All Unites
All Unites
All Unites
1-Lesson One: Expressing Condition with: She’d better/ had better stop bribing officials.
Provided/providing that and as long as:
♦By definition, condition is an arrangement that must Remark: we can only use the short form of had better
exist before something else can happen. For instance: (‘d better) with personal pronouns.
If you study hard, you will succeed. ► Type 1 4-Lesson Four: Expressing Result with
If clause Result clause So...that and such...that:
Rule: If + subject+ verb (in the present simple) + , + ♦We use so and such to intensify adjectives: She is so
subject + will + stem busy. Then when we add that, we can express the
Or: Subject + will + stem + If + subject+ verb (in the consequence/result of that adjective.
present simple) you will succeed if you study hard
e.g. She is so busy that she can’t take a vacation.
♦When we want to express that, the condition is a must
She has such a busy life that she can’t take a day off.
for something to happen (but only if) we use: provided
that, providing that, as long as
Result clause
e.g: you will get the job but only if you work hard.
►Provided that you work hard, you will get the job. Rule: subject+ so + adjective+ that + result clause /
►You will get the job providing that you work hard. subject+ such + noun phrase+ that + result clause
►As long as you work hard, you will get the job.
We can replace them with: So/ Consequently/ As a
2-Lesson Two: Expressing Regret and Desire consequence/ As a result.
with “ I wish”: She is busy. As consequence, she cannot take a vacation.
1) Present Regret: I wish + past simple
5-Lesson Five: Expressing Obligation and
I wish I were at home right now. Necessity
(Here the speaker is expressing a desire for things to be To express obligation and necessity we use have to
different in the present.) and must: You must/ have to speak politely.
e.g.I wish the current anti-corruption laws were tougher. (here you are ordered to do the action and you can not
Meaning that they are nor severe enough at the moment. refuse. E.g. you must arrive on time.)
To express an absence of obligation we use don’t
2) Past Regret: I wish + past perfect
have to: You don’t have come with me.
I wish I hadn’t chosen this field of study.
( Here, you have a chance to say “yes, I will do the
(Here the action was done in the past and now the person
action”; or “no, I will not do it”.)
is regretting it.)
To express prohibition we use mustn’t: You
e.g. I wish I hadn’t embezzled money.
mustn’t bribe lawyers.
Meaning that the person can’t fix the problem or change
( here you are forbidden to do the action. E.g. You mustn’t
anything about it
cheat during the exam.)
3) Future Desire: I wish + would +stem 6-Lesson Six: Passive Voice:
I wish you would pay more attention to your studies.
(Here the speaker is expressing a desire for things to be ♦ In active voice, the focus is on the doer of the action
different in the future) .Whereas, in passive voice the focus is on the action
e.g. I wish it would rain this afternoon.
Active voice: Subject + verb + Object
Remark: With the pronoun, “I” we must use could
instead of would. e.g. I wish I could fly.
Passive voice Object+ to be (in the tense + by + S
We can also express wishing with: It’s time/ It’s of the active voice
about time/ It’s high time + Past simple + Past Participle
We use it’s time/ it’s about time and it’s high time +
past simple to stress the importance for things to change: Present simple: Dishonest businessmen bribe officials
e.g. It’s high time we eradicated corruption./ It’s time in exchange of favors. (active)
we took severe measures against bribery. Officials are bribed by dishonest businessmen in
exchange of favors. (passive)
3-Lesson Three: Expressing Advice with Present continuous: Many companies are producing
Had/’d better + stem: counterfeit products.
♦We usually use ( you should/ought to/ if I were you, I Counterfeit products are being produced by many
would) to express advice but we can also use had better: companies.
Unit 2 Safety First: As a noun: The eating of GMF’s might harmful
Advertising on T.V is very popular
1-Lesson one: Expressing Certainty, As an adjective: -This book is more interesting than that
Probability, Possibility and Remote on.
3-Lesson Three: Expressing condition Type1
1- To express certainty we use: (100%) If + PRESENT SIMPLE, + Will (or ’ll) / will not (or
Subject +Will + certainly + verb. stem won’t) + …
I’m sure/ certain that + subject +Will+ verb. Stem e.g. If I see Abdelkader, I will invite him to the party.
Ex: - people will certainly eat more organic in the future We'll go to the beach tomorrow if it's sunny.
- I am certain that people will eat more organic in the Unless = if not = except if
future. Form:
2- To express probability we use: (80%) Unless Subject + verb+ object , Subject + verb + object
Subject +Will+ probably + verb. Stem Subject + verb + object unless Subject + verb+ object
It is probable /likely that + subject +Will + verb. Stem
Note: The verb after “ unless ’’ is always affirmative
Ex: - Many changes will probably occur in our ( but the meaning is negative.)
- It is likely that many changes will occur in our 1-a- If you don’t study hard, you will not succeed
lifestyle. b- Unless you study hard , you will not succeed
3- To express possibility we use: (50%)
2-a- If we finish work early , we can play tennis.
Subject +Can/ May + verb. Stem b- Unless we finish work early , we can’t play tennis.
Ex: GMFs may/can cause many health problems.
4- Excessive Quantifiers:
4- To express remote possibility we use: (15%)
Subject + Might/Could + verb. Stem Quantifiers going with countable nouns:
No / any -not many –few- some- a few- many- a lot of /
Ex: GMFs might/could be harmful to human health and lots of- All books.
the environment An Excessive or Insufficient amount of
Negative Form: Something
Quantifier for countable nouns:
Will Will not
Too many/ Too few books.
It’s probable that It’s improbable that
It’s likely that It’s unlikely that e.g. He bought too many products.
May, can may not , can not
Might, could might not, could not Quantifiers going with uncountable nouns:
No / any- not much- little- a little- some- much- a
2- Lesson two: Present simple and Gerund great deal of / a lot of –All money.
form: An Excessive or Insufficient amount of
A- Present Simple: Something :
We use the simple present when we talk about: Quantifier for uncountable nouns:
Habitual actions. e.g., I generally wake up at 7 on Too much / too little money
permanent truths. e.g., Uncle Hassen works in a e.g. If they eat too much food, they will put on weight.
We can also use enough/ not enough When
make future references to timetables. e.g., The
conference begins at 8.30 next Saturday.
give instructions. e.g., You go straight ahead. 𝑠𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑔h (It’s the right quantity).
say how often we do things. e.g., I regularly go for a 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒
check-up. 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑡 enough (It isn’t the right quantity).