Narrative Report

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OCTOBER 3, 2022
The first class which we entered is Grade 9 Agumba. This is our first day and the first
class which we are going to observe so as traditional practice we did an introduction of ourselves
prior the lesson. Immediately after our introduction, she checked the attendance of the students
then she summarized their past lesson which is communicative styles. Their lesson this day is a
continuation of their past lesson. As she is giving the wrap up of their lesson, the interaction of
the students with the teachers is obvious. This scene in the classroom shows the active teaching
learning process between the teacher and the students. Consequently, ma’am Sadya-as(our
Critique Teacher) discussed their activity which is per group. In this activity, each group is
tasked to create a role play that shows the communicative style that are assigned to them.
Students then proceeded with their groups as ma’am Sadya-as required them to submit a draft of
their script at the end of the period. To ensure that, the students have accomplished something
before the period ends, she gave her signature which corresponds to some additional points to the
paper of those who will submitted their drafts.
Likewise, in the second period which is the Grade 9 Alumani, the instruction, and activity
that ma’am Sadya-as is the same with Agumba.
In the second period of the afternoon class, we went to Grade 8. After greetings and our
introduction, ma’am Sadya-as checked the attendance of the Grade 8 students. Right after that
she, proceeded with her lesson. In delivering the lesson, she used her laptop and the TV as her
visual aid in presenting the lesson. There were not purely slides of information in her power
point, instead she utilized downloaded videos from the internet to further explain the topic. Her
discussion lasted for only 15 minutes then she utilized the rest of the period for the activity. From
what I had observed when she gave activity, she does not pressure her students with time, and
the submission of their output so the students enjoyed their time to analyze and focus in their
activities. Whenever the students ask questions regarding their topic, ma’am Sadya-as happily
respond to their queries.
Their topic this day is about adverbs and its types. So normally, ma’am Sadya-as
explained it using his power point. Her explanation is simple enough for the students to grasp the
content. She also used examples for the students to understand more the lesson.
I observed that her teaching strategy does not bore that students because she always
makes sure to interact with them. Her discussion and is concise that suits exactly suits the
attention span of the Grade 8 students. Even though it is our very first time to observe, I noticed
that her class enjoys her subject because of her classroom management. She is not terror teacher
but strict when she is teaching, especially when it concerns the discipline of her students.
Because of this, the students do not waste their time not listen in her discussion.

OCTOBER 4, 2022
First period in the morning, we accompanied ma’am Sadya-as in her class in grade 9-
section Agumba. As usual she asked if everyone is present.
The students are not finished in making their scripts for their role play in communicative
style so ma’am Sadya-as allowed them to continue formulating their scripts. She further said in
her instruction that the students will make use of the rest of the period to practice and polish their
When we went to Grade 9 Alumani in the second, they did the same. They joined their
groups then they continued working on their scripts. The period was given for them to finish
their scripts, practice for those who are done in order to improve their role play presentation.
2:30 in the afternoon, we went to Grade 8- Casimon whereas the period was utilized for
their quiz regarding their previous lesson Adverbs. The quiz was an objective type of test so
ma’am Sadya-as printed their activity worksheets and handed them to students. Before they
started their quiz, ma’am let the students arrange and align their chairs first to avoid cheating
from their classmates. She then, gave the worksheets to the first student of each column and let
them be the one to pass the rest to their classmates at their back. This is done for the purpose of
for more organized distribution of papers. During the quiz, ma’am watched them until they
finished their activity. 10 minutes before the time, she let the students exchange their papers in a
counter clockwise direction for the checking of their answers. The answers were dictated by
ma’am for faster checking. Most of the student got high score and as reflected from their scores,
the students have understood the topic.
Her handle for the last subject in the afternoon is Grade 8 Masaflora right after her class
in Grade 8 Casimon. They did the same as the Casimon, ma’am Sadya-as conducted a quiz to
assess their understanding of their lesson which is Adverbs then they also checked before the
time so that the students can reflect on their answers. At the same time, ma’am can explain the
reason if the students will ask why their answers are wrong.

OCTOBER 5, 2022
Happy Teachers Day!!! Today is the celebration of Pingad National High School for the
Teacher Month so the SSG organization together with the classroom officers conducted a
program to surprise the teachers. The program lasted for a day so naturally, the whole day was
spent with lots of enjoyment, each grade level rendered a presentation related to teachers. To
break the monotony of the program, there are also talented students who shared intermissions
such as singing, dancing and others. After the presentations, the chosen representative of each
grade level gave a message to the teachers. Teachers are the highlight of this program so all the
activities are all about giving credit to teachers. The whole morning was utilized for the
presentations and the giving of sentimental messages to teachers.
In the afternoon, the program resumed at 1:30. As written in the program, there are games
prepared for everybody, both the students and teachers. Some of the games are paper dance, trip
to Jerusalem, and Japanese walk. Based from the reaction of everyone, they enjoyed the games.
Next to this is the dance for all. In my observation, everyone is participative because as soon as
the music was played, everyone joined the Sisiwit dance then showcase their own moves.
Meanwhile, the SSG officers offered each teacher a sit in front then invite the teachers
the go and sit there. Little do they know that that minute was arranged for them as their
relaxation time so some students went to give them a massage, reflex to free them from stress.
The program did not end by that, the students also prepare another surprise for the
teacher, they played some kind of touching music and then students started handing out letters,
flowers and chocolates to teachers. They are so thoughtful to do simple yet creative things to
please their teachers on this kind of celebration.
The students surprise for their teacher does not only end with this, the class president
together with the co-officers of each section came close with their adviser to blindfold them then
assisted their teacher inside their classroom. With out the teacher’s knowledge, they prepared
something there that expresses their gratitude for being their adviser and as a teacher. There,
each class continued their classroom program with their beloved class adviser.

OCTOBER 6, 2022
For both sections of Grade 9, this day was set to be their presentation of their role play
concerning communicative styles. For the students to be aware of how they will be scored,
ma’am Sadya-as briefed the students of the rubrics and criteria for their role play.
Without delay, the presentation started with the group that ma’am will randomly call.
With this strategy, it is expected that everyone should be prepared as they will not waste time
waiting for them to prepare. There are 6 groups who will present so the whole period is exactly
utilized for their performance. After all the groups are done with presenting, ma’am announced
their scores then cleared why they deserved that score.
Based from the presentations of the student, it shows that they have understood the
concept of their topic communicative styles (frozen, casual, formal, intimate and consultative)
because their role play portrayed appropriate situations where those styles are applied.
In grade both section Casimon and Masaflora, ma’am Sadya-as discussed about Modal
Verbs using her laptop and TV for her power point presentation. She speaks purely English when
she is discussing and also use English as her medium of instruction. However, she makes sure
that the students can grasp what she is saying so instead of using complicated terms, she explains
the concept of modal verb in the simplest way that the students can understand. She even likes to
use real life examples that that students can relate to. In this way I observed that the students can
understand the lesson better as their interaction and reaction to their teacher is obvious.

OCTOBER 7, 2022
Me and my fellow observer under ma’am Sadya-as do not observe classes on Fridays
because during Friday’s ma’am Sadya-as does not have a class in any grade. She only has IR and
ICL in her advisory class which is Grade 9- Agumba but this day, she did not enter any of these
periods for the reason that her students utilized it for their practice in other subjects.

OCTOBER 10, 2022

For the Grade 9, ma’am Sadya-as discussed their major performance for the 1 st quarter
which is speech choir. Firstly, she gave a short lecture about what is speech choir all about. For
the students to understand more what they will be doing, ma’am presented three different
examples of speech choir. Then, she divided the class into two groups, wherein the way of
grouping is through counting from 1-2 to avoid biases. When she was done with the groupings,
she gave the literary piece which the students will be formulating their speech choir. Namely,
these are The Seven Ages of Man by William Shakespeare and If by Rudyard Kipling. Before
the period ended, she discussed the rubric of their presentation. This consists of dictation and
vocal expression; creativity and interpretation; facial expression, movement and gestures; props
and costumes; on task participation of member and time.
Moving on to grade 8, they had an exciting activity wherein everyone was involved. The
activity was, finding modal in a song. Written activities are somewhat boring sometimes so to
make the activity unique, ma’am used a different strategy. The purpose of this activity was for
the students to familiarize themselves with the different modals this activity was allotted for the
whoel period.
She played a song that is composed of modal then let the students listen attentively to it
so they can list down the modals then tally the times the modals are used. There were three
different songs that she let her students listen to. What she did was she played each song twice
but she pauses it once in a while to give time for the students to write and think. In this type of
activity, I observed how everyone was focused in listening. Especially that just after the songs,
they replayed the song at the same time checked if they wrote the correct modals. She always let
the students checked before the end of the period so that she can give her comments, answers and
clarifications to the students questions.

OCTOBER 11, 2022

We went to grade 9 again, immediately ma’am Sadya-as instructed them to go with their
group. When she saw that everyone settled down, she continued with her instructions then she
distributed literary pieces which she printed to each group. She let them read the poems silently.
After they are done reading, she let them have a brainstorming activity to allow each group
member to share what is their interpretation of the poems. She also assigned me and my buddy to
each of the groups then she explained our task. We will be in charge of each group to make sure
that they are making use of the time properly in their practice and meetings.
In grade 8 they did an activity which was the same as they did yesterday. Only that this
time, their score will be recorded. Their activity this day will serve the purpose of mastery of the
lesson so they the song that they will listen to is more complicated than the ones played the other
day. Another difference was, the song will not be paused rather, it will be played continuously
from beginning until they end. Hence the students’ task to just listen to the song and identify the
modals that are used. This time there is already no need to tally the number of times the modals
are used for they will only need to list them. I observed in this type of activity the interest of the
students to participate in class. Their eagerness to learn the lesson is obvious so they almost all of
them got a perfect score.

OCTOBER 12, 2022

Ma’am Sadya-as proceeded with her general instruction to the grade 9- Agumba for their
speech choir. She let them go to their groups and then continue their brainstorming and
discussion about their performance. She sits in her table in front and answers every students
questions regarding their poem. This is their major performance task so she give enough time for
them to prepare for it. English period for this day was given for them to continue their
interpretation at the same time formulating of steps and movements. Same with the section
Alumani, they utilized their English period for group brainstorming and discussion.
This day, the grade 8 had their written quiz about modal. Their quiz is in a form of
subjective type of test. Ma’am handed out the quiz papers to the first person as usual then she
waited until everyone already has a worksheet. Before the students started answering, she
explained the instruction of their quiz, then remind them of the basic general instructions that
they must know when they are having a quiz. That is to avoid not following instructions and to
clarify the directions beforehand to those who did not understand the instruction.

OCTOBER 13, 2022

Ma’am give all of her instruction to the grade 9- Agumba then she let them meet with
their groups. Later on, she let us take over her class then left us with them. She gave her English
period again for their practice so we just accompanied them until the period ends. Same with the
grade 9 Alumani, ma’am came back to deliver the general instruction for todays’ English period.
She let the students join their group to continue what they had been doing for they performance
task. We were assigned to each group so we facilitated in their practice.
In grade 8, ma’am Sadya-as discussed their major performance task for the first quarter.
This is done per group so she was the one who assigned the group of every one. They are tasked
to compose either a song or poem which is consist of 2 stanzas with 5 lines each. This is
applicable in both poem and song. In the poem or song that they are going to compose they must
integrate 5 modals. They should write this in a A4 bond paper and then put and art in it.
After which, she proceeded with explaining the rubrics of their performance task. This
encompasses, title; 10 lines; usage of 5 modals; creativity; overall presentation; and presentation
(this is delivery/ presentation in front of their classmates).

OCTOBER 14, 2022

Research workplan

OCTOBER 17, 2022

As usual, ma’am checked the attendance first, then she asked the students how far are
they with their performance. As she heard they answers of her students, she gives tips on how
they will formulate their speech choir. Because it is their performance task, she offered her
English period for the students to meet with their groups and continue their practice as she does
not allow her students to meet outside the school campus during weekends and night time just
because of this speech choir. In order for the students to be comfortable in their practice and have
convenient space, she let the other group utilize the MAPEH hall while the other stays in the
classroom. This is what both the Grade 9 Agumba and Alumani did for this day.
Yesterday ma’am already gave the performance task of the grade 8 so this day, she gave
her English period for them to meet with their group members. She ensures that every meeting
her students will not learn something so make it a strategy that before the bell rings every group
should present a draft of what they had accomplished for the period. On their draft, ma’am will
affix her signature which is equivalent to some points that will be added to their final score in
their presentation.

OCTOBER 18, 2022

The grade 9 both Agumba and Alumani did the same. After the checking of attendance,
they immediately joined their groups without wasting a minute. The will continue their practice
again today. There was an interchange of the group who’s going to go out, so the group who
stayed in the classroom last meeting, it will be their turn this period to go out. Based from their
practice, everyone is cooperative. So far, they are working together to formulate their movements
in way that it will portray the meaning of the poem they are assigned to.
Same with the grade 8 both Casimon and Masaflora, supposedly, today is their
presentation however due to the reason that they are not prepared, ma’am give her period for
them to finalize written outputs to be submitted when the bell rings. Some of the group members
are not participating while only 1 is doing the output so they did not finish their tasks.

OCTOBER 19, 2022

Both sections grade 9 resumed again with their practice to improve their performance.
The are given 1 hour to polish their actions, voice projection and facial expressions. They are
practicing in their own groups and we are just there to assist them. The same rule applies in their
venue of practice, they will interchange.
The time has come, it is finally the presentation of the song and poem or grade 8 both
sections. To save time, ma’am randomly picked ¼ where the students have written their group
members. The names whom she will pick will be the ones to present. Based from their
presentation they lack confidence and eye contact, some are just reading instead of delivering a
poem and some lack emotions in their performance. Never the less, their scores are not that low,
they just need a little improvement.

OCTOBER 20, 2022

Still the same for both sections of grade 9, they utilized the whole period for their
practice. Ma’am observed that they still have a lot to improve in their speech choir so gave them
enough time to master it. She also allowed her students to start making their props too if they
have. She even encouraged them that should if possible, memorize the whole piece for better
performance. She also gives emphasis about how the voice of the boys will affect the
For the grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora, English period for this day was given for them
as their make-up activity session. She announced those whose grades are failing so that they can
comply and talk to ma’am on what they can do to pass if they are interested. From what she has
announced it seems that only a few of them have worrisome grades. They are the people loves to
escape and absent themselves without valid reasons.

OCTOBER 21, 2022

Research workplan

OCTOBER 24, 2022

We entered the Grade 9 Agumba without ma’am Sadya-as but she us the instruction that
we are going to do. Firstly, we checked the attendance following her way. This day is their
presentation for the speech choir so we said to the students that they are going to finalize their
practice, prepare whatever they need to prepare such as props and their classroom for the first 20
minutes. After 20 minutes, ma’am Sadya-as came. She prepared a scoring sheet for both of us,
because she let us partake in the judging of their performance. When their performance was
finished, we gave ma’am Sadya-as the scores of each group in order for her to average it. The
bell did not yet ring so she gave her comments and suggestions to the speech choir of the
students as their guide for improvement. She was frank when she gave her comments. This is
also what we did to grade 9 Alumani, they prepared for the first 20 minutes, they presented for
the next minutes then the rest to the time was used for the averaging of scores and giving of
comments and suggestions. As reflected from their presentation, they were not able to portray an
exact example of a speech choir because they lack mastery and choreography of movements.
They are hesitant in speaking aloud and doing their action.
During our free time, we were invited to judge a fashion of grade 10. Ma’am Aida
oriented us about the criteria then we watched at the same time judge. So far, their fashion show
was enjoyable even if some did not participate.
For the grade 8 both sections, ma’am offered her the time of her subject as the signing of
clearances. What she did was, she collected all of the students clearance. Before signing a
clearance she will check her class record first to verify if that student did not miss any activity. In
this case, she will not sign unless the student will comply. Those whom she will sign are only
those who have complete activity and does not have a failing grade. She will check one by one
the record of the student before signing then give it back immediately to the owner too.

OCTOBER 25, 2022

First and second period in the morning which are grade 9 Agumba and Alumani, Ma’am
Sadya-as said that she was done with the lesson for the first quarter and that they are only
waiting for the first quarter examination. With this, she gave the scope of the first grading
examination to the students through dictation. She also reminded those people who have missed
any activity as their clearance will not be signed if they did not settle all their accounts. After that
she gave the rest of the time for the students to review. As I observed, some of the students do no
value the time that was given for them to study. Moreover, I understand that we are in the digital
generation wherein we are enjoying the benefits of technology, however, in this class I think they
technology has made the students lazy to the point that they already had not notes in their
notebooks because their files are saved in their phones and that where they are reading.
Same with the grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora, ma’am gave her whole English period for
them to review and read their notes in preparation for their first quarter examination.

OCTOBER 26, 2022

Today is the set date for the first quarter examination. We only have one schedule of
examination today- the grade 9 Agumba. First thing that we did is, we accompanied ma’am and
entered the classroom before the time of examination to arrange the chairs in a way that they are
more distant from the other to avoid cheating. When the examination started, we stayed in the
classroom, roam around to check if somebody is cheating. That’s what we did until the bell
rings. However, I observed that the students are already done with their examination after 30
minutes. I was puzzled if their exam is very easy or if all of the students are just brilliant.
After we are done to look after the grade 9 Agumba, we did not have succeeding
schedules so we just continued doing the Enrollment Data which ma’am Principal has assigned
us to do.

OCTOBER 27, 2022

Supposedly, this day is the second day of the first quarter examination, however due to
the unexpected earthquake last night, classes in all levels are suspended today. For this reason,
we still went to school as ordered by ma’am principal but we just continued doing the Enrolment
Data that we did not finish.

OCTOBER 28, 2022

This day is the joint celebration of IPED’S DAY between Camatagan Elementary School
and Pingad Junior High School. Of course, we had a program. Since it is IPED day, everyone
because not only the students are required even the teachers exerted effort to dress themselves
with their best Cordilleran Ethnic Attire.
The program followed the formal way, where in it started with the national anthem,
prayer, opening remarks and so on. It was raining this day but that did not matter to the students,
we can see that despite the weather condition they are enjoying the celebration and the moment
they are wearing their ethnic attire. The presentations were per barangay but still, we can observe
their cooperation in the quality of their presentations. I cannot exactly point out the best
performance because all the presentations in my eyes are beautiful.

NOVEMBER 7, 2022
First quarter is over so moving on, this is the official start of the second quarter. Since it
is a new chapter of learning, ma’am Sadya-as re-arranged the seat plan of her Advisory Class-
Grade 9 Agumba. Without much ado, she handed out printed literary pieces for them to read. To
clear the confusion of the students about what she gave them, she then continued to explain that
their second quarter will be focusing more on reading and interpreting of literary pieces. She
informed the students in advance for them to brace themselves in reading. To know how well the
students understood what they have read, she provided them some questions which they will
This is also what she did in grade 9 Alumani except that she did not re-arrange their
chairs. Upon entering, she immediately proceeded with the activity.
In grade 8 the first day of their second quarter is already a group activity which will serve
as their glimpse of their new lesson. Their lesson by the way is Visual-verbal relationship. She
grouped the students according to the number of visual verbal relationship. In each group, she
gave a piece of paper where their topic is written, the definition and an example is also provided.
Now, ma’am stressed that their task is to understand and research more about their topic if
possible, provide other example, give an explanation of the example, then prepare a visual aid for
their report because it is understandable that they will share in class the information they
After the instruction and grouping which is through counting, the students proceeded to
their groups so that they can now start discussing their topic. From the way that they students are
talking with their group members, teamwork is visible.

NOVEMBER 8, 2022
The grade 9 students of both Agumba and Alumani did not finish answering their activity
regarding the literary piece they had read yesterday, so today ma’am Sadya-as gave the English
period for them to finalize their answers. While the students are busy writing their answers,
ma’am did not just leave them by themselves rather she stayed and waited for the student’s
queries. I noticed that she cared so much for her students, she does not just let them do what they
want on their own.
The grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora also had the same activity for the whole period. The
claimed that they are not yet done with done with their reports in Visual- verbal relationship so
for that she gave the time for them to finalize everything that is not yet done. Ma’am had
something to do so she left us and let us facilitate the grade 8.

NOVEMBER 9, 2022
As an introduction for todays lesson which is social issues, the grade 9 watched a
documentary regarding social issues in the Philippines. As soon as the video was played, I
noticed that the class went silent, only to find out that they were so focused in watching. I can
see from their reaction and facial expression how they are affected by the video most especially
that it concerns the Filipinos. In the video, these are the following highlights, extreme poverty,
drug addiction, abandoned/ discarded children, children being imprisoned without proper
prosecution pollution and street children. After watching, ma’am asked them to answer the
following questions: 1. What are the identified social issues in the documentary? List each. 2.
What are the possible solutions you can provide for each? As per ma’am’s instruction, they will
answer the questions in an enumeration form not in essay. This is also the activity of grade 9
Now is the presentation or the reporting of each group about visual verbal relationship.
According to ma’am, this is their first reporting so she said that they will make it simple so that
their reporting will only be 5 minutes. Visual verbal relationship encompasses of line graph, bar
graph, table, map, concept map, infographic, pie chart, and flow chart.
They did not consume too much time during their reporting so after this, ma’am gave her
comments and suggestions for the students’ improvement. Their reporting is their first time again
after years so as expected, it is a little disappointing.

NOVEMBER 10, 2022

Ma’am Sadya-as spent the first few minutes of the period to give reminders to the grade 9
Agumba. She is really concerned about the behavior of her advisory class so she always gives
reminders whenever it is necessary.
Consequently, she discussed their first performance task for the second quarter which is
video making. She grouped the students per residence so that they can work easier and more
convenient. In their video they should portray the different social issues found evident in their
barangay. She also added in her instruction what their videos must contain. Some the things she
said were, background music, pictures/ documentation, actual videos taken and narration should
be present in their videos. Most importantly what they are making is a documentary. She further
emphasized that the maximum time of their video is 10 minutes while the minimum is 8 minutes.
After she was done with her instruction, she let the students have their first meeting with
their groupmates for brainstorming.
We also did the same when we went to grade 9 Alumani the only difference is, she did
not give any reminders to them. She immediately gave the instructions about their first
performance task.
What the grade 8 both Casimon and Masaflora did this period was an assessment activity
about their lesson visual verbal relationship. Their activity was a teacher made assessment made
and printed by ma’am Sadya-as. For a few minutes, she gave a short recap of their past reports
and then she handed out the activity worksheets so the students can start right away. For the
whole period they focused in answering their activity.

NOVEMBER 11, 2022

Research Workplan

NOVEMBER 14, 2022

The grade 9 Agumba and Alumani did not tackle a new lesson today nor ma’am did give
them a quiz. What they did was to continue editing their videos about the social issues of their
barangay. Maybe ma’am understood that video making and video production is a difficult task to
she let them consume the whole English period to start making their videos. So that the students
can work collaboratively with their groupmates, each joined their respective groups of course.
But to still keep the class organized even if they disarranged their sits, ma’am maximized the
space of the classroom and designated a specific area for each group.
Grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora had a summative quiz to end their topic about visual
verbal relationships. Their quiz was in written form as ma’am had printed their activity
worksheets. Based from the pace of the students in answering and their scores, ma’am concluded
that majority of them had understood their lesson.

NOVEMBER 15, 2022

For both sections of grade 9 me and my co- observe teacher are the only two who came
as their teacher. Since ma’am had something to do, she instructed us the instructions that we are
going to relay to the students and is for them to still continue editing their videos for the whole
English period. But before we let them meet their groups, we checked first their attendance.
As for the grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora me and my co- observe teacher will be their
teacher for the whole week without ma’am Sadya-as in the classroom. Ma’am Sadya-as said that
we will do pair teaching since it is only our first-time teaching. Our topic by the way is opinion
marking signals to share ideas. Since we have the whole week in for this lesson, ma’am
suggested that we will discuss the lesson for the first and second day then the following days will
be more about activities to assess if the students have really grasped the lesson.
We followed what ma’am said so, this day we just discussed our lesson which is opinion
marking signals, and fact and opinion. To summarize tour discussion, we let them watched a
video explaining more about opinion marking signals. Our visual aid for today’s lesson was
power point, laptop and TV.

NOVEMBER 16, 2022

Before the grade 9 Agumba continued editing their videos about the social issues, ma’am
Sadya-as give again a reminder about the cleanliness of their zone and classroom. After which,
as their adviser she gave an announcement regarding the search for the most structured
classroom which is a contest made by the SSG. To make sure that they will sin this content, she
explained the rubrics for all of them to reflect. For the grade 9 Alumani, they immediately
proceeded with editing their videos.
In grade 8 Casimon we asked the students about what they had learned during the
discussion yesterday. To make this activity as a short recap for them, we let them answer orally
in a recitation style. So far, the students participated in this kind of activity, they are active in
raising their hand and sharing their learnings. After this, we resumed with our discussion about
the functions of the opinion marking signals with the aid of power point being flashed in TV.
This is what we also did in Masaflora.

NOVEMBER 17, 2022

Today is the final editing of videos that ma’am gave the grade 9 Agumba and Alumani.
She reiterated to them what they need to integrate in their videos. She required that at the end of
the period they should submit their videos since she had given them enough time to do it.
The grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora had their first activity for the lesson opinion marking
signals. Their activity is an subjective quiz in a form of open ended questions wherein we flashed
the questions in the TV screen so they placed their answers in another sheep of paper. Before
their activity, we give a brief highlight of the things we had tackled to refresh their memory. We
checked their answers before the period ends for the students to know their scores.

NOVEMBER 18, 2022

Research workplan

NOVEMBER 21, 2022

The grade 9 Agumba watched. Ma’am Sadya-as let the students watch their output in
video making. After they watched all the videos, she frankly gave her comments to each of the
video so that the students will know what they need to improve. With this they will produce a
better output next time. She also let each group have group evaluation to be fair to those who did
not do anything. The individual average score of every student in their group evaluation will be
added in their group score in their videos which is to be rated by ma’am.
For both sections of grade 8, we gave an objective summative quiz to end their lesson
about opinion marking signals. We let the students answer individually until they were finished
then we checked right after they were done. For the checking, we let the students exchange their
papers in a clockwise direction to avoid changing of answers. We just dictated the answers since
it a multiple-choice test.

NOVEMBER 22, 2022

Because ma’am Sadya-as is not around, she instructed us to proceed to the grade 9
Agumba and Alumani and tell them that those who did not yet submitted and present their
videos, they may submit it if they still have plan to pass it.
This day should be a start of a new lesson but since ma’am is absent because she had
some urgent meeting to attend to, ma’am instructed us to continue our discussion and give
activity to the grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora. Were done with the summative assessment so
just gave them another assessment activity to assess their learning then we conducted oral
recitation about what they have understand on the previous lesson about Opinion-Marking
Signal. After the end of the period we collect their papers.

NOVEMBER 23, 2022

Ma’am Sadya-as continued to present the output of the grade 9 Agumba and Alumani and
who were late to submit their outputs. After the presentations, ma’am summarized their videos in
connection to their topic social issues. Then finally, ma’am asked questions, give suggestions
and comments.
As we entered the class of the grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora ma’am checked the
attendance and return their papers on their quiz about opinion marking signals. After that ma’am
discussed their new lesson which is the Multi-Modal Texts. Her discussion is simple and easy for
the students to follow.
In her discussion she gave more examples for the students to understand the lesson. After
the discussion the teacher show a 2 sample of pictures (brochure and Infographic) they are going
to compare and contrast the two modals present. After that the teacher asked questions and the
students must base their answer on the picture.

NOVEMBER 24, 2022

We entered the class of grade 9 Agumba and Alumani for the first 2 period in the
morning. Ma’am checked the attendance after that she distributed a parable for the students to
read. The Parable of the Talents. As instructed by ma’am Vanesa me and my buddy Mayjoy
Banatao assisted and taught the students who are in needs of assistant in reading while the other
students silently read the parable. To asses the student’s understanding of the story, ma’am
provided questions for them to answer after they are done reading.
The teacher continued her discussion to the grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora. After the
brief discussion about their previous lesson which is the Multi-Modal text, she gave activity to
assess if the students have fully understood the lesson, the activity continued until the end of the

NOVEMBER 28, 2022

After ma’am Sadya-as checked the attendance she let the students to count of from 1 to 7
for the grouping on their activity. The students proceeded to their groupmates them ma’am
distributed 7 different literary pieces for them to interpret. Their task is that they need to read and
understand the poem. For additional information. ma’am instructed them to research anything
about the poem. To ensure that the students have accomplished something, ma’am required each
group to submit a draft of their written interpretation when the bell rings.
Ma’am discussed about the upcoming Simultaneous Reading Activity for the
Reading Month. After that she told the class to practice their presentation on their group activity
about Multi-modal Relationship.

NOVEMBER 29, 2022

Ma’am checked the students’ attendance first as usual then she instructed the grade 9
Agumba both Alumani to meet up with their group to discuss the poem assigned to them. For the
whole period they will continue their interpretation or make their visual aid if they are done.
Ma’am instruct the students to present their group activity about their topic the multi
modal relationship.

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

HOLIDAY (Bonifacio Day).

DECEMBER 1, 2022
In preparation for the upcoming Reading activity, we, the English student teachers
prepared the backdrop of the stage and made certificates for the winners and participants of the
Simultaneous Reading Activity for the Reading Month for the whole day.
We did not attend any of the classes so we just focused in the beautification of the stage,
cutting letters and so on.

DECEMBER 2, 2022
School Program for Culmination of Simultaneous Reading Activity for the Reading

DECEMBER 5, 2022
This day is the reporting of the grade 9 Agumba and also Alumani in their interpretation
of the poem which they worked on. Through power point, the students shared what they gathered
about the poem. Just after the presentation of each group follows the question and answer
portion. The questions will be asked by ma’am, me and my fellow student teacher for further
clarification of their reports.
Again, we taught the Grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora for the second time. Our lesson for
the whole week is comparing and contrasting own opinions with those in familiar texts. We
utilized power point in presenting the lesson. Of course, we checked the attendance, but for the
whole period we discussed and gave more examples for the students to further understand the

DECEMBER 6, 2022
The grade 9 continued their reporting because only three groups were done with the
reporting yesterday. The same strategy, the students will deliver their reports after that ma’am
will ask the reporters’ questions regarding their topic. The purpose of this is to further elaborate
what is in their power point for the sake of their classmates. All the groups are able to present
and answer the questions so the reporting was finished successfully.
To let the students, digest the lesson well, we give a concise highlight of the concepts we
tackled yesterday. In this way, they will not easily forget what they had just learned. For more
knowledge, we even gave more example using the transition signals for them to determine
comparing and contrasting opinions. After that, we give them a short exercise to know how
much they learned about the lesson. We continued the exercise until the bell rang.

DECEMBER 7, 2022
The grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora had a written activity about comparing and
contrasting opinions. Their activity is good for 40 minutes as the remaining minutes will be used
for the checking of their papers.

DECEMBER 8, 2022
HOLIDAY (Feast of the Immaculate Conception)

DECEMBER 9, 2022
Research workplan

DECEMBER 12, 2022

Ma’am Sadya-as is not around so relayed to us the activity of the grade 9 students both
Agumba and Alumani. Their activity is regarding their YLPD that was held during the
weekends. Her instruction is the students will give their reactions, reflection and lessons about
their YLPD in a whole sheet of paper. Their outputs will be collected when the bell rings.
For the grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora they had their post assessment test about their
past topic comparing and contrasting opinions. Their activity is printed in bond paper so we just
handed it to them then we explained the instruction for clarification of everyone. Before the bell
rang, we let them exchanged their papers, we checked then we collected their papers from
highest to lowest.

DECEMBER 13, 2022

We went to school to process our research.

DECEMBER 14, 2022

In the morning, we went to grade 9 Agumba and Alumani, ma’am let them watch a
documentary until the bell rang.
In the afternoon during the schedule of grade 8 Casimon and Masaflora. We asked
permission from our critique teacher that we will not attend their class today because we will
finalize our DLL.

DECEMBER 15, 2022

There is no regular class today because everyone is preparing for the Christmas program
tomorrow. All grade levels are having their practice. In this scenario, again we asked permission
from our critique teacher that we will not enter in our class today because we are completing our
compilation of our field study requirement.

DECEMBER 16, 2022

This is the most awaited day, the joint Christmas program of Camatagan Elementary
School and Pingad Junior High School. The formal program started at 8:30. Various kinds of
exciting presentations were presented each grade and each section per year level. Even the
faculty members rendered an amazing song. The presentations had truly shown the essence of
At lunch every section and grade proceeded in their classroom for the second part of the
program which is classroom based. In the classroom, they played games, had their exchange gifts
and after that they had lunch with their adviser.
After lunch, everyone cleaned their classrooms as it will be left for the Christmas
vacation. Consequently, the students attended the concert for a cause organized by the SSG
officers to help those who are in need.
At 4: 00 pm, exactly when the junior high school are finished with their concert, the
Senior High School conducted another concert for a cause at the gymnasium. The concert’s
theme is Give Love on Christmas Day so all the songs are related to the theme of course.

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