Rachana Sharir Paper 1
Rachana Sharir Paper 1
Rachana Sharir Paper 1
PART-A 50 mark
1.Shariropkramaniya Shaarira:-
10 marks Questions
05marks Questions
1. Describe the Karma Purusha.
2. Describe the Rashi purusha .
3. Describe the Doshadhatumala-mulakatvam.
4. Describe the Panchabhautikatwa of Sharrera.
5. Describe the trigunatmakatvam of Shareera.
6. Explain the tridoshamayatvam of Shareera.
7. Explain the Shadanga Shareera.
02marks Questions
1. Define Shareera.
2. Define Shaareera.
3. Define Purusha.
4. Write about Eka dhatwatmaja purusha.
2.Paribhasha Shaarira:-
10marks Questions
05marks Questions
02marks Questions
3. Garbha Shareera:-
10 marks questions
05 marks questions
02 marks questions
4.Pramana Shaarira:-
10 marks Questions
05marks Questions
02marks Questions
5. Asthi Shaarira:-
10 marks Questions
02marks Questions
1. Define asthi .
2. Asthi samkhya based on Shadanga (according to Acharya Susruta).
3. Asthi samkhya based on Shadanga (according to Acharya Charaka).
4. Write about vasa.
5. Write about meda.
6. Write about majja.
7. Write about kapalasthi.
8. Write about taruna asthi.
9. Write about ruchaka asthi.
10. Write about valaya Asthi.
11. Write about nalaka asthi.
6. Sandhi Shaarira:-
10 marks Questions
05marks Questions
02marks Questions
10 marks Questions
05marks Questions
02marks Questions
8.Peshi Shareera:-
02 marks questions
1. Define Peshi.
2. Write the number of Peshis. (According to sushruta)
10 marks questions
05 marks questions
4. आशया तु-
वाताशयः, प ताशयः, ले माशयो, र ताशय, आमाशयः, प वाशयो, मू ाशयः ,
ी णां गभाशयोऽ टम इ त ||
02 marks questions
10 marks questions
05 marks questions
02 marks questions
11.Uttamanangiya Shaarira:-
10 marks question
05 marks questions
02 marks questions
12.Marma Shareera:-
10 marks questions
05 marks questions
11. गु फौ वौ म णब धौ वौ वे वे कू च शरां स च |
जाकरा ण जानीयाद टावेता न बु मान ् ||
12. ा ण व मा ा ण नि त काला तरे ण च ||
13. ममा ण मांस सरा ना वि थसि धसि नपाताः; तेषु वभावत एव वशेषेण ाणा
ि त ठि त; त मा मम व भहता तां ता भावानाप य ते ||
14. |त स यः ाणहरम ते व ं काला तरे ण मारय त, काला तर ाणहरम ते व ं वै
क यमापादय त, वश य नं वैक यकरं चभव त, वैक यकरं काला तरे ण लेश
य त जां च करो त, जाकरमती वेदनं भव त ||
15. त स यः ाणहरा ण स तरा ा य तरा मारयि त, काला तर ाणहरा ण प ा
मासा वा, ते व प तु ा ण कदा चदाशु मारयि त, वश य ाणहरा ण वैक य
करा ण च कदा चद य भहता न मारयि त ||
16. छ नेषु पा णचरणेषु सरा नराणां स कोचमीयु रसृ ग पमतो नरे त |
ा या मत यसनमु मतो मनु याः सि छ नशाखत वि नधनं न याि त ||
17. ेषु त सतलेषु हतेषु र तं ग छ यतीव पवन च जं करो त |
एवं वनाशमु पयाि त ह त व ा वृ ा इवायु ध नपात नकृ तमू लाः ||
18. ेषु त सतलेषु हतेषु र तं ग छ यतीव पवन च जं करो त |
एवं वनाशमु पयाि त ह त व ा वृ ा इवायु ध नपात नकृ तमू लाः ||
19. त मा तयोर भहत य तु पा णपादं छे त यमाशु म णब धनगु फदे शे
20. ममा ण श य वषयाधमु दाहरि त य मा च ममसु हता न भवि त स यः ||
21. जीवि त त य द वै यगु णेन के च ते ा नु वि त वकल वमसंशयं ह
22. सि भ नजज रतको ठ शरःकपाला जीवि त श नहतै च शर रदे शैः ||
छ नै च सि थभु जपादकरै रशेषैयषां न ममसु कृ ता व वधाः हाराः ||
23. सोममा ततेजां स रजःस वतमां स च |
ममसु ायशः पु ंसां भू ता मा चाव त ठते ||
मम व भहता त मा न जीवि त शर रणः |
02 marks questions
1. Write the definition of Indriya and describe the Indriya artha and
importance of indriya.
05 marks questions
02marks questions
PART- B 50 marks
10 Marks questions
1. Write the definition and explain the branches of anatomy.
2. Describe the Preservation methods of cadaver.
05 marks questions
1. Describe the branches of anatomy.
2. Write about selection of dead body.
3. Describe the solution of Preservation.
02 marks questions
2. Anatomical Terminologies:-
10 marks questions
05 marks questions
02 marks questions
3. Embryology:-
10 marks questions
05 marks questions
02 marks questions
4. Osteology:-
10 marks questions
05 marks questions
02 marks questions
5. Arthrology:-
10 marks questions
05 marks questions
05 marks questions
02 marks questions
7. Lymphatic System:-
10 marks questions
05 marks questions
1. Describe lymphatic vessels.
2. Describe the lymphatic capillaries.
3. Explain the thoracic duct.
4. Describe the formation and flow of lymph.
5. Explain the lymph nodes.
02 marks questions
1. Define lymph?
2. Write about lymph trunk.
3. Write about right lymphatic duct.
4. Write about cistern chili.
8. Myology:-
10 marks questions
4. Write the origin, insertion, actions, nerve supply and clinical anatomy of
deltoid muscle.
05 marks questions
02 marks questions
1. What is muscle?
2. Write the origin and insertion of subclavius muscle.
3. Write the origin and insertion of supraspinatus muscle.
4. Write the origin and insertion of infraspinatus muscle.
5. Write the origin and insertion of teres major muscle.
6. .Write the origin and insertion of teres minor muscle.
7. Write the origin and insertion of coracobrachialis muscle
8. Write the origin and insertion of Anconeus muscle.
9. Write the origin and insertion of pronator quadratus muscle.
10. Write the origin and insertion of Sartorius muscle
11. Write the name of abdomen muscles
12. Write the name of gluteal region muscles
13. Write the origin and insertion of sartorius muscle.
14. Write the name of abdomen muscles.
15. Write the name of gluteal region muscles.