Application Format 2023

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UNIT(S) (Please read instructions carefully before filling the application)

1. Whether application is for:
(a) Fresh recognition: No
(b) Renewal of recognition: Yes
(c) Recognition No. (in case of renewal) : TU/IV-RD/2453/2019

2 Name of the company: PTC Industries Limited

Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the company: AABCP4377K

Company Registration Number: 002931

Company Registration Date: 20/03/1963

3 Brief history of the company: Incorporated in 1963 and production started in 1968. It started with
production of Sand Castings of critical valves and pump parts like Impellers, Diffusers and double Volte
castings etc. PTC is now having manufacturing facilities at Lucknow and Mehsana, Gujurat and able to
manufacture successfully castings in different grades of Alloy Steel, Stainless Steel, Wear Resistant
Steel and other special Nickel and Cobalt base like Hastelloy, Stellite and Titanium, Nickel Aluminium
Bronze(NAB) etc of weight ranging from 5 gms to 2500 kgs apiece catering the need of various
industries like Pumps, Valves, Engines, Pipeline fittings etc for marine/ships, pulp /paper, mining, earth
moving equipment, power plant, nuclear, space exploration etc. PTC has adopted the technology of
No-bake system of molding obtained from Acieries ET foundries DEL Est. France in the year 1986.
PTC entered into an agreement with Castings Technology International, UK for manufacture of castings
by Replicast and Rapidcast processes. Due to its quality consciousness, the company has been
certified to ISO 9001:2015, AD-2000 MERKBLATT WO and PED 2014/68/EU certifications. PTC’s
foundry has been categorized as class one foundry as per BIS. The company has received many
international awards for export of Zero Defects Quality Castings and also received Export Shield for
several years. PTCIL has won the prestigious National Award “DSIR NATIONAL 2006” for R&D in
Industry in the area of Technology Absorption for Replicast.
4. Address:
(a) Head office: Address –NH- 25A, SARAI SAHJADI,
State - Uttar
Country- India
TELPHONE: 0522-7111017
Fax - 0522-7111020

(b) Registered office: Address –NH- 25A, SARAI SAHJADI,

State - Uttar
Country- India
TELPHONE: 0522-7111017
Fax - 0522-7111020

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(c) Factory/factories: 1) NH- 25A, SARAI SAHJADI, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-
2) Rajpur,Taluka:Kadi, Mehsana, Gujarat- 382740
3) Aerolloy Technologies Ltd

(d) Correspondence Address: Address –NH- 25A, SARAI SAHJADI,

State - Uttar
Country- India
TELPHONE: 0522-7111017
Fax - 0522-7111020

(e) R&D laboratory (ies) recognized : PTC Industries Limited

R&D laboratory (ies) applied for recognition: Yes
(f) R&D laboratory (ies) other than (d) and (e) :

5. Nature of business: Manufacturing of metal components, Assemblies in

Metallurgies like Stainless Steel, Titanium, Nickel
Aluminum Bronze(NAB), Duplex, Super Duplex,
Inconel, Monel, Copper, Alloy Steel etc.

6. Company Structure:
(a) Public Limited/Private/Co-operative/Joint Sector: Public Ltd
(b) Whether Foreign Equity Participation
(Please give name of foreign equity participant and percentage thereof) : No

S No. Name of Foreign equity participant Percentage

© Name of Directors of the Board:

S No. Name of Director Designation

1 Sachin Agarwal Chairman And Managing Director

2 Alok Agarwal Wholetime Director

3 Priya Ranjan Agarwal Wholetime Director

4 Smt Smita Agarwal Director & CFO

5 Krishna Das Gupta Independent Director

6 Rakesh Chandra Katiyar Independent Director

7 Shashi Vaish Independent Director

8 Ajay Kashyap Independent Director

9 Brij Lal Gupta Independent Director

10 Ashok Kumar Shukla Wholetime Director

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(d) Name and address of NRI(s), if any: Yes

S No. Name of the NRI Address
1 James Michael Collins 35, COODE, 7 MILLSANDS, SHEFFIELD, S3
2 Stephane Brans 47 Hent Lestrezivit 29170 Fouesnant, France

7. Capital structure

(a) Authorised Capital (In Lakhs): 2000 Lakh

(b) Paid-up Capital (In Lakhs): 134 Lakh

8. Category of the firm: Large / Medium / Small Scale Unit: La r g e

9. Administrative Ministry Concerned: Government of India, Ministry of Industries

10. Technical Collaboration, if any:

(a) Foreign :

Name of the technical Address of the

S. collaborator (Max 150 technical collaborator History of
No (Max 150 collaboration
characters) (Max 150 characters)
. characters)
(b) Indian:
Name of the technical Address of the
Product (Max
S. collaborator (Max 150 technical collaborator History of
No 150 characters) collaboration
characters) (Max 150 characters)

(c) Details of R&D collaboration entered with: None

11. Annual turnover for the last 3 years (Rupees in Lakhs)

Sl No Year Indigenous Export Total

(In Lakhs) (In Lakhs) (In Lakhs)
1 2019-20 2,768.93 14,043.76 16,812.69
2 2020-21 3,531.03 12,803.96 16,334.99
3 2021-22 3,389.69 14,503.82 17,893.51

12. Main products manufactured:

Product Installed Capacity Yearly Production in Last 3 Years (in Ton)

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Castings of Steel & other alloys 200 T / Month 1262 1042 1022

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12. Places of Manufacturing
Sr. State City
1 Uttar Pradesh Lucknow

2 Gujarat Mehsana

13. Total manpower employed by the firm including those of R&D:

Scientific & Technical having graduate degree in engineering/technology or

(a) 57 nos
Master’s degree in Science and above
(b) Administrative (non-technical) 49 nos
(c) Others 354 nos
Total 460 nos

14. Total R&D expenditure of the company (year-wise figures for the past three years (actuals), current year
(Budgeted) and total estimated for the next three years.

Past 3 years (Actual) in Lakhs Current Year Next 3 Years (Estimated) in Lakhs
(Budgeted) in
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
182.64 181.09 181.94 180.00 400.00 600.00 750.00

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(In case the application is for more than one R&D unit, Part ‘B’ of the application should be submitted
separately for each R&D unit)

1. Location of the R&D unit : NH-25A, Sarai Sahjadi, Lucknow-227101, UP

Unit Name: PTC Industries Limited, Advanced Manufacturing & Technology


2. Is the R&D unit has already been recognized with DSIR? If yes: Yes

a. Date of initial recognition and its validity period: 25 th November 2019

b. Current recognition letter No. and its validity Period: TU/IV-RD/2453/2019 and Valid till 31.03.2022
c. Break in recognition, if any: from 31.03.2022 till date.

3. Changes if any, since the last application for renewal of recognition :

(a) Manpower: No

(b) Floor area: No

(c) R&D and pilot plant facilities: No

(d) Any other: None

4. Present status of the R&D projects reported in earlier application of recognition

Sl Title of Project Status

1 Development of technique to keep feeders molten for longer duration to Completed
increase the yield upto 90% for casting manufacturing.

2 Development of castings for power plant, artificial limb implants, On-going

aerospace etc.

3 Development of Forge Cast Process castings for critical applications. On-going

4 Development of light weight armours for army vehicles On-going

5 Development of Bomb Shells by Casting Route. Completed

6 Development of castings in maraging steels for critical space Completed


5. Date of commencement of R&D work (in case of fresh recognition) : N/A

6. Main objectives of the R&D program: To develop & adoption of new product & process to keep pace with
growing market & providing solution to overcome the
manufacturing problem faced in-order to produce zero defect
quality castings of International Standard.

7. Whether R&D establishment is housed in a Inside the factory premises

separate building inside/outside the factory premises?

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Please provide the specifications of R&D establishment: Established in 2008, covering 170 square meter area,
having laboratory facilities including metallurgical,
chemical, metrological, dimensional, non-destructive
examination (RT/MPT/UT/LPT)

8. R & D Unit Details

(a) Layout plan of the R&D unit: Attached as Annex-1

(b) Approx. floor area of the R&D Unit. 170 sq mtr

(c) Photographs of the major R&D facilities: Attached Video

(d) Are separate accounts maintained for R&D expenditure? Yes

(e) Are the R&D activities separate from production and quality control? Yes

(f) Details of environmental clearances obtained, if applicable Clearances obtained from a)

Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control
Board(UPPCB) for i) Furnace Stacks,
ii) Air & Water consent iii) Storage of
Hazardous Waste.
b) Bharat Oil & Waste Management Ltd
(BOWML) for safe, legal & scientific
disposal of Hazardous waste.

(g) Details of DCGI approval obtained in case of clinical trials, Not Applicable
if applicable

9. Details of Major R&D Equipments (In lakhs)

(a) Value of indigenous R&D equipment, as on date:

(b) Value of imported R&D equipment, as on date:

(c) Value of the pilot plant facilities, if applicable:

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(d) Cumulative value of all R&D assets, as on date: Approx. Rs. 30 lacs
(e) Gross cumulative value of all quality control and testing
Facilities/equipment (other than R&D facilities), as on date: Approx. Rs. 60 lacs

9.1 Major R&D equipments available

S No. Name of Equipment Month of Purchase Year of Purchase Price (in

1 MOR Testing Machine July 2014 1.76

10. Do you have a full time R&D Director/Head? if so, : Yes

(a) Name: Mr. Alok Agarwal

(b) Designation: Director- Technical & Quality

(c) Qualification: B.Tech. from IIT, Kanpur

(d) Experience (in Years): 35 Years

(e) Date of Appointment to the post: 22-11-1992

(f) E-mail:

(g) Mobile: 9335809122

(h) Telephone: 0522-7111017

(i) Fax: 0522-7111020

11. Details of R&D achievements made during the past 3 years:

(a) New products developed: i) Rocker parts

ii) Frame front Compressor

iii) Bomb Shells

(b) New processes developed:

(i) Development of Titanium parts for Aerospace application.

(ii) Development of Super Alloys part.
(iii) Development of technique to keep feeders molten for longer duration to increase the yield upto 90% for
casting manufacturing.
(iv) Development of Bomb Shells by Casting Route.
(V) Development of castings in maraging steels for critical space applications.

(c) Improvement in existing production process(s) :

(i) Pre-heating tunnel oven modified with element type heating system.
(ii) Vacuum Pressure alarm indicator
(iii) Digital temperature indicator on the furnace.
(iv) Bending machine for tmt rods in Shell Assy reinforcement.

(d) Energy conservation :

Solar power consumed approximately 0.99GW in the year 2020-21 & 0.86 GW in 2021-22

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(e) Pollution control:

i) Furnace stacks fitted with wet scrubbers to reduce carbon content in emission to atmosphere.
ii) Fumes collectors installed in pickling shop, welding etc to collect harmful fumes from the working areas.
(iii) Quality of drinking water and ambient air is monitored at regular intervals and necessary mitigation actions
taken, when required.
iv) Hazardous waste is collected at a safe location and disposed off scientifically by authorized agency.

(f) Import substitution (indicate items developed and foreign exchange earned). : No

(g) Seminars/symposia attended by R&D staff (attach a separate sheet giving details) :

(h) Number of papers published (attach reprints if available) :

(i)Number of R&D personnel who attended R&D training:

(Give details in a separate sheet). :

12. Patents filed in India or abroad during the last 3 years: No

S Product / Country Year Patent Number
No. Process

13. Whether any of the new technologies developed by the company have been
(a) Commercialized by the company:
Year of
S Technology
No commercialization
Titanium Castings for Aerospace application 2020

2 Bomb Shells by Casting Route. 2021

(b) Exported: None

S No. Technology Year Party Count


c) Sold to other parties in India/abroad: None

S No. Technology Party Year


14. Give particulars of R&D projects in progress: Attached Annexure-2

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15. R&D project proposed during the next three years:

Title of Project Development of Super Alloy Parts in vacuum induction melting

Scope of Project Proof of concept for Inconel-718 part made through vacuum
process meeting all mechanical & metallurgical properties.
Sponsoring Agency if any NIL
Project Leader Mr. Alok Agarwal
Year in which started 2023
Duration in Months 2 years
Capital (Estimated in Lakhs) 100 Lakh
Recurring (Estimated in Lakhs) -
Total (Estimated in Lakhs) 100 Lakh
Foreign Exchange (in INR) -
Remarks/Brief write-up of the  Melting under oxygen-free atmosphere limits formation of non-
R&D Project metallic oxide inclusions and prevents oxidation of reactive
 Achievement of very close compositional tolerances and gas
 Removal of undesired trace elements with high vapor
 Removal of dissolved gases – oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen
 Adjustment of precise and homogeneous alloy composition
and melt temperature
 Melting in a vacuum eliminates the need for a protective slag
cover and decreases the potential of accidental slag
contamination or inclusions in the ingot.

Specified equipments to be Vacuum Induction Melting

Specialized Raw material Master Alloy of In-718

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Title of Project Development of components for gas turbines
Scope of Project Casting development in SS & nickel alloys
Sponsoring Agency if any NIL
Project Leader Mr. Alok Agarwal
Year in which started 2023
Duration in Months 12 months
Capital (Estimated in Lakhs) -
Recurring (Estimated in Lakhs) -
Total (Estimated in Lakhs) -
Foreign Exchange (in INR) 200 Lakh
Remarks/Brief write-up of the Super-alloys are used in the high temperature regions of the gas
R&D Project turbine, especially the turbine blades and turbine disk. The
development and processing of different alloys are required to
achieve this quality of super-alloys. The microstructure of nickel-
based Super alloy highly complex, with a large number of
dispersed intermetallics and other phases that modify alloy behavior
through their composition, morphology, and location. Microstructure
can be modified through different processing methods, mainly heat
treatments and directional solidification.
Specified equipments to be None
Specialized Raw material SS & Inconel master alloy

Title of Project Development of single crystal and other controlled microstructure

Scope of Project Development of single crystal blades
Development of equiaxed casting parts
Sponsoring Agency if any NIL
Project Leader Mr. Alok Agarwal
Year in which started 2023
Duration in Months 24 months
Capital (Estimated in Lakhs) 500 Lakh
Recurring (Estimated in Lakhs) -
Total (Estimated in Lakhs) 500 Lakh
Foreign Exchange (in INR) -
Remarks/Brief write-up of the Single crystal turbine blades have the mechanical advantage of being
R&D Project able to operate at a much higher temperature than crystalline turbine
blades. Given the ability to increase turbine efficiency with higher
temperatures, the development of these blades is very beneficial. The
turbine blades are able to operate at these high temperatures due to
the single crystal structure and the composition of the nickel based
The single crystal structure has the ability to withstand creep at higher
temperatures than crystalline turbine blades due to the lack of grain
boundaries present. Grain boundaries are an area of the
microstructure where many defects and failure mechanisms start
which leads to creep occurring. The lack of these grain boundaries
inhibits creep from occurring in this way. Creep will still occur in single
crystal turbine blades but due to different mechanisms that occur at
higher temperatures. The single crystal turbine blade does not have
grain boundaries along directions of axial stress which crystalline
turbine blades do. This also works to increases the creep strength.
Specified equipments to be None
Specialized Raw material Master Alloy of SS & Inconel

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16. Details of imports effected for R&D purposes:
Details of imports effected for R&ampD purposes (Capital goods)

Sl No Year of Import Description CIF Value (In Lakhs) How utilized

1 2019-20 NIL 0.00 NA

2 2020-21 NIL 0.00 NA
3 2021-22 NIL 0.00 NA

Details of imports effected for R&D purposes (Raw Materials)

Sl No Year of Import Description CIF Value (In Lakhs) How utilized

1 2019-20 0.00 NA
2 2020-21 0.00 NA
3 2021-22 0.00 NA

Details of imports effected for R&D purposes (Other details)

Sl No Year of Import Description CIF Value (In Lakhs) How utilized

1 2019-20 0.00 NA
2 2020-21 0.00 NA
3 2021-22 0.00 NA

17. R&D expenditure of the unit (year-wise figures for the past three years (actuals), current year (budgeted)
and estimated for the next three years.
Year Capital (In Lakhs) (In Total (In Lakhs)
2019-2020 181.64 181.64
Past three 2020-2021 181.09 181.09
years(Actual) 2021-2022 181.94 181.94

Current year 2022-2023 150.00 150.00

Next three 2023-24 300.00 300.00
years(Estimated) 2024-25 350.00 350.00
2025-26 400.00 400.00

18. Income-tax rebate availed on R&D expenditure under IT Acts / IT Rules, during the past three years:
Year 35(1) (i) 35(1) (iv) 35(2AB) 80-IB(8A) 35(2AA) Rule 5(2) Any
2019-20 273.96


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19. Details of grants-in-aid / funds / loan / equity received for R&D programmes/ commercialization of
Technologies from any central / state Govt. department(s) during the last three years

Organization & Dept. Amount( In Lakhs )

S. No.
Grants in Aid 300.00
Loan Nil
Equity received for R&D Programmes/ commercialization of technologies Nil
3 from any central / state Govt. Departments

20.Sales turnover attributable to commercialization of R&D products/technologies developed during the last
three years:

Year Sales Turnover (In Lakhs)

S. No.

2019-2020 450
2020-2021 650
2021-2022 700

21. Educational status of the manpower engaged in R&D:

Qualification Full Time Part Time Proposed Recruitment of R&D

(Number) (Number) Man-power in next 3 Years
Doctorate Degree 0 0 0
Master’s Degree 0 0 0
Graduates/ Engineering 4 0 4
Diploma Holders 4 0 2
Others 1 0 2
Total 9 0 8

22 (a) Have you obtained any assistance/purchased know-how from NRDC or any of the National laboratories
/universities / IIT's / other institutions during the last 3 years? If so, please give details along with year and source:

S. No. Year Source Other details

1 2019-20 Nil Nil
2 2020-21 Nil Nil
3 2021-22 Nil Nil

(j) Whether any of the items of R&D work in progress or proposed by you is being done elsewhere in country.
Please indicate location. No

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23. Do you have necessity of collaborative R&D efforts for projects with CSIR or any other National
Laboratories/institution? No
Please indicate Necessity.
24. Indicate briefly any incentives/benefit derived from the recognition of In-house R&D unit other
than those mentioned in Column 18&19. NIL

I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that all the particulars furnished above are correct and
complete. I agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the recognition as laid down by the Department of
Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi and violation of the same may lead
to de-recognition automatically.
Signature (To be signed by M.D./Chief Executive of Head of the
Name: Mr Alok Agarwal
Designation: Director-Quality & Technical
Full Address: NH-25A, Sarai Sahjadi, Lucknow-227101,
UP, India
Tel. Nos. : 0522-7111017
Fax No.: 0522-7111020
Place: Email Address :
Date: Mobile No. : +91- 9335809122

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