After (2019) Script
After (2019) Script
After (2019) Script
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CAROL: Tessa!
Okay, what are we forgetting?
Hair dryer? No.
Flashlight. (CHUCKLES) Mom, it's college.
It's not a survival course.
Towels, battery charger, phone charger...
I can always drive anything up if you forget it.
Okay, we should get going. We have a long drive ahead.
TESSA: Okay. Let's do a last-minute room check.
Oh, wait.
Mom. Thanks, baby.
Get me to the sunshine I wanna see the water with my own eyes You know I like that
Yeah, I like that Get a taste of the good life Go a little wild on the inside And
never look back You know I like that I wanna feel feel something good Feel
something good Feel, feel something good
We're on the right floor. B-22...
B-22. Twenty-two.
Hey. Hi.
Steph? In the flesh.
I'm Tessa.
Hey, it's my new roomie. This is Tristan.
I'm Tessa. Come in. We're not gonna bite.
Sorry. So, this is my mom, and this is Noah.
Full disclosure, I was pretty bummed to be paired with a freshman, but then I
thought, "Hello, bright side, "I'm gonna be your spirit guide." (CHUCKLES)
We can get you into all the best places, even without a fake. No problem.
I like your sweater.
Thanks. I got it from The Gap.
We're going straight down to the housing office right now and requesting a room
change. What are you talking about?
That room reeked of... Can you please not make a scene?
I'm not.
Okay. We have worked too hard for this...
And I don't want you to be distracted by anyone.
Mom, this is me that we're talking about.
Can you please just trust me?
It will be fine, I promise.
I promise.
MAN: Guys. Wait up.
The house is gonna be so empty without you.
I know. I'll miss you.
Oh, God, I am so proud of you. Thanks, Mom.
Okay. Hove you, my baby.
I'm going. See you later. Bye.
I got it.
This is the part I've been dreading. Me too.
I was actually talking about the ride home with your mom.
Mmm. Okay.
Hi. Hey.
Econ 101? Yeah.
It's locked. Yeah.
I already tried it. Right.
Couple of early birds, huh?
Have fun in there.
Sorry. After you. After you.
No, no... No, no...
Honestly. I insist. No, I insist.
No, honestly... No, my mother raised me to...
Are you in first year, too? Yeah.
Are you an econ major?
That's the plan. You?
I'm an English major.
I'm Landon, by the way. Tessa. Hi.
Hi, nice to meet you.
ALEXANDER: Good morning. I'm Professor Alexander, and welcome to Econ 101.
This might be the most important class you take here, so I expect everyone here to
closely pay attention and benefit from the 25-year career I had on Wall Street.
Now, let's get started.
Uh, excuse me?
Uh, I think that you're in the wrong room.
I'm in the right room.
How did you even get in here?
Okay. Can you please go out into the hall so I can get dressed? Don't flatter
I'm not looking.
You took your time.
There they are. Hey, Tessa.
Hi. Uh...
Can you please ask your boyfriend to leave so I can get dressed?
STEPH: Uh... Not my boyfriend.
What did you say to her? Nothing.
I've been minding my own business. Okay, well, whoever he is...
You're going out with us tonight.
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm trying to picture this one at a party.
Just not seeing it.
You're not gonna stay in here forever, right?
The Great Gatsby. It's a good book.
I'd hate to spoil it...
But it was all a dream.
It was all a lie.
MOLLY: Hello. Can I get a cappuccino with almond milk and cinnamon on top?
Sure thing. I'll have a regular black coffee, please.
And for you? ZED: Can I have an Americano, please?
BARISTA: No prob.
Thanks. MOLLY: You're such a player.
Now pick it up nicely. Thank you.
MOLLY: You're picking us all up, right, Zed?
ZED: When am I picking you guys up tonight? MOLLY: I don't know, 8:00?
ZED: We're raging tonight!
Guess what? Shh.
We're gonna go to a party tonight.
(WHISPERING) I don't know.
You're going.
Don't you want to have fun? (STUDENT SHUSHES)
You shh.
Yeah, of course I do.
Then grab your shit. Steph.
Okay. Let's get ready to party!
I put my shoes on first Rock down the street in reverse I paint a face on the
clouds What do you think?
It's pretty. What?
Maybe it's just...
A little too formal?
You said be myself.
You know what? I love it. I love it.
This is gonna get crazy.
GIRL: Hey! Hey. What's up?
STUDENTS: Chug, chug, chug!
Ooh. Chug, chug, chug.
STEPH: There's my baby.
Hey, I'm not done.
Hi, Tessa. Hi.
I need things to be way less in focus.
Do that again, do it again. ZED: Do it again? I'm dying over here.
I've lost my touch.
STEPH: Hey, guys-
This is my new roommate, Tessa.
This is everybody.
Nice to meet you.
ZED: My name is Zed. STEPH: You've met Hardin.
Hey. That's Molly.
Wanna sit down?
Cute dress. (LAUGHS)
Oh. Yeah, and that's Jace, the townie.
What's up?
What's your major, Tessa?
Um, I'm thinking business or maybe economics.
Very cool.
You want a drink?
I don't really drink.
ZED: Come on, we're all drinking. Just have a drink.
JACE: Do it. Come on. Just a small one.
Oh, my God, Steph, where'd you find this girl?
No one's talking to you.
ALL: Yes!
ZED: That was good.
TRISTAN: Babe, kiss.
JACE: Cheers to that. You okay?
Ooh, baby.
STEPH: You're so pretty.
Okay, so, um, guys...
Truth or dare.
ZED: What? Truth or dare.
MOLLY: Come on. No, no!
Isn't this a kids' game?
Not the way we play.
Hey, Tessa, truth or dare?
Craziest place you've had sex?
Um... Pass. Why? It's an easy one.
Are you a virgin?
I'll do a dare.
ALL: Dare. Wait, is she really a virgin?
I dare you to make out with Hardin.
MOLLY: She won't do it.
JACE: This never ends well.
Do you want to do this?
JACE: You having fun, Molly?
I'm done playing this game.
MOLLY: Sucks to suck!
I like this girl.
Oh, Hardin Scott got his first rejection.
JACE: Denied, bro.
Hey. NOAH: Hey. Thought we were gonna Face Time.
Yeah, sorry.
NOAH: Where are you right now? It's really loud.
I'm with Steph and her friends, but they're all just, like...
I don't know. NOAH: So, uh, you're at a party?
Have you been drinking? I just had one drink.
NOAH: Okay, so you go to college and now you drink.
That's really great, Tessa.
Noah, can you not be so, like...
NOAH: "So, like" What?
I'm not the one who's out partying right now.
Just forget it. NOAH: Tessa, I wanna...
My bad.
Hey. Hi.
I'm glad I'm not the only freshman in this class.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm psyched I got in.
All right, folks.
Let's get started.
Jane Austen's masterpiece.
Who in here has already read Pride and Prejudice?
And what did you think of it on the first read?
Let's hear from our newcomer, Mr. Scott.
HARDIN: Pride and Prejudice?
Elizabeth Bennet needs to chill.
She gave Darcy a way worse time than he deserved.
SOTO: Are you saying that Darcy was not in love with Elizabeth?
Love is just a transaction.
We're all hardwired to desire.
We present the correct set of desirable traits, and boom.
We can turn it on, and we can turn it off.
Yes, Miss, um... Young, Tessa.
I think that it was the most revolutionary feminist novel that I'd ever read.
That a woman of that era would have the strength to reject Darcy when he treated
her poorly. That's a load.
HARDIN: It was Darcy's very attitude that attracted Elizabeth to him.
Darcy's attitude was rude and mocking.
I think that he was lucky to be with a woman with as much integrity as Elizabeth.
The only reason he even asked her to marry him was she wouldn't stop throwing
Throwing herself at him?
He was pursuing her. She's clearly not satisfied with her life and is looking for
excitement wherever she can get it.
Well, I think that it's obviously all in his head that she had any feelings for him
at all.
Well, there you have it.
That's the power of a good book.
That was exciting.
No, it was annoying.
I enjoyed it. Look, whatever you're thinking, don't.
Nothing happened between us, okay? I have a boyfriend.
Us? I thought we were talking about Pride and Prejudice.
Hey. Uh...
Do you want to go get some coffee?
How can someone be so arrogant?
Oh. "Elizabeth Bennet needs to chill."
Like, who even... Who even says that?
That's just Hardin being Hardin.
You know him? Yeah.
We're, uh... We're practically related.
My mom is dating Chancellor Scott.
Chancellor Scott is Hardin's dad.
And Hardin and I, we tolerate each other, but barely.
His father's the chancellor?
Listen, Tessa, he's just trying to get a reaction.
(SCOFFS) Well, he's not gonna get one from me.
Hmm, hmm.
It actually does hurt.
You should get one.
My mom would literally kill me.
You need to get this.
I bet she'd love that one.
Yeah, dice.
I feel like my mom has everything planned out for me.
Like, I think she's been planning my wedding to Noah since we were five.
Wait, is Noah the only dude you've ever gone out with?
That's sad.
Ooh. Ouch!
Watch it.
Yeah, you guys really aren't selling me on this.
TRISTAN: You look so good tonight.
Have you never been touched before?
Why did you stop?
We've got time.
So, why do you call them chips?
Why do you call them fries? 'Cause they're fried.
They're not French.
You've got plenty there! (LAUGHING)
Um, I ordered mine without ketchup.
Oh, right. I'll be right back. Thank you.
No ketchup. That's very un-American.
I'm full of surprises.
So, what's your story then?
My story?
Yeah. Like your... Your family.
How you ended up here. I'll pass.
I just don't think asking a bunch of arbitrary questions about someone's past is
really gonna tell you who they are.
I can find out who you are by sitting here and spending time with you.
What are you doing?
I'm just waiting for you to reveal your true self to me by just sitting here and
spending time with you. (LAUGHS)
WAITRESS: Here you go. Thank you.
Okay, fair enough.
One question.
Why do you have all those romance novels if you don't believe in love?
Who says I don't believe in love?
You did, in Soto's class.
Maybe don't believe everything I say, then.
Oh. Hey, guys-
Hey, Tessa.
Let's just hang out for a minute.
So, what have you two been up to?
We were just, um... We're just getting some food.
How's the boyfriend, Tess?
We're leaving.
Perfect. I need a ride.
It's not a good time. You can ask Zed for a ride.
Dude, we literally just got here.
Excuse me. You're excused.
All right.
Yes. I won't be long.
I'll be at the bar.
ZED: See you around.
What's up, bro? So, fill us in.
What was that? What was what?
Were you, like, embarrassed that they saw us together?
You know, I am going to tell Noah about us, I just...
What do you mean, "Us"?
If you want to dump Mr. High School then go ahead, but don't do it on my account.
Look, it was fun, but I don't date.
Are you actually kidding me?
You're here.
What are you dreaming about?
What are you...
What are you doing here?
How are you?
Thank you.
You Okay?
No, yeah, yeah, of course.
Okay. Yeah. Thank you.
So, what are we gonna do?
Hey, it's Tessa.
JACE: What's up, Tessa? Hey.
MAN 13 Hi. MAN 23 Hi.
We... I think we met at the dorm.
ZED: So, he does exist. Nice to meet you.
What's up, man? Zed. How's it going? Good.
Here you go. Thanks.
The cops will probably be here soon, so...
NOAH: Should we... Should we get out of here?
MOLLY: Hey, Tessa. Didn't expect to see you here.
So, how about we play a game of suck and blow?
ZED: Suck and blow. I'm down.
MAN: Okay, I got it.
MAN: Yes.
JACE: Guess you know what that means.
No, no, I'm... Dude, dude, dude.
Dude, don't go there, all right?
JACE: Chill out, man, it's just a game.
Hey, man, she doesn't have to.
Relax. Okay, relax.
NOAH: No, no.
MAN: No, I'm...
MAN: Hey, hey! Get off!
You're gonna regret this.
MAN: Dude. Come on.
What are you doing? What are you doing, man?
Hardin. Hardin. STEPH: Hardin.
Hey. Thanks for coming.
What happened?
Well, it started about his father, and then your name sort of came up.
He won't talk to me, so...
I figured maybe he would talk to you.
Where is he?
What are you doing here?
I was worried about you.
Shouldn't you be with your perfect little boyfriend, Theresa?
Don't bring Noah into this.
I thought you didn't drink.
I don't.
I didn't.
What does it matter?
You made a real mess in there.
I was celebrating.
Didn't you hear?
Dear old Dad is getting married.
You should see the dump my poor mom lives in back in London.
Don't you feel like you've had enough?
I can get it.
Ah. Damn it.
Come with me.
Yeah. You okay?
Where were you? I texted you, you didn't answer me.
I'm sorry, my...
My phone died, I'm sorry. Where were you?
A friend needed my help.
In the middle of the night?
Noah, I can explain. Can we...
Please, can we just... Can we just go inside and talk?
I don't believe this.
No, Noah.
Noah, wait.
Noah, I'm...
I'm confused.
I've wanted to talk to you about it for a while.
I am so, so sorry.
HARDIN: Tessa.
Go home, Hardin.
Noah and I just broke up.
I feel like I just lost my best friend.
Come over here. Come on.
And perhaps the most mesmerizing of all systems is the binary star phenomenon.
Two stars find their way across vast stretches of space and time to find another
wandering body and become attached for eternity... each other's orbit, each star pushing the other to explode in supernova...
Becoming either the nucleus of a planetary nebula or, just as often, resulting in
the death spiral...
HARDIN: What are you doing, Tessa?
Learning about the stars?
TEACHER: The stars assist in each other's destruction.
HARDIN: Do you have any idea how beautiful you are right now?
What are you always writing in there?
None of your business.
Show me.
Come on. Not a chance.
I just want to see what's...
Mmm-hmm. Here.
"You're going to bring out the best in others."
KEN: Thank you all for coming.
Tonight we celebrate a great good fortune.
And her name is Karen.
The love of my life, and...
And frankly, she saved my life.
I'm suddenly blessed by a new bride, a new life, and not one, but two brilliant
Hardin and Landon.
I remember an earlier time, when my greatest pleasure was to listen to Hardin, who
loved to recite passages from novels, all by memory.
And he would perform them, leaving me with tears...
That's not the man I grew up with.
KEN: Or laughter...
My father was a drunk. KEN: ...and sometimes both.
And nothing more.
(SIGHS) At least he's trying. KEN: I don't think he had any idea just how important
those moments were to me.
Which is more than my father ever did.
People change. Clearly.
It still doesn't change what happened.
What happened?
And I look forward to earning that role.
One night, when I was eight...
My dad was at the pub. Drunk, as usual.
He messed with the wrong guys.
They came to our house for payback.
He wasn't there.
They found my mom instead.
I tried...
I tried to fight them off, but I couldn't.
KEN: Thank you, my friends, family...
And that's my dad. ...and university faculty.
The beloved Chancellor Scott.
KEN: So let's have fun.
I don't suppose you recall any of those passages.
Not the way you remember it.
I would love to have a dance with your brilliant son.
What's wrong?
What's all this about?
What didn't you tell me?
Nothing. I don't know what she's talking about.
You don't know what she's talking about? I mean, I don't know.
What didn't you tell me? Nothing!
I need to go. What? Now? Hardin, answer me.
Where are you going? Out.
What's going on?
Do you trust me? Of course I do.
Then what's the problem?
What are you doing in Hardin's car?
What, I can't borrow his car?
Jace, just tell me where he is.
Maybe he's at Blind Bob's.
Oh, my gosh! Hey!
What's the matter?
Are you okay? Yeah.
You want some fries? Are you hungry?
I haven't seen you since you moved out.
I've been living with Hardin off campus.
You two are living together? Yeah.
Wow, Tessa. I didn't know you two were that serious.
Yeah, we are.
STEPH: How long has this been going on for and...
Look who I found. Hey, Jace. Hey, Hardin.
JACE: What's up? What's up, Tessa?
I got you.
Hi, Hardin.
Tessa was just telling us the latest.
Tessa's been filling us in on all the details.
Moving in together. And you guys are so adorable.
Is there anything you want to tell Tessa?
Yeah, like what's been going on between you and her?
Nothing's going on with me and her...
I don't believe you.
What have you said?
Tessa, I swear... What... I saw the texts that she sent you.
They didn't mean anything. I didn't even reply to them.
They meant nothing. You've got to be kidding me.
HARDIN: Tessa, nothing's going on.
Don't you think this thing has gone a little too far?
What thing, Hardin?
Something's going on, but it's not what you think.
Molly, shut up.
Let's get out of here, and I'll explain.
I'll explain everything, I promise.
Remember truth or dare?
Molly, don't.
TESSA: (ON VIDEO) I'm done playing this game.
JACE: I like this girl.
MOLLY: Looks like Hardin Scott just got his first rejection.
You lot don't think I can make it happen?
MOLLY: Make what happen, Hardin?
HARDIN: Here's a dare.
Make her fall in love with me.
And then...
I'll just...
Turn it off.
It was all a game.
HARDIN: Tessa?
Tessa, please. You have to believe me.
Tessa, that was before everything.
Before I got to know you.
(SOBBING) Is that true?
And all of you knew?
(ECHOING) Tessa.
(INAUDIBLE) Tessa, wait.
Tessa, wait. Tessa!
So, what exactly did you tell them, then?
None of it was real.
I actually thought...
I thought that...
You're just a liar.
That was all before. Before what?
You snapped your fingers, and you turned it off?
You said nothing could change the way you felt about me.
Then I guess we're both liars.
Hi, Mom.
What happened?
I don't really want to talk about it.
I just...
I came here to say that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
Hove you.
SOTO: On a parting note, I was deeply impressed by all of your papers attacking our
themes for this semester.
Congratulations on all of your good work.
Good job.
Ms. Young.
This is what Hardin turned in.
I think it was actually written more for you than it was for me.
Thank you.
What is that?
TESSA: Um...
A secret spot.
And a good place to think.
HARDIN: "I've read hundreds of novels in my life, "most of them claiming that love
was the center of the universe, "that it could heal any damage inside of us, "that
it was what we need to survive.
"From Darcy to Heathcliff, I thought they were fools, "that love was something
fictional, "only found in worn pages of a book.
"But that has all changed
"since I met my Elizabeth Bennet.
"I never thought I would find myself
"completely and utterly consumed by another, until her.
"She took my hand
"and led me out of the darkness
"and showed me that whatever our souls are made of...
"Hers and mine are the same.
"I'm sorry.
"Please forgive me.
"You once asked who I loved most in this world.
"It's you."
All scripts have been copyrighted by their respective owners unless stated
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