Cultural Know-How
Cultural Know-How
Cultural Know-How
Expemo code:
1 Idioms
Study the following sentences and match each underlined idiom to its correct definition below.
2 Cultural etiquette
Decide whether the statements are true or false and then check your answers by reading the article.
Cultural know-how
Learning about a country’s culture can help you secure good working relations on your travels.
Do you arrive 10 minutes early for an important 5.
Hindle has also experienced the ceremony of
business meeting in Rio or 10 minutes late in exchanging business cards in Japan. "The business
Amsterdam? In Moscow, is it a good idea to give card is seen as representing the individual, so the
ground at an early stage of the negotiations? And in whole affair has to be treated with respect. You
Istanbul, should you offer to go Dutch with the host must accept your client’s card with both hands,
on the restaurant bill? perhaps admiring it, and then place it carefully in your
Mastering the local etiquette can be more valuable cardholder."
than learning the language, because so much of 6.
The social side of Japanese commerce can also
the world does business in English. Or a form of unnerve the western visitor, who might have to go to
English. "Beware that an English word or phrase a karaoke bar and sing. "Many Japanese businessmen
doesn’t always mean the same thing abroad," warns like to conclude business by performing their
Michael Bennett, who sells security systems in South favourite song in a karaoke bar," says management
East Asia. "In Japan and Singapore, people feel that trainer Nicole Wehden. "You’re expected to follow
‘no’ is an impolite word, and will sometimes say ‘yes’ suit."
to avoid causing offence. What they really mean is 7.
In Russia, the ritual of the business meeting is more
‘I understand what you’re saying’, not ‘I agree’. I’m theatrical skill. " I’ve seen temper tantrums, sudden
told that in Indonesia there are 12 words for ‘yes’ that walkouts, table-thumping and so on, but it’s all part of
mean precisely the opposite." the fun," says Michael Bennett. "And they admire you
Even the movement of your head can be open to more if you stick to your guns. Seeking a compromise
misinterpretation. Publisher Robin Touquet has had early is seen as a sign of weakness."
difficulties in Athens: "The Greeks traditionally use an 8.
In almost every business community around the
upward nod of the head to say ‘no’, and a tilt of the world, the host pays for the meal. Malcolm Thorburn
head from side to side to mean ‘yes’. I was ready for was wined and dined in Istanbul, and all went well
that, but didn’t realise the younger generation have until he insisted on paying his share: "It caused real
learnt to do it our way. Confusion all round. If in embarrassment, " he recalls. "In Turkey, the idea of
doubt, keep still." sharing a bill is quite alien. The best policy is to
The issue of punctuality is almost as complicated. Oil thank your host and return the compliment at the first
company executive Malcolm Thorburn deliberately opportunity."
turns up a few minutes late for meetings in Brazil 9.
Insurance underwriter Toni Morrison caused supper-
"because Brazilians believe latecomers are more likely time embarrassment in Mexico five years ago. "I
to be commercially successful than people who arrive was working late with a client, and midway through
early. They’re impressed by people who are relaxed the evening I felt so hungry I suggested we carry on
enough not to worry about the clock. The Italians working at a nearby restaurant. The client thought
take a similar attitude. They believe that arriving late this was a sign I had a romantic interest in him. When
shows who is the boss." However, don’t risk that in I realised he’d got the wrong idea I started to laugh,
the Netherlands. "The Dutch frown upon lateness," which made things even worse. The only way of
warns film finance agent James Hindle: "They believe getting out of it was to enable him to save face, so
that people who can’t use their time wisely cannot be I accepted all the blame for the misunderstanding."
Adapted from The Independent, 18 June 2007
Should you offer to go Dutch with the host on the restaurant bill?
The social side of Japanese commerce can also unnerve the western visitor, who might
have to go to a karaoke bar and sing.
...the whole affair has to be treated with respect.
You must accept your client’s card with both hands.
1. Calling your new boss by his first name is not a good idea in this country.
2. Parking your car in the manager’s parking space is not allowed.
3. The company dress code is very relaxed, so it is not necessary to wear a suit and tie for the meeting.
4. If you don’t learn about the country’s culture, there is a slight chance that you will cause someone
offence on your business trip.
5. There is a general possibility of offending someone if you ignore cultural etiquette.
6. I’m feeling rather tired. It is necessary for me to go to bed now.
7. It is necessary for me to get up early tomorrow because I start work at 8 o’clock.
8. If you want to do successful business in Russia, it is a good idea to stick to your guns during
9. If Sam keeps arriving late for work, there is a possibility that he will get the sack.
10. Karina has been very stressed lately. It is necessary for her to take a holiday.
Complete the following sentences with a suitable past form of should, may, might, could, couldn’t,
can’t, must + the verb in brackets
Example: Duncan looked rather upset. He must have misunderstood (misunderstand) me.
1. Michael’s meeting in the Netherlands didn’t go so well. He (arrive) so late for the
2. Margaret failed her exam again. She (study) harder.
3. We didn’t receive your last invoice. You (send) it to the wrong address.
4. Emilio (move) abroad. I saw him just yesterday!
5. The new deal we signed wasn’t particularly cost-effective. With more careful preparation, we
(negotiate) a much better price.
6. ABC’s advertising campaign looks very similar to ours. They (copy) our campaign.
7. Angelo is having problems with his English. He (join) the company English course
last year.
8. I didn’t hear the phone ring. I (be) asleep.
9. ‘I can’t find my car keys.’ ‘You (leave) them in the office.’
10. You (attend) the business development conference last month. It was probably
the most interesting and useful conference I’ve been to all year.
Work in pairs. For each of the situations below, use past and present modal verbs to speculate on
what went wrong, how the situation should have been dealt with correctly, and on the possible
consequence of the mistake.
Example: During negotiations with a potential customer from Singapore, Carl said ‘no’ to several
important propositions. It has been a week now and he hasn’t heard anything. He is worried that
the potential customer has decided to make a deal with one of his competitors.
Answer: Carl might lose the deal. The potential customer may have been offended. In Singapore, ‘no’ is
considered an impolite word. Carl should have learnt something about the culture in order to be better
prepared for the meeting.
1. Simon, the representative of an American manufacturing company, had arranged an important
meeting in Rio with a group of Brazilian businessmen to discuss their possible investment in his
company’s new business plan. When the Brazilians arrived at the conference room, Simon was
already there waiting for them. He had turned up 20 minutes early.
2. James, an architect from Britain, turned up 10 minutes late for an important meeting with a
potential client in Amsterdam. James’ firm is well-established in the market and offered a better
price than his competitors. However, now the Dutch client isn’t replying to his follow-up emails.
3. Paolo, an electronics distributor in Italy, is in the middle of an important meeting with the representative
of a potential Japanese supplier in Tokyo. During the exchange of business cards at the beginning
of the meeting, Paolo took the representative’s card, folded it in two and slipped it into his back
pocket. The Japanese negotiator seemed less friendly after that.
4. During a business dinner in Turkey, Peter tried to insist on paying his share of the bill. His host
went quiet and appeared a little red in the face.
8 Talking point
What etiquette advice would you give to a foreign visitor seeking to do business in your country? Try
to use some vocabulary from this lesson.
Have you or a visitor ever had any difficulties during a meeting or trip abroad? How could you or your
visitor have been better prepared?