Article 3
Article 3
Article 3
While the NCAA grapples with how to return to sport during the COVID-19 pandemic, knowledge of the current
exercise habits and well-being of collegiate athletes can better inform strength and conditioning professionals how
to adjust periodization plans for the coming year. As collegiate athletes attempt to train independently, there is an
opportunity to survey the athletes who normally participate in organized strength and conditioning programs. This
study aims to understand current independent exercise regimes and explore current well-being measures such
as fatigue, sleep, mood, soreness, and stress. Coaches may be facing massive levels of detraining or potentially
the rest and recovery desperately needed for a rejuvenated return to sport. In this study, 237 collegiate athletes
(mean age = 19.75, SD = 1.18) completed an online survey measuring exercise participation and well-being.
Exercise habits indicate a statistically (p < .05) and clinically significant increase in frequency (t(234) = 4.36, p =
.000, ES = .32), intensity (t(235) = 5.31, p = .000, ES = .47), and duration (t(234) = 6.54, p = .000, ES = .47) of
exercise sessions overtime during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. Perceived psychological well-being also
increased as time went on during quarantine with an improvement in fatigue (Z = 3.42, p = .001, ES = .22), sleep
quality (Z = 4.59, p = .000, ES = .30), stress (Z = 6.53, p = .000, ES = .42), and mood (Z = 5.86, p = .000, ES =
.38). It appears there was a potential adaptation to quarantine that improved athletes’ exercise participation and
perceived well-being but concerns for periodization strategies, motivation, and possibility of detraining remain for
strength and conditioning professionals in the transition to the return to sport.
Keywords: Cessation of training; Detraining; Motivation; Periodization; Resilience.
Corresponding author. Saint Peter’s University: Health and Physical Education/ Exercise Science. 2641 John F. Kennedy Blvd,
Jersey City, NJ 07306. United States of America.
Submitted for publication October 10, 2020.
Accepted for publication November 20, 2020.
Published July 01, 2022 (in press January 13, 2021).
© Faculty of Education. University of Alicante.
VOLUME 17 | ISSUE 3 | 2022 | 655
Reiner, et al. / Exercise & well-being in athletes during COVID-19 JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/ COVID-19) pandemic created a global crisis causing accelerated morbidity
and mortality with no proven vaccines or medication to mitigate the risk or severity of the illness. The COVID-
19 virus can be transmitted by direct contact with an infected person with more than 27 million cases and
over 900,000 deaths worldwide as of September 6, 2020 (WHO). Athletic events came to an abrupt halt with
the risk of transmission of the virus heightened in the close nature amongst players and spectators. With
university closures, daily training and the athletic season of 2020 and potentially 2021 is drastically
interrupted. The potentially significant reduction in training and physical performance capacity could render
athletes at a loss of competitiveness for return to sport (Andreato, Coimbra, & Andrade, 2020). The
quarantine also created an isolated and restricted condition for most athletes, which can negatively affect
mental health and psychological well-being (Brooks et al., 2020).
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantine created stressors such as potential fears of infection,
frustration and boredom, financial struggle, and lack of information and supplies (Brooks et al., 2020). In
addition, athletes may have been subjected to varying degrees of academic stress: the transitions to online
learning, relocation and travel as campuses rapidly closed, emotional angst associated with seasons ending
prematurely, and potentially more serious impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. High levels of stress also
correlate with burnout, and reduced feelings of athletic identity and athletic satisfaction (Lee, Kang, & Kim,
2017). Sudden discontinuation of training and competition can have severe ramifications for mental health in
athletes (Hull, Loosemore, & Schwellnus, 2020). Without organized team workouts or practices and elevated
stress levels, there may be an increased likelihood of injury (Mann, Bryant, Johnstone, Ivey, & Sayers, 2016).
The odds of an injury restriction during high academic stress can be twice as high as during times of low
academic stress. Injury rate relating to psychological stress can come from hormonal changes associated
with experiencing acute stress. The ratio of cortisol and testosterone is altered during acute psychological
stress creating a catabolic effect on body tissues (Rano, Fridén, & Eek, 2019). The stress accompanied by
the COVID-19 pandemic can affect recovery and effectiveness of any training completed independently by
the athlete.
The uncertainty of the environment for training may lead to necessary adjustments in programming strategies.
Physiological adaptations of motor skills, structural components, and metabolic function should be
considered to enhance function and optimize performance (Smith, 2003). Therefore, strategies of
periodization should be considered to maximize such components for performance at specific times.
Periodization has been defined as a logically sequenced method of manipulating training variables to
enhance physical abilities and increase the potential of specific performance goals (Stone et al., 1999).
Primarily, periodization program enables athletes to be in prime condition for competition while managing
fatigue and preventing overtraining. In most sports, the annual training plan is typically structured into macro,
meso-, and micro-cycles that progress from extensive to intensive workloads and general to specific tasks.
The macro- and mesocycle can contain 3 phases: (a) preparation (general and special), (b) competition
(peaking and maintenance), and (d) transition. Each of these phases has different goals and requires different
degrees of variation (Haff & Nimphius, 2012; Stone et al., 1999). Each macro and mesocycle generally begins
with a high volume and low intensity of training and ends with high intensity and low volume of training.
Therefore, the practitioner can direct the athlete's adaptations toward specific strength traits by manipulating
volume and intensity variables and/or selecting the appropriate exercise (Plisk & Stone, 2003; Stone et al.,
1999). However, traditional periodization models need to be re-evaluated for strength and limitations to adjust
to the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, traditional periodization models entail a considerable preparatory
period to develop physiological constructs that provide a foundation for the following phases. If this phase is
not properly implemented later phases may not be as effective. Since COVID-19 has altered the structure of
seasonal sports and the use of facilities, the strength coach need to account for the limitation of traditional
periodization models. Planning for the upcoming season will need to consider the needs of the sport,
resources available, schedule changes, sequencing of physiological adaptations and their residual effects.
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed unique stress on the collegiate athlete by removing or adjusting their
regular physical training regime. The principle of detraining can be defined as a partial or complete reversal
of physiological adaptations that arise from regular physical training (Mujika & Padilla, 2000a). The
reversibility of training has the potential to lose training-induced adaptations that could alter or compromise
the collegiate athletic performance in a sport that they have worked extensively to achieve. Detraining can
be classified into short term or long term detraining, which are characterized by < 4 weeks of insufficient
training stimuli and > 4 weeks respectively (Mujika & Padilla, 2000a, 2000b). Short term detraining has been
shown to potentially have a negative impact on the cardiorespiratory, metabolic, neuromuscular, and
endocrine systems (Mujika & Padilla, 2000a). Long term detraining has been associated with further reversal
of physiological training adaptations (Mujika & Padilla, 2000b). The impact of long-term detraining can
decrease sports performance related to endurance and force production, due to a reduction of training
stimulus needed to facilitate adaptation (Mujika & Padilla, 2000b). Although training adaptations have been
shown to decrease from a lack of stimuli, levels of performance may remain above control or previous levels
in highly trained athletes, thus supporting the notion of not entirely losing various physiological adaptations
to exercise (Lemmer et al., 2000; Mujika & Padilla, 2000b). Strength detraining effects has also been shown
to be statistically similar between gender (Lemmer et al., 2000). Unlike gender, age appears to have a
potential impact on strength detraining effects with older adults showing larger decreases in isokinetic
strength (Lemmer et al., 2000). Latella and Haff (Latella & Haff, 2020) offer a more expansive overview of
the neuromuscular effects of prolonged cessation of training.
Prevention of COVID-19 infection is a priority in student-athletes. Acute and chronic exercise have long been
accepted as a means for physiological and subjective stress reduction (Jackson, 2013; Ozano, 2008).
Moderate regular exercise also helps to reduce the severity of infections and the number of symptom days
and is associated with a lower influenza-associated mortality rate (Wackerhage et al., 2020). While moderate
exercise boosts immunity cells, the immune system can temporarily be suppressed or compromised by
strenuous or prolonged exercise during the “open window syndrome” (Wackerhage et al., 2020), suggesting
a preventative reduction in duration and intensity of exercise during the pandemic (Toresdahl & Asif, 2020).
Higher intensity activity can also disrupt circadian rhythms (Buxton, L'Hermite-Balériaux, Hirschfeld, & Van
Cauter, 1997). Poor sleep quality and a lower amount of sleep can also be associated with a higher risk for
illness when exposed to a virus, making sleep a priority for student-athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Cohen, Doyle, Alper, Janicki-Deverts, & Turner, 2009).
This study aims to assess collegiate athletes’ subjective experience of well-being during the COVID-19
quarantine as well as their exercise patterns to understand their perceived current physical and mental status.
Strength and sport coaches can use the results garnered in this study to prepare athletes with appropriate
advice and guidance if still in quarantine and better transition their athletes into competition upon return to
Table 1. Well-being survey questions adapted from Hooper et al.(Hooper et al., 1995).
5 4 3 2 1
Fatigue Very fresh Fresh Normal More tired than normal Always tired
Sleep Quality Very Good Difficulty falling Restless sleep Insomnia
restful asleep
General Feeling Feeling good Normal Increasing in soreness/ Very sore
Muscle great tightness
Stress Levels Very Relaxed Normal Feeling stressed Highly stressed
Mood Very A generally Less interested in Snappiness at Highly
positive good mood others &/or activities teammates, family, and annoyed/
mood than usual co-workers irritable/ down
Results showed that 237 student-athletes completed the survey, 74 male (31.2%) 163 female (68.8%) with
a mean age of 19.75 years old (SD = 1.18). Table 2 and 3 describe sport participation, academic rank,
environment, start month for pre-season training, and location during the quarantine. The study was approved
by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and that the subjects were informed of the benefits and risks of the
investigation prior to signing an institutionally approved informed consent document to participate in the
The survey was distributed using snowball sampling, with a brief description of the study and link to the
Google Form. The survey was sent to college coaches, strength and conditioning staff, athletic directors,
athletes, and affiliates and utilization of social media posts promoting the survey. Data was collected over a
6-week period (May 29th, 2020 – July 5th, 2020).
Statistical analyses
Descriptive analysis for all population demographics was performed. A paired sample dependent t-test was
performed to assess changes in exercise patterns of frequency, duration, and intensity of workouts at the
start of quarantine and current exercise participation. A Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was performed to assess
changes in well-being scores of fatigue, sleep, soreness, stress, and mood at the start of quarantine and
current well-being scores. MANOVAs were performed for the effects of sex, sport, and academic year on
duration, frequency, intensity, and well-being variables. All statistical analyses used an alpha level of p ≤ .05,
indicating significance. The effect size was provided where appropriate. A priori indicated an adequate
sample size of 128 participants.
Exercise habits
All exercise variables of frequency, duration, and intensity increased over time. There was a significant
increase in frequency from start (mean = 4.65, SD = 1.78) to now (mean = 5.16, SD = 1.41); t(234) = 4.36, p
= .000, ES = .32). Exercise duration of sessions increased significantly over time as well (mean = 52.33, SD
= 24.95) to now (mean = 67.13, SD = 32.89); t(234) = 6.54, p = .000, ES = .47). Survey respondents also
significantly increased their intensity of their sessions measured through sRPE from start (mean = 5.85, SD
= 2.22) to now (mean = 6.8, SD = 1.77); t(235) = 5.31, p = .000, ES = .47).
The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test indicated that sleep quality, the experience of stress, and general mood
improved significantly from pre-test ranks to post-test ranks. Sleep quality pre-test ranks increased from a
rating of “difficulty falling asleep” (Mdn = 3) at the start of quarantine to current rating of “good” (Mdn = 4), Z
= 4.59, p = .000, ES = .30, with fewer reports of “restless sleep” and “insomnia”. The experience of stress
improved from a rating of “highly” and “very stressed”, in pre-test ranks (Mdn = 2) at the start of quarantine
to “normal” and “relaxed” in the current post-test ranks (Mdn = 3), Z = 6.53, p = .000, ES = .42. Mood improved
from pre-test ranks (Mdn = 3) at start of quarantine to current post-test ranks (Mdn = 4), Z = 5.86, p = .000,
ES =.38 with a large decrease in “highly annoyed/irritable/down” rating over time, and an increase in “a
generally good mood” and “very positive mood”. There was a smaller yet still significant improvement in
perceived fatigue from pre-test ratings (Mdn = 3) at start of quarantine to post-test ranks (Mdn = 3), Z = 3.42,
p = .001, ES = .22, with more respondents feeling “normal” and “fresh” and fewer respondents feeling “more
tired than normal”. General soreness however, showed no significant change from the start of quarantine
(Mdn = 3) to current ranks (Mdn = 3), Z = .63, p = .53, ES = .04.
There was no significant difference between sexes and reported exercise habits (F = 2.11, p = .100, ES =
.03) or well-being (F = 1.51, p = .19, ES = .03). Separate MANOVAs revealed non-significant differences
between sports and reported exercise habits (F = 1.51, p = .07, ES = .06) or well-being (F = 1.45, p = .06,
ES = .06) or year/academic level and exercise habits (F = 1.40, p = .19, ES = .02) or well-being (F = .80, p =
.67, ES = .02). Neither sex, sport, or academic year affected frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise or
fatigue, sleep quality, soreness, stress, or mood.
Open-ended responses
Qualitative analysis of open-ended response question
Participants were asked at the end of the survey: “Are there any other thoughts you can share regarding
your exercise patterns and athletic activity during the COVID-19 quarantine?” This question generated 98
responses out of a total of 242 survey responses. Table 4 outlines the major themes of athlete concerns,
motivation increases with increased access, location/access remain unchanged, loss of motivation, injury,
self-motivation, new ideas for exercise, and comments on detraining effects.
Session RPE has limitations in novices and early on in an intervention; if athletes responding to the survey
have never used sRPE before, they may incorrectly perceive their exertion (Crawford, Drake, Carper,
DeBlauw, & Heinrich, 2018). Furthermore, sRPE was not reported in real-time after a workout but assessed
using subjective averages, which threaten the reliability and validity. The well-being questionnaire is often
used as a repeated measure to investigate changes over time in individuals. This survey utilized this
questionnaire as a general indicator of well-being across the group to inform general patterns. The response
rate could have possibly been reduced due to various furloughs of athletic department staff across the United
States, limiting the dissemination of the survey.
lost, less excited and motivated to workout, working out with no goal in
mind, very accustomed to having my days filled with time-dependent
responsibilities - without set practices, it was difficult to navigate planning
my day while still having class, difficult to adjust to less structured
schedule during quarantine. miss competitive environment, working out
with others.
Injury Injury at beginning of quarantine so didn’t exercise. Injured while at home
doing workouts so it’s been hard trying to rehab without having my trainers
from school. Injured at the beginning of quarantine and so wasn’t able to
exercise as much. Activity level has gone down is because resting an
injury and don't have as strict of a schedule as in school.
Self-motivated Start day with exercise, basically maintained a consistent schedule, exercise
is my coping mechanism for everything that is going on, workout immediately
after work, discipline, routine, patience, increased intensity during
quarantine because more time and not in season. Exercise was one of the
only things that was in my control during quarantine, so I really focused
on it and I feel that I made good progress. This is why now I workout and
make a schedule/to-do list everyday to help me continue to tackle
quarantine. During the quarantine I’ve had more and better sleep which
has led to an improvement all around in my training.
New exercise ideas Used a lot of new ideas, worked out with friends on zoom, stay motivated
and feel part of a team, push each other, a lot of more cardio than weight
lifting, online workouts to stay active. I have been doing less sports-
specific activities, but have been exercising in other ways even more. Had
to change my activities slightly during quarantine and use what was
available. Doing the best I can with the equipment I have.
Detraining/periodization Gained so much fat from doing nothing that I will never ever take a hiatus
like I did before. With track and field losing our outdoor season, it was
hard to transition to quarantine training. In a time when we were supposed
to be peaking, we were doing maintenance workouts. Then during our
normal "time off," it didn't feel like we needed it because we didn't actually
have a season of racing. If we hadn't taken this time off, though, we would
be very burnt out by the time we are supposed to start racing again in
The survey results show a statistically significant increase in frequency, duration, and intensity of exercise
sessions over time, indicating a potential adaptation to the pandemic conditions. Well-being and
psychological resilience also improved over time during quarantine, with sleep, stress, and mood improving
significantly. Athletes were able to adapt to the quarantine conditions to eventually return to physical activity
levels over time, suggesting a potential increase in autonomous motivation for exercise (Reinboth & Duda,
2006). Improvement in perceived psychological ratings may have impacted the increase in exercise activity
with improved motivation, mood, and lower stress levels. Interchangeably, Steptoe and Butler (Steptoe &
Butler, 1996) found vigorous physical activity has been shown to improve subjective well-being. This potential
reciprocal relationship will be studied in future studies. General soreness, however, did not improve,
indicating the recovery methods employed while at school potentially assisted in the experience of soreness.
662 | 2022 | ISSUE 3 | VOLUME 17 © 2022 University of Alicante
Reiner, et al. / Exercise & well-being in athletes during COVID-19 JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
Responses to the open-ended question indicated that some students were not affected by COVID-19-related
closures, an increase in motivation as facilities opened, and the necessity to build self-efficacy to maintain
motivation. Some concerns that arose from the qualitative analysis include a loss of motivation to exercise
without teammates and practices, an increase in fat mass, accessibility of equipment and space, and injuries
due to independent exercise. Similarly, concerns for coaches and strength and conditioning professionals
include program compliance, accurate monitoring of load, submaximal and maximal stimuli conducive to
performance, and accessibility for space and equipment for sport-specific activity (Jukic et al., 2020).
Understanding of unique circumstances and environments and how they affect each athlete physically and
psychologically, some athletes may be more affected by the pandemic than others. Group and individual
workouts via live-streaming video may be beneficial to improve social connection and monitor form to prevent
injury. The pandemic and pro-longed cessation of organized sport offer a unique opportunity to improve
wellness indicated in well-being ratings increasing over time and a focus on improving mindset, education on
nutrition and performance, recovery, and injury prevention (Jukic et al., 2020; Latella & Haff, 2020).
Based on the findings and published literature, a program during the pro-longed cessation of training to
maintain physical performance can include minimal stimuli for strength and power maintenance (Latella &
Haff, 2020), small doses of vigorous activity to support well-being (Steptoe & Butler, 1996), but monitoring
the overall volume of high-intensity exercise to avoid weakening of the immune system (Wackerhage et al.,
2020). An undulated model may be more effective and efficient over a traditional model for strength and
power athletes given the variable nature of training during quarantine (Plisk & Stone, 2003; Williams, Tolusso,
Fedewa, & Esco, 2017). Undulated periodization allows for more dynamic variations throughout a micro-cycle
and mesocycle, compared to a flat workload and novel stimulus of traditional periodization (Plisk & Stone,
2003). Thus, preparing with fluctuation may better prepare the athlete for competitive stress and over a long
duration (Gamble, 2006). With limitations to delivering a structured program in person, a proposed plan to
prepare athletes for the upcoming season would include clear guidelines of an undulated program to follow
with several exercise variations to address variable accessibility to equipment. Live-streaming video workouts
performed as a group create a strong connection with teammates which also may improve exercise
motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2012). Upon the return to normal sport season, a thorough needs analysis is
necessary to assess each individual athlete’s training status and preparedness. Progressive overload should
be monitored carefully to avoid injury risk due to pro-longed detraining. In the current circumstances, the
improved perceived sleep quality and experience of stress may create a small buffering effect to illness and
should continue to be emphasized upon return to training (Cohen et al., 2009). Improved well-being during
quarantine cannot be overlooked for future off-season programming. The improvement in sleep quality, stress
levels, mood, and fatigue can have lasting implications for improved performance and resilience for the
upcoming season.
Susannah Reiner developed and designed the study concept and implementation and performed the
statistical analysis. Glenn Harrison Smith and Rick Davis contributed to research found in the introduction
and copyediting the final manuscript. All authors assisted in data collection, discussed the analysis of the
results, and contributed to the writing of the manuscript.
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666 | 2022 | ISSUE 3 | VOLUME 17 © 2022 University of Alicante