Princess With A Cursed Sword
Princess With A Cursed Sword
Princess With A Cursed Sword
As the princess �������� ��� �����, Whenever the princess is faced with a
record her explorations. Write in third challenge, throw coins:
person, as though writing a fairy tale.
A solo role-playing game by Anna Anthropy
1 if she is completely out of her depth,
In some parts of the ruins, you may
A figure stands in an ancient ruin, bare decide the princess faces an obstacle, 2 if her past has prepared her, or
feet on crumbling stone. Her gown far too threat or foe. In those cases, finish the
fine, her sword much too dark. passage after ������ � ���������.
2 if she gives the sword what it wants.
At a princess’ coming of age ceremony, an Keep descriptions brief. What does the
� If you throw no heads, the princess
uninvited guest gifted her a sword, then princess notice, feel, remember?
falters and barely escapes with her life.
vanished, laughing, into smoke. She
cannot put it down until she finds the The princess’ own shadow mocked her,
� With just one head, she achieves her
place it came from. So she has come. caricaturing her worst aspects. – But she
goal but it is tenuous or costly.
had faced far worse ridicule as a poor
Before playing, make sure you have: tailor. She extinguished her torch, and her
� With two heads, she achieves her goal
⬥ A tarot deck, freshly shuffled. shadow, and crept forward in the dark.
with frightening prowess.
⬥ Two coins from any land.
⬥ Somewhere to record the story. E X P L O R I N G T H E RU I N S
To explore the ruins, turn over the next
WHO IS THE PRINCESS? card in the deck. Use the suit and card Whenever you reveal a card, ask: Is this
image to decide what the princess finds. where the sword belongs? If so, decide:
� What does her gown signify?
her dual heritage, her humble beginnings, � The princess makes a sacrifice
� SWORDS: white stone courts, a sudden
her house’s unchecked extravagance, (what is it?) to break the curse.
noise, shadows and ghosts, precarious
her religious studies, or something else.
heights, menacing statues, blades. ��
� Why are her feet bare? � The sword promises her something
� WANDS: dark halls, groaning wood, (what is it?) and she keeps it.
in penance, easier to leap and climb,
torchlight, yawning pits, glowing sigils,
raised where there’s no need of shoes,
eyes in the dark, a locked door, teeth, fire. Compose a brief epilogue: Who does the
highwaymen, or something else.
princess become, after her journey?
� CUPS: overgrown gardens, deep water,
� What does her sword want?
creeping vines, a supernatural animal,
blood, secrets, to see beauty twisted,
strange dreams, lost souls, your shadow. AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
to call forth the dead, or something else.
� COINS: tattered banners, an old library, Rayne Klar (@���������������) drew the
� What are her pronouns? princess. Playtesters included Raphael
grinding gears, a strange artifact, cloaked
she / her / hers, he / him / his, Azcueta, Jake Elliot, Tim Hutchings,
thieves, a caged bird, guarded treasure.
they / them / theirs, or something else. @�_����_������, Audrey Zee Whitesides
and @���������������. Thanks to Jacob
� MAJOR ARCANA: a shrine in disrepair,
While this text uses she / her, a princess Mooney, Briana Starlight and Jackson Tegu.
ancient rites, an altar, a sacrifice, a tomb,
may have any pronouns so desired.
hollow voices, the attention of the gods. This typeface is Constantia.