This document provides information about various GitHub features including public vs private repositories, deleting repositories, adding collaborators, README files, Markdown syntax, GitHub Gists, GitHub Pages, and differences between user and project sites for GitHub Pages. README files are used to provide important information about a repository and will be displayed automatically on the repo home page if placed in the root directory. Markdown is used for README files and supports formatting text, headings, code blocks, lists and links. GitHub Pages allows hosting static websites by pushing code to a GitHub repository.
This document provides information about various GitHub features including public vs private repositories, deleting repositories, adding collaborators, README files, Markdown syntax, GitHub Gists, GitHub Pages, and differences between user and project sites for GitHub Pages. README files are used to provide important information about a repository and will be displayed automatically on the repo home page if placed in the root directory. Markdown is used for README files and supports formatting text, headings, code blocks, lists and links. GitHub Pages allows hosting static websites by pushing code to a GitHub repository.
This document provides information about various GitHub features including public vs private repositories, deleting repositories, adding collaborators, README files, Markdown syntax, GitHub Gists, GitHub Pages, and differences between user and project sites for GitHub Pages. README files are used to provide important information about a repository and will be displayed automatically on the repo home page if placed in the root directory. Markdown is used for README files and supports formatting text, headings, code blocks, lists and links. GitHub Pages allows hosting static websites by pushing code to a GitHub repository.
This document provides information about various GitHub features including public vs private repositories, deleting repositories, adding collaborators, README files, Markdown syntax, GitHub Gists, GitHub Pages, and differences between user and project sites for GitHub Pages. README files are used to provide important information about a repository and will be displayed automatically on the repo home page if placed in the root directory. Markdown is used for README files and supports formatting text, headings, code blocks, lists and links. GitHub Pages allows hosting static websites by pushing code to a GitHub repository.
Public Vs. Private Repos Public Repos Public repos are accessible to everyone on the internet. Anyone can see the repo on Github Private Private repos are only accessible to the owner and people who have been granted access. Deleting Github Repos Private repos are only accessible to the owner and people who have been granted access. Adding Collaborators can I collaborate with myself? I'll pretend to be two different users! READMEs A README file is used to communicate important information about a repository including: - What the project does - How to run the project - Why it's noteworthy - Who maintains the project READMEs If you put a README in the root of your project, Github will recognize it and automatically display it on the repo's home page. READMEs are Markdown files, ending with the .md extension. Markdown is a convenient syntax to generate formatted text. It's easy to pick up! Markdown Syntax Markdown syntax supports the following: - Headings - Text Styles (bold, italics, etc.) - Code Blocks - Lists (ordered, and unordered) - Links - Images - And more! Markdown Headings In Markdown, we can write six different levels of headings, all using the # character.
# The Largest Heading
## The Second Largest Heading ### The Third Largest Heading ... ###### The Smallest Heading Github Gists Github Gists are a simple way to share code snippets and useful fragments with others. Gists are much easier to create, but offer far fewer features than a typical Github repository. gh pages Gitub Pages are public webpages that are hosted and published via Github. They allow you to create a website simply by pushing your code to Github. static sites Github Pages is a hosting service for static webpages, so it does not support server-side code like Python, Ruby, or Node. Just HTML/CSS/JS! User Site Project Sites You get one user site per Github account. This is where You get unlimited project sites! Each Github repo can you could host a portfolio site or some form of personal have a corresponding hosted website. It's as simple as website. The default url is based on your Github telling Github which specific branch contains the web username, following this pattern: content. The default urls follow this pattern: though you can change this!