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VOLUME 65/RNI, NO. 7 ISSN: 0974-4711

October 2022 Pages : 84 Rs. 200/-




15 www.cbip.org
Publication no. 345 cost : Rs. 2000/-
To achieve the objective of bringing out manuals, CBIP constituted an Expert Group under the chairmanship of Shri
S.G. Patki, Former Chairman CIGRE National Committee on Protection & Automation and Former VP, The Tata Power
Company, and Members from all eminent organizations/utilities and consultants. The Expert Group has made laudable
efforts and after a gap of more than 3 years of untiring work has recently prepared the Manual on SUBSTATION
AUTOMATION SYSTEM which is a unique document. This publication contains the following eight chapters:
1. Introduction and Context 5. Migration Strategies
2. Requirements of Substation Automation System and 6. Testing and Validation
Functional design specifications 7. Cyber Security Management Systems
3. Basics of IEC 61850 standard for SAS 8. IEC 61850 Process Bus and Digital substation
4. Communication Protocols and Architectures

Manual on Substation
Publication No. 342, cost : Rs. 3,500/-
CBIP published first edition of the “Manual on Substation Layout” in 2006. The manual has been well appreciated and
is widely used by engineering fraternity. Taking into account the technological developments and revision in National/
International standards, it was deemed necessary to revise the document on Substations in a comprehensive manner.
CBIP constituted an Expert Group headed by Shri S.K. Ray Mohapatra, Chief Engineer, Central Electricity Authority to
revised and rename the ‘Manual on Substation Layouts’ as ‘Manual on Substation’ to cover various aspects of Substations.
Representatives from various utilities across the country, comprising manufacturers, Power utilities, R&D and Testing
organizations were associated as members of the Expert Group.
New chapters on Type of substations, General Requirements, insulation co-ordination, Erection & Commissioning, New
Technologies, Refurbishment and upgradation / uprating of existing substations, safety, Life Cycle Management etc. have
been included for the benefit of prospective users. Copy of this document is available for sale and can be had by sending
demand draft/cheque for Rs. 3,500/- drawn in favour of Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi.

Guidelines for ‘Design of Pile Foundation for Transmission Line Tow-

ers for River Crossing and other Special Locations’
Publication No. 344, cost : Rs. Rs.500/-
CBIP had brought out the first manual on transmission lines in 1977. In view of fast technological advancements in transmission
sector this Manual has been updated in 1998 and in 2014. For updating this Manual, CBIP constituted an Expert Group
headed by Shri I.S. Jha the then Director, POWERGRID and presently Member CERC. A chapter on Foundations which
contains optimal solutions for foundations, illustration on adoption of latest methodology on foundation design in different
types of soils, rock foundations etc. was also updated in the manual. However, the Expert Group suggested to prepare a
separate Guidelines on the above subject. Accordingly, this work for preparation of this Guideline was assigned to Shri D.
Chowdhary, the then ED, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. This Guideline deals with design of Pile foundations (Bored
cast in Situ) for Transmission line towers at Special locations like River crossing, marine deposit, marshy land and slushy
land etc. It covers the design and brief aspects of construction of concrete bored cast-in-situ pile foundation.

POWER MAP OF INDIA 2021 (400 kV & above)

Cost: Rs. 1,000/-
CBIP has been bringing out Power Map of India for the reference of concerned organizations. Last edition of this Map was
brought out in 2020. This map has earned appreciation both at National and International level and is very much in demand
by Government/private organizations engaged in power sector including PSU’s, utilities, Contractors, professionals and
individuals not only in India but also in other countries. In view of the persistent demand from the various professionals and
other allied organizations, the CBIP has updated this map upto November 2020 under the guidance of Central Electricity
Authority. This map covers details of generating stations and transmission system for 400 kV level and above both existing
and under construction. This map is printed on the laminated art paper and is in folded version.
Central Board of Irrigation & Power
Office bearers
President : Dr. R.K. Gupta, Chairman, CWC
(i) Sr. Vice President : Mr. Ghanshyam Prasad, Chairperson, CEA
(ii) Vice President : Mr. Vivek P. Kapadia, Secretary to Government of Gujarat
and Director (Civil), Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd.
(iii) Vice President : Mr. Y.K. Chaubey, CMD, NHPC Ltd.
(iv) Vice President : Mr. S.K. Mishra, Director, SECI
(v) Vice President : Mr. Anil Sardana, MD & CEO, Adani Transmission Ltd. &
Adani Power Ltd.
Secretary : Mr. A.K. Dinkar
Director (WR) : Mr. K.K. Singh
Director (Energy) : Mr. Sanjeev Singh

• The statements and opinions From Editor’s Desk

expressed in this Journal are not
necessarily of Central Board of Mr. A.K. Dinkar, Secretary, CBIP 3
Irrigation & Power. Articles

• Reproduction of articles from Water Water Resources Section

and Energy International is subject 270 A Numerical Study to Determine the Impact
to approval of the Editor. of Trash Rack Blockage on Head Loss –
Dr. S.K. Singal, Vishal Gupta and
• Interested authors from India and Dr. Manoj Sood 6
abroad are requested to contribute 271 Sources and Treatment of Taste and Odour
their articles to this Journal and in Water - A Review – Surendra Roy 12
send the same to Secretary, Central
272 Hydraulic Design of Canal Regulating and
Board of Irrigation & Power, well in Cross-Drainage Structures for Economy
advance. and Efficiency – S.K. Mazumder 17
273 Water Recovery from Dairy Industry Waste
All communications should be Stream Whey using Forward Osmosis
addressed to : Technology : Evaluating the Effects of
Different Draw Solutions – Vibha Agrawal
and Dilip Sarode 22
Central Board of Irrigation & Power
Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110 021
Ph. : 91-11-2611 5984
Mr. Vivek P. Kapadia, Secretary to Government of Gujarat
Fax : 91-11-2611 6347 and Director (Civil), Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited
Mr. Avinash C. Tyagi, Former Secretary General,
E-mail : cbip@cbip.org International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage
Mr. Manoj Aggarwal, Independent Public Policy
Website : www.cbip.org and Impact Investment Professional
Mr. D.K. Chaturvedi, Former General Manager, NTPC Ltd.
Dr. Rajesh Arora, Manager, Delhi Transco Ltd.
Total Pages 84

Monthly Journal Publisher, Printer and Editor Mr. A.K. Dinkar on behalf of Central Board
of Irrigation and Power, Printed at M/s Chandu Press, D-97, Shakarpur,
Monthly Subscription Rs. 200/-
Delhi, published from Central Board of Irrigation and Power, Malcha
Annual Subscription Rs. 2400/- Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110 021


C O N T E N T S (contd.)

Energy Section

274 Right of Way (ROW) Challenge in Construction of Transmission Lines & its Mitigation in India –
Rajesh Gupta and Harshal Malewar 31
275 HR Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence Research Trends in Water and Energy Sector –
Anurag Sharma, Ruchi Tyagi, Ashutosh Verma and Aparup Paul 35
276 Effect of Rural Electrification on Economic Growth and Development of Rural Odisha:
An in-Depth Empirical Study – Bijay Kumar Mohanty, Pravakar Mohanty and
Prof (Dr.) Sasmita Samanta 43
– Extract Discussion of Experts …. on Power Engineers Whats-App group
“SPARK…Ignited to Share” 49

news letter
Water Resources Section
– International Dam Safety Conference, 10-12 October 2022, Jaipur, Rajasthan 54
Energy Section
– Hands-on training on Power System Network study and analysis, 28-30 September 2022 61
– Training Program on Cyber Security, 3-4 October 2022, BBMB, Nangal 63
– 13 National Conference on Earthing Systems, 17-18 October 2022, New Delhi
– Training Program (online) on Regulatory Framework in Power Sector, 22nd October 2022 70

CBIP Activities during September-October 2022 71

statistical data
• Water Resources Section 73

Water & Energy Abstracts

• Water Resources Section 74
• Energy Section 75

Far & Near in Water and Energy

• News - Water Resources Section 76
• News - Energy Section 79


Dear all,
Greetings from CBIP.
Timely cleaning of the trash rack should be ensured to avoid any efficiency loss in the
performance of hydraulic machines. A very good paper to estimate the head loss due
to blockages in the trash rack based on CFD modelling has been included. In article
“Sources and Treatment of taste and odour in water”, various chemical, biological
and ecological methods to regulate the taste of and odour of drinking water has been
discussed. In “Hydraulic Design of Canal Regulating and cross drainage structures
for Economy and Efficiency”, some innovative hydraulic designs of canal has been
discussed. Dairy Industry consumes a good amount of water and portion of it goes
to waste. Environmental norms demand recovery of waste water. An interesting article on water recovery
from Dairy Industry waste system Whey using Forward Osmosis Technology has been included (Whey is
a by-product of Dairy Industry).
Prior to Independence, India had no policy for rural electrification. Rural electrification in the nation began
around the 1950s as a planned operation. Around 10%, 9%, and 2% of villages in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and
Karnataka, respectively, were electrified in 1951. Less than 1% of villages were electrified in the other states.
Electricity for rural areas was not seen to be a necessary resource in the early planning stages but rather a
special amenity. As a result, only a few states had rural electricity during the First Five Year Plan; however,
during the Second and Third Five Year Plans, all states had it. However, only roughly 45,000 villages out
of a total of 5.76 lakhs outlying communities gained access to electricity by the end of the Third Five Year
India was amid a severe drought from 1965 to 1967. After the drought, emphasis was being laid on extending
adequate irrigation facilities for agricultural production as dependence on monsoon will not be helpful.
Realizing the importance, rural electrification program was reoriented towards energization of pump sets
for irrigation facilities. Since 2001, village electrification and household electrification have received the
highest priority through the implementation of various programs like the Minimum Needs Program, Kutir Jyoti
Program, Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY), Accelerated Rural Electrification Program (AREP),
and Accelerated Emission Reduction Program (AERP).
Government in developing countries like India are infusing substantial amount to expand access to electricity
in rural regions. A research study on ‘Effect of Rural Electrification on Economic Growth and Development
of Rural Odisha: An in-depth Empirical Study’ which elaborate significant impact of rural electrification on
the economic activities of rural Odisha has been included. The findings of the study indicate that these
investments have produced good and positive socioeconomic impact.
Besides this, an important article on ‘Right of Way (ROW) Challenge in Construction of Transmission lines &
its Mitigation in India’ which describes the ROW and its challenge for transmission utilities in the construction
and O&M and mitigation has been included in this journal.
Another useful article on ‘HR Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence Research Trends in Water and Energy
Sector’ which highlights the role of Energy in nexus to land-water-transport in commercial, communal and
social development, accenting technology infrastructure development has been included in this journal. The
findings indicate that millennial are digitally updated and technology-friendly.
The journal also covers a variety of useful information about Water Resources, Power, RE & allied sectors.
It is expected that the readers will find this issue of the journal quite informative & useful. We take this
opportunity to request all the professionals’ in these sectors to contribute technical papers/articles news etc.
which would be of interest for publishing in the subsequent issues of the journal.
We also request the comments /suggestions of the readers so as to improve the utility of the journal.

A.K. Dinkar
Secretary, CBIP


w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

A Numerical Study to Determine the Impact of Trash

Rack Blockage on Head Loss
Dr. S.K. Singal1, Vishal Gupta2 and Dr. Manoj Sood3

Trash racks are comprised of an array of metal bars used in irrigation canals, water intakes, pumping stations, penstock
intake and other hydraulic structures to prevent the floating and submerged material that may cause damage and
operational problems to the hydraulic turbine and its other components, and subsequently result in efficiency reduction of
hydropower plants. When trash racks get clogged with trashes, it will lead to excessive head loss which results into loss
of revenue. In case of large head loss, it will result into cavitation problem in pump. Thus, hydraulic head loss is one of
the governing parameters in designing trash rack. Many past researchers have given their valuable contributions towards
performance analysis of trash rack cleaning systems. In this study, Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFD) modelling of
trash rack installed in the channel has been carried out and it has been concluded that as the blockage in trash rack
increases, losses increase abruptly. Outcomes from the CFD modelling shows that about 10% blockage of trash rack
can cause reduction of 4.3% in head. Similarly, for 19.75%, 28.89%, 37.53%, and 45.68%, blockage causes reduction in
heads are 5.54%, 6.90%, 9.22%, and 11.94% respectively. Apart from these values of trash rack blockage, head loss can
be calculated for any amount of blockage area using CFD modelling. So timely cleaning of trash rack should be done for
better performance of trash rack.
Key Words : Head loss, Trash rack, CFD, Blockage, Small hydropower

1. INTRODUCTION of India in both public as well as private. The hydro power plants generally consist
The development of a country depends The involvement of private sector in of components including diversion weir,
on the availability of various energy small hydro projects was started during intake structure, trash rack, desilting
resources and capability to extract the 1995 - 96. Since then private sector is tank, channel, forebay tank, penstock,
energy from these resources. We can playing an important role in developing power house. As the energy requirement
get energy from both renewable as well hydro power in India. Government is is increasing day by day, we need to
as non-renewable energy resources. also providing many opportunities for construct large number of small hydro
Unfortunately, we are more subject to the private sectors. In India, hydropower power plants every year. So, we need
non-renewable power source assets, for projects having installed capacity up to to construct intake structures in order
example, coal, oil, and petroleum gas. 25 MW station are categorized as small to convey clean water to the turbines.
These non-renewable power source hydropower (SHP) projects. They are With the flow of water, a large amount
assets are limited and environment further classified as Mini, Micro and Pico. of trash comes which if not stopped, can
condition are getting worse day by day. Classification of hydropower plants on damage the blades of turbine. This can
So, there is a need to utilize renewable the basis of installed capacity is shown be achieved by introducing trash racks at
resources efficiently. Among renewable in Table 1. the intake structures. The layout of trash
resources, hydro power shares the largest Table 1 : Classification of hydropower rack is shown below in Fig. 1.
contribution [1]. Hydropower plants utilize plants on the basis of installed capacity Xiang et al. [2] assessed trash catch
the flowing water to generate energy in effectiveness under 16 diverse trash
S. Types of Capacity
the form of electricity. Now-a-days, one rack arrangements, which incorporate 4
No. Hydro Projects
of the important resource of generating bars separating and 4 inclination angles,
renewable power is small hydro power. 1. Large >100MW under two stream velocity. Novik et al. [3]
For remote and inaccessible locations/ 2. Medium 25-100MW contributed towards contrasting option to
areas, small hydropower projects can be 3. Small 1-25MW physical or programmed cleaning which is
significant aspect for the improvement of the pressure driven idea of back flushing,
4. Mini 100KW-1MW
the overall energy scenario of India. The in which trash from the waste rack are
development of small hydropower project 5. Micro 5-100KW removed and flushes it out of a flushing
is excessively encouraged by Ministry of 6. Pico <5KW conductor to the contributing waterway.
New and Renewable Energy, Government Novik et al. [4] provided knowledge of back

1. Professor, Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
2. M.Tech Student, Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
3. Project Fellow, Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

6 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 270

d another compose measurement and control framework which relies upon
w&e internatioNal ultrasonic
(Water resources section)

that can quantify the water level of hydropower station channel trash rack before the dam.
method (FEM) which in turn can reduces
the computational time. Therefore, the
optimization of a simplified real water turbine trash-rack is also
present study carried
aims out to produce
to determine the the
effect on head loss due to change in the
section that yields the fewest head losses for a given configuration.
percentage of blocked area of trash rack
through CFD modelling and to develop
On the basis of above literature review, it has been found
correlation betweenthatblockage
the hydraulic
area andperforma
head loss.
trash rack has not been studied with the help of finite element method (FEM) which in tu
reduces the computational time. Therefore, the presentCOLLECTION
study aims to determine the effect o
As per the requirement of the CFD
loss due to change in the percentage of blocked area of trash rack through CFD modelling
modelling of channel and trash rack,
develop correlation between blockage area and head loss.parameters of trash rack are
needed. For this purpose, Mohammadpur
Power House, situated in Uttarakhand
2. STUDY AREA AND DATA COLLECTION state of India was selected. Mohammadpur
Power Plant is situated at main Ganges
As per the requirement of the CFD modelling of channel and trash rack, ph
canal, and south of Manglaur town, which
is at latitude of 29°42′12″N Power
77°51′38″E. It
Fig. parameters of ofof
Fig. 1 : Schematic Trashrack
Rack are needed. For this purpose, Mohammadpur House, situa
1: Schematic Trash Rack has the capacity of 9.3MW. It consists of
flushing which is a proficient option for in pumped storage plants while pumping,
et al. [6] calculated
trash racks at SHP. flowUttarakhand
Cheng fields at the
et al. [5] state of tube
draft Indiaor was selected.
of trash
tailrace must rack Mohammadpur
alsoand three Kaplan
havethe loss of head Power Plant
turbine is situated
generators 3.1 MW at main G
each working at a design head of 5.8 m
outlined another compose measurement the provision of trash-racks. Lucin et al.
ed by trash rack framework
and control blockage.which canal,
Armitage and
relies upon
et al. of
identified thetown,
out 2D simulations factors
is at (19
ft.). Theof
variousinfluencing the
discharge for which77°51′38″E.
the power It h
plant has been designed is 255 m3/s
ultrasonic sensor, that can capacity quantify the cross sections for a of variety
threeof Kaplan
trash- turbine generators 3.1 MW each workin
t of trashes
level of find its way
hydropower theof
order to gain are made (9,005
a better
cu ft. /s). As this location is near
for reducing
to Haridwar which is a holy place, a large
trash rack before the dam. design head of 5.8 m (19 offt.). The et discharge for which the power plant has activities,
been designed
understanding how energy losses are
uantity through catchment litter management. affected. Nascimento
Because head loss al. [8] studied
reduction due about
amount the
of trash due to religious
Shuquan et al. [6] calculated flow fields at is generated which ultimately goes to the
ms of trash-racks
the downstream of trash rackm3/s
of hydroelectric (9,005
the cu
lossplantsto ft. /s).section
and As
his this
effort location
is is near
is highly
associated to
reliant Haridwar
with the damage
canal. which
If these is a holy
trashes place,
are not a large amo
of head produced by trash rack blockage. on trash-rack configuration, optimization
they may fall over turbine blades which
trashthedue to religious activities,
of a simplified is generated
real water whichmay
turbine trash- ultimately goes to the canal. If these trash
ms of trash-racks
Armitage et occurring at hydroelectric
al. [7] identified main power plants agitated by the water crossing
cause damage to the turbine blades
factors influencing the amount of trashes rack is also carried out to produce the and other equipment. At the same time,
not captured, they section
cross may fall over turbine blades
headwhich may cause damage to the turbine blad
h them, which
and with theway
find its analysis
into the of virtual
water waysmass effect onthatthe yields the fewest
natural frequencies along with
machines are required for trash rack
and suggestions are made other for reducing losses for a given configuration.
equipment. At the same time, machines are required for trash rack cleaning operation in order to reduce
cleaning operation in
hapes and
trashsize of the
quantity trash-racks.
through catchmentThe litterintake-structure
On the basis of interaction
above literature effect on hydro
review, head loss elastic
caused by blockage of trash
management. Nascimentotoetreduce al. [8]head lossbeen
it has caused found by that
blockage of trash rack.
the hydraulic rack.The Thespecifications
specifications of Trash
of Trash rack rack u
on assembly
studiedhas been
about thecomprised
problems ofin trash-the model and theof characteristics
performance trash rack has notofbeen model usedhave been
at Mohammadpur Power Station is
racks of hydroelectric power Mohammadpur
plants and studied Power withStation
the help is of
finite below
elementin Fig.
shown 2 below
and Table
in Fig. 2.
2 and Table 2.
ined keeping
his effortinismind that the
associated withsystem
the damage to be submerged in water and in air. Xueping et al. [9]
problems of trash-racks occurring at
about power plantspower
hydroelectric whichplants use conventional
agitated by source of energy where trash-racks are installed
the water crossing through them, and
ntakes with
to guard the turbines
the analysis of virtualagainst
mass effect heavy trashes. To protect the equipment in pumped
on the natural frequencies along with
plants while pumping,
mode shapes andthe draft
size tubetrash-
of the or tailrace must also have the provision of trash-racks.
racks. The intake-structure interaction
et al. [10] carried out 2D simulations for various cross sections for a variety of trash-rack
effect on hydro elastic vibration assembly
has been comprised in the model and
s in order to gain a better understanding of how energy losses are affected. Because head
the characteristics of model have been
due to keeping in mind change
cross section that the is highly reliant on trash-rack configuration,
system to be submerged in water and in
air. Xueping et al. [9] studied about power
plants which use conventional source of
energy where trash-racks are installed at
the intakes to guard the turbines against
heavy trashes. To protect the equipment Fig. 2 : Arrangement of trash rack at Mohammadpur Power Station

A - 270 Fig. 2. Arrangement of WATER

trash rack at Mohammadpur
and ENERGY Power
October 2022 7
Number of vents 12
w&e internatioNal Vent(Water
width resources section) 4300 mm
Vent height 3958 mm
Table 2 : Specifications of Trash rack used at Mohammadpur Power Station 58 toflows
through the trash rack, turbulence
Height of each panel 4485ismm
created. Hence streamlines are not
Dimensioning Vale
Number of panels per vent straight line. It 3
gets deviated from their
Number of vents 12 original path as trash rack creates
Size of panel 4110x4490 mm
Vent width 4300 mm disturbance in its flow. The variation of
Span of panel 4110water
mm streamlines are shown in Fig. 6(a)
Vent height 3958 mm
Width of trash rack bar 50 mm
& 6(b).
Inclination 580 to horizontal
Thickness of trash rack bar 15 mm
The percentage of blockage area due to
Height of each panel 4485 mm
Spacing between trash rack bars in horizontal 90 mm
trash accumulation is varied by reducing
Number of panels per ventdirection 3 the opening area of trash rack and
Size of panel Spacing between trash rack bars in vertical direction
4110x4490 mm 150 increasing bar thickness. This will provide
Span of panel 4110 mm result for uniform blocking of trash rack.
not possible
site. At site, there is
50 mm
discrete blocking, but discrete blocking
Thickness of trash rack bar For the analysis of performance of15 trash
mmrack, a channel is notis possible
modelled in using Ansys software.
CFD modelling. So, for
Spacing between trash rack bars in horizontal direction 90 mm analysis of performance of trash rack,
The modelled channel is equipped with trash rack. For thisuniform purpose, a channel of size 735 mm
blocking is done. By doing this, we
Spacing between trash rack bars in vertical direction 150
wide and 615 mm in depth is modelled. This is simply a model can only of compare
channel the losses for
prevailing at different
the site
3. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS are mass flow rate at inlet and pressure area blockage due to trash accumulation
OF TRASH RACK itself. After
USING at outlet.of
the modelling The contour of
channel, pressure
trash rack isvelocity
the channel. The specification
proper measures can be taken of
CFD MODELLING through trash rack is shown in Fig. 5 to reduce head loss.
trash rack is same as it was used at site Mohammadpur power house using the specifications
For the analysis of performance of Initially streamlines of water entering the
trash rack, a channel isprovided Table 2.channel
in using
modelled The modelwere of
channelline. When
with water
trash rack is shown in Fig. 3.
Ansys software. The modelled channel
is equipped with trash rack. For this
purpose, a channel of size 735 mm wide
and 615 mm in depth is modelled. This is
simply a model of channel prevailing at the
site itself. After the modelling of channel, 6
trash rack is installed in the channel. The
specification of trash rack is same as it
was used at site Mohammadpur power
house using the specifications
containing trashprovided
rack as shown in Fig. 4. This slicing has been done in order to provide finer
in Table 2. The model of channel with
trash rack is shown in Fig.for
3. trash rack. Since trash rack dimension is very small, fine meshing was adopted for
After modelling of channel and trash rack,
central portion. For other portions, coarse meshing was adopted. Meshing of the model is shown
meshing is done for further analysis.
below inwhole
For meshing purpose, Fig. 4.geometry Fig. 3 : Geometry of channel and Trash Rack
Fig. 3. Geometry of channel and Trash Rack
is divided into three parts: upstream,
downstream and the central portion
containing trash rack After modelling
as shown in Fig. of channel and trash rack, meshing is done for further analysis. For meshing
4. This slicing has beenpurpose,
done in whole
order togeometry is divided into three parts: upstream, downstream and the central portion
provide finer meshing for trash rack. Since
trash rack dimension is very small, fine
meshing was adopted for central portion.
For other portions, coarse meshing was
adopted. Meshing of the model is shown
below in Fig. 4.
After meshing of the domain, it is
required to check the mesh quality. For
better results, quality parameters such as
skewness, orthogonality and aspect ratio
should be within permissible limit. For
this purpose, skewness is checked and
kept below 0.85 for appropriate result.
For solver setting, input data provided
Fig. 4. Meshing of channel
Fig. andoftrash
4 : Meshing rack
channel and trash rack

8 After meshing
WATER and ENERGY of the domain,
October 2022 required to check the mesh quality. For better results, quality
A - 270

parameters such as skewness, orthogonality and aspect ratio should be within permissible limit.
parameters such as skewness, orthogonality and aspect ratio should be within permissible limit.
For this purpose, skewness is checked and kept below 0.85 for appropriate result. For solver
w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)
setting, input data provided are mass flow rate at inlet and pressure at outlet. The contour of
pressure velocity through trash rack is shown in Fig. 5
In this study, the results obtained through
CFD modelling of channel and trash rack
is carried out to determine the effect of
blockage area on head loss.

4.1 Head Loss at Different

7 Blockage Area
Pressure difference upstream and
downstream provides the head loss using
their original
original path
path as
as trash
trash rack
rack creates
creates disturbance
disturbance in
in its
its flow.
flow. The
The variation
variation of
of water
water streamlines
streamlines static head formula (P = ρgh). The steps
are Fig.
Fig.55.: Pressure
Pressure velocity
velocity contour
contour involved to determine the head loss at
are shown
shown inin Fig.
Fig. 6(a)
6(a) && 6(b).
different blockage ratio are illustrated in
Initially streamlines of water entering the channel were straight line. When water flows through
Table 3.
the trash rack, turbulence is created. Hence streamlines are not straight line. It gets deviated from
For approx. 10% blockage of trash rack,
there is a reduction of 4.3% in head.
Similarly, for 19.75%, 28.89%, 37.53%,
and 45.68%, reduction in heads are
5.54%, 6.90%, 9.22%, and 11.94%
respectively. Apart from these values of
trash rack blockage, head loss can be
calculated for any percentage of blockage
area using CFD modelling.
Fig. 6(a).
Fig. 6(a). Streamlines
Streamlines through
: Streamlines through trash
through trashrack
trash rack
4.2 Validation of the Nnumerical
According to IS 11388:1995, head loss
(HL) through trash rack is given by:
HL = K x (t/b) 1/3 (V2 /2g) sinβ
The values has been adopted are K=1.67
for bar shape, t=15mm, b=50mm and
HL=0.1596 x V2 /2g
Figure 7 shows the % error between
numerically obtained results with
Fig. 6(b).
6(b) Streamlines
Streamlines through
: Streamlines
6(b). through trash
through trashrack
trash rack
rack theoretical results.
The percentage of
of blockage
percentageTable blockage
3 : Head area due
due to
arealoss to trash
trash accumulation
determination is
is varied
at different by
by reducing
blockage the opening
opening area
area 4.3 Correlation for the Head Loss
of trash
of trash rack
rack and increasing bar bar thickness.
thickness. This
This will
will provide
provide result
result for
for uniform
uniform blocking
blocking of of trash
trash Prediction
Bar and increasing
Area U/S D/S Pressure Head Head
rack. It’s not
rack. It’s not possible
possible at site.
at site. At
At Pressure
site, there
site, there is
is discrete
blocking,Dropbut discrete
but discrete blocking
(PD) blocking
Loss HLis is not
possible The highest power in a second order
in CFD
in CFD modelling.
modelling. So,
So, for
for analysis
analysis of of performance
performance of of trash
trash rack,
rack, uniform = PD/ρg
uniform blocking
blocking is is done. By equation is two and the relationship
done. By
between variables in second order is
doing Mm
doing this, we
this, we can
can only% compare
only compare Pascal
the losses
the forPascal
losses for area Pascal
different area
different blockage due
blockage toMm
due to %
trash accumulation
trash accumulation expressed as;
and (Initial
hence proper 0
proper measures
measures can be
can 1027.81
be taken to
taken 813.11
to reduce
reduce loss. 214.70
head loss.
head 21.8 3.54
y = A0 + A1 x + A2 x2
thickness AND DISCUSSION In log form, eq. 5.6 can be expressed as;
at site) ln y = A0 + A1 ln(x) + A2(ln(x))2 or
In this
this study,
study, the
the results
results obtained
obtained through
through CFDCFD modelling
modelling of of channel
channel and
and trash
trash rack
rack isis carried
carried out
20 10.12blockage 1027.81 768.52 259.29 26.4 4.29 ln y = ln(anti ln A0) + ln(xA1) + ln
to determine
determine thethe effect
effect of
of blockage areaarea onon head
head loss.
loss. [exp{A2(ln(x))2}] or
25 19.75 1027.81 693.02 334.79 34.1 5.54
ln y = ln [anti ln A0 * xA1 *
30 28.89 1027.81 608.04 419.77 42.7 6.90
exp{A2(ln(x))2}] or
35 37.53 1027.81 471.83 555.98 56.7 9.22
y = anti ln A0 * xA1 * exp{A2(ln(x))2}
40 45.68 1027.81 308.11 719.70 73.4 11.935

A - 270 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 9

w&e internatioNal (Water resources section) 9

For this relation, R-squared value is

found 0.9996 which makes it perfect
relation between percentages of area
blocked and head loss through trash
rack. Table 4 shows the values obtained
though numerical analysis and using
developed correlation. All results
obtained using developed correlation lies
within the ±1% deviation shows a good
agreement between the predicted and
obtained numerical values. Therefore,
the correlation developed is useful for the
determination of head loss for different
blockage ratio.

Fig. 7. 7%: %
Error between
Error betweennumerical
numerical and Theoretical
and theoretical result
result The CFD modelling of trash rack helps
to visualize10that the increase in blockage
As shown in Fig. 8, second order where, A0 is constant, and its value is area of trash rack affects the head loss
4.3 Correlation
regression for the head
plotted loss prediction
between ‘ln (HL/H)’ 1132.52. abruptly. It has been found that for
The highest power in a second order values
and ‘ln (AB/A)’ provides the of is Substituting
equation two and thethe
obtained between A0, 10%
value of variables in blockage of trash rack, there is a
ugh numerical
‘A0’, ‘A1’and andusing developed
‘A2’. Putting the correlation.
the developedAll results obtained
correlation using
for defining the developed
reduction of 4.3% in head. Similarly, for
second order
‘A0’, ‘A1’ as;
and ‘A2’, solution can head loss in % is as follows. 19.75%, 28.89%, 37.53%, and 45.68%
relation be
lies within the ±1% deviation shows a good agreement between the predicted
achieved. andreduction in heads are 5.54%,
y = A0 + A1 x HL/H + A2 x2
= 1132.52 (AB/A)-3.8956 exp
HL/H =A0 (AB/A) -3.89506
exp (0.7079*(ln(AB/ 6.90%, 9.22%, and 11.94% respectively.
ained numerical values. Therefore, the correlation developed is2)useful for the determination
(0.7079*(ln(AB/A)) of
In log form,
A))2) eq. 5.6 can be expressed as; The obtained CFD results are validated
d loss for different blockagelnratio. using IS 11388:1995 and the deviation
y = A0 + A1 ln(x) + A2(ln(x))2 or between numerical (CFD Modelling) and
ln y = ln(anti ln A0) + ln(xA1) + ln [exp{A2(ln(x))2}] or theoretical results (IS Code) has been
found below 8.64%. Further, a correlation
ln y = ln [anti ln A0 * xA1 * exp{A2(ln(x))2}] or is developed for defining the head loss in
2 %.
y = anti ln A0 * xA1 * exp{A2(ln(x)) }
HL/H = 1132.52 (AB/A)-3.8956 exp (0.7079*
As shown in Fig. 8, second order regression plotted between ‘ln (HL/H)’ and ‘ln (AB/A)’ provides
the values of constant ‘A0’, ‘A1’ and ‘A2’. Putting the values of ‘A0’, ‘A1’ and ‘A2’, solutionThe
candeveloped correlation provides the
head loss (%) for any percentage of
be achieved. blockage area in trash rack. All results
HL/H = A0 (AB/A)-3.89506 exp (0.7079*(ln(AB/A))2) obtained using developed correlation lies
within the ±1% deviation shows a good
where, A0 is constant, and its value is 1132.52. agreement between the predicted and
Substituting the obtained value of A0, the developed correlation for defining the head loss inobtained % is numerical results. Therefore,
the correlation developed is useful for the
as follows. determination of head loss for different
blockage ratio. In CFD modelling, we have
HL/H = 1132.52 (AB/A)-3.8956 exp (0.7079*(ln(AB/A))2) considered uniform blockage of trash
For this relation,Fig. 8.Fig.
R-squared 8 : value isplot
Composite between
found 0.9996ln
between (HL/H)
ln which
(HL/H) andand ln
it (AB/A).
ln (AB/A)
makes rack. At site blockage of trash rack is non-
perfect relation between
uniform so analysis in CFD modelling can
Table of
Table blocked and
4 : Comparison
Comparison head loss
between thethrough
the trash
numerical andrack.
and Tablevalues
predicted 4 shows the
of values
of head
values obtained
loss. loss.
head be done by discrete blocking.
Numerically obtained Results obtained through % Error REFERENCES
Numerically Results obtained through
results developed correlation
obtained results developed correlation % Error [1] Renewables 2021 (REN21). Global
5.54 5.53 0.12 Status Report. 2021
5.54 5.53 0.12
6.90 6.94 [2] Fu Xiang, M. Levent Kavvas,
6.90 6.94 -0.64-0.64
9.22 9.22 9.14 Roger Churchwell and Z.-Q. Chen.,
9.14 0.830.83 “Corrigendum to ‘Experimental
11.94 11.94 11.98 11.98 -0.40-0.40

10 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 270

e CFD modelling of trash rack helps to visualize that the increase in blockage area of trash rack
w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

study of debris capture efficiency Measurement and Control System hydroelectric power plant trash-
of trash racks’. Hydro-environ.,” J. Based on Ultrasonic,” vol. 542– racks due to fluid-dynamic exciting
Hydro-Environment Res., vol. 4, 543, pp. 194–197, 2012. frequencies,” Lat. Am. J. Solids
no. 1, pp. 59, 2010. [6] X. F. He Shuquan, Baoyun Qiu, Struct., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 223–243,
[3] H. Nøvik, L. Lia, and M. Wigestrand, Shiji Chu, “IMECE2014-36617,” 2006.
“Horizontal trash rack - a new intake Numer. Simul. Flow Fields Head [9] Gao Xueping, Zhang Jiabao, Ye Fei
concept for efficient backflushing,” Losses Trash- Barriering Pump. et al. (2005). Numerical simulation
vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 81–90, 2014. Stn. BASED VOF Model, pp. 1–7, of trash rack for a pumped storage
[4] H. Nøvik, L. Lia, B. Rettedal, 2017. plant. Water Resources and
and L. E. Nielsen, “Hydraulics of [7] N. Armitage and A. Rooseboom, Hydropower Engineering, 36(2) :
backflushing for efficiently cleaning “The removal of urban litter from 61~63.
hydropower trash racks,” Can. J. stormwater conduits and streams: [10] Lucin I, Carija Z, Grbcic L,
Civ. Eng., vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 263– Paper 2 - Model studies of potential Kranjcevic L. Assessment of head
269, 2014. trapping structures,” Water SA, vol. loss coefficients for water turbine
[5] H. Y. C. and H. Wang, “Design 26, no. 2, pp. 189– 194, 2000. intake trash-racks by numerical
of Trash Rack Water Level [8] L. P. Nascimento, J. B. C. Silva, modelling 2020
and V. Di Giunta, “Damage of

Nothing is softer or more flexible than

water, yet nothing can resist it

A - 270 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 11

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Sources and Treatment of Taste and Odour in Water -

A Review
Surendra Roy1

Taste and odour play a significant role for deciding the quality of water by the consumers. Natural sources like algae,
decaying vegetation, bacteria, etc and man-made sources such as wastes from domestic, industrial and agricultural
activities produce different taste and odour causing compounds in water. In addition, different chemicals used during
water treatment process also contribute taste and odour in water. In this paper, the chemical compounds responsible for
different types of taste and odour in water, natural and manmade sources generating taste and odour causing compounds
have been focused. Various methods like chemical, biological and ecological used for the control and removal of taste
and odours in water have also been discussed. A combination of methods has been found as a correct approach for the
control and removal tastes and odours in water.
Keywords : Taste, odour, water, chemical, biological, ecological

1. INTRODUCTION sources (Wnorowski, 1992). Taste and juices and musts before fermentation
Drinking water industries need odour compounds are produced by and its presence has been associated
more innovative and cost-effective microorganisms (algae and bacteria) with partial presence of Botrytis cineria
technologies for treatment and or chemicals (wastewater discharge (Liato and Aider, 2017). In this paper,
purification of water. Taste and odour and chemical spills) in both surface research work carried out by different
have long been associated with the and ground water. Blue-green algae researchers to find out the sources of
suitability and safety of our drinking (Cyanobacteria/Cyanophyta), diatoms tastes and odours in water and their
water. For an average consumer, taste (Asterionella) and flagellates are the control and removal techniques have
and odour is the only way of determining most common sources of taste and odour been explained.
the safety of tap water (McGuire, 1995). compounds in surface waters. Geosmin
is produced from blue-green algae and 2. SOURCES OF TASTES AND
Taste and odour issues can be attributed
is very common in most surface waters. ODOURS IN WATER
to a number of factors including algae,
organics from decaying vegetation, In ground waters, these compounds are Taste and odour problems in water may
hydrogen sulphide, natural inorganics more often associated with salts, metals generate from a variety of sources.
like iron and manganese or water and minerals instead of microorganisms Whether a source of taste and odour in
treatment chemicals such as chlorine as reported by DiToro (2012). water is a natural or man-made is not
(Stevenson and Zipfel, 2018). The most Removing taste and odour compounds clear. Algae and decaying vegetation
commonly identified taste and odour from drinking water is a significant are the principal substances related to
causing compounds of biological origin challenge for water authorities natural sources (Sigworth, 1961). The
are geosmin (trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans- internationally. In particular, the most troublesome and objectionable
9-decalol) and MIB (2-methylisoborneol). compounds 2 methylisoborneol (MIB) situations are created by man-made
These are primarily responsible for the and geosmin can be detected by sources, such as domestic and industrial
earthy-musty odour in finished water and consumers as musty-earthy odours at wastes and agricultural activities
are difficult to remove by conventional levels as low as 10 ng/L. (Cook et al., (Hartung, 1960). The types of taste
water treatment (Ridal et al., 2001). 2001). These compunds represent and odour commonly reported in water
the primary compounds responsible and their sources are given in Table 1
Most of the tastes and odours problems ((Trojan Technologies, 2010).
are the result of human influence: for taste and odour present in surface
indirectly by rapid enhancement of the waters throughout the world (Reiss 2.1 Natural Sources
growth of aquatic organisms under et. al., 2006). The earthy-musty smell
produced by Streptomyces sp. is Algae, decaying vegetation, bacteria
eutrophication or directly by wastewater and others
dumping or accidental spillage as assigned to geosmin and is responsible
well as by agricultural runoff. The for the major organoleptic defects found About 60 algal species have been
most problematic condition at present in drinking water, fruits and vegetables reported as producers of substances
appears to be algal production of such as grapes, mushrooms, carrots, leading to taste and odours in water
earthy/muddy odours in eutrophied and beet. Geosmin is also found in (Sigworth, 1961). Safferman et al.

1. Prof. & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow (UP), India

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Table 1 : Types of tastes or odours and their sources actinomycete propagation and cause
tastes and odours in water. Sulfur and
Taste or Odour Source
iron are the other inorganic constituents
Earthy Geosmin likely to create tastes and odours (Lin,
Musty MIB, isopropylmethoxypyrazine (IPMP), 1977).
isobutylmethoxypyrazine (IBMP)
Turpentine or oily Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) OF TASTES AND ODOURS
Fishy/rancid 2,4-Heptadienal, decandienal, octanal 3.1 Chemical Control
Chlorinous Chlorine
The amount of copper sulphate needed
Medicinal Chlorophenols, iodoform for control varies with temperature,
Oily, gas-like, paint Hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) chemical characteristics of the water,
the types of organisms to be killed, and
Metallic Iron, copper, zinc, manganese
the species of fish present. In practice,
Grassy Green algae an arbitrary dosage is normally used in
waters having a total alkalinity equal to
(1967) were the first investigators to compounds are the most frequent or greater than 40 mg/1 (Lin, 1977).
submit evidence that geosmin (C12 problems encountered in public water A free chlorine residual of 0.2-1.0 mg/1 is
H22O) is produced by algae. Jenkins supplies. The organic compounds, effective in controlling many of the algae
et al. (1967) found odourous sulfur generated from the wastes of industries, species that cause taste and odour or
compounds produced from blue- cities, and agricultural activities are filter-clogging problems. It is believed
green algae blooms, which have been not only causing tastes and odours that chlorine is often effective against
identified as methyl mercaptan, dimethyl problems but also interfering coagulation those organisms that are most resistant
sulfide, isobutyl mercaptan, and n-butyl processes, damage ion exchange to CuS04 treatment (Coarchene and
mercaptan. During the decaying process media, and create chlorine and activated Chapman, 1975). Erdei (1952) reported
of vegetation, by-products can be carbon demand. In surface waters, the that coagulation eliminated much of the
produced that not only cause odours compounds may have an adverse effect taste and odour trouble related to algae.
in water but also stimulate the growth upon the biological food chain, cause Both the tannin content and odour
of other organisms, producing odours. off-flavours in fish flesh, and be toxic to number were reduced considerably after
Decaying leaves can produce phenols fish (Smith and Grigoropoulos, 1968). coagulation of river water.
(Allen, 1960). They can also be a source Synthetic organic pesticides cause
Chlorination has been long used for control
of nutrients for algae which can produce highly objectionable tastes and odours
of tastes and odours and for disinfection.
odour and taste-causing substances in water. Solvents used in many of the
Chlorination practices generally
(Silvey, 1953). Bacteria, algae, other pesticide formulations are also highly
encompass combined residual (chlorine-
vegetation, and actinomycetes are often odorous (Robeck et al., 1965). Phenol
ammonia, or marginal chlorination), free
interrelated in the production of tastes is the by-products of coal in steel or
residual as in breakpoint chlorination,
and odours. There are cases where chemical industries. Most household
super chlorination and dechlorination,
bacterial activity in relation to mineral detergents, as well as commercial
and chlorine-chlorine dioxide treatment.
matter are the chief causes of tastes and and industrial cleaners, contain alkyl
Efficiency of chlorination depends on
odours (Silvey, 1966). Iron bacteria have benzene sulfonate. Its presence in
the species of chlorine and the quality
been responsible for tastes and odours water is an indication of contributions
of water treated, especially organic
in groundwater as well as in water from man's activity because it is not
matter, pH, and temperature (Ryckman
distribution systems independent of the found in natural sources (Lin, 1977). The
and Grigoropoulos, 1959). The use
source of water (MacKenthun and Keup, severe tastes and odours created by a
of chlorine dioxide has been widely
1970). Salt water intrusion has been ruptured petroleum pipeline. Besides
accepted and satisfactory for many
a source of taste in water. The taste material from oil refineries, the periodic
water plants to control some forms of
threshold in distilled water for chloride discharge of wastes from paint and
algae and for taste and odour problems.
as sodium chloride, potassium chloride varnish manufacturers have caused
It costs approximately 50 percent
and calcium chloride were 210 mg/1, objectionable taste and odour problems
more than liquid chlorine (Augenstein,
310 mg/1 and 222 mg/1 respectively as reported by Hartung (1960). The
1974). Chlorine dioxide does not react
(Lockhart et al., 1955). introduction of significant quantities
with ammonia and its bactericidal
of nutrients, such as nitrogen and
2.2 Man-Made Sources properties are about equal to chlorine.
phosphorus, into a water supply may
It has been used for the oxidation of
Organics and inorganics indirectly cause tastes and odours. Such
iron, manganese, phenolic, and chloro
The odours produced by organic nutrients may stimulate algal growth and
phenolic compounds, and even for fish

A - 271 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 13

w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

poisons. It also has been used for algae Xia et al. (2020) found the optimal and MIB concentrations in finished water as
control (Morris, 1972). cost-effective treatment for complex a function of filter age, initial chlorine
Potassium permanganate has been odour control involved a 1 mg O3 per residual and contact time. GAC–capped
used for taste and odour control in litre pre-ozonation in combination with filters removed on average 60% of the
water supplies for a number of years. coagulation, sedimentation, and sand MIB and 80% of the geosmin from the
It is practical, effective, immediate, filtration, followed by a post ozonation source water after 2 and 12 months of
economical and need less numbers of with a dosage of 1 mg O3 per litre, and filter operation. However, testing after
equipment. Usually, a small amount of a granular activated carbon (GAC) 24 months operation showed reduced
permanganate is needed. The dosage process having empty bed contact time efficiency.
can be determined by a jar test (Lin, for 14 minutes. They verified this solution
UV peroxide is an advanced oxidation
1977). Vanone (2018) explained that by carrying out study for a period of
process that involves dosing hydrogen
powdered activated carbon (PAC) 6-month where all the odorants were
peroxide upstream of UV. UV irradiation
shows a lot of good features that make removed simultaneously.
converts peroxide to hydroxyl radicals
it suitable for treatment of MIB and Activated carbon is an effective which rapidly oxidizes organic
geosmin, such as its high removal adsorbent because it is a highly compounds. In order to provide effective
efficiency and its flexibility in the porous material and provides a large hydroxyl generation higher power
application. The greatest challenge surface area to which contaminants UV reactors are used for advanced
related to PAC use is the competitive may adsorb. As water passes through oxidation than used for disinfection
adsorption of natural organic matter, the activated carbon, organic particles alone. UV peroxide is found to be less
that decreases the adsorption capacity and chemicals are trapped through energy efficient when compared to
of carbon and consequently its removal adsorption processes that depend on ozone UV due its lower hydroxyl radical
capacity of MIB and geosmin. That’s why different factors like the surface area formation (Zoschke et al., 2012). UV
usually treatment with PAC is preceded and pore size distribution, the chemical peroxide is an appropriate technology
by a pre-oxidation stage that removes makeup of the carbon source, chemical that has recently been introduced in New
the competitive compounds. The most makeup of the contaminant, water pH Zealand for potable water treatment. UV
important drawback of pre-oxidation and temperature, and the length of peroxide has been installed in medium
treatment is the oxidation of PAC surface, contact or exposure time to the carbon and small sized water treatment plants
with reduction of its adsorption capacity, (Crittenden 2012). Treatments with PAC at Branxholme, Paeroa and Waihi.
caused by the oxidant used (for example or GAC are usually considered to be These installations have shown good
chlorine). Hence, a study carried out the best available technologies for the performance for the removal of taste
to find out the effect of an alternative removal of odourous terpenoids from and odour and have been successful
oxidant, like potassium permanganate, surface water, while oxidation by either in addressing public taste and odour
on PAC adsorption of MIB and geosmin. oxygen, air, or chemical oxidants, like concerns and the client’s operational
Accordingly, a strong interaction between chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone and requirements (Stevenson and Zipfel,
PAC and KMnO4 was observed causing potassium permanganate is believed 2018).
an increase of oxidant consumption as to be the best method for the removal
the carbon concentration increased. of sulfides and oligosulfides from
3.2 Biological Control
Ozone (O3) is a very powerful oxidizing groundwater (Ortenberg et al., 2000). From studies of biological methods
agent with over 1.5 times the oxidizing Ozonation and activated carbon filtration for the control of tastes and odours,
potential of chlorine. Ozone is relatively are amongst the most powerful tools to Hohen (1965) reported that an effective
inexpensive, but not as cheap as mitigate surface-water related taste and degradation of the metabolites of
chlorine. Presently, ozone is produced odour problems during drinking water actinomycetes and rapid reduction of
commercially by the reaction of an treatment. As for conventional ozonation, odour level by Bacillus cereus occurred
oxygen containing feed gas in an this process is capable to oxidize most when the bacteria were present in
electric discharge across two plates. of the taste and odour compounds to high concentrations (1.2 x 105 /ml).
Although ozone is both toxic and more than 50% under typical drinking According to Ho et al. (2007), biological
corrosive, it presents no safety and water ozonation conditions. However, sand filtration is an effective process
handling problems when equipment the use of conventional ozonation is for the complete removal of MIB and
is properly designed and constructed limited when slow reacting compounds geosmin through biodegradation.
(Lin, 1977). Experimented conducted have to be oxidized to a higher degree Furthermore, biodegradation rates
by Peter (2008) for the treatment of (Peter, 2008). PAC can effectively were increased when the biofilm had
lake water stated that ozonation is a remove MIB and geosmin when the been re-exposed to MIB and geosmin.
powerful tool capable to oxidize most of correct dose is applied (Cook et al., Four bacteria, a Pseudomonas sp., an
the taste and odour compounds more 2001). Ridal et al. (2001) reported the Alphaproteobacterium, a Sphingomonas
than 50% under typical drinking water efficiency of the conventional GAC- sp. and an Acidobacteriaceae member
treatment conditions. Based on study, capped filters to reduce geosmin and were identified as microorganisms most

14 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 271

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likely involved in the biodegradation of treatment of taste and odour. UV peroxide, Sigworth, E. A. (1961). “The production
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decaying of vegetations, bacteria, and Taylor, J. S. (2006). “Control of Merritt, M. C. (1955). “The effect of
discharge of industrial and domestic MIB, Geosmin and TON by membrane water impurities on the flavor of brewed
wastes, agricultural activities generate systems”, Journal of Water Supply: coffee”, Journal of Food Research, 20
tastes and odours causing compounds. Research and Technology—AQUA, 55 (6), pp. 598-605.
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permanganate, etc can control taste Liato, V. and Aïder, M. (2017). “Geosmin (1968). “Toxic effects of odourous trace
and odour in water. Pre-ozonation as a source of the earthy-musty organics”, Journal American Water
in combination with coagulation, smell in fruits, vegetables and water: Works Association, 60 (8), pp. 969-979.
sedimentation, and sand filtration Origins, impact on foods and water, and
followed by post ozonation and GAC Robeck, G. G., Dostal, K. A., Cohen, J. M.
review of the removing techniques”, and Kreissl, J. F. (1965). “Effectiveness
can provide optimal and cost-effective Chemosphere, 181, pp. 9-18.

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of water treatment processes in pesticide Morris, J. C. (1972). “Commentary 11. Ortenberg, E., Groisman, L. and Rav-
removal”, Journal American Water Works Taste and odour control with sulfamic Acha, C. (2000). “Taste and odour
Association, 57 (2), pp. 181-199. acid (by W. B. Murray)”, Journal removal from an urban groundwater
American Water Works Association, 64 establishment - a case study”, Water
Lin, S. D. (1977). “Tastes and Odours
(4), p. 261. Science & Technology, 42 (1-2), pp.
in Water Supplies — A Review”, Illinois
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Water is the driving force

of all nature

16 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 271

w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

Hydraulic Design of Canal Regulating and Cross-

Drainage Structures for Economy and Efficiency
S.K. Mazumder1

Numerous hydraulic structures are to be provided in all irrigation canal systems for conveyance of water. Conventional
hydraulic design of these structures are costly and their performance too are not satisfactory. Performance of the
conventional practice for hydraulic design of the canal regulating and cross-drainage structures has been critically
examined. Some innovative hydraulic design of a canal fall-a regulating structure and an aqueduct -a cross-drainage
structure have been suggested for achieving economy and efficiency.
Keywords : Canals, Hydraulic Structure, Performance, Economy, Efficiency

1.0 Introduction for conveyance of water from reservoirs to cost, canal is often flumed and combined
In 1947 when India woke to freedom, the tail end of the canal system. Numerous with regulators and local communication
the country was facing stark realties canal structures including cross-drainage bridges. They are used also for gauging
of recurring famines and floods. There structures (e.g. aqueducts, super of flow in the canal for which the flow
were hardly any moisture conservation passage, siphons, siphon aqueducts, upstream of fall should be proportional
or watershed programs or any storage level crossings) and regulating structures in order to maintain depth-discharge
to meet the water demands for domestic (e.g. drops/falls, regulators, flow meters, relation with a view to minimise afflux
use, irrigation, industries and hydro- escapes ). are to be provided in irrigation and avoid siltation upstream. Different
power etc. When India was partioned in canals for conveying , distributing and types of falls have been evolved over
1947, most of the irrigation schemes in management of canal water. Design the years depending upon the height of
the Indus valley went to Western Pakistan procedure for these structures have been fall and magnitude of flow. Where both
and India had only 22 million hectare outlined in several text books[4],[5],[6]; the flow and fall height are high and the
(mha) of irrigated area. Based on limited [7];[8];[9]);[10] and [11]. Conventional canal is flumed, it is customary to provide
experience and inadequate economic and hydraulic design practice as outlined curved glacis-type fall with stilling basin
technological strengths, India embarked in most of the textbook/codes/manuals as shown in Fig.1. A pair of transitions
on its journey into water world for the is not only costly but their performance are needed at inlet and outlet to connect
future. Up to the end of XI th five year too is not up to expectation. The author the flumed structure with original canal
plan, Govt. of India has executed large wishes to introduce some innovative and section,
number of river valley projects like DVC, efficient hydraulic design procedure [12]
for only two of them, namely 3.0 Improved Hydraulic
Bhakra-Nagal, Hirakud, Nagarjunsagar
Design of Canal Fall/
etc. mainly for irrigation purpose. India (i) Canal Fall/Drop - A regulating
has now around 6,000 large dams structure
Drop for Economy &
besides small and medium ones. The Efficiency
(ii) Aqueduct - A Cross-Drainage
current irrigation potential of India is about Structure In the conventional method of hydraulic
113 mha - 58 mha by major and medium design of a fall, fluming ratio is fixed
surface irrigation schemes, 15 mha by 2.0 Hydraulic Design of arbitrarily irrespective of inflow Froude’s
minor surface irrigation schemes and 40 A Flumed Canal Fall/ number (F1). Long length of inlet and
mha by minor ground water schemes Drop outlet transitions are provided to prevent
[1]. It is proposed to further increase the flow separation. Transition and dissipation
irrigated area by 35 mha by implementing 2.1 Brief Description of Fall/Drop structures are separate resulting in
river linking schemes [2];. 30 link canals Structure high costs of the structure. Hydraulic
are proposed to transfer water from water Innumerable falls/drops are to be provided performance of the conventional stilling
surplus regions to water scarce regions in irrigation canals where ground slope basin is not satisfactory as lot of residual
of India. exceeds the permissible bed slope of kinetic energy of flow leaves the basin
a canal. Fall structures are provided to resulting in flow distortion and scour
All these developmental schemes need
dissipate the energy of falling water from downstream of fall [13].
large number of hydraulic structures on
the main, branch and distributary canals higher to lower elevation. To minimize the

1. Former AICTE Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering, Delhi College of Engineering (Now Delhi Technology University)

A - 272 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 17

vide w&e
curved glacis-type fall with stilling
internatioNal basin as shown
(Water in Fig.1. A pair
resources of transitions are needed at inlet and
et to connect the flumed structure with original canal section,

through the canal. In case the fluming

is too high, crest height above the canal
bed upstream (Δ) will be low. On the other
hand, if fluming is too low, the crest height
will be more. An optimum width of flume
(B0) and corresponding crest height (Δ)
such that the proportionality of flow with
negligible afflux will occur for all flows
given by equations (2) and (3) [14]
B0 = [0.7 (Qmax2 – Qmin2) / (E1max – E1min)]3/2
Δ = E1max -3/2 [(Qmax / B0)2 /g]1/3 ...(3)
where Qmax and Qmin are the maximum
and minimum flow through the canal ;
E1max and E1min are the corresponding
maximum and minimum specific energy
of flow in the canal.

3.2 Contacting and Expanding

Different types of transitions in common
use are summarized in a book [12].
Hinds transition [15] is most popular in
USA and Europe . In deciding the length
Fig. and shape of these classical transitions,
Fig.11 Curved
: CurvedGlacis
Canal Fall/Drop
Fall/Drop certain hypotheses are made which
3.1 Hydraulics of Fluming values of F1 for approaching flow given are never verified experimentally. The
by equation (1). There is hardly any author performed a large numbers of
Improved If Hydraulic
B1 and B0Design are the mean Fall/Drop
of Canal widths offor Economy & Efficiency
advantage /economy if fluming is made experiments to introduce short curved
flow at the normal and flumed sections
such that F0 exceeds approximately 0.70. transitions at the entry and straight
he conventional method theoffluming ratio
hydraulic (B0/B1of
design ) may
a fall, fluming ratio is fixed arbitrarily irrespective
Also, flow surface becomes wavy when of inflow at the exit. A flumed fall with
be expressed
ude’s number (F1). Long as length of inlet and outlet transitions are provided to prevent flow separation.
F0 >0.70. critical depth at the crest is inlet controlled
nsition and dissipation
Bo/B 1 = (F1 / Fstructures
o) [ (2+F o)are
2 separate
/ (2+F 1 )] resulting in high costs of the structure. Hydraulic performance
2 3/2
and hence the afflux is governed by the
he conventional
stilling basin is not satisfactory 3.1.1
...(1)as lot Optimum
of residual kineticFlume
energy Width
of flow (B 0)
leaves the basin
head loss in the contracting transition.
ulting in flow distortion and scour downstream of fall [13]. and Crest Height (Δ) for
Where, F1 and F0 are the Froude’s number The higher the head loss, higher the afflux
of flow at the normal and flumed sections Gauging Canal Flow will be. Relation between head loss and
Hydraulics of Fluming
respectively. Fig. 2 shows the functional Canal falls are control structures which efficiency (ηi) in a contracting transition
relation between B0/B1 and F0 for different can be used also for measuring flow can be expressed as
B1 and B0 are the mean widths of flow at the normal and flumed sections respectively, the fluming ratio
/B1) may be expressed as ηi = 1 / (1+Ci) ...(4)
where Ci is inlet head loss coefficient.
2 2
Bo/B1 = (F1 / Fo) [ ( 2+F o ) / ( 2+F1 )] 3/2
(1) of an expanding transition (η0)
is given by the expression
ere, F1 and F0 are the Froude’s number of flow at the normal and flumed sections respectively. Fig.2
η0 = 1-C0 ...(5)
functional relation between B0/B1 and F0 for different values of F1 for approaching flow given by equation
There is hardly any advantage /economy if fluming is made such that F0 exceeds approximately 0.70. C0 is the coefficient of head loss in
w surface becomes wavy when F0 >0.70. expanding transition.
Mazumder & Ahuja[16] Mazumder,[17]
performed a large numbers of experiments
to determine the optimum length of
contracting and expanding transitions
for maximum efficiencies. Fig. 3 shows
the variation of hydraulic efficiency (ηi)
of Jaeger type [18] contracting transition
and eddy shaped expanding transitions
: Functional Relation
Functional Between
Relation Fluming
Between Ratio
Fluming (B(B
Ratio 1/B0),0),
F1F& F0 0
1&F having different axial lengths governed

18 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 272

3.1.1 Optimum Flume Width (B 0 ) and Crest Height (Δ) for Gauging Canal Flow

Canal falls are control structures which can be used also for measuring flow through the canal. In case the

s regards expanding transition, a straight expansion with 3:1 side w&e internatioNal
splay provided with boundary layer(Water
control resources section)
evice [19]. performs better than Hind’s warped type expanding transition with an average side-splay 4.5:1

values of βopt for best performance of

the basin with 3:1 flaring of side walls
are given in Fig. 4 With a level floor (β
= 00), the jump was skewed and basin
performance was very poor. Flow
separated at the entry accompanied
with jet flow and highly non-uniform
distribution of velocity at the exit. With
an adverse slope to the basin floor (β
= βopt), the jump was spatial in nature.
There was no flow separation and the
velocity distribution at the exit was
normal and the flow completely diffused
within the basin [23].

5.0 Hydraulic Design of

an Aqueduct
5.1 Brief Description of
Fig.3 Variation
Fig. 3of: Variation
Contracting and Expanding
of Contracting and Transition
Expandingwith Length An aqueduct is one of the types of cross-
Transition with Length drainage structures where the canal
is taken above high flood level of the
by average side splays varying from 0:1 jump can also be stabilized by providing stream flowing freely under the aqueduct.
0 Energy Dissipation In Canal Fall.
to 10:1.It may be seen that the optimum an adverse slope to the basin floor [22]. Depending upon the size of the canal
alls are low heightforstructures
maximum withefficiencies
low prejump occur The number
Froude’s optimum (F1value of inclination
). Different types of of the dissipaters
energy and the stream underneath, either the
at an average side splay of 3.3:1 and basin
ased on inflow Froude’s number are covered in literatures,[20];[21].These floor (β opt ) corresponding to a given
are provided in basins with parallel
canal or the stream or both are flumed
de walls 8.3:1
up to for
the the
of jump (Fig.1) and expanding
followed by angle
transitionof divergence
structures to of connect
the sidethe wallstilling
(Φ), basin with
for economy. When the canal is flumed,
ormal channel section respectively.
in case the channel Unlike Hind’s The
is flumed. asauthor
indicated in Fig. a4 new
introduced can type
be expressed
dissipater with twostraight
pair of transitions are needed at entry
verging side walls starting from of toe
warped shaped
of the glacis as it functions both as an energy dissipater and
so that anda exit
flowof the flume. When the stream
contracting transition with 4.5:1
ffuser. The jump can also be stabilized by providing an average βoptadverse
= tan-1slope
[ (d12+d to 2the
d ) floor
tanΦ [22].
/ (b The
d optimum
is flumed, two pairs of similar transitions
1 2 2
side splay,
alue of inclination of the it basin
will floor
(βoptto provide +Bd
) corresponding to 1a+2bd
given1 angle
+ 2Bdof divergence
)] of the side
...(6) wall
are (Φ), as
needed for the stream. When both
dicated inJaeger
Fig.4 can
typebe expressed
contracting as transition with the canal and and the stream are flumed,
3:1 average side splay. where, b and B are half widths and d1,d2
four pairs of transitions are necessary.
βopt = tanexpanding
As regards
2 2
[ (d1 +d2 +dtransition,
1 d2) tanΦ / a (b d2are
+Bdconjugate depths at entry and exit
1 +2bd1 + 2Bd2)] Canal(6) transitions are to be designed so
of expansion respectively. Experimental
straight expansion with 3:1 side splay
here, b and B are half
provided with widths
boundary and dlayer
1,d2 are conjugate depths at entry and exit of expansion respectively.
xperimental values
device of β
[19]. opt for best
performs performance
better than of the basin with 3:1 flaring of side walls are given in Fig.4
With a level floor (β=0
warped type expanding transition with basin performance was very poor. Flow separated at the
), the jump was skewed and
ntry accompanied with jet flow and highly non-uniform distribution of velocity at the exit. With an adverse
an average side-splay 4.5:1
ope to the basin floor (β=βopt), the jump was spatial in nature. There was no flow separation and the velocity
at the exit was normal
Energy and the flow completely
Dissipation In diffused within the basin [23].
Canal Fall
Falls are low height structures with low
prejump Froude’s number (F1). Different
types of energy dissipaters based on
inflow Froude’s number are covered in
literatures,[20];[21].These are provided
in basins with parallel side walls up to the
end of jump (Fig.1) followed by transition
structures to connect the stilling basin
with normal channel section in case the
channel is flumed. The author introduced
a new type dissipater with straight
diverging side walls starting from toe of
the glacis so that it functions both as an Fig.4 Optimum Slope (βopt) of Basin Floor for Different F 1-Values
energy dissipater and a flow diffuser. The Fig. 4 : Optimum Slope (βopt) of Basin Floor for Different F1-Values

A - 272 5.0 Hydraulic Design of an Aqueduct WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 19
5.1 Brief Description of Aqueduct
w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

that head losses in transitions and in the innovative hydraulic designs in respect Structures -Pt. II” 4th Edition, Pub.
flume are minimum to avoid excessive of a flumed canal fall and an aqueduct. CRC press (T&F), New York
afflux in the canal upstream of aqueduct. Scientific method has been introduced
7. Leliavsky, S. (1979). Irrigation
The transitions in the stream are to be to decide fluming ratio. Classical design
Engineering: Canals and Barrages.
designed to minimize losses to avoid of inlet and outlet transitions have
Oxford and IBH, New Delhi
harmful afflux in the stream. been replaced with new design. It is
recommended that warped type inlet 8. Varshney, R.S., Gupta, S.C., Gupta,
5.2 Transition Design for an transition should be provided with an R.L. (1977). Theory and Design of
Aqueduct average side splay of 3:1 in order to Irrigation Structures, vol. 2, Nem
The axial length of transitions depend on obtain highest hydraulic efficiency and to Chand, Roorkee
fluming ratio which may be found on the achieve economy. In regard to both canal 9. USDI (1967) “Design Standards No.
same priciples as discussed in section fall/drop and aqueduct, it is found that a 3 -Canals and Related Structures”
3.1, keeping in mind that excessive straight expansion starting from toe of United States Department of the
contraction may cause high head loss the glacis (in fall\drop) and end of flume Interior, Bureau of Reclamation,,
within the flume due to high flow velocity (in aqueduct), provided with suitable Colorado 80225
resulting in high afflux. For important appurtences or adversely sloping floor
to control boundary layer separation, 10. IS:7784 (2000) “Design of Cross
structures, Hind’s warped type transitions
performs much better. It is cheaper and –Drainage Works”, Sec-WRD-13,
are popular in USA and Europe. These
more efficient than the classical stilling Bureau of Indian Standards, Manak
are very costly because of long lengths
basins in a fall/drop and curved outlet Bhawan, New Selhi-110003
of transitions which are to be designed as
retaining walls. For contrating transitions, transition in a aqueduct where warped 11. CBIP(2008) “Manual on Irrigation
Jaeger type transition with 3:1 average shaped transitions of long long length and Power Channels”, CBIP
side splay will suffice. In fact, axial are provided. Publication No. 171, pub.Central
length of contracting transition may be Board of Irrigation & Power, Malcha
further reduced by adopting 2:1 average
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side splay, since the efficincy loss will be 1. IWRS (2007), “ Role of Water
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expansive sub-critical flow.” J. IE(I), 1958, 84 (HY2), Paper no. 1616, p. 23. Mazumder, S. K., (2012) "Economic
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18. Jaeger,C. (1956) “Engineering Fluid
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Mechanics” Pub. by Blackie and
paper no. 1832, p.77-81 vol.69, no.12, Dec. 2012
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A - 272 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 21

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Water Recovery from Dairy Industry Waste Stream Whey

using Forward Osmosis Technology : Evaluating the
Effects of Different Draw Solutions
Vibha Agrawal1 And Dilip Sarode1

Whey is a fairly dilute by-product of dairy industry manufactured during production of cheese and paneer. This research
intends to recover water from the whey using an emerging membrane separation technology, Forward Osmosis (FO).
Different inorganic salt solutions such as magnesium chloride (MgCl2), calcium chloride (CaCl2), sodium chloride (NaCl),
potassium chloride (KCl) along with sucrose and citric acid are tested as the draw solutions for maximum performance of
FO. Various factors affecting FO such as Feed/Draw (F/D) ratio, temperature and concentration of different draw solution,
mode and flow type of FO are varied to get the maximum output. Highest osmotic pressure solution of aq. MgCl2 shows
maximum water recovery of 93% with flux of 6.84 L/m2/hr followed by aq. NaCl solution with 89.5% dewatering and flux of
5.97 L/m2/hr in Co flow RC mode of FO. Further efficiency of FO reduces in the descending order for citric acid, calcium
chloride, sucrose and potassium chloride. Draw such as sucrose and NaCl can be reused in the dairy itself for various
purposes eliminating the need of draw regeneration. Thus, FO successfully performs to recover water from the whey and
consequently reduce the footprint on the environment.
Keywords: Dairy industry, draw solution, forward osmosis, recovery, wastewater, whey

1. INTRODUCTION Zablocka et al., 2019; Kenkar & Kadlag, In terms of whey utilization there are so
The global water resources scenario is 2016; Velpula, 2017). many things that can be done instead
changing fast in terms of access, quantity of treating whey as waste. It can be
Whey concentrated by evaporation and whey
as well as quality of available water.
Around 600 million people in India face Whey, a fairly dilute product with 90-94% concentrates can be dried using spray, roll
acute water shortages (Karimidastenaei water, is the by-product of dairy industry or drum dryers. Heat treatments denature
et al., 2022). Industries are one of the which remains after manufacturing of whey proteins thus lot of efforts are made to
important consumers of fresh water. Dairy cheese, paneer, chhana and casein study implementation of other processes
industry is one of the fastest growing (Baldasso et al., 2011; De Souza et al., instead of thermal treatments(Blandin
sectors characterised by the high demand 2010; Panesar et al., 2007; Prazeres et et al., 2020). The introduction of new
of resources particularly water(Agrawal & al., 2012). In India, the major source of separation technologies such as ion
Sarode, 2021; Boguniewicz-Zablocka et whey is paneer and chhana. Over 160 exchange, electrodialysis, ultrasound and
al., 2019; Del Re et al., 1998). It has one million tonnes of whey is generated membrane filtration created possibilities
of the highest water consumption rates annually worldwide and amongst it of producing new range of whey products
and is one of the major effluent producers around 5 million tonnes is generated including functional food ingredients with
per unit of production(Shete & Shinkar, annually in India itself (Wit.J.N., 2001). value added products for pharmaceutical
2016). Due to strict environmental rules, About 80-90% of milk used in production and medical industries(Aydiner, Sen,
a realisation is gradually emerging among of cheese and paneer yields whey as Topcu, Ekinci, et al., 2014; Duke &
such industries that rectifying measures by-product which contains 50% of milk Vasiljevic, 2015). Processing of whey is
needs to be undertaken to augment constituents comprising proteins, lactose, sometimes limited due to less demand of
fresh water through rainwater harvesting minerals and vitamins(Barukcic et al., whey and other related products. In the
and reuse and treatment of wastewater. 2019; Rektor & Vatai, 2004; Suárez et al., factories large quantity of milk and whey
(Baskaran et al., 2003; Bortoluzzi et al., 2006). Wastewater containing whey is are processed to form powder every
2017). Most amount of water is required difficult to treat by conventional processes year(G. Q. Chen et al., 2020). Whey
in the dairy by the plants producing milk because of poor settling sludge. Whey Powder production is usually done in
powder and cheese while less in plants has high BOD ranging from 30000 – multistage evaporator followed by spray
producing drinking milk(Agrawal & Sarode, 80000mg O2/litre(De Souza et al., 2010). or roll drying(Barukcic et al., 2019). Whey
2021). Dairy waste is either generated Environmentalist and technologists look is firstly concentrated to 40-70% total
from cleaning of equipment or generated seriously upon discarding of whey due to solids and then by the use of a spray dryer
during manufacturing of products or its potent polluting strength and significant or a roll dryer moisture is removed until
unwanted milk spillage(Boguniewicz- loss of energy and nutrients along with it. the final product reaches 5% moisture

1. Department of General Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India

22 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 273

w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

content. 1/4th (25 per cent) of total energy used in treating industrial wastewater, and fructose are most suitable for food
is consumed in concentration and drying to concentrate landfill leachate, to treat and beverages applications(Garcia-
steps(Jevons & Awe, 2010). liquid food in food industry, desalinating Castello et al., 2009). The performance
seawater, purifying water in emergency of selected draw solute is evaluated in
Forward Osmosis relief situations and also has use in drug terms of water flux and water recovered.
Forward Osmosis (FO) is an emerging release in the body(Blandin et al., 2020; Increasing ranking order of draw solution
separation technology attracting Honmane et al., 2020; Phuntsho et al., based on performance is - CaCl2, KHCO3,
increasing attention of both scientific 2011; Pramanik et al., 2019; Shaffer MgCl2, MgSO4 and NaHCO3(Chekli et al.,
research community and industries in et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2012). Dairy 2012; Phuntsho et al., 2011). Based on
the past decade. It works on principle Samples including milk, whey, D40 whey replenishment cost is - KHCO3, MgSO4,
of osmotic pressure gradient(Chou et (demineralized whey with 40% mineral NaCl, NaHCO3 and Na2SO4 and both
al., 2010). Through the natural osmosis removal), whey protein concentrate high in performance and cost-effective
phenomenon, it drives water from the and lactose are studied using FO in draw are KHCO3, MgSO4 and NaHCO3
diluted one to the concentrated stream literature works(Y. N. Wang et al., 2017; (Phuntsho et al., 2011). Draw solution
when separated by the semipermeable Zhao et al., 2012). Using 1M, 2M and containing scale precursor ions such
membrane (Fig. 1.1). In this technology, 3M NaCl solution, 4M NH4CO3, 60°Bx as Mg2+, Ca2+, Ba2+, So42-, CO32- has to
hydraulic pressure is required only for Potassium Lactate solution whey has be limited to applications where pure
lifting the solutions to the membrane. been concentrated using CTA and TFC water is required as feed such as food
Absence of external hydraulic pressure membranes(Artemi et al., 2020; Aydiner industry(Shirazi et al., 2010). These ions
results in lesser fouling potential et al., 2012; Aydiner, Sen, Topcu, Sesli, can promote scaling on the membrane
and ultimately in low operation and et al., 2014a; G. Q. Chen et al., 2020; surface. Reverse solute flux should be
maintenance cost(Al-Amoudi & Lovitt, George Q. Chen et al., 2019; Seker et al., kept minimum especially in applications
2007). Thinner membrane and pre- 2017; J. Wang & Liu, 2021b). where the final concentrated feed needs
treating the feed solution using processes to be pure. Draw solutions containing
like ultrafiltration tends to increase the
Draw Solution larger hydrated anions such as MgSO4,
water flux and efficiency of FO process(Ali Selection of proper draw solute is very KsSO4, NaHCO3, KHCO3, Na2SO4 shows
et al., 2018). The water and solute flux important for FO technology. Required the lowest Reverse solute flux(Artemi
es 5% moisture the FO
content. 1/4membrane depends
(25 per cent) of totalupon characteristics
energy is of a draw solution are
consumed in concentration et al., 2020). When reverse solute flux
s & Awe, 2010).
the effective osmotic pressure difference stability, nontoxic nature, high solubility, is inevitable, draw solutions compatible
between the surfaces of the active layer high molecular weight, low viscosity, low with feed solution should be used. For
of the membrane(J.
) is an emerging Wang &
separation technology Liu, 2021a).
attracting cost,
increasing easilyof
attention recoverable / regenerated with
both scientific example, while concentrating the fruit
d industries in the pastin FO Itisworks
decade. crucial because
on principle a low pressure
of osmotic energy input, high osmotic pressure
gradient(Chou juice reverse solute flux using sucrose as
he naturalFO has phenomenon,
osmosis a future lying in sustainability,
it drives at low
water from the diluted one concentrations,
to the concentrated not adversely the draw solution does not have any major
by the semipermeable membrane
resource recovery and(refer
newFig.1.1). In this technology,
applications. affectedhydraulic pressure is of ions from
by contamination impact on stream value or sometimes
g the solutions to the should
Its focus membrane. be Absence
on closingof external
the loop hydraulic pressure
the feed results and
solution in lesser
minimal effect on it even adds value(Jiao et al., 2004;
ltimately by
in low operation and maintenance cost(Al-Amoudi &
recovering the substances both from internal concentration Lovitt, 2007). Thinner
polarisation(Achilli Phuntsho et al., 2011). Draw solutions
ting the feed solution using processes like ultrafiltration tends to increase the water flux
feed and draw solution. et al., 2010; Ahmed et al., 2018; Hu et al., such as sodium chloride and mixture of
rocess(Ali et al., 2018). The water and solute flux through the FO membrane depends
FO difference
motic pressure shows between
very promising
the surfaces ofresults 2017).
the active layerAnof ideal draw solution should be
the membrane(J. ammonia and carbon dioxide are used in
Research for
in FOconcentrating
is crucial because FO has a future
wastewater andlying in sustainability,membrane.
benign to the FO resource It should not the previous works(Aydiner, Sen, Topcu,
ications. Its focus should be on closing the loop
dewatering difficult to treat wastewater. by have
recovering theany solute
substances membrane
both from interaction as Sesli, et al., 2014b; Garcia-Castello
It finds applications in every field. It is it will lead to scaling complications and et al., 2009). The reverse diffusion of
create excess membrane cleaning costs these solutes from the draw into the
(Ahmed et al., 2018). feed cannot be eliminated. It results in
Choice of draw directly affects the production of concentrated products and
draw recovery method. Different types it do not meet product specifications(K.
of available draw solute are classified Y. Wang et al., 2011). The back diffusion
as inorganic salt, organic salt, organic of ammonium carbonate inevitably adds
compounds, volatile compounds and new compounds that do not exist in the
other responsive solutes. Inorganic natural form of milk or whey(McCutcheon
salts such as NaCl, MgCl2, KCl, Na2SO4 et al., 2006).
etc have high osmotic pressure, low In this work, after thorough understanding
replenish cost and can be recovered of whey, forward osmosis and different
using NF/ RO/ MD process(Shon et al., draw solutions it is tried to recover water
2015). These salts have high reverse from the waste stream whey through
diffusion and scaling precursor ions like forward osmosis technology using novel
Fig. 1.1 : Concept representation of Mg+2, SO4 etc(Chekli et al., 2012). Other draw solutions. Calculating the osmotic
Fig.1.1: Concept representation of Forward Osmosis
Forward Osmosis organic compounds such as sucrose pressure of different types of draw
ing results for concentrating wastewater and dewatering difficult to treat wastewater. It
very field. ItAis- used
273 in treating industrial wastewater, to concentrate landfill leachate, to WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 23
d industry, desalinating seawater, purifying water in emergency relief situations and also
in the body(Blandin et al., 2020; Honmane et al., 2020; Phuntsho et al., 2011; Pramanik
et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2012). Dairy Samples including milk, whey, D40 whey
w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

solutions, its effect on the efficiency of Draw solution : The DS of different Methodology
FO are studied. The relationship between concentrations is prepared by dissolving
different draw solutions and different predetermined mass of solute into known Different Draw Solutions
factors affecting FO efficiency such as mass of DI water having TDS less than NaCl has been widely used as the
Feed/ Draw (F/D), modes and flow type 5mg/l. The chemicals used for preparing draw solution in variety of applications
of FO, temperature and concentration of different draw solutions are analytical including food production and water
draw solution is established. Efforts are to reagents (AR) grade NaCl with purity and wastewater treatment(Chekli et al.,
achieve higher dewatering and flux than 99.8%, CaCl2 with purity 99.5%, MgCl2 2012). The advantage is it is abundantly
that reported in the earlier works. with purity 98%, KCl with purity 98.5%, available on earth inexpensively in
citric acid with purity 98% and sucrose the form of sea water and can be
purchased from Loba chemicals. easily concentrated using RO or other
Membrane : The feed and draw solutions techniques. Governed by the thesis of
Materials are lifted to the membrane through Vant Hoff, draw should be highly soluble
Feed solution : Paneer whey, the the peristaltic pumps. The commercial in water, have high osmotic pressure
targeted waste material in this work is membrane used in the study is the and high diffusion coefficient. NaCl
collected from the nearby local dairies. aquaporin inside, a biomimetic hollow possess all these three qualities. It has
The physicochemical properties of the fibre module comprising an active layer of high osmotic pressure and solubility
raw whey are as shown in Table 2.1 polyamide thin film composite (TFC) with and is better than sucrose due to higher
below. These results are the average integrated aquaporin proteins (Fig. 2.1). diffusion coefficient(Chou et al., 2010).
value of three samples collected during This membrane is capable of rejecting When NaCl is used as the draw solution,
different time interval of the study. difficult contaminants and preserving Na and Cl ions diffuses to the feed side
+ -

Conforming with the available literature, valuable ones. The use of hollow fibres due to their higher concentration. Owing
the whey sample is highly organic, allows for a very high packing density. to larger diffusion coefficient of Na+ more
slightly acidic, have very high moisture Using DI water as feed and 0.5 M NaCl as Na +
diffuses in the feed solution leading
content and Chemical Oxygen Demand the draw solution at temperature of 25°C to charge imbalance between both the
(COD) as well as considerable lactose at Transmembrane Pressure (TMP) of 0.2 sides and then more cations transfer
content. The raw whey is passed through bar in single pass mode, counter current from feed to draw side to re-establish the
the nylon filter cloth of fine mesh size and flow at the feed flow rate of 60 LPH and the charge balance (Aydiner et al., 2013).
pretreated using ultrafiltration membrane draw flow rate of 25 LPH gives water flux An increased sodium concentration in
to remove suspended solids and any of 11 LMH and specific reverse salt flux a FO-concentrated-whey product may
compounds that can cause fouling of the of 0.15 g/L. It is recommended to operate also not be desirable, as excess sodium
FO membrane. this membrane in the temperature range of intake is of dietary concern(G. Q. Chen
Table 2.1: Physicochemical characteristics 5-30°C at TMP of 0.2 bar within pH range et al., 2018). Using magnesium chloride
of raw whey obtained from the dairy of 3-10. The particle size through the as the draw solution it was found that
membrane should be < 50μm. Maximum it offers more than double the osmotic
Sr. Parameter Unit Results allowed TMP and feed pressure is 4 bar. pressure of sodium chloride at the same
No. The pre-treated feed solution depending molar concentration, while its back
1 pH - 5.9 uponallows
fibres the application
for a very highshould be density.
packing run prior to DIdiffusion
rate is significantly lower than
water as feed and 0.5 M NaCl as the draw solution at
2 Total Solids % 8.1% the draw of
temperature through
25°C atthis membranePressure
Transmembrane to avoid (TMP) of 0.2 bar NaCl
that of a in singledraw
pass solution(Ahmed
mode, counter currentet flow at
the feed flow rate of 60 LPH and
osmotic drying of the membrane. The the draw flow rate of al.,
25 2018;
LPH Chekli
gives water et al.,
flux of 2012).
11 LMH Since
and back
specific reverse
3 Total mg L-1 60,000 salt flux of 0.15 g/L. It is recommended to operate this membrane
diffusion in the
was temperature
less, the range of
diffusion 5-30°C
of at
small TMP of
membrane should be cleaned at maximum
Dissolved 0.2 bar within pH range of 3-10. The particle size through the membrane
quantity of should be <ions
magnesium 50μm.is Maximum
also less allowed
pressure of 0.5 bar using solution in pH
TMP and feed pressure is 4 bar. The pre-treated feed solution depending upon the application should be run
Solids likely to be
prior of draw
to the 2-11through
at temperature
this membrane<50°C forosmotic
to avoid drying of damaging
the membrane. to The
product quality
membrane should be
4 Ash content % 3.17 about at
cleaned minutes.pressure of 0.5 bar using solution in pH range of 2-11 at temperature <50°C forG.about 20
20maximum than other ions (Ahmed et al., 2018;
5 Moisture % 92.9% minutes.
6 Chemical mg L-1 1,02,045
7 Density g cm-3 1.0228
8 Specific - 1.02714
9 Lactose % 4.3%
10 Protein % 1.5% Fig. 2.1 : The schematics
Fig 2.1: of the HFFO
The schematics membrane
of the HFFO and the
membrane and original module
the original module
Different draw solutions
A - 273
NaCl has been widely used as the draw solution in variety of applications including food production and water
and wastewater treatment(Chekli et al., 2012). The advantage is it is abundantly available on earth inexpensively
solutions w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)
widely used as the draw solution in variety of applications including food production and water
r treatment(Chekli et al., 2012). The advantage is it is abundantly available on earth inexpensively
sea water and can be easily concentrated using RO or other techniques. Governed by the thesis of
Q. Chen et al., 2020; Hu et al., 2017). At where, π is the osmotic pressure (Bar), a lactose content, its osmotic pressure is
aw should be highly soluble in water, have high osmotic pressure and high diffusion coefficient.w
the same molar concentration (2 M), the is the water activity co-efficient, V is the the lowest similar to the lactose amongst
all these three qualities. It has high osmotic pressure and solubility and is better than sucrose -1due
osmotic pressure of a calcium chloride molar volume of water = 0.018 Lmol , R all the trial draw solutions.
sion coefficient(Chou et al., 2010). When NaCl is used as the draw solution, Na+ and Cl- ions
feed side (CaCl solution is lower than that of the is the universal gas constant += 0.082 L
due to2)their higher concentration. Owing to larger diffusion coefficient of Na more Na+ Membrane setup
MgCl solution, with increase in reverse atm.mol
feed solution leading to charge imbalance between both the sides and then
and T is the cations
more temperature
transfer in
salt flux(Ahmed et al., 2018; Shu et al., Kelvin scale (Aydiner,
draw side to re-establish the charge balance(Aydiner et al., 2013). An increased sodium Sen, Topcu, Sesli, The membrane is arranged in two modes
2016). KCl and NaCl
in a FO-concentrated-whey exhibit
product mayhighest flux be etdesirable,
also not al., 2014b). as excess sodium intake is of Continuous Single Pass (CSP) mode and
and MgCl
n(G. Q. Chen and CaCl
et al.,2 2018). 2 produces
Using magnesium highest
chlorideUsingas the the
drawwater solution it was values
activity found that from it Recirculation mode (RC) depending upon
an doubleosmotic pressure(Hu
the osmotic pressure ofet sodium
al., 2017; Shaffer
chloride at thethe
same molar concentration, while
literature, varying osmotic pressure its back the nature of the experiments. In CSP
et al.,lower
s significantly 2014). Other
than that compounds
of a NaCl draw suchsolution(Ahmed
as of different et al., 2018; Chekli at
solutions et al.,different
2012). mode as explained in Fig.2.4, feed and
ffusion wassucrose are diffusion
less, the best fit toofbe usedquantity
small in foodof magnesium ions is also less
concentrations are calculated as shown likely to be draw solutions are not recirculated within
roduct quality thanbutotherhave disadvantage
ions(Ahmed et al., of lower
2018; G. Q.below
Chenin etFig.
al., 2.2.
2020; Hu et al., 2017). At
Aq. NaCl solution is seen the the membrane. This keeps the osmotic
ncentration (2 M),pressure
osmotic the osmoticandpressure of a calcium chloride
higher viscosity. (CaCl ) solution is lower
to have highest osmotic pressure at lower
2 than that pressure same throughout the process.
solution, with increase in reverse salt flux(Ahmed et al., 2018;concentrations.
Shu et al., 2016).Fig. KCl2.3 and below
NaCl The osmotic pressure keeps on changing
t flux andCalculation
MgCl2 and CaCl of osmotic pressure solute
2 produces highest osmotic pressure(Hu et al., 2017;
shows the osmotic pressure of differentShaffer et al., in the RC mode with the concentration
as sucrosedraw solutions
are best fit to be used in food industry but have disadvantage of lower of feed and dilution of draw solution.
salt solutions at their maximum solubility
re and higher
The viscosity.
osmotic pressure of different at room temperature. MgCl2 solution have Working in RC mode is represented in
concentration solution at different the highest osmotic pressure followed by Fig. 2.4. The osmotic pressure gradient
osmotic pressure
temperature of different draw solutions
is determined using below NaCl solution. Lowest osmotic pressure between the lower osmotic pressure
pressure ofgiven Van’t Hoff equation.solution at differentis temperature
different concentration is determined using below feed and higher osmotic pressure draw
off equation.
their maximum solubility at room temperature. MgCl2 solution notedhave for lactose
the highest solution.
osmotic Asfollowed
pressure whey, by
FO feed, supposedly causes the transfer of water from the feed
NaCl solution.−RTLowest lnosmotic
a� pressure is noted for lactose As whey, the FO feed,have >92%
supposedly have
Π = ...(1)equation
percentageno(1) of water followed 4-6%by to draw side of the membrane. In co flow
>92% percentage of water
their maximum solubility
V trial
followed by 4-6% lactose content,
at room temperature. MgCl2 solution its osmotic pressure
have the highest is
osmoticthepressure by
lowest similar
followed to the
lactose amongst all
NaCl solution. the
Lowest solutions.is noted for lactose solution. As whey, the FO feed, supposedly have mode both feed and draw solution enters
draw pressure
e osmotic>92% percentage
pressure of water
(Bar), a isfollowed by 4-6%
the water lactose
activity content, its osmotic
co-efficient, pressure
V is the molaris volume
the lowestofsimilar
water to =the through the same side of the membrane
lactose amongst all the wtrial draw solutions.
R is the universal gas constant = 0.082 L atm.mol .K and T is the temperature in Kelvin scale while in counter flow, feed enters from
-1 -1

Topcu, Sesli, et al., 2014b). one side while draw enters from another
side of the membrane. Various influencing
er activity values from the literature, varying osmotic pressure of different solutions at different parameters such as mode and type of
are calculated as shown below in Fig. 2.2. Aq. NaCl solution is seen to have highest osmotic flow through membrane, Feed/Draw
wer solute concentrations. Fig 2.2 below shows the osmotic pressure of different salt solutions at (F/D) ratio, type, osmotic pressure and
temperature of draw solution that affects
the efficiency of the process are studied
in the work. The efficiency of this process
is measured in terms of maximum
dewatering and highest flux calculated
using ofthe
pressure and temperature drawbelow equations
solution that referred
affects the efficiency of thefrom
process are studied
efficiency of this(Honmane et al.,
process is measured 2018,
in terms 2020)dewatering and highest flux calc
of maximum
below equations referred from (Honmane et al., 2018, 2020)
Water Transferred (L) ∗ 1��
Water Recovery (%) =
Water in feed inlet (L) ...(2)
equation no (2)
Fig 2.2
Fig :2.2:
Osmotic Pressure
Pressure Comparison ofof
Comparison of
Solutions At25
25 C
0 0C
Water Transferred (L)
Permeate Flux (Lm−2 h−1 ) = equation no (3)
Area (m2 ) ∗ Time (hour)...(3)

3.1 Performance of FO using
Sucrose Solution as the Draw
On comparison with whey, aq. sucrose
A solution has much higher osmotic pressure
at the room temperature (Refer Fig 2.2
and Fig.2.3). Sucrose is used as the draw
solution as it can be reused in the dairy
industry for manufacturing of various sweets
and products. This will eliminate the need of
Fig 2.3Comparison
: Comparison of osmotic
of osmotic pressure
pressure of different
of different solutions
solutions at 25°Catat25their
C atmaximum
their maximum
solubility regeneration of draw. The effect of different
(%w/w) (%w/w)Sucrose-67.89,
[NaCl-26.30, [NaCl-26.30,Calcium
Sucrose-67.89, Calcium
Chloride-46.59, Chloride-46.59,
Magnesium Magnesium
Chloride-38.82, Citric acid- modes of FO and different concentrations
Fig 2.3:Potassium
62.27, Comparison of osmotic pressure of different solutions at 25°C at their maximum solubility
Chloride-38.82, Citric acid-62.27, Potassium Chloride-26.21]
(%w/w) [NaCl-26.30, Sucrose-67.89, Calcium Chloride-46.59, Magnesium Chloride-38.82, Citric acid- such as 39°Bx, 51°Bx and 62°Bx of sugar
Membrane setup
62.27, Potassium Chloride-26.21]
- 273 is arranged in two modes Continuous Single Pass (CSP) mode and Recirculation WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022
mode (RC) 25
upon the nature of the experiments. In CSP mode as explained in Fig.2.4, feed and draw solutions are
Fig2.4: Schematic representation of FO in CSP mode (A) and RC mode (B) in Co flow
not recirculated within the membrane. This keeps the osmotic pressure same throughout the process. The
The membrane
osmotic is arranged
pressure keeps oninchanging
two modes Continuous
in the RC modeSingle Passconcentration
with the (CSP) mode ofandfeed
and dilutionmode (RC)
of draw
w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

A B flux of 93% and 9.9 L/m2/hr respectively

A B in coflow RC mode. Calcium chloride is
often used in the dairy to improve the
rennet coagulation process. While using
the saturated CaCl2 and KCl solution as
the draw, similar results are observed in
coflow mode. For CaCl2, RC mode gives
higher dewatering of 83% as compared to
77% in CSP mode. The water permeate
flux is seen to decrease to 3.19 L/m2/hr
in RC mode from 5.74 L/m2/hr in CSP
mode. Depending upon the requirement
and reuse of the draw solution, suitable
Fig2.4: Schematic representation of FO in CSP mode (A) and RC mode (B) in Co flow type
draw should be selected.
: Schematic representation of in
FO in mode
mode (A) mode
and RC 3.3 Effect of F/D on Efficiency of
Fig2.4: Schematic representation of FO CSP and RC (B) inmode (B)type
Co flow
in Coasflow
3.1 Performance of FO using sucrose solution type solution
the draw FO using Citric acid as the
3.1 Performance of FO using sucrose solution as the draw solution Dairy industry uses citric acid in the
processing and manufacturing of products
like cheese and certain juices. To study
effect of Feed/Draw ratio (F/D) on the
Fig 3.1: Effect of mode of FO and concentration of sucrose solution on dewatering and permeate flux
efficiency working of FO membrane, F/D is varied
between 4.74 to 9.13 in RC mode as shown
On comparison with whey, aq. sucrose solution has much higher osmotic pressure at the room temperature
(Refer Fig 2.2 and Fig.2.3). Sucrose is used as the draw in below
solution as itFig 3.3.
can be Flux
reused and
in the dewatering
dairy industry for
initially the
manufacturing of various sweets and products. This will eliminate increases with the of
need of regeneration increasing F/D
draw. The effect
of different modes of FO and different concentrations such as 39°Bx, 51°Bx and 62°Bx of sugar solution on FO
upto 6.675 and then starts declining.
process is observed (shown in Fig.3.1). While comparing the dewatering and water flux results of CSP and RC
is dueflux
mode, RC mode shows better efficiency of the process. Highest to ofthe
3.86changing osmoticforpressure
L/m2/hr is observed RC mode.
In view of the increasing the concentration of the sugar solution, between
flux increases the
from feed
1.84 and
to 3.86 L/mdraw
/hr in RC
mode as concentration increases from 39°Bx to 62°Bx. Similarly, it increases from 4.6 to 6.92 L/m /hr in CSP
Fig. 3.1 : Effect of mode of FO and concentration of sucrose solution on dewatering and the process progresses.
mode. Same trend is observed for the dewatering percentage. Highest dewatering of 60.97% is recorded in RC
permeate fluxmode for saturated aqueous solution. So, maximum efficient results are observed for the saturated aq. sucrose
efficiency 3.4 Effect of F/D, Concentration
solution of 62°Bx in RC mode.
solution on FO process is observed (shown Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2), Potassium and Temperature of Draw
3.2 Effect of different modes and flow type in FO using different draw solutions on performance of
in Fig.3.1). While comparing the dewatering Chloride FO (KCl) and Calcium Chloride solution on performance of
and water flux results of CSP and RC (CaCl2) is compared (refer below Fig 3.2). FO using NaCl Draw Solution
The effect of different modes and flow type of FO using the three-draw solution of Magnesium Chloride
mode, RC mode shows better efficiency Magnesium chloride and calcium chloride
(MgCl2), Potassium Chloride (KCl) and Calcium Chloride
of the process. Highest flux of 3.86 L/m2/ has the chloride
higherandosmotic pressure NaCl(CaClfinds2) many
is compared (refer below
applications in theFigdairy3.2).
Magnesium calcium chloride has theashigher osmotic pressure as compared to potassium chloride
hr is observed for RC mode. In view of owing to more
compared tonumber of ionschloride
potassium after disassociation. industry.
owing toMagnesium Using
chloride it asthethe
shows draw,
highest eliminates
efficiency of FO
the increasing the concentration of the
process in terms of dewatering the feed and water permeate
more number of ions after disassociation. the draw
flux of 93%regeneration
and 9.9 L/m2/hrprocess
respectivelyasin itcoflow
RC mode. Calcium chloride is often used in the dairy to be improve
reusedthe rennet
in coagulation
the dairy process.
itself. While
10 %w/w using
sugar solution, flux increases from 1.84 to Magnesium
the saturated CaClchloride shows the highest
2 and KCl solution as the draw, similar results are observed in coflow mode. For CaCl2, RC
3.86 L/m2/hr in RC mode as concentration efficiency of FO
mode gives higher process
dewatering of 83%inasterms
comparedofto 77%aq.inNaCl solution
CSP mode. is used
The water permeateasflux
the draw
is seen to
decrease to 3.19 L/m2/hr in RC mode from 5.74 L/m2/hrsolution in CSP mode.to study effect
Depending uponoftheF/D. As
requirement seenand
increases from 39°Bx to 62°Bx. Similarly, dewatering the feed and water permeate
reuse of the draw solution, suitable draw should be selected.
it increases from 4.6 to 6.92 L/m2/hr in
CSP mode. Same trend is observed
for the dewatering percentage. Highest
dewatering of 60.97% is recorded in RC
mode for saturated aqueous solution. So,
maximum efficient results are observed for
the saturated aq. sucrose solution of 62°Bx
in RC mode.

3.2 Effect of Different Modes

and Flow Type in FO using
Different Draw Solutions on
Performance of FO
Fig 3.2:Fig.
Effect of different
3.2 mode
: Effect of of FO on
different permeate
mode of FOfluxon
and dewatering
permeate using
flux anddifferent draw solution
The effect of different modes and flow type
of FO using the three-draw solution of 3.3 Effect of F/D on efficiency ofusing different
FO using Citric draw
acid assolution
the draw solution
Dairy industry uses citric acid in the processing and manufacturing of products like cheese and certain juices. To
26 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October effect of Feed/Draw ratio (F/D) on the working of FO membrane, F/D is varied between 4.74 A
study 2022 to -9.13
RC mode as shown in below Fig 3.3. Flux and dewatering initially increases with the increasing F/D upto 6.675
and then starts declining. This is due to the changing osmotic pressure gradient between the feed and draw as the
process progresses.
w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

to 39°C (refer Fig.3.4 C). Flux and

dewatering increases as we move
from colder temperature towards room
temperature and decreases after that.
The change in temperature provides
resistance to the fluid flow through the
membrane affecting the FO performance.
Increasing the temperature of the draw
solution enhances the water flux by
increasing the diffusion coefficient,
decreasing the water viscosity and
improved mass transfer across the
membrane. Highest flux of 5.89 L/m2/hr
and dewatering of 89.2 % is observed at
the room temperature of 26°C.

3.5 Effect of Different Draw

Effect of F/D
: Effect onon
of F/D performance
FO using
using citric acidas
citric acid asthe
solution Solutions on Performance
of FO
in Fig.
3.4 Effect 3.4 (A),
of F/D, highest fluxand
concentration of 3.24 L/m2/ Relationship
temperature between
of draw solution the draw solution
on performance of FO using NaCl
hr and
draw dewatering of 45.43% is achieved concentration and water flux is not linear, When performance of FO is compared
for F/D of 6. Later to study the effect of at higher concentration this relationship using different draw solutions, magnesium
draw concentration, same study is again is observed to be logarithmic. Highest chloride gives the best performance in
carried out using saturated aq. NaCl dewatering and flux of 89.58% and 5.97 terms of dewatering percentage and
solution of flux followed by NaCl solution (Fig. 3.5).
Fig 26
3.3: %w/w
Effect ofas
F/Dthe L/m
draw refer of FO /hr citric
is observed for F/Dsolution
of 5.5.
on performance using acid as the draw
Fig 3.4(B). Drastic change is observed To study the effect of changing Potassium chloride gives the lowest
3.4 Effect of F/D, concentration and temperature of draw solution on performance of FO using NaClpercentage of water recovery. The
in performance
draw solution
of FO on increasing temperature of draw solution,
the concentration to saturated solution. temperature is varied between 6°C results show that the draw solutions
behave according to their osmotic
pressure at their maximum solubility
at the room temperature. Depending
upon the desired result, regeneration
and reuse purpose, availability of draw
solution, cost and back diffusion of draw
solution, proper draw should be chosen
for this technology.

g 3.4 (A): Effect of F/D on performance of FO Fig 3.4 (B): Effect of F/D on performance of FO
ing 10 %w/w NaCl draw solution using 26%w/w aq. NaCl draw solution Production, treatment and disposal of
organically loaded high moisture content
Cl finds many applications in the dairy industry. Using it as the draw, eliminates the draw regeneration whey is a huge problem for all the dairy
ocess as Fig 3.4 (A):
it Fig.
can be Effect
3.4(A): of
in F/D
Effect the on performance
of F/D onitself. 10of%w/w
performance FO aq. Fig
Fig. 3.4 solution
3.4(B)(B):: Effect
Effect isof F/D
of F/Dason performance
onthe of FO to study
draw solution
performance industries. Forward osmosis technique
ect of F/D. 10 %w/win NaCl
3.4 solution flux of 3.24 using 226%w/w aq. NaCl draw solution
of FOseen
using 10% w/w (A), highest
NaCl draw solution of FO/hr
L/m and 26%
using dewatering
w/w aq.of NaCl45.43%
draw is achieved for
successfully recovers water from this
D of 6. NaCl
to study
many the effect of
applications in draw
the dairyconcentration,
industry. Usingsame
it as study
the draw, is again
eliminates the out
draw using saturated
regeneration aq.
highly diluted dairy waste stream whey
Cl solution of as26it %w/w
process as thein draw
can be reused refer
the dairy Fig103.4(B).
itself. %w/w aq.Drastic changeisisused
NaCl solution observed
as the drawin performance
solution to studyof FO on
creasing effect of F/D. As seen to
the concentration in Fig. 3.4 (A),solution.
saturated highest flux of 3.24 L/m2/hr
Relationship and dewatering
between the draw of 45.43%
solutionis achieved forwith and
high efficiency using different draw
F/D of 6. Later to study the effect of draw concentration, same study is again carried out using saturated aq. solutions. Using draw solution that can
ter fluxNaCl
is not linear, at higher concentration this relationship isis observed to be logarithmic. Highest
solution of 26 %w/w as the draw refer Fig 3.4(B). Drastic change observed in performance of FO onbe reused in the dairy industry eliminate
and fluxthe of concentration
89.58% andto5.97 L/m2/hr
saturated is observed
solution. for F/D
Relationship of 5.5.
between the draw solution concentration and
the process of draw regeneration. The
water flux is not linear, at higher concentration this relationship is observed to be logarithmic. Highest
2 draw solution osmotic pressure follows
study the effect of
dewatering andchanging temperature
flux of 89.58% of draw
and 5.97 L/m solution,fortemperature
/hr is observed F/D of 5.5. is varied between 6°C to 39°C (refer
in descending order for magnesium
g.3.4 C). Flux and dewatering increases as we move from colder temperature towards room temperature and
To study the effect of changing temperature of draw solution, temperature is varied between 6°C to 39°C (referchloride, sodium chloride, citric acid,
creases Fig.3.4
after that. The change in temperature provides resistance to the fluid flow through the membrane
C). Flux and dewatering increases as we move from colder temperature towards room temperature andcalcium chloride, sucrose and potassium
ecting the FO performance.
decreases Increasing
after that. The change the temperature
in temperature of the draw
provides resistance to the solution
fluid flow enhances
through thethe water flux by
creasing affecting
the diffusion coefficient, Increasing
the FO performance. decreasingthe the water of
temperature viscosity
the drawand improved
solution enhancesmass transfer
the water chloride
flux by theat their maximum solubility at the
increasing the diffusion 2
coefficient, decreasing the water viscosity and improved mass transfer
embrane. Highest flux of 5.89 L/m /hr 2and dewatering of 89.2 % is observed at the room temperature of 26°C. across theroom temperature. Co flow RC mode of
membrane. Highest flux of 5.89 L/m /hr and dewatering of 89.2 % is observed at the room temperature of 26°C. magnesium chloride followed by calcium
Fig.3.4 (C): Effect
Fig..3.4(C) of temperature
: Effect of aq. Saturated
of temperature of Fig.3.5:
Fig. 3.5Comparison
: Comparisonof performance of FO of
of performance using chloride and potassium chloride gives
NaCl draw solution on performance of FO different draw solution
aq. Saturated NaCl draw solution on FO using different draw solution maximum dewatering of 93% followed
3.5 Effect of different of FO on performance of FO
draw solutions by 77% and 54.25% respectively. Using
When performance of FO is compared using different draw solutions, magnesium chloride gives the best
A - 273
performance in terms of dewatering percentage and flux followed by NaCl solution (refer Fig.3.5).
and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 27
chloride gives the lowest percentage of water recovery. The results show that the draw solutions behave
according to their osmotic pressure at their maximum solubility at the room temperature. Depending upon the
desired result, regeneration and reuse purpose, availability of draw solution, cost and back diffusion of draw
w&e internatioNal (Water resources section)

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ve Technologies. iv) CBIP Transmission Line Manual.
onstruction work is to be planned in off v) Indian Electricity Act-2003 domestic as well as international consultancy
& Telegraph Act-1885.
when their is no standing crop. vi) Guide lines issued by The assignments w&e
Ministry of Power, Govt. internatioNal
Nepal, (Energy
Kenya, Ethiopia, and section)
various ROW is to be resolved with the of India vide letter no Tajikistan
3/7/2015 under World Bank/ADB funded projects. He
Trans dated
ment of third party with specific conditions. 15.10.2015. has co-authored technical papers in various National
Right of Way (ROW) Challenge in Construction of
maximum cases shall be taken in fast track vii) Guidelines for payment andofInternational
in Lok Adalat. Regards to Right of Way (ROW) for transmission line
He has been appointed as a NETCL Director on our
Transmission Lines
Board &
from 29th Septemberin India
in urban area dated 16.07.2020.
SIONS 2021.
Authors snapshot:-
growth is increasingly driven by residential
mmercial sector, with fast growing cities &
ng urbanization. Building new transmission
cture to meet peak demand is extremely
due to high population density and Right of
W) challenges. With the strong emphasis on
ble energy sources which are mostly located
e areas, their integration to the grid requires
transmission infrastructure and that too, in a
time frame. Getting RoW for transmission
becoming increasing difficult & very serious
for Transmission Companies. As land owners
compensation payment because Shri Rajesh Gupta
Rajesh Gupta Electrical Engineer
is a 1Graduate Harshal Malewar2
ulterior motive guided by greed and for from Delhi College of Engineering and also holds an
l pecuniary gain, all the matters are to be MBA from FMS, Delhi University.
by District Courts & further to High Shri Harshal Malewar is a graduate in Electrical
upreme Court/APTEL.
At COP26The new Guidelines
summit He has
in Glasgow in valuable
Nov’2021,experience of 34pledged
years in different
India Engineering
has 500 GW of non-fossil
from Govt. College offuel based installed capacity by
by MOP in 2015 theplays
very and
crucial role to
agreed facets
meetof 50%
its energyHe has worked in various
requirement by renewable sources. To meet this ambitious target,
ate the ROW issues in Construction phase by capacities in NTPC and POWERGRIDChandrapurin the(GCOEC)
areas of in 2006 , Maharashtra, Nagpur
many Solar parks, Hybrid wind-solar power projects, Offshore
in 2006 operation wind plants
& has correspondenceare under development.
MBA in Power Also, various new
he tower base land value and corridor land design & optimisation, construction, &
technologies are being introduced in grid like Battery Energy
Management Storage System (BESS) &
in 2010.He is Certified CharteredGreen Hydrogen Energy
fter confirming their ownership and maintenance, project management and consultancy
e circle to reduce the carbon footprint. Globally,
rate. Transmission lines are assignments of many EHV AC the work
Engg is
& HVDCgoing
from on for developing the One Sun,
Institute of Engineers India. He has
transmission One World, One Grid
ted under the ambit of the Electricitythe evacuation of
projects. this
He huge
was one quantum
of the keyof renewable
members in power,
various matching transmission
diversified experience of more than 15 years in the infrastructure shall be
required. Moreover, gestation period of renewable powerPower projects being less,
Transmission & building transmission
Distribution infrastructure in shorter
with various
time is a big challenge being faced by planners. Indiapower
is developing
sector companies such as RECTPCL, MSETCL,of the renewable
green energy corridors for evacuation
energy from generation point to the load centres by Sunflag
creating intra-state and inter-state
Steel & Power, transmission
Jyoti Structures Ltd infrastructure
and through
Regulatory Tariff Mechanism (RTM) as well as Tariff Based working
currently Competitive Bidding
in NETCL (TBCB) routes.
(POWERGRID & OTPCLandJV). acquisition and
getting right of way (ROW) are becoming the biggest He hurdles in constructing
has good exposure the in transmission infrastructure in time due
Project Monitoring,
to rapid urbanisation and litigations issues. This paper aims to give
Contracts information about
& Procurement, Projectthe ROW and how it is a significant
O&M and Construction
challenge for transmission utilities/ companies in Construction of EHV
and O & M phase andSubstations & Lines.
the mitigation measures.
Keywords : ROW (Right of Way), Reconductoring, Uprating, Transmission Line, High TemperatureinLow Sag (HTLS)
He has authored & co-authored technical papers
Conductor, Ground Clearance, One Sun, One World, various
One GridNational and International
(OSOWOG), MOP (Ministry forums of Power).like
CBIP,CIGRE & Published papers on national journals
of power sector. He is working as Deputy Manager in
INTRODUCTION in a shorter NETCL (JV of The
time frame. POWERGRID & OTPC).
construction the tower base land and corridor land
Power transmission and other of Transmission lines is becoming more value compensation.
infrastructure projects generally face challenging day by day because of The various laws/acts relating to ROW
various issues relating to environmental/ getting Right of Way, acquisition of land compensation, litigation and land
forest clearances/ approvals, land and various statutory and environmental acquisition are The Telegraph Act, 1885,
acquisitions, ROW as well as local clearances. Due to increasing awareness The Electricity Act, 2003, The Land
resistance during their construction. The and rapid urbanisation, it is getting Acquisition Act, 1894, The Right to Fair
demand of electricity in India is increasing very difficult to get Right of Way and Compensation and Transparency in
rapidly due to industrial development, routing through urban area, public park, Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
increased rural electrification and near schools, playground, forest area, Resettlement (Amendment) Ordinance,
urbanization. Accordingly, transmission wildlife corridor and in urban slums, 2014, The Forest (Conservation) Act,
& distribution networks are required metropolitan areas, public parks etc. 1980, The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972,
to meet the increasing demand of pose severe challenge. The Environmental (Protection) Act,
electricity. With the strong emphasis on Govt of India vide circular dated 1986, The Indian Electricity (IE) Rules
renewable energy sources which are 15.10.2015 developed the guidelines (77, 80(1), 80(2) for clearance), The
mostly located in remote areas, their for ROW compensation payment for Indian Limitation Act, 1963, The Work of
integration to the grid requires massive resolving the ROW and early completion Licensees Rule, 2006¸Indian Standard
transmission infrastructure and that too, of transmission projects which include IS-5613 etc.

1. Director, North East Transmission Company Ltd. (NETC)

2. Deputy Manager, North East Transmission Company Ltd. (NETC)

A - 274 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 31

Keywords- ROW (Right of way), Reconductoring, The Section 67 of the Electricity Act, 2003 provides
Uprating, Transmission line, High Temperature
w&e internatioNal (EnergyLow for a licensee to lay down, interalia, electric supply
Sag (HTLS) Conductor, Ground Clearance, One Sun, lines, electric plant and other works and to do all
One World, One Grid (OSOWOG), MOP (Ministry of other acts necessary for transmission or supply of
Power).(A) Right of Way Corridor - Theelectricity. Section 68 It also
of stipulates that a licensee
the Electricity Act, Itshall cause
is the duty of the electricity company to
Statutory Provisions as little damage and shall make
2003 has the provisions relating to decide andfull compensation for pay the compensation. While
A) Right of Way Corridor - Statutory Provisions overhead lines. It interalia stipulates deciding orthe reasonable and realistic
any damage caused and in case of any difference
The Right of Way in a transmission line thatdispute, where any the tree
matter shallstructure
or any be determined
or amount by the
of compensation, the company
is basically a strip of land required by a other Appropriate Commission.
object interrupts or interferes with, may get it done from or with the help of
The Right of Way in a transmission line is basically a
utility for constructing, maintaining and
strip of land required by a utility for constructing,or is likely to interrupt or interfere with, following respective authorities:
protecting its transmission line. Right
maintaining and protecting its transmission line. Rightthe The Section 68 of the
transmission Electricity
electricity or Act,
the 2003 has the
Revenue Authorities: - For Crops, non-
of Way also named as Transmission accessibility provisions relating to overhead lines.
of any works, an Executive schedule Trees It interalia
of Way also named as Transmission Corridor, is
Corridor, is minimum safety corridor stipulates or that wherespecified
any treeby or the
any structure or
minimum safety corridor around power lines to meetMagistrate authority
around power lines to meet the requisite Appropriate
the requisite safety clearances as well as the other object interrupts or
Government may,interferes
on the with,Forest Authorities: - For Schedule Trees
or is likely
safety clearances as well as the to interrupt or interfere like Teak.
electromagnetic field exposure limits. It allows theapplication of the licensee, with,
causethethe transmission of
electromagnetic field exposure limits. It of any Horticulture
works, an Dept.:- Fruit Bearing Trees.
utility to keep the power lines clear of tall trees,tree,electricity
structure or or the
to be removed
allows the utility to keep the power lines or award
and other obstacles that may interfere with Executive
of tall trees, building and other existence
Magistrate or
compensation authority specified
considering by the Dept :- Value of Crop
its Agriculture
line operation and to ensure safety of public and Appropriate
or after themay, on the
placing of application
damage. of
obstacles that may interfere with line the overhead line.
environment. the licensee, cause the tree, structure or object Rubber to Board:-
be Rubber trees.
operation and to ensure safety of public
The removed
Section 69or of award
the compensation
Electricity Act, 2003 considering its
and environment. Dispute
has existence
the provisionbefore or after
related the placing
to giving notice of the overhead regarding sufficiency of
compensation shall be decided by the
to the Telegraph Authority. District Judge after receiving application
The Section 164 of the Electricity Act, 2003 from any party concerned.
The Section 69 of the Electricity Act, 2003 has the
empowers the Appropriate Government For felling of Trees, utility will have to
provision related to giving notice to the Telegraph
to confer upon any public officer, licensee take the permission from Tree officer
or any other person engaged in the under the Felling of Tree regulation act
business of supplying electricity, any of & Preservation of Tree Act. The forest
The Section 164 of the Electricity Act, 2003
the powers which the telegraph authority approval is required for laying the
empowers the Appropriate Government to confer
possesses under the Indian Telegraph transmission lines through Forest.
upon any public officer, licensee or any other person
Act, 1885 (13 of 1885) with respect to the
engaged in the business of supplying electricity, any
(B) Transmission Lines
placing of telegraph lines.
of the powers which the telegraph authority
importantundersections Construction Phase ROW
the of the Telegraph
Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13
Act of
are Section 10 & Section 16. The issues - MOP Guidelines
1885) with respect to the placing of telegraph lines.
The important laws governing the Right Section 10 of the Telegraph Act, 1885 During Construction of the Transmission
of Way are the Indian Telegraph Act, empowers the transmission
The important sections of company to lineAct
the Telegraph projects,
are obstruction to pass over the
1885 and the Electricity Act, 2003. The place towers in or upon any immovable
The important laws governing the Right of Way are Section 10 & Section 16. The Section 10 of the obstruction of cutting down
private land,
provision contained in Section 12 to 18 property. However, while doing so the trees/ crops, demand of heavy amount
the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 and the Electricity Act, Telegraph Act, 1885 empowers the transmission
of the Electricity Act, 1910 remained in company shall not acquire any right immovable
2003. The provision contained in Section 12 to 18 of company to place towers in or upon any of compensation, demand of cost of
force until the rules under Section 67 to other than that of user in the property.
the Electricity Act, 1910 remained in force until the property. However, while doing so the companyoccupied land shall by huge towers, legal
69 of the Electricity Act, 2003 are made. Thenot company shall do as little damage complications/ litigations are encountered
acquire any right other than that of user in the
rules under Section 67 to 69 of the Electricity Act,as possible and after completion of work by Transmission Utility/Developers.
Also, the procedure and provisions under property. The company shall do as little damage as
2003 are made. Also, the procedure and provisionsshall pay full compensation to all persons
Section 12 to 18 of Electricity Act, 1910
under Section 12 to 18 of Electricity Act, 1910 wereinterested for anyafter
possible and completion of work shall
damage sustained by
As pay
per full
the provision in the Electricity
were not adequate for major Generation compensation to all persons interested for any
not adequate for major Generation or Transmissionthem by reason of the exercise of those Act, 2003 read with relevant provision
or Transmission Projects. Hence, the damage sustained by them by reason of the exercise
Projects. Hence, the express provision for speedypowers. of the Indian Telegraph Act,1885 all the
express provision for speedy execution is of those powers.
execution is made under Section 164 of the Electricity surface damages without acquisition
made under Section 164 of the Electricity The Section-16 of the Telegraph Act, 1885
Act, 2003. (Previously under Section 42 of Electricity of the subject land accrued to person
Act, 2003. (Previously under Section 42 assigns the District Magistrate power
Supply of
Act, 1948). Supply Act, 1948). The Section-16 of the Telegraph Act, 1885 assigns
while the
placing the tower and line are to
Electricity to clear the Magistrate
obstruction.powerIf the obstruction
District to clear the obstruction. If
be compensated. The Transmission
The Section 67 of the Electricity Act, continues even after continues
the obstruction making aneven orderafter
by making
lines arean constructed under the ambit of
2003 provides for a licensee to lay down, the District Magistrate under sec.16(1), the Electricity Act, 2003 with provisions
interalia, electric supply lines, electric plant the obstructor shall be deemed to have stipulated in Sec 67-68 read with section
and other works and to do all other acts committed an offence under Sec.188 10 to 16 of the Telegraph act. The initial
necessary for transmission or supply of (45 of 1860) of the Indian Panel Code.
electricity. It also stipulates that a licensee
Voltage in 220 400 S/C (Horiz 400 D/C, S/C 765 S/C Horiz/
shall cause as little damage and shall
(KV) Config), ±500 (Vertical/ Delta Delta Config/ D/C
make full compensation for any damage
HVDC Config)
caused and in case of any difference or
dispute, the matter shall be determined ROW Width in 35 52 46 85 / 64 / 67
by the Appropriate Commission. Meters

32 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 274

w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

survey to be carried out for the estimated additional compensation in form of and land ownership confirmation & the
cost of the Compensation as well as ‘Non-usability allowance’ up to 15% of consent for the ROW compensation is
Compensation Plan for the Temporary the land value for the width of ROW used to be taken from land owner. District
Damages (CPTD) is to carried out. The corridor would also be applicable. collector and Implementing agency
notice is to be served to the land owners Some of the states that have adopted the serves the Notice under the electricity act
for the construction of the line. The NOC MOP guidelines are listed below:- 2003 clause no 164 & Clause no 68(6)
from the land owners & Village Head / of part VIII of Indian Electricity Act, 2003
Grampanchayat will have to be taken for Name of Methodology for the purpose of foundation & stringing
placing the towers. State purpose. The compensation towards land,
The Transmission lines, constructed before Maharashtra Tower Base @2 Times Demolition of houses and rehabilitation of
2015 in line with the Indian Electricity Act, (200%) of Ready reckoner Hut/House is the responsibility of owner,
rate. compensation is duly assessed by PWD
allenge &2003 read withinSection
its Mitigation 10 andSystem
Transmission 16 of the
Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, do not have Line Corridor tip to tip or authorized valuation agency/ Certified
the provision for the Land value (Tower @15%ready reckoner Chartered Engineer. In some cases
during the construction of the line, if
s left the & Corridor) and diminution
to States /UTs for taking clauseCircle
of the no
market rate/Circle
164 & Clause no 68(6) of partHouses/
some Schools/ VIII ofPlay
grounds /
land value compensation but only for
n regarding adoption of the
surface damage (Zirat Compensation/ guidelines AndhraElectricity Act, 2003
Tower Base 100% & Linefor the purpose
Huts of
/Colleges foundation
etc. are &
the final transmission line route and
g that Tree/acquisition
Crop/ Hut &of landasisverified
House) a State stringing
Pradesh purpose.
corridor 10%. The compensation
disputed party
the court,
by the District administration (does not
line with this,
include various
cost of land).states like Assam,
So for enhanced
Meghalaya of houses
Tower base @ 100% and rehabilitation
the transmissionof Hut/House
company has to pay
& Odisha Line Corridor – 15%
Madhya Pradesh,
compensation and towerGujarat,
base landKerala, is the responsibility of owner, compensation is duly
the required compensation or divert the
value, the landowners used to approach Uttarakhand Tower Base 85% & Line route, based on the court decision.
Tamilnadu and Chhattisgarh have
& assessed by Nil.PWD or authorized valuation agency/
Uttar Corridor
the Courts and litigation process (C) Right
hese MOP hampers guidelines
the progressasofsame (85% for
transmission PradeshCertified Chartered Engineer. some of
In hurdles cases Way
in O&M Stage of

se & 15% line for the Line corridor). In case

construction. Tripurathe construction
100% of the line,
tower base payment if some Schools/
Transmission Lines:
under land acquisition
areas, additional compensation in form Houses/
The Ministry of Power, Govt. of India vide
& NoPlay grounds
land payment for /Huts
During the/Colleges etc.Maintenance
Operation and are
letter no 3/7/2015 Trans dated 15.10.2015
allowance’ up to 15%
issued Guidelines of the land encountered
for determining corridor. the final transmission line route and
stage of transmission line also, the surface
damage compensation or any pending
he width of ROW corridor
the compensation wouldas also
towards, ‘damages’ disputed
Nagaland 100% towerparty approaches
base payment the court, the
ROW issue of construction stage has to
stipulated in section 67 & 68 of the Indian & No land payment for
ble. Electricity Act-2003 read with Section 10 transmission
corridor. company has to payby the
be addressed required
Transmission licensee.
and 16 of Indian Telegraph Act 1885 which The Compensation does notor divert
mean the the route, based on the court may
The hut and house compensation
also be required to be paid in O&M
he states that
will be have toadopted
in addition the MOP
the compensation decision.
acquisition of the land but only right of stage under the order of district collector/
towards normal crop and trees. These use the property. The Telegraph Act,
are listed
Guidelines are the game changer 1885 gives legal tres-pass required for
Honorable Court. The landowners first
getting the compensation from the line
for resolving the ROW. exercising the powers to lay transmission owner and within the span of 3 years
As per these guidelines, the Damage
Methodology C) Right
lines. Notices ofelectricity
under the Way (ROW) act serve hurdles
approachesin the
O& M stage
district of court
compensation shall consist of to land owners for the surface damage
compensation@ 85% of the land value
Transmission lines: -
for tower base area (between 4 legs) and
a Tower Base @2 Times (200%) of
maximum 15% towards diminution land
value reckoner rate.of the line corridor
in width of ROW
determinedtip to tipMagistrate
by District @15%ready or
any other authority based on Circle rate/
GuidelineCircle market
value / Stamp Act. It israte/Circle
rate.to mention that Ministry of Power, Govt of
India has left the rights to States /UTs for
taking up decision regarding adoption of
Tower Base 100%
the guidelines & Line
considering corridor
that acquisition
10%.of land is a State subject. In line with this,
various states like Assam, Karnataka,
Madhyabase Pradesh,
@ 100 %Gujarat, Kerala,
CorridorTamil – 15%Nadu and Chhattisgarh
have adopted these MOP guidelines as
same (85% for Tower base & 15% for the
d Tower
Line Base 85%
corridor). & Line
In case Corridor
of urban areas,Nil.
r During the Operation and Maintenance
2022 33
transmission line also, the surface damage
100% tower base payment under compensation or any pending ROW issue of
w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

for enhancing the surface damage (vi) wind velocity and angle of swing. (x) Increasing Utilization of the Existing
compensation amount and landvalue (vii) Configuration towers (SC/D/C/ transmission lines through Uprate
as well as diminution of land value. For Horizontal/Delta). & Upgrade.
regular tree cutting work, compensation (xi) Use with HTLS conductors and
(viii) Electrostatic field below bottom
is required to be paid to landowner by some special conductors.
most conductor(10kV/m) and at
Line owner. Normally trees that grow
edge of ROW (5kV/m) at vegetation (xii) Use of micro pile foundation and
higher will be cut. For example, trees
effect for transmission line corridor special type tower design.
higher than 3m will be cut to maintain
and social and environmental
proper ROW under the transmission line,
study is necessary while designing
(F) Mitigation of ROW
and trees or plants can grow below 3m.
transmission lines. (i) Transmission line projects have
The condition and clearance height may
some location impact on the
differ from country to country. (E) Approaches for Reducing villagers whose lands are affected
It is also observed that in some cases ROW by Adapting New for construction of transmission
which are under litigation, some section Innovative Technologies: towers and stringing of conductors
of the Transmission line which is and on the natural resources like
(i) Compact tower design with
constructed and commissioned need to crops and trees wherever the
Insulated cross arm.
be shifted as per the order of Courts Transmissions line passes through
or any regulatory body. Even for carrying (ii) Use of Suspension towers with
the agricultural land and forest
out the replacement of the earth wire V-string or Tension towers in urban
area. Thus the main strategy /focus
by optical ground wire (OPGW) , severe and forest area to reduce ROW.
would involve undertaking the
ROW are being faced by the Utilities. (iii) Use of XLPE Underground EHV activities that benefit the persons/
In O&M stage, sometimes land owners Cables. villagers, generally impacted by the
demand enhance compensation on (iv) Gas Insulated Transmission Lines activities that will help to reverse any
the base of prospective yield theory (GITL). adverse impact on the environment
method, growth/girth of that tree during (v) CICA (Composite Insulated Cross and ecology so transmission
vegetation clearance work. They may arm) reducing cross arm. license implement the CSR
also ask for diminution of Land value, (Corporate Social Responsibility)
(vi) Raising of tower height to reduce like distributing the medicines and
Tower base land value even though it is
the tree cutting. conducting Health Checkup camps
not applicable as per the Telegraph Act ,
the Electricity Act, 2003 & IS 5613 to the (vii) 400 kV Hollow core composite post regularly as well as supporting
transmission lines constructed before Oct Insulator inner FRP tube. the women empowerment and
2015. These laws don’t have provision (viii) Use of covered Conductor up to education system as well as various
for the Land value & diminution of land 66kV level. Caging of Conductors. charity work in ROW affected area
value as well as prospective yield theory. on voluntarily basis.
(ix) Possibility of use of VSC based
Further, notification /Guidelines issued (ii) Encouraging Land Owners to
by MOP for the Land compensation is cultivate low growth trees below
applicable for the lines constructed after (x) Use of Multi Ckt/Multi-Voltage
tree meters like Fruit and flowers
Oct 2015. Monopole/Special towers.
instead of bamboo /Long tree in
(xi) Upgrading of the existing line to line. The farmers will get the extra
(D) in
Mitigation Factors Contributing
Transmission System to higher voltage or multi voltage in income and fruitful relationship with
ROW same ROW. Transmission licensee.
(i) Span length.
nd clearance height (Depends
(ii) Sag of Conductor may differ
on type
of conductor used and maximum
try. operating temperature of the
conductor and span length).

hat in(iii) some

which safety
me section of ofthe
(iv) Length CrossTransmission
arm length/distance
ucted andon swingcommissioned need
from Centre line of tower (Depends
angle, wind velocity, metal
er the order of cage
clearance Courtswidth or any
or tower
Even for carrying out the
(v) Configuration of insulators and
earth wire byof insulators
length optical ground
e ROWWATER areand
being faced by the E) Approaches for reducing ROW by adapting ANew
34 ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 - 274
Innovative Technologies: -
w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

(iii) The utilities deputing some local in Construction phase by paying the in different facets of Power Sector. He
officer as a Tower Mitra to tower base land value and corridor land has worked in various capacities in NTPC
mitigate the ROW & educate the value after confirming their ownership and POWERGRID in the areas of design
villagers regarding the Usefulness and available circle rate. Transmission & optimisation, construction, operation
of the Transmission system and lines are constructed under the ambit & maintenance, project management
its safety. of the Electricity Act, 2003 with provision and consultancy assignments of many
(iv) ROW can be mitigated by adapting stipulated in Sec 67-68 read with section EHV AC & HVDC transmission projects.
New Innovative Technologies. 10 to 16 of the Telegraph act before Oct’ He was one of the key members in
2015 don’t have the provision for the land various domestic as well as international
(v) The Construction work is to be
compensation so new guidelines will be consultancy assignments with Nepal,
planned in off season when their
the game changer to resolve the ROW Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tajikistan under
is no standing crop.
and early completion of the Transmission World Bank/ADB funded projects. He has
(vi) The various ROW is to be resolved line corridors. The various innovative co-authored technical papers in various
with the involvement of third party technology and measures are being National and International forums.
with specific conditions. implemented by transmission companies He has been appointed as Director,
(vii) The maximum cases shall be taken for mitigation of ROW. NETCL on Board with effect from 29th
in fast track court or in Lok Adalat. September 2021.
CONCLUSIONS (i) Laws of Electricity in India book by Shri Harshal Malewar is a Graduate
Demand growth is increasingly driven by S.S.Sarkar & J.P.Bhatnagar. in Electrical Engineering from Govt.
residential and commercial sector, with fast College of Engineering Chandrapur
(ii) IS Code 5613.
growing cities & increasing urbanization. (GCOEC) in 2006, Maharashtra, Nagpur
(iii) Electrical Power system Book by & has correspondence MBA in Power
Building new transmission infrastructure
C.L. Wadhava. Management in 2010.He is Certified
to meet peak demand is extremely
difficult due to high population density (iv) CBIP Transmission Line Manual. Chartered Engg from Institute of
and Right of Way (RoW) challenges. Engineers India. He has diversified
(v) Indian Electricity Act-2003 &
With the strong emphasis on renewable experience of more than 15 years in the
Telegraph Act-1885.
energy sources which are mostly located Power Transmission & Distribution with
(vi) Guide lines issued by The Ministry various power sector companies such
in remote areas, their integration to the of Power, Govt. of India vide letter no
grid requires massive transmission as RECTPCL, MSETCL, Sunflag Steel &
3/7/2015 Trans dated 15.10.2015. Power, Jyoti Structures Ltd and currently
infrastructure and that too, in a shorter
time frame. Getting RoW for transmission (vii) Guidelines for payment of working in NETCL (POWERGRID &
lines is becoming increasing difficult & compensation in Regards to Right OTPC JV). He has good exposure
very serious concern for Transmission of Way (ROW) for transmission line in Project Monitoring, Contracts &
Companies. As land owners demand in urban area dated 16.07.2020. Procurement, Project Management, O&M
enhanced compensation payment and Construction of EHV Substations &
Biopgrahical Details of Lines. He has authored & co-authored
because of their ulterior motive guided by the Authors
greed and for unlawful pecuniary gain, all technical papers in various National and
the matters are to be taken by District Shri Rajesh Gupta is a Graduate International forums like CBIP,CIGRE &
Courts & further to High Court/Supreme Electrical Engineer from Delhi College of Published papers on national journals of
Court/APTEL. The new Guidelines Engineering and also holds an MBA from power sector. He is working as Deputy
issued by MOP in 2015 plays a very FMS, Delhi University. Manager in NETCL (JV of POWERGRID
crucial role to mitigate the ROW issues He has valuable experience of 34 years & OTPC).

Cleaner Energy for

a Cleaner World

A - 274 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 35

w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

HR Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence Research

Trends in Water and Energy Sector

Anurag Sharma1 Ruchi Tyagi2 Ashutosh Verma3 Aparup Paul4

The HR Digitalisation and AI research trend in Water and Energy Sector using a four-step review methodology is the aim
of this paper. The selection criteria resulted in three hundred twenty-seven publications applying the exclusion-inclusion
criterion and validation tool, MMAT leading to twenty articles for content analysis. The HR Digitalisation and AI highlight
the research trends on the role of Energy in nexus to land-water-transport infrastructure technology and its role in the
development and the importance of commoner’s awareness in using technology for sustainable practices. The findings
indicate that social and employee readiness is a category that is less addressed in HR Digitalisation and AI literature,
especially in the energy and water sector. However, the nexus approach is pretty managed. The Water & Energy (W&E)
sector’s Digitalisation literature shows the deployment of cutting-edge tools like Artificial Intelligence and Cloud-based
integration of performance management processes. Data analytics tools like predictive analytics are also being deployed
to understand employee performance patterns and inject predictability in predicting star performers. Cutting-edge tools
like AI, Cloud-based, and mobile-based solutions are now increasingly used to manage people’s performance-related
processes. The review contributes by discussing the research trend in the light of industry examples of Adani Enterprise
Limited, Tata Power, JSW Power, NTPC and NHPC.
Keywords : Water and Energy Sector, Digital Human Resource, Digital Tools, Review Methodology, Cloud-based Digital
Technology, Artificial Intelligence.

1. Introduction management functions using metrics in digital platform in smart organisations

The ‘Policy Brief 16’ document of the Energy Sector [6]. The power sector thus embedding HRM into mobile apps
the United Nations Department of for integrating digital elements into work and system analytics, this has helped
Economics and Social Affairs nexus processes by digitising routine manual in measuring goals and performance
energy with transport and its impact on work into metrics [7]. Digital tools besides viability, which most water and energy
carbon footprint [1]. Research shows the chatbots and online bill payments need to management organisations are adopting
energy and transport nexus with water, use digital tools and software to connect nowadays [12], [13]. Various models are
smart cities, digitalisation and artificial and communicate with the employee [8]. prevalent for Business Excellence like
intelligence [2]. Global sustainable Work and tasks in the power and energy Malcolm Baldrige, EFQM (European
goals and measurement challenge sector need to organise digitally [9]. The Foundation for Quality Management),
energy users and organisations to go millennials are internet generation study and Tata Business Excellence Model in
for digital solutions [3] [4]. Digitisation highlights the millennials as a digital India, adapted from Malcolm Baldrige
of HR is shifting its initial focus from just workforce equipped with internet-enabled Categories. While there are slight
automating transactional activities of HR devices and web-based applications variations in categories of assessment
to activities which are essential in terms [10]. Time management using mobile in these Excellence Models, one thing
of value generation [5]. Work contents applications is common in modern-day which is shared amongst all these models
are digitised by transiting the work activity organisations [11]. Employees report is that people and internal process are
using technological tools measuring and take a task and report on the two fundamental categories which are

1. Research scholar at GNA Business School (GBS), Phagwara and an Industry Fellow at SoB-UPES.
2. Sr Lecturer at the Birmingham City University - RAK Campus.
3. Associate Professor (Human Resource Function) at GNA Business School (GBS), GNA University, Phagwara, Punjab (India).
4. Faculty in REC Institute of Power Management & Training (RECIPMT), the training arm of REC Ltd.

36 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 275

w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

tracked and assessed for diagnostics

of the current state of excellence
and identifying areas of continuous
improvement in organisations to develop
uniform mechanisms for evaluating and
developing employees [14].

2. Literature Review Figure 1 details the review analysis as a flow chart highlighting the selection criteria. The
Onwuegbuzie et al., 2012 argued that second
a exclusion in step two is on current and last year, i.e., 2017-22, and the final
research study can be taken by conducting is on the relevance in full text. The study for absolute exclusion includes a study
a literature review following the four-step a mixed-qualitative-quantitative approach; therefore, MMAT can be taken to appraise
review methodology process[10]. Reviewthe study's quality and selection as a sample.
Analysis if conducted using review
methodology, it forms the foundation
for knowledge development [15].
Figure 1 details the review analysis as a flow chart highlighting the selection criteria. The
Onwuegbuzie and Frels, say researchers
second exclusion in step two is on current and last year, i.e., 2017-22, and the final
should take care of a few components
exclusion is on the relevance in full text. The study for absolute exclusion includes a study
while taking up the literature review
with a mixed-qualitative-quantitative approach; therefore, MMAT can be taken to appraise
methodology as a research methodology.
the study's quality and selection as a sample.
The cautious points are mentioned as
myths about the scope, sequence, and
identity of the literature review [16], the
identified literature under consideration
in this study is checked for content, line
and quality by using a mixed method
assessment tool review [17]

3. Methodology
The present study follows review-
guiding questions for the direction of
purpose and quality in a 4 Step analysis
process of review methodology [18]. The
exploration included “Digital HR “ and
“Water Management” in the title, and Fig. 1 : Review Analysis Flow chart
the second search string was “Digital Figure 1: Review Analysis Flow chart
HR “ and “Energy Management” while
in the abstract the search string included
“Artificial Intelligence” and “Technology”
The first two steps in Table 1 summarise
the design and conduct of the review, Figure 1: Review Analysis Flow chart
highlighting the inclusion and exclusion
criteria. Primarily 2506 publications
appear. The selection criterion was
applied to reach 24 articles as shown in
Figure and Table number one. On quality
validation, the sample for content analysis
reach is Twenty articles.
Figure 1 details the review analysis as
a flow chart highlighting the selection
criteria. The second exclusion in step two
is on current and last year, i.e., 2017-22,
and the final exclusion is on the relevance
in full text. The study for absolute exclusion
includes a study with a mixed-qualitative-
quantitative approach; therefore, MMAT
can be taken to appraise the study’s
quality and selection as a sample.
Since the sample includes all three-method showing the suitability for MMAT application,
A - 275 the next step in the assessment is taken on “Yes
), Cannot tell (C) and NoOctober
the 37
rating evaluation, as shown in Table 3 on the five-point scale to score and evaluate the
quality of the article (Hong et al., 2018). The quality of articles is separately assessed. The
w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

Since the sample includes all three- evaluation, as shown in Table 3 on the joint dialogue and mutuality by assessors
method showing the suitability for five-point scale to score and evaluate the in the set of two groups (two groups of
MMAT application, the next step in quality of the article (Hong et al., 2018). two authors) in the pre-evaluation stage–
the assessment is taken on “Yes (ü), The quality of articles is separately the literature under review is analysed
Cannot tell (C) and No (N)” for the rating assessed. The disagreement is set by with the study objective.
Table 3 : Mixed Method Assessment Tool Table for Quantitative Methods Study (n=6)
Ref No 3.1 Research questions are 3.2 Do samples 3.3 3.4 non-bias 3.5 Research Question and
Table 2 addressed appropriately substantially Measurement response risk statistical tool use are in
by sampling strategy. represent the target methods fit is low? sync with each other.
population? in?
5 ü ü ü ü ü
7 ü ü ü ü ü
8 ü ü ü ü ü
12 ü ü ü ü ü
13 ü ü ü ü ü
14 ü ü ü ü ü
Of the 24 studies, six used quantitative methods on a scale of five authors evaluated article quality. The assessment score is ‘Yes’
in all cases suggesting the high quality of literature included
Table 3 (a) : Mixed Method Assessment Tool Table for Qualitative Methods Study (n=10)
Ref No 3a.1 Is the qualitative 3a.2 The research 3a.3 Research 3a.4 Are the 3a.5 There is a sync
Table method fitting to question and qualitative outcomes are derived findings in the data source,
2 address the research data collection method substantially from the demonstrated collection, analysis
question? are in sync. data. by the data? and interpretation
4 ü ü ü ü ü
9 ü ü ü ü ü
11 ü ü ü ü ü
17 ü ü ü ü ü
19 ü ü ü ü ü
20 ü ü ü ü ü
21 ü ü ü ü ü
22 ü ü ü ü ü
23 ü ü ü ü ü
24 ü ü ü ü ü
Of the remaining eighteen studies, thirteen use qualitative methods, authors evaluated all of them on a scale of five and evaluated
article quality. The assessment score is ‘Yes’ in only ten cases; thus, they were included for the next stage and the remaining three
studies are dropped.
Table 3 (b) : Mixed Method Assessment Tool Table for Mixed Methods Study (n=4)
Ref No 3b.1 The research 3b.2 Are the qualitative 3b.3 Findings 3b.4 Qualitative 3b.5 The quality
Table 2 question is and quantitative of combining and quantitative of qualitative
addressed components qualitative and results are and quantitative
appropriately by appropriately answer quantitative activities separately components is
a mixed research the research question? are substantially demonstrated in properly addressed.
design addressed. the study.
2 ü ü ü ü ü
6 ü ü ü ü ü
10 ü ü ü ü ü
18 ü ü ü ü ü
Five studies are with a mixed method, the assessment is done again on a five-point scale. The assessment score is ‘Yes’ in
most cases except one; suggesting the high quality of the four articles included. Out of 24 studies, four are dropped at the quality
assessment stage therefore, only 20 studies qualify for content analysis.

38 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 275

w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

4. Results and Discussion

Each literature review is analysed according to the study objective. Table 6 outline their focus on Performance Management and
Business Excellence due to the implementation of Digital HR.
Table 4 : Digitalisation Focus of the Water and Energy Sector (n= 20)
Ref No Functional Focus in Water & Energy Sector Area Focus in Water &
(Table 2) Energy Sector
2 Superior process performance indicates the performance of the process Process
4 Results indicate achievement of key business results Results
5 People performance contributes to both process performance and business results, hence Performance and Excellence
Business Excellence.
6 Digitally enabled the performance of people Performance Feedback
7 Management of People Performance at a holistic level Performance Management
8 Employee perspectives management Employees
9 Cutting-edge tools for managing people’s performance, Digital Tools
10 Data management concerning
Table 4: Digitalisation Focus of theperformance
(n= 20)
Water and Energy Sector Performance metrics Data
Ref No Functional Focus in Water & Energy Sector Area Focus in Water & Energy
(Table 2)
Roles of employees and HR as users Sector
HR and Employee Roles
2 Superior process performance indicates the performance of the process Process
4 12 Various businesses follow
Results indicate achievement of key business results various models to achieve
Results business excellence Models
People performance contributes to both process performance and business Performance and Excellence
5 13 results,Competitive advantage through superior performance management
hence Business Excellence. Excellence
6 Digitally enabled the performance of people Performance Feedback
7 14 Importance
Management of face-to-face
of People Performance at a holistic levelcommunication along with
Performance the implementation of digital
Management Conversations
8 technologies
Employee perspectives management Employees
9 Cutting-edge tools for managing people’s performance, Digital Tools
10 Data management concerning performance Performance metrics Data
17 Training integration
Roles of employees and HR as users
for managing this change HR and Employee Roles
12 Various businesses follow various models to achieve business excellence Models
18 Performance and Management of
Competitive advantage through superior performance management
performance is always a crucial component for achieving
Performance Management
Importance excellence.
of face-to-face communication along with the implementation of Conversations
digital technologies
17 19 Process
Training integration and results
for managing indicate linkage to performance
this change Training management Process and results
Performance and Management of performance is always a crucial component Performance Management
20 I am Business
for achieving managing departmental and organisational goals effectively.
excellence. Goals
19 Process and results indicate linkage to performance management Process and results
20 I am managing departmental and organisational goals effectively.
21 HR through technology leads to HR excellence Goals
HR through technology leads to HR excellence Excellence
22 Managing people effectively leads to overall business excellence Business Excellence
22 Managing people effectively leads to overall business
Technology enablement of HR for competitive advantage and business Business Excellence
excellence Business Excellence
23 Technology
Excellence as a whole enablement of HR for
for the organisation competitive
through technology advantage
Excellence and business excellence Business Excellence
implementation in HR
24 Excellence as a whole for the organisation through technology implementation in HR Excellence
The Digital HR and AI literature review research trend’s paramount focus is performance
The Digital Further,
management. HR andpeople’s
AI literature review
performance research
is linked trend’speople’s
to managing paramount focus is
performance Training integration for managing this
performance management.
at a holistic level, Further,
as shown in Figure 2. people’s performance is linked to managing change, competitive advantage through
people’s performance at a holistic level, as shown in Figure 2. superior performance management, the
importance of face to face communication
along with the implementation of digital
technologies, managing employee
and organisation goals effectively. The
authors will now discuss the findings
from the review in light of the examples
of organisations operating in the water
and energy sector.

Case 1 and Discussion :

Adani Enterprise Limited integrates its
Fig. 2 : Figure 2: Term
Term Cloud andCloud and Frequency
Frequency Charttools output)
Chart (Voyant entire performance management system
(Voyant tools output)
through Digital Transformation. Adani
Feedback through the usage of data management concerning Power has specially deployed technology
Feedback through
technology, the usage
cutting edgeof tools
for cutting edge tools
performance, for managing
roles people and
of employees in digitising transmission-related customer
performance, employee
managing people perspectives management,
performance, HR as data management
users, Technologiesconcerning
available, customer-facings and people-related
performance, roles of employees and HR as users, Technologies available, time to
employee perspectives management, time to implement such technologies, processes, particularly Performance
implement such technologies, Training integration for managing this change, competitive
advantage through superior performance management, the importance of face to face
A - 275 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 39
w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

Management [29]. Digitally enabled Technologies to ensure enterprise-wise Case 6 and Discussion :
people’s performance is the current trend alignment of goals from top-level to entry-
NHPC (National Hydroelectric Power
of improving performance management level executives. It deploys Cloud-based
Corporation of India is also not behind
systems’ overall effectiveness.[19] Most performance management systems that
in the adoption of digital technologies
organisations today look at holistically previously ran on ERP-based platforms
for the Transformation of its various
managing people’s performance, which and uses this technology to ensure
processes including people-related
is the most critical resource with the help goal alignment across Units, Locations,
processes [22]. NHPC has implemented
of Digital Technologies [20]. Employee Functions, positions and individuals.
ERP in almost all-important business
feedback is the key to performance This forms a foundation for an effective
functions viz. Financial Accounting, HR
management and is now being managed Performance management process
function, Project Management, Operation
using cutting-edge technology and across the Organisation. It has also
& Maintenance of Power Houses, Energy
virtual tools.[19]. An essential aspect been observed the end user perception
sales Accounting, Quality Assurance,
of managing performance is working of digital technologies is a critical factor
Design & Engineering etc at all locations
by considering people or employees’ which leads to the adoption of Digital
including remotely located difficult terrain
perspectives on what makes their life easy, Technologies for managing performance
of Himalayan regions namely Uri sector,
thus building an experience perspective management processes [31].
Tawang/ Dibang sector, Leh-Laddakh
to the performance process[21]. Another aspect is the management of goal etc. Implementation of Digitization has
Case 2 and Discussion : alignment, and goal achievement also led to online training or e-training of 3400
happens effectively with the help of Digital end users and 110 nodal officers across
Another example is Tata Power, another Technologies [28]. Finally, individual goals various locations. Other practices like
power and energy sector major in India, have to be tightly aligned with Department paperless board meetings have also
deploying cutting-edge tools like Artificial and Organisation goals, and the same been initiated by NHPC [35].
Intelligence Cloud-based integration of can be done effectively through Cloud
performance management of employees. based digital technologies [12]. Overall, 5. Conclusions and
Data analytics tools like predictive deploying Digital technologies leads to Limitations of Study
analytics are also being deployed to HR and business excellence [29]. The HR Digitalisation and AI trends in
understand employee performance
Case 4 and Discussion : water and energy research highlight the
patterns and inject predictability in
role of Energy in nexus to land-water-
predicting star performers [30]. Cutting- NTPC is famous for two initiatives for transport in commercial, communal
edge tools like AI, Cloud-based, systems it uses, significantly enhancing and social development, accenting
and mobile-based solutions are now employees’ experience while not technology infrastructure development.
increasingly used to manage people’s compromising the effectiveness of The findings indicate that millennials are
performance-related processes[22]. Data performance management across the digitally updated and technology-friendly.
management concerning performance- organisation. These systems, called The organisations are also transforming
related people data is seeing a new CLIMS (Contract Labor Information and towards Smart organisations by taking
transformation with the coming of Digital Management System) and HRUSS (HR up digitalisation in operations. Smart
Technologies [23]. Roles of employees Unified Shared Services Portal), are metering, chatbot, online billing and
and HR employees, in general, are recognised across Industry as key digital payments are common applications in
also undergoing a lot of change with platform initiatives directly impacting the water and energy sector. The Water
the arrival of new digital technologies employee performance in NTPC [32]. & Energy sector’s Digitalisation literature
[24]. There are also very close linkages
emphasises the technological aspect. The
between people’s performance and other Case 5 and Discussion :
Digital HR literature focuses on various
functions like training and development, The Power Grid Corporation continuously models emphasising a leadership role
which are also being transformed with upgrades its technology infrastructure in digital transformation and strategic
technological advancements[25]. Overall, to deliver core business and people alignment of people performance for
managing people’s performance through processes. However, it is noted that they business excellence. The Human
digital technologies leads to competitive also stress people face to face interaction, Resource Function and Enterprise
advantage, which has been proven by which is the soul of any performance Resource Planning, the Strategic goal and
various studies [26]. However, studies evaluation process. As clearly evident from alignment of Key Performance Activity for
also indicate that face-to-face interaction our review findings, conversations are measurement per se is pretty managed in
cannot be or should not be replaced, always crucial, especially in performance HR and W&E literature but based on the
especially in the case of performance assessment and evaluation or feedback case and discussion it is an area in which
feedback discussions[27]. scenarios. Technology can help through the integration of leadership, human
Case 3 and Discussion : intelligent inputs to the process to take factors such as end-user perception and
more informed decisions and improve acceptance influence fast digitisation
JSW Power is another example the effectiveness of the performance especially transforming the organisations
of a Company that deploys Digital management process [34]. with low fund availability and operating in

40 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 275

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[19] A. Sengupta, S. Lalwani, S. Goswami, Optimization by Adoption of Industry Reliance. His Industry experience of around
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functions with SMAC technologies- Conference on Industrial Engineering HR, Change Management, HR Operating
an exploratory study,” Mater and Engineering Management, Models, HR Analytics, and Governance. For
the last three years, he has been full-time
Today Proc, no. XXXX, 2020, DOI: pp. 374–378, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/
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[20] M. Thite, “Digital human resource [28] B. N. Kumar, “2016 IEEE Corresponding Author: Dr. Ruchi Tyagi has
development: where are we? International Conference on undertaken postdoctoral research in “Low-
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we go there?” Human Resource Innovative Business Practices for Conservation in the residential sector
Development International, vol. the Transformation of Societies, of Trinidad and Tobago”, a collaborative
00, no. 00, pp. 1–17, 2020, DOI: EmergiTech 2016,” 2016 IEEE project of the University of West Indies and
10.1080/13678868.2020.1842982. International Conference on the Ministry of Planning and Development,
Emerging Technologies and Government of Trinidad and Tobago. She
[21] A. Yadav, J. Alexander, and V. is Sr Lecturer at the Birmingham City
Shenoy, “The existentialism Innovative Business Practices for
University-RAK Campus. She has been
of digitalisation era in Human the Transformation of Societies, a visiting Professor at the Department
Resources,” vol. IX, no. April, pp. EmergiTech 2016, 2016. of Utilities, University of Trinidad and
3759–3766, 2020. [29] M. Thite, “Chapter 16: Future Tobago, an Honorary Professor at the
Directions in Electronic / Digital Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management
[22] D. Minbaeva, “Disrupted HR?,”
HRM,” no. August 2018, 2019. and Business, Russian Federation, and a
Human Resource Management Senior Associate Professor at UPES, India.
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transformation: a review, synthesis A d a n i - Tr a n s m i s s i o n - L i m i t e d _ Bahrain; the University of Nairobi and Asian
Integrated-Report_2019-20.pdf Institute of Technology, Thailand, Deptt of
and opportunities for future research,
Ethics, Faculty of International Business,
vol. 71, no. 2. Springer International [31] h t t p s : / / w w w. t a t a p o w e r s o l a r.
Moscow State University; Leningrad State
Publishing, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/ c o m / w p - c o n t e n t / University and Vladimir University, Russian
s11301-020-00185-7. uploads/2021/06/11080239/media- Federation. Scopus Id: 55008387700 ;
[24] S. Strohmeier, “Smart HRM–a 11june21.pdf Orcid Id: 0000-0002-6412-3216
Delphi study on the application [32] https://www.jsw.in/jsw_energy_ Dr. Ashutosh Verma is Associate Professor
and consequences of the Internet annual_report_2019_20/pdf/ (Human Resource Function) at GNA
of Things in Human Resource Human%20Capital.pdf Business School (GBS), GNA University,
Management,” International Phagwara, Punjab (India). Before academics,
[33] https://www.ntpc.co.in/en/clims-
Journal of Human Resource he worked in manufacturing, service, and
and-hruss-are-two-initiatives-have- corporate HR for 15 years in companies of
Management, vol. 31, no. 18, proven-be-%E2%80%98game- repute such as Torrent Pharmaceuticals,
pp. 2289–2318, 2020, DOI: changer%E2%80%99-ntpc Fullerton India Credit Company, Nectar
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[34] https://www.deliveringondigital.
[25] L. Para-González, D. Jiménez- in/power-grid-corporation-how- Dr. Verma received his doctorate in Human
Jiménez, and A. R. Martínez- Resources Management from Himachal
Lorente, “The link between people Pradesh University, Shimla. Scopus Id:
to-telecom-infrastructure/ 57772434100; Orcid Id: 0000-0003-0926-
and performance under the EFQM
[35] h t t p s : / / e g o v . e l e t s o n l i n e . 2747.
excellence model umbrella,”
com/2020/09/creating-digital-public- Er. Arup Paul is General Manager, faculty
Total Quality Management and
enterprises-through-technological- in REC Institute of Power Management &
Business Excellence, vol. 32,
innovation/ Training (RECIPE), the training arm of REC
no. 3–4, pp. 410–430, 2021, doi:
Ltd, conducting training of national and
10.1080/14783363.2018.1552516. BIOGRAPHIES Details of international participants. He graduated
[26] C. Tataru, “Human resources in the the AUTHORS from NIT Durgapur, PGPM from SPJIMR
digital age a manager’s realities and Anurag Sharma is an Industry Fellow at Mumbai, and pursuing a Ph.D. from SoB-
perspectives,” Review of International SoB-UPES and a research scholar at UPES under the Supervision of Dr. Ruchi
Comparative Management / GNA Business School (GBS), Phagwara. Tyagi. He has work experience of 22 years
He has Graduated from IIT Roorkee and in the power sector. He is also a certified
Revista de Management Comparat
done PGDBM from NMIMS, Mumbai. He energy auditor and has experience in
International, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 473–
worked in various leadership roles before power generation, rural electrification, and
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“Digital HRM Model for Process

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Effect of Rural Electrification on Economic Growth and

Development of Rural Odisha: An in-Depth Empirical Study

Bijay Kumar Mohanty1 Pravakar Mohanty2 Prof (Dr.) Sasmita Samanta3

Today’s interest in rural electrification has highlighted how crucial it is to connect its growth and development with useful
energy applications and poverty reduction. This has been considered important in order to speed up the electrification of
rural areas. Despite the considerable interest in rural electrification, there has been little success in illuminating isolated
rural areas. This study is set out to examine the impact of rural electrification on the development and growth of Ganjam
District in Odisha. The study would increase our understanding of the availability of energy in rural areas and may have
an impact on rural residents, inspire them, and promote rural electrification as a means of generating cash through the
productive use of power. This essay evaluates the literature on rural electrification’s contribution to economic development
and growth in two sample Blocks in the Ganjam District. It analyses the economic factors that led to the growth of rural
electrification and evaluates how electricity affected the various rural economic activities. Conclusions are established on
those who will benefit from rural electrification as well as the difficulties in igniting economic growth that will help make
it more practical and inexpensive. The results of the study will be used as a guide by policymakers, the management
of state power utilities, and field officers in distribution companies to understand changes that must be made in future
programs and to gauge rural residents’ awareness because the majority of impoverished villagers view electricity as a
luxury due to its affordability.
Keywords : Rural, Electrification, Economic Development, Growth, Energy.

INTRODUCTION taken place, the continent is still home to of their citizens, human development
several people with no access to electricity. assumes greater importance. The rise in
Millions of individuals now have access
With energy being ‘the golden thread standard and subsequently the poverty
to rural electrification programs, thanks to
that accelerates economic growth” rural elimination play an integral role in the
the introduction of the Rural Electrification
areas that don’t have access to electricity growth the country witnesses.
Administration in the United States
are missing out on great advancements. Prior to Independence, India had no
in the early 1930s. However, 16% of
Expert energy management consultants policy for rural electrification. Rural
the world’s population lacks access to
claim that excluding the rural sector from electrification in the nation began around
power, especially in the most remote
a growth plan ensures failure. For this the 1950s as a planned operation.
and underdeveloped regions. A better
reason, nations today are attempting to Around 10%, 9%, and 2% of villages
understanding of how electricity affects
bring energy to rural areas. in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka,
socio-economic development and how
to maximize those benefits may lead to Rural electrification results in a procedure respectively, were electrified in 1951.
better public policy in this area. that is effective enough to support Less than 1% of villages were electrified
economic expansion. There are no in the other states. Electricity for rural
Many rural areas that are part of
hindrances to growth as the whole country areas was not seen to be a necessary
developing economies don’t have access
is unified in achieving an objective. The resource in the early planning stages but
to electricity. Africa is a prime example of
benefits of electrification of rural areas rather a special amenity. As a result, only
this, there have areas without any access
are both economic and social. As nations a few states had rural electricity during
to power. Despite all the development that
seek to improve the standard of living the First Five Year Plan; however, during

1. Chief Program Manager, REC Ltd, Bhubaneswar

2. Ex-Director (Finance), OHPC & OPGC
3. Vice-Chancellor, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar

A - 276 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 43

w&e internatioNal (Energy section)
India was amid a severe drought from 1965 to 1967. After the drought, emphasis was being
on extending adequate irrigation facilities for agricultural production as dependence on mon
the Second and Third Five Year Plans, those areas. power being an essential suffering such availability of power,
all states had it. However, only roughly will not be helpful.
ingredient Realizing
and catalyst the importance,
of development rural
water, etc.,electrification
launched a concertedprogramfocuswas reorie
45,000 villages out of a total of 5.76 lakhs present study
energization will sets
of pump focusforonirrigation
the onfacilities.
rural electrification,
Since 2001, beyond
outlying communities gained access to extent of socio-economic changes the development. Launched in 2005, the Rajiv
electricity by the end of the Third household
Five rural electrification
beneficiaries could have ablereceived
to achieve the Gandhi
highestGram priority
Vidyutthrough the implementatio
Yojana (RGGVY) was
Year Plan. because of the policy and practice of financed and administered by the federal
various programs like the Minimum Needs government. Program, Kutir Jyoti
was Program, Pradhan M
India was amid a severe drought Rural Electrification. Its goal to provide free
from 1965 to 1967. After the drought, Gramodaya Yojana
Electricity (PMGY),
is typically regarded as a connections
Accelerated to households living
Rural Electrification below the
Program (AREP),
emphasis was being laid on extending tool for development. However, its true poverty line (BPL) because the availability
adequate irrigation facilities Accelerated
for impactEmission
on residents Reduction
of rural Program
areas must (AERP).
of electricity infrastructure would enhance
agricultural production as dependence on be examined in order to reform legislation the social security, education, and
monsoon will not be helpful. Realizing the and, if necessary, improve electrical health sectors. Additionally, it included
importance, rural electrification program
services. In the absence of such IN
guidelines for financial investments in
was reoriented towards energization of the objectives prescribed by Government rural distribution networks. Additionally,
pump sets for irrigation facilities. Since Odisha,
will apart
not be infrom Government
relation with of
requirements India
of schemes,
this was thestate
programme tohas handspecially
over laun
2001, village electrification and household people on the ground. The study aids in all necessary funding on a turnkey basis
schemes like Biju Gram Jyoti Yojana (BGJY), Biju Saharanchala Vidyutikaran Yojana (BS
electrification have received the highest comprehending the relationship between to the project implementers (Distribution
priority through the implementation the expansion
forofensuring electrificationof electricity availability inCompanies,
of all households or DISCOMs, or Central
the State. Consequent upon which the state c
various programs like the Minimum Needs and socioeconomic elements including Public Sector Utilities), rather than the
Program, Kutir Jyoti Program, Pradhan be ableemployment,
to achieveeducation,the 100% andtarget
health.of electrification in the entire state irrespective of
state governments.
Mantri Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY), According to a study on electrification and
problems like poor
REVIEW OFroad connectivity for transportation
LITERATURE of materials and manpower, provi
Accelerated Rural Electrification Program household welfare in India (A.K. Sedai
(AREP), and Accelerated Emission electricity
The to villages
National in terrain
Common areaProgram
Minimum & forestetarea, shortage
al., 2020), of required
more hours of materials,
electricity Left W
Reduction Program (AERP). of the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) have a positive impact on people’s lives,
Extremism (LWE)/ whose
government, Naxal main
affected areasgoal
political and Creation ofinawareness
particularly rural areas.among public
The study usedin rural a
ODISHA for the for taking office was the current rural balanced samples from two panel survey
importance of electricity to avail connection.
In Odisha, apart from Government of India As advances and public knowledge of electricity vary quickly, the litera
schemes (Figure 1), state government has
specially launched schemes like Biju Gram suggests that there are varied effects depending on the level of electrificati
Jyoti Yojana (BGJY), Biju Saharanchala
Vidyutikaran Yojana (BSVY) for ensuring of study. By conducting a survey in rural areas of the state of Odisha and
electrification of all households in the from government sources, the current research will help to determin
State. Consequent upon which the
state could be able to achieve the 100% benefits enjoyedby rural people in light of the developments that have
target of electrification in the entire state
irrespective of the problems like poor road decade, including the aggressive reach of electricity to every corner of the n
connectivity for transportation of materials
and manpower, providing electricity to Fig. 1 : Schemes under which electricity obtained in study area
villages in terrain area & forest area, Objectives of the
Figure 1: Schemes Study
under which electricity obtained in study area.
shortage of required materials, Left
In Odisha, Ganjam district is having highest number of households in Odisha as per
Though Ceni
Wing Extremism (LWE)/ Naxal affected
areas and Creation of awareness among 2011. This district consists of 22 blocks covering 475 Gram panchayats consisting of 3195
public in rural areas for the importance of
Rural areas
electricity to avail connection. villages. Two blocks viz. Digapahandi and Khalikote blocks of Ganjam district having hig
In Odisha, Ganjam district is having highest
number of households in Odisha as per study was to
Census-2011. This district consists of 22 understanding
blocks covering 475 Gram panchayats
consisting of 3195 rural villages. Two issues:
blocks viz. Digapahandi and Khalikote
blocks of Ganjam district having highest a) To ex
number of households as per Census-
2011 are selected for survey (Figure 2). related t
The present study intends to examine the
socio-economic development of these b) To exam
two blocks because of electrification in Fig. 2 : Sample sources of the study Area
Rural E
44 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 276
economic activities related to growth and development in the Ganja
c) To suggest measures based on the findings of the study.
w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

datasets: I the largest energy access people worldwide without the benefits Research on the effects of rural
survey in India, ACCESS, 2015-2018, of electricity in Britain (Barnes, 2012). electrification on economic development
with 5562 observations in each round Despite the substantial progress made in India is presented in Development
and 51 districts across six states: Bihar, towards the realization of sustainable Effects of Rural Electrification (Fiona
Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, development in the last decade, Burlig et al., 2016), which uses high-
Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal; and (ii) availability, accessibility and affordability resolution geospatial data and a
the largest human development survey in of electricity for all people is still a major regression discontinuity design to identify
India, IHDS, from 2005 to 2012 (Desai et challenge around the world. Rural the medium-run economic impacts of
al., 2019). The results show that one extra electrification has been recognized as a electrification. According to the findings,
hour of power has a considerable impact key ingredient in poverty reduction and medium-term economic gains from
overall, particularly for poor households in the enhancement of social and economic electrifying rural villages may not be
rural India. In order to improve household development. In the past decades, particularly significant. Although we are
welfare and decrease financial losses for access to electricity in the rural and peri- unable to measure them, the author
the State Electricity Boards, the report urban areas has been a key challenge also noted that electrification may have
also suggests progressive pricing with and this has in turn led to slow social and significant positive effects on human well-
targeted subsidies for electrified families. economic development, (Sachs, 2005). being and big economic gains in certain
In order to calculate the causal impact According to Abdullah and Markandya settings.
of electrification using a pre-registered (2012), the government of Rwanda has As advances and public knowledge of
instrumental variable design, The effects not given rural electrification enough electricity vary quickly, the literature
of Rural Electrification in India (Daniel attention, which has widened the gap mentioned above suggests that there
Robert Thomas et al., 2020) explained between rural and urban residents access are varied effects depending on the
the household electrification policy in to power (Abdullah and Markandya, level of electrification and the time
Uttar Pradesh, India, which states that 2012). The trend has been present in period of study. By conducting a survey
only homes located within 40 metres practically all emerging nations where the in rural areas of the state of Odisha and
of an electricity pole are eligible for a governments have battled the problem of using secondary data from government
legal electrical connection. The author low rates of electrification in their rural sources, the current research will help to
demonstrates how India’s rural electricity areas. Rural areas’ use of electricity determine the socio-economic benefits
may improve lighting, irrigation, and can be divided into three categories: enjoyed by rural people in light of the
education. Rural electrification and the domestic, agricultural, small and medium- developments that have occurred in the
outcomes of the conceptual framework sized business (Karekezi and Kithyoma, past decade, including the aggressive
were linked by the research design. 2002). In rural locations, having access reach of electricity to every corner of the
The results are based on how many to electricity for illumination and using nation
appliances are utilised by families each appliances powered by electricity,
hour. The author discovered that the including refrigerators and freezers, Objectives of the Study
legal electrification of a rural area had can improve the quantity and quality of Though there is a visible growth in Rural
largely favourable medium-term impacts. agricultural goods. areas due to Rural Electrification. The
The fact that beneficial benefits were Small and medium enterprises are crucial goal of current study was to gain a more
discovered despite very little daily hours in the socio-economic development of in-depth understanding of the following
of power is also significant to note. a nation. They contribute significantly issues:
A study on the impact of reliable electricity to a country’s gross domestic product (a) To explore the variables related to
on health systems in developing nations (GDP) through the consolidation and economic activities.
(Yvonne Jie Chen, 2019) discovered mobilization of scarce resources. (b) To examine the potential of Rural
that reliable electricity can be a useful However, they also suffer from various Electrification through economic
tool in enhancing key elements of health infrastructural challenges that hamper activities related to growth and
systems through the observation that JGY their growth and development (Sachs, development in the Ganjam district
deployment considerably enhanced the 2005; Kirubi, 2006). of Odisha.
operational capacity of health facilities, The governments of most developing
in particular primary health centres (c) To suggest measures based on the
countries have recognized the positive findings of the study.
(PHCs), by boosting the availability and contribution of small and medium
functionality of a wide range of critical enterprises to the economy. One of the METHODOLOGY
devices and equipment. JGY also policy measures that developing countries The study was carried out in the Ganjam
markedly enhanced the availability of are currently pursuing is electrification of District of Odisha. In the months of
health information on television rural areas. In the last decade, Rwanda March and April 2022, a field survey
The cost and difficulty of providing has embarked on a national policy aimed was conducted to gather the research’s
electricity to rural areas in developing at building the capacities of SMEs. primary set of data. The study’s sample
countries has left an estimated 1.6 billion (Abdullah and Markandya, 2012). population comprised of 310 citizens of

A - 276 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 45

w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

Ganjam district. Based on the review Table 1 : Demographic Profile of the respondents (N=310)
of the literatures and recommendations
Category Particulars Frequency Percent
from experts, a survey questionnaire
was created. Cronbach’s α. has been Male 267 86.1
employed to guarantee the validity and Gender Female 43 13.9
reliability of the survey instrument. A Total 310 100.0
five point Likert scale was used to divide
SC 68 21.9
the administered questionnaire into two
sections: demographics and various ST 36 11.6
economic activities of the villagers. The Category OBC 160 51.6
survey participants were chosen using a General 46 14.8
simple random selection procedure. The
Total 310 100.0
SPSS 23.0 version has been used to
analyse the data for the study. Married 284 91.60
Marital Status Unmarried 26 8.40
Total 310 100.0
In the Table 1 of demographic description
Below 20 yrs 2 0.1
of the respondents, majority are male
(86.10%) and 13.90 % are females. 21-40 yrs 134 43.50
In caste, 51.60 % of the respondents Age 41-60 yrs 156 50.6
are OBC category and then coming 61 yrs and above 18 5.8
SC (21.90 %) and General (14.80 %)
Total 310 100.0
respectively. Further in age, most of the
respondents belong to the age group of Below metric 163 52.6
41 to 60 years (50.60 %) and age group Intermediate or below 109 35.2
of 21 to 40 years (43.50 %). Few of the Education
Undergraduate & above 38 12.2
respondents are coming below 20 years
Total 310 100.0
and above 61 years.
Source: Developed from the survey data
In terms of education, majority of
responders are below metric (52.60 %) Table 2 : Reliability Analysis of Economic Activities (EA) statements
followed by intermediate or below (35.20
Std. Cronbach’s Cronbach’s Alpha N of
%). Few of the respondents (12.30 %) Items Mean
Deviation Alpha (Item wise) combined Items
are undergraduate and above (12.30 %).
EA1 3.85 1.03 0.893
Eleven statements were posed to elicit
responses for the measuring of economic EA2 3.52 1.24 0.886
activities (EA). The fact that the mean EA3 3.17 1.77 0.864
score of each item is greater than 3.5 EA4 3.70 1.67 0.850
indicates that respondents agree with EA5 3.50 1.73 0.852
the claims. Further, since the Cronbach α
EA6 3.01 1.16 0.859 0.897 11
value of each of the item and combining
eleven statement is coming more than EA7 4.86 1.22 0.853
0.8, this signifies items are reliable EA8 4.59 1.13 0.873
and contributes to study the economic EA9 3.07 1.09 0.897
activities of the Rural Odisha, especially
EA10 3.51 1.38 0.817
the Ganjam district. (Table 2)
EA11 3.79 1.68 0.830
Factor Analysis of Economic
Source: Developed from the survey data
Activities (EA) of Villagers
Table 3 : Factor Analysis (KMO and Bartlett’s Test)
Exploratory Component Analysis (EFA)
was used to condense the eleven items KMO and Bartlett’s Test
and assertions into a single factor after Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. 0.891
they were asked as part of a questionnaire
to help people understand the economic Approx. Chi-Square 30.534
activity. Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Df 55
The KMO value of EFA is coming in Sig. 0.000
at 0.891 (Table 3), demonstrating the Source: Developed from the survey data

46 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 276

Eleven statements were posed to elicit responses for the measuring of economic activities (EA).
w&e internatioNal (Energy section)
The fact that the mean score of each item is greater than 3.5 indicates that respondents agree with
the claims. Further, since the Cronbach α value of each of the item and combining eleven
statement reliability of factor analysis for all these
is coming
eleven variables. This reliability is
more than also0.8,
validated by the significant
signifies value
itemsof are
0.000 for Bartlett’s test of
reliable and contributes
All these eleven variables/ items used for
to study the economic
the measurement of Economic Activities
activities (EA)
of the(Table
Rural 4) are reduced to three
different factors which explained around
Odisha, especially
81.548 perthe
cent of the total variance. Out
of the three reduced factor, 1st factor
Ganjam district.
explained 35.685 per cent, 2nd factor
23.843 per cent and 3rd factor explained
22.021 per cent.
Fig. 33:: Reliability
Figure Reliability Analysis
Economic Activity(EA)
Activity (EA) statements
Table 4 : Factor Analysis (Total Variance Explained)
Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared
Initial Eigenvalues 9
Loadings Loadings
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Total Total
Variance % Variance % Variance %
1 4.586 41.687 41.687 4.586 41.687 41.687 3.925 35.685 35.685
2 3.011 27.369 69.055 3.011 27.369 69.055 2.623 23.843 59.527
3 1.374 12.493 81.548 1.374 12.493 81.548 2.422 22.021 81.548
4 0.648 5.891 87.439            
5 0.433 3.932 91.371            
6 0.243 2.213 93.584            
7 0.200 1.818 95.402            
8 0.171 1.556 96.958            
9 0.161 1.468 98.426            
10 0.122 1.113 99.539            
11 0.051 0.461 100.000            
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Source: Developed from the survey data
Through EFA (Explorative Factor
Table 5 : Factor Analysis (Rotated Component Matrix)
Analysis), three factors were explored
Component such as Productivity, Migration &
1 2 3 Poverty and Sustainability, the factors
EA1 0.928 were extracted through varimax rotation
EA2 0.913 method, principal component analysis
EA3 0.667 and eigen value greater than 1. Variable
EA1, EA2 and EA3 constitute factor 1:
EA4 0.870
Productivity, Variable EA4, EA5, EA6
EA5 0.906
and EA7 constitute factor 2: Migration &
EA6 0.915 Poverty and Variable EA8, EA9, EA10 and
EA7 0.768 EA11 constitute factor 3: Sustainability.
EA8 0.611 (Table 5) (Figure 3)
EA9 0.689
The above Table No. 6 shows that the
EA10 0.870 coefficient of determination (R2) was
EA11 0.832 0.712, which means that the three
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. explanatory variables can account for
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. 71.20% of the variation in the performance
(a) Rotation converged in 6 iterations. of rural electrification, which is a good
Source: Developed from the survey data indicator.

A - 276 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 47

w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

Table 6 : Regression Model Summary beneficial influence on economic activity.

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate The majority of impoverished villagers
view electricity as a luxury due to its
1 0.735 0.712 0.7104 0.115
affordability. However, the result suggest
a. Predictors: (Constant), Sustainability, Productivity, Migration & Poverty an overall better quality of life for the rural
Source: Developed from the survey data households due to intensification of the
rural electrification process.
All three explanatory variables are quite the three independent variables, the
significant for the dependent variable, variable reduction in migration and REFERENCES
which is economic activities, according to poverty influence more toward economic
Abdullah, S and Markandyab, A. (2012).
the ANOVA (F-test) of the aforementioned activities since the regression coefficient Rural Electrification Programmes in Kenya:
regression model. The Table no. 7 also value is highest (0.268) and then coming Policy Conclusions from a Valuation Study.
shows that the F-significant test’s value Sustainability (0.113). Energy for Sustainable Development, 16
(p-value) is 0.000, demonstrating that all (1), 103–110.
three explanatory variables are highly Jeffrey Sachs, (2005). The End of Poverty:
significant with regard to the component The brief of the study provides a concluding Economic Possibilities for our Time. New
being explained, i.e. “Economic Activities.” view that there is a significant impact York: The Penguin Press. (Book Summary
In the light of this, the measuring model of rural electrification on the economic and Book Review).
in use is a good one. activities of rural Odisha. Government in Karekezi, S and Kithyoma, W. (2002).
developing countries like India are infusing Renewable Energy Strategies for Rural
Based on the above Multiple regression
substantial amount to expand access to Africa: Is a PV-led Renewable Energy
coefficient table (Table: 8) out and it’s
electricity in rural regions. The findings of Strategy the Right Approach for Providing
constituent variables, the following
the study indicates that these investments Modern Energy to the Rural Poor of Sub-
equation is formulated: Saharan Africa? Modern Energy for the
have produced good and positive socio-
Economic activities (Y) = 3.507 + 0.055 economic impact. Overall, the actual data Rural Poor in Africa / Energy Policy, 30 (11-
(Productivity) + 0.268 (Migration & 12), 1071-1086.
is consistent with theoretical predictions;
Poverty) + 0.113 (Sustainability) rural electrification raises the standard MoP. (2014). Executive Summary of
The significant value of t-test of the of economic activity, which results in RGGVY-November 2014. New Delhi:
Ministry of Power.
three independent variables is less statistically significant welfare gains that
than 0.05. This shows, all the variables are essential to policymaking. In two Sachs, J. (2005). Investing in Development:
A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium
are significant toward the dependent Blocks of the Ganjam District in Odisha, a
Development Goals. Overview. New York:
variable “Economic Activities”. Out of native survey of 310 rural people reveals a Earthscan.
Table 7 : Regression Model (ANOVA) Sedai, A. K., Nepal, R., and Jamasb, T.
(2020). Flickering lifelines: Electrification
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. and household welfare in India. Energy
Regression 23.903 3 7.968 12.914 0.000 Economics, 10 (4), 9-15.
1 Residual 188.793 306 0.617     Thomas, D. R., Harish, S. P. & Kennedy, R.
(2020). The Effects of Rural Electrification
Total 212.697 309       in India: An Instrumental Variable Approach
(a) Dependent Variable: Economic Activities at the household Level, https://papers.
(b) Predictors: (Constant), Sustainability, Productivity, Migration & Poverty ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_
Source : Developed from the survey data id=3625682.
Tuntivate, V.T. (2011). Powering Up
Table 8 : Regression Coefficients (Economic Activities) Productivity in Rural Lao PDR: Stimulating
Unstandardized Standardized Small and Medium Enterprises to Use
Electricity for Income Generation. Retrieved
Coefficients Coefficients
Model t Sig. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/
Std. bitstream/handle/10986/12773/702240
B Beta
Error ESW0P1200Rural0LaoPDR0P120983.
(Constant) 3.507 0.086   40.544 0.000** pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
World Bank. (2003). The World Bank Annual
Productivity 0.055 0.071 0.097 0.777 0.038*
Report 2003: Year in Review. Washington,
1 Migration & D C: World Bank.
0.268 0.062 0.549 4.298 0.000**
Poverty Yvonne Jie Chen (2019), “Effect of reliable
Sustainability 0.113 0.059 0.187 01.925 0.035* electricity on health facilities, health
information, and child and maternal health
(a) Dependent Variable: Economic Activities
services utilization: evidence from rural
*Significant at 5 % level; **Significant at 1 % level Gujarat, India”, Journal of Health, Population
Source: Developed from the survey data and Nutrition, Volume 38, Issue 1, Page 7.

48 WATER and ENERGY INTERNATIONAL October 2022 A - 276

w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

Extract Discussion of Experts …. on Power Engineers

Whats-App group “SPARK…Ignited to Share”
“Gaining Knowledge is the First step to Wisdom…Sharing it, is next Step to

We always urge our members to be the part of knowledge driven society on sharing the
best available technical knowhow with them. Our members have already understood
the power of knowledge and gathered the happiness on sharing for the betterment of
society around them. Everyone in the world needs someone sometimes, So, Let’s join
hand to propagate the basic verse “Gaining Knowledge is the First step to Wisdom…
Sharing it, is the next to Humanity …”.

SPARK group is the platform of educated people, where every member shares, attempts to learn, plans to
transforms knowledge into action and most important link among all is that we understand the situation and
act as per the circumstances. During the crucial period when the total globe was struggling under the threat of
COVID-19, our readers kept keeping us in touch with system. The popularity and acceptance to the concept
of technical discussion got raised in multi-fold, whose impact become visible in the form of operating with 19
groups, 8 Sub-groups consisting of around 5000+ engineers under this banner.

The basic objective of this group is to summate the best versions of the discussion held in the group and
circulate the same to all Power professionals across nation. We are highly indebted to our readers of extending
unflinching support every moment the situation demands, recently on obtaining the responses from engineers
all across globe we have created the new Group 19, where we have few slots for inclusion. Hence interested
readers can extend their willingness to me (P.K. Pattanaik WhatsApp Number 9438907492).

In these groups we strictly discuss the technical points anything and everything on electrical stream and its
allied subjects. Posting of Social message in these groups is strictly prohibited and on any violation of
such, the concerned member with reminder gets removed from the group.

On behalf of our group, once again I being the admin of these groups take this unique opportunity to extend my
gratitude of heartfelt thanks to the experts and technical stalwarts, those who have never hesitated to extend
their technical deliberations for the knowledge boosting of all our esteemed members. Our special thanks to
team CBIP for making continuous effort to educate the engineers across the globe.

Finally, I wish the readers to enjoy the discussion and urge all to extend their suggestive and corrective views
to refine us and to bring the best for the days to come.


General Manager
EHT (O&M) Circle, Bhubaneswar, OPTCL
WhatsApp Number: 09438907492


w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

Experience sharing Note by R Rajgopal Ss:

I have to share an experience recently faced. I supplied few 36 kv vacuum interrupters to a site. These were poly urethene potted.
The megger value before leaving my office was above 10000 megohms across open contacts of interrupter. After about one
month received a message from client that the megger value is only 400 meg ohms. Reported to manufacturer. The manufacturer
replies no megger test is specified in specification. They say only withstanding of high voltage test is enough. Mean while due
to urgency my client just removed the pu potting, meggered and found 10000 megohms. He fitted and energised the breaker. In
the process he has not set the adequate contact pressure. Incidentally there was a fault and the contacts of that VI got welded.
The customer simply returned the interrupter and is asking replacement. I had to do some justification and given a new one for
customer satisfaction.

Suggestion Note by Er. Senapati JK : This is going to create a lot of problems for STU.
What happens to the definition of bulk power transmission? Since the voltage level remains same, how transmission loss is going
to decrease which DISCOMs couldn’t achieve after getting so many support from Govt.?
This is first, Demerger, Then re-allocation and possibly merger again for better management.
It could have been better to abolish 11kV by adopting 33 / 0.4kV system directly to help reduce transmission losses.

Additional Support
1. Er. C. Narashima Murty Aptransco: None of reasons mentioned for handing over of 33 kv system to STUs are convincing.
DISCOMS are already implementing technologies like SCADA, Automation, fault locating indicators etc., Actually the
deficiencies are more in 11kv and LT systems rather than in 33 kv systems. The step is actually intended to facilitate easy
privatisation of DISCOMS as the investments to be made by Private players get drastically reduced by removal of 33 kv
Subtransmission system from their scope.
2. Er. R S Khandagale Retd CE MPEB: I am sorry but I am interested to know at how many places the scadda is in working
condition, At how many places the fault locators are in working conadition. Present conditions of Automation.
I agree with your honour that in 11kv and LTs are big problems.
Reason for enquiring above information that in few states 33kv substations are well maintained then why not my state will be
matter of study
3. Er. Susobhan Bhattacharya: True picture Sir. Stations in metropolis may be marginally better, otherwise you have stated
4. Er Tripathy Pc : Very true sir. This is the real picture of the old 33 kv lines and sub-stations. In Odisha about 500 nos. of sub-
stations with incoming lines and 11 kv feeders having state of the art switchgears and protection system were constructed by
state government with the help of OPTCL, but the DISCOMS were reluctant to takeover due to lack of technical staff and funds
to operate & maintain such sophisticated sub-stations. The important thing is that in distribution system the most important
thing is to extend power supply by any means and to collect the revenue. The technical aspects take a back seat.
Query : Er S.K.Purohit : At what level a Grid s/s should maintain its 33 kv voltage to supply quality power to end customer. Any
regulation/ guidelines?
Reply : 1. Er Rajarshi Ghosh: As per Indian Electricity Grid Code, the voltage band should be within 30kV to 36kV
2. Er. S.K. Purohit: I think Grid Code didn’t address such issues. My point is something different. Even if we maintain
33 kv at Grid bus is it possible to get healthy voltage at We have few slots that got created, request to please
Recommend if any...
Some Suggestions and concerns from Er. R S Khandagale Retd CE MPEB: Reharding protection to the farmers
in the field, lightening attestors to be provided in the field used electrical systems with greater height, which shall
be sufficient to provide conical cover to all panels, DCDC convertors, Invertor and panel. Panel must be with surge
protection of sufficient rating by proper calculation. When we are using conventional type of lightening arrestor, then
conical angle coverage is considered as normally 15 degrees from tip of lightening arrestor.
So the bottom circle circferance will be right area to accommodate utilities and generation parts.
Also, hydrogeological survey is one time cost, can give proper idea of earth pit for lightening arrestor, so that
minimum resistance path can be achieved.
This survey also helps for making borewells for ground water recharge pits, so that, extra flowing water or water
accumulation can be diverted to ground. This will help to keep ground moist naturally for longer time and prevention
of wastage of rain water, rain water harvesting is also done at a time.
In such areas at least 3 lightening arestors are suggested, having depth of more than 10 feets in soil, excluding
upper hard surface.


w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

If any arrestor fails to protect, other will take care.all conical must form good coverage for this... Else we can go for
new type of lightening arrestor having angle upto 30degrees.
But whatever it may be always go with conventional type of earth pit only.
Other Suggestions:
(1) Spacers should be provided to all L T lines conductors where ever guarding and guard loops are not provided
to avoid electrical accidents due to L T conductors snapping / breaking.
(2) Stay insulators should be immediately provided to LT lines stays. At number of places stay insulators are Broken
and number of electrocutions is going on.
Some Concerns:
One exercise to find out increasing trend of electrical hazards including electrocutions.
Since 2005, I was noticing the increasing trend of Dangerous locations on electrical networks. Some Where
substandard increasing trend of substandard works. Increasing trend of electrocutions and noticing the increasing
trend of lack of supervision.
The results at stage are tremendous Dangerous locations and nearly more than reported only 1360 yearly humans
including workers’ electrocutions in Maharashtra.
Hence I have studied the work load on and average with each section Engineer of Discom. For this I have studied
one Division.
I came to know the Following works load on average basis for one section engineer.
(1) 33kv line ___16 km o/h and 2 km u/g , (2) 33kv S/S ___1 number. , (3) 11kv lines ___ 132 km o/h and 2.5 km
u/g, (4) D T C___ 181 numbers , (5) L T lines ___ 307 km , (6) Total consumers __5 756
Maintenance of above networks + releasing of new connections + consumer grievances + various meetings +
energy bills recovery drive + Breakdowns + surveys for new works and preparation of estimates.
All this is beyond capacity of one Engineer if the Networks are to be maintained as per the provisions of all
regulations and Is codes related. If hazard free networks are expected from the Section incharge this work load is
to be reduced by increasing number of sections.
Even with this situation these section engineers are burdened with self certification work of new works before
Commissioning. Hence I fear weather the section engineer can physically inspect new works for self certification
with above work load on him. If no thought is given to this position the number does locations will increase resulting
Trend of electrical accidents and electrical hazards. In case some mistakes with work load is found is far away from
the actual work loads I maybe Informed so that necessary correction will be done.
Only my appeal to Energy departments top managements and top management of Discom is kindly give thought
to above situation so that there is no increasing trend in
Dangerous locations and electrocutions and all construction and maintenance works are done as per the provisions
under CEA regulations. 2010 AND 2011 with provisions under related IS Codes please. Our ultimate demand is Zero
electrical accidents, Zero electrical fires, Zero equipment failure, Minimum interruptions.
Some Examples:
1. In a suburb of an Industrial city, a country estate a 220-volt transmission line passed down the street in front
of the cottage. According to the regulations, electrical wiring, insulated or bare must not touch trees, branches
or bushes. Therefore branches must be treemed or cut out from time to time .
2. This must be done by the operating personnel responsible for the circuit, since there are safety measures that
must be observed.
3. During a shower two boys took shelter under the tree . A gust of wind brought the branches against the live
wires. Both boys received electrical shock and one of them died.
4. In Discom networks there are huge numbers of electrical wires passing through trees branches and there are
numerous creepers on electrical poles and D p structures.
Hence I appeal to all public in general be away from such spots. Keep their animals away from such spots . And
appeal Discom to keep adequate clearances as per I S codes of their lines / electrical networks to avoid electrical
accidents please .
Discussion Note on Ester filled Transformer by Er. Kevin Newman:


w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

Natural and synthetic ester transformers are in use in Australia, mainly in distribution and small power transformers
particularly in the mining industry. Some larger transformers are now starting to appear. I was recently involved with
a project investigating the bunding requirements for a 330 kV transformer to be installed in a sensitive location and
filled with natural ester. In terms of fire suppression, the most common system I have seen in both UK and Australia
is the deluge system but it is by no means universally applied. I see it is usually reserved to protect adjacent critical
infrastructure such as in power stations on converter valve hall. I should also add that nitrogen injection and
depressurisation systems have been installed in a few locations, usually in large GSUs and in particular where there
have been catastrophic fires in the past almost certainly at the behest of the insurance company. Anecdotally I have
heard the nitrogen injection components are disabled for automatic operation due to concerns over mal-operation.
Supplemented by Er P. Ramachandran: Thank you Mr Newman for the detailed and illuminating reply. As your
responses are always prompt and crystal clear, I knew that you missed my query.
Certain adjectives used in your response are very important and meaningful. “ fire suppression system “ in many
markets it is claimed as fire protection system, a tall claim !
“Fire suppression provided for protection of nearby infrastructure and sparingly provided” Unfortunately in many
countries this is made mandatory and provided universally, even in small transformers.
Supplemented by Er Rajaram Shinde: Some western countries already having separate guidelines for K class fluid
like natural ester & FM global manual has all details. Yes Kevin, I am aware of that synthetic ester failure case,
Manchester university was assigned project to complete the comparative study & papers already published in ICDL.
Terna like utility in Italy is shifted to natural ester & having more than 30units of 400kv class.
Sapienza-University Prof Massimo Pompili & his team was doing doing all these studies about fire wall, fire
suppression system, soak pit etc, finally decided to use natural ester by eliminating all this stuff. Today more than 3
million natural ester filled transformers are running successfully from 6kv to 420kv class, including reactors.
Query : Er P Ramachandran Ex-Abb: Just adding to the query. Any one had seen these soak pits being really helpful? I thought
after a fire chances of oil remaining in pit are remote. What is the actual experience from the field?
Reply : 1. Er.Rajarshi Ghosh: In urban areas, in case of any oil leakage/ spillage, it is not allowed to drain it through normal
sewage or drain lines. So we have no other options but to provide oil soak pits, which are cleaned on a regular basis.
I think, other than fire, this is the main reason to keep soak pits.
2. Er Murty KK: There are as many as 410 EHV S/Ss in M.P.and about 1000 Nos of Transformers. Many S/Ss are in the
Urban area. We do not have soak pit for any of the EHV Transformers.The maintenance schedule calls for arresting
any oil leakage from the Transformer. Perhaps, there may not be any recommendation by the CEA to have a soak
pit for each and every Transformer.With kind regards.
3. Er. Rajarshi Ghosh: Yes, Sir, as per CEA, soak pits need to be provided.
4. Er. Anirban Sikdar: What about the bio-degradable argument by Natural Ester Oil suppliers....if it is so , we must not
be hesitant in discharging as well as there is low/nil fire risk. Do we still actually require the soak pit? How about our
bodies like CBIP & CEA discuss on the actual cause & effect keeping publik safety & OHAS in the core.....
5. Er P Ramachandran Ex-Abb: All these rules - soak pit or “fire protection system” or fire walls are strictly enforced
for all small industries or private sector power companies. But as Murtyji confirmed, these are not required for large
private sector companies or public sector bodies. If technically these are required why not universally enforce for
all? Or why not leave the choice to users, considering criticality in each case?
Of course these are not new issues. I still remember a meeting, attended by me as subject expert, nearly 40 years
back in Delhi. It was attended by all state chief electrical inspectors, convened by CWPC ( later CEA) Subject
of discussion was these transformer items -after 1965 war, fire walls and soak pits were meticulously enforced
as safety measure . Electricity boards refused to comply and asked for exemption, stating the huge cost. Then
chairman said why not leave to individual users? CEIs vehemently opposed and insisted that these must be there
for private sector and not essential for public sector!
Query : Er C. Siva Sankar Rao: I request opinion of our expert members whether rules accept construction of permanent stage
for conducting functions just by the side of apartment 11kv/440V. 160kva transformer fencing.
Reply : 1. Er P Ramachandran Ex-Abb: As per IEC 61936-1-2010, the clearances to non-combustible building surface is 3
metres & 7.5 metres with combustible building surface if oil content is 1-2 kL.
2. Er Gopa Kumar : Safety regulation 49 specify only the height of fence as 1.8 meter the distance between live part
and fence is not mentioned in any regulation (to my limited knowledge) hence the iec 61936-1 shall be referred.
There is an IS draft of this IEC as well.


w&e internatioNal (Energy section)

3. Er C. Siva Sankar Rao: My doubt is whether we can conduct functions just by the side of iron fencing I mentioned.
4. Dr Y P Chawla: True that there are all these regulations, but the electrical transformers / systems are considered just
as a static asset and in India we go on doing any thing and everything. There are places in New Delhi (Capital and
not a remote Village) the spare room created for adding any transformer at a later date is converted to a temple by
ladies doing daily prayers. Is not it a mockery. A vacant space around it has been covered and is being used as an
Office for the Residents Welfare Association- of the house owners of that locality. Safety is not important. In case of
any accident, the Discom will be punished
5. Er P Ramachandran Ex-Abb: If the iron fencing is with above mentioned clearances, I think there is nothing wrong
to have permanent stage near to fence.
6. Er. R S Khandagale Retd CE MPEB: In this regard final authority is electrical Inspector. Also Local authority
permission may also be taken as for functions more people will be there. Number of times due to varios reasons the
fencing carry currents. In our culture we cannot control any person to go to near fencing or within ground potential
rise near fencing in case of some breakdowns etc.
7. Er. VM Apavoo: Sir, my point is inspection under Section 54 of the Act during VVIP visits and the related security
protocol meetings. I do not refer periodical inspection of installations under R 30, 32, 36, 43 etc.
Technical Analysis by Er. R S Khandagale Retd CE MPEB on Electrical Safety:
The first target should be for strict quality control and inspection of construction and maintenance work of 230v and
440v system which is of vital importance.
On Analysis to the district of Vidharva situation, From April 2009 to March 2014, there are total electrocutions
6075 out of which 2503 are human and 3572 are animal, apart from this there may be numbers of unreported
Similarly, there may be no of non fatal electrical accidents. The 3572 animal electrocutions comprise 3448 on
electrical supply company Installation and 124 animals are private installations. Out of 2503 human electrocutions
1767 are on electricity supply company installation and 736 on private installations.
Further analysis is that on 230V system there are 1298 human electrocutions and 598 animal electrocutions making
a total of 1896. Likewise, on 240V - 671 human and 2426 animals total 3097 and on 11kv human 480 and animal
538 totaling 1018 on 33 kv human 46 and animals 10 totalling 56 and on 220 kv human 8 thus the above accidents
figures show that maximum no of accidents are on 440v system and 230v system that too 1767 humans on electric
supply company installations and 736 humans on private installations. And in Respect of animal 3448 animals’
electrocutions on electric supply company installations and 124 animals on private installations. The above figures
clearly shows that maximum electrocutions are on electricity supply company installations.
Hence today’s first requirement is, regarous quality control and inspection on 230 and 440v system construction
and maintenance works to reduce electrical accidents drastically. Also these regarous quality control and Inspection
on works of 11kv systems works is also necessary looking to the figures of electrocutions on the 11 kv system
that is 538 animals plus 480 human making 1018 electrocutions. Hence my appeal to electric supply companies
and government authorities is to enforce strict and regarous quality control and Inspection on construction and
maintenance of works from 230v system to 11kv systems as per CEA regulation 2010 standard of constructions and
saftey measures and CEA regulations 2011 regarding safety along with related IS code similar action is required on
works above 33 kv system and above as there are also some accidents reported on these systems.
l feel to get rid of electrical hazards is to work as per regulations and codes and 100%implimentation is essential
from concerned in which at present we are lacking dangerously badly and if timely remedies are not done there will
sky high rise in electrical hazards. In future to fight with substandard works and substandard services seems tobe
very big challange to maintain the promise vide artical no 21 by our constitution.
Supplemented by Er Gopa Kumar: We often discuss about the safety in distribution. Electrical safety situation in
industries and commercial buildings are also extremely poor. They use unwanted devices in the installation. one
such device, I tried explaining in this document. I tested this industry, continuous current through earth wires are
more than 10 Amps (where as the maximum limit is few mAmps). Sparks in metallic parts are common in this
industry, which could ignite fire any time.


cbip news letter (Water Resources section)

International Dam Safety Conference

10-12 October 2022, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Hon’ble Minister for Jal Shakti Shri Pankaj Kumar, Secretary, Department of WR, RD&GR and
and Mr. Michel Lino, President, ICOLD, lighting the lamp Mr. Michel de Vivo, Secretary General, ICOLD, lighting the lamp

The 6th in the series, the International Dam Safety Conference - 2022 was held during 10-12 October, 2022 at Birla Auditorium
Jaipur, Rajasthan, is a joint initiative of the DRIP, Central Water Commission, Government of India; Committee for the
International Commission on Large Dams, India (INCOLD) and CBIP, under the aegis of International Commission on Large
Dams besides the ongoing World Bank assisted Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) as a part of institutional
Dam Safety Conferences are being organized as an annual event in different DRIP States in collaboration with the Implementing
Agencies and leading academic institutes, to provide a common platform for all stakeholders including non-DRIP States to
update the knowledge of dam professionals. This conference bring together the policy makers, senior functionaries and
technocrats of Ministry of Jal Shakti, Central Water Commission, Central/State/UT Governments, academicians, dam
owners in the States, public and private sector, and all stakeholders associated with the dams, dam safety governance and
related aspects besides the ICOLD experts from different countries, to focus on the best global practices; technological
advancements, emerging dam safety challenges and to deliberate on all aspects related to dam safety and the solutions for
addressing dam safety concerns.
Globally India ranks third after China and the USA in terms of the number of large dams with 5334 large dams in operation
and 411 large dams under construction. The total storage capacity of the impounded water by these dams is about 300
billion cubic meters (BCM). Dams play a vital role in water security and foster rapid and sustained growth in agricultural,
rural, urban and industrial development, which have been key priorities for the Govt. of India since independence. Over
the last seventy years, India has invested substantially in this critical infrastructure which is essentially required to store

Shri D.K. Sharma, welcoming the Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat View of the dais during opening ceremony
Hon’ble Minister for Jal Shakti


cbip news letter (Water Resources section)

and manage limited surface water resources in reservoirs

to ensure food, energy, and water security as well as to
mitigate droughts and floods.
Government of India was striving, to address the issue of
dam safety in a comprehensive way for a quite a long time.
In this context, Dam Safety Act 2021 has been enacted
by the Indian Parliament and provisions of this Act have
come into force with effect from 30th December, 2021. This
Act provides for surveillance, inspection, operation and
maintenance of dams for prevention of dam failure related
disasters and for the institutional mechanism to ensure
their safe functioning. As per the provisions of the Act, the
Central Government has notified constitution of National
Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS), to evolve dam safety
policies, protocols and procedures and also notified
the establishment of the National Dam Safety Authority Hon’ble Minister addressing the dams and hydropower professionals
(NDSA), to function as a regulating body for ensuring the
nationwide implementation of dam safety policies and standards.
Considering the success of the DRIP Phase - 1, the Government of India proposed Phase-II and Phase-III of DRIP with a
financial outlay of over 10,221.0 Crores to rehabilitate around 700 dams. The new Project is proposed to be a State Sector
Scheme with 10-year duration, with each proposed Phase of six years duration with two years overlapping. The government
of India has given in-principle approval to this Project with the financial assistance of World Bank. This Project has wide
spatial coverage; having 18 States and two Central Agencies, and covering about 13% of large dams of India. In addition to
three components of ongoing Scheme, it has additional Component i.e. Revenue Generation through incidental i.e. tourism,
fisheries, solar and hydel power, water recreations etc.
The Conference has one Plenary Session, 7 Technical Sessions; Dam Safety Act 2021, INCOLD YEF Session and one
Industry Session. This Conference is part of the series of Dam Safety Conferences organized in Chennai (2015), Bengaluru
(2016), Roorkee (2017), Thiruvananthapuram (2018) and Bhubaneswar (2019) which received an overwhelming response
in terms of professional participation by Indian and overseas organizations.
The basic objective of these annual events is to give exposure to non-DRIP States as well as other stakeholders across
the Country and World, to the best global practices and technological advancements to address the emerging dam safety
challenges. As these events are being organised in various regional centres of Country, it also make aware the overseas
delegates with culture and traditions of India. 
The conference was inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister for Jal Shakti, Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat on 10th October
2022 and addressed the august gathering of dams and hydropower professionals. The other dignitaries who addressed
the participants during the opening ceremony are Shri Pankaj Kumar, Secretary to Govt. of India, Department of Water
Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Mr. Michel Lino, President, International
Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), Mr. Michel de Vivo, Secretary General, ICOLD, Shri Anand Kumar, Principal Secretary,
Water Resources Department, Govt. of Rajasthan. Shri
D.K. Sharma, Chairman of the Organizing Committee and
Vice President, ICOLD welcomed the dignitaries and the
participants Shri R.K. Vishnoi, President, INCOLD and
CMD, THDC India Limited proposed the vote of thanks.
Committee for International Commission on Large Dams,
India (INCOLD) has played a significant role in improvement
of dam safety, through publication of technical papers and
exchange of experience during national and international
conferences organized every year, to disseminate the
state-of-the art best practices and latest technological
developments taking place in the field of dam engineering
all over the world, to the Indian professionals and agencies
associated with dam engineering development. INCOLD
focussed on the theme “Dam Safety, Risk Assessment and
Management and Rehabilitation of Dams” and covered
A view of the audiences


cbip news letter (Water Resources section)

sub-themes like advances in dam safety, risk assessment

and management; advances in the rehabilitation of dams and
appurtenant works: innovations and adaptations in intakes,
spillways and gates; advancement in materials for dam repair
and rehabilitation; new approaches in energy dissipation
arrangements in high velocity spillways; causes of damages
and structural performance evaluation of dams; rehabilitation
technologies to enhance dam safety; underwater inspection,
robotics and repair methodologies for dams; modernization,
optimization and rehabilitation of aging dams; and dam
surveillance and monitoring.
ICOLD leads the profession in setting standards and
establishing guidelines to ensure that dams are built
and operated safely, efficiently, economically, and are
environmentally sustainable and socially equitable.” Shri A.K. Dinkar, Secretary, CBIP, presenting Memento to
ICOLD has come out with World Declaration on Dam Hon’ble Minister
Safety,  to restate the fundamentals of dam safety that
have been learned by generations of engineers over the time in order to minimize risks to humankind associated with
dams and reservoirs be respected. This common effort will contribute immeasurably to the overarching ICOLD vision
for “Better Dams for a Better World.”
Four Eminent personalities in the dam safety area across the globe viz. Mr. Michel Lino, Mr. Enrique Cifres, Dr. R.K.
Gupta and Prof. Zeping Xu made the following presentations and shared their perspective during the Plenary Session.
The rich exchange of knowledge and experience, to address the dam safety issues culminating to prepare the set of
recommendations for addressing the dam safety issues faced by the dam professionals.
• Dam safety situation in the world and ICOLD action plan in favour of Dam Safety management - Mr. Michel LINO
• Dam Safety Management in India– Dr. R.K. Gupta, Chairman, CWC
• Challenges upgrading safety modifying dams under operation - Some cases of study - Dr Enrique Cifres, Vice-
• Emerging challenges in dam safety management with the background of climate change– Prof. Zeping Xu, Chairman,
ICOLD Committee on Dam Safety
The following papers were presented and deliberated during the different technical sessions of the conference:

Plenary Session: Emerging Challenges in Dam Safety Management

Chairman: Shri Pankaj Kumar, Secretary, DOWRD, RD&GR, Ministry of Jal Shakti
Co-chairman: Mr. Michel LINO, President, ICOLD
• Dam safety situation in the world and ICOLD action plan in favour of Dam Safety management - Mr. Michel LINO
• Dam Safety Management in India– Dr. R.K. Gupta, Chairman, CWC
• Challenges upgrading safety modifying dams under operation - Some cases of study - Dr Enrique Cifres, Vice-
• Emerging challenges in dam safety management with the background of climate change– Prof. Zeping Xu, Chairman,
ICOLD Committee on Dam Safety

Technical Session I - Global Best Practices in Dam Safety Management & Governance
Chairman: Dr. R.K. Gupta, Chairman, CWC
Co-chairman: Ms. Poonam Bijonkar, Director – Civil, HPSEB
• The urgent need for the seismic safety evaluation of existing dams - Martin Wieland
• Dam Safety Management in Malaysia: Resilience Dam for Safe Communities - Lariyah Mohd Sidek, Md Nasir Md Noh,
Hazri Khambali & Hidayah Basri
• Reservoir management model optimized for flood risk periods. A Portuguese case - Dr. Juliana Mendes & R. Maia
• Implementation of Dam Safety Emergency Action Plan: The Malaysian Experience on Community-Based Disaster
• Management Approach - Lariyah Mohd Sidek, Roslan Abd Rahman, Md Nasir Md Noh, Hidayah Basri, Rahsidi Che
Muda & Sarbani Anjang Ahmad


cbip news letter (Water Resources section)

• Best practices followed in dam safety management and governance at Subansiri Lower Dam (2000 MW) – Vipin Gupta,
Ramesh Ojha and Ram Kewal
• Two-dimensional Dam break flow analysis of cascade of Dam using HEC-RAS - Shivendra Jaiswal, Rahul Kumar Jaiswal
& A K Lohani
• Assessment of hydro cover in three revenue zones of Maharashtra by remote sensing method - Rajan Shah, Sanjiv Tatu,
Rajiv Mundada, Makarand Kulkarni and Santosh Wagh
Poster Presentation Papers
A Study on Hydro-suction method for sediment removal from reservoirs - A. Jaiswal

Technical Session II – Dam Safety Act 2021

Chairman: Shri D.K. Sharma, Vice-President, ICOLD
Co-chairman: Shri J. Chandrasekhar Iyer, Member – D&R, CWC
• An overview of Dam Safety Act 2021 – Shri J. Chandrashekhar Iyer
• Dam safety and legislation frameworks in Albania - Arjan Jovani
• Technical framework concerning dam safety – Prof. C.V.R. Murthy
• Dam Safety act and Dam Rehabilitation & Improvement Programme –Vijai Saran
• Video Presentation on Dam Safety Act 2021 - DRIP

Technical Session III - Sustainable Dam and Reservoir Management

Chairman: Dr Enrique Cifres, Vice-President, ICOLD
Co-chairman: Ir. Dr. Mohd Nasir Md Noh, President, MYCOLD
• Analysis of Deviations observed in Design Flood of existing River Valley Projects in India and the causative factors - N.
N. Rai, Goverdhan Prasad, Akshat Jain and Payal Goyal
• Potential flood zone mapping for risk mitigation of Rakasakoppa dam, Belagavi, India- Dr. Venkatesh B, R. Abhilash - T.
Thomas & P.C. Nayak
• Reservoir inflow modelling by Neuro Fuzzy and ANN models - Anil Kumar Lohani, S.K. Jain & R.K. Jaiswal
• Optimization model for integrated operation of multipurpose reservoir in Narmada basin- Dr. Tejram Nayak, Namrata
Patel, Aditya Sharma, Nikhilesh Kumar & Sreekarthikeya Reddy
• Unsteady flood modeling for Pulichintala and Kandaleru dam using HEC-RAS - P C Nayak, Meenakshi Ramola, B,
Venkatesh, T Thomas & A.K. Lohani
• Assessment and Management of Sedimentation in Kundah Reservoir – A Case study- V. Veeralakshmi, E. Abinaya & B.
• An Overview of current state and policies governing sustainable tourism around dams in India - Saurabh Kumar Sahu
• Sediment Management in Run-of the River Hydropower Plants in Himalayan Region - Vishal Kumar Saini, Manjusha
Mishra & S D Shukla
Poster Presentation Papers
• Framework for soil conservation measures in WR project: need assessment to impact analysis- Dr Rahul Kumar Jaiswal,
A. K. Lohani & R. V. Galkate
• Simulation model for integrated operation of multipurpose reservoirs in Narmada River Basin - Dr. Tejram Nayak
• Estimation of Sediment yield in Beas basin and sedimentation rate in Pong reservoir - Sanjay K Jain, J V Tyagi & A, K
• A review on sediment transport modelling using HEC-RAS- Rahul P R & P K Sharma
• Discharge characteristics of Piano Key Weirs- Vishal Singh & Zulfequar Ahmad
• Reservoir sedimentation surveys for effective management of water – A scenario in Maharashtra- Rajan Shah

Technical Session IV - INCOLD YPF Special Session

Chairman: Shri R.K. Vishnoi, CMD, THDC India Limited
Co-chairman: Shri Amit Gautam, Chair, INCOLD YEF
• Role of young professionals in dam safety - Amit Gautam, Abhinav Srivastav & Ashutosh Anand


cbip news letter (Water Resources section)

• Managing dam safety risks over time including climate change - Dr. Adrian Morales Torres, Helena Yarritu Sanchez &
Dr. Javier Fluixa Sanmartin
• DAMS: Mitigation & Adaption in Design as per climatological challenges - Ankur Sharma
• Post seismic shock controls on dams and the procedures of “dam risk” and “downstream valley risk” – Giulia Buffi
• Energy Infrastructure Risk against Flood in a Changing Climate: A Case Study - Dr. Viraj Loliyana & Prince Kaley
• Assessment of current reservoir sedimentation rate and storage capacity loss: an Italian overview - Dr. Ritesh Patro
Technical Session V - Dam Health Monitoring, Data Acquisition and Processing
Chairman: Mr. Michel LINO, President, ICOLD
Co-chairman: Mr. Michel De Vivo, Secretary General, ICOLD
• Dam health check & monitoring using advanced tools of geophysics- Indian Experience - Dr. Sanjay Rana
• Monitoring of landslides between Tehri and Koteshwar Dams in Uttarakhand, Himalayas - K. Kumar, A. Papnai, M. Kuri
& Alok Bhardwaj
• A Concept of Integrating Complex Dams into a SMART Dams for Chambal River Basin - S.S. Parihar, Dr. M.K. Choudhary
& Dr. R.K. Jaiswal
• Role of Instrumentation in Dam Health Monitoring- Dr.R.Rani, K.S. Senthil Kumar & S. Shenbagadevi
• Importance of Seismological Instrumentation in Dam Safety Assessment- D. Srinagesh
• Effective Analysis and Usefulness of Dam Health Investigations - Nisheeth Agnihotri, Ravi Agarwal & U.S. Vidyarthi
Poster Session Papers
• SCADA system in dam for optimum management of water resources: A case study of Bisalpur Dam - Dr. Nitin Singh
• Settlement analysis of rockfill dams - Ketan Patel & Mahendra Singh
• Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Dams by Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)- Ashish Anthony Jacob,
Santhosh Ravichandran, Vineet Upadhyay, Shanmukha Kavya Vedam, Tanuj Jhunjhunwala
• Investigating effect of shell stiffness on the dynamic response of embankment dam- Mohammad Davoodi, Reza
Afzalsoltani & Abbas Pourdeilami
• Inspection of long tunnels using ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) - Kannappa Palaniappan. P
• Calibration of VW sensors and its performance evaluation on a DAS -A case study - Dr. M. Selva Balan & J. K. Singh

Industry Session
Chairman: Prof. S.D. Bharti, MNIT, Jaipur
• Existing dams/reservoirs: Leveraging them for energy needs – Amitabh Tripathi, WAPCOS
• Midas FEA NX - Finite Element Analysis Software for 2D & 3D Nonlinear and Detailed Structural and Geotechnical
Problems - Ayan Srivastava MIDAS
• Dam Safety - Augmented Reality Solution Inspection and Maintenance – Team Viewer
• Rehabilitation & installation of the latest technology of instruments including the Analytics of Engineering Data’s –
Vinod Tamar, Pinnacle Geosystems
• Introduction & Portfolio – Construction Chemicals - Priyanka Patra , Normet India Pvt. Ltd.
• Injection technology - Subham Jashav, Rohhri Enterprises LLP
12th October, 2022
Technical Session VI- Safety Reviews and Risk Assessment
Chairman: Dr. Wieland Martin, Chairman, ICOLD Committee on Seismic Aspects
Co-chairman: Ms. Neeta Arora, Director, SMEC
• Seismic Analysis of 3D Model of Morrow Point Arch Dam - Deepak Khandelwal, S. D. Bharti & M. K. Shrimali
• Discordant seismicity In Himalaya and its implications in seismic hazard assessment - M. L. Sharma & Shweta Bajaj
• Evaluation of seismic design of Concrete Gravity Dams – Various Guidelines - Anil Jain
• A comparative study on seismic stability analysis of 2D and 3D concrete gravity dam -Arnab Banerjee & M.K. Alam


cbip news letter (Water Resources section)

• Probabilistic dam breach modelling of Mahi Bajaj Sagar dam using monte Carlo simulation technique - Jagadish
• Prasad Patra, Anil Kumar Lohani, Sunil Gurrapu, Pankaj Mani & Rakesh Kumar
• Attributes of local seismicity around tehri dam- Prof. Mukat Lal Sharma, S.C. Gupta, A. Sen, S.K. Jain, A.K. Jindal, R.K.
Vishnoi, A. Jain, V. Singh & S.K. Saxena
• A breach modeling of a debris-dammed lake formed aftermath of the flash flood and debris flow on 07 February 2021 in
the Rishiganga river valley - Yogesh Kumar Gupta, Ankit Kumar, Samir Kumar Shukla
Poster Session Papers
• Understanding risks associated with dams and in context to dams in Damodar Valley - Abhishek Shukla & N.K. Goel
• Evaluating flood risk at an industrial site using 1D-2D coupled hydrodynamic flow model under cascading effect of dam
failure - Dr Pankaj Mani, Rakesh Kumar, Sharda University & Jagadish P. Patra
• Assessment of in-situ quality of concrete of Rengali Power House Structure by non-destructive testing methods – A
Case Study - Vijay Ghodake, Prakash Palei, Santhosh Kumar, Rajendra Singh Gurjar, Rizwan Ali
• A review study On Indian dam failures - Dinesh Roulo & Subbarao Pichuka
• Analysis of Seepage flow through Earth Dams using Numerical Modelling - Shruti Jain, & Brijesh K. Yadav
• Risk Informed Dam Safety Management, - Ms. Anu & Kavitha

Technical Session VII - Major Rehabilitations and other Risk Reduction Investments
Chairman: Dr. R. Chitra, Director, CSMRS
Co-chairman: Shri Vivek Tripathi, Chief Engineer- E&NE, CWC
• Material selection and quality requirements for repair & rehabilitation of hydraulic structures - P N Ojha, Brijesh Singh,
Abhishek Singh & Suresh Kumar
• Instrumentation for safety of dams – issues, challenges and lessons learnt in Indian context - Hari Dev, Mahabir Dixit
and R.S. Sehra
• Underwater rehabilitation of dams using geomembrane waterproofing systems - G. Vaschetti, F. Tronel & J.
• Effective measure to control seepage in masonry gravity dams - A case study - R. Vigneswaran, S.J. Pillai, SarbjeetSingh,
K. Balachandran, Jai Prakash Meena & Ankit Sahu
• Dealing with large lateral forces due to creeping slope – A case study of Shongtong Karcham HEP (450 MW), HP, India
N. S. Shekhawat, M S Harshitha & A. Suhail
• Evaluation of IS Code specified method of Design for Gravity Dam by Response History Analysis - Shiyam Sundar K
P,M K Shrimali & S D Bharti
Poster Session Papers
• Probability-based design considerations for Jet Grouting in dam construction and Rehabilitation-Research and Practice
- V. Vishnu & A. Tyagi
• Damage scenarios study of concrete spillways / tunnels in large dams - S. Mandloi
• Early warning system in hydropower projects with a Case Study of its successful implementation in Rangit IV HEP -
Vishal Kumar Saini, Manjusha Mishra, Sameer Srivastava, Bhavya Shukla
• Proposal to study the feasibility of providing Piano Key Weir as an additional surplus arrangement at Anaikuttam Dam -
M. A. Jose Jerald Das

Technical Session VIII - DRIP Rehabilitation Case Studies

Chairman: Shri Vijai Saran, Chief Engineer, DSO, CWC; Project Director, DRIP; Member, Policy & Research, NDSA
Co-chairman: Shri A.K. Jain, Chief Engineer – NW&S, CWC
• Sinuosity analysis of Barak River from Fulertal to Badarpur Ghat and its significance in project planning - M. Tiwari, G.
Prasad and A. Gupta
• Design flood review of Gandhi Sagar dam using multi storm analysis - Manoj Tiwari, N.N. Rai, Akshat Jain, Chetna
&,Payal Goyal
• Rehabilitation and Replacement of 136 numbers of Sluice Gates & their Hoisting Equipment’s of Krishna Raja Sagara
Dam-A Case Study- Aditya Mishra, Rahul Kumar Singh & Vivek Tripathi


cbip news letter (Water Resources section)

• Rehabilitation of Gararda Earthen Dam- R.K. Choudhary & A.K. Verma

• Experience of Flexible Geomembrane in DRIP (Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Program) Project in India -
Vinayagam Subramanian, Jagadeesan.Subramanian, G. Vaschetti & F. Tronel
• Rehabilitation of Konar Dam Under Drip – A Case Study- Dipankar Chaudhuri & Saroj Kumar Sah
• Reintegration of the spillway shutters of Krishnagiri dam Tamil Nadu, India - A Case Study- Dr. R. Rani, C Johnci Rani&
M.A. Jose Jerald Das
Poster Session Papers
• Sholayar dam – masonry dam and distress that it subjected to remedial measures taken up – A Case Study – Anandan,
Dhandapani & S. Ashwin
• Rehabilitation of a large masonry dam to control seepage – Case Study of Tamil Nadu Sholayar Dam – Arun Balui & R.
• Seepage and Stability Analysis of Earthen dam in Slow and Rapid Drawdown Conditions - Subodh Shrivastava & Prof.
S.N. Sahoo
• Refurbishment of New Umtru HEP- S.K. Das, K.S. Saini & M.K. Goyal
• Dam decommissioning: An option for India’s ageing water storage infrastructures – Dr. Manish K Nema, Dr P.K. Mishra
& Dr Sanjay K Jain
• Development of stage-discharge curve at Arang in Mahanadi - Syed Khateeb Ahmad, Zulfequar Ahmad & Pramod
Kumar Sharma

Technical Session IX - Operation, Maintenance and Emergency Management

Chairman: Prof. S.D. Bharti, MNIT, Jaipur
• Repair & Rehabilitation of Spillway glacis using Steel Liner - Case Studies of Dhauliganga & Teesta- V Dams – Rao,
Musharraf Ali Khan, Rajesh Kumar & Shankar Kumar
• Rectification in the operating system of non-functional stop logs on an inclined track - Ghanshyam Patel, Satish Kamboj,
Director & Sanjay Kumar Sibal
• Dam break flood simulation: Sensitivity analysis - Anil Kumar Lohani, S.K. Jain & R.K. Jaiswal
• Koldam Hydropower Station: Flip Bucket issue and remedial measures - Rakesh Rathee, Jagat Singh Yadav, Surinder
Garg, Sanjai Bharti
• 3D seismic finite element analysis of concrete gravity and CFRD dams - MIDAS
Valuable experience, ideas, technological advancement in dam safety management and interaction with the International as
well as Indian dam professionals and policy makers during the conference would be very useful for advancing the cause of
dam construction, operation & maintenance and rehabilitation of dams etc. It will also help Water Resources Departments as
well as CPSUs, to deal with matters related to the dam development and management with more confidence.
Over 500 delegates comprising dam owners, policy makers, and dam professionals, Scientists, academia etc. have
participated in the deliberations of the Conference. Also, 85 technical papers have been contributed by national and
international experts across the world out of which 65 were presented in the different technical sessions; 20 national and
international organizations both from within the country and abroad showcase their technologies, products and services in
the exhibition organized concurrently during the Conference, reflecting the contemporary developments in the dam safety
field. These enlightening technical presentations enriched the deliberations which are well received by the professionals and
have lively discussions during the three days deliberations of the conference.
The technical papers brought out as Proceedings Volume is a valuable reference material for the decision-makers as well as
dam professionals engaged in various aspects of dam design, construction, operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation. This
Proceedings Volume contains the accepted technical papers for oral and poster presentations and is available for download
from the INCOLD website www.incold.co.in; by all the interested dam professionals for their reference and use. It is hoped
that all concerned will make best use of the information contained in the Proceedings Volume in shaping their dam safety
Careful planning and untiring efforts of several individuals from the collaborating organizations with the guidance from the
Organizing and Technical Committees contributed to the success of this major event. We compliment all the persons and
organizations for their valuable contributions.


cbip news letter (energy section)

Hands-on training on
Power System Network study and analysis
28-30 September 2022
In rapidly changing environment, for growth of the
organization, individual responsible must engage in
continual professional development, which requires
continues acquisition/updation of knowledge and skill,
through training and knowledge sharing session.
The hands-on training helps, better understand the
concepts, as it blend the practical demonstrations
with theory for professionals to put the knowledge into
In line with the objective of CBIP and to promote
professional excellence in the Power Sector, the Central
Board of Irrigation & Power organized a Hands-on training
on “Power System Network study and analysis” on 28-
30 September 2022 in its CBIP Conference Hall. For the
conduction of this Hand on Training, Shri Pravinchandra
Mehta, Former Superintending Engineer, GEB and CEO, Shri Pravinchandra Mehta, Expert facalty addressing the participants
of Persotech Solutions, Vadodara, who is an expert having
more than 30 years of experience for providing training on the subject was the Faculty. He has acquired technical expertise in
the field of design of substation and line, Analysis of equipment failure in power system, load flow, short circuit, and harmonics
flow study and protection coordination of industrial plant/power system. Quality inspection of equipment, guidance on Factory
Acceptance test, site acceptance test, design (type) test of equipment and materials, study of insulation coordination, etc.
effect of renewable on grid, study of developing renewable source for rural areas etc.
The purpose of the Hands on Training was to build up confidence amongst the participants on the subject learned.
About 30 participants from various PSUs, State Utilities, and Pvt. Sector organization including manufacturers, attended this
physical hands-on training program.
The program started with a welcome address by Shri Sanjeev Singh, Director, CBIP & CIGRE India. He welcomed the
esteemed faculty Shri Mehta, the invitees, and all the participants in this program. He also explained in particular the
importance of this training program.
Shri Mehta also addressed the participants during the opening session.
He requested all the participants to take full advantage and also suggest to make this training an interactive session.
The training covered the following topics:
• Introduction to Power System Network Study
• Power Flow study and analysis
• Short circuit Study and analysis
• Harmonic Flow study and analysis
• Protection Relay coordination study
• Geomagnetic Induced Current Study
• Software – Commercial software & open-source software available in the market
• Hands-on practices on examples of IEEE bus and other practical models for the studies mentioned above
The program has been conducted based on practical aspects and Hands-on practices were given more focus. Every participant
was given personal attention by the faculty. Open-source Software (standalone mode) with several solved examples given
to each participant. A certificate of participation was distributed at the end to each of the participants. The feedback from the
participants was very encouraging.


cbip news letter (energy section)

Speaker Profile:
Pravinchandra Mehta, Graduated in 1985 Presently running a proprietary company named “Persotech
Solutions“ at Vadodara Gujarat (India) involved in design of substation and line, training the engineers,
Analysis of equipment failure in power system, load flow, short circuit, harmonics flow study and protection
coordination of industrial plant/ power system. Quality inspection of equipment, guidance on Factory
Acceptance test, site acceptance test, design (type) test of equipment and materials. Study of insulation
coordination, etc. Effect of renewable on grid, study of developing renewable source for rural areas etc.
P.B. Mehta
Pravinchandra Mehta has total experience of > 30 yrs. in power sector .He is also involved in the training, research and
development activities. Membership related activities–member IEEE,-member CIGRE and member of National Study
Committee (NSC) C4 of CIGRE India (study on system technical performance),-Member of International Study Committee
JWG-C4-42 formed by CIGRE and CIRED for study of low order harmonics at customer end.
Member of expert committee for revision of substation
layout formed by CBIP (Central Board of Irrigation and
Power New Delhi) the manual published in 2006 & 2017
(released in Jan 2019) Member of Research Advisory
Committee (RAC) to guide and review of R&D projects
carried out by Energy Research and Development
Association (ERDA) Vadodara .ERDA is one of the
renowned Third party Laboratory for testing of equipment
in India.
Member of Institute of Engineers India (MIE) and
Chartered Engineer, Member of Institute of Electronics
and Telecom Engineers MIETE,-Life member Society of
Power Engineers India (SPE). He has presented several
papers on electrical system design and study related
subjects at International/National level.
The program was concluded with a Vote of thanks,
proposed by CBIP by expressing gratitude to Shri Mehta for
View of the participants
taking three days session on the subject of Power System
Network study and analysis and also the participants for
making the session interactive & lively.

Group Photograph


cbip news letter (energy section)

Training Program on
Cyber Security
3-4 October 2022, BBMB, Nangal
The Bhakra Beas Management Board requested CBIP for a training program on the “Cyber Security” for its employees.
CBIP has successfully conducted customized classroom training programs for a number of eminent organizations, like,
DTL, SECI, THDC, DVC, UPRVUNL, NHPC, HPSEB, and others, during 2020-21, which were well appreciated and have
received excellent feedback from the participants. CBIP has also conducted multiple tailor-made online training programs,
exclusively for various utilities, like. NTPC, NHPC, TPPDL, THDC, DTL, UPRVUNL, SECI, BYPL, NHDC; besides organizing
various ‘open to all’ online training programs for the knowledge enhancement of the professionals around the nation. Over
10,000 engineers have taken advantage of the various online programs organized by CBIP in the last two years.
Accordingly, CBIP executed a training program on “Cyber Security” for BBMB, with the help of Shri Anil Sinha, Consultant/
Advisor, SCADA, and Shri D Murli Krishna, Sr. Deputy General Manager, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd., as the faculty.
The following relevant topics of interest were taken up for knowledge-sharing during this training program:
SCADA System
• Introduction to SCADA System
• Instrumentation
• Direct Digital Control
• Communication for SCADA System
• SCADA Functionality
Cyber Security
• Introduction and Compliance requirements, including CEA guidelines
• Applicable Cyber Security Standards in Power sector
• Recent issues, Global incidents
• Cyber Security requirements in ICS
• IEDs and cyber security requirement
• Cyber Security Issues in Substation Automation -IEC 61850
• ISO27019
Both the faculty made detailed presentations on the 3rd and 4th October, 2022, of three hours each during this important
training program. The presentations were focused, technical, and to the point. Almost all the aspects of SCADA System and
Cyber Security were presented during this Training program.
The faculty members took special care to make it simple for the participants to grasp the subject. Various questions/
clarifications were expressed by the participants, and the specific and detailed answers/ clarifications were elucidated and
explained by faculty to their satisfaction of the participants. The program achieved its goals and was a grand success.

Faculty Profile
Shri Anil Sinha, an Electrical Engineer, with background in Electronics and Communication, with
around 48 years of experience. This includes, around 28 years with Siemens AG, Germany and
Siemens Ltd, India, in the area of Hardware and Software design, development and implementation
for SCADA System and Industrial Automation. Rich experience as Consultant/ Advisor to many
reputed organisations.
• Field of Consultancy/ Advice: SCADA & Automation systems, Business Management and
Manpower Assessment. Assignments for a number of organisations. Including:
• Central Board of Irrigation and Power, a Water and Power Sector institution.
• NHPC Ltd., a public sector company in the field of Hydropower development. Anil Sinha
• Tehri Hydropower Development Corporation Ltd., a Hydropower PSU.


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• Consulting Engineering Services (CES), a well-known consultancy organisation.

• Astin Softech, a company providing IT based solutions.
• Global Economic Advantage (P) Ltd., a company providing engineering services.
• others.
Training/ Lectures conducted for or on behalf of (among others):
• Indian School of Petroleum and energy, at various locations
• National Power Training Institute (NPTI), New Delhi, Faridabad & Durgapur
• (The old) Power Management Institute (PMI) of NTPC Ltd., Noida
• NHPC Ltd., at Faridabad, and various Hydroelectric projects/ Hydro-power stations
• Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi & Gurugram; also, as member of the Expert Group for a manual on
Substation Automation & Distribution Automation
• Power Consulting Engineers (PCE), at various Hydro-power stations
Applications in the field of Industrial use of Information Technology, Real-time Application Software, Automation, Computer
Networks, Communication Technology, Video Conferencing Systems, etc. He was instrumental in the development of a SCADA
and Process Monitoring System, with applications in power sector, industries, railways, pipelines and other sectors.
Previously, a senior level manager with a multi-national company, with experience in Marketing, Sales, Quality-Systems,
Logistics, Corporate-Communication, Channel management, Finance, Strategic-planning and Business/ Profit-centre-
management, etc. Around three decades of Experience, as a Manager and a team leader.
Published/ presented papers at National & International seminars. The topics include: Process Control Systems, Automation,
Smart Grid, Customer Relations, Operations Management and others.
Shri D. Murali Krishna, he is presently Sr. DGM (Information Security), Power Grid Corporation
of India Ltd. He has a vast of experience of about 33 years in the field of Sub-station protection,
operation and maintenance; Grid operation, Power system communication, SCADA System, RTU
etc.; Information Technology services including Networking, application development (web/ client
using .net, ASP, PHP, Python etc.), end-point management; Regional testing laboratory, dealing
with calibration of testing instruments, PLCC, relays; Information security of IT/OT, SCADA System;
Regular faculty of POWERGRID internal trainings in IT/IS area; Policy formation and interaction with
CERT-IN, NCIIPC for various IS issues.
He possesses NPTEL certification in IS-IV/IS-V/IOT/Ethical Hacking/Python as data science.
D. Murali Krishna


cbip news letter (energy section)

13th National Conference on

Earthing Systems
17-18 October 2022, New Delhi

Dignitaries on the dais (L-R) Shri A.K. Rajput, Chief Engineer, Central Electricity Authority, Shri U.K. Bhattacharya, Vice President,
CIGRE India and Director NTPC Limited, Shri I.S. Jha, President CIGRE India and Hon’ble Member, Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission and Chief Guest, Ms. Renuka Gera, Vice President, CIGRE India and Director, BHEL, Shri A.K. Dinkar, Secretary, CBIP.
Shri Sanjeev Singh, Director, CBIP proposing vote of thanks during inaugural session.

Earthing plays an important role in proper operation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution systems. The function of
earthing in an electric power system is to (i) maintain the potential of current carrying as well as non-current carrying parts
of equipment, apparatus and appliances connected to the system, and (ii) to ensure safety of equipment and personnel and
correct operation of protective devices during earth faults. Earthing also provides safety during lightning strikes on equipment
or structures and on occurrence of induced voltages and currents on equipments of an electric system. A proper earthing
system provides easy and shortest path to the flow of earth fault current without adversely affecting the continuity of service.
It also ensures that a person present in the station area is not exposed to danger of electric shock. The efficacy of an earthing
system depends on various factors like resistivity of general mass of earth in and around the area where earth grid is buried
and also that of surface layer of soil, duration and magnitude of fault current and grid current, shock duration, the maximum
safe current that a human body can tolerate and the permissible values of dangerous voltages that shall arise due to the flow
of grid current. Earthing of fence is another issue of importance.
In view of the importance of subject, which relates to protection of assets & human life CBIP has regularly been organising
conferences on earthing of electric power stations on almost yearly basis since 2012. The last was held in October 2019
followed by 2 online programs during 2020-21 (Pandemic
13th National Conference on “Earthing Systems” was
organized by Central Board of Irrigation and Power
(CBIP) and CIGRE-India in association with International
Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission
and Distribution [AARO] from 17-18 Oct. 2022 at CBIP
Conference Hall, New Delhi with the aim to update the
knowledge of professionals about the current techniques
in Earthing Systems and to discuss the various problems
relating to reliability of electrical power system, which is
the need of the hour. The conference was sponsored by
DEHN India Pvt. Ltd. & JEF Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
and supported by Inter-Tech Marconite.
Shri I.S. Jha, Chief Guest delivering inaugural address


cbip news letter (energy section)

1. Shri I.S. Jha, President CIGRE India and Hon’ble
Member, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission -
Chief Guest.
2. Shri U.K. Bhattacharya, Vice President, CIGRE India
and Director NTPC Limited – Guest of Honour
3. Ms. Renuka Gera, Vice President, CIGRE India and
Director, BHEL– Guest of Honour
4. Shri A.K. Rajput, Chief Engineer, Central Electricity
Authority – Guest of Honour
5. Shri A.K. Dinkar, Secretary, CBIP
6. Shri Sanjeev Singh, Director, CBIP.
Shri U.K. Bhattacharya, addressing the participants
Shri A.K. Dinkar, Secretary CBIP welcomed the guests
and all the participants. He informed that this conference
has been organised under the aegis of CIGRE National
Study Committee B3 on Substation. He shared that with
the excellent guidance from Governing Council of CIGRE-
India, we have attained remarkable position at International
level and are recognized one amongst the most active
National committee of CIGRE. He further brought out that
we are represented in top level governing bodies of CIGRE
through Shri I.S. Jha, who is at present the Sr. Most Steering
Committee member of CIGRE and is representing India in
the Steering Committee since 2016.
He also welcomed and appreciated the contribution of
Dr. Rajesh Arora, Sr. Manger, DTL and Shri Nihar Raj,
Chairman, CIGRE National Study Committee B3 on Shri A.K. Dinkar, Secretary, CBIP, delivering the welcome address
Substation & VP, Adani Power for their long standing
association with CBIP’s Earthing Conference since 2012.
Thereafter, Shri Dinkar welcomed all the speakers/authors
and appreciated their efforts. The sponsoring organisations
M/s. DHEN India Pvt. Ltd. & JEF techno Solution Pvt.
Limited, Inter-Tech Marconite who extending their support
and cooperation for this conference were also welcomed by
him. He appealed to everyone present to take full advantage
of the opportunity presented by the event.
Shri Nihar Raj in his address informed that he has been
associated with the CBIP in organisation of earthing
conferences since first conference and praised all the
authors for contributing very useful papers for this current Shri A.K. Rajput, addressing the participants
conference. He also brought out that the earlier conferences
proceedings on the subject and CBIP Manual on Earthing
of AC Power Systems provids lot of relevant and useful
information on the topic. He added that lot of development
is taking place on the subject in the world and updation of
knowledge is important and requested everyone to become
the member of CIGRE and refer CIGRE working reports on
the subject available on CIGRE website.
Shri A.K. Rajput emphasised the importance of Earthing
in the Power System. He acknowledged the presence of
numerous experts in the hall, and hoped for extensive
knowledge sharing. Lastly, he acknowledged the efforts of
the contributors to the conference.
Shri Nihar Raj addressing the participants


cbip news letter (energy section)

Shri Bhattacharya highlighting the importance, mentioned his

huge interest on the subject and shared his own experience
in his address.
Shri Jha thanked CBIP for choosing such an important topic
for the conference and appreciated their efforts for regularly
organising knowledge sharing sessions. He informed that
with the growth of the power system, the fault in the system
are going up and this requires more focussed and correct
designing of earthing system. As more and more electronic
gadgets are now a days coming, empirical methods will not
work so we have to do computer simulation for safe and
economical design.
His emphasis was on CIGRE participation. He spoke of the
importance of CIGRE, which for over the years has represented Dr. Rajesh Arora, addressing the participants
the members from all over the world. He informed that CIGRE
has generated a significantly large collection of technical documents, serving the engineers on almost every aspect of
the Power System. He exhorted all the power engineers to join CIGRE for their own advancement, and that of the power
community as a whole. He further brought out that CIGRE is bringing out ELECTRA Magazine regularly and requested the
gathering to contribute papers in this Magazine. He expressed great happiness on seeing so many young engineers in the
audience. At the end, he complimented CBIP for organising this conference, and wished it all success.
Felicitation to the CIGRE Awardees:
Some of the active members of CIGRE, from India, made CIGRE India proud, at International level with their significant
contribution and are the recipient of CIGRE Award in the last two years.
Following CIGRE awardees were felicitated during inaugural
1. Women in Energy Award- 2022 – This is bestowed for
active contribution and promotion of women in Energy
with in CIGRE at National & Global level. This award was
presented by CIGRE to Madam Renuka Gera, from India.
She is the first recipient for this Award from India and
received this award during Inaugural session of CIGRE
Session 2022 in presence of about 4000 participants
in the hall at Paris. It was a proud moment for CIGRE
2. Technical Committee Award – This Award is given for
the outstanding contribution to the work of CIGRE Study
Committee. Shri Anish Anand, Executive Director Power Madam Renuka Gera being felicitated as recipient of CIGRE
Grid is the recipient of this Award from India for his Women in Energy Award- 2022
significant contribution in CIGRE SC B2 on Overhead
lines. He is the third Indian expert after Late Shri Mata
Prasad Ji and Late Shri B.S. Palki Ji, to receive this
Prestigious Award.
3. CIGRE Fellow Award – This is highest distinction Award
by CIGRE is bestowed to certain individual member
for their exceptional Service to the Association. The
recipients are treated as life time honorary member
and have access to CIGRE e-library and free access
to CIGRE sessions. This Award presented to Shri D.K.
Chaturvedi, Former General Manager, NTPC Limited
and Indian representative in CIGRE SC A1 on Rotating
Machines. He is the first Asian to receive this honor from
Shri Anish Anand being felicitated as recipient of CIGRE
Technical Committee Award 2021


cbip news letter (energy section)

4. Distinguished Membership Award – This is presented

to the Individual member, for their long standing
collaboration, to the work of Association. For the year
2022 following seven members from India were bestowed
with distinguished membership award:
1. Dr. Sunita Chauhan, Powergrid
2. Shri S.C Saxena, Chief General Manager, POSOCO
3. Shri Udaya KUMAR, Indian Institute of Science,
4. Shri Milind NENE, Kalpataru Power Transmission
Ltd., Mumbai
5. Shri I.R. RAO, National Institute of Technology,
Karnataka Shri D.K. Chaturvedi being felicitated as recipient of
CIGRE Fellow Award –2020
6. Shri Vikrant JOSHI, GE T&D India Ltd and
7. Shri Rajendra Vinayak SARAF, The TATA Power
Company Ltd., Mumbai.
Chief Guest Shri Jha and other dignitaries present in the
inaugural session of the conference felicitated CIGRE
awardees from India in the last two years.
Certificate of appreciation to the following experts for the
acknowledgement of their long-standing collaboration to the
work related to dissemination of knowledge on the subject
of Earthing Systems were also presented during inaugural
1. Dr. Rajesh Arora, Sr. Manager, Delhi Transco Limited
Dr. Sunita Chauhan, being felicitated as recipient of
2. Shri Nihar Raj, Chairman, CIGRE NSC B3 on Substation CIGRE Distinguished Membership 2022
& Vice President, Adani Power Limited
Shri Sanjeev Singh, Director, CBIP expressed gratefulness to
all for their participation in the event. He individually thanked
each one of the participating dignitaries by name, both on and
off the dais and the speakers of the coming sessions. Further,
he thanked all those who supported the organising of the
conference, as also the sponsors. He thanked the participants
for showing keen interest in the topic and coming out in such
large numbers to add to the success of the conference.
Towards the end, he thanked the CBIP team for making the
event possible. This was the end of the Inaugural Session.
Lively discussions during Technical Sessions
There were six Technical Sessions conducted over two days. Shri S.C Saxena, being felicitated as recipient of CIGRE
Distinguished Membership 2022
A total of 20 technical presentations were made by National
level experts from CEA, POWERGRID, OPTCL, MPTCL,
GEB, TPDDL, DTL, Adani Transmission Limited, Inter-Tech,
JEF Techno, DEHN India, Persotech Solutions etc. on the
subject during the conference on best practices being adopted
and also latest techniques including case studies etc.
Two eminent International Experts namely Mr. Stephen
Palmer CIGRE SC Member and Managing Director, Safe
Earth and Mr. Christopher Shaw, Power Utilities Leader,
nVent Asia, Australia also made online presentations during
this conference.
All the presentations were much focused, technical and to the
point. Almost all aspects of the Earthing systems and allied
Shri Nihar Raj, receiving ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ from CBIP
topics deliberated during this Conference. The presenters


cbip news letter (energy section)

made every effort to make it easy for the participants to

grasp the subject. Further clarity was enabled by the Q&A
opportunity in each session.
The conference concluded with the closing remarks and vote of
thanks by Shri A.K. Dinkar, Secretary, CBIP. Shri Sanjeev Singh,
Director, CBIP also present during the concluding session.
Shri Dinkar in his closing remarks conveyed his thanks to all
the chairman for their active participation, response to the
quarries by participants and sharing their expert views. Shri
Dinkar specially thanked Dr. Rajesh Arora for co-ordinating
the two days conference. He also thanked all the speakers
for their very significant and relevant presentations. He also
conveyed his thanks to all the sponsors for their financial
support in organising this conference. Last but not least he
thanked all the participants who came from various corners of Dr. Rajesh Arora, receiving ‘Certificate of Appreciation’
the county. Thereafter, the conference was declared closed. from CBIP

Group photograph during inaugural session

Group photograph duirng concluding session


cbip news letter (energy section)

Training Program (online) on

Regulatory Framework in Power Sector
22nd October 2022
CBIP has successfully conducted customized physical training programs as well as online training programs in the recent
past for esteemed organisations like DTL, SECI, THDC, DVC, UPRVUNL, NHPC, HPSEB, NTPC, TPPDL, UPRVUNL, SECI,
BYPL, NHDC, The Tata Power Company, etc. which were very well appreciated and have received excellent feedback.
CBIP is also organizing various open to all online training programs for the knowledge enhancement of professionals around
the nation. More than 10,000 engineers have taken advantage of various online programs organized by CBIP in the last two
After the success of the online program on ‘765 KV Transmission System’ organized by Central Board of Irrigation and
Power, on 22nd June 2022 exclusively for Tata Power Company, Mumbai requested CBIP for the organization of online
training on the “Regulatory Framework in Power Sector” for their employees.
Accordingly, the online training on “Regulatory Framework in Power Sector” was organized by CBIP on 22nd October 2022.
Dr. Atul Agarwal, Research Officer, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission was the main faculty.
Dr. Atul Agrawal is an optimist and self-motivated energy professional focused on regulatory and policy framework of Power
Sector. Atul holds a MBA (Power Management) and PhD (Power Management) from University of Petroleum & Energy
Studies, and a B.Tech (Computer Science) from Rajasthan Technical University. He is an active researcher with significant
number of publications across various journals and conferences of international repute. Elsevier has honored him with
Outstanding Reviewer Award for his exceptional contribution in reviewing papers for Energy Policy. Presently he is working
as a Research Officer at Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, India.
About 35 participants from various departments of Tata Power Company attended this online training programme.
The program started with a welcome address by Shri S.K. Batra, Consultant, CBIP. He welcomed the eminent faculty Dr. Atul
Agarwal, Research Officer, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, invitees and all the participants in this programme.
He conveyed his special thanks to Management of Tata Power Company for posing faith in CBIP and also their excellent
support in organizing this training programme. He hoped that this training program shall provide valuable food for thought
for the participants and prove as a benchmark for improving the power system of Tata Power Company.
Expert Speaker:
Dr. Atul Agarwal, made 2½ hours detailed online presentation on 22nd October 2022 during this important online
The following topics of interest were taken up for deliberations during this training program:
1. Regulatory Framework of Power Sector in India
2. Regulatory and Policy changes driven by the Electricity Act 2003
3. Development of wholesale market for power trading
4. GNA regulation; Draft sharing regulation
5. DSM regulation
6. Draft grid code & Ministry of Power order on green energy open access
The presentations was focused, technical, and to the point. Dr. Atul Agarwal made every effort
to make it easy for the participants to grasp the subject.
Various questions/clarifications were asked by the participants and answers/clarifications were Dr. Atul Agarwal
elucidated and explained by Dr. Atul Agarwal to their satisfaction. The program was a grand


cbip news letter (energy section)

CBIP activities during Spetember - October 2022

S. No. Topics Date

Water Resources Sector

1 Virtual Training Programme on TBM Tunnelling-brief overview and associated design 24th September
tasks in urban areas - Dr. Florian Krenn

2 Conference on International conference on Dam Safety Management at Jaipur 10-12 October, 2022

Power Sector
1 Hands-on Training on ‘EHV Circuit Breaker’ jointly with Hitachi Energy 21-23 September 2022,
2 Practical Training on ‘Power System Network Study And Analysis’ 28-30 September 2022, New
3 13th National Conference on Earthing Systems 17-18 October 2022, New Delhi
4 Training program on ‘Cyber Security’ exclusively for the engineers of BBMB 3-4 October 2022, Nangal
5 Training program on ‘Regulatory framework in Power Sector’ exclusively for the 22nd October 2022 (online)
engineers of Tata Power Company
6 Training program on ‘Operation & Maintenance of Substations Equipments including 2-4 November 2022, Power
System Stabilities (03 Days) Training Institute, Bhubaneswar
7 Re: RE: National Conference on 'Energy Storage including Pumped Storage - 4-5 November 2022 at Shimla
Opportunities and Challenges' on
8 National Conference on ‘Challenges in Distribution Sector and its Mitigations’ on 10-11 November 2022 at
9 Training program on Construction Challenges in Power Transmission Projects including 16-18 November 2022, Power
Environmental / Forest Clearances (03 Days); Training Institute, Bhubaneswar

CoE, Gurugram
1 06 Days Training Program for Operation department Contract Workers at NTPC 05 - 10 Sep 2022 NTPC
Vindhyachal Power Station (Batch 12) Vindhyachal
2 06 Days Training Program for Operation department Contract Workers at NTPC 12 - 17 Sep 2022 NTPC
Vindhyachal Power Station (Batch 13) Vindhyachal
3 03 Days Training Programme on IEC 61850 Based Substation Automation System for 19 - 21 Sep 2022 Goa
the Executives of Electricity Department of GOA
4 06 Days Training Program for Operation department Contract Workers at NTPC 19 - 24 Sep 2022 NTPC
Vindhyachal Power Station (Batch 14) Vindhyachal

5 02 Days Training Program on "Planning for Superannuation" for the executives of 20 - 21 Sep 2022 DVC, Kolkata
6 02 Days’ Training on “Condition Assessment and Maintenance of Induction Motor” of 20 - 21 Sep 2022 WBPDCL,
7 02 Days Onsite Management Training Program for Middle & Senior Level Executives 29 – 30 Sep, 2022 PGTI, Korba
of CSPGCL at PGTI, Korba


statistical data (water resources section)

Water Resources at a Glance 2022

Statistical Data (Water Resources Section)

Land and
Land Water
and Water Resources
Resources at at a Glance
a Glance

Sources : WRS Dte, BP-1 Dte, CWC, RGI, IMD, Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Agriculture
& FW (http://eands.dacnet.nic.in)


Serving the Nation since 1945 12
Water Resources at a Glance 2022
statistical data (water resources section)

Water Resources Potential

Water Resources Potential inin River
River Basins
Basins in India in India

Reassessment of Water Availability in India using Space Inputs, June 2019

Source: BP-I Directorate, Central water Commission


w&e abstracts (water resources section)

Water & Energy Abstracts

Water Resources Section
Dez Dam Rehabilitation Project Role in Flood
Damage Reduction – Roohollah Amini1; 1Technical
Deputy/ Project Manager, Absaran Consulting Eng.
Co. Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran (Dez Dam
Rehabilitation Project Manager (2017-2018), Behan
Sad – Conference on Sharing Water: Multi-Purpose of
Reservoirs and Innovations, 30 May 2022, Marseille,
As a result of climate change, extreme precipitation events
from mid-March to April 2019 in southwest Iran generated
catastrophic floods taken 78 lives and left $4.1 billion
financial damages. The extent of damages could have
been even worse without the existence of upstream flood
control dams including Dez dam. Dez Dam is the only
large dam in its basin which play a significant role in flood Environment Management in Sustainable Cities,
control. A multi-purpose rehabilitation project including Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
new power intakes, flushing tunnels and dam heightening – Conference on Sharing Water: Multi-Purpose of
with required investment of $350 million is defined in this Reservoirs and Innovations, 30 May 2022, Marseille,
dam to compensate reservoir live volume losses through France
57 years of sedimentation. In this paper, the effect of dam
heightening and the flushing tunnels will be evaluated by Iran has a longstanding challenge in supplying water
their roles in flood damage reduction. Assuming that the during prolonged drought periods, This has drawn
actual magnitude of a flood cannot be predicted beforehand, considerable attention towards the dam industry over the
a flexible multi-stage routing method considering operator past four decades, leading to the study, construction and
judgment during flood operations is proposed to produce operation of several large dams. These dams played a
an optimized flood routing policy. The related operation critical role in controlling the massive floods of 2019 and
rule is derived for existing and rehabilitated dam and 2020, among others. Nevertheless, due to the increased
the expected annual damage (EAD) compared in both intensity and frequency of extreme events because
conditions. The results show that the dam heightening of climate change, the downstream regions of these
could be considered as an effective way to improve the dam large storage dams still face significant damages. This
role in flood damage reduction. Keywords: Flood damage, is mainly attributed to the insufficient dredging of rivers
multi-purpose rehabilitation project. Dez Dam Heightening, and tributaries, lack of rule curve and operation guideline
Expected annual damage (EAD), Optimized flood routing for some storage dams, inaccurate prediction of flood
policy (OFRP). volume, violation of land-use and water management
action plans, promotion of industries with high water
Lessons Learned from Flood Management in Iran need, and floodplain encroachment. In this study, we
Legons – Mostafa Fadaeifard1 and Mohammad aim to evaluate the performance of several large dams
in the Karkheh and Karoon river basin, located in
Danesh-Yazdi2-3 – 1Committee on Flood Assessment
southwestern Iran, in managing the floods took place
of Large Dams, ICOLD, Tehran. Iran; 2Department of
in the aforementioned periods. We also discuss the
Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, challenges and the lessons learned, with suggestions for
Tehran, Iran; 3UNESCO Chair for Water and improving the flood management in the country.


w&e abstracts (Energy section)

Water & Energy Abstracts

Energy Section
New Innovative Tower Types for Urban Areas
Technical Challenges and Public Acceptance –
R Jonsson, Efla As, Norway; S Gislason, Efla Hf,
Iceland; E Widenoja, Widenoja Design As, Norway;
K Å Halsan, Statnett, Norway; I Brovold, Statnett,
Norway – CIGRE Paris Session 2018
Steadily growing environmental awareness and the
importance of preserving nature has in recent years led
to a stronger emphasis on adapting new transmission
line structures to their immediate surroundings and
the landscape. In an effort to comply with this, and thus
recognizing the importance of public acceptance for
overhead transmission lines, Statnett, the Norwegian
TSO had en electrical prestudy carried out. The aim of
the prestudy was to investigate various phase conductor
configurations for 420 kV level, to establish whether it was
power system and at identifying the possible generating
possible to either maintain, or lower EMF and audible noise
units issues while providing this service. This paper proposes
from existing 300 kV OHTL, when upgrading to 420 kV.
a data-driven tool that supports this evaluation by taking
The prestudy was subsequently followed up by launching
advantage of the existing measurements and operational
a tower concept design competition in 2016. The goal was
data collected and gathered in a control center. The
to develop a transmission line tower concept for 420 kV,
proposed tool consist of three principal functional modules:
specifically intended for use in low-rise urban/suburban
Knowledge representation, performance classification and
areas, with lower levels of electro-magnetic fields and
data visualization.
audible noise. The concept was not to be restricted for use
on selected tower site(s), but rather intended for whole line Knowledge representation module makes use of four
sections, thus required to be technically and economically proposed performance indices to quantify the generators
feasible with respect to constructability and operation. active response and its relation to the frequency behaviour.
Three of these indices were used to train a machine
The main results from the electrical prestudy is that the
learning-based model with more than 3000 real-world cases
three new line configurations studied; Delta, rotated
previously tagged by analyst and experts with two classes:
Delta and Vertical configuration, with both twin, and triple
good and not good.
phase conductor bundles, all resulted in lower EMF and
audible noise when compared to the standard Horizontal Performance classification employs a logistic regression
configuration normally used for 420 kV OHTL in Norway. model, a supervised learning method, and a binary classifier
These line configurations are therefore well suited for OHTL to carry out the performance classification of new cases.
in urban areas and were used as a basis for the design
By the other hand, data visualization module only plots
competition. This paper outlines the results of the electrical
the generators active power response for those cases
prestudy in more detail, as well as describing three of the
classified as not good, easing user’s vis1ual inspection, and
tower concept competition entries, including the winning
disregarding those cases in which the performance is good
concept, the STRAW.
enough to not be taken into account in the performance
Keywords : Innovative design, Public acceptance, new tower analysis.
type, Magnetic field, Electric field, audible noise, 420 kV.
Results obtained by testing the proposed data-driven tool
A Data-driven Tool for Primary Frequency on more than 2500 cases taken from the Colombian power
system operation demonstrates its effectiveness to identify
Regulation Evaluation – V. Meza and J.D. Duran, XM
issues on generators providing the PFR service during actual
S.A. E.S.P., Colombia – CIGRE Paris Session 2018
frequency events.
Generators primary frequency regulation (PFR) performance
Keywords : Power system, primary frequency regulation,
evaluation aims at verifying the correct generating unit’
data-driven tool, machine learning, classifiers
response when active power imbalances occurs on the


far & near (water resources section)

News - Water Resources Section

Ministry of Jal Shakti Celebrates Swachh Bharat Diwas, 2022

The President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu presided over the more than 60% tap water coverage category, Puducherry
the Swachh Bharat Diwas-2022 event of the Department and Goa were felicitated; in less than 60% tap water
of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DDWS), Ministry of Jal coverage category Tamil Nadu and Meghalaya secured the
Shakti, to commemorate the birth anniversary of swachhata first and second position. Smt. Murmu also gave the award
inspiration and Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. This to Burhanpur District, M.P for being the first ‘Har Ghar Jal’
year, to encourage and commend the efforts of the States/UTs, certified district in the country, where all the villages through
accelerating the ODF Plus and Har Ghar Jal momentum and Gram Sabhas declared themselves as ‘Har Ghar Jal’.
strengthening the people’s movement - Jan Andolan towards In her speech, the President remembered Gandhiji and
comprehensive sanitation, awardees for both Swachh Bharat expressed that his thoughts were eternal. Like truth and
Mission – Grameen (SBM-G) and Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) non-violence, he also insisted on cleanliness. Celebrating
were felicitated by President. The Union Minister for Jal Shakti his birthday as ‘Swachh Bharat Diwas’ is a befitting tribute
Sh. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat along with Minister of Rural to him. Gandhiji was of the thought that if we inculcate the
Development & Panchayati Raj , Sh. Giriraj Singh, Minister of habit of cleanliness in children, from the very beginning, then
State for Jal Shakti & Tribal affairs, Sh. BishweswarTudu and they will remain conscious of cleanliness throughout their
Minister of State for Jal Shakti & Food Processing Industries life. Sanitation, for centuries, has been an integral part of
Sh. Prahlad Singh Patel, also conferred the awards to best Indian culture and way of life. Since the launch of ‘Swachh
performing States/UTs for Swachh Survekshan Grameen Bharat Mission (Grameen)’, more than eleven crore toilets
(SSG) 2022, Swachhta Hi Sewa 2022, Sujlam 1.0 & 2.0, have been constructed, and about 60 crore people have
JJM Functionality Assessment, Har Ghar Jal Certification changed their habit of open defecation. She further said that
and winners of Start-up Grand Challenge for innovative through this mission, India has achieved the Sustainable
technology for Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM), Development Goal 6 (SDG-6) set by the United Nations in
National film competition for Gram Panchayats on various 2015, eleven years ahead of the deadline of 2030.
components of ODF +, National Wall painting competition
During the global pandemic of Covid-19, everyone realized
on SBM(G). The President was presented the first copies of
that individual toilets, the habit of washing hands with soap
Swachh Survekshan 2022 and JJM Functionality Assessment
and the convenience of water supply through taps in the
2022 reports by Union Minister of Jal Shakti Sh. Gajendra
house, acted as a shield during the calamity. Talking about Jal
Singh Shekhawat.
Jeevan Mission, she stated that at the time of announcement
The President, Smt. Droupadi Murmu gave the Swachh of the Mission in 2019, only 3.23 rural households in the
Survekshan Grameen 2022 awards under large state category country have provisions of tap water connection which has
to Telangana, Haryana & Tamil Nadu; under Small States & now increased to 10.27 Crore in the last 3 years. Due to
UT category to A&N Islands, DNH D&D and Sikkim in that the facility of water supply in homes, there have been a
order and to Bhiwani (Haryana) as overall Top Performing significant decrease in the water borne diseases. She further
District. This was followed by the President conferring the added that we have to set an example in the fields of water
awards for Jal Jeevan Mission Functionality Assessment. In management and sanitation to the world.


far & near (water resources section)

The rest of the awards for both Swachh Survekshan

Grameen 2022 and for Jal Jeevan Mission Functionality
Assessment were presented by Union Minister of Jal Shakti
Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat along with Ministers of
State for Jal Shakti – Sh. Bishweswar Tudu& Sh. Prahlad
Singh Patel. The panel of Ministers also gave the awards to
winners of other categories.
In his address, Union Minister Sh. Gajendra Singh
Shekhawat said that Swachh Bharat Mission became more
than just a government program and metamorphosed into a
people’s movement – a Jan Andolan, which has completely
transformed the picture of rural India. Sh. Shekhawat also
thanked the people for their participation and ‘shramdaan’
in the Swachhta Hi Sewa (SHS) 2022 fortnight campaign;
and congratulated the best performing states in SHS 2022.
Moving onto Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), he said that our
aim is not only to provide tap water, but also to ensure
appropriate quality and quantity. Commending the efforts
of the States/UTs, he congratulated Andaman & Nicobar
Islands for becoming the 1st Swajal and Swacch Pradesh i.e
all the villages of the UT are now ‘Har Ghar Jal’ certified and planted around water bodies, GPs passed resolution
ODF plus verified. He reiterated the Prime Minister’s “4 Ps for ‘single used plastic’ ban, Sarpanches participated
mantra” of making any program successful i.e Political Will, in Sarpanch Samvaad on ODF Plus elements, people
Public Funding, People’s Participation and Partnership. participated in awareness activities, waste collection and
Also present at the occasion, Union Minister for Rural segregation sheds constructed and people participation
Development & Panchayati Raj, Shri Giriraj Singh, said, to in other SHS activities; were selected as winners.
realize the Mahatma Gandhi’s dream, our visionary Prime Jal Jeevan Mission - Functionality assessment: Under
Minister Sh. Narendra Modi has launched various schemes JJM, to assess the performance of various local water
like Swachh Bharat Mission, Ujjwala yojana and Jal Jeevan utilities in States/ UTs, a functionality assessment exercise
Mission which has benefitted the people of rural India and is undertaken every year to understand the status of water
has lso become janandolan. service delivery to households. Tap water connection is
Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, MoS for Jal Shakti and Food referred to as functional if it meets following parameters:
Processing Industries in his speech exhorted the people (i) Supply of adequate water @55 lpcd or more; (ii) Supply
to the make Swachhta as resolution and the goal of their of water potable water/ prescribed quality (BIS:10500); (iii)
lives. He further stressed the importance of grey water Supply of water on regular basis, i.e. daily basis or as per
management in rural areas. schedule. The functionality assessment exercise was carried
out for all 33 States/ UTs in 712 districts with 3.01 lakh
Shri Bishweswar Tudu, MoS for Jal Shakti and Tribal Affairs
households and 22,596 village level institutions in 13,299
in his speech has appreciated the good works being done
sample villages.
under various Government programmes. He stressed upon
community participation and better coordination among the Start-up Grand Challenge was carried out to scout
various stakeholders for making the schemes successful. The technologies that could support sustainable, affordable,
following categories of awards were presented at the event. scalable, and responsive solutions to the solid and liquid
waste management challenges in rural areas. The crowd
• Swachh Survekshan Gramin 2022 : It aims to
undertake ranking of States and Districts on the basis sourcing challenge was launched on 10th September 2021
of their performance attained on key quantitative and and hosted live on the DDWS Website upto 1 month after
qualitative parameters of SBM-G phase II. The survey the launch. Total 372 applicants had registered of which 62
covered 17,559 villages in 709 Districts in 33 States/ applications were selected based. Cash prizes of INR 2 lakhs
UTs (excluding the 3 UTs of Chandigarh, Delhi and and INR 1 lakh were awarded to the winners.
Lakshadweep) across India. More than 1.75 lakh Har Ghar Jal States/UTs & Districts : Special award given to
households were interviewed for their feedback on Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh for being the first ‘Har Ghar Jal’
SBM(G) related issues. certified district in the country. Awards were also given to 31
• Swachhta Hi Sewa (SHS) 2022 : States/UTs which districts who had its 100% villages certified, i.e, people from
conducted and reported the maximum number of all the villages have declared their village as ‘Har Ghar Jal’
activities i.e. people participated in shramdaan and through a resolution passed by Gram Sabha, certifying that
cleaning activities, public places and institutional all households in the villages have access to safe drinking
buildings cleaned, legacy waste sites cleaned, trees water through taps, ensuring that ‘No One is Left Out’.


far & near (water resources section)

TS urges CWC for fresh Polavaram

backwater study
HYDERABAD: Telangana has yet again urged the Central
Water Commission (CWC) to order a study on the impact of
backwaters of the Polavaram project being constructed by
Andhra Pradesh on the temple town of Bhadrachalam. The
demand was made at a meeting of the CWC chairman R.K.
Gupta with irrigation department officials from Telangana,
Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha.

Sujlam 1.0 & 2.0:Sujlam was a 100 day campaign launched

to manage grey-water through soak pits, leach pit, magic pit
to ensure minimal stagnation of waste water and check its
discharge in the village pond. States/ UTs had to report the
number of household and community soak pits constructed
during the campaigns, on the national portal. A total of
23,04,029 pits were constructed and the top performing
states were given the awards.
National film competition : National Level Competition for
making films at Gram Panchayat-level, was held from 15th
December 2021 to 15th May, 2022 on various components Telangana said a fresh study was required as the one based
of ODF plus. 33 films were recommended by States. Awards on mathematical model in the past did not match the actual
were given in 3 different categories i.e. hilly terrains, Islands flood situation as was experienced in July this year. It said
and Union Territories and States. this year’s July floods affected 28,000 inhabitants, 11,000
National Wall painting competition : Competition on wall families and impacted 103 villages.
painting was held on ODF Plus themes in rural areas, from Telangana has also said that there was a need to study
15th August 2021 to 15th October 2021. 3 best performing the impact of standing water when the Polavaram dam
States were awarded for each the 5 themes (Bio-degradable reaches its full reservoir level. The drainage congestion and
Waste Management (BWM), GOBARdhan, Plastic Waste submergence also affects some 50,000 acres of cropland
Management (PWM), Grey Water Management (GWM) & in seven mandals in about 150 villages, Telangana said.
Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) from each of the 6 zones It also reminded the CWC that afflux formation upstream
(North Zone, North East Zone, Central Zone, East Zone, of Polavaram due to the backwater effect was previously
West Zone and South Zone). acknowledged by the commission.
On this occasion, Union Jal Shakti Minister released Andhra Pradesh, according to a news release from the
Swachh Survekshan Grameen (SSG) 2022 report and JJM Telangana irrigation department, has agreed to a joint survey
Functionality Assessment 2022 report and handed over the of all major streams on either side of Godavari river.
first copies of these reports to the President of India.
Meanwhile, Odisha and Chhattisgarh asked the CWC to
During this event the Union Minister of Jal Shakti also take into consideration a probable maximum flood of 58 lakh
announced Swachh Survekshan Grameen (SSG) 2023 and cusecs, which a study by IIT-Roorkee had said might occur,
Jal Jeevan Survekshan (JJS) 2023. Further, the Department before any permissions are finalised for the project. Odisha
also launched the following campaigns on this occasion: officials stated that it must consider the 58 lakh cusecs mark
• “Retrofit to Twin Pit Abhiyan” for promoting twin pit for both the design of the spillway and backwater effects,
toilets in households towards improved fecal sludge and added that the previous backwater study by CWC
management. and Andhra Pradesh had its limitations that also included
• ‘Swachh Jal Se Suraksha’: The campaign on water operation protocol, hydrology, and statutory clearances for
quality will help create awareness on the importance of its ‘convenience hypothesis’. Until these things are settled
clean and safe drinking water and also help to monitor and finalized, the acceptance for public hearing and joint
the quality of water supplied in rural households survey is not acceptable to Odisha, officials from the state
The event was attended by dignitaries across the States/UTs told the commission.
i.e. Ministers, State/UT Government Officials and officials
from Central Government, Development Partners, etc.


far & near (energy section)

News - Energy Section

NTPC clocks 15.1 pc growth in power
generation during Apr-Sept
State-run power giant NTPC said it has logged 15.1 per
growth in power generation at 203.5 billion units (BU) during
April-September 2022. The high generation growth indicates
improved performance and an increase in demand for power
in the current year, it added.
“NTPC group companies recorded a generation of 203.5
BU from April to September 2022, registering an increase of
15.1% from 176.8 BU generated in April to September 2021,”
the company said in a statement.
NTPC Rihand (3,000 MW) in Uttar Pradesh was the top
performing thermal power plant with 90.22 per cent Plant
Load Factor (PLF or capacity utilisation) between April to
Ramdas Chandrabhanji Tadas, Dhiraj Prasad Sahu, among
September 2022.
Overall PLF of NTPC coal stations stood at 76.3 per cent in
The subject of the meeting was ‘Development of National
the period under review. The total installed capacity of NTPC
Electricity Grid in India - Its Significance’.
is 70,234 MW.
The initiatives for integration of non-fossil fuel energy are
NTPC is expanding its footprint in new business areas like
implementation of green energy corridors, transmission
green hydrogen, waste-to-energy and e-mobility. India’s
system for ultra mega solar power parks, transmission
largest power producer is also aiming for a 10 per cent
system for 66.5 GW renewable energy zones by 2022 and
reduction in net energy intensity by 2032.
establishment of 13 RE management centres (REMCs) to
Source : PTI, Oct 01, 2022 address variability and uncertainty of RE (renewable energy)
generation, the members were told.
Govt mulls 233 GW new transmission
capacity They were also told that all five regional grids in India were
synchronised into the national grid by December 2013.
The Ministry of Power on Tuesday said the government
The remote Leh region was connected to the national grid in
is mulling electricity transmission for renewable energy
January 2019 through the 220 kv Srinagar-Leh Transmission
capacity of about 233 GW, latest by 2030, across the country.
“Planning of transmission system for integration of additional
52 GW potential REZ (renewable energy zone) by 2026-27 The national grid transmission system has added transmission
have been carried out...transmission schemes for another lines of 1,71,149 ckm since 2014-15 and transmission
181.5 GW... by 2030 have been planned and the same would capacity of 6,03,916 MVA since 2014-15.
be taken up for implementation in a progressive manner,” the At present, the installed capacity of the national grid is 404
ministry told members of Parliament Consultative Committee GW and the peak demand met is 216 GW.
attached to it in a meeting held on Tuesday.
In the meeting, it was informed that the transmission system
The Meeting of Parliamentary Consultative Committee is the backbone of the power system. Integrated transmission
attached to the Ministry of Power was held in New Delhi, as network allows the power to be generated anywhere.
per a statement. Union Minister for Power R K Singh chaired
the meeting. “We have One Nation, One Grid, One Frequency, One
National Load Dispatch Centre for the country resulting in one
Minister of State for Power and Heavy industries Krishan market. India’s transmission system is the major integrated
Pal Gurjar was also present in the meeting. Members grid in the world,” it stated.
of Parliament of various political parties took part in the
meeting. At present, the power consumption in the country is 1,400
billion units, which is estimated to double by 2030.
The MPs present included Chandra Sekhar Sahu, Dinesh
Lal Yadav, Khagen Murmu, Pradyut Bordoloi, Ritesh Pandey, Source : PTI, Oct 11, 2022


far & near (energy section)

JSW Neo Energy receives letter of

intent for developing 126 MW Chhatru
hydel project in Himachal Pradesh
JSW Energy on Tuesday said its arm JSW Neo Energy
has received a letter of intent from the Himachal Pradesh
government for developing the 126 MW Chhatru hydro power
plant. “JSW Neo Energy Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary
of JSW Energy Limited, has received a Letter of Intent (LoI)
from the Government of Himachal Pradesh for allotment of
126 MW Chhatru Hydro Electric Power Plant (HEP) on BOOT
basis, with an operational life of 40 years,” the company said
in a statement.
BOOT refers to Built, Own, Operate and Transfer.
Prashant Jain, Joint Managing Director and CEO of JSW
Energy, said the LoI from for allotment of 126 MW Chhatru
project is another step in its renewables-led growth strategy.
NTPC ropes in GE Gas Power to reduce
JSW Energy has set an ambitious target for a 50 per cent CO2 emissions at plants in Gujarat
reduction in its carbon footprint by 2030 and to achieve
carbon neutrality by 2050. State-owned NTPC has roped in GE Gas Power to help it
reduce carbon emissions at its 645 MW Kawas gas power
The company has set a target to reach 20 GW capacity by
plant in Gujarat. Both companies have entered into a
2030, with the share of renewable energy increasing to 85
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in this regard.
per cent.
“MoU is to demonstrate the feasibility for hydrogen (H2)
Source : PTI, Oct 11, 2022
co-firing blended with natural gas in GE’s 9E gas turbines
Power Grid acquires SPV to build installed at NTPC’s Kawas combined-cycle gas power
transmission project plant in Gujarat and further implementation at scale across
NTPC’s installed units in India,” GE Gas Power said in a
State-run Power Grid Corporation of India on Tuesday said statement.
it has acquired 100 per cent equity in a special purpose
NTPC’s MW Kawas gas power plant is powered by four GE
vehicle (SPV) to build an inter-state transmission project for
9E gas turbines operating in a combined-cycle mode and
eastern and northeastern regions. The SPV was acquired for
has an installed capacity of 645 megawatt.
an aggregate value of about Rs 7.04 crore, including 50,000
equity shares at par at Rs 10 each along with assets and Under this pact, GE Gas Power will evaluate the possible
liabilities of the company as on the acquisition date (October modifications to the gas turbine unit and auxiliaries required
10). However, the acquisition price is subject to adjustment for blending of H2 with natural gas.
as per the audited accounts of the company, it added. Thereafter, a pilot project for 5 per cent co-firing of hydrogen
“Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd, pursuant to its may be implemented at the Kawas gas power plant in a
selection as the successful bidder under Tariff based safe environment based on the feasibility report. NTPC will
competitive bidding, has on October 10, 2022 acquired ER provide H2 required for the project, the statement said.
NER Transmission Ltd (ETL), the Project SPV to establish Deepesh Nanda, CEO of GE Gas Power South Asia, said
Inter-State Transmission System for System Strengthening Hydrogen has a significant potential to play, a complementary
Scheme for Eastern and North Eastern Regions, on build, role along with other low-to-zero carbon fuels in generating
own, operate and transfer (BOOT) basis from the Bid Process electricity at scale.
Coordinator - REC Power Development and Consultancy
Ltd,” it said in a BSE filing. “This MoU is among the steps we are taking in the direction to
meet the objectives under the National Hydrogen Mission.
The inter-state transmission system comprises upgradation
works at 400/132kV Banka (Bihar) with implementation “As our collaboration with GE grows deeper, we are more
schedule of 24 months and establishment of 220kV D/C focused to use advanced technology and leverage our gas
transmission lines passing through Assam and Arunachal power assets with a higher percentage of zero-carbon fuels
Pradesh and bays extension works with implementation such as H2, as the availability of the fuel becomes viable,”
schedule of 36 months. Ujjwal Kanti Bhattacharya, Director (Projects) of NTPC Ltd,
The SPV, incorporated on October 6, 2021 by the bid process
coordinator, is yet to start commercial operations. Source : PTI, Oct 06, 2022

Source : PTI, Oct 11, 2022


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Forthcoming Events

1 National Conference on

Energy Storage including Pumped Storage –

ate 3 ia
and Challenges
d D y 202 at, In 4th – 5th November 2022, Shimla First Information Bulletin &

8 th International
In Association WithR&D Conference
vis uar ujar by
Call for Papers

Re anOrganised
0 hi
-11 naga
r, PROCEEDINGS Sponsored by
nd Global Trends in Water Resources,
IIT Power & RE Sectors
Central Board of Society of AARO National Skill Development Forum The Institution of NTPC
Irrigation and January
Engineers 2023 (Revised Date),
Afro – Asian (NSDF) IIT Gandhinagar, Engineers IndiaGujarat, India
Power India Region An Autonomous Fora of HP State Centre
The Institution of Engineers (India): www.cbip8rndconf.org
ShimlaInformation Bulletin

National Conference
Challenges in Distribution Sector and its Mitigations
Date: 10-11 November 2022 Venue: The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata
Organized by Knowledge Partner Platinum Sponsor

Central Board of Irrigation and Power

D ate 23 ndia First Information Bulletin &

ed y 2 at, I
8 th International
In Association WithR&D Conference
vis nOrganised
Call for Papers
e u ar ujar Sponsored by
R Ja , G by
8 -11 naga on
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d Global Trends in Water Resources,
G an
Highlights : Power & RE Sectors
• Central Board ofto interact
Opportunity Society of National AARO
with National
& International Skill Development
experts Forum The Institution of
on latest Innovations. NTPC
• AnPower 08-11 January 2023 (Revised Date), IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat,
Irrigation and Power Engineers
Exhibition displaying
Afro – Asian
Indialatest state Region
of the Art Technological India
An Autonomous
Engineers India
Fora of and innovations.
HP State Centre
• Awards Ceremony. Visit : www.cbip8rndconf.org
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The Institution of Engineers (India) Shimla

Organised by in Collaboration with Technology Partner

Central Board of Irrigation & Power Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd. IIT
New Delhi Gandhinagar, Gujarat Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Organized by Knowledge Partner Platinum Sponsor


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