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Flex Rack Field Implementation 4x

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Internal Use - Confidential

Dell PowerFlex Rack with PowerFlex 4.x

Field Implementation Guide

January 2023
Rev. 1.2
Internal Use - Confidential

Notes, cautions, and warnings

NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.

CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid
the problem.

WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.

© 2022 - 2023 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell Technologies, Dell, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its
subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Internal Use - Confidential


Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................................. 6
PowerFlex VLANs................................................................................................................................................................6
PowerFlex management controller datastore and virtual machine details............................................................ 7

Chapter 2: Revision history........................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 3: Powering on and off................................................................................................... 10

Power on a Technology Extension with PowerScale................................................................................................ 10
Power on a PowerFlex rack.............................................................................................................................................10
Power on the PowerFlex management controller 2.0......................................................................................... 11
Power on the VMware NSX-T Edge nodes .......................................................................................................... 12
Power on PowerFlex storage-only nodes...............................................................................................................12
Power on PowerFlex file nodes................................................................................................................................ 13
Power on all PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes...................................................................................................13
Power on all PowerFlex compute-only nodes....................................................................................................... 14
Complete the powering on of PowerFlex rack......................................................................................................14
Power off a PowerFlex rack............................................................................................................................................14
Deactivate protection domain and power off PowerFlex storage-only node using PowerFlex
Manager..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Power off PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi....................................................................... 16
Power off PowerFlex file nodes............................................................................................................................... 16
Power off PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes with VMware ESXi...................................................................16
Power off PowerFlex compute-only nodes with Windows Server 2016 or 2019......................................... 16
Power off the VMware NSX-T Edge nodes.......................................................................................................... 17
Power off the PowerFlex management controller 2.0........................................................................................ 17
Complete the powering off of PowerFlex rack.....................................................................................................18
Power off a Technology Extension with PowerScale............................................................................................... 18

Chapter 4: Changing PowerFlex rack passwords..........................................................................20

Chapter 5: Removing the temporary DNS servers........................................................................ 21

Chapter 6: Manually deploy UCC Edge 2.0................................................................................... 22

Chapter 7: Configuring the licenses.............................................................................................23

Licensing VMware products........................................................................................................................................... 23
Add PowerFlex management controller licenses................................................................................................. 23
Upload a management data store license....................................................................................................................24
Licensing CloudLink.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Install the Dell Networking OS10 Enterprise Edition license...................................................................................25
Troubleshoot license installation failure....................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter 8: Authenticating the VMware vCenter Server in a hyperconverged deployment ........... 27

Contents 3
Internal Use - Confidential

Chapter 9: Authenticating the VMware vCenter Server in a two-layer deployment...................... 28

Chapter 10: Enabling user access to the VMware vCenter server................................................. 29

Chapter 11: Configuring the Cisco Nexus management switch..................................................... 30

Configure the PowerFlex rack service port................................................................................................................ 30
Add the NIC to the jump server VM to add the service port..................................................................................31
Configure an embedded operating system jump server to use the service port ..............................................32

Chapter 12: Connecting to the customer network using Cisco Nexus switches............................ 33
Cisco Nexus management switch networking overview......................................................................................... 33
Cisco Nexus management switch network connectivity scenarios...................................................................... 33
PowerFlex rack scenario A: Layer 2 network connectivity - Cisco Nexus management switch............. 33
PowerFlex rack scenario B: Layer 2 network connectivity - Cisco Nexus management
aggregation switch..................................................................................................................................................34
PowerFlex rack scenario C: Layer 3 network connectivity - Cisco Nexus management
aggregation switch..................................................................................................................................................34
Cisco Nexus access switch networking overview in a hyperconverged deployment.......................................35
Cisco Nexus aggregation switch networking overview for a storage-only PowerFlex rack...........................35
PowerFlex rack Layer 2 network connectivity — Cisco Nexus access switch................................................. 35
Verifying NTP..................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Post-network activity setup........................................................................................................................................... 36
Clear the temporary ports and SVIs....................................................................................................................... 36
Cisco Smart Account communication.................................................................................................................... 36
Configuring Smart Call Home for Cisco Nexus switches.................................................................................. 36

Chapter 13: Redistribute the MDM cluster...................................................................................39

MDM cluster component layouts.................................................................................................................................. 39

Chapter 14: Verify PowerFlex spare capacity............................................................................... 42

Chapter 15: Finalizing the system................................................................................................ 43

Chapter 16: Configure events and alerts...................................................................................... 45

Before you begin............................................................................................................................................................... 45
Verify firewall port requirements............................................................................................................................. 45
Obtaining the software ID...............................................................................................................................................45
Locate the license authorization code................................................................................................................... 46
Enabling SupportAssist.................................................................................................................................................... 47
Deploy or configure secure connect gateway...................................................................................................... 47
Configuring the initial setup and generating the access key and pin............................................................. 48
Configuring SupportAssist on PowerFlex Manager............................................................................................ 49
Verifying the site ID on the Secure connect gateway............................................................................................. 50
Locate the site ID.........................................................................................................................................................51
Verify the site ID on the Secure connect gateway............................................................................................. 52
Managing events and alerts............................................................................................................................................52
Configuring an external source ............................................................................................................................... 52
Modifying an external source................................................................................................................................... 53

4 Contents
Internal Use - Confidential

Modifying a destination..............................................................................................................................................53
Add a notification policy............................................................................................................................................ 53
Modify a notification policy.......................................................................................................................................54
Delete a notification policy........................................................................................................................................54

Contents 5
Internal Use - Confidential

This document describes how to bring up the system once it is shipped from factory to customer location and also provides
details about configuring the alert, verifying the PowerFlex rack setup, and updating the licenses at a customer site.
The target audience for this document is Dell Technologies Services and Dell partners who are installing and configuring
PowerFlex rack at a customer site.
The person running these procedures must be familiar with the relevant virtualization, storage, and networking fundamentals,
and with the major components of PowerFlex rack.
CAUTION: This guide contains Dell proprietary and confidential intellectual property. Protect any copies that
you print. Printed copies can become quickly out of date.

PowerFlex VLANs
Specific networks are required for deployment. Each network requires enough IP addresses allocated for the deployment and
future expansion. If the access switches are supported by PowerFlex Manager, the switch ports are configured. Manually
configure the switch ports for PowerFlex management controller and for services discovered in lifecycle mode.
The following table lists VLAN descriptions:
● Example VLAN: Lists the VLANs that are used in the deployment.
● Networks or VLANs: Network names and or the VLAN defined by PowerFlex Manager.
● Descripton: Describes each network or VLAN.
● Where configure: Indicates which resources have interfaces that are configured on the network or VLAN. The resource
definitions are:
○ PowerFlex node: PowerFlex hyperconverged node
○ PowerFlex Manager: Deploys and manages the PowerFlex rack.
○ Access switches: PowerFlex Manager configures the node facing ports of these switches. You configure the other ports
on the switch (management, uplinks, interconnects, and the switch ports for the PowerFlex management node).
○ Cloudlink Center: Provides the key management and encryption for PowerFlex.

Example Network or VLAN Description Where to configure

101 Hardware management For connection to node iDRAC PowerFlex rack nodes, access switches, jump
interfaces and access switch server
management ports
104 OS installation For PowerFlex Manager to PowerFlex rack nodes, PowerFlex Manager
node communication during full
networking deployment
105 Management Management VMs PowerFlex Manager, Secure Remote Services
gateway, VMware vCenter, CloudLink Center,
PowerFlex rack management environment
VMKernel, embedded operating system-based
jump VM, PowerFlex rack nodes, and NSX-T Edge
106 Hypervisor migration For VM migration (vMotion) PowerFlex rack nodes, PowerFlex management
(vMotion), nsx- environment (with vSAN only)
vmotion (only NSX-T
Edge nodes)
140 PowerFlex PowerFlex management controllers, PowerFlex
management controller management controller

6 Introduction
Internal Use - Confidential

Example Network or VLAN Description Where to configure

2.0: PowerFlex
141 PowerFlex For SDS-to-SDS and SDS-to-SDC
management controller communication
2.0: Data 1
142 PowerFlex
management controller
2.0: Data 2
143 PowerFlex For virtual machine migration PowerFlex Management environment (with
management controller PowerFlex only)
2.0: Hypervisor
150 PowerFlex PowerFlex rack nodes
151 PowerFlex data 1 For SDS-to-SDS and SDS-to- SDC PowerFlex rack nodes
152 PowerFlex data 2
153 PowerFlex data 3 (if
154 PowerFlex data 4 (if
161 Replication VLAN 1 For SDR-SDR external PowerFlex rack nodes
(optional) communication
162 Replication VLAN 2
250 NAS File management- NAS Gateway to NAS cluster PowerFlex file cluster and PowerFlex file nodes
L3 communication
251 NAS-data-1 (optional) SDC to NFS/SMB shares PowerFlex NAS Servers
252 NAS-data-2 (optional) PowerFlex rack nodes

121 nsx-edge-transport NSX-T overlay traffic PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes

PowerFlex compute-only nodes
NSX-T Edge nodes

122 nsx-edge-external1 External BGP NSX-T Edge nodes

123 nsx-edge-external2 External BGP NSX-T Edge nodes
116 nsx-vsan (only if vSAN VSAN NSX-T Edge nodes
option is required)

PowerFlex management controller datastore and

virtual machine details
The following table explains which datastores to use:

Introduction 7
Internal Use - Confidential

Controller Volume Size (GB) VMs Domain name Storage pool

type name
PowerFlex vcsa 3500 pfmc_vcsa PFMC PFMC-pool
controller 2.0 general 1600 Management VMs PFMC PFMC-pool
For example:
● Management
● Customer gateway
● CloudLink
● Additional VMs

pfxm 1000 PowerFlex Manager PFMC PFMC-pool

NOTE: For PowerFlex management controller 2.0, verify the capacity before adding additional VMs to the general volume.
If there is not enough capacity, expand the volume before proceeding. For more information on expanding a volume, see Dell
PowerFlex Rack with PowerFlex 4.x Administration Guide.

8 Introduction
Internal Use - Confidential

Revision history
Date Document revision Description of changes
January 2023 1.2 ● Updated the Cisco Smart Account
licensing information
● Editorial changes
September 2022 1.1 Added Cisco Smart Account licensing
August 2022 1.0 Initial release

Revision history 9
Internal Use - Confidential

Powering on and off

Power on a Technology Extension with PowerScale


NOTE: The Technology Extension for PowerScale must be powered on before the PowerFlex rack is powered on.

1. Power on the switches in the Isilon cabinet.
2. Power on node 1 first by pressing the Power button that is located on the back of the node that is labeled as node 1.
3. Using a serial connection, connect to the console port of node 1 with a laptop and a HyperTerminal or similar connection.
4. Monitor the status of the boot process for node 1. When node 1 has completed booting, it displays the login prompt. Note
any error codes or amber lights on the node. Resolve any issues before moving to node 2.
5. Move to node 2, power on, and monitor the boot process.
6. Repeat the procedure for each node in the cluster in sequential order.
When all nodes have completed booting, then entire cluster is powered on.

Next steps
See the relevant procedure to power on the PowerFlex rack.

Power on a PowerFlex rack

To safely power on the system, power on one component at a time, in the order specified in this procedure.

About this task

Power on workflow:
● Power on the PDUs
● Power on the network switches
● Power on the PowerFlex management controller 2.0
● Power on the CloudLink Center VMs that are running on management cluster in VMware vCenter (controller data center)
● Power on the UCC Edge VM if Flex on demand is in use
● For PowerFlex file:
○ For PowerFlex file enabled system with hyperconverged:
■ Power on PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes
■ Activate PowerFlex protection domains
■ Power on PowerFlex file nodes
○ For PowerFlex file enabled system with storage-only:
■ Power on PowerFlex storage-only nodes
■ Activate PowerFlex protection domains
■ Power on PowerFlex file nodes
■ Power on the PowerFlex compute-only nodes
● For all other PowerFlex systems:
○ Power on the PowerFlex storage-only nodes
○ Power on the PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes with VMware ESXi
○ Activate protection domains

10 Powering on and off

Internal Use - Confidential

NOTE: If asynchronous replication is enabled activate the protection domain on both source and destination
protection domains.
○ Power on the PowerFlex compute-only nodes
○ Power on the PowerFlex compute-only nodes with Windows server (if applicable)
○ Power on the VMware NSX-T Edge nodes (if applicable)
○ Power on all VMs on or single VMware vCenter (customer cluster VMs)
● Check PowerFlex health and rebuild status
NOTE: Powering on must be completed in this order for the components that you have in your environment. Prioritize
and power on the PowerFlex storage-only nodes or PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes with PowerFlex metadata manager
(MDM) first.

● Confirm that the servers are not damaged from the shipment.
● Verify that all connections are seated properly and check the manufacturing handoff notes for any items that must be
● Verify that the following items are available:
○ Customer-provided services such as Active Directory, DNS, NTP
○ Physical infrastructure such as reliable power, adequate cooling, and core network access
See Cisco documentation for information about the LED indicators.
See Dell PowerSwitch S5200 Series Installation Guide for information about the LED indicators for Dell PowerSwitch switches.

1. Verify that the PDU breakers are in the OPEN (OFF) positions. If the breakers are not OPEN, use the small enclosed tool to
press the small white tab below each switch for the circuit to open. These switches are located below the ON/OFF breaker.
2. Connect the external AC feeds to the PDUs.
3. Verify that power is available to the PDUs and a number is displayed on the LEDs of each PDU.
4. Close the PDU circuit breakers on all PDUs for Zone A by pressing the side of the switch that is labeled ON. This action
causes the switch to lie flat. Verify all the components that are connected to the PDUs on Zone A light up.
5. Close the PDU circuit breakers on all PDUs for Zone B by pressing the side of the switch that is labeled ON. Verify all the
components that are connected to the PDUs on Zone B light up.
6. Power on the network components in the following order:
NOTE: Network components take about 10 minutes to power on.

● Management switches - Wait until the PS1 and PS2 LEDs are solid green before proceeding.
● Cisco Nexus aggregation or leaf-spine switches - Wait until the system status LED is green before proceeding.
● Dell PowerSwitch switches - Wait until the system status LED is solid green before proceeding.

Next steps
Power on the PowerFlex management controller.

Power on the PowerFlex management controller 2.0

Use this procedure to power on the PowerFlex management controller 2.0.

1. Power on the PowerFlex management controller:
a. Log in to the iDRACs of each PowerFlex management controller 2.0.
b. Power on the PowerFlex management controller 2.0.
c. Verify that VMware ESXi boots and that you can ping the management IP address.
Allow up to 20 minutes for the PowerFlex management controller 2.0 to boot after VMware ESXi loads.
2. Exit maintenance mode on all of the PowerFlex management controller 2.0:
a. Log in to the VMware ESXi hosts on the PowerFlex management controller 2.0.

Powering on and off 11

Internal Use - Confidential

b. Exit maintenance mode on the PowerFlex management controller 2.0.

3. Power on the PowerFlex management controller SVMs:
a. Log in to the VMware ESXi hosts on the PowerFlex management controller 2.0.
b. Click Virtual Machines.
c. Power on the SVM.
4. Activate the protection domain:
NOTE: See the Logical Configuration Survey (LCS) for the primary and secondary MDMs. The known primary MDM is
required to activate the protection domain.

a. Log in to the primary MDM, type scli --login --p12_path /opt/emc/scaleio/mdm/cfg/

cli_certificate.p12 --p12_password <password>.
NOTE: After discovering MDS on PowerFlex Manager, the login is as follows: scli --login --username
admin --password <PFxM_password> --mangement_system_ip <PFxM IP> --insecure

b. Type scli --activate_protection_domain --protection_domain_name <NAME>) to activate the

protection domain.
c. Type scli --query_protection_domain --protection_domain_name <NAME> | grep -i
operational to verify that the operational state of the protection domain is active.
5. Rescan the storage devices for datastores:
a. Log in to the VMware ESXi hosts on the PowerFlex management controller 2.0.
b. Click Storage > Devices > Rescan.
6. Power on the vCSA, DNS, and jump server VMs for the PowerFlex management controller 2.0:
a. Log in to PowerFlex management controller A through the VMware host client and verify that the DNS, VMware vCenter
and jump VM, and VMs are installed. If the components are not on the PowerFlex management controller A, verify that
the components exist on PowerFlex management controller B or C and power them on.
b. Verify that the VMs started and have network connectivity.
c. Log in to the vCSA.
d. Power on the remaining management VMs in the following order:
i. Management VMs (allow approximately 20 minutes for services to load)
ii. CloudLink Center VMs (if applicable)
iii. SupportAssist
e. Verify the following for HA, DRS, and the affinity rules:
● Log in to the VMware vSphere Client and browse to the cluster.
● Click Configure.
● Under Services, verify that the vSphere DRS and vSphere Availability are on.
● Under Configuration > VM/Host Rules, verify that the VM and the host rules are added.

Power on the VMware NSX-T Edge nodes

Use this procedure to turn on the VMware NSX-T Edge nodes.

1. Power on the VMware NSX-T Edge nodes.
2. Verify that VMware ESXi has booted and you can ping the management IP address.
3. Power on the VMware NSX-T Edge VMs.

Power on PowerFlex storage-only nodes

Use this procedure to power on PowerFlex storage-only nodes.

1. From iDRAC, power on all PowerFlex storage-only nodes and allow them time to boot completely.

12 Powering on and off

Internal Use - Confidential

NOTE: Perform steps 2 to 6 only for a PowerFlex storage-only node cluster, and where the MDM is part of
the PowerFlex storage-only node. Do not perform steps 2 to 7 when the PowerFlex storage-only node is part of
hyperconverged environment. Activation of PD is included as part of power on PowerFlex hyperconverged node.

2. Log in to the PowerFlex Manager:

a. Click Block > SDS > Verify all the SDSs are healthy.
b. Click Block > Devices > Verify all the SDSs are healthy.
c. Click Block > Protection Domain > Select the Protection Domain > More actions > Active.
3. Log in to all host iDRACs as root and confirm the NTP, syslog, and SNMP settings.
4. Use SSH to connect to all network switches.
5. To verify that connected interfaces are not in a not connected state, type:
show interface status

6. Do the following:
a. Log in to the jump server on the controller stack.
b. At the command prompt or the terminal, type nslookup, against the correct DNS and verify that the DNS is correct.
For example, nslookup eagles-r640-f-158.lab.vce.com (node hostname) (dns
server ip address).

Power on PowerFlex file nodes

Use this procedure to power on PowerFlex file nodes.

1. From iDRAC, power on all PowerFlex file nodes and allow them time to boot completely.
2. Log in to PowerFlex Manager, verify the Resource group is healthy.
3. Ensure back-end PowerFlex storage is up and running before powering on PowerFlex file cluster.
4. Power on PowerFlex file cluster by logging into each PowerFlex file node, type:
svc_nas_ctl --enable_ha_monitoring
svc_nas_ctl --start_nas_container
Rarely there can be a requirement for recovery post bring up on NAS volumes which will need service engagement.

Power on all PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes

Use this procedure to power on PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes with VMware ESXi.

1. From iDRAC, power on all PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes with VMware ESXi and allow them time to boot completely.
2. Log in to the VMware vSphere Client if the PowerFlex rack includes VMware vSphere.
3. Take each PowerFlex hyperconverged node with VMware ESXi out of maintenance mode.
4. If the PowerFlex rack is a full VMware ESXi deployment, power on the MDM cluster PowerFlex VMs, primary, two
secondaries, and two tiebreakers.
5. Log in to PowerFlex Manager.
a. On the Block menu, click SDSs.Verify that all the SDSs are healthy.
b. On the Block menu, click Devices, and verify that the devices are online.
c. Verify that asynchronous replication is enabled:
● Under the Protection menu, click SDRs. Verify that the SDRs are healthy.
● Under the Protection menu, click Journal Capacity. Ensure that the journal capacity has already been added.
d. On the Block menu, click the protection domain. Select each protection domain, under More Actions, select Activate.
e. In the Active Protection Domain dialog box, click Yes for Force activate and click Activate to enable access to the
data on the protection domain.
f. Verify that the operation has successfully completed and click Dismiss.

Powering on and off 13

Internal Use - Confidential

g. Verify that there are no errors, warnings, or alerts on the Dashboard.

Power on all PowerFlex compute-only nodes

Use this procedure to power on PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi or Windows Server 2016 or 2019.

About this task

For Windows PowerFlex compute-only nodes, only firmware upgrades are supported.

1. From iDRAC, power on all PowerFlex compute-only nodes and allow them time to boot completely.
2. For PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi:
a. Log in to the VMware vSphere Client if the PowerFlex rack includes VMware vSphere.
b. Take each PowerFlex compute-only node with VMware ESXi out of maintenance mode.
3. For PowerFlex compute-only nodes with Windows Server 2016 or 2019:
a. After the Windows compute-only node boots successfully, log in to the Windows Server 2016 or 2019 system from
Remote Desktop with administrator privilege.
b. Confirm if the mapped PowerFlex volumes are online and accessible using the disk management tool using Windows+R
to open Run. Type diskmgmt.msc in the box and press Enter.
c. Confirm if all the critical services are up and running by pressing Windows+R to open Run. Type Services.msc in the
box and press Enter.

Complete the powering on of PowerFlex rack

Complete the power on process for PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi.

1. From vCenter, power on the remaining VMs of all PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi.
2. From the VMware vSphere Client:
a. Rescan to rediscover datastores.
b. Mount the previously unmounted datastores, and add any missing VMs to the inventory.
c. Power on the remaining VMs.
3. For VMware vSphere, enable HA, DRS, and affinity rules.
4. Delete expired or unused CloudLink Center licenses from PowerFlex Manager using the following commands:
a. Log in to PowerFlex Manager.
b. Click Settings > License Management > Other Software Licenses.
c. Select the license to delete and click Remove.
d. Go to the resource, select the CloudLink VMs, and click Run inventory and click Close.

Power off a PowerFlex rack

To safely power off the PowerFlex rack, power off one component at a time, in the order specified in this procedure.

About this task

Power off workflow:
● Check PowerFlex health, and rebuild status
● Power off all customer cluster VMs on VMware vCenter (except the management virtual machine for controller cluster and
SVM on both controller and production cluster)
● For PowerFlex file:
○ For PowerFlex file enabled system with storage-only:
■ Power off the PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi
■ Power off PowerFlex file nodes

14 Powering on and off

Internal Use - Confidential

■ Deactivate PowerFlex protection domains

■ Power off PowerFlex storage-only nodes
○ For PowerFlex file enabled system with hyperconverged:
■ Deactivate PowerFlex protection domains
■ Power off PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes
■ Power off PowerFlex file nodes
● For all other PowerFlex systems:
○ Power off the CloudLink Center VMs that are running on management vCenter
○ Deactivate PowerFlex protection domains and power off PowerFlex storage-only nodes (both source and destination
protection domains if asynchronous replication is enabled)
○ Power off PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi
○ Power off PowerFlex compute-only nodes with Windows Server 2016 or 2019
○ Power off VMware NSX-T Edge nodes
○ Power off PowerFlex storage-only nodes
○ Power off PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes with VMware ESXi
○ Power off the UCC Edge VM if Flex on demand is in use
○ Power off the PowerFlex management controller 2.0
○ Power off PDUs
NOTE: Powering off must be completed in this order for the components that you have in your environment.

Identify node types in the PowerFlex Manager:

● For PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes, click Block > Host or Block > SDSs.
● For PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi, click Block > Hosts.

To facilitate powering on the PowerFlex rack later, document the location of the management infrastructure VMs on their
respective hosts. Also, verify that all startup configurations for the Cisco and Dell devices are saved.
See the Dell VxBlock TM System 1000 and PowerFlex Rack Physical Planning Guide for information about power specifications.

1. Check PowerFlex health and rebuild status:
a. Log in to the PowerFlex Manager and check the dashboard.
b. Confirm there is no error and rebuild or rebalance is running.
2. Shut down all VMs on the vCenter:
a. Using the VMware vSphere Client, log in to the customer VMware vCenter or a single VMware vCenter (customer
b. Expand the customer clusters.
c. Shut down all VMs, except for the PowerFlex storage VMs (SVM).
CAUTION: Do not shut down the SVMs. Shutting them down now can result in data loss.

Deactivate protection domain and power off PowerFlex storage-

only node using PowerFlex Manager
Use this procedure to power off the PowerFlex protection domains and PowerFlex storage-only nodes using PowerFlex

1. Log in to PowerFlex Manager.
2. Select Block > Protection Domain.
3. For each protection domain, click More Actions > Inactivate.
4. Click OK and type the administrator password when prompted. Repeat for each protection domain and verify that each is

Powering on and off 15

Internal Use - Confidential

5. Repeat for each protection domain and verify that each is deactivated.
6. Log in to the iDRAC to power off the PowerFlex storage-only node.

Power off PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi

Use this procedure to power off PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi.

1. Log in to the VMware vCenter, click Home, and click Inventory.
2. Disable DRS and HA on the customer cluster.
3. Place the PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi into maintenance mode.
4. Power off the PowerFlex compute-only nodes with VMware ESXi.

Power off PowerFlex file nodes

Use this procedure to power off PowerFlex file nodes.

Shut down all applications that use the NAS filesystem before shutting down the PowerFlex file cluster. If you do not shut them
down, there is a chance of DU/DL.

1. Ensure all the applications which uses NAS filesystems are shut down.
2. Ensure all compute-only or hyperconverged nodes are shut down.
3. Shut down PowerFlex file cluster by logging into each PowerFlex file node and type:
svc_nas_ctl --disable_ha_monitoring
svc_nas_ctl --stop_nas_container
4. From iDRAC, shut down on all PowerFlex file nodes and allow them time to power off completely.
5. Log in to PowerFlex Manager and verify the resource group is healthy.

Power off PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes with VMware ESXi

Use this procedure to power off PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes with VMware ESXi.

1. Log in to the VMware vSphere Client.
2. From VMware vCenter, click Home > Inventory.
3. Verify that DRS and HA on the customer cluster are disabled. If they are not disabled, disable them.
4. Shut down all PowerFlex SVMs.
5. Place the PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes into maintenance mode.
6. Power off the PowerFlex hyperconverged nodes with VMware ESXi.

Power off PowerFlex compute-only nodes with Windows Server

2016 or 2019
Use this procedure to power off PowerFlex compute-only nodes with Windows Server.

About this task

For Windows PowerFlex compute-only nodes, only firmware upgrades are supported.

16 Powering on and off

Internal Use - Confidential

1. Connect to the Windows Server 2016 or 2019 system from the Remote Desktop with an account set up with an
administrator privilege.
2. Power off through any of the following modes:
● GUI: Click Start > Power > Shut down.
● Command line using PowerShell: Run the Stop-Computer cmdlet.

Power off the VMware NSX-T Edge nodes

Use this procedure to power off the VMware NSX-T Edge nodes.

1. In the management VMware vCenter, right-click the NSX-T Edge VMs and click Power > Shut Down Guest OS.
2. In the management VMware vCenter, right-click the NSX-T Edge nodes and click Power > Shut Down.

Power off the PowerFlex management controller 2.0

Power off the PowerFlex management controller 2.0 on each of the PowerFlex management controller ESXi hosts.

1. Determine the primary MDM IP address and the protection domain name:
a. Log in to PowerFlex Manager to determine the primary MDM.
b. To view the details of a resource group, click Lifecycle > Resource Groups > PowerFlex management controller 2.0
resource group. Scroll down on the Service Details page, the following information is displayed based on the resource
types in the resource group:
● Primary MDM IP
● Protection Domain
2. Power off the VMs except for the PowerFlex SVMs:
a. Log in to the PowerFlex management controller 2.0 ESXi hosts.
b. Click Virtual Machines.
c. Power off all the VMs, except the PowerFlex SVMs.
3. Inactivate the protection domain:
a. Log in to primary MDM, type scli --login --p12_path /opt/emc/scaleio/mdm/cfg/
cli_certificate.p12 --p12_password <password>
NOTE: After discovering MDS on PowerFlex Manager, the login is as follows: scli --login --username
admin --password <PFxM_password> --mangement_system_ip <PFxM IP> --insecure

b. Type scli --inactivate_protection_domain --protection_domain_name <NAME>) to inactivate the

protection domain.
c. Enter Y to confirm.
d. Type scli --query_protection_domain --protection_domain_name <NAME> | grep -i
operational to verify that the operational state of the protection domain is inactive.
4. Power off the PowerFlex management controller 2.0:
a. Log in to each of the PowerFlex management controller ESXi hosts.
b. Click Virtual Machines.
c. Power off the PowerFlex SVM.
5. Enter maintenance mode for the PowerFlex management controller 2.0.
NOTE: Put the PowerFlex management controller 2.0 in maintenance mode.

a. Log in to the PowerFlex management controller 2.0 ESXi hosts.

b. Place each host in maintenance mode.
6. Power off the PowerFlex management controller 2.0:

Powering on and off 17

Internal Use - Confidential

a. Log in to the PowerFlex management controller 2.0 ESXi hosts.

b. Power off the PowerFlex management controller 2.0.
c. Verify that the hosts are shut down using the iDRAC.

Complete the powering off of PowerFlex rack

Use this procedure to complete the powering off of your PowerFlex rack.


NOTE: Ensure that you complete a back-up before powering off.

1. Connect to all the switches using SSH:
● For Cisco Nexus switches, type copy running-config startup-config
● For Dell PowerSwitch switches, type copy running-config tftp://hostip/filepath.
2. On Zone B (BLUE), turn off all PDU power breakers (OPEN position).
3. On Zone A (RED), turn off all PDU power breakers (OPEN position).
4. To verify that there is no power beyond the PDUs, disconnect the AC feeds to all PDUs.

Power off a Technology Extension with PowerScale

● CAUTION: The Technology Extension for PowerScale must be powered off after the PowerFlex rack is
powered off.
● See the relevant procedure in this publication for powering off the attached PowerFlex rack.
● Look at the back panel and confirm that the LEDs on both batteries are green. If either battery is red, it has failed and must
be removed from the node. If both batteries are red, replace and verify them before shutting down the node.
● Take a backup switch configuration using below command and store the backup file to a remote server:

Copy running-config startup-config

copy startup-config tftp://<server-ip>/<switch_backup_file_name>

1. Open OneFS and log in as root.
2. Click CLUSTER MANAGEMENT > Hardware Configuration > Shutdown & Reboot Controls.
3. Select Shut Down.
4. Click Submit.
5. Power off the Switches in the Technology Extension for PowerScale cabinet.

Verify that all nodes have shut down by looking at the power indicators on each node.
If nodes do not power off:
1. SSH to the node.
2. Log in as root and type:

Isi config

3. In the subsystem, type:

shutdown #

18 Powering on and off

Internal Use - Confidential

Where # represents the node number, or type:

shutdown all

If the node still does not power off, you can force the node to power off by pressing and holding the multifunction/power
button on the back of the node.
If the node still does not respond, press Power button of the node three times, and wait five minutes. If the node still does not
shut down, press and hold Power button until the node powers off.
NOTE: Perform a forced shutdown only with a failed and unresponsive node. Never force a shutdown with a healthy node.
Do not attempt any hardware operations until the shutdown process is complete. The process is complete when the node
LEDs are no longer illuminated.

Powering on and off 19

Internal Use - Confidential

Changing PowerFlex rack passwords
PowerFlex rack is deployed with factory default passwords. Passwords must be replaced with secure system-generated
passwords by the customer. Default passwords must be changed by the customer.
For specific steps to change passwords for a PowerFlex rack, see the Password management section in the Dell PowerFlex
Rack with PowerFlex 4.x Administration Guide.

20 Changing PowerFlex rack passwords

Internal Use - Confidential

Removing the temporary DNS servers
After the customer DNS is configured, remove the temporary DNS servers.

About this task

Unless you connect to the customer network before you power up the customer system, remove the temporary DNS servers
before connecting to the customer network.

Verify the customer DNS is configured for PowerFlex rack.

1. Log in to the controller PowerFlex rack vCSA.
2. Power off the DNS1 VM.
3. Remove the DNS1 VM from the disk.

Removing the temporary DNS servers 21

Internal Use - Confidential

Manually deploy UCC Edge 2.0
Deploy the UCC Edge.
Manually deploy the UCC Edge using the UCC Edge Getting Started Guide.

22 Manually deploy UCC Edge 2.0

Internal Use - Confidential

Configuring the licenses
Complete the PowerFlex rack configuration by applying licenses.
The following software that is deployed on PowerFlex rack requires a license:
● VMware vSphere
● VMware vCenter Server
● PowerFlex
● CloudLink

Licensing VMware products

Perform these procedures to add valid licenses for VMware software.

Add PowerFlex management controller licenses

Use this procedure to add PowerFlex management controller licenses.

The PowerFlex management controller requires valid licenses for:
● VMware vSphere (Enterprise Plus)
● VMware vCenter Server Standard
● PowerFlex (only applicable for PowerFlex management controller 2.0)

1. Log in to the single vCSA.
2. In the Administration section, click Licensing.
3. At the top of the display, click Licenses.
4. Click ADD to open the New Licenses wizard.
5. Optionally, provide an identifying name for each license. Click Next.
6. Click Finish to complete the addition of licenses to the system inventory.
7. In the Licenses view, the added licenses are visible. Click the Assets tab.
8. Click Hosts.
9. To check the controller nodes, Hold the Ctrl key and left-click each listed controller host until they are all highlighted.
10. Click Assign License and click Yes.
11. In the dialog box, select the newly-added vSphere license from the list and click OK.
12. Click vCenter Service systems.
13. To check vCenter, left-click VXMA VCSA to select it, if not already selected.
14. Click Assign License.
15. In the dialog box, select the newly-added vCenter license from the list and click OK.
16. Select the License tab and verify usage appears for each listed license.

Configuring the licenses 23

Internal Use - Confidential

Upload a management data store license

You can upload a management data store license and a single production license for the PowerFlex system (including PowerFlex
and PowerFlex Manager).

About this task

No license is required for the first 90 days of use. During this period, you are running PowerFlex in trial mode, and all features
are enabled. PowerFlex Manager shows an alert on the Monitoring > Alerts page when you are running in trial mode.

You need to deploy the MDM cluster before uploading a PowerFlex license. You need to discover an MDS gateway before
uploading an MDS license.

1. On the menu bar, click Settings and click License Management.
2. Click PowerFlex License.
3. To upload an MDS license, click Choose File in the Management Data Store (MDS) License section and select the
license file. Click Save.
4. To upload a production license for PowerFlex, click Choose File in the Production License section and select the license
file. Click Save.

When you upload a license file, PowerFlex Manager checks the license file to ensure that it is valid.
After the upload is complete, PowerFlex Manager stores the license details and displays them on the PowerFlex Manager
License page. You can see the Installation ID, System Name, and SWID for the PowerFlex. In addition, you can see the Total
Licensed Capacity, as well as the License Capacity Left. You can upload a second license, as long as the license is equal to or
more than the Total System Capacity.

Licensing CloudLink
The CloudLink license is applied during CloudLink Center deployment. Perform this procedure if you need to manually replace the
CloudLink license.

1. Open a browser, and provide the CloudLink VM IP address.
2. Log in using secadmin credentials.
3. Click System > License > Upload License.
NOTE: CloudLink license files determine the number of machine instances, CPU sockets, encrypted storage capacity,
or physical machines with self-encrypting drives (SEDs) that your organization can manage using CloudLink Center. For
environments with SED drives, a CloudLink license for SED must be applied to manage SED drives from CloudLink. To
verify that a drive is SED, do the following:
a. Log in to iDRAC of the node and navigate to Storage > Overview > Physical Disks.
b. Select the SSD drive and expand the details.
c. Verify that Encryption Capable option shows as Capable for the Toshiba SSD Drive.

4. For the CloudLink environments managed by PowerFlex Manager, once you update the license manually, log in to PowerFlex
Manager and go to the Resource page. Select the CloudLink VMs and click Run the inventory.

24 Configuring the licenses

Internal Use - Confidential

Install the Dell Networking OS10 Enterprise Edition

After you install Dell Networking OS10EE and log in, install the Dell Networking OS10EE license.

About this task

If Dell Networking OS10EE is factory-loaded on the Dell PowerSwitch switch, you do not need to install a Dell Networking
OS10EE license.
OS10 Enterprise Edition runs with a perpetual license on an ONIE-enabled device with OS10 factory-installed. The license file is
installed on the switch. If the license becomes corrupted or is wiped out, you must download the license from Dell Digital Locker
under the purchasers account and reinstall it.

1. Download the OS10 image and license, sign in to Dell Digital Locker using your account credentials.
2. Locate the entry for your entitlement ID and order number that is sent by email, then select the product name.
3. On the Product page, the Assigned To: field on the Product tab is blank. Click Key Available for Download.
4. Enter the Service Tag of the device for which you purchased the OS10 Enterprise Edition in the Bind to: and Re-enter ID:
fields. This step binds the software entitlement to the service tag of the switch.
5. Select how you want to receive the license key - by email or downloaded to your local device.
6. Click Submit to download the License.zip file.
7. Click the Available Downloads tab.
8. Select the OS10 Enterprise Edition release to download, then click Download.
9. Read the Dell End User License Agreement. Scroll to the end of the agreement, then click Yes, I agree.
10. Select how you want to download the software files, then click Download Now.
After you download the OS10 Enterprise Edition image, extract the TAR file by following these guidelines:
● Extract the OIS10 binary file from the .tar file using any file archiver/compressor software. For example, to extract
a TAR file on a Linux server or from the ONIE prompt, enter

tar -xf

● On a Windows server, some Windows extract applications insert extra carriage returns (CR) or line feeds (LF) when they
extract the contents of a TAR file. The additional CRs or LFs may corrupt the downloaded OS10 binary image. Turn off
this option if you use a Windows-based tool to untar an OS10 binary file.
● Generate a checksum for the downloaded OS10 binary image by running the md5sum command on the image file. Ensure
that the generated checksum matches the checksum that is extracted from the TAR file.


11. Open the ZIP file, and locate the license file in the Dell folder. Copy the license file to a local or remote workstation.
12. Install the license file from the workstation in EXEC mode. Type the following:

license install {ftp: | http: | localfs: | scp: | sftp: | tftp: | usb:}


● ftp://userid:passwd@hostip/filepath - Copy from a remote FTP server

● http://hostip/filepath - Copy from a remote HTTP server
● http://hostip - Send request to a remote HTTP server
● localfs://filepath - Install from a local file directory
● scp://userid:passwd@hostip/filepath - Copy from a remote SCP server
● sftp://userid:passwd@hostip/filepath - Copy from a remote SFTP server
● tftp://hostip/filepath - Copy from a remote TFTP server

Configuring the licenses 25

Internal Use - Confidential

● usb://filepath - Install from a file directory on a storage device that is connected to the USB storage port on the
● filepath/filename - Enter the directory path where the license file is stored.
13. Install the license XML file. Type the following: OS10# license install scp://user:userpwd@
In the license install is successful, the following appears:

License installation success

14. Verify the license installation, type OS10# show license status.

System Information
Vendor Name : DELL
Product Name : S4048-ON
Hardware Version: A00
Platform Name : S4048-ON
PPID : CN0M68YC2829855M0133
Service Tag : CFNNX42
License Details
Software : OS10-Enterprise
Version : 10.3.0E
License Type : PERPETUAL License
Duration: Unlimited License
Status : Active
License location: /mnt/license/CFNNX42.lic

If the license installation fails, see Troubleshoot license installation failure.

Troubleshoot license installation failure

About this task
If the installation fails, the following error message displays:

License installation failed

1. Verify the installation path to the local or remote location you tried to download the license from.
2. Check the log in the remote server to see why the FTP or TFTP file transfer failed.
3. Ping the remote server from the switch - use the ping and traceroute commands to test network connectivity. If the
ping fails:
● Check if a management route is configured on the switch. If not, use the management route command to configure a
route to the server network.
● Install the server with the license file on the same subnet as switch.
4. Check if the server is up and running.
NOTE: For additional information, on return material authorization (RMA), see Replacing a Dell PowerSwitch Series or
Cisco Nexus Switch.

26 Configuring the licenses

Internal Use - Confidential

Authenticating the VMware vCenter Server
in a hyperconverged deployment
Use the VMware vCenter Web Client to join VMware vCenter to the domain.

About this task

Use this procedure to join the customer VMware vCenter Server to the domain and add the integrated Windows authentication
identity source to single sign-on (SSO). This procedure is not required if you joined the VMware vCenter Single Sign-On (SSO)
server to the Active Directory (AD) domain and logged in with a domain admin account prior to installation.

Verify you have network access to the VMware vCenter Web Client and Microsoft Windows AD domain with administrator
If the VMware vCenter Server and SSO are installed in separate systems from a custom installation, join both systems to the
Ensure the system is online and services are started.

1. Add the AD identity source to SSO, log in to the vSphere Web Client as the SSO administrator.
2. Select Administration.
3. Expand the Single Sign-On entry.
4. Select Configuration > Identity Sources.
5. From the Options menu, click Add Identity Source.
6. Click Active Directory. If the domain name field is not automatically propagated with the correct Windows DNS domain,
type it manually.
7. Select Use machine account and click OK.
After the AD identity source is configured, you can add users from that domain to the VMware vCenter Server.

Authenticating the VMware vCenter Server in a hyperconverged deployment 27

Internal Use - Confidential

Authenticating the VMware vCenter Server
in a two-layer deployment
Use the VMware vCenter Client to join VMware vCenter to the domain.

About this task

Use this procedure to join the customer VMware vCenter Server to the domain and add the integrated Windows authentication
identity source to Single Sign-On (SSO). This procedure is not required if you joined the VMware vCenter single sign-on server
to the Active Directory (AD) domain and logged in to it with a domain admin account prior to installation.

Verify you have network access to the VMware vCenter Web Client and Microsoft Windows AD domain with administrator
Ensure the system is online and services are started.

1. Add the AD identity source to SSO. Log in to the vSphere Web Client as the SSO administrator.
2. Select Home/Administration.
3. Expand the Single Sign-On entry.
4. Select Configuration > Identity Sources.
5. From the Options menu, click Add Identity Source.
6. Click Active Directory. If the domain name field is not automatically propagated with the correct Windows DNS domain,
type it manually.
7. Select Use machine account and click OK.
After the AD identity source is configured, you can add users from that domain to the VMware vCenter Server.

28 Authenticating the VMware vCenter Server in a two-layer deployment

Internal Use - Confidential

Enabling user access to the VMware vCenter
Use the VMware vSphere Web Client to enable user access to the VMware vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA).

About this task

To enable access to the vCSA bash shell using the VMware vSphere Web Client, you must log in as a member of the
SystemConfiguration.BashShellAdministrators group. By default, this group is empty and you must add a user to the group

Verify that the user you use to log in to the VMware vCenter Server instance is a member of the
SystemConfiguration.Administrators group in the VMware vCenter Single Sign-On domain.

1. Use the VMware vSphere Web Client to log in as administrator@vsphere.local to the VMware vCenter Server instance in the
VMware vCenter Server Appliance.
2. Click Administration.
3. Under Single Sign-On, click Users and Groups.
4. On the Groups tab, select the SystemConfiguration.BashShellAdministrators group.
5. In the Group Members window, click Add member.
6. Double-click users from the list or type names in the Users text box.
7. Click OK.

Enabling user access to the VMware vCenter server 29

Internal Use - Confidential

Configuring the Cisco Nexus management
Configure the PowerFlex rack service port
Use this procedure to configure the management switch to create the IP address access list and configure the interface.

About this task

NOTE: See the Logical Configuration Survey (LCS) to ensure that the service port feature was requested by the customer.
If the customer opted out of the feature, this feature is not be enabled.

● Access and credentials to the flex-oob-mgmt-<vlanid> switch (default is VLAN 101) using the network or console
● Access and credentials to the single VMware vCenter
● Access and credentials to the controller jump server
● One labeled CAT6 patch cable to provide a permanent service port connection to port 48 of the first management switch
Use the default network settings used for service port configuration:

Subnet address Netmask CS laptop IP address Jump server IP address

1. To enter global configuration mode, type: conf t.
2. To create the access list, type: ip access-list flex-support-access permit ip
3. To configure the interface, type:

int e1/48

Description Dell Flex Engineering Service Port - DO NOT DISABLE

hardware access-list tcam region ifacl 512

Save the configuration:

copy running-config startup-config


int e1/48


ip port access-group flex-support-access in

switchport access vlan 101

no shutdown

4. To save the configuration, type: copy running-config startup-config.

5. To verify the management switch configuration, type: show interface e1/48.

30 Configuring the Cisco Nexus management switch

Internal Use - Confidential

The output should appear:

interface Ethernet1/48

description Dell Flex Engineering Service Port - DO NOT DISABLE

hardware access-list tcam region ifacl 512

save the config

"copy running-config startup-config"

interface Ethernet1/49
ip port access-group flex-support-access in
switchport access vlan 101

6. Type show ip access-lists flex-support-access.

The output should appear:
IP access list flex-support-access
10 permit ip

7. To enable the NXAPI, type the following:

switch#conf t

switch(config)# feature nxapi

switch(config)#nxapi http port 80

Add the NIC to the jump server VM to add the service

Use this procedure to add the NIC to the jump server VM to add the service port.

About this task

This procedure only applies to the legacy Windows jump server VM. For the embedded operating system-based jump server VM,
the second NIC is configured when the template is deployed. See the Configure an embedded jump server to use the service
port section to configure the service port IP address.

1. Log in to the single VMware vCenter.
2. Expand the management cluster.
3. Right-click the jump server and select Edit Settings.
4. Click the Select menu, select Network, and click Add.

Configuring the Cisco Nexus management switch 31

Internal Use - Confidential

5. Set the network to flex-oob-mgmt-<vlanid>. The default is VLAN 101.

6. Ensure it is connected.
7. Click OK to close the Add Hardware dialog box.

Configure an embedded operating system jump server

to use the service port
Use this procedure to configure the jump server to use the service port.

1. Log in to the jump server VM as admin using VNC or the VMware vCenter console (Ctrl+Alt+F2 for text console).
2. Set up the networking by typing sudo nmtui. Enter the account password when prompted.
3. Edit a connection and select ens256. The selection should be the third interface.
4. Set the IPv4 configuration to Manual and click Show.
5. Select Add and set the IP address and subnet mask. There is no default gateway.

6. Set the IPv6 configuration to Ignore.

7. Click OK.

32 Configuring the Cisco Nexus management switch

Internal Use - Confidential

Connecting to the customer network using
Cisco Nexus switches
Cisco Nexus management switch networking overview
To handle management traffic, network connectivity between PowerFlex rack and the customer network requires a
management IP interface for the Cisco Nexus management switch.
Cisco Nexus management switch connectivity in a PowerFlex rack supports a single upstream switch or two upstream switches.
For example, two Gb fiber (Ethernet 1/49 Ethernet 1/50).
Depending on the customer configuration, the ports can be combined into a port channel or remain separate.
PowerFlex rack port channel connectivity supports static/on (no protocol) and LACP port aggregation protocols.

Cisco Nexus management switch network

connectivity scenarios
The following network connectivity scenario applies to the Cisco Nexus management switch in a PowerFlex rack.
The following table provides network configuration according to the specifications:

Scenario Description Considerations

PowerFlex rack Connect the Cisco Nexus management The customer handles Layer 3 routing of
switch in a PowerFlex rack to the the management VLAN on the customer
customer network using only Layer 2 network.
The default gateway of the management
VLAN resides on the customer network.

PowerFlex rack scenario A: Layer 2 network connectivity - Cisco

Nexus management switch
Connect the Cisco Nexus management switch to the customer network.

About this task

This network connectivity scenario connects the Cisco Nexus management switch in a PowerFlex rack to the customer network
using only Layer 2 data. The customer must handle all Layer 3 routing between VLANs on a customer network.
This scenario uses a single VLAN 101 interface. Devices in VLAN 101 communicate without requiring routing.

● Identify the port-channel protocol from the Logical Configuration Survey (LCS) and verify the configuration with the
● Verify the physical interfaces match the port channel settings.

1. Access the console interface on the Cisco Nexus management switch.
2. To change the management IP address for VLAN 101, type: ip address <ip address> <subnet mask>.

Connecting to the customer network using Cisco Nexus switches 33

Internal Use - Confidential

3. Enter a command to establish the default route. In this example, Refer to the LCS for the default gateway IP

ip route

PowerFlex rack scenario B: Layer 2 network connectivity - Cisco

Nexus management aggregation switch
Connect the Cisco Nexus management aggregation switch to the customer network.

About this task

This network connectivity scenario connects the Cisco Nexus management aggregation switch in a PowerFlex rack to the
customer network using only Layer 2 data. The customer must handle all Layer 3 routing between VLANs on a customer
This scenario uses a single VLAN 101 interface. Devices in VLAN 101 communicate without requiring routing.

● Identify the port channel protocol from the Logical Configuration Survey (LCS) and verify the configuration with the
● Verify the physical interfaces match the port channel settings.

1. Access the console interface on the Cisco Nexus management aggregation switch.
2. To change the management IP address for VLAN 101, type: ip address <ip address> <subnet mask>.
3. Enter a command to establish the default route. In this example, See LCS for the default gateway IP address.

ip route

PowerFlex rack scenario C: Layer 3 network connectivity - Cisco

Nexus management aggregation switch
Connect the Cisco Nexus management aggregation switch to the customer network.

About this task

This network connectivity scenario connects the Cisco Nexus management aggregation switch in a PowerFlex rack to the
customer network using only Layer 3 data. Management aggregation switch has Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) Layer 3
gateway that is configured to handle Layer 3 routing between VLANs and customer network.
This scenario uses a single VLAN 101 interface. Devices in VLAN 101 communicate without requiring routing.

● Identify the routing protocol from the Logical Configuration Survey (LCS) and verify the configuration with the customer.
● Verify that the physical interfaces match the port channel settings.

1. Access the console interface on the Cisco Nexus management aggregation switch.
2. Type the following to configure HSRP VIP on interface VLAN 101:

hsrp version 2
hsrp 103
authentication text <test>

34 Connecting to the customer network using Cisco Nexus switches

Internal Use - Confidential

priority <num>
ip <ip address>

See LCS for the default gateway IP address and routing protocol peering with customer network.

Cisco Nexus access switch networking overview in a

hyperconverged deployment
This section describes the Cisco Nexus access switch connectivity in PowerFlex rack.
Cisco Nexus access switch connectivity in a PowerFlex rack supports two upstream switches with four 100Gb fiber ports and
four 100Gb cables.
Depending on the customer configuration, the ports can be combined into a port channel or remain separate. To determine the
connectivity type, see the customers Logical Configuration Survey (LCS).
The PowerFlex rack port channel connectivity supports static/on (no protocol) and LACP port aggregation protocols.

Cisco Nexus aggregation switch networking overview

for a storage-only PowerFlex rack
This section describes the Cisco Nexus aggregation switch connectivity for a storage-only PowerFlex rack.
A storage-only PowerFlex rack must connect to an external customer network through four 100 Gb ports.
Depending on the customer configuration, connectivity can vary between the access or core networks in the customer network.

PowerFlex rack Layer 2 network connectivity — Cisco

Nexus access switch
Connect the Cisco Nexus access switch to the customer network.

About this task

This network connectivity scenario connects the Cisco Nexus access switch in a PowerFlex rack to the customer network using
Layer 2 uplinks.

See the Logical Configuration Survey (LCS) and verify the Layer 2 configuration with the customer.

1. Access the console interface on the Cisco Nexus access switch.
2. Use SSH to log in to the access switch.
3. Configure the uplink interfaces to match the customer network configuration.
NOTE: To obtain configurations, communicate with the customer's networking team.

4. Confirm that the appropriate VLANs from the LCS are allowed over the links and the correct SVIs are configured on the
customer side.

Connecting to the customer network using Cisco Nexus switches 35

Internal Use - Confidential

Verifying NTP
Use this procedure to verify NTP, after booting the hosts and VMs.

1. Verify all management VMs.
2. Verify SVMs.
3. Verify VMware ESXi hosts and vApps.
4. Verify network switches.

Post-network activity setup

Clear the temporary ports and SVIs
Use this procedure to clean up the ports and remove temporary SVIs.

1. Clean up management or aggregation switch temporary ports.
2. Remove temporary SVIs from the management switches.
3. Complete this step before activating the customer uplinks.
CAUTION: Failure to complete this step before activating the customer uplinks might take down the
production networks.

Cisco Smart Account communication

The following Cisco Smart Account changes are required for Cisco NX-OS 9.3.x:
● Configuration - Cisco Smart Licensing requires Cisco Smart Call Home for Cisco NX-OS 9.3.x. Dell Technologies Support
configures Cisco Smart Call Home on the Cisco Nexus switches.
● Registration - The customer must see the Cisco NX-OS License Installation Guide and register the Cisco Nexus switches.

Configuring Smart Call Home for Cisco Nexus switches

Perform this procedure to configure Smart Call Home.

Configure Smart Call Home using HTTPS

Configure the Call Home IOS feature on a Cisco device to securely communicate Smart Call Home using HTTPS.

1. Enable the Call Home IOS feature:
a. In a global configuration mode, type #service call-home.
b. Type #call-home to enter call-home configuration mode.
Sample output:

Hostname#configure terminal
Hostname(config)#service call-home

2. Configure the mandatory contact email address:

36 Connecting to the customer network using Cisco Nexus switches

Internal Use - Confidential

Hostname(cfg-call-home)#contact-email-addr username@domain-name

3. Activate the default Cisco TAC-1 profile and set the transport option to HTTP:

Hostname(cfg-call-home)#profile CiscoTAC-1
Hostname(cfg-call-home-profile)#destination transport-method http

4. Install a security certificate and obtain the Cisco server certificate from the security certificate.
5. Configure a trust point and, prepare to enroll the certificate through the terminal using copy and paste:

Hostname(config)#crypto pki trustpoint cisco

Hostname(ca-trustpoint)#enroll terminal
Hostname(ca-trustpoint)#crypto pki authenticate cisco

Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate.

End with a blank line or the word "quit" on a line by itself <paste the certificate
here and accept it>

% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes

Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.

% Certificate successfully imported

6. Exit and save the configuration:

Hostname#copy running-config startup-config

7. Send a Call Home inventory message to start the registration process:

Hostname#call-home send alert-group inventory

Sending inventory info call-home message ...
Please wait. This may take some time ...
Call-home message is sent.

8. After you receive an email from Cisco, follow the link to complete the Smart Call Home registration.

Configure Smart Call Home using email

Configure Call Home on a Cisco device to communicate using email with the Smart Call Home system and a command to start
the registration process.

1. In global configuration mode, activate the call home feature and enter the call home configuration mode:

Hostname#configure terminal
Hostname(config)#service call-home

2. Configure the mandatory contact email address:

Hostname(cfg-call-home)#contact-email-addr username@domain-name

3. Configure the mandatory email server information:

Hostname(cfg-call-home)#mail-server <address> priority


Connecting to the customer network using Cisco Nexus switches 37

Internal Use - Confidential

The mail-server <address> is an IP address or domain-name of an SMTP server that receives messages from Call
Home. If more than one mail-server <address> is configured, mail-server priority is used to identify an active primary
server. Call Home sends messages to the active primary server with the lowest priority number.

4. Activate the default Cisco TAC-1 profile and set the transport option to email:

Hostname(cfg-call-home)#profile CiscoTAC-1
Hostname(cfg-call-home-profile)#destination transport-method email

5. Exit and save the configuration:

Hostname# copy running-config startup-config

6. Send a Call Home inventory message to start the registration process:

Hostname# call-home send alert-group inventory

Sending inventory info call-home message ...
Please wait. This may take some time ...
Call-home message is sent.

7. After you receive an email from Cisco, follow the link to complete the Smart Call Home registration.
For additional information to register the Cisco switch alerting, see KB article.

38 Connecting to the customer network using Cisco Nexus switches

Internal Use - Confidential

Redistribute the MDM cluster
About this task
PowerFlex Manager enables you to change the MDM role for a node in a PowerFlex cluster by switching the MDM role from one
node to the another.

1. To access the wizard from the Resource Groups page:
a. On the menu bar, click Lifecycle > Resource Groups.
b. Select a resource group that the node with MDM role is to reconfigure.
c. In the right pane, click View Details.
The Resource Group Details page is displayed.
d. On the Resource Group Details page, under More Actions click Reconfigure MDM Roles.
2. The MDM Reconfiguration page is displayed. In the Reconfigure MDM Role page, the Current node holds the MDM role
are displayed.
To reassign and choose the new HostName or IP address for the role in the Select New Node for MDM Role from the
You can reassign multiple roles at one time.

3. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed.

The warning message will pop up which states:

The MDM cluster will be

reconfigured to have the selected servers acting as the MDM roles
defined in this wizard. This could include installing or removing
the PowerFlex MDM role packages on the selected servers as

4. Type CHANGE MDM ROLES to confirm your changes.

5. Click Finish.
The MDM Role Change will begin and can view the details in the Recent Activity section.
After it completes, verify the role change are made on the node in the Resource Group.

MDM cluster component layouts

This topic provides examples of layouts for MDM components in a PowerFlex rack with two to five cabinets.
The Metadata Manager (MDM) cluster contains the following components:
● Primary MDM 100
● Secondary MDM 2 and 3
● Tiebreaker 1 and 2
When a PowerFlex rack contains multiple cabinets, distribute the MDM components to maximize resiliency.
Distribute the primary MDM, secondary MDMs, and tiebreakers across physical cabinets and access switch pairs to ensure
maximum availability of the cluster. When introducing new or standby MDM components into the cluster, make sure you adhere
to the MDM redistribution methodology and select your hosts appropriately, so the cluster remains properly distributed across
the physical cabinets and access switch pairs.
The following illustrations provide examples of MDM component layouts for two to five cabinets:
● MDM cluster component layout for a two-cabinet PowerFlex rack

Redistribute the MDM cluster 39

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● MDM cluster component layout for a three-cabinet PowerFlex rack

● MDM cluster component layout for a four-cabinet PowerFlex rack

● MDM cluster component layout for a five-cabinet PowerFlex rack

40 Redistribute the MDM cluster

Internal Use - Confidential

Redistribute the MDM cluster 41

Internal Use - Confidential

Verify PowerFlex spare capacity
The spare capacity for each storage pool needs to be equivalent to the largest amount of storage that a single Storage Data
Server (SDS) provides.

About this task

Use this procedure to configure the spare capacity for the storage pool.
To ensure full system protection in the event of a node failure, the spare capacity must be at least equal to the amount of
capacity in the node containing the maximum capacity.

Calculate the spare capacity percentage value that must be set.
Spare capacity should be configured a minimum of (1/N) *100 where N is the number of nodes in the system. For example: For
a ten node system spare capacity should be set to (1/10)*100 =10%. For a three node system, the recommended setting would
be (1/3)*100=33.33%. This recommended setting for spare capacity applies equally to fault sets. Spare capacity is implemented
at the storage pool level, each storage pool has a separate provision spare capacity.

1. Log in to PowerFlex Manager.
2. Click Block > Storage Pools.
3. Select the storage pool you want to verify.
4. Click Modify > Capacity
The Storage Pool Capacity Setting window appears.
5. Verify that the Spare Percentage Policy is configured based on the equation mentioned above.
6. Repeat this procedure on each storage pool.

42 Verify PowerFlex spare capacity

Internal Use - Confidential

Finalizing the system
Complete these steps to finalize the PowerFlex rack.

About this task

After PowerFlex Manager is installed, you must update the Dell install base with the specific type of PowerFlex Manager

Mode Description
Managed Management and orchestration.
PowerFlex Manager deployed services or imported existing services for elements.

Alerting Monitoring and alerting.

PowerFlex Manager has not deployed services or imported existing services for elements.

Lifecycle Monitoring, service mode, and compliance upgrade.

All other service operations are blocked. PowerFlex Manager puts a service in life-cycle
mode if the configuration has limited support.

Determine the PowerFlex Manager deployment mode:
1. Log in to PowerFlex Manager and open the Dashboard. Look at the Resource Groups section.
2. On the menu bar, click Lifecycle > Resource Groups.
3. If there is at least one service, click Resources on the menu bar. Note whether any switches are discovered.
4. Determine the deployment mode:
a. If there are no services, the deployment is in Alerting mode.
b. If there is at least one service and there are no switches that are listed on the Resources page, the deployment is in
Lifecycle mode.
c. If there is at least one service, the deployment is in Managed mode.

1. Run the System Configuration Reporter (SCR) and RVTools (a Windows .NET 4.6.1 application).
2. Proceed with DAC, the test plan, and coordinate the knowledge transfer to the customer resources.
3. Create a ServiceNow ticket to update the Dell install base with the PowerFlex Manager deployment type.
a. Go to inside.dell.com.
b. Click My IT.
c. Click Order Something.
d. Under Browse Categories, expand Professional Services and click VCE.
e. Click MACD (Move/Add/Change/Delete).
f. Complete the form requirements:
● Which components will this affect? - Select VMware or Multiple from the list. Either selection is applicable.
● Opportunity ID - Enter NA if not available.
● Serial Number - Provide the valid system serial number requiring the update. You can enter one system serial
number per ticket.
● Description - Provide a valid PowerFlex Manager deployment mode: Managed Mode, Alerting Mode, or Lifecycle
g. Click Submit.

Finalizing the system 43

Internal Use - Confidential

An SSET team member will respond to the ticket after the updates are complete in the install base. The standard SLA is 3
to 5 business days. After the updates are made, they are live and visible in the install base. The requestor receives an email
notification when ticket is submitted and after the ticket is resolved or closed.

44 Finalizing the system

Internal Use - Confidential

Configure events and alerts
Before you begin
Before configuring the alerts and events, verify that the Secure connect gateway is installed and configured to connect with
PowerFlex Manager.
For information on installation and configuration of Secure connect gateway, see the Download Secure Connect Gateway
section in the Secure Connect Gateway User's Guide .

Verify firewall port requirements

Before deploying alerts and events, verify the firewall port requirements.
The following table lists the firewall port requirements for alerts and events:

TCP port or Direction Destination Application Communication

HTTPS 443 Outbound Dell Client service Service notification,
setup, all traffic except
remote support
HTTPS 443 Outbound Dell Global Access Servers Client service Remote support
and 8443

NOTE: Port 8443 is not required for functionality. If it is not opened, there will be a significant decrease in remote support
The following table lists the firewall port requirements for PowerFlex rack functionality:

TCP port or Direction Source or destination Application Communication

HTTPS 5700 Outbound To Secure connect gateway REST Service notification
8080 Inbound From Secure connect gateway Secure web UI Remote support
3389 Inbound From Secure connect gateway Remote desktop Remote support
22 Inbound From Secure connect gateway CLI (using SSH) Remote support

Obtaining the software ID

Perform this procedure to obtain the software ID.
1. Locate the device license authorization code (LAC).
2. Use the license authorization code to obtain the software ID (SWID).
NOTE: If the software ID (SWID) is not available, see https://www.delltechnologies.com/asset/en-us/products/storage/
legal-pricing/powerflex-rack-ordering-guide.pdf for SWID ordering information.

Configure events and alerts 45

Internal Use - Confidential

Locate the license authorization code

Perform this procedure to locate the license authorization code (LAC).

About this task

Ask the customer to forward the email they received from Dell Software Licensing with the LAC information. If you do not have
access to this email, perform the following procedure to locate the LAC.
If you cannot find an entitlement for the customer, contact Dell Software Licensing Support.

1. Go to https://cpsd-mfg.ins.dell.com/Neptune/.
2. In the search box, enter P# and press Enter to search for the LAC.
For example, searching for P#3596408 displays results similar to the following screenshot:

3. On the menu bar, click Files.

4. Expand the WIP folder and locate the LAC documents.

46 Configure events and alerts

Internal Use - Confidential

Enabling SupportAssist
● There are two options to configure events and alerts:
○ Connect directly
○ Connect using secure connect gateway
● If you connect directly, only the call home option is available
● If you connect through secure connect gateway, all options through secure connect gateway are enabled
● You do not need to deploy and configure secure connect gateway if you choose ESE direct

Deploy or configure secure connect gateway

Secure connect gateway is an enterprise monitoring technology that monitors your devices and proactively detects hardware
issues that may occur.

● Download the required version of secure connect gateway from the Dell support site.
● You must have VMware vCenter Server running on the virtual machine on which you want to deploy secure connect
gateway. Deploying secure connect gateway directly on a server running VMware vSphere ESXi is not supported.

1. Download and extract the OVF file to a location accessible by the VMware vSphere Client.
2. On the right pane, click Create/Register VM.
3. On the Select Creation Type page, select Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or an OVA file and click Next.
4. On the Select OVF and VMDK files page, enter a name for the virtual machine, select the OVF and VMDK files, and click
NOTE: If there is more than one datastore on the host, the datastores are displayed on the Select storage page.

5. Select the location to store the virtual machine (VM) files and click Next.
6. On the License agreements page, read the license agreement, click I agree, and click Next.
7. On the Deployment options page, perform the following steps:

Configure events and alerts 47

Internal Use - Confidential

a. From the Network mappings list, select the network that the deployment template must use.
b. Select a disk provisioning type.
c. Click Next.
8. On the Additional settings page, enter the following details and click Next.
● Domain name server
● Hostname
● Default gateway
● Network IPv4 and IPv6
● Time zone
● Root password
NOTE: Ensure that the root password consists of eight characters with at least one uppercase and one lowercase
letter, one number, and one special character. Use this root password to log in to secure connect gateway for the first
time after the deployment.

9. On the Ready to complete page, verify the details that are displayed, and click Finish.
A message is displayed after the deployment is complete and the virtual machine is powered on.

NOTE: Wait 15 minutes before you log in to the secure connect gateway user interface.

10. After installation, power on the secure connect gateway.

11. Go to https://localhost:5700/ and log in using the root credentials to check the user interface access.

Configuring the initial setup and generating the access key and pin
Use the section to generate the access key and pin to register with Secure Connect Gateway and Dell Support site.
Use this link to generate the Dell Support account and access key and pin: https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/
Customers should work with field engineer support to get the SITE ID that is required while generating the access key and pin.

Log in to the secure connect gateway user interface

Use this procedure to log in to the secure connect gateway user interface.

1. Go to https://<hostname(FQDN) or IP address:5700/>.
2. Enter the username as root and password created while deploying the VM.
3. Create the admin password:
a. Enter a new password.
b. Confirm the password.
4. Accept the terms and conditions.
5. Provide the access key and pin generated in Configuring the initial setup and generating the access key and pin.
6. Enter the Primary Support Contacts information.

48 Configure events and alerts

Internal Use - Confidential

Configuring SupportAssist on PowerFlex Manager

Depending on the customers requirement, use the following procedures to configure the Connect direct or Connect using the
Secure Connect Gateway.

Configure SupportAssist using the connect directly mode

Use this procedure to enable SupportAssist using the connect directly mode.

1. Log in to PowerFlex Manager.
2. Click Settings > Events and alerts.
3. Click Notification Policies.
4. From the policies tab on the grayed out part, click Configure Now.
5. Accept the license and telemetry agreement on the connect support assist page and click Next.
6. Choose the connection type Connect Directly.
NOTE: This helps us directly connect to SupportAssist direct. Call to home feature works on connect direct. The proxy
setting is not supported.

7. Click Connect to cloudIQ.

It enables PowerFlex Manager to transport telemetry data, alerts and analytics to assist Dell Technologies in providing
8. On the Authentication details page, provide the following details.
9. Access key and PIN generated in Configuring the initial setup and generating the access key and pin.
You need the software ID for generating the access key and PIN.
10. Choose the Device type to be registered like rack, appliance or software.
11. In the Enterprise License Management Systems file, enter the software ID used in step 2 while generating the access
key and pin.
12. The Solution serial number must be provided by customer.
13. In the Site ID field, provide the site ID location. If you do not have one, contact Dell Technologies Support to generate one.
14. Click Next, provide the contact details for customer, and click Finish.
A popup appears on the bottom of the screen configuring SupportAssist and another pop up appears once it is successfully
15. To activate the policy now, click Configure Now and enable the policy by making it active.
After the policy is active, it will remove from grayed out mode to available and active mode.

Connect SupportAssist using the secure connect gateway

Use this procedure to enable SupportAssist using the secure connect gateway.

Configure the secure connect gateway.

1. Log in to PowerFlex Manager.
2. Click Settings > Events and alerts.
3. Click Notification Policies.
4. From the Policies tab on the grayed out part, click Configure Now.
5. Accept the license and telemetry agreement on the Connect SupportAssist page and click Next.
6. Choose the connection type connect via gateway.

Configure events and alerts 49

Internal Use - Confidential

NOTE: Connect using the gateway helps register the PowerFlex Manager on secure connect gateway and
SupportAssist. From here we can enable the proxy setting.

7. Provide the SCG IP address and Port number.

8. Click Connect to CloudIQ.
It enables PowerFlex Manager to transport telemetry data, alerts and analytics to assist Dell Technologies in providing
9. Enable the Remote Support button and click Next.
10. On the Authentication Details page, provide the following details.
11. Access key and PIN.
12. Choose the Device type to register like rack, appliance or software.
13. In the Enterprise License Management Systems file, enter the software ID used in step 4 while generating the access
key and PIN.
14. The Solution serial number must be provided by the customer.
15. In the Site ID field, provide the site ID location. If you do not have one, contact Dell Technologies Support to generate one.
16. Click Connect to CloudIQ.
It enables PowerFlex Manager to transport telemetry data, alerts and analytics to assist Dell Technologies in providing
17. Click Next, provide the contact details for the customer, and click Finish.
A popup appears on the bottom of the screen configuring SupportAssist and another pop up appears once it is successfully
18. To activate the policy now, click Configure Now and enable the policy by making it active.
Once the policy is active, it will remove from grayed out mode to available and active mode.

Verify Secure connect gateway status

Perform this procedure to check the status of the Secure connect gateway.

1. Using a web browser, access Secure connect gateway by typing the following URL: https://<scg-gateway_ip>:5700
2. On the menu bar, select Devices > Managed Device. Initially the device displays as Offline or Missing.
3. After 10 to 20 minutes, the device displays as Online and Managed.

Verify ServiceLink status

Dell ServiceLink is the portal for managing connected Secure connect gateways. It also monitors connectivity information for
individual Secure connect gateway devices on those gateways.

1. Access ServiceLink by going to the following URL: https://servicelink.emc.com/searchdevice.
2. Log in with your corporate NT ID and password.
3. Search for the SWID from the gateway.
The green connected status indicates the registration was successful.

Verifying the site ID on the Secure connect gateway

This section describes how to locate and verify the site ID on the Secure connect gateway.
Perform the following process to verify the site ID:
1. Locate the site ID.
2. Verify the site ID on the Secure connect gateway.

50 Configure events and alerts

Internal Use - Confidential

Locate the site ID

Perform this procedure to locate the site ID. You will use this to verify that the Secure connect gateway contains the correct
site ID.

1. Go to https://licensing.emc.com.
2. On the menu bar, click Licenses and then click View Certificates.
3. In the License Authorization Code box, enter the license authorization code. Click Search.
4. In the View a Certificate section, click View in the row containing the device machine name.
5. Click Ownership. Note the site ID, which displays under Sites associated with the activated products, in the Site
NOTE: You can also use the License Activation Code (LAC) or the SWID to get the site ID.

Configure events and alerts 51

Internal Use - Confidential

Verify the site ID on the Secure connect gateway

Hardware alerts require a Secure connect gateway be installed. Perform this procedure to verify that the Secure connect
gateway contains the correct site ID.

Ensure you have the following information:
● Secure connect gateway IP address
● Site ID, which you located here: Locate the site ID

1. Using a web browser, access Secure connect gateway by typing the following URL: https://<scg-gateway_ip>:5700
2. Ensure the gateway contains the site ID to which the SWID is registered.
3. If the site IDs do not match, add the site ID to the gateway. On the menu bar, select Device Management > Manage
Devices > Devices. The new site ID is added to the list at the top of the page.

Managing events and alerts

Configuring an external source

You must define a source to enable PowerFlex Manager to receive an external event.

About this task

A syslog source can only go to a syslog destination and does not display in events. An SNMP source, either V2 or V3, displays in
events even without a defined notification policy.

1. Go to Settings > Events and Alerts > Notification Policies.
2. From the Sources pane, click Add.
The Add Source window opens.
3. Enter a source name and description.
4. Configure either SNMP or syslog forwarding:
● If you select SNMPV2c:
a. Enter the community string by which the source forwards traps to destinations.
b. Enter the same community string for the configured resource. During discovery, if you selected PowerFlex Manager
to automatically configure iDRAC nodes to send alerts to PowerFlex Manager, enter the community string that is used
in that credential here.
● If you select SNMP V3:
a. Enter the username, which identifies the ID where traps are forwarded on the network management system.
NOTE: The username must be at most 16 characters.
b. Select a security level from the following:

Security Level Details Description authPassword privPassword

Minimal noAuthNoPriv No authentication Not required Not required
and no encryption
Moderate authNoPriv Messages are Required Not required
authenticated but not

52 Configure events and alerts

Internal Use - Confidential

Security Level Details Description authPassword privPassword

(Password based
encryption with
message digest
(MD5) with at least
eight characters)
Maximum authPriv Messages are Required Required
authenticated and

(MD5 and Data

Encryption Standard
(DES) both with
at least eight
● If you select Syslog, click Enable Syslog.

Modifying an external source

You can edit the information about how PowerFlex Manager receives an event.

1. Go to Settings > Events and Alerts > Notification Policies.
2. From the Sources pane, click the source that you want to modify.
The Edit Source window opens.
3. Edit the information and click Submit.

Modifying a destination
You can edit the information about where event and alert data that is processed by PowerFlex Manager should be sent.

1. Go to Settings > Events and Alerts > Notification Policies.
2. From the Destinations pane, click the destination whose information you want to modify.
The Edit Source window opens.
3. Edit the information and click Submit.

Add a notification policy

When you add a notification policy, you define the rules for processing events or alerts from sources, and to which destinations
that information should be sent.

1. Go to Settings > Events and Alerts > Notification Policies.
2. Click Create New Policy.
3. Enter a name and a description for the notification policy.
4. From the Resource Domain menu, select the resource domain that you want to add a notification policy to. The resource
domain options are:
● All
● Management
● Block (Storage)
● File (Storage)
● Compute (Servers, Operating Systems, virtualization)

Configure events and alerts 53

Internal Use - Confidential

● Network (Switches, connectivity etc.)

● Security (RBAC, certificates, CloudLink etc)
5. From the Source Type menu, select how you want events and alerts to be received. The source type options are:
● Snmpv2c
● Snmpv3
● Syslog
● Powerflex
6. Select the check box beside the severity levels that you want to associate with this policy. The severity indicates the risk (if
any) to the system, in relation to the changes that generated the event message.
7. Select the required destination and click Submit.

Modify a notification policy

You can modify certain settings that are associated with a notification policy.

About this task

You cannot modify the source type or destination once it is assigned to a notification policy.

1. Go to Settings > Events and Alerts > Notification Policies.
2. Select the notification policy that you want to modify.
3. You can choose to modify the notification policy in the following ways:
● To activate or deactivate the policy, click Active.
● To modify the policy, click Modify. The Edit Notification Policy window opens.
4. Click Submit.

Delete a notification policy

Once a notification policy is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

About this task

To delete a notification policy:

1. Go to Settings > Events and Alerts > Notification Policies.
2. Select the notification policy that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
You receive an information message asking if you are sure that you want to delete the policy.
4. Click Submit and click Dismiss.

54 Configure events and alerts

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