Yuchai YC6B125 T21
Yuchai YC6B125 T21
Yuchai YC6B125 T21
Parts Catalog of YC6B125-T21(BB6G3) Diesel Engine
2016 年 2 月
前 言 Preface
Thank you for choosing products of Yuchai and reading Parts Catalog of YC6B125-T21(BB6G3)
The service principles of Yuchai are to try our best to serve you, and serve you wholeheartedly and faithfully. In order
to carry out them better, we edit and print Parts Catalog of YC6B125-T21(BB6G3).We hope this catalog can let users know
our products’ construct and configuration, easily use, maintain and purchase parts.
随着产品的不断改进提高和用户不断提出新的要求, 《YC6B125-T21(BB6G3)柴油机零件图册》中的有关内容将会有不同程度的变更,玉
With the product improvement and users’ requirements, part of content will change to some extend. Yuchai keeps the right
of modifications which are not informed in advance. The detail configuration should accord to the product technical
documents of the day.
Parts Catalog of YC6B125-T21(BB6G3)is planed by Yuchai machinery Co.Ltd. If there is any mistake in it, please point out
and make it better. Thank you!
Notice: EWP=Easy wear part
Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Co.,Ltd.
序号 No. 图号 Part No. 名 称 Part Name 页数 Page 备注 Remark
1 BB0GA-1002000/01 气缸体总成 Cylinder Block Assembly
2 B7615-1002200/18 齿轮室部件 Gear Housing Part
3 气缸盖及气缸盖罩总 Cylinder Head& Cylinder Head
成 Cover Assembly
4 340-1004000/02 活塞连杆总成 Piston Connecting Rod Assembly
5 1640H-1005000/15 曲轴减振器总成 Crankshaft Flywheel Assembly
6 630-1006000A/02 凸轮轴总成 Camshaft Assembly
7 330-1007000/08 配气机构总成 Valve Tappet Assembly
8 311-1008100/07 进气管部件 Intake Pipe& Intake Connecting
& BB6G3-1008500/01 &进气接管部件 Pipe Part
9 BB6G3-1008200/01 排气管总成 Exhaust Pipe Assembly
10 1640H-1009000/08 油底壳总成 Oil Sump Assembly
11 1640H-1010000/08 机油集滤器总成 Oil Collector Assembly
12 B3000-1011000/06 机油泵总成 Oil Pump Assembly
13 1640H-1012000/06 机油滤清器总成 Oil Strainer Assembly
14 1640H-1013000/17 机油冷却器总成 Oil Radiator Assembly
15 311-1014000/05 呼吸器部件 Breather Part
16 B7615-1104000/10 供给系管路总成 Fuel Pipeline Assembly
17 B7735-1105000/06 柴油滤清器总成 Fuel Filter Assembly
18 B7663-1109000/06 空滤器总成 Air Filter Assembly
19 B7606-1111000/08 喷油泵总成 Injection Pump Parts
20 J3400-1112000/04 喷油器总成 Injector Assembly
21 1640H-1201000/07 消声器总成 Muffler Assembly
22 散热器水管及软管总 Water Outlet Pipe Assembly
23 6105QA-1305000/08 放水开关总成 Water Drain Valve Assembly
24 340-1306000/03 调温器总成 Thermostat Assembly
25 1640H-1307000/06 水泵总成 Water Pump Subassembly
26 310-1308000/05 风扇部件 Fan Part
27 1640H-1600000/03 飞轮壳总成 Flywheel Housing Assembly
28 气制动空气压缩机总 Pneumatic Air Compressor Assembly
29 B8601-3701000/02 充电机总成 Charger Assembly
30 340-3708000/10 起动机总成 Starter Assembly
31 BB600-3904000/01 铭牌 Data Plate
EWP=Easy wear part (易损件)
图 Drawing
4 Q40306 垫圈 6 Washer 6 4
5 Q40106 垫圈 6 Washer 6 4
6 6105Q-1014012 垫片 Gasket 1
9 Q40108 垫圈 8 Washer 8 2
10 Q40308 垫圈 8 Washer 8 2