10 Dental Caries - 2
10 Dental Caries - 2
10 Dental Caries - 2
Lec. 10
DENTAL CARIES Assistant Professor
DEFINITION, Zainab Juma Jafar
Pediatric Dentistry/ 4 year/ lec.23
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The term dental caries is used to describe the signs and symptoms of a
localized demineralization of the mineral portion of these tissues followed by
the disintegration of their organic material, caused by metabolic events
taking place in the biofilm (dental plaque) caused by the action of
microorganisms on fermentable carbohydrates covering the affected area.
The destruction can affect enamel, dentin and cementum. The disease can
result in bacterial invasion and death of the pulp and the spread of infection
into the periapical tissues, causing pain. In its early stages, however, the
disease can be arrested since it is possible for remineralization to occur.
•Sequence of caries in primary dentition:
–First to be attacked are the mandibular molars followed by maxillary
molars, then the maxillary anterior teeth.
Only rarely are mandibular anterior teeth affected or the lingual/buccal
surfaces of the primary teeth generally, except in cases of rampant caries.
–First primary molars in both the mandibular and maxillary arches are less
susceptible to caries than the second primary molars, though the first
primary molars erupt earlier than the second. Difference is thought to be
due to differences in morphology of occlusal surfaces as the pits and
fissures in second primary molars are deeper, and less completely
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–Proximal caries progress more rapidly than occlusal caries and cause
higher percentage of pulp exposure. Therefore, regular bitewing radiographs
are essential for children once there are no spaces between the teeth or
after proximal contact is established.
•Sequence of caries in permanent dentition:
Once the first permanent molars erupt, one should expect frequent
occurrence of caries in the occlusal pits and fissures.
The maxillary and mandibular permanent incisors are not highly susceptible
to caries attack except in children with rampant caries (RC).
The mandibular second permanent molars are more susceptible to caries
than the maxillary second permanent molars.
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The use of a probe does not improve the accuracy of caries diagnosis.
Probing of a demineralized site (which has the potential to remineralize)
will further destroy the enamel structure creating an iatrogenic cavity
and preventing any possibility of remineralization.
There is the possibility of inoculating other sites with cariogenic
However, a blunt probe, such as a periodontal probe, can be used to remove
plaque from fissures using a dredging motion. As it can be problematic
determining if a brown spot lesion is cavitated or not, the side of a blunt
probe may also be used to confirm if a surface has broken down.
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2. Radiographs: The views that are of value for caries diagnosis are:
Bitewing: is the 1st choice of caries diagnosis, provide information on
both occlusal dentine caries and proximal enamel and dentine caries.
Orthopantomogram (OPG): can detect the presence of an occlusal
dentine carious lesion with a high degree of accuracy. Proximal surface
lesions can also be seen on OPG but with much lower accuracy than
with bitewings.
Bimolar view: Bimolars are not as useful a view as bitewings
because there is often overlap of structures. However, they are of use
in the pre-cooperative child who will not cope with bitewings or an
Periapical view: are as accurate as bitewings for caries diagnosis,
but obviously less information is available on any one film. The key
role of the periapical view is in the diagnosis of periodontal disease,
periapical disease and the diagnosis and monitoring of dental
traumatic injuries.
3. Adjuncts Aids to Caries Diagnosis
Magnification: During restorative treatment, dentists are increasingly
using magnification to assist with the preparation of teeth. Magnification
can also help with the detection and diagnosis of caries.
Fibre-Optic Transillumination (FOTI): FOTI helps with the detection
of proximal enamel and dentinal lesions, and occlusal dentinal caries.
Clinically, FOTI can be used in a number ways – for example, the dentist
can use it routinely at every examination helping to decide if radiographs
are indicated. It can also be used to provide further information when,
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with much less resistance than sound enamel. This is the principle behind
the working of the ECM (ECM Lode Netherlands). Like the laser fluorescence
devices, the ECM is principally of use on occlusal surfaces. ECM is
technique-sensitive. Of particular relevance to pediatric dentistry is that the
ECM is not reliable on immature teeth.
All of the above methods have both advantages and disadvantages, but
they should be considered a toolkit from which the dentist selects to improve
the accuracy of caries detection and diagnosis.
All of the above methods have both advantages and disadvantages, but
they should be considered a toolkit from which the dentist selects to
improve the accuracy of caries detection and diagnosis.
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by respiratory or urinary tract infections, and other fevers that cause skin
rashes because enamel and skin share a common ectodermal origin) all can
affect the coincidental dental hard-tissue formation. This can result in
hypomineralization and discoloration, due to:
Altered tooth morphology
enamel porosity
Difficulties in maintaining good oral hygiene due to sensitivity.
An example of this is molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH), in which the
permanent incisors and first permanent molars are affected (and possibly
also the tips of the canines). The affected teeth appear to be prone to post-
eruptive enamel loss.
2. Inherited defects: Children with congenital enamel defects such as
amelogenesis imperfecta or disease of the other dental hard tissues (e.g.
dentinogenesis imperfecta) may be more susceptible to caries, but these
conditions are rare.
3. “Family” caries: Families do tend to pass on their dietary habits
through generations. Therefore, granny losing her teeth early could be an
indication of a “sweet tooth” being a family phenomenon. Furthermore;
Streptococcus mutans, the main pathogen responsible for caries, is
transmissible and there is very good evidence to show that it is passed from
mother to baby.
4. Medicines: in particular, elixirs, CAN cause caries BUT only if they
contain sugar. Some medicines are sucrose-free, but may contain other
sugars such as glucose syrup. “Sugars-free” means no sugar at all.
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Dentists and their teams should advise parents and medical and pharmacy
colleagues to add the letters „SF‟ for sugars-free to written prescriptions –
this is particularly important in cases in which repeated prescriptions are