Numerical Modelling of Local Scour
Numerical Modelling of Local Scour
Numerical Modelling of Local Scour
Marine Science
and Engineering
A Review on Recent Development of Numerical Modelling of
Local Scour around Hydraulic and Marine Structures
Ming Zhao
School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Penrith 2751, NSW, Australia;
Abstract: This paper reviews the recent development of numerical modelling of local scour around
hydraulic and marine structures. The numerical models for simulating local scour are classified into
five categories: sediment transport rate models, two-phase models, CFD-DEM models, equilibrium
scour models and depth-averaged models. The sediment transport rate models are the most popularly
used models because of their high calculation speed and availability of empirical formulae for
predicting sediment transport rates. Two-phase models were developed to simulate sediment
transport in the format of sheet flow under strong current velocity or strong turbulence. The CFD-
DEM model simulates the motion of every individual sediment particle. Its speed is the slowest, but
it provides the opportunity to understand fundamental mechanisms of flow–particle interaction and
particle–particle interaction using small-scale simulations. Equilibrium scour models predict the final
scour profile at the equilibrium stage but cannot predict scour history. The depth-averaged models
that were developed early are not recommended for local scour problems because they are not able
to predict three-dimensional features around structures. Although many numerical models have
been developed and many studies have been conducted to investigate local scour, some challenging
problems remain to be solved, for example, the effects from scaling and sediment gradation. In
addition, people’s understanding of local scour of cohesive sand is still very shallow, and more
experimental and numerical research in this area is needed.
Citation: Zhao, M. A Review on
Recent Development of Numerical Keywords: review; local scour; numerical method; current; waves; sediment; hydraulic structure
Modelling of Local Scour around
Hydraulic and Marine Structures. J.
Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1139. https:// 1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Erkan Oterkus When a hydraulic/marine structure is installed in water with current or waves, it
causes an increase in the sediment transport capacity locally and leads to scour [1]. Scour is
Received: 27 July 2022
the one of the biggest hazards for structural safety, and scour protection takes a significant
Accepted: 16 August 2022
percentage of the costs of hydraulic and marine infrastructures. A lot of studies have been
Published: 18 August 2022
conducted to investigate local scour around hydraulic and marine structures, and several
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral review articles have been published to review the studies of bridge piers [2,3], offshore
with regard to jurisdictional claims in monopiles [4,5] and spur dikes in curved channels [6]. Scour protection and remediation
published maps and institutional affil- techniques of various structures have also been reviewed recently [7–9]. Many books have
iations. also been published to introduce fundamental knowledge [10,11] and existing research
outcomes [1], design formulae and guidelines [12–14] for scour.
Numerical methods have been increasingly used in the study of scour around struc-
tures because of their high efficiency and the quickly growing capability of computers for
Copyright: © 2022 by the author.
large-scale numerical simulations. Because local scour involves complex interactions be-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
tween sediment, water flow and structures, it is impossible to ensure all the similarities in a
distributed under the terms and
laboratory experiment on scour. As a result, small-scale laboratory experiments have errors
conditions of the Creative Commons caused by scale effect [15–18]. It is hoped that numerical methods can be used to predict
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// scour without the scaling effect under prototype conditions. The development of advanced and efficient numerical models for predicting scour problems has become increasingly
4.0/). important. In addition, numerical simulations can provide a good understanding of the
Down flow
Horseshoe vortex
Figure Definitionsketch
Conducting three-dimensionalcomputational
computationalfluid fluiddynamics
dynamics(CFD) (CFD)simulations
simulationscan can
provide aa good
provide good understanding
understanding of of these
these vortex
vortex structures
structures shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 1, 1, which
which areare
responsible for
responsible for scour.
scour. InInaddition,
conducting numerical
numerical simulations
simulations of scour
of scourunder dif-
ferent model
different model scales
effectandand correct
correct the error caused
caused by by scale
effect in scour prediction [18]. The numerical study of scour below pipelines under differ-
effect in scour prediction [18]. The numerical study of scour below pipelines under different
ent scales
scales [19] [19]
found found
scour scour
underunder small-scale
small-scale pipelines
pipelines overpredicted
overpredicted the the scour
scour depth.
Numerical studies of scour have extended from hydraulic structures in steady
Numerical studies of scour have extended from hydraulic structures in steady cur-
to to more
more complex
complex flowsflows
andand geometries.
geometries. Fully
Fully nonlinear
nonlinear wave
wave modelsbased
models basedon onRANS
equations havebeenbeenused
recent studies
studies of of wave-induced
wave-induced scour
scour of pipelines.
of pipelines. TheThe mo-
tion of free-surface waves has been simulated by the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian
of free-surface waves has been simulated by the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE)
(ALE) method
method [20,21] [20,21]
and theand the Volume
Volume of fluidofmethod
fluid method
also been implemented to simulate more complex cases of the
have also been implemented to simulate more complex cases of the combination of scourcombination of scour and
vibration of subsea pipelines [25,26]. The scour was found to be
and vibration of subsea pipelines [25,26]. The scour was found to be significantly en-significantly enhanced by
the vibration of the pipelines. Both experimental and numerical studies
hanced by the vibration of the pipelines. Both experimental and numerical studies of scour of scour have been
have been focused
mainlyon inviscid,
focused on loose sand. loose
inviscid, The published
sand. Thebooks on scour
published mentioned
books on scouratmen-the
beginning of this section only discussed scour of inviscid sand. Viscous
tioned at the beginning of this section only discussed scour of inviscid sand. Viscous sed- sediment has not
iment has as not
much attention
received asbecause hydraulicbecause
much attention and marine structures
hydraulic and on loose structures
marine sand bed are on
more prone to scour.
loose sand bed are more prone to scour.
Sumer reviewed numerical studies of scour problems in 2007 [27] and 2015 [28]. After
Sumer reviewed numerical studies of scour problems in 2007 [27] and 2015 [28]. After
the latest review on the numerical methods of local scour by Sumer in 2015 [28], more
the latest review on the numerical methods of local scour by Sumer in 2015 [28], more
advanced numerical models were developed. Díaz-Carrasco, Croquer [29] reviewed recent
advanced numerical models were developed. Díaz-Carrasco, Croquer [29] reviewed re-
numerical models, but they were limited to wave–structure–seabed interaction. The aim
cent numerical models, but they were limited to wave–structure–seabed interaction. The
of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of existing numerical methods for
aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of existing numerical methods for
predicting local scour around hydraulic and marine structures, make comparisons between
different methods, evaluate the suitability of each method in particular conditions and
identify the challenges and opportunities of future numerical studies.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1139 3 of 15
After reviewing the literature, I found that the existing numerical models can be
classified into five categories: sediment transport rate models, equilibrium scour mod-
els, two-phase flow models, CFD-DEM models and depth-averaged models. Sediment
transport rate models are the most used models because they have the highest efficiency
and proven accuracy. Equilibrium scour models are earlier models that only predict the
scour profile at the equilibrium stage. They are not able to predict the history of scour.
Two-phase models simulate the flow of both water and sand phases, and they are suitable
for sheet-flow conditions caused by high flow velocity. In this paper, a systematic review
of numerical methods of local scour around hydraulic and marine structures will be con-
ducted. This paper mainly reviews the numerical methods for simulating scour of inviscid,
loose sand. In the rest of the paper, the sediment transport rate models are discussed
in Section 2, and other models are discussed in Section 3, followed by the conclusion in
Section 4.
Bed surface
Flow direction
Sediment particle ψ1 Ur=αUf ̶ Ub
ψ ψ1
α Ub
Horizontal plane
Figure 2. A
A sketch
sketch of
of sediment
Sediment particles
Sediment particles move
move inin the
the water
water inin the
the forms
forms ofof bed
bed load
load and
suspended loadload
once the
once the threshold
threshold isis exceeded.
exceeded. Bed
Bed load
load includes
includes sediment
sediment particles
particles that
that roll,
roll, slide
slide or
saltate along the seabed surface, and the suspended load includes the
saltate along the seabed surface, and the suspended load includes the sediment particles sediment particles
that are
are entrained
entrained offoff the
the bed
bed and
and suspended
suspended in in water
water volume.
volume. In In numerical
numerical simulations,
bed load and suspended load are artificially divided at a reference level above
load and suspended load are artificially divided at a reference level above the
the seabed,
which defined as z
which is defined as 𝑧𝑧a𝑎𝑎 . The sediment particles above and below this level are treated
is . The sediment particles above and below this level are treated asas
suspended load load and
and bedbed load,
load, represented
representedby byqqss and
and qqbb,, respectively.
respectively. ItIt should
should be be noted
nota aclearly
defined boundary
boundary between
between bedbed
load andand
load suspended
in reality.
in re-
The reference
ality. level islevel
The reference usedismainly to facilitate
used mainly numerical
to facilitate analysis.
numerical analysis.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1139 5 of 15
1 3 PEF
qb = πd U (5)
6 s d2s b
where Ub is the velocity of the motion of the bed load particles, and PEF is the fraction of
the sediment particles that move as bed load calculated by:
" 4 #−1/4
PEF = 1 + (6)
6(θ − θcr )
where µd is the dynamic friction coefficient, which is related to the dynamic repose angle
ϕd as µd = tan( ϕd ). On a horizontal bed, the bed load particle velocity is:
Ub = aU f 1 − 0.7 θcr /θ (7)
where U f = τ/ρ is the friction velocity, and parameter a is a constant taken as 10 in [36]
and [39]. Inserting Equation (8) into Equation (6) yields:
qb √ p
q ≈ 5PEF θ − 0.7 θcr (8)
g(s − 1)d3s
Roulund, Sumer [36] extended Equation (8) to the one for a slope bed, and their method
of calculating Ub and qb is described below. Figure 2 shows a sketch of forces acting on a
sand particle on a slope bed with a local slope angle β. U is the fluid velocity vector that the
particle experiences. It is related to the friction velocity by U = aU f . Because of the effect
from the slope, the direction of the moving particle is deflected from U by an angle ψ. As a
result, the relative velocity between the fluid and the particle is Ur = U − Ub = aUf − Ub .
The forces on the sediment particles include the component W sin( β) of gravity force
in the downslope direction, the fluid drag force FD in the direction of Ur and the friction
force µd W cos( β) in the opposite direction of Ub , where W is the submerged weight:
W= πρg(s − 1)d3s (9)
and the drag force is:
1 π 2 2
FD = ρC ds Ur (10)
2 4
where C is the force coefficient. Based on the force balance of a bed load particle at the
critical velocity on a horizontal plane:
C= (11)
3a2 θcr0
C= (12)
3a2 θcr0
because it fits the experimental data better. The force balance Equation in the direction of
Ub is:
FD cos ψ1 + W sin β cos(α − ψ) − µd W cos β = 0 (13)
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1139 6 of 15
The variables of Ub , Ur , ψ and ψ1 can be found by solving Equations (13) to (16). Then,
the bed load is calculated using Equations (5) and (6).
The abovementioned bed load formula on a slope has been used in numerical models
of three-dimensional local scour [38,40,41]. The two-dimensional version of the bed load
formula is popularly used in the study of local scour around pipelines [37,42]. Many other
bed load formulae have also been developed for calculating bed load. In addition to the
one by Roulund, Sumer [36], six other bed load formulae were listed in [10]. Here, I list the
three most commonly used formulae.
The bed load formula developed by van Rijn [43] is:
qb T 2.1
= 0.053 (17)
g(s − 1)d3s
where T = (θ − θcr )/θcr is the non-dimensional excess shear stress. Equation (17) was
implemented in the numerical models for simulating two-dimensional scour [23,34,44–46]
and three-dimensional scour [47–49]. The numerical study of scour around pipelines by
Brørs [33] used the bed load formula developed by Nielson [50]:
q = 12(θ − θcr )θ 1/2 (18)
g(s − 1)d3s
+ (u + ws )·∇c = ∇·[(ν + νs )∇c] (20)
where u is the velocity vector, ws is the falling velocity vector, which only has one com-
ponent in the vertical direction with a magnitude of −ws , ws is the falling velocity of the
sediment particles in water, and νs is the diffusion coefficient of the sediment, which is the
same as the turbulent viscosity νt in [44,47,57] and is equal to 1.125 νt in [34,42]. The most
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1139 7 of 15
popularly used formula for calculating falling velocity of the sediment is the one derived
by Soulsby [10]:
ν 1/2
ws = 10.362 + 1.049D∗3 − 10.36 (21)
Several empirical formulae are available for calculating the suspended concentration at
the reference level under equilibrium condition. The formulae for calculating the suspended
sediment concentration c a at the reference level z a by van Rijn [43]:
d50 T 1.5
c a = 0.015
z a D∗0.3
was used in [44,48,49,58]. The studies of scour around subsea pipelines [59,60] used the
formula proposed by Engelund and Fredsoe [39]:
ca = (22)
(1 + 1/λb )3
κ 2 α21 π
λ2b = θ − θcr − µd PEF (23)
0.013sθ 6
where α1 = 3.5, and κ = 0.4 is the von Kármán constant. The formula by Zyserman and
Fredsøe [61]:
0.331(θ − 0.045)1.75
ca = (24)
1 + 0.720(θ − 0.045)1.75
was used in the studies of scour around pipelines and piers [21,38,62,63]. In Equation (24),
the critical Shields parameter for the suspension of the sediment is 0.045.
When solving the suspended concentration equation using Equation (20), a source
of suspended sediment needs to be given at the reference level as the bottom boundary
condition. This source term is the erosion rate defined as E, or the sediment quantities
that are entrained to suspension by the flow. This source is related to the gradient of the
sediment concentration in the vertical direction and the diffusion rate at the reference level
by E = −νs ∂z ∂c
. However, the large gradient of c near the seabed needs very fine mesh near
the bed to accurately calculate ∂z ∂c
. In some studies, E = −νs ∂z
was replaced by E = ws c a ,
considering the erosion rate is the same as the settling rate (also called deposition rate,
D = ws c a ) under equilibrium stage [38,64].
∂Zb 1
= (−∇·qb + D − E) (25)
∂t 1−λ
where Zb is the bed level, t is time, qb is the bed load sediment transport rate vector and λ
is porosity of the sand. The method of calculating the disposition rate D and the erosion
rate E have been given in Section 2.2. In the simulation of scour around two-dimensional
structures such as pipelines, Equation (27) becomes a one-dimensional equation [58–60].
In some scour models, the contribution of the suspended sediment is quantified by
a suspended load, which is the integration of the sediment flux over the water depth
as [34,37,42,69]:
Z h
qs = ucdz (26)
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1139 8 of 15
where qs is the suspended load vector, and h is the water depth. If Equation (26) is used for
considering the sediment load, the conservation equation of sediment mass for simulating
scour is:
∂Zb 1
= [−∇·(qb + qs )] (27)
∂t 1−λ
In some numerical studies in nearly clear water scour conditions, only the bed load
terms in Equations (25) and (26) are considered, and suspended load is neglected [40,55,70–72]
because the contribution of the suspended load is negligibly small. Some numerical studies
used the sediment transport model embedded in commercial software, such as ANSYS
Fluent [73,74] or Flow3D [52,53,75–80], or in open-source software OpenFoam [58,81] to
simulate local scour. Omara, Elsayed [82] conducted a detailed numerical study to examine
the accuracy of Flow3D in the simulation of scour around bridge piers and demonstrated
the accuracy of the hydromorphological model.
The time for the scour to develop from the initial stage to the equilibrium stage is
significantly longer than the time for the flow to fully develop. Sediment transport rate
models are very efficient because they use empirical formulae to calculate the sediment
transport rates instead of simulating the complex interaction between the flow and indi-
vidual sediment particles, which is not achievable for large-scale problems under existing
computer power. Because of their high efficiency, the sediment transport rate models have
been used to simulate complex geometries, such as monopile with protection [83], tripod
foundations [56,84] and wave-induced scour under complex seabed [85]. Considering the
seabed changes very slowly, especially at the late stage of scour, scour simulation was sped
up by increasing the scour computational time step in some numerical studies of scour
under a steady current. This approach was proven to have negligible effect on scour below
subsea pipelines [34,37]. In [58,81], the scour computational time step was 10 times the flow
time step. This means that the scour simulation was sped up by 10 times. How much scour
can be sped up depends on the flow condition. The scour time step can be increased more
at small flow velocity compared to large flow velocity. However, it is not recommended to
make the scour time step greater than the flow time step for scour under waves because
the scour rate varies significantly within one wave period [22].
Figure Flow and
and sediment
sediment transport
transport around
around a subsea
a subsea pipeline
pipeline coloured
coloured by the
by the flow flow[86].
velocity velocity
3.2. Two-Phase Model
3.2. The one-phase
Two-Phase Modelsediment transport rate models were generally used in the studies
of the cases where the fluid velocity was sufficiently small that the suspended sediment
The one-phase sediment transport rate models were generally used in the studies o
did not affect the water flow. Under high flow velocity conditions or strong turbulence
the cases where
conditions, the fluid
a high density of velocity was sufficiently
the suspended sediment moves smallinthat the suspended
the water flow in the sediment
form did
not affect the water flow. Under high flow velocity conditions
of sheet flow [92,93], where a massive amount of sediment is mobilized and transported or strong turbulence con
within a high density
a near-bottom thinof the which
layer, suspended sediment
is called sheet-flow moves
asthe water flow
illustrated in the
in Figure 4. form o
sheet Toflow
simulate the sand
[92,93], where flowainmassive
the sheet-flow
amount layer,oftwo-phase
sedimentmodels for sand transport
is mobilized and transported
in the sheet-flow
within regimethin
a near-bottom have beenwhich
layer, developed.
is called In the two-phase
sheet-flow models,
layer, continuityin Figur
as illustrated
4. and momentum equations in both the fluid phase and sediment phase (sheet-
flow layer) are the governing equations. The sediment concentration in water and the fluid
To simulate the sand flow in the sheet-flow layer, two-phase models for sand
and sediment velocities can be obtained by solving the governing equations. Amoudry,
transport in the sheet-flow regime have been developed. In the two-phase models, conti
Hsu [94] developed a two-phase model for sand transport in a sheet-flow regime [95].
This equations
model uses a and momentum
collisional equations
theory and in both
a k—ε fluid the fluid
turbulence phasetoand
closure sediment phas
(sheet-flow layer) are the governing equations. The sediment
model the sediment and fluid phase stresses. The two-way interaction between sediment concentration in water and
the fluid
stress and sediment
and turbulence stressvelocities
is consideredcaninbetheobtained
two-phase bymodel,
solving butthe
at the level equations
individual Hsu [94]particles
developed as in aCFD-DEM.
two-phase model for
Two-phase sand were
models transport in a sheet-flow
commonly used re
to simulate the sheet flow under oscillatory flow or waves. The two-phase
gime [95]. This model uses a collisional theory and a k—ε fluid turbulence closure to re model for
spectively sheet
model flows in the open-source
the sediment and fluidCFD phase software
The two-way is referred to as between
SedFOAM [96–98]. SedFOM has achieved accurate prediction of scour around subsea
sediment stress and turbulence stress is considered in the two-phase model, but not at the
pipelines [99–101]. However, the two-phase models have not been used in cases with
level of individual sediment particles as in CFD-DEM. Two-phase models were com
complex geometries as much as the one-phase sediment transport rate models, mainly due
to used to
their slower simulate thespeed.
computational sheet flow under oscillatory flow or waves. The two-phas
model for simulating sheet flows in the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM is referred
to as SedFOAM [96–98]. SedFOM has achieved accurate prediction of scour around subsea
pipelines [99–101]. However, the two-phase models have not been used in cases with com
plex geometries as much as the one-phase sediment transport rate models, mainly due to
their slower computational speed.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 15
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1139 10 of 15
Water surface
Fluid phase
flow velocity
Sheet flow
Static layer
flowwith thicknessofofδδ(reproduced
withaathickness (reproducedfollowing
Equilibrium scourmodels
scour modelscan canquickly
predictthe thescour
stage but are not able to predict the scour history. Li and Cheng [102], Li andCheng
but are not able to predict the scour history. Li and Cheng [102], Li and Cheng[103][103]
and Lu, Li [104] developed efficient numerical models for predicting the equilibriumscour
Lu, Li [104] developed efficient numerical models for predicting the equilibrium scour
pipelines using
usingan an
boundary adjustment
adjustment method. TheseThese
method. nu-
numerical models use the shear stress along the seabed to quantify the erosion capacityofof
models use the shear stress along the seabed to quantify the erosion capacity
furtherused usedtotoadjust
stressat any
at anylocation is either
location the same
is either as theascritical
the same shear shear
the critical stress or the shear
stress or the
stress of incoming flow. Olsen and Kjellesvig [105] and Pang, Skote
shear stress of incoming flow. Olsen and Kjellesvig [105] and Pang, Skote [106] developed [106] developed equi-
librium scour models for predicting scour around a vertical pile
equilibrium scour models for predicting scour around a vertical pile and obtained good and obtained good pre-
prediction of maximum scour depth. Although equilibrium scour models can predictthe
of maximum scour depth. Although equilibrium scour models can predict the
maximum scourscour depth quicklyand
depth quickly andaccurately,
accurately, they
they cannot
cannot predict
predict the the history
history of theofscour.
In manyIn many engineering
engineering applications,
applications, structures
structures fail before
fail before the scourthereaches
scour reaches equilib-
equilibrium. On
rium. On the
the other other
hand, hand,
it also it also happens
happens very often very
thatoften that the duration
the duration of stormsofexperienced
storms experi- by a
enced by aduring
structure structure during its
its lifetime lifetime
is not is not sufficiently
sufficiently long to allow longthetoscour
allowtothe scour
reach to reach
equilibrium. With the fast development of computing power, it is
With the fast development of computing power, it is desirable to have the transient scour desirable to have the
model toscour model
predict to predict
the history untilthethe
history until the
equilibrium equilibrium stage.
computationaltime timeandandmake
for large-scale problems, some early numerical models were simplified, two-dimensional
for large-scale problems, some early numerical models were simplified, two-dimensional
depth-averagedmodelsmodels duedueto to
limitationof computer
of computer power. TheseThese
power. models solve shal-
models solve
low waterwater equations
equations for simulating
for simulating flow.flow. Since
Since thethe flow
flow equationsare
equations aredepth-averaged
equations, they cannot predict the variation of the flow along the water
equations, they cannot predict the variation of the flow along the water depth. After depth. Afterthethe
shallow water equations are solved, the bed shear stress and sediment
shallow water equations are solved, the bed shear stress and sediment transport rates are transport rates
are calculated
calculated basedbased ondepth-averaged
on the the depth-averaged flow flow velocity.
velocity. Because
Because thesethese
directly predict complex flow features, such as the horseshoe vortices, some
rectly predict complex flow features, such as the horseshoe vortices, some modifications modifications
need to
need to be
be implemented
simulate scour
aroundstructures. Mohamed
structures. MohamedRajabRajab
and Thiru-
venkatasamy [62] used a 2D-averaged model to simulate scour of a vertical
Thiruvenkatasamy [62] used a 2D-averaged model to simulate scour of a vertical pile in a
pile in a steady
current. The scour depth on the side of the pile due to velocity acceleration was predicted
steady current. The scour depth on the side of the pile due to velocity acceleration was
well, but the scour in front of the pile due to the horseshoe vortex was not. Liao, Yeh [107]
predicted well, but the scour in front of the pile due to the horseshoe vortex was not. Liao,
implemented a repose angle formula and a bed geometry adjustment mechanism into
Yeh [107] implemented a repose angle formula and a bed geometry adjustment mecha-
the 2D depth-averaged scour model and obtained good prediction of scour around spur
nism into the 2D depth-averaged scour model and obtained good prediction of scour
dikes. In some numerical models for scour around large-scale vertical cylinders, the depth-
around spur dikes. In some numerical models for scour around large-scale vertical cylin-
averaged wave equations are used for simulating the wave-induced flow [69,107–111].
ders, the depth-averaged wave equations are used for simulating the wave-induced flow
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1139 11 of 15
Because the KC number is small for large-scale vertical cylinders and the horseshoe vortex
does not play an important role in scour, the depth-averaged wave models can predict the
scour with reasonable accuracy. Pan and Huang [112] used a 2D depth-averaged wave
model to simulate tsunami-induced scour of a vertical cylinder and received a good agree-
ment between the numerical results and experimental data. Pan, He [113] and Pu and
Lim [114] solved 2D shallow-water equations to simulate current-induced scour of a porous
vertical cylinder. Pan, He [113] demonstrated that the depth-averaged 2D model cannot
predict scour caused by a horseshoe vortex but can predict the effect of the permeability
on the scour well. In the numerical simulation of scour around vertical piles using 2D
shallow-water equations by Mohamed Rajab and Thiruvenkatasamy [62], it is apparent
that the scour due to a horseshoe vortex in front of the piles was not accurately predicted.
Numerical studies of local scour have advanced from the simple models, such as 2D
depth-averaged models and equilibrium scour models, to the transient sediment transport
rate model and further to two-phase models and advanced CFD-DEM models. However,
I believe the sediment transport rate models will still be welcome because of their high
efficiency and proven accuracy in many studies. The advanced CFD-DEM models and
two-phase models are not as efficient as the sediment transport models. They also involve
many empirical formulae for calculating the interaction between the sediment particles and
the water flow, which are critical for the accuracy of the methods. The CFD-DEM should
have great potential to find the mechanisms of the interaction between turbulence flow and
sediment particle, which can improve our understanding of scour.
In all sediment transport rate models, the flow is simulated by solving RANS equations,
and the scour is simulated by solving the conservation equation of the sediment mass.
Various formulae are available for calculating bed load and reference contraction of the
suspended sediment, and some of these formulae have been proven to work with good
accuracy for cases investigated in numerical studies. However, very few studies have been
conducted to check the difference between the scour from different empirical formulae.
Numerical models are supposed to have the capability of investigating the scaling
effect that cannot be avoided in experimental tests. However, most of the numerical studies
on local scour have been conducted in small-scale experimental conditions, probably
because no large-scale measured data or survey data are available for model validation.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1139 12 of 15
Only limited numerical research on scaling effects has been found in the literature. It is
desirable to quantify the scaling effect using advanced models to provide a guideline for
engineers to extrapolate laboratory experiments to prototype scenarios.
Nearly all the existing numerical models are for inviscid, loose sand with uniform
particle size. Using a median diameter as the representative particle size is acceptable if the
sand uniformity is good. However, the studies on non-uniform, graded sand are very rare,
either experimentally or numerically. Future research needs to address the challenge of the
gradation of sediment.
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