Chapter 3 (Revised)

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Chapter III


Research Design

In this study, the researchers will be using the quantitative research method.
Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or
numerical analysis of data collected through questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating
pre- existing statistical data using computational techniques. It focuses on gathering
numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular
phenomenon. The main focus of this study is on the acceptability, comfort, and durability of
banana pseudo-stem fiber as a replacement material for face masks. A quasi-experimental
research design was used for this study. According to Abraham & MacDonald (2011),
“quasi-experimental research is similar to experimental research in that there is manipulation
of an independent variable; however, it differs from experimental research because either
there is no control group, no random selection, no random assignment, and/or no active
manipulation.” In this instance, the Banana Pseudo-Stem is the independent variable and the
Face Mask is the dependent variable. This study’s objective was to gather information via
questionnaires in order to assess the acceptability, comfort, and durability of a face mask
manufactured from banana pseudo-stem fiber. The researchers will use a one-group posttest-
only design, a sort of quasi-experiment in which an outcome of interest is only tested once
after subjecting non-random group members to a specific intervention. The researchers
thoroughly explained how the banana pseudo-stem fiber effectively served as an alternative
material in making a face mask. As a result, the quasi-experimental study can serve as a good
foundation for this research paper because it focuses more on the acceptability, durability,
and comfortability of the solution rather of only emphasizing its environmental benefits.
The Setting/Locale

This study took place in the Manukan National High School in Poblacion, Manukan,
Zamboanga del Norte. Considering that it is the closest setting, the researchers chose it as the
study’s location. The testing of banana pseudo-stem fiber as an alternate material for face
masks will be simpler, and the results will be more conclusive.

The Sample
The Grade 10 SSP students were chosen by the researchers to participate in the study
as responders. Convenience sampling will be used by the researchers to select the study’s
participants. According to Taylor (2019), a convenience sample is formed when elements
from a population are chosen based on how easy they are to obtain. Since we simply grab
representatives from the population for our survey, a convenience sample is also known as a
grab sample. This is a sampling method that does not rely on a random process to generate a
sample, such as we do in a simple random sample. This study shall employ the utilization of
Convenience sampling, it's the simplest method of sampling, because participant is chosen
supported availability and willingness to require part. Since the study is meant to establish the
effectivity of Banana Pseudo-stem Fiber as an alternative material in producing Face Mask.
The questionnaires will be developed by the researchers and distributed to the selected
respondents who are qualified to answer the survey questionnaire.

The Instrument(s)

In this study, the researchers will be using questionnaires as the primary instruments.
The researchers will develop a self-constructed and adopted questionnaire that is according to
the main purpose of the study. The questionnaires will be utilized as tools for data collection.
In the questionnaire, the name of the respondents would be optional. Approximately, the
questionnaire have 5 item questions. The questions can be answered by marking the box with
a check (✔) next to the options, apart from 3 questions, which can only be answered with a
yes or no. The data gathered will be an input in determining the effectivity of the banana
pseudo-stem fiber as an alternative material in making face mask.
The following are the materials in implementing the study:

 Banana Pseudo-stem
 25ml Sodium Hydroxide
 Measuring Cup
 Blender
 Strainer
 Frame Strainer


To guarantee the instrument’s validity and reliability, the researchers perform pilot
testing. In order to establish the validity of the survey’s content, questions about students’
knowledge of the benefits of banana pseudo stem fiber as an eco-friendly mask were added.
Each respondent received a questionnaire from the researcher on their own. The questions
were created using simple language to facilitate comprehension. A clear set of instructions
was given to the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study’s instruments will be put through a pilot test before actual data collection
to confirm their validity and reliability. Once the sample had been obtained, a letter request
was made, provided to the advisor, and the letter for respondents was read. Following the
reading of the letter, the researchers provide instructions and provide the banana pseudo-stem
face mask to each respondent. For around 15 minutes, the respondents will wear the face
mask. They may remove the mask right away if they experience skin rashes or other skin
issues. The researcher will then distribute the questionnaires to each participants once 15
minutes have passed. The posttest will be given to the respondents. The respondents was
given enough time to answer the questions. The raw data will be organized and then
encoded after the surveys have been retrieved. The researchers combined questionnaires to
count responses and to analyze and interpret the data collected.

Plan for Data Analysis

The researchers intend to compare the relationship between two different factors
using two-way anova. Of which one is the use of a regular facemask and the other is banana
pseudo-stem fiber, and assess which is more effective or which benefits the respondents
more. A comparison of the collected data from the different factors is to be done. This will
ensure which method is more effective for the chosen respondents.

Statistical Treatment

The response will be analyzed using statistical tools included in descriptive statistics.
The information gathered was tabulated and processed manually and with a computer to
determine the precise interpretation of the results. Data were collated, tabulated, and
analyzed. The following statistical tools were used in the analysis of data:

1. Frequency and Percentage

The frequency of each response will be determined on the number of the respondents
who will check in the particular item.

P = F * 100/ N P=
F = Frequency
N = Total Number of
Cumulative Frequency (CF). The cumulative frequency is calculated by adding
each frequency from a frequency distribution table to sum of its predecessors.
Cumulative Percentage (CP). The cumulative percentage column divides the
cumulative frequency by the total number of observation. The result is then multiplied
by 100.

2. Weighted Mean

This is used to determine the level of acceptability and durability of banana pseudo-
stem fiber as an alternative material in making face mask.

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