IOU Students Handbook
IOU Students Handbook
IOU Students Handbook
C. Support 5
Academic 5
Administrative 5
D. Academics 5
Student Records 5
Required resources 6
Time Zones 6
Schedules: 6
Enrollment Status (Part time/full Time/Accelerated) 7
Study Plans: 8
Study Method: 9
Assessment Policy: 10
Course Evaluation Scheme: 12
Attendance Policy 13
Live Session Policy: 13
Tajweed Courses Live Sessions Policy: 13
Exam Center Registration 13
Test / Exam Resets 14
Final Exam Reset: 14
Late Exams and Exemptions: 15
Academic Honesty 16
Plagiarism 16
Thesis Policy: 18
Assignment Grade Appeal 18
Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) 18
Course Waivers: 19
Course Exemption Exam Policy: 19
Stream Change 20
Advance Diploma Stream: 20
Audit Stream: 21
Dual Program Enrollment 21
Additional Course Policy 21
Grade Transfer 22
Course Repetition 23
Graduation Requirements 23
Transcripts: 24
Graduation Degree/Diploma/Certificate: 24
Deferment of Graduation: 24
Abeyance 25
Credit Transfer: 25
Non-Credit courses 25
E. Campus policies 27
Student Identification 27
Privacy 27
F. Financial Policies 27
Scholarships 27
Foreign Domestic Workers policy 27
Fee Refund Policy 28
Early Bird Discount 28
H. Convocation Ceremony 31
& Principle
The International Open University (IOU) aims to grant global access to
quality undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level education programs
for students at virtually no cost. Its mission is to “Change the Muslim nation
and the world situation through education.”
The Last Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said, “Seeking knowledge is ob-
ligatory on every Muslim.”
IOU follows the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah according to the understanding of the first
three generations of Muslim scholars. It recognizes and holds in high regard the contribu-
tions of the great Imams to the development of Fiqh and benefits from all of them. IOU
strives to follow the math’hab of Abu Haneefah as distinct from the Hanafi math’hab, the
math’hab of Maalik as distinct from the Maliki math’hab, the Math’hab of ash-Shaafi’ee as
distinct from the Shaa’fi’ee math’hab and the math’hab of Ahmad ibn Hambal as distinct from
the Hambali math’hab. The math’hab of these great imams, as is known to all, was that of
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
The International Open University provides a golden opportunity to access quality under-
graduate, graduate and postgraduate level courses, wherever people may be and whenever
they wish, without having to travel overseas or even leave the confines of their homes. Its
goal is to enable education to anyone, from any place, at any time.
The Last Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “If anyone travels on a
road in search of knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads to Paradise.”
The IOU demonstrates its continuous commitment to the spreading of the beneficial knowl-
edge by progressing from absolutely free certificate and diploma level courses to accredited
bachelor’s and master’s degrees in various fields of study thereby, making the higher edu-
cation easily affordable worldwide for the benefit of the individuals, their communities and
humanity in general. All students are provided equal access to an education that few could
afford if they were to attend the traditional institutions of higher learning around the world.
Allah said, “Say: Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” (39:9)
No student will be prevented from studying at the International Open University regardless
of his or her religious, ethnic or social background. The IOU affirms that its doors will remain
open for all, irrespective of the borders existing in the real world. It has already spawned
a global community of over 180,000 students who seek Islamic knowledge from over 224
Allah said, “Cooperate with each other in righteousness and piety… ” (5:2)
Islamic Ethics
It is the fundamental belief of the International Open University that the Muslim teacher is
essentially different from a teacher who merely happens to be a Muslim. Likewise, the Mus-
lim student should be distinctly different from a student who so happens to be a Muslim. The
IOU expects all its students, faculty, staff, administrators and volunteers to function in their
respective positions and fields first and foremost as Muslims. Doing so will naturally entail
maintaining the highest standards of personal integrity, honesty and responsibility.
The Last Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Indeed, Allah loves from
each of you that whenever you do work, it should be done according to the best of your
The Last Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The best of you is one
who learns the Qur’an and teaches it to others.”
He also said, “The best of you is the one most beneficial to people.”
The Last Prophet’s disciple, Ibn Mas’ood, said, “We used to learn knowledge and its applica-
tion together.”
Imam Sufyaan ath-Thawree related that as a youth, when he first began to attend classes,
his mother advised him, “If you write down 10 words and your faith hasn’t improved, check
3. Students of the International Open University should pledge that all tests taken by them
and all work turned in by them are original and solely the result of their own efforts. Any
form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, will be recorded in the
student’s permanent file. Breaches of academic integrity will be dealt with severely, as per
the International Open University’s policy. After the first instance of a breach of academic
integrity, the student will receive a failing grade IN ALL CLASSES FOR WHICH HE/SHE
IS CURRENTLY ENROLLED. After the second instance, the student will be expelled per-
manently from the university.
5. Students are expected to devote at least four hours of study per week per subject. Stu-
dents should read course materials, listen to the lecture, take the module test, and com-
plete the course assignment.
a. Please follow this link for different ways to complete your community service
b. Please follow this link to submit the completed work.
c. For further details, please follow this link.
1. Academic
Each course is assigned a faculty who handles all issues related to it. They provide aca-
demic support and facilitate learning by:
2. Grading assignments
3. Answering student queries pertaining to subject matter over emails and/or stu-
dent forum.
Students can contact their Course Teacher over email. Their contact details are availa-
ble in each course under ‘Teacher Contact Details’.
2. Administrative
1. All program related inquiries can be emailed to
2. All issues concerning your studies at the degree campus can be forwarded to the
Helpdesk using this form.
1. Student Records
a) Financial Records
▪▪ The university maintains student’s financial records which the students can see
through the payment history portal.
a) Academic Records:
▪▪ The university maintains student’s Academic records which the students can
see through the Grade History portal.
▪▪ Any student who has ever completed/failed any course at the University, his/
her records shall be maintained by the university.
b) Personal Information
The university maintains the profile details of the students. Students can apply for
editing the profile details, as and when required, by submitting the application through
the Profile Edit portal on the Dashboard.
2. Required Resources
a) Internet connection
b) Laptop/desktop/smartphones/tablets
c) Windows OS / iOS
e) VLC player
g) Moodle App
▪▪ Android: Download here
▪▪ iOS: Download here
1) WiziQ: All Live Sessions are conducted using WizIQ platform
a) Desktop Application: Download here
b) Android Application: Virtual Classroom
c) iOS Application: Virtual Classroom
3. Time Zones
All the schedules that are displayed on our courses, emails, live sessions, or
announcements are per the Universal Coordinated Time [UTC]. Students must
convert it to their local time to stay updated. Here is a website to convert UTC to
your local time.
4. Schedules:
Each course follows a certain schedule within a stretch of 6 months. However, it is
quite flexible and achievable with proper planning.
The schedule is almost the same for all programs, with a little variation.
The following links provide the updated schedule every semester according to the
Program Name Minimum & Maximum Number of Courses
All Bachelors/ As- Part Time Enroll in minimum 1 and maximum 3 courses
Programs Except
Full Time Enroll in minimum 4 and maximum 6 courses
B.Sc/ Associate Di- Part Time Enroll in minimum 1 and maximum 3 courses
ploma and Certifi-
cate in Psychology
Full Time Enroll in minimum 4 and maximum 5 courses
6. Study Plans:
International Open University offers a wide range of organized and structured flexible
study plans for its programs. These plans are interchangeable each semester. A
student who chooses one plan for one semester is allowed to choose another plan the
following semester. The only mandatory requirement is that the student completes
the entire program within the maximum allotted period for that program.
Number of
Semester time per Completion
courses per Who is it for?
Plan week [in Time
7. Study Method:
Students are required to complete the following as part of their coursework:
a. Module Tests
b. Assignments / Research Paper
c. Midterm Exam
d. Final Exam
IOU is comprised of students from around the globe. Our students learn through
watching and listening to video and audio lectures as well as reading texts (PDF
Format). They also have the support of well-trained faculty members. Within the
online study community, students may share resources, exchange ideas, discuss
weekly topics, submit assignments, and take exams.
▪▪ Each course consists of 20-30 recorded sessions. Video and audio recordings are
available for the students.
▪▪ The student first listens to the audio or video recording and reads the text that
corresponds to Module 1.
▪▪ Having thoroughly studied Module 1, the student then takes the Module 1
test. The test consists of multiple choice questions. The test score is displayed
immediately after the test attempt.
▪▪ After completing the Module 1 test, the student proceeds to Module 2 and follows
the same procedure as for Module 1 till the end of the course.
▪▪ Students are required to submit assignments and research papers also.
IMPORTANT: Once enrolled in a course, you have to complete its coursework within
the semester and within the fixed periods. If you are still confused and want to see
what the course looks like, you can access our DEMO COURSE, which is completely
free. Please click here to download the Demo Course Guide to learn more.
8. Assessment Policy:
There are 4 types of assessments in every course:
a. Module Tests
b. Midterm Exam*
c. Final Exam
d. Assignment / Research Paper
All students are required to submit one assignment per course which is a part of
their assessments. The students are given close to two months to complete the
assignment. The work is to be completed online and is submitted on the assignment
link available on every course page.
Assignments contribute towards 15% of the final course aggregate.
Students may consult any of the following websites to check the plagiarism score
before uploading their assignments on the course page:
1. Grammarly:
2. EduBirdie:
3. PaperRater:
4. Copyleaks:
However, no chance will be given to editing your work once it is submitted on the
course page. The university will not entertain any second attempt request.Your
assignment must have less than 20% plagiarism.
You can refer to books, sites and other resources for the content that can help you
build your assignment. However, you must ensure that these sources are authentic.
Besides that, you can always access the resources offered in our libraries:
Bachelor Degree/
Advanced Diploma/ All MAIS courses
Certificate/Asso- except FQH 503
ciate Degree/IAP/ (FQH 503)
IMPORTANT: Recitation in these sessions counts towards 50% of the course grade,
which indirectly means that if you skip these sessions, you cannot pass the course!
For details on registering a group, changing groups, making up for missed classes and
reporting missed grades or teacher issues, please follow this link.
1. The list of approved centers can be found here. Students can register for it here.
2. In case none of these centers are appropriate for the student, he/she can register
To request a reset please go to the dashboard; click on the Quiz Reset Application
Portal icon and fill in and submit the application. The test will be reset within 12 hours
from the time of submission of the request (and in most cases much sooner) if your
application meets the requirements.
a. IOU is under no obligation to reset a test and not all issues allow for a reset.
b. You can only apply for 3 resets for a particular course. If your reset requests go
beyond 3, your country representative will reach out to you and enquire about the
reasons provided by you. Upon approval from him, we will proceed with the reset.
For further details on how to apply for a reset, please follow this link.
Case 1: If you satisfy any of the above conditions and it is your first reset request of
the final exam of a particular course, then you have to request the proctor to reset the
exam here. The reset will be done immediately and you can proceed to attempt the
Case 2: If you satisfy any of the above conditions, and it is your second or successive
reset request of the final exam of a particular course, then you are required to follow
the procedure outlined below:
Please note that the reset request will not be processed unless our exam officers
receive the proctor’s email entailing the above details.
3. The IOU exam officers will review the request and if eligible, the exam will be reset
immediately. Subsequently, an email will be sent out to you as well as the proctor
of the exam informing you of the status of your request.
However, for those with genuine reasons, IOU has an Exemption policy that allows
students to give their assessments in a late period without suffering the penalty of
grades for late submission.
This exemption is granted only when a valid reason with proper documentation
is provided. Students can gain exemptions from a 15% grade deduction in their
Midterms, Finals and Assignments if it is attempted in the late period.
In order to apply for this and further information, please follow this link.
IOU Stance on Plagiarism: The International Open University will not tolerate
plagiarism in any form, and any student caught plagiarizing will be penalized.
Depending on the severity of the plagiarism, the penalty could range from reduction
of marks to rejection of the paper itself.
You may also test your understanding of plagiarism by using this link:
Similarity Indicator
IOU reserves the right to submit all academic assignments to a plagiarism checker
to produce similarity ratings for each assignment. The similarity indicator provides
a rating of how similar text in the assignment is to resources available on the
Internet. In line with universal academic writing practices, IOU prefers that text
be paraphrased in the words of the student and not quoted directly, with the
original author of the knowledge being duly cited and referenced. As a University-
wide norm, IOU recommends that the similarity indicator does not exceed 20%.
Result of Plagiarism
The relevant academic will use the similarity rating in determining the final grade
of the submission. Students may consult any of the following websites to check
the plagiarism score before uploading their assignments on the course page:
1. Grammarly:
2. EduBirdie:
3. PaperRater:
4. Copyleaks:
All tests and exams are closed books. Students must not open the books/
website/journal/newspaper while attempting tests/exams. Also, students are not
supposed to share the questions or ask the correct answers of the module tests
with any other student.
Final Examinations:
The Final Exam of each course has to be taken at the exam center, under the
supervision of an IOU approved proctor. It is strictly forbidden for students to ask
the center/proctors for the passwords at any time ( even after the exams have
been completed ). Any student found doing so will have their exams graded at
zero and will face disciplinary action. If due to any misunderstanding a proctor/
center offers you the exam passwords you must not take them under any
circumstances, doing so will result in a zero grade and disciplinary action.
95 - 100 A+ 4.00
90 - 94 A 4.00
85 - 89 B+ 3.67
80 – 84 B 3.33
75 - 79 C+ 3.00
70 - 74 C 2.67
65 - 69 D+ 2.33
60 - 64 D 2.00
a) The concluding score is the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) out of a scale
of 4.00.
b) Passing CGPA score is minimum 2.00 out of 4.00 (this can happen if someone gets
60-64% in each and every course).
c) Maximum score of CGPA that a student may achieve would be 4.00 out of 4.00
(this can happen if he/she gets above 90% in each and every course).
d) This policy provides the students and graduates of the International Open
University to utilize the provisional and graduate transcripts across the globe in
different countries without facing any barrier, as this marking / grading system is
an amalgamation of the British Marks-Percentage System and the Latin Honors
Is it a paid procedure?
For further details and procedures on Course Waivers, please follow this link.
exemption from the Arabic courses, s/he can apply for it by writing an exam for
the same. It is a paid process. Depending on the score obtained in the exam, the
exemption will apply for the required number of courses. Further details can be
accessed here.
The maximum duration implies that a student must finish the program within the
aforementioned time frame.
b) The credits earned do not carry the equivalent of the university credits nor count
toward the admission requirement of any of the accredited degree, diploma, higher
diploma, or certificate program at the IOU.
c) The study materials, curriculum, and classes of the regular undergraduate and
graduate programs, and of the Advanced Diploma program are completely identical
except that Advanced Diploma Students are not required to write a thesis. While the
students share the same classes, discussion forums, and recorded supplementary
sessions conducted by the tutorial assistants, it is not possible to identify who is
enrolled under which program. Hence, there is no discrimination between students
enrolled through the mainstream programs and those of the Advanced Diploma under
OEP. Thus, the students of the Advanced Diploma may attend classes and sit for the
exams freely without any hesitation.
e) The same marking system is applicable for the IOU Advanced Diploma as well.
f) The students will receive a diploma upon the successful completion of the program
that will be stamped and signed by the Ministry of Higher Education of Somalia.
However, it will be clearly mentioned on the certificate and the transcript that this
Student’s Ha ndboo k | Inte r nat i o na l Ope n Uni ve rs i t y | w w w. i ou . ed u . g m
b) The maximal length of the various combinations of the dual program ranges from a
period of minimum 3 to a maximum of 12 years.
The postgraduate students of the Higher Diploma and the Master’s Programs may
enroll into the courses from among the various undergraduate programs. The Master’s
Degree students may also take courses from other Master’s Programs when they
become available. Undergraduate students may not take any course from any of the
postgraduate programs. The Intensive Arabic Program (IAP) and Youth Dual Credit
Program (YDCP) students are outside the scope of this policy.
Under this policy, the Dual Program students may enroll in courses from streams other
than their two streams of study.
Corollary I
Students can pay fees as per their chosen study plan and request helpdesk to enroll
in an additional course which will be included in the course count as per their chosen
study plan.
Corollary II
Students who have completed ARB BMAIS 101, 102 and 201 in BMAIS program,
may take ARB 401 old or 402 old as an additional course during their study of MAIS
program under this policy.
Additional Note:
The prerequisites will still be in place and apply to the additional courses. Therefore, a
student may not enroll in any course that he/she has not completed the prerequisite of.
The exception of Arabic is mentioned above in Corollary II.
Hence, Grade Transfer entails transferring the particular course grades obtained in a semester
to the next semester so that the student is not required to repeat the completed portion
-excluding assignments- in the following semester.
The grades, excluding the assignment grades, from the particular course are transferred to
the following semester; thus allowing students to complete the remaining portion along
with the assignments in the next semester. The University will not transfer the grades of the
assignments anymore. So students are required to do the assignment in the next semester,
even if they have scored full marks in the previous semester.
● Grades Requirement:
This involves scoring 60% or above in all the mandatory courses of the program.
● Arabic Requirement:
This is applicable to the BAIS program which entails completion of all the Arabic
courses in the program.
● Thesis Requirement:
To obtain a BA, BEd, Bsc, or MA degree, a student needs to successfully complete
the BA / BEd /BSc thesis and obtain a minimum passing score of 60%. Thesis is not a
graduation requirement for the 2-year Associate Degree program or 1-year Certificate
● University Requirement:
This involves clearance from:
a. Admission Office - Submission of attested hard copies of documents
b. Payment Department - Clearance of all outstanding balances.
Complete details for the undergraduate programs on this can be accessed here
while postgraduate requirements may be checked here. IAP Students may check the
graduation requirements here
31. Transcripts:
Students can obtain the provisional softcopy of the Transcript or the provisional
hardcopy of the transcript during anytime of their studies through the respective
transcript portal. Also, if a student wants to obtain provisional hardcopy of the
transcript with the university seal on the envelope, he/she can request the same
through contacting Helpdesk. Note that the Final Transcript is only issued along with
the Graduation Certificate.
An eligible graduate may apply to defer graduation. The Registrar’s Office will
assess the application and approve or reject it based on the nature of the request.
The reasons to be taken into consideration may include the following among other
1. Advanced Diploma falls under the Open Education Program. The students of
this stream of study may complete their high school diploma side by side their
studies at the IOU. However, there must be a gap of minimum 2 years or 4 to
5 semesters between their high school diploma obtainment and receiving a
bachelor’s degree from the IOU.
2. Furthermore, such students’ theses must be deferred to be completed in the
very last semester when they are due to graduate.
34. Abeyance
Students can apply to be placed in abeyance, whereby their studies at the University will
be temporarily suspended. The students need to discuss this matter with Helpdesk.
Credit transfer will only be processed for the courses studied and completed with a
passing grade at an accredited university or college. Credit transfers will NOT be accepted
for subjects studied in schools or private institutions.
A student can request for university credit transfer or college credit transfer for a
maximum of 50% of the total required courses.
Please click here to read the instructions to send CT Applications. If you want further
details on this, please email
IOU offers special courses which do not add credit to your program, but serve as a means to
bridge the gap between the foundation level and the level that is taught in the program.
a. ARB 100: This course is a noncredit and optional course for those who do not know
how to read and write Arabic script. It develops Arabic reading and writing skills
gradually and logically without requiring the learner to memorize all 28 letters of
the alphabet plus their 112 variations before learning to read and write. It has been
modified with English explanations and presentations to further simplify the learning
process for adult English speakers. This course is not a prerequisite to Arabic 101.
There is a separate fee for this course. You can access further details here.
b. TAJ 100: This course has been designed for all those who have no or little knowledge
of Tajweed rules. Students will attend two weekly live sessions in groups. Each live
session will be 30-minute long. In addition to the live classes, students will cover
20 modules consisting of a video lesson taught by our respected Shaykh Wissam El
Tom. There are no tests and exams in this course. This course is not a prerequisite to
Tajweed 101. There is a separate fee for this course. Please visit this link to enroll in
the course.
c. Study Skills course: It is an optional course with five module recordings. The course
does not have a code or course credits
The aims of the course are designed to enable students to develop academic language
skills such as academic writing and reading, and introduce academic study skills such
as referencing and taking lecture notes. And improve their learning effectiveness,
attitudes, and motivation. All students are enrolled in this course automatically each
Admission process:
If you are not already registered on our Campus section, you would have to complete the
entire admission process of setting up a new account, uploading the documents and waiting
for the admission confirmation.
Campus policies
1. Student Identification
Students are granted a unique identification number as soon as they register for any
of the programs in the Degree Campus. All the records of the students are maintained
through the same identification number. Furthermore, students are required to submit
any form of photo ID (driving license/Passport/National ID) so that the University can
confirm the student’s Identity.
2. Privacy
Please read the complete privacy policy here
Financial Policies
1. Scholarships
The International Open University provides scholarships for the following programs at the
Degree Campus:
1. Alumni Association
The purpose of the IOU Alumni Association is to establish and maintain Islamic brotherhood
among the alumni members; to build mutually helpful relationships between them and the
IOU; to unite all alumni in support of the University; and to encourage Islamic education
through ties to the University. In the coming years, the IOU Alumni Association will aim to
strengthen the global association and form regional associations that will help IOU to fulfill
its mission of changing the nation and the world situation through appropriate education
until the Last Day.
2. Student Committees
The student committees gather students locally in order to enhance student’s study experi-
ence, provide support through study groups, and contribute to the growth of the University.
By the mercy of Allah, the IOU has been able to reach almost every country across the globe.
Alhamdulillah, many IOU students have been actively spreading awareness and helping IOU
to grow immensely. They have conducted various events, partook in other local events by
putting up stalls, distributing flyers, and other promotional activities. Thus, it joined in chang-
ing the nation through education.
Become part of your local student committee. Simply fill out the form below and we will
contact you with more details about your local student committee. Participation in activities
conducted by the student committee can be counted toward the mandatory community
service hours.
For detailed information on the roles and responsibilities assigned by the University to its
representatives and volunteers, please refer to this link
The following resources are available in the International Open University Central E-Library:
JSTOR provides archives to over one thousand leading academic journals across the
humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other
materials valuable for academic work. The entire corpus is full-text searchable, offers
search term highlighting, includes high-quality images, and is interlinked by millions
of citations and references. The following is a list of JSTOR collections available in the
International Open University Central E-Library.
● Oxford Journals
● Oxford Handbooks Online
● Oxford Scholarship Online
● Grove Art Online
● Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
● Oxford English Dictionary
● American National Biography
● Oxford Quick Reference
● Oxford Textbook of Medicine
● Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine
● Oxford Biblical Studies Online
● Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
● International Law in Domestic Courts
1. Darusalaam
In order to provide the IOU students a platform to access Islamic books in multiple
languages covering a range of topics like theology, jurisprudence, history, education,
psychology and personal development, Darussalam E-Library database has been add-
ed to the collections of the International Open University Central E-Library. Special
fees structure has been arranged for the IOU students offering 50% or more discount
depending on the student’s country of residence based on the human development
index. All currently enrolled students may access the International Open University
Central E-Library from the IOU Degree Campus.
Convocation Ceremony
The graduates of IOU are honored in an online convocation ceremony. Students can join the
session through the links provided and be part of this event. The convocation ceremony is
usually held in January every year. It takes around six to eight months to process student’s
attested certificate after graduation and the certificates are sent to the students through
courier services.
Disclaimer: This handbook does not constitute a contract between IOU and the Students. IOU
reserve the right to make changes in this handbook when necessary without notice.