Ijgo 13868
Ijgo 13868
Ijgo 13868
Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine,
Cancer Research UK Barts Centre, Queen Abstract
Mary University of London, London, UK
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant reconfiguration of gynecologic cancer
Department of Gynecological Oncology,
St Bartholomew's Hospital, Barts Health
services and care pathways across the globe, with a transformation of working prac-
NHS Trust, London, UK tices. Services had to adapt to protect their vulnerable patients from infection, whilst
Faculty of Public Health and Policy, providing care despite reduced resources/capacity and staffing. The international
Department of Health Services Research,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical gynecologic cancer community introduced modified clinical care guidelines. Remote
Medicine, London, UK working, reduced hospital visiting, routine COVID-testing, and use of COVID-free
Faculty of Medicine, Department of
surgical areas/hubs enabled the ongoing and safe delivery of complex cancer care,
Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College
London, London, UK with priority levels for cancer treatments established to guide decision-making by
Institute of Cancer and Genomic multidisciplinary tumor boards. Some 2.3 million cancer surgeries were delayed or
Sciences, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, UK cancelled during the first peak, with many patients reporting significant anxiety/con-
cern for cancer progression and COVID infection. Although COVID trials were prior-
Ranjit Manchanda, Department of itized, recruitment to other cancer trials/research activity was significantly reduced.
Gynecological Oncology, Barts Health The impact of resultant protocol deviations on outcomes remains to be established.
NHS Trust, London, UK.
Email: r.manchanda@qmul.ac.uk During the recovery healthcare services must maintain capacity and flexibility to man-
age future surges of infection, address the large backlog of patients with altered or
delayed treatments, along with salvaging screening and prevention services. Training
needs/mental well-being of trainees need addressing and staff burnout prevented.
Future research needs to fully evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on long-term patient
cancer care, COVID-19, FIGO Cancer Report, gynecology, oncology
1 | COV I D -1 9 A N D TH E I M PAC T O N health systems and economies worldwide, leading to at least 195
G Y N ECO LO G I C C A N C E R C A R E million confirmed infections with 4 million deaths, as of July 2021.1
It has had a profound effect on many areas of health care and a major
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by the severe acute impact on cancer care. The impact of this pandemic has been felt dif-
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
2). The World ferently across the globe due to large variations in seroprevalence,
Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020. varying disease burden, existing health infrastructure, and avail-
The ongoing pandemic has led to a global crisis disrupting most able healthcare capacity and resources. An overall decrease in life
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Federation of Gynecology
and Obstetrics
wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ijgo Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2021;155(Suppl. 1):94–101.
MANCHANDA et al. |
expectancy2 as well as a significant increase in all-cause mortality chemotherapy, beyond those of previously identified risk from age
has recently been observed in some countries, with higher levels of or comorbidities.4,18
excess deaths occurring in nonwhite populations. The unprecedented reallocation of healthcare services neces-
All countries took multiple steps to reduce transmission of sitated by the pandemic across high-
, middle-
, and low-
COVID-19, including public lockdowns, self-isolation for those with countries,19 coupled with staff shortages and capacity constraints,
the disease and their contacts, contact tracing, and shielding of indi- forced an urgent re-evaluation of the clinical justification for each
viduals with high-risk pre-existing medical conditions. Areas of high aspect of treatment, weighing oncological benefit against available
prevalence saw significant pressures on hospital inpatient beds in- resources. In terms of ethical principles, justice and nonmaleficence
cluding intensive care units (ITU), as well as staffing levels.4 It led required due consideration alongside beneficence, autonomy, and
to reallocation of resources and an increase in hospital beds and equity, as clinicians learnt to practice in this unfamiliar situation. 20
ITU capacity for COVID-19 patients at the expense of both elective Modified clinical guidelines for cancer care became necessary to
nonurgent patient care activity and urgent care activity including provide a systematic, equitable, and evidence-led framework during
oncology services. Health systems and gynecologic cancer services the pandemic, given the adaptation of or reduction in usual ser-
have had to cope with a number of additional factors/stresses, in- vices. Deviations from usual standard of care may be appropriate
cluding staff sickness and self-
isolation, staff redeployment for in the context of what can be safely delivered during the pandemic.
COVID care, reduced theatre availability/capacity for elective on- The international gynecologic oncology community developed
cology, reduced ITU access for complex surgery, reduced palliative modifications to clinical care across the spectrum of surgery,
care access, supply chain shortages (including personal protective chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and treatment timelines from first
equipment, PPE), reduced hospital visits, and moves toward remote presentation to relapse and palliation. National healthcare organi-
consultations.5,6 In the initial period, some patients refused surgery zations in France, the UK, USA, Italy, and Australia issued guidance
due to concerns around contracting COVID-19 and there was a fall for general oncology services from March 2020, shortly followed
in the number of patients seeking care via their general practitioners by gynecologic cancer specific statements from organizations in
or emergency settings. the UK, USA, Europe, Canada, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. 21
COVID-19 has a highly variable clinical presentation with ap- Pragmatic modifications to the gold standard of care were sug-
proximately 44% of transmissions occurring in the presymptomatic gested according to availability of resources and clinical services,
7 8,9
stage, while many carriers may never show symptoms but can based primarily on expert opinion and review of pre-existing evi-
transmit the virus to others.10,11 The majority of patients suffer no dence of benefit. Initial considerations were given to reducing the
or mild upper respiratory tract symptoms,11 whilst a minority are number of surgical procedures associated with prolonged operative
at highest risk of severe lower respiratory tract infection and need time, risk of major blood loss, ITU admission, or increased infection
hospitalization. Mortality occurs predominantly through respiratory risk to staff. A global modelling analysis suggested that around 38%
failure; however, sepsis, thromboembolism, and acute renal and mul- of cancer operations and 82% of benign surgical procedures may be
tiorgan failure contribute to this complex clinical entity, requiring postponed during the pandemic. 22 Other analysis highlighted the
prolonged stays on ITUs. significant impact on survival even modest delays in surgery may
Early in the pandemic, cancer patients were identified as being incur on cancer outcomes. 23 The need for care of cancer patients
at higher risk for COVID infection, increased morbidity, ITU care, to be prioritized over patients with benign diseases was universally
and mortality.13–15 Other predictors of severe disease and mortal- recognized. Additionally, the need to tackle/minimize diagnostic
ity included age, comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, delays occurring during the pandemic became apparent to prevent
other medical morbidities, and black/Asian ethnicity. The gyne- significant additional avoidable mortality. 24
cologic cancer patient population was thus considered vulnerable,
with overlapping risk factors and immunosuppression arising from
cancer and its treatments. An international study of 1128 patients 2 | A DA P TATI O N S TO C LI N I C A L S E RV I C E S
undergoing surgery across all surgical disciplines found 30-day mor- A N D PATH WAYS
tality rates in patients who develop COVID-19 in the perioperative
period to be 19% following elective surgery, 26% following emer- There has been significant service reconfiguration, transformation
gency surgery, and 27% following cancer surgery.16,17 Gynecologic of working practices, and changes to cancer care delivery pathways
cancer services faced the dual challenge of continuing to provide as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 25 An important reason was
oncological care often with capacity constraints, whilst protecting to reduce the risk of infection to patients and staff, from other pa-
their vulnerable patients from the risk of COVID exposure and its tients, staff members, and visitors. Key steps included reduction in
sequelae. Thus, consideration was initially given to restricting sur- people attending a given clinical site, along with use of handwash-
gery or chemotherapy to reduce COVID risk to patients. However, ing, face masks, public distancing, PPE, and safe hygiene practices.
these initial concerns were not born out as subsequent evidence Staff struggled with PPE shortages in both low-and high-income
demonstrated such treatments did not increase the risk of hospital- countries—an issue leaving many staff at higher risk of infection. 26
ization or death outside the perioperative period or during cytotoxic Visiting was reduced for all hospital attendances for inpatient and
96 MANCHANDA et al.
outpatient care. It was restricted to new patients or essential con- • Patient-initiated follow-up to ensure those with multiple episodes
sultations for acute oncologic issues or those undergoing active of bleeding could attend for clinical examination when required.
treatment and the most vulnerable patients.19 Attendance of fam- • Evaluation of adnexal masses using ultrasound or MRI and estab-
ily members was restricted. Remote or telemedicine/telephone lished rules for triage, e.g. International Ovarian Tumour Analysis
outpatient consultations were undertaken to reduce hospital or the Risk of Malignancy Index (RMI) etc. In cases of low index
attendance. Routine clinics such as regular follow-up and preas- of suspicion for malignancy (e.g. RMI <200), surgery could be de-
sessment were conducted remotely. The use of patient-initiated ferred for 3–6 months, with virtual follow-up.
up was advocated where appropriate. Patients who re- • For those requiring assessment in secondary care, such as pa-
quired definite examination or breaking of bad news were advised tients with postmenopausal bleeding, telephone or virtual as-
to attend in person and benefitted from support from specialist sessment followed by direct investigation with hysteroscopy and
nurses as usual. Multidisciplinary team or tumor board meet- ultrasound is preferred without the need for clinical examination
ings were conducted remotely or, where not possible, sufficient if possible (given a normal cervical smear history).
distancing between staff was ensured to reduce the risk of staff • For those with suspected ovarian cancer, using cytology to guide
transmission. As testing capacity became established, universal treatment decisions if there was inadequate or restricted access
testing of patients prior to and upon admission was implemented. to usual image-guided biopsies.
Preoperative COVID-19 testing and self-isolation protocols (e.g.
14-day self-isolation and COVID-19 swab 72 hours before surgery)
were introduced prior to gynecologic cancer surgery. Additionally, 4 | A DA P TATI O N S TO TR E ATM E NT
over time, surveillance testing of healthcare staff was introduced
and has become a key tool in reducing transmission within some The disruption to cancer services and capacity constraints have re-
hospitals. 27 The use of “COVID-free” areas within hospitals or quired prioritization of treatment for those patients who are most
COVID-free hospitals/surgical hubs with separate staff enabled in need. Three priority levels were recommended by the British
surgical and nonsurgical cancer services to continue. This ap- Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS) and UK National Health
proach of establishing COVID-19-f ree surgical pathways with seg- Service (NHS) to determine the timescales required for surgical
regation of the operating theater, ITU, and inpatient ward areas treatments during the pandemic (Table 1). 29 Patients are advised of
was shown to reduce postoperative SARS-C oV-2 infection and the risks of perioperative COVID-19 infection as well as the risk of re-
postoperative pulmonary complication rates. 28 In some centers, duced survival with delayed treatment. It is important that any delays
surgery was allocated through centralized triage and decision- or changes to gold standard treatment should be recorded, commu-
making based on newly established national guidelines. 29 The in- nicated clearly with patients, and made with multidisciplinary input.
troduction of vaccination from December 2020 for staff and more Patients whose treatment is deferred should be tracked. The BGCS
recently for patients is a key step forward in minimizing infections has devised a harms template that can be used. 29 Considerations
and reducing treatment morbidity. were made to improve the safety of procedures undertaken.30
COVID-19 testing should occur prior to surgery; where a patient
tests positive their treatment should be delayed by 2–4 weeks to
3 | A DA P TATI O N S TO D I AG N OS TI C allow recovery owing to the heightened morbidity from periopera-
S E RV I C E S tive COVID-
19 infection. Vaccination for COVID-
19 significantly
reduces the risks of infection and is recommended for all women
Changes to diagnostic pathways aimed to simplify the process, re- planned for and undergoing cancer treatment.31–33
ducing hospital attendance and demand on clinical time, whilst still Routine primary or interval debulking surgery for advanced ovar-
providing a safe process for patients. Greater flexibility was incor- ian cancer was delayed at the start of the pandemic, with neoadju-
porated into triaging suspected cancer referrals from primary care. vant chemotherapy given due to initial concerns regarding surgical
Examples of changes introduced include: morbidity as well as the increased resource requirements, including
intensive care needs for complex debulking surgery and existing
• Telephone or virtual assessment without the need for clinical ex- capacity constraints. Patients with recurrence needing secondary
amination followed by direct investigation with hysteroscopy and debulking were classed as lower surgical priority and managed with
ultrasound in women with postmenopausal bleeding. chemotherapy.
• Maximizing out-patient hysteroscopy due to the reduced avail- Measures promoted to minimize the duration of hospital stay
ability of operating theatres. included enhanced recovery pathways and the use of laparoscopy
• Insertion of the levonorgestrel-
releasing intrauterine system where possible. Available data suggested that the risk of SARS-
(LNG-IUS) at the time of initial hysteroscopy in case of abnormal COV-2 /COVID-19 transmission to staff from laparoscopic surgery
findings, to minimize face-
face visits and treatment delays for gynecologic procedures is low and hence minimal access sur-
where surgical treatment is constrained. gery can be continued during the pandemic. 29,34 However, reason-
• One-stop clinics preferred over multiple visits. able modifications to technique including minimization leakage
MANCHANDA et al. |
Level 1a Emergency: operation needed within 24 h to save Anastomotic leak, bowel perforation, peritonitis, burst abdomen,
life torsion or rupture of suspected malignant pelvic masses, heavy
bleeding from molar pregnancy
Level 1b Urgent: operation needed within 72 h Acute mechanical intestinal obstruction/impending perforation, life-
threatening bleeding from cervical or uterine cancer
Level 2 Elective surgery with expectations to cure, Suspected germ cell tumors, intrauterine brachytherapy for cervical
performed within 4 weeks to save life/ cancer, pelvic masses suspicious of ovarian cancer, early-stage
progression of disease beyond operability cervical cancer, high-grade/high-risk uterine cancer, debulking
Additional prioritization based on urgency of surgery (timed to chemotherapy schedules) for advanced epithelial
symptoms, complications (such as local ovarian cancer where ITU/HDU capacity permits
compressive symptoms), biological priority
(expected growth rate) of individual cancers
Level 3 Surgery can be delayed by 10–12 weeks with no Where risk to the patient from surgery during the pandemic outweighs
predicted negative outcome benefit
Early-stage, low-grade uterine cancer (treated with LNG-IUS/oral
progestogens), low volume cervical cancer completely excised at
loop excision
Surgical resection of slow-growing recurrences of ovarian, endometrial,
and cervical cancer postponed or alternatively managed with
chemotherapy or radiotherapy, particularly in the absence of
proven survival benefit for secondary debulking
Source: British Gynaecological Cancer Society. 29
Level 1 Curative therapy with a high (>50%) chance of success Chemotherapy for germ cell and gestational trophoblastic tumors.
Concurrent chemoradiation for cervical cancer
Level 2 Curative therapy with an intermediate (20%–50%) chance Chemotherapy for women with high-grade serous or endometrioid
of success ovarian cancer, including those with extrapelvic ovarian cancer.
Maintenance bevacizumab was discouraged, maintenance with
PARP inhibitors was promoted for BRCA patients
Level 3 Curative therapy or adjuvant therapy with 10%–20% Platinum sensitive relapse; advanced, high-grade endometrial cancer;
chance of success, or noncurative treatment with a however, endocrine treatment may be an appropriate alternative
>50% chance of 1-year survival prolongation for many other endometrial cases
Level 4 Curative therapy with a low (0%–10%) chance of success. Chemotherapy for first recurrence of cervical and endometrial cancer
Noncurative therapy with an intermediate (15%–50%) (good performance status), or advanced previously untreated
chance of more than 1-year life extension disease. Some women with platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian
Level 5 Noncurative therapy with a high (more than 50%) chance Chemotherapy for platinum-resistant ovarian cancer and recurrent
of palliation/temporary tumor control but less than endometrial cancer
1-year life extension
Level 6 Noncurative therapy with an intermediate (15%–50%) Chemotherapy for metastatic or recurrent cervical cancer or
chance of palliation/temporary tumor control and <1- endometrial cancer in second recurrence
year life extension
Source: NICE.35
from evacuation of smoke or carbon dioxide from the abdomen, treatment, the Cockroft–G ault or Wright methods were recom-
and the use of FFP3/N95 face masks by staff should be imple- mended to calculate glomerular filtration rate rather than the
mented. Where surgery may involve the gastrointestinal tract—an use of radionucleotides. 29 Cancer networks needed to consider
area known to carry virus particles—consideration should be given the impact on the supply of medications and work with regional
to laparotomy. and national organizations to minimize disruptions. The National
National and international guidelines covered the use of che- Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) suggested six levels
motherapy and modifications to medical oncology practices, of priority for chemotherapy (Table 2) 35 and five priority levels for
including prioritization levels for treatment. Prior to starting radiotherapy treatment. 36
98 MANCHANDA et al.
Radiotherapy guidelines29,36 included the use of hypofraction- Cancer Research UK investigating the overall impact of care re-
ated schedules to provide equivalent dose with fewer hospital at- ported that gynecologic cancers were among the most affected,
tendances, and simplifications of technique. High priority level 1 with 78% patients with gynecologic cancers reporting an impact.40
treatments included radical radiotherapy for cervical, vaginal, and Questionnaire surveys investigating patient perceptions show that
vulvar cancers. Level 2 treatments included urgent palliative ra- fear about COVID-19 and anxiety about cancer progression due to
diotherapy to preserve function such as in malignant spinal cord a change in cancer care during COVID-19 is a frequent and serious
compression and palliative radiotherapy to stop bleeding. Low pri- concern for cancer patients.41
ority cases include palliative radiotherapy for symptom control, and It is important to understand that healthcare givers and patients/
adjuvant radiotherapy for endometrial cancer. carers can perceive the impact of change very differently. Changes
in care such as telephone follow-up rather than face-to-face fol-
low-up, earlier discharge from hospital, and stopping visiting may
5 | I M PAC T O N S U RG E RY all be seen by healthcare providers as relatively minor changes to
overall outcome. However, these are seen as major changes to usual
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted cancer care across care by patients. It is difficult to quantify the impact these changes
the whole spectrum of prevention, diagnosis, surgery, oncology may make on the relationship of trust between doctor and patient/
treatments, and palliative care. Modelling has estimated that ap- carer. Clinical staff too are constrained by their own psychological
proximately 2.3 million cancer surgeries will have been delayed or response to risks brought on by the pandemic, including the ongoing
cancelled during the pandemic's first peak (March–May 2020). risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, which placed them in an
The impact on cancer diagnostics is also estimated to be substan- uncertain position. Healthcare staff are also vulnerable to the im-
tial, with more than 350 000 fewer people than usual being referred pact of COVID-19; it is vital that this is recognized and burnout is
for a rapid referral for suspected cancer in the UK between March prevented.
and September 2020, largely owing to fewer people seeking primary Patients also seek information amongst themselves and conduct
care advice.38 The uptake of screening programs has been reduced lay risk assessments through online patient groups; for instance, re-
and elective preventive surgery has been delayed. garding what they can or cannot do during periods when they were
The COVIDSurg gynaecological cancer study investigating out- advised to shield from COVID-19 exposure.42 Additionally, the im-
comes in first-line management of women with gynecologic cancer pact of change to planned cancer care, as perceived by patients, is a
reports that at least 15% of women with gynecologic cancer have source of huge distress—patients and carers worry about the long-
line surgery.39 Current
suffered disruption/change to usual first- term impact on their trajectory, and it is interesting to reflect that pa-
data show that major morbidity and mortality from gynecologic tients perceive their care plan to be the only or optimal one. Findings
cancer surgery in patients selected to undergo surgery during the are consistent with those identified from questionnaire surveys of
pandemic is comparable to pre-COVID times. 28 Studies have also patients in the published literature.41 Patients struggle with the risk
clearly shown that introduction of safe COVID-free pathways and calculus of individualized lay risk assessment in non-COVID times
establishing cancer care in COVID-free elective care hospitals that and this struggle is embellished by the uncertainty of COVID-19. It is
do not provide care for COVID-19 patients ensure that cancer care important to improve patient communication and education, as well
can safely continue even during the pandemic. Nevertheless, cancer as develop better supportive care strategies. Cancer charities have
surgery has been severely tested and the resilience of the healthcare also served as the first port of call for patients during the pandemic,
system to provide cancer care must be boosted by investment from providing guidance and support. Furthermore, healthcare providers
both government and private sector players worldwide. working in collaboration with reputed cancer charities can estab-
Prioritization frameworks issued by the BGCS and NICE (Tables 1 lish innovative ways of supporting patients with robust evidence
and 2), as well as other international societies, have attempted to and guidance. The European Society of Gynaecological Oncology
balance the risk from treatment in COVID-
19 exposed environ- (ESGO) has instituted, together with ENGAGe, a series of COVID-19
ments and the availability of resources, including intensive care webinars for patients. In the UK, the BGCS has worked with national
beds, against the impact of such delays on oncological outcomes. gynecologic cancer charities to address patient concerns through
Long-term data on the impact of such prioritization frameworks are the pandemic proactively (https://www.bgcs.org.uk/publi
awaited from the UKCOGS study (www.ukcogs.org.uk). mation/covid-19/).
care, implementation of remote working practices, and reduction in screening and prevention services need a fresh impetus to minimize
research funding. Laboratory services were reallocated to expand long-term detriment. Certain measures introduced during the pan-
COVID-19 testing services or significantly reduced as universities demic may bring long-term benefits in the right contexts, for exam-
were shut. New trial set-up and recruitment including to ongoing tri- ple, including greater use of one-stop clinics and virtual triage prior
als was paused, with a 65%–79% drop in recruitment reported by to investigations, and should be continued if they are seen to be ef-
some. However, COVID-19-related trials/research were prioritized ficient and cost-effective. Remote meetings and educational activi-
along with management of patients already recruited to clinical tri- ties have the potential to share learning across wider networks and
als. Mitigation strategies were introduced for ongoing trials and pa- should be continually developed.
tient management, including remote assessments, reduced clinical Important messages:
visits, etc. The impact of protocol deviations on trial outcomes re-
mains to be established. • It is possible to operate safely on gynecologic cancer patients
during the COVID-19 pandemic, with precautions.
• Hospitals and health systems should have resilient elective care
8 | I M PAC T O N S U RG I C A L TR A I N I N G pathways so that cancer is managed in safe areas, away from
where patients with COVID-19 are being looked after.
A recent study showed that COVID-19 has had a negative impact • It is critical to ensure COVID-19 vaccination for all cancer patients.
on surgical gynecologic oncology training.44 Twenty-eight percent • Counter misinformation by working with cancer charities and pa-
of trainees had COVID-19 and this was associated with increased tient support groups, developing a clear communications plan to
anxiety/depression. Trainees had to deal with redeployment, lack of reach patients.
PPE, reduction in household income, reduced surgical exposure, and • It is important to focus on salvaging screening and prevention
negative impact on psychological/mental well-being. While depart- services as this will have long-term impact, especially for cervical
mental teaching continues, the frequency was reduced and it was cancer.
conducted virtually. The recovery phase needs to address lost train- • We must plan for the recovery and backlog of patients whose
ing opportunities and also focus on improving the mental well-being treatments have been delayed or altered.
of trainees. • We need to prepare for additional surges or outbreaks of
• Steps need to be taken to minimize staff burnout and attrition.
9 | M OV I N G FO RWA R D • Trainees need additional support that addresses both their train-
ing needs as well as mental well-being.
With different countries at different stages in the implementation of • Research is needed to evaluate the impact of COVID-
19 on
vaccination programs, alongside repeating infection peaks, there is a changes to gynecologic cancer patient care and long-term patient
need to plan for further epidemics of COVID-19, COVID-19 variants, outcomes.
and other infectious diseases. It is necessary to evaluate those meas-
ures that have been successful and brought benefits that remain AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
outside of the context of a pandemic, and those that have brought All authors contributed to manuscript writing, review, and approval.
difficulties. Some measures introduced have seen an acceleration
of pre-existing trends (and are therefore more likely to persevere), C O N FL I C T S O F I N T E R E S T
whilst others have been forced in adversity. Whilst every cancer Relating to the submitted work, RM reports grant funding received
center and network will reflect on their own ways of working, and from BGCS to support work into COVID-19 outcomes on gynecologic
every infectious disease and setting will bring unique challenges, we oncology. Outside of the submitted work, RM reports grant funding
offer some considerations to guide planning. Key considerations in- received from the Eve Appeal, Barts Charity, CRUK, and Rosetrees
clude flexibility in service provision and preparedness for increased Trust and speaker/lecture fees from AstraZeneca and GSK. Outside
capacity to allow a rapid response to future surges of infection. Extra of the submitted work, SG-M is an officer and trustee for the BGCS
resources will be required to enable the recovery of diagnostic and and member of the RCOG Academic and eLearning Editorial Boards
treatments for both cancer and precancerous treatments, as well as and CPD Committee. Relating to the submitted work, SS received
the very high global burden of delayed benign disease. Modifications funding from the BGCS for COVIDSurg-Gynaecological cancer via
to patient pathways need to be evaluated, with a return to standard- the University of Birmingham. SO declares no conflicts of interest.
of-care treatments where possible. Guidance has been published on
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