Espe 95
Espe 95
Espe 95
Abstract. In this paper we focus on some general error analysis results in floating-point summation. We
emphasize analysis that is useful from both a scientific and a teaching point of view.
1. Introduction. The floating-point summation has, over the years, received consider-
able attention since Wilkinson’s [11], 12] famous backward analysis from the early 1960s.
Over the last five years several papers have been published focusing on this topic, e.g., Rober-
tazzi and Schwartz [10], Dixon and Mills [3], Goldberg [5], and Higham [6]. Comprehensive
lists of references can be found in [5], [6].
This author also studied this subject in the late 1970s (Espelid [4]). My interest stemmed
from teaching numerical analysis courses; all textbooks that I knew would present the backward
result. I observed that in doing so these textbooks failed to give good advice to students on
how to compute, e.g., the denominator in Aitken extrapolation for a linearly converging series
ti-1, ti, ti+l t: d ti+1-2ti + ti-1. The backward analysis is of course important,
but in my opinion the true nature of floating-point summation becomes hidden if one gives
results for the backward analysis only.
This paper has been inspired by Higham’s discussions in [6]. However, instead of ex-
perimenting with different orderings, I want to highlight some main results from [4] and [6]
in a less technical manner. I do hope that both scientists and teachers of numerical analysis
courses may find this presentation as useful as have over the years.
Before we start on the floating-point discussion, let us first consider the following natural
summation algorithm.
Initialize: Given a set of n + 1 numbers {xi
while n > 0 do
Pick two numbers from the set, say x and y.
Compute z +-- x 4- y.
Let z replace x and y in the set,
and put n +-- n 1.
Higham [6] uses the term insertion for this type of algorithm, which is also discussed in [4].
We may associate a binary summation tree with this algorithm: the leaves contain the values
x i, O, 1, 2 n, and the internal nodes contain the intermediate sums s i, 1,2 n.
Obviously we have for the root of the tree
Sn Xi.
Each si is the exact sum of a subset of the n 4- x-values. Thus to each si, or to each
internal node in the binary summation tree, we may associate the indices corresponding to this
particular subset of x-values.
*Received by the editors June 20, 1994; accepted for publication July 19, 1994.
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Hoyteknologisenteret, 5020 Bergen, Norway.
By making different choices in the algorithm we may get different binary summation
trees. Define two binary summation trees as different if there is one internal node in one of
the trees, with a particular associated index set, which does not appear in the other tree. A
natural question is then: How many different binary summation trees are there?
Let g (m) be the number of different binary summation trees with m leaves. We find by
simple counting, with g (1) 1, that
The factor g comes from symmetry considerations. Define g (0) 1, then this can be written
j0 j g(j)g(m-j)=O form>2.
Defining the generating function F (x) Y’m>_0 x g (m)/m it is easy to see that (F(x)) 2
2x and using this fact we find g(m) 1.3.5... (2m 3) (2m 3)!!, known as double
factorial. Thus the number of different ways to add the n + numbers increases enormously
with n: 1, 3, 15, 105, 945, 10 395, 135 135 This expression for g(m) is probably well
known: e.g., it is given in Knuth [8, p. 639].
2. Floating-point summation. Assume that we have a machine with standard floating-
point arithmetic with rounding. Let denote a floating-point machine number approximating
the exact number x.
LEMMA 2.1. Let u be the unit roundoff on a machine with standard floating-point arith-
metic. Then the floating-point error may be represented both as
Now assume that we implement Algorithm Sum on this machine using floating-point arith-
metic. Assume furthermore that we make the same choices as with exact arithmetic producing,
from the machine values {27i }ni=0’ the intermediate machine sums i 2, n Using
THEOREM 2.2. The total error in the computed sum
over- and producing intermediate machine sums i
(3) on each node in the binary summation tree we formulate the result in a theorem.
using Algorithm Sum (assuming
1, 2 n, may be
i=1 j=0
In my opinion this theorem contains the essence of floating-point summation. The initial
errors have an effect on the final sum, which is ind.ependent of the choices made in Algorithm
Sum. The choices made will influence the final sum through the intermediate sums i. Thus
making choices that create small intermediate sums generally seems like the best advice. This
result should appear in textbooks and will make floating-point summation less obscure to
beginners in this field.
The typical student question about how to compute the denominator in Aitken acceleration
is now trivial. Indeed the situation is even more pleasant than Theorem 2.2 indicates in this
case due to the following well-known result concerning cancellation.
LEMMA 2.3. Let and be machine numbers in a binary floating-point machine such
that 2c < 0 and2]] >_ 11 >_ Il. Then fl(2c + )- +
The optimal way of computing the Aitken denominator is
Using a binary floating-point machine we get 7rl lr2 0, giving only a small relative error
due to the last subtraction since the terms in the sequence {ti are approximately equal when
is large.
In order to do a complete backward analysis of the implementation of Algorithm Sum we
may use (1) to obtain the following result:
by the error in each of its children and the error introduced when computing from these
children expressed by the exact sum z. In order for the bound to be true we must perturb the
bound by the factor (1 + u), which is unnecessary if we replace z by The nice property of
(6) is that it is easy to use recursively in the binary summation tree (by induction in the height
of the tree) giving an alternative to (5)
THEOREM 2.4. The total error in the computed sum may be bounded using the exact
intermediate sums si, 1, 2 n,
where h denotes the height of the binary summation tree and [log2(n + 1)q _< h < n.
Alternatively we may write
where mi is the distance from the leaf containing X to the root of the binary summation tree,
with < m <_ h.
Proof To prove (8) recall that si is the exact sum of a subset of the exact x-values. Let mi
be the number of additions xi has been part of, either explicitly or embedded in some sj, then
this is equivalent to the distance from the leaf containing X to the root. With this observation
(8) follows from (7). B
We see that while (5) and (7) are realistic upper bounds (may be achieved) on the error,
(8) may be a substantial overestimate if the terms in the sum are of different sign.
Minimizing the height in the binary summation tree, known as the Linz-Babusfa sum-
mation [1], [9], gives h [log 2 (n + 1)] and thus the minimum-maximum perturbation of
each xi in (8).
Recursive summation, that is 1 fl(2co + Yc 1) and i fl(i-1 -+- fCi), on the other hand,
gives h m0 n and mi n + 1, 1, 2 n, establishing the most-cited backward
result by Wilkinson. The factor (1 / u) h may be replaced by
(1 + u) h < exp(uh),
giving a perturbation of the bound less than 1.1 if uh _<. 1. Let us consider a case where it is
of little value to spend extra effort on the floating-point summation.
THEOREM 2.5. Assume that the relative initial error is uniformly bounded, e.g., le. <
elxj I, then
This follows directly from (8). We see from (9) that when un < e (recall h < n) then this
backward analysis suggests that we should not worry about the choices in Algorithm Sum (at
least for un < < 1). On the other hand if e O (1)u then the same analysis indicates that the
summation error may be dominating and such an effort may be worthwhile. From (9) we see
that the Linz-Babuska summation will minimize this bound, but (7) suggests that we can do
even better in many cases.
Since the number of different binary summation trees becomes enormous with large values
of n, it is generally out of the question to search all these for the optimal summation tree (that
is: the tree that minimizes either (5) or (7) or both) for a given set of x-values. However, in
some cases the optimal tree is easy to find.
1. If xi > O, O, n, then we may choose the two smallest values x and y (each
time) in Algorithm Sum to get the optimal tree. It is well known that this is optimal (see D.
Huffman’s procedure [7] or Caprani [2]). If the set is sorted in advance then this procedure is
in addition easy to apply.
Recursive summation is optimal in the equal sign case if the set is sorted in increasing
order and each intermediate sum is less than all the remaining (except the smallest) x-values.
An example is: 0 < Xj_l OlXj, j 1, 2 n with 0 < c < (,v/- 1)/2.
The Linz-Babusla summation is optimal if all x-values are approximately equal. In this
case (9) gives a very nice relative error bound that is also realistic with h minimal.
2. In [6] a number of different strategies were considered when we have the different
sign situation. None of the strategies was a general winner in the experiments performed in
[6]. One of these strategies, the separation strategy, is to compute the sum of all positive and
negative x-values separately, using a good strategy for each subproblem. As remarked in [6]
this is almost never optimal.
I feel that such strategies appear in the literature due to the fact that results such as
(4), (5), and (7), to my knowledge, have never been given in textbooks. Everyone knows
that cancellation may be harmful, and indeed this separation strategy minimizes the number
of possible cancellations! However, as illustrated by Theorems 2.2 and 2.4 and Lemma
2.3, cancellation in floating-point summation is the best thing that can happen and the more
frequently the better! Here we should note that our Aitken example makes use of this particular
fact. The trouble with cancellation is the conflict between large initial errors and the fact that
the final sum may be quite small. If this is a major concern then one should reformulate the
problem to avoid the summation! If not, then take advantage of the cancellations!
Of course, it is possible to experience cases where the separation strategy is optimal:
Assume that xi > 0, 0, 1, 2 n 1, and xn < -2 Yi=0 xi then we see indeed that the
separate summation of positive and negative values is optimal. This fact illustrates how hard it
is to design an algorithm that is optimal, in general, and at the same time implies a reasonable
amount of extra work relative to the n floating-point additions, which is the original job to be
Acknowledgments. The author thanks Hans Munthe-Kaas and Kjell J. Overholt for their
suggestions and comments, which improved the presentation of the material.
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