We Need Your Approval On A Few Things.: Monthly Charges
We Need Your Approval On A Few Things.: Monthly Charges
We Need Your Approval On A Few Things.: Monthly Charges
Monthly Charges
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21/04/2023, 02:10 Review My Order
Due Today
Your Xfinity Internet Data Usage Plan includes 1.2 terabytes of data per month. You can
purchase a plan with unlimited data or xFi Complete, which includes Unlimited Data and an
Xfinity Gateway modem rental. If you do not purchase xFi Complete or Unlimited Data, and you
exceed your data usage plan, we will automatically add blocks of 50 gigabytes of data for $10
each, up to a maximum of $100 per month. For more details, visit dataplan.xfinity.com.
I agree
* Estimated taxes & government fees are included. Taxes & government fees are estimated and may include one time sales
taxes. Final taxes and fees will be calculated once your order is placed and your account is set up. Your next bill will reflect the
final total tax, which includes state taxes, local taxes, and any applicable fees.
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