Riley Ellis - Don't Call Me Ishmael - Annalytical Essay
Riley Ellis - Don't Call Me Ishmael - Annalytical Essay
Riley Ellis - Don't Call Me Ishmael - Annalytical Essay
Use 3rd person – E.g.: “The author, the audience, this essay, the argument”
Use high modality statements/persuasive language – E.g.: “This asserts, it will be argued, it is
certain that…”
Use page numbers at the end of your quotes
Write quotes out in double quotation marks “”
Thesis Michael Gerard Bauer demonstrates the theme
You need a main overall statement that of Identity and Belonging in his 2006 novel,
answers the question of why Ishmael Don’t Call Me Ishmael, using the character of
represents Identity and Belonging in the novel. Ishmael Leseur to reflect how his name has
You will prove this statement throughout your made his life difficult.
essay using a breakdown of who he is as a
characters and examples of figurative language Chapter Six, Page 20
(metaphor, simile etc.)
In the first paragraph, I will discuss who Ishmael
is as a character.
Brief Background
You need to introduce the topic in a few The novel tells the story of a young boy
sentences by giving: attending St. Daniels college and the classmates
a brief background on the novel – what who change his life. The torment and fear he
is it about? feels from Barry Bagsley, but the confidence he
gains from making friends with James Scobie.
Forecasting Statement
This sentence tells the audience what you will
talk about in your essay. By writing Ishmael as a protagonist and using
figurative language such as metaphors, it will
be argued that he truly demonstrates the
novel's theme of identity and belonging.
Evaluate/reinforce your evidence Using figurative language gives the reader more
How does the quote you have just used support opportunity to imagine the world the author
the idea that Ishmael demonstrates identity has created such as in the above quote, which
and belonging? shows how bad it feels to be targeted by Barry
Using figurative language gives the reader
more opportunity to imagine the world the
author has created such as when ….
Concluding Statement
A sentence or two that links your point back to
proving your thesis and provides a smooth
transition to the next body paragraph
1.Restate your thesis statement using different Ishmael’s life was difficult due to his name as it
wording. (Ishmael as a character demonstrates was different to others. Because of this, he was
the theme of identity and belonging.) bullied as others saw him as “different”.
2. Restate your main points using different The way in which Ishmael is written and the
wording/phrasing authors use of figurative language make the
theme not only clear but also make the reader
The way in which Ishmael is written and the understand what belonging is and how people
authors use of figurative language make the are treated when they are different.
theme not only clear but …