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The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™

ISSN 2307-8235 (online)

IUCN 2008: T6493A97409830
Scope: Global
Language: English

Dermatemys mawii, Central American River Turtle

Errata version
Assessment by: Vogt, R.C., Gonzalez-Porter, G.P. & Van Dijk, P.P.

View on www.iucnredlist.org

Citation: Vogt, R.C., Gonzalez-Porter, G.P. & Van Dijk, P.P. 2006. Dermatemys mawii. The IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species 2006: e.T6493A97409830.

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The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is produced and managed by the IUCN Global Species Programme, the IUCN
Species Survival Commission (SSC) and The IUCN Red List Partnership. The IUCN Red List Partners are: Arizona State
University; BirdLife International; Botanic Gardens Conservation International; Conservation International; NatureServe;
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Sapienza University of Rome; Texas A&M University; and Zoological Society of London.

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Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family

Animalia Chordata Reptilia Testudines Dermatemydidae

Taxon Name:  Dermatemys mawii Gray, 1847

Common Name(s):
• English: Central American River Turtle
• French: Dermatemyde De Mawe, Tortue De Tabasco
• Spanish: Tortuga Blanca, Tortuga Rivereña Centroamericana
Taxonomic Notes:
This is the single living species and genus in this family which dates back to the Eocene. A number of
synonyms have been published for the species, all obsolete and not used for a long time. The corrected
but invalid spelling mawei has been supported by some taxonomists.

Assessment Information
Red List Category & Criteria: Critically Endangered A2abd+4d ver 3.1

Year Published: 2006

Date Assessed: January 31, 2006

Annotations: Needs Updating

A very conservative generation time of 10 years is assumed here; this is almost certainly an
underestimate, when neither age at maturity nor average longevity are known. By analogy from other
large riverine turtles (i.e., Batagur, Podocnemis), generation time is likely longer. Exploitation pressures
have been and continue to be very high, with populations having collapsed over recent decades and
recovery, where possible, being very slow. Assuming a 10-year generation time and 5% annual offtake
(both very conservative estimates), populations would decline by 81.5% after 3 generations; however,
reduced recruitment as adults are removed would reduce the population even further. See Detailed
Documentation for details of distribution, population trends and impacts of exploitation.

Previously Published Red List Assessments

1996 – Endangered (EN)

1994 – Vulnerable (V)

1990 – Vulnerable (V)

1988 – Vulnerable (V)

1986 – Vulnerable (V)

1982 – Vulnerable (V)

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 1
Geographic Range
Range Description:
Inhabits the regions within the large rivers from the Papaloapan basin in central Veracruz and along the
lowlands of the Usumacinta basin in the States of Tabasco and Chiapas, as well as in Campeche, Mexico,
through Belize and the large rivers and lakes of the department of Peten on the Atlantic coast of
Guatemala. There are no records for this species in either the State of Yucatan or in the northern part of
Quintana Roo (Iverson and Mittermeier 1980, Iverson 1992, Campbell 1998, Vogt unpublished data).
(See Figure 1 in the supplementary material for a map of the extent of occurrence).

Country Occurrence:
Native: Belize; Guatemala; Mexico

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 2
In the 1970s populations in Tabasco near Villahermosa were decimated and the professional turtle
hunters began to go farther and farther away to find turtles to harvest. Harvest quantities in the 1970s
amounted to 1,000–2,000 turtles per lake annually; the species was abundant enough in the Tio
Lacantum area, Chiapas, that traders built an airstrip to fly them out to Villahermosa (Alvarez del Toro et
al. 1979). Tales were told by locals of 100s to a thousand Dermatemys taken in a single day in oxbow
lakes along the Rio Lacantun and Lago Palestina near Juarez, Chiapas (Vogt unpublished data). By the
1980s no such large populations remained, and the largest confiscations were rarely over 100 turtles. By
1990 Vogt (pers. obs.) never saw more than 5 animals in one place being held from confiscation or for
sale. In the Rio Tsendales, Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, in the 1980s, it was possible to catch 40–45 adults
in 5 days of trapping with 20 fyke nets (Vogt unpubished data). By the mid 1990s this population had
been decimated by Tabascanian turtle trappers, even though the area was completely within the
Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve (Vogt pers. obs.).

Populations of Dermatemys are now so low in Mexico that recovery is perhaps not possible in most
regions. The only viable populations of Dermatemys currently (in 2005) exist in inaccessible areas far
from civilization. In the Rio Blanco of Veracruz there exists a recuperating population, with a proportion
of subadults to adults that is extremely high. Normally at least 80 per cent of the population consists of
adults when the population is not being over harvested (Vogt unpublished data). When there are few
adults and few subadults and more hatchlings found than adults the population is in extremely fragile
shape. When this population was trapped in the late 1990s it had a majority (80%) of subadults,
signifying that the adults had recently been overharvested, but that there was sufficient reproductive
stock being produced that the population was judged to be recuperating. How many decades this might
take is unknown (Vogt unpublished data).

Dermatemys is legally protected by several laws and international agreements but these regulations
have not stopped its capture or consumption, and populations of the species in Mexico have been
almost eliminated (Vogt and Flores Villela 1992). In Guatemala the status of the population is not clear
(Polisar and Horwich 1994). Moll (1986b) conducted countrywide surveys of river systems inhabited by
Dermatemys, and market surveys, in 1983–1984. Polisar (1992) documented population structures in
sections of the Belize River exposed to contrasting levels of exploitation, finding adults very scarce in the
heavily exploited sections. There are reasonable probabilities that some populations in Belize are now
afforded at least partial protection, such as sections of Rio Bravo and Irish Creek, Cox Lagoon, and part
of the Sibun River (which is a village-originated Hickatee Conservation Area). While pressures in Belize
can be assumed to be high, trends have been less disastrous and declines less rapid than in Mexico.

In Guatemala the status of the populations are not known (Polisar and Horwich 1994). A herpetofauna
survey of Laguna del Tigre, Peten, Guatemala, in April 1999 focused on Morelet's Crocodile but also
recorded the occurrence of Dermatemys, though in densities too low to quantify reliably (Castañeda
Moya et al. 2000). Further surveys in Guatemala and follow-up evaluations in Belize are a priority.

It was listed in the 1982 IUCN Amphibia-Reptilia Red Data Book as Vulnerable (Groombridge 1982) and
has been considered as a high priority by the IUCN Tortoise & Freshwater Turtle SG in its 1989 action
plan; it was uplisted to Endangered in the 1996 IUCN Red List.
Current Population Trend:  Decreasing

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 3
Habitat and Ecology (see Appendix for additional information)
Dermatemys primarily inhabit the larger deeper rivers and oxbow lakes throughout the year. During the
rainy season they will enter the flooded forests and travel up smaller river courses to nest. Often as
flood waters recede they will become trapped in oxbow lakes until the next rainy season, since they are
so poorly designed for terrestrial locomotion. Even though this turtle is a fast swimmer and is capable of
swimming up rapids they often concentrate in the deep pools at the bottom of the river during the day
(Vogt unpublished data). Well oxygenated water is preferred, as they have highly vascularized papillae in
the larynx which enable them to stay underwater indefinitely, drawing water in through the mouth and
exhaling through the nostrils. However anaerobic black water oxbow lakes used to hold large
concentrations of Dermatemys that are trapped there after the water level of the river recedes in the
dry season. Although Dermatemys will use fast-moving sections of rivers, they often seek respite from
the current in the calmer parts of deep pools and are found in association with submerged tree trunks
imbedded in the river bottom. Larger turtles usually rest on the bottom and sometimes partially imbed
themselves if the substrate is soft enough. Small individuals often seek shelter closer to shore, resting
partially imbedded in accumulations of detritus and also hidden amongst the branches of submerged
trees. During April and May, the dry season, adult Dermatemys congregate in the deeper waterholes, 6
m or more in depth. During this same time of the year juveniles and subadults can be found along the
shorelines of smaller tributaries taking refuge within the branches of fallen trees or mounds of
accumulated detritus (Alvarez del Toro et al. 1979, Polisar 1996, Vogt pers. obs.). Populations in Belize
are known to enter estuaries (Moll 1989). Dermatemys is an herbivorous turtle throughout its life
(Alvarez del Toro et al. 1979, Moll 1989, Vogt unpublished data). It eats a wide variety of aquatic
vegetation, fallen leaves and leaf detritus, and fallen fruits from riparian vegetation. Belizean
populations are also known to enter estuaries to feed upon mangrove vegetation and sea grasses (Moll

Females reach maturity between 34.2–42.0 cm, while males become mature between 32.8-38.5 cm
(Polisar 1996, Vogt unpublished data). Females grow larger than males; largest size reported is 60 cm
and 22 kg (Alvarez del Toro et al. 1979), although none of 567 turtles examined by Polisar (1996) in
North-Central Belize during 1989–1990 exceeded 49 cm. No information is available on age at maturity
or on longevity.

Nesting begins during the height of the rainy season from September through December when water
levels are at their annual peaks; up to three, exceptionally four, clutches of eggs are laid (Vogt and
Flores-Vilela 1992, Polisar 1996). Reports in the literature describing the nesting season as March and
April (Lee 1969, Moll 1986a) were based on turtles found in the markets that were most likely holding
their eggs for an extended period due to their captive condition. Some females may lay their ultimate
clutch for the season in late February or early March, but these are anomalies. Vitellogenesis begins in
June and July with oviposition from September to March in the Rio Lacantun in Chiapas (Vogt
unpublished data).

Nests are excavated within 3 m of the shoreline, usually within 1 m (Alvarez del Toro et al. 1979), often
in saturated soil. Nests are often constructed under an overhanging river bank. Since the nests are
scattered along a dynamic shoreline during the rainy season they often go undetected by predators.
Often nests are exposed by flood waters creating the misconception that this species of turtle lays its
eggs underwater (Vogt unpublished data). The earliest nests of the season are often inundated for

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 4
weeks at a time with no effect on survivorship. Polisar (1992) documented 80–100% hatching success in
eggs subjected to more than 30 days of submersion in water. The physiological mechanisms of this
emybryonic diapause need to be investigated further.

Up to three clutches were laid per year in Chiapas, with clutch size ranging from 6-16 eggs. Incubation
time in the laboratory varied from 115–223 days, this variation is attributed to embryonic dormancy.
Diapause allows the eggs to remain at an early developmental stage when environmental conditions are
not favorable for development, cool temperatures and flood conditions, diapause is broken by drying of
the nests and warmer temperatures. Clutches laid over a 4 month time span hatch synchronously,
stimulated by moistening of the soil during the first summer rains (Vogt unpublished data). In Belize
Polisar (1992) reported 217–300 days between oviposition and hatchling emergence. Vogt and Flores-
Villela (1992) reported that incubation temperatures in the laboratory above 28° C produced all females
and temperatures of 25–26° C produced males.

Systems:  Terrestrial, Freshwater

Threats (see Appendix for additional information)

D. mawii is perhaps the most endangered species, genus, and family of turtles in Mexico, and possibly
elsewhere in its limited range. Currently the greatest threat to this species is the human over-
consumption that has driven them to be threatened with extinction. Although some of the habitats
where these turtles live have been degraded, over-exploitation started even before habitat degradation.
Dermatemys are captured with nets, by free diving and by harpooning. Its sale has been illegal since
1975, but this has not done very much to reduce its capture. In Mexico, Dermatemys sold for up to US$
10 per large animal (presumably over 10 kg) in 1979 (Alvarez del Toro et al. 1979); it is currently valued
at over $40 per kg live weight in Villa Hermosa (Syed pers. comm. with PROFEPA wildlife inspectors in
Tabasco 2005). In 1980 animals were still seen in the fish markets of Alvarado, Lerdo de Tejada and
Minatitlan; today they are not sold openly in local markets. In Alvarado, their meat is frozen for sale and
delivery is by request (Vogt pers. obs.). Turtle traders in Veracruz expressed concern about future
supplies as long ago as 1970 (Mittermeier in Alvarez del Toro et al. 1979). Dermatemys are traditionally
harvested for consumption in many areas of Belize (Moll 1986b, Polisar 1995). Dermatemys is similarily
one of the most valued turtles in Peten, Guatemala, because its meat is considered a delicacy; animals
continue to be hunted with nets, harpooned or collected by hand. At recent harvest rates, the species is
expected to be driven inevitably to extinction (Campbell 1998). In addition, the depletion of Mexican
populations and the high demand for the species in Mexico will inevitably invite smuggling from
Guatemala and Belize.

Conservation Actions (see Appendix for additional information)

Dermatemys has been subject to legal protection in Mexico since 1927, as under the Mexican
Constitution all natural resources belong to the Nation and can only be exploited with formal
authorization/permits. Dermatemys was included in the Mexican Red data list (NOM-059-ECOL 1994) as
endangered, making all forms of harvest and exploitation illegal. However, very little is done to enforce
the law and few people respect it (Vogt pers. obs.).

In Belize, there is national legislation (Statutory Instrument No. 55, of April 1993) designed to control
the level of harvest and establish some protected populations (Polisar 1994). The efficacy of this

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 5
legislation needs to be evaluated and the nation-wide status of the species assessed.

Dermatemys is protected under Guatamalan law (Campbell 1998) but exact details are not available.

D. mawii is categorized as a highly protected species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (Code of
Federal Regulations, 1987).

Dermatemys is listed on Appendix II of CITES.

Laguna La Popotera, Veracruz, Mexico, was designated a RAMSAR site in 2005 with specific hopes of
creating the first extensively managed wildlife reserve specifically for Dermatemys (Horne in litt. to
TFTSG RLA, 27Jul 05). The species is present in Laguna del Tigre N.P. in Peten, Guatemala, and was
recommended as a focal species for park management (Castañeda Moya et al. 2000).

Currently there are several ex situ populations of this species with which viable breeding colonies can be
established in different zoos and farms. Some of these ex situ populations are: Nacajuca, Tabasco, with
880 turtles, La Florida, Veracruz, with 45 turtles, the Veracruz Aquarium with 2 animals, Chicago Zoo
with 2 animals, Detroit Zoo with 2 animals, Philadelphia Zoo with 9 specimens, and the Guatemala City
Zoo with one animal.

In 2004 a group for D. mawii conservation was established, proposing a program that includes raising
the authorities' and people’s awareness on the species, its captive conservation that includes the
genetic management of the captive populations, evaluating the wild populations and their habitat,
improved enforcement of existing legal protection, promotion of harvest management measures for
sustainable use, and the creation of a reintroduction program.

In summary, existing protective measures need to be implemented, populations inhabiting protected

areas must be watched over carefully, and careful thought must be given to meeting some, if not all, of
the intensive commercial demand for the species by sustainable production from farms.

Assessor(s): Vogt, R.C., Gonzalez-Porter, G.P. & Van Dijk, P.P.

Reviewer(s): Rhodin, A. & Van Dijk, P.P. (Tortoise & Freshwater Turtle Red List Authority)

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 6
Alvarez del Toro, M., Mittermeier, R.A. and Iverson, J.B. 1979. River turtle in danger. Oryx 15(2): 170-173.

Baillie, J. and Groombridge, B. (eds). 1996. 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. pp. 378.
International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

Campbell, J.A. 1998. Amphibians and Reptiles of Northern Guatemala, the Yucatán and Belize. University
of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma.

Castañeda Moya, F., Lara, O. and Queral-Regil, A. 2000. The herpetofauna of Laguna del Tigre National
Park, Peten, Guatemala, with an emphasis on populations of the Morelet's Crocodile (Corcodylus
moreletii). In: B.T. Bestelmeyer and L.E. Alonso (eds). A Biological Assessment of Laguna del Tigre
National Park, Petén, Guatemala. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 16: 61-66 and 215-216.
Conservation International, Washington, D.C.

Groombridge, B. 1982. The IUCN Amphibia-Reptilia Red Data Book, Part 1: Testudines, Crocodylia,
Rhynocehapalia. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

Groombridge, B. (ed.). 1994. 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and
Cambridge, UK.

IUCN. 1990. IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

IUCN. 2006. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

IUCN. 2016. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016-1. Available at: www.iucnredlist.org.
(Accessed: 30 June 2016).

IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1986. 1986 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland,
Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1988. IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland,
Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

Iverson, J.B. 1992. A Revised Checklist with Distribution Maps of the Turtles of the World. Privately
published, Richmond, Indiana.

Iverson, J.B. and Mittermeier, R.A. 1980. Dermatemydidae. River turtles. Catalogue of American
Amphibians and Reptiles No. 237: 1-4.

Lee, R.C. 1969. Observing the tortuga blanca. International Turtle and Tortoise Society Journal 3: 20-26.

Moll, D. 1986a. Food habits and evidence of spring bank nesting in Belizean Dermatemys mawei.
Abstracts of the Joint Meeting of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and
Herpetologists’ League 97. Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield.

Moll, D. 1986b. The distribution, status, and level of exploitation of the freshwater turtle Dermatemys
mawii in Belize, Central America. Biological Conservation 35: 87-96.

Moll, D. 1989. Food and feeding behavior of the turtle, Dermatemys mawii, in Belize. Journal of
Herpetology 23(4): 445-447.

Polisar, J. 1992. Reproductive biology and exploitation of the Central American River Turtle Dermatemys
mawii in Belize. M.S. Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville.

Polisar, J. 1994. New legislation for the protection and management of Dermatemys mawii in Belize,

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 7
Central America. Herpetological Review 25(2): 47-48.

Polisar, J. 1995. River Turtle reproductive demography and exploitation patterns in Belize: implications
for management. Vida Silvestre Neotropical 4(1): 10-19.

Polisar, J. 1996. Reproductive biology of a flood-season nesting freshwater turtle of the northern
Neotropics: Dermatemys mawii in Belize. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(1): 13-25.

Polisar, J. 1997. Effects of exploitation on Dermatemys mawii populations in northern Belize and
conservation strategies for rural riverside villages. In: Abbema, J. Van (ed.), Proceedings: Conservation,
Restoration, and Management of Tortoises and Turtles - An International Conference, pp. 441-443. State
University of New York, Purchase.

Polisar, J. and Horwich, R.H. 1994. Conservation of the large economically important river turtle
Dermatemys mawi in Belize. Conservation Biology 8(2): 338-340.

Vogt, R.C. and Flores-Villela, O. 1992. Effects of incubation temperature on sex determination in a
community of neotropical freshwater turtles in southern México. Herpetologica 48(3): 265-270.

Vogt, R.C., Gonzalez-Porter, G.P. & Van Dijk, P.P. 2006. Dermatemys mawii. The IUCN Red List of
Threatened Species 2006: e.T6493A97409830.

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External Resources
For Images and External Links to Additional Information, please see the Red List website.

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 8


Habitat Season Suitability

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.8. Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent - Marginal -

Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.7. Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater - Marginal -

Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.6. Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent - Suitable -

Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.5. Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater - Suitable -

Lakes (over 8ha)

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.4. Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, - Suitable -
Fens, Peatlands

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.3. Wetlands (inland) - Shrub Dominated Wetlands - Marginal -

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.2. Wetlands (inland) - - Marginal -

Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.1. Wetlands (inland) - Permanent - Suitable -

Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)

1. Forest -> 1.8. Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp - Suitable -

1. Forest -> 1.7. Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Mangrove Vegetation Above - Marginal -

High Tide Level

1. Forest -> 1.6. Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland - Suitable -


Threat Timing Scope Severity Impact Score

2. Agriculture & aquaculture -> 2.1. Annual & Ongoing - - -

perennial non-timber crops -> 2.1.1. Shifting
Stresses: 1. Ecosystem stresses -> 1.1. Ecosystem conversion
1. Ecosystem stresses -> 1.2. Ecosystem degradation

2. Agriculture & aquaculture -> 2.3. Livestock farming Ongoing - - -

& ranching -> 2.3.2. Small-holder grazing, ranching or
Stresses: 1. Ecosystem stresses -> 1.1. Ecosystem conversion
1. Ecosystem stresses -> 1.2. Ecosystem degradation

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 9
5. Biological resource use -> 5.4. Fishing & harvesting Ongoing - - -
aquatic resources -> 5.4.1. Intentional use:
(subsistence/small scale) [harvest]
Stresses: 2. Species Stresses -> 2.1. Species mortality

9. Pollution -> 9.1. Domestic & urban waste water -> Ongoing - - -
9.1.3. Type Unknown/Unrecorded
Stresses: 1. Ecosystem stresses -> 1.2. Ecosystem degradation

9. Pollution -> 9.2. Industrial & military effluents -> Ongoing - - -

9.2.3. Type Unknown/Unrecorded
Stresses: 1. Ecosystem stresses -> 1.2. Ecosystem degradation

9. Pollution -> 9.3. Agricultural & forestry effluents -> Ongoing - - -

9.3.4. Type Unknown/Unrecorded
Stresses: 1. Ecosystem stresses -> 1.2. Ecosystem degradation

Conservation Actions in Place


Conservation Actions in Place

In-Place Land/Water Protection and Management

Conservation sites identified: Yes, over entire range

Occur in at least one PA: Yes

In-Place Species Management

Subject to ex-situ conservation: Yes

In-Place Education

Included in international legislation: Yes

Subject to any international management/trade controls: Yes

Conservation Actions Needed


Conservation Actions Needed

1. Land/water protection -> 1.1. Site/area protection

1. Land/water protection -> 1.2. Resource & habitat protection

2. Land/water management -> 2.1. Site/area management

2. Land/water management -> 2.3. Habitat & natural process restoration

3. Species management -> 3.1. Species management -> 3.1.1. Harvest management

3. Species management -> 3.1. Species management -> 3.1.2. Trade management

3. Species management -> 3.2. Species recovery

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 10
Conservation Actions Needed
3. Species management -> 3.3. Species re-introduction -> 3.3.1. Reintroduction

3. Species management -> 3.4. Ex-situ conservation -> 3.4.1. Captive breeding/artificial propagation

3. Species management -> 3.4. Ex-situ conservation -> 3.4.2. Genome resource bank

4. Education & awareness -> 4.1. Formal education

4. Education & awareness -> 4.2. Training

4. Education & awareness -> 4.3. Awareness & communications

5. Law & policy -> 5.4. Compliance and enforcement -> 5.4.2. National level

5. Law & policy -> 5.4. Compliance and enforcement -> 5.4.3. Sub-national level

Research Needed

Research Needed
0. Root -> 100.1. OLD 1.1.1-Policy-base actions->Management plans->Development

1. Research -> 1.2. Population size, distribution & trends

1. Research -> 1.6. Actions

3. Monitoring -> 3.1. Population trends

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 11
Errata reason: An errata assessment is required to generate a revised PDF without the range map
which had been included in error; no range map was available when this assessment
was originally published.

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Dermatemys mawii – published in 2006. 12
The IUCN Red List Partnership

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is produced and managed by the IUCN Global Species
Programme, the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) and The IUCN Red List Partnership.

The IUCN Red List Partners are: Arizona State University; BirdLife International; Botanic Gardens
Conservation International; Conservation International; NatureServe; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew;
Sapienza University of Rome; Texas A&M University; and Zoological Society of London.


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