1784945/2022/RO Bhopal
No. CE·RO/BPU 1001 0/0 l/Goras· Shyampur 12022• 23/41 Lr '-t Dated:20.12.2022
2. The SFCMemo and detailed estimate of the above project is enclosed herewith for
~ A\'
Executive Engineer
For RO,MoRT&H,Bhopal
Ph. No. +91-8800430188
i. Secretary, Department of EconomicAffairs, Mlo Finance.
ii. Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Mlo Finance.
iii. Secretary, Department of LegalAffairs, Mlo Law & Justice.
iv. CEO,NITIAayog, Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi.
v. M&FS, MoRT&H,New Delhi
vi. Principle Secretary, MPPWD,Govt. of MP
vii. Assistant Director - IPP,DEA,Ministry of Finance
viii. Deputy Secretary, Public Finance- Central I, Department of Expenditure, Mlo
ix.. EconomicOfficer (PAMD),NITIAayog, Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi
1784945/2022/RO Bhopal
Copy to:
1. Scheme Outline
1.1 Title of the Scheme
“Upgradation of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to 111.800
Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lanes with paved shoulder configuration along with One time
improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
The civil construction works are targeted for award during current financial year 2022-23. The likely date of
start of civil work is April-2023 and expected to be completed in 18month time period by October-2024.
1.7 For Central Sector Schemes, sub-schemes/ components, if any, maybe mentioned. For Centrally
Sponsored Schemes, center land state components, if any, maybe mentioned.
Not Applicable.
1.8 Whether a New or a Continuing Scheme? In case of a Continuing Scheme, whether the old scheme
was evaluated and what were the main findings?
Not Applicable.
1.10 Whether Concept Paper or a Detailed Paper has been prepared and stakeholders consulted? In
case of new centrally Sponsored Schemes, whether the State Governments have been consulted?
1.12 Is there an overlap with an existing scheme/sub-scheme? If so, how duplication of effort and
wastage of resources are being avoided?
Page 1 of 11
of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to
111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with
One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
1.13 In case of an umbrella scheme (program) give the details of schemes and sub- schemes under it
along with the proposed outlay component-wise.
Stretch Length Present Status
Proposed for 2L+PS under
1 MP/RJ Border- Sheopur-Goras 48.40
Annual Plan 2022-23
Proposal under
2 Goras-Shyampur 63.40
Proposed for 2L+PS under
3 Shyampur-Sabhalgarh 55
Annual Plan 2022-23
Bids invited for DPR
4 Sabhalgarh-Morena 72
2L+PS (Excluding Morena,
5 Morena-Porsa-Ater-Bhind 78 Ambah, Porsa, Ater&Bhind
Bypass )
Morena Bypass, Ambah Bypass &Porsa Proposed for 2L+PS under
6 27.16
Bypass Annual Plan 2022-23
Proposed for 2L+PS under
7 Ater Bypass &Bhind Bypass 18.84
Annual Plan 2022-23
Under concession period
8 State Highway Bhind to Mihona (45 km) upto 2030 Project with
2L+PS (Excluding Morena,
9 70 Ambah, Porsa, Ater&Bhind
MP/UP border
Bypass )
Sanctioned 2021-22
Mihona, Lahar, Daboh and Bhander
10 21 Bids invited (Bid due dated
Total length 454
2.1.2 NH-552 Ext was declared a National Highway vide Gazette Notification no. S.O.2099€ dated 14.06.2016
and entrusted to State Govt. vide Gazette Notification no. S.O.4580€ dated17.12.2020. No work has been
done previously.
2.1.3 Project section of National Highway NH-552EStart from its junction with NH-52 near Tonk (Raj.) which
Provide Connectivity (Jaipur-Kota Road) & Terminating at its junction with NH-27 (East-West Corridor)
Page 2 of 11
of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to
111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with
One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
near Chirgaon in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Project Road Connects to NH -44 (North-South Corridor)
which Provide Connectivity (Agra-Gwalior-Jhansi) & Also Provide Connectivity for Guna-Indore Via SH-23
& NH-46. Project Road Connects MP/RJ Border Which Provide Connectivity to SawaiMadhopur Which is a
major tourism place Ranthambhore National Park.
2.1.4 Length proposed in instant project Gorasshyampur is 63.40km. Project includes followingto enhance the
safety of road user and to facilitate the safe and smooth movement:
a. Reconstruction & Widening of existing intermediate carriageway to two lane with paved shoulder
(2L+PS) flexible pavement in 54.69 km length (7 + 2X1.5m).
b. Realignment & Widening of existing intermediate carriageway to two lane with paved shoulder
(2L+PS) flexible pavement in 7.63 km length (7 + 2X1.5m).
c. Reconstruction & widening of existing intermediate carriageway to 2L+PS rigid pavement in 1.08 km
length (7 + 2X2.5m) along with paver block & drain on both sides in 3 nos. built-up areas (i.e. Piprani,
d. Improvement under One time investment policy of existing realigned stretch in total 8.91 km length
with 40mm BC bituminous overlay.
e. 04nos of major bridge (New Construction) with total length of bridge excluding approaches 416.0 m.
f. 22 nos. of Minor bridges (New Construction-01, Widening-13, Retain & Repair-08) with total length of
bridges excluding approaches 655m.
g. 08 lane Toll Plaza for tolling of the subject stretch at Ch.61+600.
h. Total 106 nos of culverts (New Construction:49 nos,Reconstruction:36 nos., Widening:04Nos.,Retain
& Repair:04) proposed in the work and 13 no. HPC for junctions and cross road.
i. Improvement of 2 no of Major Junction.
j. Improvement of 12 nos. of minor junction.
k. Construction of 4 Nos. (2x2) of Bus Lay Byes along with Bus Shelters,2 Nos.(2x1) of Truck Lay Byes&
20 nos. (2X10) Shelters.
l. Construction of RCC covered drain along 03 nos. of built-up areas in total 2160m length (2 x 1080m =
2160 m) and construction of V Type PCC drain in hill cutting sections in a total length of 8140 m (2 x
4070 = 8140m). Unlined drain on both side in a total length of 113702.0 m (2 x 57215 m =
114430.0m).Construction of Chute drain (@ 20m C/C) in high embankment location in total 5220 m.
2.1.5 The traffic volume is 169 CVPD (854PCU) per day.
2.1.3 Improve level of service along with, substantial socio-economic gain in terms of reduced Vehicle
Operating Cost (VOC) and reduced travel time will be achieved.
Cumulative Progress
Year Physical Construction Preconstruction Maintenance Total
2022-23 0.000 15.01 0.00 15.01
2023-24 50% 166.19 15.01 0.00 181.20
2024-25 100% 332.38 15.01 0.00 347.39
2025-26 100% 332.38 15.01 0.00 347.39
2026-27 100% 332.38 15.01 1.53 348.92
2027-28 100% 332.38 15.01 3.05 350.44
2028-29 100% 332.38 15.01 4.58 351.97
2029-30 100% 332.38 15.01 7.63 355.02
Page 3 of 11
of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to
111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with
One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
2.3 Indicate outcome of the Scheme in the form of measurable indicators which can be used to evaluate
the proposal periodically. Baseline data or survey against which such outcomes should be
benchmarked should also be mentioned.
2.3.1 Measurable indicators to evaluate the proposal periodically are as follows
a. The Project highway is being upgraded to the standards of National Highway in accordance with IRC: SP-
73-2018, Manual for Two Lane with Paved Shoulders.
b. Improvement of deficient geometry at06locations in total 7.63 km length. (Realignment/Curve
Improvement 06 locations in 7.63 km length).
c. Congestion free movement in 3 Nos. of built-up areasin total length of 1.08 km
d. One time improvement in 01 no. of Realignment in a total 8.91 km length.
e. Improve level of service along with, substantial socio-economic gain in terms of reduced Vehicle
Operating Cost (VOC) and reduced travel time will be achieved.
f. The National highway 552E starts from its junction with NH-52 near Tonk connecting Uniara, Sawai
Madhopur, in the state of Rajasthan, Sheopur, Goras, Shyampur, Sabalgarh, Morena, Porsa, Ater, Bhind
(excluding stretch from Bhind to Mihona), Mihona, Daboh, Bhander in the state of Madhya Pradesh and
terminating at its junction with NH-27 near Chirgaon in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Bhind to Mihona
section (45.50 km) is under concession period upto 2030 in BOT project with MPRDCL and therefore
same has not been declared as National Highway.Instant proposal is for Upgradation of Goras to
Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to 111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km)
to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state
of Madhya Pradesh on EPC modehas been included in the Annual Plan 2022-23. The existing carriageway is
Intermediate lane carriageway with 5.50 m flexible pavement. Existing ROW 12.0 m.
g. EIRR for the project is calculated & reported by MPPWD is 8.0%.
h. FIRR for the project is calculated & reported by MPPWD is (-) 5.60%.
2.4 Indicate other schemes / sub-schemes being undertaken by Ministries/Departments which have
significant outcome overlap with the proposed Scheme. What convergence framework has been
evolved to consolidate outcomes and save public resources?
Not Applicable
3. TargetBeneficiaries
3.1 If the scheme is specific any location, and segment of population, please give the details and basis for
Not Applicable
3.2 Please bring out specific inter venations directed in favor of social groups, namely SC, ST, differently,
minorities and other vulnerable groups.
Not Applicable
3.3 If the scheme has any gender balance aspects or components specifically directed at welfare of women,
please bring them out clearly?
Not Applicable
3.4 Pleasebringoutspecialinterventions, if any, in North East, Himalayan, LWE, Island territories and other
backward areas.
Page 4 of 11
of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to
111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with
One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
Not Applicable
3.5 In case of beneficiary-oriented schemes, indicate the mechanism for identification of target
beneficiaries and the linkage with Aadhaar/UID numbers
Not Applicable
3.6 Wherever possible, the mode of delivery should involve the Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local
Bodies. Where this is intended, the preparedness and ability of the local bodies for executing the
proposal may also be examined.
Not Applicable
4. CostAnalysis
4.1 Cost estimates for the scheme duration: both year-wise, component-wise segregated into non-
recurring and recurring expenses.
S.No. Item of Works Amount (in Rs.)
(Rs. In Crore)
a. Site-Clearance 78,41,883 0.78
b. Earthwork 26,21,64,767 26.22
c. Sub-base 28,05,00,835 28.05
d. Base Course & Bituminous Work 49,31,10,482 49.31
e. CC Pavement 3,26,16,260 3.26
f. One-time improvement (Black Tapping) 2,79,64,399 2.80
1 Cost of Road Works 1,10,41,98,625 110.42
2 Cross-Drainage structures
2.1 Culverts 22,98,86,693 22.99
2.2 Minor Bridges 13,08,18,552 13.08
2.3 Major Bridges 28,75,89,612 28.76
Total cost of Cross-Drainage structures 64,82,94,858
3 Toll Plaza 8,93,61,515 8.94
Bus Lay Bye alongwith Bus Shelter & Truck
4 2,39,31,234 2.39
Lay Bye
5 RCC Drain (Length=2X1080=2160 m ) 1,97,65,665 1.98
6 PCC Drain (Length=2X4070=8140 m ) 1,66,95,303 1.67
7 CC Paver Block 27,11,880 0.27
8 Retaining wall for approaches of MJB 6,25,69,797 6.26
9 Toe Wall/Retaining wall 33,22,75,523 33.23
10 Embankment Protection Works 2,19,48,622 2.19
11 Traffic Signs 1,20,85,481 1.21
12 Road Marking 2,08,97,052 2.09
13 Road Appurtenances 3,99,78,263 4.00
14 Metal beam crash barrier 14,16,01,088 14.16
15 Junction improvement 2,57,38,172 2.57
Street Lighting, High mast lighting, Generator
16 93,86,300 0.94
& Electricity bill for Maintenance period
17 Avenue Tree Plantation (15380 trees) 1,19,81,020 1.20
18 Rain Water Harvesting 32,00,000 0.32
A TOTAL CIVIL COST 2,58,66,20,398 258.66
Per Km cost for civil works 4,07,98,429 4.08
Page 5 of 11
of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to
111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with
One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
S.No. Item of Works Amount (in Rs.)
(Rs. In Crore)
B GST @18% of (A) 46,55,91,672 46.56
C Contingencies @ 1% of (A) 2,58,66,204 2.59
D Agency charges @ 3 % of (A) 7,75,98,612 7.76
Supervision Consultancy Charges @ 3% of
E 7,75,98,612 7.76
F Price Escalation (5% on 60% work) of (A) 9,05,31,714 9.05
Post Construction Maintenance Charges
G 7,63,05,302 7.63
2.5% of (A)
Sub Total Centages 81,34,92,115 81.35
Total Project Cost 3,40,01,12,513 340.01
Per Km Cost for Total Project Cost 5,36,29,535 5.36
H Utility Shifting Charges-
a. Water Utility Shifting 7,09,800 0.07
b. Electrical Utility Shifting 74,83,465 0.75
EMP Cost (Tree Plantation Of Two Times of
c. 14,51,898 0.15
Tree Cutting)
d. Forest diversion cost (52.164 Ha.) 13,04,10,000 13.04
e. Land acqistion (2.07 Hac.) 1,00,28,476 1.00
Total Preconstruction activities 15,00,83,639 15.01
TOTAL CAPITAL (Sum Of "A"to "H") 3,55,01,96,151 355.02
COST OF PER KM 5,59,96,785 5.60
Cumulative Progress
Year Physical Construction Preconstruction Maintenance Total
2022-23 0.000 15.01 0.00 15.01
2023-24 50% 166.19 15.01 0.00 181.20
2024-25 100% 332.38 15.01 0.00 347.39
2025-26 100% 332.38 15.01 0.00 347.39
2026-27 100% 332.38 15.01 1.53 348.92
2027-28 100% 332.38 15.01 3.05 350.44
2028-29 100% 332.38 15.01 4.58 351.97
2029-30 100% 332.38 15.01 7.63 355.02
4.2 The basis of these cost estimates along with the reference dates for normative costing.
The estimate is based on the latest Schedule of Rates, March, 2022 applicable for Public Work
Department for Road and Bridge Works in the State of Madhya Pradesh. MPWD SOR is exclusive of GST
and therefore 18% GST has been included in the estimate. CE(NH), MPPWD Bhopal stated that rates for
all the Non-SOR items has been approved by competent authority in MPPWD. Centages have been
proposed as per Ministry’s guidelines issued from time to time as under:
4.3 In case pre-investment activities or pilot studied being carried out, how much has been spent on these?
Page 6 of 11
of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to
111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with
One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
Not Applicable
4.4 In case the scheme involves pay out of subsidy, the year wise and component wise expected out go
may be indicated.
Not Applicable
4.5 In case the land is to be acquired the details of cost of land and cost of rehabilitation/resettlement, if
Land Requirement:Total area required for the project is 131.69 ha, out of which 66.924 ha. land is
available on existing RoW. Total land required is 64.766 ha., out of which 12.602 ha. land is for land
acquisition and 52.164 ha. land is for forest clearance.
Land Acquisition:Total Land to be acquired is 12.602 Ha, (2.07 Ha. Private land + 10.532 Ha. Govt. land) at
a cost of Rs. 1.00 Cr. (including supplementary award amount) affecting total 4.52 km project reach. 3(A)
for entire 4.52 km has been published. Further, 3(D) for land affecting 2.181 Km has been published.
Availability of land is 100% considering 3(A) published in terms of linear length.
Forest clearance:Diversion of forest land 52.164 hectare is required for 58.88 Km stretches. Proposal for
Stage-I clearance has been applied on Parivesh portal with Application No. FP/MP/ROAD/124417/2021
and same is under approval with Regional Officer, MoEF&CC Bhopal. Provision of Rs. 13.04 Cr. has been
taken for diversion of forest land.
4.6 In case committed liabilities, are created, who will or has agreed to bear the legacy burden? In case
assets are created, arrangements for their maintenance and upkeep?
Maintenance will be done by the EPC Contractor for five yearsafter completion of the work. Thereafter,
the project would continue to be maintained by MPPWD NH.
5. SchemeFinancing
5.1 Indicate the source offinance for the Scheme: budgetary support, extra-budgetary sources, external aid,
state share, etc.
Work is being implemented under NH(O) Scheme of the Ministry on EPC basis. Necessary budget
allocations have been made during current financial year for timely completion of the project.
5.2 If external sources are intended, the sponsoring agency may indicate, as also whether such funds have
been tied up?
Not Applicable
5.3 Indicate the component of the costs that will be shared by the State Governments, local bodies, user
beneficiaries or private parties?
Not Applicable
Page 7 of 11
of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to
111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with
One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
Total area required for the project is 131.69 ha, out of which 66.924 ha. land is
available on existing RoW. Total land required is 64.766 ha., out of which
12.602 ha. land is for land acquisition and 52.164 ha. land is for forest
Total Land to be acquired is 12.602 Ha, (2.07 Ha. Private land + 10.532 Ha.
Govt. land) at a cost of Rs. 1.00 Cr. (including supplementary award amount)
affecting total 4.52 km project reach. 3(A) for entire 4.52 km has been
published. Further, 3(D) for land affecting 2.181 Km has been published.
Availability of land is 100% considering 3(A) published in terms of linear length.
3 Environmental Clearance Not Required
7. Human Resources
7.1 Indicate the administrative structure for implementing the Scheme. Usually creation of new
structures, entities etc. should be avoided.
The project will be implemented by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRT&H) through
Madhya Pradesh Public Works Department NH.
7.2 Manpower requirement, if any. In case posts, permanent or temporary, are intended to be created, a
separate proposal may be sent on file to Pers. Division of Department of Expenditure (such proposals
may be sent only after the main proposals recommended by the appraisal body).
7.3 In case outsourcing of services or hiring of consultants is intended, brief details of the same may be
Authority’s Engineer (AE) would be selected and engaged through transparent competitive bidding for
supervision and ensuring quality during implementation.
8.1 Please indicate the monitoring framework for the Scheme and the arrangements for statutory
and social audit (if any).
Ministry level:The project will be monitored on quarterly basis by the CE(West), MoRT&H as per Ministry’s
State level:Chief Engineer, MPPWD NHat State Head Quarter level along with concerned field officers of
MPPWD NHwill be monitoring the project and they will be assisted by Authority’s Engineer engaged for
the project stretch.
8.2 Please indicate the arrangement for third party /independent evaluation? Please note that evaluation is
necessary for extension of scheme from one period to another.
Third party quality checks will be got done periodically by the Ministry of the Road Transport & highway
within the ambit of the EPC Contract Agreement.
9. Comments of the Financial Advisor, NITI Aayog, Department of Expenditure and other Ministries/
Departments may be summarized in tabular form along with how they are being internalized and
used to improve this proposal.
Observations of IFD Reply by State PWD
State PWD stated that 3D data for balance land has been
uploaded and will be gazette notified shortly.
lt may also be ensured that the LOA is 90% ROW will be handed over on Appointed Date and
issued only after 90% Land Acquisition
1 balance within 150 days from Appointed date
& all requisite clearances are obtained,
Proposal for Stage-I clearance has been applied on Parivesh
as per provisions of EPC.
portal with Application No. FP/MP/ROAD/124417/2021 and
same is under approval with Regional Officer, MoEF&CC
Presently the maximum traffic flow from Rajasthan &Sheopur
to Morena Gwalior via Goras-Shivpuri Road and Shivpuri
Gwalior Via NH-46. These traffic will diverge after the
Traffic Volume is 854 PCU, whether widening to 2L+PS of Goras-Shyampur Road (Presently
2 upgradation to 2-lane with PS is justify
intermediate lane) and Shyampur Sabalgarh (Presently single
in light of low traffic.
lane) road and will provide direct connectivity to Morena and
Gwalior, also results in reduced travel time.
Page 9 of 11
of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to
111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with
One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
Observations of IFD Reply by State PWD
State PWD submitted that 3D data for balance land has been
90% of the total land may be made uploaded and will be gazette notified shortly.
4 available before award/appointed date 90% ROW will be handed over on Appointed Date and
of the work. balance within 150 days from Appointed date
All Statutory clearances may be Proposal for Stage-I clearance has been applied on Parivesh
obtained before award of the work. portal with Application No. FP/MP/ROAD/124417/2021 and
same is under approval with Regional Officer, MoEF&CC
Provisions of circular dt.14.12.2020 Use of waste plastic in 10% length of the project road in
regarding use of new/alternative accordance with IRC: SP-98-2013 and use of CTSB in
material and accordance with IRC: 37-2018 has been proposed by State
technology in construction of highways
PWD in the estimate in accordance with Ministry's guidelines
6 may be adhered to
for use of new technology. Stabilization of soil and geo-grid
for GSB is not be economical in this project due to easy
availability of good quality soil and metal in the adjacent
The per km. cost for Goras Shyampur road is 5.60 cr.
Per km. construction cost in adjacent / State PWD informed that in recent time there is not any road
near-by areas executed by different
7 which has been executed by different agencies
agencies should be analysed in detail
adjacent/near-by-areas to the instant project road.
having configuration, topography etc.
Page 10 of 11
of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to
111.800 Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with
One time improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
Observations of IFD Reply by State PWD
Road Name- Bhopal to Bareli section( km. 193 to km.255.300)
of NH-12,
Client –NHAI further project transferred to MPRDC,
DPR Consultant -M/s SOWIL Limited
Reason- During execution found Major Change in scope Due
to change in alignment of 9 locations in forest area. Change
of Scope was proposed by MPRDC amounting to Rs. 65.34 Cr
subject to initiating action against DRP consultant.
Action taken - MORTH has approved the Change of Scope
subject to condition that the DPR consultant may be
debarred and penalty 5% of contract value may also be
imposed as per Contract Agreement. Since, consultant
agreement was with NHAI hence, MPRDC has requested RO,
NHAÍ, and Bhopal to take action against DPR Consultant as
instructed by MORTH. And also requested to DPR Consultant
to submit clarification, in their letter ref. 9372/Bareli-
Goharganj/Pkg-IV/NH-12/COS, Bhopal dated04/10/2021.
And as per above instruction by MoRTH, NHAI -RO initiate
action letter ref. NHAI/RO-MP/BPL/NH-12/BPL-
Bareli/2021/44424 dated- 06.10.2021 on DPR consultant and
directed to submit clarification/comments within 15 days to
MPRDC with copy to MORT&H.
Also in Porsa Ater Bhind 2L+PS road project DPR is found
faulty, taking cognizance of that, 2% penalty has been
imposed on the DPR consultant.
Record the full details of all the on-
going projects in the State and also
11 Details Attached in Annexure-I
clearly highlight the delay during
execution should also be mentioned.
Likely maximum time and cost overrun
for the on-going projects duly certified
12 Details Attached in Annexure-I
by concerned CE-RO / SE-RO should also
be available.
Detailed analysis of the quoted amount
vis-a-vis cost put to tender in projects
13 Details Attached in Annexure-II
approved since the last 01 year should
also be tabulated.
Approval of the SFC is solicited for the Cost Estimate amounting to Rs. 355.02 Crore for the project for
“Upgradation of Goras to Shyampur Road section of NH-552 Ext., from Design Chainge 48.400 to 111.800
Km (Total length 63.40 km) to two lane with paved shoulder configuration along with One time
improvement of 8.91 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.”
Page 11 of 11
1783164/2022/RO Bhopal
1784945/2022/RO Details of Delayed Projects Annexure-I 03.12.2022
Original Cumulative
Sl. Total Likely PAC Financial ve
NH No TPC Appointed Completion Delayed period Cost overrun Length
No Mode Project Name Length Completion Amount expenditur Physical
(New) (Cr.) Date Date (as per {Time overrun } (Cr.) Completed (km)
. (km) Date (Cr.) e (Cr.) Progress
Contract) till date
in %
1 EPC Upgradation of Thikri-Anjad road to 2L + PS 347B 34.56 249.05 9-Jul-18 9-Jan-20 31.12.2022 34 months 185.91 170.07 - 34.56 98
Upgradation of Biaora-Maksudangarh road
to 2L + PS
752B 41.86 254.17 23-May-18 23-Nov-19 30-Sep-22 Completed 199.57 169.43 - 41.86 100
Upgradation of Maksudangarh-Sironj road
to 2L + PS
752B 56.16 279.44 6-Oct-18 5-Apr-20 31-May-22 Completed 224.19 183.84 - 56.16 100
Upgradation of Pachore- Shujalpur road to
2L + PS
752C 39.81 184.62 24-May-18 23-Nov-19 16-Dec-22 36 Months 144.55 117.45 - 38.77 98.38
Upgradation to 2L with paved shoulder ken
5 EPC river near Amanganj to start of Pawai bypass 43E 34 143.05 7-May-18 6-Nov-19 30.06.2023 36 Months 113.44 58.99 - 26.55 70.35
from KM 77+00 to KM 108+00
Upgradation of Morena-Porsa road to 2L +
552E 43.6 174.9 14-Dec-18 13-Jun-20 28.02.2023 29 Months 128.8 126.16 - 42.3 93
7 EPC Upgradation of Porsa-Bhind road to 2L + PS 552E 55.25 226.86 14-Dec-18 13-Jun-20 19.06.2022 Completed 166.36 172.86 - 55.25 100
Upgradation of Daboh-UP Border road to
2L + PS
552E 47.63 233.05 5-May-18 4-Nov-19 28.02.2023 37 Months 181.7 161.55 - 47.63 95
Upgradation of Pawai-Saleha-Jasso-Nagod
road to 2L + PS
943 69.43 214.69 18-May-18 17-Nov-19 30.06.2023 36 Months 167.86 73.17 - 51.42 77.03
Upgradation of Rewa-Sirmour road to 2L +
10 EPC
135B 36.71 162.56 4-Jun-18 3-Dec-19 15-Nov-22 36 Months 131.09 118.4 - 36.71 96.39
Construction of proposed 2-lane ROB and
its approaches in lieu of existing level
11 EPC crossing no. 30 at Km 5.6 (Makronia) on 934 0 36.26 9-Mar-18 8-Mar-20 22.11.2022 Completed 28.38 25.78 - 0 100
NH-86 in Sagar District in the State of
Madhya Pradesh on EPC Mode.
Rehabilitation and up-gradation of existing
intermediate lane flexible pavement to 2-
lane paved shoulders flexible pavement
from Km 119+650 (End of ChandiaGhat
12 EPC
Realignment) to Km 163+850(at junction
43E 45.95 169.63 2-Feb-19 26-Jul-20 31-May-23 28 Months 131.09 65.93 - 34.61 64.05
with NH-30 Katni Bypass), length 44.20 Km
on Gulganj - Amanganj - Pawai - Katni road
NH-43 EXT. in the State of Madhya Pradesh.
"Strengthening of NH-543 Bataghat-
Nainpur road in km. 17, 51/2,4, 51/6,8,10,
64, 65, 66 & 67-68 (7.00 m width) of
13 Item Rate Bataghat-Nain pur stretch = Total Length 543 4 2.21 27-Apr-22 26-Oct-22 26.07.2022 Completed 1.75 2.02 - 4 100
4.00 Km (Portions of Road Diverted by
Raitway Department) in the State of Madhya
Pradesh "
1783164/2022/RO Bhopal
Original Cumulative
Sl. Total Likely PAC Financial ve
NH No TPC Appointed Completion Delayed period Cost overrun Length
No Mode Project Name Length Completion Amount expenditur Physical
(New) (Cr.) Date Date (as per {Time overrun } (Cr.) Completed (km)
. (km) Date (Cr.) e (Cr.) Progress
Contract) till date
in %
No Delayed
Construction of High Level Bridge across
Betwa River on Orchha-Tikamgarh road at
1 EPC km. 81/2 (NH-539) in the State of Madhya 539 0.01 24.66 22-Jan-21 21-Jan-23 21-Jan-23 20.31 18.68 0 92.32
Pradesh. (Total Length: 436 m) + (150m +
140m=290m approaches) on EPC Mode
Construction of 2-lane ROB and its
approaches at km 36+800 (Jarua) on NH-
26A in lieu of existing level crossing No. 11
on Katni-Bina Railway line on Railway
2 EPC chainage 1011/6-7 on Sagar to Bina road of 934 0.01 66.49 4-Jan-21 3-Jan-23 3-Jan-23 56.54 15.67 0 60
Sagar District in the state of Madhya
Pradesh on EPC Mode under Setu
Bharatam. (Total length = 1595 m) + 175
mtr. tapering.
Construction of 4-lane ROB and its
approaches at km 14+800 (Jerai) on NH-
26A in lieu of existing level crossing No. 19
on Katni-Bina section Railway chainage
1034/5-6 on Sagar–Khurai–Bina road of
934 0.01 77.26 4-Jan-21 3-Jan-23 3-Jan-23 65.25 19.28 0 40
Sagar District in the state of Madhya
Pradesh on EPC Mode under Setu Bharatam
. (Total length = 1050 m) + 392 mtr. tapering
"Construction of High Level Bridge across
Jamni River on Tikamgarh-Jhansi road at
km. 74/6 (NH-539) in the state of Madhya
Pradesh (Total length of Bridge: 840 m)
539 0.01 43.16 6-Feb-21 5-Feb-23 5-Feb-23 35.3 33.07 0 91.13
+(320 m + 450 m = 725 m approaches) on
EPC Mode. "
Upgradation to 4-lane Bameetha to
Khajuraho section of NH-3398 from Km
0+000 to Km 10+150 on EPC mode in the
339B 10.15 73.43 28-Feb-22 27-Aug-23 27-Aug-23 57.74 6.66 2.42 35
State of Madhya Pradesh
1783164/2022/RO Bhopal
1784945/2022/RO Details of project approved since the last 1 year (Cost put to tender) 03.12.2022 Annexure-II
Sl. Total PAC Financial ve
NH No TPC Appointed Cost overrun Cost put to tender
No Mode Project Name Length Amount expenditur Physical
(New) (Cr.) Date (Cr.) last 01 year
. (km) (Cr.) e (Cr.) Progress
in %
Upgradation of Nasrullagani-Rehti-Budhni Scction to 2-lane with paved shoulder from LOA issued 23.14 % below
Km 0+150 to Km 50+500 of NH-146B in the state of Madhya Pradesh on EPC mode.
146B 47.3 305.12
One time lmprovement of inner town portion of NH-l35 i,e. Left out portion LOA issued 21.71 % Below
of old NH-7 due to construction of Bypass at Raghunathganj Town in Kin. 191.80 to 195.30
135 3.5 8.39
(530.00 lacs)
One Time lmprovement of inner town Portion of NH-30 i.e' Left out portion of Old NH-7 due to LOA issued 21.71% Below
construction of Bypass at Raipur Karchuliyan Town in Km. 219.36 to 223.39.
30 4.03 9.7
(613.17 lacs)
one Time improvement of inner town portion of NH-30 and NH-135 i.e. Left
LOA issued 21.69% Below
7 EPC out portion of Old NH-7 due to construction of Bypass at Mangawan Town in Km. 204.78 to 135 4.5 10.68
209.30. (675.03 lacs)
One time lmprovement of inner town portion of NH-135 i,e, Left out portion LOA issued 13.82% Below
of Old NH-7 due to construction of bypass at Deotalab in Km. 184,80 to 187.E0
135 3 7.17
(499.00 lacs)
1783162/2022/RO Bhopal
Mode of
EPC 01 (1.1)
Length of the project 63.40 Km 01 (1.4)
Length of the Road
portion (including
62.383 Km 03 (2.1.4)
approaches to
Time by which completes ROW would be State PWD has assured that 100% ROW
available shall be available before appointed date.
1783162/2022/RO Bhopal
Water supply line shifting estimated costs 0.07 Cr. 06 [4.1 (b)]
EMP Cost (Tree Cutting) 0.15 Cr. 06 [4.1 (c)]
Status of GAD approvals in case of
Total- 04 nos
New Construction-4 nos.
Major Bridges 03 (2.1.4 (f))
Total- 22 nos
New Construction-01 nos.
Reconstruction- Nil 03 (2.1.4 (e
Minor Bridges
Widening-14 nos. and and f))
Retain & Repair -07 nos.
Total-106 nos.
New Construction-49 (49 nos. Box),
Reconstruction- 36 (01 nos. Box & 35 nos.
HPC), and
Culverts Retain & Repair- 04. (03 nos. Box, 01 nos. 03 (2.1.4 (h))
Additional Project Slab) Widening- 04. (03 nos. Box, 01 nos.
Features Slab)
and 13 nos. HPC for junction/cross roads
Executive Summary
Nos. of Design
Sl. No. Existing details Proposed details
Bridges Chainage
New Construction
Realignment Major Bridge 3X32.0
1 1 Nos. 50+400
Existing bridge 8X6.8 = 54.4m Length-96.0m
Existing submersible bridge Major Bridge 4X32.0
2 1 Nos. 70+790
4X10.5 = 42m
Existing submersible bridge Major Bridge 3X32.0
3 1 Nos. 80+965
6X3.75 = 22.5m
Existing submersible bridge= Major Bridge 3X32.0
4 1 Nos. 89+400
6X3.5= 21m
Widening- Nil
Reconstruction- Nil
Total 04 Nos.
1784945/2022/RO Bhopal
Nos. of Design
Sl. No. Existing details Proposed details
Bridges Chainage
New Construction
Existing submersible bridge 5X3 = Minor Bridge 1X30.0
1 1 Nos. 93+075
Solid slab with open foundation
2 1 Nos. 54+800 Minor Bridge 3X8.0 Minor Bridge 3X8.0
Length-24.0m Length-24.0m
Nos. of Design
Sl. No. Existing details Proposed details
Bridges Chainage
RCC Covered drain:Construction of RCC covered drain along 03 nos. of built up areas in
total 2160m length (2 x 1080m = 2160 m) and
V type PCC drain:Construction V type of PCC drain in in hill cutting sections in a total
length of 8140 m (2 x 4070 = 8140m).
Chute Drain: Construction of Chute drain (@ 20m C/C) including provisions of kerb
channels, energy dissipating basins, lined drain connecting dissipating basin has been
considered in estimate at high embankment locations in total 5220 m length.
2.6 Bus Lay Byes & Truck Lay Byes: Construction of (2x2) 4 Nos. of Bus Lay Byes
along with Bus Shelters and (1x2) 2 Nos. of Truck Lay Byes have been proposed in the
estimated cost.Details are as under:
2.7 Junction Improvement: Major & Minor junctions considered in the estimate in
accordance with Ministry’ Standards & Specifications. Details are as under:
Category of
Design Chainage
Sr. No. Type of Junction Road Side Junction
1 61+040 Y-Junction LHS Minor Junction
2.8 Traffic Control Devices, Road Safety Works and Road Furniture:
Diversion road with provision of 150mm WMM &surface dressing has been
considered in the estimate. Traffic cone, Drum delineators, portable barricades,
1784945/2022/RO Bhopal
barricades, flagman etc for construction period and diversion road as per
Ministry guidelines & IRC specifications.
Thrie Metal Beam Crash Barrier in 22976 m length (including both side length,
Painting lines, dashes, arrows, providing road marking, providing Km stones, 5th
Km stones, hectometre stones, road delineators, road studs, RCC M15 grade
boundary pillars.
RCC pipe utility duct 600mm dia. across the road at every 250m interval (Single
Row) in open section &100m interval (Double Row) in built-up section.
2.9 Toll Plaza: Construction of 01 no. of Toll Plaza of 8 Lanes at Ch. Km 61+600
along with ETC arrangement in all the 08 lanes as per Ministry’s Guidelines &
Specifications. Preceding toll plaza is proposed at a distance of 55.60km and succeeding
toll plaza is proposed at a distance of 69.6 km from the instant Toll Plaza. Proposed Toll
Plaza at km 61+600 is not falling within 10km from the Municipal limit.
2.10 Retaining wall in 1.308 kmfor Major Bridge at km 80+965 and Toe wall in 15.588
km for approaches of & Pitching at required locations according to IRC SP 73:2018, have
also been considered. Details are as under:
Toe wall for Minor Bridges, high embankment due restricted ROW in forest area
&Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary:
S.No. From To Side Remark
in m.
1 50+100 50+352 504 Both Side
At Bridge Approaches
2 50+448 50+850 804 Both Side
3 56+000 56+200 400 Both Side
4 57+850 57+980 260 Both Side
5 58+935 59+175 480 Both Side
6 60+000 60+030 60 Both Side
7 60+090 60+300 420 Both Side To Restrict embankment
8 61+810 62+000 380 Both Side slope within the ROW in
9 62+650 62+750 200 Both Side forest and Kuno wild life
10 62+810 62+860 100 Both Side sanctuary
11 63+200 63+330 260 Both Side
12 63+700 64+050 350 One Side
13 69+000 69+800 1600 Both Side
14 69+800 70+400 1200 Both Side
15 70+690 70+726 72 Both Side
At Bridge Approaches
16 70+854 71+140 572 Both Side
17 77+800 77+850 50 One Side To Restrict embankment
18 77+865 78+200 335 One Side slope within the ROW in
19 78+800 78+950 300 Both Side forest and Kuno wild life
20 80+500 80+600 200 Both Side sanctuary
21 89+000 89+352 704 Both Side
22 89+448 90+050 1204 Both Side
At Bridge Approaches
23 92+900 93+060 320 Both Side
24 93+090 93+250 320 Both Side
25 93+800 93+835 35 One Side
26 93+842 93+950 108 One Side
27 95+960 96+300 340 One Side
28 101+300 101+530 230 One Side
29 102+200 102+285 170 Both Side
30 102+313 102+460 294 Both Side
31 102+950 103+100 300 Both Side
To Restrict embankment
32 105+060 105+230 340 Both Side
slope within the ROW in
33 105+460 105+640 360 Both Side
forest and Kuno wild life
34 105+850 106+025 350 Both Side
35 106+053 106+200 294 Both Side
36 107+150 107+350 400 Both Side
37 110+200 110+288 176 Both Side
38 110+302 110+360 116 Both Side
39 110+600 110+740 280 Both Side
40 110+900 111+050 300 Both Side
41 111+600 111+800 400 Both Side
42 Total Length in m. 15588
1784945/2022/RO Bhopal
Pavement Design:
A. Crust thickness and composition for the proposed wok shall be as under:
B. MPPWD stated that EPC Contractor shall design the pavement as per design
requirement subject to minimum pavement thickness and design requirements as
indicated above. This shall be incorporated in Schedule “B” of the Draft Contract
Agreement to be issued along with the RFP. The chainage-wise typical Cross Sectional
(TCS) drawings with crust composition as per para 4.4(A) above shall be provided in
C. Provision of bituminous concrete with polymer modified bitumen and DBM with
VG-40 has been made in the estimate.
3. Pre-construction activities:
Total area required for the project is 131.69 ha, out of which 66.924 ha. Land is
available on existing RoW. Total land required is 64.766 ha.Out of which 12.602 ha.
Land is for land acquisition and 52.164 ha.Land is for forest clearance.
Land Acquisition: Total Land to be acquired is 12.602 Ha, (2.07 Ha. Private land +
10.532 Ha. Govt. land) at a cost of Rs. 1.00 Cr. (including supplementary award amount)
affecting total 4.52 km project reach. 3(A) for entire 4.52 km has been published.
Further, 3(D) for land affecting 2.181 Km has been published. Availability of land is
1784945/2022/RO Bhopal
100% considering 3(A) published in terms of linear length. CE (NH) MPPWD committed
that 3(D) for 100% LA shall be published by November-2022.
3.2 Forest clearance: Diversion of forest land 52.164 hectare is required for 58.88 Km
stretches. Proposal for Stage-I clearance has been applied on Parivesh portal with
Application No. FP/MP/ROAD/124417/2021 and same is under approval with Regional
Officer, MoEF&CC Bhopal. Provision of Rs. 13.04 Cr. has been taken for diversion of
forest land.
4. Cost of work:
In light of above comments, the estimated cost modified to Rs. 355.02 Crore
including centages charges as follow:-
S.No. Item of Works Amount (in Rs.)
(Rs. In Crore)
a. Site-Clearance 78,41,883 0.78
b. Earthwork 26,21,64,767 26.22
c. Sub-base 28,05,00,835 28.05
d. Base Course & Bituminous Work 49,31,10,482 49.31
e. CC Pavement 3,26,16,260 3.26
f. One-time improvement (Black Tapping) 2,79,64,399 2.80
1 Cost of Road Works 1,10,41,98,625 110.42
2 Cross-Drainage structures
2.1 Culverts 22,98,86,693 22.99
2.2 Minor Bridges 13,08,18,552 13.08
2.3 Major Bridges 28,75,89,612 28.76
Total cost of Cross-Drainage structures 64,82,94,858
3 Toll Plaza 8,93,61,515 8.94
Bus Lay Bye along with Bus Shelter & Truck Lay
4 2,39,31,234 2.39
5 RCC Drain (Length=2X1080=2160 m ) 1,97,65,665 1.98
6 PCC Drain (Length=2X4070=8140 m ) 1,66,95,303 1.67
7 CC Paver Block 27,11,880 0.27
8 Retaining wall for approaches of MJB 6,25,69,797 6.26
9 Toe Wall/Retaining wall 33,22,75,523 33.23
10 Embankment Protection Works 2,19,48,622 2.19
11 Traffic Signs 1,20,85,481 1.21
1784945/2022/RO Bhopal
S.No. Item of Works Amount (in Rs.)
(Rs. In Crore)
12 Road Marking 2,08,97,052 2.09
13 Road Appurtenances 3,99,78,263 4.00
14 Metal beam crash barrier 14,16,01,088 14.16
15 Junction improvement 2,57,38,172 2.57
Street Lighting, High mast lighting, Generator &
16 93,86,300 0.94
Electricity bill for Maintenance period
17 Avenue Tree Plantation (15380 trees) 1,19,81,020 1.20
18 Rain Water Harvesting 32,00,000 0.32
A TOTAL CIVIL COST 2,58,66,20,398 258.66
Per Km cost for civil works 4,07,98,429 4.08
B GST @18% of (A) 46,55,91,672 46.56
C Contingencies @ 1% of (A) 2,58,66,204 2.59
D Agency charges @ 3 % of (A) 7,75,98,612 7.76
E Supervision Consultancy Charges @ 3% of (A) 7,75,98,612 7.76
F Price Escalation (5% on 60% work) of (A) 9,05,31,714 9.05
Post Construction Maintenance Charges 2.5% of
G 7,63,05,302 7.63
Sub Total Centages 81,34,92,115 81.35
Total Project Cost 3,40,01,12,513 340.01
Per Km Cost for Total Project Cost 5,36,29,535 5.36
H Utility Shifting Charges-
a. Water Utility Shifting 7,09,800 0.07
b. Electrical Utility Shifting 74,83,465 0.75
EMP Cost (Tree Plantation Of Two Times of Tree
c. 14,51,898 0.15
d. Forest diversion cost (52.164 Ha.) 13,04,10,000 13.04
e. Land acqistion (2.07 Hac. ) 1,00,28,476 1.00
Total Preconstruction activities 15,00,83,639 15.01
TOTAL CAPITAL (Sum Of "A"to "H") 3,55,01,96,151 355.02
COST OF PER KM 5,59,96,785 5.60
5. Phasing of expenditure: Phasing of expenditure is as under: -
Cumulative Progress
Year Physical Construction Preconstruction Maintenance Total
Normative cost for the project has been calculated in accordance with Ministry’s
circular no. RW/NH-24036/55/2021-BP&SP date 19.01.2022 (calculation sheet is
enclosed). Total cost of civil work is well within normative cost. Item-wisecomparison of
civil work amount with normative cost calculated in accordance with Ministry’s circular
dated 19.01.2022 is as under:
Quantity of Cost as per Increase Reason for Higher
Sr. No. Description amount
Project Road Ministry In Cost amount
(in Cr.)
A Road Works
i Flexible Pavement 61.94 km 106.55 134.1 -27.55 Within Normative
Rigid Pavement Builtup
ii 1.08 km 3.53 6.31 -2.78 Within Normative
12 nos
iii Major & Minor Junction (02 nos. major & 2.57 4.3 -1.73 Within Normative
10 nos minor)
Average height of 04
nos of MJB is 18.5 m
(varying from 15 m to
Major Bridge (04 nos New 23m)
iv 5708 sqm 28.76 19.14 9.62
Construction) Cost of approach
slab, protection work
is also included in
amount of bridge.
Bridge is at skew
angle of 45 degree.
Minor Bridge (01 nos New Cost of approach
v 551 sqm 3.37 3.24 0.13
Construction) slab, protection work
is also included in
amount of bridge.
All bridges are in
Minor Bridge (13 nos Cost of approach
vi 1843.36 sqm 8.92 6.18 2.74
widening) slab, protection work
is also included in
amount of bridge.
Amount of culverts is
inclusive of curtain
vii Culverts (93 nos.) 1489 m 22.99 19.46 3.53 wall, floor apron and
other protection
viii Metal crash barrier 22976 14.16 20.22 -6.06 Within Normative
ix RCC Covered drain 2160 m 1.98 2.11 -0.13 Within Normative
x Retaining wall 1308 m 6.26 9.06 -2.8 Within Normative
xi Toe wall 15588 m 33.23 57.23 -24 Within Normative
xii 1.8m GI Barbed wire 8140m 0.42 0.70 -0.28 Within Normative
B Other Miscellaneous items
Toll Plaza including 0.38 km rigid pavement, One
time improvement with 40mm BC overlay in 8.91
Within Normative
km, V type PCC drain in 8140m, Buslaybyes,
i 25.92 25.92 (10% to 15% of Total
Truck Lay byes, Traffic Signages, Marking, other
project cost.)
road appurtenances, highway lighting, rain water
harvesting & tree plantation
Total cost of civil work
Total 258.66 307.97 is well within
normative cost.