Dystopia 2107 v1.1
Dystopia 2107 v1.1
Dystopia 2107 v1.1
Art Contributors:
Angelina Avgustova - https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/21824
Cluckva - https://www.shutterstock.com/g/cluckva
Kalamona - https://www.gamedevmarket.net/member/kalamona/
LeeJungJoo - https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/20721
Logan Arts - https://www.fiverr.com/logan_arts
Poneti - https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/38930
Rasuli Iman Fajri
Rexard - https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/13229
Simply Bright - https://www.fiverr.com/simplybright
Tithi Luadthong - https://www.shutterstock.com/g/tithi%20luadthong
Online Resources & Communities: The RPG Design & RPG Creation subreddits over at
https://www.reddit.com/r/RPGdesign/ & https://www.reddit.com/r/RPGcreation/.
Feedback Provided By: David Evans, Hayden Clapham, Jimmie Fong, Levon Ouzounian, Linda Karlsson, Mark
Frain, Mike O’Regan, Quinn Martens, Shane Preece, William Skeels, Wouter van Dam.
Inspiration & Influences: Akira, Altered Carbon, Blade Runner, Cosmograve - Run, Cyberpunk 2020,
Cyberpunk 2077, Deus Ex, Dredd, FM Attack - Loved to Death, Ghost in the Shell, Jeremiah Kane - All or
Nothing, Mass Effect, Mr Robot, Perturbator - I Am The Night, RoboCop, Shadowrun, Shadowrun: Hong Kong,
Turbo Knight - The Citadel & Rise of the Machines.
Copyright © 2023 by Dean Hall - Please do not reproduce without written consent. Permission is granted to
photocopy or otherwise reproduce for personal use.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 About This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 How to Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Character Creation 3
2.1 Genetics Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Choosing Your Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5 Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.6 Psionic Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.7 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.8 Backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.9 Funds & Lifestyles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.10 Equipment & Cybernetic Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
ii Contents
4.5 Status Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
4.6 Rewards & Advancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
5 Combat 239
5.1 Turns, Rounds & the Structure of Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
5.2 Resource Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
5.3 Combat Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
5.4 Making an Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
5.5 Combat Events & Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
A Handouts 347
A.1 Status Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
A.2 Common Combat Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
A.3 Combat Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
A.4 Computing & Tech Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
A.5 Automation Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
A.6 Psionic Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
B NPCs 358
iii Contents
Chapter 1
Dystopia: 2107 is a science fiction-based tabletop From here, the topic then changes to introducing
role-playing game. Set in the year 2107, society has the gameplay rules themselves. General subject
been cast into a downward spiral of inequality and matters are covered first before moving on to the
oppression. Various corporate entities and world more specialised components, including; psionics,
governments move through hidden channels, computers & hacking, and combat. Not every game
competing against one another to gain both will require intimate knowledge about each of the
influence and control. Peace and order have also covered subjects, but it’s generally a good practice
started to break down, with armed gangs now to have a competent level of understanding
walking the streets in a brazen display of defiance beforehand.
and power.
Next up, the book covers the lore of the world and
Like with other games of its type, Dystopia Dystopia’s setting. While these subjects will have
is heavily driven by narrative and its players’ little to no bearing on the game’s actual rules, they
imagination. One individual is designated to be will help give some insight and flavour into what
the Game Master (GM), who depicts the game’s society is like within the fictional world. Topics
current situation and how it unfolds as a result detailing notable events for the past 90 years will
of the other players’ actions. Everyone else at the help explain how things came to be and what life is
table takes on the persona of a talented citizen or like in the Dystopia universe.
mercenary who lives within this world. Perhaps
they are merely looking to try and survive, or Finally, we dedicate the last chapter to the topic of
maybe their goal is to pursue a personal agenda of actually running a game of Dystopia, and how best
their own. Regardless of what it may be, anything GMs might prepare for it. This content, labelled
is possible here; it’s simply a matter of rolling some Running The Game, talks about creating an exciting
dice and seeing how it all plays out. story for a group of players and how best to fill it
with enticing content.
There is no winning or losing here in Dystopia.
Everyone at the table, regardless of their role,
should work together to create an unforgettable 1.2 How to Play
experience for one another. The GM is tasked
with setting the stage for an enticing adventure, Dystopia is a very narrative-driven game. During
while the players help bring it to life through a session, the GM will describe the current scene
both exploration and the actions they decide to to everyone at the table, helping them better
undertake. understand the type of environment they are
presently in, along with the potential options
that might be available to them. This information
1.1 About This Book can include things like what they can see and
hear, who else is currently present, and how their
The core rule book for Dystopia 2107 has been surroundings are laid out and structured.
arranged into several chapters, each of which
focuses on a single topic or purpose. We start Players can then decide what actions they would
with character creation, which aims to get new like to undertake using this information. For
players up to speed on the numerous aspects example, they may wish to talk to someone else
that help make up their character. After this, we nearby, or they may want to interact with an
move on to items and equipment, as these will help object that they have seen. Each activity can be
complement players, both new and old, as they performed by a single character, or as part of a
progress through their story. group, in an attempt to influence and change the
current narrative.
1 Chapter 1, Introduction
The GM should take all of this information and your character’s skills and the difficulty of the task
outline how these events play out. Talking at hand will be of influence here. These factors
with another individual could lead to a heated will determine not just the size of this dice pool but
discussion between them and the players, or also the overall number of dice that must pass the
maybe investigating that object grants them threshold for a positive outcome to be achieved.
essential information towards a particular task or
goal. Other sized dice, including d4s, 6s, 8s, and 12s,
will also be required from time to time. Different
Regardless of what occurs here, the results should weapon systems and psionic powers often use
usually lead back to the start of the process. More these to determine suitable amounts of damage.
exposition from the GM sets the scene once again, As a result, some players may find themselves only
and a whole host of new choices are available for requiring a couple of these, while others might use
the players to make. the vast majority of them.
Character Creation
The character creation process is your first step as Below, a table has been provided to give a brief
a player in entering the world of Dystopia. Over overview of how expensive each part of the
the course of several steps, this procedure will character creation process will likely be. This will
highlight each of the different aspects that help break down each of the different steps one by one,
define a well-rounded and unique character. and give you a rough idea of where you might want
to focus a more significant portion of your available
Do you imagine this person to be brave or cautious? resources.
A fighter or a negotiator? Compassionate or cruel?
Questions like these (and many others) will help Step Typical Cost
influence what you want your character to be. As a
result, before continuing onwards and starting the Race 0
creation process itself, it is strongly recommended Attributes 10 per addition
that you take some time out and think about the Skills 3 per addition
kind of individual you want to play.
Traits 10 - 30 per item
Psionic Powers 3 per power
2.1 Genetics Pool Languages 2 - 6 per extra language
Background 0
A character’s genetics helps define who they are
and what they are capable of. It can highlight what Funds & Lifestyle 0 - 80
skills they will be proficient at while also indicating Items & Equipment 0
what else they might struggle with. The entire
character creation process revolves around the
idea of a genetics pool, a 325 point system that can Additional resources will be added to your genetics
be spent and allocated into various statistics and pool over time through a character’s natural
features along the way. progression (known as their renown). These can
then be used to further your skills and talents to
improve your existing qualities and help you obtain
To help guide you through this process, we new ones. As a result, there is little to no point in
shall carefully examine each of these steps one not spending the vast majority of your allowance
by one. Most will focus on a single gameplay upfront.
mechanic or system, which can be slowly digested
and understood before moving on to the next.
Depending on the type of character you are looking
to build, some of these steps may require you to
2.2 Choosing Your Race
sacrifice a considerable amount more from your
genetics pool than others. All characters belong to one of five separate races.
Each has its own unique quirks, both positive
and negative, along with lore and history on
For example, you might want to create a
how they came to be. Some may consider this
gunslinger, someone who is deadly with a firearm
little more than fluff, while others may see it
from great distances away. By allocating a sizable
as useful information for potential role-playing
portion of your genetics pool to attributes like
opportunities. Regardless of which side you may
Finesse and skills like Guns: Pistols, your character
fall under, you need to pick out one of the races
will become one of the best shooters around. Of
that you wish for your character to belong to.
course, given that the pool is finite in resources,
you as a player will have to ask yourself, what is
worth sacrificing to specialise just that little bit Below, an overview table can be found that
better? summarises the distribution of statistics for each
Race End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha HP MS Move Rea
Human 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 10 10 8m 1m
Kram 3/7 1/5 3/7 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 1/5 12 8 8m 1m
Cyterian 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 10 10 8m 1m
Vorn 1/5 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 3/7 2/6 8 10 8m 1m
Tikar 2/6 2/6 2/6 3/7 2/6 2/6 1/5 2/6 10 10 10 m 1m
Above: The statistical overview table for Dystopia’s various racial choices.
Out of all the civilised races on Earth, humans are
the oldest and most plentiful. Roughly 80% of
today’s society is made up of them, and they tend
to (though not always) take up the vast majority of
the high-ranking positions of power. That’s not to
say that all humans live a life of luxury; no, very far
from it.
Negative Quirks Given that these individuals are sentient AI, most
Cyterian are very logical thinkers. They are not
Fast Metabolism: prone to making rash decisions and will usually
A Kram requires a 50% increase in their daily food require an analysis of all situational variables
and water intake. If the mutant has not consumed before coming to a final decision or course of
either food or water within the past 12 hours, they action. However, as they learn and experience
automatically suffer one level of exhaustion. different things, this process can sometimes
be morphed by their surroundings and those
Troublemaker: around them. Data corruption and damage to their
Whenever they are currently in a business or social sub-systems can also have weird effects on their
establishment, a Kram will always be watched minds, and it has often been expressed that the
closely by its security team. In such locations, older a unit becomes, the more its personality
these mutants suffer from a –3 dice pool penalty begins to change.
to all skill checks that attempt to hide, obfuscate
Base Stats
Hit Points: 8.
Mental Stamina: 10.
Natural Resistances: Heat: +6.
Movement Speed: 8 meters.
Melee Reach: 1 meter.
Positive Quirks
Enhanced Senses:
All Perception skill checks made by a Vorn
automatically gain a +2 dice pool modifier applied
to them.
Regeneration: Many Tikar are said to lead a nocturnal lifestyle or
The body’s of these mutants can passively heal simply wear full-body clothing and headwear to
themselves over time. As a result, a Vorn can counteract this annoying genetic trait.
passively regain three hit points for each hour that
Base Stats
Negative Quirks Hit Points: 10.
Mental Stamina: 10.
Low Endurance: Natural Resistances: None.
These mutants only receive three additional hit Movement Speed: 10 meters.
points for each point of Endurance gained, rather Melee Reach: 1 meter.
than the usual four.
Positive Quirks
Vulnerability to Cold:
After applying damage resistances and Low-light Vision:
penetration, a Vorn should lose double the amount A Tikar automatically gains 30 meters of low-light
of hit points whenever struck by a source of vision.
cold-based damage.
Wall Crawling:
Tikar All Tikar can fasten onto and climb most types
of solid surfaces, so long as it can support
With a slight hunch to their stature and a set of their current weight. While their wall-crawling
claws attached to their hands and feet, the Tikar capabilities do not allow for them to defy the laws
are often described as humans who have started to of gravity, they can be used to suspend the mutant
undergo bestial-like changes to their mannerisms on sheer vertical climbs, or even when they are
and appearance. While some will happily embrace upside down.
this change, with their claws out on full display
and often styling their accelerated hair growth in Climbing in this way does not require a check
the shape of a mane, others will try their best to to be made by the Tikar, nor does it incur the
blend in more, staunchly keeping these changes to usual movement speed penalty. As a result, it
themselves. is considered by them to be a normal form of
Most Tikar are generally at or around the average
height of a human, though their bone structure is Claws:
far more adapted for running in short sharp bursts. Tikar have a set of sharp claws that they can use
When moving at high speed, a Tikar will often use while in close combat. Unarmed attacks made
all four of their limbs to push themselves forward by them deal an amount of damage equal to their
rather than continue to remain upright. Their claws total Strength attribute score, rather than the usual
function exceptionally well as both a weapon for half. In addition, such attacks should also gain +2
self-defence and a means for latching onto and physical damage penetration.
climbing solid surfaces.
Negative Quirks
While the Tikar have had no issues integrating
themselves with the rest of society, many have Sunlight Sensitivity:
observed that they seem to prefer cold and dark All Tikar do not like being exposed to the presence
environments, especially those that are away of sunlight. When they are in such environments,
from the brightness of the sun. Further studies they begin to suffer a dice pool penalty to any of
indicate that these mutants have started to their skill checks that require the use of sight. The
develop an unwelcome sensitivity to it, often severity of this penalty should range between -1
finding that sunlight is both uncomfortable and for a mild amount of exposure, to -3 while they are
highly nauseating for them. While being in daylight in direct sunlight.
does not cause them physical pain per se, it does
hamper their ability to see correctly.
Endurance Will
Endurance is a measurement While Endurance might help
of just how tough an individual deal with mitigating physical
is or how resilient they are attacks and environmental
to physical punishment and conditions, Will is a metric of an
trauma. This can take many individual’s resilience towards
forms, including something mental trauma and stress.
as simple as withstanding Characters with a high amount
the attacks from an opponent or attempting to of Will can better keep their emotions in check and
press on through treacherous terrain and weather defend themselves against those who attempt to
conditions. manipulate them.
While Endurance might not be directly associated Will has no skills directly associated with it but is
with any skills, it is often used for various types still often used for defensive attribute checks to
of defensive checks. Additionally, each point of avoid psionic powers and their effects. In addition,
Endurance will increase the size of an individual’s each point of Will increases a character’s mental
hit points pool by a total of four. stamina pool by an additional four, allowing them
to stay conscious for longer when being subjected
to the mental based attacks of others.
Strength has several skills that are directly Most academic, psionic, and tech-related skill
associated with it. These all tend to be either sets are based on this attribute. In addition, the
athletic activities (such as Climbing, Jumping, and maximum number of languages an individual
Swimming), or the use of many different types of can learn is also determined by their Intellect. A
blunt melee weapons. In addition, each point of character’s maximum capacity to speak, read, and
Strength a character possesses increases their write the world’s various languages equals half
total movement speed by a further meter. their current Intellect attribute score (rounded up).
Finesse Foresight
Finesse relates to a character’s A character’s Foresight suggests
flexibility and how well they how well they can use their
can balance themselves senses to interpret and
in precarious situations. understand their surroundings.
Additionally, the attribute also This could be spotting a specific
dictates the level of talent that hazard or object from some
they have over their hand-eye distance away or reading
coordination and fine motor abilities. another individual’s body language to work out
their current emotional state.
A great many skills are tied to the Finesse attribute.
This can range from Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Foresight covers several different skills,
and certain types of melee-based weapons, as each based on this core principle of reading
well as the vast majority of the various gun skills. and understanding the character’s current
Most of these will require an individual to have environment.
a competent amount of balance or hand-eye
coordination to be carried out reliably.
Reflex Charisma demonstrates how
well the character can influence,
While Finesse indicates attract, and manipulate those
someone’s flexibility, around them. In a nutshell, it is a
subtlety and grace, Reflex measurement of just how much
is a measurement of their of an aura they project while in a
reactionary speeds and particular environment or social
initiative. Those with high setting.
reflexes will generally be able to
act first in combat situations or react more quickly Skills that are based on Charisma tend to be used
to the actions of those around them. outside of combat. They can help an individual
interact with, convince, or even manipulate the
The only skills tied to Reflex are those associated opinions of those around them to act in a manner
with piloting drones and vehicles, as all of these that benefits the character.
require exceptional reactionary speeds to be
performed well.
A character starts with zero in all skills but can use Animal Handling [Charisma]
points from their genetics pool to increase them
Like humans and their more
as desired. Each point added to a skill costs three
recent mutant offspring, many
from your genetics pool and cannot be stacked
animals can form radically
higher than a total of five plus the character’s
different opinions from
current level of renown. New players will likely be
one individual to the next.
starting with a renown of one, so their skill limit
While society certainly has
should be considered six.
the advantage of common
languages that allow us to communicate
Acrobatics [Finesse] effectively with one another, our relationship with
animals is, more often than not, far more basic.
While many would conjure up
imagery of gymnastics or a The Animal Handling skill reflects what sort of
circus upon first hearing the aura an individual gives off towards animals,
word acrobatics, there are both domesticated and wild. Those who develop
potentially many real-world their talent for this skill can generally get a more
examples that can make receptive response from these types of creatures
effective use of this skill. while also having a better chance at influencing
Whether trying to keep your balance in a perilous them and their behaviour. This could include
situation or squeeze on through a tight and calming down a frightened animal or pacifying an
cramped space, the ability to utilise your body’s aggressive creature into a more friendly stance.
motor coordination and agility can often prove key
in difficult-to-pass environments.
Archery [Finesse]
Those gifted with a higher Acrobatics skill are more
While it is undoubtedly true that
flexible and dexterous. They have better control
many would consider a bow and
over their body when making finer movements
arrow to be a little obsolete in
and can do so effectively in a smooth, efficient, and
this day and age, these weapons
well-timed manner.
can still provide all the same
lethality of a firearm without
generating any of their noise.
Many individuals who prefer a more stealthy
approach have made a good name for themselves
utilising such a weapon, and as such, they have
seen a resurgence back onto the market as of late.
Psionics: Deception [Intellect] Characters who are particularly talented with this
skill will have a far easier time when choosing
With its ability to manipulate to use such powers. Their abilities will be more
others into a false pretence, reliable to cast and have a greater potency to their
the Deception specialisation effects. Barriers that you produce will be able
for psionics is a potent choice to take more hits before they disperse, while the
for those who wish to confuse force behind your offensive attacks will prove more
and disrupt their opponents. significant in strength.
Perhaps there is a sudden
need to conceal yourself and nearby allies from
view, or maybe you want to influence the minds of Psionics: Materialisation [Intellect]
your opponents so that you can appear in a more
Manipulating the powers
favourable sort of light.
of the Ether offers a person
much more than merely being
Regardless of what you might be planning, this able to destroy things in
skill indicates how talented you might be when unique and creative ways. The
deciding to use these powers. Those characters Materialisation specialisation is
with a competent level of talent here will not only an excellent example of this.
prove more reliable at influencing their targets but
can produce larger and more convincing illusionary
You may require a sharp blade to help ward off
nearby passing foes, or you could do with the aid
of a sentient spectral entity that obeys your every
Psionics: Energetics [Intellect] command. Regardless of what you might need
here, this specialisation can help you conjure up
Whether you are looking to all manner of useful items and objects out of thin
create explosive blasts of air.
intense heat, lethal bolts of
arcing electricity, or large Those with a high amount of skill here will often
zones of debilitating cold, the prove more capable when using such powers. The
Energetics specialisation allows items and objects they attempt to create will be
an individual to manipulate more potent in their effects and last for a longer
heat and energy to conjure a variety of area-based duration.
The Tech: Maintenance skill indicates how well Weapons that are a part of this category can often
a character can usually identify these hardware include:
faults and their capability to go on and fix them.
Those with a high amount of talent here can more • Throwing knives and other such bladed
reliably identify these issues before they cause instruments (i.e. shurikens).
major problems and how best they can modify or
repair different types of computerised equipment. • Grenades.
• Deployable nets.
Performing such an attack is considered a type of When dealing with cybernetic enhancements and
free action, and once executed, it cannot be done their limits, your body only requires one weekly
again until the start of your next turn. dose of an immunosuppressive drug for every
fifteen complete points of rejection rating (rather
Genetics pool cost: 20 than the usual ten).
Exceptional Abilities
High Pain Tolerance
You were born with a rare form of mutation,
allowing you to push yourself further than Requires: Endurance of four or more.
everyone else.
You have an unusually high tolerance to pain and
Choose one attribute. The biological maximum for can keep going when many others would begin to
it is now increased by one. falter.
Since Cyterians do not have lips in which to move, Genetics pool cost: 15
this trait cannot be used against them.
Note: This trait can be purchased multiple times;
Genetics pool cost: 10 however, each instance must focus on a different
resistance type.
Luck always seems to be on your side, and you can
Omninet Ghost
perform magnificent feats even when the odds are Requires: Tech: Computing skill of four or more.
stacked against you.
Years of experience have made you cautious about
You receive three points of luck. After performing the dangers of the Omninet. You know how to
a skill or attribute check, you may spend one point maintain your privacy from third parties and excel
of luck to re-roll it. The decision to make this re-roll at masking your digital footprint. You have also
can be made after the check’s outcome has been learned how to modify your devices’ behaviour,
decided; however, you must take the second result making them far more difficult for others to detect.
regardless of which is better.
Whenever an individual attempts to locate or track
After completing an extended rest with food and you digitally, you gain a +2 dice pool modifier on
water, you regain all of your spent luck points to be all checks made to try and remain hidden from
used once again. them. Additionally, all devices in which you have
been designated as the Root user for at least a
Genetics pool cost: 15 day automatically have their network noise rating
increased by two. This benefit remains in place so
long as you retain Root level access on the device.
Natural Born Actor
Requires: Charisma of four or more. Genetics pool cost: 15
You were born with a natural talent for acting and Note: This cannot be taken in combination with the
taking on the roles of others. Your mannerisms ”Poorly Maintained Devices” trait.
and how you present yourself can all change at a
moment’s notice, and you seem particularly quick
at picking up the key aspects of what makes an Opportunist
individual themselves.
While some individuals see a wounded foe as
defeated and no longer a real threat to them,
All Acting and Disguise skill checks you make others see a perfect opportunity to strike and
receive a +2 dice pool modifier added to them. finish them off. You very much fall into this latter
Additionally, you only need to have heard someone category, happy to go on the offensive to eliminate
speak for a few minutes to make a reasonable helpless victims.
attempt to mimic their voice.
Whenever you attack a target at or below half of
Genetics pool cost: 15 their maximum hit points, they should also suffer
a -2 dice pool penalty to any opposing attribute or
Naturally Resilient skill checks that they will be required to make.
Whether you were born with it or the condition Genetics pool cost: 15
simply developed over a prolonged period, you
have an abnormal level of resistance towards a
particular type of damage.
Whether due to a life of hard labour or perhaps When an automation that you have been
an ever-present drive to continuously improve designated as the Root user for at least a day
yourself, you have developed an unnatural ability attempts to make a skill or attribute check,
to carry impressive amounts of weight over great you can, as a free action, grant it a +2 dice pool
distances. modifier towards its roll. Once the check has been
concluded, it must make a generic Endurance +
Your total carrying capacity is increased by 50%. Strength attribute check with a success target of
Genetics pool cost: 10
On a failure, the automation begins to malfunction
due to being pushed beyond its normal limits. Roll
Paranoid a d10 and consult the table below to determine
what adverse effects occur as a result.
Regardless of where you are or what you might be
doing, you always have this unsettling feeling in
the back of your mind. Whether it be a corporation d10 Adverse Effect
following your every move or perhaps a sense that
The automation shuts down from
some gang is about to kick down the front door and overheating. A visible plume of smoke arises
light you up with a spray of bullets, you always feel 1
from within, and it remains unusable for the
like someone or something is out to get you. next 1d10 minutes while it attempts to cool.
The automation’s Endurance, Strength,
You gain a +3 dice pool modifier on all surprise 2 Finesse, Reflex, and Foresight attributes are
checks that you make. all reduced by one (minimum of one).
A mounted weapon, chosen at random, stops
Genetics pool cost: 15 3
The automation begins emitting a noticeable
Parkour Artist 4-5 buzzing, clicking, or otherwise similar type of
Requires: Finesse of five or more. The automation’s physical damage
resistance is reduced by 1d6.
You have a talent for parkour and can quickly and The automation’s current hit points are
efficiently find your way through complex urban 8 - 10
reduced by 1d6.
spaces. Obstacles prove ineffective at slowing you
down, and you seem to handle the landings from
Regardless of whether the automation succeeded
small jumps with ease.
on this check, you should also mark down that it
has received one point of stress. Each time you
Unless you are in hazardous or exceptional choose to repeat this trait, the automation in
circumstances, you can avoid the movement question receives a -1 dice pool penalty for each
penalty from areas of difficult terrain while in an point of stress it currently has whenever you
urban-type environment. Additionally, whenever attempt to determine whether or not it begins to
you enter a fall six meters in distance or less, you malfunction.
automatically land on your feet, taking no physical
damage from it.
Both stress and any negative effects created by
this trait can be removed from an automation
Genetics pool cost: 20 by spending an hour of your time performing a
suitable type of maintenance skill check on it.
The GM should determine the success target for
Pedal To The Metal this check based on the amount of damage it has
When it comes to your automations, there are sustained.
simply no half-measures. After all, as the saying
goes, you either go big or go home. You regularly Genetics pool cost: 15
Psionic Artillery
Requires: Awakened Mind trait.
Described by many as a resourceful individual, you
You show considerable talent with your psionic have little in the way of problems searching your
powers. You can keep control and sustain them environment for useful supplies.
over much greater distances than compared with
other casters. You gain a +3 bonus to your dice pool whenever you
make a Perception or Survival skill check to search
Whenever you use a psionic power, you may cast it your surroundings for general items or resources.
as if its range has been increased by half. Abilities
listed as having a range of either ”self” or ”touch” Genetics pool cost: 12
are unaffected by this trait.
You gain a +1 bonus to your dice pool whenever you Genetics pool cost: 20
make a skill or attribute check to defend against
such conditions and effects.
Shell Waterproofing
Genetics pool cost: 20 Requires: Cyterian only.
Whenever you are subjected to an effect which is Targeting a device to which you have both; physical
either; attempting to knock you prone or forcing access and have been authorised to use, you can
you to move, you may choose to roll a d6. On a roll spend an hour of your time attempting to make
of four or higher, you may ignore that component tweaks and modifications to it. Make a generic
of the effect. Tech: Maintenance skill check with a success
target of three. On a success, the device gains a
permanent and non-stacking +2 bonus to its RAM
Genetics pool cost: 15
Your body can stave off some of the most Genetics pool cost: 15
contagious diseases and infections. You are rarely
ill, and even when you are, the effects don’t last as
long as everyone else. Tough To Kill
Requires: Endurance of four or more.
You gain a +2 dice pool modifier whenever you
attempt an attribute or skill check to either resist
or end the effects of a poison or disease. Regardless of what others keep throwing at you,
you seem remarkably difficult to finally kill off.
Genetics pool cost: 10
Whenever you enter a dying state, you must be
brought down to negative your maximum number
Thick Skinned of hit points to be killed, rather than the usual half.
With years of meticulous training at your back and While in a city or another type of urban landscape,
an unprecedented amount of strength, you have you gain a +2 dice pool modifier towards all
mastered the ability to wield two-handed weapons Navigation, Streetwise and Intuition skill checks.
using just a single hand. While choosing to do so,
you suffer the following penalties: Genetics pool cost: 20
Whenever you make a technology-related skill All checks made by others to recall yourself and
check, each die that lands on a one should remove your actions have a +2 dice pool modifier added to
a pass from your final result. them. Additionally, attempts made by yourself to
either blend into a crowd or impersonate someone
else suffer from a -2 dice pool penalty.
Genetics pool gain: 10
You are considered illiterate, preventing you • You roll only half the usual restoration dice to
from reading or writing your spoken languages. restore your hit points and mental stamina.
While your computing skills are minimal, you can
• Any checks you make to determine whether
complete very simple tasks by memorising various
an ongoing detrimental effect ends suffer a
patterns, familiar iconography, and the use of voice
-3 dice pool penalty.
Note: this cannot be taken in combination with the Genetics pool gain: 15
”Omninet Ghost” trait.
Despite the world being full of individuals willing to Work with your GM to develop an appropriate type
do anything for the right price, you have decided of code to which your character will always follow.
to live your life by following a strict set of rules A small number of examples have been provided in
or code. No matter what happens or how dark the the table below.
Creed Description
Pool Gain
Your word is your bond. When you enter into an agreement with someone,
A Deal’s a Deal 10
there’s simply no going back.
Protector of the You will not stand idly by while civilians are being threatened and endangered,
Innocent even if this means walking into an unfavourable fight.
You do not believe in attacking those that do not have a chance to defend
themselves. You will not fight someone who doesn’t hold a weapon, and will 15
never launch a surprise attack.
Regardless of the crimes that someone has committed, you do not believe that
killing them is the answer. Whenever possible, you will always prefer to deal
Merciful Soul 20
non-lethal damage rather than the killing blow, and anyone who is under your
custody shall be treated with common dignity and respect.
No Man Left
You will never leave behind a friend or ally, regardless of the circumstances. 20
Once these two powers have been replaced, any • English • German
further changes the character would like to make • Spanish • Hindi
will require the full genetics cost to be paid to learn
• Russian • Arabic
it. Therefore, players should take some time to
choose their abilities wisely, as this may otherwise • Mandarin • Portuguese
cost them dearly in the long run. • Japanese • French
For more in-depth coverage of psionics, including During the character creation process, each
both its mechanics and a full list of the various individual receives one language for free in which
powers you can choose from, please refer to they are a fluent speaker. If you want to add more,
chapter six of this book. you can do so at the expense of resources from
your genetics pool. How expensive each of these
choices ends up being is determined solely by your
2.7 Languages desired skill level when using them.
As has been the case for most of humanity’s Each language an individual speaks can be one of
history, there are many different cultures and three different potential skill levels. As this skill
languages within the world of 2107. While some level continues to improve, so will their capabilities
of these are often used by millions of individuals to when deciding to use the language in a social
go about their daily lives, others are kept to smaller setting. These can be summarised in the table
or more isolated communities and social groups. below, along with their associated genetics pool
With your character’s attributes assigned,
now would be a good time to think about As mentioned in the attributes section, Intellect
which languages they might know. Are they a is the main factor for determining the maximum
well-travelled individual who enjoys taking in number of languages any given character can
everything that the world has to offer, or do they learn. This amount equals half their current
prefer to stay with their local communities and Intellect attribute score, rounded up.
mother tongue instead?
Those who want to increase their current skill level
Regardless of where your character is currently in a particular language only require an amount
located within the world or their prior upbringing from their genetics pool equal to the difference
and history, they would have required at least one between the two respective costs.
d20 Ideals
Family - You are who you are because of your kin. You
owe them a debt that you may never be able to repay.
2 Power - In life as in war, the stronger force always wins.
d20 Personality Type
Logic - Emotions and feelings all too often
1 Shy and recluse. overcomplicate the world. You seek to avoid this.
2 Arrogant and egocentric. Knowledge - Understanding and experience are the best
tools to help achieve success.
3 Upbeat and optimistic.
5 Entertainment - You’re just here to have a good time.
Frivolous and light-
hearted. Friendship - Material goods come and go, but the bonds
of friendship last forever.
5 Stern and resolute.
Charity - We should always try our best to help those
6 Jittery and nervous. 7
who are less fortunate than ourselves.
7 Sneaky and cunning.
Aspiration - You are determined to make something of
Reckless and often yourself.
9 Greed - You’re just in it for the money.
9 Outspoken and direct.
Community - It’s important for each of us to look out for
10 Sociable and lively. one another.
11 Curious and inquisitive. Truth - In a world filled with lies and slander, you care
only to shine a light on the truth.
12 Calm and compassionate.
People - You are loyal to your friends, not to any one
13 Smooth and flirtatious. 12
14 Sceptical and dismissive.
13 Respect - In life, this is the only currency that matters.
15 Cunning and opportunistic.
Tradition - The world may have gone to hell, but the
Self centred and traditions of old will always be there to guide you.
Fairness - We all do the work, so we should all get a
Boisterous and share of the reward.
16 Fame - One day, everyone will know your name.
18 High-strung and skittish.
Duty - When you are on a job, your only thought or
Diplomatic and level- concern is seeing it through to the end.
Revolution - You wish to see the world remade and
20 Disconnected and callous. changed.
Go to Ideals. Freedom - Tyrants and bullies must not be allowed to
oppress the people.
Law - No one should get preferential treatment before
the law, and no one is above it.
Go to Bonds.
You are always having monetary You are saving up to get a family member the
14 problems, spending your gains as soon medical attention that they need.
as you get a hold of them. You carry an object that symbolises your past
You are burdened by a terrible secret, and 15 life. You take it everywhere you go so that you
15 will do everything in your power to keep may never forget where you came from.
it hidden. An unresolved mystery still haunts you to this
There’s no room for caution in a life lived day.
to the fullest. Someone cheated you out of the profits during a
You have little respect for those who past job. You aim to finally get your cut.
cannot look after themselves. A gang of friends from either your youth or
18 You have little remorse or guilt. previous jobs are like a family to you.
You tend to judge others harshly, and Someone you once loved was taken from you.
19 19
yourself even more so. You seek to bring those responsible to justice.
You often shoot first and ask questions You once wronged an individual or organisation
20 20 of great power. They must never learn of your
identity or those that you care about.
Go to Flaws.
2.10 Equipment & Cybernetic • One ranged, and one melee based weapon.
• Suitable ammunition for your chosen
Enhancements weapons.
With your character primed and ready, our last • Either a licence to carry, or an appropriate bag
step in this creation process is determining what in which to store said weapons, so that you
equipment and items they will have in their don’t immediately get arrested.
possession. Whether it be a suitable firearm to • Clothing, and some amount of armour.
defend themselves or perhaps a vehicle or two to
help get them from A to B, all characters will need • A Personal Computing Device (PCD).
to equip themselves with an arsenal of gear if they • A means of transportation.
ever hope to be able to carry out a job successfully.
Equipment For Drone Pilots
Utilising the funds that were determined during
the last section as your overall budget, you If you are looking to include some drones in your
should start thinking long and hard about what arsenal, you will likely need a few extra pieces
sort of purchases you would like to make. How of equipment to ensure that they can correctly
many weapons would you like to have? How perform their role. This should likely include:
much and what type of ammunition are you
going to carry? Are you planning on utilising
• A PCD with a host count that can support
drones and vehicles? Do you need to stock up
a number of different automations
on electronic countermeasures to help defend
your computerised devices? There are many
possibilities here, and for some individuals • Both a Pilotsoft and Sensor Array for each
(new players especially,) this may be quite an automation that you choose to purchase.
intimidating experience. • One or two Skillsofts to improve the relevant
skills for each of your chosen automations.
In chapter three, you will find the entire items and
equipment list for Dystopia. Each item is broken • Firearms, an appropriate amount of
down into its respective category, along with all ammunition, and a suitable number of
the information you will need on what it does, how weapon mounts for any automation you are
much it costs, and whether it is accessible to a looking to use in combat.
character of your current level of renown. Feel free
to take your time here. Digest what you are reading
and get a feel for how well your funds can stretch
to cater to your needs.
Property Description
Computerised This equipment is a type of computerised device. It is susceptible to the effects of EMP-type
Device weaponry and can be targeted by the hacking attempts of others.
This equipment is unwieldy and burdensome. An individual wearing it suffers a stacking -3 dice
pool penalty to any Stealth-based skill check they make.
Inconspicuous This item can be worn while hidden away underneath an individual’s clothing.
This equipment is at least partially made from a type of metallic substance. As a result, it will
set off any metal detectors it passes through.
This equipment is considered to be quick and easy to reload. While each ranged attack requires
Quick Draw & Fire a separate piece of ammunition, its wielder can freely carry out any needed reloading activities
as a free action.
This melee weapon provides its wielder with an improved reach. Its actions can be carried out
as if the character using it has an additional meter of melee reach.
Recoverable This ammunition/weapon system is intended to be recoverable after use.
This weapon system can be affected by scatter. When fired, a check must be made to determine
its exact landing location.
This equipment is very effective against objects and structures. Attacks against such targets
Siege Weapon inflict double their normal amount of damage output before calculating resistances and hit
point loss.
This equipment has a simple reloading mechanism which does not require the Eject
Simple Reloading
Magazine/Ordinance combat action to be carried out.
Stealthy When used, this item does not automatically reveal the location of its wielder to others.
Water This equipment does not fare well when exposed to water. It cannot be used in aquatic-type
Susceptibility environments.
Add-ons (Small
Name Range Dmg Pen Props Wt Con Rest Cost
& Medium Only)
Barrel, grip, sight,
Rapture MK-1 16/32/48 m 2d8 P 2P Device, 0.5 kg E 1R 650
under barrel
Barrel, grip, sight,
Apex Prowler 18/36/54 m 2d8 P 3P Device, 0.5 kg E 1R 900
under barrel
Barrel, grip, sight,
Colt Falcon 20/40/60 m 3d6 P 3P Device, 0.75 kg E 1R 1,050
under barrel
Barrel, grip, sight,
Challenger R6 20/40/60 m 2d10 P 4P Device, 0.5 kg E 2R 1,350
under barrel
Barrel, grip, sight,
Ruger SR400 22/44/66 m 3d6+1 P 5P Device, 0.75 kg E 2R 1,650
under barrel
Matsudan Barrel, grip, sight,
24/48/72 m 4d6 P 5P Device, 0.75 kg E 3R 2,050
Stalker under barrel
Xiao-Sen Barrel, grip, sight,
25/50/75 m 3d8+1 P 5P Device, 0.75 kg E 3R 2,500
Streetmaster under barrel
Recoil: 2
Fire Shot
Reload: 4
Ranged weapon attack: single target within range.
Reload: 2
Colt Falcon
Burst Fire As iconic as it is deadly, the Falcon is one of
Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within the newer products from the North American
range for each. manufacturer Colt. More substantial than your
typical light pistol but not quite reaching the heavy
Recoil: 2 classification, the Falcon combines excellent
Reload: 4 stopping power at a more reasonable asking price.
Burst Fire
Challenger R6 Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within
range for each.
Having been previously designed and used in
various military organisations across the globe, the
Recoil: 2
Challenger R6 has slowly begun to make its way
Reload: 4
into more accessible hands as the next generation
of weapon systems replaces it. Still, that doesn’t
mean to say that the Challenger is bad, far from it.
Matsudan Stalker
Combining a potent amount of damage output with This military-grade firearm continues Matsudan
an acceptable effective firing range, this firearm Heavy Industries’ long-running tradition of
can easily hold its own when out and about in the delivering exceptionally well-made products.
field. Versatile in function, the Stalker promises to bring
its potent combination of sheer stopping power
Standard Actions: and overall accuracy to any firefight, regardless of
the situation.
Fire Shot
Ranged weapon attack: single target within range. Having been sold to a variety of well-known
organisations across the globe, the Stalker is most
Reload: 2 regularly associated with high-end corporate
security and military infantry regiments.
Burst Fire
Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within Standard Actions:
range for each.
Fire Shot
Recoil: 2 Ranged weapon attack: single target within range.
Reload: 4
Reload: 2
Add-ons (Small
Name Range Dmg Pen Props Wt Con Rest Cost
& Medium Only)
Barrel, grip, sight,
R8 Reaver 22/44/66 m 2d10+1 P 4P Device, 1 kg E 1R 1,500
under barrel
Legionnaire Barrel, grip, sight,
25/50/75 m 3d8 P 4P Device, 1 kg E 1R 1,750
82 under barrel
Barrel, grip, sight,
Dega Avenger 24/48/72 m 4d6 P 5P Device, 1 kg E 2R 2,050
under barrel
ArmsCorp Barrel, grip, sight,
26/52/78 m 4d6+1 P 5P Device, 1 kg E 2R 2,400
Bulldog under barrel
Yamasaki Barrel, grip, sight,
28/56/84 m 3d10 P 6P Device, 1.25 kg E 3R 2,850
Chimera under barrel
Barrel, grip, sight,
Colt Firehawk 30/60/90 m 4d8 P 6P Device, 1.25 kg E 3R 3,250
under barrel
Legionnaire 82 Reload: 2
Fire Shot
Ranged weapon attack: single target within range.
Reload: 2
AK-62 Recoil: 5
Reload: A
Often labelled as the spiritual successor to the
once widely popular AK-47, the AK-62 arrives onto
the marketplace as a cheap, no-frills assault rifle.
Produced and made by the Russian Kalashnikov Beretta AR-30
Group, this firearm has seen wide success, both Known by many for its hefty amount of firepower,
domestically and abroad. the AR-30 is a sizable assault rifle produced and
made by the Padanian company Beretta. While
With a relatively low price point compared to it might not have the same number of bells and
many of its competitors, the AK-62 is often seen whistles as some of its competitors, the firearm
as easily accessible for most small groups and is still just as capable of eliminating and destroying
organisations. its targets.
Reload: 2
SIG 950
The SIG 950 is the latest in a long line of products Burst Fire
to arrive out of SIG SAUER AG. Targeted towards Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within
law enforcement and corporate security groups, range for each.
this assault rifle has become a staple addition for
many armouries worldwide. Recoil: 2
Reload: 2
Well respected and often considered highly
reliable, the SIG 950 is an excellent product for Rapid Fire
those with the connections to buy one. You open fire on a cone-shaped area with a range
equal to the weapon and a spread of 2/4/6 m.
Standard Actions:
Targets within the designated area must make an
opposing Endurance + Reflex attribute check with a
Fire Shot -3 dice pool penalty, contested against the dice
Ranged weapon attack: single target within range. pool of your Guns: Automatics skill. Each target is
hit by a number of ranged weapon attacks, equal to
Reload: 2 how many additional passes you achieved over
them (maximum of four).
Burst Fire
Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within Recoil: 4
range for each. Reload: A
Recoil: 2
Reload: 2
Apex Predator
Rapid Fire While its reputation for producing an unwieldy
You open fire on a cone-shaped area with a range amount of recoil is undoubtedly true, there is no
equal to the weapon and a spread of 2/4/6 m. denying that the Apex Predator is an absolute
beast of a weapon system. This heavy assault rifle
Targets within the designated area must make an can blast through almost anything that stands
opposing Endurance + Reflex attribute check with a in its way, providing that its wielder can control
-3 dice pool penalty, contested against the dice the weapon’s strong kickback when firing in quick
pool of your Guns: Automatics skill. Each target is succession.
hit by a number of ranged weapon attacks, equal to
how many additional passes you achieved over Regularly seen in the hands of skilled corporate
them (maximum of four). security and their fire teams, the Predator is an
exceptional piece of equipment that can quickly
Recoil: 4 help turn the tide of an engagement.
Reload: A
Standard Actions:
Add-ons (Small
Name Range Dmg Pen Props Wt Con Rest Cost
Barrel, general,
Lockjaw Computerised
14/28/42 m 2d8 P 3P 1.25 kg A grip, sight, under 1R 1,850
Auto Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
ArmsCorp Computerised
15/30/45 m 3d6 P 3P 1.5 kg A grip, sight, under 1R 2,050
Mauler Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
Cyclone Computerised
15/30/45 m 3d6+1 P 4P 1.5 kg A grip, sight, under 2R 2,550
Spiker Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
IWI Machine- Computerised
16/32/48 m 2d10+1 P 5P 1.5 kg A grip, sight, under 2R 3,000
Pistol Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
Crusader Computerised
20/40/60 m 3d8 P 5P 1.75 kg A grip, sight, under 3R 3,750
Ravager Device, Metallic
Recoil: 3 Recoil: 5
Reload: 3 Reload: A
Rapid Fire
You open fire on a cone-shaped area with a range
Crusader Ravager
equal to the weapon and a spread of 2/4/6 m.
Despite its unwieldy size and weight, this
Targets within the designated area must make an automatic pistol can certainly pack quite the punch.
opposing Endurance + Reflex attribute check with a Complete with a high rate of fire and an impressive
-3 dice pool penalty, contested against the dice amount of damage output to suit, the Crusader
pool of your Guns: Automatics skill. Each target is Ravager is one weapon system that can quickly
hit by a number of ranged weapon attacks, equal to decimate any target at a short to medium range.
how many additional passes you achieved over
them (maximum of three). Although the firearm is undoubtedly quite weighty
for a weapon of its type, many still find that they
Recoil: 5 can use it one-handed easily enough with a little bit
Reload: A of practice.
Standard Actions:
IWI Machine-Pistol
Arriving onto the marketplace from the highly Fire Shot
regarded Israel Weapon Industries corporation Ranged weapon attack: single target within range.
is the IWI Machine-Pistol. This compact piece of
equipment features several new technological Reload: 2
advances and design upgrades over its previous
generation counterparts, forming a weapon system Burst Fire
that is both easy to use and highly efficient at Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within
taking down its intended targets. range for each.
Add-ons (Small
Name Range Dmg Pen Props Wt Con Rest Cost
& Medium Only)
Computerised Barrel, general,
Arbiter RF 26/52/78 m 3d8 P 4P Device, 2.75 kg A grip, sight, under 1R 2,250
Metallic barrel.
Recoil: 2
Fire Shot
Reload: 2
Ranged weapon attack: single target within range.
Standard Actions:
ArmsCorp Marauder
Often appearing in tactical law enforcement, the Fire Shot
ArmsCorp Marauder is a potent submachine gun Ranged weapon attack: single target within range.
you do not want to face up against. With a high
amount of damage output and a blazingly fast rate Reload: 2
of fire, this weapon system can rip through almost
any target in no time. Burst Fire
Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within
However, despite its effectiveness, the Marauder range for each.
is well known for its huge kickback when firing
rapidly. For this reason, the weapon is largely Recoil: 2
reserved for corporate contracts and law Reload: 2
enforcement organisations, whereby skilled
individuals will often have an easier time Rapid Fire
maintaining control. You open fire on a cone-shaped area with a range
equal to the weapon and a spread of 2/4/6 m.
Standard Actions:
Targets within the designated area must make an
Fire Shot opposing Endurance + Reflex attribute check with a
Ranged weapon attack: single target within range. -3 dice pool penalty, contested against the dice
pool of your Guns: Automatics skill. Each target is
Reload: 2 hit by a number of ranged weapon attacks, equal to
how many additional passes you achieved over
Burst Fire them (maximum of four).
Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within
range for each. Recoil: 4
Reload: A
Recoil: 3
Reload: 2
Targets within the designated area must make an Targets within the designated area must make an
opposing Endurance + Reflex attribute check with a opposing Endurance + Reflex attribute check with a
-3 dice pool penalty, contested against the dice -3 dice pool penalty, contested against the dice
pool of your Guns: Automatics skill. Each target is pool of your Guns: Automatics skill. Each target is
hit by a number of ranged weapon attacks, equal to hit by a number of ranged weapon attacks, equal to
how many additional passes you achieved over how many additional passes you achieved over
them (maximum of four). them (maximum of four).
Recoil: 4 Recoil: 4
Reload: A Reload: A
Add-ons (Small
Name Range Dmg Pen Props Wt Con Rest Cost
& Medium Only)
Computerised General, grip, sight,
Lancer MK 1 60/120/180 m 4d8+1 P 10 P 6 kg D 2R 5,250
Device, Metallic under barrel
Recoil: 3 Reload: 3
Reload: 5
Two Shot Burst
Two ranged weapon attacks: single target within
Yamasaki Cerberus range for each.
Sleek and stylistic, much like many other
Yamasaki armaments, the Cerberus arrives Recoil: 3
onto the marketplace as a highly capable Reload: 5
anti-material weapon system. Designed and built
for military-style engagements, the Cerberus can
easily unleash enough firepower to punch a hole
straight through most materials and surfaces.
Scattershots these weapons often serve as an effective tool in
most close-quarter-based engagements.
Known for their ferocity and
power, scattershots are a type Like with their larger brethren, these weapons
of firearm that can unleash a are governed by the Guns: Long Guns skill. This
torrent of shrapnel within a will determine just how capable any character
wide cone-shaped area. Brilliant will be when deciding to use them in combat. All
for clearing out entire rooms scattershots require two hands to wield, and fire
and other tightly packed spaces, magazines of shells for their attacks.
Add-ons (Small
Name Range Dmg Pen Props Wt Con Rest Cost
& Medium Only)
Barrel, general,
Remington Computerised
Up to 54 m 3d8 P 3P 4.5 kg D grip, sight, under 1R 2,750
Techshot Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
ArmsCorp Computerised
Up to 54 m 4d6 P 3P 4.5 kg D grip, sight, under 1R 3,050
Tyrant Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
M-80 Bigfoot Up to 63 m 5d6 P 4P 4.5 kg D grip, sight, under 2R 3,650
Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
Cyclone Computerised
Up to 63 m 4d8 P 4P 4.75 kg D grip, sight, under 2R 3,950
Streetsweeper Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
Matsudan Computerised
Up to 72 m 6d6 P 5P 4.75 kg D grip, sight, under 3R 4,250
Hunter Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
Crompton Computerised
Up to 72 m 5d8 P 5P 4.75 kg D grip, sight, under 3R 4,500
Revenant Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
SPAS-30 Up to 72 m 7d6 P 6P 4.75 kg D grip, sight, under 4R 5,250
Device, Metallic
Change Choke
Standard Actions: Selecting one of the other settings, you change the
choke of the weapon for all further attacks.
Change Choke
Selecting one of the other settings, you change the Fire Shot
choke of the weapon for all further attacks. Ranged weapon attack: all targets within a cone
based area. Range and spread should be
Fire Shot determined by the weapon’s current choke.
Ranged weapon attack: all targets within a cone
based area. Range and spread should be Reload: 2
determined by the weapon’s current choke.
Double Tap Burst
Reload: 2 Two ranged weapon attacks: all targets within a
cone based area for each. Range and spread should
Double Tap Burst be determined by the weapon’s current choke.
Two ranged weapon attacks: all targets within a
cone based area for each. Range and spread should Recoil: 2
be determined by the weapon’s current choke. Reload: 3
Recoil: 2
Reload: 3
Add-ons (Small
Name Range Dmg Pen Props Wt Con Rest Cost
& Medium Only)
Barrel, general,
T-2 Longarm 250/500/750 m 4d6+1 P 6P 4.5 kg D grip, sight, under 1R 3,500
Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
Izhmash SV- Computerised
275/550/825 m 3d10 P 6P 4.5 kg D grip, sight, under 1R 3,950
850 Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
Remley 22 300/600/900 m 4d8 P 7P 4.75 kg D grip, sight, under 2R 4,850
Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
Colt Computerised
300/600/900 m 3d12 P 7P 4.75 kg D grip, sight, under 2R 5,175
Pathfinder Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
Dega Computerised
325/650/975 m 3d12+1 P 8P 5 kg D grip, sight, under 3R 6,050
Overseer Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
PGW Jackal 350/700/1,050 m 6d6 P 8P 5 kg D grip, sight, under 3R 6,450
Device, Metallic
Barrel, general,
AI L500 400/800/1,2000 m 5d8 P 9P 4.75 kg D grip, sight, under 4R 7,250
Device, Metallic
Burst Fire
Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within
range for each.
Recoil: 3
Reload: 7
PGW Jackal
Serving as the current go-to long-range firearm 3.6 Heavy Weapons
for corporate strike teams and military personnel,
the PGW Jackal is truly an impressive piece of Sometimes you might find yourself in a situation
equipment. With an effective firing range of over whereby standard weapons and armaments simply
a kilometre, this weapon system can provide won’t do. Maybe you discover that those thugs
allies with far-off distant spotting capabilities and you have been tasked with eliminating have more
effective target neutralisation. manpower than you first thought, or perhaps
you notice that the mega-corporation complex
Standard Actions: you are attempting to infiltrate has several large
drones patrolling nearby. Regardless of what that
Fire Shot situation might be, heavy weapons can certainly
Ranged weapon attack: single target within range. help you bring the thunder.
Computerised Device,
Vanguard Scorpion 250/500/750 m Rockets Cumbersome, Metallic, 8 kg I 3O 6,050
Computerised Device,
GML Ifrit 750/1,500/2,250 m Missiles Cumbersome, Metallic, 12.5 kg I 4O 7,250
HK AG50 Traits:
The HK AG50 is a single-shot, shoulder-fired
grenade launcher. With its design echoing a simple, Minimum Firing Distance
no-nonsense type approach, this weapon system This weapon system includes a safety feature that
has become somewhat infamous amongst the prevents its ordinance from arming until it has
better-connected street gangs and many of today’s traversed ten meters or more in distance. If one of
security forces. its grenades should land within this radius, it will
fail to detonate.
Excelling at population control, as well as flushing
This feature can be disabled either; by its wielder,
out enemies from a target building, the AG50 can
or from a user with Enhanced level access, with a
launch a variety of different aerodynamic grenades
standard action .
at a great distance.
Reload: A
Vanguard Scorpion
Known by a variety of different names, including;
ArmsCorp Roomclearer ”The Welcoming Party”, ”Diplomacy”, and ”The
Well renowned for its highly destructive Adjudicator”, this weapon system can pack a
capabilities, this semi-automatic grenade launcher mighty big punch. Utilised as a shoulder-mounted
regularly serves in virtually every major police rocket launcher, the Vanguard Scorpion can easily
force’s arsenal. The Roomclearer can launch take care of both hostile automations and tightly
several aerodynamic grenades in quick succession, packed groups of infantry.
flushing out a group of targets from the burning
wreckage it leaves behind. Traits:
Name Range Dmg Pen Props Wt Con Rest Cost
(Any Size)
Barrel, general,
ArmsCorp Skag Device,
150/300/450 m 4d8 P 6P 10 kg I grip, sight, 1O 4,750
Cannon Cumbersome,
under barrel
Barrel, general,
MG-400 175/350/525 m 3d12+1 P 7P 10.5 kg I grip, sight, 2O 5,950
under barrel
Barrel, general,
Xiao-Sen Device,
175/350/525 m 6d6 P 8P 10.5 kg I grip, sight, 3O 7,000
Oppressor Cumbersome,
under barrel
Barrel, general,
Matsudan Device, 10.75
180/360/540 m 4d10 P 8P I grip, sight, 3O 7,250
Sabretooth Cumbersome, kg under barrel
Barrel, general,
Razorback LMG 200/400/600 m 7d6 P 9P 11 kg I grip, sight, 4O 8,500
under barrel
Burst Fire
Three ranged weapon attacks: single target within
range for each.
Recoil: 3
Reload: 2
Rapid Fire
You open fire on a cone-shaped area with a range
Recoil: 5
Reload: 6
Special Weapons enemies where they stand, these special weapons,
as they are so often called, can destroy their
The world of 2107 is home to targets in highly effective yet also equally
a diverse and wide range of horrifying ways.
technologies and equipment. In
particular, heavy weapons have The Guns: Heavy Weapons [Strength] skill
seen numerous developments, determines a character’s effectiveness at using
giving rise to various firearms these items, with those of a higher level of talent
and weapons systems that naturally proving to be more efficient at doing so.
would not otherwise fall into a traditional class Additionally, like with the other types of heavy
or category. weapons, this equipment requires using two hands
to be utilised appropriately.
From flame throwers that can scorch a wide-open
area to microwave cannons that irradiate their
ArmsCorp Flamer
12/24/36 m 6d6 H - Device, Cumbersome, 12.5 kg I 3O 5,250
Scorcher Fuel Metallic
Brink Microwave Energy
24/48/72 m 5d8 R - Device, Cumbersome, 10.5 kg D 3O 5,950
Cannon Cells Metallic
Energy 4d6 H,
Pulsar X-4 40/80/120 m - Device, Cumbersome, 12.5 kg I 4O 8,500
Cells 2d6 R Metallic
Xiao-Sen Minigun
200/400/600 m 5d8 P 8P Device, Cumbersome, 17.5 kg I 4O 9,750
Steelspitter Belts Metallic
Standard Actions:
Brink Microwave Cannon
Fire Plasma Stream
While some would call into question the humanity Up to two ranged weapon attacks: all targets
of this weapon, few will deny its effectiveness on within a one meter wide line for each. Action point
the battlefield. The Brink Microwave Cannon can cost is equal to the number of attacks being made.
literally cook an individual from the inside out by
emitting an incredibly potent beam of radiation. Reload: 2
Name Range Ammo Dmg Pen Props Han Wt Con Rest Cost
Quick Draw & Fire,
The Needler 25/50/75 m Arrows 2d6 P 3P 2 1 kg A 1L 750
Metallic, Quick
Huntsman Bow 30/60/90 m Arrows 2d8 P 4P Draw & Fire, 2 1.75 kg D 1L 1,050
Crossbow Metallic, Simple
Heavy 15/30/45 m 2d10 P 6P 2 5.5 kg D 1R 1,550
bolts Reloading, Stealthy
Quick Draw & Fire,
The Blitzfire 25/50/75 m Arrows 3d6 P 4P 2 1 kg A 2L 1,550
Metallic, Quick
Phantom Bow 30/60/90 m Arrows 3d8 P 5P Draw & Fire, 2 1.75 kg D 3L 2,250
* = Magazines only.
Above: The bows equipment overview table.
Reload: 3
Phantom Bow
Bolt Volley The Phantom is a potent compound bow popular
Up to three ranged weapon attacks: single target among many skilled archers. While coming in
within range for each. at a higher price point than many other options
available on the marketplace, its sheer power and
Reload: 7 potential firing range make it an outstanding choice
for those with the skill to use it.
Standard Actions:
Fire Arrows
Up to two ranged weapon attacks: single target
within range for each. Action point cost is equal to
the number of attacks being made.
Arrow, Fragmentation
This modified arrow is fitted with a small Explosive Payload
fragmentation grenade at its head. Hitting a target When a character hits a target using this arrow, the
with the device will cause it to detonate, showering explosive payload attached to its head immediately
the nearby vicinity with a volley of shrapnel and detonates.
jagged metal.
The original target of the attack suffers the
additional heat damage as stated above. At the
Traits: same time, all other characters within a
three-meter radius of the point of impact must
Fragmentation Payload make a generic Foresight + Reflex attribute check
When a character hits a target using this arrow, the with a success target of four.
fragmentation payload attached to its head
immediately detonates. Those that fail this check suffer the same
additional heat damage as written above, while
The attack’s original target suffers additional those that succeed take half of this amount
physical damage, as stated above, and if they lose instead.
at least one hit point, they gain two stacks of
bleeding. All other individuals within a three-meter
radius of the point of impact must make a generic
Bolts Whether it be a bolt specially
designed to take down armoured targets or deliver
Like their arrow brethren, this a constant feed of ammunition to a repeating
ammunition tends to be a crossbow, different products will allow you to
combination of simplistic wares adapt and overcome various kinds of combat
infused and upgraded with situations.
new-age technology.
Dart, Sedative
Standard Actions:
Comprised of a small plastic-like tube with a
needle at one end, this specialised dart can Load Chemical Agent
deliver various chemical compounds into a target Choosing a chemical agent, drug, or otherwise
individual’s bloodstream. suitable toxin you currently have, you carefully
load it into the dart.
For the chosen substance to have any effect, it
Chemical Agent must have either a contact, injection or
On achieving a hit against a target, the sedative injury-based vector.
dart injects its toxin payload. If the target is
currently unshielded, then this injection attempt is
considered successful. Read the toxin’s properties,
Chemical Agent
On achieving a hit against a target, the sedative Launcher Grenades
dart injects its toxin payload. If the target is
Designed around simplicity of
currently unshielded, then this injection attempt is
use, these small calibre shells
considered successful. Read the toxin’s properties,
can unleash a surprisingly
conducting any required checks to determine its
large bang when fired out of a
suitable grenade launcher.
Once this attack’s outcome has been determined, a
new toxin must be loaded into the dart for this trait While pricer than their
to be used once again. hand-held brethren, these grenades can both; be
fired further and carry a much larger payload. This
makes them more effective at what they do and
Standard Actions: means that the user can operate from a safer firing
3d6 H, Cumbersome,
Rocket, High Explosive - 9P 18 kg D 4O 2,500
7d6 P Metallic
Missile, Fragmentation - 10d6 P 4P 40 kg I 4O 3,650
4d6 H, Cumbersome,
Missile, High Explosive - 10 P 40 kg I 5O 4,400
8d6 P Metallic
Shells, Smoke (Magazine)
Stinging Impact Containing a highly specialised miniaturised smoke
Targets hit by this ammunition are left feeling grenade, these shells can quickly cover a wide area
debilitated and in pain. They are considered with thick, vision-obscuring smoke.
impaired until the end of the next round of combat
(see Status Effects, page 233). Traits:
Take Apart/Reassemble
Spending a moment of your time, you begin to Grip Add-ons
break apart or reassemble the weapon back
together. While taken apart, the weapon is broken Grips are simplistic add-on
down into a handful of small components, each attachments that help a
with a concealment rating one level smaller than user stabilise their weapon
the firearm as a whole (e.g. average becomes easy, system. Many either replace the
impossible becomes difficult). standard-issue component on a
given firearm or fit on over the
top of it instead.
Weapon Polymerisation
While they might seem less exotic or exciting than
While highly illegal in many countries, this add-on some other add-ons available on the marketplace,
has built up a solid following amongst black ops their low price point and usefulness in combat
special forces and the underground black market make them a popular purchase.
trade. Through extensive retrofitting, any weapon
* = 1d8 + Fin P when two handed.
Above: The melee weapons overview table.
Standard Actions:
Bludgeon This long, curved blade is probably one of the most
Up to three melee weapon attacks: single target well-known types of swords in existence. Having
within reach for each. Action point cost is equal to made a resurgence on the streets these past few
the number of attacks being made. years, the Katana has proven to be one of the more
popular choices for those who want a little more
style and finesse when choosing to make their
Sword attacks.
Up to three melee weapon attacks: single target
Reactive Actions:
within reach for each. Action point cost is equal to
the number of attacks being made. Parry & Riposte
When faced with an incoming melee weapon
attack, you can attempt to try and parry it. You gain
Reactive Actions: a +2 dice pool modifier on your initial check to try
and defend yourself, and if successful, you can
Parry & Riposte immediately make a single attack using this
When faced with an incoming melee weapon weapon back against the same target.
attack, you can attempt to try and parry it. You gain
a +2 dice pool modifier on your initial check to try
and defend yourself, and if successful, you can
immediately make a single attack using this
weapon back against the same target.
3.11 Thrown Weapons
Thrown weapons are, as you
would suspect, intended to
Punching Dagger be hurled towards an enemy.
Mounted onto a horizontal hand grip, the punching They can come in all shapes
dagger is a medium-sized blade that can pierce and sizes, ranging from
through most basic clothing and light armour. simple throwing daggers and
Many weapons of this type have a retractable shurikens to deployable nets
spring-mounted blade, allowing the weapon to be and grenades.
quickly drawn and concealed as required.
All thrown weapons can be wielded in a single
hand and are governed by the Thrown Weapons
skill for determining the size of your dice pool.
Grenade, MK-1 Smoke 16/32/48 m - - 0.4 kg E 1R 350
Recoverable, Scatter
Grenade, MK-1 Gas 16/32/48 m - - 0.4 kg E 2R 450
Recoverable, Scatter
Grenade, MK-1
16/32/48 m 6d6 P 2P Metallic, Scatter 0.4 kg E 2O 450
Grenade, MK-2 Heated Metallic,
16/32/48 m - - 0.4 kg E 3R 500
Smoke Recoverable, Scatter
Comprising of a weighted metallic net compacted After deployment, an individual can use a standard
into a small spherical device, this grenade-like action to load the net back into its container.
canister can be thrown towards a target or nearby This task must be completed before the weapon
location. Using a combination of different sensors, can be used once again.
the canister can calculate the perfect moment
it needs to activate, successfully deploying its
payload onto the surrounding targeted area.
Standard Actions:
Grenade, MK-1 Concussion
Grenade Toss
Targeting a location within range, you attempt to This close-quarters tactical grenade excels at
throw the grenade towards its general vicinity. momentarily disabling multiple nearby targets
within a compact area. The device sends out an
On reaching its destination, the grenade incredibly potent loud bang and an intense flash of
immediately detonates, spreading smoke in a white light on detonation.
six-meter radius around the point of impact. This
area is considered to be heavily obscured for the Those unfortunate enough to be nearby when
next minute, whereby it then becomes lightly this happens are often left temporarily blinded
obscured for an additional minute after that. and deafened before becoming bewildered and
confused for a short duration after that.
The smoke from this weapon does not affect the
use of thermographic vision. Anyone using this Standard Actions:
type of vision will be able to see as per usual.
Additionally, this weapon system must be loaded
Grenade Toss
with a new smoke payload to function again after
Targeting a location within range, you attempt to
being recovered. Acquiring such an item usually
throw the grenade towards its general vicinity.
costs half the grenade’s total marketing price.
All characters within four meters of the detonation
point must make a generic Foresight + Reflex
Molotov Cocktail attribute check with a success target of four.
Simple yet surprisingly effective, the Molotov Targets that fail the weapon’s check are considered
Cocktail is a weapon that has been with us for over blinded and deafened, while those that succeed are
a century now. Comprised of a highly flammable disorientated instead (see Status Effects, page
liquid contained within a bottle or other such 233).
container, this projectile-based weapon can burn
through all manner of protective gear and armour. Regardless of the outcome, these effects last until
the next round of combat ends.
Standard Actions:
Standard Actions:
The Exotic Weapons skill governs each item’s
use and determines the size of your dice pool
Grenade Toss when attempting to attack with them. Like with
Targeting a location within range, you attempt to traditional melee weapons, certain pieces of
throw the grenade towards its general vicinity. All equipment might favour one related attribute
characters within four meters of the detonation over another, though these have been detailed
point must make a generic Foresight + Reflex in the table below, along with their various other
attribute check with a success target of four. Unlike statistics.
Name Attr Range Dmg Pen Props Han Wt Con Rest Cost
Bolas Str 8/16/24 m 1d6 + Str P - Metallic, Recoverable 1 1.25 kg E 1L 75
Bayonet Str Melee 1d4 + Str P 2P Metallic - 0.5 kg E 1L 100
Nunchaku Fin Melee 1d6 + Fin P - Metallic 1 0.5 kg A 1L 250
Peace Keeper
Str Melee 2d4 E - Device, Metallic, 1 1.75 kg A 1L 600
Stun Baton Water Susceptibility
Poseidon Computerised sight, under
Harpoon Fin 10/20/30 m Harpoons 3d8 P 6P Device, Metallic, 2 3 kg D barrel. Small 1R 1,550
Launcher Simple Reloading & medium
sight, under
Valkyrie Device, Metallic,
Fin 12/24/36 m Darts 3d4 P 2P 2 2 kg D barrel. Small 2R 1,250
Dart Rifle Simple Reloading,
& medium
Toss Traits:
Up to three ranged weapon attacks: single target
within range for each. Action point cost is equal to Charge!
the number of attacks being made. By moving at least three meters towards the
target, the first attack made with this weapon on
Ensnare the same combat turn should deal an additional
Ranged weapon attack: single target within range. 2d4 physical damage if successful.
The weapon can either be used as a blunt With its ability to be easily concealed and little in
instrument, swinging at targets directly with one the way of noise generation on use, this weapon
of the two sticks, or attempt to disarm them by has become a popular choice for those who wish to
wrapping the chain around a currently held object. slip by unnoticed.
Disarming Strike
Melee weapon attack: single unshielded target Valkyrie Dart Rifle
within reach. As the larger cousin of the Splinter Dart Gun,
this compressed air-powered rifle can fire darts
On hit: Your attack does no damage; however, you and other lightweight projectiles at impressive
can wrap the nunchaku around one of the target’s distances.
weapons. With a quick tug, you effortlessly disarm
them of it, throwing the item to the ground one
While not quite as small or easy to conceal, the
meter away in a random direction.
Valkyrie often allows individuals to support their
team from a safer, more tactical firing position.
Traits: Traits:
Arm/Disarm Arm/Disarm
For the explosive to be detonated, it must first be For the explosive to be detonated, it must first be
armed. Switching the device between an armed armed. Switching the device between an armed
and disarmed state requires a standard action and disarmed state requires a standard action
and must be physically carried out in person. and must be physically carried out in person.
The character performing this task must make a The character performing this task must make a
generic Explosives skill check, with a success generic Explosives skill check, with a success
target equal to the complexity of the explosive. The target equal to the complexity of the explosive. The
device’s state may only be changed if this check is device’s state may only be changed if this check is
successful. successful.
Breach Charge
Commonly utilised by police and security Arm/Disarm
forces, these fold-out explosive charges allow For the explosive to be detonated, it must first be
individuals to quickly and easily blast their way armed. Switching the device between an armed
through densely packed materials and hardened and disarmed state requires a standard action
surfaces. This can make for a handy diversion to and must be physically carried out in person.
momentarily draw away a hostile target’s attention
or to create an entirely new entranceway that The character performing this task must make a
shifts the odds of battle into your favour. generic Explosives skill check, with a success
target equal to the complexity of the explosive. The
Traits: device’s state may only be changed if this check is
Arm/Disarm Explosive Payload
For the explosive to be detonated, it must first be On detonation, the device creates a concentrated
armed. Switching the device between an armed explosive blast. All characters within four meters
and disarmed state requires a standard action of the point of detonation must make a generic
and must be physically carried out in person. Foresight + Reflex attribute check with a success
target of five.
The character performing this task must make a
generic Explosives skill check, with a success Those who fail this check take the full incoming
target equal to the complexity of the explosive. The damage as normal, while those who succeed take
device’s state may only be changed if this check is half of this amount instead.
Proximity Motion Detector
Explosive Payload When armed, the mine can automatically be
On detonation, the device creates a concentrated detonated by triggering its motion sensor. The
directional blast. The surface the charge is sensor can detect movement up to two meters
attached to immediately takes the full amount of away and with a 360-degree field of view.
damage, shattering into pieces if destroyed.
A character can attempt to move past the device
All characters within a cone-based area (range of without triggering this sensor but must succeed on
2/4/6 m, spread of 3/5/7 m) originating from the a generic Stealth skill check with a success target
point of detonation must make a generic Foresight of five. Each meter of movement required here
+ Reflex attribute check with a success target of costs four times its usual amount.
five. Those who fail this check take the full amount
of leftover damage, while those who succeed take
half of this amount instead.
Put On / Take
Name Resist Slot Props Wt Con Rest Cost
Bandanna - - - 0.1 kg VE Standard 1L 15
Clothing, Street Wear - Clothing - 1 kg A 30 s / 10 s 1L 75
Clothing, Cold Weather +2 C Clothing - 1.5 kg A 60 s / 20 s 1L 200
Tactical Camouflage Gear - Clothing - 1 kg A 60 s / 20 s 1L 250
Tactical Shield +5 P Shield Metallic 4.5 kg D Standard 1L 650
Light Armour +6 P Armour Inconspicuous 3 kg A 1 m / 30 s 1L 750
Clothing, Fine - Clothing - 1 kg A 30 s / 10 s 1L 1,000
Tactical Body Armour +9 P Armour Metallic 8 kg D 2m/1m 1L 1,750
Ballistics Shield +8 P Shield 7.5 kg I Standard 2L 1,500
Environmental Combat +4 A, +4 H,
Armour Metallic 6.5 kg D 3 m / 1.5 m 2L 2,500
Suit +6 P, +4 R
Full Combat Armour +12 P Armour 12 kg D 3 m / 1.5 m 2L 3,250
Hazardous Materials Suit +8 R, +8 T Armour 5 kg D 10 m / 5 m 3L 3,950
Bomb Disposal Suit +8 H, +8 P Armour 8.5kg D 10 m / 5 m 3L 4,750
Device, Metallic,
Active Camouflage Suit - Armour 2.5 kg A 3 m / 1.5 m 3R 5,775
There is no telling who or what Field gear can aid you in these situations by
you might encounter when out providing tools and equipment complimenting
in the field. Perhaps a target you your abilities and talents. Need to take someone
have been tasked with capturing in alive? Use a set of restraints. Need to climb
walks into your field of view, or up the side of a tall building? Use some climbing
maybe that meetup point where equipment and grappling hooks. Need more light
a deal is scheduled to take place so that you can see easier? Take out and turn on a
has several high vantage points, and you would like flashlight.
Put On / Take
Name Props Wt Con Rest Cost
Light Stick - 0.05 kg VE - 1L 5
Restraints (Plastic) - 0.01 kg VE Standard 1L 5
0.05 kg / 5/
Rope - E - 1L
meter meter
0.05 kg / 8/
Grappling Hook Metallic E - 1L
meter meter
Duffle Bag/Rucksack - 1 kg D - 1L 30
Flashlight Metallic, Water Susceptibility 0.25 kg E - 1L 50
Lock Pick Metallic 0.05 kg VE - 1L 50
Bolt Cutters Metallic 4 kg A - 1L 105
Collapsible Ladder Metallic 11 kg D - 1L 150
Jury Rigging Kit Metallic Varies Varies - 1L Varies
Climbing Gear Metallic 1 kg A 30 s / 15 s 1L 200
Tool Kit Metallic 4 kg A - 1L 200
Carrying Crate Metallic 8 kg I - 1L 250
Binoculars Computerised Device, Metallic 1 kg E - 1L 275
Forgery Kit Metallic 2 kg A - 1L 295
Gas Mask Metallic 1 kg A Standard 1L 300
Forensics Kit Metallic 3 kg A - 1L 450
Parachute Metallic 10 kg D 10 s 1L 500
Scuba Gear Metallic 20 kg D 3 m / 1.5 m 1L 750
Tactical Goggles Computerised Device, Metallic 0.5 kg A Standard 1L 3,750+
Chemistry Kit Metallic 3.5 kg A - 1R 500
Restraints (Metal) Metallic 0.5 kg E Standard 1R 50
Grappling Gun Computerised Device, Metallic 1 kg E - 1R 450
Traits: Traits:
Traits: Traits:
Duffle Bag/Rucksack
Simple in design and easy enough to throw over
one’s shoulder, this everyday storage bag can
house numerous small-sized items or a handful
of medium-sized ones.
Jury Rigging Kit
Illumination With a generous supply of adhesive, spare
When equipped, its user can toggle a small light components, and duct tape, this kit allows a skilled
source on and off as part of a free action on one of individual to temporarily patch up a battered
their turns. automation or mechanical construct.
While illuminating, the flashlight creates a well-lit While it will do little to reinforce the target’s
zone that is seven meters long towards the structural integrity nor serve as a suitable
direction it is currently facing and a faintly lit area replacement for making repairs during downtime, it
for seven meters afterwards. may be enough to hold something together to end
a firefight or to get out of harm’s way.
Lock Pick
Despite the rise of computerised locking Kit Type Wt Con Cost
of Uses
mechanisms, many individuals still rely on the
good ol’ fashioned mechanical-based locks. While Scrap Box 8 1.5 kg E 150
a talented individual might be able to manipulate Service Kit 16 3 kg A 275
them with a hairpin or paper clip, it becomes much
easier to do so when you have the proper tools at 24 4.5 kg A 400
Repair Kit
your disposal.
Carrying Crate
Big, heavy, and often large enough to require two Air Filtration
individuals to move, this crate can house several A character wearing this mask receives a +3 bonus
difficult-to-conceal items within its interior. to their dice pool whenever they attempt to resist
or end an effect caused by an inhalation-based
airborne hazard or toxin.
This telescopic optical device can view images and
objects in great detail from some distance away. Forensics Kit
While the Binoculars require a clear line of sight to
This standardised kit comprises fingerprint tape,
function, images captured by it can be streamed
various chemicals, fluorescent and magnetic
back and shared with others.
powders, and multiple brushes for helping in
an investigation. It is most often utilised by law
Traits: enforcement officials across the globe.
This equipment allows a character to make Parachute
visual-based Perception skill checks without
Comprised of a canopy attached to a backpack
suffering a negative dice pool penalty or success
with various wires, this tried and tested equipment
target increase due to their distance. It has an
can often be a lifesaver in hazardous high-altitude
effective range of roughly 1,000 meters.
When struck by an EMP, this equipment can still be
used manually; however, any data streaming Traits:
functionality will be unable to function.
Minimum Safe Distance
This equipment requires some amount of time to
Standard Actions: deploy correctly. It will prove ineffective for any
fall or drop less than 50 meters in height.
Sync to Device
Spending a moment of your time, you call for the Slow Fall
binoculars to be synced with a different device. You Once deployed, this equipment allows an individual
must know the target device’s current network to make a slow and controlled descent. They ignore
address and the device’s owner must be willing for all fall damage and can land on the ground upright.
the sync to be successful.
After deployment, the parachute must be repacked
So long as this connection is maintained, all future to be usable once again.
captures made by the equipment will automatically
be streamed to the synced device.
The device can be powered by its built-in battery Version Restrictions Cost
pack or connected to the nearby mains with a 1 1O 650
retractable ten-meter extension cord.
2 2O 1,250
Traits: 3 3O 2,000
4 4O 3,500
Bulwark Shield 5 5O 6,125
Once activated, the Bulwark Shield will emit a
potent energy barrier, protecting itself and all
individuals behind it. Any hostile projectiles, psionic Traits:
powers, or attacks attempting to pass through this
barrier detonate immediately, dealing full damage Code Breaker
to it instead of its intended target. Once connected to an electronic-based locking
mechanism, the Code Breaker will begin its attempt
Characters can pass on freely through the shield; to break in.
however, doing so incurs an additional movement
speed cost of two meters. The shield stretches for This process should utilise an ongoing check, with a
up to two meters in width and height in front of the success target equal to the lock’s firewall rating
device and has 40 shielding in total (with ten and a short-based task length. For each interval,
resistance to all damage types). Any shielding that roll a dice pool equal to the version number of the
is lost will slowly regenerate over the next three Code Breaker and record the number of passes
hours. achieved.
The shield is immune to mental-based damage, and This device cannot botch on its attempts to break
despite being mostly see-through, it should be into an electronic lock.
considered full cover for those behind it.
Standard Actions:
Standard Actions:
Connect/Disconnect Device
Extend/Retract Shield Spending a moment of your time, you connect or
You spend a moment of your time turning on or off disconnect the device from an electronic lock
the device’s shield generator. This action can be within your reach.
carried out physically in person or remotely while
connected to the device.
Cred Chip
While gaining access to or using your funds can
Code Breaker
often be as quick and simple as a swipe on your
Taking on the appearance of a small PCD, many prefer to utilise a piece of equipment
circular-shaped device, similar to that of a known as a Cred Chip.
watch face, the Code Breaker can hack an
electronic-based locking mechanism. While In a day and age where every movement and
it might not be the fastest of machines, this transaction is being tracked, categorised, and
equipment is virtually guaranteed to eventually quantified, there is a growing movement for
guess the right combination to any lock. making monetary transfers off the grid. Cred Chips
help the population achieve this very goal, allowing
funds to be anonymously transferred from one
or multiple bank accounts onto a small portable
Pylon Shield
Once activated, the Pylon Shield will produce a Surveillance Jammer
bubble-like energy barrier, surrounding a zone of While active, the jammer floods its nearby
up to five meters in radius around the device’s surroundings with a continuous scrambling signal
location. Any hostile projectiles, psionic powers, or and stream of white noise. All recording devices
attacks attempting to pass through this barrier within the field, whether audio-based or visual, are
detonate immediately, dealing full damage to it swiftly overwhelmed, relaying back a scrambled
instead of its intended target. mess of data to its synced device.
Characters can pass on freely through the shield; Additionally, characters who attempt to overhear a
however, doing so incurs an additional movement conversation within the field suffer a -5 dice pool
speed cost of two meters. The barrier has 30 penalty on all Perception skill checks they try to
shielding, with eight resistance to all damage make.
types. Any shielding that is lost will slowly
regenerate over the next three hours.
Standard Actions:
The shield is immune to mental-based damage. All
characters inside its perimeter are considered Toggle Jammer
shielded from mental-based attacks and effects Turns the Surveillance Jammer on or off. This
that originate from its exterior. action can be carried out physically in person or
remotely while connected to the device.
Standard Actions:
SimCore 5 5 30 m 4 2 3 Device, 0.75 kg E 1L 650
Neptuno 6 25 m 3 2 4 Device, 0.5 kg E 1L 850
Prism 6 20 m 3 3 4 Device, 0.5 kg E 1L 1,150
Iris 8 30 m 4 3 4 Device, 0.75 kg E 2L 1,950
Djinni Red 10 40 m 3 3 5 Device, 0.75 kg E 2L 2,100
Aurora 12 40 m 4 3 6 Device, 0.75 kg E 3L 3,250
VimX 12 50 m 5 3 5 Device, 0.75 kg E 3L 3,500
PTX-200 Neptuno
Having been developed during the earlier years of As the latest device to originate from the creative
the Omninet, the PTX brand is probably one of the minds at SymTech, the Neptuno is often seen as
oldest that still resides on today’s markets. The a more upper market Personal Computing Device
PTX-200, in particular, is the latest model to be than some of its competitors.
released for this series.
Boasting both a modest scan range and a
With a strong following from an incredibly loyal competent RAM pool, this device looks set to
consumer base and an impeccable reputation achieve a promising number of sales throughout
as one of the more reliable Personal Computing the remainder of the year.
Devices around, many individuals still swear by the
PTX-200 to help them organise their daily lives.
Coming into the marketplace as the latest product
SimCore 5
release from the labs at IntelGen, the Prism seeks
Developed with strong network interconnectivity to offer everyday citizens a safe and secure way of
in mind, the SimCore 5 is a reasonably low-cost helping them organise their lives.
PCD that looks to take on the dominance of the PTX
While it might not be the most secure Personal
Computing Device ever created, it offers a fairly
Despite featuring a reduced amount of RAM, this respectable level of protection given its price tag.
device is more than capable of serving the daily
needs of most individuals.
Djinni Red
Combining an impressive host count with a VimX
potent wireless transmitter, the Djinni Red has Boasting a powerful wireless transmitter and
undoubtedly proven a decent success for Emirex, remarkable networking management algorithms,
their first major product to be released onto the the VimX has proven to be a useful tool for those
major worldwide markets. who want efficiency and low bandwidth usage.
3.18 Cyber Command Decks types that remain unhindered by the Omniwatch
protocol. For this reason alone, Cyber Command
Decks are outlawed in many countries, with only
Beginning life as a top-secret
law enforcement officials and certain key security
project by the United States
organisations being authorised for their use.
military, the Cyber Command
Deck has long become the go-to
method for those individuals The table below should give you an overview
and organisations who wish to of each of the different decks, along with their
cause a little trouble over the associated statistics and effects. The columns
Omninet. from left to right are as follows; name, host count,
scan range, network noise, firewall rating, RAM
pool, properties, weight, concealment rating,
Complete with a variety of software and tools
combined restriction class & level, and finally, its
to help aid an individual in their illicit acts; this
tablet-sized computer system is one of the few
Host Scan
Name Noise Firewall RAM Props Wt Con Rest Cost
Count Range
Epsilon Spark 12 25 m 3 3 6 0.75 kg E 1O 4,500
Device, Metallic
SimPro 12 30 m 4 3 5 0.75 kg E 1O 4,950
Device, Metallic
Orion 12 25 m 3 4 5 0.75 kg E 1O 5,250
Device, Metallic
Commutec Computerised
15 35 m 5 4 8 0.75 kg E 2O 7,000
OmniGuard Device, Metallic
Novatech Computerised
15 50 m 5 4 7 0.75 kg E 2O 7,450
Gatekeeper Device, Metallic
Phalanx 18 40 m 6 4 8 0.75 kg E 3O 11,200
Device, Metallic
Samsura Computerised
22 60 m 6 4 6 1 kg E 3O 12,500
Nimbus Device, Metallic
Eclipse 20 50 m 7 5 10 0.75 kg E 4O 19,750
Device, Metallic
NetCom Computerised
24 60 m 8 5 10 1 kg E 5O 29,500
Banshee Device, Metallic
Name Description
Battering Ram Grants Basic level access rights on the attacking device.
Blackout Data bombs the attacking device, attempting to temporarily take them offline.
Glitch Periodically turns off the attacking device, hindering its ability to make a prolonged offensive.
Isolation Severs all ongoing connections between the attacking device and the rest of its network.
Lurker Installs itself onto the attacking device, allowing its actions to be tracked and monitored.
Memory Dump Interferes with the attacking device, temporarily reducing its RAM pool.
Nuke Seizes the attacking device.
Interferes with the attacking device’s main processor, hindering its ability to carry out further
Monitors the attacking device, revealing information about its make, model, the presence of any
installed countermeasures, and its rough geo-location.
Detect Detect
Ver RAM Rest Cost Ver RAM Rest Cost
Rating Rating
1 2 3 1L 850 1 2 3 1L 950
2 2 4 2L 1,425 2 2 4 2L 1,500
3 2 5 3L 2,050 3 2 5 3L 2,150
4 2 6 4L 2,650 4 2 6 4L 2,875
5 2 7 5L 3,300 5 2 7 5L 3,550
Traits: Traits:
Effect: Battering Ram immediately retaliates with Effect: Blackout immediately retaliates with a Data
a Force Entry action against the attacking device. Bombing action against the attacking device. The
The dice pool for this action should equal 10 + dice pool for this action should equal 10 + double
double the version number of the countermeasure. the version number of the countermeasure. On a
In the event of a success, Battering Ram can find a failure, this action does not trigger any
suitable exploit, granting access to the attacking countermeasures currently protecting the target
device for its current Root user. device.
Should this action fail, it does not trigger the The current Root user of the protected device is
countermeasures currently protecting the target immediately notified of this event, any relevant
device. Additionally, regardless of whether it was actions that were taken, and the current network
successful, the current Root user of the protected address of the attacking system.
device is notified of this event, any relevant actions
that were taken, and the current network address Improved Firewall
of the attacking system. While installed and enabled, this software
increases the firewall rating of a protected device
Improved Firewall by one.
While installed and enabled, this software
increases the firewall rating of a protected device
by one.
Ver RAM Rest Cost
ICE: Glitch
Trigger: A user fails on a computer 1 2 3 1L 900
action, targeting a device that is currently 2 2 4 2L 1,550
protected by this countermeasure.
3 2 5 3L 2,150
Effect: Glitch immediately retaliates against the
4 2 6 4L 2,850
attacking device, attempting to find a suitable
vulnerability in which it can install a worm. 5 2 7 5L 3,575
Traits: Detect
Ver RAM Rest Cost
The worm can be detected through a Run Once a suitable vulnerability has been found, Nuke
Diagnostics check on the infected device. It gets to work, sending the device into a fatal
requires a success target of four to be discovered overdrive. Its users should start to experience
and then a further standard action to remove sluggish performance, similar to the effects caused
it. by the Sloth countermeasure. All further
computing actions on the infected device suffer
Regardless of whether the worm is installed, the from a -2 negative dice pool penalty.
Root user of the protected device is notified of this
Name Description
Bodyguard Prevents the owner of the device from being changed.
Protects a set of files or documents, so that only specified users may attempt to access or
File Safe
manipulate them.
Honeypot Disguises itself as a regular file, tracking the other devices which it is transfered or copied to.
Insomnia Establishes a white list, so that only specified users may call for the device to power off.
Network Guard Prevents a device’s network configuration from being changed or manually disconnected.
Creates a white list, so that only specified users may command or take direct control of an
Ring Leader
Stealth Prevents open broadcasting from being enabled on the device.
Prevents changes from being made to any of the device’s users. Does not effect hacking type
VIP List
Detect 1 1 4 1L 700
Ver RAM Rest Cost
Rating 2 1 5 2L 1,225
1 1 5 1L 800 3 1 6 3L 1,750
2 1 6 2L 1,375 4 1 7 4L 2,350
3 1 7 3L 1,950 5 1 8 5L 2,950
4 1 8 4L 2,575
5 1 9 5L 3,225 Traits:
Additionally, the countermeasure also attempts to The triggering user’s action automatically fails,
retaliate with a Data Bombing action against the with them being made aware that this resulted
trigging user’s connected device. The dice pool for from software on the device overriding their
this activity equals 10 + double the version number command. Additionally, File Safe attempts to
of the countermeasure. On a failure, this action retaliate by carrying out a Trace Connection action,
does not trigger any countermeasures currently targeting the triggering user’s connected device.
protecting the target device. The dice pool for this activity equals 10 + double
the version number of the countermeasure. All
The Root user of the protected device is information retrieved by this action is forwarded to
immediately notified of this event, any relevant the protected device’s Root user, along with the
actions that were taken, and the current network current network address of the triggering user’s
address of the triggering user’s connected system. connected system.
Once installed onto a device, its Root user can
File Safe designate any number of its authorised accounts.
Anyone added to this list will not trigger the File
Whether a device is storing sensitive personal Safe countermeasure when attempting to read,
information, financial records, or perhaps even modify, or copy a protected document’s contents.
incriminating evidence, file systems and their
contents are a prime target for any intruder looking A user can be added or removed from this whitelist
to make a quick credit or two. with a standard action .
Whitelist Once installed onto a device, its Root user can
Once installed onto a device, its Root user can designate any number of its authorised accounts.
designate any number of its authorised accounts. Anyone added to this list will not trigger the Ring
Anyone added to this list will not trigger the Leader countermeasure when attempting to
Network Guard countermeasure when attempting command or take direct control of the protected
to change the protected device’s network automation.
A user can be added or removed from this whitelist
A user can be added or removed from this whitelist with a standard action .
with a standard action .
Name Weight Class End Str Fin Ref HP Move Rest Cost
Spook Light 1 1 6 10 8 14 m 1L 1,550
Maverick Medium 3 2 5 8 18 24 m 1L 2,950
Dragonfly Medium 4 2 4 7 22 24 m 1L 3,275
Wasp Heavy 6 4 3 5 32 36 m 2L 6,250
Titan Super Heavy 8 5 4 4 42 46 m 5R 52,500
Perception 1 1 Intuition 1 1
Stealth 5 11 Perception 1 1
Navigation 1 1 Intuition 1 1
Perception 1 1 Navigation 1 1
Tracking 1 1 Stealth 1 4
Tracking 1 1
Host Scan Network Firewall
RAM Pool
Count Range Noise Rating Host Scan Network Firewall
RAM Pool
0 40 m 4 2 4 Count Range Noise Rating
0 50 m 4 3 4
Damage Immunities: Mental, Toxic
Status Immunities: Anaphylaxis, Bleeding, Crippled,
Diseased, Exhaustion, Feared, Maimed, Paralysed,
Poisoned, Prone, Unconscious
Properties: Computerised Device, Metallic, Water
Weight: 5 kg
Seating: 0
Carrying Capacity: 12 kg, Partial Cover
Weapon Mount Limit: Light - 1
Refuelling Cost: 120
Hit Points: 42
Resistances: Acid: 3, Cold: 4, Heat: 4, Physical: 7,
Radiation: 4
Movement Speed: 46 m (flying only)
Ground Drones front lines of battle, these devices are versatile
enough to get the job done and with minimal effort
As the heaviest of the different to suit.
drone types, ground-based
drones are formidable machines Of course, like with anything, their
that can withstand an impressive higher-than-average weight and the presence
amount of punishment. Whether of additional armour make for slower movement
hauling cargo across town or speeds and a reduction in their Finesse.
providing fire support on the
Name Weight Class End Str Fin Ref HP Move Rest Cost
Molerat Light 2 2 5 10 12 8m 1L 1,300
Wayfinder Medium 5 3 3 6 26 13 m 1L 3,200
Mongoose Medium 4 4 4 7 22 14 m 1L 3,550
Mule Heavy 7 5 2 5 36 12 m 2L 6,050
Vega Heavy 8 5 2 4 40 19 m 2L 6,750
Harbinger Super Heavy 9 6 2 3 46 24 m 4R 29,500
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha Carrying Capacity: 1 kg, No Cover
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha Skills Base Pool
5 0 3 3 6 0 0 0 Guns: Turrets 3 7
Intuition 1 1
Skills Base Pool
Navigation 1 1
Guns: Turrets 3 6
Perception 1 1
Intuition 1 1
Piloting: Driving 1 8
Navigation 1 1
Stealth 3 7
Perception 1 1
Tracking 1 1
Piloting: Driving 1 7
Stealth 3 6 Host Scan Network Firewall
RAM Pool
Count Range Noise Rating
Tracking 1 1
0 40 m 4 2 5
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha Weapon Mount Limit: Medium - 2, Heavy - 2
Name Weight Class End Str Fin Ref HP Move Rest Cost
Spirit Light 2 2 6 10 12 12 m 1L 1,425
Skirmisher Medium 3 3 5 7 18 17 m 1L 3,450
Hammerhead Heavy 7 5 3 4 36 25 m 2L 6,250
Trident Heavy 8 5 3 5 40 21 m 2L 7,050
Host Scan Network Firewall
The Spirit is a small yet highly mobile submersible RAM Pool
Count Range Noise Rating
drone. With its ability to descend to a maximum
0 30 m 4 2 4
depth of around 20 meters, this automation can
guide its way behind enemy lines to conduct Damage Immunities: Mental, Toxic
thorough scouting and reconnaissance work.
Status Immunities: Anaphylaxis, Bleeding, Crippled,
Diseased, Exhaustion, Feared, Maimed, Paralysed,
Typically utilised by major ports and the local coast Poisoned, Prone, Unconscious
guard in shallow waters, the Spirit has quickly
become a market bestseller for aquatic-based Properties: Computerised Device, Metallic
environments. Weight: 0.85 kg
Seating: 0
Type: Automation (Drone, Light)
Carrying Capacity: 1.25 kg, No Cover
Size: 4 cm wide x 6 cm long Weapon Mount Limit: All types - 0
XP: 10 Refuelling Cost: 50
Hit Points: 12
Resistances: Physical: 1
Movement Speed: 12 m (swimming only)
Carrying Capacity: 12 kg, Partial Cover Status Immunities: Anaphylaxis, Bleeding, Crippled,
Diseased, Exhaustion, Feared, Maimed, Paralysed,
Weapon Mount Limit: Medium - 1 Poisoned, Prone, Unconscious
Refuelling Cost: 105 Properties: Computerised Device, Metallic
Weight: 90 kg
Seating: 0
Carrying Capacity: 115 kg, Partial Cover
Weapon Mount Limit: Medium - 2, Heavy - 1
Refuelling Cost: 285
Solara Freebird
Host Scan Network Firewall
While some might disregard the Solara Freebird RAM Pool
Count Range Noise Rating
as a peculiar and expensive toy, others would see
0 30 m 4 3 3
it as a fast and agile mobility aircraft. Capable of
”seating” one by strapping them onto the bottom Damage Immunities: Mental, Toxic
of a jet engine attached to a three-meter wide,
two-meter long glider, the Freebird can reach Status Immunities: Anaphylaxis, Bleeding, Crippled,
impressive speeds, all with the added benefit of Diseased, Exhaustion, Feared, Maimed, Paralysed,
Poisoned, Prone, Unconscious
a fantastic view.
Properties: Computerised Device, Metallic, Water
Despite being unable to house a weapon mount,
the aircraft can store a small amount of cargo Weight: 150 kg
thanks to several compartments built into its Seating: 1
Carrying Capacity: 200 kg, Partial Cover
Weapon Mount Limit: All types - 0
Type: Automation (Vehicle, Jet Glider)
Refuelling Cost: 650
Size: 3 m wide x 2 m long
XP: 10
Cessna Navigator
Hit Points: 32
This reliable, single-engine jet plane is a popular
Resistances: Acid: 1, Cold: 2, Heat: 2, Physical: 4,
Radiation: 1 choice for civil aviation. With a luxurious finish
and spacious interior capable of seating four, the
Movement Speed: 175 kph (flying only) Cessna Navigator is an excellent way to travel the
globe in style.
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
3 0 5 9 9 0 0 0 Often utilised by top-tier business folk and
celebrities, the Navigator can be retrofitted with
Skills Base Pool
a weapon mount below its fuselage to provide
Intuition 1 1 increased defence and security.
Navigation 1 1
Perception 1 1 Type: Automation (Vehicle, Jet Plane)
Piloting: Aircraft 1 10 Size: 13 m wide x 12 m long
Stealth 1 10 XP: 250
Tracking 1 1
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
6 0 8 8 8 0 0 0 7 0 9 7 8 0 0 0
Skills Base Pool End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
Guns: Turrets 6 16 8 0 10 5 6 0 0 0
Intuition 1 1
Skills Base Pool
Navigation 1 1
Guns: Turrets 6 11
Perception 1 1
Intuition 1 1
Piloting: Aircraft 1 10
Navigation 1 1
Stealth 1 11
Perception 1 1
Tracking 1 1
Piloting: Aircraft 1 7
Host Scan Network Firewall Stealth 1 6
RAM Pool
Count Range Noise Rating
Tracking 1 1
0 60 m 5 4 5
Host Scan Network Firewall
Damage Immunities: Mental, Toxic RAM Pool
Count Range Noise Rating
Status Immunities: Anaphylaxis, Bleeding, Crippled, 0 60 m 5 4 6
Diseased, Exhaustion, Feared, Maimed, Paralysed,
Poisoned, Prone, Unconscious Damage Immunities: Mental, Toxic
Properties: Computerised Device, Metallic, Water Status Immunities: Anaphylaxis, Bleeding, Crippled,
Susceptibility Diseased, Exhaustion, Feared, Maimed, Paralysed,
Poisoned, Prone, Unconscious
Weight: 4,500 kg
Properties: Computerised Device, Metallic, Water
Seating: 2
Carrying Capacity: 650 kg, Heavy Cover
Weight: 11,750 kg
Weapon Mount Limit: Heavy - 1
Seating: 2
Refuelling Cost: 2,250
Carrying Capacity: 5,000 kg, Heavy Cover
Weapon Mount Limit: Heavy - 3
Name Vehicle Type End Str Fin Ref HP Move Seats Rest Cost
DTS Spirit Motorcycle 4 7 7 8 36 275 kph 2 1L 5,025
Matsudan Raider Motorcycle 6 8 8 7 44 260 kph 2 1L 6,250
Samsura Surge Motorcycle 5 7 9 9 40 320 kph 2 1L 7,075
Alto Frontier Car 7 8 3 4 48 200 kph 5 1L 7,200
Toyota Festiva Car 8 9 4 4 52 220 kph 5 1L 8,350
Samsura Discovery Car 8 9 5 5 52 240 kph 5 1L 8,950
Liberte Shadow Car 6 9 6 6 44 305 kph 4 1L 10,250
Tahoe Striker Car 6 10 5 6 44 320 kph 4 1L 10,950
Ford Sahara Pickup Truck 8 9 3 4 52 175 kph 8 1L 11,250
Yamasaki Warden Pickup Truck 8 10 3 5 52 190 kph 10 1L 12,500
GMC Ranger SUV 9 10 4 4 56 210 kph 8 1L 14,200
Matsudan Growler SUV 9 10 3 4 56 195 kph 10 1L 15,550
Tahoe Roamer Van 9 10 3 4 56 160 kph 7 1L 19,750
Xiao-Sen Outlander Van 10 11 3 4 60 180 kph 7 1L 24,450
Yamasaki Roadmaster Truck 11 12 2 3 64 150 kph 3 1L 37,500
Bentley Voyager Car 9 11 3 5 56 225 kph 5 1L 50,500
Beryl Lynx Zeus Mech 12 12 1 2 68 50 kph 1 2R 70,800
Scorpion MK-1 Armoured Car 10 11 3 4 60 180 kph 6 3R 42,500
Xiao-Sen Gladiator 12 12 2 3 68 130 kph 12 3R 55,350
Matsudan Conqueror Mech 13 13 1 2 72 60 kph 1 4O 85,750
DTS Spirit Matsudan Raider
Starting at the budget end of the spectrum, the Featuring metal plating and a large, durable frame,
DTS Spirit is a simple, no-frills motorcycle. While the Matsudan Raider is widely considered to be the
it might not have a slick paint job or a pair of neon go-to motorcycle for those who want a little more
lights across its sides, this motorcycle can get you protection when out on the streets.
from point A to point B in a flash.
Despite the vehicle still being capable of reaching
Like most other vehicles of its kind, the DTS Spirit high enough speeds, the additional weight added to
has a small internal compartment built-in allowing its design can certainly be felt during a ride.
for transporting a small number of goods.
Type: Automation (Vehicle, Motorcycle)
Type: Automation (Vehicle, Motorcycle)
Size: 1 m wide x 2.25 m long
Size: 1 m wide x 2.2 m long
XP: 30
XP: 30
Hit Points: 44
Hit Points: 36
Resistances: Acid: 1, Cold: 2, Heat: 2, Physical: 6,
Resistances: Acid: 1, Cold: 2, Heat: 2, Physical: 4, Radiation: 1
Radiation: 1
Movement Speed: 260 kph
Movement Speed: 275 kph
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
6 0 8 8 7 0 0 0
4 0 7 7 8 0 0 0
Skills Base Pool
Skills Base Pool
Guns: Turrets 1 9
Guns: Turrets 1 8
Intuition 1 1
Intuition 1 1
Navigation 1 1
Navigation 1 1
Perception 1 1
Perception 1 1
Piloting: Driving 1 8
Piloting: Driving 1 9
Stealth 1 9
Stealth 1 8
Tracking 1 1
Tracking 1 1
Host Scan Network Firewall
RAM Pool
Host Scan Network Firewall Count Range Noise Rating
RAM Pool
Count Range Noise Rating 0 30 m 4 3 4
0 30 m 3 3 4
Damage Immunities: Mental, Toxic
Damage Immunities: Mental, Toxic
Status Immunities: Anaphylaxis, Bleeding, Crippled,
Status Immunities: Anaphylaxis, Bleeding, Crippled, Diseased, Exhaustion, Feared, Maimed, Paralysed,
Diseased, Exhaustion, Feared, Maimed, Paralysed, Poisoned, Prone, Unconscious
Poisoned, Prone, Unconscious
Properties: Computerised Device, Metallic, Water
Properties: Computerised Device, Metallic, Water Susceptibility
Weight: 185 kg
Weight: 165 kg
Seating: 2
Seating: 2
Carrying Capacity: 225 kg, Partial Cover
Carrying Capacity: 225 kg, Partial Cover
Weapon Mount Limit: Medium - 1
Weapon Mount Limit: Medium - 1
Refuelling Cost: 260
Refuelling Cost: 225
Combining a spacious interior for passengers While small in stature, the Samsura Discovery has
and cargo with decent handling and moderate a surprising amount of power behind it. The vehicle
speeds, this vehicle can accomplish a lot, all at a can reach impressive speeds, all without sacrificing
reasonable asking price. its control and manoeuvrability.
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
8 0 9 4 4 0 0 0 8 0 9 5 5 0 0 0
Skills Base Pool End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
Guns: Turrets 1 4 8 0 10 3 5 0 0 0
Intuition 1 1
Skills Base Pool
Navigation 1 1
Guns: Turrets 1 4
Perception 1 1
Intuition 1 1
Piloting: Driving 1 5
Navigation 1 1
Stealth 1 4
Perception 1 1
Tracking 1 1
Piloting: Driving 1 6
Host Scan Network Firewall Stealth 1 4
RAM Pool
Count Range Noise Rating
Tracking 1 1
0 30 m 4 3 4
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
9 0 10 4 4 0 0 0 9 0 10 3 4 0 0 0
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha Resistances: Acid: 4, Cold: 6, Heat: 7, Physical: 11,
Radiation: 4
9 0 10 3 4 0 0 0
Movement Speed: 180 kph
Skills Base Pool
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
Guns: Turrets 1 4
10 0 11 3 4 0 0 0
Intuition 1 1
Navigation 1 1 Skills Base Pool
Stealth 1 4 Navigation 1 1
Tracking 1 1 Perception 1 1
Piloting: Driving 1 5
Host Scan Network Firewall
RAM Pool Stealth 1 4
Count Range Noise Rating
0 30 m 4 3 5 Tracking 1 1
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha Movement Speed: 60 kph
12 0 12 2 3 0 0 0
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
Skills Base Pool 13 0 13 1 2 0 0 0
Guns: Turrets 6 8
Skills Base Pool
Intuition 1 1
Guns: Turrets 6 7
Navigation 1 1
Intuition 1 1
Perception 1 1
Navigation 1 1
Piloting: Driving 1 4
Perception 1 1
Stealth 1 3
Piloting: Driving 1 3
Tracking 1 1
Stealth 1 2
Name Vehicle Type End Str Fin Ref HP Move Seats Rest Cost
Yamasaki Sprint Jet Ski 3 4 6 8 32 80 kph 2 1L 7,500
Sea Ray SPX 300 Motorboat 6 5 5 6 44 26 kph 7 1L 14,500
Speedboat 5 7 7 9 40 90 kph 5 1L 22,250
Luxury Yacht 10 9 2 4 60 38 kph 80 1L 100,250
Submarine 7 7 4 5 48 15 kph 8 2L 70,000
Yamasaki Sea
Submarine 8 8 3 4 52 12 kph 3 2L 79,500
Gunboat 11 11 3 3 64 45 kph 25 3R 92,500
Given its widespread appeal to celebrities and the While not built for sustained combat operations,
political elite, many of these vessels often feature the Swordfish can provide light fire support in a
mounted weapon systems to help repel pirates and pinch using up to two medium-calibre weapon
other unwanted trespassers. mounts along its topside.
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
5 0 7 7 9 0 0 0 7 0 7 4 5 0 0 0
Perception 1 1 11 0 11 3 3 0 0 0
Echo Horizon
The Echo is an all-purpose entry-level sensor array The Horizon is a relatively solid piece of kit offering
system intended for everyday use. Frequently a good balance of both cost and perceptive
utilised by organisations in the automotive capabilities. Often utilised by many small-scale
industry, this equipment provides a drone organisations, this sensor array is perfectly suited
or vehicle with a basic understanding of its for patrol robots and indoor maintenance drones.
Seer Armed with its impressive array of 64 separate
Equipped with a standard night vision lens, cameras, the Ascendant is one of the most
the Seer is an effective, low-cost solution for powerful sensory devices available to the general
automations required to operate both during the public. Its perceptive capabilities rival any human’s,
day and the dead of night. and its weight is low enough to be installed onto
even the smallest of automations.
Created for use by law enforcement officials and Skillsofts
the private security sector, the Pathfinder is a
competent piece of tech that can radically improve While pilotsofts allow for an
an automation’s perceptive capabilities. Equipped automation to better determine
with a variety of different cameras, the Pathfinder a suitable course of action,
can operate in most types of environments. skillsofts prefer to teach them
how best to perform a certain
skill. This could mean enhancing
Sentinel a drone or vehicle’s stealth
by training them on how best to remain hidden,
Often found in the hands of corporate security, the or perhaps instead, its ability to fire a mounted
Sentinel is an all-purpose, high-tech sensor array weapon system through improved aiming and a
system. Built for both accuracy and surgical-like better understanding of its recoil patterns.
precision, the Sentinel can reliably pick out targets
before its automation delivers a powerful and
deadly strike. Regardless of which skillsoft is chosen, various
software iterations will exist on the marketplace.
Each iteration improves upon the last by providing
Matriarch a more significant increase to the automation’s
associated skill. How large of gain you can expect
The Matriarch is a complex, high-precision to receive here can easily be determined by
sensor array system often utilised by military referencing the table below. Of course, like with
and high-end security organisations. The any other kind of product, the higher the potency of
equipment excels at mapping out environments its effects, the larger you can expect its price tag.
and identifying potential hazards and hostiles
within its vicinity.
Additionally, all skillsofts have an associated
RAM use. This value reflects the number of
resources that the software will require from the
device’s RAM pool for it to be able to run. For more
information about RAM use, please refer to the
Computers & the Omninet chapter detailed later
on in this book.
4 4L 27,125
5 5L 47,500 Version Restrictions Cost
1 1L 4,450
Traits: 2 2L 7,800
3 3L 13,600
Cerebrum Dampener 4 4L 23,850
While equipped, the host of this cybernetic
5 5L 41,750
enhancement receives a bonus to their Will
attribute score. This increase equals the version
number of the enhancement and, unlike most other Traits:
improvements, can go beyond the individual’s
normal biological maximum.
Kinesics Interpreter
While equipped, the host of this cybernetic
Exoskeleton enhancement receives a bonus to their Charisma
attribute score. This increase equals the version
This sleek metallic enhancement can be closely number of the enhancement and, unlike most other
integrated into the host’s major muscle groups. improvements, can go beyond the individual’s
Utilising a series of finely tuned electrical motors normal biological maximum.
and hydraulics, the exoskeleton can provide a
noticeable improvement to an individual’s raw
body strength. Neuro Stimulant
Dealing with the brain is both delicate and
Version Restrictions Cost dangerous work. After years of experimentation,
however, scientists have finally discovered a way
1 1L 5,200
to stimulate brain cells to improve their overall
2 2L 9,100 cognitive function.
3 3L 15,925
4 4L 27,875
Utilising targeted electronic pulses to specific
cells at a nanosecond level of precision, the Neuro
5 5L 48,775 Stimulant can significantly improve an individual’s
Version Restrictions Cost
Exoskeleton 1 1L 5,200
While equipped, the host of this cybernetic
enhancement receives a bonus to their Strength 2 2L 9,100
attribute score. This increase equals the version 3 3L 15,925
number of the enhancement and, unlike most other
4 4L 27,875
improvements, can go beyond the individual’s
normal biological maximum. 5 5L 48,775
Active Camouflage effect to both its host and their clothing and
equipment, in addition to also concealing
Comprised of a small-scale generator, this
their heat signature.
equipment can sustain a temporary energy
field around its host. While active, this field can
manipulate and bend rays of light to create a Air Filtration System
convincing invisibility-like effect.
Utilising a series of high-quality interwoven
nanoweave meshes, the air filtration system
Version Restrictions Cost automatically allows an individual’s respiratory
1 2R 7,500 system to filter out environmental pollutants and
airborne toxins.
2 3R 13,125
3 4R 22,950 The quality of this enhancement’s filtration
system has steadily improved over time as newer
iterations have continued to be released on the
Standard Actions: marketplace.
Audio Normaliser
Audial Enhancers While equipped, the host of this cybernetic
While equipped, the host of this cybernetic enhancement receives a bonus to their dice pool
enhancement receives a bonus to their dice pool on whenever they attempt to resist or end an
all sound-based Perception skill checks they make. audible-based concussive or impairing effect. This
This bonus should equal the version number at bonus equals double the version number at which
which the enhancement was purchased at. the enhancement was purchased at.
Integrated PCD/CCD
Comprised of a simplistic metal bracket, this
Jump Boots
cybernetic enhancement allows an individual to Armed with a miniaturised propulsion system,
conceal and integrate either their PCD or CCD unit these cybernetic enhancements can give its host
into one of their arms. a short-duration thrust. This can increase the
individual’s air time and extend the height and
While the enhancement does not include a PCD distance that they can jump.
device, it provides five meters of integrated fibre
optic cabling, which can be used to jack into other
Version Restrictions Cost
nearby devices.
1 1L 3,500
2 2L 6,125
Version Restrictions Cost
3 3L 10,750
1 1L 3,750
4 4L 19,500
5 5L 34,500
Interior Storage Compartment
This simplistic cybernetic enhancement can
be seamlessly integrated into its host’s body.
Concealing any stored items, the interior storage
compartment can be an easy way to smuggle Jump Boots
useful equipment and wares into a restricted area. While equipped, the host of this cybernetic
enhancement receives a bonus to their dice pool on
all Jumping based skill checks they make. This
bonus equals the version number at which the
Visual Enhancer
Combining various types of high-tech cameras, this
cybernetic enhancement can closely replicate one
or multiple types of specialist vision.
Administer Drug
Cognitive Booster Upon taking this drug, a biological life form’s body
is quickly flooded with antiviral antibodies. They
Well known on the streets as a powerful energy can immediately make an attribute check with a
booster, this medicine can temporarily revitalise an sizeable dice pool bonus added to it to try and end
individual who is both fatigued and lethargic. While one particular type of disease-based effect.
popular with psionic casters, allowing them to
temporarily push themselves further than before, Additionally, for the duration of the medication,
care must be taken to ensure that once its effects they also gain a similar-sized dice pool bonus for
begin to wear off, they do not leave themselves any further attribute checks that they make to
feeling drained and vulnerable. either resist or end a disease-based effect. How
large of a dice pool bonus they should receive for
either instance will be determined by whichever
Mental Stamina
Dosage Duration Cost type of dosage they initially took.
Low +6 15 minutes 75
Medium +12 30 minutes 200 Medical Kit
High +18 1 hour 500 Comprised of bandages, ointments, and numerous
other different types of consumables, this kit
provides the necessary supplies to carry out basic
Standard Actions: first aid while out in the field.
Administer Drug
While it might not save that friend who just had
Upon taking this drug, a biological life form is left
their lower half blown off with a close-ranged
feeling energised and rejuvenated. Their mental
scattershot blast, it might well be capable of
stamina is temporarily increased for the duration
keeping an injury from going septic or allowing for
of its effects. How large of a gain they should
some minor wounds to heal that much quicker.
receive here will be determined by whichever type
of dosage they took.
For more information on the practice of actually
Once the effects of the drug begin to wear off, their carrying out First Aid, see the First Aid combat
mental stamina is decreased by a similar amount action (page 247).
as to what had been previously gained.
The effects of this drug cannot be stacked on top of Kit Type Wt Con Cost
of Uses
one another. If multiple doses are taken
simultaneously, then only the more potent of the First Aid Kit 8 0.75 kg E 200
two should take effect. Medical
Assistance 16 1.5 kg A 375
Immuno Booster Field Surgeon
24 2.25 kg A 550
With its ability to temporarily boost an individual’s Kit
immune system, Immuno Booster has the potential
to fight against many different types of unwanted
Night Shift focused and alert. Their need for sleep quickly
begins to fade away, and they feel as though their
As one of the few licensed products to be found
body can continue to function for an extended
on this list, Night Shift is likely to be a common
period without downtime.
commodity for you to come across on your travels.
With its ability to suppress a character’s need for
For the duration of the drug’s effects, they no
sleep, this drug is often used by those required to
longer require any amount of sleep to complete an
stay alert and active for an extended period.
extended rest. Traits such as Insomnia and other
similar effects are also suppressed for this period.
While the effects of its crash period can easily
be overcome by resting for an extended period Once the effects of the drug begin to wear off,
afterwards, care must be taken to ensure that however, the user is left feeling apathetic and
successive doses of the drug do not kill someone exhausted. They automatically gain two stacks of
outright through sheer exhaustion. exhaustion, and for the next 24 - a combination of
their Endurance + Will hours (minimum of one),
Standard Actions: they are also considered impaired.
Administer Drug If they wish to extend the effects of the drug, they
Upon taking this drug, a biological life form feels may do so by taking a new dose before the
Administer Drug
Upon taking this drug, a biological life form is left Rage
feeling strangely clear and switched on. They find
Appearing as a seemingly harmless stimulant, Rage
that their senses have become more attuned to
is a notorious substance responsible for countless
reading their immediate surroundings, while they
club brawls, back-alley gang fights, and open
also feel more comfortable and at ease when
shootouts on today’s streets.
engaging in social situations.
For the duration of the drug’s effects, their While it was initially designed to allow
Foresight and Charisma attribute scores are everyday humanoids to stand a chance against
increased by one. Once the effects start to wear cybernetically enhanced opponents, its intense
off, their body and mind begin to crash hard. sensation of near invincibility has gained the
product a much more widespread appeal.
Feeling both antisocial and lethargic, the user
automatically gains two stacks of exhaustion. In Standard Actions:
addition, for the next 12 - a combination of their
Endurance + Will hours (minimum of one) their Administer Drug
Charisma, Foresight, and Will attribute scores are Upon taking this drug, a biological life form quickly
all decreased by three. begins to feel like they are slipping into a state of
hyper frenzy. They feel stronger than they have
ever been, ready to take on anything that is thrown
Wish in their general direction. They disregard their
safety and often the safety of others around them.
With its ability to induce a potent trance-like state,
Wish has become one of today’s more commonly
For the duration of the drug’s effects, their
used recreational drugs.
Endurance and Strength attribute scores are
increased by one. However, their mind is also left
While many individuals turn to this product to help fuzzy and somewhat volatile. They are unable to
them forget about their worries and enjoy an hour put much emphasis into thinking about the current
or two away from reality, others prefer to use it situation without a burning need to take action. As
instead to empower the brain and enhance its such, their Intellect attribute score is also
resilience against the manipulation attempts of temporarily decreased by one.
Once the effects of the drug begin to wear off, the
Standard Actions: user is left feeling somewhat exhausted and
lethargic. They automatically gain a stack of
Administer Drug exhaustion, and for the next hour, they are also
Upon taking this drug, a biological life form quickly considered impaired.
falls into a dream-like state. While their mind
begins to function on a higher level than it had
been capable of beforehand, their reflexes become Solace
slower and far more predictable.
While Solace was initially concocted as a suitable
For the duration of the drug’s effects, their Intellect means of calming and stabilising one’s mind, the
and Will attribute scores are increased by one. drug soon found widespread appeal for its ability
However, due to their loose grasp on reality, their to enhance an individual’s focus.
Reflex attribute score is also temporarily reduced
by two. Whether it be competitive shooters who want a
little bit more of an edge or a locksmith who needs
Once the effects of the drug begin to wear off, the near-perfect fine motor skills to pick a troublesome
user is left feeling drowsy and lethargic. They lock, Solace can be utilised by various groups for
automatically gain a stack of exhaustion, and for many different means.
Sedative This potent hallucinogen has rapidly gained
Upon entering a biological life form’s system, the widespread appeal for its ability to reduce even the
sedative immediately dulls the target’s reactions, most hardened individuals into a hysterical mess.
causing them to feel sluggish and lethargic.
Whether it be mistaking an everyday object for a
The target should make a generic Endurance +
monstrously large carnivorous spider or perhaps
Strength attribute check with a success target of
an illusion that a horde of rabid rodents is feasting
four. On a failure, they should begin to suffer a -3
upon them, Jinx can induce life-like hallucinations
dice pool penalty on all Reflex-based attribute and
that often leave its victims feeling terrified beyond
skill checks they are required to make, in addition
to also becoming impaired (see Status Effects,
page 233). On a success, the target is simply
considered impaired and suffers no other Traits:
additional effects.
Regardless of the outcome, these effects should On entering a biological life form’s system, the
last for the duration of the compound. compound immediately attempts to instil a feeling
of confusion and panic. Rapid-fire hallucinations
blur the individual’s senses, making it difficult for
Bloom them to determine what is real and what is, in fact,
Regularly making an appearance in interrogation an illusion.
chambers across the globe, Bloom is an interesting
substance that can help extract all manner of The target should make a generic fear check
information from a target individual. Upon being (Charisma + Will) with a success target of five. In
consumed, the victim quickly finds themselves the event of a failure, their senses are said to
unable to control their speech, causing them to become quickly overwhelmed and are now
divulge whatever is currently on their mind. considered feared (see Status Effects, page 233).
Characters who have left the zone can repeat the Traits:
check above at the start of each new round of
combat that passes, ending all effects in the event
of a success. Regardless, the area of smoke is Sedative
considered to be lightly obscured. On entering a biological life form’s system, the
sedative immediately attempts to hamper the
target’s senses, causing them to feel both drowsy
Spider Venom and lethargic.
Despite its appearance as a seemingly harmless The target should make a generic Endurance +
cloudy and viscous substance, this manufactured Strength attribute check with a success target of
compound is more than capable of causing severe six. On a failure, they are immediately knocked
damage to a biological target. unconscious, gaining all the usual effects (see
Status Effects, page 233). On a success, however,
Given its liquid state, Spider Venom is most the target is instead impaired.
commonly used with injection darts or coated onto
a suitable type of melee weapon. Regardless of the outcome, these effects should
last for the duration of the compound.
On entering a biological life form’s system, the While technically labelled as an area denial
poison immediately attempts to get to work weapon, there is no discrediting what Vex is, a
targeting the individual’s nervous system. potent form of toxic gas. Developed around the
mid-2080s, this sophisticated compound has
The victim should make a generic Endurance + been used in various environments, usually by
Strength attribute check with a success target of corporate military who are not as beholden to
five. On a failure, they are considered poisoned, the now-archaic and rarely enforced Geneva
gaining all of the usual effects (see Status Effects, Conventions.
page 233). Additionally, while they remain
poisoned in this way, the target’s current hit points Traits:
are reduced by one at the start of each new round
of combat that passes. Vex Compound
Upon leaving its container, this gaseous compound
After this reduction, the target can repeat the initial quickly expands, forming a lingering cloud of
Asphyx After this reduction, the target can repeat the initial
With its ability to produce a dense blanket of cloud check, ending the effects of the poison early in the
over a target region, this potent gaseous compound event of a success.
has regularly proven to be a favourite of special
forces. Individuals who are unfortunate enough to
breathe in the gas soon find themselves unable to
Standard Actions:
breathe, often succumbing to unconsciousness.
Coat Weapon
Utilising a nearby melee weapon currently within
Traits: your reach, you carefully coat the item with a dose
of the substance. Once applied, the poison will
Asphyx Compound continue to persist for the next hour.
Upon leaving its container, this gaseous compound
quickly expands, forming a lingering cloud of
General Gameplay
With character creation out of the way, it’s time Skill Checks
to learn how to play the game. In this chapter,
we will start by covering the core concepts and A skill check is any check which revolves around
rules to help give you a broad understanding of an individual attempting to make use of one of
how Dystopia functions. Once this is achieved, their specialised skills. These are all things which
more specialised subjects can then be gradually require some level of prior experience or training
introduced throughout the following few chapters. to be performed at a competent level. They can
take on many forms, including attacking with a
As mentioned previously, it is not expected of weapon, conducting a negotiation, or hacking into a
either the players or the GM to have intimate computer system.
knowledge of everything covered here. While
having a broad understanding of the basics before A character making this check should look up the
you begin your session is recommended, it is okay skill in question on their character sheet. One
to take a short break here and there to look up column will indicate a ”base”, while the other will
anything more specific. fall under the heading of ”pool”. The base number is
simply the amount of points that were allocated to
this skill during character creation and progression,
4.1 Checks while the pool also adds the number of points
assigned to the skill’s related attribute.
A check is a name given to the process of rolling
some dice to determine the outcome of a given As a result, to determine the size of the dice pool
situation. The basics of this were briefly covered for this check, we need to look up the number listed
during the introduction chapter in the dice pools under this pool amount. Whatever this amount
& dice section. A character rolls a number of ends up being will dictate the total number of d10s
ten-sided dice (d10s) and counts how many landed that the character’s player should roll.
on a seven or higher. This seven or higher mark is
known as the pass threshold, and each die that
achieves this outcome is considered one pass. Attribute Checks
Attribute checks function in a similar way to a skill
Checks should be called for by the GM whenever check. However, rather than focus on how talented
a character would like to perform a particular an individual is at a particular skill, we are instead
task or action. This can be anything from firing more interested in seeing whether their body can
a weapon at a target or attempting to influence withstand the stresses and pressure of the current
someone through effective bluffing or intimidation. situation or environment.
Since different characters are better at certain
tasks than others, we need to consider a few As a result, attribute checks tend to occur on a
variables to determine both the number of dice more defensive basis, whereby a character is
to roll and the target number of passes which responding to the actions of another. This could,
must be achieved for the action to be successful. for example, be an attempt to dodge out of the way
What these variables are, however, will very much of an opponent’s attack, or perhaps maintain their
depend on the type of check being performed. concentration through an intense firefight.
Minor Movements
% of Movement
Other types of movements, such as dropping Dice Pool Modifiers
prone or picking up an item from the ground, are
classified as minor movements. These activities Up to 100% None.
do not penalize the character with an additional
-2 to all skill checks, +2 to
movement cost and, as a result, can be done in one > 100%
all defensive checks.
swift motion as part of another action.
-4 to all skill checks, +4 to
> 150%
all defensive checks.
Moving Through Others
As you go about your business, there will be All of the above penalties last until the start of a
occasions whereby you are required to move new round of combat.
through a densely packed area. Whether it be
Passive vs Active Skills If the individual fails their check, then it is said
that they are unable to find something to support
Unlike most other skills, Perception and Intuition themselves in time, and thus begin the long fall
can come in two distinct flavours; passive and down. Unless the distance for this descent is
active. Passive is used as a base measurement particularly large, the character will end up hitting
of what the character might discover naturally the ground in a matter of seconds. When this
without putting much time or thought into it. occurs, they are immediately knocked prone and
Walking through a room, for example, should take 1d10 physical damage for every three meters
typically utilise an individual’s passive Perception, of distance that they fell. The physical damage
as they are more interested in moving through the penetration for this impact should equal the
area rather than conducting an investigation. number of dice that were rolled to determine this
Only when the players ask to look around or
examine something more closely will their active If a fall is relatively small in height (say somewhere
skills begin to take over. The GM can ask for a in the region of zero - six meters), the GM might
check based on the type of activity they are trying rule that the individual can nullify or significantly
to perform and then provide a suitable amount of reduce this incoming damage with a suitable
information based on the achieved result. Acrobatics skill check.
Despite the best efforts of certain corporations All falsified documents, whether an identity
and lobbying groups, microchipping the population stored on a UPIN stick or a simple memo, have
never really achieved the critical mass of support what is known as an authenticity rating. This
that it needed to get off the ground properly. hidden statistic that should initially be known
Instead, a system known as Unique Personal only by the GM reflects just how convincing the
Identification Numbers (or UPIN for short) was item in question truly is. Forgeries with a higher
swiftly trialled and then implemented throughout authenticity rating will naturally prove more
most countries worldwide. difficult for others to determine as false. Of
course, like with all things, the better the forgery
The system works through small memory stick-like is, the higher the skill that will be required to
devices called UPIN sticks, one of which is given produce them in the first place. As such, high-end
to every citizen shortly after their birth. This falsified documents usually have quite the price tag
device contains a plethora of information about associated with them.
the individual, including their fingerprints, iris
scans, blood work records, legal name, occupation, Any attempt to determine whether or not a given
address of residence, and their race, age, and sex. document is legitimate can be made by performing
a generic Intuition or Forgery skill check. With a
When identification is called for, the person in success target equal to the authenticity rating
question presses down on one end of the UPIN of the document in question, any character or
stick with their thumb. If the built-in hardware sees scanning device can establish both; whether
a match between the individual’s fingerprint and a document has indeed been forged and its
the data it has on its record, then the other end of associated authenticity rating upon achieving
the device can be scanned as appropriate. a success. Forgers who try to study their own
material, which they have knowingly created, gain
a +3 dice pool bonus to this roll.
Police, merchants, bouncers, and automated
systems alike can all read varying degrees of the
Once the initial effects of the drug begin to wear At the start of a new day, all characters must make
off, however, its user will start to crash. They enter a generic Endurance + Will attribute check for
a period of downtime whereby they suffer a series each type of addiction they currently have. With a
of negative after-effects that again differ based success target equal to their current addiction level
on the type of product that was taken. Some might plus one, characters are looking to try and keep
end up being minor annoyances that last only an their cravings under control to remain focussed
hour or two, while others might effectively put and function normally throughout the coming day.
someone out of action for a day or more.
Those that succeed on their checks can do just
this. Their cravings are controlled for the next 24
Drug Addiction
hours, and as such, they can go about their daily
The drawbacks do not stop there either, however. lives without requiring a new fix. The next time
Most types of drugs that are sold on the streets they have to make this check, however, its success
are heavily addictive substances. While the odd target should be increased by a further one.
pill here and there is unlikely to get a character
hooked, repeated usage over a prolonged period Alternatively, by failing an addiction check,
will inevitably create an addiction. the individual’s body begins to show signs of
withdrawal. They must now actively seek out the
To help quantify this process, we utilise a simple substance they tried so hopelessly to resist, with
check at the end of each passing week. Any time all other tasks being considered of secondary
an individual consumes a drug, they should make a importance. Until these cravings have been taken
note of what product it was and how many doses care of, or until they next complete an extended
they took. Come the end of the week, they will rest, all of their checks suffer from a -4 dice
need to make an addiction check for each type of pool penalty. However, their daily check for this
substance that they consumed over this period. substance is reset back to its base success target,
allowing the character to manage their cravings
more easily.
Immunity to
Recovery Method Cost Recovery Interval
Hospital Visit 1,500 per day Each day Yes
Rehabilitation 500 per three day visit Each three day visit Yes
Counselling 300 per week Each week No
Cold Turkey Free Each fortnight No
With technology becoming an ever more integral No doubt, however, that cybernetic enhancements
part of our everyday lives, it was only a matter of are not for everyone. From their inception, various
time before it started to become integrated and religious groups started to raise their concerns,
paired with our biology. While initially intended expressing their views on what it truly means to
to improve the lives of both injured war veterans, be human and not a machine. While their attempts
and those who had been born with physical to influence legislators failed miserably, thanks to
abnormalities, the cybernetics industry soon the nearly unlimited resources of the big industrial
expanded to produce all manner of different wares corporations, there are select pockets of society
aimed towards your everyday average Joe. out there who still hold a less than favourable
view of those who get themselves modified with
Whether it be a pair of hydraulic legs that can cybernetic implants.
outrun the fastest of athletes or perhaps a
Cybernetic Limits Cybernetics Sickness
Regardless of the number of credits an individual Those who fail to take care of all of their cybernetic
might have, a biological system is a carefully enhancements rejection rating begin to suffer
balanced ecosystem that can only withstand so from what is commonly known as cybernetics
much interference and change. While modern-day sickness. This term describes the rapid decline in
technology has undoubtedly pushed the an individual’s health as their body begins to reject
boundaries of what is possible here, even those and fight against the foreign tissue.
have limits.
While it is entirely up to the GM’s discretion to
Much like with organ transplants, an individual’s determine when an individual begins to suffer from
body will naturally begin to reject most types these effects, symptoms should usually surface
of cybernetic enhancements. Seeing them as a within a day or two after having not taken their
foreign invader, its immune system will swiftly get weekly number of immunosuppressants.
to work, breaking them down and destroying the
underlying tissue. Characters suffering from the illness quickly
gain a debilitating fever and an inability to think
As a result, all those who choose to upgrade straight. They suffer a -6 dice pool penalty to
themselves with these enhancements will require each of their checks, in addition to a non-stacking
drugs that sufficiently suppress their body’s halving of their maximum number of hit points and
immune system. These will allow the cybernetics mental stamina. These effects persist for up to 1d4
to coexist with their natural biological systems days after consuming the appropriate amount of
without either resorting to attacking one another. immunosuppressant for the week.
However, how large a quantity of these drugs Prolonged periods of cybernetics sickness can
any given individual will require will very much also adversely affect the cybernetics themselves.
depend upon the type and the number of upgrades As the body begins to fight against its newly
they currently have installed. Each cybernetic perceived threat, the tissue and circuitry that
enhancement will have what is known as a make a cybernetic enhancement what it is, quickly
rejection rating. This numeric value reflects how deteriorate as the body’s natural immune system
disruptive the enhancement is said to be towards breaks them down. While this process certainly
an individual’s body. The higher this value is, the does take some time to achieve, it is also inevitable.
more significant the disruption it will cause upon As a result, the GM may rule that with successive
installation. periods of cybernetics sickness, an individual’s
enhancements may finally break and become
Counting together the rejection ratings unusable.
from all of their cybernetic enhancements,
a character requires one weekly dose of an Cyterian & Cybernetics
immunosuppressive drug for every ten complete
points of rejection rating that they have amassed. While it is certainly true that the Cyterian, given
This means that while one character with a their mechanical nature, have an easier time
combined rejection rating of 32 will require three integrating with cybernetic enhancements, they
doses of a suitable product each week, another are not without issues of their own. The artificial
character with only eight points of rejection rating subsystems that manage their central core can
can remain perfectly healthy without having taken be just as delicate as meta-human biology. True,
any. they do not need to worry about tissue rejection
and the use of immunosuppressive drugs, but they
The medicine Meprozanol currently stands as do need to consider the variety of interconnected
the go-to market leader for immunosuppressive computerised systems within themselves that all
products. It has by far the widest availability require cross-communication to operate.
and a competitive price tag to suit. Bear in mind,
however, that like with most types of medicine and
street drugs, Meprozanol can be a highly addictive
Those Cyterian who fail to take care of all of Generally speaking, traversing through a city or
their cybernetic enhancements rejection rating rural environment to get somewhere new should
will soon find themselves experiencing similar often be described in a scale of hours. This allows
effects to cybernetics sickness for themselves. for any uneventful parts of the journey to be
As their various independent systems start to glossed over quickly while still giving a feeling that
conflict, chaos begins to break out as their central time has also been passing by. For longer trips,
core struggles to understand what is happening. which involve moving across several different
Many have said that a Cyterian undergoing the countries, for example, a scale of days could work
effects of cybernetics sickness will often twitch better depending on the mode of transport being
uncontrollably and suffer from intermittent used.
Above 150%
• Slowed (-6 meters movement speed).
• Suffers a -2 dice pool penalty on all checks.
Above 200%
• Restrained.
Typical Examples Concealment Requirements
Any pocket, compartment, or small
Very Easy (VE) Data chips, micro cameras, drugs.
container will suffice.
Pistols, most types of ammunition, a Trouser leg, jacket sleeve, or the side
Easy (E)
PCD. compartment of a bag.
Automatic pistols, submachine guns, Main compartment of a duffle bag,
Average (A)
body armour. rucksack or shoulder bag.
Long guns, scuba gear, hazardous
Difficult (D) Carrying crate.
materials suit.
Machine guns, rocket launchers, heavy
Impossible (I) Cannot be hidden.
weight drones.
Characters cannot normally perceive any item Whether it be a character wanting to repair their
currently considered to be concealed at a distance. weapons and equipment or perhaps make an
Upon closer inspection, however, the GM may rule attempt at creating a convincing forgery, certain
that with a high enough Perception skill check, a tasks will require an expanded set of rules for them
character or NPC might be able to notice certain to have both a desired amount of depth, but also
signs that indicate that an object is currently being to make logical sense in the context of the game’s
hidden. world.
The GM should determine both the difficulty of the • At the end of each round, they lose one hit
task at hand and the amount of time it will take to point per stack of bleeding. The effects of
produce each batch of compound. While this can shielding cannot mitigate this damage.
vary quite radically based on what the player hopes
• When they move, they leave behind a
to achieve, most improvised solutions should be
traceable trail of blood along their route.
obtainable in the space of around 1 - 6 hours.
• At the end of each round, they can make an
Endurance + Strength attribute check, with
4.5 Status Effects the success target equalling the current
number of bleed stacks plus one. On a
While out running a job, certain events may unfold, success, their bleed stacks are reduced by
leaving an individual suffering from an affliction one.
or hindrance. Perhaps an explosion disorientates
a character for a short duration afterwards, or Blinded - The character cannot see.
maybe a poisoned weapon infects a target with a
disease or toxin.
• They automatically fail any Perception skill
checks that rely on sight.
These particular afflictions are known as status
effects and come in many different types and • They suffer a -4 dice pool penalty on all
varieties. Their properties can range from a simple other skill and attribute checks that utilise
annoyance to something that can heavily impact an individual’s eyesight.
an individual’s ability to perform certain tasks.
While the duration of these effects will vary wildly Crippled - The character cannot make use of the
depending on how they are inflicted, attacks and affected limb.
psionic powers that cause them should clearly
state this information.
• Any item carried is instantly dropped if the
affected limb is an arm. The individual is
Note that not all items listed below are referenced considered slowed for the duration (-2 dice
elsewhere in this book. Certain status effects, like pool penalty on Reflex based checks).
Maimed and Partially Deafened, for example, are
kept as tools for the GM to apply as and when • If the limb is a leg, the character is considered
are necessary. A loud club, for instance, could slowed for the duration (-3 meters of
hinder a character’s ability to overhear nearby movement speed).
conversations, thus inflicting them with the
Partially Deafened status effect. Deafened - The character is unable to hear.
Anaphylaxis - The character enters into a state • They automatically fail any Perception skill
of severe allergic reaction. Without medical checks that rely on hearing.
treatment, their body begins to shut down and
slowly wither away. • They suffer a -2 dice pool penalty on all
other skill and attribute checks that utilise
an individual’s hearing.
Disorientated - The character is confused and • They will instantly die if their current hit
does not have full awareness of their current points fall to or below negative half their
surroundings. maximum.
2 - Very Tired
• The individual is considered slowed (-4 meters of movement speed).
• They suffer a -3 dice pool penalty on all checks.
3 - Weak
• The individual is considered slowed (-6 meters of movement speed).
• They suffer a -5 dice pool penalty on all checks.
4 - Very Weak
• The individual is considered slowed (-8 meters of movement speed).
• They suffer a -7 dice pool penalty on all checks.
5 - Near Death
• The individual cannot move.
• They suffer a -10 dice pool penalty on all checks.
6 - Death
• The individual dies.
Feared - The character is stricken with fear, unable the effects of shielding cannot mitigate.
to control their actions or act logically.
• They cannot willingly move towards the
source of fear.
• At the end of each round, the character
• They suffer a -2 dice pool penalty on all skill
suffers one point of mental damage, which
and attribute checks whenever the source of
Example Situation
Renown Base Reward Each encounter of substance. +10%
1 750 Each day after the first that the job was expected to last. +10%
2 1,500 Each combat encounter where the players were
outnumbered by at least 2:1.
3 3,000
All optional objectives were completed. +25%
4 6,000
Job was completed incredibly quickly/quietly. +25%
5 12,000
Job required the group to carry out morally grey actions. +25%
The players created unnecessary collateral damage. -25%
With the general rules for Dystopia covered in represents a ten-second block of time in which
the previous chapter, we can now go ahead and any fighting can occur. The GM can also progress
move on to each of the major game systems one by the narrative forward here, based on both the
one. To start with, we will cover combat, which, various participants’ actions and the events that
depending on your GM’s game style, may very have transpired as a result.
well prove to be one of the more frequently used
systems. Each round is in itself, broken down into several
smaller slices, that we refer to as a turn. A turn
As a general rule of thumb, combat should occur represents a single participant’s ability, to take
whenever one individual or group makes a hostile action and move around the combat area should
action towards another. This can often cover a they so wish. Once the individual is done with their
wide range of different activities, including moving current turn, we then move onto the next, and so
towards a target with menacing intent or simply on until the round is considered to be over.
opening fire on them with a weapon of some kind.
How we decide when each participant will be able
Once combat has broken out, it should continue to take a turn and what actions they can perform
to last until such a time arises whereby the GM during one, will all be covered throughout the next
no longer deems it to be necessary. This could few sections. For now, the most important rule is
include conditions or situations where one side understanding that combat is broken up into both
has decided to surrender to another or if all rounds and turns and that each of these represents
opposing participants are either dead or rendered two different things. A round is a ten-second block
unconscious. of time, while a turn is a specific individual’s ability
to take action.
Rolling For Initiative scores to form a single total amount. This element
helps those with a sharper and more refined set of
Since all combat is performed in a turn-based reflexes and senses get the edge in the initiative
manner, we need a quick and reliable way order over those who are a little more sluggish
for determining the order in which each of its and slower to react. Whatever this total is, it forms
participants will get to act. In Dystopia, we utilise the combat initiative score for that character in the
a mechanic called combat initiative to help resolve coming round.
For example, Mike is playing a tank character with
Performed at the very start of each round, combat a Reflex attribute score of three and a Foresight
initiative looks to determine how quickly each attribute score of four. Adding these two numbers
individual was able to react to their current together makes for a total of seven. While this is
situation. Those characters who are gifted with a not exactly the lowest of amounts, it is also not all
more finely tuned set of reflexes will naturally find that great either. He rolls a d10 that ends working
that they can both act sooner than everybody else in his favour, landing on an eight. When added to
and potentially achieve more throughout the entire his attributes, this results in a combat initiative
round. score of 15 for the coming round of combat.
As a note to GMs, surprise is a potent tool that can massively shift the balance of
power in an encounter. A firefight that should have been a real challenge for the
party might suddenly become far more trivial. In contrast, an early skirmish that
should have been a breeze might unexpectedly become a bitter struggle to survive.
Reactive Actions
Reactive actions are another potential tool that
characters have at their disposal. Unlike standard
actions that must be taken on an individual’s own
turn, reactive actions can instead occur at any
5.2 Resource Pools Damage Accumulation Penalties
As a character continues to suffer injuries due to
Regardless of the context for a particular situation, an ever-increasing cumulation of damage, they
when combat breaks out, the objective will usually might also notice that their ability to fight and
be for one side to either find a way of forcing their defend themselves also begins to diminish. After
opponents back or to win over them in an outright all, someone fresh into a fight will generally prove
victory. far more capable at combat than someone who is
nearing death’s door.
Each participant has three different types of
resource pools associated with them. How To represent this in the world of Dystopia, all
bountiful these resource pools are will determine characters accumulate an ever-increasing penalty
not just how healthy the character currently is, but to their dice pools as a more significant number of
also how capable they might be when fighting in a their hit points are gradually depleted. Penalties
combat situation. begin to take effect once 25% of their hit points are
lost and continue to get progressively more severe
Each pool performs a different type of function for each additional 25% after that.
from one another and can be summarised as the
Hit Points
Dice Pool Modifiers
• Hit Points - represents how physically
healthy the individual’s body is. 25% -1 on all checks.
Standard Actions
Action Description
Attach Item Add-on Attaches an add-on onto one of the items in your inventory.
Attempts to deliver a deathblow to a dying or unconscious target within
Coup De Grâce
your reach.
Disarm Knock a weapon or other suitable item out of a target’s hand.
Eject Magazine/Ordinance
Ejects an empty magazine or used ordinance from an equipped firearm.
Heals a nearby individual, either to bring them back from near death, or to
First Aid
remove a negative status effect.
Grapple Grab a target individual.
Help Aid a nearby ally so that their actions can yield better results.
Hide Conceal yourself from others.
Distract and disrupt a nearby opponent so that their actions become less
Insert Magazine/Ordinance
Inserts a new magazine or piece of ordinance into an equipped firearm.
State the amount of time you wish to dedicate By spending a standard action, you may choose
towards this endeavour in the form of a suitable one target you are currently standing next to.
action point cost. For each action point used Make an opposing Finesse + Reflex attribute check,
here, the character you are attempting to hamper contested against the dice pool of the target’s
suffers a stacking -1 dice pool penalty towards Foresight + Reflex attribute scores. In the event
each of their actions that take place before the of a success, you can immediately pass through the
start of your next turn. target individual’s space once, as if it were difficult
As when choosing to help an ally, GMs are free to
shift this penalty based on the current situation at Perception/Examine
hand. Effective use of this action could yield more
significant modifiers. Likewise, other predicaments Sometimes you may wish to locate a hidden target.
could also reduce or remove them altogether when On other occasions, you might want to gain a better
it is unlikely that the target could reasonably be understanding of the surrounding environment
inhibited from performing their desired task. that you are currently in.
Action Description
Attack of Opportunity Take an offensive action against an individual who is trying to move away.
Make a series of evasive manoeuvres to gain a +2 dice pool bonus against the
melee attacks of others.
Drop to the ground prone, gaining a +2 dice pool bonus against incoming
Drop Prone
ranged attacks.
Perception/Examine Look around and study your surroundings in response to another’s action.
Use Item/Object Make use of an item for a specified purpose.
Use Psionic Power Channel a psionic based power to create a certain type of effect.
Making some form of an attack is undoubtedly Step 2 - Calculating Base Dice Pools
one of the most common types of action in many
tabletop games. This certainly remains true in the With a target now selected, we can proceed to
world of Dystopia as well. Whether attempting to work out the initial dice pool sizes on both the
hit someone with a club or eradicate them with attacking and defending sides for the coming
a machine gun, you will need to know how the check. To do this, we must first determine which
process of attacking a target works. skills and attributes will be most relevant to the
action taking place.
As a general rule of thumb, we always try to modify While the topic of damage resistance will be
the character’s dice pool that will cause the least thoroughly discussed later on in this chapter, the
number of re-rolls. If a situation only affects more resistance an individual has to a specific
one target (i.e. the presence of cover), then the damage type, the greater its impact will be
modification to a dice pool should occur on the reduced.
defender’s side of things. If, however, it is a factor
which could affect each target of a given attack
(i.e. firing a gun with an enemy nearby,) then the Making an Area Attack
change should instead occur on the aggressor’s
Not all attacks only affect a single target, however.
In a world of rapid-fire weapons, psionics, and
explosives, there are plenty of opportunities
The GM will usually state what factors they believe whereby an attack could potentially inflict damage
are currently in effect for this roll and allocate any to a wide area of effect.
suitable modifiers based on it. The players are free
to make their case if they think something may
In most circumstances, the process of making
have been missed or overlooked, but the GM should
an area-based attack is very similar to the norm.
always get the final say.
The main difference, however, is that rather than
rolling against a single opponent, the attacker
Step 4 - Checking Whether the Attack is, instead, rolling against each individual who
Hits happens to be within the targeted region.
Type of Material Hit Points
Weak/Fragile (standard glass, a canvas painting, shoji.) 1 1
Average (simple doors, cheap furnishings, drywall, a corpse.) 5 4
Durable (computer terminals, thick or hardened wood, heavy furniture.) 10 6
Dense (security doors, a brick wall, protective glass.) 20 8
Armoured/Reinforced (reinforced concrete, metal beams.) 40 12
Like any other type of target, all materials should Since different materials can often have wildly
have a number of hit points and a certain level contrasting properties from one to another, it
of damage resistance. Each time the material is is up to the GM to decide upon both; how large
attacked, you should apply its resistances to the of an area is affected by each attack, as well as
incoming damage and deduct the appropriate the variation to its resistances for any particular
number of hit points. Once these hit points are damage type. Wood, for example, might be less
reduced to zero, the material is said to give way, resilient to heat-based damage, and as a result, the
exposing the target again. Attacks that fully GM could rule that it only provides half its stated
penetrate the material but still have some damage amount of damage resistance instead.
left over could, at the GM’s discretion, target those
behind it.
Long Range Penalties disrupting your focus, or merely trying their best to
knock your weapon out of the way, there are many
Firing a weapon at a long distance can be quite simple methods that a nearby individual can use to
challenging. Whether it be due to high wind speeds, make a ranged attack even more of a challenge.
the curvature of the planet, or obstructions being in
the way, a multitude of potential factors can hinder To reflect this on the gaming table, we implement
such an attack. a stacking dice pool penalty on all ranged attacks.
For each able-bodied opponent whose melee reach
Most ranged weapons and abilities should currently encompasses the attacking individual,
list a range statistic as x/y/z. These three there will be an additional -1 dice pool penalty on
numbers detail the maximum short, medium, and attempts made to try and hit with attacks. This
long-distance ranges for that particular ordinance. penalty occurs regardless of whether or not these
For example, if we had a particular weapon listed characters are the target of the attack, so long as
as ”6/12/18 m”, then this would mean that any they are both conscious and are not restrained.
attempt to fire it at a target six meters away or less
would be considered short-range. However, if the
attack were being made at a range of ten meters, it Recoil and Firing in Salvos
would be regarded as at a medium range instead.
There are many types of weapons in the world of
today that can unload a vast quantity of projectiles
Ranged attacks that are made at short range are in an incredibly short space of time. When dealing
considered to be the go-to standard. All statistics with said weapons, a few additional factors could
and attributes for checks and dice rolls are based come into play. These are; recoil and the ability to
around this distance, and as such, they do not switch through multiple targets.
suffer any kind of penalty.
Since both of these item actions are being carried Changing weapons and gear can only be performed
out in rapid succession, we consider them part of on the character’s turn, and depending on what
the same activity. This means that the individual they are trying to switch out, it will often vary in
utilising them is only required to spend action the length of time required. Simplistic items and
points equal to the higher of the two costs or as weapons, for example, can often be changed as
part of a single reactive action if used in response either a free action or as part of another action
to a nearby event. Additionally, while it is written currently taking place in between.
that an individual can only carry out one particular
action on each of their given turns, For example, say we wanted to swap out a melee
dual-wielding allows one of these activities to be weapon for a firearm that we have stowed away.
made per hand instead. We could state that while we are performing a
move action to get into a better-suited position, we
So taking this all into account, why would anyone are also switching to one of our different weapons
not want to dual wield? Well, there are two that we have on hand. By the time we reach this
main reasons. Firstly carrying out a task reliably new position, we have the weapon pulled out and
when being shot at is never particularly easy. ready to go.
Now try and imagine doing this again, but while
multi-tasking at the same time. It is only natural However, bulkier items such as armour will
that as we attempt to achieve more, the higher the naturally take far longer to change. These will
chance that something will inevitably go wrong. require multiple standard actions for the old item
to be taken off and then for the new equipment to
In Dystopia, we rule that by dual-wielding, the be put on and worn in its place.
character suffers a -2 dice pool penalty for each
skill check. This penalty should only apply when Checking out the Items & Equipment chapter, you
attempting to carry out their selected item actions will find that all armour and clothing types provide
and only when the individual is actively choosing to a rough estimation of how long it should take to
utilise both weapons simultaneously. put on or take off comfortably. To continue with
this process, a character must use a standard
Secondly, while most individuals are relatively action on each of their combat turns.
competent at using both hands, they will no doubt
be more proficient when using their dominant one.
Whether it be due to faster and more fluid-like
Damage Types
movement or perhaps simply due to greater In 2107 damage can come in a variety of different
control, most meta-humans will find that they are forms. It could be from an incendiary explosive,
better suited at using a melee weapon in one hand burning away all nearby individuals with a wave
rather than the other. of intense heat, or it could be from a high-tech
chemical weapon, unleashing a potent acidic spray
To reflect this in the game, characters who utilise that rapidly eats away at nearby equipment and
a one-handed melee weapon in their off-hand flesh.
are said to gain only half their current attribute
score towards its damage output. While it is up to Regardless of what it might be, each damage type
the player to decide which of their hands is their is its own distinct entity in Dystopia. Some will
dominant one, it cannot be changed afterwards. be commonplace, like with the physical damage
output of a firearm, while others might prove to be
a little more exotic and harder to come by.
Above, a list detailing the most common of these Damage resistance reflects just how much
damage types has been provided. Each item protection the target has against certain kinds
describes its name and abbreviation as referenced of damage. For example, fabrics coated in flame
by the weapons and abilities that use them, in retardant would naturally fare better when
addition to a short description of where they can exposed to intense heat, while non-conductive
most typically be found. materials would prove to be more resistant against
surges of electricity.
Except for mental damage, each of these types
constitutes a form of body attack. They inflict In Dystopia, we use a system known as damage
injury onto the flesh of their targets, either in an resistance to provide a simple numeric indication
attempt to kill them or to render them too weak to of how well a given individual fares against
fight back. Body attacks deplete an individual’s hit each damage type. Each point of resistance the
points pool, bringing them closer to their eventual character has reduces all incoming damage of
death. that type by one. So a grunt with five physical
resistance, for example, would reduce all physical
Mental-based damage, however, is different. As damage taken (whether from a pistol sidearm or
its name suggests, this damage type is an attack perhaps from being thrown into a wall) by five.
on the character’s mind. Targets hit by such mind
attacks become increasingly tired and weary While different types of resistances can reduce
before eventually falling unconscious. Rather the damage of an attack to zero, they cannot
than lose resources from their hit points pool, they make it negative. Hefty amounts of armour should
should instead be taken from their mental stamina naturally keep someone protected, to the point
with each successive hit. that those kinds of attacks do not affect them, but
should not grant the ability to regain lost resources
on a hit.
Damage Resistance
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, each time an Determining Damage Resistances
attack or offensive ability manages to connect,
we need to go ahead and calculate the amount of An individual’s resistance to each of the different
damage that should be inflicted on its target(s). damage types can usually be determined through
While this is usually a task of locating the attack’s a combination of; the armour they are currently
damage statistic and rolling the appropriate wearing, their choice of race during character
amount of dice, certain other factors may also have creation, and any applicable traits they might have
to be considered. picked up along the way.
• * Concealment - Modifies certain visual aspects of • * Disrupt Energy - Surrounds a target with an
a target individual, providing them with a bonus to energy field, increasing either one of their; heat,
their Disguise skill checks. cold, or electrical damage resistances.
• * Phantom Projection - Creates a projection that • * Electrical Discharge - Creates a spike of energy
mimics an individual or object. on a nearby target, dealing moderate electrical
• * Serenity - Attempts to force a target individual’s damage to all those who are nearby.
mind into a calm and tranquil state. • Ignite - Creates a small but potent burst of flame
• Sow Doubt - Attempts to overwhelm a at a target location, attempting to deal moderate
target individual’s mental state, reducing the heat damage and setting nearby targets aflame.
effectiveness of their current action.
• Flash Freeze - Creates an instantaneous zone of
• Dismay - Attempts to strike fear into a target intense cold, attempting to freeze all those who
individual. are nearby.
• Displace - Creates a projection around a target, • * Scorching Blast - Hurls a projectile of flame at a
making it harder for others to hit them with their target location, dealing heavy heat damage to all
attacks. those nearby.
• Malice - Attempts to twist a target’s mind, causing • * Sweltering Heat - Creates a zone of intense heat,
them to become disorientated and suffer light causing moderate heat damage and blocking the
mental damage each time they move. use of thermal imaging.
• * Cloaking Field - Bends light around a target, • * Super Conductor - Creates an area of super
making them more difficult to see. conductive electricity, dealing heavy electrical
to those wearing metallic armour, and moderate
• Frenzy - Attempts to drive a target individual mad, damage to everyone else.
forcing them to strike out indiscriminately.
• * Horrific Manifestation - Creates a horrifying • Disintegration - Fires a beam of concentrated
visage which attempts to strike fear into all those energy, dealing considerable heat damage to all
who are nearby.
• * Crushing Hold - Constricts a target with a • Conjure Ammunition - Creates an ethereal version
continuous wave of force. of a certain type of firearm ammunition.
• Ether Bolt - Hurls a bolt of force at a target, dealing • Conjure Apparition - Manifests an elemental spirit
physical damage and knocking them back. at a target location.
• Kinetic Contraction - A wave of force collapses • Explosive Geyser - Forms a powerful geyser at a
in on a target location, dealing light physical target location, knocking back nearby individuals
damage and pushing nearby individuals towards with a concentrated jet of water.
its epicentre.
• Oil Slick - Creates a pool of oil at a target location,
slowing movement, and acting as a flammable
• * Kinetic Shield - Surrounds a large area with a hazard.
barrier of energy, protecting those inside it from
external attacks.
• Conjure Firearm - Creates an ethereal version of a
• Shatter Barrier - Blasts apart a vast quantity of specific firearm.
shielding from a given target.
• Form Sprite - Creates a temporary ethereal version
• Shockwave - Creates a potent wave of force, of yourself which can either act on its own behalf,
emanating outwards from the caster’s current or follow your commands.
location. Deals moderate physical damage, while
also potentially knocking nearby individuals prone.
• Create Nanites - Infuses a number of individuals
with ethereal nanobots, healing and repairing
• Gravitational Distortion - Distorts the forces of them over time.
gravity around several targets, attempting to lift
them into the air before slamming them back into • Insect Swarm - Creates an ethereal swarm of
the ground. insects who attack all those who enter into their
• * Seismic Eruption - Attempts to forcibly pull a
target apart using a series of intense seismic
waves. Metamorphosis:
• Accelerate - Grants additional movement speed to
• * Disrupt Gravity - Nullifies the effects of gravity
a target individual.
within a selected area.
• Empower - Grants a bonus to an individual’s dice
• * Singularity - Creates a gravitational anomaly at
pool whenever they make checks involving a
a target location. Nearby individuals are pulled
chosen attribute.
inwards and take heavy physical damage once
they reach its centre. • Rejuvenate - Provides a quick burst of invigoration,
healing a target individual for a small number of
hit points.
• Turn Amphibious - Grants an individual increased
• * Blinding Fog - Creates an ethereal cloud of fog, swimming speed and the ability to breathe while
heavily obscuring individuals vision. underwater.
• Grant Vision - Grants a particular type of vision to • * Stifle Powers - Creates an area of distortion and
several target individuals. interference, temporarily suppressing all ethereal
effects inside.
• Neutralise Poison - Amplifies a target’s immune
system in an attempt to end a poison type effect. • Stunning Bolt - Hurls a bolt of negative energy at a
target individual, inflicting heavy mental damage.
• Pain Suppression - Suppresses a target individual’s
pain receptors to temporarily negate the effects of
damage accumulation penalties. • * Bolster Resistances - Boosts the defences of
a number of targets, increasing their chance
of resisting incoming psionic powers and their
• Cure Disease - Amplifies a target’s immune system effects.
in an attempt to end a disease-based effect.
• Destroy Construct - Attempts to destroy a target
• Mass Empower - Same as Empower, but now for construct.
multiple targets.
• Mass Rejuvenate - Same as Rejuvenate, but now • Redirection - Redirects a nearby harmful psionic
for multiple targets. power to target a different individual/location
• * Slow - Attempts to greatly reduce a target within your line of sight.
individual’s movement speed and reaction times. • Sense The Enemy - Provides you with an innate
ability to identify other psionic individuals within
• Heal Wounds - Revitalises a target individual, your line of sight.
healing them for a moderate number of hit points.
• * Wither - Attempts to weaken a target individual Seer:
by reducing any one of their attributes.
• * Commune - Attempts to communicate with a
target individual telepathically.
• * Apex Form - Modifies a target individual’s
biology, temporarily granting them improved • * Ethereal Gaze - Attempts to detect nearby
statistics and greater resistance to incoming ethereal signatures.
• * Exploit Weakness - You briefly study a target
• * Regenerate - Renews a target individual, individual, attempting to learn of both their
providing healing over time and regenerating a capabilities and how best to gain the upper hand
damaged or missing body part. over them.
• Premonition - You witness a sudden forewarning
Purge: for an incoming attacking or hostile action, gaining
a sizeable dice pool bonus against it.
• Disrupt Concentration - Attempts to interrupt a
target individual’s concentration. • * Locate Individual - Attempts to locate a target
• * Drain Stamina - Drains small amounts of mental individual.
stamina from a target individual over time. • Mark of the Seer - Binds an ethereal rune onto a
• Purge Ability - Removes a specific ethereal based target individual or object, allowing you to know of
effect from a target. their direction and distance.
• Sense Danger - Temporarily grants you an extra
• Counter Power - Attempts to interrupt the casting sixth sense of sorts, allowing you to more easily
of a power by another individual. identify potential sources of nearby danger.
• Psionic Backlash - Retaliates against an individual • Understand Languages - Temporarily grants you
who attempts to target you with a psionic-based universal comprehension of all languages.
• * Silence - Attempts to crush a target individual’s • * Flashbacks - Touching a target individual, you
windpipe, temporarily restricting them from experience a series of flashbacks showcasing all
breathing and using psionic powers of their own. notable events which they have witnessed over
the past 24 hours.
• Ward of Retaliation - Binds a ward onto a target
surface, striking out against nearby individuals • Guiding Meditation - You experience a series of
• * Form Armour - Creates a swirling vortex of debris • Dissolve - Dissolves a target item or piece of
and objects which attempt to intercept attacks equipment.
made against you.
• Reshape Surface - Moulds a solid surface into
• * Levitate - Picks up a target individual with whatever shape you desire.
your mind, allowing you to move them in three
• Adhesion - Attempts to bind all individuals within a
• * Manipulate Object - Allows the caster to use a target area to the nearby terrain. Inflicts moderate
target item from afar. acid damage to those affected.
• * Irradiate - Transforms an area of terrain into
• Destroy Object - Attempts to shatter a nearby giving off highly concentrated amounts of
target object using only the power of your mind. radiation. Inflicts heavy radiation damage to those
within the affected area.
• Mass Disarm - Same as Disarm, but now for
Focusing on a target individual that you can see Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 3
within range, you create a temporary illusion
that shifts and changes certain aspects of their Targeting an unshielded individual that you
visual appearance. You might, for example, choose can see within range, you attempt to infiltrate
to replace their current clothing for those of a and overwhelm their mind to force them into a
security guard or perhaps alter and modify the temporary state of peace and tranquillity.
structure of their face, hair doo, and make-up into
something more fitting for the current situation. The individual must make an opposing Foresight
+ Will attribute check, contested against the dice
Regardless of what changes you decide upon, the pool of your Psionics: Deception skill. If the target
target gains a bonus to all Disguise skill checks fails the check, their mind is quickly overcome
that they are required to make for the duration of with a sense of calm and stillness. While they
the power. This bonus should equal half the points are still very much able to think and act logically,
currently assigned to your Psionics: Deception skill any strong emotions such as; rage, frustration, or
(minimum of one). hostility are suppressed for the ability’s duration.
All changes made as a result of this power are The effects of this power are said to end
considered to be a type of optical illusion. They prematurely if either; the target is attacked or if
have no physical form of their own, and any they witness one of their allies being harmed.
contact that is made will go straight through.
Sow Doubt
Phantom Projection
Level: 1 Channelling Ability: No
Level: 1 Channelling Ability: Yes Range: 20/40/60 m Duration: Instant
Range: 30 m/-/- Duration: 10 minutes Action: Reactive Mental Fatigue: 3
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 3
Focusing on an unshielded target individual that
With your mind focused on the mental image of you can see within range, you attempt to infiltrate
an individual or object, you can create a lifelike their mind and overwhelm their current mental
projection of it at a target location that you can see state, hindering them and their ability to perform
within range. a particular type of action.
For the duration of the power, they gain the feared At the end of each round, the target individual can
status effect (see Status Effects, page 233), with remake the initial check, ending the effects of this
yourself acting as the source. At the end of each power early on a success.
new round, the target may repeat the check, ending
its effects early in the event of a success. Ward of Ethereal Masking
However, it is important to note that this power The effects of this power are said to end
has no effect when defending against area-based immediately if the ward is vandalised, removed,
actions and effects. or otherwise tampered with.
By channelling energy around a target, you can Focusing on a target location that you can see
bend and manipulate light rays to better conceal within range, you create a horrific illusion that
their visual presence. attempts to overwhelm the emotions and senses
of those nearby.
For the duration of the power, the target becomes
obscured and much more difficult for others to see. All individuals currently within six meters of the
While they are not technically considered invisible, illusion at the time of its creation must make an
all checks made by them to hide or remain hidden opposing fear check (Charisma + Will) contested by
gain a bonus to their dice pool. This bonus should the dice pool of your Psionics: Deception skill. If the
equal half the total points currently assigned to target is either deafened and/or blinded, they gain
your Psionics: Deception skill (minimum of one). a +2 dice pool bonus to this check for each of the
conditions they currently have.
This power does not affect altering the sounds
produced by the target whatsoever. Any noise they If the target succeeds on this check, they can see
make for its duration should remain at their normal through the illusion for what it is, and it has no
levels. Additionally, like true invisibility, this power effect on them for the remainder of its duration.
does not affect masking a target’s heat signature. If, however, the individual fails this check, they
As a result, thermographic vision is not hindered by become stricken with terror and gain the feared
this power. status effect (see Status Effects, page 233), with
the illusion acting as the source of fear.
The effects of this power are said to immediately
end if the target individual either; attempts to make For the duration of the power, all characters feared
an offensive action or uses their psionic abilities. by it must use as much of their movement as
necessary to leave its area of effect. They should
prioritise whichever route moves them away from
Frenzy the illusion the quickest but should only jeopardise
their safety if no other option is available.
Level: 3 Channelling Ability: No
Range: 20 m/-/- Duration: 1 minute Targets can repeat the check at the end of each
new round, gaining immunity to its effects for the
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 5
remaining duration on a success. Additionally,
Focusing on an unshielded target individual that anyone who attempts to move within six meters
you can see within range, you attempt to infiltrate of the illusion must also make this check, becoming
their mind and drive them into an uncontrollable feared themselves in the event of a failure.
state of frenzy.
The target must make an opposing Foresight +
Will attribute check, contested by the dice pool of Level: 3 Channelling Ability: Yes
your Psionics: Deception skill. On a failure, they are
driven into a maddening rage, losing all sense of Range: 30 m/-/- Duration: 1 minute
a friend and foe. They see everyone as a horrific Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 5
creature that is intent on devouring them and their
soul. Targeting a location you can see within range, you
begin to conjure an invisible yet surprisingly potent
For the duration of the power, they must use their sphere of suppression.
standard actions to conduct as many attacks as
possible towards the nearest character they can The zone can be a number of meters in radius
see. They cannot use reactions and must use their equal to the number of points currently assigned to
movement (sprinting if necessary) to get into an your Psionics: Deception skill, and for its duration,
appropriate position. At the end of each round, the prevents all sound from passing through its
target can repeat the check, ending the effects of perimeter. As long as the power remains in place,
this power early on a success. all characters are deafened to any noise originating
from the sphere’s other side.
With your mind focused on your nearby Targeting an unshielded individual that you can see
surroundings, you create several lifelike within range, you attempt to infiltrate their mind to
projections of yourself to confuse those nearby. alter how they remember a previous event.
You can create a number of projections equal to The target must make an opposing Foresight +
the number of points assigned to your Psionics: Will attribute check, contested against the dice
Deception skill, with each appearing at a chosen pool of your Psionics: Deception skill. On a failure,
location you can see within 10 meters of your the character falls into a trance-like state and is
current position. Each projection created in considered unconscious.
this way can move and react to the events that
transpire around it as if it were sentient, though
While left in this state, the individual’s mind is
they have no physical presence to manipulate the
open to manipulation, allowing you to rework
world around them.
and change their memories of a specific event
that has occurred in the past. You could, for
An individual can attempt to discover which targets example, eliminate their memory of the event, alter
are an illusion by spending a standard action to particular details, or create a new memory entirely.
make a generic Intuition skill check. With a success
target equal to the number of points assigned to Regardless of what you choose, the power must
your Psionics: Deception skill, the character can be maintained for its full duration for the desired
work out which of these entities is your actual self changes to take effect. If concentration is lost, or
in the event of a success. the target is broken out of their trance by taking
damage, the power will fail to take hold.
Regardless, each projection is considered to
have a single hit point and has 0 resistance to all
damage types. Additionally, a given image should Major Projection
automatically fade out of existence if it strays
more than 12 meters from you at any given time. Level: 5 Channelling Ability: Yes
Range: 30 m/-/- Duration: 1 hour
Slumber Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 8
Targeting a location that you can see within range, All characters that take notice of the projection can
all unshielded individuals within a four-meter make an opposing Intuition skill check, contested
radius must make an opposing Endurance + Will against the dice pool of your Psionics: Deception
attribute check. Contested against the dice pool of skill. Those who succeed on the check can tell that
your Psionics: Deception skill, any target who fails the illusion is simply a projection rather than real.
this check is immediately rendered unconscious.
You can choose how large of an area you would
Characters who take damage in this unconscious like to alter with this power; however, each of
state immediately wake up, regaining its dimensions can be no larger than double the
consciousness once more. Additionally, at the total amount of points currently assigned to your
end of each new round that passes, all remaining Psionics: Deception skill in meters (rounded up).
unconscious targets may repeat the check above,
ending the effects of this power early in the event
of a success.
The bolt can continue to arc a number of times Range: Up to 18 m Duration: Instant
until no dice are left in which to roll damage. Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 4
Additionally, any character who is targeted by this
attack cannot be selected multiple times with the You create a sudden burst of extreme heat by
same use of this power. channelling vast amounts of energy. This burst
forms a cone of flame, which expels forth from
your hands towards a target direction.
The cone can take on either of the following two The bolts from this discharge can arc around
shapes: slight corners and obstacles, though they cannot
penetrate solid objects. Additionally, they should
• Long and narrow, with a range of 6/12/18 m indiscriminately target all metallic items that are
and a spread of 1/3/5 m. not worn or actively wielded within the conductive
zone. The GM can determine what, if anything,
• Short and thick, with a range of 3/6/9 m and a happens to these objects as a result of them taking
spread of 3/7/11 m. damage.
Any character caught within the flames must make Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 5
an opposing Foresight + Reflex attribute check,
Targeting a location you can see within range, you
contested against the dice pool of your Psionics: create a small yet surprisingly potent burst of
Energetics skill. Targets that fail this check suffer flame.
3d6 heat damage, while those that succeed take
half of this amount instead.
All characters within two meters of the blast’s
epicentre must make an opposing Foresight +
Disrupt Energy Reflex attribute check, contested against the
dice pool of your Psionics: Energetics skill. On a
Level: 2 Channelling Ability: Yes failure, the target takes 3d6 heat damage and is
immediately set aflame. Those who succeed on the
Range: 30 m/-/- Duration: 1 minute check take half this initial heat damage and suffer
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 4 no additional effects.
Focusing your mind on a target you can see within While left in this immolated state, a target will
range, you surround them with an elemental continue to take an additional 3d6 heat damage at
energy field. the start of each new round. A character can spend
a standard action to end this effect early, either
Choose one of the following disruption fields: heat, by performing a stop, drop, and roll manoeuvre
cold, or electrical. For the duration of the power, themselves or to pat down someone else currently
the target gains additional resistance for that within their melee reach.
particular damage type. The amount of resistance
gained equals double the points assigned to your
Psionics: Energetics skill. Flash Freeze
Channelling together large quantities of energy, Focusing your mind on a target location that you
you create a bolt of fire and extreme heat. By can see within range, you create a zone that acts as
hurling this bolt towards a target location that a barrier of intense heat.
you can see within range, you cause it to burst and
explode, dealing damage to all those who happen The area can be up to 12 meters long, four meters
to be nearby. high, and four meters deep. Any water sources
within this zone quickly turn to steam, which may
By casting this power, you can generate a small cause obscurity in poorly ventilated areas at the
mote of flame in the palm of your hand. This object GM’s discretion. The zone also completely blocks
is a little larger than the size of a closed fist and thermographic vision, with those attempting to
shines bright enough to create a well-lit zone for look through it seeing nothing but a blank canvas
six meters around it and a faintly lit zone for six of heat.
meters after that.
Any character who either; starts their turn within
Before the end of this power, you may use a the zone, or attempts to enter it, must make
standard action to throw this mote towards a an opposing Endurance + Will attribute check
target location that you can see within range. On contested by the dice pool of your Psionics:
doing so, make a generic Psionics: Energetics skill Energetics skill. In the event of a failure, the
check with a success target of four. This check will individual suffers 4d6 heat damage, while on a
determine the accuracy of your throw and whether success, they only take half this amount instead.
the bolt could land at your intended target location.
Regardless of this check’s outcome, this power can
Failing to succeed on this check results in the only affect each target once per round.
projectile straying off target, much in the same
way as a lousy grenade throw. Roll a scatter die to
determine a travel direction, then move the target
Frost Bite
location towards it based on how many passes you
were off. This distance should equal; two meters Level: 4 Channelling Ability: No
for each pass at a short distance, three meters for Range: 30/60/90 m Duration: Instant
each pass at medium, and finally, four meters for
each pass at longer ranges. If an object blocks the Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 7
projectile from reaching this new landing location,
it should detonate on contact instead. Centring your mind on a target location, you begin
to extract all sources of heat and energy within
its immediate vicinity. The temperature rapidly
On detonation, the bolt unleashes an explosion decreases to extreme levels, freezing most liquids
that is eight meters in radius. All individuals within and causing a sudden shock to all nearby.
this area must make an opposing Foresight + Reflex
attribute check, contested by the dice pool of your
Psionics: Energetics skill. Those who fail this check All characters currently within two meters of the
suffer 5d6 heat damage, while those who succeed chosen point must make an opposing Endurance +
take half of this amount instead. Will attribute check contested against the dice pool
of your Psionics: Energetics skill. Those who fail
this check take 6d6 cold and 1d6 mental damage,
The explosion’s flames are potent, capable of while those who succeed only take half of these
inflicting significant burns to organic tissue and, amounts instead.
at the GM’s discretion, setting aflame non-resistant
materials within the area.
Channelling together an enormous amount of Looking to the skies above, you begin to combine
energy, you create a highly energised area of a potent amount of energy. Dark clouds start to
electricity. Arcs of power begin to strike out at coalesce while rumbles of thunder echo out for
nearby targets, prioritising those carrying large several miles beyond.
amounts of metal.
Choose any point that you can see within range.
The chosen area can be up to 10 meters in width, Providing that it has a clear line of sight to the skies
height, and depth; however, its epicentre must be above, you can focus momentarily and command a
a location you can see within range. At the time of bolt of lighting to strike out at the target location.
its creation, each character in the area must make
an opposing Endurance + Reflex attribute check, All characters within eight meters of the epicentre
contested against the dice pool of your Psionics: must make an opposing Endurance + Strength
Energetics skill. Those who fail this check take 3d8 attribute check, contested against the dice pool of
electrical damage, while those who succeed take your Psionics: Energetics skill. Those that fail this
half this amount instead. If the target is wearing check take 6d8 electrical damage and are impaired
armour with the metallic property, you should from the force of the impact (see Status Effects,
double the quantity of damage dice rolled. page 233). However, those who succeed take half
this amount of electrical damage and suffer no
This effect continues to persist, targeting all those other side effects.
who either; move into the affected area or are
present at the end of each round. Regardless of the Targets impaired by this power may repeat the
circumstances, however, each individual can only check above at the end of each new round that
be affected by this power once per round. passes, ending all effects in the event of a success.
Level: 4 Channelling Ability: No Targeting a location you can see within range, you
Range: 10 m/-/- Duration: 1 hour begin to conjure a swarm of ethereal insect-like
constructs. The swarm’s numbers rapidly begin
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 7 to swell, covering a spherical region six meters in
radius centred on the target point.
Targeting an unoccupied space that you can see
within range, you quickly channel and converge
large amounts of energy to form an ethereal Any character who either; starts their turn within
construct known as a sprite. the zone or attempts to enter it must first make
an opposing Endurance + Strength attribute check,
contested against the dice pool of your Psionics:
This sentient construct appears as a humanoid Materialisation skill. Targets who fail this check
silhouette of pulsating energy, cracking and suffer 6d6 toxic damage as they are repeatedly
arcing across nearby surfaces wherever it goes. stung by the swarm and are left poisoned for the
The sprite has the same attributes and skills as next hour (see Status Effects, page 233). Those
yourself when casting this power (though none of who succeed on the check take half this damage
the equipment) and will follow your commands as and suffer no other additional status effects.
you see fit.
Regardless of the outcome, each individual can
It has its own combat initiative score and can carry only be affected by this power once per round.
out combat actions as if it were a separate entity. Additionally, the cost of any movement made while
However, it cannot use psionic powers of any type, within the zone should equal to double its usual
though it can still be the target of them by others. amount.
After the duration of the power ends, or if the Finally, after the power ends, the swarm of
sprite is reduced to zero or fewer hit points, the constructs immediately dissipates, leaving behind
construct is said to dissipate immediately. It leaves only a sporadic collection of ethereal residue.
behind only a faint amount of ethereal residue at
its final location.
Create Nanites
Using your full concentration, you begin to Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 4
conjure and sustain several small swarms of tiny
particle-sized machines called nanites. These soon Channelling ethereal energy into a biological
get to work healing and repairing several of your target, you grant them the capability of temporarily
nearby allies back into their prime health. moving at a much faster rate of speed. You must be
able to see the said target, and they must be within
Choose up to six targets that you can currently see
within range. Each of these individuals becomes
infused by one of the swarms, slowly regaining For the duration of the power, the target
their lost hit points over time. They recover lost individual’s base movement speed is increased by
resources equal to the points currently assigned to two meters for each point of skill that you currently
your Psionics: Materialisation skill for each round possess in Psionics: Metamorphosis.
that passes.
Level: 2 Channelling Ability: No
Level: 1 Channelling Ability: No
Range: 30 m/-/- Duration: 1 minute
Range: 10 m/-/- Duration: Instant
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 4
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 3
You focus your mind and channel large amounts of
Focusing on a biological target you can see within energy towards a biological target that you can see
range, you alleviate some of their pain to restore a within range.
small number of their hit points.
The target must make an opposing Endurance +
The target instantly regenerates a number of Will attribute check, contested against the dice
hit points equal to the current number of points pool of your Psionics: Metamorphosis skill. If they
assigned to your Psionics: Metamorphosis skill. fail this check, their body begins to weaken, quickly
losing its vitality and vigour.
Turn Amphibious
For the duration of the power, the target individual
Level: 1 Channelling Ability: No is considered impaired (see Status Effects, page
233). At the end of each new round that passes,
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour they can remake this check, ending its effects early
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 3 on a success.
Focusing on a biological target that you can see Immediately upon casting this power and at the
within range, your mind begins unravelling their start of each new round that passes, the target
form and reducing their effectiveness at carrying regains hit points equal to the current number of
out certain types of tasks. points assigned to your Psionics: Metamorphosis
skill. Should this power last for its full duration,
one damaged or missing body part on the target
The target must make an opposing Endurance + is restored to its prime working condition. Any
Will attribute check, contested against the dice status effects caused by this former injury (such
pool of your Psionics: Metamorphosis skill. If as blinded, deafened, or maimed) are also said to
they succeed on this check, they can resist your end.
manipulation attempts, and the power fails to
take hold. However, on a failure, the target’s body
begins to wither away and decay.
Choose any one attribute. For the power’s duration,
the target individual receives a penalty to their
dice pool for all attribute and skill checks that
Disrupt Concentration
involve the chosen attribute. This amount equals
the number of points currently assigned to your Level: 1 Channelling Ability: No
Psionics: Metamorphosis skill. Range: 20/40/60 m Duration: Instant
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 2
At the end of each new round, they can remake this
check, ending the effects of the power early on a Focusing on an unshielded individual that you can
success. see within range, you attempt to infiltrate and
disrupt their mind, causing them a sudden loss of
Apex Form
Level: 5 Channelling Ability: Yes The target of the power must make an opposing
Intellect + Will attribute check, contested by the
Range: 10 m/-/- Duration: 10 minutes dice pool of your Psionics: Purge skill. On a failure,
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 9 their mind begins to wonder, overwhelmed with
constant noise and random thoughts. They are said
Focusing on an unshielded target you can see Make a generic Psionics: Purge skill check, with the
within range, you siphon off small amounts of their success target being the level of the ability/effect
mental stamina, wearing them down over time. targeted plus one. On a success, it is subdued,
immediately ending all of its effects.
The target must make an opposing Intellect + Will
attribute check, contested by the dice pool of your Psionic Backlash
Psionics: Purge skill. The power begins to take
hold on a failure, eating away at their mind and Level: 2 Channelling Ability: No
immediately draining 1d6 mental stamina. At the
start of each new round, this effect occurs again, Range: Self Duration: Instant
consuming a further 1d6 mental stamina from their Action: Reactive Mental Fatigue: 4
remaining resources. Each time mental stamina
is drained from the target, you should regain one Having attuned your senses with the powers of the
point of mental stamina to your resource pool. Ether, you have learned to strike back at those who
attempt to target your mind with psionic abilities of
At the end of each round, the target should repeat their own.
the initial check, ending this power’s effects early
on a success. After being subjected to a Will or Intellect-based
attribute check to defend against a psionic power,
you may trigger this ability to retaliate against its
source. A potent wave of psionic energy washes
over the target, causing them great anguish and
mental fatigue.
The source of the psionic ability must make an Scribing a rune of energy onto a target surface
opposing Intellect + Will attribute check contested that you can see within range, you create a visibly
by the dice pool of your Psionics: Purge skill. On pulsating ward which attempts to retaliate against
failing this check, they suffer 3d6 mental damage other nearby psionic individuals.
or half of this amount in the event of a success.
Whenever an individual attempts to use a
psionic-based power and is within nine meters of
Counter Power the ward, it activates and immediately produces
a powerful surge of energy striking back towards
Level: 2 Channelling Ability: No them. The target must make an opposing Intellect
Range: 18/24/30 m Duration: Instant + Will attribute check, contested by the dice pool of
your Psionics: Purge skill. On a failure, they suffer
Action: Reactive Mental Fatigue: 4 3d6 mental damage or half of this amount in the
event of a success.
Focusing on an individual attempting to cast a
power, you try to disrupt and neutralize it. The
target must currently be within your line of sight, This power’s effects end immediately if the ward
and they must also be within range. is physically vandalised, subdued, or otherwise
tampered with.
Make a generic Psionics: Purge skill check, with the
success target being the level of the power that is Ether Barrier
attempting to be used plus one. If you succeed on
this check, then the power is said to be immediately Level: 3 Channelling Ability: Yes
subdued and cannot take effect. However, the
target still suffers mental fatigue as if the power Range: 20 m/-/- Duration: 1 minute
had been used successfully. Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 5
You let loose a blackened bolt of negative energy Observing a nearby harmful psionic power or
from the palm of your hand, streaking through the effect that is about to take place, you attempt
air towards a target individual that you can see to use your abilities to control and redirect it
within range. towards a different target and/or location. To
utilise Redirection, you must have vision of the
The target must make an opposing Intellect + Will power’s current target, and they must be within
attribute check, contested against the dice pool of range.
your Psionics: Purge skill. On a failure, the target
suffers 5d6 mental damage and is considered Make a generic Psionics: Purge skill check, with the
paralysed until the end of the current round (see success target being the level of the power that
Status Effects, page 233). On a success, the target is attempting to be used, plus one. If you succeed
takes half the damage but does not suffer the on this check, the power immediately falls under
additional paralysis effect. your control. You may choose a new target and/or
location so long as it is within the range of the
source of the power and is within your line of sight.
Bolster Resistances
Level: 4 Channelling Ability: Yes Once a new target has been chosen, the power’s
effects occur as usual.
Range: 20 m/-/- Duration: Instant
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 7 Sense The Enemy
Focusing on up to six targets you can see within
range, you attempt to surround them with psionic Level: 5 Channelling Ability: No
energy to bolster their defences against incoming Range: Self Duration: 8 hours
ethereal effects.
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 4
For the duration of the power, all those targeted in Utilising your knowledge and understanding of
this way gain a bonus to their dice pool whenever Psionics, you use your abilities to examine those
they make a skill or attribute check to defend around you more closely. By spending a moment of
against a psionic-based ability of effect. This bonus your time, you can call on the powers of the Ether
equals half the points currently assigned to your to temporarily grant you a supernatural-like sixth
Psionics: Purge skill. sense.
While the exact nature of any detected threats Make a generic Psionics: Seer skill check with
should remain hidden, you should be able to a secret success target determined by the GM.
ascertain their location and the gravity of the The difficulty of this task should be based on the
danger they could pose to you and your allies. complexity of your thought and the amount of
knowledge you already have available to you. On
a success, the GM can describe a series of brief
Understand Languages mental images that relate to aiding you on your
chosen goal or objective. These visions will not
Level: 2 Channelling Ability: No answer all of your questions directly but should
Range: Self Duration: Varies instead serve as a nudge in the right direction.
If the target has deceased, this power will only Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 5
work if they have only died within the past 24
hours and their brain remains mostly intact. Entering into a deep meditative trance, you attempt
to sense the thoughts of a nearby individual whose
presence you have already been made aware of. If
Guiding Meditation the target is currently shielded, this psionic power
has no effect.
Level: 3 Channelling Ability: No
Range: Self Duration: Instant
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 5
For the duration of the power, you find that you can Hindrance
immediately tell an illusion for what it is by merely
looking at it. Invisibility-type effects also seem not Level: 1 Channelling Ability: Yes
to affect yourself, and you can see through faintly Range: 30 m/-/- Duration: 1 minute
lit areas or total darkness as if it were well-lit.
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 3
This power’s effects only work if you view your Targeting an individual or automation that you
surroundings with your own senses. For example, can see within range, you focus on attempting to
looking through a CCTV feed would not allow you to push them back, hindering them and their ability to
pick up on the above information. manoeuvre.
Level: 1 Channelling Ability: No At the end of each new round, the target can
Range: 12/24/36 m Duration: Instant
repeat the check, ending its effects early on a
success. Additionally, the effects of the power end
Action: Reactive Mental Fatigue: 2 prematurely should the distance between yourself
and the target ever exceed more than 30 meters.
The affected area’s total radius can equal double Enhance Simple Weapon
the number of points currently assigned to your
Psionics: Telekinesis skill in meters (rounded up). Level: 1 Channelling Ability: No
Range: 10 m/-/- Duration: 1 hour
Debris Shower Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 3
Level: 5 Channelling Ability: No Focusing your mind on a specific weapon you can
Range: 30/60/90 m Duration: Instant see within range, you empower it with ethereal
energy to strike harder and deeper on each of its
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 10 hits.
All characters within eight meters of this chosen This power’s effects are said to end immediately
location must make an opposing Reflex + Foresight should the enhanced weapon ever move more than
attribute check, contested against the dice pool 30 meters away from you.
of your Psionics: Telekinesis skill. Those that fail
this check take 8d8 physical damage (with eight Ensnare
physical penetration) and are knocked prone from
the bombarded of incoming projectiles. However,
Level: 1 Channelling Ability: No
those who succeed on this check take half this
amount of damage and suffer no other side effects. Range: 20 m/-/- Duration: Instant
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 3
Make a generic Psionics: Transmutation skill check, Targeting a body of liquid that you can currently
with the success target being determined by the see within range, you begin to shift and change
GM based on the size and complexity of the task. its material state to grant it an alternative set of
On a success, the item is quickly restored to prime properties.
working condition. Should you fail on this check,
the GM may also decide whether some progress
has been made towards the necessary repairs. First, choose any point within the body of liquid,
followed by whether you would like to solidify
or gasify the substance. The liquid begins to
Alternatively, when used on a target automation immediately change from the chosen point, quickly
or Cyterian, this power can restore a number of hit moving outwards, forming a zone that is a number
points equal to half the number of passes achieved. of meters in radius equal to the number of points
assigned to your Psionics: Transmutation skill.
Enhance Firearm
If you solidify the liquid, the affected area becomes
Level: 2 Channelling Ability: No walkable terrain for the power’s duration.
However, if you decide to gasify the substance,
Range: 10 m/-/- Duration: 1 hour it should instead turn into a mist, potentially
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 4 obscuring the nearby vicinity for this duration.
Regardless of the state chosen, the altered
Focusing your mind on a firearm-based weapon material should have all of the same basic
you can see within range, you empower it with properties had it been changed naturally.
ethereal energy.
If the target item is worn or utilised by another Targets restrained in this way take 3d6 acid
individual, they can make an opposing Reflex + damage at the start of each new round that passes.
Foresight attribute check. Contested by the dice Additionally, they can spend a standard action
pool of your Psionics: Transmutation skill, the on one of their turns to repeat the check above,
targeted item is said to immediately dissolve into ending the power’s effects on a success.
a puddle of goo in the event of a failure.
Automations and Cyterian targeted by this power
can also make the check as noted above. However,
Level: 5 Channelling Ability: Yes
in the event of a failure, the target’s current
hit points are reduced by triple the number of Range: 30 m/-/- Duration: 1 minute
passes you managed to achieve rather than being
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 9
destroyed outright.
Targeting a nearby location that you can see
Reshape Surface within range, you start to morph and change
the surrounding terrain into giving off high
concentrations of radiation.
Level: 4 Channelling Ability: No
Range: 10 m/-/- Duration: Instant Covering a spherical region six meters in radius
Action: Standard Mental Fatigue: 7 centred on the chosen point, the radioactive
material begins to break down and irradiate all
Focusing on a solid surface or object you can see those unfortunate enough to be within its bounds.
within range, you attempt to bend and reshape it Any character who either; starts their turn inside
to suit your needs. For example, you could reshape the sphere, or attempts to enter it, must make
a section of the wall to form a doorway and a new an opposing Endurance + Strength attribute
point of entry or lift the ground to create a barrier check contested by the dice pool of your Psionics:
and provide cover for you and your allies. Transmutation skill. Targets that fail this check
suffer 6d6 radiation damage, while those that
succeed take half of this amount instead.
One of the most significant changes in this area With a modular type design and a significant
over the past one hundred years or so was the degree of flexibility to suit, these devices can easily
construction of the global Omninet project. be tailor-made to the specific needs of a given
This massive network of computerised devices individual. Some brands and makes will focus on
replaced the ageing and often considered archaic security and peace of mind front and foremost,
infrastructure of the Internet. With its ability to while others prefer to have better processors and
operate almost anywhere across the planet and networking capabilities.
an impressive amount of data throughput to suit,
the Omninet soon ushered in an age whereby Regardless of what PCD an individual chooses,
all electronic subsystems and devices are now it should be capable of performing all manner of
interconnected over one massive grid. day-to-day activities. This could include messaging
and voice calling other contacts, pulling up maps of
While the Omninet contains various safeguards the local area, or researching various topics via a
and security measures to ensure that data is search engine.
suitably protected, in an era where corporate
sabotage, government surveillance, and a
flourishing underground hacking scene are almost
commonplace, they often serve as little more Despite PCDs being little more than what is
than an active deterrent. Combine this with an essentially a type of miniaturised computer, all of
unprecedented demand for people’s sensitive them have, for a long time now, been required by
data, and it is easy to understand why so many law to come pre-installed with a piece of software
hobbyists have decided to try their luck at data known as OmniWatch. OmniWatch, despite its
mining and hacking to earn a living. almost secretive of origins, is a complex body
of code that hooks into nearly all of a device’s
functions. It keeps tabs on what processes are
7.1 Computing in Everyday running and the commands its users enter.
When an attacker fails to perform an action that This argument also holds up as true in the eyes
includes the keyword, any ICE currently of OmniWatch. By being classified as a form of
active and installed on the device is immediately legal activity, these countermeasures can freely
said to activate. These countermeasures quickly carry out hacking activities independently without
release their defensive payload, striking back the risk of being prematurely terminated by the
against the source of the hacking attempt. While operating system.
RAM Pools & Usage Tom’s next job goes badly, and he concludes that he
All computerised devices have what is known as will need additional software to stand a chance
a RAM pool associated with them. This numerical against his next target. He further installs the
statistic indicates how much software the device Blackout and Sloth ICE and the VIP List securesoft.
can run at any given time. Those devices which Blackout and Sloth alone have a combined RAM
offer a larger RAM pool will naturally be able use of four, utilising the remainder of his device’s
to support more pieces of software running pool. If Tom intends to enable VIP List, he would
simultaneously. have to go back and disable one of his other pieces
of software to free up room on his Commutec
7.3 Computing Actions action to be performed and is presented in the
same manner as shown previously. This includes
an overview of what the activity tries to achieve, in
Like with the rules for combat, there are various
addition to detailing the access type required to be
actions that an individual might want to attempt
able to perform it.
when using a computer or other such tech-related
device. While some of these actions may prove
useful to a wide range of different players, others Many of these actions will state that a skill check
might have a substantially more limited scope of of some variety will be required to succeed.
appeal. However, the GM can decide this is unnecessary
if the task is relatively simple and the user is well
acquainted with the target computer system (such
Below, a list has been provided of the most
as their own PCD).
common of these. Each item requires a standard
Action Description
Focuses your attention to your current device’s cybersecurity
Bolster Defences Enhanced
defences, temporarily raising its firewall rating.
Attempts to connect to another device in which to carry out
Connect to Device Basic
further actions.
Create/Modify Access
Basic Creates a new access privilege or modifies an existing one.
Force Entry
None Attempts to find suitable exploits to break into a target device.
If you are instead attempting to decrypt a file, Make a generic Tech: Hacking skill check with a
then you should make the same generic Tech: success target equal to the current firewall rating
Encryption skill check, but the GM determines the of the device. In the event of a success, your access
success target based on how well the file was rights are increased to the next type of permission
initially encrypted. set. If this action is intended to promote yourself
to become the device’s owner, then the current
Root user should also be demoted down one rank
Falsify Meta Data to Enhanced.
Whether you want to change a document’s source
of origin or make it appear as if another user
recently edited it, the Falsify Meta Data action
Locate Devices
will allow you to misstate the origin or history of Using a standard action, you call for your current
a particular electronic document. device to initiate a scan of its surrounding area. By
examining the localised traffic, it attempts to help
Targeting a file on your current device, you may you find and locate other computerised devices and
use a standard action to begin making changes to equipment in your vicinity.
it. Make either; a generic Tech: Hacking or generic
Tech: Networking skill check, with a success target Usually, this search will automatically reveal
being determined by the GM. Your choice of skill all other computerised systems or equipment
here should be determined by the nature of the currently; within the scan range of your searching
changes you wish to make, utilising whichever of device, switched on, and have open broadcasting
the two skills is more appropriate. Modifications enabled. However, you can also make a generic
that are either more elaborate or require a greater Tech: Networking skill check to study this
quantity of work should suitably require a higher information for yourself. By examining packets
success target. of network data retrieved from your search,
you attempt to locate other devices that do not
On a success, the file in question is successfully currently have open broadcasting.
modified. A suitable Tech: Diagnostics skill check
can, however, at the discretion of the GM, be The GM should compare the number of passes
performed by other individuals to detect these achieved with the network noise rating for each
changes. other device within range. You become aware of
any of these with a network noise rating less than
or equal to the result of the check.
Force Entry
Using a standard action, you begin to look over Each device that you discover from this action
a target device whose network address you are should divulge a basic set of information about
already aware of and is currently switched on. itself. This should usually include the device’s
Checking for any suitable exploits and security name, current network address, and a rough guess
flaws, you attempt to find a way to grant yourself of its proximity from you (though not a direction).
access rights.
Whether these commands are instructions that Any authorised individual who assumes direct
are told to the automation verbally or executed control can connect to the automation via their
electronically from another nearby device, these PCD. An on-screen display presents a graphical
instructions will determine what course of action user interface, highlighting the data being captured
the automation decides to take and how best it from its sensor array. This includes what it can
chooses to spend its time going forward. see standing before it, as well as useful statistics
and figures about its current operating conditions.
Various controls are also provided here, allowing
While automations and their machine learning
the individual to steer and manoeuvre the device,
algorithms have certainly come a long way, they
along with carrying out any particular action
are still far from perfect. Many automations are
should they so wish.
limited on how vague of an instruction it can
successfully interpret, and even when it does,
the device will go ahead and carry them out to The advantage of performing direct control is that
the letter. For example, a command to take out a character can give direct input on what they
a given target will cause the automation to use want the device to do. For example, if it’s firing
whichever of its mounted weapon systems it a mounted weapon system, the controller can
considers to have the best chance of succeeding take aim and make the shot for themselves rather
with. If this means firing a missile into a packed than leave it up to the onboard computer system.
civilian hotspot, so be it. Alternatively, if they are looking to try and infiltrate
a building or secure facility, they can control the
automation’s movements to provide it with the
As a result, care must always be taken when giving
best possible route that will ensure it remains
an automation a new task to undertake. If the
instruction is too vague or open to interpretation,
it may pursue a course of action that produces an
unintended outcome or possibly unwanted side The disadvantage of doing this, however, will mean
effects. Of course, regardless of whether this is the that the controlling individual must keep their
case, any new commands given to an automation concentration fixated on guiding the automation,
by an authorised user will always override its for it to continue to act. While direct control is
previous set of instructions. in effect, the controller must share their action
points between themselves and the device they are
currently managing. If no actions are specifically
given to the device during one of their turns, then it
will simply do nothing for that period.
As a result, this section is dedicated to covering Weapon mounts are compact pieces of mechanical
what these alterations to the rules are and how equipment created to achieve this very purpose.
best they should be taken forward and used during By providing an interface between an automation’s
the game. onboard computer and an installed firearm or other
suitable weapon systems, the drone or vehicle can
reliably use it as if they were any other individual.
Assume Direct Control Additionally, any skill checks the device attempts
to make for this period should now utilise the
When a need to take direct control over an base amount from your own skills rather than the
automation arises, this standard action will allow automation. However, the amount gained from its
an authorised user to do so quickly. Targeting an related attribute should continue to be determined
automation whose onboard computer system you by the capabilities of the drone or vehicle itself, as
are currently connected with, you initiate a manual its form will still determine how strong and agile it
takeover of its control. Any assigned commands or can physically be. If the device could not perform a
tasks it had previously been given are suppressed given skill beforehand, then it should continue to be
for this duration. unable to do so during this state of direct control.
While direct control remains in place, you have While the device’s combat initiative score will
complete oversight of the automation. Each of continue to decrease after each turn, it should still
the device’s turns in the combat initiative order is be able to perform actions and manoeuvres for as
skipped over, favouring its standard actions taking long as its controller has some amount of initiative
place on its controller’s turns instead. When such remaining. However, if the controller’s combat
a time arises, you can choose to make standard initiative score reaches zero, the drone or vehicle
actions as either yourself or the automation, should no longer be able to take turns until a new
but you must share the same pool of action round of combat begins.
points. Movement resources remain independent,
including separate movement speeds and budgets.
Finally, direct control can be ended by repeating
this action once again or when the connection
If you would like the automation to make a reactive between the automation and its controller is
action during this state of control, it may continue severed. When such a time arises, the automation
to do so; however, much like with your standard returns to its original state of control, carrying out
actions, you must share your reactive action any commands or tasks previously given.
between yourself and the automation in question.
Reactive Actions
Action Description
Performs a series of tight manoeuvres to become harder to hit by enemy ranged
Evasive Manoeuvres
Perception/Examine Look around the automation’s surroundings to spot or identify something.
Use Mounted Object Make use of an item which has been mounted onto the automation.
Many of the world’s former powers have been 9.2 Corporate Militarisation
broken apart over the years, allowing corporations
to step in and shape society to their liking. Even Despite gaining considerable political influence,
the European Union, which somehow has survived corporations could not change one area of
through all of this, is under considerable influence authority. Aggressive takeovers, hidden
by several large corporate entities. subterfuge, and corporation espionage were
all regular occurrences in a vibrant and highly
The world wasn’t always this way, however. competitive ecosystem that emphasised results
Change is a slow but methodical beast, shifting above all else. Couple this with rising wealth
ever so subtly as the years continue to go by. inequality and growing anti-capitalistic sentiments
However, looking back, it is easy to see the string showed there was a growing need for corporations
of noteworthy events that have led us to where we to have sanction security forces of their own.
are now.
In 2039 progress was finally made, somewhat
unintentionally, towards this end goal. A scandal
9.1 Industrial Deregulation had broken in the United States involving Apex
Technologies, which had been revealed to work
Starting all the way back in the 2020s, many closely with several authoritarian governments.
industries had begun to enter into a period of rapid Apex was accused of tracking down and monitoring
deregulation. The United States, United Kingdom, specific targets of interest for these regimes, most
and Australia were especially influential here, of whom would soon be reported as missing or
with their pro-business governments supporting dead.
reduced bureaucracy and red tape for key domestic
industries. A few days after a trove of documents was
leaked, the company’s headquarters in Boston
Many nearby trading blocks, most notably the EU, was assaulted by a well-armed militia, leaving
soon followed suit. Nation-states began to cut 46 people dead. Surprisingly, Apex took the
more and more back-room deals with multinational government to court, arguing that they had not
corporations in a desperate attempt to stay only failed to protect their headquarters and staff
competitive against one another. but were woefully ill-equipped to deal with the
situation at hand. The judges agreed.
Corporations soon found themselves in an
incredible position of power, as they could pick Following the ruling, the Corporations Security &
and choose which trading blocks they would like Militarization Act was swiftly passed into United
their business to invest in. This, in turn, gave States law. This gave high-profile corporations
them incredible leverage around the globe, able greater leeway when protecting their assets and
to influence and change local domestic policies in property, including using militarised security
exchange for continued investment. forces. While it did not exonerate them from
following the laws of the land, it did push the
One such high-profile example of this was made boundaries considerably of what was deemed
public in 2027. Leaked documents revealed that
Even those states that appear somewhat Although their headquarters is currently located
unmoved or changed from decades prior now find in Boston, United Democratic States, there was
themselves in service to corporate benefactors. a rumour that the corporation was seriously
Whether it be bountiful investments, countless considering relocating to Lunar Base One due to
job opportunities or perhaps simply the threat of its favourable taxation policies.
a freak accident the next time they step onto an
aeroplane, politicians and lawmakers across the
globe rarely choose to deviate from what these
Beryl Lynx
corporations deem best. Reigning as the
world’s current largest
Down on the streets, honest work is challenging corporation, Beryl Lynx is
to find. If you are not toiling away all hours of the truly a force to be reckoned
day for some mega-conglomerate, you will likely be with. Based in the German
scrounging around for anything and everything just city of Stuttgart, this
to get by. Those who fancy their chances, often massive conglomerate has
turn to mercenary work from a vibrant, though its hands in practically every major sector.
thoroughly unforgiving underground scene. Here,
no job is too dangerous or immoral, providing the While the company is often said to specialise in
promise of decent pay. heavy manufacturing and civil engineering, two
areas that date back to its earliest roots, their
Meanwhile, with law enforcement prioritising strong presence in financial holdings is not one
corporate assets and real estate, all manner of that should be underestimated.
groups fight to carve out a little slice of territory
for their very own. From gangs and drug cartels to Commutec
humans first activists and religious zealots, there
are plenty of ways in which you can find trouble. Situated in the Free
Pacific Republic
lies the software
The Corporate Powers juggernaut Commutec.
Having established themselves as the market
Employing several billion people worldwide,
leader for proprietary software and operating
corporations are very much the lifeblood of
systems, there is a strong chance that any
the world’s economy. Ranging in size from a
computer system you use today will likely contain
one-person operation working out of a garage to a
something they created.
global conglomerate that spans across every major
country, corporations are numerous and virtually
everywhere. Despite being no stranger to controversy over
the years, most notably due to their cooperation
Those who rise to the very top often become with foreign national authoritarian governments,
powerful entities in their own right. Few will dare Commutec enjoys widespread appeal and a highly
to cross them, and those who are stupid enough devoted fanbase.
to try often disappear pretty fast. When a scandal
breaks out, or a power-play is made, you can all but
guarantee that one of these will be involved.
With its headquarters in Bern, Switzerland, NetCom is currently based in the city of Seattle,
the company has recently begun expanding which forms an important part of the Free Pacific
its presence into several other key sectors. Republic.
Most notably, this includes the highly lucrative
cybernetics scene.
Protodyne lies at
Kenshiro CyberSystems
the forefront of the
Based out of the endless world’s biotech and
sprawl of Tokyo, Japan, genetic modification
Kenshiro CyberSystems industries. With a keen focus on agricultural and
is one of the largest medical applications, this corporation is often
players associated with the considered one of the most pivotal to pushing the
cybernetics industry. While boundaries of present-day science.
they are not the oldest
corporation in the sector, Of course, like many of those who branch into
Kenshiro boasts impressive sales and a top-notch uncharted scientific territory, Protodyne is often
reputation worldwide. seen by the public through quite a controversial
lens. Their headquarters in Chicago, United
Often found competing against Commutec for Democratic States, has seen many protests over
developing proprietary software, the two giants the years, leading to a sizeable expansion of its
regularly enjoy squaring off against one another security.
whenever there is a bid to win over new contracts.
Running Dystopia
So, you have found yourself a group of players who sitting or perhaps tell a well crafted and intricate
want to take part in a game of Dystopia 2107. Each story that spans several sessions over an extended
of you has skimmed over the previous chapters, period.
gaining a basic understanding of the system and its
major rules. The question for you now, the Game While there is no theoretical maximum to the
Master, is how do you prepare for and run the game’s number of participants, Dystopia tends
actual game? to work best when there are between four and
six players, plus you as the GM. These numbers
Like with many other tabletop RPGs, the rules of help provide a careful balance in making sure that
Dystopia can be best thought of as a framework each character feels unique, while also providing a
of sorts. These provide the GM with a set of tools lively atmosphere with plenty of opportunities for
and mechanics that can determine a suitable interaction between one another.
resolution to various situations. At the same time,
an overarching storyline or plot gives the players Once you have yourself a group of players who can
much-needed context for where they currently are get together for a session, you can then decide the
in the world and why they might want to pursue a type of game you would like to run for them.
particular task or goal.
One storyline could see the players take down 10.2 Preparing a Session
a gang who have been roughing up the local
neighbourhood, while another might have them With a session planned, your attention as the GM
infiltrate a research facility to steal secrets for a now needs to shift towards the type of content you
particular corporation. Regardless of what you, the want to run for the coming game. As mentioned
GM, determine this plot to be, it provides a way of previously, Dystopia can take on various narratives,
bringing the players together and allowing them spanning from a simple and easy-to-understand
to become unique and interesting characters in a story to something far more detailed and complex.
highly dangerous fictional world.
Which of these will be more appealing to the
However, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, players at your table will, of course, depend
let us take a step back and talk about what you will on their own personal preferences and tastes.
need to prepare when organising a game for you Some players will naturally prefer a long-running
and your players. campaign with a slower burn, while others would
rather find themselves getting straight into the
action thick and fast.
10.1 Schedulling a Game
It is important to understand that there is no right
Your first task as the GM is to get some players or wrong answer here. Your main aim above all
around the table. Dystopia has no fixed duration else as the GM is to ensure that everyone at the
or frequency in how and when we recommend it table is having a good time. Choosing a narrative
should be played. Instead, sessions can be as short and suitable content that appeals to your players
or as long as you want, based on whatever works is an excellent first step in potentially achieving
best for you and your table. This also happens this goal. If you are unsure of the type of content
to hold true for the narrative as well. You could that might be of interest to those joining you at the
choose to run a simple mission during a single table, all you need to do is ask.
Once you have an idea on the themes and subject 1. A packed bar or nightclub.
matters that your players do and do not want to 2. A hotel.
participate in, your next step could be to plan a
rough overarching view of the coming story. While 3. An abandoned industrial site.
this does not yet need to be too detailed or specific, 4. Virtually over the Omninet.
noting down a beginning, middle, and end can often
serve as a solid foundation on which to build upon. 5. A high-class restaurant or private club.
6. A secluded vantage point or parking lot.
Several tables have been provided below to aid you
7. The backroom of a shop or take away
in this task. Each lists a small selection of different
examples that might help you to build out your
narrative. 8. A boat out in international waters.
Once the scene has been set, it is simply a matter Going off the Beaten Track
of listening to what your players would like to
do and narrating how everything unfolds. If a Regardless of how well you think you might have
particular task or action is undertaken, it is up to prepared for a session, there is always a real
you to guide your players through the process. chance that your game will evolve in an entirely
Sneaking along a rooftop, for example, might different direction than what you had initially
require a character to make a Stealth skill check, intended. Perhaps your players accidentally kill
while attempting to prise open a nearby door could an essential NPC that is vital for the story ahead, or
instead favour an Endurance + Strength attribute maybe they decide on a course of action that takes
check. you by surprise.
Again, like with many things, there is no right and On the other hand, if the current mission is still
wrong answer here. If you and your players are ongoing, it will be down to you to find a means
having fun, you have ultimately achieved your of injecting a new character and getting them
goals as a GM. If you feel comfortable simply involved in the story. Ideally, you would want to
allowing your players’ free reigns on where the do this fairly quickly so that the player in question
story goes next, then, by all means, go for it. is not left out of the fun for too long. However,
depending on the type of story you want to tell,
there will need to be some plausibility and logic
Dealing With Player Death on how and why this new character is joining the
With the world of Dystopia being such a dangerous
and hostile place, it is inevitable that at some point,
one or more of your players’ characters won’t be Some tables will be perfectly okay with
coming back alive. Perhaps they were pinned down handwaving new character introductions, while
in a corporate lobby with no means of escape, or others might be far more grounded in reality and
maybe instead, they volunteered to stay behind serious. The new character could be a friend or
and make sure that the bomb went off. Whatever relative who has taken up the mantle for revenge,
the situation might be, it will be up to you, the or perhaps someone else entirely who has recently
GM, to decide how best to handle introducing new become aware of the situation and wants to help.
player characters.
Regardless of which approach is most suitable for
If the current story has been brought to a close, your table, we recommend that you give the player
then this task will be significantly easier. Each a moment in the spotlight to send their character
of the surviving players can go their separate out with dignity and an appropriate build-up in
which to introduce any new companion.
10.4 Homebrew Content Second, if possible, start small. It is far easier to
make small incremental changes than to redo
major game systems all in one go. Once everyone is
After your first couple of games, both you and your
happy with your first set of changes, you can then
players may begin to find that you have ideas of
expand them with further modifications.
your own for content that you wish to introduce
into the world of Dystopia. This could take the form
of new traits or items for player characters, NPCs Finally, do not be afraid to experiment. If you have
they might meet along the way, or perhaps even an idea that you would like to try out, go for it. The
exotic psionic powers for individuals to learn and worst-case scenario is that your changes do not
wield. work out, and you can always return back to the
system as written.
The term homebrew has been a staple for pen
and paper RPGs for many years now. It is used to Character Traits
describe any customised content that falls outside
the original game’s scope or ruleset. If you or your Given their ability to add extra personalisation
players desire to customise the rules or content of to a particular character, it is only natural that
your game, then perhaps homebrew is for you. some of your players may wish to invent new
character traits of their own. Maybe they feel the
Homebrew can take on many different forms. list included within this book is missing certain
For some, it is a way of tweaking the existing archetypes, or perhaps they have an idea that
substance of the game to better suit their better suits the direction in which they wish to take
playstyle. For others, it is a way of introducing their character forward.
major sweeping changes into the game system.
Regardless of which side you might fall under, Regardless of their reasoning, it will be up to you
everyone at your table must be on the same page. to decide how best to implement this new addition.
No one wants to turn up to a game session with This will include both the effects of the trait itself
one set of expectations only to be given another and its genetics pool cost/gain.
that is radically different.
Of course, given the flexible nature of character
traits and their potential effects, this can often
General Rules & Game Systems prove to be quite a difficult task. As a result,
By far, the most drastic changes that can be several tables have been provided below to help
brought about through homebrew are with guide you on this endeavour.
modifications to the general rules and game
systems. Perhaps you and your players believe Genetics Pool Genertics Pool
that rolling for reloading firearms is too random, Trait Potency
Cost Gain
and counting bullets would be better instead.
Alternatively, maybe you feel there are too many Minor 10 - 15 5 - 10
skills within the game and desire to condense these Average 15 - 20 10 - 15
down to a more manageable number.
Major 20 - 25 15 - 20
Firstly, communication is always key. If you are Trait Potency Attribute Requirements
contemplating making changes, speak with the Minor None
players joining you at the table. Not only will this
allow you to get feedback on your proposals, but Average Four or more
it could also highlight issues or side-effects which Major Five or more
you had never even thought about.
As can be seen, each of the above items details Note: Multiply all damage values by 1.5 when dealing
rough statistics for any given NPC at each of with physical damage.
the different levels of renown. As your players
continue to improve, so too should the individuals
who surround them. Casting Distance Typical Range
Short 10/20/30 m
Of course, it is perfectly acceptable to go outside of Medium 20/40/60 m
these recommendations occasionally. Perhaps you
Long 30/60/90 m
are attempting to put together a climactic finish
to the current mission and require your players to
go up against a big bad. Just be sure not to go too
Area of Effect Radius (m)
overboard, as you might find yourself quickly killing
off your players’ characters one by one. Small 2
Medium 4
Below several handouts have been provided, which • They automatically fail any Perception skill
could come in handy during the course of a game. checks that rely on sight.
These handouts cover a variety of topics, including
• They suffer a -4 dice pool penalty on all
what actions an individual can take during combat,
other skill and attribute checks that utilise
a list of common status effects, and an overview of
an individual’s eyesight.
the various psionic powers.
2 - Very Tired
• The individual is considered slowed (-4 meters of movement speed).
• They suffer a -3 dice pool penalty on all checks.
3 - Weak
• The individual is considered slowed (-6 meters of movement speed).
• They suffer a -5 dice pool penalty on all checks.
4 - Very Weak
• The individual is considered slowed (-8 meters of movement speed).
• They suffer a -7 dice pool penalty on all checks.
5 - Near Death
• The individual cannot move.
• They suffer a -10 dice pool penalty on all checks.
6 - Death
• The individual dies.
Feared - The character is stricken with fear, unable Grappled - The character is currently being
to control their actions or act logically. grabbed by someone or something.
Action Description
Attach Item Add-on Attaches an add-on onto one of the items in your inventory.
Attempts to deliver a deathblow to a dying or unconscious target within
Coup De Grâce
your reach.
Disarm Knock a weapon or other suitable item out of a target’s hand.
Eject Magazine/Ordinance
Ejects an empty magazine or used ordinance from an equipped firearm.
Heals a nearby individual, either to bring them back from near death, or to
First Aid
remove a negative status effect.
Grapple Grab a target individual.
Help Aid a nearby ally so that their actions can yield better results.
Hide Conceal yourself from others.
Distract and disrupt a nearby opponent so that their actions become less
Insert Magazine/Ordinance
Inserts a new magazine or piece of ordinance into an equipped firearm.
Action Description
Attack of Opportunity Take an offensive action against an individual who is trying to move away.
Make a series of evasive manoeuvres to gain a +2 dice pool bonus against the
melee attacks of others.
Drop to the ground prone, gaining a +2 dice pool bonus against incoming
Drop Prone
ranged attacks.
Perception/Examine Look around and study your surroundings in response to another’s action.
Use Item/Object Make use of an item for a specified purpose.
Use Psionic Power Channel a psionic based power to create a certain type of effect.
Action Description
Focuses your attention to your current device’s cybersecurity
Bolster Defences Enhanced
defences, temporarily raising its firewall rating.
Attempts to connect to another device in which to carry out
Connect to Device Basic
further actions.
Create/Modify Access
Basic Creates a new access privilege or modifies an existing one.
Force Entry
None Attempts to find suitable exploits to break into a target device.
Reactive Actions
Action Description
Performs a series of tight manoeuvres to become harder to hit by enemy ranged
Evasive Manoeuvres
Perception/Examine Look around the automation’s surroundings to spot or identify something.
Use Mounted Object Make use of an item which has been mounted onto the automation.
• * Phantom Projection - Creates a projection that • Combustion - Creates a cone of fire towards a
mimics an individual or object. target direction, dealing moderate heat damage.
• * Mirror Image - Creates several lifelike projections • Disintegration - Fires a beam of concentrated
of yourself in an attempt to confuse those around energy, dealing considerable heat damage to all
you. those in a line.
• * Slumber - Attempts to render all individuals • Tempest - Calls down a sudden bolt of electricity
within a targeted area unconscious. from the skies above. Deals heavy electrical
damage and has a chance to paralyse all nearby
• False Memory - Attempts to manipulate a target
individual’s mind, altering their memory of a
specific event. Flux:
• * Major Projection - Transforms a target area,
• * Gravity Warp - Surrounds a target with a strong
allowing you to alter its look and feel.
gravitational force, temporarily grappling and
lifting them into the air.
• Kinetic Barrier - Surrounds a target with a barrier
of energy, granting them temporary shielding.
• * Disrupt Gravity - Nullifies the effects of gravity • Accelerate - Grants additional movement speed to
within a selected area. a target individual.
• * Regenerate - Renews a target individual, • * Exploit Weakness - You briefly study a target
providing healing over time and regenerating a individual, attempting to learn of both their
damaged or missing body part. capabilities and how best to gain the upper hand
over them.
• Premonition - You witness a sudden forewarning
for an incoming attacking or hostile action, gaining
a sizeable dice pool bonus against it.
• Disrupt Concentration - Attempts to interrupt a
target individual’s concentration.
• * Locate Individual - Attempts to locate a target
• * Drain Stamina - Drains small amounts of mental
stamina from a target individual over time.
• Mark of the Seer - Binds an ethereal rune onto a
• Purge Ability - Removes a specific ethereal based
target individual or object, allowing you to know of
effect from a target.
their direction and distance.
• Sense Danger - Temporarily grants you an extra
• Counter Power - Attempts to interrupt the casting
sixth sense of sorts, allowing you to more easily
of a power by another individual.
identify potential sources of nearby danger.
• Psionic Backlash - Retaliates against an individual
• Understand Languages - Temporarily grants you
who attempts to target you with a psionic-based
universal comprehension of all languages.
• * Silence - Attempts to crush a target individual’s
• * Flashbacks - Touching a target individual, you
windpipe, temporarily restricting them from
experience a series of flashbacks showcasing all
breathing and using psionic powers of their own.
notable events which they have witnessed over
• Ward of Retaliation - Binds a ward onto a target the past 24 hours.
surface, striking out against nearby individuals
• Guiding Meditation - You experience a series of
who use psionic powers.
cryptic images relating to a goal, objective, or
specific subject.
• * Ether Barrier - Places a protective barrier around
• * Resonance - Temporarily refines your senses,
a nearby target individual, granting them improved
allowing you to examine your surroundings more
• * Stifle Powers - Creates an area of distortion and
• * Sense Thoughts - Attempts to read the thoughts
interference, temporarily suppressing all ethereal
of others who are nearby.
effects inside.
• Stunning Bolt - Hurls a bolt of negative energy at a
• * Clairvoyance - Attempts to utilise the senses of
target individual, inflicting heavy mental damage.
another individual.
• * Read Minds - Attempts to peer into the minds of
• * Bolster Resistances - Boosts the defences of
those who are around you.
a number of targets, increasing their chance
Whether it be an innocent bartender working End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
away the last few hours of their shift or perhaps
5 6 6 8 10 3 5 1
a security guard making their way through the
local shopping precinct, there are many NPCs HP MS Move Rea
(non-player characters) out there for your players
to discover. 10 10 10 m 1m
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
9 5 12 2 4 3 4 1 7 6 9 5 6 3 5 1
Individuals hit by each of the apparition’s melee
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha Individuals who reach a number of Rotting Flesh
12 5 10 4 5 3 4 1 stacks equal to their current Endurance attribute
score are considered to enter into a state of
HP MS Move Rea anaphylaxis.
12 8 8m 1m
Septic Spray
Individuals hit by each of the apparition’s melee
Skills Base Pool
attacks suffer an additional 2d6 toxic damage.
Climbing 8 18
Jumping 6 16
Perception 4 8 Apparition, Water
Unarmed Combat 8 18 Type: Construct
Hit Points: 26
Damage Immunities: Toxic
Mental Stamina: 26
Status Immunities: Anaphylaxis, Bleeding, Diseased,
Exhaustion, Grappled, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Movement Speed: 12 m
Melee Reach: 1 m
Vision Types: Standard
Languages: Understands any spoken by its conjurer End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
4 4 4 5 3 4 5 5
Standard Actions
Blackhat Hacker
Tidal Surge
The apparition shifts its form to take on the shape Type: Humanoid
of a crashing wave. Measuring four meters in width
Size: 1 m
and two meters height, the construct crashes
forward travelling for up to ten meters along a XP: 1,000
straight path.
Hit Points: 30
All individuals hit by the wave must make a generic
Mental Stamina: 34
Endurance + Strength attribute check, with a
success target of six. Those that fail the check are Movement Speed: 11 m
knocked prone and take 4d10 physical damage Melee Reach: 1 m
from the impact, while those that succeed should
take half of this amount of damage, and suffer no End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
other additional effects instead.
4 6 3 6 5 9 6 3
Tech: Knowledge 8 17 10 10 8m 1m
Tech: Maintenance 8 17
Skills Base Pool
Tech: Networking 8 17
Guns: Pistols 2 7
Intimidation 5 8
Intuition 3 8
Clothing (Street Wear), Rapture MK-1 (/w Improved Grip),
Jumping 2 8
3x Bullets Magazine (Basic, light pistol calibre), VimX,
Eclipse (/w Nuke (Version 4), Glitch (Version 4), Sloth Melee Weapons [Fin] 4 9
(Version 4), Bodyguard (Version 4), Stealth (Version 4)), Melee Weapons [Str] 4 10
Neuro Stimulant (Version 3), 4x Night Shift, Firearms
Perception 2 7
Licence (Authenticity Rating 8), UPIN Stick (Authenticity
Rating 8). Streetwise 3 8
Unarmed Combat 5 11
Host Scan
Name Noise Firewall RAM
Count Range
0 12 m 2 3 3
Clothing (Street Wear), Light Armour, R8 Reaver, 3x
Eclipse 20 50 m 7 5 10
Bullets Magazine (Basic, heavy pistol calibre), Club,
2 20 m 2 2 2 Neptuno, Security Licence (Authentic), UPIN Stick
VimX 12 50 m 5 3 5
Host Scan
Name Noise Firewall RAM
Count Range
Neptuno 6 25 m 3 2 4
Omninet Ghost R8 Reaver 2 20 m 2 2 2
Whenever an individual attempts to locate or track
the blackhat hacker digitally, the hacker gains a +2
dice pool modifier on all checks made to try and Traits
remain hidden from them. Additionally, all devices
in which the blackhat hacker has been designated
The bouncer has the option to immediately make a
as the Root user for at least a day, automatically
grapple attempt against a target after hitting them
have their network noise rating increased by two.
Mental Stamina: 22 10 10 8m 1m
Movement Speed: 12 m
Skills Base Pool
Melee Reach: 1 m
Acting 4 8
4 3 4 3 4 3 4 2 Climbing 4 8
Disguise 4 9
HP MS Move Rea
Guns: Pistols 7 11
10 10 8m 1m
Intimidation 6 10
Skills Base Pool Intuition 4 9
Bluffing 2 4 Jumping 4 8
Intimidation 3 5 Navigation 3 8
Intuition 2 6 Perception 4 9
Jumping 2 6 Psionics: Energetics 8 18
Melee Weapons [Fin] 3 6 Psionics: Flux 8 18
Melee Weapons [Str] 3 7 Psionics: Purge 7 17
Perception 2 6 Stealth 5 9
Streetwise 4 8 Streetwise 4 9
Unarmed Combat 3 7 Swimming 4 8
Equipment Equipment
Clothing (Street Wear), Club, Brass Knuckles, 2x Opiates, Clothing (Street Wear, uniform), Full Combat Body
PTX-200, UPIN Stick (Authenticity Rating 2). Armour, Xiao-Sen Streetmaster (/w Improved Grip), 3x
Bullets Magazine (Basic, light pistol calibre), 2x Bullets
Host Scan Magazine (Armour Piercing, light pistol calibre), VimX,
Name Noise Firewall RAM
Count Range
Accelerated Reflexes (Version 3), Cerebrum Dampener
PTX-200 5 20 m 3 2 4 (Version 4), Neuro Stimulant (Version 4), Firearms
Licence (Authentic), UPIN Stick (Authentic).
Disrupt Concentration, Purge Ability, Psionic Corporate Strike Infantry
Backlash, Counter Power, Silence, Stunning Bolt,
Destroy Construct Type: Humanoid
Size: 1 m
XP: 1,000
Corporate Negotiator
Hit Points: 34
Type: Humanoid
Mental Stamina: 34
Size: 1 m
Resistances: Acid: 4, Cold: 4, Heat: 4, Physical: 16
XP: 750
Movement Speed: 14 m
Hit Points: 26 Melee Reach: 1 m
Mental Stamina: 38
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
Movement Speed: 12 m
6 6 6 10 9 4 4 3
Melee Reach: 1 m
HP MS Move Rea
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha 10 10 8m 1m
4 7 4 4 3 6 6 8
HP MS Move Rea
10 10 8m 1m
Streetwise 4 8 XP: 15
Swimming 5 11
Hit Points: 26
Thrown Weapons 3 13
Mental Stamina: 26
Unarmed Combat 7 13
Movement Speed: 11 m
Melee Reach: 1 m
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
Clothing (Street Wear, uniform), Full Combat Body
Armour, Armnic IAR-1 (/w Improved Grip & Sound 4 4 3 5 4 6 5 4
Suppressor), Colt Firehawk (/w Improved Grip), 3x
Bullets Magazine (Basic, assault rifle calibre), 3x Bullets HP MS Move Rea
Magazine (Armour Piercing, assault rifle calibre), 2x 10 10 8m 1m
Bullets Magazine (Basic, heavy pistol calibre), Katana, 2x
MK-1 Concussion Greande, VimX, Accelerated Reflexes Skills Base Pool
(Version 3), Dermal Coating (Version 4), Precision
Bluffing 3 7
Stabilisers (Version 4), Recoil Compensator (Version
2), Cybernetics Licence (Authentic), Firearms Licence Chemistry 3 9
(Authentic), UPIN Stick (Authentic). First Aid 7 13
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha Hit Points: 26
3 5 3 5 4 7 6 3 Mental Stamina: 34
Resistances: Physical: 6
HP MS Move Rea
Movement Speed: 12 m
10 10 8m 1m
Melee Reach: 1 m
Skills Base Pool
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
Guns: Pistols 2 7
4 6 4 4 3 6 7 5
History 6 13
Intuition 5 11 HP MS Move Rea
Medicine 2 9 10 10 8m 1m
Negotiation 3 6
Skills Base Pool
Perception 6 12
Acting 5 10
Sleight of Hand 5 10
Bluffing 7 12
Streetwise 4 10
Ethereal Knowledge 3 9
Tech: Computing 7 14
Guns: Pistols 7 11
Tech: Diagnostics 6 12
History 5 11
Tech: Encryption 6 13
Intimidation 6 11
Tech: Hacking 7 14
Intuition 8 15
Tech: Knowledge 6 13
Melee Weapons [Fin] 5 9
Tech: Maintenance 7 14
Melee Weapons [Str] 5 9
Tech: Networking 5 12
Navigation 5 12
Negotiation 7 12
Perception 7 14
Clothing (Street Wear), Rapture MK-1 (/w Improved Grip),
Streetwise 3 10
3x Bullets Magazine (Basic, light pistol calibre), Djinni
Red, Novatech Gatekeeper (/w Battering Ram (Version 2), Tech: Computing 3 9
Sloth (Version 2), Bodyguard (Version 2), Network Guard Tracking 7 14
(Version 2)), Neuro Stimulant (Version 1), 3x Night Shift,
Unarmed Combat 5 9
2x Wish, Keycard Copier, Firearms Licence (Authenticity
Rating 5), UPIN Stick (Authenticity Rating 6).
Host Scan
Name Noise Firewall RAM
Count Range
Djinni Red 10 40 m 3 3 5
0 12 m 2 3 3 When using a melee-based attack action against an
enemy target and the dreg successfully reduce
2 20 m 3 3 2 them down to zero hit points or lower, they can
immediately make a single melee weapon attack
against an individual currently within their reach.
Dreg Slasher Performing such an attack is considered to be a
type of free action, and once executed cannot be
Type: Humanoid
done so again until the start of the dreg’s next turn.
Size: 1 m
XP: 400
Hit Points: 42
Standard Actions
Mental Stamina: 22 Shoot Bile
Resistances: Cold: 4, Physical: 6, Toxic: 6 The dreg fires a projectile of viscous bodily fluids at
a nearby individual that it can see within 12/24/36
Movement Speed: 17 m
m. The target must make a generic Foresight +
Melee Reach: 1 m Reflex attribute check with a success target of five,
taking 5d6 acid damage on a failure.
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
8 3 7 4 8 2 5 1
Gang Psionic
HP MS Move Rea
10 10 10 m 1m Type: Humanoid
Size: 1 m
Skills Base Pool
XP: 50
Climbing 7 14
Intuition 3 8 Hit Points: 26
Jumping 6 13 Mental Stamina: 30
Navigation 4 9 Resistances: Physical: 6
Perception 5 10 Movement Speed: 11 m
Stealth 6 10 Melee Reach: 1 m
Survival 8 13
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
Swimming 6 13
4 5 3 3 4 4 4 4
Tracking 8 13
Unarmed Combat 8 15 HP MS Move Rea
10 10 8m 1m
Vision Types: Standard, Low-light, Night
Languages: None
Streetwise 5 9 10 10 8m 1m
Bluffing 4 8 Navigation 3 8
Intuition 4 9 Negotiation 3 7
Host Scan
Name Noise Firewall RAM
Count Range
Neptuno 6 25 m 3 2 4
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha Resistances: Acid: 4, Cold: 4, Heat: 4, Physical: 24
3 2 1 8 7 1 6 1 Movement Speed: 16 m
Melee Reach: 1 m
HP MS Move Rea
10 10 8m 1m End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
8 5 8 6 5 4 4 3
Skills Base Pool
Perception 6 12 HP MS Move Rea
Stealth 5 13 10 10 8m 1m
Clothing (Street Wear, uniform), Light Armour, Ruger
SR400 (/w Security Grip), 3x Bullets Magazine (Basic,
light pistol calibre), Club, Djinni Red (/w Blackout
(Version 2), Bodyguard (Version 2), pilotsoft (Version 4)),
Accelerated Reflexes (Version 2), Precision Stabilisers
(Version 1), Automations Licence (Authentic), Security
Licence (Authentic), UPIN Stick (Authentic).
Streetwise 2 7
Host Scan
Name Noise Firewall RAM Swimming 3 7
Count Range
Accelerated Tracking 2 7
0 12 m 2 3 3
Unarmed Combat 5 10
Djinni Red 10 40 m 3 3 5
0 12 m 2 3 3
Stabilisers Equipment
2 20 m 3 3 2 Clothing (Street Wear, uniform), Light Armour, Apex
Prowler, 3x Bullets Magazine (Basic, light pistol calibre),
Club, Prism, 3x Restraints (Plastic), Security Licence
Automations (Authentic), UPIN Stick (Authentic).
Swimming 8 14 3 4 1 1 1 4 7 1
HP MS Move Rea
10 10 8m 1m Wild Dire Wolf
Type: Wild Beast
Skills Base Pool
Acrobatics 4 9 Size: 2 m
Survival 7 15
End Wil Str Fin Ref Int For Cha
Swimming 7 15
9 3 9 3 5 1 6 1
Tracking 8 16
HP MS Move Rea
Unarmed Combat 6 14
12 10 8m 1m
Vision Types: Standard, Low-light
Skills Base Pool
Languages: None
Climbing 3 12
Intuition 2 8
Jumping 8 17
Sharp Teeth
The dire wolf has a set of razor sharp teeth. When Navigation 4 10
used in comabt each of the dire wolf’s unarmed Perception 5 11
attacks deals damage equal to its total Strength
Stealth 4 7
attribute score, and gains an additional eight
physical penetration. Survival 7 13
Swimming 8 17
Tracking 7 13
Unarmed Combat 8 17
Whenever the dire wolf is targeted by either an Vision Types: Standard, Low-light
opposing skill or attribute check as a result of a
Languages: None
reactive action being used, they gain a +2 dice pool
modifier to their defences for that roll.
Standard Actions Sharp Claws
The wild grizzly has a set of razor sharp claws.
Terrifying Howl When used in comabt each of the grizzly’s unarmed
The dire wolf lets loose a blood-curdling howl. All attacks deals damage equal to its total Strength
non-allied creatures within 12 meters of the dire attribute score, and gains an additional nine
wolf that can currently hear it must make a generic physical penetration.
fear check (Charisma + Will,) with a success target
of five. Those that fail this check immediately
become frightened of the dire wolf and are now Traits
considered feared (see Status Effects, page 233).
Whenever the grizzly is subjected to an effect
At the end of each new round that passes, targets
which is either; attempting to knock them prone or
can remake the check above, ending its effects in
forcing them to move, the grizzly may choose to
the event of a success.
roll a d6. On a roll of a four or higher, the grizzly
may ignore that component of the effect.
Timeline Of Events
The world of Dystopia did not simply come into been detailed in the timeline below, giving an
fruition overnight. Many events during the 21st insight into how society slowly evolved as time has
century were required to transpire, to end up where progressed.
we are right now. The most notable of these have
Man returns to the moon once more. Plans are soon made to build a permanent
2024 · · · · · ·•
settlement on its surface before the end of the decade.
Despite fierce international condemnation, the government of Brazil approves further
2025 · · · · · ·• deregulation of both logging and mining activities across the Amazon. Several violent
protests soon erupt, leaving a total of 36 dead.
A scandal breaks out in several different African and European countries after leaked
documents reveal that Chinese company Huawei has been influencing government
2027 · · · · · ·•
policy for the past several years. This was in exchange for continued investment in
local telecommunications infrastructure.
Both the UK and US pass laws allowing the use of automated vehicles by the public
2028 · · · · · ·•
nationwide. Japan, South Korea and many EU countries soon follow.
While slightly delayed, the first NASA astronauts arrive at Lunar Base One. This
2031 · · · · · ·•
permanent settlement on the moon is initially manned by a crew of six.
A British Airways flight departing from Heathrow to New York crashes shortly after
takeoff, killing all 287 onboard. An investigation soon reveals that an airborne drone
2033 · · · · · ·• accidentally entered into the restrictive air space and collided with one of the
passenger jet’s engines. Licences soon become required by law for the use of any
remote-controlled or autonomous vehicle. Many countries soon follow suit.
The first cybernetic enhancement surgery is performed. Corporal Patrick Wilson regains
2035 · · · · · ·•
full use out of his right arm after an incident with a prematurely exploding grenade.
In the United States, a scandal breaks out over a series of leaked documents from Apex
Technologies. The files reveal that Apex has been working closely with several
authoritarian regimes to track down and monitor targets of interest. Many of those
2039 · · · · · ·• who were followed by the corporation were killed in a string of high profile
assassinations or simply ended up disappearing altogether. A few days after the
documents are leaked the company’s headquarters in Boston is attacked by a
well-armed militia, leaving 46 dead.
2044 · · · · · ·• Italy splits into two separate countries; Padania in the north, and Sicily in the south.
With Lunar Base One having reached a population of fifty, Exxon brokers a deal with
2045 · · · · · ·•
NASA to fund the construction of a Helium-3 extractor on the moon’s surface.
Amid a rapidly growing cybernetics sector, the United States forms the Cybernetics
Regulatory Commission. This organisation is tasked with governing the legality of
2046 · · · · · ·•
products that enter into the marketplace. Many countries soon follow suit establishing
regulators of their own.
Plans for a new globally accessible network are drawn up by the United Nations. This
2048 · · · · · ·•
project would go on to be known as the Global Omninet project.
Automata Industries manufactures the first Cyterian unit. At this time these units are
2051 · · · · · ·•
referred to as Autonomous Labour Drones.
2052 · · · · · ·• Korea is reunified after having spent over 100 years apart.
Amid growing resentment for rising wealth inequality, numerous large scale protests
are staged across the EU. Several notable corporations suffer wide-spread attacks over
2054 · · · · · ·• a fortnight of political unrest. After much debate, the EU parliament agrees to ratify
their own version of the Corporate Security & Militarization Act passed by the United
States in 2040. This is known as the European Corporation Protection Act.
2055 · · · · · ·• The first handful of nodes for the global Omninet project are brought online in east Asia.
After much debate and internal discussion, the government of Belgium agrees to split
several ways: Flanders goes to the Netherlands, Wallonia joins France, Eupen joins
2056 · · · · · ·•
Germany, and the province of Luxembourg rejoined the Grand Duchy. Brussels becomes
a city-state under EU jurisdiction.
The first Summer Olympic Games are held which allow for cybernetically enhanced
2060 · · · · · ·•
athletes to take part.
The OmniWatch software enters into the global market. Within the next 12 months,
2062 · · · · · ·• three-quarters of the world’s countries will require the software to be installed on all
PCDs and computer terminals by law.
The Geneva fusion power plant incident occurs. A 50-mile exclusion zone is enacted,
2063 · · · · · ·•
with all citizens within the perimeter being evacuated.
2064 · · · · · ·• The first of the Kram materialise through sudden and unexplainable rapid mutation.
Hong Kong and Guangdong use the turmoil created by Shanghai to also leave the
2065 · · · · · ·• republic, forming the Free Cantonese States. Taiwan meanwhile launches a successful
invasion into the Chinese mainland, taking control of both Fujian and Jiangxi.
The city of Rome is hit by a powerful energy storm, leaving 62 dead and widespread
2065 · · · · · ·• disruption to the local Omninet infrastructure. This incident would go on to become the
first recorded instance of an ethereal storm.
Separatists in Xinjiang China take control of the region and expand to the south-west
2066 · · · · · ·•
through Tibet, Qinghai and Gansu.
The Ayatollah of Iran, Mehran Mostofi, denounces all mutants, calling them an
2066 · · · · · ·•
abomination in the eyes of God. Many non-humans emigrate from the country.
After numerous reports surface across the globe, the existence of psionics is officially
2066 · · · · · ·•
recognised by the World Health Organisation.
In a bid to reclaim its land, India begins to push into Tibet. Officially this is labelled as a
2067 · · · · · ·• security operation to ensure the stability of the area, however over half of Tibet is soon
2067 · · · · · ·• The first of the Tikar materialise from rapid human mutation.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia outlaws all forms of psionics. Lengthy prison sentences
2069 · · · · · ·•
are handed down to those who violate the law.
In a landmark case, the Supreme Court of the United States strikes down the
2069 · · · · · ·• government’s Psionics Restrictions & Registration Act. The judges conclude that the bill
unfairly infringes on the rights of citizens and is therefore nullified.
In France, a collection of deformed and highly aggressive humanoid creatures are found
2070 · · · · · ·• by a team entering the Geneva exclusion zone. Less than half of the team make it back
out alive. Media soon pick up on the story and refer to the creatures as ”Dregs”.
With its population having surpassed 1,000, Lunar Base One starts to open itself up to
2071 · · · · · ·• the idea of space tourism. Within the next 12 months, spacecraft will begin to arrive
twice a week carrying many of the world’s rich and famous.
After years of frustration with the US political scene, California decides to hold a
referendum to leave the United States. The vote is passed, and a new political entity is
2072 · · · · · ·•
formed. Over the next two years, Washington, Oregon and Hawaii will soon decide to
follow, joining together with California to create the Free Pacific Republic.
2072 · · · · · ·• The first of the Vorn emerge into the world through rapid human mutation.
The EU parliament passes the Meta-Human Recognition Act, expanding human rights to
2074 · · · · · ·•
all known meta-human types.
After rising political unrest, the UPIN identification system is created and swiftly enters
2075 · · · · · ·•
trials across several countries.
In Miami, Florida, a race riot breaks out after the killing of a Tikar (Louis Foster,) by local
2076 · · · · · ·•
police. The death toll reaches 41.
Political turmoil continues to unravel in the United States. After six months of failed
talks, the country decides to split in two. The states of the north-east from Minnesota
2079 · · · · · ·•
and Iowa through to Maine come together to form the United Democratic States (U.D.S).
The remnants rename themselves to the United Republic of America (U.R.A).
Amid rampant corruption in Russia, much of Siberia, with the backing of several large
2081 · · · · · ·• corporations, breaks off to form the Republic of Siberia. Russia is left split in two, with
the eastern block being renamed to the Russian Far East.
With global temperatures continuing to rise, the European Union faces increasing
pressure from migrants across its southern borders. Anti-EU resentment flares up
2082 · · · · · ·•
when a non-cooperative transport ship carrying three hundred refugees is gunned
down attempting to reach Sicily.
An expansive hive of Dregs is found underneath the city of Paris. Sections are cordoned
2082 · · · · · ·•
off as the French National Guard are called in to conduct an extermination mission.
In Japan, prime minister Kanemoto Naganori is forced to resign. Evidence reveals that
2084 · · · · · ·•
his administration had been conducting long-running experiments on mutant prisoners.
In an attempt to boost global trade, the International Monetary Fund proposes the
creation of a new global currency, Credits. Unlike other currencies, Credits would be
2085 · · · · · ·•
controlled by the organisation and its members rather than any one nation. The
organisation’s members agree to the switch in 2086.
Anika Spiegelmann, a Vorn, is made Chancellor of Germany. She becomes the first
2087 · · · · · ·•
country to have a mutant as their elected leader.
Over in the United Democratic States, Ryan Lawson is sworn in as the country’s latest
president. Running on a bold anti-corporation and wealth inequality platform, he
2088 · · · · · ·•
promises widespread reform to both welfare and labour laws. The president is swiftly
assassinated after just twelve days into his first term.
At midnight on the turning of the new decade, a vast trove of documents appears onto
the Omninet. Inside they detail several well-known global corporations and provide
2090 · · · · · ·•
compelling evidence on their involvement with the assassination of Ryan Lawson. A
group going by the name of The Herald takes responsibility for the leak.
The Cyterian Uprising occurs over the course of six days. The official death toll for the
2092 · · · · · ·•
conflict is said to exceed 250,000 before a peace agreement can be reached.
In a bid to restore the country to its former glory, Russia and the Russian Far East both
2093 · · · · · ·• launch a surprise invasion into the Republic of Siberia. While quick gains are indeed
made, the conflict soon bogs down into a brutal and bloody stalemate.
Referring to themselves as the Human Revolutionary Front, several high profile racially
2094 · · · · · ·• driven attacks are carried out across the southern United Republic of America. Cyterian
and mutant-heavy communities are targeted the hardest.
A car bomb detonates in downtown Ghaziabad India, killing 16. Rumours began to
circulate that one of the victims was affiliated with The Herald. Within 48 hours several
2095 · · · · · ·•
corporations including Dynamex, Yamasaki Industrial and Beryl Lynx all report being the
targets of a sophisticated cyber-attack.
Citing a rising number of hate crimes against their kind, a group of Cyterian found the
2097 · · · · · ·•
Conclave in Detroit, the world’s first Cyterian only community.
A large payload of the nerve agent Tricin is detonated in downtown New York, killing
2097 · · · · · ·•
232. A group calling themselves the Red Patriots takes responsibility for the attack.
In Nagoya Japan, a factory owned by Matsudan Heavy Industries comes under attack
2098 · · · · · ·• from a well-armed militarised force. Rumours begin to circulate on the Omninet that
CyTek Global was behind the offensive.
Hino Yoriyuki, CEO of CyTek Global, is killed after his private plane crashes shortly after
2098 · · · · · ·•
In the Republic of Eastern Chinese States, widespread protests begin to break out
2100 · · · · · ·• calling for a reform of the country’s labour laws. The demonstrations soon turn violent
as they are met with fierce resistance from local police and security forces.
In an attempt to quench the ever-growing demand for more usable land, Hong Kong
becomes the world’s first multi-layered city. An interconnected network of support
2102 · · · · · ·•
structures suspends the upper level of the city at roughly 500 meters above ground
A widespread chemical leak occurs on the outskirts of São Paulo Brazil. The death toll
for the freak accident exceeds several thousand as entire communities are wiped out
2103 · · · · · ·•
overnight. An official investigation is opened into the disaster but is quietly dropped
after just two years.
Much of the city of Munich is cordoned off after the discovery of a huge number of
2105 · · · · · ·•
Dregs. The city remains cut off and isolated to this very day.
In Stuttgart Germany, the Voodoo Girls, a renowned trio of female mercenaries are
2107 · · · · · ·•
killed while attempting to infiltrate the headquarters of Beryl Lynx.
A Eject Magazine/Ordinance, 327
Evasive Manoeuvres, 328
About This Book, 1 Hide, 327 C7 Plastic Explosive, 125
Accelerated Reflexes, 192 Insert Magazine/Ordinance, 327 Caretaker Grenade Launcher, 113
Accelerator, 108 Move, 327 Cargo Protection, 325
Action Economy, 242 Perception/Examine, 327, 328 Carrying Capacity, 230
Active Camouflage, 196 Ready Action, 327 Carrying Crate, 132
Active Camouflage Suit, 128 Retreat, 328 Casting Time, 266
Addiction Check, 225 Use Mounted Object, 328 CCD, 308
Addiction Level, 225 Automation Attributes, 318 Cerebrum Dampener, 192
Addiction Recovery, 226 Automation Carrying Capacity, 322 Cessna Navigator, 168
Adding Characters, 341 Automation Resources, 321 Challenger R6, 59
Adrenaline Shot, 202 Automation Skills, 321 Character Creation, 3
AI L500, 83 Skillsofts, 321 Attributes, 11
Air Filtration System, 196 Automations, 318 Backgrounds, 43
AK-62, 64 Automations & Fuel, 322 Equipment & Cybernetic
Alto Frontier, 174 Automations Licence, 212 Enhancements, 53
Anaphylaxis, 233, 347 Funds & Lifestyles, 51
Anti Venom, 202 Genetics Pool, 3
Apex Predator, 65
Apex Prowler, 58
B Languages, 42
Psionic Powers, 41
Apparition, Air, 358 BAE Thunderhawk, 169 Races, 3
Apparition, Earth, 359 Ballistics Shield, 127 Skills, 13
Apparition, Fire, 359 Bandanna, 127 Traits, 26
Apparition, Toxic, 360 Bane, 211 Checks, 215
Apparition, Water, 360 Bartender, 361 Chemicals Licence, 213
Arbiter RF, 71 Battering Ram, 147 Chemistry Kit, 133
Armnic IAR-1, 67 Bayonet, 120 City Low-life, 363
ArmsCorp AP-5 Mine, 123 Bentley Voyager, 180 Climbing, 219
ArmsCorp ATD Mine, 124 Beretta AR-30, 64 Climbing Gear, 131
ArmsCorp Bulldog, 61 Beryl Lynx Zeus, 180 Climbing, Swimming, and Crawling,
ArmsCorp Marauder, 72 Binoculars, 132 219
ArmsCorp Mauler, 68 Bipod, 112 Close Range Reflex Sight, 111
ArmsCorp Roomclearer, 85 Blackhat Hacker, 361 Clothing, Cold Weather, 127
ArmsCorp Scorcher, 90 Blackout, 147 Clothing, Fine, 127
ArmsCorp Skag Cannon, 87 Blackthorn Scatter Gun, 112 Clothing, Street Wear, 127
ArmsCorp Spearhead, 75 Bleeding, 233, 347 Club, 114
ArmsCorp Tyrant, 78 Blinded, 233, 347 Code Breaker, 136
Arrow, Basic, 94 Blitz, 206 Cognitive Booster, 203
Arrow, Explosive, 94 Bloom, 209 Collapsible Ladder, 131
Arrow, Fragmentation, 94 Blue Spice, 206 Colt Centurion, 71
Arrow, Serrated, 94 Bodyguard, 153 Colt Falcon, 58
Ascendant, 188 Bolas, 120 Colt Firehawk, 62
Asphyx, 211 Bolt Cutters, 131 Colt Pathfinder, 82
Attacking an Automation, 325 Bomb Disposal Suit, 128 Combat, 239
Attacking Whilst Hidden, 249 Bone Hardening, 197 Combat Actions, 246
Attempting a Hack, 308 Botches, 216 Combat Events & Modifiers, 257
Attribute Checks, 215 Bouncer, 362 Making an Attack, 253
Attributes, 11 Bounty Hunting Licence, 213 Resource Pools, 244
Charisma, 12 Brass Knuckles, 114 Turns, Rounds & the Structure of
Endurance, 11 Breach Charge, 124 Combat, 239
Finesse, 12 Breathing Regulator, 198 Combat Actions
Foresight, 12 Brink Microwave Cannon, 90 Attach Item Add-on, 247
Intellect, 12 Bullets, Air Burst (Magazine), 98 Attack of Opportunity, 252
Reflex, 12 Bullets, Armour Piercing (Magazine), Coup De Grâce, 247
Strength, 12 97 Disarm, 247
Will, 11 Bullets, Basic (Magazine), 97 Dodge, 252
Audial Enhancers, 197 Bullets, Flechette (Magazine), 97 Drop Prone, 252
Audible Dampeners, 197 Bullets, High Capacity (Magazine), 97 Eject Magazine/Ordinance, 247
Audio Normaliser, 197 Bullets, Polymer (Magazine), 97 First Aid, 247
Aurora, 143 Bullets, Shock (Magazine), 97 Grapple, 248
Authenticity Rating, 224 Bullets, Smart (Magazine), 97 Help, 248
Automation Actions, 325 Bulwark Shield, 136 Hide, 248
Assume Direct Control, 326 Hinder, 249
Command Automation, 327 Insert Magazine/Ordinance, 249
382 Index
Move, 249 Cybernetic Modulator, 137 Exoskeleton, 193
Outmanoeuvre, 249 Cybernetic Modulators, 229 Exploding Dice, 217
Perception/Examine, 249, 252 Cybernetics Licence, 213 Extended Rest, 229
Pick/Help Up, 250 Cybernetics Sickness, 228
Poise, 250 Cybersecurity, 310
Ready Action, 250
Remove Item Add-on, 250
Cyclone Blaze, 89
Cyclone Spiker, 69
Retreat, 250 Cyclone Streetsweeper, 79 Faintly-lit, 220
Take Aim, 251 Cyterian & Cybernetics, 228 Fake IDs, 224
Trip, 251 Falling, 221
Unarmed Attack, 251 Fear, 222
Use Item/Object, 251, 253
Use Psionic Power, 251, 253
D Fear Check, 222
Feared, 234, 348
Combat Initiative, 240 Damage Accumulation Penalties, 244 Fibre Optic Cable, 137
Commutec OmniGuard, 145 Damage Penetration, 264 File Safe, 153
Compensator, 108 Damage Resistance, 263 Firearms Licence, 213
Computers & the Omninet, 304 Damage Types, 262 Firewall Rating, 310
Computing in Everyday Life, 304 Damage Penetration, 264 Flamer Fuel, 106
Hacking & Advanced Computing, Damage Resistance, 263 Flapjack Grenade Shield, 137
308 Darkness, 220 Flash Reducer, 108
Computing Actions, 312 Dart, Basic, 98 Flash Suppressant, 199
[Hacking] Falsify Meta Data, 315 Dart, Polymer Sedative, 99 Flashlight, 112, 131
[Hacking] Force Entry, 315 Dart, Sedative, 98 Ford Sahara, 176
[Hacking] Increase Access, 315 Data Chip, 137 Forensics Kit, 132
[Hacking] Seize Device, 316 Data Thief, 366 Forgery Kit, 132
Bolster Defences, 313 Deafened, 233, 347 Free Actions, 243
Connect to Device, 313 Dealing With Player Death, 343 Full Combat Body Armour, 128
Create/Modify Access, 313 Dega Avenger, 61
Data Bomb, 313 Dega Overseer, 83
Detect ICE, 313
Detect Software, 314
Dega Shrieker, 73
Dega Stormer, 65
Detonate Explosives, 314 Deployable Net, 116 G49R, 71
Enable/Disable Open Broadcasting, Dermal Coating, 198 Gang Psionic, 367
314 Detecting Countermeasures, 311 Gang Thug, 368
Enable/Disable Software, 314 Detection Rating, 311 Gas Mask, 132
Encrypt/Decrypt File, 315 Detective, 366 GD XM950, 75
Locate Devices, 315 Dice Pool, 2 General Gameplay, 215
Locate File, 316 Dice Pool Bonuses & Penalties, 216 Checks, 215
Read/Edit/Create File, 316 Difficult Terrain, 218 Environments, 218
Request New Network Address, 316 Direct Control, 323 Out On The Streets, 223
Run Diagnostics, 316 Diseased, 234, 347 Rewards & Advancement, 236
Slave to Device, 317 Disorientated, 234, 347 Skill Based Activities, 231
Trace Connection, 317 Djinni Red, 143 Status Effects, 233
Turn Device On/Off, 317 Dox-22, 209 Generic Check, 216
Concealment Rating, 231 Dragonfly, 158 Glitch, 148
Concentration Check, 266 Dreg Slasher, 367 GMC Ranger, 178
Corporate Combat Psionic, 363 Drowning, see Holding Your Breath GML Ifrit, 85
Corporate Negotiator, 364 Drug Addiction, 225 Going off the Beaten Track, 342
Corporate Strike Infantry, 364 Drug Dispenser, 198 Goods & Services, 223
Cover, 257 Drugs, 225 Grapple Variants, 248
Attacking Through Cover, 258 DTS Spirit, 173 Grappled, 235, 348
Crafting a Story, 338 Dual Wielding, 261 Grappling Gun, 134
Crawling, 219 Duffle Bag/Rucksack, 130 Grappling Hook, 130
Creating Encounters, 339 Dying, 234, 348 Grenade, EMP-1, 117
Creating Maps & Visual Aids, 339 dying, 244 Grenade, HE-1, 119
Determining NPC Stats, 339 Grenade, MK-1 Concussion, 117
Creating Forgeries, 232 Grenade, MK-1 Fragmentation, 118
Cred Chip, 136
Credits, 237
E Grenade, MK-1 Gas, 118
Grenade, MK-1 Incendiary, 119
Crippled, 233, 347 Echo, 188 Grenade, MK-1 Smoke, 117
Crompton Revenant, 80 Eclipse, 145 Grenade, MK-2 Heated Smoke, 118
Crossbow Bolt, Basic, 95 Energy Cell, 106 Group Checks, 217
Crossbow Bolt, Piercing, 96 Enhanced Combat Sight, 111 Gun For Hire, 369
Crossbow Bolt, Tethered, 95 Entropy, 210
Crossbow Bolts, Basic (Magazine), 95 Environmental Combat Suit, 128
Crossbow Bolts, High Capacity
(Magazine), 96
Environments, 218
Epsilon Spark, 144
Crowbar, 114 Equipment Slots, 126 Hammerhead, 166
Crusader Ravager, 69 Ethereal Residue, 267 Handouts, 347
Cyber Command Decks, 308 Ethereal Signatures, 267 Harbinger, 163
Cyber Doc, 365 Eviscerator Repeater, 92 Hard-wired Connections, 306
Cybernetic Enhancements, 227 Exhaustion, 234, 348 Harpoon, 106
Cybernetic Limits, 228 Exodus, 189 Hazardous Materials Suit, 128
383 Index
Heavily Obscured, 220 Aerial Drones, 157 Launcher Grenade, Heated Smoke, 101
Heavy Weapon Mount, 191 Ground Drones, 161 Launcher Grenade, High Explosive, 101
Helios Courier, 169 Nautical Drones, 165 Launcher Grenade, Incendiary, 101
Helios Tempest, 171 Drugs, 205 Launcher Grenade, Smoke, 100
Hit Points, 244 Electronic Countermeasures, 145 Legionnaire 82, 61
HK AG50, 84 ICE, 146 Liberte Shadow, 175
HK M32, 66 Securesofts, 152 Light Armour, 127
HK XRG-25, 75 Electronic Gadgets & Accessories, Light Stick, 130
Holding Your Breath, 221 134 Light Weapon Mount, 190
Homebrew Exotic Weapons, 119 Lighting, 220
Character Traits, 344 Explosives, 122 Lightly Obscured, 220
General Rules & Game Systems, Field Gear, 129 Lock Pick, 131
344 Heavy Weapons, 83 Lockjaw Auto, 68
Items & Equipment, 345 Launchers, 84 Long Range Penalties, 259
NPCs, 345 Machine Guns, 86 Low-light Vision, 220
Psionic Powers, 346 Special Weapons, 89 Lurker, 149
Homebrew Content, 344 Licences & Identification, 212
Honeypot, 154 Long Guns, 74
Horizon, 188
Host Count, 305
Railguns, 74
Scattershots, 77
Host devices, 305 Sniper Rifles, 81 M-80 Bigfoot, 78
How to Play, 1 Medicine, 202 Mafia Enforcer, 369
Contradictions & Unclear Rules, 2 Melee Weapons, 113 Maimed, 235, 349
Dice Pools & Dice, 2 Personal Computing Devices, 141 Making a Call on Rules, 342
Rounding of Numbers, 2 Pistols, 57 Making a Single Target Based Attack,
Huntsman Bow, 91 Heavy, 60 253
Light, 57 Making an Area Attack, 254
Properties, 55 Scatter, 256
I Restrictions, 55
Thrown Weapons, 115
Selecting a Target Area, 256
Marksman’s Telescopic Sight, 111
ICE, 310 Vehicles, 167 Matriarch, 189
Identification, 224 Aerial Vehicles, 167 Matsudan Conqueror, 182
IED, 123 Ground Vehicles, 172 Matsudan Growler, 178
Immuno Booster, 203 Nautical Vehicles, 183 Matsudan Hunter, 79
Impaired, 235, 349 Weapon Add-ons, 107 Matsudan Piranha, 186
Improved Grip, 110 Barrel, 107 Matsudan Raider, 173
Insomnia, 154 General, 108 Matsudan Sabretooth, 88
Instructing an Automation, 323 Grip, 109 Matsudan Stalker, 59
Integrated PCD/CCD, 199 Sights, 110 Matsudan Vulture, 73, 170
Interior Storage Compartment, 199 Under Barrel, 111 Maverick, 158
Invisible, 235, 349 IWI Machine-Pistol, 69 Mechanic, 370
Iris, 143 Izhmash SV-850, 82 Medical Kit, 203
Isolation, 148 Medical Licence, 214
Item Concealment, 231 Medium Weapon Mount, 190
Item Properties, 55
Items & Equipment, 55
J Memory Dump, 150
Mental Fatigue, 265
Ammunition, 93 Jinx, 209 Mental Stamina, 245
Arrows, 93 Jump Boots, 199 Meprozanol, 204, 228
Bolts, 95 Jumping, 219 Metal Detector, 138
Bullets, 96 Jury Rigging Kit, 131 MG-400, 87
Darts, 98 Micro Camera, 138
Launcher Grenades, 99 Micro Communicator, 139
Miscellaneous, 105
Rockets & Missiles, 102
K Minigun Belt, 106
Minor Movements, 219
Shells, 103 Karma, 236 Missile, Fragmentation, 102
Slugs, 105 Katana, 115 Missile, High Explosive, 103
Armour & Clothing, 126 Keycard Copier, 138 Mixing Chemicals, 232
Automatics, 62 Kinesics Interpreter, 193 Molerat, 161
Assault Rifles, 63 Knife, 114 Molotov Cocktail, 117
Pistols, 67 Komaiga Typhoon, 125 Mongoose, 162
Submachine Guns, 70 Movement, 218
Automation Accessories, 187 Moving Through Others, 219
Pilotsofts, 187
Sensor Arrays, 188
L Mule, 162
384 Index
Network Noise, 305 Conjure Apparition, 285 Mirror Image, 275
Network Noise Rating, 305 Conjure Firearm, 285 Move Object, 298
Neuro Stimulant, 193 Conjure Simple Item, 283 Neutralise Poison, 288
Night Shift, 205 Counter Power, 291 Oil Slick, 285
Night Vision, 220 Create Nanites, 286 Pain Suppression, 288
Novatech Gatekeeper, 145 Crushing Hold, 280 Phantom Projection, 272
NPCs, 358 Cure Disease, 288 Premonition, 294
Nuke, 150 Debris Shower, 300 Psionic Backlash, 290
Nunchaku, 121 Destroy Construct, 292 Purge Ability, 290
Destroy Object, 299 Range, 266
Deteriorate, 302 Read Minds, 296
O Diminish, 287
Disarm, 297
Redirection, 292
Regenerate, 289
Obscurity, 220 Discover Capabilities, 297 Rejuvenate, 287
Omninet, 304 Disintegration, 279 Renew, 301
OmniWatch, 304 Dismay, 273 Reshape Surface, 303
Ongoing Checks, 218 Displace, 273 Resonance, 295
Open Broadcasting, 306 Disrupt Concentration, 289 Reticence, 274
Open Broadcasting & Scan Range, 306 Disrupt Energy, 277 Scorching Blast, 278
Opiates, 206 Disrupt Gravity, 282 Seismic Eruption, 282
Opposing Check, 216 Dissolve, 303 Sense Danger, 294
Orion, 145 Drain Stamina, 290 Sense The Enemy, 292
Electrical Discharge, 277 Sense Thoughts, 295
Empower, 287 Serenity, 272
P Encapsulate, 302
Encumber, 300
Shatter Barrier, 281
Shockwave, 281
Pain Suppression System, 194 Enhance Firearm, 301 Sight Beyond Sight, 297
Painkillers, 204 Enhance Simple Weapon, 300 Silence, 291
Parachute, 132 Ensnare, 300 Singularity, 282
Paralysed, 235, 349 Ether Barrier, 291 Slow, 288
Partially Blinded, 235, 349 Ether Bolt, 280 Slumber, 275
Partially Deafened, 235, 349 Ethereal Gaze, 293 Sow Doubt, 272
Pass, 215 Ethereal Residue, 267 Spectral Eye, 284
Pass Threshold, 215 Ethereal Signatures, 267 Stifle Powers, 291
Passive vs Active Skills, 221 Exploit Weakness, 293 Stunning Bolt, 292
Pathfinder, 189 Explosive Geyser, 285 Super Conductor, 279
PCD, 304 False Memory, 275 Sweltering Heat, 278
Peace Keeper Stun Baton, 121 Flash Freeze, 277 Tempest, 279
Personal Computing Devices, 304 Flashbacks, 295 Transform Liquid, 301
PGW Jackal, 83 Form Armour, 298 Transmute Concoction, 302
Phalanx, 145 Form Barricade, 283 Turn Amphibious, 287
Phantom Bow, 92 Form Sprite, 286 Understand Languages, 295
Pilotsofts, 319 Fortify Armour, 301 Ward of Ethereal Masking, 273
Pilotsofts & Sensor Arrays, 319 Frenzy, 274 Ward of Passage, 284
Poisoned, 235, 349 Frost Bite, 278 Ward of Retaliation, 291
Poisons & Disease, 222 Grant Vision, 287 Wither, 289
Police Officer, 370 Grasping Tendrils, 284 Psionics & The Ether, 265
Poseidon Harpoon Launcher, 121 Gravitational Distortion, 281 The Basics, 265
Precision Stabilisers, 194 Gravity Warp, 279 Using Powers, 268
Preparing a Session, 337 Guiding Meditation, 295 PTX-200, 142
Prism, 142 Hamper Projectiles, 298 Pulsar X-4, 90
Prone, 235, 349 Heal Wounds, 289 Punching Dagger, 115
Psionic Powers, 265 Hindrance, 297 Push Aside, 248
Accelerate, 286 Horrific Manifestation, 274 Push Back, 248
Adhesion, 303 Hurl Object, 298 Push Over, 248
Aid, 297 Ignite, 277 Pylon Shield, 140
Alter Surface, 302 Illuminate, 283
Apex Form, 289 Imprison, 298
Arcing Bolt, 276
Blind/Deafen, 287
Insect Swarm, 286
Irradiate, 303
Blinding Fog, 282 Kinetic Barrier, 280 Quirks
Bolster Resistances, 292 Kinetic Contraction, 280 Claws, 9
Casting Times, 266 Kinetic Expansion, 280 Common People, 5
Channelling Abilities, 266 Kinetic Shield, 281 Custom Made, 6
Clairvoyance, 296 Levitate, 299 Enhanced Senses, 8
Clear the Path, 300 Locate Individual, 294 Fast Metabolism, 6
Cloaking Field, 274 Major Projection, 275 Human Privilege, 5
Cold Snap, 276 Malice, 273 Inorganic, 7
Combustion, 276 Manipulate Object, 299 Intimidating Presence, 6
Commune, 293 Mark of the Seer, 294 Low Endurance, 9
Concealment, 272 Mass Disarm, 299 Low-light Vision, 9
Concentration Checks, 266 Mass Empower, 288 Mechanical Construct, 7
Conjure Ammunition, 284 Mass Rejuvenate, 288 Rampage, 6
385 Index
Regeneration, 9 Schedulling a Game, 337 Psionics: Seer, 22
Software Backup, 7 Scorpion MK-1, 181 Psionics: Telekinesis, 22
Sunlight Sensitivity, 9 Scuba Gear, 133 Psionics: Transmutation, 23
Troublemaker, 6 Sea Ray SPX 300, 184 Sleight of Hand, 23
Vulnerability to Cold, 9 Securesofts, 310 Stealth, 23
Vulnerability to Water, 8 Security Drone Pilot, 372 Streetwise, 23
Wall Crawling, 9 Security Grip, 110 Survival, 23
Security Guard, 373 Swimming, 24
Security Licence, 214 Tech: Computing, 24
R Seer, 188
Selling Goods, 224
Tech: Diagnostics, 24
Tech: Encryption, 24
R8 Reaver, 61 Sensor Arrays, 320 Tech: Hacking, 24
Rabid Piranha Swarm, 371 Sentinel, 189 Tech: Knowledge, 24
Races, 3 Sentinel Defibrillator, 200 Tech: Maintenance, 25
Cyterian, 6 Shells, Basic (Magazine), 104 Tech: Networking, 25
Humans, 4 Shells, Dragon’s Breath (Magazine), Thrown Weapons, 25
Kram, 5 104 Tracking, 25
Tikar, 9 Shells, Flechette (Magazine), 104 Unarmed Combat, 26
Vorn, 8 Shells, Luminescent (Magazine), 104 Skillsofts, 321
Rage, 207 Shells, Polymer (Magazine), 104 Skirmisher, 165
RAM Pool, 311 Shells, Rock Salt (Magazine), 104 Skylark, 189
RAM Pools & Usage, 311 Shells, Smoke (Magazine), 104 Slave devices, 305
RAM Use, 311 Shielding, 245 Slaves, Hosts, & Networks, 305
Ranged Attacks With Nearby Shielding Underwater, 245 Host Count, 305
Opponents, 259 Shopkeeper, 373 Network Noise, 305
Rapture MK-1, 58 SIG 950, 65 Sledgehammer, 115
Razorback LMG, 88 SimCore 5, 142 Sloth, 151
Reactive Actions, 243, 252, 328 SimPro, 144 Slowed, 236, 350
Recoil, 259 Skill Checks, 215 Slugs, Basic (Magazine), 105
Recoil and Firing in Salvos, 259 Skills, 13 Slugs, High Capacity (Magazine), 105
Recoil Compensator, 200 Acrobatics, 13 Smart Grip, 110
Red-7, 211 Acting, 13 Smart Ordinance Computer, 111
Refuelling Cost, 322 Animal Handling, 13 Social Interaction, 223
Rejection Rating, 228 Archery, 13 Solace, 207
Rejuvenation Shot, 204 Bluffing, 14 Solara Freebird, 168
Reloading, 260 Chemistry, 14 Sonar, 151
Remington Techshot, 78 Climbing, 14 Sound Suppressor, 108
Remley 22, 82 Disguise, 14 SPAS-30, 80
Renown, 237 Ethereal Knowledge, 15 Special Forces Sharpshooter, 374
Repairing an Automation, 321 Exotic Weapons, 15 Spectral Eye, 374
Repairing Equipment, 232 Explosives, 15 Spider Venom, 210
Resting & Downtime, 229 First Aid, 15 Spirit, 165
Restoration Dice, 230 Forgery, 16 Splinter Dart Gun, 121
Restrained, 235, 349 Guns: Automatics, 16 Spook, 158
Restraints (Metal), 133 Guns: Heavy Weapons, 16 Sprinting, 219
Restraints (Plastic), 130 Guns: Long Guns, 16 Standard Actions, 242, 246, 326
Restriction Class, 55 Guns: Pistols, 17 Action Keywords, 243
Restriction Level, 55 Guns: Turrets, 17 Action Point Cost, 242
Retinal Processors, 194 History, 17 Attack Actions, 243
Retractable Blade, 200 Intimidation, 17 Martial Actions, 243
Ring Leader, 155 Intuition, 17 Standard Vision, 220
Riot Control Officer, 371 Jumping, 18 Status Effects, 233
Rocket, Fragmentation, 102 Leadership, 18 The Stacking of Effects, 236
Rocket, High Explosive, 102 Lock Picking, 18 Stealth, 156
Rolling For Initiative, 240 Mechanical: Aircraft, 18 Street Performer, 375
Automations, 324 Mechanical: Engineering, 18 Success Target, 216
Rope, 130 Mechanical: Ground Vehicles, 19 Sunseeker Oceania, 184
Round, 239 Mechanical: Seacraft, 19 Surprise, 242
Rounding of Numbers, 2 Medicine, 19 Surprise Check, 242
Rounds & Turns, 239 Melee Weapons, 19 Surprised, 236, 350
Ruger SR400, 59 Metallurgy, 19 Surveillance Jammer, 140
Running Dystopia, 337 Navigation, 20 Swimming, 219
Running the Game, 341 Negotiation, 20 Switching Weapons & Gear, 262
Perception, 20 Sword, 115
Piloting: Aircraft, 20
S Piloting: Driving, 20
Piloting: Seacraft, 21 T
Samsura Discovery, 175 Psionics: Deception, 21
Samsura Nimbus, 145 Psionics: Energetics, 21 T-2 Longarm, 82
Samsura Surge, 173 Psionics: Flux, 21 Tactical Body Armour, 127
Sawtooth Crossbow, 92 Psionics: Materialisation, 21 Tactical Camouflage Gear, 127
Scan Range, 306 Psionics: Metamorphosis, 22 Tactical Goggles, 133
Scatter, 256 Psionics: Purge, 22 Tactical Shield, 127
386 Index
Taheo Roamer, 178
Tahoe Striker, 176
Frail, 37
Greedy, 37
Targeted Attacks, 260 High Pain Tolerance, 28 Valkyrie Dart Rifle, 121
Arm Shot, 261 Illiterate, 38 Vanguard Scorpion, 85
Bull’s Eye, 261 Impaired Senses, 38 Vega, 163
Fighting Dirty, 261 Indebted, 38 Vehicles & Drones, 318
Leg Shot, 261 Insomnia, 38 Automation Basics, 318
Reckless Lunge, 261 Lip-reading, 28 Automations in Combat, 324
Shoot to Kill, 261 Lucky, 29 Controlling Automations, 322
The Blitzfire, 92 Motion Sickness, 38 Version Numbers
The Corporate Powers, 332 Natural Born Actor, 29 Cybernetic Enhancements, 191
The Flow of a Game Session, 341 Naturally Resilient, 29 Electronic Countermeasures, 146
The Global Markets, 334 Oblivious, 38 Vex, 210
The Legality of Countermeasures, 310 Omninet Ghost, 29 VimX, 143
The Needler, 91 Opportunist, 29 VIP List, 156
The Passage of Time, 229 Out of Shape, 39 Vision & Sight, 220
The World Of 2107, 329 Pack Mule, 30 Vision Types, 220
Corporate Militarisation, 329 Paranoid, 30 Visual Enhancer, 201
Geneva Fusion Incident, 330 Parkour Artist, 30 Vitality Booster, 204
Industrial Deregulation, 329 Pedal To The Metal, 30 Voodoo Dust, 210
The Cyterian Uprising, 330 Photographic Memory, 31
The Dregs Of Society, 330 Poor Immune System, 39
Where We Are Today, 332
Thermographic Vision, 220
Poorly Maintained Devices, 39
Psionic Artillery, 31
Throwing Knife/Shuriken, 116 Psionic Resistance, 31 Warmonger Heavy Crossbow, 92
Timeline Of Events, 377 Psionic Specialisation, 31 Wasp, 159
Titan, 160 Scavenger, 31 Wayfinder, 161
Tool Kit, 132 Self Doubt, 39 Weapon Modularisation, 109
Toyota Festiva, 174 Sharpshooter, 31 Weapon Mount Limit, 325
Tracking Bug, 140 Shell Waterproofing, 31 Weapon Mounts, 324
Trait Limit, 26 Social Anxiety, 39 Weapon Polymerisation, 109
Traits, 26 Steadfast, 32 Well-lt, 220
Acrophobia, 34 Strong Immune System, 32 Wild Dire Wolf, 375
Addict, 34 Thick Skinned, 32 Wild Grizzly, 376
Agile, 26 Thin Blood, 39 Wish, 207
Allergies, 35 Tinkerer, 32
Architect, 26 Tough To Kill, 32
Assassinate, 27
Attached, 35
Trusted Contact, 32
Unlucky, 39
Awakened Mind, 27 Unrelenting Grip, 33 X-Ray Scanner, 141
Bad Reputation, 35 Unwavering Creed, 40 Xiao-Sen Gladiator, 181
Bloodthirsty, 27 Urban Expert, 33 Xiao-Sen Oppressor, 87
Brave, 27 Vain, 40 Xiao-Sen Outlander, 179
Brawler, 27 Vengeful, 33 Xiao-Sen Samurai, 72
Claustrophobia, 36 Wanted, 40 Xiao-Sen Steelspitter, 90
Clumsy, 36 Xenophobia, 41 Xiao-Sen Streetmaster, 59
Computer Challenged, 36 Tricin, 212 Xiao-Sen Swordfish, 185
Cowardly, 36 Trident, 167 Xiao-Sen Viper, 170
Cybernetic Adaptability, 27 Turn, 239
Dishonest, 36
Distinctive Features, 36
Escape Artist, 28 U Y
Ethereal Beacon, 36 Yamasaki Cerberus, 76
Ethereal Dampening, 28 U.P.I.N, 224 Yamasaki Chimera, 62
Exceptional Abilities, 28 Unauthorised User, 307 Yamasaki Renegade, 184
Fear of Death, 37 Unconscious, 236, 350 Yamasaki Roadmaster, 180
Feedback, 37 Understanding Your Surroundings, 221 Yamasaki Sea Serpent, 186
Firearms Expert, 28 Universal Translator, 201 Yamasaki Spectre, 66
Focused, 28 UPIN Stick, 214 Yamasaki Sprint, 183
Former Junkie, 37 User Access & Permissions, 307 Yamasaki Warden, 177
387 Index