Automation and Robotics in Construction and Civil Engineering
Automation and Robotics in Construction and Civil Engineering
Automation and Robotics in Construction and Civil Engineering
DOI 10.1007/s10846-015-0252-9
the appropriate tools can be integrated. Various regu- discover uncertainties during construction, and help
lar surveying processes, such as point layout and soil the manager to make better re-planning decisions as
deformation monitoring, can benefit from innovative early as possible. The communications among such
hardware development, like robotics total stations and environment can be built online with the utilisation
laser scanning, which speed up the checking processes of cloud services. The research done by Cheng et al.
of the accuracy and quality of construction. In this spe- [18] introduced a Construction Quality Supervision
cial issue, the research topics cover civil excavation, Collaboration System (CQSCS), which is developed
tunnelling engineering and infrastructure monitoring. with integration of SaaS private cloud to strengthen
Zhao et al. [1] have identified the deformation char- construction quality supervision and management.
acteristics of buildings that are located in concave or
convex positions of the excavation, which help pre-
dict and prevent possible influences with surrounding 4 Risk and Safety Analysis and Education
buildings among similar excavation cases. In consider- in Construction
ing a safe, efficient, and inexpensive method to extract
spatial data of infrastructures, Dai and Zhu [2] have Zhong and Li [7] explored an opportunity for combin-
utilised a collecting of photographs from the infras- ing process and risk management by introducing an
tructure in question, and developed an approach to ontological and semantic approach. The risk-oriented
automate the object vertices and edges marking pro- ontology model has been proposed, and a case study
cesses. The improved process is essential to reducing on bored pile retaining wall system has been con-
the efforts of converting image data into a 3D geo- sidered. Other than safety protections and risk iden-
metric model, which represents a big step toward a tification in practice, safety education in promoting
fully automation of as-built information reconstruc- a safe and healthful working environment is neces-
tion processes. The tunnel boring machine (TBM) is sary as well. Le et al. [10] utilised virtual reality
cutting edge construction equipment for rapidly exca- technologies to create a virtual environment which
vation and is far safer comparing to conventional allows cooperative distributed safety learning, hazard
tunnelling methods. Mao et al. [3] utilised a robotic inspection, safety cognition, and active game-based
total station and innovative computing algorithms to learning. An evaluation has shown that such an educa-
monitor the alignment status of the TBM machine, tion platform can increase the learning effectiveness.
which avoids the problems with accuracy and tedious Zhang et al. [16] targeted the effects of metro tun-
calibration processes on using the conventional nelling with respect to surface road operation and
laser station. proposed a guideline for dynamic safety analysis over
time. It can be used as a decision tool for safety
assurance in a dynamic construction environment.
3 Automation in Construction Quality Control
Wang et al. [5] proposed an integrated system encap- 5 Innovation Management in Sustainable
sulating Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Construction
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) for on-site
information collection and construction quality con- Fu et al. [4] identified a relationship between low
trol. It can help quality managers quickly and accu- carbon and the adoption of lean construction pro-
rately identify and manage defects; an improvement cess. By going through a case study and utilising
to time-consuming inspections that had to be per- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), the lean construction
formed at specific positions. By proposing a situa- process has been proved to reduce carbon emissions
tion awareness environment in the construction site, when compared to the original processes. Besides
Chi et al. [6] conducted several case studies to identify sustainability analysis at construction stage, it is
the potential usage of laser scanned as-built model in also important to aware of the energy consumption
quality assurance processes of Liquid and Gas (LNG) for indoor healthy space design. Kim et al. [12]
plant construction. Other tracking technologies, such utilised Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) technolo-
as RFID, GPS and so on, can also be used to rapidly gies, which derived from computer vision theorem,
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