Coolants: Genuine Volvo Parts

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Genuine Volvo Parts

When using the engine, heat is generated in the cylinder head
combustion chambers. The coolants transport this heat to the
radiator, thus preventing the engine from overheating. As the coolant
comes into contact with several types of materials in the engine, it
must protect these materials against corrosion and depletion of
sealings. It must be able to withstand high and low temperatures.
The liquid also has a lubricating role: in the coolant pump, for

Volvo provides two different types of Volvo Coolant, in combination with

coolants, which both are based on Volvo’s coolant filter, gives excellent
monoethyleneglycol (MEG): anti-freeze and corrosion protection
for older Volvo engines. It is green in
Volvo Coolant VCS (Volvo STD
418-0001), which is developed
specifically for Volvo engines. This Warning: When topping up or
coolant is yellow in colour: it was changing coolant, be sure not to mix
introduced in 2005 and is different coolant types. There are risks
recommended for Volvo truck engines involved when using coolant, which is
from that year onwards. It is an OAT not approved by Volvo. In order to be
(Organic Additive Technology) type of sure that you’re using the right type of
coolant, therefore the quality of the coolant, see service information.
coolant is guaranteed during its entire
lifetime with no extra additives

Features Advantages

Compatibility with all specific materials in Volvo components. Prevents leakage, pitting and corrosion.
Increased uptime.

Optimal corrosion protection. Increased engine life and uptime.

High boiling point. Protects the cooling system components against overheating
and unexpected downtime and costs.

Easily mixed with water to the correct coolant concentration. To achieve the optimum anti-freeze protection.

Maximum anti-freeze protection. Low viscosity providing easy flow - even at temperatures
well below freezing point.

Optimal service intervals. Lower maintenance cost.

Superior thermal transfer and cooling capacity. Ensures outstanding engine protection, including fuel
Increased engine life and uptime.

The difference
Volvo has carried out product
comparisons in laboratory conditions
between Volvo Coolant VCS and three

1 (2)
other high-quality OAT coolants on Extensive testing Mixing proportions
the market. The results are presented Volvo coolants are subjected to To achieve the correct freeze
in separate documentation.The main rigorous test procedures including protection of the cooling system a
reasons to use Genuine Volvo industry standard bench tests on minimum of 40% concentrated
Coolants are: specific Volvo material, such as coolant in water should be used.
common tests and tests to assure that
• Highly specialized: Volvo Coolants To achieve desired anti-freeze
leakages and sealing damages will not
are approved and verified protection, mix as follows:
occur. Volvo perform long term field
specifically for Volvo engines by
trial verifications on complete Volvo Concentration of coolant to provide
Volvo engineers.
vehicles. This ensures that the engine anti-freeze protection
• Integral part of the engine: Volvo
is protected, and that Volvo coolants % °C
Coolants are considered a Volvo
meet the high quality and standards 40 -25
Genuine part, and therefore an
demanded by Volvo. 50 -35
integral part of the engine.
60 -46
• Lower total cost of ownership: Conclusion
Volvo Coolants meet the high The chemical properties of Volvo
standards required so that the coolants offers optimum protection of The water quality must meet the Volvo
engine maintains its performance the cooling system components from STD 1285,1: in case of uncertainty,
and productivity, contributing to corrosion, ageing, swelling and ready-mixed Volvo coolants are
lower operating and ownership cracking, thereby optimizing engine recommended.
costs during the engine’s entire lifetime.
service life. Recommended additional parts
Using an improper coolant or mixing Coolant filter, only together with the
• Longer component life: Volvo
with other liquids will rapidly reduce green Volvo Coolant.
Coolants are the best insurance for
the performance and lifetime of the
long component lifetime in the
engine. Material incompatibility can Safety information
Volvo truck. They are key to trouble-
lead to leakages, which – in the worst Safety data sheets are available for
free operation under all working
case – can cause engine breakdown. coolants at

Volvo Trucks. Driving Progress

ENGB 179502 2023-03-20. 2 (2)

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