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Topics January
TriTech? Pistons White Smoke
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Manuals Affected by This Service Paris Topic
Bulletin No.
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual 3810366
This service parts topic announces the release of higher compression ratio TiiTach® pistons to help reduce the
Possibility of white smoke issues with CPL 891 and CPL 838,
To address the white smoke issue, 14.5:1 compression ratio pistons have been certified for use in engines built to CPL
891 that previously used 14.0:1 compression ratio pistons. Field Fix No. 257 describes the piston change for CPL 891
Similarly, 17.2:1 compression ratio pistons have been certified for use in engines bult to CPL 838 that previously used
16.5:1 compression ratio pistons. Field Fix No. 271 describes the piston changes for CPL 838,
When replacing pistons according to this service parts topic, the field fix number must be stamped on the engine label.
The following tables summarize the obsoleted and superseded pistons and kits for CPL 891.
Table 1
PI, 891 - TriTech* Piston and Kits
Description ‘Obsolete Part No. New Part No.
Piston, Engine ‘3076608 ‘076811
Kit, Engine Piston 3804338 3804336
Kit, Cylinder 3604368. 3804366.
Kit, Cylinder 3804398 3804396
‘Table 2
‘TriTech” Plus Piston and Kits _
Description ~_Obsolete Part No. New Part N
Piston, Engine 3095060 3095052
Kit, POG (Piston/Linen) a __ 3800655. 3800658
Kit, Engine Piston 3804428 804426
Kit, Cylinder 3804458 3604456 _
Kit, Cylinder ‘3804458 3804486
Although the 14.0:1 CR pistons have been obsoleted in praduction for CPL891, it is acceptable to use them when
rebuilding engines that had the 14.0:1 campression ratio pistons in them and did not have white smoke problems. It
is not recommended to use the 14.0:1 CR pistons when rebuilding enginas that were originally ouilt with the 14.5:1
GR pistons or with the four-ring Cummins pistons.
itis acceptable to replace 14.0:1 CR pistons with 14.5:1 OR pistons when doing single-cylinder repairs, It is not
recommended to replace the 14.5:1 CA pistons with 14.0:1 CR pistons when doing single-cylinder repairPage 2
The following tables summarize the obs:
fable 3 |
CPL 838 - TriTach® Piston an: |
Description [Obsolete Part No. T |
Piston, Engine: - ao7esia x
Kit, Engine Piston 301330 4026781
Kit, Cylinder 3804360 4024782
Kit. Gylinder 3804380 a7
Kit, Overhaul ‘3804838 4028784
PL 838 - TriTech* Plus Piston and Kits
Description "Obsolete Part No. New Part No.
Piston, Engine, "3085064 4058672
Kit, Engine Piston 13804420 4004785
Kit Cylinder 3804450 1 4024766.
it Cylinder 3804480 a aaaarer
Kit, Overhaul 3900689) 4024788
Kit, Overhaul 3804835 I 4028789
Although the 16.5:1 CR pistons hava been obsoleted in production for CF
rebuilding engines that had the 16.5:1 compression ratio pisians in them and did not have white smoke problems. It
is not recommended to use the 16.8:1 CR pistons whan rebuilding engines that were originally built with the 17.2:1
GR pistons or with the four-ring Cummins pistons.
Itis acceptable to replace 16.5:1 CR pistons with 17.
:1 GR pistons when doing single-cylinder repairs. It is not
recommended to replace the 17.2:1 CR pistons with 16.5:1 CR pistons when doing single-cylinder repairs.
“OTE: This is @ product improvement and is not subj
ct to campaig