Gemba Walk
Gemba Walk
Gemba Walk
Problem description - And what metrics are being affected by the problem? Process illustration - Using a process map, flowchart, spaghetti diagram, etc.
Problem category
Quality Waste
Cost Health and safety
Delivery Customer satisfaction
Efficiency Other - Describe below
5W1H - Scoping and focusing the problem Cause and effect - Brainstorming and prioritizing possible causes
What? Where? When? Who? Which? How often?
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Problem statement Goal statement
5 Whys - Drilling down to the root causes (Circle the verified root causes)
Possible cause Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Expected benefits Key metrics
Cause analysis summary - Root cause statement Addressing this cause(s) will solve
the problem permanently?
Solution description - Including brainstorming and evaluating possible countermeasures Result summary - Including results of key metrics
Corrective actions - A workable plan to implement the countermeasures Controls required & follow-up actions - SOPs, OPLs, audits, training, replicate improvement, etc.
What? Who? When? Status What? Who? When? Status