Narayana Jee-Advanced-2023-Paper-I-Qp-Key
Narayana Jee-Advanced-2023-Paper-I-Qp-Key
Narayana Jee-Advanced-2023-Paper-I-Qp-Key
1. Let S = (0,1) (1,2) (3,4) and T = {0,1, 2,3}. Then which of the following statements is(are) true?
(A) There are infinitely many functions from S to T
(B) There are infinitely many strictly increasing functions from S to T
(C) The number of continuous functions from S to T is at most 120
(D) Every continuous function from S to T is differentiable
x 2 y2
2. Let T1 and T2 be two distinct common tangents to the ellipse E : 1 and the parabola P : y2 =
6 3
12x . Suppose that the tangent T1 touches P and E at the points A1 and A2, respectively and the tangent
T2 touches P and E at the points A4 and A3, respectively. Then
which of the following statements is(are) true?
(A) The area of the quadrilateral A1A2 A3 A4 is 35 square units
(B) The area of the quadrilateral A1A2 A3 A4 is 36 square units
(C) The tangents T1 and T2 meet the x -axis at the point (–3, 0)
(D) The tangents T1 and T2 meet the x -axis at the point (–6, 0)
x3 5 17
3. Let f :[0,1] [0,1] be the function defined by f x x 2 x . Consider the square region
3 9 36
S = [0,1] × [0,1]. Let G ={(x, y) S : y > f (x)} be called the green region and R = {(x, y)S : y < f
(x)} be called the red region. Let Lh = {(x, y)S: x [0,1]} be the horizontal line drawn at a height
h[0,1]. Then which of the following statements is(are) true?
1 2
(A) There exists an h , such that the area of the green region above the line Lh equals the area
4 3
of the green region below the line Lh
1 2
(B) There exists an h , such that the area of the red region above the line Lh equals the area of
4 3
the red region below the line Lh
1 2
(C) There exists an h , such that the area of the green region above the line Lh equals the area
4 3
of the red region below the line Lh
1 2
(D) There exists an h , such that the area of the red region above the line Lh equals the area of
4 3
the green region below the line Lh
1 1
4. Let f : (0,1) R be the function defined as f x n if x , where nN. Let g : (0,1)
n 1 n
1 t
R be a function such that dt g x 2 x for all x(0,1). Then limf x g x
t x 0
(A) does NOT exist (B) is equal to 1 (C) is equal to 2 (D) is equal to 3
5. Let Q be the cube with the set of vertices x1 , x 2 , x 3 R 3 : x1 , x 2 , x 3 0,1 . Let F be the set of all
twelve lines containing the diagonals of the six faces of the cube Q. Let S be the set of all four lines
containing the main diagonals of the cube Q; for instance, the line passing through the vertices (0,0,0)
and (1,1,1) is in S. For lines 1 and 2, let d(1, 2) denote the shortest distance between them. Then
the maximum value of d(1, 2) , as 1 varies over F and 2 varies over S, is
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 8 3 12
x 2 y2
6. Let x x, y Z Z : 1and y 2 5x .Three distinct points P, Q and R are randomly chosen
8 20
from X. Then the probability that P, Q and R form a triangle whose area is a positive integer, is
71 73 79 83
(A) (B) (C) (D)
220 220 220 220
KEY: B / /
7. Let P be a point on the parabola y2 = 4ax, where a > 0. The normal to the parabola at P meets the x -
axis at a point Q. The area of the triangle PFQ, where F is the focus of the parabola, is 120. If the slope
m of the normal and a are both positive integers, then the pair (a, m) is
(A) (2, 3) (B) (1, 3) (C) (2, 4) (D) (3, 4)
8. Let tan 1 x , , for x R. Then the number of real solutions of the equation
2 2
3 3
1 cos 2x 2 tan 1 tan x in the set , , , is equal to
2 2 2 2 2 2
9. Let n 2 be a natural number and f :[0,1] R be the function defined by
n 1 2nx if 0 x
2n 2nx 1 if 1 x 3
2n 4n
f x
4n 1 nx 3 1
if x
4n n
n 1
nx 1 if x 1
n 1 n
If n is such that the area of the region bounded by the curves x = 0, x = 1, y = 0 and
y = f (x) is 4, then the maximum value of the function f is
10. Let 75...57 denote the (r + 2) digit number where the first and the last digits are 7 and the remaining r
75...57 m
digits are 5. Consider the sum S = 77 + 757 + 7557 + … + 75...57 . If S , where m and
n are natural numbers less than 3000, then the value of m + n is
1967 1686i sin
11. Let A : R . If A contains exactly one positive integer n, then the value of n
7 3i cos
12. Let P be the plane 3x 2y 3z 16 and let
S ˆi ˆj kˆ : 2 2 2 1and the distance of , , from the plane P is .
Let u, v and w be three distinct vectors in S such that u, v v w w u . Let V be the volume of
the parallelepiped determined by vectors u, v and w . Then the value of V is
13. Let a and b be two nonzero real numbers. If the coefficient of x5 in the expansion of ax 2 is
–5 1
equal to the coefficient of x in the expansion of ax 2 , then the value of 2b is
14. Let , and be real numbers. Consider the following system of linear equations
x 2y z 7
x z 11
2x 3y z
Match each entry in List-I to the correct entries in List-II.
List-I List-II
(P) If and 28 , then the system has (1) a unique solution
(Q) If and 28 , then the system has (2) no solution
(R) If 7 3 where 1 and (3) infinitely many solutions
28 , then the system has
(S) If 7 3 where 1 and
28 , then the system has (4) x = 11, y = –2 and z = 0 as a solution
(5) x = –15, y = 4 and z = 0 as a solution
The correct option is:
(A) (P) (3) (Q) (2) (R) (1) (S) (4)
(B) (P) (3) (Q) (2) (R) (5) (S) (4)
(C) (P) (2) (Q) (1) (R) (4) (S) (5)
(D) (P) (2) (Q) (1) (R) (1) (S) (3)
15. Consider the given data with frequency distribution
Match each entry in List-I to the correct entries in List-II.
List-I List-II
(P) The mean of the above data is (1) 2.5
(Q) The median of the above data is (2) 5
(R) The mean deviation about the mean of the (3) 6
above data is
(S) The mean deviation about the median of
the above data is (4) 2.7
(5) 2.4
The correct option is:
(A) (P) (3) (Q) (2) (R) (4) (S) (5)
(B) (P) (3) (Q) (2) (R) (1) (S) (5)
(C) (P) (2) (Q) (3) (R) (4) (S) (1)
(D) (P) (3) (Q) (3) (R) (5) (S) (5)
Let 1 and 2 be the lines r1 ˆi ˆj kˆ and r2 ˆj kˆ ˆi kˆ respectively. Let X be the set of all
the planes H that contain the line 1. For a plane H, let d(H) denote the smallest possible distance
between the points of 2 and H. Let H0 be a plane in X for which d(H0) is the maximum value of d(H)
as H varies over all planes in X.
Match each entry in List-I to the correct entries in List-II.
List-I List-II
(5) 7
The correct option is:
(A) (P) (1) (Q) (3) (R) (5) (S) (4)
(B) (P) (2) (Q) (1) (R) (3) (S) (5)
(C) (P) (2) (Q) (4) (R) (5) (S) (1)
(D) (P) (2) (Q) (3) (R) (5) (S) (4)
1. A slide with a frictionless curved surface, which becomes horizontal at its lower end, is fixed on the
terrace of a building of height 3h from the ground, as shown in the figure. A spherical ball of mass m
is released on the slide from rest at a height h from the top of the terrace. The ball leaves the slide
with a velocity u0 u0 xˆ and falls on the ground at a distance d from the building making an angle
with the horizontal. It bounces of with a velocity v and reaches a maximum height h1. The
acceleration due to gravity is g and the coefficient of restitution of the ground is . Which of the
following statement(s) is (are) correct?
ˆ 2) v 2 gh xˆ zˆ 3) 600
1) u0 2 ghx 4) d / h1 2 3
2. A plane polarized blue light ray is incident on a prism such that there is no reflection from the surface
of the prism. The angle of deviation of the emergent ray is 60 0 (see Figure-1). The angle of
minimum deviation for red light from the same prism is min 300 (see Figure-2). The refractive
index of the prism material for blue light is 3 . Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?
1) 27 pF 2) 63 pF 3) 81 pF 4) 135 Pf
6. One mole of an ideal gas expands adiabatically form an initial state TA ,V0 to final state T f , 5V0 .
Another mole of the same gas expands isothermally from a different initial state TB ,V0 to the same
final state T f , 5V0 . The ratio of the specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume of this
1) 5 1 2) 51 3) 5 4) 51
7. Two statellites P and Q are moving in different circular orbits around the Earth (radiusR). The heights
of P and Q from the Earth surface are hp and hQ, respectively, where hp R / 3 . The accelerations of
gp 36
P and Q due to Earth’s gravity are gp and gQ, respectively. If , what is the value of hQ?
gQ 25
3R R 6R 5R
1) 2) 3) 4)
5 6 5 6
8. A Hydrogen-like atom has atomic number Z. Photons emitted in the electronic transitions from level n
= 4 to level n = 3 in these atoms are used to perform photoelectric effect experiment on a target metal.
The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons generated is 1.95 eV. If t he photoelectric threshold
wavelength for the target metal is 310 nm, the value of Z is _______
[Given : hc=1240 eV-nm and Rhc = 13.6 eV, where R is the Rydberg constant, h is the Planck’s
constant and c is the speed of light in vacuum]
9. An optical arrangement consists of two concave mirrors M1 and M2, and a convex lens L with a
common principal axis, as shown in the figure. The focal length of L is 10 cm. The radii of curvature
of M1 and M2 are 20 cm and 24 cm, respectively. The distance between L and M2 is 20 cm. A point
object S is placed at the mid-point between L and M2 on the axis. When the distancebetween L and
M1 is /7 cm, one of the images coincides with S. The value of is .
10. In an experiment for determination of the focal length of a thin convex lens, the distance of the
object from the lens is 10 0.1 cm and the distance of its real image from the lens is 20 0.2 cm .
The error in the determination of focal length of the lens is %. The value of is .
11. A closed container contains a homogeneous mixture of two moles of an ideal monatomic gas
5 / 3 and one mole of an ideal diatomic gas 7 / 5 . Here, is the ratio of the specific
heats at constant pressure and constant volume of an ideal gas. The gas mixture does a work of
66 Joule when heated at constant pressure. The change in its internal energy is Joule.
12. A person of height 1.6 m is walking away from a lamp post of height 4 m along a straight path on
the flat ground. The lamp post and the person are always perpendicular to the ground. If the speed
of the person is 60 cm s−1, the speed of the tip of the person’s shadow on the ground with respect
to the person is cm s−1.
13. Two point-like objects of masses 20 gm and 30 gm are fixed at the two ends of a rigid massless rod
of length 10 cm. This system is suspended vertically from a rigid ceiling using a thin wire attached
to its center of mass, as shown in the figure. The resulting torsional pendulum undergoes small
oscillations. The torsional constant of the wire is 1.2 108 N m rad 1 . The angular frequency of the
14. List-I shows different radioactive decay processes and List-II provides possible emitted particles.
Match each entry in List-I with an appropriate entry from List-II, and choose the correct option
List – I List – II
238 234
P) 92 U 91 Pa 1) one particle and one particle
Q) 214
Pb 82 Pb 2) three particles and one particle
210 206
R) 81 Tl 82 Pb 3) two particles and one particle
S) 228
Pa 88 Ra 4) one particle and one particle
1) p 4, Q 3, R 2, S 1 2) → 4, → 1, → 2, →5
3) → 5, → 3, → 1, →4 4) → 5, → 1, → 3, →2
15. Match the temperature of a black body given in List-I with an appropriate statement in List-II,
and choose the correct option.
[Given: Wien’s constant as 2.9 103 m K and 1.24 10 6 V m ]
List – I List – II
The radiation at peak wavelength can lead to
p) 2000 K 1) emission of photoelectrons from a metal of
work function 4 eV.
The radiation at peak wavelength is visible to
Q) 3000 K 2)
human eye.
The radiation at peak emission wavelength will
R) 5000 K 3) result in the widest central maximum of a
single slit diffraction.
1) → 3, → 5, → 2, → 3
2) → 3, → 2, → 4, → 1
3) → 3, → 4, → 2, → 1
4) → 1, → 2, → 5, → 3
16. A series LCR circuit is connected to a 45 sin t Volt source. The resonant angular frequency of
the circuit is 105 rad s−1 and current amplitude at resonance is 0. When the angular frequency of
the source is 8 10 4 rad s 1 , the current amplitude in the circuit is 0.05 0. If = 50 mH,
match each entry in List-I with an appropriate value from List-II and choose the correct option.
List-I List-II
(5) 500
1) → 2, → 3, → 5, → 1 2) → 3, → 1, → 4, →2
3) → 4, → 5, → 3, → 1 4) → 4, → 2, → 1, →5
17. A thin conducting rod MN of mass 20 gm, length 25 cm and resistance 10 is held on frictionless,
long, perfectly conducting vertical rails as shown in the figure. There is a uniform magnetic
field 0 = 4 T directed perpendicular to the plane of the rod-rail arrangement. The rod is released
from rest at time = 0 and it moves down along the rails. Assume air drag is negligible. Match
each quantity in List-I with an appropriate value from List-II, and choose the correct option.
List-I List-II
(P) At = 0.2 s, the magnitude of the induced emf in Volt (1) 0.07
(Q) At = 0.2 s, the magnitude of the magnetic force in Newton (2) 0.14
(R) At = 0.2 s, the power dissipated as heat in Watt (3) 1.20
(S) The magnitude of terminal velocity of the rod in m s−1 (4) 0.12
(5) 2.00
1) → 5, → 2, → 3, → 1 2) → 3, → 1, → 4, →5
3) → 4, → 3, → 1, → 2 4) → 3, → 4, → 2, →5
1 The correct statement(s) related to processes involved in the extraction of metals is(are)
(A) Roasting of Malachite produces Cuprite.
(B) Calcination of Calamine produces Zincite.
(C) Copper pyrites is heated with silica in a reverberatory furnace to remove iron.
(D) Impure silver is treated with aqueous KCN in the presence of oxygen followed by reduction
with zinc metal.
2 In the following reactions, , , , and are the major products.
(ii) H O
Metal halide White precipitate (P) + Filtrate (Q)
aq.H2SO4 ,
PbO2 (excess)
X ( a coloured species in solution)
MnO(OH)2 ,
Q Y (gives blue-coloration with KI-starch paper)
(A) CrO and Br
(B) and Cl
(C) MnO and Cl
(D) MnSO and HOCl
5. Plotting 1/Λ against cΛ for aqueous solutions of a monobasic weak acid (HX) resulted in a
straight line with y-axis intercept of P and slope of S. The ratio P/S is
[Λ = molar conductivity
Λ∘ = limiting molar conductivity
c = molar concentration
K = dissociation constant of HX]
6. On decreasing the H from 7 to 2 , the solubility of a sparingly soluble salt (MX) of a weak acid
(HX) increased from 10 mol L to 10 mol L . The K of HX is
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 2
7. In the given reaction scheme, is a phenyl alkyl ether, is an aromatic compound; and are the
major products.
8. The stoichiometric reaction of 516 g of dimethyldichlorosilane with water results in a tetrameric
cyclic product in 75% yield. The weight (in g ) of obtained is
[Use, molar mass (gmol ): H = 1, C = 12, O = 16, Si = 28, Cl = 35.5]
9. A gas has a compressibility factor of 0.5 and a molar volume of 0.4dm mol at a temperature of
800 K and pressure atm. If it shows ideal gas behaviour at the same temperature and pressure, the
molar volume will be dm mol . The value of / is
10. The plot of log versus 1/ for a reversible reaction A(g) ⇌ P(g) is shown.
Pre-exponential factors for the forward and backward reactions are 10 s and 10 s ,
respectively. If the value of log for the reaction at 500 K is 6 , the value of |log | at 250 K is
[ = equilibrium constant of the reaction
= rate constant of forward reaction
= rate constant of backward reaction]
11. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas undergoes two reversible processes (A → B and B → C) as
shown in the given figure:
A → B is an adiabatic process. If the total heat absorbed in the entire process (A → B and B → C) is
R ln 10, the value of 2log is
12. In a one-litre flask, 6 moles of A undergoes the reaction A (g) ⇌ P (g). The progress of product
formation at two temperatures (in Kelvin), T1 and T2, is shown in the figure:
[ G1 and G2 are standard Gibb’s free energy change for the reaction at temperatures T1 and T2,
13. The total number of sp2 hybridised carbon atoms in the major product P (a non-heterocyclic
compound) of the following reaction is ___.
14. Match the reactions (in the given stoichiometry of the reactants) in List-I with one of their products
given in List-II and choose the correct option.
List-I List-II
A) P 2; Q 3; R 1; S 5
B) P 3; Q 5; R 4; S 2
C) P 5; Q 2; R 1; S 3
D) P 2; Q 3; R 4; S 5
15. Match the electronic configurations in List-I with appropriate metal complex ions in List-II
and choose the correct option.
[Atomic Number: Fe = 26, Mn = 25, Co = 27]
(A) P 1; Q 4; R 2; S 3
(B) P 1; Q 2; R 4; S 5
(C) P 3; Q 2; R 5; S 1
(D) P 3; Q 2; R 4; S 1
16. Match the reactions in List-I with the features of their products in List-II and choose the correct option
(A) P 1; Q 2; R 5; S 3
(B) P 2; Q 1; R 3; S 5
(C) P 1; Q 2; R 5; S 4
(D) P 2; Q 4; R 3; S 5
17. The major products obtained from the reactions in List-II are the reactants for the named reactions
mentioned in List-I. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct option
(5) Phenol
(A) P 2; Q 4; R 1; S 3 (B) P 1; Q 3; R 5; S 2
(C) P 3; Q 2; R 1; S 4 D) P 3; Q 4; R 5; S 2