Kunkin KP184 Calibration Procedure

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Kunkin KP184 Calibration manual

Calibration KP184 .................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 2
Core Calibration................................................................................................................................... 2
Adjustment .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Control ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Optimization ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Special features and precautions ........................................................................................................ 3
Calibration procedure KP184 .................................................................................................................. 5
Menu structure KP184 ............................................................................................................................ 6

Calibration KP184
In metrology, calibration ensures the reliable comparability of a recorded measurement value with
measurements taken elsewhere and with other measurements. This is done by tracing the calibration
quantity back to its national representation, which in turn is ensured by international comparisons or
a physical definition.

In the present device, the measuring part (ADC) is calibrated by defining one measuring characteristic
each for current and voltage. These characteristic curves are straight lines, which in turn are each
determined by a pair of calibration points.
Based on this calibration, the control section (DAU) is then adjusted by determining four control
characteristics (two voltage and two current ranges).

Core Calibration
The actual calibration procedure uses the first pair of values of the Voltages calibration menu and the
first pair of values of the Currents menu, i.e. 4 fixed points in total. These values were also calibrated
during production and are documented in the calibration certificate. If no calibration certificate is
available, the values 10 V/ 80 V or 2 A/ 25 A can be used. To recalibrate, the appropriate calibration
menu is called up, the calibration variables are applied to the input terminals one after the other, but
always grouped in pairs, their exact value is entered via the keypad and rotary encoder and stored in
the non-volatile memory with the SET key. After this procedure, the measuring part is calibrated and
the displays now show correct values.

However, in order to be able to use the device sensibly, it is also necessary to define four control
characteristics; one characteristic each for the two voltage ranges (0...39.999 V and 40...150 V) and
one each for the two current ranges (0...9.99A and 10...40 A). Thus 4 further value pairs (further 8
fixed points) are added here. This part has the character of an adjustment (DAU adjustment based on
the previous calibration); calibrated measuring equipment is no longer required here.

The respective adjustment values are determined by searching for the control insert with external
supply of the controlled variable. If the operating point of the control is set to stable, this value is
accepted by pressing the SET key. Both values of the value pair are required to define a specific
characteristic curve. In principle, the individual characteristic curves can also be determined
separately from each other or fine-tuned afterwards.

As a control of success, besides the verification of the calibration points, the examination of the

V-0.001 V or 39.999 V-40.000 V in constant voltage mode and 0.000 A-0.001 A or 9.999 A - 10.000 A
in constant current mode. No discontinuities (jumps > 5 mV or 5 mA) may occur here.

The described procedure leads to a functioning device. However, at the ends of the measuring range,
violations of the specification can occur, for example due to a zero point error. In this case, the lower
position of the measurement characteristic can be adjusted by shifting the lower fixed point towards
the zero point. In a similar way, the upper fixed point can be raised towards the end of the measuring
range and thus the best compromise in the position of the measuring characteristics can be found.
To optimize the control characteristic curves, an adapted height of the relevant operating point is set
in each case.

Special features and precautions

Extract from the text of the device description:
The connection of the protective conductor to the metal housing needs to be improved.
The direct connection to the sheet metal enclosure of the power transformer is good and correct.
However, it is not sufficient as the sole - and only indirect - connection to the majority of the housing.
Of the 10 fastening screws of the housing cover, 8 are in the insulating plastic of the front panel and
rear wall frame. The two remaining screw connections to the base plate also lack the contact tooth
lock washers. The conductive mounting plate of the rear panel is insulated and screwed into a plastic
frame and thus does not offer any protection, but rather represents a danger due to possible large-
area voltage carry-over.

In summary, at best the base plate is sufficiently connected to the protective conductor.

The aluminium profiles, which form the cooling tunnel of the actuator, carry the potential of the
positive input terminal. These profiles are screwed through the insulating rear wall frame with four
conductive screws and can be touched directly from the outside. The four large, central ventilation
openings in the rear panel also allow unintentional, direct contact with the heat sinks themselves.
The data sheet indicates a maximum operating voltage of 150 V. This is well above the upper limit of
60 V for the permissible contact voltage for direct current.
Although the load circuit is to be regarded as an IT network, the absence of
further protective measures (insulation monitoring for the first fault, residual-current circuit-breaker
for the second fault) means that general use outside closed electrical premises is prohibited if the
load circuit voltage exceeds 60 V.

The conductive cover of the housing is not sufficiently protected against contact with the cooling
profiles of the tunnel. A finger pressure is sufficient to establish such contact by minimal deformation
of a housing wall. This indirectly touches the potential of the positive input terminal and cancels the
basic grounding of the load circuit. It is now earth-related via protective conductor or person (first
fault of the protective measure IT network) and can thus become dangerous to touch in its entirety.

Reversed polarity of the input voltage can - especially with a powerful source - lead to damage to the
device, source and cables.
As actuator 6 IRFP250M work together. Their integrated diodes cause a current flow similar to a
short circuit when the polarity is reversed.

When using the sensor cable and input voltages above about 20 V, a lack of contact or an
interruption of the main lines, as well as reverse polarity or a short circuit of the sensor cable can
damage the internal 1 KΩ protective resistors.

The outer conductor of the BNC connector can be touched accidentally and becomes a safety
problem at load circuit voltages of over 60 V.
Parameter A4 does not work as described in the manual, but always sets the ON state at the time of
power-on - regardless of the previous history.

The MASTER-SLAVE operation does not function in a meaningful way. It is possible that a previously
unknown boundary condition is not fulfilled.

The keyboard cannot be locked by pressing a key; locking by a computer command works.

The FACTORY-RESET via the long keystroke described in the manual is also not possible; manual and
remote triggering is certainly possible.

In the power control mode, permanent control oscillations can be observed when an unusually high
disturbance variable occurs. The cause is obviously the parameter-dependent dead time of the
control. By adjusting parameters B3 and B4 towards smaller values, the tendency to oscillate can be

For no apparent reason, the voltage measurement sometimes stops. The upper display line freezes
and the data transfer to the computer is shortened. The remaining functions obviously continue to
run, so they do not depend on a current voltage measurement. This state can only be terminated by
a power-on cycle (POWER-ON-RESET).

Calibration procedure KP184
Species Action Procedure
Preparation Warm up the device. Usesensor cable(setmenu item B 1|SSon the display).Connect voltage transmitter andDMM.
Call menu Switch off the device and keep the key↑pressed while switching on again untilcvu1is shown.
Set 10 V at the voltage source.
Voltage LOW 10 V
Read the voltmeter and enter this value intocuv1using the rotary knob and arrow keys.Press SET.
Voltage calibration
Press the↓key.cvu2is displayed.
Voltage HIGH 80 V
Set 80 V at the voltage source. Read the voltage at the DMMandenter the value incvu2.Press SET.
Leaving Quit the routine with SHIFT and check the voltage display.
Preparation Warm up the device. Connect power source and DMM.
Call menu Switch off the instrument and hold down the MODE button when switching on again untilcua1is shown.
Current LOW 2A Set 2 A on the current transmitter. Read off DMM and enter this value incua1Press SET.
Current calibration
Current HIGH 25 A Press the↓key.Cua2is displayed. Set 25 A. Read off DMM.Enter value incua2. Press SET.
Leaving Exit the routine with SHIFT and check the current display.
Warm up the device. Use and set up the sensor cable (menu item B 1 |SS shown in the display).Connect voltage
Call Switch off the device and keep the key ↑pressed while switching on again untilcvu1is shown.
Voltage 1 LOW Navigate toctu1by pressing the↓ button twice. Set 6V with voltage source and press SET.
0 … 39.999 V
Voltage 1 HIGH Press the↓key.Cuv2is displayed. Locate the threshold at 40 V and press SET.
Voltage 2 LOW Press the↓key.Cuv3is displayed. Locate the threshold at 60 V and press SET.
40 … 150 V
Voltage 2 HIGH Press the↓key.Cuv4is displayed. Locate the threshold at 130 V and press SET.
Leaving Quit the routine with SHIFT. Check voltage control.
Preparation Warm up the device. Connect power source.
Call Switch off the instrument and hold down the MODE button when switching on again untilcua1is shown.
Current 1 LOW Navigate to cta1 by pressing the ↓button twice. Use the power source to set the threshold at 2.4 A and press SET.
0 … 9.999 A
Current 1 HIGH Press the↓key.Cta2is displayed. Locate the threshold at 13 A and press SET.
Current 2 LOW Press the↓key.Cta3is displayed. Locate the threshold at 14 A and press SET.
10 … 40 A
Current 2 HIGH Press the↓key.cta4is displayed. Locate the threshold at 34 A and press SET.
Leaving Quit the routine with SHIFT .Check current control.

Menu structure KP184
Starting set to
Group Name No. par. Meaning Value range Unit
1 Addr Address 1 – 255 1 NA
2 Baud Interface speed 24 – 1152 96 100 volts

A 3 Onli Mode Offi|host|slave Offli Selection
4 Inca Start mode on at power up on | off Off Selection
5 Soun Buzzer on | off On Selection
1 Sens Remote Probe (BNC) for voltage measurement Remote | local Local Selection
2 Onll Undervoltage protection 0 – 150 0 V

B 3 Slup Current rise rate 0.1 – 500 25 A / ms

4 Sldn Power loss rate 0.1 – 500 25 A / ms
5 Fact Reset to default Off | call Off Selection
1 Enab Determination of the battery capacity On | off Off Selection
2 Endu Final discharge voltage 0 – 150 0 V

C 3 Half Half discharge current On | off Off Selection

4 Unit Ampere hours or watt hours Ah | ph Ah Selection
5 Buzz Message: Discharge completed One | last | level One Selection
1 Enab Use monitoring Off | auto | trig Off Selection
2 V-H Maximum voltage 0 – 150 0 V
3 V-L Minimum voltage 0 – 150 0 V

4 A-H Maximum current 0 – 40 0 A
5 A-L Minimum current 0 – 40 0 A
6 Outs Warning message b1b1b1 | level b1b1b1 Selection
1 Enab Control speed or internal resistance Off|dyna|rest Off Selection
2 A-1 Measuring current 1 0 – 40 0 A

E 3 T-1 Duration 1 0 – 9000 0 ms

4 A-2 Measuring current 2 0 – 40 0 A
5 T-2 Duration 2 0 – 9000 0 ms
1 Enab Use current staircase On | off Off Selection
2 Stac Starting current 0 – 40 0 A

3 Stpc Current increment 0 – 40 0.1 A
4 Stt Time interval 0.1 – 600 0.2 s

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