English Month Narrative Report

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Department of Education

Region VII, Cental Visayas

Division of Cebu Province
Dumanjug, Cebu

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader – Margaret Fuller”

This is the line that fits the yearning of Tangil Elementary School as it celebrates
National Reading Month on November 2022. After the two years of pandemic, it is
the goal of each one to bring back the lost desire of the learners to love and read

English and Filipino coordinators brought the Tangil Elementary School

community to the magical world of reading as they celebrated National Reading
Month on November, an event declared by the Department of Education (DepED)
under its Memorandum No. 244 s 2011.
On the 7th of November, Monday, a
Kick-off Program was held after the
flag ceremony. It introduced the
statement of purpose and
information as to what is being
celebrated on this month led by Mrs.
Gloria Zenaida Jimeno, Master
Teacher 1. A fun-filled activity was
held such as mystery reading of the
book “Ang Ibon at Ang Pusa” read
by Mrs. Michele D. Dupal-ag, a
kindergarten teacher Followed by,
the announcement of the list of
activities to look forward to for this

Many activities awaits

the learners to strengthen
students’ reading abilities to
become productive citizens of
the country, and fruitful
intellectual learners of Tangil
Elementary School. The
activities were in English and
Filipino categories. Those
were made into reality through
the cooperation, passion and
determination of all the
teachers led by their School
Principal Mrs. Virginia B.

On November 14, 2022, the TES Faculty and Staff’s solidarity give extra effort
to have the learners experience a “Reading Pantry” wherein set of reading and
learning materials were displayed in a certain place. Each class from Kinder-Grade 6
has the opportunity to visit and read as many books as they want. While the learners
from Grades 4-6 will record atleast 15 reading logs and share to class what they
have learned.


There were also set of classroom activities prepared for the learners to enjoy and
enrich their love for reading. For Kinder-Grade 3, they have Poster Making Contest
the story they’ve heard from their teachers.
The higher Grades, Grades 4-6, showcase on their own classrooms their
creativity and confidence in story retelling. The teacher will tell the story to the
learners and the learners will retell it to the class.

It may or may not be on the month of November, the Tangil ES Faculty and Staff will
always have their reading time. They encourage their learners to read even during their free
time which is a good step to help our learners be lovers of books and reading.

Prepared by:

School Reading Coordinator

Noted by:
Elementary School Principal

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