Paper51548 1553
Paper51548 1553
Paper51548 1553
Design and Economic Evaluation of the ESP and Gas Lift on the Dead Oil Well
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Sohail Nawab
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology
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Research Article
Design and Economic Evaluation of the ESP and Gas Lift on the Dead
Oil Well
Imran A. Hullio*, Sarfraz A. Jokhio, Khalil Rehman Memon, Sohail Nawab and Khair Jan Baloch
Institute of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, 76062, Sindh, Pakistan
Received 04 Sept 2018, Accepted 06 Nov 2018, Available online 08 Nov, Vol.8, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2018)
Owing to the increasing water cut and decreasing in reservoir pressure of the well, the oil production of the well has
seized and the well has become dead. This research study evaluates the implementation of the artificial lift methods
ESP and Gas Lift- economically and technically on the well by using the production performance software (PROSPER)
and economical yardsticks (NPV & ROI). The theory, design, production forecast, capital and operating expenditures
of the electric submersible pump and gas lift are discussed for the appropriate selection of any of two options. The
PROSPER software is used as the simulation tool for the design and production forecasting of the ESP and Gas Lift
based. The ESP and Gas Lift methods have been simulated for the design and production forecast by entering the
reservoir and completion inputs in the software. Subsequently, the software has been simulated to run on different
sensitivities of the variables such as water cut, wellhead pressure setting depth, operating frequency and gas injection
rates to check the production rates at different scenarios. Having performed the production performance simulation
on the selected artificial lift methods, the methods have been investigated by capital budget-ing. In capital budgeting,
the capital and operating expenditures of both lift methods were evaluated by determining their discounted value
(NPV) and re-turn on investment (ROI). The prime objective of the research is to accomplish maximum production
rates and profitability by selecting the most appropriate artificial lift method for the well; as a consequence it is
concluded that the suitable artificial lift method for a well can be selected by applying the simulation and economical
Keywords: Artificial lift methods, Inflow Performance Relation, Vertical Lift Performance, Net-present value, Return
on investment
ii. Downhole flowing pressure methods are used to lift the fluid from the wellbore to
iii. Gas-liquid ratio the surface by using pump pressure at the bottom of
the well or injecting the pressurized gas. This method
Rarely, the selected method does not function fit on the inspects the availability of the resources for the
well; hence it increase the services costs, workover selected methods. For ESP pump requires huge amount
costs and drastically reduces the production rates and of electric while gas lift method does not require any
the net present value of the company (J.F. Lea, et al, electric power for the injection of the gas (M. A. Naguib,
1994). et al, 2000).
2. Artificial Lift There are two key choices to increase pressure (Clegg,
J.D., 1988):
In the beginning when a well is tapped into the
reservoir, it has massive energy to drive the oil to the • A pump is run into well which increase the pressure
surface. At this phase, the initial reservoir pressure of the fluid to push it to the surface.
manages to produce the oil from reservoir to the sand- • Gas injection at a certain pressure into the well to
face and from sand-face to the well completion jewelry decrease the density of fluid and increase the pressure
and from the completion to the separator. However of the fluid to produce the fluid to the surface.
with the production, the natural reservoir pressure
depletes owing to reservoir fluids production and the 2.1 Electric Submersible Pumps (ESP)
wellbore pressure increases due to the water loading
in the wellbore and increases the overall density of The electric submersible pump system which is
fluid. Successively, the desired production rates cannot configured very simply consists of a centrifugal pump
be obtained at the surface merely with the natural and electric pump unit. They are run down in
energy of reservoir. The performance of well can be completion assembly and connected electrically
estimated by the concept of inflow performance through cables to the surface control system and
relationship (IPR) and vertical lift performance (VLP). transformer. The TOPSIS is one the great method of
The IPRs are used to analysis the performance of a selecting the artificial lift method from the limited
well, diagnosing the problems of a well and solving information of choices (Alemi M., et al, 2010). The
their problems in an efficient way. The vertical lift production tubing hangs the down hole equipment of
performance (VLP) is affected by such factors; tubing the ESP above the perforations of well. Generally the
size, liquid rate, fluid type, gas-oil ratio, water cut and motor of the pump is positioned on the end of the
fluid properties. Currently, it has been reported that string. The pump, the intake or gas separator and seal
about 95% of oil and gas well on run any of the section are situated above the motor. The power cable
artificial lift method and only 5% well are producing is fastened to the tubing. API RP11S3 provides the
with the natural flow. The following is generalized fig.1 guidelines for the proper installation and handling of
which shows the six artificial lift methods. an ESP system. Several resources are available in the
menu which provides empirical means to prolong the
life of ESP which includes the numerous formulation,
fabrication and operational mechanisms (Baillie,
In the process of gas lift, the gas is injected into the well
through the annulus and then the gas enters into the
tubing by the means of gas lift valve which seated in
the side pocket. The gas mingles with the reservoir
fluid collected in the wellbore and diminishes the
bottom hole pressure. Then the column fluid
encounters the least impedance in the flow; hence the
well produces high flow rates of oil. The gas lift is
majorly broken into two sub types in the petroleum
industry; the continuous gas lift method and
Fig. 1 Schematic of primary six artificial lift methods. intermittent gas lift method.
For a successful gas lift operation, there are many
In such conditions, the reservoir needs an artificial parameters are taken into considerations. The
means to produce the oil to the desired rates. In optimum parameter makes the high production and
offshore applications, ESP and Gas Lift significantly generates more monetary. There are many parameters
dominate the market of Artificial Lift, with smaller in the gas lift but among them the most vital one is
proportion of PCP and Jet Pumps. The artificial lift injection rate of gas. Therefore, optimum amount of
1549| International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2018)
Imran et al Design and Economic Evaluation of the ESP and Gas Lift on the Dead Oil Well
injection gas ought to be to found in order to get because IPR and VLP curves do not intersect each
improve production rates because the addition other; hence the well is dead.
injection of gas causes decrease in production owing to
more slippage between liquid and gas (Ebrahimi,
3. Prosper Modeling
The Gas Lift artificial lift method is selected from Fig.6 IPR vs. VLP of the well with gas lift
System Summary screen.
For design gas lift, the design section requires 4. Economical Evaluation
maximum liquid rate, maximum gas available, flowing
top node pressure, maximum depth of injection, Having carried out the simulation work and getting the
operating injection pressure, kickoff injection pressure, production profile of both the methods, is the firstly
desired dP across valve, water cut, minimum spacing, portion of this research. The second portion of the
total GOR and etc. research is the complete economic evaluations of the
Now the PROSPER calculates the gas lift artificial methods used for the well. In the economic
performance curve shown in the fig.5. assessment, the capital costs, operating costs,
workover costs and income costs are taken into the
consideration. Before making a final decision a
thorough economic analysis has to be done. As
described, it is the profitability of a project that has to
be the final decision criteria.
The following Table 3 and 4 are showing the capital
expenditure and operating expenditure of ESP and Gas
Lift of the well.
1551| International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2018)
Imran et al Design and Economic Evaluation of the ESP and Gas Lift on the Dead Oil Well
( ) ( ) ( )
..( )
(1) 1) Planning and administrative resources: Gas lift is
simple and easy to manage after implementation;
By using the above equation, the net present value of while the ESP method is very complex and difficult
both can be found easily. Hence the net present value to plan and implement.
of ESP is far greater than the NPV of gas lift which 2) The ESP has a very short lift in the well. The
impudently shows that ESP is the better option to be common lift expectancy of ESP is 2- 3 years.
chosen for the well because it will give huge sum 3) The Gas Lift method requires full workover on the
income by producing more oil and less expenditure. well; therefore few number of wells or individual
The NPV of the ESP and GAS LIFT is given in the Table well are not economical for gas lift method.
Table 6 NPV of ESP and Gas Lift
Abdel Ben Amara, Silverwell, (2016). Gas Lift - Past & Future,
Method NPV of year ($) SPE 184221-MS presented at the SPE Middle East Artificial
Lift Conference and Exhibition held in Manama, Kingdom
GAS LIFT 20,942,933
of Bahrain, 30 November-1 December 2016, doi:
ESP 28,969,723 10.2118/184221-MS.
Petroleum Experts (2009). User Manual, Prosper, version 11.
Heinze Lloyd R., Herald W. Winkler, James F. Lea, (1996).
4.2. Return on investment
Decision Tree for Selection of Artificial Lift Method, SPE
29510- MS Presented at production operation symposium
ROI is also another economic yardstick which held at Oklahoma City, USA, 2-4 April, 1995. Doi:
determines the profitability of the project by 10.2118/29510-MS.
estimating the net profit and total investment of the Akchay L. Pandit, Issa Yasser Mohamed Abdelaziz, Mahmoud
project. The following is basic equation (2) of ROI: Bakr Khamis, Riyad Quttainah, and Al-Ajmi Rakan N, 2015.
Economic Comparison between ESP and Rod Pump for
Same Rate Wells, SPE-176386-MS presented at the
(2) SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and
Exhibition held in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, 20–22
October 2015, doi: 10.2118/176386-MS.
From the calculation of ROI, it has been found that the Clegg, J.D. (1988). High-rate Artificial Lift, Journal of
ROI of ESP is also greater than that of gas lift; Petroleum Technology, SPE#17638- MS.
consequently it can surely judge that the performance James F. Lea and Henry V. Nickens, (1999). Selection of
and profitability of ESP is far better than that of gas lift. Artificial Lift, SPE 52157-MS, Presented at the 1999 SPE
The ROI of the ESP and Gas LIFT are given in the Table Mid-Continent Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, March 28-31, 1999. Doi: 10.2118/52157-
7. MS.
Table 7 ROI of ESP and GAS LIFT J.F. Lea, M.R. Wells, J.L. Bearden, L. Wilson, R. Shepler, and R.
Lannom, (1994). Electrical Submersible Pumps, SPE
Method Return on investment 28694-MS, Presented at the SPE International Petroleum
GAS LIFT 7.55 Conference & Exhibition of Mexico held In Verasruz,
ESP 9.12 Mexico, and 10-13 October 1994.doi: 10.2118/28694-MS.
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Imran et al Design and Economic Evaluation of the ESP and Gas Lift on the Dead Oil Well
1553| International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2018)