 CCL 08/2018

Cogging Sleeper, Length (ft) x Base Dia.(Inch)

5' x 5" x 5" 128.0 167.9 CCL 08/2018
4' x 5" x 5" 94.0 123.3 CCL 08/2018
4' x 5" x 4" 88.0 115.4 CCL 08/2018
4' x 4" x 4" 83.0 108.9 CCL 08/2018

VII. Resin Capsule

Price in
Fast setting resin capsule 24 x 450 mm (DGMS pproved) 16.7 21.64 WCL 01/2019
Slow setting resin capsule 24 x 800 mm(DGMS pproved) 21.2 27.42 WCL 01/2019

VIII. Cement Capsule

Price in
Cement Capsule for grouting of roof bolts for roof supports
Size 32 mm dia x 400 mm long DGMS approved 2.86 3.14 ECL 05/2017
Cement Capsule for grouting of roof bolts for roof supports
Size 32 mm - 35 mm dia x 500 mm long DGMS approved 4.40 4.83 MCL 12/2018


in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Abbreviations used :
ST = Steel Cord Belting Designation
GEB = Gate End Box
FLP = Flame Proof, AFC = Armoured Face Conveyor
NFLP = Non Flame Proof, c/w = complete with
* Including ED , # : Including ED & ST


1. Medium duty chain conveyor, model : PF-Iv 500, 200 tph

2x30 kW/100m complete with FLP GEB 2x30 kW drive head
with motors 95.25 Estd.


1. APHMEL make, 100 tph, 100 m long, 0.8 m/sec, double chain
conveyor c/w 2 x 15 kW FLP electricals, 550 V 13.70 18.27 CCL 09/2017


Abbreviations used :
L=Length, W=Width, H=Lift, P=Power,
LTU=Loop take up unit, BLT=Boltless Tubular structure,
c/w=complete with

1. Bengal Tools, L =700 m, W = 1400 mm with 2x300 kW motor &

starter, 6.6 kV, FLP electricals, speed: 2.0 m/sec,1200 tph but
without belt 223.87 281.85 ECL 12/2019

2. L =800 m, W = 1200 mm with 2x150 kW motor &

starter, 6.6 kV, FLP electricals, speed: 2.5 m/sec,1200 tph but
without belt 254.00 Estd.

3. Bengal Tools, L =500 m, W = 1200 mm, lift=80 m with 2x150 kW

motor & star-delta starter, 550 V, FLP electricals, speed: 2.5 m/sec,
600 tph but without belt 144.85 182.17 BCCL 01/2020

4. Bengal Tools, L = 850 m, W = 1000 mm with 2x150 kW motor &

starter, 6.6 kV, FLP electricals, speed: 2.0 m/sec, 500 tph but
without belt 138.49 184.87 ECL 04/2017

5. Bengal Tools, L =900 m, W = 1000 mm with 1x110 kW motor &

starter, 550 V, FLP electricals, speed: 2.6 m/sec, 200 tph but
without belt 101.85 135.96 ECL 04/2017

6. L = 600 m, W = 1000 mm with 1 x 90 kW, 550 V, starter DOL, FLP,

300 tph, speed: 2.2 m/sec (Vishwa make) 47.89 64.17 WCL 01/2017

7. L = 700 m, W = 1000 mm with 2 x 90 kW, 550 V, FLP, DOL starter,

300 tph, speed: 2.2 m/sec without belt (Vishwa make) 65.73 88.06 WCL 01/2017

8. L = 150 m, W = 1000 mm with 1 x 55 kW, 550 V, FLP, DOL starter,

300 tph, speed: 2.2 m/sec without belt (Vishwa make) 24.34 32.61 WCL 01/2017

9. Bengal Tools, L =40 m, W = 1000 mm with 1 x 37 kW motor &

starter, 550 V, FLP electricals, speed: 2.6 m/sec, 200 tph but
without belt 18.12 24.19 ECL 04/2017


in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

1. Bengal Tools, L =800 m, W = 1200 mm, lift=50 m with 2x150 kW

motor & star-delta starter, 550 V, FLP electricals, speed: 2.5 m/sec,
600 tph but without belt 178.32 224.25 BCCL 01/2020

2. Vishwa, L = 600 m, W = 800 mm, 1x55 kW, 550 V, FLP, DOL starter,
200 tph, speed: 2.0 m/sec without belt 41.45 55.54 WCL 01/2017


A. 1200 mm width:
Bengal Tools, L=500 m, Lift:100 m P=2x110 kW, 550 V NFLP 76.90 104.80 BCCL 03/2015
electricals Picking belt, 22.5 m, 7.5 kW, 415 V without belting 14.00 Estd.
Troughed conveyor, 113 m, 1 x 55 kW, 550 V, NFLP motor & starter 34.00 Estd.

B. 1000 mm width:
1. Elevating conveyor, 170 m, 1 x 55 kW, 415 V, NFLP without belting 54.80 Estd.
2. L=275 m, P=2x75 kW, 550 V NFLP electricals without belting 43.13 58.27 SECL 01/2017
3. L=550 m, P=2x90 kW, 550 V NFLP electricals without belting 63.67 86.01 SECL 01/2017
4. Troughed conveyor,400 m, 2 x 55 kW, 550 V, NFLP motor & starter 64.00 Estd.
5. Troughed conveyor, 600 m, 2 x 120 kW, 550 V, FLP motor & SD
starter 77.40 101.59 WCL 05/2018


1. Pony conveyor, L = 100 m, W = 800 mm, 150 tph 1x22 kW, 550 V
FLP electricals without belt 10.08 13.74 ECL 03/2015
2. Pony conveyor, L =200 m, W = 800 mm, 150 tph 1x37 kW, 550 V
FLP electricals without belt 25.00 Estd.


(For approximate estimation, the following may be used )

Belt Width - 800 mm

a. Cost of Drive Head with Power in kW
i) 22 with 550 V FLP Electricals 7.75 Estd.
ii) 37 with 550 V FLP Electricals 8.80 Estd.
iii) 55 with 550 V FLP Electricals 16.55 Estd.
iv) 75 with 550 V FLP Electricals 19.65 Estd.
v) 90 with 550 V FLP Electricals 26.95 Estd.
b. Cost of Tail end 6.75 Estd.
c. Cost of Structures per 100 metre. 6.15 Estd.
d. Cost of Loading point 4.70 Estd.

Belt Width - 1000 mm

a. Cost of Drive Head with Power in kW
i) 1x22 with 550 V FLP Electricals 8.80 Estd.
ii) 1x37 with 550 V FLP Electricals 10.95 Estd.
iii) 2x55 with 550 V FLP Electricals 26.95 Estd.
iv) 2x75 with 550 V FLP Electricals 32.65 Estd.
v) 1x90 with 550 V FLP Electricals 29.60 Estd.
vi) 2x90 with 550 V FLP Electricals 38.30 Estd.
vii) 1x110 with 550 V FLP Electricals 54.30 Estd.
viii) 2x112 with 3.3 kV FLP Electricals 78.60 Estd.
ix) 2x150 with 3.3 kV FLP Electricals 87.85 Estd.
x) 2x150 with 6.6 kV FLP Electricals 98.20 Estd.
b. Cost of Tail end 8.30 Estd.
c. Cost of Structures per 100 metre. 6.40 Estd.
d. Cost of Loading point 4.70 Estd.


in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Belt Width - 1200 mm
a. Cost of Drive Head with Power in kW
i) 2x75 with 550 V FLP Electricals 49.25 Estd.
ii) 2x90 with 550 V FLP Electricals 70.95 Estd.
iii) 2x150 with 550 V FLP Electricals 127.55 Estd.
iv) 2x112 with 3.3 kV FLP Electricals 97.95 Estd.
v) 2x150 with 3.3 kV FLP Electricals 147.95 Estd.
vi) 2x150 with 6.6 kV FLP Electricals 163.25 Estd.
b. Cost of Tail end 9.70 Estd.
c. Cost of Structures per 100 metre. 9.45 Estd.
d. Cost of Loading point 7.40 Estd.

Belt Width - 1400 mm

a. Cost of Drive Head with Power in kW
2 x 200 kW with 6.6 kV FLP Electricals 173.45 Estd.
2 x 315 kW with 6.6 kV FLP Electricals 177.30 Estd.
b. Cost of Tail end 9.85 Estd.
c. Loop take-up 14.70 Estd.
d. Cost of Structures per 100 metre. 10.40 Estd.
e. Cost of Loading point 7.70 Estd.


A. Rubber Belting, Nylon/Nylon, grade M-24

800 mm, 400 kN/m/3 ply, 5/3 mm cover 1.00 1.23 ECL 10/2020
800 mm, 630 kN/m/4 ply, 5/3 mm cover 1.33 1.64 BCCL 02/2020

900 mm, 630 kN/m/4 ply, 5/3 mm cover 1.51 1.86 BCCL 02/2020

1000, 500/3, 5/3 1.46 1.79 ECL 06/2020

1000, 630/4, 5/3 1.55 1.90 WCL 09/2020
1000, 800/4, 5/3 1.76 2.18 BCCL 02/2020

1200, 800/4, 5/3 2.15 2.64 ECL 06/2020

1200, 800/4, 6/3 2.80 Estd.

1400, 800/4, 5/3 2.33 2.85 WCL 09/2020

1400, 1000/4, 5/3 2.58 3.19 BCCL 02/2020
1400, 1250/4, 6/3 3.23 4.18 NCL 05/2019
1400, 1600/4, 6/3 3.61 4.67 NCL 05/2019

1500, 1250/4, 6/3 3.24 4.20 BCCL 02/2020

1600, 1250/4, 6/3 3.87 4.93 NCL 09/2019

1600, 1600/4, 6/3 4.53 5.77 NCL 09/2019

1800, 1750/5, 6/3 4.45 6.03 NCL 05/2018

2200, 1250/5, 6/3 9.90 12.83 NCL 05/2019

B. PVC BELTING Per 100 m

Fire resistant solid woven, antistatic.
General Specification : Width mm, Type, strength
lbs/inch, (Top 1mm + Bottom 1mm) standard cover

800, Type-3, FR 3500, standard cover. 1.25 1.53 WCL 09/2020

800, Type-5, FR 3500, standard cover. 1.60 1.96 BCCL 04/2020
1000,Type-5, FR 5000 standard cover 1.90 2.33 WCL 09/2020
1000,Type-6, FR 6500 standard cover 1.66 2.26 ECL 04/2018
1000,Type-8, FR 8000 standard cover 2.13 2.90 ECL 11/2017
1200,Type-5, FR 5000 standard cover 1.84 2.37 BCCL 06/2019


in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
1200,Type-6, FR 6500 standard cover 3.00 3.68 BCCL 02/2021
1400,Type-12, FR 12000 standard cover 8.08 9.92 ECL 09/2020


Per 100 m
ST 630 with cover (8+6) mm
NRC Industries, 1600 mm belt width 6.15 7.55 SECL 07/2020

ST 1400 with cover (8+5) mm

Phoenix, 1600 mm belt width 8.21 11.19 NCL 10/2017

ST 2500 with cover (8+6) mm

NRC Industries, 1600 mm belt width 8.98 11.02 SECL 07/2020

ST 600 with cover (5+5) mm

NRC Industries, 1400 mm belt width 5.80 7.35 BCCL 10/2019

ST 1400 with cover (8+5) mm

Phoenix, 1400 mm belt width 7.22 9.84 NCL 10/2017

ST 1600 with cover (8+5) mm

Phoenix, 1200 mm belt width 5.54 7.59 NCL 08/2016

ST 2500 with cover (8+8) mm

Phoenix, 1200 mm belt width 30.85 37.86 ECL 06/2020

ST 3000 with cover (10+8) mm

Phoenix, 1200 mm belt width 31.55 38.72 Estd.

ST 2250 with cover (6+6) mm

Phoenix, 1000 mm belt width 30.85 37.86 ECL 06/2020


A. Tugger Haulage with Electricals.

15 kW, 550 V FLP 6.85 Estd.

22 kW, 550 V FLP 7.60 Estd.
30 kW, 550 V FLP 8.20 Estd.
APHMEL, 37 kW, 550 V FLP 6.40 8.50 WCL 09/2015

B. Direct Haulage with electricals.

55 kW, 550 V FLP 43.50 Estd.

75 kW, 550 V FLP 46.00 Estd.
90 kW, 550 V FLP 49.00 Estd.
110 kW, 550 V, NFLP 51.50 Estd.
120 kW, 550 V, NFLP 52.50 Estd.
150 kW, 550 V, NFLP 53.00 Estd.
150 kW, 550 V, FLP 61.00 Estd.

C. Endless Haulage with electricals.

30 kW, 550 V, FLP 15.00 Estd.

37 kW, 550 V, FLP 16.75 Estd.
55 kW, 550 V, FLP 44.00 Estd.
75 kW, 550 V, FLP 49.00 Estd.
100 kW, 550 V, FLP 57.00 Estd.


in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
D. Manriding System

a. APHMEL make, Chairlift manriding system, 1900 m long

capacity :200 persons (Avg.)/hr. no. of chairs 200, FLP electricals :
1 set, electro-hydraulic type, motor : 90 kW, 550 V, FLP, Drive
Unit Assembly & Station : 1 set, Return Unit Assembly & Station :
1 set, Gateway System : 1 set, safety devices & tool kit etc.max.
gradient in segment of roadway: 1 in 4.5, rope size: 6x7, fibre core,
16 mm dia. including Erection & Commissioning, Field Testing &
Trial run of above. 326.00 407.91 WCL 11/2018
APHMEL make, Mild Curve Station:
Curve of angle 40 3.82 4.81 ECL 04/2018
Curve of angle 60 4.46 5.62 ECL 04/2018

b. Endless type Rail Car manriding hauler system, 2.0 km long

complete with 150 hp, 3.3 kV, NFLP hauler power, rope
anchor car : 1 no. manriding car : 2 nos. pre-start warning system,
signalling & communication system etc. 370.00 Estd.

Lakh US$
c. VLI Diesel Australia make, Free Steered Diesel Vehicle mandiding FOB
system, model DRIFTRUNNER G SERIES DGMS approved 4.32 427.81 CCL 03/2020

d. Caterpillar make, Free Steered Diesel Multi Utility Vehicle, Lakh US$
Model:CL215 having load capacity: 15 te fitted with fork & with FOB
spacial tools DGMS approved 12.21 1530.73 ECL 05/2015

e. Caterpillar make, Free Steered Diesel Utility Vehicle Model:CL210 Lakh US$
having load capacity: 10 te fitted with bucket, Tyne fork, Diesel Pod, FOB
Jib Crane, Work Basket & with special tools, DGMS approved 9.32 1168.25 ECL 05/2015

f. Caterpillar make, Diesel Roof Support Carrier Model:SH 660D Lakh US$
having load capacity: 40 te fitted with fork, & with special tools, FOB
DGMS approved 13.82 1731.91 ECL 05/2015

g. Caterpillar make, Chock Shield/Roof Support Trailer Model: SH 150 Lakh US$
having load capacity: 40 te fitted with fork, & with special tools, FOB
DGMS approved 5.39 676.14 ECL 05/2015


1. Mine tub, 1.15 cu.m complete with wheel & axles 0.35 0.45 BCCL 08/2016
2. Mine tub, 1.28 cu.m complete with wheel & axles 0.37 0.48 BCCL 08/2016
3. Mine tub, 2.50 cu.m complete with wheel & axles 1.20 1.50 BCCL 10/2018


complete with FLP electricals

1. 1 t, 7 m/min, 5 hp, rope dia 12 mm. 5.75 Estd.

2. 2 t, 10 m/min, 7.5 hp, rope dia 16 mm, 6.25 Estd.
3. 5 t, 7 m/min, 15 hp, rope dia 19 mm. 10.50 Estd.
4. 10 t, 2.82 m/min, 11kW, rope dia 25 mm. 14.50 Estd.
5. 10 t, 6 m/min, 20 hp, rope dia 32 mm. 15.50 Estd.



1. 5 t. cage suspension gear for 25 mm locked coil rope 0.97 1.16 ECL 11/2020
2. 8 t. cage suspension gear for 25 mm locked coil rope 2.50 Estd.
3. 10 t. cage suspension gear for 32 mm winding rope 2.25 2.70 ECL 07/2020


in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
4. 12 t. cage suspension gear for 39 mm flattend strand rope 4.45 5.38 ECL 02/2020
5. 12 t. cage suspension gear for 46 mm locked coil rope 7.50 10.18 ECL 04/2016
6. 15 t. cage suspension gear for 46 mm locked coil rope 18.28 24.82 ECL 04/2016
Tail rope attachment, cage/skip suspension gear, SWL-6.5 te for
7. 56 mm locked coil rope 2.25 2.88 BCCL 03/2019
8. Thimble type, cage suspension gear, SWL 45 te for 60 mm locked
coil rope 20.26 27.87 BCCL 08/2019
9. Balanced rope attachment, cage suspension gear, SWL-13 te for
63 mm locked coil rope 7.40 9.71 BCCL 08/2018
10. 8t, SWL rope capple suitable for 29 mm winding rope, 8t, SWL
2.16 2.73 BCCL 08/2019
Safety Hook with catch plate & 8t, SWL D plate with bridle chain


1. 5t 2.45 Estd.
2. 8t 3.50 Estd.
3. 10 t 4.75 Estd.
4. 12 t 11.00 Estd.
5. 15 t 24.00 Estd.
6. 20 t 32.15 Estd.


Hydraulic Rope Capple Banding Machine suitable for 10 Te safe

working load cage suspension gear assembly and setting of 35 mm
, DGMS approved 4.50 5.83 SECL 05/2018



Pit bottom buffer complete with foundation, structure and installation

of two nos. of cages for man winding, pit bottom sump depth: 9.0 m,
dia. Of shaft: 6.0 m, depth of shaft: 315 m, rope size: 35 mm,
Persons in cage: 30 nos. & speed: 3.2 m/sec 17.57 20.83 SECL 05/2017


2.03 m HG Pulley suitable for 25 mm FLC 2.85 Estd.

2.54 m HG Pulley suitable for 25 mm Flattend Strand 3.35 Estd.
2.57 m HG Pulley suitable for 25 mm FLC 3.50 Estd.
2.74 m HG Pulley suitable for 25 mm FLC 3.70 Estd.
2.90 m HG Pulley suitable for 29 mm FLC 3.60 4.27 BCCL 06/2017
3.20 m HG Pulley suitable for 29 mm FLC 5.05 Estd.
3.96 m HG Pulley suitable for 29/32 mm FLC 8.60 Estd.
4.27 m HG Pulley suitable for 29/32 mm FLC 9.75 Estd.

G. Rigid Guide

Rigid guide size:

175 mm x 150 mm x 3000 mm 0.06 0.07 BCCL 08/2020
175 mm x 150 mm x 4500 mm 0.14 Estd.
175 mm x 150 mm x 6000 mm 0.12 0.15 BCCL 08/2020

H. Mine Cage

Tandem Mine Cage size: 3.2 mm x 1.27 mm x 2.4 mm 2.24 2.81 BCCL 01/2017
Tandem Mine Cage size: 3.08 mm x 1.2 mm x 2.4 mm 2.22 2.79 BCCL 01/2017


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
General specification :
Discharge(lps) x Head(m) - Power(kW) - Impeller -
Starter - (Make)
Abbreviation used :-
M & P = Mather & Platt (manufacturer)
CI - I = Cast Iron Impeller
Br-I=Bronze Impeller, SD=Star Delta Starter
ATS = Auto Transformer Starter
DOL=Direct on line Starter ,VC = Vacuum Contactor Starter

1. 11 x 30 - 7.5 - Br-I - DOL (Techno Engg & Rubber Ind.) 105.0 126.9 WCL 03/2020
2. 15 x 30 - 9.3 - Br-I - DOL 158.0 Estd.
3. 22 x 30 - 15 - Br-I - DOL 340.0 Estd.


1. 11 x 30 - 7.5 - Br-I - DOL (Techno Engg & Rubber Ind.) 81.5 98.5 WCL 03/2020
2. 11 x 30 - 7.5 - S. Steel-I - DOL (Techno Engg & Rubber Ind.) 125.0 151.1 WCL 03/2020



1. 8 x 20 -11- Br-I - DOL (GRW Pumps) 119.9 145.4 NCL 02/2018

2. 8 x 30 -11- Br-I - DOL (GRW Pumps) 121.9 147.8 NCL 02/2018
3. 28 x 60 - 45 - Br-I -SD (Baraja Pumps) 148.1 175.1 CCL 03/2017
4. 28 x 80 - 45 - Br-I -SD (Flowmore) 265.8 304.5 CCL 05/2020
5. 28 x 100 - 55 - Br-I -SD (Kirloskar) 371.6 425.6 CCL 05/2020
6. 38 x 60 - 37 -Br-I - DOL/SD, CI Body (Kirloskar) 253.2 285.3 SECL 02/2021
7. 38 x 100 - 75 - Br-I -SD 492.0 Estd.
8. 38 x 150 -110- Br-I - SD 648.0 Estd.
9. 45 x 200 -160- Br-I - SD (Wilo M&P) 544.5 658.4 CCL 03/2017
10. 60 x 100 -90- Br-I - SD (Kirloskar) 470.5 539.0 CCL 05/2020
11. 75 x 100 -132- Br-I - DOL (Flowmore) 524.6 627.5 CCL 01/2019
12. 75 x 120 -160- Br-I - DOL (Flowmore) 549.6 657.4 CCL 01/2019
13. 80 x 60 -75- Br-I - DOL/SD (TECHNO) 321.6 388.1 SECL 07/2019
14. 80 x 80 - 100 -Br-I - DOL/SD, CI Body (Kirloskar) 427.8 482.0 SECL 02/2021
15. 80 x 80 - 125 -Br-I - DOL/SD, CI Body (Kirloskar) 509.5 574.1 SECL 02/2021
16. 80 x 150 -225- Br-I - DOL (Flowmore) 1081.1 1303.5 WCL 06/2017
17. 120 x 65 -45- CI-I - SD (Flowmore) 365.2 440.3 MCL 05/2017


1. 76 x 100 -132 - Br-I - DOL, Vacuum Brake (Kirloskar) 1042.0 1195.6 CCL 05/2020
2. 80 x 90 - 125 -Br-I - DOL/SD, CI Body (Kirloskar) 1027.0 1157.1 SECL 02/2021
3. 80 x 150 - 200 - Br-I - DOL - Body: Cast Iron 1038.1 1174.3 SECL 12/2020
4. 80 x 200 -250 - Br-I - DOL 1920.0 Estd
5. 80 x 200 - 250 - Stainless steel-I - DOL - Body: S. Steel (Max Flow) 2095.0 2534.3 WCL 06/2019
6. 80 x 250 -300 - Br-I - DOL (Kirloskar) 1874.2 2085.2 ECL 05/2015
7. 80 x 350 -350 - Br-I - DOL 2455.0 Estd
8. 120 x 100 - 200 - Br-I - DOL - Body: Cast Iron 1137.0 1286.2 SECL 12/2020
9. 120 x 120 - 225 - Br-I - DOL 1315.1 1568.8 SECL 04/2020
10. 120 x 150 - 300 - Br-I - Vacuum Contactor 1740.0 Estd
11. 120 x 160 - 300 - Stainless Steel-I - DOL - Body: S. Steel (Flowmore) 1832.4 2209.2 MCL 05/2017
12. 160 x 180 - 450 - Stainless steel-I - DOL - Body: Stainless Steel 2815.0 Estd
13. 160 x 200 - 475 - Br-I - DOL 2302.0 Estd
14. 200 x 150 - 500 - Br-I - Vacuum Contactor 2455.0 Estd
15. 200 x 200 - 600 - Stainless steel-I - DOL - Body: Stainless Steel 3146.0 Estd
16. 225 x 100 - 370 - Br-I - Vacuum Contactor Type DOL (M & P) 1490.5 1855.7 SECL 07/2015
17. 305 x 150 - 650 - Br-I - SD (Kirloskar, model: UP10H8 ) 2244.4 2715.0 BCCL 06/2019


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

1. 80 x 240 - 320 - Br-I - DOL, Vacuum Brake (Kirloskar) 1676.3 1923.3 CCL 02/2020
2. 80 x 632 - 800 - Stainless Steel-I - Soft Starter (Wilo M & P) 6178.5 7474.2 BCCL 05/2019
3. 150 x 200 - 500 - Br.I - DOL (Wilo M&P) 2212.7 2725.1 ECL 02/2017
4. 225 x 250 - 900 - Br.I - Vacuum Contactor (Flowmore) 2664.3 3388.6 SECL 01/2017
5. 258 x 45 -250 - Br-I - DOL (GRW Pump)) 1107.5 1364.0 NCL 02/2018
6. 278 x 180 - 750 - Br.I -Vacuum Brake Type DOL (Kirloskar) 2615.8 3012.2 ECL 05/2015
7. 305 x 100 - 500 - Br.I - DOL (Kirloskar, model: SCT 300/59/1) 1926.7 2379.9 NCL 10/2016
8. 305 x 200 - 1010 - Br.I - Soft Starter (Kirloskar, model: SCT 300/77) 3690.0 4463.8 BCCL 05/2019
9. 325 x 300 - 1200 - Br.I - ATS (Kirloskar, model: RKB 250/46K) 5068.4 6069.6 SECL 01/2020
10. 350 x 200 - 1100 - Br.I - SD 4540.0 Estd.
11. 473 x 100 - 800 - Br.I - SD (Kirloskar, model: SCT 300/59) 2895.0 3565.4 NCL 02/2018


1. 11 x 30 - 15 -Stainless Steel- DOL-Cast Ironl Body (Netzsch Tech. India

Pvt. Ltd.) 150.0 177.3 WCL 09/2020
2. 14 x 30 - 15 -Stainless Steel- DOL-Cast Ironl Body (Netzsch Tech. India
Pvt. Ltd.) 150.0 177.3 WCL 09/2020
3. 20 x 40 - 18.5 - Br-I- SD 225.5 272.0 Estd.
4. 28 x 80 - 55 - Br-I- DOL (Baraja Pumps) 267.6 328.6 CCL 03/2017
5. 38 x 60 - 37 - Br-I- SD (Wilo M & P) 383.8 424.6 ECL 02/2017
6. 38 x 60 - 37 -Stainless Steel- DOL Stainless Steel Body (M & P) 530.0 Estd.
7. 38 x 90 - 55 -Br-I - DOL/SD, CI Body (Kirloskar) 399.3 449.9 SECL 02/2021
8. 38 x 100 - 55 -Br-I- Star-Delta 522.0 Estd.
9. 38 x 100 - 55 -Stainless Steel- DOL Stainless Steel Body 870.0 Estd.
10. 38 x 120 - 110 -Br-I - SD, CI Body (Flowmore) 440.4 539.1 ECL 08/2018
11. 38 x 150 - 90 -Br-I - SD, CI Body (TECHNO) 605.0 730.1 SECL 07/2019
12. 38 x 150 - 90 -Stainless Steel- DOL Stainless Steel Body 1163.0 Estd.
13. 38 x 180 - 110 -Br-I - SD-Stainless Steel Body 1435.0 Estd.
14. 38 x 240 -160 -Br-I - SD (Kirloskar) 775.6 949.5 ECL 08/2018
15. 45 x 120 - 90 -Br-I - SD (Kirloskar) 598.4 746.5 BCCL 08/2018
16. 80 x 60 - 75 - Br-I- DOL 542.0 Estd.
17. 80 x 100 -130 -Br-I - SD 1245.0 Estd.
18. 80 x 220 -250 -Br-I - SD 1473.0 Estd.


15 x 30 - 9.3 - Br-I - DOL (Volcan) 148.8 158.9 ECL 02/2017


1. 38 x 240 - 160 - Br-I - DOL- CI Body (Volcan Pump India) 1730.0 2057.4 ECL 06/2020
2. 38 x 300 - 200 - Br-I - DOL (Wilo M & P) 1596.3 1766.3 ECL 02/2017
3. 38 x 400 - 260 - Br-I - SD 2455.0 Estd.
4. 60 x 400 - 360 - Br-I - Star-Delta (Wilo M&P)) 2164.0 2699.5 BCCL 08/2018
5. 76 x 150 - 180 - Br-I - DOL, Vacuum Brake (kirloskar) 1840.3 2108.1 CCL 05/2020
6. 76 x 200 - 250 - Br-I - DOL, Vacuum Brake (kirloskar) 1931.9 2216.6 CCL 02/2020
7. 76 x 250 - 300 - Br-I - SD (kirloskar) 1952.5 2435.7 BCCL 08/2018
8. 80 x 100 - 130 - Br-I - DOL 1770.0 Estd.
9. 80 x 120 - 150 - Br-I - DOL 1975.0 Estd.
10. 80 x 150 -200 - Br-I - DOL- CI Body (Wilo M&P) 1837.4 2206.1 SECL 11/2019
11. 80 x 200 - 280 - Br-I - DOL (M & P) 1950.0 2323.6 ECL 10/2015
12. 80 x 250 - 350 - Br-I - DOL (Wilo M & P) 2078.3 2491.3 ECL 02/2017
13. 80 x 300 - 400 - Br-I - DOL (Flowmore) 2397.2 2778.6 ECL 10/2015


1. 38 x 200 - 125 - Br-I - Vacuum Brake DOL (Kirloskar) 1388.4 1581.5 ECL 02/2017


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
2. 38 x 250 - 175 - Br-I - Vacuum Brake DOL 1690.0 Estd.
3. 38 x 300 - 200 - Br-I - Vacuum Brake DOL 1802.0 Estd.
4. 76 x 180 - 255 - Br-I - Vacuum Brake SD 2622.0 Estd.
5. 76 x 300 - 420 - Br-I - Vacuum Brake DOL 2870.0 Estd.


1. 3 x 200 - 11 - Br-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 415 V 323.0 Estd.
2. 4 x 250 - 11 - Br-I - cable without starter & control panel 440/415 V 93.5 115.2 CCL 02/2018
3. 5 x 130 - 11 - Br-I - Star-Delta without control panel & cable 415 V 57.5 70.0 NCL 02/2019
4. 5 x 110 - 9.3 - S.Steel-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 415 V 203.0 Estd.

5. 10 x 100 - 15 - Br-I - without ATS & panel & cable 415 V (Cast Iron Body) 62.1 76.9 WCL 10/2017
6. 38 x 60 - 37 - Br-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V (Cast Iron Body) 259.7 316.2 ECL 11/2018
7. 38 x 80 - 55 - Br-I - SD c/w panel & cable 440 V 507.0 Estd.
8. 38 x 100 - 60 - Br-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V (Cast Iron Body) 593.8 672.6 ECL 03/2016
9. 38 x 100 - 60 - S Steel - PULLEN 440 V (Stainless Steel Body) 604.6 719.0 SECL 06/2020
38 x 150 - 90 - S.Steel-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V (S.Steel Body) 908.7 1097.7 SECL 06/2019
11. 38 x 200 - 120 -Br-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V (Cast Iron Body) 819.0 980.6 WCL 01/2020
12. 38 x 300 - 200 -Steel-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V (S. Steel Body) 2755.2 3458.6 ECL 06/2018
13. 45 x 120 - 90 - Br-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V (S. Steel Body) 629.3 750.6 BCCL 04/2020
14. 45 x 180 - 110 - Br-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V (S. Steel Body) 903.1 1077.3 BCCL 04/2020
15. 45 x 210 - 132 - Br-I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V (S. Steel Body) 1216.5 1451.2 BCCL 04/2020
75 x 100 - 150 - S.Steel -I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V (S.Steel Body) 1275.7 1594.5 SECL 07/2018
17. 75 x 120 - 160 - S.Steel -I - ATS c/w panel & cable 550 V 1740.0 Estd.
18. 75 x 150 - 180 - S.S. -I - ATS c/w panel & cable(170 m) 550 V (S.S.
Body) 1595.3 1900.6 MCL 05/2020
75 x 200 - 225 -Br -I - ATS c/w panel & cable(5 m) 550 V (S.Steel Body) 1846.6 2220.0 BCCL 08/2019
75 x 200 - 225 -S.S. -I - ATS c/w panel & cable(230 m) 550 V (S.S. Body) 2683.3 3196.8 MCL 05/2020



1. 11 x 30 - Br-I (Baraja Pumps) 38.8 47.7 CCL 03/2017

2. 38 x 90 -Br-I -I Stainless Steel Construction (Kirloskar) 122.2 149.7 WCL 04/2017
3. 38 x 200 - Br-I (M & P) 298.5 371.6 WCL 07/2015
4. 45 x 180 - Br-I 360.0 Estd.
5. 45 x 400 - Br-I 1217.6 1490.6 ECL 12/2015
6. 60 x 240 -Br-I 700.0 Estd.
7. 80 x 90 - Br-I Stainless Steel Construction (Wilo M&P) 141.9 173.9 WCL 04/2017
8. 80 x 100 - Br-I (Flowmore) 180.0 224.1 WCL 07/2015
9. 80 x 150 - Br-I (Wilo M&P) 258.7 310.7 SECL 11/2019
10. 80 x 200 -Br-I (Flowmore) 370.0 453.6 WCL 04/2017
11. 80 x 200 -Br-I -I Stainless Steel Construction (Kirloskar) 859.1 1051.8 WCL 05/2016
12. 80 x 250 -CI-I (Flowmore) 467.0 571.7 WCL 05/2016
13. 160 x 150 -CI-I (Flowmore) 507.0 620.7 WCL 05/2016
14. 160 x 150 - Stainless Steel-I Stainless Steel Construction 1085.0 Estd.
15. 200 x 180 - Stainless Steel-I Stainless Steel Construction (Kirloskar) 956.8 1172.9 WCL 04/2017
16. 200 x 90 - CI-I (Kirloskar) 372.1 455.6 WCL 05/2016
17. 200 x 150 - Br-I (Flowmore) 563.0 701.0 WCL 07/2015
18. 200 x 200 - Br-I (Flowmore) 573.0 713.4 WCL 07/2015
19. 225 x 60 - Stainless Steel-I Stainless Steel Construction (Kirloskar) 987.7 1209.2 SECL 08/2016
20. 225 x 300 - Stainless Steel-I Cast Iron Construction (Kirloskar) 1125.1 1347.1 SECL 01/2020
21. 475 x 100 -Br-I (M&P) 665.0 Estd.


Single stage slurry pump, horizontal, centrifugal type:

1. Capacity: 50 lps, 50 m with electricals 620.7 763.6 WCL 01/2017
2. 38 x 80 - 50 - S Steel - PULLEN 440 V (Stainless Steel Body) 993.9 1182.0 SECL 06/2020


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

1. 30 x 50 - 52 hp - CI-I (GRW Pumps) 298.0 374.1 SECL 06/2018

2. 38 x 60 - 52 hp - CI-I (GRW Pumps) 349.5 432.7 SECL 05/2017
3. 40 x 100 - 65 hp - CI-I (Flowmore) 445.0 545.5 MCL 05/2017
4. 60 x 15 - 25.5 hp - CI-I 315.0 Estd.
5. 80 x 60 - 128 hp - CI-I (GRW Pumps) 540.4 640.1 SECL 08/2020
6. 80 x 100 - 196 hp - CI-I (GRW Pumps) 870.3 1031.0 SECL 08/2020
7. 76 x 150 - 150 hp - CI-I (Flowmore) 1073.3 1317.9 CCL 03/2017
8. 150 x 160 - 604 hp - Br-I (Kirloskar) 2901.9 3502.1 NCL 07/2019


(Without Electricals)
1. 15 x 30 -18.5 - CI-I, 550 V with electricals 155.1 182.5 ECL 10/2015
2. 14 x 35 -50 - CI-I, 550 V with electricals 338.0 403.4 ECL 06/2015
3. 90 x 25 -48 - High Crome Alloy-I, 415 V with electricals, coal slurry
solid size upto 5 mm 452.8 538.2 CCL 07/2016
4. 120 x 25 -110 - High Crome Alloy-I, 415 V with electricals, coal slurry
solid size upto 5 mm & can be used both for heavy & dilute media 620.0 737.0 CCL 07/2016
5. 14 x 30, complete with base plate, coupling & coupling guard used
for sump overflow, column size: 36" 124.0 156.9 CCL 06/2015
6. 14 x 30, complete with base plate, coupling & coupling guard used
for sump overflow, column size: 48" 125.0 158.1 CCL 06/2015
7. 250 x 50 , complete with base plate, coupling & coupling guard used
for Pre Clarification Sump 868.0 1098.0 CCL 06/2015
8. 105 x 50, complete with base plate, coupling & coupling guard used
for settling pond 558.2 706.1 CCL 06/2015
9. 87 x 40, complete with base plate, coupling & coupling guard used
thickner underflow 1145.0 1448.4 CCL 06/2015
10. 335 x 55, suitable for 400 kW, 6.6 kV motor complete with V Belt,
gland type sealing, pulley & base frame used for coal size:-0.5 mm
& water slurry 1118.9 1415.4 CCL 06/2015
11. 300 x 36 , suitable for 320 kW, 6.6 kV motor complete with V Belt,
gland type sealing, pulley & base frame used for coal size: 0.5 to 30
mm & water slurry 1121.9 1419.2 CCL 06/2015
12. 160 x 24, complete with V Belt, gland type sealing, pulley & base
frame used for dilute magnetite suspension 1251.0 1582.5 CCL 06/2015
13. 110 x 20, complete with V Belt, gland type sealing, pulley & base
frame used for dilute magnetite suspension 678.0 857.6 CCL 06/2015
14. 180 x 36, complete with V Belt, gland type sealing, pulley & base
frame used for dilute magnetite suspension 1251.8 1583.5 CCL 06/2015


1. 80 x 120 - 132 - Br-I -DOL, 440 V- 7 Stages (Flowmore) 905.0 1094.8 WCL 06/2019
2. 35 x 40 - 22 - Br-I -DOL, 440 V- 3 Stages (Flowmore) 350.0 423.4 WCL 06/2019


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Per km
Part - I:1990 & IS:1161, SCREWED , SOCKETED .
Note : ERW - Electric Resistance Welded


100 (ERW) with plain end 614.0 771.7 SECL 06/2019

150(ERW) with plain end 896.0 1126.2 SECL 06/2019


50 (ERW) 243.0 303.6 BCCL 09/2019

80 (ERW) 405.0 506.0 BCCL 09/2019
100 (ERW) 592.0 726.5 SECL 08/2020
125 (ERW) 811.0 995.3 SECL 08/2020
150 (ERW) 952.0 1168.3 SECL 08/2020
200 (ERW) 1500.0 1861.0 BCCL 12/2019
250 (ERW) 2020.0 2506.2 BCCL 12/2019


Part - I:1990 & IS:1161, SCREWED , SOCKETED .
Note : ERW - Electric Resistance Welded


100 (ERW) 774 1116.6 SECL 05/2018


25 (ERW) 149.4 190.7 BCCL 09/2019

40 (ERW) 225.0 287.2 BCCL 09/2019
50 (ERW) 285.6 364.6 BCCL 09/2019
65 (ERW) 446.7 570.2 BCCL 09/2019
80 (ERW) 471.1 601.4 BCCL 09/2019
100 (ERW) 644.0 826.2 SECL 06/2019
125 (ERW) 891.0 1144.6 SECL 05/2018
150 (ERW) 1008.0 1293.2 SECL 06/2019



5.40 622.0 832.8 WCL 02/2019


5.40 812.3 996.8 NCL08/2020


6.00 1093.3 1475.2 NCL 12/2018


6.00 1500.0 Estd.

8.00 1506.0 1777.1 BCCL 06/2020


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

6.30 1494.0 1833.4 SECL 07/2020

8.00 2098.0 2475.6 BCCL 06/2020
9.00 2341.0 2872.9 NCL08/2020


5.60 2100.0 Estd.

7.10 2040.0 2503.5 SECL 07/2020
9.50 2878.5 3532.5 NCL08/2020

IV. Cast iron hard wearing sand stowing pipe outside dia.
150 mm with wall thickness 26 mm, IS : 7181/1986 5428.0 6405.2 CCL 12/2016
Cast iron Bend Angle 900 2375.0 2802.6 CCL 12/2016
Cast Iron Stool Bend Angle 900 3325.0 3923.6 CCL 12/2016

V. HDPE PIPES, IS: 4984- 1995

1. 10 kg/cm with outside diameter in mm

180 940.0 1286.03 BCCL 08/2015

200 1266.0 1702.89 ECL 03/2016

2. 16 kg/cm with outside diameter in mm

180 1311.8 1696.07 WCL 05/2019

200 1459.0 1886.33 WCL 05/2019
250 2347.5 3035.07 WCL 05/2019


1. Cast Steel Sluice Valve for 200 mm (NB) dia pipe 34.0 49.36 BCCL 04/2017

2. Cast Steel Sluice Valve for 150 mm (NB) dia pipe 18.5 24.41 BCCL 05/2018

3. Cast Steel Sluice Valve for 100 mm (NB) dia pipe 8.5 11.22 BCCL 05/2018

4. Cast Steel Non Return Valve for 200 mm (NB) dia pipe 31.7 46.06 BCCL 04/2017

5. MS Pipe Flange 200 mm dia. Pipe 0.31 0.40 MCL 11/2018

6. MS Pipe Flange 150 mm dia. Pipe 0.18 0.23 MCL 11/2018

7. MS Pipe Flange 100 mm dia. Pipe 0.15 0.20 SECL 07/2018

8. MS Pipe Flange 80 mm dia. Pipe 0.13 0.17 SECL 07/2018

9. MS ERW 900 bend for 150 mm dia Pipe 0.35 0.46 SECL 07/2018

10. MS ERW 900 bend for 125 mm dia Pipe 0.49 0.64 SECL 07/2018


in Lakhs
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Abbreviations :
FLP = Flame Proof, NFLP = Non Flame Proof
DOL = Direct on line,
c/w = complete with, WG = water gauge

1. Voltas, VF-3000-8-750 BD,60 - 280 m3/sec, 125 - 40 mmWG,

Fan dia.3.0 m complete with 3.3 kV NFLP Electricals with
600 HP motor 82.0 108.8 L 06/2015

2. Voltas, VF-2500-8-800 BD,80 - 120 m3/sec, 100 -67 mmWG,

Fan dia.2.5 m complete with 3.3 kV NFLP Electricals with
350 HP motor 65.0 86.3 L 06/2015

3. Voltas, VF-2000-8-900 BD,35 - 100 m3/sec, 110 - 40 mmWG,

Fan dia.2.0 m complete with 3.3 kV NFLP Electricals with
175 HP motor 57.0 75.7 L 06/2015

4. Voltas,PV-200/8 TV, 85 m3/sec,79 mmWG,complete with

550 V NFLP Electricals with star-delta starter & 150 HP motor 22.0 29.2 L 06/2015

5. Voltas,PV-160/8 TV, 50 m3/sec, 52 mmWG,complete with

550 V NFLP Electricals with star-delta starter & 60 HP motor 11.0 14.6 L 06/2015


1. Maya, Maya-MMV-MA-18B-M10C,75 -150 m3/sec, 150-50 mmWG,

fan dia 3.0 m complete with V-belt, tensioning arrangement, jack
shaft & manometer,
Slip Ring Induction Motor, 330 kW, 3.3 kV, NFLP, 1500 rpm
Stator-Rotor Control Panel with Stainless Steel Grid Resistance
Spare Slip Ring Induction Motor, 330 kW 1 No. 78.3 ECL 06/2015

2. Maya, Maya-MMV-MA-12B-M10C,140 -170 m3/sec, 70-40 mmWG,

fan dia 3.0 m complete with V-belt, tensioning arrangement, jack
shaft & manometer,
Squirrel Cage Induction Motor, 160 kW, 3.3 kV, NFLP, 1500 rpm
with star delta starter & including all accessories 54.3 ECL 01/2020

3. Maya, 75-100 m3/sec,100-40 mmWG, 720 rpm complete with V-belt,

tensioning arrangement, jack shaft & manometer, fan speed: 820
rp , TEFC sq.cage, 120 kW, 3.3 kV, NFLP, 1480 rpm
3.3 kV, DOL starter Rotor assembly, 16 nos.Al blade, jack shaft
pulley, pummer block etc. 16.7 21.7 SECL 05/2016

4. Maya, 40 -90 m3/sec, 70-25 mmWG, 950 rpm complete with V-belt,
tensioning arrangement, jack shaft & manometer, TEFC sq.cage,
75 kW, 550V, NFLP,1480 rpm, 550 V, Star-Delta starter Rotor
assembly,16 nos.Al blade, jack shaft pulley, pummer block etc. 6.8 8.9 SECL 05/2016


1. MMM, AF-100(G), 80 - 180 m3/sec, 120 - 50 mmWG,

complete with V-belt, tensioning arrangement, jack shaft
& manometer,
Squirrel Induction Motor, 360 kW, 3.3 kV, NFLP 14.2 18.9 SECL 11/2016
3.3 kV, Star Delta 3.7 4.9 SECL 11/2016
Mechanical Portion such as rotor assembly, jack shaft pulley,
pummer block, fan casing, blades, diffuser, bearings etc. 34.1 44.5 SECL 11/2016
Total: 52.0 68.4 SECL 11/2016


in Lakhs
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
2. MMM, AF-80, 70 - 100 m3/sec,110 - 140 mmWG,
complete with V-belt, tensioning arrangement, jack shaft
& manometer,
Induction Motor, 200 kW, 3.3 kV, NFLP complete with suitable
starter, Rotor assembly, jack shaft pulley, pummer block etc. 21.4 28.2 WCL 12/2015


1. 60 - 280 m3/sec, 125 - 40 mmWG, complete with V-belt, tensioning

arrangement, jack shaft & manometer, Slip Ring Induction Motor,
250 kW, 3.3 kV, NFLP 3.3 kV,Rotor Control Panel with stainless
steel grid resistance, Rotor assembly, jack shaft pulley, pummer block
etc. 97.1 Estd.


1. Booster fan 40 cu.m/s, 30 mmWG, dia 160cm, 30 hp

motor, 975 rpm,c/w 550 V FLP electricals. 13.5 Estd


1. MMM make, Model: BDF-6S 5.0 cu.m/s,15 kW, 550 V

Mechanical Portion (Auxiliary Fan) 0.24 0.29 SECL 09/2020
Electrical Portion (Motor) 0.64 0.78 SECL 09/2020
Electrical Portion (Starter) 0.38 0.47 SECL 09/2020

2. Maya make, 6.0 cu.m/s, 200 mmWG, 15 kW, 550 V

FLP motor & DOL starter 1.27 1.61 WCL 05/2017

3. MMM make, 12 cu.m/s , 100mm WG, 22.5 kW, 550 V complete

with FLP motor & starter. 5.85 7.37 ECL 05/2018

4. MMM make, 7.0-7.1 cu.m/s , 250-700mm WG, 90 kW, 550 V

complete with FLP motor & starter. 14.7 19.53 ECL 05/2015


A. Semirigid, Flexible type Ducting, DGMS Approved Per 1000 m

600 mm dia. 3.15 4.37 SECL 10/2018


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
FLP = Flame proof, NFLP = Non flame proof

Kirloskar Make

1. Electric & 7 kg/cm² pressure:

a. Model: TC-2507, 2.3 m³/min complete with FLP electricals,

2.5 hp motor and star-delta starter, air cooled 327.0 436.8 L 05/2015

b. Model:KG-2-140, 5.2 m³/min complete with FLP motor and

starter trolley mounted, air cooled 460.0 614.4 L 05/2015

c. Model:SES-325, 8.0 m³/min complete with motor and starter

air cooled 574.0 766.7 L 05/2015

d. Model:SES-520, 14.72 m³/min complete with 125 hp motor and

starter air cooled 1010.0 1349.0 L 05/2015

e. Model:SES-630, 17.85 m³/min complete with 150 hp motor and

starter air cooled 1551.0 2071.6 L 05/2015

f. Model:SES-770, 21.81 m³/min complete with 180 hp motor and

starter air cooled 1607.0 2146.4 L 05/2015

g. Model:SES-1000, 28.58 m³/min complete with 250 hp motor

and starter air cooled 1803.0 2408.2 L 05/2015

2. Diesel & 7 kg/cm² pressure:

a. Model: TDS-300, 8.5 m³/min complete with 84 hp diesel

engine, oil cooled 772.0 1031.1 L 05/2015

b. Model: TDS-400, 11.35 m³/min complete with 105 hp diesel

engine, oil cooled 833.0 1112.6 L 05/2015

c. Model: TDS-520, 14.72 m³/min complete with 142 hp diesel

engine, air cooled 1118.0 1493.3 L 05/2015

d. Model: TDS-520, 14.72 m³/min complete with 142 hp diesel

engine, water cooled 1118.0 1493.3 L 05/2015

e. Model: TDS-520, 14.72 m³/min complete with 142 hp diesel

engine, water cooled 1118.0 1493.3 L 05/2015

f. Model: TDS-600, 16.99 m³/min complete with 142 hp diesel

engine, air cooled 1118.0 1493.3 L 05/2015

3. Diesel & 10.5 kg/cm² pressure:

a. Model: TDS-HI-300, 8.5 m³/min complete with 106 hp diesel

engine, air/water cooled 803.0 1072.5 L 05/2015

b. Model: TDS-HI-450, 12.75 m³/min complete with 106 hp diesel

engine, air/water cooled 1087.0 1451.9 L 05/2015


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
ELGI make

4. Electric & 10 kg/cm² pressure:

a. Model:EG-55-9, 10.03 m³/min complete with 55 kW motor and

star delta starter air cooled 1030.0 1358.4 MCL 02/2016

b. Model:EG-132-11, 20.10 m³/min complete with 160 kW motor

and star delta starter air cooled 1654.3 2153.3 CCL 12/2016

5. Sambeet Tools & Equipment Make

a. Air Compressor, 2.3 m³/min at delivery pressure of 7.0 kg/cm2

complete with 15 kW motor, Capacity of Air Receiver: 1000 ltr. 390.0 469.9 SECL 06/2020


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
EPABX = Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange,
ISDN = Integrated Service Digital Network, LD circuit =
Leased Line, CO = Central Office, CEPT = Conference of
European Postal & Telecommunications Administration, DID =
Direct Inward Dialing, E & M = Ear & Mouth, MDF = Main
Distribution Frame, FCBC = Float Cum Boost Charger, DTMF =
Dual Tone Multi Frequency, SMF = Sealed Maintenance Free,
VOIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol, CVT = Constant Voltage
Transformer, I.S = Intrinsically Safe, FLP = Flame Proof, GP =
Ground Plane


1. Unicom Infotel make, IP telephone system with duplicate server, media

gateway, 1024 nos. analog extension, 200 nos. wired lines (TDM), 350 nos.
SIP extension, 8 nos. PRI trunk, 30 nos. CO trunk, 200 nos. simultaneous
IP channel, 3 nos. PC based operator console 2712.8 3355.2 BCCL 11/2017
Software for IP telephone system 922.6 1141.0 BCCL 11/2017
PC alongwith handset & operator console 56.7 70.1 BCCL 11/2017
SIP hard phone type-1 (per unit) 7.6 9.4 BCCL 11/2017
SIP hard phone type-2 (per unit) 31.9 39.5 BCCL 11/2017
Emergency audio broadcasting system (per unit) 296.0 366.1 BCCL 11/2017
Analog CLI phone (per unit) 1.0 1.2 BCCL 11/2017
Laptop for remote maintenance (per unit) 81.8 101.1 BCCL 11/2017
PC alongwith Laser printer for system administration (per unit) 106.9 132.2 BCCL 11/2017
24 gigabit data switch (per unit) 44.8 55.5 BCCL 11/2017
10 kVA or higher rack mountable UPS with 4 hrs battery backup (per unit) 546.0 675.3 BCCL 11/2017
MFD for (1500 + 1500) ports with IPM on exchange side (per unit) 271.8 336.1 BCCL 11/2017
Communication earthing for system 23.8 29.4 BCCL 11/2017
Network rack for mounting server, media gateway, switch & UPS (per unit) 55.6 68.8 BCCL 11/2017

2. IP communication server based EPABX with 1000 ports

capacity expandable upto 500 ports 1620.0 Estd.
IP phones with IO box 8.6 Estd.
Digital telephones 5.2 Estd.
Push button telephones 0.4 Estd.
GUI based maintenance & debugging software & PC based terminal 54.9 Estd.
3 kVA UPS including MF battery 54.0 Estd.
MFD with krone connections & integrated protections 66.0 Estd.
Class I earthing 15.0 Estd.

Karel make, 500 ports EPABX system, Analog subscriber line card with CLIP
name & number display for all ports, CO ports- 16 nos., E1 card- 1 no., IP
Extension- 5 nos., IP phones with IO box - 5 nos., Digital telephones- 50nos.
Desktop operator console- 2 nos., Push button type telephone instruments
with CLI facility- 256, GUI based maintenance & debugging software & PC
based operationg terminal, 1 no. 3 kVA online UPS, MDF with Krone
connection and integrated protection modules for all ports along with tool kit. 938.2 1157.1 WCL 12/2019
Class 1 Earthing 55.6 68.5 WCL 12/2019

Installation, testing, commissioning and wiring charges from system to MDF 27.8 34.3 WCL 12/2019

4. Intellicon, EPABX 300 lines, IP compatible complete in all respect 529.8 654.0 CCL 12/2018


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
5. Coral, model: NGX (IRIS-IVDX) for 200 analog extension expandable upto
250 lines of IP ISDN EPBAX supporting server gateway architecture with
IP at core with real time HOTSTANDBY on CPU & provision on server
supporting both PCM/TDM and server architecture, provision of direct
termination of OPC without external OLTE, provision of PRI interface &
GSM, inbuilt line testing & diagnostic facility, 100% unified communication
Analog Subscriber : 200 Ports
Digital Subscriber : 08 Ports
Analog CO Trunks : 08 Ports
E1/PRI Trunk : 02 Ports
Digital Multi Key Telephone with all accessories : 03 Nos.:
PC based maintenance
250 pair MFD with Krone module & IPM protection : 1 No.
Rack : 1 No.
Complete with exchange MFD & field MFD, telephone instruments &
telephone cable 867.0 1068.0 CMPDI 03/2018

6. Karel make, model: DS200, EPABX ISDN VOIP Exchange equipped with
100 extensions including installation & commissioning with accessories.
MDF 100 lines, UPS, Push Button Telephone set-100 nos.Digital Operator
Console, Standard Tools kit set with Krone & Digital Multimeter,
Suitable Chemical Earthen, Spare Control Card, Spare Subscriber line
card, Spare Power Supply card 250.0 315.3 ECL 02/2016

7. Matrix make, model: Eternity GENX Exchange equipped with 64 extensions

including installation & commissioning with accessories. Console, Standard
Tools kit set with Krone & Digital Multimeter, Suitable Chemical Earthen,
Spare Control Card, Spare Subscriber line card, Spare Power Supply card 224.5 265.0 ECL 07/2020

8. Mimec, EPABX, 56 lines + 40Nos. Co line + voice card alongwith battery

backup 180.0 223.1 ECL 10/2018
Amplifier 250 W 24.8 30.7 ECL 10/2018
Non FLP Speaker 3.8 4.7 ECL 10/2018
SIM patch unit 2 line 17.0 21.1 ECL 10/2018
Normal telephone for office use 1 No. 0.5 0.6 ECL 10/2018

9. Mimec, I.S.Auto-cum-manual system, model : MIC-102AT

complete with I.S.telephone, master cell station, SMF battery &
power supply unit
30 lines 632.0 794.7 MCL 02/2016
20 lines 468.0 580.0 ECL 10/2018
15 lines 358.0 442.8 ECL 02/2018

10. MIMEC make, model: MIC101 PT intrinsically safe telephone set 11.9 14.7 ECL 10/2018
MIMEC make, model: MIC101 PT FLP Power Supply Unit, Input: 20.9 25.8 ECL 10/2018
110/550 V AC, Output: 12 V DC (DGMS approved)

11. Intrinsically safe sound powered mining type telephone, DGMS approved,
point to point communication, frequency range: 300 to 3400 Hz,
operating range: 10 km 22.8 Estd.

12. Alnico make, Hand Held, 4 W, VHF transreceiver model: DJ-A10 Walkie
Talkie 6.2 7.6 SECL 03/2018

13. Motorola, Model: XiRM3688 VHF Synthesized Mobile/Base Transceiver Set 21.2 26.1 NCL 03/2018
Motorola, Model: SLR5300 Digital VHF Repeater 1+1 Hot standby- 1 set 351.4 433.3 NCL 03/2018
Motorola, Model: XiRP3688 VHF Synthesized Handheld Transceiver Set 10.7 13.2 NCL 03/2018


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
14. HQT make, model: TH2980, portable walkie talkie VHF, 4 watt, with
portable helical antenna & 2 nos.rechargeable batteries, battery charger 6.4 Estd.

VHF Synthesized Handheld

15. Transceiver Set comprising of following:
i. VHF Synthesized Handheld Transceiver Set 6.1 Estd.
ii. Programing Rib/Kit along with PC Programing software and complete
accessories for programing of Handheld Transceiver Set. 2.8 Estd.
iii. Standby 1600 mAH Ni-MH rechargeable battery for Handheld
Transceiver Set. Make : ALINCO, Model : DJ-A11 1.4 Estd.
iv. Antenna for Handheld Transceiver Set. 0.3 Estd.
v. RG-58 cable 1 meter length with BNC male connector one side and
VHF Synthesized Handheld Transceiver antenna compatible connector
other side. Indigenous make. 0.7 Estd.

16. VHF Synthesized (High Band) Base

Transceiver Set: 13.7 Estd.
Programing Rib/Kit along with PC Programing software and complete
accessories for programing of VHF Synthesized (High Band) Base
Transceiver Set 2.8 Estd.
Power Supply 12 V DC, 10A for VHF Synthesized Base Transceiver: 2.3 Estd.
RG-58 cable 1 meter length with BNC male connector one side and VHF
Synthesized (High Band) Base Transceiver antenna compatible
connector other side. Indigenous make. 0.7 Estd.

17. Vspectra Communication make, VHF Synthesized Repeater Station Set. 50.7 Estd.
Programing Rib/Kit along with PC Programing software and complete
accessories for programing of VHF Synthesized Repeater Station Set. 2.8 Estd.
Power Supply 12 V DC, 20A for VHF Synthesized Repeater Station Set: 7.0 Estd.
WPC liasoning charge for getting Repeater Frequency from WPC
New Delhi. (As per WPC New Delhi) 30.7 Estd.
Erection and Commissioning of Tower for VHF Synthesized Repeater
Station Set: Indigenous make. 34.7 Estd.

18. VHF Radio communication system, Make : TALKPRO Model : HH DH350, FB

&MB TM1000, REP:TM1000
a. digital handheld radio VHF set - 50 nos.
b. base station, 136#174 MHZ,12.5/25 kHZ channel spacing with standard
accessories like 30m co-axial cable RG2133DB GP ant 15 amp 12V dc PSU
cum battery Charger- 4 nos.
c. vehicle mobile, 136#174 MHZ, 12.5/25 khz channel spacing with standard
accessories like WHIP antenna with 3M cable - 4 nos.
d. repeater station, (normal mic) with std. accessories like 30M co-axial cable
RG2133DB GP ant 15 amp 12v dc PSU - 2 nos. 978.0 1201.2 MCL 09/2019

19. Radwin make, IP Radios CPE Units (Subscriber Units), Model: 5525-4C58
are compatible for interfacing with point to multi point Radwin Radios RW-
5200-4258, comprising:
15 m Tower/Mast
2 kVA on line UPS with 24 hrs backup with surge protection device
RF Surge Arrestor & Ethernet Surge Protector
Class 1 Earthing
24 Port Giga Bit managed L2 switch
6U wall mounted network rack
Cabling for 32 locations
Installation& Commissioning with CAMC for 4 years after 1 year warrenty 13022.2 16073.6 WCL 01/2018

20. Wireless microphone system suitable for 12 delegates with one chairman
complete with all accessories 3099.4 NCL 01/2019


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
21. Wireless Communication for opencast mine comprises of the following:
a. Wakie Talkie set with standard accessories : 747 nos.
b. Batteries : 747 nos.
c. VHF Sets (Static) with SMPS & all accessories : 35 nos.
d. SMF Battery, 12V, 24 AH : 35 nos.
e. VHF Set (Mobile) with all accessories : 25 nos.
f. Repeater Station with inbuilt SMPS & accessories : 8 nos.
g. SMF Battery, 12V, 24 AH : 8 nos. 9781.2 12016.6 CCL 06/2019

22. Loud Hauling Cage communication system along with radio IS telephone sets
with power supply unit and accessories 60.0 73.7 ECL 06/2019
8.4 V, 1200 mAh battery backup 5.0 6.1 CCL 06/2019

23. Rechargable Lead - acid battery 20 hrs. rate of discharge

IS : 7372
75 AH, 12 V (11 plate) 3.9 Estd.
88 AH, 12 V (13 plate) 4.3 Estd.
120 AH, 12 V (17 plate) 5.7 Estd.
135 AH, 12 V (19 plate) 6.2 Estd.
180 AH, 12 V (25 plate) 6.2 8.3 CCL 09/2019
200 AH, 12 V (25 plate) 8.8 11.3 ECL 11/2020

24. Make : EXIDE, Model : TM - 102P, Tubular battery, 110 V, 55 x 2 V cell,

capacity: 120 AH 150.7 200.6 CCL 03/2019

25. Tubular battery, 30 V, 15 x 2 V cell, capacity: 200 AH complete with acid

proof wooden rack & stand, interconnector for battery & dilute sulphuric
acid in a non-returnable jar 63.6 80.3 BCCL 11/2015

26. Sealed Maintenance free Tubular battery, 48 V, 24 x 2 V cell in one set

used for EPABX 147.3 164.4 CCL 10/2016

27. Tubular battery, 110 V, 55 x 2 V cell, capacity:200 AH complete with acid

proof wooden rack & stand, interconnector for battery & dilute sulphuric
acid in a non-returnable jar 165.0 208.3 BCCL 11/2015
Battery Charger for 110 V battery of Sheet Steel Structure 242.0 270.4 NCL 01/2016

28. Tubular battery, 220 V,110 x 2 V cell, capacity:200 AH complete with acid
proof wooden rack & stand, interconnector for battery & dilute sulphuric
acid in a non-returnable jar 330.0 416.5 BCCL 11/2015

29. Traction Battery, 168 V, 84 x 2 V cell, capacity: 664 AH at 5 hrs discharge

rate 1649.0 2040.2 BCCL 09/2018

30. Traction Battery, 120 V, 60 x 2 V cell, capacity: 664 AH at 5 hrs discharge

rate 1200.0 1484.7 BCCL 09/2018
31. Underground telephone cable with
annealed copper conductor, DGMS approved, IS : 1554 (Part - I) /km
0.50 mm x 100 pair 257.0 346.5 NCL 09/2017
0.50 mm x 50 pair 141.6 190.9 NCL 09/2017
0.50 mm x 20 pair 78.0 102.1 ECL 01/2020
0.50 mm x 10 pair 58.0 76.0 ECL 01/2020
0.50 mm x 6 pair 40.0 52.4 ECL 01/2020
0.50 mm x 5 pair 17.0 22.9 NCL 01/2019
0.50 mm Drop wire 12.5 16.9 NCL 01/2019


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price

1. Control Alarm & communication System for Conveyors

a. Master console provision to match with gate end box 650.0 Estd
b. Slave station provided with amplifier, handset & speaker
for pre-start alarm & communication. 38.0 Estd
c. Pull cord switch, 1 NO + 1 NC, 10 A, DGMS approved used in UG mine belt
conveyor 5.5 6.5 ECL 02/2021
d. FLP power supply unit 30.0 Estd
2. Audio Visual Alarm for SDL 34.2 38.1 BCCL 11/2016

3. Audio Visual Alarm for Keps & Cage locking with proximity sensor having
sensing distance of 7.0 mm from proximity sensor 18.0 22.2 ECL 02/2018

4. Automatic Contrivance Control Unit complete with Digital Display Unit,

Operator Panel, Man/Material Indicating Box, Real Time Display and
Interfacing Unit, Un-interrupted power supply unit 500 VA with 2 hours
backup, cubical for control unit, battery & cable 400.0 492.7 ECL 03/2018


1. Honeywell make, Methanometer, model:Gas Alert Micrclip XT, continuous

monitoring of CH4 gas from 0 - 5% vol, LCD display, rechargeable
battery, DGMS approved 29.2 36.3 CMPDI 08/2018

2. Drager make, Methanometer, model:X AM-2500, monitoring of CH4 gas

minimum 5% v/v or 0 - 100% LEL, LCD display, rechargeable battery,
DGMS approved 38.6 48.1 BCCL 03/2019

3. MSA make, CO Detector/Toximeter, model:ALTAIR, continuous

monitoring of CO gas from 0 - 1800 ppm, LCD display, rechargeable
battery, DGMS approved 47.2 58.6 CMPDI 08/2018

4. DGMS approved multi gas detector for detection of CH4, CO2, CO, O2 gas
along with charger 137.0 168.2 ECL 01/2019

5. DGMS approved multi gas detector for detection of NO, NO2, SO2 and
Aldehyde gases in UG Mines 182.0 223.4 SECL 03/2021

6. Drager make,multi gas detector, model : X-AM-5600, measuring range :

CO : 0 - 500 ppm, O2 : 0 - 25 % vol, CO2 : 0 - 5 % vol, gas & vapour:
0 - 100% LEL, CH4 : 0 - 5 % vol & complete with battery 109.2 134.2 BCCL 05/2019

Honeywell make, Gas Alert Microclip XT portable light weight digital multi gas
detector for determination of % of CH4, CO, H2S, & O2 DGMS approved 32.9 40.9 ECL 01/2019

9. Safepro Equipments, local methane detector, model:Ultima XE,

IR/Catalytic type 360.1 444.9 ECL 11/2018

10. Carbon Monoxide Aspirator 3.0 Estd

11. DGMS approved safety helmet conforming IS : 2525-1984 (latest) 0.065 0.080 BCCL 07/2020

12. Flame Proof Equipment make, intrinsically safe rechargable LED cap
lamp with Li-Ion battery 2.9 3.6 ECL 02/2020
Charging rack for 120 nos. of cap lamps 51.8 63.6 ECL 02/2020
Battery Charger for 102 No. of lamp & battery. 30.0 Estd


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
13. Velox, model : GL-50 flame safety lamp, gas testing FSL with integral
extinguisher for Deg I, II & III gassy seams. 11.5 14.2 WCL 06/2019

14. Magnetic Unlocker for GL-7 & GL-50 20.9 28.6 WCL 03/2010

15. Casella make, Personal dust sampler, model: TUFF personal Air Sampler
complete with accessories and carrying case DGMS approved 108.4 134.7 CMPDI 08/2018

16. Casella make, Personal dust sampler, model: APEX2 personal Air Sampler
complete with accessories and carrying case DGMS approved 89.9 110.3 CCL 01/2021

17. Pocket pH meter, range 2-10 pH, accuracy 0-1 pH,

powered by 9 V battery. 14.0 Estd.

18. Drager make, DGMS approved, Closed Circuit Positive Pressure

Type Self Contained Breathing Apparatus ( Model PSS BG4) 579.6 714.0 ECL 02/2018

19. Suparna make, chemical type self enerating oxygen self rescuer, duration: 30
min, DGMS approved 17.9 22.0 WCL 07/2019

20. DEZEGA make, DGMS approved self contained self rescuer SCSR),
duration: 30 min conforming IS 15803 : 2008 (latest) 32.0 39.2 ECL 12/2019

21. PARATECH make, Model: PAKHAMMER KIT, Pneumatically operatedhand

held rescue tool for breaking, cutting, drilling etc. 1108.4 1360.2 WCL 05/2020

22. Donestk Mines Rescue Equipment make, model: P30 self contained
breathing apparatus, duration: 2 hrs.(minimum), DGMS approved
alongwith 2 nos. testing machines 381.5 485.0 SECL 08/2015

23. Drager make, model: RZ 7000, Portable universal tester for positive
pressure type self contained breathing apparatus 846.0 1051.2 MCL 04/2017

24. DGMS approved portable Coal Dust Explosibility meter for analysing the
amount of rock dust present in a sample of dust collected from coal mines on
the sopt result on real time basis, conforming to IS/IEC 60079-11:2006,
IS/IEC 60079-0:2004 and IS/IEC 60529-2001 (latest), Make : SENSIDYNE
LP, U.S.A, Model : CDEM 1000 375.0 460.6 SECL 09/2019

25. Agilent make, model: Agilent 490 GC, portable micro gas chromotograph
for mine gas analysis complete with Software, Laptop Computer, Printer,
UPS with maintenance free battery & servo voltage stabiliser 69.9 85.9 BCCL 10/2019

26. Joseph Leslie make, DGMS approved Resuscitating Apparatus

Brand O Two, model: Carevent CA 234.0 287.7 MCL 06/2019
Spare cylinder for Resuscitating Apparatus 10.2 Estd.
Testing kit for Resuscitating apparatus 277.2 340.8 MCL 06/2019

27. Honeywell make,Oximeter, model:Gas Alert Microclip XT, continuous

monitoring of O2 gas, LCD display, rechargeable battery, DGMS
approved 44.2 55.7 SECL 02/2016

28. HII, CA, USA make, Oxygen Booster Pump hand/manual operated
complete with all asccessories, tool kits, connecting hoses with suitable
adopters/connectors including installation & commissioning pump
capacity: 2 to 3 litres and generating pressure 200 bar 890.0 1132.1 MCL 06/2016

29. Make : Hydraulic International INC (HII), Oxygen Booster Pump (power
operated) with all necessary tools 1545.5 1897.6 MCL 12/2019


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
30. Nitrogen foam generating machine complete with pump unit and foaming
unit, FLP induction motor, single spindle pump, spares ane accessories 1610.0 2008.5 ECL 03/2018

31. Vishwa make, Environmental Telemonitoring System used in underground

mine comprises of following:
PC with monitor & accessories - 1 Set
Controller/PLC, Isolator - 1 Set
Laser colour printer - 1 No.
Application software package - 1 Set.
2 kVA UPS with 8 hrs battery backup - 1 Set
URS/RIO - 2 No.
CO Sensor - 4 Nos.
CH4 Sensor - 4 Nos.
O2 Sensor - 2 Nos.
Temperature Sensor - 0 Nos.
Air Velocity Sensor - 1 No.
UG Power Supply System - 2 Nos.
Audio Visual Alarm - 2 Nos.
Armoured Transmission Cable - 1000 meter
Data Cable - 2600 meter
Armoured Power Cable - 1000 meter
Junction Box, Fixture & Brackets etc. for laying cable - 1 Set 5121.8 6291.1 SECL 08/2019
Installation and commissioning charges 87.1 106.9 SECL 08/2019

32. Vishwa make, Environmental Telemonitoring System used in underground

mine comprises of following:
PC with monitor & accessories - 1 Set
Controller/PLC, Isolator - 1 Set
Laser colour printer - 1 No.
Application software package - 1 Set.
2 kVA UPS with 8 hrs battery backup - 1 Set
URS/RIO - 6 No.
CO Sensor - 14 Nos.
CH4 Sensor - 14 Nos.
O2 Sensor - 3 Nos.
Temperature Sensor - 0 Nos.
Air Velocity Sensor - 2 No.
UG Power Supply System - 6 Nos.
Audio Visual Alarm - 6 Nos.
Armoured Transmission Cable - 2500 meter
Data Cable - 8000 meter
Armoured Power Cable - 1300 meter
Junction Box, Fixture & Brackets etc. for laying cable - 1 Set 12685.3 15581.4 SECL 08/2019
Installation and commissioning charges 215.6 264.9 SECL 08/2019

33. Vishwa make, Environmental Telemonitoring System used in underground

mine comprises of following:
PC with monitor & accessories - 1 Set
Controller/PLC, Isolator - 1 Set
Laser colour printer - 1 No.
Application software package - 1 Set.
2 kVA UPS with 8 hrs battery backup - 1 Set
URS/RIO - 4 No.
CO Sensor - 5 Nos.
CH4 Sensor - 4 Nos.
O2 Sensor - 1 Nos.
Temperature Sensor - 5 Nos.
Air Velocity Sensor - 1 No.


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
UG Power Supply System - 15 Nos.
Audio Visual Alarm - 4 Nos.
Armoured Transmission Cable - 850 meter
Data Cable - 2000 meter
Armoured Power Cable - 500 meter
Junction Box, Fixture & Brackets etc. for laying cable - 1 Set 9328.5 11458.3 SECL 08/2019
Installation and commissioning charges 120.0 147.4 SECL 08/2019

34. Vishwa make, Environmental Telemonitoring System used in underground

mine comprises of following:
PC with monitor & accessories - 1 Set
Controller/PLC, Isolator - 1 Set
Laser colour printer - 1 No.
Application software package - 1 Set.
2 kVA UPS with 8 hrs battery backup - 1 Set
URS/RIO - 4 No.
CO Sensor - 4 Nos.
CH4 Sensor - 4 Nos.
O2 Sensor - 4 Nos.
Temperature Sensor - 4 Nos.
Air Velocity Sensor - 4 No.
UG Power Supply System - 16 Nos.
Audio Visual Alarm - 8 Nos.
Armoured Transmission Cable - 2200 meter
Data Cable - 4400 meter
Armoured Power Cable - 1200 meter
Junction Box, Fixture & Brackets etc. for laying cable - 1 Set 11921.3 14642.9 SECL 08/2019
Installation and commissioning charges 202.7 248.9 SECL 08/2019

35. Vishwa make, Environmental Telemonitoring System used in underground

mine comprises of following:
PC with monitor & accessories - 1 Set
Controller/PLC, Isolator - 1 Set
Laser colour printer - 1 No.
Application software package - 1 Set.
2 kVA UPS with 8 hrs battery backup - 1 Set
URS/RIO - 4 No.
CO Sensor - 7 Nos.
CH4 Sensor - 7 Nos.
O2 Sensor - 2 Nos.
Temperature Sensor - 3 Nos.
Air Velocity Sensor - 4 No.
UG Power Supply System - 4 Nos.
Audio Visual Alarm - 4 Nos.
Armoured Transmission Cable - 3000 meter
Data Cable - 2500 meter
Armoured Power Cable - 750 meter
Junction Box, Fixture & Brackets etc. for laying cable - 1 Set 7986.7 9810.1 SECL 08/2019
Installation and commissioning charges 135.8 166.8 SECL 08/2019

36. Vishwa make, Environmental Telemonitoring System used in underground

mine comprises of following:
PC with monitor & accessories - 1 Set
Controller/PLC, Isolator - 1 Set
Laser colour printer - 1 No.
Application software package - 1 Set.
2 kVA UPS with 8 hrs battery backup - 1 Set
URS/RIO - 2 No.
CO Sensor - 4 Nos.


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
CH4 Sensor - 3 Nos.
O2 Sensor - 2 Nos.
Temperature Sensor - 1 No.
Air Velocity Sensor - 0 No.
UG Power Supply System - 8 Nos.
Audio Visual Alarm - 2 Nos.
Armoured Transmission Cable - 2000 meter
Data Cable - 2000 meter
Armoured Power Cable - 1000 meter
Junction Box, Fixture & Brackets etc. for laying cable - 1 Set 6344.8 7793.3 SECL 08/2019
Installation and commissioning charges 107.9 132.5 SECL 08/2019

Automatic RPM and Air Pressure recorder, computerised for ventilation fan
with wireless transmission of data for recording and display complete with
Recording Unit- 01, transmission Box- 01, Colour Monitor- 01, UPS wit battery-
01 and cable Set- 01. Voltage Range: 220-550 V, RPM: 500 to 2000 RPM 302.0 370.6 ECL 11/2020

38. Instruments

Mechanical Vane Type Anemometer (Citadel make), Range : 0.8 - 25 m/s 27.2 33.4 SECL 09/2019
Hygrometer whirling type 1.8 Estd
Mechanical load Cell 30 T 25.9 31.8 SECL 08/2019
Hydraulic load Cell 50 T 24.5 Estd
Double Ended Shear Beam load Cell, capacity : 34 T 44.3 54.5 NEC 04/2018
Two position mechanical extensometer (Tell Tale) 9.8 12.3 BCCL 12/2015
Ordinary Tale-Tale Dual height upto 5.0 m 0.6 0.7 SECL 10/2016
Auto warning Tale-Tale, single height:10 m, trigger level:5 m 5.4 6.7 ECL 01/2018
Installation tool for Tall Tale 4.5 Estd

Auto warning Tell Tale suitable for 37-42 mm dia holes, Range of
measurement- up to 50 mm, Installation height- 10 m, Light indication flashing
by LED. 5.6 6.8 SECL 08/2019
Stress Capsule 8.0 9.9 ECL 02/2019
Strain Bar 17.5 21.6 ECL 02/2019
Read Out Unit (Microprocessor based) 65.0 79.8 SECL 08/2019

UEC make, Anchorage testing machine, capacity 25 T 31.3 39.4 WCL 03/2016
Convergence indicator spring 3.0 Estd
Convergence indicator telescope 9.5 Estd
Convergence recorder, 100 mm range 66.0 Estd
Digital convergence indicator 15.0 Estd
Read out unit for digital convergence indicator 12.5 Estd
Rotary single point extensometer 4.0 Estd
Installation tool for rotary single point extensometer 3.75 Estd

Luxmeter digital, 0 - 2,00,000 Lux 6.5 8.1 MCL 04/2017

Sound level meter (S.V. Corporation) 35.4 43.5 CMPDI 11/2019
Noise meter digital, 30 - 130 dB, Tiwan make 11.0 Estd
Pit water gauge, 0 - 150 mm 7.0 Estd
Portable manometer for pressure survey, 0 - 250 mmWG 48.0 Estd
Inclined manometer, 0 - 300 mmWG 13.75 Estd
U - tube manometer scale 150 - 0 - 150 mm 2.0 Estd

Stop watch electronic 2.0 Estd.

Digital Infrared Thermometer 2.3 2.9 ECL 07/2020
Torque meter ( 14 - 57 kg-metre ) 8.5 Estd.
Torque meter ( 7 - 35 kg-metre ) 5.5 Estd.


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Nomis make, model : Mini Supergraph II Ground Vibration Monitoring,
range: 0.25 to 250 mm/sec 390.0 481.9 ECL 11/2018
Vibration meter, 0 - 3000 micron ( 5 range) 16.5 Estd.
Avometer. 8.5 Estd.
Bulk Enclosed Type Water Flowmeter, 350 mm 67.5 84.6 BCCL 11/2016
Water Flowmeter suitable for 200 mm dia.double flanged dirt box (Turbine
Type) 27.4 33.8 WCL 01/2018
Water Flowmeter suitable for 150 mm dia.double flanged dirt box (Turbine
Type) 19.8 24.5 WCL 01/2018
Water Flowmeter suitable for 100 mm dia.double flanged dirt box (Turbine
Type) 14.1 17.4 WCL 01/2018

Strata Monitoring Equipment:

Four way extensometer with installation kit - 1 No. 46.0 57.3 ECL 01/2017
Vibration wire stress cell with installation - 1 No. 8.0 10.0 ECL 01/2017
1.5, 1.1 kV, 2-core copper flexible cable per unit length 0.06 0.1 ECL 01/2017
Instrumented rock bolt with installation kit - 1 No. 16.5 20.6 ECL 01/2017
Digital display unit compatible with the above instrument - 1 No. 48.0 59.8 ECL 01/2017

Portable Vibration Analyser for HEMM, dual channel type 1250.0 1567.2 CCL 01/2017

39. GeoMax Total Station with Nav Guide, Model: Zoom 80S"-2-a10 GeoMax
Switzerland, Total Station consists of i) Total station II) Survey Application
Computation & Mapping Software iii) Plotter iv) A3 & A4 size combined
Laser Printer v) UPS vi) Workstation/PC 1348.2 1700.4 CCL 12/2015

40. GeoMax Total Station non-motorised, Model:Geomax Zoom 35 Pro-A10

(accXess 10), Total Station consists of i)Telescope 30x II) Angle
measurement iii) Distance measurement 2.4 km iv) OS data storage &

transfer v) UPS vi) Power Supply Unit with chargable Li-ion battery 6V/7.4V 550.0 607.4 WCL 06/2017

41. Leica make, Model: TS-11 3" R500, Short Range Electronic Total station
complete with accessories, survey & mapping, large format plotter (44"),
PC, A4 size Laser printer and complete with all supporting software
including installation, commissioning & training 1855.0 2286.7 SECL 02/2018

42. Leica make, Model: TS-11 3" R500, Short Range Electronic Total station
complete with accessories including installation, commissioning & training 1027.0 1266.0 SECL 02/2018

43. Leica make, Model: TS-16A 1" R1000, Long Range Electronic Total
station complete with accessories, survey & mapping, large format plotter
(44"), PC, A4 size Laser printer and complete with all supporting software
including installation, commissioning & training 2845.0 3507.1 SECL 02/2018

Leica make, Model: TS-16A 1" R1000, Short Range Electronic Total station
complete with accessories including installation, commissioning & training 2018.0 2487.6 SECL 02/2018

45. Make : Trimble, Model : S7 Robotic Total Station, Comple Electronic Imaging
Total Station (ETS) set capable of measuring with and without reflectors
along with supporting survey software and accessories. 1119.9 1375.1 CMPDI 11/2019

46. Leica make, Automatic level instrument complete with accessories including
installation, commissioning & training (Model:NA 730) 68.0 83.8 SECL 02/2018

47. Micro Optic theodolite, magnification: 30X or better, Image: erect,

minimum view & shortest focussing: 2m or less, multiplaction factor:
100, Optical micrometer: 20 sec or less, level sensitivity: 10' or less
plate level: 40' or less, magnification: 3X or better 151.9 192.4 ECL 05/2016


in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
48. Auto Level for survey instrument 26.0 32.9 ECL 05/2016

49. Ammonia Plan Printing Machine 70.0 88.6 ECL 05/2016

50. Microcomm make, Metrological Data Logger for Wind Speed, Wind
Direction, Humidity, Rainfall, Temperature etc. 195.0 244.5 CMPDI 10/2016

51. RIEGL make, model: VZ 4000, Terrertrial 3 D Laser Scanner complete

with all accessories, data acquisition, processing software and laptop,
range : 4000 m 18748.4 23095.6 BCCL 07/2019

52. RIEGL make, model: VZ 2000, Terrertrial 3 D Laser Scanner complete

with all accessories, data acquisition, processing software and laptop,
range : 2000 m 15286.3 18830.7 BCCL 07/2019

53. Trimble make, model: Juno-3B, hand held global positioning system
complete with processor, operating system, ROM, screen, integrated
communication module, audio & voice integrated speaker, camera, GPS,
battery etc. 89.0 111.6 NEC 10/2016

54. Pre Fabricated fully Air conditioned including driver's cabin Mobile Ventilation
Van with Lab Fit Out, Make & Model : BHPL Amb, Make & Model of Van :
Force T2 4020 2417.2 2972.0 CMPDI 04/2020


in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
1. IDMC make, Burn Side Boring Machine
complete with 15 hp FLP motor & 550V electricals & 2051.9 2634.9 ECL 08/2017
with following :
a. Underground drilling machine with prime mover and mounting
b. Safety boring apparatus
c. High pressure triplex reciprocating pump
d. Drilling accessories -
AW drill rod with coupling 5' long
AW water swivel
Suction hose 15' long with foot valve and stainer
Delivery hose 25 mm dia. X 25' long connection between
water swivel and pump
Chuck jaw for AW rod
AW hoisting plug
AW TC core bit
AW ST core barrel 5' long
Sub AW drill rod to core barrel
Sub AW rod to diamond bit
AW diamond non-core bit 15/30 SPC 16 carets
AW drill rod with coupling 2' long
Tool kit drill pump starter
Knife Dog
600 mm long AWK core barrel
130 mm OD TCT core bit
24" long pipe wrench

2. Kores make,truck mounted hydrostatic core drill, model:

WAIIIC, drill capacity: 1000 m in N size & 1280 m in B size
complete with all accessories, endine 169 HP, drilling angle:
450 to 900 from ground level 15040.0 19307.6 CMPDI 08/2017


in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

1. 400 TPH Heavy Duty Feeder Breaker, feed size: 1200 mm x 1200
mm x 1200 mm, product size: (-)200 mm, consisting of hopper,
crusher, chain conveyor and rock breaker, modular construction all
preferably mounted as a single unit on a frame fitted with skids 11090.0 13916.5 WCL 03/2020

Ecoman make, single roll crusher, Capacity: 150 tph, feed size: 400
mm to 450 mm, product size: (-) 75 mm, motor power: 270 HP 3390.0 4393.0 BCCL 08/2019


1. Vibrating Screen single deck, size: 1.8 x 7.0 m, feed size of coal:
0-600 mm, feed delivery rate: 300 tph complete with 30 kW motor
without starter & panel 2720.0 3641.0 CCL 02/2017

2. Vibrating Screen single deck, size: 1.0 x 2.25 m, feed size of coal:
0-30 mm, feed delivery rate: 5 tph complete with motors &
electricals 425.0 568.9 CCL 02/2017

3. Vibrating Screen 80 tph, size: 1.8 m x 4.8 m single deck

with motor (8.56 kW) electricals 1145.2 1446.6 BCCL 09/2019


1. 500 mm dia.classifying cyclone complete with spigot nozzle without

overflow cap 89.0 112.5 CCL 06/2019

2. 600 mm dia.cyclone complete with spigot nozzle & overflow cap 148.5 187.8 CCL 06/2019

3. LH 600 mm dia.hydrocyclone complete set with NI hard casting 412.0 Estd.

4. 300 mm dia. Classifying cyclone complete set with NI hard casting 6469.1 8771.6 CCL 05/2015

5. Magnetic Industries, Wet Drum Magnetic Separator (Permanent

Magnet) with Feed and Discharge launders. 36” dia x 60” length 2075.0 Estd.

6. Automatic/Semi-automatic rotary cutter type cross belt coupler

complete with sample collection cross bin/box, chutes, electricals
and control panels (Rohan Engg.make) 2415.9 3251.0 CCL 10/2016


1. Weightrack make Electronic Road Weighbridge, 60 t portable cabin

including structure & platform alongwith accessories 1350.00 1642.3 CCL 02/2016
Personal computer with moniter, printer and key board &
Associated software 85.5 Estd.
2 kVA On line UPS with two hours battery backup by SMF Batteries 101.5 Estd.
3 kVA CVT 54.0 Estd.
1.5 T Split type Air Conditioner with 5 kVA voltage stablizer 48.0 Estd.
Installation & Commissioning (not including civil construction) 112.0 Estd.
Total: 2043.3 Estd.
2. 100 MT Electronic Static Road Weighbridge pitless type with PC &
associated hardware & Softwares, Printer,UPS, CVT, Air
conditioner, Furniture etc. 1748.7 2204.0 CCL 11/2019
Installation & Commissioning Charges 65.0 81.9 CCL 11/2019


in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
3. Digital Weighing make, model: MW2500, in-motion rail weighbridge
with electronic system, 140 t complete with weigh rail alongwith
transducers, electronic control console, PC, laser printer, track
switches/sensors contact, advanced over speed warning system,
air conditioner, stabilizer, software, surge protection etc. 1207.1 1511.4 WCL 05/2020
All Civil work, erection and commissioning of rail weighbridge 650.0 782.6 WCL 05/2020


800 mm top conveyor Idler 0.74 0.99 SECL 06/2017

800 mm bottom conveyor Idler 1.52 2.03 SECL 06/2017
1000 mm top conveyor Idler 0.85 1.13 SECL 06/2017
1000 mm bottom conveyor Idler 1.87 2.50 SECL 06/2017
1200 mm top conveyor Idler 0.94 1.26 SECL 06/2017
1200 mm bottom conveyor Idler 2.78 3.70 SECL 06/2017
1200 mm impact conveyor Idler 1.83 2.43 NCL 06/2017
1400 mm top conveyor Idler 1.31 1.75 NCL 06/2017
1400 mm impact conveyor Idler 1.78 2.37 NCL 06/2017
1600 mm top conveyor Idler 1.59 2.12 NCL 06/2017
1600 mm bottom conveyor Idler 3.59 4.79 NCL 06/2017
1600 mm impact conveyor Idler 2.29 3.05 NCL 06/2017
1800 mm top conveyor Idler 1.74 2.32 NCL 06/2017
1800 mm bottom conveyor Idler 4.19 5.59 NCL 06/2017
1800 mm impact conveyor Idler 2.15 2.87 NCL 06/2017


Note: Face Width (mm) x Shell Dia.(mm) x Bearing Center to Center

Distance (mm) x Shaft Length (mm) x Shell Thickness (mm)

Conveyor Pulley:
1400 x 500 x 125 x 1750 x 1970 x 16 57.5 77.1 NCL 01/2017
1400 x 500 x 140 x 2000 x 2232 x 16 67.5 90.5 NCL 01/2017
1400 x 500 x 140 x 2000 x 2232 x 12 63.5 85.1 NCL 01/2017
1400 x 630 x 160 x 1750 x 2020 x 16 96.5 129.3 NCL 01/2017
1400 x 800 x 140 x 2000 x 2232 x 16 98.5 132.0 NCL 01/2017
1400 x 1000 x 180 x 1750 x 2325 x 20 156.5 209.8 NCL 01/2017
1400 x 1000 x 200 x 2000 x 2340 x 16 170.5 228.5 NCL 01/2017

1600 x 400 x 90x 2000 x 2170 x 16 37.5 50.3 NCL 01/2017

1600 x 400 x 75x 2000 x 2140 x 20 35.5 47.6 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 400 x 90x 2000 x 2110 x 16 36.5 48.9 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 400 x 115 x 2000 x 2140 x 10 47.5 63.7 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 500 x 125 x 2000 x 2425 x 20 69.5 93.2 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 500 x 140 x 2100 x 2290 x 12 61.5 82.4 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 630 x 115 x 2000 x 2200 x 20 71.5 95.8 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 800 x 140 x 2000 x 2425 x 16 91.5 122.6 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 800 x 140 x 2000 x 2700 x 16 99.5 133.4 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 800 x 100 x 2000 x 2360 x 12 67.5 90.5 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 630 x 140 x 2100 x 2332 x 12 79.5 106.6 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 630 x 140 x 2100 x 2332 x 20 77.5 103.9 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 800 x 160 x 1950 x 2415 x 16 124.5 166.9 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 500 x 90 x 2000 x 2110 x 16 43.5 58.3 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 500 x 140 x 2000 x 2160 x 16 65.5 87.8 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 500 x 100 x 2000 x 2140 x 16 47.5 63.7 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 500 x 80 x 1900 x 1984 x 10 32.5 43.6 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 630 x 160 x 2100 x 2540 x 20 117.5 157.5 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 400 x 125 x 2100 x 2256 x 16 53.5 71.7 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 500 x 180 x 2100 x 2310 x 16 119.5 160.2 NCL 01/2017


in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
1600 x 500 x 115 x 2100 x 2254 x 16 54.5 73.0 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 1000 x 180 x 2100 x 2900 x 16 169.5 227.2 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 630 x 180 x 2100 x 2310 x 16 132.5 177.6 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 400 x 115 x 2000 x 2140 x 16 44.5 59.6 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 500 x 115 x 2000 x 2154 x 16 53.5 71.7 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 1000 x 180 x 2100 x 2605 x 20 167.5 224.5 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 1000 x 160 x 2000 x 2470 x 20 139.5 187.0 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 630 x 160 x 2050 x 2300 x 20 114.5 153.5 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 630 x 180 x 2000 x 2270 x 20 139.5 187.0 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 500 x 100 x 2000 x 2240 x 16 51.5 69.0 NCL 01/2017

1800 x 630 x 150 x 2300 x 2749 x 20 116.5 156.1 NCL 01/2017

1800 x 400 x 115 x 2200 x 2354 x 16 49.5 66.3 NCL 01/2017
1800 x 400 x 100 x 2300 x 2440 x 16 52.5 70.4 NCL 01/2017
1800 x 500 x 125 x 2200 x 2356 x 16 71.5 95.8 NCL 01/2017
1800 x 1250 x 260 x 2300 x 2560 x 25 364.5 488.6 NCL 01/2017
1800 x 1000 x 240 x 2300 x 2900 x 20 307.5 412.2 NCL 01/2017
1800 x 500 x 135 x 2300 x 2440 x 16 79.5 106.6 NCL 01/2017

2000 x 400 x 140 x 2400 x 2560 x 16 72.5 97.2 NCL 01/2017

2000 x 500 x 100 x 2400 x 2520 x 16 62.0 83.1 NCL 01/2017
2000 x 630 x 150 x 2400 x 2630 x 20 117.5 157.5 NCL 01/2017

Legged Pulley:
1800 x 1000 x 160 x 2250 x 2280 x 20 167.5 224.5 NCL 01/2017
1800 x 800 x 125 x 2410 x 2250 x 20 132.5 177.6 NCL 01/2017

Non Drive Pulley:

1600 x 630 x 115 x 1900 x 2020 67.5 90.5 NCL 01/2017
1600 x 630 x 150 x 2000 x 2455 x 16 99.5 133.4 NCL 01/2017

Deflection Pulley:
1600 x 200 x 70 x 1950 x 2140 16.5 22.1 NCL 01/2017

Trail Pulley:
800 x 1600 x 140 x 1900 107.5 144.1 NCL 01/2017


1. Automatic/Semi-automatic rotary cutter type cross belt sampler

complete with sample collection bin box, chutes, electrical control
panel without crusher, conveyor capacity : 600 tph & belt width :
1400 mm (Insmart Systems make) 1820.0 2426.5 CCL 11/2017

2. Automatic/Semi-automatic rotary cutter type cross belt sampler

complete with sample collection bin box, chutes, electrical control
panel without crusher, conveyor capacity : 600 tph & belt width :
1200 mm 1568.0 2090.6 CCL 11/2017

3. Primary Jaw Crusher, feed size: 200 mm to 100 mm, discharge

size: -50 mm, complete with 5 hp, 440/415 V motor, starter, cable 148.4 197.9 BCCL 12/2017
Secondary Jaw Crusher, feed size:50 mm, discharge size: -12.5
mm complete with 3 hp, 440/415 V motor, starter, cable 88.0 117.3 BCCL 12/2017
Double Roll Crusher, feed size: 12.5 mm, discharge size: -3.35
mm complete with 2 hp, 440/415 V motor, starter, cable & gearbox 94.0 125.3 BCCL 12/2017
Pulverizer, feed size: Less than 3.35 mm, discharge size:
212 micron per 72 mess 79.0 105.3 CCL 10/2017
Muffle Furnace upto 10000 C 16.3 21.7 BCCL 12/2017
Air Oven upto 380 C 17.5 23.3 BCCL 12/2017


in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Hot air Oven upto 1080 C 17.5 23.3 BCCL 12/2017
VM Furnace upto 9000 C 22.0 29.3 BCCL 12/2017
Humidity chamber to be maintained 60% RH & 400 C 36.2 48.3 BCCL 12/2017

4. Crushure and Pulverizer consisting of

Primary Jaw Crusher, feed size: 200 mm, discharge size: -50 mm,
Capacity: 1000 kg/hr complete with 10 hp, 440 V motor, starter,
Secondary Jaw Crusher, feed size:50 mm, discharge size: -12.5
mm, Capacity: 250 kg/hr complete with 5 hp, 440/415 V motor,
starter, cable
Roll Crusher, feed size: 12.5 mm, discharge size: -3.35 mm,
Capacity: 250 kg/hr complete with 3 hp, 440/415 V motor, starter,
Pulverizer, feed size: 8.0 mm, discharge size: 212 Micron/72 Mess,
Capacity: 15 kg/hr complete with 3 hp, 440/415 V motor, starter,
cable 418.0 501.6 SECL 07/2020


1. Vishwa make, 3 Stage Helical Gear Box, Model: T 1090,

Flange Mounted ratio 25:1 suitable for 1000/1200 mm wide,
90/110 KW belt conveyor, output transmitting capacity:150 kW,
service factor: 1.6, efficiency: 94% 1007.6 1432.7 ECL 07/2015

2. Elecon make, Helical Gear Box, Model: KCN-400,

Flange Mounted ratio 25:1 suitable for CHP, output transmitting
capacity: 650 kW, service factor: 2.5, efficiency: 97% 2412.9 3430.7 ECL 07/2015

3. Bengal Tools make, 3 Stage Helical Gear Box, Model: TSH

860-55, Flange Mounted ratio 25:1 suitable for 1200 mm wide,
55 KW belt conveyor, output transmitting capacity: 55 kW,
service factor: 1.6, efficiency: 96% 802.4 1140.9 ECL 09/2015

4. Bengal Tools make, 3 Stage Helical Gear Box, Model:TSH

1090-90, Flange Mounted ratio 25:1 suitable for 1000 mm wide,
110/2x90 KW belt conveyor, output transmitting capacity: 90 kW,
service factor: 1.6, efficiency: 96% 929.8 1321.9 ECL 09/2015

5. Premium make, 3 Stage Helical Gear Box, Model: H3-315 HBC

Flange Mounted ratio 25:1 suitable for 1200 mm wide,
90 KW belt conveyor, output transmitting capacity: 260 kW,
service factor: 2.88, efficiency: 87% 1085.0 1542.7 ECL 12/2015

6. Shanthi make, 3 Stage Helical Gear Box,

110 kW Wall/Flange Mounted ratio 5.5:1 suitable for hollow shaft &
hold back device output transmitting capacity:805 kgm,
service factor: 2.0, efficiency: 98% 1368.0 1945.1 ECL 01/2016

7. Kirloskar Pneumatic make, 3 Stage Helical Gear Box,

250 kW Wall/Flange Mounted ratio 5.5:1 suitable for hollow shaft &
hold back device output transmitting capacity: 212 kgm,
service factor: 6.0, efficiency: 85% 1840.0 2616.2 ECL 01/2016

8. Premium make, 1 Stage Helical Gear Box, Model: CB H1-400

Flange Mounted ratio 4.5:1 suitable for 160 KW motor 476.7 604.3 CCL 07/2016


in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
9. Helical Gear Box, Flange Mounted ratio 39.5:1 suitable
for 125 KW motor 1127.5 1429.4 CCL 11/2018

10. Premium make, 1 Stage Helical Gear Box, Model: CB H1-325

Flange Mounted ratio 4.0:1 suitable for 110 KW motor 407.9 517.1 CCL 07/2016

11. Premium make, 2 Stage Helical Gear Box, Model: CB H2-320

Flange Mounted ratio 16:1 suitable for 93 KW motor 107.6 136.4 CCL 07/2016

12. Premium make, 2 Stage Helical Gear Box, Model: CB H2-320

Flange Mounted ratio 20:1 suitable for 93 KW motor 107.6 136.4 CCL 07/2016

13. Premium make, 3 Stage Helical Gear Box, Model: CB H3-850

RHB Flange Mounted ratio 29.2:1 suitable for 75 KW motor 752.0 953.3 CCL 07/2016

14. Premium make, 3 Stage Bevel Helical Gear Box, Model:

CB B3-870 Flange Mounted ratio 27.4:1 suitable for 22 KW motor 341.3 432.7 CCL 07/2016

15. Premium make, 3 Stage Bevel Helical Gear Box, Model:

CB B3-850 Flange Mounted ratio 35.5:1 suitable for 22 KW motor 335.5 425.3 CCL 07/2016

16. Premium make, Worm Gear Box, Model: U1000 30/1

Flange Mounted ratio 30:1 suitable for 19 KW motor 156.2 198.0 CCL 07/2016

17. Premium make, Worm Gear Box, Model: U1700 20/1

Flange Mounted ratio 20:1 suitable for 76 KW motor 583.1 739.2 CCL 07/2016

18. Premium make, Worm Gear Box, Model: U1000 10/1

Flange Mounted ratio 10:1 suitable for 37 KW motor 156.2 198.0 CCL 07/2016

19. Premium make, Worm Gear Box, Model: U800 10/1

Flange Mounted ratio 10:1 suitable for 25 KW motor 64.9 82.2 CCL 07/2016

20. Premium make, Worm Gear Box, Model: U600 10/1

Flange Mounted ratio 10:1 suitable for 15 KW motor 42.7 54.1 CCL 07/2016

21. Premium make, Worm Gear Box, Model: U1400 20/1

Flange Mounted ratio 20:1 suitable for 76 KW motor 321.6 407.7 CCL 07/2016

22. Premium make, Worm Gear Box, Model: U1400 20/1

Flange Mounted ratio 20:1 suitable for 76 KW motor 321.6 407.7 CCL 07/2016


Helical & Bevel Gear Boxes with Cast Iron Housing

Premium Energy Transmission make
Price at Site in Rs.'000'
Input Speed 1500/1000/750 rpm.
H1 = Helical single stage, H2 = Helical double stage, H3 = Helical triple stage, H4 = Helical four stage
B1 = Bevel single stage, B2 = Bevel double stage, B3 = Bevel triple stage, B4 = Bevel four stage Base Price L 4/2017
Sl. Size H1 H2 H2 STD H3 H3 STD H4 H4 STD B1 B2 B2 STD B3 B3 STD B4 B4 STD
No. STD STD with RHB STD with RHB STD with RHB STD STD with RHB STD with RHB STD with RHB
1. 80 186.48
2. 112 277.69 300.10 369.13
3. 125 307.13 377.37 460.67 399.43 491.29 608.21 647.07 750.38
4. 140 402.56 479.61 586.00 496.99 579.95 610.06 2202.02 680.02 791.33 714.14 797.44 805.02 817.18
5. 160 439.38 528.68 640.01 643.53 726.52 702.89 2573.56 762.88 922.82 807.84 914.22 910.37 924.12
6. 180 511.97 641.18 781.54 776.81 860.12 846.00 2897.24 862.73 1067.47 919.33 10306.52 1015.32 1030.65
7. 200 621.72 754.66 930.74 917.99 10243.68 1016.44 3323.65 1001.12 1277.98 1054.37 1194.68 1219.54 1237.96
8. 225 783.97 915.52 1125.88 1089.40 1202.46 1186.85 1299.91 3749.44 1206.31 1483.17 1292.22 1468.30 1500.50 1523.15
9. 250 1060.09 1158.60 1435.44 1308.89 1449.24 1438.12 1578.48 4884.61 1339.59 1690.66 1545.84 1756.18 1736.73 1762.95
10. 280 1413.61 1735.69 2086.75 1878.50 2103.91 1986.55 2126.89 7543.53 2008.75 2530.60 2035.66 2312.52 2390.91 2427.01
11. 315 1823.31 2196.49 2547.56 2466.12 2691.53 2666.20 2780.24 1063.85 2493.72 3112.16 2641.66 2992.74 3068.17 3114.50
12. 355 2355.35 2817.93 3339.79 3156.73 3433.61 3301.58 3511.91 1399.58 3464.52 4082.96 3564.04 3915.10 4494.58 4562.44
13. 400 2983.58 3605.29 4223.72 4054.20 4405.26 4199.41 4476.27 1877.45 4580.50 6078.85 4583.22 5105.08 5633.27 5718.33
14. 450 3950.92 4558.68 5177.11 5069.65 5591.52 5318.43 5669.51 2663.48 6157.00 7655.35 6235.71 6854.15 7189.39 7297.95
15. 500 5144.89 6431.10 7929.46 7074.42 7596.30 7166.07 7687.95 8456.87 9485.84 10104.28 10083.60 10235.86
16. 560 8819.79 10318.14 9738.52 10356.95 9834.08 10452.52 8617.22 13140.80 14639.14 14437.57 14655.58
17. 630 11943.46 13321.72 14820.07
18. 710
Note :
1. For hollow shaft gear unit 10% will be charged extra over the above prices.
2. For vertical gear unit 20% will be charged extra over the above prices.
3. Upto size : 250 hollow shaft gear unit will be provided with shrink disc but for the size : 280 & above
shrink disc price will be charged extra.
4. FLS, RHB, Fan/Cooling Coil will be charged extra.


Helical & Bevel Gear Boxes with Fabricated Housing

Premium Energy Transmission make

Input Speed 1500/1000/750 rpm.

H1 = Helical single stage, H2 = Helical double stage, H3 = Helical triple stage, H4 = Helical
four stage B1 = Bevel single stage, B2 = Bevel double stage, B3 = Bevel triple stage, B4 =
Bevel four stage Price at Site in Rs.'000' Base Price L 4/2017
Sl.No. Size H1 H2 H3 H4 B2 B3 B4

1. 80 214.41 370.16
2. 112 345.12
3. 125 353.14 433.93 45.95 699.44 744.13
4. 140 462.90 551.54 571.68 733.22 781.97 821.19 843.63
5. 160 505.49 607.79 740.03 808.21 877.40 928.88 940.47
6. 180 588.68 737.65 893.11 973.18 991.92 1057.03 1057.34
7. 200 714.79 867.84 1055.64 1168.80 1151.07 1212.45 1262.23
8. 225 901.24 1052.94 1253.02 1365.16 1386.96 1485.82 1549.23
9. 250 1218.91 1332.46 1505.25 1653.87 1540.72 1777.95 1785.45
10. 280 1625.62 1995.78 2160.36 2284.46 2309.67 2341.04 2472.60
11. 315 2096.98 2525.78 2835.99 2994.84 2867.65 3037.76 3177.86
12. 355 2708.86 3240.89 3630.19 3796.88 3983.99 4098.87 4842.96
13. 400 3431.12 4146.24 4662.66 4829.31 5267.67 5270.74 5975.99
14. 450 4543.40 5242.47 5830.08 6116.10 7080.37 7171.40 3547.42
15. 500 5916.61 7395.67 8135.18 8240.93 9725.54 10908.91 11059.70
16. 560 10142.64 11199.39 11309.29 13577.22 15111.94 15130.81
17. 630 13735.06 15319.83 15425.50 18518.74 20556.08 22289.21
18. 710 19228.89 21342.14 21447.84 25771.27 28605.86 29632.71

Note :
1. For hollow shaft gear unit 10% will be charged extra over the above prices.
2. For vertical gear unit 20% will be charged extra over the above prices.

3. Upto size : 250 hollow shaft gear unit will be provided with shrink disc but for the size : 280
& above shrink disc price will be charged extra.
4. FLS, RHB, Fan/Cooling Coil will be charged extra.


Helical Gear Box Accessories

Premium Energy Transmission make

Price at Site in Rs.'000' Base Price L 4/2017

80 46.13 55.36
100 46.13 55.36
110 4.08 5.03 46.13 47.67 55.99 55.36 54.10
125 4.09 5.05 46.13 68.10 56.20 73.99 55.99
140 5.24 6.46 46.13 79.97 71.81 55.76 73.99 56.20 56.20
160 5.47 6.75 72.47 84.67 75.10 55.99 106.35 71.81 71.81
180 6.89 8.51 72.47 111.60 35.11 94.74 56.20 136.14 75.10 75.10
200 8.66 10.64 72.47 129.17 35.11 118.81 71.81 184.05 94.74 94.74
225 10.32 12.71 92.21 152.71 35.11 141.95 94.74 76.31 184.05 118.81 118.81
250 13.60 16.76 92.21 185.94 38.62 186.83 94.74 94.74 233.39 141.95 141.95
280 17.24 21.24 92.21 258.09 38.62 236.91 152.11 94.74 346.94 186.83 186.83
315 17.24 21.24 16.46 321.40 38.62 236.91 141.95 118.81 411.15 236.91 236.91
355 25.63 31.58 16.46 369.35 50.41 352.18 186.83 141.95 411.15 236.91 236.91
400 30.35 37.39 16.46 427.33 61.53 510.37 236.91 186.83 461.00 352.18 352.18
450 30.35 37.39 16.46 716.78 61.53 417.36 352.18 236.91 461.00 417.36 417.36
500 30.35 37.39 16.46 1037.50 467.96 352.18 352.18 461.00 417.36 417.36
560 30.35 37.39 16.46 1152.79 467.96 417.36 417.36 461.00 459.64 467.96
630 30.35 37.39 16.46 1540.41 467.96 417.36 594.76 593.01 603.74
710 2037.39 603.74 603.70

Note:- Price are ex-works Chinchwad (Pune)/Falta(W.B.) basis. Packing, Forwarding, Excise duty, Sales Tax and other taxes shall
be charged extra as applicable at the time of delivery.

Worm Gear Boxes

Premium Energy Transmission make
Base Price L 5/2015 Price at Site in Rs.'000'
Type Size Solid Foot "U/O" series
400 500 600 700 800 900

U - Standard 84.48 113.49 142.55 182.10 216.44 325.57

O - Standard 87.06 118.72 147.79 190.00 224.35
Double Output 92.45 124.05 153.08 195.30 232.23 344.89
Double Input 97.64 131.95 163.61 208.47 248.08 380.78
Double I/O Shaft 105.57 142.55 171.59 216.44 258.64 391.81
Double Reduction 131.95 168.88 211.08 263.89 327.26 447.14
Unit with RHB 143.86 179.87 212.40 260.37 298.78 410.20
Shaft Mounted 125.16 171.12 212.79 271.23 354.64
Heli Worm Unit 121.47 153.08 195.30 240.15 292.92
SLA Unit 160.24 209.87 250.35 350.46

Worm Gear Boxes

Premium Energy Transmission make
Base Price L 5/2015 Price at Site in Rs.'000'
Type Size Solid Foot "V" series
400 500 600 700 800 900

Standard 95.02 131.95 163.61 216.44 263.89 358.26

Double Input 116.08 155.71 190.00 240.15 285.03 410.68
SDS 124.05 163.61 200.56 263.89 295.56 458.20
HDS 139.87 187.43 234.85 290.31 332.56 499.63
Motor Plate 31.70 36.49 48.04 52.79 58.08 66.27
Double Reduction 139.87 184.74 226.96 285.03 358.91 502.40
Cooling Tower 163.61 216.44 269.10 337.97 390.52
Shaft Mounted 125.16 171.12 212.79 271.23 354.64


Worm Gear Boxes

Premium Energy Transmission make
Base Price L 5/2015 Price at Site in Rs.'000'
Type Size Heavy Duty "U/O" series
1000 1200 1400 1700

U - Standard 496.17 690.62 1074.25 1947.81

O - Standard 496.17 690.62 1074.25
Double Output 496.17 720.15 1139.24 2054.07
Double Input 496.17 823.43 1245.49
Double I/O Shaft 496.17 838.18
Double Reduction 496.17 891.29 1357.59 2408.26
Unit with RHB 496.17 797.87 1353.11 2295.67
Shaft Mounted 496.17 1213.19 1913.07
Heli Worm Unit 496.17 790.94 1274.94
SLA Unit 496.17 805.88

Worm Gear Boxes

Premium Energy Transmission make
Base Price L 5/2015 Price at Site in Rs.'000'
Type Size Heavy Duty "V" series
1000 1200 1400 1700

Standard 548.97 838.18 1322.21 2726.98

Double Input 637.49 973.99
SDS 649.28 973.99 1475.64 3057.48
HDS 696.47 1053.61 1615.52 3333.20
Motor Plate 76.72 80.30 86.84 138.77
Double Reduction 672.92 1027.05 1581.89 3157.91
Cooling Tower 820.49 1272.00 1806.24 3689.00
Shaft Mounted 746.58 1213.19 1913.07


Rs. in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
(Premium Energy Transmission make)

a. Constant filling fluid couplings

Type 12.75 FCU 51.3 71.8 L 05/2017

Type 16.25 FCU 74.9 104.9 L 05/2017
Type 17.75 FCU 104.6 146.4 L 05/2017
Type 23 FCU 178.0 249.2 L 05/2017
Type 26 FCU 250.4 350.6 L 05/2017
Type 29 FCU 413.4 578.8 L 05/2017
Type 32 FCU 665.2 931.3 L 05/2017
Type 36 FCU 1098.5 1537.9 L 05/2017
Type 41 FCU 1362.9 1908.1 L 05/2017

b. Constant filling fluid couplings

Type 46 SFC 54.7 76.6 L 05/2017

Type 51 SFC 68.3 95.6 L 05/2017
Type 58 SFC 82.0 114.8 L 05/2017
Type 65 SFC 93.7 131.2 L 05/2017
Type 71 SFC 131.1 183.5 L 05/2017

c. Scoop control fluid couplings

Type 18 SCR 24R 565.8 792.1 L 05/2017

Type 20 SCR 24R 633.4 886.8 L 05/2017
Type 23 SCR 24R 701.0 981.4 L 05/2017
Type 26 SCR 24R 768.6 1076.1 L 05/2017
Type 29 SCR 24R 1005.2 1407.3 L 05/2017
Type 32 SCR 24R 1214.8 1700.7 L 05/2017
Type 36 SCR 24R 1572.7 2201.8 L 05/2017
Type 41 SCR 24R 2154.5 3016.3 L 05/2017
Type 46 SCR 24R 3091.6 4328.3 L 05/2017

d. Delayed filling chamber fluid coupling

Type 290 DFC 56.3 78.8 L 05/2017

Type 320 DFC 69.5 97.3 L 05/2017
Type 370 DFC 88.9 124.5 L 05/2017
Type 410 DFC 102.4 143.4 L 05/2017
Type 450 DFC 118.7 166.2 L 05/2017
Type 500 DFC 147.2 206.1 L 05/2017
Type 540 DFC 194.2 271.9 L 05/2017
Type 580 DFC 252.1 352.9 L 05/2017
Type 620 DFC 258.0 361.2 L 05/2017
Type 660 DFC 275.8 386.1 L 05/2017
Type 740 DFC 457.5 640.5 L 05/2017
Type 810 DFC 844.2 1181.9 L 05/2017
Type 910 DFC 1210.4 1694.6 L 05/2017
Type 1040 DFC 1583.8 2217.4 L 05/2017
Type 1150 DFC 2063.7 2889.2 L 05/2017


Rs. in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
e. Variable speed fluid coupling, covered type
(Premium Energy Transmission make)
Type 430 PST 764.8 1070.7 L 05/2017
Type 500 PST 826.3 1156.8 L 05/2017
Type 570 PST 944.7 1322.6 L 05/2017
Type 660 PST 1012.4 1417.4 L 05/2017
Type 750 PST 1351.5 1892.1 L 05/2017
Type 870 PST 1690.5 2366.7 L 05/2017
Type 1000 PST 3089.6 4325.5 L 05/2017
Type 1150 PST 4080.1 5712.2 L 05/2017
Type 1320 PST 5906.2 8268.8 L 05/2017

f. For use in Underground Mine

46 AFC 61.2 85.7 L 05/2017

51 AFC 77.1 107.9 L 05/2017
58 AFC 93.1 130.3 L 05/2017
65 AFC 113.4 158.8 L 05/2017
71 AFC 155.7 218.0 L 05/2017
80 AFC 236.9 331.7 L 05/2017
90 AFC 290.4 406.6 L 05/2017
96 AFC 329.1 460.7 L 05/2017

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

HEC Make
1. Dragine, model: W2000, bucket capacity : 24 m3 , boom length : 96 m complete wih
Consumables & spares for warranty period & Erection & Commissioning 18000.00 23899.68 *L 05/2015


1. Puzzolana, model: PMM 2205, drum width: 4.0 m, cutting depth: 350 mm (max),
engine power: 670 kW 340.00 417.67 MCL 04/2020
Initial warranty spares for 2 yrs. 190.03 233.44 MCL 04/2020

2. L & T, model: KSM 403, cutting drum width: 4.0 m, cutting depth: 300 mm, engine
power: 950 hp, rated productivity 600 Cu.m/Hr 365.00 430.70 NCL 05/2020
Spares & Consumables for 1st year of warranty period 79.24 93.51 NCL 05/2020
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of warranty period 81.13 95.74 NCL 05/2020


Lakh US$
1. Caterpillar, Model: 7495HD, 42.0 m bucket capacity, 6.6 kV electricals with average FOB
power demand of 1165 kW and peak power demand of 3330 kW 171.00 20925.19 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables for one year of warranty period & for five years thereafter:
Spares & Consumables within one year of warranty period after commissioning of
the equipment 316.22 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 2nd year after commissioning of the equipment 445.12 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 3rd year after commissioning of the equipment 742.15 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 4th year after commissioning of the equipment 608.43 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 5th year after commissioning of the equipment 583.13 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 6th year after commissioning of the equipment 610.51 CIL 11/2015

2. Taiyuan Heavy Industry, China make, model: WK-20, 20.0 m³ bucket capacity, supply Lakh US$
voltage: 6.6 kV with 2 Nos. propel motor 450HP, 2 Nos. Hoist motor of 600HP, FOB
2 Nos. Swing Motors of 260HP and 1 No. Crowd motor of 350HP 73.80 8810.39 NCL 05/2016
Special Tools 0.15 17.91 NCL 05/2016
Spares & Consumables for warranty period 2.71 323.52 NCL 05/2016
Spares and Consumables for 2nd Year of Operation 4.64 553.93 NCL 05/2016
Spares and Consumables for 3rd Year of 4.06 484.69 NCL 05/2016
Spares and Consumables for 4th Year of 6.52 778.37 NCL 05/2016
Spares and Consumables for 5th Year of 2.86 341.43 NCL 05/2016
Spares and Consumables for 6th Year of 4.93 588.55 NCL 05/2016

3. Taiyuan Heavy Industry, China make, Model: WK-12C, 10.0 m³, max.digging radius:
18.90 m, max.digging ht.: 13.53 m,max.dumping ht.: 8.6 m, max.dumping radius: Lakh US$
16.25 m, hoist motor power: 2x350 kW crowd motor power: 250 kW, propel motor FOB
power: 150 kW, swing motor: 2x160 kW, supply voltage: 6.6 kV 31.89 3932.35 CCL 09/2015
Tool Kit 0.20 24.66 CCL 09/2015
First fill of all Oils, Grease and Lubricants 0.35 43.16 CCL 09/2015
Spares & Consumables for first 5000 working hrs. 1.05 129.86 CCL 09/2015
Spares and Consumables for 2nd Year of Operation 2.78 342.96 CCL 09/2015
Spares and Consumables for 3rd Year of Operation 2.31 285.24 CCL 09/2015

*Budgetary Estimate

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Lakh US$
4. IZ-Kartex, Russia, Model: EKG-10, 10.0 m³, 715 kW, 410 t, supply voltage: 6.6 kV FOB
along with automatic fire detection & suppression system, first fill of Oil Greases &
Lubricants. 26.77 3250.18 ECL 01/2016
Consumables for 1st Year of operation 0.43 52.21 ECL 01/2016
Spares and Consumables for 2nd Year of Operation 0.55 66.78 ECL 01/2016
Spares and Consumables for 3rd Year of Operation 1.67 202.76 ECL 01/2016
Spares and Consumables for 4th Year of Operation 0.67 81.35 ECL 01/2016
Spares and Consumables for 5th Year of Operation 1.70 206.40 ECL 01/2016

5. HEC, EQC 5A, 5.0 m³, 428 kW, 6.6 kV, 203 t alongwith all filters & 'O' rings for 3000
hrs of operation, with first fill of all Oils, Grease and Lubricants and tools kit 822.71 1083.91 CCL 02/2016

1. Komatsu Make, PC 3000-6 with 16.0 m³ Electric Hydraulic Face Shovel 19.38 2393.31 CIL 08/2019
Erection and commissioning charges 12.0 14.30 CIL 08/2019
Items required for the fitting in the equipment during commissioning 40.0 47.61 CIL 08/2019
Spares & consumables for 1st year 272.08 274.80 CIL 08/2019
Spares & consumables for 2nd year 434.85 439.20 CIL 08/2019
Spares & consumables for 3rd year 435.20 439.56 CIL 08/2019
Spares & consumables for 4th year 508.35 513.43 CIL 08/2019

Lakh ¥
2. Tata-Hitachi Make, EX 1900-6 with 12.0 m³ backhoe bucket , powered with FOB
Cummins make 1039 hp diesel engine along with accessories & tools 1661.41 1522.60 CIL 12/2019
Spares & consumables for 1st year 47.38 56.24 CIL 12/2019
Spares & consumables for 2nd year 75.37 89.47 CIL 12/2019
Spares & consumables for 3rd year 137.08 162.73 CIL 12/2019
Spares & consumables for 4th year 140.81 167.16 CIL 12/2019

Lakh ¥
3. Tata-Hitachi Make, EX 1900-6 with 11.0 m³ front shovel, powered with Cummins FOB
make 1039 hp Diesel Engine along with accessories & tools 1779.53 1630.85 CIL 12/2019
Spares & consumables for 1st year 47.08 55.89 CIL 12/2019
Spares & consumables for 2nd year 107.73 127.88 CIL 12/2019
Spares & consumables for 3rd year 144.67 171.74 CIL 12/2019
Spares & consumables for 4th year 120.51 143.05 CIL 12/2019

Lakh ¥
4. KOMATSU, PC2000-8, 11.8 m bucket capacity backhoe shovel with 956 HP diesel FOB
engine along with accessories and tools. 1692.22 1556.91 CIL 11/2019
Erection and commissioning charges 11.13 13.23 CIL 11/2019
Items required for the fitting in the equipment during commissioning 22.30 26.50 CIL 11/2019
Spares & consumables for 1st year 64.48 76.62 CIL 11/2019
Spares & consumables for 2nd year 126.34 150.12 CIL 11/2019
Spares & consumables for 3rd year 98.27 116.76 CIL 11/2019
Spares & consumables for 4th year 75.32 89.50 CIL 11/2019

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
5. BEML, BE 1800E, 10.2 m3 Face Shovel fitted with 2x300 kW, 6.6 kV motors &
electricals 1091.50 1348.87 CIL 10/2019
Spares & consumables for 1st year 27.39 33.84 CIL 10/2019
Spares & consumables for 2nd year 94.74 117.08 CIL 10/2019
Spares & consumables for 3rd year 184.08 227.49 CIL 10/2019
Spares & consumables for 4th year 79.19 97.86 CIL 10/2019

6. BEML, BE 1000-1, 5.5 - 6.5 m3 Face Shovel fitted with 404 kW diesel engine 331.00 406.20 BCCL 08/2020
Spares & consumables for warranty period 15.86 19.46 BCCL 08/2020
Spares & consumables for 2nd year 22.34 27.42 BCCL 08/2020
Spares & consumables for 3rd year 56.51 69.35 BCCL 08/2020
Spares & consumables for 4th year 20.74 25.45 BCCL 08/2020

7. BEML, BE 1000E-1, 5.5 m3 Face Shovel Electrically Powered, Powered by 3.3 kV

or 6.6 kV, 4 Pole, 3 Phase, 50 Hz, 400 kW SCIM alongwith standard tool kit 407.00 514.07 MCL 04/2018
Consumables for 1st year 64.04 80.89 MCL 04/2018
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year 107.75 136.10 MCL 04/2018
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year 99.84 126.10 MCL 04/2018

8. HEC, RH40C, 4.6 - 5.5 m3, backhoe bucket complete with spares & consumables 400.00 531.10 *L 05/2015

9. BEML, BE1000-1, 5.0 m³ backhoe bucket with 540 HP diesel engine along with
standard and special tool kit 306.49 386.50 SECL 05/2018
Initial spare for 12 months/5000 hours 14.29 18.02 SECL 05/2018
Spares & Consumables for 1st year of operation beyond warrenty period 34.70 43.76 SECL 05/2018
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 15.85 19.99 SECL 05/2018

10. L&T, L&T 300 CK-II, self propelled bottom discharge shovel, 3.5-4.0 m3 bucket, 295
HP diesel engine with 6 sets of hard faced tooth points with lock pin & rubber lock &
tools & tackles 127.85 158.32 SECL 08/2019
Initial spares & filters for 5000 hrs 5.12 6.34 SECL 08/2019

11. L&T, L&T 300 CK-II, self propelled bottom discharge shovel, 4.0 m3 bucket, 225 kW,
3.3 kV with 3.3 kV electricals & complete with special tools & standard tools, field
switch, trailing cables 196.00 240.53 MCL 05/2020
Consumable Spares & Consumables for the Ist year warranty period 4.08 5.00 MCL 05/2020
Consumable Spares & Consumables for the Ist year beyond warranty period 64.16 78.73 MCL 05/2020
Consumable Spares & Consumables for the 2nd year guarantee period 90.42 110.97 MCL 05/2020
Consumable Spares & Consumables for the 3rd year guarantee period 46.50 57.06 MCL 05/2020
12. Tata-Hitachi, ZX 650H with 3.8 - 4.0 m³ backhoe bucket, 295 kW diesel engine 161.00 198.57 NCL 12/2019
Spare parts & consumables during warrenty period 13.09 16.15 NCL 12/2019
Spare parts & consumables during 2nd year 21.75 26.82 NCL 12/2019
Spare parts & consumables during 3rd year 28.95 35.70 NCL 12/2019
Spare parts & consumables during 4th year 23.78 29.33 NCL 12/2019
Additional assembly or sub-assembly 189.33 233.51 NCL 12/2019
L&T, 300CK-II with 3.0 m³ Backhoe bucket Shovel with crawler mounted 320 hp
diesel engine alongwith initial spares/filters for 5000 hrs of operation, additional hard
faced toothpoint (12 set), Hydraulic Jack- 50 T (3 Nos), Hydraulic pump set (1 no) 133.20 167.18 SECL 09/2018

14. BEML, BE 300 LC, 1.5 - 2.0 m3 Backhoe Bucket fitted with 197 hp diesel engine
alongwith filters & O-rings for 3000 hrs operation 77.00 94.97 WCL 12/2019

15. Tata-Hitachi, Ex-350 LCHV with 1.5 m³ backhoe bucket, 177 kW diesel engine
alongwith first fill of Oils, Grease and Lubricants and standard tool kit 74.60 94.30 ECL 03/2017
Spares & Consumables for 1st year of operation 3.57 4.60 ECL 03/2017
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 9.78 12.60 ECL 03/2017
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 6.47 8.34 ECL 03/2017

*Budgetary Estimate

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

Make: STM Construction Equipment (India) Pvt. Ltd., Model: Xcentric Ripper
XR - 120 suitable for 5.00 - 6.50 m³ Backhoe Hydraulic Shovel 210.00 257.71 *L 10/2020
XR - 60 suitable for 3.20 - 3.80 m³ Backhoe Hydraulic Shovel 120.00 147.26 *L 10/2020
XR - 50 suitable for 2.60 - 3.20 m³ Backhoe Hydraulic Shovel 100.00 122.72 *L 10/2020
XR - 40 suitable for 1.57 - 2.50 m³ Backhoe Hydraulic Shovel 70.00 85.90 *L 10/2020
XR - 30 suitable for 1.00 - 1.56 m³ Backhoe Hydraulic Shovel 50.00 61.36 *L 10/2020
XR - 20 suitable for 0.90 - 1.00 m³ Backhoe Hydraulic Shovel 40.00 49.09 *L 10/2020


1. Shantui, SD32W, fitted with 310 HP diesel engine alongwith first fill of oil, grease &
lubricant 168.15 207.18 ECL 01/2020
Spares & Consumables for 1st year of operation 6.45 7.95 ECL 01/2020
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 23.00 28.34 ECL 01/2020
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 27.71 34.15 ECL 01/2020

2. BEML, BD 155, fitted with 320 HP diesel engine alongwith std. tool kit 177.00 217.21 CCL 03/2021
Spares & Consumables for 12 months of operation & for first 4000 hrs working 6.96 8.54 CCL 03/2021
Spares & Consumables for 24 months beyond warranty period and balance 7000 hrs
working of total guaranteed period of 36 months of operation 52.97 65.00 CCL 03/2021

3. BEML,BD 355, 410 HP with ripper attachment powered with BEML Make Diesel

Eingne Model BS6D170-1 alongwith standard tools, First fill of all Oils, Grease and
Lubricants 223.00 273.67 BCCL 12/2020
Spares & Consumables for 1st year warranty period 9.72 11.93 BCCL 12/2020
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 40.27 49.42 BCCL 12/2020
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 41.84 51.34 BCCL 12/2020

Lakh ¥
4. Komatsu, WD600-3, fitted with 460 HP diesel eingne 463.72 426.64 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables during first 12 months period 30.39 31.80 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 62.72 65.62 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 35.32 36.96 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 37.41 39.13 CIL 11/2019

Lakh US$
5. Caterpillar, 834 K, fitted with 460 HP diesel eingne 4.40 514.28 CIL 10/2016

Spares & Consumables for 12 months of warranty period from the date of Lakh
commissioning including the tyres 24.26 28.26 CIL 10/2016
Spares & Consumables for 36 months after the warranty period 46.07 53.65 CIL 10/2016

Lakh US$
6. Komatsu, D475A-5E0, fitted with 850 HP diesel eingne without ripper attachment 9.93 999.66 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables during first 12 months period 69.98 73.22 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 193.37 202.31 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 256.33 268.18 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 190.17 198.96 CIL 11/2019

*Budgetary Estimate

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Lakh US$
7. Komatsu, D475A-5E0, fitted with 850 HP diesel eingne with ripper attachment 10.23 1029.87 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables during first 12 months period 72.78 76.15 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 373.42 390.68 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 235.60 246.49 CIL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 100.57 105.22 CIL 11/2019


Caterpillar, 793D, 240 T, fitted with 1800 kW Caterpillar 3516B HD EUI diesel engine 22.01 2584.70 CIL 09/2016
Additional 2 Nos. OTR Tyre for first 12 months operation (cost per tyre) 0.23 27.01 CIL 09/2016
Additional 6 Nos. OTR Tyre for 2nd year operation (cost per tyre) 0.24 27.60 CIL 09/2016

Spares & Consumables during 12 months warranty period and thereafter Spares Lakh
and Consumables for period of 36 months 187.70 225.97 CIL 09/2016

Lakh US$
2. Caterpillar, 789D, 190 T, fitted with 1335 kW Caterpillar 3516B EUI diesel engine FOB
including Indian Agency commission @2% 12.40 1243.94 CIL 12/2019
Items required for fitting in the equipment during commissioning 205.56 CIL 12/2019
Erection and commissioning charge 35.40 CIL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables during first 12 months period 83.16 CIL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 186.10 CIL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 126.46 CIL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 318.83 CIL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables for 5th year of operation 310.52 CIL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables for 6th year of operation 239.65 CIL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables for 7th year of operation 210.26 CIL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables for 8th year of operation 54.88 CIL 12/2019
3. BEML, BH205E, 190 T, fitted with 1633 kW, Cummins QSK60C diesel engine 1816.50 2327.45 CIL 04/2020
including Erection & Commissioning Charges 12.00 14.17 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables during first 12 months period 38.10 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 168.09 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 169.14 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 53.68 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 5th year of operation 72.72 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 6th year of operation 83.58 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 7th year of operation 79.74 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 8th year of operation 42.82 CIL 04/2020

Lakh US$
4. Belaz, Belaz-75137, 150 T, fitted with 1086 kW GmbH MTU DD 12V4000 diesel FOB
engine including Indian Agency commission @5% 11.22 1134.19 CIL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables during first 12 months period 58.25 CIL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 214.81 CIL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 175.43 CIL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 150.06 CIL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for 5th year of operation 142.96 CIL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for 6th year of operation 98.95 CIL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for 7th year of operation 91.86 CIL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for 8th year of operation 69.90 CIL 10/2019

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

5. BEML, BH150E, 150 T, fitted with 1348 kW Cummins QSK50C diesel engine 1343.15 1720.95 CIL 04/2020
Erection & Commissioning Charges 10.00 11.81 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables during first 12 months period 25.91 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 132.65 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 139.25 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 27.75 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 5th year of operation 28.63 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 6th year of operation 30.52 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 7th year of operation 29.32 CIL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for 8th year of operation 30.98 CIL 04/2020

6. CAT, 777E, 100 T, fitted with 749 kW Cate C32 ACERT diesel engine 282.00 388.22 NCL 01/2018
Spares & Consumables for warranty period 15.67 21.57 NCL 01/2018
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 9.18 12.64 NCL 01/2018
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 10.18 14.01 NCL 01/2018
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 5.77 7.94 NCL 01/2018

7. BEML, BH100, 100 T, fitted with 770 kW cummins engine including first fill of Oil
grease & lubricants and tools & tackles 286.23 385.45 SECL 06/2019
Spares for 01 year of warranty period 4.52 6.09 SECL 06/2019
Spares for 01 year of guarantee period after one year of warranty period 6.35 8.55 SECL 06/2019
Spares for 02 year of guarantee period after one year of warranty period 10.10 13.60 SECL 06/2019
Spares for 03 year of guarantee period after one year of warranty period 8.33 11.22 SECL 06/2019

8. BEML, BH 60M, 60 T, 485 kW fitted with cummins QSK-19-C diesel engin

alongwith first fill of Oils, Grease, Lubricants and standard tool kit 212.15 282.41 CCL 09/2020
Spares & Consumables for 12 monts of operation 8.32 11.08 CCL 09/2020
Spares & Consumables for 36 months of operation 18.71 24.91 CCL 09/2020

9. CAT, 773E, 55 T, 485 kW fitted with diesel engine 204.61 272.37 BCCL 01/2021
Spares & Consumables for warranty period of the equipment 5.02 6.69 BCCL 01/2021
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 5.90 7.86 BCCL 01/2021
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 5.44 7.25 BCCL 01/2021
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 6.34 8.44 BCCL 01/2021

10. BEML, BH35-2, 35 T, 280 kW fitted with cummins engine including first fill of Oil
grease & lubricants and tools & tackles 98.52 131.81 ECL 12/2019
Consumables for 1st year of operation 2.22 2.97 ECL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 8.72 11.66 ECL 12/2019
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 3.76 5.03 ECL 12/2019

11. Tata Hitachi, BH35-2, 35 T, 283 kW fitted with cummins engine including first fill
of Oil grease & lubricants and tools & tackles 90.50 126.67 ECL 02/2017
Consumables for 1st year of operation 2.30 3.22 ECL 02/2017
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 11.41 15.97 ECL 02/2017
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 4.04 5.65 ECL 02/2017

12. VOLVO, Model- FMX 480 10x4, capacity: 24.0 m3 fitted with 480 HP diesel engine 138.82 189.89 *L 06/2016
Dump Truck

13. VOLVO, Model- FMX 520 10x4, capacity: 26.1 m3 fitted with 520 HP diesel engine 199.71 273.19 *L 06/2016
Dump Truck

*Budgetary Estimate

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price


1. Atlas Copco, PIT VIPER 351, 381 mm, 6.6 kV electricals with tall mast alongwith Lakh US$
Initial spares, filters for 3000 working hrs, Tow bars 1 set, Drill rod 1 no., FOB
381 mm steel tooth rock drill bits 20 nos. and Tools & Tackles 35.32 4217.05 SECL 04/2016

2. Atlas Copco, IDM-70E, 250 mm, 3.3 kV electricals with tall mast alongwith
Initial spares for 5000 working hrs, Tow bars and Tools & Tackles 326.74 428.76 SECL 01/2016


1. Model: C850E, 311 mm, 6.6 kV electricals, Standard Mast along with auto lubrication
system, Water Injection System, Automatic Fire Detection and Suppression System, 4
drill rods of length 15.24 meters of diameter 10.25 inch, 2 Nos. TC RR Bit, 1 No. Bit
Sub, 1 No. Saver Sub and 300 meter trailing cable. 1645.00 2020.76 NCL 04/2020
Erection & Commissioning 5.91 NCL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for the warranty period 123.85 152.14 NCL 04/2020

2. Model: C750E, 250 mm, 6.6 kV electricals, Tall Mast with auto lubrication system
Electronic Depth Indicator, NVE Dust Collector System, auto fire detection &
suppression system, 4 nos.Steel Tooth RR Drill BIT , Initial spares for 5000 hrs of
operation, 1 no. Tow Bar and a Standard Tool Kit 352.30 437.36 SECL 06/2019

3. Model: C-650D, 160 mm, standard mast with 218 kW diesel engine complete
with Centralized Automatic Lubrication System, Automatic Lubrication System,
Automatic Fire Detection & Suppression System 122.51 153.30 NCL 09/2019
Spare parts during warrenty period 13.85 17.34 NCL 09/2019


1. Epiroc, IDM-30, 160 mm, Standard Mast with 217 kW deisel engine alongwith tools &
tackles, initial spares, filters & O-Rings for first 3000 hrs of operation 141.71 174.78 WCL 01/2020

2. Model: DM-H, 311 mm, 6.6 kV electricals, Standard Mast along with auto lubrication
system, Water Injection System, Automatic Fire Detection and Suppression System, 4
drill rods of length 15.24 meters of diameter 10.25 inch, 2 Nos. TC RR Bit, 1 No. Bit
Sub, 1 No. Saver Sub and 300 meter trailing cable. 1645.00 2020.76 NCL 04/2020
Erection & Commissioning 8.03 NCL 04/2020
Spares & Consumables for the warranty period 123.10 151.22 NCL 04/2020



Rough Terrain Cranes:

1. TIL, model: HUSKY 620, boom 8.8 m - 21.2 m, 20 t along with complete set of tools &
tackles 96.58 121.26 SECL 08/2019
Initial set of spares & filters for 3000 working hrs. 2.92 3.67 SECL 08/2019

2. TIL, model: RT 630C, boom 21.0 m, 30 t, 160 kW diesel engine with

standard tools & accessories, initial spares/filters for 3000 hrs operation 126.00 164.80 WCL 04/2015

3. TIL, model: RT 740B, boom 10.6 m - 33.5 m, 40 te, diesel engine with adequate
horsepower complete with filters & 'O' rings for 3000 hrs. of operation, with first
fill of all Oils, Grease and Lubricants and a standard tools kit 135.78 174.10 BCCL 08/2018

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
4. TIL, model: RT 760, boom 10.8 m - 33.5 m, 50 t, diesel engine with
standard tools, first fill of oil, grease and lubricants & filters and 'O' rings for
3000 hrs. of workings 196.00 250.81 MCL 09/2018
5. TIL, model: RT 880, boom 11.0 m - 34.6 m, 75 t, diesel engine with adequate
horsepower along with accessories & tools. 281.17 365.81 NCL 09/2017
Spares & Consumables for the Warranty period 2.92 3.80 NCL 09/2017
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year beyond warranty period 9.83 12.79 NCL 09/2017
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year 2.25 2.93 NCL 09/2017


1. Escorts, RT 30, 30 te, boom 8.0 m -10 m extended upto 21 m, 30 te at radius of 3.0
m, 160 hp diesel engine with standard tools & tackles, initial spares & filters for 3000
hrs operation 133.00 165.34 WCL 12/2019

2. Escorts, RT 40, boom 30 m, 40 t, diesel engine of adequate power complete in all

respect 134.50 172.20 NCL 09/2018
Initial spares for warrenty period and with tools & tackles 0.03 0.03 BCCL 09/2018
Spares parts for 2nd year period 2.43 3.11 BCCL 09/2018
Spares parts for 3rd year period 1.24 1.58 BCCL 09/2018

Action Construction Equipment Make

1. ACE make, AF30E, battery operated 3.0 t fork lift truck with battery charger 8.50 10.46 ECL 04/2020

2. ACE make, Rhino 110 C, 2 part slotted boom, lifting capacity: 10.0 t fitted with
diesel engine 10.70 13.38 MCL 08/2020

3. ACE make, ACE 12XW, 3 part slotted boom, 12.9 m height, lifting capacity: 12.0 t
fitted with 35.79 kW diesel eingne 10.43 13.02 ECL 09/2020

4. ACE make, ACE 14XW, 3 part slotted boom, lifting capacity: 14.0 t fitted with
35.79 kW diesel eingne 10.37 13.80 ECL 03/2016

5. ACE make, ACE SB123, truck mounted mobile straight boom, 10.0 t, cmplete with
first fill of all Oils, Grease and Lubricants accessories & spares, 'O' rings/filters for
3000 hrs of operation and a standard tool kit 36.80 46.58 ECL 06/2019

6. ACE make, ACE TM250, truck mounted mobile telescopic, 25.0 t, cmplete with first
fill of all Oils, Grease and Lubricants accessories & spares, 'O' rings/filters for 3000
hrs of operation and a standard tool kit 69.24 91.10 ECL 03/2017

7. ACE make, ACE TM300, truck mounted mobile telescopic, 30.0 t, cmplete with first
fill of all Oils, Grease and Lubricants accessories & spares, 'O' rings/filters for 3000
hrs of operation and a standard tool kit 86.79 114.20 ECL 03/2017

Manitowoc Cranes Make

1. Manitowoc Crane make, GMK 5220, 150 t capacity, boom 12 m, 3m radius

complete with tools & tackles and initial spares filters for 3000 hrs, diesel powered Lakh Euro
hydraulic mobile 10.06 1454.87 SECL 06/2016

Lakh US$
2. Manitowoc Crane make, RT9130E-2, 120 t capacity, boom 12.8 m, 3m radius 9.52 1127.53 NCL 07/2016
Consumable Spares & Consumables for warranty period of the equipment, 1 set 0.04 4.64 NCL 07/2016
Back Up Spares & Consumable Spares for 2 years beyond warranty period of
the equipment, Fast Moving Spare Parts, 1 set 0.33 42.19 NCL 07/2016
Back Up Spares & Consumable Spares for 2 years beyond warranty period of
the equipment, Slow Moving Spare Parts, 1 set 0.05 6.29 NCL 07/2016

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Sany Automobile Hoisting Machinery Co. Ltd, China Lakh US$
1. Model- SAC2200, diesel powered, capacity: 220 te at 3.0 m radius/150 te at 4.0 m
radius, hydraulic all terrain mobile crane with boom length: 13.5 m & extended boom
length: 60.0 m complete with initial spare of 3000 hrs operation and complete set of
tool & tackles 8.95 900.98 SECL 11/2019


1. BEML, BL9H, 1.0 m³ Bucket capacity, 96.0 HP diesel engine complete with
filter elements & 'O' rings for 5000 hrs. of operation, with first fill of all Oils, Grease
and Lubricants and a standard tools kit 25.00 31.63 SECL 03/2018

2. L&T, Model: 9020, 3.0 m³, General Purpose Bucket, 131.5 HP diesel engine 32.34 39.69 SECL 09/2020
Tooth Point with Fastener 06 set 2.30 2.82 SECL 09/2020
Initial spare, filters & O-ring for 5000 hrs of operation 2.44 2.99 SECL 09/2020

3. Komatsu, WA800-3EO, 10.0 m³ bucket fitted with 853 HP Komatsu diesel

engine alongwith standard tools kit 731.2 922.06 NCL 05/2018
Erection & Commissioning Charges 15.16 NCL 05/2018
Spare parts & consumables for warrenty period 51.5 65.00 NCL 05/2018
Spare parts & consumables for 2nd year 65.2 82.18 NCL 05/2018
Spare parts & consumables for 3rd year 71.3 89.95 NCL 05/2018
Spare parts & consumables for 4th year 60.2 75.89 NCL 05/2018
2 Nos. Additional Tyres 21.0 28.73 NCL 05/2018

4. Caterpillar, Model 992K, 10.67 m³ Bucket fitted with Caterpillar 813.7 HP Diesel
Engine 801.14 989.06 NCL 11/2019
Erection & Commissioning Charge 10.00 NCL 11/2019
Special Tools 2.11 2.60 NCL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for warranty period 26.71 32.97 NCL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 63.40 78.28 NCL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 67.42 83.24 NCL 11/2019
Spares & Consumables for 4th year of operation 26.47 32.68 NCL 11/2019
Back-up Spares & Consumables 99.92 123.36 NCL 11/2019
Additional 02 nos. Tyres 11.00 14.72 NCL 11/2019



1. BEML, BG 825 fitted with 280 HP diesel engine alongwith filters, first fill of oils, grease
& lubricants and std. tool kit 188.90 231.82 CCL 01/2021
O-rings & std. engine filters for 6000 hrs. of workings 5.99 7.35 CCL 01/2021

2. Caterpillar, 24M, 533 HP diesel engine alongwith air condirions operator's cabin,
front mounted push plate, rear mounted rigid drawbar, 24 sets of cutting edge & end Lakh US$
bits with fasteners and VIMS system compatible with OITDS system for monitoring FOB
the vital parameters related to the health of the machine 14.70 1741.54 SECL 07/2016


1. BEML, WS28-2, 28 kL fitted with BEML engine model BSA6D140-1 alongwith

tools & tackles 143.90 177.09 CCL 03/2021
Initial spares & filters for 6000 hrs of operation 7.31 8.99 CCL 03/2021

2. BEML, BWS70 fitted with BEML/Cummins engine model: KTA-38-C, 70 kL Capacity

alongwith Standard Tools 315.18 438.96 SECL 03/2019
Initial spares/filters for 5000 hrs of operation 11.50 16.02 SECL 03/2019

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

1. BEML, BL14TH loader based powered by 94 kW diesel engine suitable for

handling tyre size 18.00 x 25.00 through 36.00 x 51.00 with rim size as
23.50x25.00, 21.00x25.00, 29.50x29.00 etc. alongwith accessories 109.69 140.49 NCL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for warranty period 2.10 2.69 NCL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for 2nd year of operation 3.04 3.90 NCL 10/2019
Spares & Consumables for 3rd year of operation 11.45 14.67 NCL 10/2019

2. Dusmer Tools make, tyre dismantling machine for 85 T, 100 T, 120 T, 170 T &
190 T (200 T class) capacity dump truck, model : TC-5963 419.73 528.07 NCL 06/2019
Spare and consumable for warranty period 0.70 0.88 NCL 06/2019
Spare and consumable for 2nd year 18.74 23.58 NCL 06/2019
Spare and consumable for 3rd year 18.74 23.58 NCL 06/2019
Spare and consumable for 4th year 18.74 23.58 NCL 06/2019
3. Dusmer Tools make, tyre dismantling machine for 85 T/100 T dumper,
model : TC-2749 with clamps & shoes & two years initial spares 207.10 262.38 NCL 12/2018
Spare and consumable for warranty period 0.36 0.46 NCL 12/2018
Spare and consumable for 2nd year 6.43 8.15 NCL 12/2018
Spare and consumable for 3rd year 6.43 8.15 NCL 12/2018
Spare and consumable for 4th year 6.43 8.15 NCL 12/2018

Lakh Euro
4. MANITOU make, tyre handler for handling tyres up to 240 T dumper, Model: MHT-
X10180 with Handler Attachment TH63 alongwith initial spares for 5000 hrs
3.94 572.20 SECL 04/2016


1. KION Make, Model: DVX506AT, 5t capacity 15.59 20.67 MCL 02/2018

2. Godrej make, Model: GX 500D(SB)T, 5 t capacity 11.00 14.97 NCL 06/2016
3. Godrej & Boyce make, Model: G1000 D, 10 t capacity 21.52 29.86 SECL 05/2015


1. Hindustan Technologies Pvt. Ltd., 4.5 kL capacity Fire Tender fabricated on TATA/
Ashok Leyland/EICHER Chassis, Model- LPT 1613/42 32.23 41.17 SECL 06/2019

2. Brijbasi Hi-Tech Udyog Ltd., 8.0 kL capacity Fire Tender fabricated on Tata
LPT2518/48, BSIII Chassis 64.50 74.83 NCL 03/2017


1. Diesel bouser of tank capacity : 4.0 kilolitre complete with driver's cabin and
mounted on EICHER/TATA/ASHOK LEYLAND/Equivalent Indian Make 16.35 23.50 WCL 02/2017

2. Diesel bouser of tank capacity : 6.0 kilolitre complete with driver's cabin and
mounted on Eicher Make, Model: PRO-2095 chasis 20.80 27.72 WCL 04/2021

3. Diesel bouser of tank capacity : 9.0 kilolitre complete with driver's cabin and
mounted on Eicher Make, Model: 2114-XP chasis 26.20 34.91 WCL 04/2021

4. Diesel bouser of tank capacity : 20.0 kilolitre complete with driver's cabin and
PTO gear pump with metering unit mounted on suitable chassis 32.42 43.41 Estd.


1. Tata, Prima LX, 31 te, coal tipper fitted with 375 hp engine, box body, axle: 8 x 4 41.16 58.94 L 05/2017

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Tata, LPK 2523 HD, 25 te, coal tipper fitted with 288 hp engine, box body, axle: 6 x 4 30.25 43.32 L 05/2017

3. VOLVO, 840 FMX 8x4R, capacity: 19.5 m3 rock body, 440 hp diesel engine with
manual gearbox 96.40 138.04 *L 06/2016

4. VOLVO, FMX 440 8x4, capacity :33 m3 for carrying light weight crushed material
with 440 hp diesel engine 96.40 138.04 *L 06/2016


1. Automatic Fire Detection and Suppression System for D155A/D355A dozer 1.80 2.60 Estd.
2. Automatic Fire Detection and Suppression System for IDM-30 drill 2.05 2.96 Estd.
3. Semi Automatic Fire Detection and Suppression System for 35 t dumper 1.40 2.03 Estd.


1. VOLVO, 840 FMX 8x4R, Tree Trunk Dia- 300 mm, Root Ball Width-2.3 m, Root Ball
Depth-1.6 m, Root Ball Weight-7.7 t, Total Tree Transplanter Weight-16.5 t, Water
Tank Capacity- 500 Lt. with 440 hp diesel engine 400.00 547.17 *L 06/2016


1. VOLVO, FM 440 6X4T Tractor coupled with gooseneck trailer for heavy duty
application fitted with 440 HP diesel engine 185.00 256.04 *L 06/2016


1. Genie make, mode;: GS1530, self propelled scissor lift, height: 6.57 m, platform: 4.57
m, lift capacity: 272 kg, lift capacity extended deck: 113 kg, max. platform occupancy:
2 16.30 20.34 L 09/2018

2. Genie make, mode;: GS2669 RT, self propelled scissor lift, height: 10.0 m, platform:
8.0 m, lift capacity: 680 kg, lift capacity extended deck: 136 kg, max. platform
occupancy: 4 55.65 69.44 L 09/2018

3. Truck mounted hydraulic platform manlifter, working height: 13.0 m with workman's
cage, stablizer, dual cage, busting safety factors of hoses, emergency stop etc 16.45 20.96 SECL12/2019

4. Truck mounted crane cum man lifter fabricated on TATA LPT 2518 chasis, max. lifting
capacity: 7000 kg at 2.2 m height, 2500 kg at 9.0 m height & 3500 kg at 4.3 m height
to 5500 kg at 2.6 m height for intermediate 41.86 53.77 NCL 09/2019


1. Ground Probe, Australia, Slope Stability Radar, Model: SSR-XT consists of five main
assembly as 1) Road Trailer with extentable legs for mounting the slope stability radar,
2) Electronic Enclosure, 3) Power Supply Unit consist of DG set with full battery backup
system in case of main power failure, 4) Electro Mechanics as Antenna, Transceiver
and Antenna Pointing Unit 5) Integrated Real Time Visual Imaging System, DGMS
Approved. 635.00 817.76 SECL 12/2015


1. National Trade Link Make, high pressure water fog system for dust quailling by
all side of truck hopper area by ideal water 100 nozzles, 2.2 gpm high pressure
triplex pump 1200 PSI, 3 HP motor, 3 phase AC 11.20 14.55 SECL 10/2017

*Budgetary Estimate

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
2. Cloud Tech, dust suppression system with mist gun mounted on TATA LPT 2518
chasis 36.90 46.52 NCL 12/2019


GPS/GPRS based vehicle tracking system along with load sensor & weightometer
for onboard weighment including complete with Per Unit
(i) GPS Set, Model: Precise ET (46 Sets) 0.12 6.88 WCL 01/2018
Onboard weighing system: Make & Model of electronic weighing indicator- R420/R423,
Rinstrum, Display unit inbuild with electronic weighing indicator, Make & Model of Load
(ii) Cell- ZEMIC (46 Sets) 1.46 90.85 WCL 01/2018
(iii) Server- HP Proliant DL 380 Gen 6 server with X 5560 2x2.8+GHz Quad core Xeon
Processor (1 Set) 7.19 8.97 WCL 01/2018
(iv) Work Station: HP Bussiness desktops 280G2 (1 Set) 0.73 0.91 WCL 01/2018
(v) 24 U Server/Network Rack (2 Sets) 0.33 0.82 WCL 01/2018
(vi) VTS and weighment management software (1 Set) 8.78 10.95 WCL 01/2018
(vii) UPS online 5 kVA 2 hrs backup, Make- Microtek (1 Set) 2.19 3.22 WCL 01/2018
(viii) Surge protection device, Make & Model- ASCO series 400 surge protection
devices/APS/HAKEL (1 Set) 0.67 0.91 WCL 01/2018
(ix) Class 1 earthing (1 Set) 0.37 0.46 WCL 01/2018
(x) Industrial managed L3, 24ports GB switch- the NETGEAR intelligent edge M 4100
series (2 Sets) 0.48 1.20 WCL 01/2018
(xi) 55 inch display unit LED TV- TH55ES500D (2 Sets) 0.44 1.19 WCL 01/2018
(xii) A4 monochrome laser printer, HP laser zet pro M202n (1 Set) 0.06 0.07 WCL 01/2018


1. Applied Research International make, Universal Equipment Simulator suitable to

simulate operations of 24/96 Dragline, P&H-1900AL Shovel & BD355 Dozer 172.49 213.76 NCL 11/2018

Spare Parts and Consumables for warranty period of the equipment for 02 years 6.55 8.12 NCL 11/2018
Erection & Commissioning 11.44 14.18 NCL 11/2018


1. Make Ceteor, model: PPS 24V - 1200 CA, 24 V (dc), cranking: 1200 A, peak: 3100 A
& start engine upto 1500 hp, No. of batteries: 2, cable length: 1.35 m, size: 50 mm2,
wt.: 68 kg, portable type with 230 V charger 3.00 3.54 L 09/2018
Portable Trolley for above 0.50 0.59 L 09/2018

2. Make Ceteor, model: PPS 24V - 1600 CA, 24 V (dc), cranking: 1600 A, peak: 3875 A
& start engine upto 1500 hp, No. of batteries: 2, cable length: 5 m, size: 70 mm2, wt.:
68 kg, mobile type with 230 V charger 4.44 5.24 L 09/2018

3. Make Ceteor, model: PPS 24V - 3200 CA, 24 V (dc), cranking: 3200 A, peak: 7750 A
& start engine upto 1500 hp, No. of batteries: 2, cable length: 5 m, size: 70 mm2, wt.:
81.5 kg, mobile type with 230 V charger 6.29 7.42 L 09/2018

in Lakhs
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

Make: Environment SA India Pvt. Ltd., Model: MP101M, PM 10 Analyzer with

Installation, Commissioning and Training 8.60 10.15 CCL 10/2020
AMC Charges for the 1st Year 0.11 0.13 CCL 10/2020
AMC Charges for the 2nd Year 0.11 0.13 CCL 10/2020
AMC Charges for the 3rd Year 0.12 0.14 CCL 10/2020
AMC Charges for the 4th Year 0.12 0.14 CCL 10/2020
AMC Charges for the 5th Year 0.12 0.14 CCL 10/2020


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

Center height- Center distance in mm.

1. 450 mm, 2000 mm 1920.0 Estd
2. 450 mm, 3000 mm 2120.0 Estd
3. 450 mm, 4000 mm 2620.0 Estd
4. 450 mm, 5000 mm 2980.0 Estd
5. Rajendra Machine make, model: RMPL9000, 400-500 mm, 9000-9500 mm 4191.5 5418.5 CCL 01/2018


1. Medium duty, swing over bed : 1100 mm, center distance : 3000 mm,
bed width : 575 mm, motor : 11 kW. 415 V 1390.0 Estd.

2. Krishna Machine Tools make, medium duty, Center Distance: 1500 mm,
center height : 260 mm, swing over bed : 500 mm, motor : 3.7 kW, 415 V
swing over carriage: 300 mm 402.0 Estd.


1. Light duty, centre distance : 1000 mm, swing over bed: 400 mm,
center height: 200 mm, motor power: 1.5 kW, 415V 326.0 Estd.

2. Light duty, centre distance : 1400 to 1600 mm, swing over bed: 420 to 450 mm,
center height: 200 to 220 mm, power: 12 hp, 440V 536.0 Estd.

3. Light duty, centre distance : 2000 to 2500 mm, swing over bed: 500 to 550 mm,
center height: 250 to 270 mm, power: 12 hp, 440V 716.0 Estd.

4. Light duty, centre distance : 3000 to 3500 mm, swing over bed:950 to 1050 mm,
center height: 475 to 525 mm, power: 12 hp, 440V 1367.0 Estd.


Centre height, mm center distance, mm.

1. 220 mm, 1000 mm 687.0 Estd.
2. 220 mm, 1500 mm 728.0 Estd.
3. 220 mm, 2000 mm 865.0 Estd.
4. 220 mm, 3000 mm 967.0 Estd.

5. 260 mm, 1000 mm 738.0 Estd.

6. 260 mm, 1500 mm 754.0 Estd.
7. 260 mm, 2000 mm 916.0 Estd.
8. 260 mm, 3000 mm 1020.0 Estd.

9. 320 mm, 1000 mm 815.0 Estd.

10. 320 mm, 1500 mm 830.0 Estd.
11. 320 mm, 2000 mm 690.0 868.0 NCL 08/2019
12. 320 mm, 3000 mm 2214.0 Estd.

2. Macpower make, Slant bed, CNC turn mill center machine, model: VX 200,
Swing over telescopic cover: 460 mm
Max.turning dia.over cross slide: 250 mm
Max. turning dia. Of chucking job: 300 mm
Max. chuck size: 250 mm
Distance between spindle face & turret face: 480 mm
Distance between centers U/UL: 400/600 mm
Speed: 100 to 4000 rpm
Feed range: 1 - 5000 mm/min
Rapid traverse: 20000 mm/min
Cross feed range: 1 - 5000 mm/min
Cross feed rapid traverse: 15000 mm/min
Power (Cont./Int.): 7.5/11 kW, 415 V
Hyd.power pack power: 2.2 kW, 415 V 2080.5 2699.0 SECL 01/2017


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

1. Horizontal spindle surface grinding with CNC controlled vertical and cross
movement (Y & Z axis) and reciprocating hydraulic table movement 2520.0 Estd.


1. Precision surface grinder, standard 520.0 Estd.

2. Precision surface grinder, production & plunge 555.0 Estd.
3. Precision surface grinder, production & plunge automatic 611.0 Estd.
4. Precision surface grinder, horizontal 977.0 Estd.
5. Cutter & tool grinder, standard 443.0 Estd.
6. Cutter & tool grinder, production & plunge 535.0 Estd.
7. Cutter & tool grinder, horizontal 687.0 Estd.
8. Universal cutter & tool grinder with power rise & fall of wheel head, swing :
280 mm, swing with rising block : 370 mm, height of centers : 130 mm, table
clamping area: 980x140 mm, motor : 0.75 kW 499.0 Estd.


1. Universal, center distance : 500mm 1033.0 Estd.

2. Production & plunge, center distance : 500mm 957.0 Estd.
3. Universal, center distance : 800mm 1110.0 Estd.
4. Production & plunge, center distance : 800mm 1033.0 Estd.


Radial capacity in steel/cast, iron 50/60 mm, motor : 4.5 kW

1. Max. drilling radius : 1500, drilling depth : 325 mm. 881.0 Estd.
2. Max. drilling radius : 1790, drilling depth : 325 mm. 1033.0 Estd.
3. Max. drilling radius : 2350, drilling depth : 325 mm. 1222.0 Estd.

4. Radial capacity in steel/cast, iron 80 mm, motor : 9 kW

vertical travel of spindle: 450 mm (min), vertical traverse
of arm: 1200 mm or more, drill head travel: 2000 mm or more, working
surfaceof base plate (min): 3000 mm x 1500 mm 3008.0 Estd.


1. Drilling capacity:40 mm in steel, drilling depth:325 mm,3.6/4.5 kW,440V 1069.0 Estd.


1. Drilling capacity : 13 mm in steel, motor : 1 hp, 440 V, complete with
accessories 31.0 Estd.


1. Universal milling machine, size : 1350x310 mm, Longitudinal :
800 mm, Cross : 265 mm, Vertical : 400 mm, motor : 5.5 kW 1110.0 Estd.

2. Horizontal milling machine,size : 1350x310 mm, Longitudinal :

800 mm, Cross : 265 mm, Vertical : 400 mm, motor : 5.5 kW 1069.0 Estd.

3. Vertical milling machine, size : 1350x310 mm, Longitudinal :

800 mm, Cross : 265 mm, Vertical : 400 mm, motor : 5.5 kW 1010.0 Estd.

4. Universal milling machine, size : 1600x300 mm, Longitudinal :

950 mm, Cross : 320 mm, Vertical : 375 mm, motor : 7.5 kW 1603.0 Estd.

5. Horizontal milling machine, size : 1600x355 mm, Longitudinal :

1200 mm, Cross : 320 mm, Vertical : 425 mm, motor : 7.5 kW 1512.0 Estd.

6. Vertical milling machine, size : 1600x355 mm, Longitudinal :

1200 mm, Cross : 320 mm, Vertical : 425 mm, motor : 7.5 kW 1588.0 Estd.

7. Ram type milling machine, vertical 479.0 Estd.


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
8. Universal, overall size:1175x230 mm, longitudinal movement:
560 mm (automatic & manual), traverse movement: 250 mm (automatic)/
270 mm (manual), vertical movement: 340 mm (manual), motor: 3 kW 825.0 Estd.

9. Universal, overall size:1555x315 mm, longitudinal movement:

800/830 mm (automatic/manual), traverse movement: 230 mm (automatic)/
260 mm (manual), vertical movement: 400/420 mm (automatic/manual),
motor: 5.5 kW 1206.0 Estd.

10. Universal, overall size:2060x315 mm, longitudinal movement: 980 mm, Cross :
320, Vertical : 390 mm, Motor : 7.5 kW 1340.8 1677.2 NCL 03/2020

11. Vertical, overall size:1245x230 mm, longitudinal movement:

560/590 mm (automatic/manual), traverse movement: 250 mm (automatic)/
270 mm (manual), vertical movement: 390 mm (manual), motor: 3 kW 804.0 Estd.

12. Vertical, overall size:1555x315 mm, longitudinal movement:

800/830 mm (automatic/manual), traverse movement: 230 mm (automatic)/
260 mm (manual), vertical movement: 400/420 mm (automatic/manual),
motor: 5.5 kW 1206.0 Estd.

13. Vertical, overall size:2055x315 mm, longitudinal movement:

1200/1230 mm (automatic/manual), traverse movement: 320 mm (automatic)/
350 mm (manual), vertical movement: 450/470 mm (automatic/manual),
motor: 11 kW 1776.0 Estd.

14. Horizontal, overall size:1245x230 mm, longitudinal movement:

560/590 mm (automatic/manual), traverse movement: 250 mm (automatic)/
270 mm (manual), vertical movement: 390 mm (manual), motor: 3 kW 825.0 Estd.

15. Horizontal, overall size:1555x315 mm, longitudinal movement:

800/830 mm (automatic/manual), traverse movement: 230 mm (automatic)/
260 mm (manual), vertical movement: 400/420 mm (automatic/manual),
motor: 5.5 kW 1206.0 Estd.

16. Vertical, overall size:2055x315 mm, longitudinal movement:

1200/1230 mm (automatic/manual), traverse movement: 320 mm (automatic)/
350 mm (manual), vertical movement: 450/470 mm (automatic/manual),
motor: 11 kW 1776.0 Estd.

17. CNC milling machine, traverses: x-axis stroke: 800 mm,

y-axis stroke: 350 mm, z-axis stroke: 380 mm, table size: 1060x315 mm,
motor: 3.7/5.5 kW 1985.0 Estd.


1. Heavy duty shaping machine, stroke length : 630 mm, max.

horizontal traverse on the table : 550 mm, vertical travel on the table:350 mm
min.dist between table to RAM : 50 mm, vertical travel of tool slide : 160 mm,
Length & Width of Table Top : 600 mm x 400 mm, Tool head swivel angle: 600
2.2 kW, 440 V complete with accessories. 265.0 Estd.

XIII. Machine Tools Traders, "Master" make Machine Tools

General specification :
M.S.Plate width (mm) x Thickness (mm) -
- Top roll/Bottom roll dia (mm) - Power (hp)
1 1250 x 6 - 125/105 - 3 375.0 Estd.
2 1250 x 10 - 150/125 - 5 481.0 Estd.
3 1250 x 12 - 175/140 - 7.5 558.0 Estd.
4 1250 x 16 - 190/150 - 7.5 606.0 Estd.
5 1250 x 20 - 200/160 - 10 664.0 Estd.


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
6 1250 x 25 - 240/200 - 15 1153.0 Estd.
7 1500 x 6 - 140/115 - 5 457.0 Estd.
8 1500 x 10 - 160/135 - 5 558.0 Estd.
9 1500 x 12 - 180/150 - 7.5 596.0 Estd.
10 1500 x 16 - 200/160 - 10 702.0 Estd.

11 1500 x 20 - 215/170 - 12.5 759.0 Estd.

12 1500 x 25 - 250/215 -15 1335.0 Estd.
13 2000 x 6 - 160/135 - 5 529.0 Estd.
14 2000 x 10 - 185/150 - 7.5 673.0 Estd.
15 2000 x 12 - 205/165 - 10 702.0 Estd.

16 2000 x 16 - 220/175 - 12.5 970.0 Estd.

17 2000 x 20 - 230/190 - 15 1182.0 Estd.
18 2000 x 25 - 280/235 - 25 1969.0 Estd.
19 2500 x 6 - 175/150 - 7.5 741.0 Estd.
20 2500 x 10 - 200/170 - 10 890.0 Estd.

21 2500 x 12 - 230/180 - 15 1230.0 Estd.

22 2500 x 16 - 240/200 - 20 1691.0 Estd.
23 2500 x 20 - 260/215 - 20 1902.0 Estd.
24 2500 x 25 - 300/260 - 30 2727.0 Estd.


(Machine Tools Traders)
1. Capacity 1/2" - 3" with ejectomatic steel casting. 224.0 Estd.
2. Capacity 1" - 4" with ejectomatic steel casting. 250.0 Estd.
3. Capacity 2" - 6" with ejectomatic steel casting. 348.0 Estd.


(Machine Tools Traders)
1. Machine Tool Traders', capacity - 1/2" to 2". 30.0 Estd.
2. - do - capacity - 1/2" to 4". 69.0 Estd.
3. - do - capacity - 1" to 4". 67.0 Estd.
4. - do - capacity - 2" to 6". 94.0 Estd.


a. Arc welding transformers with accessories :

1. IGBT based welding machine, 600 Amps (DC) complete with standard tools
and accessories, 22.5 kVA, 415 V 116.5 149.3 NCL 10/2018

2. DC Arc welding set, 220 V, 300 A 22.0 27.6 WCL 11/2019

3. Mobile diesel welding set of current 400A, 85 V (OCV) engine :

36 bhp, max voltage 100V, complete with tool kit, pressure gauge,
12 V battery and battery charging indicator, electrode size : 2 - 6 mm 876.0 Estd.

4. Digital intelligent lighting and welding system for 6.6 kV/220 V AC with control
arrangement and fabricated in sheet steel cabinet 504.0 586.8 SECL 12/2016

b. "ELECTROWELD" (Machine Tools make) model ARC welding transformer

Cu.winding, 415 V, 3ph. with standard set of accessories.

1. Air Cooled Type :

Model : AW - 150, 30V, 150 A, 6 kVA 47.1 67.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 200, 30V, 200 A, 8 kVA 56.0 80.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 300, 32V, 300 A, 15 kVA 71.5 102.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 400, 38V, 400 A, 21 kVA 89.6 128.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 500, 40V, 500 A, 25 kVA 99.8 142.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 600, 42V, 600 A, 36 kVA 117.5 167.0 Estd.


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
2. Oil Cooled Type (without oil):
Model : AW - 150, 30V, 150 A, 6 kVA 49.6 71.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 200, 30V, 200 A, 8 kVA 57.2 82.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 300, 32V, 300 A, 15 kVA 74.2 106.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 400, 38V, 400 A, 21 kVA 91.9 131.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 500, 40V, 500 A, 25 kVA 102.5 146.0 Estd.
Model : AW - 600, 42V, 600 A, 36 kVA 122.7 174.0 Estd.

c. Arc Welding and Arc Gouging Machine Set:

Sur Iron & steel make, model:XRDP-800, input voltage: 440 V, output current:
600 A DC or above complete with One set of Electrode holder, apron, welding
screen, wire brush, chisels, Welders helmet, 20 long cable etc. 224.4 300.1 SECL 11/2015

d. Twin Head Automatic Idler Welding Machine

Weldman make, twin head automatic idler welding machine, input voltage: 415/
440 V, suitable for ERW pipes upto 180 mm, length of pipe 1800 mm, welding
current: 30 A to 300 A, cooling forced air, 680.0 861.8 CCL 03/2019


(Machine Tools Traders)
1. Machine Tool Traders, 50 t, LxW between columns
1015 x 405 mm, travel 205 mm. 240.0 Estd.
2. - do - 100 t, L x W between columns - 1270 x 610 mm
travel - 230 mm. 378.0 536.0 ECL 04/2015
3. - do - 150 t, L x W between columns - 1320 x 635 mm,
travel - 240 mm. 576.0 Estd.
4. - do - 200 t, L x W between columns - 1345 x 635 mm,
travel - 240 mm. 1023.0 Estd.
5. - do - 250 t, L x W between columns - 1370 x 660 mm,
travel - 250 mm. 1203.0 Estd.
6. - do - 300 t, L x W between columns- 1395 x 660 mm travel - 265 mm 1689.0 Estd.


1. Torqtight make, capacity 200t, mobile type trolley mounted hydraulic jack 1657.0 2000.3 MCL 06/2015
2. HYTAC Make, capacity:100t 378.7 480.9 SECL 01/2019
3. HYTAC Make, capacity:60t 228.0 289.5 SECL 01/2019
4. Jeen Engg. Make, capacity: 30t 27.5 32.4 NCL 01/2016



1. Lifting Capacity=5 t, Pulling Capacity=8 t, rope dia = 20 mm 46.8 56.4 SECL 01/2020
2. Lifting Capacity=3 t, Pulling Capacity=5 t, with suitable rope dia 24.5 29.1 SECL 01/2021
3. Lifting Capacity=2 t, Pulling Capacity=3 t, rope dia - 10 mm. 28.0 Estd.
4. Lifting Capacity=1 t, Pulling Capacity=2 t, rope dia - 10 mm, 20.0 Estd.


1. 2 t, 3 m lift 7.4 9.3 BCCL 08/2019

2. 3 t, 3 m lift 9.4 11.8 BCCL 08/2019
3. 3 t, 6 m lift 12.1 15.2 BCCL 08/2019
4. 3 t, 11 m lift 18.9 24.0 NCL 02/2019
5. 5 t, 3 m lift 13.7 17.2 BCCL 08/2019
6. 5 t, 7.5 m lift 24.0 31.1 NCL 06/2018
7. 10 t, 3 m lift 32.6 36.8 NCL 04/2017
8. 10 t, 6 m lift 37.8 46.6 WCL 01/2021
9. 10 t, 7.5 m lift 49.8 64.6 NCL 06/2018


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

1. 3 te, 3 m lift 28.0 Estd.

2. 5 te, 3m lift 34.0 Estd.
3. 10 te, 3m lift 67.0 Estd.
4. 15 te, 3m lift 134.0 Estd.
5. 20 te, 3m lift 181.0 Estd.


For 3 m lifting capacity

1. 3 te (-do- ) 26.0 Estd.
2. 5 te (-do- ) 47.0 Estd.


Gantry Pulling & Shifting arrangement having load bearing capacity 10 te with
chain pulley block with moving arrangement & 4 nos. of heavy duty wheels for
movement of gantry with adjustable height & proper locking arrangement
during the operation of the machine, the capacity of chain pulley block is 10 te
and hand operated 640.0 859.3 SECL 09/2015


Heavy duty, hand operated mechanical winch, 10 te capacity with 30 m of

19 mm wire rope 28.0 36.5 SECL 01/2017


1. 3 t with std.1.5 m lift, cost extra lift/m-Rs.1500 21.0 Estd.

2. 5 t with std.1.5 m, cost of extra lift/m-Rs.2240 31.0 Estd.


1. Capacity - 6te, lift - 3.5 m with electric trolley, class - IV 489.0 Estd.
2. - do - , lift- 10 m, class - IV 514.0 Estd.
3. Capacity - 10 te, lift - 6 m, with electric trolley, class - II 799.0 Estd.
4. - do - lift - 10 m, class - II 825.0 Estd.

Semi automatic band saw machine 1226.5 1469.0 NCL 07/2020


L&T make
E.O.T crane, double girder box type, Class II duty & VFD has been
used for jerk free performance:
1. Capacity: 35/5 te, span: 22 m, height of lift: 11.5 m, travel: 48 m, speeds:
MH - 2.75/CT - 10/LT - 20 m/min 8186.0 Estd.
2. Capacity: 10/2 te, span: 18 m, height of lift: 6.5 m, travel: 30 m, speeds:
MH - 3/CT - 15/LT - 20 m/min 4042.0 Estd.
3. Capacity: 10/2 te, span: 30 m, height of lift: 6.5 m, travel: 20 m, speeds:
MH - 3/CT - 15/LT - 20 m/min 4595.0 Estd.
4. Capacity: 10/2 te, span: 24 m, height of lift: 4.5 m, travel: 20 m, speeds:
MH - 3/CT - 15/LT - 20 m/min 4255.0 Estd.
5. Capacity: 5/1 te, span: 15 m, height of lift: 6.5 m, travel: 48 m, speeds:
MH - 3/CT - 15/LT - 20 m/min 2464.0 Estd.

GM make
E.O.T crane, double girder box type, Class II duty M5 medium duty, Capacity:

10 te, span: 15.5 m, height of lift: 8.5 m, Bay Length: 72 m, speeds: 15.5 m/min 1887.2 2398.9 ECL 07/2019


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Global General Industries Make
E.O.T crane, double girder box type, Class II duty M5 medium duty, Capacity:
20 te, span: 22.7 m, height of lift: 12.0 m, speeds: 20 m/min 3970.0 4940.2 NCL 08/2020

E.O.T crane, double girder box type, Class II duty , Capacity: 10 te, span 21.7 m,
height of lift: 12.0 m 3317.0 4082.8 NCL 03/2021


1. 3 t, lift - 7 m. 331.0 Estd.

2. 5 t, lift - 5 m. 381.0 Estd.
3. 5 t, lift - 7 m. 438.0 Estd.
4. 7 t, lift - 7 m. 590.0 Estd.

1. 13 mm general drill 26.0 Estd.
2. 25 mm drill 62.0 Estd.


1. Inventa make, multijet dumper washing machine, model : C240/85, 14800 lpm
at 1200 psi, 50 hp motor power, 415 V 930.0 1213.9 CCL 01/2018

2. Washing pump for field equipment at 400 psi, 3 hp motor power, 440 V 51.0 Estd.


1. Model AWM 700 LC - to test engine 300 HP to 600

HP(Cummins series KT/KTA,495,743,855 & VT 1710) at
around 2100 r.p.m-complete with accessories, spares 4434.1 L 06/2015
2. Model F-35(M) to test engines having capacity 600 to 1600
HP such as Cummins KT/KTA 2300 c/w accessories & spares 7320.0 Estd.
3. Model AWM 2000 LC for testing engine rating 600 to 1600
HP, such as Cummins series model KT/KTA 2300, 3067 and
Caterpillar series engines namely D398 & D 399, complete with
accessories & spares 8888.5 L 06/2015


1. Hi-Tech make, mobile maintenance workshop van, complete with air compressor,
air operated grease pump, air operated low pressure oil pump,air operated low
pressure oil transfer pump, wall mounted tyre inflator, monorail crane of 1 Te,
working table, tool box, air operated water pump,30 kVA diesel generator set,
fire extinguisher, foldding ladder, 5Te & 10 Te jack, adopter, hose reel, diesel,
adopter, trigger operated air blow gun, pneumatic control panel, welding
generator set etc. mounted on Ashok Leyland Truck chassis LPT 1616 IL 2700.0 3410.1 NCL 05/2016

2. Hindustan Technologies make, mobile workshop van, complete with generator

gas cutting cum welding hand tools, compressor,grease /oil pump, battery
charger etc. for small & medium repairs, tyre inflator, water tank with pump
& the whole service unit ismounted on a Ashok Leyland make truck chassis
model: 1616 IL. 3690.0 5072.8 NCL 03/2019

3. Mobile service van, complete with welding generator, air compressor, diesel
generator, grease pump, hose reel, oil pump, chain pulley block, fork table,
lighting generator, fire extinguisher, folding ladder etc. mounted on TATA/Ashok
Leyland, Model : 1512 LTP BS VI/1615 BSVI with Diesel engine 4410.0 5261.0 CCL 10/2020

4. HEMM tyre inflator, 3.39 m3, 7 kg/m2, compressor capacity complete

with motor, 415 V, wall type, air receiver capacity : 1000 liters 785.0 Estd.

5. Multipoint automatic greasing equipment complete with grease

pump operating at 400 psi 1292.0 Estd.


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
6. Centralised lubrication system with air compressor suitable for lubrication of
dumpers, 2 stage air compressor of 44 cfm, 12 kgf/cm2 air reciever capacity: 500
lit. complete with gauges, valves,air hoses and safety system 862.0 Estd.

7. Centralised lubrication system with air compressor suitable

for lubrication of dumpers, 2 stage air compressor of 54 cfm, 175 psi, 15 hp,
415 V - 1 no, grease pump pneumatically operated 425 kg/cm2, drum capacity:
180 kg - 2 nos., pneumatically operated oil pump 10-15 lpm & 400 psi - 4 nos,
oil sprayer of 1.5 lit capacity with hose & gun - 1 no, electronic preset type
inflator pressure 0-140 psi - 1 no. complete with grease, oil hose, digital flow
meter etc. 1440.0 Estd.

8. Graco make, automatic pressurised lubrication system suitable for dispensing

different types of lubricants at 2 different locations, 5 types of lubricants at each
location complete with bulk oil storage tanks, compressors, oil pumps, metering
devices, FRL units, hose reels, grease pumps and accessories, data
management system with digital transmitter & receiver with software 5499.0 7177.8 SECL 08/2017

9. Inventa make, model : C-240/85, washing plant for HEMM, pump capacity :
14000 to 15000 LPH at pressure 1200 to 1400 psi, motor : 50 to 60 HP, 415 V 790.0 996.2 SECL 03/2019


1. Electrically heated chamber type, chamber size H-0.8 m, W-1.8 m,

D-2.0 m, 90 kW, 415V including automatic temp. control panel & safety
device used for annealing & stress relieving, working temperature: 9000 C 2316.0 Estd.

2. Electrically heated chamber type, chamber size H-0.8 m, W-1.8 m,

D-2.0 m, 60 kW, 415V including automatic temp. control panel & safety
device used for hardening, working temperature: 9000 C 2133.0 Estd.

3. Electrically heated chamber type, chamber size H-0.8 m, W-1.8 m,

D-2.0 m, 48 kW, 415V including automatic temp. control panel & safety
device used for tempering, working temperature: 5000 C 2443.0 Estd.

4. Oil fired indirect heated chamber type, chamber size H-0.75 m, W-1.0 m,
D-1.0 m, complete with burner, blower, heating & pumping unit & control
panel, working temperature: 5000 C 1644.0 Estd.


1. Drive size : 1 sq.inch, torque range 1180

to 1800 ft-lb. feed speed 5500 rpm impact per minute 1080,
length -330mm, wt. 8.4 kg. 565.0 Estd.
2. Drive size : 1.5 sq.inch, torque range
2000 to 3500 ft-lb. feed speed 5500 rpm impact per minute 960,
length -375mm, wt. 15.3 kg. 876.0 Estd.


Click type adjustable torque wrench, 50 - 250 lb-ft 3.0 3.9 WCL 05/2017
Torque wrench 1/2" square drive range: 40 - 200 Nm 4.5 5.8 SECL 01/2017


Torque range : 350 ft-lb to 3000 ft-lb applied for limited clearence ratcheting
46 mm to 65 mm 4010.0 Estd.


Hydraulically controlled power hackshaw, stroke length : 125 - 150 mm,

cutting speed : 80 - 100 stroke/min, 1.1 kW, 440 V 165.0 Estd.


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

Capacity : 3 t, balancing speed : 400 rpm to 3000 rpm, minimum

readable unbalance : 1.5 gm-mm, 5.5 kW 1593.0 Estd.


1. 50 kg Pneumatic grease gun, max. working pressure 10.5 kg/cm2 , output per
min. 300 - 400 gm with 20 m hose & trolley mounted 29.4 38.8 CCL 02/2016
2. Prima make hand operated grease gun pump with drum capacity: 10.0 kg 4.6 6.1 SECL 04/2017
3. Prima make hand operated grease gun pump with drum capacity: 5.0 kg 3.9 5.2 SECL 04/2017


1. 12 t, hyd. bearing puller, 90 - 235 mm spread,300 - 245 mm reach, 12 te jack

capacity, all in one compact & portable and with carrying case 493.3 643.9 SECL 02/2018

2. 25 t, hyd. bearing puller 457 mm spread, 304 mm reach, 25 te jack capacity,

operating pressure: 700 bar 400.0 522.2 NCL 10/2017

3. Hydraulic bearing Puller Kit 501.8 655.0 NCL 10/2017

4. 50 t, hyd. 3 leg puller set, 50 mm spread, 700 mm reach, 50 te jack capacity,

locking arrangement for bearing puller & pushing arrangement max. 500 mm 425.9 495.8 SECL 12/2016
5. 200 t, mobile tyre mounted, trolley lift, air pressure: 120 psi, 250 mm expansion
dollie closed height with cap dollie height: 1018 mm, closed ht. 30", raised
ht. 50" 2570.0 Estd.


1. Electro-hydraulic hose crimping machine complete with crimping, cutting,

skiving & hose pressure testing, hose size : upto 4" dia. & pressure upto 450 bar 1086.5 1408.8 CCL 06/2018

2. Hydraulic Hose Crimping Machine for crimping and end fitting, size 6 mm to
32 mm with pressure testing machine, hose cutting machine and skiving machine 938.7 1124.3 ECL 07/2020

3. Horizontal Electro-Hydraulic Hose Crimping Machine for Hose type: R 13 ID - 1/4"

to 2" with auto cut of and control panel, Crimping Force : 240 Ton (Min), 2 HP AC 339.5 424.1 WCL 02/2020
Hose cutting machine with tool box, Cutting Dish size : 14" with 1 HP AC motor 84.5 105.6 WCL 02/2020
Hydraulic Hose test bench, open compartment to accommodate hose length of 1"-
2", 2 HP AC motor 233.5 291.7 WCL 02/2020


Die head landies machine, capacity : 1", 3 hp electric motor with suitable starter
for making dies for roof bolts 362.0 Estd.


Power operated over crank sheaving machine, length : 1500 m, thickness :

8 mm, motor : 10 hp, 440 V, height of bed fro floor : 675 m, no. of cutting edges
of blade : 4 1288.0 Estd.


Planing & threading machine with 25 sets of threading chaser bit, 25 sets of
planing chaser set for roof bolt manufacture 362.0 Estd.

Hydraulic thread rolling machine model: 513 with standard

equipment to roll MS Fe-650 grade TMT bar for roof/rock bolts complete
with electrical, hydraulic tools, max pitch can be rolled: 10 mm, max dia can
be rolled in through feed: 80 mm, max rolling length in feed: 200 mm,
width of thread roll in feed: 200 mm, motor: 12.5 hp, hydraulic pump: 5 hp 1910.0 Estd.


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

Hydraulic combined punching, shearing & cropping machine, shear for flat bar:
350 x 6 mm
200 x 13 mm
Length of blades: 356 mm
Round bar: 30 mm
Square bar: 25 mm
Cut 'O' & 'L' - leg at 400: 70 mm
Working height: 980 mm
Shear for Section :
L at 900: 80 x 80 x 8 mm
L at 450: 50 x 50 x 6 mm
Punching power: 360 kN
Max. capacity: ø27 x 10
Gap: 170 mm
Path: 28 mm
Motor power: 2.2 kW complete with accessories 876.0 Estd.

Standard Make, hydraulically operated, semi-automatic shearing machine

used for Round: 6 mm to 75 mm, Channel: 25 mm to 200 mm & Angle:
25 mm to 200 mm complete with all accessories 1491.5 1736.6 WCL 08/2016


Max. pitch rolled: 3 mm, max. dia. feed: 30 mm, max. rolling
length: 100 mm, outer dia. Of thread rolls: 160 mm, max. width of thread
roll: 100 mm, motor power for thread roll: 5 hp, 440 V, motor power for hyd.
pump: 3 hp, 440 V 800.0 Estd.

Model: UL-80 U-Like Thread System, max. pitch rolled: 6 mm, max. dia. feed:
75 mm, max. rolling length: 180 mm, outer dia. Of thread rolls: 200 mm, max.
width of thread roll: 182 mm, motor power for thread roll: 10 hp, 440 V, motor
power for hyd. pump: 5 hp, 440 V (ULIKE Make) 665.0 864.1 SECL 04/2018


Power operated over crank type, shearing machine, capacity length: 1500 mm,
capacity thickness: 8 mm, stroke per min.: 40, floor area: 2800 x 2100 mm,
no. of cutting edges of blade: 4, motor power: 10 hp, 440 V 1079.0 Estd.

Hydraulic shearing machine, model: KHVR 1020 suitable for cutting MS plate
of thickness 12 mm & width upto 2000 mm complete with electricals 2596.0 Estd.


S K Engineers make, plate cutting machine for roof bolt, cutting capacity:
8 mm to 10 mm thick plate & 300 to 350 mm width for 150 mm x 2 plates with
one each of 55 te hydraulic system with 50 hp motors for hydraulic &
fabrication frame and 2 nos of knife cutting section 781.4 1020.0 ECL 02/2018


Weldman make, automatic pipe cutting machine, length of In Feed conveyor:

6500 mm to 7000 mm, length of Out Feed conveyor: 2000mm to 2500 mm
motor: 0.5 hp to 7.5 hp, hydraulic power pack pressure: 40 to 60 kg/cm2
sequence of operation & control through PLC 856.6 1085.6 CCL 03/2019


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

Weldman make, semi automatic twin head boring machine, spindle drive
through belt and pulley, drive motor: 7.5 hp, table slide unit size: 320x500x250
stroke, guiode way:63 x 25, feed through hydraulic cylinder dia. 80 mm
rapid rate: 1000 mm/min, feed rate: 0 - 250 mm/min, stroke length: 1600 - 1800
mm, hydraulic operated self centering vice, hydraulic power pack capacity:175
litre, pressure: 80 kg/cm2, automatic lubrication system, PLC operated 871.4 1104.3 CCL 03/2019


SPM India make, Laser Shaft Alignment Tool complete with

Display Unit, 2 nos. measuring units withn spirit levels, 2 nos.mechanical shaft
fixtures, 2 nos. extension chains, measuring tapes, carrying case & accessories,
shaft diameter range: upto 300mm or more, measuring distance: upto 850 mm 150.0 198.8 WCL 01/2016


Weber, GmbH make, Cutter & Spreader hydraulic combitool, cutting capacity:
30 mm of steel bar, cutting force: 50 ton, operating pressure:: 630 - 720 bar,
rotating angle: 3600 450.0 522.1 ECL 04/2017
Weber make, hydraulic power unit 263.0 305.1 ECL 04/2017
Weber make, 5.0 m hydraulic hose 56.0 65.0 ECL 04/2017
Weber make, hand operated combitool 306.0 348.9 ECL 04/2017


Bosch make, fuel injection pump and test bench for different models of engines 5510.0 6415.4 NCL 02/2018


Hydraulic puller with pump 25 te capacity, spread: 400 mm, reach: 375 - 400
mm, weight: 15 - 20 kg, fixture of horizontal pulling arrangement 101.7 118.4 SECL 01/2017


Bay Lubrication System complete with multi point automatic pressurised

lubrication : 4.5 kL Oil Tank - 4 Nos.High Volume Oil Pump - 4 Nos.Grease
Pump with follower plate and drum cover, Double Diaphragm Pump, Data
management System etc. 3683.0 4807.4 SECL 05/2017


Micro windlass system for HEMM in opencast mine specially heavy duty pulling
with vertical clamp electrically operated line pull capacity: 4500 kg, motor :
3.0 kW, 415 V length of rope : 20 m, lifting speed : 7.0 m/sec., vertical clamp jaw
opening : 20 mm 1067.0 1357.6 SECL 01/2019


Hydraulic Test Bench for testing of hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, hydraulic
cylinders, direction control valve pressure control valve & hydraulic hoses. Testing
capacity upto a flow of 120 lpm at a pressure of 200 bar 977.0 Estd.

Winding turn to turn short tester (surge tester) digital display

upto motor 250 kW, 440 V and upto 450 kW, 3.3 kV, 0 - 100
mA, source supply 230 V, single phase 601.0 Estd.

Millivolt drop tester (0 - 10 V, 0 - 30 A) 91.0 Estd.

Millivolt drop tester (0 - 10 V, 0 - 100 A) 175.5 Estd.

Surge comparison tester, test voltage : 0 - 10kV, pulse count :

1000 A 551.0 Estd.


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
High voltage testing machine (portable type) suitable for power
frequency AC high voltage test on transformer, motor, insulator,
cable etc.oil cooled,
Input voltage: 230 V
Capacity: 10 kVA
Leakage current: 50 mA
Output voltage: 60 kV 260.5 Estd.

Secondary current injection test set used for high voltage

substation and industrial enviorment capacity : 600 VA, 230 V
a.c. Ourput current : 0 - 60 amps in 5/6 ranges, output voltage :
continuously variable 0 to 250 V a.c & d.c. 441.0 Estd.

Primary current injection testing kit

current range : 0 - 1000 A at 5 V
0 - 500 A at 10 V
0 - 250 A at 20 V
Duty intermittent (5 min. on + 5 min. off)
capacity : 7.5 kVA incprporated with overcurrent protective
device 331.0 Estd.

DC Voltage Testing Kit 456.0 Estd.

Portable cable fault detector 526.0 Estd.

Vibration monitoring instrument, peak particle velocity : 0.25 to

127 mm/sec. 331.0 Estd.

Transformer oil test set 230 V , Output voltage range 0 - 80 kV complete

motorised cum manual operation 169.0 196.7 NEC 10/2016

Transformer oil filteration machine of 5000 lph capacity 870.0 1145.9 CCL 05/2017

Cable fault locating machine. 105.5 Estd.

Relay Testing Kit for IDMT Relay, 230 V, single phase, 0 to 100 A AC & 0 to 250 V
AC 78.8 96.9 WCL 04/2020

Overhead Transmission Line Distance Fault Locator with builtin trip circuit,
over & under voltage, breaker failure, directional over current & earth fault
distrubance, synchronizing/power swing detection and supervision and also
display & recording of load current as well as fault current etc. 1025.0 1152.4 SECL 11/2016

High Voltage Over Head Line Detector, Range: 6.6 kV to 33 kV, insulated fibre
from 3.0 m to 5.0 m with heavy insulation protection 24.5 30.7 BCCL 01/2018

Digital Multimeter. 0 - 600 V AC & 0 - 1000 V DC, 0 - 10 A AC/DC 7.9 10.0 WCL 05/2017

Digital Micro Ohm meter, range: 1999 micro ohm, 19.99 milli ohm, 199.9 milli
ohm, 1999 milli ohm, 19.99 ohm, 199.99 ohm, 1999 ohm, 19.99 kilo ohm 10.6 13.3 WCL 02/2017

Digital Clamp meter, 0 - 750 V DC, 0 - 1000 V AC 15.9 20.0 WCL 02/2017

Tong Tester Digital 12.2 15.4 WCL 05/2017

Insulation Testing Megger Digital 5000 V 15.0 19.1 CCL 02/2016

Insulation Testing Megger Digital 1000 V 7.6 9.3 BCCL 02/2019

Digital Insulation Tester for multi test voltages: 100 V, 250 V, 500 V & 1000 V,
DC and resistance measurement upto 2000 M Ohm in two ranges also AC
voltage measurement function 750 V AC auto discharge & auto zeroing facility 16.7 18.7 SECL 10/2016

Digital Earth resistance tester 22.8 25.9 CCL 02/2016


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
5 kV motorised megger, range : 100000 M Ohm, input supply :
230 V, accuracy : ± 0.76%, type :digital/analog 8.6 10.8 WCL 02/2017

Hand driven generator type insulation tester Megger, 1000 V, 1000 M Ohm 5.6 7.0 WCL 02/2017

Hand driven generator type insulation tester Megger, 500 V, 1000 M Ohm 6.6 8.3 WCL 02/2017

Electronic battery operated portable motor checker with

testing leads, clips, leather carrying case & batteries :
Insulation resistance at 500 V d.c, 0 - 20 Mohms.
Resistance, 0 - 60 ohms ( in 6 range ).
Inductance, 0 - 300 H ( in 6 range ). 26.0 Estd

Digital Earth Clamp Tester, Jaw range: 0.01 ohm to 1000 ohm 135.0 165.8 SECL 12/2019

High Voltage Detector Probe, Range: 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV, 11 kV complete kit with
detector probe, telescopic insulation stick and carry lang 65.3 73.4 SECL 10/2016

Earth/Discharge Rod for 33 kV voltage of fibre glass and highly insulated FRP
with PVC insulated multi strand copper cable, 1100 V 8.9 10.0 SECL 04/2017

Electric hand held drill, 220 V light duty 11.1 12.0 CCL 12/2015

Electric hand held drill, 220 V heavy duty (1 HP) 14.1 16.0 CCL 12/2015

Electric Blower 220 V ( small size) 8.8 10.0 CCL 12/2015

Crimping tools with die set (35 to 400 Sq. mm) 29.5 33.3 CCL 02/2016

Manual Crimping tools with die set (35 to 400 Sq. mm) 14.8 16.7 CCL 02/2016

Socket Wrench Set 4.3 4.9 CCL 12/2015

Screw Driver Set 0.5 0.5 CCL 02/2016

Pipe Box wrench 4.0 4.6 CCL 12/2015

Adjustable spanner 12" 0.3 0.4 WCL 12/2017

Half Round Flat File 12" Rough 0.5 0.6 WCL 12/2017

Half Round Flat File 12" Smooth 0.5 0.7 WCL 12/2017

Round Flat File 12" Rough 0.3 0.3 WCL 12/2017

Round Flat File 12" Smooth 0.3 0.4 WCL 12/2017

Cutting plier 8" 0.2 0.2 WCL 12/2017

6" Chain pipe wrench with jaw & chain 4.8 5.4 CCL 02/2016

4" Chain pipe wrench with jaw & chain 3.5 4.0 CCL 02/2016

Cable Vulcanizing Machine, 2.5 kW, 230 V, Single Phase Suitable for cable sizes:
6, 16, 25 & 35 sq. mm 68.8 85.4 SECL 09/2020

Cable termination kit straight through 50-95 grade 11kV, heat
shrinkable type 5.6 6.5 CCL 05/2015

Cable jointing kit straight through 50-95 grade 11 kV, heat
shrinkable type 13.7 16.0 CCL 05/2015

Cable jointing kit straight through 70 grade 11 kV, heat shrinkable 6.3 7.3 CCL 05/2015

Cable jointing kit straight through 50 grade 3.3 kV, heat shrinkable 6.3 7.3 CCL 05/2015


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Cable jointing kit straight through 25/35 grade 6.6 kV, heat shrinkable 7.5 8.7 SECL 05/2017

Cable jointing kit straight through 50 - 95 grade 6.6 kV, heat shrinkable 10.0 11.6 SECL 05/2017

Heat shrinkable cable tube, 25 - 95 grade 6.6 kV 4.0 4.6 SECL 05/2017

Electric Hand held Grinder with Grinder Stone 220 V 12.0 13.6 CCL 02/2016

Angular Grinder 1000 W, 230 V, 650 rpm 29.0 32.8 CCL 02/2016

Voltmeter 3.3 kV 4.0 4.5 CCL 01/2016

Ammeter CTR : 200/100/5 A 3.9 4.4 CCL 01/2016

Ammeter CTR : 200/100/1 A 3.9 4.4 CCL 01/2016

Non-Contact Type HT Line Tester(High Voltage Detector), Voltage Range up to

66 kV complete with kit 23.7 29.0 WCL 09/2020

Digital Energy Meter with LCD display, 3 phase, 4 W, 110 V (LL), 5 A, Class- 0.5 FM 9.8 12.0 BCCL 02/2020

Aluminium Ladder Slider Type, 36’ Long (Heavy duty) 39.5 44.8 CCL 01/2016

Electrical Discharging Rod 6 meter long folding type 6.6 KV/11 KV 5.4 6.1 CCL 01/2016

Rubber Hand Gloves 11 KV grade 0.5 0.6 CCL 01/2016

Insulated Nose Plier 8”/10" 0.2 0.3 CCL 01/2016

6.6 kV Grade Trailing Cable Repair Kit 15.0 17.5 CCL 05/2015

3.3 kV Grade Trailing Cable Repair Kit 12.5 14.6 CCL 05/2015

Cable Coupler, 3.3 kV, 400 A, 3 x25 mm2 + 2 x25/2 mm2 + 1 x 16 mm2, 6 contact pins 66.3 81.8 BCCL 02/2019
Cable Coupler, 6.6 kV, 400 A, 3 x25 mm2 + 3 x 16 mm2, 6 contact pins 52.5 64.8 BCCL 02/2019

Cable Coupler, 6.6 kV, 600 A, 3 x185 mm2 + 3 x 185/3 mm2, 6 contact pins 75.8 93.6 BCCL 02/2019

Digital Tachometer 5.0 5.7 BCCL 07/2015

Telescopic Electrical Discharging Rod, 18 ft. extendable in 3 steps for 3.3 kV

voltage 12.0 13.5 CCL 02/2017

Rubber Hand Gloves 3.3 KV grade 0.3 0.3 CCL 02/2017

Safety Belt 3.4 3.8 CCL 02/2017

Safety Googles 0.1 0.1 CCL 02/2017

Aluminium Ladder, 6.0 ft long 4.8 5.4 SECL 04/2017

Fiber Ladder, 12.0 m long for electrical reparing work 27.8 34.7 SECL 01/2018

Aluminium Ladder, 10.0 ft long 8.5 10.2 BCCL 05/2019

Aluminium Ladder Sliding, 18.0 ft. to 32.0 ft long 16.0 19.2 BCCL 05/2019

Truck mounted hydraulic ladder with working height of the platform shall be
11 m complete with personnel cage of stainless steel size: 1.1m x 0.7m x
1.1 m, ladder is used for overhead line repair & for repair of street lighting
mounted on Tata/Ashok Leyland/Eicher chasis 2531.5 3424.6 WCL 03/2018

Transformer leak repair kit 18.3 22.6 SECL 04/2019

Gun Tool for 50 ml cartridge for above tool kit 8.8 11.1 SECL 08/2017

Transformer ratio meter, range: 0 to 20 & range: 20 to 200 with LED type digital
display for all 3 phase of transformer, power supply 230 V 418.3 523.8 SECL 01/2018


in `000'
Sl Description FOB/ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
Transformer loss measuring meter, high accurscy & light weight, power supply
230V with digital ammeter 3 nos. & digital voltmeter 1 no. with selector switch

& digital wattmeter 1 no.handling voltage upto 750 V & handling current upto 10 A 774.4 969.7 SECL 01/2018

Oil Cleanliness & Particle Counter Instrument, portable type, bottle sampling
mode, battery backup with print out facility of analysed data, instrument
comprises of 8 Nos. of channel, flow rate : 50 ml/min, concentration limit :
20000 particles/ml at 5 % coincidence loss, sample vol. :3 runs (avg.),
viscosity range : 3 cst (lower limit) - 400 cst or above (upper limit), data
storage : 500 samples, power supply : 100 V to 240 V complete with
accessories, sample bottles, control software, hose adapters, hand pump &
carrying case 1117.0 1378.7 CCL 01/2019

Techno Instrumentation (India) Pvt. Ltd. Make, Model: T-1016(5), Surge Voltage
Generator for locating fault up to 6.6 kV grade cable 1275.0 1564.7 ECL 01/2021




III. TRANSFORMER………………………………………….75

IV. ELECTRIC MOTOR (HT)………………………………...78

V. ELECTRIC MOTOR (LT)…………………………………79

VI. STARTER……………………………………………….....82

VII. CONTACTOR……………………………………………...83



X. CIRCUIT BREAKER (NFLP)……………………………..85

XI. DISTRIBUTION BOARD………………………………….90

XII. FIELD SWITCH…………………………………………… 91





XVI. CAPACITOR BANK……………………………………….94

XVII. INSULATOR………………………………………………..96

XVIII. FLP ELECTRICALS……………………………………….96

XIX. CABLES…………………………………………………….99


ELEC. POLES …………………………………………......106

XXI. LIGHTING…………………………………………………...108

XXII. SOLAR PLANT………………………………………………...114

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

Diesel engine, Water cooled, 1500 rpm, 415 V ac generator with

control panel, fueltank, couplings with acoustic enclosure etc.

1. 20 kVA, 440 V, AC 3 Phase, 50 Hz, 25 bhp engine 412.0 Estd.

2. 62.5 kVA, 440 V, AC 3 Phase, 50 Hz, 83 hp engine 515.0 656.9 SECL 03/2019
3. Ashok Leyland, 100 kVA, 415 V, AC 3 Phase, 50 Hz, 93.5 kW engine 669.3 WCL 10/2019
4. 140 kVA, 172 bhp engine 1030.0 Estd.
5. 160 kVA, model : S12-I MN, 196 bhp engine 1105.1 WCL 05/2019
6. 200 kVA, model : KGI200WS, 241 bhp engine 1201.0 1459.3 NEC 01/2020
7. 250 kVA, 313 bhp engine 1620.0 Estd.
8. 320 kVA, 396 bhp engine 2340.0 Estd.
9. 500 kVA, 453 kW diesel engine 2545.0 Estd.
10. 600 kVA, 713 bhp engine 3881.0 Estd.
11. 750 kVA, 882 bhp engine 5038.0 Estd.


Unitised Mobile Substation

6.6 kV or 3.3 kV/0.440 or 0.415 kV with standard protection

1. 315 kVA, 6.6 kV/415 V (Mine Line make) 630.3 829.4 NCL 08/2018
2. 500 kVA, 3.3 kV/440 V (Electroteknica make) 768.0 970.9 NCL 12/2019
3. 500 kVA, 6.6 kV/415 V (Mine Line make) 792.9 1038.6 NCL 08/2018
4. 630 kVA, 6.6 kV/415 V 1131.0 Estd.
5. 750 kVA, 3.3 kV/440 V (Meditron make) 989.0 1250.3 NCL 12/2019
6. 750 kVA, 6.6 kV/415 V 1286.0 Estd.
7. 1000 kVA, 3.3 kV/440 V (Electroteknica make) 1150.0 1455.0 WCL 10/2019
8. 1000 kVA, 6.6 kV/415 V 1594.0 Estd.


Abbreviations :
Cu - Copper wound, Al - Aluminium wound.

1. Voltage 132/33 - 11 kV group, with off load tap changer

& ONAN cooling, Cu winding
30/35 MVA 30550.0 Estd.

2. Voltage 132/11 - 6.6 kV group, with off load tap changer & ONAN
cooling, Cu winding
20 MVA 23308.0 Estd.
Earthing for HV & LV winding 3108.0 Estd.

3. Voltage 33/11 kV group, with off load tap changer & ONAN
cooling, Cu winding
Sai Electricals make, 16/20 MVA, 11 kV-6.6 kV dual ratio 11682.0 14006.7 BCCL 10/2020
Esennar Transformers make, 10 MVA 3433.0 4640.0 MCL 11/2016
Associated Electricals make, 7.5 MVA 2825.0 3847.5 CCL 01/2016
Sai Electricals make, 7.5/10 MVA, 11 kV-6.6 kV dual ratio 4220.0 5536.7 BCCL 03/2019
Sai Electricals make, 5/7.5 MVA, 11 kV-6.6 kV dual ratio 3240.0 4370.4 BCCL 03/2019
5.0 MVA (Off load tap changer) 3959.0 Estd.
MEI make, 2.0 MVA (Off load tap changer) 1540.0 1974.3 SECL 10/2020

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
4. Voltage 33/6.6 kV group, ONAN cooling, outdoor type,
Cu winding
MEI make. 7.5/10.0 MVA, 33/11 - 6.6 kV dual ratio 3580.0 4537.6 BCCL 08/2019
Powerware make. 5.0/7.5 MVA, 33/11 - 6.6 kV dual ratio 3240.0 4132.9 BCCL 03/2019
Sai Electricals make, 10.0 MVA, 33/6.6 kV 3495.4 4529.7 NCL 10/2018
Synergy Power make, 7.5 MVA, 33/6.6 kV 2900.0 4079.0 CCL 08/2014
5.0 MVA (Off load tap changer) 3856.0 Estd.
4 MVA (Off load tap changer) 3573.0 Estd.
3.15 MVA (Off load tap changer) 2879.0 Estd.
MEI make. 3.0 MVA, 33/6.6-3.3 kV dual ratio 1920.0 2461.4 SECL 10/2020
2 MVA (Off load tap changer) 2160.0 Estd.
1 MVA (Off load tap changer) 1851.0 Estd.

5. Voltage 33/3.3 kV group, with off load tap changer

and ONAN cooling

MEI, 5 MVA (Off load tap changer) 3000.0 3795.3 SECL 09/2019
3.0 MVA, cu winding, outdoor type power transformer 2648.0 Estd.
MEI, 2.5 MVA (Off load tap changer) 1875.0 2338.0 SECL 10/2020
MEI, 2 MVA (Off load tap changer) 1540.0 1948.2 SECL 09/2019
1.6 MVA, cu winding, outdoor type power transformer 1697.0 Estd.
MEI make, 1 MVA (Off load tap changer) 810.0 1024.7 SECL 09/2019
500 kVA (Off load tap changer) 771.0 Estd.

6. Voltage 33kV / 440V or 415V or 550 V Group (Station Transformer)

100 kVA, (Cu) 121.9 165.1 ECL 09/2016

160 kVA (Cu) 185.5 235.2 NCL 05/2019
315 kVA (Cu) 381.0 486.0 BCCL 03/2019
630 kVA (Cu) 665.0 Estd.

7. Voltage 11/6.6 kV group, with off load tap changer and ONAN
cooling, Cu winding

Sai Electricals make, 5/7.5 MVA, 11 kV-6.6 kV dual ratio 3215.7 4075.9 BCCL 08/2016
3 MVA 2416.0 Estd.
2 MVA 1928.0 Estd.
1.5 MVA 899.0 1218.2 BCCL 08/2016
1 MVA 1003.0 Estd.

8. Voltage 11/3.3 kV or (11/0.55 or 0.440V or 0.415 kV) or (6.6/0.55 or 0.440V or 0.415

kV) or (3.3/0.55 or 0.440 or 0.415 kV)group and ONAN cooling, Cu winding

Sai Electricals, 3.0 MVA, cu winding, outdoor type power transformer 1358.0 1786.5 BCCL 07/2018
Sai Electricals, 2.5 MVA (Off load tap changer) 1177.1 1585.7 WCL 03/2017
Sai Electricals, 2.0 MVA (Off load tap changer) 1061.0 1377.1 ECL 11/2019
750 kVA (Cu, Off load tap changer), outdoor 795.0 1007.7 SECL 08/2019
500 kVA (Cu winding), 3.3/550V, outdoor 570.0 722.5 SECL 08/2019
500 kVA (Cu winding), outdoor 545.0 690.8 SECL 08/2019
315 KVA, 11 KV/433 V 385.2 518.5 CMPDI 04/2017
250 kVA (Cu winding), outdoor 345.0 437.3 SECL 08/2019
Sai Electricals make, 200 kVA (Cu winding) 211.1 270.2 WCL 03/2019
Sai Electricals make, 160 kVA (Cu winding) 182.4 233.4 WCL 03/2019
100 kVA (Cu winding), 3.3/565-415 V dual ratio, outdoor 155.0 196.5 SECL 08/2019
100 kVA (Cu winding) 120.0 152.1 SECL 08/2019
60 kVA (Cu winding) 85.0 107.7 SECL 08/2019
50 KVA, 11 KV/415 V 74.0 101.2 CCL 01/2016

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
9. Voltage 6.6/3.3 kV
3 MVA 1358.0 1786.5 BCCL 07/2018
5 MVA 2226.0 2928.4 ECL 11/2019

10. Single Phase Transformer

33 kV /230 V, (Cu), 100 kVA, outdoor 145.0 183.8 SECL 08/2019

33 kV /230 V, (Cu), 50 kVA 127.1 167.3 SECL 07/2018

11 kV /230 V, (Cu), 100 kVA 159.8 211.0 WCL 03/2018

11 kV/ 220 V, 25 kVA, (Cu) 50.0 68.8 WCL 10/2015

6.6 kV/220 V, 315 kVA 228.0 308.7 ECL 09/2016

6.6 kV / 230 V, (Cu), 100 kVA 161.0 Estd.
6.6 kV / 230 V, (Cu), 25 kVA, outdoor 45.0 57.0 SECL 08/2019
6.6 kV / 230 V, (Cu), 10 kVA 35.0 47.2 MCL 03/2017

3.3 kV /230 V, (Cu), 160 kVA 190.0 236.9 WCL 10/2020

3.3kV / 230 V, (Cu), 100 kVA 125.0 158.4 SECL 08/2019
3.3kV / 230 V, (Cu), 50 kVA 80.0 101.4 SECL 08/2019
3.3kV / 230 V, (Cu), 25 kVA 57.0 71.1 WCL 10/2020
3.3kV / 230 V, (Cu), 16 kVA 52.0 64.8 WCL 10/2020
3.3 kV / 230 V, (Cu), 10 kVA 52.3 54.0 ECL 07/2019
3.3 kV / 230 V, (Cu), 5 kVA 34.9 36.0 ECL 07/2019

100 kVA, 433 V/230 V, (Cu) 157.0 Estd.

10 kVA, 433 V/230 V, (Cu) 40.8 42.2 ECL 07/2019
50 kVA, 550V/230 V, (Cu) 92.2 95.2 ECL 07/2019
25 kVA, 550V/230 V, (Cu) 57.8 59.7 ECL 07/2019
10 kVA, 550V/230 V, (Cu) 40.9 42.3 ECL 07/2019
5 kVA, 550V/230 V, (Cu) 33.8 34.9 ECL 07/2019

11. Potential Transformer (per set consist of 3 nos.)

P.T. out door, oil immersed IS - 3156, 200 VA

132 kV/110 V, outdoor, Class: 0.5/0.5 297.0 375.0 BCCL 03/2020
P.T. out door, oil immersed IS - 3156, 100 VA
33 kV/110 V, outdoor 50.0 62.9 ECL 06/2020
11 kV/110 V, outdoor 45.0 Estd.
6.6 kV/110 V, indoor 52.7 66.7 SECL 08/2019
3.3 kV/110 V, indoor 52.7 66.7 SECL 08/2019

12. Current Transformer (Price per set each set consist of 3 nos.of CT)

132 kV, outdoor, (CTR : 300/1 - 1 - 1 A) 315.0 397.7 BCCL 03/2020

132 kV, outdoor, (CTR : 100/1 - 1 - 1 A) 391.0 Estd
33 kV, outdoor, (CTR : 400 - 200 / 1-1 A), Class: 0.2 & 5P10, Output: 15-15 VA 69.0 91.4 CCL 03/2018
33 kV, outdoor, (CTR : 400 - 200 / 1-1-1 A), Class: 0.2 & 5P10 & Differential PS, 90.0 113.6 BCCL 03/2020
Output: 30-30-30 VA
33 kV,outdoor, (CTR : 200 - 100 / 1-1 A), Class: 0.2 & 5P10, Output: 15-15 VA 67.5 89.4 CCL 03/2018
33 kV,outdoor, (CTR : 200 - 150 / 1-1-1A), Class: 0.2 & 5P10 & Differential PS, Output: 90.0 113.6 BCCL 03/2020
30-30-30 VA
33 kV, outdoor, (CTR : 800 / 1:1:1 A), 0.2 & 5P10 & Differential PS, Class: 0.2 & 5P10 72.0 95.3 CCL 03/2018
& Differential PS, Output: 30-30-30 VA
33 kV, outdoor, (CTR : 600 - 300 / 1:1:1 A), 0.2 & 5P10 & Differential PS, Class: 0.2 & 90.0 113.6 BCCL 03/2020
5P10 & Differential PS, Output: 30-30-30 VA
33 kV, outdoor, (CTR : 250 / 1:1:1 A), 0.2, 5P10 & Differential PS, Class: 0.2 & 5P10 & 78.0 103.3 CCL 03/2018
Differential PS, Output: 30-30-30 VA
33 kV, outdoor type, CTR 50-100/1 A 60.0 75.5 ECL 06/2020

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
11 kV, outdoor, (CTR : 100 to 400 / 5 A) 99.5 Estd
6.6 kV, indoor, (CTR :500-300 /5-5 A), Class 5P10, 15 VA 27.3 34.6 SECL 08/2019
3.3 kV, indoor, (CTR :600-300 /5-5 A), Class 5P10, 15 VA 27.3 34.6 SECL 08/2019

13. Transformer Oil price per kilo litre (IS : 335/2018)

Transpower make, EHV grade, Conforming to IS: 335/1993 60.0 71.0 NCL 07/2020

14. Automatic Voltage Stabiliser

Automatic Voltage Stabiliser 5.0 MVA, input voltage: 26 kV to 36 kV
Output Voltage: 33 kV ± 1%, applied for balanced & unbalanced load
condition, double Cu-wound ONAN cooling, max temperature rise
500 C for oil & winding 5229.0 Estd.

15. NGR Monitoring System

Bender Make, NGR 76.2 Ohm, 50A for 8 MVA, 33/6.6 kV Transformer complete with
outdooe enclosure with IP55 degree protection and made up with 2.0 mm MS sheet
outdoor type. The enclosure consists of the following parts:
Resistance value 76.2 Ohm to limitthe fault current 50 A
Residual corrent transformer to detect flowing through NGR
Coupling device 1 no. to measure voltage acroos the NGR
Converter Unit 1 no. to convert 30 V DC to 110 V ACGround Fault & NGR Monitoring
Relay 1 no. 676.2 860.7 SCCL 05/2018


Abbreviation used:
TEFC = Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled
CACA = Cage Cage

Type: B3, Insulation Class: B, Protection:IP55, Ambient Temp.:500 C

A. 6.6 kV,1500 rpm

125 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 1365.0 Estd.

150 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 1390.0 Estd.
187 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 1415.0 Estd.
200 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 1545.0 Estd.
250 kW (TEFC, frame:450) 1297.8 1641.8 NCL 10/2019
300 kW (TEFC, frame:400) 1372.0 1735.7 NCL 10/2019
350 kW (TEFC, frame:450) 1825.0 Estd.
368 kW (TEFC, frame:450) 1483.2 1876.4 NCL 10/2019
500 kW (TEFC, frame:400) 2315.0 Estd.
1100 kW (CACA, frame:450) 3290.0 Estd.
1200 kW (CACA, frame:450) 3600.0 Estd.

B. 6.6 kV, 1000 rpm

200 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 2082.0 Estd.

250 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 2237.0 Estd.
300 kW (TEFC, frame:400) 2596.0 Estd.
375 kW (TEFC, frame:400) 2673.0 Estd.
500 kW (CACA, frame400) 3085.0 Estd.

C. 3.3 kV, 1500 rpm

110 kW (TEFC, frame:280) 977.0 Estd.

150 kW (TEFC, frame:280) 1003.0 Estd.
210 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 1080.0 Estd.
225 kW (TEFC, frame:315M) 1106.0 Estd.

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
250 kW (TEFC, frame:280) 1183.0 Estd.
263 kW (TEFC, frame:315M) 1250.0 Estd.
300 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 1285.0 Estd.
400 kW (TEFC, frame:400M) 1543.0 Estd.
450 kW (TEFC, frame:450M) 1774.0 Estd.
550 kW (TEFC, frame:400) 2237.0 Estd.
750 kW (CACA, frame:400) 2828.0 Estd.
1100 kW (CACA, frame:450) 3136.0 Estd.

D. 3.3 kV, 1000 rpm

110 kW (TEFC, frame:280) 1157.0 Estd.

150 kW (TEFC, frame:280) 1198.0 Estd.
200 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 1388.0 Estd.
250 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 1517.0 Estd.
300 kW (TEFC, frame:355) 1748.0 Estd.
350 kW (TEFC, frame:400) 1851.0 Estd.
500 kW (CACA, frame:400) 2673.0 Estd.


1. SQ. CAGE INDUCTION MOTOR, 440/415 V± 10%, 50 Hz ± 5%

3 ph, with class F insulation, IS: 325, IP55

A. TEFC with 750 rpm power in kW.

7.5 48.5 Estd.
11 69.5 Estd.
15 97.7 Estd.
18.5 128.5 Estd.

22 154.5 Estd.
30 205.6 Estd.
37 262.3 Estd.
45 308.5 Estd.

55 365.0 Estd.
75 457.5 Estd.
90 520.0 Estd.
110 550.0 Estd.

132 637.5 Estd.

160 750.5 Estd.
200 771.0 Estd.

B. TEFC with 1000 rpm power in kW.

7.5 38.6 Estd.
11 48.9 Estd.
15 72.0 Estd.
18.5 77.2 Estd.

22 87.5 Estd.
30 159.5 Estd.
37 211.0 Estd.
45 277.6 Estd.

55 308.5 Estd.
75 375.5 Estd.
90 473.0 Estd.

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
110 524.5 Estd.

132 616.9 Estd.

160 643.0 Estd.
200 735.0 Estd.
250 786.5 Estd.

C. TEFC with 1500 rpm power in kW.

5.5 16.6 20.2 NCL 10/2019
7.5 25.7 Estd.
11 36.0 Estd.
15 46.3 Estd.
18.5 66.9 Estd.
22 72.0 Estd.

30 100.3 Estd.
37 108.0 Estd.
45 170.0 Estd.
55 180.0 Estd.

75 267.5 Estd.
90 313.6 Estd.
110 258.4 314.3 NCL 10/2019
132 442.0 Estd.

160 515.0 Estd.

200 653.0 Estd.
250 694.0 Estd.
315 828.0 Estd.

D. TEFC with 3000 rpm power in kW.

1.5 20.6 Estd.
11 41.2 Estd.
15 46.3 Estd.
18.5 61.7 Estd.
22 72.0 Estd.

30 102.8 Estd.
37 128.5 Estd.
45 169.7 Estd.
55 226.2 Estd.

75 293.0 Estd.
90 339.3 Estd.
110 447.3 Estd.
132 550.0 Estd.

160 601.5 Estd.

200 704.3 Estd.

2. Slip Ring Motors, 3 ph, 550/415 V ± 10%, 50 Hz ± 5% with

Class F insulation, IS : 325, IP-23.

A. TEFC with 1500 rpm. and Power in kW

11 95.1 Estd.
15 128.6 Estd.
18.5 144.0 Estd.
22 159.5 Estd.

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

30 200.5 Estd.
37 272.5 Estd.
45 329.0 Estd.
55 360.0 Estd.

75 401.0 Estd.
90 499.0 Estd.
110 576.0 Estd.
125 632.3 Estd.

132 668.3 Estd.

160 776.3 Estd.
180 812.2 Estd.
225 956.2 Estd.

315 1542.2 Estd.

B. TEFC with 1000 rpm and Power in kW.

15 159.5 Estd.
18.5 205.7 Estd.
22 252.0 Estd.
30 334.2 Estd.

37 375.3 Estd.
45 411.3 Estd.
55 452.5 Estd.
75 575.8 Estd.

90 632.3 Estd.
110 756.0 Estd.
132 864.0 Estd.
160 935.6 Estd.

200 1074.5 Estd.

315 1670.7 Estd.

C. TEFC with 750 rpm and Power in kW.

7.5 133.7 Estd.
11 169.7 Estd.
15 221.0 Estd.
18.5 257.0 Estd.

22 329.0 Estd.
30 380.5 Estd.
37 437.0 Estd.
45 535.0 Estd.

55 622.0 Estd.
75 683.7 Estd.
90 802.0 Estd.
110 853.5 Estd.

132 981.9 Estd.

160 1059.0 Estd.
200 1403.5 Estd.

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price


3.3 kV, NFLP, Vacuum Break Type, DOL Starter for 180 kW motor 133.4 Estd.
3.3 kV, NFLP, Vacuum Break Type, DOL Starter for 210/280 kW motor 102.0 142.1 WCL 03/2015
PRABHU Make, 3.3 kV, NFLP, DOL Starter for 450 HP motor 130.0 175.3 NEC 02/2017

415/440 V STARTER


415/440 V, 50 Hz, Star-Delta starter push button operated with SPP feature,
in S.S housing complete with overload relay
9.3 kW (C & S Electric make) 7.6 9.6 L 05/2019
11 kW (C & S Electric make) 7.6 9.6 L 05/2019
15 kW (C & S Electric make) 7.8 9.9 L 05/2019
18.5 kW (C & S Electric make) 9.5 12.0 L 05/2019
22.5 kW (C & S Electric make) 10.7 13.5 L 05/2019
125 kW (Electroteknica make) 92.4 Estd.


415/440 V, 50 Hz, DOL starter, Push button operated with SPP feature, in S.S
housing with overload relay
5.5 kW (C & S Electric make) 4.0 5.0 L 05/2019
7.5 kW (C & S Electric make) 4.2 5.3 L 05/2019
10 kW (C & S Electric make) 4.4 5.6 L 05/2019
11 kW (C & S Electric make) 5.4 6.9 L 05/2019


Siemens make

Digital soft starter, 415 V for heavy duty applications

15 kW 98.6 122.36 L 12/2020
18.5 kW 116.2 144.22 L 12/2020
22 kW 123.2 152.95 L 12/2020
30 kW 147.9 183.53 L 12/2020
37 kW 176.0 218.51 L 12/2020
45 kW 221.8 275.30 L 12/2020
55 kW 257.0 319.01 L 12/2020
75 kW 281.7 349.62 L 12/2020
90 kW 290.7 360.87 L 12/2020
110 kW 300.5 373.06 L 12/2020
132 kW 326.3 405.03 L 12/2020
160 kW 352.0 437.00 L 12/2020
200 kW 415.4 515.66 L 12/2020
250 kW 472.3 586.24 L 12/2020
315 kW 625.7 776.67 L 12/2020
355 kW 828.1 1027.95 L 12/2020
400 kW 934.9 1160.44 L 12/2020
450 kW 1030.5 1279.23 L 12/2020
500 kW 1078.4 1338.62 L 12/2020
560 kW 1166.7 1448.26 L 12/2020
630 kW 1347.1 1672.14 L 12/2020
710 kW 1527.4 1896.01 L 12/2020

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price

Siemens make

Power Contactors, SICOP 3TF with A.C.operating coil 110, 230, 415V
with rated current at 415V (AC3) & motor, kW

9 Amp, 4 kW, 1NO + 1NC 1.14 1.41 L 12/2020

12 Amp, 5.5 kW, 1NO + 1NC 1.29 1.60 L 12/2020
16 Amp, 7.5 kW, 1NO + 1NC 1.32 1.63 L 12/2020
22 Amp, 11 kW, 1NO+ 1NC 1.82 2.25 L 12/2020
32 Amp, 15 kW, 1NO + 1NC 3.99 4.95 L 12/2020

40 Amp, 18.5 kW, 2NO + 2NC 6.03 7.49 L 12/2020

45 Amp, 22 kW, 2NO + 2NC 8.20 10.18 L 12/2020
63 Amp, 30 kW, 2NO + 2NC 11.70 14.52 L 12/2020
70 Amp, 37 kW, 2NO + 2NC 12.60 15.63 L 12/2020
85 Amp, 45 kW, 2NO + 2NC 17.87 22.18 L 12/2020

110 Amp, 55 kW, 2NO + 2NC 21.6 26.83 L 12/2020

140 Amp, 75 kW, 2NO + 2NC 28.8 35.73 L 12/2020
170 Amp, 90 kW, 2NO + 2NC 37.1 45.99 L 12/2020
205 Amp, 110 kW, 2NO + 2NC 40.5 50.30 L 12/2020
250 Amps, 132 kW, 2NO + 2NC 47.9 59.43 L 12/2020

300 Amps, 160 kW, 2NO + 2NC 59.1 73.30 L 12/2020

400 Amps, 200 kW, 2NO + 2NC 71.9 89.23 L 12/2020
475 Amps, 250 kW, 2NO + 2NC 100.2 124.35 L 12/2020
630 Amps, 355 kW, 4NO + 4NC, SICOP 3TF6 Vacuum Contactor 286.7 355.90 L 12/2020
820 Amps, 450 kW, 4NO + 4NC, SICOP 3TF6 Vacuum Contactor 433.7 538.39 L 12/2020


Seimens make
With overload, phase failure, phase unbalance and earth fault
protections for motor
6 A - 25 A (Class 10 type) 4.87 6.04 L 12/2020
12.5 A - 50 A (Class 10 type) 7.44 9.24 L 12/2020
20 A - 80 A (Class 10 type) 11.22 13.92 L 12/2020
32 A - 115 A (Class 10 type) 11.50 14.28 L 12/2020
50 A - 200 A (Class 10 type) 14.65 18.18 L 12/2020
160 A - 630 A (Class 10 type) 28.44 35.30 L 12/2020

6 A - 25 A (Class 5 to 30 - Settable type) 9.13 11.33 L 12/2020

12.5 A - 50 A (Class 5 to 30 - Settable type) 11.92 14.79 L 12/2020
20 A - 80 A (Class 5 to 30 - Settable type) 15.53 19.28 L 12/2020
32 A - 115 A (Class 5 to 30 - Settable type) 15.85 19.67 L 12/2020
50 A - 200 A (Class 5 to 30 - Settable type) 21.95 27.25 L 12/2020
160 A - 630 A (Class 5 to 30 - Settable type) 36.83 45.72 L 12/2020


Seimens make

Separate Mounting, Trip Class 10, Set Current value of Inverse-Time Delayed
Overload Release:
70 - 100 A, motor rating : 45 kW 8.49 10.54 L 12/2019
90 - 125 A, motor rating : 55 kW 8.98 11.15 L 12/2020
110 - 160 A, motor rating : 75 kW 9.00 11.17 L 12/2020
140 - 200 A, motor rating : 110 kW 9.00 11.17 L 12/2020
180 - 250 A, motor rating : 132 kW 11.80 14.64 L 12/2020
220 - 320 A, motor rating : 160 kW 11.72 14.54 L 12/2020

in `000'
Sl Description F.O.B./ Price Base
No. Ex-Works at site Price
280 - 400 A, motor rating : 200 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2020
350 - 500 A, motor rating : 250 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2020

Separate Mounting, Trip Class 30, Set Current value of Inverse-Time Delayed
Overload Release:
55 - 80 A, motor rating : 37 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2019
70 - 100 A, motor rating : 45 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2020
90 - 125 A, motor rating : 55 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2020
110 - 160 A, motor rating : 75 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2020
140 - 200 A, motor rating : 110 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2020
180 - 250 A, motor rating : 132 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2020
220 - 320 A, motor rating : 160 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2020
280 - 400 A, motor rating : 200 kW 15.30 18.99 L 12/2020

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price


a. 132 kV, SF6, 3150 A, 31.5 kA (sym.), outdoor complete with terminal
connectors, spring type operating mechanism, control cabinets, inter pole
cables, cable glands, terminal blocks, marking ferrules, lugs, pressure gauges,
density monitors for SF6 gas control, galvanised support structures for circuit
breaker, foundation bolts etc. and all other circuit breaker accessories (without relay
& control panel) 1905.00 Estd.


a. CG Power make, 33 kV, SF6, 630/800/1250 A, 25 kA, outdoor with 33 kV

complete with indoor Control & Relay panel, CT with CTR:150-75/5-5 A or
CTR:50-25/5-5 A and PT with PTR 33 kV/110 V with batteries & charger 1096.78 1387.53 SECL 10/2019

b. 33 kV, VCB, 630/800/1250 A, 750 MVA, 31.5 kA Outdoor type complete with
cubicle & mounting structure, CT & PT : 3 Nos. each with CTR 150/5 & 75/5 A
or 200/5 A & 100/5 A or 20/5 A & 15/5 A, Control & Relay panel, indoor with IDMT
relays & with batteries & charger 850.00 Estd

c. 33 kV, VCB, 800 A, 25 kA Outdoor type complete with CT & PT : 3 Nos. each with
CTR 100-50/1-1 A, PTR 33 kV/110 V 659.00 829.19 ECL 06/2020


a. APE power make, VCB, 11 kV, 1250/800 A, outdoor kiosk type with CTR:
400-200/5-5-5 A complete with outdoor type CT, PT, relay & control panel & all
other accessories. 234.50 306.74 CCL 07/2018

b. Electroteknica make, VCB, 11 kV, 800 A, indoor type with CTR: 800-400/5-5-5 A or
CTR: 400-200/5-5-5 A complete with outdoor type CT, PT, relay & control panel &
all other accessories. 190.00 248.53 BCCL 08/2019

Electroteknica make, VCB, 11 kV, 400 A, outdoor kiosk type with CTR: 200-100/5-5
A complete with outdoor type CT, PT, relay & control panel & all other accessories. 251.50 328.97 CCL 07/2018

d. Meditron make, VCB, 11 kV, 400 A, indoor type with CTR: 200-100/5-5-5 A or CTR:
400-200/5-5-5 A complete with outdoor type CT, PT, relay & control panel & all
other accessories. 182.00 238.06 BCCL 08/2019

4. 6.6 kV or 3.3 kV CIRCUIT BREAKER

a. Crompton Greaves make,6.6 kV, 400 A,VCB outdoor kiosk type complete with CT,
CTR: 200-100/5-5 A & PT and standard metering and control relays 250.49 327.65 CCL 07/2019

b. Crompton Greaves make, VCB, 3.3 kV, 1600/1250 A, outdoor kiosk type with CTR:
1000-500/5-5 A complete with outdoor type CT, PT, relay & control panel & all other
accessories. 285.00 372.79 CCL 08/2019

Crompton Greaves make, VCB, 3.3 kV, 800 A, outdoor kiosk type with CTR:1000-
500/5-5 A complete with outdoor type CT, PT, relay & control panel & all other
c. accessories. 275.00 359.71 CCL 08/2019

d. Crompton Greaves make, VCB, 3.3 kV, 800 A, outdoor kiosk type with CTR:300-
200/5-5 Acomplete with outdoor type CT, PT, relay & control panel & all other
accessories. 185.13 242.16 CCL 07/2019

e. Crompton Greaves make, VCB, 3.3 kV, 630/400 A, outdoor kiosk type with CTR:
200-100/5-5 A complete with outdoor type CT, PT, relay & control panel & all other
accessories. 198.99 260.29 CCL 07/2019

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Siemens make

a. Air Circuit Breaker Manually Operated, Fixed Mounting with Microprocessor

based Trip Unit, 3 Pole (overload and short circuit protection)
Rated current:
630 A 190.05 235.91 L 12/2020
800 A 195.90 243.17 L 12/2020
1000 A 214.99 266.87 L 12/2020
1250 A 264.45 328.27 L 12/2020
1600 A 279.89 347.42 L 12/2020
2000 A 312.49 387.89 L 12/2020
2500 A 317.72 394.38 L 12/2020
3200 A 439.57 545.64 L 12/2020
4000 A 598.39 742.78 L 12/2020
5000 A 1090.85 1354.08 L 12/2020
6300 A 1424.09 1767.74 L 12/2020

b. Air Circuit Breaker Manually Operated, Fixed Mounting with Microprocessor

based Trip Unit, 4 Pole (overload and short circuit protection)
Rated current:
630 A 285.09 353.88 L 12/2020
800 A 292.36 362.90 L 12/2020
1000 A 308.76 383.26 L 12/2020
1250 A 376.86 467.79 L 12/2020
1600 A 405.99 503.95 L 12/2020
2000 A 447.43 555.40 L 12/2020
2500 A 487.27 604.85 L 12/2020
3200 A 739.91 918.45 L 12/2020
4000 A 810.92 1006.61 L 12/2020
5000 A 1431.91 1777.45 L 12/2020
6300 A 1877.82 2330.96 L 12/2020

c. Air Circuit Breaker Manually Operated, Withdrawable with Guide Frame,

Microprocessor based Trip Unit, 3 Pole (overload and short circuit protection)
Rated current:
630 A 288.00 357.50 L 12/2020
800 A 291.15 361.41 L 12/2020
1000 A 298.84 370.95 L 12/2020
1250 A 361.80 449.10 L 12/2020
1600 A 398.91 495.17 L 12/2020
2000 A 441.48 548.01 L 12/2020
2500 A 496.36 616.14 L 12/2020
3200 A 643.03 798.20 L 12/2020
4000 A 739.68 918.17 L 12/2020
5000 A 1221.96 1516.83 L 12/2020
6300 A 1642.80 2039.22 L 12/2020

d. Air Circuit Breaker Manually Operated, Withdrawable with Guide Frame,

Microprocessor based Trip Unit, 4 Pole (overload and short circuit protection)
Rated current:
630 A 363.81 451.60 L 12/2020
800 A 370.96 460.47 L 12/2020
1000 A 396.62 492.33 L 12/2020
1250 A 457.57 567.98 L 12/2020
1600 A 502.64 623.93 L 12/2020
2000 A 559.18 694.11 L 12/2020
2500 A 650.22 807.12 L 12/2020
3200 A 883.12 1096.23 L 12/2020
4000 A 939.28 1165.93 L 12/2020
5000 A 1550.37 1924.49 L 12/2020
6300 A 2064.38 2562.54 L 12/2020

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Siemens make

a. Sentron 3VT1, MCCB 415 V, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 25 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(fixed short circuit & fixed overload)

40 A 10.19 12.65 L 12/2020

63 A 10.19 12.65 L 12/2020
80 A 10.19 12.65 L 12/2020
100 A 10.19 12.65 L 12/2020
125 A 13.48 16.73 L 12/2020
160 A 18.43 22.87 L 12/2020

b. Sentron 3VT1, MCCB 415 V, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 25 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(fixed short circuit & fixed overload)

40 A 13.77 17.09 L 12/2020

63 A 13.77 17.09 L 12/2020
80 A 13.77 17.09 L 12/2020
100 A 13.77 17.09 L 12/2020
125 A 18.66 23.16 L 12/2020
160 A 23.34 28.97 L 12/2020

c. Sentron 3VT1, MCCB 415 V, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 25 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(adjustable short circuit & adjustable overload)

16 A 11.20 13.90 L 12/2020

25 A 11.20 13.90 L 12/2020
32 A 11.20 13.90 L 12/2020
63 A 11.20 13.90 L 12/2020
80 A 11.20 13.90 L 12/2020
100 A 11.20 13.90 L 12/2020
125 A 14.46 17.94 L 12/2020
160 A 19.89 24.68 L 12/2020

d Sentron 3VT1, MCCB 415 V, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 25 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(adjustable short circuit & adjustable overload)

16 A 16.88 20.95 L 12/2020

25 A 16.88 20.95 L 12/2020
32 A 16.88 20.95 L 12/2020
63 A 16.88 20.95 L 12/2020
80 A 16.88 20.95 L 12/2020
100 A 16.88 20.95 L 12/2020
125 A 19.77 24.54 L 12/2020
160 A 25.32 31.42 L 12/2020

e. Sentron 3VL, MCCB 415 V, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 55 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(fixed short circuit & fixed overload)

16 A 16.50 20.48 L 12/2020

20 A 16.50 20.48 L 12/2020
32 A 16.50 20.48 L 12/2020
63 A 16.50 20.48 L 12/2020
100 A 17.25 21.41 L 12/2020
125 A 24.26 30.11 L 12/2020
160 A 30.21 37.49 L 12/2020

f. Sentron 3VL, MCCB 415 V, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 55 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(fixed short circuit & fixed overload)

16 A 21.52 26.71 L 12/2020

20 A 21.52 26.71 L 12/2020
32 A 21.52 26.71 L 12/2020
63 A 21.52 26.71 L 12/2020
100 A 22.49 27.92 L 12/2020
125 A 28.38 35.22 L 12/2020

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
160 A 35.92 44.58 L 12/2020

g. Sentron 3VL, MCCB 415 V, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 55 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(short circuit & adjustable overload)

20 A 23.55 29.23 L 12/2020

32 A 23.55 29.23 L 12/2020
63 A 23.55 29.23 L 12/2020
100 A 24.63 30.57 L 12/2020
125 A 28.14 34.93 L 12/2020
160 A 35.34 43.86 L 12/2020
200 A 49.36 61.26 L 12/2020
250 A 53.54 66.46 L 12/2020
315 A 70.70 87.76 L 12/2020
400 A 70.70 87.76 L 12/2020
500 A 80.92 100.45 L 12/2020
630 A 80.92 100.45 L 12/2020

h. Sentron 3VL, MCCB 415 V, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 55 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(short circuit & adjustable overload)

20 A 31.41 38.98 L 12/2020

32 A 31.41 38.98 L 12/2020
63 A 31.41 38.98 L 12/2020
100 A 32.85 40.77 L 12/2020
125 A 35.77 44.40 L 12/2020
160 A 46.26 57.42 L 12/2020
200 A 68.86 85.48 L 12/2020
250 A 68.86 85.48 L 12/2020
315 A 86.28 107.09 L 12/2020
400 A 86.28 107.09 L 12/2020
500 A 96.23 119.45 L 12/2020
630 A 96.23 119.45 L 12/2020

i. Sentron 3VL, MCCB 415 V, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 70 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(short circuit & adjustable overload)

20 A 37.71 46.81 L 12/2020

32 A 37.71 46.81 L 12/2020
63 A 37.71 46.81 L 12/2020
100 A 37.71 46.81 L 12/2020
125 A 53.75 66.72 L 12/2020
160 A 56.10 69.63 L 12/2020
200 A 60.81 75.48 L 12/2020
250 A 66.18 82.15 L 12/2020
315 A 71.04 88.18 L 12/2020
400 A 71.04 88.18 L 12/2020
500 A 88.94 110.40 L 12/2020
630 A 88.94 110.40 L 12/2020

j. Sentron 3VL, MCCB 415 V, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 70 kA, thermal magnetic trip
(short circuit & adjustable overload)

20 A 48.12 59.73 L 12/2020

32 A 48.12 59.73 L 12/2020
63 A 48.12 59.73 L 12/2020
100 A 48.12 59.73 L 12/2020
125 A 70.02 86.91 L 12/2020
160 A 71.90 89.25 L 12/2020
200 A 82.72 102.68 L 12/2020
250 A 82.72 102.68 L 12/2020
315 A 92.35 114.64 L 12/2020
400 A 92.35 114.64 L 12/2020
500 A 116.53 144.65 L 12/2020
630 A 116.53 144.65 L 12/2020

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
k. Sentron 3VT1, MCCB 415 V, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 25 kA, thermal magnetic trip for motor
protection (adjustable overload & fixed short circuit)

16 A 11.02 13.67 L 12/2020

25 A 11.02 13.67 L 12/2020
32 A 11.02 13.67 L 12/2020
40 A 11.02 13.67 L 12/2020
50 A 11.02 13.67 L 12/2020
63 A 11.02 13.67 L 12/2020
80 A 11.02 13.67 L 12/2020
100 A 11.02 13.67 L 12/2020

l. Sentron 3VL, MCCB 415 V, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 55 kA, magnetic trip unit for motor

63 A 28.44 35.30 L 12/2020

100 A 28.44 35.30 L 12/2020
160 A 42.85 53.19 L 12/2020
250 A 57.63 71.54 L 12/2020
315 A 67.61 83.93 L 12/2020
500 A 77.86 96.65 L 12/2020

Sentron 3VL, MCCB 415 V, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 70 kA, magnetic trip unit for motor
m. protection

63 A 35.46 44.01 L 12/2020

100 A 35.46 44.01 L 12/2020
160 A 54.99 68.25 L 12/2020
250 A 65.43 81.21 L 12/2020
315 A 70.55 87.57 L 12/2020
500 A 81.33 100.96 L 12/2020



MPCB 415 V a.c, Standard Release & MPCB Trips on Short Circuit & Overload
A. Only:
MPCB Rated Current Range: 1 A to 2.5 A 4.76 5.91 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 3.2 A to 6.3 A 4.94 6.13 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 8 A to 10 A 5.30 6.57 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 12.5 A 5.66 7.02 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 16A 6.59 8.18 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 20 A to 25 A 7.52 9.33 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 28 A to 32 A 12.67 15.72 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 36 A to 40 A 14.48 17.97 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 45 A to 52 A 18.31 22.73 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 59 A to 65 A 18.90 23.46 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 73 A to 80 A 19.84 24.62 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 84 A to 100 A 20.64 25.62 L 12/2020

B. MPCB 415 V a.c, Magnetic Release & MPCB Trips on Short Circuit Only:
MPCB Rated Current Range: 1 A to 2.5 A 4.67 5.79 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 3.2 A to 6.3 A 4.84 6.00 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 8 A to 10 A 5.19 6.44 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 12.5 A 5.55 6.88 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 16A 6.25 7.75 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 20 A to 25 A 7.32 9.09 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 28 A to 32 A 12.20 15.14 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 36 A to 40 A 14.08 17.47 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 45 A to 52 A 17.31 21.49 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 59 A to 65 A 17.45 21.66 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 73 A to 80 A 16.67 20.69 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 84 A to 100 A 19.08 23.68 L 12/2020

C. MPCB 415 V a.c, For Transformer Protection Only:

MPCB Rated Current Range: 1 A to 8 A 7.28 9.04 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 10 A to 12.5 A 8.05 9.99 L 12/2020

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
MPCB Rated Current Range: 16 A 8.35 10.36 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 20 A 8.79 10.90 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 22 A 14.59 18.11 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 25 A 16.31 20.25 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 32 A 20.23 25.11 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 36 A to 40 A 22.33 27.71 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 45 A to 52 A 22.75 28.23 L 12/2020
MPCB Rated Current Range: 59 A to 65 A 23.58 29.27 L 12/2020



13 panel (indoor) comprising of

2 - incoming 400 A, 250 MVA, VCB with CT ratio : 300-150/5-5 A
1 - sectionaliser 400 A, 250 MVA, VCB with CT ratio : 300-150/5-5 A
10 - outgoing 400 A, VCB with CT ratio : 200-100/5-5 A
Total S/B cost 3355.00 Estd.

11 panel (indoor) comprising of

2 - incoming 400 A, 250 MVA, VCB with CT ratio : 300-150/5-5 A
1 - sectionaliser 400 A, 250 MVA, VCB with CT ratio : 300-150/5-5 A
8 - outgoing 400 A, VCB with CT ratio : 200-100/5-5 A
Total S/B cost 2835.00 Estd.

6 panel (indoor) comprising of

2 - incoming 400 A, 250 MVA, VCB with CT ratio : 300-150/5-5 A
1 - sectionaliser 400 A, 250 MVA, VCB with CT ratio : 300-150/5-5 A
3 - outgoing 400 A, VCB with CT ratio : 200-100/5-5 A
Total S/B cost 1700.00 Estd.


Electroteknica, 12 panel (outdoor type) comprising of

2 - incoming 630 A, 150 MVA, VCB with CTR 400 or 300/5 A
10 - outgoing, 630 A, 150 MVA, VCB with CTR 400 or 300/5 A
Total S/B cost 2650.00 3599.88 ECL 05/2015

Electroteknica, 24 panel (outdoor type) comprising of

2 - incoming 1250 A, VCB with CTR 800-400/1-1 A
20 - outgoing, 800 A, VCB with CTR 100 or 50 or 25/1 A
2- Bus Coupler & Adopter, 1250 A
Total S/B cost 5875.08 7901.17 NCL 03/2017


4 panel comprising of
1 - incoming 800 A, 150 MVA, VCB with CT ratio : 400 - 200/5 A
3 - outgoing 400 A, 75 MVA VCB, CT ratio: 200-100/5 A
Total S/B cost 940.00 Estd.

5 panel comprising of
1 - incoming 630 A, 75 MVA, VCB with CT ratio : 400 - 200/5 A
4 - outgoing 630 A, vaccum contactor with backup fuse, CT ratio: 200-100/5 A
for restricted earthed neutral system
Total S/B cost 970.00 Estd.
Mine Line make, 6 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 400 A, VCB, Indoor Type 611.80 764.62 SECL 09/2020
Electroteknica make, 12 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA 630 A, VCB, Indoor Type 1746.00 2348.13 WCL 02/2017
Electroteknica make, 11 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 630 A, VCB, Indoor Type 1600.00 2151.78 WCL 02/2017
Electroteknica make, 10 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 630 A, VCB, Indoor Type 1400.00 1882.81 WCL 02/2017
Mine Line make, 7 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 630 A, VCB, Indoor Type 721.00 901.09 SECL 09/2020
Electroteknica make, 6 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 1250 A, VCB, Indoor Type 831.50 1039.19 WCL 09/2020
Electroteknica make, 4 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 1250 A, VCB, Indoor Type 557.75 697.07 WCL 09/2020

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Electroteknica make, 19 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 630 A, VCB, Indoor Type
comprising of
3 nos. VCB with CTR 600/5 incomer/spare, 1 no. VCB 630 A as sectionaliser, 7
nos. VCB with CTR 400/5 as spare/feeder, 2 nos. VCB with CTR 300/5 as feeder
control, 6 nos. VCB with CTR 200/5 as feeder control 2360.60 2978.33 WCL 05/2020

Electroteknica make, 14 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 630 A, VCB, Indoor Type
comprising of
2 nos. VCB with CTR 400/5 incomer/spare, 1 no. VCB 630 A as sectionaliser, 6
nos. VCB with CTR 75/5 as feeder control, 1 no. VCB with CTR 50/5 as feeder
control, 2 nos. VCB with CTR 60/5 as feeder control, 2 nos. VCB with CTR 40/5 as
feeder control 1548.84 1954.15 WCL 05/2020


Electroteknica make, 16 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 630 A, Outdoor Type 2640.00 3550.44 WCL 02/2017
Electroteknica make, 15 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 630 A, Outdoor Type 2475.00 3328.53 WCL 02/2017
Electroteknica make, 9 Panel, 3.3 kV, 75 MVA, 630 A, Outdoor Type 1332.00 1791.36 WCL 02/2017


3 panel, 1250 A, ACB with CTR: 600-300/5 A

1 - incoming 1250 A, ACB, with CT ratio : 600-300/5 A
1 - outgoing 800 A, MCCB
1 - outgoing 400 A, MCCB
Total S/B cost 249.99 321.44 CCL 07/2018

9 panel, 800 A, ACB with CTR: 800/5 A

2 - incoming 800 A, ACB, with CT ratio : 800/5 A
1 - bus coupler 800 A, ACB, with CT ratio : 800/5 A
6 - outgoing 630 A, MCCB
Total S/B cost 394.45 507.20 BCCL 01/2020

10 panel, 2000 A, ACB with CTR: 2000/5 A

1 - incoming 800 A, ACB, with CT ratio : 800/5 A
9- outgoing 400 A, MCCB
Total S/B cost 445.78 573.21 BCCL 01/2020

19 panel, 2000 A, ACB with CTR: 2000/5 A

2 - incoming 2000 A, ACB, with CT ratio : 2000/5 A
1 - bus coupler 2000 A, ACB, with CT ratio : 2000/5 A
16 - outgoing 400 A, MCCB
Total S/B cost 845.70 1087.43 BCCL 01/2020

5 panel, 400 A, MCCB with CTR: 600/5 A

1 - incoming 400 A, MCCB, with CT ratio : 400/5 A
4 - outgoing 100 A, MCCB with CT ratio : 100/5 A
Total S/B cost 206.00 Estd.

13 panel, Motor Control Center

Incoming ACB- 1000 A CTR-800/5 with Isolator- 1 no.
Outgoing ACB/DOL Stater
ACB- 800 A CTR-400/5 with Isolator- 2 nos.
ACB- 400 A CTR-300/5 with Isolator- 1 no.
FSU- 200 A with HRC Fuse 100 A- 2 nos.
FSU- 63 A with HRC Fuse 32 A- 1 no.
FSU- 32 A with HRC Fuse 16 A- 2 nos.
FSU- 32 A with HRC Fuse 10 A- 1 no.
DOL Stater- 32 A with FSU 63 A, HRC Fuse 32 A- 3 nos.
Total cost 910.50 Estd.


Electroteknica make, 6.6kV, 250 MVA, 630 A, VCB, CTR:200-100/5-5 A 259.57 331.11 NCL 03/2019
Electroteknica make, 3.3 kV, 150 MVA, 400 A with VCB, CTR:100/5 A 315.00 Estd.

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price

TPN= Triple Pole Neutral


Siemens make

690 V, TPN, 50 Hz, DIN Type

20 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 4.64 5.76 L 12/2020
32 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 4.77 5.91 L 12/2020
63 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 5.66 7.03 L 12/2020
100 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 9.22 11.44 L 12/2020
125 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 10.94 13.57 L 12/2020
160 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 11.73 14.56 L 12/2020
200 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 16.06 19.94 L 12/2020
250 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 18.20 22.59 L 12/2020
315 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 21.66 26.88 L 12/2020
400 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 25.19 31.27 L 12/2020
500 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 38.48 47.76 L 12/2020
630 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 40.86 50.71 L 12/2020
800 A (TPN) in sheet steel housing 43.87 54.45 L 12/2020

690 V, TPN, 50 Hz, DIN Type for Power Distribution & Motor Protection
20 A (TPN) in open execution 2.20 2.73 L 12/2020
32 A (TPN) in open execution 2.26 2.81 L 12/2020
63 A (TPN) in open execution 3.19 3.96 L 12/2020
100 A (TPN) in open execution 4.48 5.56 L 12/2020
125 A (TPN) in open execution 6.30 7.82 L 12/2020
160 A (TPN) in open execution 8.32 10.32 L 12/2020
200 A (TPN) in open execution 8.99 11.15 L 12/2020
250 A (TPN) in open execution 11.80 14.64 L 12/2020
315 A (TPN) in open execution 17.32 21.49 L 12/2020
400 A (TPN) in open execution 20.87 25.90 L 12/2020
500 A (TPN) in open execution 32.34 40.14 L 12/2020
630 A (TPN) in open execution 33.53 41.62 L 12/2020
800 A (TPN) in open execution 36.32 45.08 L 12/2020

Siemens make

690 V, 50 Hz, DIN Type

63 A (TPN) in open execution 3.98 4.93 L 12/2020
100 A (TPN) in open execution 6.81 8.45 L 12/2020
125 A (TPN) in open execution 8.50 10.55 L 12/2020
160 A (TPN) in open execution 8.57 10.63 L 12/2020
200 A (TPN) in open execution 11.99 14.88 L 12/2020
250 A (TPN) in open execution 14.73 18.28 L 12/2020
400 A (TPN) in open execution 21.71 26.94 L 12/2020
630 A (TPN) in open execution 31.73 39.39 L 12/2020
800 A (TPN) in open execution 35.49 44.05 L 12/2020
1000 A (TPN) in open execution 42.34 52.56 L 12/2020
1250 A (TPN) in open execution 57.52 71.39 L 12/2020
1600 A (TPN) in open execution 73.43


6.6 kV grade HRC Fuse 8.47 10.54 NCL 02/2019

3.3 kV grade HRC Fuse 5.95 7.85 CCL 04/2015

Siemens make

Breaking capacity 120 kA (sym.), 500 V, DIN type

2 A, size: 000 0.375 0.47 L 12/2020

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
4 A, size: 000 0.375 0.47 L 12/2020
6 A, size: 000 0.375 0.47 L 12/2020
10 A, size: 000 0.375 0.47 L 12/2020
16 A, size: 000 0.380 0.47 L 12/2020
20 A, size: 000 0.380 0.47 L 12/2020
25 A, size: 000 0.380 0.47 L 12/2020
32 A, size: 000 0.380 0.47 L 12/2020
40 A, size: 000 0.405 0.50 L 12/2020
50 A, size: 000 0.405 0.50 L 12/2020
63 A, size: 000 0.445 0.55 L 12/2020
80 A, size: 000 0.485 0.60 L 12/2020
100 A , size: 000 0.485 0.60 L 12/2020
125 A, size: 00 0.590 0.73 L 12/2020
160 A, size: 00 0.615 0.76 L 12/2020
200 A, size: 1 0.860 1.07 L 12/2020
250 A, size: 1 0.965 1.20 L 12/2020
315 A, size: 2 1.280 1.59 L 12/2020
400 A, size: 2 1.280 1.59 L 12/2020
500 A, size: 3 2.035 2.53 L 12/2020
630 A, size: 3 2.085 2.59 L 12/2020
800 A, size: 3 2.535 3.15 L 12/2020

Breaking capacity 120 kA (sym.), 690 V, DIN type

40 A, size: 00 0.515 0.64 L 12/2020

50 A, size: 00 0.515 0.64 L 12/2020
63 A, size: 00 0.550 0.68 L 12/2020
80 A, size: 00 0.580 0.72 L 12/2020
100 A , size: 00 0.580 0.72 L 12/2020
125 A, size: 1 1.000 1.24 L 12/2020
160 A, size: 1 1.040 1.29 L 12/2020
200 A, size: 1 1.040 1.29 L 12/2020
250 A, size: 2 1.375 1.71 L 12/2020
315 A, size: 2 1.475 1.83 L 12/2020
400 A, size: 3 2.205 2.74 L 12/2020
425 A, size: 3 2.205 2.74 L 12/2020
500 A, size: 3 2.350 2.92 L 12/2020

Siemens make

160 A 0.49 0.60 L 12/2020

250 A 0.92 1.14 L 12/2020
400 A 1.31 1.62 L 12/2020
630 A 1.88 2.33 L 12/2020
800 A 2.22 2.76 L 12/2020



11 kV, 400A, single hand operated 21.75 Estd.
33 kV 28.80 Estd.


132 kV,800 A, 31.5 kA, 3 pole, outdoor type, gang operated double break
isolator with earthing switch as per IEC:62271-102/IS:9921 250.00 337.90 NCL 07/2019

33 kV, 1250 A,25 kA, 3 pole, outdoor type, gang operated double break isolator
with earthing switch as per IEC:62271-102/IS:9921 120.00 162.19 NCL 07/2019

11 kV, 1250 A, 25 kA off load isolator 55.60 Estd.

11 kV, 800 A, 25 kA off load isolator 36.80 Estd.
11 kV, 630 A, 20 kA off load isolator 34.00 Estd.

11 kV, 400 A, 50 kA on load isolator 142.50 193.58 CCL 01/2016

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
3.3 kV, 1200 A, off load isolator 34.50 Estd.
3.3 kV, 1200 A, on load isolator 60.00 Estd.
3.3 kV, 400 A, 16 kA off load isolator 18.89 24.96 CCL 12/2015

415 V, 63 A, 3 pole, Type- DUCO isolator 1.39 1.87 SECL 07/2016

415 V, 32 A, 3 pole, Type- DUCO isolator 1.13 1.51 SECL 07/2016


33 kV, 1250 A (1 set of 3 nos.) 53.50 72.37 BCCL 10/2016

11 kV, 1240 A (1 set of 3 nos.) 34.50 44.01 BCCL 03/2019
11 kV, 800 A (1 set of 3 nos.) 39.50 Estd.
11 kV, 630 A (1 set of 3 nos.) 33.00 Estd.

3.3 kV with off load isolator with DO fuse & gang operated earthing switch, 800 A 24.30 32.15 BCCL 10/2016


3.3 kV, 5kA, distribution type (Three Pole): 3 Nos. 4.49 5.92 WCL 03/2018
6.6 kV, 5 kA with clamp: 3 Nos. 7.65 10.36 CCL 01/2016
11 kV, 10 kA, class III surge arrester (Three Pole): 3 Nos. 10.80 Estd.
33 kV, 10 kA, class III surge arrester (Three Pole): 3 Nos. 12.50 16.90 CCL 02/2016

Lightning arrestor, radial area cover : 80 m, counter sensitivity : 1.5 kA to 220

kA, 8 - 20 m/sec, operating range : 1 kA to 220 kA, down conductor size : 25 mm,
material tin plated copper protection to be used in galv.conductor 2.5 m above
ground level, GI pipe of 2 m long, 80 mm dia. for earthing purpose 730.00 Estd.

Lightning Arrestor, radial area cover : 45 m, counter sensitivity : 1.5 kA to 220

kA, 8 - 20 m/sec, operating range : 1 kA to 220 kA, down conductor size : 25 mm,
material tin plated copper protection to be used in galv.conductor 2.5 m above
ground level, GI pipe of 2 m long, 80 mm dia. for earthing purpose 565.50 Estd.



Metalised Polypropylene type, price per kVAr

1 to 5 kVAr, 415 V 0.48 Estd.

1 to 5 kVAr, 440 V 0.41 Estd.
Above 5 upto 25 kVAr, 415 V 0.41 Estd.
Above 5 upto 25 kVAr, 440 V 0.38 Estd.
APP type using Polypropylene film & low loss paper price per kVAr

Upto 50 kVAr, 400 V 0.44 Estd.

Upto 50 kVAr, 415 V 0.41 Estd.
Upto 50 kVAr, 440 V 0.38 Estd.
Upto 50 kVAr, 500 V 0.34 Estd.
Upto 50 kVAr, 600 V 0.34 Estd.
Upto 50 kVAr, 660 V 0.34 Estd.
Upto 50 kVAr, 1000 V 0.31 Estd.

Control panel for LT capacitors with automatic pf improvement

150 kVAr with 6 steps 687.50 Estd.

225 kVAr with 5 steps 756.00 Estd.
300 kVAr with 6 steps 825.00 Estd.


550 V capacitor bank, 150 kVAr (1 x 150) without control panel 34.00 46.19 ECL 05/2015
550 V capacitor bank, 100 kVAr (1 x 100) without control panel 24.10 32.74 ECL 05/2015
550 V capacitor bank, 90 kVAr (1 x 90) without control panel 22.00 29.89 ECL 05/2015
550 V capacitor bank, 45 kVAr (1 x 45) without control panel 11.20 15.21 ECL 05/2015

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
440 V capacitor bank, 50 kVAr (1x5 + 2x10 + 1x25) c/w automatic power factor
controller panel 129.50 163.83 WCL 11/2019
440 V capacitor bank, 25 kVAr (1 x 25) without control panel 4.22 5.68 SECL 03/2017

3.3 kV, 75 kVAr Delta connected automatic self discharging with 3.3 kV HRC Fuse 12.30 15.94 SECL 10/2018
3.3 kV capacitor bank, 100 kVAr (1 x 100) without control panel for 1 phase 10.49 13.26 BCCL 09/2019
3.3 kV capacitor bank, 200 kVAr (2 x 100) without control panel 42.00 57.05 ECL 05/2015
3.3 kV, 225 kVAr with automatic discharge arrangement but without automatic
power factor controller panel 65.00 88.30 ECL 10/2019
3.3 kV capacitor bank, 250 kVAr (2 x 125) without control panel 44.00 59.77 ECL 05/2015
3.3 kV capacitor bank, 300 kVAr (2 x 150) without control panel 47.20 64.12 ECL 05/2015
3.3 kV, 300 kVAr (2x150 kVAr) with automatic discharge arrangement but without
power factor controller panel 54.95 74.65 ECL 10/2019
3.3 kV capacitor bank, 450 kVAr (3 x 150) without control panel 67.90 92.24 ECL 05/2015
3.3 kV, 450 kVAr (3x150 kVAr) with automatic discharge arrangement but without
power factor controller panel 79.90 108.54 ECL 10/2019

3.3 kV, 300 kVAr (2x150 kVAr) c/w automatic power factor controller panel (indoor) 655.50 886.38 CCL 01/2020

3.3 kV, 600 kVAr (4x150 kVAr) c/w automatic power factor controller panel (indoor) 848.50 1147.36 CCL 01/2020

3.3kV,700kVAr(3x150kVAr+2x125kVAr) c/w automatic power factor controller panel 1333.00 1810.81 ECL 05/2015

6.6 kV, 75 kVAr Delta connected automatic self discharging with 6.6 kV HRC Fuse 12.40 16.07 SECL 10/2018
6.6 kV capacitor bank, 100 kVAr (1 x 100) without control panel for 1 phase 10.52 13.30 BCCL 09/2019
6.6 kV, 200 kVAr capacitor bank without control panel 15.00 18.58 NCL 01/2021
6.6 kV, 300 kVAr without automatic power factor controller panel 339.14 460.70 CCL 05/2015
6.6 kV, 600 kVAr without automatic power factor controller panel 492.15 668.55 CCL 05/2015
6.6 kV, 600 kVAr (3x200 kVAr) with automatic discharge arrangement but without
power factor controller panel 101.90 138.43 ECL 10/2019
6.6 kV, 3000 kVAr delta connected in three cubicles of 1000 kVAr c/w vacuum
contactor & isolator & automatic power factor controller panel 1467.00 1855.52 BCCL 09/2019

11 kV capacitor bank, 100 kVAr (1 x 100) without control panel for 1 phase 8.81 11.14 BCCL 09/2019
11 kV, 150 kVAr c/w 15 nos. HRC fuses, 5 nos.terminal cover box without APFC 392.5. Estd.
11 kV, 400 kVAr with automatic power factor controller panel (outdoor) 883.50 1116.48 CCL 01/2020
11 kV, 600 kVAr without automatic power factor controller panel 499.84 678.20 CCL 05/2015
11 kV, 900 kVAr without automatic power factor controller panel 530.76 721.01 CCL 05/2015
11 kV, 1200 kVAr star connected in two cubicles of 300 kVAr each (12x100) c/w
12 nos. HRC fuses without APFC 907.50 Estd.
11 kV, 2000 kVAr delta connected in three cubicles of 667 kVAr c/w vacuum
contactor & isolator & automatic power factor controller panel 1078.12 1363.92 BCCL 09/2019
11 kV, 3000 kVAr delta connected in three cubicles of 1000 kVAr c/w vacuum
contactor & isolator & automatic power factor controller panel 1096.42 1387.06 BCCL 09/2019
11 kV, 6000 kVAr delta connected in six cubicles of 1000 kVAr c/w vacuum
contactor & isolator & automatic power factor controller panel 1851.99 2342.94 BCCL 09/2019

Surge Protection Capacitor

0.25 μF for Voltages 5.70 Estd.

3.3 kV 6.50 Estd.
6.6 kV 8.60 Estd.

0.50 μF for Voltages

3.3 kV 10.00 Estd.
6.6 kV 10.70 Estd.
11 kV 12.90 Estd.

0.125 μF for 40 kV 85.60 Estd.

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price

440 V Insulator
Pin insulator with GI pin 0.25 0.333 CCL 12/2015
Shackle insulator with hardware 0.38 0.498 CCL 12/2015

11 kV Insulator
11 kV Pin Insulator, 320 mm CD 0.63 0.825 CCL 12/2015
11 kV Disc Insulator, 565 mm CD 0.98 1.286 CCL 12/2015

33 kV insulator
33 kV Pin Insulator, 740 mm CD 3.100 Estd.



Voltage ratio : 6600/550 V

Mine Line make, 315 kVA 2615.00 L 07/2017
Mine Line make, 500 kVA 2925.00 L 07/2017

Mine Line, 315 kVA, 3300/550 V. 615.00 805.62 SECL 03/2019

Mine Line make, 500 kVA, 3300/550 V. 2010.00 L 07/2017


Mine Line make, 6.6 kV, 400/630 A, 150 MVA, VCB 380.00 L 07/2017
Mine Line, 3.3 kV, VCB, 630 A, 75 MVA CTR: 50/5 A 117.30 158.81 SECL 09/2016
Mine Line, 3.3 kV, VCB, 400 A, 75 MVA CTR: 25/5 A 112.50 152.31 SECL 09/2016
Mine Line, 3.3 kV, VCB, 400 A, 75 MVA CTR: 100/5 A 110.30 149.33 SECL 09/2016
Mine Line, 3.3 kV, VCB, 400 A, 75 MVA CTR: 200/5 A 115.33 156.14 SECL 09/2016
Mine Line, 3.3 kV, VCB, 400 A, 75 MVA CTR: 300/5 A 111.25 150.62 SECL 08/2016
Mine Line, 3.3 kV, VCB, 400 A, 75 MVA CTR: 400/5 A 113.39 153.52 SECL 08/2016
Electroteknica, 3.3 kV, VCB, 200 A, 75 MVA with CT ratio :200/5 A 108.00 143.02 WCL 03/2018

Mine Line, 550 V, ACB, 60 A, CTR: 60/5 A 29.60 Estd.

Mine Line, 550 V, ACB, 100 A, CTR: 100/5 A 46.68 60.49 SECL 05/2017
Mine Line, 550 V, ACB, 200 A, CTR: 200/5 A 46.77 60.61 SECL 05/2017
Mine Line, 550 V, ACB, 300 A, CTR: 300/5 A 66.70 86.43 SECL 05/2017
Mine Line, 550 V, ACB, 400 A, CTR: 400/5 A 66.70 86.43 SECL 05/2017


Prabhu, 3.3 kV, VCB, 15 panel, 3 nos. incomer VCB, 630 A, CTR : 400-300/5 A,
2 nos. outgoing VCB, 630 A, CTR :400-300/5 A, 10 nos. outgoing VCB, 630 A,
CTR :300-200/5 A 3115.00 Estd.

Prabhu, 3.3 kV, VCB, 14 panel, 3 nos. incomer VCB, 630 A, CTR : 400-300/5 A,
2 nos. outgoing VCB, 630 A, CTR :400-300/5 A, 9 nos. outgoing VCB, 630 A,
CTR :300-200/5 A 2907.00 Estd.

Prabhu, 3.3 kV, VCB, 6 panel, 2 nos. incomer VCB, 400 A, CTR : 120-60/5 A,
1 no. sectionaliser VCB, 400 A, CTR : 120-60/5 A, 3 nos. outgoing VCB, 400 A,
CTR : 60/5 A 1246.00 Estd.

Prabhu, 3.3 kV, VCB, 5 panel, 2 nos. incomer VCB, 400 A, CTR : 120-60/5 A,
3 nos. outgoing VCB, 400 A, CTR : 60/5 A 1038.50 Estd.

Mine Line, 6.6 kV, VCB, 10 panel, 2 nos. incomer VCB, 400 A, CTR : 300/200/5 A,
1 no. sectionaliser VCB, 400 A, CTR : 300/200/5 A, 5 nos. outgoing VCB, 400 A,
2 nos. CTR : 150/75/5 A, 2 nos. CTR : 40/30/5 A & 1 no.CTR : 75/50/5 A 4232.00 Estd.

Mine Line, 6.6 kV, VCB, 5 panel, 1 no. incomer VCB, 400 A, CTR : 80/40/5 A,
1 no. spare VCB, 400 A, CTR : 40/25/5 A, 3 nos. outgoing VCB, 400 A,
2 nos. CTR : 40/25/5 A & 1 no. CTR : 50/25/5 A 2116.00 Estd.

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Mine Line, 6.6 kV, VCB, 4 panel, 1 no. incomer VCB, 400 A, CTR : 25/15/5 A,
1 no. spare VCB, 400 A, CTR : 40/30/5 A, 2 nos. outgoing VCB, 400 A,
2 nos. CTR : 20/15/5 A 1693.00 Estd.


Mine Line make, 550 V with Air Break Contactor for restricted earth neutral
system for 55 kW motor 83.50 Estd.
5. Drill Panel, 1.5 kVA, 550/125 V, FLP (ABC Electricals make) 43.50 CCL 06/2016

5. Marathon Electric Motors Make, 6.6 kV, FLP, 150 kW, 1500 rpm Squirrel Cage IM
(Centre height of shaft - 400 mm) 1600.00 2038.13 ECL 11/2020

6. 3.3 kV FLP TEFC CAGE MOTOR 50 Hz, 3 ph, Continuous rated, Class B
insulation, 1500 rpm

110 kW 1301.00 Estd.

125 kW 1388.00 Estd.
150 kW 1439.50 Estd.
210 kW 1593.60 Estd.
300 kW 1773.50 Estd.

7. 415/550 V FLP TEFC CAGE MOTOR 50 Hz, 3 ph,

Group of enclosure IIA & IIB as per IS : 2148
(Crompton Greaves make)
a. Squirrel Cage 1500 rpm with power in kW.

3.7 27.50 Estd.

5.5 37.78 Estd.
7.5 44.72 Estd.
9.3 66.31 Estd.
11 71.45 Estd.
15 82.76 Estd.
18.5 98.70 Estd.
22 104.35 Estd.
30 155.50 Estd.
37 198.42 Estd.

45 246.74 Estd.
55 190.36 258.60 WCL 11/2016
75 391.45 Estd.
90 401.99 Estd.
110 493.23 Estd.
125 568.03 Estd.
132 589.87 Estd.
160 622.00 Estd.
180 745.37 Estd.
200 900.62 Estd.

b. Squirrel Cage 1000 rpm with power in kW.

7.5 71.45 Estd.

9.3 82.76 Estd.
11 87.90 Estd.
15 115.15 Estd.
18.5 144.71 Estd.
22 155.50 Estd.
30 257.28 Estd.
37 312.54 Estd.
45 386.31 Estd.
55 416.38 Estd.
75 498.89 Estd.
90 589.87 Estd.
110 643.59 Estd.
125 766.45 Estd.
132 777.24 Estd.

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
150 911.41 Estd.


Mine Line, 3.3 kV Star Delta, 300 kW for forward & reverse 197.00 276.27 Estd.
Mine Line, 3.3 kV Star Delta, 300 kW 225.00 315.53 Estd.
Electroteknica, 3.3 kV DOL, 220 kW 118.00 165.68 Estd.
Mine Line, 3.3 kV DOL, 150 kW 104.00 131.57 SECL 12/2019

550 V, 50 Hz, starter with U/V, O/L, E/L with

ON-OFF isolation facility (Yule make).
150 kW, Star-Delta (Mine Line) 131.60 199.76 Estd.
112.5 kW, Star-Delta (Volga) 103.50 168.79 Estd.
90 kW, Star Delta (Flectroteknica) 80.00 127.16 Estd.
37 kW, DOL (Mine Line) 32.00 52.19 Estd.


Drum controller, 75 hp, 550 V, 50 Hz, current rating

upto 180 A, 7 notches with sepatate resistance enclosure 796.78 Estd.

Drum controller, 140 hp, 550 V, 50 Hz, current rating

upto 180 A, 7 notches with sepatate resistance enclosure & stator reverser 1156.61 Estd.


ABC Electricals Pvt. Ltd, 5 kVA, 550/110 V, lighting transformer 43.50 59.04 CCL 06/2016
Safex, 550/110/15 V, signalling transformer 7.40 9.98 SECL 01/2017

in `000' PER KM
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Heavy duty control cable, 650/1100 V grade,
anealed untinned solid round Cu-conductor, PVC
insulated & sheathed overall (IS:1554, Pt-I)
Additional cost for special construction :
Tinning : 3%
Heat Resistant PVC Insulation : 2%
Heat Resistant PVC Inner Sheath : 2%
Heat Resistant PVC Outer Sheath : 2%
FRLS Loading Factor :
Cable Type Inner Sheath Outer Sheath
(Core) Armoured Unarmoured
2 to 4 10% 10% 10%
5 to 10 7.5% 10% 10%
12 & above 7.5% 7.5% 7.5%

(Polycab make)

a. 1.5 sq. mm with no. of cores

4 53.0 81.9 CCL 01/2018
6 67.0 103.6 CCL 01/2018
10 165.6 Estd.

b. 2.5 sq. mm with no. of cores

10 139.0 214.8 CCL 01/2018
12 200.0 278.3 NCL 03/2016
16 295.0 397.6 NCL 03/2019
25 394.0 630.4 NCL 03/2016

4.0 sq. mm with no. of cores

4 107.0 146.4 MCL 05/2017

6.0 sq. mm with no. of cores

4 159.0 217.6 MCL 05/2017


(Polycab make)

a. 1.5 sq. mm with no. of cores

4 53.0 82.1 CCL 03/2017
6 67.0 103.8 CCL 03/2017

b. 2.5 sq. mm with no. of cores

2 34.1 52.4 MCL 05/2017
3 53.5 82.3 MCL 05/2017
4 86.0 138.3 SECL 02/2016
10 139.0 215.3 CCL 03/2017
24 358.0 484.6 BCCL 01/2020

in `000' PER KM
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price

650/1100 V grade PVCDWA Aluminium Cable

3½ - core cross section in sq. mm
3½ X 25 135.8 Estd.
3½ X 185 662.1 Estd.
3½ X 240 852.3 Estd.

650/1100 V grade XLPE insulated PVC taped innersheathed

armoured Aluminium Cable, Type - A2XWY/A2XFY

a. 2 - core cross section in sq. mm

2X4 82.1 Estd.
2 X 10 122.4 Estd.
2 X 35 92.1 147.5 BCCL 05/2017

2 X 50 264.5 Estd.
2 X 95 416.2 Estd.
2 X 150 598.9 Estd.

b. 3 - core cross section in sq. mm

3X4 101.8 Estd.
3 X 10 148.2 Estd.
3 X 25 204.4 Estd.

3 X 50 339.7 Estd.
3 X 95 592.0 Estd.
3 X 150 879.3 Estd.
3 X 240 2141.6 Estd.

c. 3½ - core cross section in sq. mm

3½ X 25 237.9 Estd.
3½ X 50 383.8 Estd.
3½ X 95 656.6 Estd.

3½ X 150 583.1 796.2 NCL 11/2018

3½ X 240 1529.8 Estd.
3½ X 400 2378.7 Estd.
d. 4 core with cross section in sq. mm
4X4 118.6 Estd.
4 X 10 150.5 Estd.
4 X 16 187.7 Estd.

4 X 25 262.2 Estd.
4 X 50 427.9 Estd.
4 X 70 591.3 Estd.
4 X 120 945.4 Estd.

4 X 150 1128.6 Estd.

4 X 240 1808.8 Estd.
4 X 400 2810.4 Estd.

in `000' PER KM
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
3. 650/1100 V grade XLPE insulated PVC taped innersheathed
unarmoured Aluminium Cable, Type - A2XY

a. 3 - core cross section in sq. mm

3 X 10 99.6 Estd.
3 X 25 169.5 Estd.
3 X 50 285.8 Estd.
3 X 95 532.0 Estd.
3 X 120 656.6 Estd.
3 X 185 1015.3 Estd.
3 X 240 1313.2 Estd.
3 X 300 1044.8 1673.9 CCL 07/2015
3 X 400 2068.7 Estd.

b. 3½ - core cross section in sq. mm

3½ X 25 198.4 Estd.
3½ X 50 332.9 Estd.
3½ X 95 615.6 Estd.
3½ X 185 1181.0 Estd.
3½ X 240 1528.3 Estd.
3½ X 400 2404.6 Estd.

c. 4 core with cross section in sq. mm

4X4 63.1 Estd.
4 X 10 114.0 Estd.
4 X 25 167.7 Estd.
4 X 50 371.6 Estd.
4 X 95 696.1 Estd.
4 X 150 1073.1 Estd.
4 X 240 1736.6 Estd.
4 X 400 2749.6 Estd.

4. 650/1100 V grade PVCSWA Copper, Lighting Cable

with core x cross section in sq. mm
2 X 2.5 74.2 Estd.
2X4 88.7 Estd.
2X6 121.7 Estd.
4X4 173.7 Estd.
4X6 215.5 Estd.

4. 1100 V grade PVCDWA Copper, Lighting Cable

2 X 2.5 50.0 63.3 WCL 10/2020
2X4 64.0 81.1 WCL 10/2020
2X6 85.0 107.6 WCL 10/2020

5. 650/1100 V grade PVCSWA Aluminium, Lighting Cable

with core x cross section in sq. mm
2 X 2½ 30.0 48.0 WCL 08/2018
2X4 61.3 77.6 WCL 11/2019
2X6 80.0 101.3 WCL 11/2019
2 X 10 90.0 114.0 WCL 11/2019

in `000' PER KM
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
3½ x 70 156.0 248.2 MCL 02/2017
4X6 92.6 117.2 WCL 11/2019
4 X 10 120.6 152.7 WCL 11/2019
4 X 70 282.5 357.8 SECL 11/2019
4 X 95 336.6 459.6 NCL 11/2018
4 X 150 350.1 567.2 SECL 04/2017
4 X 240 824.1 1043.9 SECL 11/2019

6. 650/1100 V grade PVC Flat Copper, Submersible Cable

with cross section in sq. mm (IS:8130)
3 x 1.5 117.9 Estd.
3 x 2.5 188.9 Estd.
3 x 35 516.2 719.1 WCL 06/2018
3 x 50 1040.0 1439.6 BCCL 07/2018
3 x 70 1310.0 1720.6 BCCL 12/2019

7. 1100 V grade Aerial Bundled Cable (Aluminium Alloy Conductor)

with cross section in sq. mm (IS:14255)
3x16 (Phase Wire)+1x16 (Street Light Wire)+1x25 (Messenger Neutral) 45.0 91.4 MCL 06/2017
3x25 (Phase Wire)+1x16 (Street Light Wire)+1x25 (Messenger Neutral) 59.1 120.0 MCL 06/2017
3x35 (Phase Wire)+1x16 (Street Light Wire)+1x25 (Messenger Neutral) 70.2 142.6 MCL 06/2017
3x50 (Phase Wire)+1x16 (Street Light Wire)+1x35 (Messenger Neutral) 98.0 199.2 MCL 06/2017
3x70 (Phase Wire)+1x16 (Street Light Wire)+1x50 (Messenger Neutral) 182.0 253.0 WCL 11/2018
3x95 (Phase Wire)+1x16 (Street Light Wire)+1x70 (Messenger Neutral) 171.3 347.9 MCL 06/2017
3x120 (Phase Wire)+1x16 (Street Light Wire)+1x95 (Messenger Neutral) 215.3 437.4 MCL 06/2017

8. 1.1 kV PVC insulated, PVC sheathed armoured Copper

4- core with cross section in sq. mm.
4 X 10 284.0 382.8 NCL 03/2019
4 X 16 398.0 536.4 NCL 03/2019
4 X 25 605.0 815.4 NCL 03/2019
4 X 35 855.0 1152.4 NCL 03/2019
4 X 70 1700.0 2291.3 NCL 03/2019
4 X 95 2175.0 2931.5 NCL 03/2019
4 X 150 3400.0 4582.5 NCL 03/2019
4 X 240 4910.0 7547.2 NCL 03/2016

9. 1.1 kV PVC insulated, PVC sheathed armoured Aluminium

4- core with cross section in sq. mm.
4 X 16 75.0 101.1 NCL 03/2019
4 X 25 107.0 144.2 NCL 03/2019
4 X 35 175.0 270.2 NCL 03/2016
4 X 50 258.0 347.7 NCL 03/2019
4 X 150 605.0 815.4 NCL 03/2019
4 X 185 700.0 943.5 NCL 03/2019
4 X 240 905.0 1219.8 NCL 03/2019
4 X 300 1130.0 1523.0 NCL 03/2019

10. 3.3 kV PVCDWA Copper Cable

Mining type (YWWY), IS : 1554 (Part-II)/1988
3 core with cross section in sq. mm
3 X 25 (Netco Cables make) 466.0 590.2 WCL 10/2020

in `000' PER KM
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
3 X 35 (Netco Cables make) 607.8 769.7 WCL 10/2020
3 X 50 ((Netco Cables make) 845.0 1070.2 WCL 10/2020
3 X 70 (Netco Cables make) 1136.0 1438.7 WCL 10/2020
3 X 95 (Netco cables make) 1497.0 1895.9 WCL 10/2020
3 X 120 (Netco Cables make) 1840.0 2330.3 WCL 10/2020
3 X 150 (Netco Cables make) 2946.0 3425.0 ECL 04/2018
3 X 185 (Netco Cables make) 3269.0 4234.4 WCL 05/2020
3 X 240 (Netco Cables make) 4161.0 5450.1 BCCL 01/2020

11. 3.3 kV, PVCDWA (Al)

Unscreened type AYWWY
3- core with cross section in sq. mm.
3 X 35 350.5 Estd.
3 X 50 (Unistar make) 331.0 461.1 CCL 06/2018
3 X 70 (KEI make) 375.0 507.6 BCCL 01/2020
3 X 95 701.5 Estd.
3 X 120 (KEI make) 608.0 823.0 BCCL 01/2020
3 X 150 1087.6 Estd.
3 X 185 1198.2 Estd.
3 X 240 1881.9 Estd.

12. 6.6 kV (E) PVCDWA (Cu),

Mining type (YWWY)
3- core with cross section in sq. mm.
3 X 25 685.5 Estd.
3 X 35 898.8 Estd.
3 X 50 1269.4 Estd.
3 X 70 (Netco Cable make) 1307.0 1693.0 ECL 05/2020
3 X 95 (Netco Cable make) 1755.0 2273.3 ECL 05/2020
3 X 120 (Netco Cable make) 2195.0 2843.2 ECL 05/2020
3 X 150 (Netco Cable make) 2686.0 3479.2 ECL 05/2020
3 X 185 (Netco Cable make) 3598.0 5035.0 WCL 02/2018

13. 11 kV GRADE PVCDWA (Cu),

Mining Type
3- core with cross section in sq. mm.
3 X 70 2096.8 2969.4 CCL 12/2016

14. 11 kV GRADE PVCDWA (Al)

screened cable (AYWWY)
3- core with cross section in
3 X 50 (Unistar make) 750.0 1205.2 CCL 04/2017
3 X 70 (Unistar make) 825.4 1326.4 CCL 04/2017
3 X 120 (Unistar make) 1019.0 1637.5 CCL 04/2017
3 X 185 (Unistar make) 1347.7 2165.7 CCL 04/2017
3 X 240 (Unistar make) 1586.3 2449.5 CCL 04/2017

15. 11 kV grade PVC insulated, PVC sheathed armoured Copper

3- core with cross section in
3 X 25 (Polycab make) 963.0 1289.2 NCL 06/2019
3 X 35 (Polycab make) 1255.0 1680.1 NCL 06/2019
3 X 50 (Polycab make) 1513.0 2025.5 NCL 06/2019
3 X 70 (Polycab make) 1954.0 2615.8 NCL 06/2019

in `000' PER KM
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
3 X 95 (Polycab make) 2550.0 3413.7 NCL 06/2019

16. XLPE CABLE, IS : 7098

Additional cost for special construction :

Extruded PVC inner sheathed : 3%
Pressure extruded PVC inner sheathed : 13%
Round wire armouring : 25%
FRLS inner sheathed : 5%
FRLS outer sheathed : 5%

A. XLPE DWA (Cu) cable, 11 kV with X-section in

3 X 35 (KEI make) 1064.0 1369.6 SECL 07/2019
3 X 50 (KEI make) 1305.7 1625.4 WCL 05/2020
3 X 70 (KEI make) 1772.0 2280.9 SECL 07/2019
3 X 95 (KEI make) 2113.0 2661.2 BCCL 01/2020
3 X 120 (KEI make) 2617.5 3258.6 WCL 05/2020
3 X 150 3900.0 Estd
3 X 185 (KEI make) 3664.0 4614.6 BCCL 01/2020
3 X 240 (KEI make) 4679.0 5892.9 BCCL 01/2020

B. XLPE DWA (Al) cable, 11 kV with X-section in

3 X 70 (Sinco Cable make) 700.0 1267.2 NCL 09/2018
3 X 120 (Sinco Cable make) 940.0 1701.7 NCL 09/2018
3 X 185 (Sinco Cable make) 1213.0 2195.9 NCL 09/2018
3 X 240 (Sinco Cable make) 1446.0 2617.7 NCL 09/2018

C. XLPE (Al) cable - 3 core, individual screen with

extruded semiconducting compound, galvanised
flat strip armoured, inner sheathed of PVC tape &
overall PVC sheathed

a. 3.3kV (E/UE) grade with X - section in

3 X 35 570.7 Estd.
3 X 70 800.3 Estd.
3 X 120 1149.8 Estd.
3 X 185 1544.3 Estd.
3 X 240 1876.4 Estd.
3 X 400 2716.2 Estd.

b. 6.6kV (E) with X - section in

3 X 35 623.9 Estd.
3 X 70 868.7 Estd.
3 X 120 1225.8 Estd.
3 X 150 1383.9 Estd.
3 X 185 1611.9 Estd.
3 X 240 1959.2 Estd.
3 X 400 2889.4 Estd.

c. 11kV (E) with X-section in sq. mm.

3 X 120 1441.7 Estd.
3 X 185 1912.9 Estd.
3 X 240 2271.6 Estd.
3 X 400 3206.4 Estd.

in `000' PER KM
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
d. 11 kV (UE) with X-section in
3 X 70 539.9 847.3 MCL 10/2018
3 X 95 631.8 991.4 MCL 10/2018
3 X 120 (Universal Cable Ltd.) 815.8 1299.4 BCCL 03/2016
3 X 185 2050.8 Estd.
3 X 400 (Universal Cable Ltd.) 1877.0 2989.6 BCCL 03/2016

e. 33 kV (E) with X-section in

3 X 95 2258.5 Estd.
3 X 150 2714.2 Estd.
3 X 240 3488.7 Estd.
3 X 400 4595.9 Estd.


a. 650 V/1100 V grade

3 x 16 + 1 x 16 (pilot) + 1 x 16 (bare earth) sq. mm 978.0 1186.5 WCL 07/2017
3 x 25 + 1 x 25 (pilot) + 1 x 16 (bare earth) sq. mm 1210.0 1460.6 BCCL 12/2020
3 x 35 + 1 x 35 (pilot) + 1 x 16 (bare earth) sq. mm 1890.0 2277.1 SECL 01/2019

b. Drill Cable, IS : 14494

Type FTD - 3, size - 5 x 6 sq. mm 320.0 410.8 CCL 07/2020



a. 3.3 kV GRADE
cross section in sq. mm
ITM Cables make, 3 x 25 + 2 x 25/2 + 1 x 16 sq. mm 1376.0 1668.5 BCCL 11/2020
Unicab make, 3 x 35 + 2 x 35/2 + 1 x 16 sq. mm 1565.0 2043.4 SECL 02/2020

b. 6.6 kV GRADE
cross section in sq. mm
3 x 25 + 3 x 16 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 1640.0 1988.6 BCCL 11/2020
3 x 25 + 2 x 25/2 +1x 16 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 1482.0 1935.0 SECL 02/2020
3 x 35 + 2 x 35/2 +1x 16 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 1940.0 2575.7 SECL 08/2019
3 x 70 + 2 x 70/2 +1x 35 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 3120.0 4169.0 NCL 10/2018
3 x 95 + 3 x 95/3 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 3280.0 4354.8 SECL 08/2019
3 x 120 + 2 x 120/2 +1x 35 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 4711.0 6294.9 NCL 10/2018
3 x 150 + 2 x 150/2 +1x 35 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 5620.0 7509.5 NCL 10/2018
3 x 185 + 3 x 185/3 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 5461.0 8194.9 BCCL 06/2017

c. 8 kV GRADE
cross section in sq. mm
3 x 120 + 2 x 70 +1 x 70 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 7361.0 9347.7 ECL 10/2019

d. 11 kV GRADE
cross section in sq. mm
3 x 25 + 2 x 25/2 +1x 16 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 2100.5 Estd.

e. 12 kV GRADE
Unicab make, cross section in sq. mm
3 x 35 + 2 x 35/2 +1x16 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 2304.0 3105.3 SECL 03/2019

f. 15 kV GRADE
Unicab make, cross section in sq. mm
3 x 50 + 2 x 25 +1x 25 sq. mm (2 ground core + 1 pilot core) 3031.0 4057.6 SECL 07/2019

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price

ACSR CONDUCTOR (Price per km )

SQUIRREL 15.8 Estd.
RABBIT 28.8 38.1 WCL 05/2020
RACCON 56.1 Estd.
DOG 57.1 75.7 WCL 05/2020
WOLF 92.4 119.5 SECL 08/2019
PANTHER 163.1 Estd.
ZEBRA 300.7 Estd.

AAA CONDUCTOR ( Price per km )

(IS: 398 (Pt.IV)
SQUIRREL 22 mm2 9.8 18.9 MCL 10/2017
WEASEL 34 mm2 16.0 26.9 CCL 12/2015
RABBIT 55 mm2 27.0 43.5 CCL 03/2019
RACOON 80 mm2 38.3 56.7 NCL 06/2019
DOG 125 mm2 53.7 70.8 CCL 06/2020
COYOTE 148 mm2 86.7 123.1 NCL 12/2018
WOLF 173 mm2 90.7 126.4 CCL 05/2019


Steel tubular pole : ERW steel Black tubes (IS:2713 Pt - III) with CI base plate
& cap
8 m, swaged type 5.7 7.1 BCCL 08/2019
9 m, swaged type 9.2 11.7 SECL 02/2019
10 m, swaged type 13.9 16.9 MCL 06/2019
11 m, swaged type 14.4 18.2 CCL 06/2019
12 m, swaged type 14.7 18.0 MCL 08/2020
13 m, swaged type 19.0 24.0 CCL 06/2019
14.5 m, swaged type 19.1 24.1 CCL 06/2019
16 m, swaged type 26.1 30.8 ECL 07/2020

PCC pole working load 400 kg

9m 2.7 3.8 Estd.
9.5 m ( Virendeel ) 8.2 Estd.


9 m telescopic trolly mounted high mast lighting tower with tubeless tyre with
6 nos. of long rays flood lights, HPSV 2 x 400 W with 7.5 kVA, diesel generator
inclusive of testing & commissioning 433.3 552.6 MCL 03/2017

9 m telescopic trolly mounted high mast lighting tower with tubeless tyre with
6 nos. of long rays flood lights, HPSV 1 x 400 W with 7.5 kVA, diesel generator
inclusive of testing & commissioning 411.2 524.4 MCL 03/2017

9 m telescopic trolly mounted high mast lighting tower with tubeless tyre with
4 nos. of long rays flood lights, HPSV 1 x 400 W with 5.0 kVA, diesel generator
inclusive of testing & commissioning 376.5 480.2 MCL 03/2017

9 m telescopic trolly mounted high mast lighting tower with tubeless tyre with
6 nos. of long rays flood lights, HPSV 1 x 400 W with 5.0 kVA, diesel generator
inclusive of testing & commissioning 386.4 492.8 MCL 03/2017

11 m telescopic trolly mounted high mast lighting tower with tubeless tyre with
8 nos. of long rays flood lights, HPSV 2 x 400 W with 7.5 kVA, diesel generator
inclusive of testing & commissioning 517.9 660.4 MCL 03/2017

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
18 m telescopic lighting tower (16 m + 1 m trolley + 1 m cradle) with 8 nos.
long rays flood lights, HPSV 400 W, motorised winches & 10 kVA, 3.3 kV/230 V
lighting transformer 861.0 1113.4 CCL 05/2015

18 m self supporting trolley mounted, steel wheel telescopic tilting tower with
6 nos. 400 W, 230 V, Flood Light (HPSV Lamp) cum search light 681.5 881.3 ECL 08/2015

30 m ground mounted, high mast lighting tower with 12 nos. 2x400 W, 230 V
Flood Light (HPSV Lamp) with fittings & with control panel 479.0 619.4 NCL10/2016

20 m ground mounted, high mast lighting tower with 1 no. 400 W, HPSV, 230 V
Flood Light with fittings & with control panel 299.0 373.2 WCL 03/2019

20 m ground mounted, high mast lighting tower with 8 nos. 180 W, LED, 230 V
Flood Light with fittings & with control panel 395.4 493.5 BCCL 03/2019

16m ground mounted, high mast lighting tower with 8 nos. 2x400 W, 230 V
Flood Light (HPSV Lamp) fittings 296.4 383.3 ECL 08/2015

12 m ground mounted, high mast lighting tower with 8 nos. 180 W, LED, 230 V
Flood Light with fittings & with control panel 243.5 303.9 BCCL 03/2019

Akshaypatra Equipments, Model : AK-MLT-F-5, Mobile Mast Lighting Tower

12 mtr. Height with 1x400 Watt (4 nos.) HPSV Luminaries in each tower with
DG Set complete with all accessories 459.0 593.6 NCL 09/2015

Portable Inflatable light & generator set with tower height 4 m to 5 m and
generator motor 1.2 kVA, tank capacity 5 liters, 220V, 400 W light brightness
40000 lumen, engine 4 stroke with inbuilt trolley & telescopic support 245.0 Estd.

16 m ground mounted, fixed type high mast lighting tower for 8 nos. 300 W, LED flood
light with control panel of power supply 415 V including spares for warranty period, tools
& civil foundation 395.3 470.7 CCL 08/2019

16 m ground mounted, fixed type high mast lighting tower for 8 nos. 300 W, LED flood
light with control panel of power supply 415 V & also from DG with 5 kVA DG set
including spares for warranty period, tools & civil foundation 689.9 821.4 CCL 08/2019

20 m ground mounted, fixed type high mast lighting tower for 8 nos. 300 W, LED flood
light with control panel of power supply 415 V including spares for warranty period, tools
& civil foundation 395.3 470.7 CCL 08/2019

30 m ground mounted, high mast lighting tower with lowering & raising facility for 12 nos.
200 W, LED flood light, 230 V & 6 nos.150 W LED long range flood light with fittings &
with control panel also with 10 kVA DG set including civil foundation 996.5 1176.8 CCL 01/2020

18 m trolley mounted on solid rubber tyre, mobile type high mast, telessopic, tilting type
lighting tower for 8 nos.300 W, LED flood light with control panel of power supply 415 V
& also from DG with 5 kVA DG set including all accessories 1235.0 1529.4 CCL 08/2019

18 m trolley mounted on solid rubber tyre, mobile type high mast, telessopic, tilting type
lighting tower for 8 nos.300 W, LED flood light with control panel of power supply 415 V
from 10 kVA 6.6 or 3.3 kV/230 V transformer including all accessories 1035.0 1281.7 CCL 08/2019

18 m trolley mounted on solid rubber tyre, mobile type high mast, telessopic, tilting type
lighting tower for 8 nos.300 W, LED flood light with control panel of power supply 415 V
including all accessories 896.5 1110.2 CCL 08/2019

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Abbreviations :
SON/HPSV - High Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamp
MH - Metal Halide Lamp

1. Indoor LED Decorative Luminaires

LED Lights

LED Crysta chip on board swivel downlight wih crisp light throw with robust heat
Type:3000/4000K, 9 W 0.70 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000K, 12 W 0.93 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000K, 18 W 1.11 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000K, 24 W 1.40 L 04/2017

LED Crysta chip on board wall washer wih crisp light throw:
Type:3000K, 10 W 0.93 L 04/2017
Type:3000K, 20 W 2.11 L 04/2017

LED Octane, slim, compact, aluminium die cast edge lit panel, recess mounted
round fixture with opal diffuser and separate electronic driver:
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 6 W 0.38 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 9 W 0.53 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 12 W 0.59 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 15 W 0.71 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 18 W 0.76 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 24 W 1.12 L 04/2017

LED, trim round designed recessed mounted panel in light weight plastic body:
Type:3000/4000/6000K, 5 W 0.32 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 10 W 0.41 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 15 W 0.50 L 04/2017

LED, lumeno round downlighters with decorative recess mounted panel for low
ceiling height:
Type:3000/6500K, 5 W 0.32 L 04/2017
Type:3000/6500K, 8 W 0.38 L 04/2017
Type:3000/6500K, 12 W 0.43 L 04/2017

LED, blaze round, ultra slim, aluminium casted, recess mounted round fixture
with opal diffuser for low ceiling height:
Type:3000/4000/6000K, 6 W 0.58 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 12 W 0.82 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 15 W 0.99 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 18 W 1.29 L 04/2017

LED, fazer round, ultra slim, plastic body edge lit panel, recess mounted round
fixture suitable for low ceiling height:
Type:3000/4000/6000K, 6 W 0.52 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 12 W 0.82 L 04/2017
Type:3000/4000/6500K, 18 W 1.11 L 04/2017

LED, amaze round, polycarbonate fixture suitable for low ceiling height:
Type:4000/6000K, 5 W 0.41 L 04/2017
Type:4000/6000K, 8 W 0.52 L 04/2017
Type:4000/6000K, 12 W 0.64 L 04/2017
Type:4000/6000K, 16 W 0.76 L 04/2017

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
LED, sapphire round, low depth dual colour downlighter with blue light in corners
& white light in center easy colour selection on switching basis:
Type:6000K, 12 W 1.46 L 04/2017
Type:6000K, 18 W 1.93 L 04/2017

LED, joy round, recess mounted, compact vertical, round shaped downlighter
suitable for low height ceiling:
Type:6000K, 15 W 0.88 L 04/2017
Type:6000K, 18 W 0.99 L 04/2017

LED, joy ringo, energy efficient, moulded body, wall/ceiling light fixture with
diffuser to give glare free light:
Type:4000K/6000K, 5 W 0.46 L 04/2017
Type:4000K/6000K, 8 W 0.82 L 04/2017

LED, bolt round, surface mounted round shape downlighter with durable housing
with aluminium heat sink with diffuser to give glare free light with removable driver:
Type:4000K/6000K, 6 W 0.70 L 04/2017
Type:4000K/6000K, 12 W 1.11 L 04/2017
Type:4000K/6000K, 18 W 1.46 L 04/2017

LED, pride plus, ultra slim linear wall mounted light fixture with extruded
polycarbonate, energy efficient:
Type:6000K, 5 W 0.25 L 04/2017
Type:6000K, 9 W 0.31 L 04/2017
Type:3000K, 18 W 0.44 L 04/2017
Type:6000K, 18 W 0.44 L 04/2017

LED, maxoled, tube with double side connection:

Type:6000K, 20 W 0.35 L 04/2017

LED tube Light fittings complete with 4 feet light, 40 W/36 W, 230 V (including lamp) 2.48 3.09 MCL 03/2017

2. Conventional Lights

Havell, T5, surface cum recess mirror optics, ceiling cutout size:1.23 m x 0.15 m
1 x 28 W flurocent tube light fittings 0.90 L 07/2017

Havell, T5, surface cum recess mirror optics, ceiling cutout size:1.23 m x 0.185 m
2 x 28 W flurocent tube light fittings 1.07 L 07/2017

Havell, T8, surface cum recess mirror optics, ceiling cutout size:1.275 m x 0.16 m
1 x 36 W flurocent tube light fittings 0.90 L 07/2017

Havell, T8, surface cum recess mirror optics, ceiling cutout size:1.275 m x 0.20 m
2 x 36 W flurocent tube light fittings 1.14 L 07/2017

Havell, regal batten T5, 1 x 28 W flurocent tube light fittings 0.34 L 07/2017

Havell, regal batten T5, 2 x 28 W flurocent tube light fittings 0.55 L 07/2017

Havell, regal batten with electronic ballast, 1 x 36 W flurocent tube light fittings 0.24 L 07/2017

Havell, regal batten with electronic ballast, 2 x 36 W flurocent tube light fittings 0.48 L 07/2017

3. Underground Light & Fittings

(DGMS Approved)

Flame Proof, water proof, mild steel fabricated bulk head light fitting complete with
incommer & outgoing cable gland for 2 x 16 cable, 110 V, 50 Hz,suitable
for 2 x18 W LED 5.0 6.2 ECL 03/2019

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Tubular Light Fitting of mild steel complete with 2x18 W, 125 V CFL lamp 9.8 11.6 SECL 10/2016

Flameproof, water proof bulk head type LED suitable for 110 V/125 V complete set
fitted with well glass type 1 x 18 W LED lamp. 3.3 3.9 WCL 10/2018

CFL, 18 W, 110 V with inbuilt control gear, DGMS approved 9.8 11.4 WCL 02/2021

4. Street Light Luminaire

LED Lights
(with built-in lamps)

LED light fittings complete set, 35 W, 230 V (including lamp) 2.00 2.35 NCL 02/2019

LED light fittings complete set, 70 W, 230 V (including lamp) 4.00 4.70 NCL 02/2019

LED light fittings complete set, 140 W, 230 V (including lamp) 7.00 8.23 NCL 02/2019

LED light fittings complete set, 190 W, 230 V (including lamp) 9.30 10.93 NCL 02/2019

CFL, HPSV & Metal Halide Street Lights

Street Arm HPSV light fittings, 250 W, 230 V complete with accessories including
ballast and lamp 2.45 3.05 SECL 02/2018

Street Arm HPSV light fittings, 400 W, 230 V complete with accessories including
ballast and lamp 2.69 3.36 BCCL 03/2020

Metal Halide street light fittings 250 W, 230 V complete with accessories 2.85 3.55 SECL 02/2018

Havell, Impact pop, die-cast aluminium housing with pop optics & flat toughened
glass street light limunaire fittings for linear 1 x70 W SON-T/Metal Halide lamp,
housing type (without lamp) 1.14 L 07/2017
Control Gearbox for 1 x 70 W SON-T/MH lamp housing type 0.98 L 07/2017

Havell, Impact pop, die-cast aluminium housing with pop optics & flat toughened
glass street light limunaire fittings for linear 1 x70 W SON-T/Metal Halide lamp,
ballast type (without lamp) 0.41 L 07/2017
Control Gearbox for 1 x 70 W MH lamp ballast type 0.41 L 07/2017

Havell, Impact popular, die-cast aluminium housing with pop optics & flat toughened
glass street light limunaire fittings for linear 1 x 150 W SON-T lamp, housing type 1.49 L 07/2017
(without lamp)
Control Gearbox for 1 x 150 W MH lamp housing type 0.65 L 07/2017

Havell, Impact popular, die-cast aluminium housing with pop optics & flat toughened
glass street light limunaire fittings for linear 1 x 150 W SON-T lamp, ballast type 0.65 L 07/2017
(without lamp)
Control Gearbox for 1 x 150 W MH lamp ballast type 0.65 L 07/2017

Havell, Impact popular, die-cast aluminium housing with pop optics & flat toughened
glass street light limunaire fittings for linear 1 x 250 W SON-T lamp, housing type 1.69 L 07/2017
(without lamp)
Control Gearbox for 1 x 250 W SON-T/MH lamp housing type 0.84 L 07/2017
Havell, Impact popular, die-cast aluminium housing with pop optics & flat toughened
glass street light limunaire fittings for linear 1 x 250 W SON-T lamp, ballast type 0.94 L 07/2017
(without lamp)
Control Gearbox for 1 x 250 W SON-T/MH lamp ballast type 0.94 L 07/2017

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Havell, Orion Retro35, deep drawn aluminium housing with anodised inside & acrylic
cover street light limunaire fittings for linear 35 W CFL lamp (without lamp) 0.51 L 07/2017

Havell, Orion Retro45, deep drawn aluminium housing with anodised inside & acrylic
cover street light limunaire fittings for linear 45 W CFL lamp (without lamp) 0.58 L 07/2017

Havell, Orion Retro85, deep drawn aluminium housing with anodised inside & acrylic
cover street light limunaire fittings for linear 85 W CFL lamp (without lamp) 0.65 L 07/2017

Mintech, LED search light, 800 m range with flash continous mode complete with
charger 9.95 11.76 SECL 07/2016

Security search light weather & dust proof ecclosure operated with highly polished
stainless steel reflector cum body, 2 x 400 W, 230 V suitable for installing on roof
of watch tower cabin, swiveling type both vertical & horizontal 93.63 116.60 CCL 01/2017

Solar LED Street Lights

(with built-in lamps)

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 7 W, system voltage:12 V, 735 lumen, solar panel: 40Wp, battery: 40 AH,
4.0 m tubular pole 17.41 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 12 W, system voltage:12 V, 1200 lumen, solar panel: 60Wp, battery: 40 AH,
5.0 m tubular pole 20.73 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 15 W, system voltage:12 V, 1500 lumen, solar panel: 75Wp, battery: 60 AH,
5.0 m tubular pole 24.34 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 20 W, system voltage:12 V, 2100 lumen, solar panel: 90Wp, battery: 75 AH,
5.0 m tubular pole 27.02 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 24 W, system voltage:12 V, 2400 lumen, solar panel: 120Wp, battery: 80 AH,
5.0 m tubular pole 29.64 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 30 W, system voltage:12 V, 3150 lumen, solar panel:120Wp, battery:100 AH,
6.0 m tubular pole 34.25 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 36 W, system voltage:12 V, 3780 lumen, solar panel:150Wp, battery:120 AH,
6.0 m tubular pole 39.43 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 39 W, system voltage:12 V, 4095 lumen, solar panel:160Wp, battery:150 AH,
6.0 m tubular pole 42.69 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 45 W, system voltage:24 V, 4725 lumen, solar panel:180Wp, battery:160 AH,
6.0 m tubular pole 50.61 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 60 W, system voltage:24 V, 6300 lumen, solar panel:240Wp, battery:200 AH,
7.0 m tubular pole 71.98 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED standalone, street light fittings with built-in SCC, panel, battery
& pole, 70 W, system voltage:24 V, 7350 lumen, solar panel:300Wp, battery:240 AH,
7.0 m tubular pole 81.71 L 07/2017

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
5. Industrial Area Luminaire
(Havell's make with built-in lamps)

LED, magnum, tube light, corrosion resistant, impact proof, surface mounted,
highbay luminaire suitable for wet location:
Type:6000K, 24 W 2.42 L 07/2017

LED, magnum grand, tube light, corrosion resistant, impact proof, surface mounted,
highbay luminaire suitable for wet location:
Type:5700K, 20 W 1.87 L 07/2017
Type:5700K, 40 W 3.26 L 07/2017
Type:6000K, 40 W 3.26 L 07/2017

LED, magnum retro, tube light, corrosion resistant, impact proof, surface mounted,
highbay luminaire with single side connection suitable for wet location:
Type:T8, 1 x 18 W 0.79 L 07/2017
Type:T8, 2 x 18 W 0.97 L 07/2017

LED, endura well glass neo, corrosion resistant, impact proof, vertical/horizontal
surface mounted, pressure die cast aluminium well glas highbay
luminaire suitable for wet location:
Type:6000K, 24 W 2.26 L 07/2017
Type:6000K, 35 W 2.69 L 07/2017
Type:6000K, 40 W 2.80 L 07/2017

LED, endura highbrite plus, corrosion resistant, impact proof, robust open type
highbay/mediumbay luminaire:
Type:5000K, 50 W 3.62 L 07/2017
Type:6500K, 90 W 7.81 L 07/2017
Type:6500K, 150 W 10.77 L 07/2017

LED, endura baybrite plus, corrosion resistant, impact proof, pressure die cast
aluminium surface mounted suitable for highlighting architectural features:
Type:5700K, 80 W 6.36 L 07/2017
Type:5700K, 90 W 6.63 L 07/2017
Type:5700K, 120 W 8.35 L 07/2017
Type:5700K, 150 W 11.31 L 07/2017

6. Conventional Lights

Havell, regal batten with electronic ballast, 1 x 36 W flurocent tube light fittings
suitable for industrial use (without lamp) 0.34 L 07/2017

Havell, regal batten with electronic ballast, 2 x 36 W flurocent tube light fittings 0.55 L 07/2017
suitable for industrial use (without lamp)

Outdoor tube light fittings 1 x 40 W 0.61 0.76 SECL 02/2018

7. Flood Light Luminaire

CFL, HPSV & Metal Halide Lights

Flood light fittings with 250 W HPSV lamp 2.20 2.71 WCL 03/2020.

Flood light fittings with 2 x 400 W HPSV lamp 5.17 6.39 WCL 03/2020.

Flood light fittings with 1000 W HPSV lamp 7.20 8.90 WCL 02/2020

Symmetrical beam non-integral flood lighting fittings for 1 x 400 W, 230 V HPSV
lamp with stainless steel reflector & suitable non-integral control gear box
with aluminium body, the flood light should produce minium illumination of 7000 lux
along axis at 10 m height and 35 lux at 300 to the axis 6.89 8.58 SECL 01/2018

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Asymmetrical beam non-integral flood lighting fittings for 2 x 400 W, 230 V HPSV
lamp with stainless steel reflector & suitable non-integral control gear box
with aluminium body 11.20 13.90 CCL 01/2017

Jilco, pressure die-cast aluminium housing non-integral flood light limunaire fittings
for linear 1000 W metal halide lamp complete with control gearbox & lamp 6.90 8.56 SECL 06/2017

Arcomax, pressure die-cast aluminium housing non-integral flood light limunaire

fittings for linear 1000 W HPSV lamp complete with control gearbox & lamp 7.60 8.38 WCL 04/2017

Havell, Jeta6 RO, pressure die-cast aluminium flood light limunaire fittings for linear
1 x 250 W SON-T/MH lamp housing type (without lamp) 2.14 L 07/2017
Control Gearbox for 1 x 250 W SON-T/MH lamp housing type 0.84 L 07/2017

Havell, Jeta6 RO, pressure die-cast aluminium flood light limunaire fittings for linear
1 x 400 W SON-T/MH lamp housing type (without lamp) 2.14 L 07/2017
Control Gearbox for 1 x 400 W SON-T/MH lamp housing type 0.98 L 07/2017

Havell, Jeta7, pressure die-cast aluminium flood light limunaire fittings for linear
1 x 70 W Metal Halide DE lamp housing type (without lamp) 1.52 L 07/2017
Control Gearbox for 1 x 70 W SON-T/MH lamp housing type 0.98 L 07/2017

Havell, Jeta7, pressure die-cast aluminium flood light limunaire fittings for linear
1 x 150 W Metal Halide DE lamp housing type (without lamp) 1.52 L 07/2017
Control Gearbox for 1 x 150 W MH lamp housing type 0.65 L 07/2017

Havell, Ranger 2 Oval,die-cast aluminium flood light limunaire fittings for twin
2 x 400 W SON-T/Metal Halide lamp (without lamp) 2.36 L 07/2017
Control Gearbox for 2 x 400 W SON-T/MH lamp ballast type 2.65 L 07/2017

LED Lights

LED flood light fittings complete set, 35 W - 45 W, 230 V (including lamp & spares) 2.94 NCL 07/2016

LED flood light fittings complete set, 100 W, 230 V 2.15 2.52 WCL 07/2018

LED flood light fittings complete set, 150 W, 230 V 3.15 3.74 WCL 12/2017

Portable hand held LED light with provision for mast extension light with minimum
6 LED operatable with rechargeable batteries with battery backup of 12 hrs. &
weight not more than 10 kg 148.50 174.55 MCL 09/2018

Havell, LED Jeta neo, flood light fittings of aluminium die cast body complete set
suitable for high mast or general lighting, type:6000K, 100 W, 230 V 7.27 L 07/2017

Havell, LED Jeta pro, flood light fittings of aluminium die cast body complete set
suitable for high mast or general lighting, type:5700K, 120 W, 230 V 10.01 L 07/2017

Havell, LED Jeta pro, flood light fittings of aluminium die cast body complete set
suitable for high mast or general lighting, type:5700K, 150 W, 230 V 12.38 L 07/2017

Havell, LED Jeta pro, flood light fittings of aluminium die cast body complete set
suitable for high mast or general lighting, type:5700K, 180 W, 230 V 15.28 L 07/2017

Havell, LED Jeta pro, flood light fittings of aluminium die cast body complete set
suitable for high mast or general lighting, type:5700K, 200 W, 230 V 15.80 L 07/2017

Havell, LED Jeta pro, flood light fittings of aluminium die cast body complete set
suitable for high mast or general lighting, type:5700K, 240 W, 230 V 18.44 L 07/2017

Havell, LED Jeta pro, flood light fittings of aluminium die cast body complete set
suitable for high mast or general lighting, type:6000K, 300 W, 230 V 26.40 L 07/2017

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
Solar LED Lights

Havell, Solar LED mini mast, flood light fittings complete with panel, battery & mast
of 8.0 m height suitable for 3 x 33 W, 230 V 147.35 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED mini mast, flood light fittings complete with panel, battery & mast
of 10.0 m height suitable for 3 x 45 W, 230 V 178.80 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED mini mast, flood light fittings complete with panel, battery & mast
of 6.0 m height suitable for 4 x 20 W, 230 V 126.38 L 07/2017

Havell, Solar LED mini mast, flood light fittings complete with panel, battery & mast
of 7.0 m height suitable for 4 x 24 W, 230 V 145.02 L 07/2017


Tungsten Liner Halogen Lamp 500 W 0.05 L 07/2017

Tungsten Liner Halogen Lamp 1000 W 0.07 L 07/2017

Metal Halide 70 W Lamp 0.51 L 07/2017

Metal Halide 150 W Lamp 0.51 L 07/2017
Metal Halide 250 W Lamp 0.56 L 07/2017
Metal Halide 400 W Lamp 0.56 L 07/2017
Metal Halide 1000 W Lamp 1.42 1.77 WCL 01/2018

HPSV/SON-T 70 W Lamp 0.19 L 07/2017

HPSV/SON-T 150 W Lamp 0.27 L 07/2017
HPSV/SON-T 250 W Lamp 0.30 L 07/2017
HPSV/SON-T 400 W Lamp 0.34 L 07/2017
HPSV/SON-T 1000 W Lamp 1.11 1.38 WCL 01/2018

LED Tube Light 10 W 0.16 0.19 NCL 06/2019

Fllurocent Tube Light 28 W 0.08 L 07/2017
Fllurocent Tube Light 24 W 0.10 L 07/2017

Pin type LED Lamp 12 W to 15 W 0.15 0.18 NCL 02/2018

Pin type LED Lamp 9 W 0.07 0.08 NCL 02/2018

CFL Lamp 35 W 0.13 0.16 WCL 01/2018

CFL Lamp 35 W 0.35 L 07/2017
CFL Lamp 45 W 0.40 L 07/2017
CFL Lamp 65 W 0.38 0.47 WCL 01/2018
CFL Lamp 85 W 0.47 0.59 WCL 01/2018


(Jain Irrigation Systems make)

1. 10 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 10 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 699.00 763.31 WCL 01/2018

2. 12 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 12 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 773.88 845.08 WCL 01/2018

3. 20 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 20 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 1289.80 1408.46 WCL 01/2018

4. 32 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 32 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 2063.68 2253.54 WCL 01/2018

5. 35 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 35 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 2257.15 2464.81 WCL 01/2018

in `000'
Sl Description Ex-Works Price Base
No. at site Price
6. 40 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 40 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 2579.60 2816.92 WCL 01/2018

7. 50 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 50 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 3224.50 3521.15 WCL 01/2018

8. 75 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 75 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 4836.75 5281.73 WCL 01/2018

9. 86 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 86 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 5546.14 6056.38 WCL 01/2018

10. 100 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 100 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 6449.00 7042.31 WCL 01/2018

11. 180 kWp on-grid connected roof top mounted solar plant, Inverter minimum
capacity: 180 kW, yearly generation capacity (within ± 5%): 1500 kWh/kWp/year 10789.20 11781.81 WCL 01/2018


in `000' per 100 m

Sl Description FOB/ Price at Base
No. Ex-works site Price
Abbreviation used:
RHL = Right Hand Lang, RHO = Right Hand Ordinary
IWRC = Independent Wire Rope Core
FMC = Fibre Main Core, TS = Tensile Strength
I. Round strand steel wire ropes, basic
grade, preformed RHL lay, FMC,
TS : 1570 N/mm² construction: 6x7, IS:1856-2005 latest,
Fibre Core as per IS : 1804 latest
Haulage Rope -

Ungalvanised - diameter in mm :

16 (galvanised) (TS:1960 N/mm²) 12.5 16.3 ECL 05/2018

16 7.5 Estd.
19 8.5 10.5 ECL 07/2020
22 11.6 14.3 ECL 01/2020
26 16.7 20.6 ECL 01/2020
25 (galvanised, TS:1770 N/mm²) 27.7 34.2 BCCL 06/2019
28 (galvanised) (TS:1960 N/mm²) 41.5 51.5 ECL 05/2019
29 (galvanised, TS:1770 N/mm²) 35.7 43.8 BCCL 06/2019

II. Round Strand Steel Wire rope, basic grade,

preformed RHL lay, TS :1770 N/mm², FMC
conforming to IS:2266/89(latest)

Construction :6 x 19 flexible type

6 mm (FMC, RHL/RHO) 2.0 2.5 NCL 09/2019
8 mm (FMC, RHL/RHO) 2.2 2.7 NCL 09/2019
10 mm (FMC, RHL/RHO) 3.4 4.2 NCL 09/2019
12 mm (TS:1570 N/mm² , RHO) 4.6 6.0 ECL 05/2018
13 mm (6 x 19F, IWRC, RHO) 6.7 8.3 NCL 02/2019
16 mm (IWRC, RHO) 9.1 11.6 BCCL 11/2018
19 mm (IWRC, RHO) 12.7 16.1 BCCL 11/2018
20 mm (IWRC, RHO) 13.0 16.7 ECL 08/2018
22 mm (IWRC, RHO) 16.7 21.1 BCCL 11/2018
28 mm 30.1 Estd.
28 mm 38.0 Estd.
36 mm (RHRL) 37.4 46.1 BCCL 08/2019

III. Round Strand Steel Wire rope, basic

grade, preformed RHO/RHL lay,Ungalvanised,
TS:1570 N/mm², IS : 2266/89 (latest)
Engineering Ropes :

Construction : 6 X 19 with diameter

6 mm ( FMC, RHO ) 2.4 3.0 NCL 02/2019

13 mm ( IWRC, TS:1770N/mm², RHO ) 4.3 5.6 NCL 10/2017

IV. Round Strand Steel Wire rope, basic grade,

preformed , Ungalvanised, TS:1570 N/mm², IS :
2266 (latest), RHL lay, IWRC

Construction : 6 X 36 with diameter

10 mm (FMC) 5.5 6.9 BCCL 02/2019
32 mm 27.8 34.3 CCL 05/2020
38 mm 36.8 45.4 CCL 05/2020


in `000' per 100 m

Sl Description FOB/ Price at Base
No. Ex-works site Price
52 mm 74.2 91.5 CCL 05/2020

V. Round Strand Steel Wire rope, basic grade,

preformed , Ungalvanised, TS:1770 N/mm², IS :
2266, RHL lay, IWRC

Construction : 6 X 36 with diameter

10 mm 4.1 5.0 SECL 06/2020

12 mm 6.3 7.9 NCL 02/2019
13 mm 6.6 8.1 SECL 06/2020
16 mm 9.7 12.0 SECL 06/2020
17. mm 13.6 17.0 NCL 02/2019

18. mm 13.7 17.2 NCL 02/2019

19 mm 13.8 17.3 NCL 02/2019
20 mm 15.2 19.0 NCL 02/2019
24 mm 24.4 30.5 NCL 02/2019
26 mm 28.4 35.5 NCL 02/2019

32 mm 30.0 37.0 SECL 06/2020

38 mm 39.5 48.7 SECL 06/2020
45 mm 55.9 68.9 NCL 09/2019
52 mm 81.9 100.9 SECL 06/2020
57 mm 98.7 121.7 NCL 09/2019

64 mm 121.0 149.1 SECL 06/2020

70 mm 128.7 158.7 NCL 09/2019

Construction : 6 X49 with diameter

70 mm 147.2 181.5 NCL 09/2019
79 mm 251.7 310.3 NCL 09/2019

VI. Compacted Plastic Valley filled Steel Wire rope,

basic grade, preformed , ungalvanised, TS:1770
N/mm²,8x37SF, RHL lay, IWRC, MBL: 966 kN
38 mm 108.7 135.9 NCL 02/2019

VII. Compacted Plastic Valley filled Steel Wire rope,

basic grade, preformed , ungalvanised, TS:1770
N/mm²,8x37SF, RHL lay, IWRC, MBL: 2350 kN
60 mm 260.5 321.1 NCL 09/2019

VIII. Round Strand Steel Wire rope, basic grade,

preformed , galvanised, TS:1770 N/mm², IS :
2266, RHO lay, IWRC

Construction : 8 X 37 , RHL with diameter

25 mm 19.7 25.3 ECL 08/2018

Construction : 8 X 37 SF, RHL with diameter

64 mm 133.0 174.6 WCL 03/2017

Construction : 6 X 41F and RHL lay,

Ungalvanised IWRC with diameter in mm


in `000' per 100 m

Sl Description FOB/ Price at Base
No. Ex-works site Price
52 mm 90.6 113.2 BCCL 02/2019

Construction : 6 X 49 and RHL lay,

Ungalvanised IWRC with diameter in mm

45 mm (TS : 1770 N/mm2) 86.6 Estd.

52 mm (TS : 1770 N/mm2) 95.6 121.3 ECL 11/2018

IX. Roof Stiching wire rope:

Construction : 3 x 7, RHO lay or LHO lay, Fibre Core
TS :not less than 12 t, pitch not exceeding 160 mm
mass/unit length: 0.89 kg/m, with diameter : per te
19 mm (ungalvanised RHO) 63.0 77.7 WCL 06/2019
16 mm (ungalvanised RHO) 65.0 80.1 WCL 06/2019

X. Flattened Strand Steel Wire rope, basic grade,

preformed , galvanised, TS:1770 N/mm², IS :
2266, RHL lay, IWRC
Construction : 6 X 41F,
38 mm 79.3 Estd.
52 mm 134.8 Estd.

XI. FLC (Fully Locked Coil), RHL lay, TS : 1570 - 1770

25 mm (Galvanised), MBL : 505 kN 120.5 148.6 BCCL 06/2019
29 mm (Galvanised), MBL : 685 kN 147.8 182.2 BCCL 06/2019

32 mm (Galvanised), MBL : 834 kN 179.2 221.0 BCCL 06/2019

39 mm (Galvanised), MBL : 1236 kN 261.2 Estd.
46 mm (Galvanised), MBL : 1723 kN 277.6 361.7 ECL 05/2018

XII. Winding rope, galvanised, flattened strand

TS : 1570 N/mm², construction : 6 x 8, FMC, RHL

25 mm 39.3 51.2 BCCL 05/2018

25 mm (TS : 1770 N/mm2) 49.4 60.9 BCCL 06/2019
29 mm 52.8 68.8 BCCL 05/2018
29 mm (TS : 1770 N/mm2) 66.4 81.8 BCCL 06/2019
32 mm 53.8 70.1 ECL 05/2018
32 mm (TS : 1770 N/mm2) 90.4 Estd.

XIII. Special type Winding rope, galvanised, main rope

construction : 6/49, TS : 1770 N/mm², MBL : 280 T,

60 mm 257.5 317.5 BCCL 06/2019

XIV. Guide rope, ungalvanised, RHL,

construction : 6x1, TS : 350/500 N/mm²

32 mm 85.2 105.0 BCCL 06/2019

38 mm 99.0 139.0 ECL 04/2016

XV. Tail rope, galvanised, MBL:1608 kN, FMC, RHO

construction : 60x7, TS : 1420 N/mm²

63 mm 255.5 314.9 BCCL 06/2019

Large Dia. Explosive( in per te) Cast Booster Cast Booster Permitted ( in per te)
Subsidiary Emulsion in PETN in For Degree I For Degree II For Degree III
per te Column Booster per te per te P1 P3 P3 P5 P5
ECL 33101.00 35601.00 128750.00 389700.00 60300.00 64600.00 63000.00 54559.00 67150.00
BCCL 33101.00 35601.00 128750.00 389700.00 60300.00 64600.00 63000.00 54559.00 67150.00
CCL 33101.00 35601.00 128750.00 389700.00 60300.00 64600.00 63000.00 54559.00 67150.00
WCL 33101.00 35601.00 128750.00 389700.00 60300.00 64600.00 63000.00 54559.00 67150.00
SECL 33101.00 35601.00 128750.00 389700.00 60300.00 64600.00 63000.00 54559.00 67150.00
MCL 33101.00 35601.00 128750.00 389700.00 60300.00 64600.00 63000.00 54559.00 67150.00
NCL 33101.00 35601.00 128750.00 389700.00 60300.00 64600.00 63000.00 54559.00 67150.00
NEC 33101.00 35601.00 128750.00 389700.00 60300.00 64600.00 63000.00 54559.00 67150.00

CED (in per no.) CDD (in per no.) NONEL Connector Detonating Fuse Cord Relay Electronic
Subsidiary (in per m) (in per no.) ( in per km) (in per no.) Detonator
1.8 m 2.5 m 3.0 m For Degree I For Degree II For Degree III
(in per no.)
ECL 6.04 6.19 8.85 8.790 8.775 12.12 3.41 124.37 4000.00 15.46 575.00
BCCL 6.04 6.19 8.85 8.790 8.775 12.12 3.41 124.37 4000.00 15.46 575.00
CCL 6.04 6.19 8.85 8.790 8.775 12.12 3.41 124.37 4000.00 15.46 575.00
WCL 6.04 6.19 8.85 8.790 8.775 12.12 3.41 124.37 4000.00 15.46 575.00
SECL 6.04 6.19 8.85 8.790 8.775 12.12 3.41 124.37 4000.00 15.46 575.00
MCL 6.04 6.19 8.85 8.790 8.775 12.12 3.41 124.37 4000.00 15.46 575.00
NCL 6.04 6.19 8.85 8.790 8.775 12.12 3.41 124.37 4000.00 15.46 575.00
NEC 6.04 6.19 8.85 8.790 8.775 12.12 3.41 124.37 4000.00 15.46 575.00

1. The above prices are on FOR destination basis inclusive of packing, forwarding, transit insurance & freight upto destination at any place in CIL.
2. The Price at Site can be calculated by adding GST with the above FOR destination prices.
3. The price of Bulk Explosive will be circulated after its finalization in CIL.


in `000'
Sl Description Ex - Price Base
No. Works at site Price


1. Mahindra Supro Cargo Van BS6 525.3 L 05/2020

2. Mahindra Supro VX Mini Van BS6 543.2 L 05/2020
3. Mahindra Supro Mini Truck BS6 466.5 L 05/2020

4. Mahindra Supro Maxi Truck T6 BS6 602.9 L 05/2020

5. Mahindra Supro Maxi Truck T4 BS6 572.3 L 05/2020
6. Mahindra Bolero Ambulance (AC), BS6 776.5 L 05/2020

7. Mahindra, Bolero EX (AC) 783.4 L 05/2020

8. Mahindra, Bolero PLUS (AC) 821.6 L 05/2020
9. Mahindra, Bolero model : SLX 889.2 L 05/2020

10. Mahindra, Bolero model : ZLX 925.3 L 05/2020

11. Mahindra, Scropio S10 BS6 1533.0 L 05/2020
12. Mahindra, Scropio S3 BS6 1056.3 L 05/2020

13. Mahindra, Scropio S7 BS6 1473.5 L 05/2020

14. Mahindra, Scropio S11 BS6 1651.7 L 05/2020

15. MARUTI, ALTO 800 standard BS VI 340.3 L 04/2021

16. MARUTI, ALTO 800 LXI BS VI 423.9 L 04/2021
17. MARUTI, ALTO 800 VXI BS VI 452.4 L 04/2021

18. MARUTI, ERTIGA SMART HYBRID LXI 1.5 L 866.5 L 04/2021

19. MARUTI, ERTIGA SMART HYBRID VXI 1.5 L 1078.1 L 04/2021
20. MARUTI, ERTIGA SMART HYBRID ZXI1.5 L 1168.2 L 04/2021

21. MARUTI DZIRE DIESEL LXI 1.2 L ISS 5MT 670.1 L 04/2021
22. MARUTI DZIRE DIESEL VXI 1.2 L ISS 5MT 785.7 L 04/2021
23. MARUTI DZIRE DIESEL ZXI 1.2 L ISS 5MT 861.0 L 04/2021

24. MARUTI SWIFT DIESEL LXI 1.2 L ISS 5MT 641.9 L 04/2021
25. MARUTI SWIFT DIESEL VXI 1.2 L ISS 5MT 710.5 L 04/2021
26. MARUTI SWIFT DIESEL ZXI 1.2 L ISS 5MT 779.0 L 04/2021

27. MARUTI EECO 5 STAR AC 1.2L 5MT 508.3 L 04/2021

28. MARUTI EECO 5 STAR STD 1.2L 5MT 463.9 L 04/2021
29. MARUTI EECO 7 STAR AC 1.2L 5MT 495.6 L 04/2021

30. MARUTI EECO AMBULANCE 1.2L 5MT 716.4 L 04/2021

31. MARUTI EECO CARGO PETROL 1.2L 5MT 479.5 L 04/2021

32. Tata, single stretcher ambulance on Tata AC Winger 32/BSIII with cowl 1095.8 NCL 01/2019

Truck, Bus & Van:

1. Tata Mini Truck, model: SFC 407 TT, 3 ton capacity with cab & load body 679.7 935.6 SECL 06/2019
2. Tata Mini Truck, model: LPT 407 , 4 ton capacity with cab & load body 777.3 1070.1 SECL 06/2019
3. Tata Motor, model : 207 DI EX Crew cab & load body, pickup van with double
4. Tata Motor, model: SFC 407 TT EX/Turbo/31 with cab load body, payload 3 Te 679.7 982.4 SECL 06/2019
5. Tata Motor, model: LPT 407 EX2/Turbo/38 WB with cab load body, payload 4 Te 777.3 1123.6 SECL 06/2019
6. Ashok Leyland, model: Partner 6 tyre, fixed side deck chasis, payload 4.6 Te 884.8 1262.2 WCL 11/2019
7. Tata Motor, model : LPT1613 CRi6, 16.2 Te BSIV with cab & steel load body 1365.0 1879.0 SECL 07/2019
Tata Motor, model : SK1613, Capacity: 8.5 Cu.m, Tripping Truck, 9.11 Te, 134 hp engine 3774.2 WCL 06/2019
9. Tata, model : MAN CLA25, 25 ton bulker truck 3582.3 L 05/2017
10. Tata, model : Prima 3128, 31 ton scoop body truck 4597.8 L 05/2017


in `000'
Sl Description Ex - Price Base
No. Works at site Price
11. Tata, model : Prima LPS 4938, 49 ton with trailer body 6044.7 L 05/2017

12. Ashok Leyland, School Bus 52 Seater + Driver Seat with body 2550.3 NCL 03/2018
13. Air Conditioned Rescue Van mounted on TATA/Ashok leyland Truck 2809.0 3795.4 BCCL 08/2020

Explosive Van:

1. Explosive carrier van, capacity : 2.5 te 1230.1 1554.2 NCL 09/2019

2. Explosive carrier van, capacity : 3 te 1240.0 1561.6 SECL 12/2019
3. Explosive carrier van, capacity : 4.5 te 1441.6 1815.5 SECL 12/2019
4. Explosive carrier van, capacity : 5 te 1609.6 2027.1 SECL 12/2019
5. Explosive carrier van, capacity : 6 te 2095.0 Estd.
6. Explosive carrier van, capacity :9 te/10 te 1735.4 2185.5 SECL 12/2019

Water Tanker:

1. Water Tanker, 3.5 kL mounted on Tata 497 TC 92 TCIC 125 hp 1270.0 Estd.
2. Water Tanker, 9.0 kL fabricated on TATA SE1613 Chassis with pump 1669.23 1774.9 NCL 02/2019
3. Water Tanker, 10.0 kL fabricated on Eicher BSIV Chassis with pump 1695.00 2315.5 SECL 12/2019

Mine Rescue Van:

1. Mine rescue van complete in all respect is fabricated on truck chassis Tata
/Ashok leyland 2338.0 2841.7 WCL 09/2016

II. STEEL Price Per Tonne

1. M.S.Plates (IS 2062), width:1000 mm, length:5000 to 8000 mm

M.S.Plate 5/6/8/10 mm 45.5 59.9 CCL 06/2020
- Do - 12/16/20 mm 42.0 56.4 WCL 12/2019
- Do - 25/32/36/40/50 mm 46.0 60.8 WCL 05/2019
- Do - 56/63 mm 46.5 61.5 WCL 05/2019

2. Chequered Plates, IS:3502, width:1250 mm, length:6300 mm

5/6 mm 42.5 57.1 WCL 12/2019

3. M.S.Sheet, 1.6 mm 52.0 70.5 BCCL 09/2019

4. Joists 200 x 100 mm 41.0 53.9 ECL 06/2020

" 250 x 125 mm 47.0 61.8 CCL 06/2020
" 300 x 140 mm 47.0 61.8 CCL 06/2020
" 350 x 140 mm 44.2 60.1 NCL 08/2019
" 450 x 150 mm 44.5 60.4 WCL 12/2019
" 600 x 210 mm 49.5 67.1 NCL 08/2019

5. CGI Sheet 0.63 mm 56.0 73.2 ECL 06/2020

6. TMT 20 mm - 22 mm 45.0 58.5 BCCL 08/2020

7. TOR Steel
20 mm 39.0 51.8 WCL 12/2019
22 mm 52.0 69.0 WCL 07/2019

8. H.R. MS.Sheets, IS:1079, width:1000 mm, length: 2500 to 6000 mm

H.R. Sheets 3.15 mm 47.5 62.5 CCL 06/2020
H.R. Sheets 2.50 mm 42.5 57.1 WCL 12/2019
9. Rails :
30 lb / 15 kg per m 68.0 93.7 WCL 04/2019


in `000'
Sl Description Ex - Price Base
No. Works at site Price
10. Angle / Channel / Flat / Beams ( IS 2062 ), length:5000 mm
Angle 100 x 100 x 10 mm 42.6 58.9 BCCL 03/2019
" 75 x 75 x 6/8 mm 44.0 57.9 CCL 06/2020
" 65 x 65 x 6/8 mm 44.0 57.9 CCL 06/2020
" 50 x 50 x 5/6 mm 44.0 57.9 CCL 06/2020
11. Channel 100 x 50 mm 45.0 59.2 CCL 06/2020
" 125 x 65 mm 43.2 58.8 NCL 08/2019
" 150 x 75 mm 45.0 59.2 CCL 06/2020
" 200 x 75 mm 40.9 55.6 NCL 08/2019
" 250 x 82 mm 47.0 61.8 CCL 06/2020
" 300 x 90 mm 43.7 59.5 NCL 08/2019

12. Flats 150 x 8 mm 48.0 63.9 ECL 03/2020

" 6 mm 50.0 67.8 BCCL 09/2019


1. Portable CO2 type fire extinguisher 1.0 kg capacity, IS : 15683/2006 0.54 WCL 10/2019
2. Dry Chemical Powder type fire extinguisher 6.0 kg capacity, IS : 15683/2006 0.92 WCL 12/2019
3. CO2 type fire extinguisher 2.0 kg capacity, IS : 15683/2006 3.0 BCCL 03/2019
4. CO2 type fire extinguisher 4.5 kg capacity, IS : 15683/2006 3.4 4.1 ECL 11/2020
5. Dry Chemical Powder Type Portable fire extinguisher 9.0 kg capacity, IS : 15683/2006 1.6 2.0 BCCL 03/2019
6. CO2 Type Portable fire extinguisher 9.0 kg capacity, IS : 15683/2006 6.5 8.2 BCCL 03/2019
7. Water Mist & Compressed Air Foam fire extinguisher for class A, B, E& Polar Solvents 189.0 192.7 WCL 02/2020

8. Safensecure make, automatic fire detection and extinguishing system comprise

with seamless cylinder capacity: 80 litres, seamless cylinder capacity: 55 litres,
valve assembly & switch connections for monitoring the pressure, pressure gauge
with safety burst disc & safety cap: 2 Nos., hepta fluro propane gas: 103 kgs,
elecrtic head control: 2 Nos., manual operated head control: 2 Nos., manual
activation mechanical box: 2 Nos., SS wire-12 m & wire sleeve-12 m: 2 Nos.,
cornner pulley: 6 Nos. & end line: 2 Nos., discharge nozzle: 8 Nos., flexible
rubber hose: 2 Nos., MS container strap: 4 Nos., gas release panel with battery
backup: 2 Nos., manual release switch: 2 Nos., manual abort switch: 2 Nos.,
conventional smoke detector with base: 16 Nos., conventional hooter cum flasher:
2 Nos., 2 x 1.5 cable: 220 m, piping & fittings and support etc 1195.0 1549.4 MCL 03/2018

9. Nitrogen Foam Generating Machine complete with punp unit, foam generating unit
FLP type squirrel cage induction motor, single spindle pump, spares & accessories 1610.0 2283.2 ECL 03/2018
Nitrogen Foaming Agent (Rs. Per Litre) 0.08 0.09 WCL 04/2017


Safety rubber canvas boot for Miners,Type-2, IS : 3976-2018 0.40 0.44 WCL 01/2021
Industrial Leather Safety Shoe 0.51 0.69 MCL 12/2018
Female Industrial & Protective Ankle Boot, type-I 0.47 0.58 CCL 07/2018
PVC Knee Boot/ Gum Boot for Miners, IS: 12254 of 1993 (latest) 0.30 0.34 SECL 07/2020


Fire resistant brattice cloth, 1829 mm (72") width price per 100 m 25.5 29.7 CCL 05/2020
Fire resistant brattice cloth, 2743 mm (108") width price per 100 m 33.0 38.4 CCL 05/2020


Gi explosive box size : 18" x 9" 0.42 0.54 BCCL 11/2016


in `000'
Sl Description Ex - Price Base
No. Works at site Price

1. Black & White photocopier, size: A3/A4, A4 size print speed per minute:25, RAM:6.0 GB,
Hard Disk: 320 GB, A3 size print speed per minute:15, scanning & duplexing feature with
networking facility 133.7 164.1 CIL 02/2020
2. Colour photocopier, size: A3/A4, A4 size print speed per minute:25, RAM:4.0 GB, Hard
Disk: 320 GB A3 size print speed per minute:15, scanning & duplexing feature with
networking facility 189.7 232.8 CIL 02/2020
3. Digital Photocopier with printerA3 paper size, speed: 25/28 cpm, RAM:128 MB,
20 GB HDD, Total yeild with drum : 600000 (Copy/Print), Total yeild with Tonner
20000 (Copy/Print), No. of copies in lifetime: 1200000 (Copy/Print) 148.4 Estd.
Epson L6170 Wi-Fi Duplex Multifunction InkTank Printer with ADF And Three Years
4. Warranty 23.60 24.5 ECL 10/2020
5. Fax Machine with laser printer, speed 18 ppm, modem speed:33.6 kbps 24.00 26.2 NCL 10/2016
6. HPScanjet, Pro 2000S1 scanner having resolution 600 dpi, speed: 20 ppm/40 ipm
or higher 20.47 25.4 CCL 04/2017


1. Voltas, split air conditioner, 1.5 te, 5 star 29.30 39.47 CMPDIL 12/2018
2. OG, high wall split air conditioner, type, 1.5 te, 5 star 32.99 34.38 WCL 03/2020
3. Midea, high wall split type air conditioner, 2.0 te, 5 star 42.70 44.50 WCL 03/2020
4. OG, window type air conditioner, 1.5 te, 5 star 25.99 27.24 WCL 09/2019
5. Toshiba, high wall split air conditioner, inverter type, 1.5 te, 5 star 44.04 46.48 NCL 02/2019
6. GHD Pvt. Ltd., window type air conditioner, 2.0 te, 3 star 27.56 27.56 ECL 09/2020
7. SunBeam Appliances, Industrial Air Conditioner of cooling capacity: 25 kW for use in
power control room 1730.71 2398.49 NCL 09/2018

Thyssen Krupp make, passenger lift with capacity for 8 persons (554 kg max.) machine
1. room less with VFD control, heavy duty servo controlled stabiliser with automatic rescue
device 1999.41 2548.21 CMPDIL12/2019

2. Kone make, passenger lift with capacity for 13 persons (884 kg max.)for 30 m travel & 10 stops
3275.74 4278.79 WCL 12/2018

3. Wings Elevator and Engineering make, Passenger cum Goods lift with capacity for 20
persons (1360 kg max.) for 35 m travel & 11 stops 1780.00 2201.89 BCCL 01/2021

4. Industrial/Hospital Lift for G+4 with lifting capacity of 26 persons (1768 kg max.), 5
openings & 5 stops 2160.00 2810.20 NCL 03/2019
Installation & Commissioning Charge 240.00 299.34 NCL 03/2019

5. Freight cum Passanger Industrial Elevator of capacity 1500 kg suitable for a travel of 25
m & 5 nos. of stop. 1995.00 2403.54 NCL 07/2020


Truck mounted road sweeping machine, model: RT2850D MT, sweeping speed: 1 - 10
km/hr fabricated on Bharat Benz Chassis 5100.00 5466.85 NCL 08/2019





AUGUST, 2020

Underground Mining Division

CMPDI (HQ), Kanke Road
Ranchi – 834 008

1. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................... 4

2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 5

2.1 General .......................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Scope of “Standard Price List for Mining Equipment” .................................... 5

3. DATA COLLECTION ........................................................................................... 6

3.1 Price-Related Input Data ............................................................................... 7

3.2 Input Data Related to Various Indices and Other Economic Parameters ...... 7



5.1 Updation of Price for Indigenous Equipment ............................................... 10

5.2 Calculation of Price at Site from Ex-Works Price/ Basic Price ..................... 11


6.1 Updation of Price for Foreign Equipment ..................................................... 12

6.2 Calculation for Obtaining the F.O.R. Destination Price from F.O.B. Price ... 13

6.3 Conversion of F.O.B Price to Indian Rupees for Foreign Equipment........... 14

7. REVIEW OF THE GUIDELINE .......................................................................... 15

List of Annexures:

Annexure – I : List of equipment and their references for WPI at the

website of the Office of the Economic Advisor.

Annexure – II : List of Equipment, their HSN (Harmonized System

Nomenclature) code and present applicable GST

Annexure – III : Annual escalation rate for foreign equipment.

Annexure – IV : Marine Freight & Insurance Charges for Foreign



CMPDIL was formed as a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd. in the year 1975. After
formation of CMPDIL, one of the primary jobs assigned to it was the preparation of
project reports for the coal mines of CIL. For estimating capital requirement for the
proposed plant and machinery for a mining project, price of various equipment/
machinery is the basic data. During earlier days, while preparing project reports,
different Regional Institutes were adopting different prices for the same equipment and
there was no uniformity in price structure of P & M items proposed in the project
reports. Due to this non-uniformity in prices, difficulties were faced in approval of the
project reports as results of techno-economic analysis in project report were not

Thus, the concept of preparing the “Standard Price List for Mining Equipment”
was evolved in the year 1978. The first edition of “Standard Price List for Mining
Equipment” was also published in a concise form in the year 1978. Since then CMPDIL
has been publishing this “Standard Price List for Mining Equipment” every year, which
forms the basis for capital estimation for the proposed plant and machinery in the
project reports prepared in a particular year.

Since preparation of “Standard Price List for Mining Equipment” is being

published every year, presently by Underground Mining Division of CMPDI (HQ), it
has been felt necessary to document the processes and procedures involved in
preparing this document such that the same may be done conveniently every year
following the set processes and procedures even by new group of people involved.

This document has been prepared to fulfil the aforesaid objectives. This
document, however, needs to be updated/ modified with changes in assumptions and
considerations as suggested/ recommended by the committee appointed for the
purpose or as per the changes/ modifications in relevant clauses of Purchase Manual
of CIL or as per amendments in norms or guidelines issued by Govt. of India.

2.1 General

CMPDI prepares project reports, various schemes, updated cost estimates, etc.
on regular basis for opencast and underground coal mines and other metal mines.
Preparation of these reports are done by CMPDI (HQ) and by its all regional institutes.
For such jobs, a price list is necessary to estimate capital requirement particularly for
plant & machinery proposed in these reports prepared by CMPDI. To maintain
uniformity in price structure of various plant & machinery items, a document titled as
“Standard Price List for Mining Equipment” is published every year by Underground
Mining Division of CMPDI (HQ), Ranchi. The purpose of publishing this document
every year is to

 update prices of various items as per available information;

 incorporate variations in different indices and other relevant economic
parameters used in this document to estimate price of various items;
 accommodate changes/ modifications in Purchase Manual of CIL;
 accommodate variations in taxes, duties, cess, etc. controlled by Govt.,

As this “Standard Price List for Mining Equipment” is required to be published

every year, a set of guidelines has been formulated and documented as “Guidelines
for Preparation of Standard Price List for Mining Equipment”. This guideline broadly
explains processes and procedures involved in preparing/ updating of the “Standard
Price List for Mining Equipment”.

2.2 Scope of “Standard Price List for Mining Equipment”

In preparing the document “Standard Price List for Mining Equipment”,

equipment shall be classified in different categories based on their purpose and type,
whether imported or indigenous, and accordingly prices of various items under each
category shall be provided. Broad categories of equipment for this purpose are shown
(i) Coal winning equipment
(ii) Coal loading equipment
(iii) Support related equipment
(iv) Transportation related equipment
(v) Pumping related equipment
(vi) Piping
(vii) Mine Ventilation related equipment.
(viii) Air Compressors related equipment
(ix) Communication, Safety & measuring related equipment
(x) Boring & Drilling related equipment
(xi) CHP & Washery related equipment
(xii) Heavy Earth Moving Machinery
(xiii) Workshop equipment
(xiv) Electrical equipment
(xv) Wire ropes
(xvi) Explosives
(xvii) Miscellaneous equipment

2.2.1 Limitation

The price list shall contain cost of equipment only, it will not include cost of

The purpose of this price list shall be estimation of capital for plant and
machinery for mining projects and not for the purpose of indenting/tendering &


For preparation/updation of the standard price list, necessary input data shall
be collected from different relevant sources as mentioned below.
3.1 Price-Related Input Data

3.1.1 Procurement Prices of Mining Equipment

Procured prices of mining equipment (for both imported & indigenous

equipment) purchased recently shall be collected from CIL & its subsidiary companies
of CIL. Information in respect of prices of items procured recently is available on CIL’s
e-Tender Portal <>.

The equipment prices are also available at website of subsidiary companies

viz., Eastern Coalfields Ltd<>, Bharat Coking Coal Ltd<> & Western Coalfields Ltd.<>. The
remaining subsidiaries are uploading related information directly on CIL’s e-Tender

The E&M department of CMPDI (HQ), Ranchi also maintains some purchase
order copies of inspected items shall also be collected and incorporated in the
Standard Pricelist.

3.1.2 Budgetary Prices of Equipment

Budgetary prices of some equipment, if required, shall also be collected through

formal communication with overseas and indigenous manufacturers by official e-mail/

3.1.3 MRP of Equipment

MRP of some equipment, usually of low value, shall also be collected by visiting
the local dealers in Ranchi or by visiting manufacturers’ website. MRP shall be
collected especially for low value equipment such as LT motors, LT cables, Lighting
and light fittings, Vehicles, etc.

3.2 Input Data Related to Various Indices and Other Economic Parameters

3.2.1 Wholesale Price Index (WPI)

Wholesale Price Index (WPI) is available from the official website of “Office of
the Economic Adviser, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade”
[]. Month-wise WPI data for individual
equipment or group of equipment shall be obtained from this website.

Example: Month-wise Wholesale Price Index (for the year 2019) of Pump, as
obtained from the above-mentioned website under the group “Pumps, compressors,
taps and valves”, is shown below.

WPI for Pumps for 2019

Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19
109.5 109.9 109.3 110.1 110.1 111.6 112.3 111.5 111.7 111.0 111.0 111.2

List of equipment and their references for WPI at the website of the Office of
the Economic Advisor are shown in Annexure-I.

3.2.2 GST Rates for Indigenous Equipment

Goods & Service Tax (GST) rates for various groups of items are fixed as per
the recommendations made by the GST Council meetings held every year. The item-
wise applicable GST rates for mining machinery shall be considered in preparing the
Standard Pricelist.

The available GST rates for the previous year shall be sent to the Finance
Division of CMPDI (HQ) for verification. Suggested change in applicable GST rate for
items, if any, shall be incorporated in the calculation to determine the standard price
of equipment.

List of Equipment, their HSN (Harmonized System Nomenclature) code and

present applicable GST rates are shown in Annexure-II:

3.2.3 Foreign Exchange Rate

Foreign exchange rate for estimating the INR capital requirement for imported
equipment shall be obtained from RBI website <> or from other
govt. website.

Since the Standard Price List is usually published in the month of May, the
available price would need to be escalated for determining the price of various
equipment at the time of publishing of this document.

Escalation rates for indigenous equipment shall be determined using past data
of wholesale price index (WPI). Equipment-wise past monthly data of WPI shall be
used for regression analysis to forecast next year’s WPI for each equipment/ group of

WPI shall be forecasted for the month of May of the current publishing year and
also for the month of May of the next year. Equipment-wise escalation rates shall then
be determined from these forecasted indices.

Example: Regression Analysis for forecasting of WPI of May 2019 & May 2020
for Surface Miner based on actual WPI available for the past one year (from Jan-2019
to Dec-2019) is shown below:

Regression Analysis for Surface Miner

Monthly WPI Data

Month (X) WPI (Y) Calculation
Jan-19 1 101.6
2 102.3 Y= mX+C
3 103.6
4 102.9 Here, m = 0.117483, C = 102.2697
5 103.1
6 103.0 Y (17) = 104.3
7 103.3
8 102.8 Y (29) = 105.7
9 103.4
10 103.5
11 102.6
Dec-19 12 104.3
Predicted Value of WPI
May-19 17 104.3
May-20 29 105.7


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.615689
R Square 0.3790729
Adjusted R Square 0.3169802
Standard Error 0.5685913
Observations 12
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 1.973706294 1.973706 6.10495 0.033058428
Residual 10 3.232960373 0.323296
Total 11 5.206666667

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%
Intercept 102.269697 0.349943739 292.2461 5.41E-21 101.4899737 103.0494 101.49 103.04942
X Variable 1 0.11748252 0.047547991 2.47082 0.033058 0.011538991 0.223426 0.011539 0.22342604



5.1 Updation of Price for Indigenous Equipment

The procedures for updating price for indigenous equipment are as follows:

 Collected price for a new equipment (not present in the price list) shall
be inserted in the standard price list and escalated up to the month of
May (publishing year). For example, if an equipment procured in the
month of February (publishing year), then the procured price shall be
escalated for 3 months i.e. upto May.

 For equipment already existing in the Standard Price List of previous

year, the updation shall be done in the following manner:

o If new procured price for any equipment is available, old price of that
equipment shall be replaced by the new available price and
escalated upto the month of May (publishing year) using the
escalation factor determined.
o In case of non-availability of new procured price of any equipment,
price of equipment given in the previous year’s document shall be
escalated upto the month of May (publishing year) using the
escalation factor determined, however keeping the following into
 Old price of a particular equipment shall be retained for a
maximum period of six years (except low value equipment),
 If it is observed that price of a particular high value equipment
has not been available for a period longer than 6 years, that
particular equipment shall be removed from the list,
 For low value equipment, procured prices older than 6 years
shall be updated and retained in the price list as an estimated
price without make & model (but with specifications).

 Budgetary prices received from manufacturer for high value equipment

shall be included in the price list after justification/ suggestion by the
concerned department. Budgetary price shall be mentioned as
budgetary estimate in the Standard Price List and shall be considered by
the planners after proper justification of the price.

 Budgetary prices received from manufacturer for low value equipment

may be inserted in the price list after comparing with recent procured
price available.

 MRP for low value electrical equipment, lighting & light fitting equipment,
etc. shall be compared with the procured prices and suitably adjusted for
inclusion in the price list.

5.2 Calculation of Price at Site from Ex-Works Price/ Basic Price

Price at site for an indigenous equipment is calculated in the following manner:

Price at Site = EBP x (1+TC) x (1+GST)


EBP = Escalated Basic Price

= Basic Price x (1 + No. of Months x Escalation Rate per month)

TC = Transportation charge (Including packing, forwarding, insurance &

= 4% of Basic Price/ Ex-works Price, considered uniformly for all
indigenous equipment
(4 % of Basic Price/ Ex-works Price has been considered as
per CIL Purchase Manual, 2020)

GST = Goods & Service Tax Rate

Note:- If forecasted Escalation Rate per month for a particular equipment

( as described in Para. 4) is negative then it shall be considered Zero (0)
for price calculation.



6.1 Updation of Price for Foreign Equipment

The procedures for updating price for foreign equipment are as follows:

 Collected price for a new equipment (not present in the price list) shall
be inserted in the standard price list and escalated up to the month of
May (publishing year). For example, if an equipment procured in the
month of February (publishing year), then the procured price shall be
escalated for 3 months i.e. upto May.

 For equipment already existing in the Standard Price List of previous

year, the updation shall be done in the following manner:

o If new procured price for any equipment is available, old price of that
equipment shall be replaced by the new available price and
escalated upto the month of May (publishing year) using the
escalation factor determined.
o In case of non-availability of new procured price of any equipment,
price of equipment given in the previous year’s document shall be
escalated upto the month of May (publishing year) using the
escalation factor determined, however keeping the following into
 Old price of a particular equipment shall be retained for a
maximum period of six years, but
 If it is observed that price of a particular equipment has not
been available for a period longer than 6 years, that particular
equipment shall be removed from the list.
 Budgetary prices received from manufacturer for high value equipment
shall be included in the price list after justification/ suggestion by the
concerned department. Budgetary price shall be mentioned as
budgetary estimate in the Standard Price List and shall be considered by
the planners after proper justification of the price.

 The escalation rate for foreign equipment shall be taken 2% on FOB

Price annually. (The escalation rate 2% on FOB value is based on
analysis of 8 nos. imported equipment shown in Annexure-III.)

 As annual escalation rate is 2%, escalation rate per month will be 2/12 =

6.2 Calculation for Obtaining the F.O.R. Destination Price from F.O.B. Price

Sl. No. Description Rate

1. Marine Freight & Insurance 6% of F.O.B value

2. CIF* (Cost, Insurance & 1.06 x F.O.B.

Freight) value

3. Basic Customs duty (BCD) Nil

4. Integrated Goods & Services Tax (IGST) 18% on (CIF + BCD)

5. F.O.R. (Indian Port) 1.06 x 1.18 x F.O.B.

= 1.2508 x F.O.B.

Port handling & clearance charge, inland

6. transportation and other miscellaneous 5% of F.O.B value

7. F.O.R. Destination (1.2508+0.05) x F.O.B

= 1.3008 x F.O.B.
 Above calculation is applicable for only imported equipment for project

 F.O.B. is Free on Board Price.

 F.O.R Destination is Free on Rail Destination Price.

 For imported equipment Marine Freight & Insurance charges shall be

taken 6 % of F.O.B. value. (6% of F.O.B. has been recommended
which is based on the analysis of 10 nos. of Imported equipment
shown in Annexure-IV)

 Presently, Basic Custom Duty (BCD) for imported equipment for coal
mining project is NIL.

 Presently, IGST (Integrated Goods & Services Tax) is 18%.

 Port Handling & Clearance Charges, Inland Transportation and Other

Miscellaneous Charges shall be taken 5 % of FOB value. (5 % of FOB
value has been considered as per CIL Purchase Manual, 2020)

 Above rates shall be sent to the Finance Division of CMPDI (HQ) every
year for verification. Suggested changes shall be incorporated in the
calculation to determine the price of foreign equipment.

6.3 Conversion of F.O.B Price to Indian Rupees for Foreign Equipment

 The current foreign exchange values shall be multiplied with F.O.R.

destination prices calculated from the above table to convert into Indian
rupees for imported equipment.
 The foreign exchange values on the day of starting of updating of
standard price list shall be taken for obtaining F.O.R. destination price in
Indian rupees.
 Foreign exchange values shall be collected from RBI website <> or from other govt. website.

The guideline for preparation of standard price list for mining equipment may
be reviewed every year by a review committee before preparation of this document for
modifications, if any, and for removing anomaly in prices.
Annexure - I



Coal Cutters
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Coal/Rock Drilling Equipment
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and

Mechanised Face Loading Equipment

Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and

Open Circuit Hydraulic Prop & Accessories

Hydraulic Equipment

Link bar

Steel cog
Steel pipes, tubes & poles

Resin Capsule
Manufacture of plastics products

Cement Capsule
Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster

Sawn sleepers
Timber/wooden plank, sawn/resawn

Wooden Props
Timber/wooden plank, sawn/resawn


Medium duty & light duty chain conveyor

Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Belt conveyor
Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Belt conveyor parts

Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Conveyor Belting- Nylon/Rubber Belting

Conveyer belt (fibre based)

Conveyor Belting- PVC Belting

Conveyer belt (fibre based)

Conveyor Belting- Steel Chord Belting

Conveyer belt (fibre based)

Rope Haulage
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Annexure - I


Mine Tub/Mine Car

Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Electric winches
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Skip Hoist
Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Cage Hoist
Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Skip suspension Gear

Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Cage Suspension Gear

Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Pit Bottom Buffer

Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Head Gear Pulley

Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Rigid guide
Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment


Pumps, compressors, taps and valve


Steel Pipes
Steel pipes, tubes & poles

Galvanised Pipes
Galvanized iron pipes

HDPE Pipes
Manufacture of plastics products


Ventilation Fan
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Manufacture of plastics products


8414 Air Compressor

Pumps, compressors, taps and valve



Communication & Telecommunication system

Annexure - I


Primary Cells & Primary Batteries

Lead Acid batteries

Telephone Cable
Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires
and cables
Measuring and Safety Instrument

Boring and Drilling Machine

Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and

Feeder breaker & crusher

Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Vibrating Screen
Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Washing Equipment
Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Weigh Bridges
Material handling, lifting and hoisting equipment

Gear Boxes
Gearing and driving elements

Fluid coupling
Clutches and shaft Coupling


Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Surface Miner
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Rope Shovel
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Hydraulic Shovel
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Blast Hole Drill
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Front End loaders
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Motor Grader
Mining, quarrying & metallurgical machinery and
Annexure - I


Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment

Water Sprinkler

Tyre Handler
Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment

Fork-Lift Truck
Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment

Fire fighting Trucks


Diesel Bouser

Tipper Trucks
Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment

Tyre Dismentling Machine for dumper

Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment

Tractor Trailer
Motor vehicles, trailers and semi trailers

Slope Stability Radar


Machine Tools
Maintenance Van
Testing Equipment

Electric equipments: Generator, Motor,

Electric motors, generators, transformers, distribution
Transformer, Switchgear, Starter, Capacitor,
and control appartus
Electrical lighting and fittings
Wiring devices, electric lighting & display equipment

Cables (LT/HT)
Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires
and cables
AAAC conductor
Aluminium/Alloy Conductor

ACSR conductor
ACSR conductors

Electric Poles (Tubular Steel Poles)

Steel pipes, tubes & poles

Electric Poles (Concrete Poles)

Poles & posts of concrete
Annexure - I



Solar panel
Solar power system


Wire ropes
Steel cables


Prepared explosive such as Industrial

explosive Explosive

Safety fuses, detonating fuses, percussion or

detonating caps, igniters, electric detonators Explosive


Motor car and other Motor vehicles

Motor vehicles, trailers and semi trailers

Iron & Steel


Fire Extinguishers
Mine Shoes
Canvas Shoes

Air conditioner
Air conditioner

Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment

Road sweeping machine

Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery

Printer/photo copier (Multi-function)

Brattice Cloth for UG Mine
Cotton woven cloth

Annexure - II
8430 31 10 Coal Cutters 18%
8430 41 30 Coal/Rock Drilling Equipment 18%
3603 Exploder 18%
8428 32 00 Mechanised Face Loading Equipment 18%
7308 40 00 Open Circuit Hydraulic Prop & Accessories 18%
7308 40 00 Link bar 18%
7308 40 00 Steel cog 18%
3824 Resin Capsule 18%
3824 Cement Capsule 18%
4407 Sawn sleepers 18%
4403 Wooden Props 18%
8428 20 19 Medium duty & light duty chain conveyor 18%
8428 20 11 Belt conveyor 18%
8431 39 10 Belt conveyor parts 18%
4010 Conveyor Belting- Nylon/Rubber Belting 18%
3926 90 10 Conveyor Belting- PVC Belting 18%
4010 11 Conveyor Belting- Steel Chord Belting 18%
8428 90 10 Rope Haulage 18%
8428 31 00 Mine Tub/Mine Car 18%
8425 31 00 Electric winches 18%
8428 10 Skip Hoist 18%
8425 11 10 Cage Hoist 18%
8428 10 Skip suspension Gear 18%
8425 11 10 Cage Suspension Gear 18%
8425 11 10 Pit Bottom Buffer 18%
8425 11 20 Head Gear Pulley 18%
7308 40 00 Rigid guide 18%
8413 70 10 Centifugal pumps 12%
8413 70 94 Vertical turbine driven pumps 12%
8413 70 96 Slurry pumps 12%
7304 Steel Pipes 18%
3917 HDPE Pipes 18%
8414 Ventilation Fan 18%
3917 Ducting 18%
8414 Air Compressor 18%
8517 Communication & Telecommunication system 18%
8507 20 00 Chargeable Battery (Lead-acid type) 28%
8544 Telephone Cable 18%
9025 to 9031 Measuring and Safety Instrument 18%
Annexure - II
8430 Boring and Drilling Machine 18%
8474 Feeder breaker & crusher 18%
8474 Vibrating Screen 18%
8474 Washing Equipment 18%
8423 Weigh Bridges 18%
8483 40 00 Gear Boxes 28%
8483 60 20 Fluid coupling 18%
Dragline 18%
Surface Miner 18%
Rope Shovel 18%
8429 Hydraulic Shovel 18%
Dozer 18%
Motor Grader 18%
Front End loaders 18%
8704 10 Dumper 28%
8430 41 30 Blast Hole Drill 18%
8428 Cranes 18%
8705 90 00 Water Sprinkler 18%
8427 Tyer Handler 18%
8427 Fork-Lift Truck 18%
8705 Fire fighting Trucks 18%
8705 Diesel Bouser Truck 18%
8704 Tipper Trucks 28%
8424 Automatic Fire Detection and Suppression System 18%
8427 Tyre Dismantling Machine for dumper 18%
8705 Tree Transplanter & Sky Lift 18%
8701 Tractor tailor 18%
8526 Slope Stability Radar 18%
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the
8431 18%
machinery of headings 8425 to 8430
8456 to 8465 Machine Tools 18%
8705 Maintenance Van 18%
9025 to 9031 Testing Equipment 18%
8501 to 8502 Diesel Generating & Motors Sets 18%
8504 Transformers 18%
8504 Thyristor Drive 18%
8535 HT Starters and Switching & Protecting Device 18%
8536 LT Starter and Switch/Protecting devices 18%
8539 Electrical lamps (LED) 12%
8539 CFL/Tube light 18%
8532 Capacitor Bank (LT/HT) 18%
8544 Cables (LT/HT) 18%
7604 ACSR/AAAC conductor 18%
Annexure - II
7308 90 70 Electric Poles (Tubler Steel Poles) 18%
7312 Wire ropes 18%
3602 Prepared explosive such as Industrial explosive 18%
Saftey fuses, detonating fuses, percussion or detonating
3603 18%
caps, igniters, electric detonators
8703 Motor car and other Motor vehicles 28%
8704 Motor vehicle for the transport of goods 28%
7216 Iron & Steel 18%
8424 Fire Extinguishers 18%
5% for less than Rs. 1000 &
6402 Mine Shoes
18% for more than Rs. 1000
8415 Air conditioner 28%
8431 Elevators 18%
8705 Road sweeping machine 18%
8443 Printer/photo copier (Multi-function) 18%
5903 Brattice Cloth for UG Mine 12%
8443 Photocopier 18%
Annexure - III Contd.

Avg. rate of



Lakh US$ in Lakhs

Bucyrus Make, BI, 495 series, 42 m³, rope shovel 145.75 10772.55 SECL 3/2008
Lakh US$
Caterpillar, Model: 7495HD, 42.0 m3 bucket capacity, 6.6 kV electricals with average FOB
power demand of 1165 kW and peak power demand of 3330 kW 171.00 15971.46 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables for one year of warranty period & for five years thereafter:
Spares & Consumables within one year of warranty period after commissioning of the
equipment 287.92 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 2nd year after commissioning of the equipment 393.11 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 3rd year after commissioning of the equipment 675.73 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 4th year after commissioning of the equipment 553.97 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 5th year after commissioning of the equipment 530.94 CIL 11/2015
Spares & Consumables 6th year after commissioning of the equipment 555.87 CIL 11/2015

IZ-Kartex, 10.0 m³, 715 kW, six core 6.6 kV trailing cable 300 m, 410 t, c/w Lakh US$
field switch, lighting etc.including spares & consumables for one year warranty FOB
period 42.79 4092.30 BCCL 06/2013 -11.9

Lakh US$
IZ-Kartex, Russia, Model: EKG-10, 10.0 m³, 715 kW, 410 t, supply voltage: 6.6 kV along FOB
with automatic fire detection & suppression system, first fill of Oil Greases & Lubricants. 26.77 2717.92 ECL 01/2016
Consumables for 1st Year of operation 0.43 43.66 ECL 01/2016
Spares and Consumables for 2nd Year of Operation 0.55 55.84 ECL 01/2016
Spares and Consumables for 3rd Year of Operation 1.67 169.55 ECL 01/2016
Spares and Consumables for 4th Year of Operation 0.67 68.02 ECL 01/2016
Total 30.09 3054.99

Lakh US$
Caterpillar, 793D, 240 t Rear Dumper 20.0 SECL 03/2008

Lakh US$
Caterpillar, 793D, 240 t, fitted with 1800 kW Caterpillar 3516B HD EUI diesel engine 22.01 2008.71 CIL 09/2016
Additional 2 Nos. OTR Tyre for first 12 months operation (cost per tyre) 0.23 20.99 CIL 09/2016
Additional 6 Nos. OTR Tyre for 2nd year operation (cost per tyre) 0.24 21.45 CIL 09/2016
22.5 1.44
Lakh US$
Atlas Copco, 381 mm (Electric) 36.5 2697.4 SECL 3/2008

Lakh US$
Atlas Copco, model: PV-351, 381 mm, 1044 kW, 6.6 kV electricals complete FOB
with spares/filters for 3000 hrs of operation 35.32 3607.28 SECL 01/2012 -0.79

Atlas Copco, PIT VIPER 351, 381 mm, 6.6 kV electricals with tall mast alongwith Lakh US$
Initial spares, filters for 3000 working hrs, Tow bars 1 set, Drill rod 1 no., FOB
381 mm steel tooth rock drill bits 20 nos. and Tools & Tackles 35.32 3277.29 SECL 04/2016

Truck Mounted Cranes:

Manitowoc Cranes Make

Manitowoc Crane make, GMK 5220, 150 t capacity, boom 12 m, 3m radius Lakh Euro
complete with tools & tackles diesel powered hydraulic mobile 11.60 1368.15 SECL 07/2012 -3.53
Initial spares filters for 3000 hrs 0.11 13.38 SECL 07/2012
Manitowoc Crane make, GMK 5220, 150 t capacity, boom 12 m, 3m radius
complete with tools & tackles and initial spares filters for 3000 hrs, diesel powered Lakh Euro
hydraulic mobile 10.06 1021.48 SECL 06/2016


Minitou Asia, Model: MHT-X 10180, diesel self propelled tyre handler capacity: 8 Te
suitable for handling tyre upto 240 Te dumpers with handling attachments alongwith Lakh Euro
initial spares for 5000 hrs operations 3.94 419.47 SECL 04/2016 -1.42

Minitou Asia, Model: MHT-X 10180, diesel self propelled tyre handler capacity: 8 Te
suitable for handling tyre upto 240 Te dumpers with handling attachments alongwith Lakh Euro
accessories, tools etc. 3.80 411.82 NCL 10/2018
Annexure - III Contd.

Avg. rate of


Free Steered Vehicle

Lakh USD in Lakhs
VLI Diesel Australia make, Free Steered Diesel Vehicle mandiding FOB
system, model DRIFTRUNNER G SERIES DGMS approved 4.10 398.70 ECL 01/2015 1.08

Lakh US$
VLI Diesel Australia make, Free Steered Diesel Vehicle mandiding FOB
system, model DRIFTRUNNER G SERIES DGMS approved 4.32 455.27 CCL 03/2020

Jumbo Drill :

Sandvik Mining make, model:CTH14long hole drill of drilling dia.

43 mm (minimum) for several lines of parallel holes in upward
and drilling depth : upto 1.2 m and 320° rotation in full parallel
coverage area and wide tilt angle range forward and backward,
complete with 37 kW, 550 V, FLP motor with FLP Gate End Box
and machine LxWxH = 5.81m x 1.7m x 2.5m. The machine is Lakh Euro
suitable for gallery size:3.6 to 4.8 m width & 2.4m to 6.0m height 3.9 425.8 ECL 08/2015 3.00

Sandvik Mining make, model:CTH14long hole drill of drilling dia.

43 mm (minimum) for several lines of parallel holes in upward
and drilling depth : upto 1.2 m and 320° rotation in full parallel
coverage area and wide tilt angle range forward and backward,
complete with 37 kW, 550 V, FLP motor with FLP Gate End Box
and machine LxWxH = 5.81m x 1.7m x 2.5m. The machine is Lakh Euro
suitable for gallery size:3.6 to 4.8 m width & 2.4m to 6.0m height 4.2 463.9 SECL03/2018


Continuous Miner 27.91 ECL 2009

Shuttle Car 9.3 ECL 2009

Feeder Breaker 7.4 ECL 2009

Quadbolter 11.8 ECL 2009


Continuous Miner 29.1 ECL 2014 0.88

Diesel Coal Hauler 8.9 ECL 2014

Feeder Breaker 7.1 ECL 2014

Twin Roof Bolter 9.5 ECL 2014

Annexure - III

Annual average rate of escalation per annum (%)

Equipment 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Shovel, 42.0 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
Cu. M
Dumper, 240 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
Blast Hole
Drill, 381 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Free Steered 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

Jumbo Drill 3.0 3.0 3.0
Mounted 0 0 0
0.0 0
AVERAGE 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 0.93 0.93 1.10 1.83 1.37 0.55 1.10
Average escalation per annum = 1.16

-Presently annual escalation rate, 5% of FOB value is considered for foreign equipment.
-Price variation of 8 nos. of imported equipment have been analysed.
-In the above analysis, annual average rate of escalation per annum have been considered Zero (0), for the equipment having
negative escalation rate.
-From the above analysis the revised escalation rate, 2 % of FOB value may be considered.
Marine Freight & Insurance Charges for Foreign Equipment
Freight &
FOB Value (in CIF Value (in
Foreign Exchange Insurance %age of
Equipment Make Origin Port Date Company foreign foreign
Currency Rate Charges FOB Value
currency) currency)
(in foreign
240 ton rear Any port in
Caterpillar USA USD 66.39 16.09.2016 CIL 22,00,701.00 84,500.00 3.84 22,85,201.00
dumper USA
150 ton rear Republic of
Belaz Klaipeda USD 70.54 15.10.2019 CIL 11,22,247.00 60,212.00 5.37 11,82,459.00
dumper Belarus
190 ton rear Any port in
Caterpillar USA USD 71.99 02.12.2019 CIL 12,40,491.00 29,000.00 2.34 12,69,491.00
dumper USA
460 HP Wheel Any port of
Komatsu Japan JPY 0.6439 21.11.2019 CIL 4,63,72,200.00 15,93,000.00 3.44 4,79,65,200.00
Dozer Japan
460 HP Wheel Any port in
Caterpillar USA USD 71.54 03.12.2019 CIL 4,46,468.00 16,500.00 3.70 4,62,968.00
Dozer USA
850 HP
Any port of
Crawler Dozer Komatsu Japan USD 70.74 21.11.2019 CIL 9,93,000.00 16,097.00 1.62 10,09,097.00
850 HP
Any port of
Crawler Dozer Komatsu Japan USD 70.74 21.11.2019 CIL 10,23,000.00 16,169.00 1.58 10,39,169.00
Backhoe Any port of
Komatsu Japan JPY 0.6357 21.11.2019 CIL 16,92,22,480.00 45,87,000.00 2.71 17,38,09,480.00
Shovel, 11.8 Japan
Backhoe Any port of
Tata Hitachi Japan JPY 0.6357 09.12.2019 CIL 16,61,41,397.00 86,70,248.00 5.22 17,48,11,645.00
Shovel, 12.0 Japan
Hydraulic Face
Any port of
Shovel, 11.0 Tata Hitachi Japan JPY 0.6357 09.12.2019 CIL 17,79,52,891.00 87,54,426.00 4.92 18,67,07,317.00

1. Presently 12 % of FOB value is considered for Marine Freight & Insurance Charges for Foreign Equipment which are imported from USA, Canada & Japan and it is considered 10 % of FOB value
for equipment which are imported from European and other countries.
2. The present value (10 % & 12 %) of Marine Freight & Insurance Charges for Foreign Equipment are taken from CIL purchase manual.
3. Form the above table it can be seen that, the original Marine Freight & Insurance Charges for Foreign Equipment is ranges from 1.5 % to 5.37 % of FOB value.
4. The weighted average of Marine Freight & Insurance Charges of all the equipment is 4.2 % of FOB value.
5. The original Frieght & insurance Charges are very low as compare to the charges considered (10-12 % of FOV value) for price calculation in the standard price list.
6. The Frieght & Insurance Charges taken for price calculation may be revised to 6 % of FOB value (for all imported equipment), so that it can be more realistic.
Gondwana Place, Kanke Road
Ranchi -834 031


Regional Institute -1
West End, G.T Road
Asansol - 713 301
(West Bengal)

Regional Institute - II
Koyla Bhawan, Koyla Nagar
Dhanbad - 826 005

#T171 ci4 I4-III Regional Institute - III

n-c:144,41iot; t)s Gondwana Place, Kanke Road
- 834 031 Ranchi- 834 031
(0(i.4s) (Jharkhand)

T9-IV Regional Institute - IV

At I 4e. ch I , TIT Jaripathka,Kasturba Nagar
91797-440 014 Nagpur - 440 014
(4-IwN) (Maharashtra)

Regional Institute - V
*Ta its Seepat Road
e4oR10:v-495 001 Bilaspur - 495 001
(o4R-10) (Chattisgarh)

•Regional Institute - VI
tici 44(1(1, P.O Jayant Colliery
: la cl't Dist.- Singrauli
486 890 PIN - 486 890
(145=-",4 si•t1) Madhya Pradesh

Regional Institute - VII

Trf -Wm 41 Grih Nirman Bhawan
=4.1104 Turf Sachivalaya Marg
-T£-7> 1001 Bhubneswar - 751 001
(T-t571) (Orissa)

toiN41 N\r:el

Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited

(A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited)
A Mini Ratna Company

qqiii chic 7141

4 - 834 031, TITTff
repiiR : (91-0651 ) 2230002, 2230483
41% Gondwana Place, Kanke Road, Ranchi - 834 031, INDIA
Phone : (91 - 0651) 2230002. 2230483
414;t4 : (91-0651 ) 2231447 Fax : (91 - 0651) 2231441
: website :
\oal Ina/

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