Bill Sahli - Mind Becomes Mass

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“My method is different. I do not rush into actual work.

When I get a new idea, I

start at once building it up in my imagination, and make improvements and
operate the device in my mind. When I have gone so far as to embody everything
in my invention, every possible improvement I can think of, and when I see no
fault anywhere, I put into concrete form the final product of my brain.”

“Before I put a sketch on paper, the whole idea is worked out mentally. In my
mind I change the construction, make improvements, and even operate the
device. Without ever having drawn a sketch I can give the measurements of all
parts to workmen, and when completed all these parts will fit, just as certainly as
though I had made the actual drawings. It is immaterial to me whether I run my
machine in my mind or test it in my shop. The inventions I have conceived in this
way have always worked. In thirty years there has not been a single exception.
My first electric motor, the vacuum wireless light, my turbine engine and many
other devices have all been developed in exactly this way.”

– Nikola Tesla
This book is dedicated to those who have the courage to open up their minds…
to think differently, despite what those around them think they should. It is
dedicated to those individuals who are not sheeple but are souls of vision, who
strive for the truth, uncontrollable by the programming put forth in society today
through the mass media and their peers… no longer to be a prisoner of their own
mind or that of others.

The recommendations as noted in this book require the experience and

knowledge of exercise performance of the individual using them. Nothing
contained herein is to be considered as medical advice. Always consult a
physician before beginning or changing any fitness, weightlifting, bodybuilding or
related program. Due to the nature of the subject matter, without the experience
and knowledge mentioned above, the information contained herein may be
dangerous. There is always a risk of injury in any program using weights. Should
you experience or think you are experiencing any injury or illness, stop
immediately and seek medical attention.
Mind Becomes Mass:
Beyond Time - The Final Approach
By Bill Sahli

Audio Book MP3 Download Link

(Please proceed to the link above where you will be able to download
both Mind Becomes Mass but also High Intensity Mindset.)
Foreword v
PART I: Mind… Not the Brain 1-2
i. Energy 3-4
ii. Ego – The Filter 5-7
iii. Thoughts and Belief – Free Choice 8-9
iv. Focus 10
1. The Picture 11
2. The Process 12-13
v. Visualization 14
PART II: Muscle… Beyond Time 17
i. Stress 18-19
ii. The Theory of High Intensity Training 20
1. Recover Ability 21
2. Intensity 22
3. Volume 23
4. Frequency 24-25
iii. Goals and Strategies, Questions and Answers 26-29
iv. Workouts 30-31
v. Exercise Selection 32-36
vi. Exercise Cadence 37
vii. Other Movements and Exercises That May Be Valuable 38-41
viii. High Intensity Training Techniques 42-43
ix. The Beginning to the End 44
1. The Beginner 44
a. Beginner Example Break In Workout 45
b. Beginner Example Workout (Aft Break-In) 46
2. Taken from High Intensity Powerbuilding 47
3. The Intermediate 48
a. Intermediate Example Workout 48-49
4. The Tenured Intermediate – Advanced 50
a. Tenured Inter-Advanced Example Workout 50-51
5. Another Variation 52-53
a. Question – Is This The Last Stop? 54
i. My Last Stop Example Workout 54-55
6. High Intensity Low Stress for the Fitness Minded 56-57
a. High Intensity Low Stress Workout 58
x. Feeding The Growth 59-66
xi. Beyond Time, The Final Approach 67-68
xii. My Final Thoughts 69-70

When I think of my coach and mentor Bill Sahli, the words brilliant, kind, gifted,
genuine, and connected come to mind. Bill is an amazing coach whose life
experience and extensive knowledge of bodybuilding and people building make
him a gift to those he works with. He knows both who he is and how to help
others discover or re-discover who they are.

Bill came into my life when I was literally praying for a miracle. I was at a
breaking point; over weight, overwhelmed, over committed, and completely lost. I
had forgotten who I was as a person; I was desperate for a change. I needed
someone to encourage me and most importantly, to believe in me. I had tried and
tried to lose weight with minimal results, but I knew in my heart there was a way,
I just needed guidance from someone who understood how to help me.
My miracle came in the form of Bill Sahli. The timing was perfect! He began
coaching me weekly via phone and e-mail. Through his teachings I learned how
to change my mindset, which in turn, has changed my reality and my life. He
coached me on healthy food choices and fitness routines designed to meet my
goals. Through our work together, I was able to re-discover who I am at the core
and how to follow my truth. My whole life has changed for the better. I have re-
gained confidence, belief, and a positive mindset. I’ve re-discovered my ability to
accomplish anything I put my mind to. To date, I have lost 32 lbs and 23 inches
of body fat; I feel great! Most importantly, I’ve learned that there are no limits; all
things are possible when you believe. Bill Sahli, you have truly been my saving
grace, thank you for helping me change my life!
Rachel O’Brien-Eddy

Mind… NOT the brain!

The mind, what really is the mind? Some would say that the mind is what we
think, our brain. However the mind is in every part of our body… it is in every
cell. The truth is that we have three minds.

• The outer mind

• The inner mind
• The mind that controls all of our bodies functions

There are only two that were concerned about… the outer mind and the inner
mind. The third mind gets along very nicely on its own as long as we work with
the other two minds.

The outer mind can be described as our Ego. This is the mind that we’ve trained
since childbirth… it’s the filter. It is this mind that has been designed to interpret
the world around us. It receives input from our five senses and through the
feedback from this filter we create the world around us. It is our belief system.
Look around yourself and in your life, this is what you believe. This is the Mind
Become Mass connection.

Then… there’s the inner mind. Self… that is the mind that connects us. It is the
God mind or whom some call the Universe. The ALL THERE IS. There is no
separation here and in fact separation is an illusion. The inner mind is inside us…
in every cell of our body. That is why if you don’t create from within, you go
without. This inner mind knows all and is timeless. It has access to everything
right now and there is nothing it needs to learn. We all access this mind. Don’t
confuse this with your thought patterns or your brain, the brain is just a tool and
should be used only when needed. What I am talking about is the ageless
consciousness of all there is, the connection. The part of the mind that you
access in your gut, down by where your solar plexus is… that knowing some call
intuition... is where the communication begins.

i. Energy

Energy, what is energy? Everything is energy.

Look around you, everything that exists in your forth dimensional world is energy.
What is fourth dimension mean? It means our perception at this level of
consciousness which is that of height, width, length and time. At a quantum level,
everything is energy. Quanta, the stuff that makes us up and all around us at a
molecular level… including the air we breathe, is all made up of the same stuff.
The only difference is the rate at which that stuff vibrates. A rock vibrates very
slowly while water vibrates faster and steam even faster. This is very much like
our thoughts. Our thoughts and beliefs have certain vibrations. These thoughts
and beliefs are energy that go out into the universe and attract certain aspects
that move down into the physical plane and create the world we live in. Whatever
you think or believe, you outpicture in your world.

Money is a good example… a shadow of something else… stored energy. This

topic is a favorite of most. No one will deny that lots of money makes life easier.
Everyone wants lots of money but this in fact is not really what they want. What
they want is the freedom that money brings. Money is nothing but energy, an
outpicture… again a shadow of something else. Money, the common energy of
exchange in our time, is nothing more than an inner sense of self worth, esteem
and deserve-ability.

Love… a second favorite topic is also a good example. Everyone wants to be

loved. Love is the opposite of fear. Every emotion can be found as part of these
two opposites. This again, is an outpicture of an inner sense of being. To the

degree of self worth, esteem and true love of Self one has, so will the quality of
the love they create in their world be present.

Wholeness… there is no such thing as disease or sickness, only a sick cell, a low
vibration. How could this be? Well, we all vibrate at a certain rate. We are energy
packets comprised of all there is, which includes mind. Every cell in our body
houses mind. Our thoughts, beliefs and decisions affect how we vibrate. The
lower our thoughts, beliefs and decisions, the lower we vibrate and the more we
are able to create in our worlds the low patterns like sickness and disease that
we outpicture in our bodies. Everything is mirror.

Prosperity and Abundance… money is a part of this but it is only a small part... its
all about being worthy. Abundance can be applied to all of the above including
happiness and prosperity. It is all energy and you will see how it is all tied into
what we believe and think.

ii. Ego – The Filter

In the era of the movie the Secret, you would believe that all you had to do is
think differently, positively. It would be nice if that were true but there is much
more than just thinking that goes into it.

Since you were a child you have been taught a number of things. You could just
as easily call it being programmed because that is what it really is, programming.
Look around your world and what you see is what you have been programmed to
believe. Are you not happy with the program? Then it is time to change it.

Many since childhood have been taught that they were not worthy, or that they
were sinners, or bad or this or that. These things were taught to us by those who
were trusted around us and it was believed for our better interest... at least that is
what they believed! The fact is that those teaching us were also programmed.
Watch the movie the Matrix and you will understand what I mean.

How could this be? The fact is that the all knowing all powerful energy in the
universe, sometimes called God… is absolute and perfect. How can such a being
create a test tube garden so imperfect? Not possible, although they would have
you believe that.

Many of our beliefs are man made not God made. Religions teach us that we are
born with sin! Give me a break. We are fresh from the Source when born and
nothing but perfection. It is a matter of control. The fact is our religions and
governments are controlled by just a few powerful and so departmentalized to

keep the vast majority of sheeple in the dark. I say sheeple because that is how
most act, like sheep just following the heard in fear instead of thinking for
themselves… unless they are a black sheep going in its own direction not being
led by the nose!

There was a master that appeared on this earth some 2000 years ago that taught
some very threatening truths. He taught…

“Ye are gods” John 10:34… “anyone who has faith (knowing, certainty)… will do
even greater things than these [me]” John 14:12. In saying what this master said
in the first quote he was getting ready to be stoned for saying such a thing.
Sound familiar… it is the sheeple that keep the black sheep in line! Programmed
masses keep they themselves isolated and powerless.

Well…that didn’t go over so well back then in Roman times and it was extremely
politically incorrect. That fear was especially imbedded in the thought patterns of
his own people. These thoughts threatened the dogma of his people to such a
degree that they hung him on a tree and killed him. It was so bad in those times;
almost as bad as it is now with our “Patriot Act” and similar quasi law… he had
to speak in parable… riddles… and only those who connected to their inner
guidance could understand.

Since then, there have been translated, a number of teachings to a point that you
would not even recognize them from the original that this master taught. The
majority of religions teach it as a history lesson and the intended lesson is forever
lost leaving those seeking in that venue powerless.

In the mid 1900s there was a gospel found said to be the true gospel of this
master. It said something like this when translated… “The kingdom of God is not
found in any building made of wood or stone, it is inside us and all around us…”
It was considered heresy (because it taught people they didn’t need a building,
rather… the church was inside them).

Funny enough, quantum physics has proven just what this heretic document
describes, right here in the twenty-first century.

It is certainly not just religion and government, but also the ones we love…our
mothers, fathers, friends and those we trust… that have taught us untruths that
we carry with us as part of our ego system. These are taught through fear.

In abusive upbringings and unloving family settings, we learn and carry much of
these learned patterns into our adulthood and continue to replay the tapes of
these experiences. Many, many children who are now adults, have suffered a
feeling of undeserving due to the way a mother or father treated them or
abandoned them only to carry it on as reality in their life by outpicturing this inner
belief. It is carried into their world to create the same condition they fear and

thus, affirming it to be real. It is a vicious circle. Not just as a dysfunctional
relationships but also in physical illness and lack issues.

Our ego has malfunctioned. Instead of being a gatherer of experiential

happenings from our five senses, so that we can fine tune our creations with its
feed back… using our thoughts and beliefs to create another reality, it has
incorrectly become the protector by believing that the information gathered by our
five senses is reality rather than our own creation. This is the great illusion. The
fact is we create from the inside out and we are not victims. There are no
coincidences or accidents. This misconception is as deadly to your quality of life
as would be a child with a gun. Those who are experiencing these things,
unknowingly and unconsciously, while accessing the unerring law of the universe
are being completely ignorant that they are creating their world and experience.
Instead, they acquire a victim consciousness. Although religion is mentioned
here, the laws that govern the universe much like the law of electricity are
unerring. They work flawlessly despite who applies them.

iii. Thoughts and Belief – Free Choice

As mentioned previously our thoughts and beliefs have vibration, your life mirrors
them. You can certainly understand that there are low and high thoughts and
beliefs… many call the high ones being positive while the low ones are negative.
They all exist in this universe. The question is, in dealing with the law, what is it
that you would like to attract into your life. Low or high… good question but very
obvious right?

It is really free choice in every aspect. It matters not what you say you desire it
matters what you think and believe. If you are saying you desire a fantastic body
and yet you are making decisions that reflect the opposite, those decisions will
define you to the universe and the universe will bring you the same. That goes
for love, abundance and prosperity, happiness, wholeness… everything!

Remember, your Ego… the filter… the outer mind, that houses your true beliefs
is the limiting or limitless factor. The spirit, or the Self, plays with universes and
can have and do anything it chooses. It is the beacon. The Ego, is what the
beacon shines through… and outpictures in your world, based on the Ego filter.
You are left with whatever is filtered through… which you outpicture in your
world. The rest of the other possibilities are filtered out by the Ego. Put another
way… you are like a radio transmitter. You vibrate… attract… vibrate… attract…
vibrate… attract each and every moment based on your thoughts and beliefs…
attracting at the frequency you vibrate.

Did you every look at an aspect of someone’s life or better yet for example…
someone’s closet and see that it is in disarray? In most cases if you observe their
life and mannerisms, they resemble the same. The reason being is their ability to
vibrate consistently is almost non existent. This is the condition of their inner
world. They change their mind by the moment and their mind is a clutter of junk
accumulated over their life. The Universe and thus… the Law hardly has time to
begin creating before they are on to something else. It is as if you were in a
cluttered house and needed something on the other side of the house. Trying to
get there amidst the clutter keeps you bumping into everything except that which

you desire… having to clean up one mess after another before finally you have
no idea what you been trying to get to.
Think about it this way… imagine if you went to a travel agent and up at the
counter you said, “I want to go to Italy!” and the agent began to look that up and
then you changed your mind and said, “No, I think I would rather go to France!”
and so the agent stopped Italy and began France and before getting there you
said, “Oh dear, I am not sure I have money for the trip… maybe I should go to
someplace in the states!” You can see not only the frustration that the agent has
due to your indecisiveness but, more apparent, your map to get to your
destination is non existent. You have to know where you are going before you
can map a route. How can the agent or in this analogy, the Universe, bring you
your desire if you keep changing without focus?

iv. Focus

Creation is all about decision and focus. Whatever you focus on manifests…
whether you consider it bad or good matters not. In fact, the law is non
judgmental and will give you whatever you choose to focus on. The problem
arises, for instance when you are not clear about how to focus… such as
focusing on the NOT… like not being in debt, not being sick, not not
not…because it only recognizes the thing and not the NOT. So if you focus on
debt, you will get more debt, as you will sickness. However, if you focus on
prosperity, without regarding your debt, you will attract prosperity, which of
course will take care of that debt. See, like in thought, high or low, prosperity is
high, debt is low, so that last thing you would want to do is focus on your debt
while creating prosperity or, on sickness while creating wholeness and health.

In quantum physics as it relates to this universe, time does not exist. It is our
perception as we are mass moving through space. There are all possibilities. The
fact remains there is only now. I will prove it to you. Do this! I want you to …

Try to live yesterday… impossible. Try to live tomorrow, impossible. See, time
only exists in our minds, and through our perception and consciousness, we
create these illusions and sometimes fret those creations. Stop! All there is IS
now. Live like there is only now!

Because there is no time there is nothing to fret ever. Why live in the past
treating it as the now, based on the things that our Ego thought it learned? Why
live fearing the future when you are blessed with the present…this moment?
Some spend so much life force putting the energy in what happened in the past
or what might happen in the future. Each day treat brand new!

Getting back to focus… anything you focus on takes a portion of your life force.
To the degree that you focus your life force, to that degree, your desire manifests
into reality. When you dilute your focus, you dilute the effectiveness of your

Let’s say you wanted to become a millionaire this year. Now some with the
sufficient allowance of belief and focus could create that in a week or a month,
but for most, this is not the case. You might want to set a long term goal of being
a millionaire soon, but then break down that long term goal into smaller goals.
You may this month want to increase your sales to a specific goal and once that
is reached, set another immediately until you reach your ultimate goal. The point
is… don’t dilute your focus. The same applies in creating a strong and muscular
body, break it down into stages. Instead of going for the all time goal of that 21
inch arm or that 9% body fat… go in stages… 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. If you want to
be Mr. Olympia, start with a local show and work your way up through to the

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Well this all sounds great but how do you do this? Are there any tools you can

1. The Picture
As an artist paints a picture so do I. I paint it deep within myself, in my mind’s
eye. Same as the artist, if I wanted to become a millionaire or a champion
bodybuilder, I would put in this picture everything that would inherently reflect to
me wealth or my magnificent body… down to the smallest detail.

Just as an artist would paint a tree, including the grass and the buildings in the
background and all the details that would add in the presentation of this art… I
too would include the detail in my picture so that this inner picture would be a
perfect vision of my creation in reality, while held constant and with perfect detail.

Have you ever had one of those times where you were mindlessly staring out into
space without anything whatsoever on your mind? We all have. If at that time,
you could impose with enough focus and certainty, any desire, it would certainly
outpicture into reality and quickly.

If you are a novice at this, try making a collage. This is perfect. Whatever it is you
want, a new car, a new house, a new job, a new body, hang pictures around you
to remind you of that desire.

If I wanted a new home, I would create a collage with the picture of the home, as
close as I could find, on that collage. I would find pictures in detail of what I would
want the kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooms, theater room etc. to look
like. I would find a snap shot of the back yard, the street and the neighborhood. I
would then go house shopping and find one similar; in fact, you may find the
exact one! Walk through the house; make believe it is yours NOW. Make plans
on how and what you will furnish it with… dream, dream, dream… the mind does
not know the difference between reality and a dream.

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2. The Process
The more centered you become, the more you clean your house (outer mind)
and nourish your inner self, the more quickly you will become a strong creator,
able to create anything almost immediately. The key is to never back slide, never
loose momentum.

As it is necessary to keep the car on the road in taking a trip to any destination,
so is it necessary to be consistent with your focus and certainty. You must find
the right way for you however I can describe what I do… most times on a daily
basis, to keep focused and on the right track.

My Hour of power… that is what I call it; however, it takes in most cases less
than an hour and only minutes.

In a quiet place undisturbed each morning I go into silence. I usually do this upon
waking after I put on the coffee. With cup in hand I head to my special place,
which happens to be my screen porch. It is surrounded by bamboo and the
vegetation behind it runs all the way to the lake. I clear my mind of any thoughts.
This takes practice. As soon as any thought enters my mind, I move it out until
there is only silence and calmness. I usually stare into the sun or the trees.

At this point I listen… I am connected to what my inner self is telling me. I may
have a feeling that I must do something or an idea will pop into my head. I will
write this down immediately. A picture may come to mind of something; I will take
note of this and continue.

Once this is finished it is time for me to recall my painting, my picture. Like a

memory of the present I see this picture but it is not a memory it is NOW. I see it
in every detail in my minds eye. It is real and it is! So be it! It is the reality of the
possibility not yet manifest but just waiting for me to experience it. Now if you are
a novice or are not a strong visualizer, you can use your collage to help you do
this. See your picture, feel your picture, have gratitude of the wonderful gift and

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present reality of your picture. The mind knows not the difference between what
is real and what is not, it is only impulses in our brain either way.

Once I have finished this process I finish off with my High Intensity Mindset
exercise, usually prior to my workout. This exercise is like food for your inner and
outer mind, it works underneath the surface like a drip system, to allow you to
clean your house and restore and fortify your self.

With this book, Mind Become Mass: Beyond Time – The Final Approach comes a
copy of High Intensity Mindset. You can get it here. Please download it.
It applies to not only bodybuilding but applies to your life desires.

After finishing I am good to go till the next morning. I work and move through my
day but always hold my picture constant in my minds eye, referring back to it
during the day.

If you are distracted with life happenings or if there has been to this point your
share of drama in your life, give it your due attention but no life force. Remember,
whatever you focus on manifests. Go back to your inner work. Don’t get drawn in
and triggered.

In the same way, those you associate with whether business, friends or family
also have an energy about them… sometimes a distraction to your goals and
desires, pulling you into their drama. Don’t resist this, whatever you resist
persists… instead, walk your truth… what is really true to you. There are so
many loops of codependence around us that sometimes we get stuck in
someone else’s. Sometimes we must love but in a detached way and allow that
person be in their own space and own experience. There is no need to convince
or explain your truth, just walk it and be it. Be like the wind powerful and
impersonal as it speeds to its destination. Focus and you will find that all that is
not serving you will begin to drop away as you attract all this is good in your life.
You are an amazing powerful being and this is the true essence of SELF.

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v. Visualization – Feeding the Mind

There is a lot going around these days about positive thinking, success, the
Secret and a host of other things related to creating a more fulfilling life.
However, very little is mentioned about visualization.

Visualization, the idea… IS “The Word” … “In the beginning was the word, and
the word was with God and the Word was God…And the Word was made flesh,
and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth” – John 1:1-14 God walking TRUTH!

So, is this a lesson in religion? It is absolutely not; rather it is a lesson in quantum

physics. Quantum physics is the explanation… what sheet music is to the ear as
one plays the musical notes on the piano. Before there was sheet music, the
music being played existed in the mind of the pianist just as the Universe existed
before science began to explain it through quantum physics.

Everything is energy, you, me, the air we breathe, the thoughts we think…
everything at a quantum level is energy… energy packets to be more precise.
When they say that God is everything, they aren’t kidding. At the smallest level of
our existence, we and all else including nature and all objects solid or not, are
joined with no boundaries, no limits… all the same stuff. Like the oceans
separated by name, it is all joined despite what it is called, water.

Scientists in the laboratory find that as soon as an experiment is observed in

quantum physics, it changes by the mere fact that the observer is observing.
ATTENTION & FOCUS! Mind Becomes Mass.

Creation as spoken about in the history of this universe is nothing more than an
infinite energy consciously applying attention and focus to the point of
materialization. So, did our prophets, masters and wise men get it wrong? How
did this infinite energy speak a single word, if there did not even exist language…
good question?

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Don’t get caught up in a history lesson, realize that our language is a very poor
description for the feelings we feel from within. Unfortunately very few of us have
been trained to follow our intuition, the voice within, that feeling you have in your
solar plexus…which is the true language and teacher.

The WORD quite simply…is what you picture in your mind’s eye. Have you ever
pictured someone in your head thinking of them and all of a sudden they call?
Some call it a coincidence but there is no such thing. It just so happened that
when you were visualizing this person you tapped into the law in process and
that law is unerring. Whether you did it unconsciously matters not, the fact is you
did it.

We are nothing more than radio antennas tuning into a vibration of energy, as
covered previously. That vibration of energy is attracted to us by our beliefs and
our thoughts, our vision! Those beliefs, thoughts and visions are also energy and
go out into that which is all around us (God, the Universe) and become the world
we experience with our five senses. Yes, these energy packets of quantum
soup… literally go out and attach and vibrate to create what we think and see in
our mind’s eye, mass created. In fact, the masters throughout the ages spoke
about free will and choice. You choose with your thoughts, beliefs, vision and
decision. Whether you consciously or unconsciously create, it is you who have
created your world… you are not a victim, there are none! Anything you focus on,
good, bad, whatever will surely manifest in your world… including your fears. So
be the master of your world rather than having your world be the master of you.

The law is non-judging; you can have anything you desire if done so with
attention, focus and knowing (faith and belief). You can’t trick the law either, it
knows before you do. By all means don’t WANT anything either. The law is like a
genie in a bottle (where do you think this folklore came from anyway?)… If you
want a great body, the genie will say… “So be it, you will want a great body!” …
and so, you will be in a constant state of wanting and not receipt… you will never
get it. Instead use the word!

Visualization is the universal language. It is exacting. It can make no mistake as

this vision of your desire is planted securely in your mind’s eye. If I were to want
a great body, I would plant in my mind’s eye exactly the body I desired, down to
the smallest detail. I would dress that body and give it a surrounding, my home,
my office, at the movies, out with people. Like the painter who would not just
draw a tree without landscape, I would do the same.

If I were a novice, I might cut out pictures of the body I want and then paste a
picture of my head on that body and keep it where I could be reminded
throughout the day of my vision. I would then begin to pay attention to what was
brought to me. It might be a free gym visit through the mail… or a great trainer…
or maybe I would read an article that I identify with in that it describes my body
goals and how to achieve them. These little signs like the gym visit or the trainer

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or article are no coincidence at all… because of this vision and your thoughts,
you have sent out into the Universe, the all that IS, the Word… “And the Word
was made flesh, and dwelt among us…” And, the genie obeyed!

It is all a matter of training and reprogramming your thought patterns and

becoming the master of your house. There are many ways to do this and it is a
matter of continual vigilance or should I say visual-ance. It is time to remove the
clutter from your mind…the useless thoughts that no longer serve you. A mind
without focus is usually one cluttered with old baggage and debris, being
constantly tripped over… while trying to get to the one that matters. By time you
finish cleaning up the mess, you have wasted so much energy that there is little
life force left for your true desires. Time to clean house! Stop wasting precious

Since your outer mind or the ego will need some retraining, it is best to do so in a
non threatening way. There are exercises in minutes a day to accomplish this…
while augmenting these exercises with visualization. You can find these
exercises in High Intensity Mindset… MP3 downloadable Audio Teleseminar at included with this book.

Remember, we create everything in our world from the inside out and that
includes our bodies. It is all vibration. Begin to apply the proper vibration in your
world to attain your true desires, which may also be a hard body!

“Whatever you believe you outpicture in your world.”

- 16 -
MUSCLE… Beyond Time

It always makes me chuckle when in the gym or in talking with a prospective

client, how bodybuilders use a social economic principle called “More is Better”
and apply it to building muscle. Mike Mentzer used to call this context
switching… misapplying one principal to an entirely different subject and
expecting it to work. This is a grave error in thinking. To be successful in
reaching your bodybuilding and muscle building goals, harder is better AND the
more you do, the more time spent in the gym… the farther it will take you from
reaching your goals.

"Everything of any value related to exercise can be stated in less than a

thousand words, can, in fact, be fairly well covered in only a few words, as
follows: Train hard, Train briefly, Train infrequently, and always remember
that your final results will primarily be a consequence of genetics"
-Arthur Jones

- 17 -
i. Stress

This is a hot topic these days. People say it all the time, “I am stressed out!”
Does this sound like a positive thing or a negative thing? Well, it can be both,
depending on what you are trying to achieve and how you manage it.

Stress is an accumulative condition that results in the body when exposed to

certain outside stressors. It is these stressors that create an adaptive response in
many cases for the positive.

Here are a couple of examples of stress and how the body adapts to it in degree,
based on the volume and frequency of the stress… i.e. time exposed to the
particular stressor.

• Ultraviolet rays or intense sun light, i.e. the hot August sun… results in a
tan with brief exposure, burn with over exposure, blister with continued
overexposure and death if continued.
• Friction…working with your hands such as in gardening, digging or
chopping wood resulting in a callus, blister if over exposed, loss of skin if
overexposure persists and bleeding if continued.

There are others but you can see that stress has its positive effects as long as
we consider the body’s ability to cope with the stress and work within its genetic
limitations and negative if tolerance to these stresses are overdone.

If you went out into the hot August sun for one half to one hour, three times a
week, you would get some nice color, a nice tan. Your body would sense
exposure to the sunlight and adapt by sending melanin to the exposed area, so
that the next time that you were in the sun, it would not threaten your body, and
the melanin would make your skin darker thus protecting it. However, if you
decided that you were going to spend 4 hours in the sun the likelihood of you
getting a burn would be great… and, if you decided to go the next day into the
sun with your burned skin, while you body had not compensated for the sunlight

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of the previous day, you would most likely blister and if you continued death
would eventually knock at your door.

The body can deal with stress but only in limited amounts. I remember, when
talking with Mike Mentzer one day, I was explaining how I was loosing
bodyweight yet my calories were not only sufficient to maintain my bodyweight
but to gain, yet I continued to loose. Although my workouts were intense brief
and infrequent it continued. Mike, being especially keen in thinking through such
problems said, “Are you going through any emotional stress?” Indeed I was and
as soon as that stress ended, so did the problem.

It matters not if it is emotional stress… happy or sad, lack of sleep, diet, sunlight,
manual labor, a leap in workout intensity… whatever it is; the body throws it into
the stress pool and totals it up as stress.

So, what does this have to do with building muscle? Everything! Bodybuilding or
weight training is a stress. Anaerobic exercise when performed intensely turns on
the adaptive mechanism in the body, the growth mechanism, causing more
muscle to be put in place for the next assault that takes place. Remember, the
body perceives stress as a threat and moves forward to compensate for it by
protecting itself further.

- 19 -
ii. The Theory of High Intensity Training

Because the body has a limited ability in dealing with stress, a keen
understanding of anaerobic training is required. Arthur Jones said this…

“Everything of any value related to exercise can be stated in less than a

thousand words, can, in fact, be fairly well covered in only a few words, as
follows: Train hard, Train briefly, Train infrequently, and always remember
that your final results will primarily be a consequence of genetics"

Arthur Jones was a genius! The founder and creator of Nautilus and a passion
for the truth!

Mike Mentzer, a student of Jones, while at the time becoming an amazing

Olympian bodybuilder, used Jones’ principles and went on to refine and establish
the one and only theory of high intensity training.

In his day of competition, Mike’s application and training approach shook the
body building world to its core with his brief and infrequent training, while
applying it logically, and becoming the most amazing bodybuilder of that era.

Mike was considered the thinking man’s bodybuilder. He no longer spent six
days a week in the gym for hours a day misapplying the social economic… more
is better principal to bodybuilding. He proved bodybuilding is truly a science, and
that each bodybuilder was somehow NOT different from every other and had to
be his own scientist to discover what best worked for him. Mike’s philosophy was
a breath of fresh air to bodybuilders around the globe and very much a threat to
the bodybuilding status quo. Despite the opposition, Mike continued on to
become an amazing trainer, author and authority of anaerobic training. He called
his application Heavy Duty and that it was!

The first time I met Mike, he said to me…

“Bill... Back then (when I was competing), I was training less than everyone
one else by comparison, but even then I was doing too much... I know now
with certainty that you should never reach a point of over training. If you
manage this logically and your workouts are intense, brief and infrequent, me... anyone should reach their genetic potential within a year or at
most two!”

- 20 -
1. Recovery Ability

The body has a limited ability to recover. I describe this as 100 shovel fulls.
The body has the ability to increase strength by some 300% while at the same
time the ability to recover is barely over 50%. This creates an interesting dilemma
for the bodybuilder, power lifter or powerbuilder and as you will logically see, the
more is better theory is not the way to manage your body’s resources.

Systemically, meaning in whole… is the way the body recovers from an intense
workout… not by body part. First it compensates or puts back what has been
taken and then with whatever is left over, it overcompensates meaning lays down
muscle. Here is how I explain it…

Lets say, today you went to the gym and did an intense leg workout. In that
workout you trained each set to momentary muscular failure, 100%. You were
not in the gym too long and did not perform any sets more than was necessary to
stimulate an adaptive response. You went home and you were beat, you realized
that something was taken away. You have given it your all… dug a ditch. Now
the body takes over…

The body first attempts to fill the ditch using its ability to recover. Now remember,
you did not spend too long in the gym and did not perform any sets more than
was necessary and in following this protocol, your body will be able to work
through this process and have enough left over to overcompensate, create a
mountain, meaning… lay down muscle. It does not happen over night though!

Because the body recovers systemically first, if you begin another workout before
the entire process is complete, you have short circuited your muscle building
process. Remember, you must first fill the ditch and once filled, create the
mountain. This takes days in most cases.

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2. Intensity

How intense is intense? The truth of the matter is that no one really knows the
exact intensity required to properly stimulate maximum muscle growth. Is it 85%,
90% or 97% that turns on the growth mechanism to achieve maximum muscle
growth? In logically applying the theory of high intensity training, without knowing
or being able to measure the exact % while in the gym, 100% intensity or training
to momentary muscular failure would be the only place to go. In this way, we
know that we have asked the body, with the last almost impossible rep
performed, to compensate and thus overcompensate (lay down muscle). In a set
of 10 repetitions, every rep up until the last almost impossible rep is nothing more
than a warm up. Until you get to that last almost impossible rep, you have not
given the body any reason to grow i.e. you have not threatened its existence, to
an adaptive response.

It is the intense contraction that creates the stimulus for muscle growth…without
the use of momentum. In most cases a full range of motion and an intense
contraction is required. As you grow bigger and stronger the body adapts and
must be given a constant reason to grow. This can be achieved with a more
intense contraction. The techniques to achieve this will be covered later in the

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3. Volume

As said previously, it is the last almost impossible rep of an exercise that turns on
the growth mechanism of the body. Not the 1st, 2nd 5th or 8th if in fact they are not
failure… that almost impossible rep completed is the one that turns on the growth
mechanism. Anything prior to the last rep are nothing more than warm up reps.
Makes you wonder doesn’t it why you see those in the gym doing 5 sets of 8 reps
doesn’t it? In stopping short of failure while doing it over and over again… they
never stimulate muscle growth… i.e. turn on the growth mechanism of the body.
I, as you, know those in the gym that never change and end up thinking that they
do not have the genetics to be a bodybuilder or have a strong muscular body…
whether male or female. The fact is they could be a very good bodybuilder if they
understood the way muscle grows but may never reach that goal until they do it

As with stimulating muscle with an intense contraction, taking into consideration

the bodies limited resources for recovery, how many sets should we do of a
specific exercise? Should we start with maybe 3 sets, signifying dogma like 3
meals a day, the father, son and the Holy Ghost… or maybe 7 sets like the week
with a day of rest? Believe me, the body does not recognize this in the very least
and know this… any more than is specifically required to stimulate a response is

As Mike Mentzer said over training is not something kinda sorta negative, it is
absolutely the gravest mistake an athlete can make. There have been all kinds of
routines and theories to Band-Aid overtraining, from periodization to layoffs. The
fact is none of this is needed if you just manage your volume and frequency

How many hours do you have to go out into the hot August sun to get color? How
many hours do you have to shovel to get a callus? (You won’t get a tan in the
middle of winter on a stormy day and won’t get a callus by setting the table.)

Remember, the vast majority of weightlifting guru’s used dogma and tradition to
construct their training programs and as Mike also liked to say, chance, accident
and tradition… to determine the exact amount of volume or sets necessary. This
is not scientific or logical by any means and bodybuilding is a science.

I have found that, not only in my own training but in that of those I coach that,
only one set is necessary per exercise and in most cases only 1-3 exercises
maximum are needed for large body parts and 1-2 exercise for smaller body
parts… not much.

The fact is that your body does not know what type of exercises you are doing or
how many reps… it only knows that it is being threatened and that it must adapt
to that threat by compensating for the next time it occurs. Laying down muscle!

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4. Frequency

This seems to be, from the questions that I am asked… the most misunderstood
element of High Intensity Training that there is. Most are willing to agree and
understand that the most effective anaerobic training, High Intensity Training,
should be intense and brief… meaning you can either train HARD or LONG but
you can’t do both. A HIT workout takes care of this quite nicely… as many know
who have been through a 5-7 minute leg workout with me, but… there is a lot of
emotion surrounding infrequent training.

In the past days, especially in the 70’s, it was always the more is better theory
that prevailed in bodybuilding. Except for the likes of the Arthur Jones, the
Mentzer brothers and myself, I remember that even while training less than
everyone else, overtraining was always inevitable. Even though I was training 45
minutes 3 times a week and then finally twice a week it was too much. The
reason being is that my recovery ability could not keep up with my strength and
muscular development and as such, I would always over train.

As you get bigger and stronger, the body requires more rest to compensate and
then overcompensate for the exhaustive effects of the workout. If you train prior
to this process it is short circuited and the gain does not occur.

I find as an absolute beginner, it is almost impossible to over train. At this point

two days a week is possible (I normally train beginners in most cases only 2
times in a 7 day period).

As you progress and your strength increases there must be an adjustment. I find
that 4 – 5 days is sufficient at this stage. Rather than say Monday and Thursday
or Tuesday and Friday, it would be Monday and Friday the first week and only
Wednesday the second, then again Monday and Friday the third week, then
Wednesday the fourth.

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You will find that if managed properly, you will never reach a point of over training
requiring a layoff OR…some sort of Band-Aid periodization workout.

From here you must continue further as you get stronger, once every 6 -14 days
will inevitably become your frequency as you continue to the upper ranges of
your genetic capability.

Remember this… the growth of muscle occurs outside the gym and may take
several days. The body recovers systemically, not by body part. If you trained
chest and arms one day and they feel fine a couple of days latter, this does not
mean you have grown muscle! On the contrary, the process is still in action. Here
is how I described it…

You go into the gym and you put out 100 % intensity, go to failure on each set
you perform… turning on the growth mechanism of the body. Something has
been taken away and you feel it. You feel beat! You have stimulated an adaptive
response in the body. The body now goes to work. It taps into the reserves left to
replace what has been taken, to fill the ditch. This takes days in most cases. The
first day after your workout you are still a bit tired, and could not possibly imagine
going back into the gym, so you wait another couple of days. On the third day
after your workout you may be feeling almost 100% again; at this point you know
that you have another day to go. You wake up the next day and you feel yourself,
100% and you most certainly are! Not 110% but 100%. At this point you should
wait another day or two. Why? Because your body is still in process of…

1. Finishing the compensation stage and

2. Beginning the overcompensation stage… laying down muscle.

Don’t get emotionally tied to this process. Your goal is to get bigger and stronger
as a bodybuilder, not to see how much or often you can train… and bigger and
stronger you will get…if you manage this properly.

- 25 -
iii. Goals and Strategies, Questions and Answers…

Goals are what fuel us to our final destination right? It is that vision, as we have
learned in the first part of the book… that help us create our desires and goals.

Let’s look at some goals as they relate to anyone and the effects that high
intensity training has on those goals and what our strategies are at different
places in our life.

For instance, I find that the aspect of age is very misunderstood when it comes to
physical and personal goals. Age is nothing more than a measurement, that’s it!
Whether you are 80, 40, 20 or 14, High Intensity Training is a plus because being
stronger makes life easier in every respect, from brushing your teeth to carrying
in the groceries. Remember people, H I T bodybuilding and its effects are nothing
more than an adaptation response. We were meant to move and if we are not
moving there is no reason to have the equipment to do so. Not only that, H I T
bodybuilding has been proven to reverse the aging process at a mitochondrial
level. This is what has been said…

“...we found 596 genes ... Prior to the exercise training, the transcriptome profile
showed a dramatic enrichment of genes associated with mitochondrial function
with age. However, following exercise training the transcriptional signature of
aging was markedly reversed back to that of younger levels for most genes
that were affected by both age and exercise. We conclude that healthy older
adults show evidence of mitochondrial impairment and muscle weakness, but
that this can be partially reversed at the phenotypic level, and substantially
reversed at the transcriptome level, following six months of resistance
exercise training.”

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I have put together some questions regarding application to give answers to
some commonly asked questions when it comes to what you can expect and the
strategies to apply. Here goes…

So, can a person who has not trained their entire life just get up one day
and decide they are going to go “balls to the wall” with High Intensity

No! There is a break in period that helps the body to adapt; I will go more into this
later in the book.

Should an elderly person train with as much intensity as a 17 year old

athlete who just got done with foot ball season and is in great shape?

No! Not at first at least. I normally find that in the beginning, after the break-in
period, many trainees, elderly or not… have to bring up their focus and personal
tolerance to H I T… sometimes by going one rep less than failure and working up
to failure one rep at a time. Usually to failure works just fine for all who are trying
to achieve a strong healthy lean body.

I am a female, should I be doing the same exercises and with the same
intensity as a male?

Yes, we are all the same physiologically. What works for males work for the
female. In fact, I have noticed that females have more of a tolerance for pain, i.e.
the burn that may come with going to failure than males. At one point, my training
practice had more females than males. Other exercises can be added or
substituted based on your goals.

So I am a female and I want some muscle but I don’t want to get too big,
how do I stop that?

Easy, once you have reached the size you desire, you stop adding weight and
reps and just maintain your workout. Without any additional stimulation beyond
what you have already achieved, your body will not have any reason to adapt
further. i.e. get stronger and bigger

I am an athlete and I don’t want this to interfere with my sports.

I tell you this, you will become better in your sport while using High Intensity
strength Training. The key is to continue to train in your sport, performing that
which it is, while training intense, brief and infrequent with H I T.

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I am a bodybuilder and I am getting ready for a show, what do you suggest
in preparation because I have to loose a percentage of body fat while
holding on to my hard earned muscle of off season?

H I T is perfect in that respect. I suggest maintaining your strength rather than

trying to get extra reps or add additional weight in your workouts. If you maintain
your strength and apply the proper diet, while reducing your calories slightly,
giving yourself enough time to loose the accumulated fat, you will find that you
will hold your muscle easier and go in bigger than you would have while using
the volume approach to training. I find that in using this strategy, without the
additional stress of trying to make your additional H I T strength gains… your
body feels better and you are better able to control your peak. Your joints are not
so stressed from the lower calorie stress and additional stress of pushing to get
stronger. A smart bodybuilder will do his homework in the off season and glide
into the contest by adjusting his diet and practicing their posing… this is stress
enough. This is not to say that you can’t help getting stronger because the nature
of HIT is that you will become stronger. Just manage this carefully.

Ok, I am an intermediate bodybuilder and my workouts have a number of

different exercises in them to hit the body from all different angles…
although I still need to gain more muscle size, I want to make sure that I hit
all my muscles… how can I do that with just a couple of exercises per body

This is one of the great misconceptions among both intermediate and advanced
bodybuilders. I consistently see bodybuilders in the gym doing what I call “pretty
exercises”. Cable curls, crossovers, hyper-extensions, concentration curls with
their arm hanging twisting as they move into the contracted position. Some have
14 inch arms but are trying to get 18 inch arms. You are not going to get arms
that big with those exercises. It does not matter which way your pinky finger is
pointing, it aint gonna happen! There are certain exercises that I call the big basic
exercises that turn on the growth mechanism and make your entire body grow.
You will find these in this book. They work the major muscle groups like the legs
and back which is the true seat of power and strength… thus size. In doing these
exercises everything grows at warp speed. No need for direct exercises in most
cases when doing these basic core exercises. As an example, a still good friend
and former gym partner, Jimmy Nasto, used just 3-4 basic exercises and usually
just 3 to build the foundation of his 320 pound physique. Although what I am
about to tell you was not his normal routine, he sometimes enjoyed the change
by working up to 400 pounds for press behind the neck, 315 pounds for barbell
curls, 500 or 600 pounds for shrugs. But this was not his core workout; this is not
how he got to his amazing size and strength. You can read an article about this
It is called… Jimmy, Pass The Chalk!

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As a sculptor, you must pack on the clay in order to be able to dimension your
statue. Work for strength and size first in the most efficient manner. i.e. H I T and
then do an assessment of next steps.

I know that strength and size are relative; does that mean I have to get
stronger to grow bigger muscles?

Yes, muscle size and strength are relative. A properly designed bodybuilding
program is one that revolves around strength.

Taking more than a day off between workouts and taking extended time
between body parts scares me. I don’t want to shrink from not training. I
read in a forum that someone started loosing strength after taking too
much time off.

This is more psychological than physical. Everything is based on your genetics.

In this book you are going to learn how to manage volume and frequency and
why. It is true that some of my clients actually take 10 days off between workouts
and those workouts are only a couple of sets or so. The reason for this may be
either one of two reasons… the trainee has a low exercise tolerance and can
only tolerate very infrequent workouts to grow optimally OR it is a very advanced
athlete who I have managed down to that point because he has gotten so big
and strong. In the forums, at least the vast majority that do not understand the
theory of High Intensity Training misapply the theory without proper management
and then fail in their endeavors. If you understand how to manage this, you will
succeed each and every workout.

I am a fireman. All I am looking for is overall health and strength, that’s it. I
don’t want to become a professional bodybuilder or strength athlete… I
just want to feel and look exceptional!

I don’t know a better way to achieve it! Most apply the more is better principal
which is a social economic principal to building muscle. It is because of all the
programming present in today’s society… on TV, magazines… you name it. It
doesn’t apply to muscle! Imagine spending literally 30 minutes a week training…
that is it! Everything in life will be easier when you are stronger, including your

- 29 -
iv. The Workouts

In my last two books…

RU Serious – The Foundation


High Intensity Powerbuilding – The Next Step

I have laid out the basis of workouts and covered High Intensity Techniques such
as Pre-exhaustion and Rest Pause training. In this book I will cover those and
others that I use and have used for my coaching members. I will not cover
powerbuilding or power lifting as they are already covered in High Intensity
Powerbuilding. However… a properly designed bodybuilding program is in truth a
strength training program, as muscle size and strength are relative… to whatever
degree you want to take it.

In progressing from a beginner to an advanced and maybe a competitive athlete

or bodybuilder there is one thing only that you must understand and that is the
theory of High Intensity Training. In this theory lies the success you are searching
for including your ability to manage volume and frequency. Forget all you learned
in the traditional volume approaches in putting together a workout regiment. The
body does not recognize at that level what body part you are working or
combining with another… all it knows it is trying to survive, while being
threatened to do something it has never done before. You must always use the
K.I.S.S. principal (keep it simple stupid) when it comes to this… because only

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then will you be able to see the trees within the forest. I find that the trainee
convolutes their thinking with all types of other subjects and topics almost
freezing the proper action with confusion. It isn’t that difficult.

As you get stronger, in order to progress to your genetic potential, you must
manage your volume and frequency downward (see Recovery Ability). This is not
a bad thing as you will find yourself in the gym less; however, your workouts will
become harder because we are continually forcing the body to adapt, while
getting stronger and thus more muscular.

Remember the workout is always a negative as it takes away from the growth
resources of the body. If we could figure out how to stimulate muscle growth with
no workout, then we would be onto something!

It is important to note here… athletes these days as seen in some of the muscle
magazines are taking large doses of growth hormone, steroids and compounds
like insulin. They have managed to become back room chemists. The down side,
as you sometimes see, is they become injured. Things tear, rupture and without
the ability to rehab to their former state, they either retire or try to ride it as long
as possible. This is a personal choice of course whether to take drugs or not.
Drugs, especially the recovery enhancing drugs as mentioned above, make a big
difference in the way and the time it takes for the body to recover from workouts.
Age therapy as it is marketed today is essentially the program used by most
bodybuilders who have chosen to use drug assistance in their career.

I was just talking to a bodybuilder who is now natural, that wanted me to train him
for his first show. He was sharing with me his experience with growth hormone.
He used to get it from someone who worked in a hospital so he knew it was real
and it was cheaper than normal is what he said. He was using a couple of units a
day and after a short time thought he had lost weight because his chest and
upper body began to show very prominent veins that had never been before, he
jumped on the scale and he gained 7 pounds!

Drugs do take their toll… sometimes resulting in injuries etc. as mentioned

above. The information contained in this book will work very well for those using
these drugs, much better than using the volume approach and it will be safer to
boot, however, this high intensity training approach will work amazingly well for
the natural athlete also as it allows the body to use it own resources within its
nature in the most efficient way.

- 31 -
v. Exercise Selection

Growing up in a power lifting gym back in Upstate New York, what I call the
dungeon… you would almost never see an athlete doing a small exercise like
dumbbell laterals or triceps kick backs, this was unheard of. It was those big
exercises which turned on the growth mechanism of the body that would be seen
in action when you walked into the dungeon…

What do I feel are the most productive exercises? They are listed below and
include variations of each including partial movements and with machines:

Squats and Leg Presses

Barbell Rows
High Pulls (both standing and from the floor)
Presses (standing barbell, press back the neck, bench press both decline &
incline etc.)
Dips (sometimes used as an assistance movement or primary)

These are my top 6…

Why? Because again, they turn on the growth mechanism better than any other
exercise in the body and hit the vast majority of muscle groups. All strength…
and thus muscle size, comes from the foundation… which is the legs and back…
just add a pressing movement to the mix and whala… a great recipe!

Let us look at these exercises each individually…

Squats and Leg Presses

Of course the squat is the king of exercises because it works the entire leg, lower
back, upper back and to a lesser degree your upper body. The leg press takes a
great deal of upper body out of it and lower back but is still a great growth
stimulator especially if you combine it with specific other movements.


Deadlifts are a total body stimulator and also known as a head lift. If you can’t get
a weight off the floor it is usually your head that is stopping you. Deads are a true
test of total body including lower back and grip strength. They work the entire
upper back and the traps very well. They stimulate growth in the forearms and
upper arms also. In the beginning part of the movement if done properly they are
a leg press, working quads, hams, calves and hips. Moving just above the knee
the majority is upper body, focusing mainly on the spinal erectors, traps and
forearms. I will discuss more on combining this with other exercises later.

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Barbell Rows

Barbell rows are another growth inducing exercise that works the entire back and
arms. Here is how they are performed.

Bent Over Barbell Rows start with the weight hanging slightly off the floor and
with a slight hitch bring it into your waist and back down. In my book, High
Intensity Powerbuilding – The Next Step, I explain it as such. “… these are done
using an Olympic Bar with a medium grip, not reversed either!! Bent over parallel
to the floor, with erectors contracted, raise your upper body just enough to move
the plates off the floor. With slight body movement, pull the weight into the waist
area and lower in a controlled fashion back down. A bit of a bobbing affect is OK,
a slight hitch in the bottom. This is more of an auxiliary movement for the deadlift
than anything else. It is important to note that whenever I do a row, or a squat,
because of the contraction technique I use in my erectors and low back, I
improve the strength and development in my lower back. Be very aware to use
this technique that I call “arching my back backwards”. I actually do
that…contract and arch my back backwards before I do any row, deadlift and as I
descend in the squatting position. You can learn to do this as you sit… contract
your erectors, arching your back and sticking your chest out. Feel the contraction
in your back. Now stand up, bend over and do the same thing. You will get the
hang of it. You will have an injury free squatting and deadlifting career getting
stronger every time you squat, row or deadlift.”

Another variation is in a more upright position I call Partial High Pulls where the
weight starts with a slight bent over position almost standing, starting at the
knees (as Dorian Yates used to do) and lifted into the waist with a shorter range
of motion. Both are very effective depending on what you are trying to
accomplish. The first one works very well as an assistance movement for the
deadlift as it brings in the lower back more. It is important to note that both
variations start with a slight hitch in the bottom to get it moving. I see many
trainees trying to do this exercise in a 4-2-4 cadence and do not progress the
way they can because… due to the nature of the exercise, they can not get to
use enough weight to stimulate the larger groups effectively. In doing rows I use
no cadence, rather a controlled motion to get the job done, much like squats or

- 33 -
High Pulls

This has been a hidden secret which has eluded bodybuilders for some time. It
has been decades that I have been using variations of this movement with the
utmost success. This movement stimulates growth in the upper back, traps, all
heads of the delts, biceps and forearms. If you are looking for bowling ball delts,
this is the one for you.

The high pull traditionally is started like a normal clean and jerk… from the floor.
As you start the movement from the floor (clean the weight)… moving upwards to
where you would jerk the weight to your shoulders, you bring it up to a point
between the waist and the lower chest, no higher. If you are able to bring it
higher it is too light and if any lower it is too heavy.

The high pull can also be done without a clean with the bar hanging at arms
length in a slight bent over starting position. I recommend it be done in this
fashion for bodybuilders…

With a slight bend to allow the bar to start at around the upper knee and with a
slight hitch… proceed as described above, hold and then slowly lower back to
starting position. This is normally done with an Olympic style bar but can also be
done with a cable and long bar, with a bit closer than shoulder width grip. I
personally grip them with my inner hand at the knurl. I also like doing them on a
Smith machine. Remember, it is the intense contraction that dictates the results.
If you are a performance athlete a barbell may be a better choice but for a
bodybuilder a Smith machine or cable also do a great job! As with those Olympic
lifters you see… this exercise can grow into using 300-400 pounds or so and as it
grows so will you. Your shoulders, back, arms, everything will reflect this

It is also very effective as a partial movement to just the waist area… sorta like a
standing row as mentioned previously. It can be used in this way… proceed as
normal raising the bar between the waist and lower chest while proceeding to
failure. After failure is reached in full movement fashion, partial reps can be done
to the waist area further increasing the intensity. Or you can do this variation all
by itself. Your choice.

- 34 -

Presses always affect the shoulder and triceps muscle directly and other muscles
that stabilize… indirectly. If done lying, decline or incline on a bench, they also
stimulate growth in the chest. Even in doing a standing barbell press, there will
be stimulation in the upper pectoral region. If done with a close grip they are an
excellent main triceps and shoulder exercise and quite often used as an
assistance exercise to the bench press as it pertains to power lifting, mainly due
to the drive it gives the triceps. If presses are done lying flat, decline or incline in
a power rack as a partial movement (such as the last few inches of the bench
press), it assists with a more intense contraction and thus is another great
assistance exercise in creating strength and muscle! I used these inspired by
Chuck (Sipes) early in my career to break the 400 bench press barrier. Listed
below are the exercises that I have used most effectively in both bodybuilding
and strength training at different times.

Bench Press
Partial Bench Press
Incline Presses
Press Back the Neck
Standing Barbell Press
Push Press Behind the Neck while Standing (employing a negative each rep)
Close Grip Bench
Partial Close Grip Bench
Alternating Dumbbell Presses (these are a good stand in for Press Back the

- 35 -

These are a real gem stone for both the bodybuilder and strength athlete. The
dip is the squat of the upper body, much like the regular lower body squat. The
dips stimulate growth in not only the shoulders and triceps but also in the chest.
And to a lesser degree they stimulate the back. They can be used as a direct
chest exercise in strength training or as an assistance movement to a pressing
exercise. They are very versatile in that they hit a great deal of the upper body,
better than flat bench presses in most cases and can also be done as partials.

If you are a bodybuilder and are looking for development while using them as a
chest exercise, I recommend that they be done as a second exercise to the fly or
at least alternated workout to workout. I do these with my chin on my chest with a
big stretch in the bottom. Because of the function of the chest, both the bench
press and the dip hit the triceps and shoulders directly along with the chest.
These small muscles compared to the chest are the limiting factor in chest
development when it comes to using just the bench or the dip for a chest

If using them as a triceps exercise, I look up through out the entire exercise
which limits the depth of the movement and focuses mainly on the triceps.

As you progress through the book I will explain what I suggest in employing other
exercises besides my top 6 to accelerate your progress and bring you steam
ahead in reaching your genetic potential.

- 36 -
vi. Exercise Cadence

Before I do cover other movements and exercises I want to mention exercise

cadence. As we now know it is the intensity of contraction that causes the
adaptive response that turns on the growth mechanism of the body.
Momentum… to the degree it is used reduces the intensity of contraction. Thus,
for those who are heaving, throwing and using momentum to complete their
movements, it is like trying to fill a flat gashed tire with air. Lots of energy, little

In executing your movement, except where indicated, you should be employing a

3-2-4 or a 4-2-4 cadence. This means that it would take 3 seconds to raise the
weight in the positive portion, 2 seconds to hold the weight in the contracted
position and 4 seconds to lower the weight in the negative portion of the
movement. Simply taking out the momentum will allow you the most intense
contraction… which is the goal.

The exception to the rule is movements like squats, deadlifts, barbell rows, calf
raises and high pulls. Due to the nature of the exercise… I recommend a
controlled movement, without counting out cadence. Also remember, in
movements where there is no resistance in the contracted position, it is not
necessary to do a hold in that position. Again, these types of exercise are but not
limited to… squats, leg presses, barbell curls, bench press, dips, pressing
movements etc.

- 37 -
vii. Other Movements and Exercises that may be Valuable

I am going to briefly cover these movements. By now you already know how to
properly perform many of these exercises. If my instruction is such that it is
different than what is generally accepted, I will explain its execution.

Flies – dumbbell and machine

As a bodybuilder you are interested in the contraction. This is what stimulates
muscle growth. Thus the more intense contraction… the deeper the stimulus and
so, causes the body to adapt. Because of this machines fit the bill quite nicely. I
prefer Nautilus, Hammer Strength and just recently have become fond of some
Icarian machines which take out the need for you to balance the weight. Of
course, there is the old standby, which is one of my favorites… dumbbell flies. I
am going to teach you how to do dumbbell flies the way I do…

While lying on a bench and as you view the dumbbells above you, hold them in
the starting position so that you are making an upside down V with them… as
you look at them above you. Your thumbs would be close together and your
palms would be further apart… sorta the way you would hold your steering wheel
if you had both hands on the top part of the wheel.

As you begin to allow them to descend, your elbows will bend outward to your
side into a position where your upper arms are making a “T” with your body. In
this position because you are stretching the pecs, rather than having them close
to your sides where it would be mainly shoulder and triceps, the bottom position
should be such where you feel the stretch in the pecs but not putting any undue
stress on the shoulder joint. In the average individual this would leave the upper
arm a bit below parallel to the floor but if you arm goes to just parallel on the
stretch, no problem… that is about where mine goes.

Your upper arms and forearms will make a slightly wider than right angle at the
bottom and the movement is a bit shorter than the way flies are usually done.

Throughout the entire movement you will keep the dumbbells in the V position
both on negative and positive portion of the movement. In doing them in this
fashion, you can employ a bit more weight than the slightly bent arm fashion and
you will find it really masses up the pecs. Since your arms in the contracted
portion of the movement are locked, there is no need to pause these except for a
split second before you do another rep. The cadence should be approximately 3
seconds up, 4 down.

Curls – barbell, dumbbell, preacher, concentration & machine

The upper arms are worked quite nicely with back movements to be sure,
especially high pulls and barbell rows. These are mass builders which will also
build mass into the smaller body parts along with strength. However, in order to
achieve the development necessary to be an advanced or competitive

- 38 -
bodybuilder, at some point curls should be inserted into your workout regiment.
Remember… as a bodybuilder you are a sculpture but you must have clay to
work with.

Again as a bodybuilder, it is the intense contraction that we are looking for.

However, if you do not have machines or if they bother your joints or if you just
simply desire to use a free weight movement, barbell curls are probably the best
mass builder there is, along with dumbbell curls being second best. Preacher
curls are also a great exercise as are concentration curls. I personally have
gotten the best results from both barbell curls and concentration curls. For barbell
and dumbbell curls, there is no need to pause in the contracted position because
there is essentially no resistance. On preacher, concentration and machine (i.e.
Nautilus) you should squeeze 2 seconds at the top, raising should be 3 seconds,
lowering should be 4 seconds approximately.

Triceps extension – push downs, lying barbell, seated barbell or dumbbell &
There is nothing like a big set of triceps. I remember Bill Hetty… a power lifter
from the gym I first trained at (the dungeon). Bill did basically two things for his
upper body as in a pushing aspect… he bench pressed with an extremely close
grip, almost at the knurls of an Olympic bar and afterwards he would do dips… to
help his pushing power and to strengthen the bench. He would chain 2 – 100
pound plates to his lifting belt which was attached to his 240 pound body and do
5 reps or more to failure with it. His triceps looked like someone’s quadriceps and
he had an enormous chest. Bill was an over 500 pound bench presser in the day
where it was rare. In his case he was able to build his triceps strong enough to
support his chest exercise thus enabling him to create a huge set of pectorals.
The triceps were not a wink link for Bill as is in most cases of developing the

As a bodybuilder and in search of intricate development, it may be necessary for

you to insert a triceps extension of some sort, into your workout. Push downs is
an excellent choice as it is done with a cable and best with a V handle. Lying
barbell extensions, usually done with a curling bar for wrist comfort is another
one. Nautilus extensions are also a great machine choice as they isolate the
triceps and put resistance in the contracted position. These are my favorites but I
have also done seated extensions and lying extensions using both barbell and
dumbbells with good results. Again where there is no resistance at the top of the
movement, there is no good reason to pause, only squeeze for a quick second. If
there is a resistance in the contracted position such as in push downs
(somewhat) or lying extensions (I will cover the execution***) or Nautilus
extensions… you should employ a 3-2-4 cadence. If not just 3 seconds up, 4
seconds down.

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***NOTE: Lying Extensions or French Presses done while lying on your
back using a curling bar...

Your hands should be at the closer grip… as the bar descends it should touch a
point on the bench just behind your head, at this point your triceps will be
stretched and elbows will be pointing to the ceiling. From this position you will not
move your upper arms, they are locked… rather; you will hold their position and
contract the triceps completely. As you will see, your arms will still be slanted
from your body outward and there will be the resistance of the barbell on your
triceps in the contracted position. Hold it for 2 seconds and proceed with another
rep until failure. Use a controlled cadence 3-2-4.

These are an amazing exercise and if done on a Nautilus Pullover Machine will
give you one of the best upper body workouts around, focusing mainly on the
lats, but also hit the pecs, shoulders and triceps. This is a great pre-exhaustion
exercise before pull downs, rows and high pulls. If done with a dumbbell or cable,
pullovers are also a good stimulator and are great (again) for pre-exhausting the
back. There is even a version of pullover and press done with a curling bar that is
another great upper body movement stimulating the chest, lats, shoulders,
biceps and triceps. Again if there is a resistance in the contracted portion of the
movement… use a 2 second pause, if not just 3 seconds up, 4 seconds down or
in other worlds, a controlled movement void of momentum.

Leg Extensions
Leg extension isolates the quadriceps muscle, taking the rest of the muscles
necessary to squat, out of the equation like the hamstrings, calves, lower back
and gluteus. Leg extension can be used also in pre-exhaustion techniques and to
focus on the contraction only. You can use up to a 5-3-5 cadence on these.

These are performed on a lat machine much like you used to do a chin up in high
school… with your palms facing you. It is done close grip and pulled down to the
clavicles, paused and then in a controlled fashion returned to the starting
position. Use a 3-2-4 cadence. This is also a good biceps exercise used after a
biceps isolation movement and can be pre-exhausted using pullovers for back.

Calf raises – standing calf, calf presses on leg press

The calf muscles are very much stimulated with other leg and lower body
exercises like the squat, leg press and deadlift. However, in striving for total
development the calf raise can be very beneficial. The most effective of the
bunch are both the standing calf raise and the calf press done on the leg press
machine. Because the calves use such a short movement, no cadence is
necessary except in the contracted position in which I use an extremely long
contraction up to 10 seconds. I do not recommend seated calf raises… rather, I
suggest alternating your standing or calf presses (if you choose to perform them)

- 40 -
every 3 workouts or so with a slight bend in the legs (non locked) to affect the
soleus. A locked leg affects the gastrocnemius directly which is what you want.

It is important here to note that we are constantly on our calf muscles when we
walk or stand. I have found that with those complaining about stubborn calves, by
removing direct calf work, their calves begin to grow. These muscles are grossly
overtrained and quite nicely stimulated by deadlifts, squats and leg presses.

- 41 -
viii. High Intensity Training Techniques

It is important to note, that Mike Mentzer, who was an professional Olympian

Bodybuilder and who I consider to be the best of the best, along with being my
mentor and friend, pioneered these techniques back in the 80s and they are still
some of the most effective HIT techniques today.

Pre-exhaustion – this technique employs a first exercise that is not compound but
an isolation exercise… let me give example. In legs, the leg extension would
work only a specific part of the leg, the quadriceps (frontal thigh) while a leg
press or squat would work not only work the quadriceps but also the lower back,
gluteus, hamstrings and to a lesser degree the calf muscle. With the chest for
instance, by doing a set of dumbbell flies first then a set of dips or decline
benches we would pre-exhaust the pecs leaving the triceps fresh. This can also
be effectively combined with Rest Pause, Negatives, Omni-Contraction, Hyper-
Reps and forced reps. This technique is done with no rest between exercises,
unless specifically noted. It effectively pre – exhausts the primary muscle so that
in moving without rest to the second compound exercise, the primary muscle has
no time to recuperate, further stimulating growth with those fresh muscles that
have not been worked, such as the triceps in a dumbbell fly/dip combination.

Rest Pause – This technique employs a maximum rep for each rep of the set
with rest intervals between them. I suggest FIRST, having a spotter.

• Use a weight where you can perform just one maximum repetition.
• Do no more than 4 reps… resting 7-10 seconds between.
• Each rep will become more difficult and you will need assistance after the
first or second rep.
• You may need to reduce the weight between your reps but you be the
judge of how much based on a couple trial runs ( every rep should be a
single maximum)
• If using Rest Pause on leg press or squats… be careful to reduce the
weight between sets as necessary. Use experienced spotters who can
load and unload and tighten the collars properly. Always remember safety

Negatives Reps – These can be used on occasion after a rep set where you are
performing reps and on occasion you can do a set in pure negative style. If using
pure negative style you can increase the weight as much as 30% or more, but
this is only a guide. Your negative strength is greater than both your contraction
and positive strength. Make sure you have good spotters though! Don’t use these
on squats or deadlifts as I feel they are too dangerous.

Omni-Contraction – This technique is much like a negative except rather than

just slowly resisting the weight to the bottom of the movement in pure negative
style, you attempt to stop and reverse it at approximately 2-3 positions within the

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range of the movement. It will be impossible to reverse it. Pauses should be
about a second or two. As in Negatives, once you are not able to control the
downward movement you are finished. Safety first! NOTE: these can be
combined with Rest Pause very effectively.

Hyper-Reps – This technique can be best explained by an example. It simply

accentuates both the negative, positive, contraction part of the movement and
then goes one step further accentuating the negative again. Example: Bench
Press (decline or incline) – Starting at the top of the movement lower in the
proper cadence until at the bottom position and without a pause lift the weight
into the top or fully contracted position… without a pause do a slow negative.
You will have to have spotters on this in most cases so a hyper rep is described
as a rep and a half and they are there at the bottom to help rack the weight!

Forced Reps – This requires a training partner or a trainer. At the end of a set
performed to complete muscular failure where you alone could not get another
repetition in good form on your own accord, your partner would assist you in
giving you just enough help to get another rep or two or three. The reps should
not be so easy that you can complete them without a great deal of effort, rather, it
should be just enough to get them moving.

Partials – I have used partials both as an assistance movement to exercises like

the bench press, press behind the neck, squat and deadlift but also with preacher
curls at the end of a set to positive failure. I have also used them exclusively…
excluding the positive portion of the movement. In the examples above they
served to create a more intense contraction by allowing the muscles to be put
into a stronger than normal position allowing a greater amount of weight to be
employed. In cases as in legs and back, such as in a squat, you are also working
your back and as in deadlifts you are also working your legs… a partial deadlift
combined with a leg press can effectively remove, to the greatest degree, both
the lower back for the leg movement and the legs for the back movement,
allowing total focus and safety along with minimal crossover. This is just one
example. Another is that they can also be done at the end of a set of preacher
curls for a few reps whereas if you remove the lower half of the movement where
you would normally “loose it (control) when you have gone to complete muscular
failure” and have your training partner “catch” the weight and give just enough
resistance for you to finish the movement, it can effectively increase the intensity
and results of the movement.

- 43 -
ix. The Beginning to the End

I am going to give examples of how I would move a beginner through to an

advanced bodybuilder workout. At this point I am going to give example of what I
would do with a novice and then work through to an advanced or competitive
bodybuilder using the Theory of High Intensity Training. It is important to note
that the smaller exercises for triceps and biceps can be substituted, however, the
big exercises or foundational like high pulls or presses or dips or partial deadlifts
should not be…. At least not at first. These are the core exercises that turn on
the growth mechanism of the body most efficiently.

Also, it is worth mentioning again that as you get stronger and move through
from a beginner to an advanced bodybuilder, you will require more rest and a
briefer workout… less exercises. However, even a beginner who may not
genetically have a great tolerance to workout stress, can use the advanced
workouts … including the frequency as outlined in this book. In my workout
career my greatest gains in muscular size and strength were realized when doing
no isolation exercises. This means without doing any direct arm, calf, or shoulder
work. These muscles will grow in most cases better, when employing the big
exercises in a HIT fashion, without any direct stimulation.

1. The Beginner

The first thing I would do with a beginner is turn their body on and get it ready for
High Intensity Training by introducing stress into the equation. In doing this I
would not have them train to failure, rather I would have their body adapt to
moving through the exercises which will create a new stress to their body. In
many cases they would get sore and that is OK. Here is an example of what I
would have a beginner do who has done very little or no training. The first break
in workout would continue for the first week or two, performed 3 days a week with
moderate weight that can be used with moderate effort. After this period I would
move them to the beginners’ workout and train them twice a week and finally as
they become stronger reduce them to once every 4-5 days. I suggest training
Monday and Friday one week, and Wednesday the next and then continue to
repeat. You can also use alternate days with the same rest period in between… it
matters not.

NOTE: In the following workouts I have defined Leg Presses and Calf Presses on
the leg machine. These can be interchanged with Squats and Standing Calf
Raises. Although I love to squat the Leg Press is both convenient and safe thus
is my choice as a bodybuilder. For a power lifter using this routine it would be a
must to move Barbell Squats into the mix or at least alternate them with Leg

- 44 -
a. Beginner Example Break In Workout
Workout and Body Exercise Reps
Part [1]

[2] Leg Presses 12-15

Back, Shoulders,
[3] Partial High Pulls to Waist 12-15
Chest, Shoulders,
[4] Dips or Decline Smith Presses 12-15

1. All exercises should be performed as 2 sets moderate weight where you

could actually get a couple more reps. Use the proper cadence as
described in previous exercise explanation. Move at a steady pace.

2. At the bottom your knees should be bent at a slightly tighter right angle
where you upper thigh is a bit below parallel to the foot platform

3. This is done in a more upright position with knees bent and standing so
the bar starts at your knees, with a bit closer than shoulder width grip bring
the bar into your waist and back down

4. If using a dip, most will have a hard time getting these reps with
bodyweight at first. Use a dipping station that has an assistance weight
stack where you kneel and it assists you. In doing a decline smith press, I
like a grip at the knurls or a bit wider, very close and use a slight decline. I
place two 25 pound plates (about 3.5 inches) stacked underneath one
side of the bench to create the slight incline. When doing presses your
arms should move back by the ears rather than to your sides.

- 45 -
b. Beginner Example Workout after Break In
Workout and Body Exercise Reps
Part [1]
Workout 1
Legs, Back,

[2] Leg Presses 8 - 15

[3] Calf Presses (on leg press machine) 5-8
This is a new exercise Partial Deadlifts 3-5
and the explanation will
follow this workout.
High Pulls (normal not partial) 6-10
Workout 2
Chest, Biceps,
[4] Dumbbell or Machine Flies 6-10
Dips or Decline Smith Press 1-5
Barbell Curl 6-10
[5] Lying French Press (Triceps Extension) 6-10
[6] Close Grip Partial Bench Press (with curling Use same
bar) weight and bar
without rest to

1. All exercises perform 1 set to failure using proper cadence. Move at a

steady pace.

2. Your knees should be bent at a slightly tighter right angle where you upper
thigh is a bit below parallel to the foot platform

3. These are performed using a controlled movement but a 10 second

contraction pause at the top… so that each rep you are holding it for 10
seconds in the contracted position

4. Superset (pre-exhaust) with next exercise, no rest.

5. Superset (pre-exhaust) with next exercise, no rest. Best to use a curling


6. Done immediately following the French Press performed with curling bar,
close grip… stopping an inch from the chest and then push to top.

- 46 -
2. Taken from High Intensity Powerbuilding…
(a) Deadlifts – I know there are those Sumo dead lifters out there… but
these are done in conventional deadlift style. Remember, the deadlift is
started just like a leg press. You get in position and preload the bar. What
is preload? Ok, here is correct deadlift style…

i. Take your stance which for me is about shoulder width and

in a squat position.
ii. Grasp the bar one hand facing you one facing away, close
enough so that your inner forearms are tight against your
outer thigh. At this point you pull up slightly actually bending
or preloading the bar upwards, causing less distance to pull.
iii. Assume that position and drive with your legs, as in a leg
press. This will move the bar off the floor. You should be
literally dragging the bar up your shins. Your erectors should
be contracted (I call this arching your back backwards). I
actually lock my back in this position. Never round your back
in this movement.
iv. As the bar moves upward toward my knees I begin pulling
back to stand upright until I am erect. Once I am I don’t lean
back. I slowly bring the bar back to the floor in a controlled
fashion and begin again.
v. Your grip if you are competing should be as described
above, reversed, one hand facing out and one in as to limit
any rolling of the bar. If not you can use both hands facing
you with wrist straps but this will not do anything for your
gripping power.

b) Partial Deadlifts – these are done off blocks or a power rack. The bar
should be just below the knee cap at the beginning of the exercise.
Performed just like a regular deadlift. You will require wrist straps for
these. Again start from the bottom.

- 47 -
3. The Intermediate
The intermediate is someone who has some time underneath their belt. At this
point it is all about managing volume and frequency… however, if you have been
following the volume approach, it might be prudent to start with the beginner’s
workout. After you have had a taste of high intensity training which will seem like
much less than those who have followed the volume approach, you can manage
these elements downward.

a. Intermediate Example Workout

Workout and Body Exercise Reps
Part [1]
Workout 1
Legs & Lower Back
[2] Leg Presses 8 - 15
[3] Calf Presses (on leg press machine) 5-8
Partial Deadlifts 3-5
Workout 2 **** (every other workout do not pre-
Chest & Triceps exhaust)
[4] Dumbbell or Machine Flies 6-10
**** 6-10
Dips or Decline Smith Press 1-5
**** 5-8
[5] Lying French Press (Triceps Extension) 6-10
[6] Close Grip Partial Bench Press (with curling Use same
bar) weight and bar
without rest to
Workout 3
Back, Shoulders &
Explained previously Close Grip Lat Pulldown (Palms facing you) 6-10
Explained previously Bent Over Barbell Rows 6-10
Explained previously High Pulls (normal not partial) 6-10
Explained previously Barbell Curls 6-10

1. All exercises perform 1 set to failure using proper cadence. Move at a

steady pace.

2. Your knees should be bent at a slightly tighter right angle where you upper
thigh is a bit below parallel to the foot platform

3. These are performed using a controlled movement but a 10 second

contraction pause at the top… so that each rep you are holding it for 10
seconds in the contracted position

- 48 -
4. Superset (pre-exhaust) with next exercise, no rest. ****

5. Superset (pre-exhaust) with next exercise, no rest. Best to use a curling


6. Done immediately following the French Press performed with curling bar,
close grip… stopping an inch from the chest and then push to top.

At the intermediate level you can randomly begin to use other high intensity
techniques. Example: you could on leg day every third workout pre-exhaust leg
presses with leg extension and drop the partial deadlift… OR skip the lat
pulldown and pre-exhaust your rows with a pullover. Remember high intensity
techniques bring the intensity of contraction to a much higher level. As you
become bigger and stronger you require a more intense contraction for continued

- 49 -
4. The Tenured Intermediate - Advanced

At this point we are now moving up the ladder of intensity employing forced reps,
rest pause, negatives etc. These are not used in each workout but randomly or in
cycles of a few weeks. At this point the athlete is in the gym once every 5-7 days.
Because of the enormous amount of strength and size one has gained from the
time they were a beginner (sometimes 400% or more) the workout should be
very intense but brief. At this point you should be monitoring your body by the
way you feel. Absolutely have a plan but remember, on the day that you are
feeling yourself, 100%, you should then give yourself another day or two to make
certain that the body has overcompensated. i.e. layed down muscle.

a. Tenured Intermediate-Advanced Example Workout

Workout and Body Exercise Reps
Part [1]
Workout 1
Legs & Lower Back
~2 Sets~
[2] Leg Presses 8 – 15
~Every Other Workout Rest Pause~ ~4~
[3] Calf Presses (on leg press machine) 5-8
~Alternate Every Other Leg Workout With~
Partial Deadlift 3-5
Workout 2
Chest & Triceps
~3 Sets~
[4] Dumbbell or Machine Flies 6-10
Dips or Decline Smith Press 1-5
~Every Other Workout Use Rest Pause~ ~4~
[6] Close Grip Partial Bench Press or/alternate 5-8
[5] Lying French press or Triceps Push Downs 6-10
Workout 3
Back, Shoulders &
~3 Sets~
Explained previously Close Grip Lat Pulldown (Palms facing you) 6-10
~Alternate Every Other Workout With~
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Explained previously High Pulls (normal not partial) 6-10
Explained previously Barbell Curls 6-10

- 50 -

1. All exercises perform 1 set to failure using proper cadence. Move at a

steady pace.

2. Alternate Rest Pause with Reps to Failure every other workout. On Rest
Pause day do the Calf Presses.

3. These are performed using a controlled movement but a 10 second

contraction pause at the top… so that each rep you are holding it for 10
seconds in the contracted position

4. Superset (pre-exhaust) with next exercise, no rest.

5. Best to use a curling bar.

6. Performed with curling bar, close grip… stopping an inch from the chest
and then push to top. Can also be done on Smith Machine.

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5. Another Variation

Who says that compound movements can not get the job done very well? They
can! Below is another variation of a 3 set workout where if your goals require it
necessary, you can insert an isolation movement here or there. This particular
workout is amazing in turning on the growth mechanism in even the most
advanced bodybuilder. At this point you… with the assistance of a training
partner, you can venture into more high intensity training techniques as
described previously. As mentioned you can insert in an occasional calf raise,
concentration curl, lat pull down, and machine or dumbbell fly if you choose… but
believe me this is an extremely effective workout. It works just as well if your goal
is gaining muscular size and strength as it does if your goal is to diet and
dropping body fat. It should be performed once every 7-10 days! Here it is!

Old School Abbreviated Whole Body Example Workout

Workout and Body Exercise Reps
Total Body Workout
~3 Sets Total~
Leg Presses [1][2] 10-20
High Pulls [5][6][7] 5-8
Dips or Decline Smith Press[3][4] 5-8
1. Every 4th workout substitute Partial Deadlifts for Leg Presses (3-5 reps)
2. If possible (seriously) move immediately after finishing your set of Leg
Presses to a contraction hold using the same weight for a Calf Press to
failure. Do this every 2nd or 3rd workout.
3. Every 3rd workout… then as you get stronger 2nd workout pre-exhaust with
a set of dumbbell or machine flies.
4. On every other Dip or Decline only day, you could add immediately a
contraction hold/negative to failure of triceps pushdowns or Nautilus
triceps machine.
5. Every 3rd workout… then as you get stronger 2nd workout pre-exhaust with

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6. On every other High Pull workout day you could add a contraction hold
curl to failure immediately following High Pulls performed on a Hammer
Strength or Nautilus curl machine or a preacher bench using a barbell with
your training partner adding resistance in the contracted portion (Top) of
the exercise.
7. I prefer to do High Pulls on a Smith machine these days! But they are just
as effective if done with an Olympic bar or cable too!

If this seems like an easy short workout to you… you are half right. It is short but
not easy! Believe me, when you are doing leg presses with 1000 pounds, doing
high pulls with 300+ and doing declines with 300+ or dips with 150+ hanging from
your waist, your body will know it to be very demanding. This intense, brief and
infrequent protocol is what makes it one of the most effective workouts… using
the most productive exercises, while turning on the growth mechanism in the
shortest block of time. It will leave you in the gym for just under two hours a
month and just under one day a year! How do you like that for time
management? As you work with this routine, using the discussed HIT techniques,
you will experience some of your best growth and strength increases.

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a. Question… Is This The Last Stop?

So the question arises…is this the last stop? Ah… thought you would never ask.
I have a second variation that works very well. With it you can use the same
principles as outlined in the Old School Abbreviated Whole Body Workout. The
reps are a bit lower in consideration of the advanced athlete…to spare any cardio
pulmonary limitations.

You can employ other high intensity techniques quite effectively with this workout
also. We know that as we get bigger and stronger, the likelihood of overtraining
becomes greater. A 20 inch arm contracting maximally puts a greater demand on
the body’s resources than does a 13 inch arm… that is why if you compare a
bodybuilder with a 20 inch arm curling a 90 pound dumbbell and one with a 13
inch arm curling a 20 pound dumbbell, you will notice a big difference. The one
with the 20 inch arm is breathing like a race horse as he completes a set to
failure and the other seems fresh as a daisy. The reason being that the larger
uses up more fuel and oxygen and creates larger quantities of waste. This is why
Rest Pause training due to its design gives the muscle time to allow blood flow to
the muscle between contractions without decreasing the contraction. It allows
waste products to exit more efficiently. This is especially important to athletes
that have become so strong and their ability of muscular contraction so intense
that, in doing a set to failure, their cardio pulmonary system will not have enough
steam to support the mission of a set of reps done to failure i.e. the breathing
becomes so labored that the athlete can not reach the point of muscular failure
first. So here is my last stop example workout…

i. Last Stop Old School Abbreviated Split Example Workout

Workout and Body Exercise Reps
Workout 1
~2 Sets Total~
Leg Presses or Squats 3- 20
High Pulls 3-7
Workout 2
~2 Sets Total~
Dips or Decline Smith Press 3-7
Partial Deadlifts 3-5

1. Squats and Leg Presses are interchangeable. I prefer the Leg Press
because of the safety factor but the truth is I love to Squat. Both work well
and in inserting Partial Deadlifts into the mix, your spinal erectors will
certainly be stimulated if you decide to leg press. Experiment with this if
you choose.
2. Squats can be done in a Smith machine or with a barbell.
3. High pulls can be done in a Smith machine or with a barbell or cable.

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4. Decline press can be done in a Smith machine or with a barbell.
5. Partial Deadlifts can be done in a Smith machine (depending on the height
and capacity of the lower rung… you might have to stand on a platform
also) or with a barbell in a power rack.
6. In doing exercises with barbells, make certain that you use proper spotters
or a power rack. In doing Partial Deadlifts, you can use a set of blocks, as
long as they place the bar at the proper height.
7. You can alternate exercises if you become bored or for a change. The
Dips or Declines can be alternated with any pressing movement in the list.
You can also replace Partial Deadlifts with regular full deadlifts from the
floor. You can replace High Pulls with Bent Over Barbell Rows for a time.
8. You can choose to insert randomly a 3rd workout employing
approximately 3 isolation exercises of your choice… i.e. workout 3, lateral
raises, barbell curls and close grip benches; Lat pulldown, leg extensions
and calf raises etc. done in HIT fashion from rest pause to negatives.
These workouts are not as demanding as the big foundational exercise
9. I would insert a pre – exhaustion set of flies every third workout, prior to
the dips or decline smith press.
10. If you would like to insert an arm exercise per workout, or any other
exercise and not employ a 3rd done in HIT fashion… do so depending on
your energy level and make certain to use the 2 day rule… once you feel
100%... take 2 more days!

The most important point to remember in designing a workout is to adhere to the

theory of high intensity training while employing the most productive exercises.
Growing up in a power lifting gym was a great education. It is the big foundational
exercises that turn on the growth mechanism in the whole body including the
smaller body parts.

Be creative! Keep it simple stupid! You have a handful of exercises. They do not
have to be done all in one workout! You do not have to do the same ones all for a
period of time! You will not loose muscular size and strength by alternating them
out… you just won’t!

Have fun… think through it all. Think in a logical simple fashion. You don’t have
to know all the technical processes that support the growth… you just need to
know how to stimulate growth and how to allow it to happen. Now you do!

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6. High Intensity Low Stress Workout for Fitness Minded

In my first book, R U Serious – The Foundation, I put together a workout routine

that would be suited for anyone. It is a low stress high intensity workout that I am
going to include in here. It is great for someone who is fitness minded and does
not want to do heavy deadlifts or partials, high pulls and/ or squats etc. With it
you do smaller exercises in a low stress, high intensity way.

You could simply regulate the volume and frequency accordingly until you met
your goal and then maintain the weights and reps and thus muscle mass. It is
also perfect for any age and could be altered to reduce intensity by going to a rep
before failure, for those who can not generate or do not want to generate that
type of intensity such as, a senior beginner or a rehab patient attempting to
improve their health and strength. Here it is below.

a. From R U Serious – The Foundation

1. All sets are to be done to momentary muscular failure done in good form.
Once you can not lift the weight in good style to complete the rep, you are
2. Use 6-12 reps on all sets except bench presses, incline etc, close grip
bench…limit 3-5 reps and legs and hyper extensions 8 -16. All reps are
done in good fashion, slow up, pause, slow down. No swinging etc except
if you are doing dumbbell side laterals that require a slight swing to start
the movement and possibly barbell rows, all others should be deliberate
with a slight hold at the contracted part of the movement. A good gauge of
movement would be 3 seconds up, 2 second hold, 4 seconds down.
3. One set only per exercise!
4. As you get stronger you increase 10% until you get 12 or more reps or 5
or more on secondary exercises (except for legs and back, which is 16 or
5. At first you are going to have to experiment with weights. If you start a set
that is too heavy, take the number of reps you can do, and then adjust the
next workout. Don’t stop and redo the set, just continue.
6. Use machines whenever possible. As a bodybuilder you are not after the
neuromuscular coordination. Although your strength is relative to your
progress and you will track it, it is not like a power-lifter that has to be in a
groove with the performance of his lifts. You are after a full range of
motion and an intense contraction. I find the best machines to be Nautilus,
then Hammer Strength, Smith etc. (cables work too as in cable crossovers
for the chest)
7. Get a log book and document your weight and reps. Even a one rep gain
from one workout to the next is an indication of progress.
8. Warm-ups should be done based on you. I personally warm-up with a
compound exercise mainly for a couple of lighter sets to just get the blood
in the joint and muscle and maybe one set with an isolation movement

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and am ready to go. You be the judge of when you are warm or not.
However, you do not need aerobics, biking, running, walking to warm up.
Remember, this is a high intensity sort of a workout and is very
demanding, so warm up only as you find necessary to proceed safely with
your workout. The movements will give all the stretch and flexibility you
need so stretching is not necessary either.
9. If you come to the day of your workout and you still feel tired on that day,
take not only that day off but the next and train the following day. Don’t
worry; you won’t loose muscle or strength. This means you are still in the
compensation stage. If you still feel tired, take another day or two,
preferably two!
10. Using Pre-exhaustion…Pre-exhaustion is a technique where you use an
isolation movement to exhaust the specific muscle you are working then
following immediately with a compound movement that hits multiple
muscles. i.e. Dumbbell flies or cable crossovers hit the Pecs specifically,
the front Delt secondarily, but not the triceps to any large degree. Barbell
Bench presses hit not only the pectoral muscle, but very much the deltoid
and the triceps. In fact, it is usually triceps strength that limits the bench
press and the Pecs never really get sufficient stimulation. So we do a
dumbbell fly first, exhausting the Pecs and then a bench press or machine
bench, while the triceps are still fresh, to push the Pecs beyond and
stimulate growth. There is no rest between the two exercises using this
11. Some changes… lat pull-downs will be done with your palms facing you
rather than away from you. Much like you did chin ups as a child. They will
be held closer. Benches will be done close, shoulder width and descend
with arms pointing out rather than close to your sides to stretch the
12. Your workouts will be performed every 4th day or longer but not shorter.
So your workouts will land on Monday, Friday, Tuesday, Saturday and
Wednesday. Then start over OR Monday, Friday, Wednesday. Then start
over. Both work well.

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EXAMPLE High Intensity Low Stress WORKOUT
Workout and Body Exercise Reps
#1 Chest and Back

Pre-exhaust next 2, no Dumbbell Fly, Cable Crossover or Pec Deck 6-12

rest or Nautilus Fly

Smith, Hammer or Nautilus Bench Press or 3-5

Lat Pull downs (hands facing you) 6-12
Pulley Rows (with V bar) or Hammer Rows 6-12
Shoulder Shrugs 6-12

#2 Legs
Pre-exhaust next 2, no Leg Extensions 8-16
Leg Press (start first rep with hands pushing 8-16
on knees to relieve pressure)
Leg Curls 8-16
Hyper Extensions (Free or Machine) 8-16
Calve Raises on Leg Press 8-16

#3 Shoulders and Lateral Raises – Dumbbell, Hammer, 6-12

Arms Nautilus or Cable
Rear Delt Raises – Dumbbell, Hammer, 6-12
Nautilus or Cable
Curl – Barbell, Hammer, Nautilus or 6-12
Pre-exhaust next 2, no Triceps Pushdowns 6-12
Close Grip Smith Bench Presses (Hands with 3-5
Thumbs distance away from each other or
NOTE: Some advocate dips instead of close grips,
however, I find that although dips are the squat
for the upper body, they may be shearing on
the shoulders and bother you. If you choose to
do them they can be done on a dip machine
also, that are in many gyms now or with parallel
#4 Legs Repeat workout #2 and start over at WO#1

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x. Feeding the growth

As you can see I try to keep everything simple and that includes diet. Diet is quite
simply about food… quality and quantity spread over the course of a week in
amounts usable to the body. I prefer and recommend organic foods as they are a
much higher quality. It is calories in and calories out. Take in too many calories
and they are stored as body fat… take in too few and you tap into storage (fat)…
unless done recklessly and then you may shut off your metabolism and waste
away some hard earned muscle and actually hold on or add to your fat storage.

Remember, muscle must first be stimulated… ENTER High Intensity Training!

HIT kicks the body into the adaptation process. This process which must be
allowed to occur takes a certain course of action… first compensating for the
exhaustive effects of the workout and then… overcompensating, leaving
additional muscle. If the workout is too frequent or too long, this process may not
occur… as with someone in an over trained state.

Now if the process is allowed to occur, there must be energy available for the
body to use in order to lay down this additional muscle. In my experience this
additional energy i.e. calories does not need to be a whole lot… but the process
occurs much more efficiently when there is a bit more than needed. Let’s say 250
calories over maintenance level… not much.

Now even 250 calories over maintenance might add a little additional fat along
with muscle. Our goal is to add as much muscle and as little fat as possible.

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Muscle & Fat

Muscle and fat are like apples and oranges. They are not the same and you can’t
turn muscle into fat. Underneath our covering of subcutaneous insulation, is an
anatomy chart. It doesn’t matter if you are a bodybuilder, an aerobics instructor
or a construction worker. The difference is this…the farther away you are from
your ideal body fat level or your goal level, the longer it will take for you to get
there and the more careful you will have to be in your journey. The more muscle
mass you carry, the faster your metabolic rate is. That is why you see
bodybuilders who are big and muscular yet lean and defined and eating
everything not nailed down. It is because muscle is active. The more muscle you
gain the more calories you need, plain and simple.

Determine Your Destination

In charting your goals, just like taking a trip, you have to know where you are
going before you can map it. You can do this by purchasing an inexpensive pair
of calipers. They come with directions and are easy to use. They are not as
accurate as underwater weighing which has an accuracy weight of 2% as
compared to calipers 7-8%, but they will give you an idea of where you are to
start the process.

Let’s say for instance you weigh 200 pounds and are at 17% body fat. This
means you have approximately 35 pounds of fat and 165 pounds of lean body
mass. Let’s say your goal was 10% body fat which is athlete condition. You want
to remove 7% of your current fat from your body. Just multiply 200 x 7% on any
calculator and you will get 14. So now you know you want to bring your
bodyweight down to 186 pounds without loosing any muscle.

No Sacrifice Necessary

Have you ever noticed those who go on a diet and loose extreme amounts of
weight sometimes look shriveled with their skin sort of hanging all over the
place? The reason for this is they sacrificed both muscle and fat. That is not our
goal. We want to keep every bit of hard earned muscle and just dump the fat,
how do we do that? It is a simple solution, train for maximum muscle and diet for
a lean body.


The first mistake I see many doing is not only adding all kinds of aerobics to their
schedule but turning their weight resistance workout into an aerobics workout.
They lower the weights and add more reps and sets and before you know it, they
look like the thin man or woman and have lost a year’s worth of hard earned
muscle. This is not necessary or recommended. If you do this thing right, you can

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loose 1 to 2 pounds a week and at the end of 4-8 weeks, get on the scale a new
lighter muscular you.

Diet & Nutrition Bill’s Way

My approach is the scientific approach to diet and is plain and simple. It is all
energy. Fat is just stored energy. In order to loose fat you must create a deficit in
your energy requirement. In order to lay down muscle you must first stimulate the
increase then support the process with some additional calories. The goal with
each road is to still maintain a well balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
while you do it. See the link below for the latest in a balanced diet. The first thing
that you will notice is not every size fits all.

In Plain English

My approach is pretty simple. Yes it is important to maintain a diet rich in

nutrients necessary to maintain health and current muscle mass, but, it does not
have to be difficult.

Over the course of my 37 years of bodybuilding experience I have found all types
of individuals with all types of requirements. It is true that we all burn calories in
basically the same way… require certain nutrients for vibrant health and work
metabolically similar, based on our genetics. It is those genetics that are the
deciding factor.

The following guideline is a good rule of thumb in designing your baseline diet
meal plan because it starts with the basics. If you are one who is in good health
and does not need to loose a substantial amount of fat and require a starting
point… try this.

1- Set up a meal plan consisting of 3 meals and 1 – 2 snacks. These meals

and snacks should consist of high quality food such as that of the organic
2- Each meal should contain a protein serving the size of the palm of your
hand… these include fish, beef, chicken or eggs
3- Each meal should also contain a vegetable serving one to twice the size of
the palm of your hand... mainly leafy or green, red, orange ANDs… like
romaine, green or red lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, peppers, green beans
AND add some onions or garlic…
4- Each meal should also contain a fruit… fresh and raw is always best.
5- Each meal should contain a little good fat like olive oil, asparagus, peanuts
or avocado.
6- Each snack should include a dairy product such as cheese or milk or
yogurt … a small portion and/or another serving of fruit.

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7- Add some grains each day like some Ezekiel cereal to your breakfast. You
could also add with this some yogurt or non fat milk. Or you could add a
slice of Ezekiel toast… it is sprouted wheat both bread and cereal and is
8- Add a glass of wine to your nightly meal… its health benefits are a great

The nice thing about the food selection palm measurement approach is that you
don’t have to really weigh your food while being fairly accurate and can construct
your meal by foods rather than by the scale. You will find eating this way will
keep your calories fairly low to moderate.

Here is a daily example of what your diet would look like…

Feeding Description of Food Serv Carbs Protein Total Fat
Breakfast Egg, raw, fresh (1 extra large - 56g - 2.0oz) 2 0.86 14.08 11.14
Breakfast Plums, raw (1 fruit (2-1/8'' dia) - 66g - 2.4oz) 1 7.54 0.46 0.18
Broccoli, boiled, drained, w/salt (1 stalk, large (11''-12'' long) - 280g
Breakfast - 10.0oz) 1 14.17 8.34 0.98
Snack Borden - Cheese, American, 2% Milk (1 slice) 1 1 4 3
Snack Plums, raw (1 fruit (2-1/8'' dia) - 66g - 2.4oz) 1 7.54 0.46 0.18
Chicken, breast, meat only, roasted, broiler/fryer (1/2 breast, w/o
Lunch bone+skin - 86g - 3.1oz) 1 0 26.68 3.07
Squash, summer, zucchini, includes skin, boiled, drained, w/salt
Lunch (1/2 cup slices - 90g - 3.2oz) 1 3.54 0.58 0.05
Lunch Apples, raw, w/skin (1 med fruit - 138g) *SAVED* 1 19.06 0.36 0.23
Aft. Organic Valley - Milk, Lactose Free, Lowfat 1%, Ultra-Pasteurized
Snack (1 cup) 1 14 8 2.5
Snack Plums, raw (1 fruit (2-1/8'' dia) - 66g - 2.4oz) 1 7.54 0.46 0.18
Dinner Whitefish, mixed species, cooked, dry heat (3 oz - 85g) 1 0 20.8 6.38
Squash, summer, zucchini, includes skin, boiled, drained, w/salt
Dinner (1/2 cup slices - 90g - 3.2oz) 1 3.54 0.58 0.05
Dinner Apples, raw, w/skin (1 med fruit - 138g) *SAVED* 1 19.06 0.36 0.23
NOTE: fats were not figured into this diet, however, the vegetables could just as
easily be sautéed in olive oil and additions of other good fats could be included.

Although this seems like a lot of food it is at the lower borders of the calorie
spectrum while providing enough protein for a 200 pound bodybuilder.

Since you now have a core foundation for your diet and you have figured out the
foods your are ingesting on a daily basis based on your taste, you now can use
the directions below to figure out how many calories you are taking in. Once this

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is done, you can begin to add more starchy carbs to bring you up to your energy
requirements. I recommend sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, brown rice and
whole grain pasta and oatmeal is always welcome. Begin to add these a little at a
time and monitor your body fat as you do. Remember protein requirements are
based on your bodyweight… We will cover this a bit as we go on.

At this point use the directions below to figure out how many calories you eat so
that you have your baseline.

Calorie Requirement

There are many ways to figure out your calorie requirement, but the simplest and
most accurate is what I am about to describe. Record everything that you have
eaten for 7 days, take the result and add it together and then divide it by 7. If you
have not lost or gained a pound, this is your calorie requirement. However, if you
are eating one meal a day you could have your body in a starvation mode and it
would not be accurate.

To give you an idea of what your requirement may be like you can do this.
Take your bodyweight and add a zero [0] to it.

• If you are a man take your bodyweight, multiply it by x2 and add it to the
above figure. This is your maintenance level.

• If you are a woman just add your bodyweight to the above figure. This is
your maintenance level.

See the Example Below:

Man 200 lbs ***** 200 add [0] = 2000. Take 200 x 2 = 400. 2000 + 400 =
2400. This is your calorie maintenance level.

Woman 130 lbs***** 130 add [0] = 1300. Take 130 x 1 = 130. 1300 + 130 =
1430. This is your calorie maintenance level.

I have found a neat piece of software that is inexpensive and has everything you
need to accurately track your diet. It is called Weight-By-Date-Pro. Look it up on
the net. It makes dieting easy.

In sticking with a scientific approach, a well balanced diet is necessary. I suggest

reducing your calorie intake or increasing it, based on your goals by 500-750 a
day initially to loose fat or 250 a day to gain muscle.

If you do the math, a pound of fat yields 3500 calories. If you reduce your calorie
consumption by 500 a day over a seven day period, you will loose one pound of
fat a week. However, you can not maintain a well balanced diet on less than

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1200 calories a day, so, if your stature and bodyweight is such that you would
have to go lower than 1200 calories a day in order to begin loosing, don’t go
lower! Then and only then add aerobics. Start with 30 minutes every other day,
either spinning, or fast walking. Nothing too hard, you should be able to talk
comfortably while performing.

By the same token, a pound of muscle yields 600 calories. By increasing your
calories by approximately 250 calories a day, you will give your body the
necessary energy to allow the metabolic process of laying down muscle to occur
along with any metabolic cost incurred.

The Lightning Metabolism

For those considered thin with extremely fast metabolisms… some

experimentation is in order. I suggest increasing your calories by 250 initially,
then another 250 the following week or two, while monitoring your body fat level.
I find that sometimes fast metabolism clients have to increase their calories
sometimes up to 1000 calories over what they are presently taking in just to get
moving. The problem is that they are under eating to begin with. Try upping your
nutrient dense foods higher in fat like nuts, olive oil and avocado… add whole
eggs and whole cheese.

Your goal is to eat small meals frequently. For the fast metabolisms I suggest 5
feedings or more equally spaced in calories throughout the day. This will keep
your metabolism keyed as digestion is an important part. On the opposite end…
if you are trying to loose body fat, eat salads frequently as they cost more
calories to digest than they hold. Drink water as it will help to hydrate you and
cleanse the body.


Protein requirement is based on bodyweight not what you do. It maintains your
existing muscle mass. It comes from the Greek word protos… first.

No matter how much more protein you eat, over and above your requirement,
you will not force your muscles to grow. Rather, it is the stimulus that creates the
growth then diet is the support. It is like going out into a cloudy day trying to get a
tan. You can put all the sun tan oil on you want, it will not force a tan.

Although not everyone agrees on the precise amount, it appears that the protein
requirement for an adult ranges from .75 to 1.25 grams per kilo of bodyweight. A
kilo is 2.2 pounds. My past experience tells me that .8 – 1. gram per kilo is fine. If
you are a 200 pound person, below is an example of your requirement.

- 64 -
200 divided by 2.2 = 90.9
.8 x 90.9 = 72.72
1 x 90.9 = 90.9

By the above example you require as a 200 pound person, whether bodybuilder
or social worker between 72.72 – 90.9 grams of protein a day. The diet exampled
in this section reached mid point no problem with that figure. Even if you went a
high as ½ gram per pound of bodyweight, it would be plenty for even the most
advanced bodybuilder with plenty to support gaining new muscle.

Top Secret

If you are dieting to loose body fat… every couple of weeks or so for a single
meal, blow your diet. If you are wishing for ice cream eat it, if you want mashed
potatoes and gravy do it. While competing I found that I could keep myself from
hitting a sticking point when I did this and when I did hit a sticking point, rather
than reducing calories even more, I did a whole day of it…when I finally lost the
water weight from all the calories, my metabolism was racing and I was back on
the fat loss wagon. Works every time!

Activity Equals Activity

Although aerobics is not recommended activity is. It is ok to go walking, hiking

and dancing etc. This activity will also burn some additional calories. We are
made to move and that we should. You can also try keying your metabolism with
a change in schedule. Try getting up an hour earlier and/or going to be an hour
later. This again increases your waking hours and of course affects your

Once You Get There

Once you are where you want to be, continue to eat in the way you have these
past few weeks of dieting.

If you have lost the body fat necessary and reached your goal, keep the meal
frequency and the calorie allotment even and just add calories up to your
maintenance level and if you now want to continue to add muscle to your frame,
just add a couple of hundred extra calories a day, not much. Remember, as you
get more muscular you must reassess your calorie requirements. And using the
same logic, as you loose body fat you must also reassess your calorie

If you have reached your muscular bodyweight and no longer want to add any
additional muscle to your frame, scale back to your maintenance level of calories.

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You can also stop adding weight and reps to your exercises and just maintain
your present status.

The force feeding gurus will loose a bunch of money and so will the supplement
makers but you will enjoy reaching your muscular goals while maintaining a lean
physique while eating quality foods.

Give Yourself Enough Time

While competing I would begin to diet way ahead of time and once down to my
desired body fat level, I would eat my way to the contest. So leave yourself
enough time to reach your goals in the safest and healthiest way possible!

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xi. Beyond Time, the Final Approach

So as asked previously and never really answered IS THIS the last stop?

Let’s talk about that. It is truly the closest to the final approach in the application
of anaerobic exercise that you will get… while properly applying the theory of
High Intensity Training… AND at the same time, transcending the general
populace’s beliefs about the time required to create a strong muscular body to
the degree desired. It goes beyond the aspect of time and into the scientific
understanding of the proper application of anaerobic exercise while taking into
consideration the genetics of the particular individual.

In addition, you now have an understanding of quantum physics and the energy
inside and around you, so as to use the energy through mind, directed in the
most efficient way… to create your goals, including a strong muscular body.

“Whatever you believe you outpicture in your world”

Those mind tools such as visualization are the key tools in achievement of your
goals and desires. Everything is energy. I always say, if we could stimulate
muscle growth without going into the gym and leave 100% of our body’s
resources for muscular growth and strength, we would have it licked. Is it
possible we already do?

I remember watching a movie about Bruce Lee. You must remember him… he
was an amazing martial arts champion who played Kato in the Green Hornet
many years ago. Bruce was known to use EMS… electric muscle stimulation to
increase his speed and hardness of his muscles as did many others at the time
like the USSR in “72” with some of their athletes. He said in the movie “it was like
doing 200 pushups”.

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Science knows that the brain sends electrical signals to the muscles to
contract… a much more intricate process than it sounds. Your brain and your
body can not tell the difference between a real activity and an imagined one.
Extensive research has proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt. The question is
this… can we perfect this modality to become so powerful… so as to use this
virtual tool to stimulate muscular growth? I believe so. I personally have used self
hypnosis and visualization to break strength barriers in power lifts and to drop
body fat. I trained myself to at will raise the output of my adrenalin gland thus my
strength and lifts in the moment. This and understanding that everything is
energy including our thoughts, vision, beliefs etc… makes it possible.

The only thing that limits us is our minds… with a limitless mind, there are all
possibilities and everyone is limitless.

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xii. My Final Thoughts

If there is any wisdom I could depart on you it would be the following…

Think big!

Look at life with a new set of eyes each day! Everyone and everything!

Take responsibility for your world… it is an outpicture!

Don’t ever consider yourself a Victim! Things just don’t happen to you. There is
no such thing as bad luck, good luck, accidents or fluke happenings. We are like
radio transmitters dialing in on a certain frequency whether consciously or
unconsciously. You are in control!

When the experience is not what you desired say, “I am that!” Then as you look
at it in a detached way… go inside and find out what caused the outside Mirror to
come about. What did it show you about your Self and where is the opportunity to
make a different decision or change.

Take time each day to visualize, dream in detail and desire. This is the word!

Never use negative words in your vocabulary when speaking. Examples: cant,
don’t, won’t … especially if you are using affirmations. Use:

IT IS, I AM, I HAVE, ALL POSSIBILITIES… be open always to exactly that.

Go around blocks… remember, whatever you push against pushes against you.
Whatever you resist persists. Be like the wind, be powerful and impersonal…
caring not of what is going on around it, on its way to its destination.

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Put your Self first and do your inner work… no one is a martyr. In putting yourself
first you attract the same. In raising your vibration you raise that of the many. All
of a sudden everything begins to flow, relationships become loving or you find
new happy loving ones, a business or job you were desiring become available,
that sinus infection just goes away and you are clear… have a clear head.

Make a list of your desires and don’t use the word or thought of WANT! Want
leaves you in a constant state of want. It is a circle. It is but a consciousness and
awareness that makes the difference. It is already here before you even asked.
Always use DESIRE or CHOOSE rather than want.

In that split second before you become a slave to your emotions in the midst of
an experience, choose to be the master. We are not our emotions. Always stop
and reconsider slavery or mastery. We use our feelings to communicate with the
mind and our brains as a tool.

Treat your body kind. Eat a healthy diet with the best quality food you can get.
Stay away from synthetic substances including over the counter and prescribed
drugs if at all possible. Begin to wean yourself off these. Rest when you are tired
and play when you are not. Wake up and become alive again like you were when
you were a child. Life is nothing more than focus of consciousness. The more
you withdraw the closer to leaving you are. Exercise intensely to work the
machine and visualize your health.

Detach yourself from drama, the news and unhealthy relationships including
friends and family, spend more time focusing on your desires. Whatever you
think about you bring about.

Create a list of your desires and carry it with you. Write your thoughts down and
journal them.

As you accomplish your desires and goals set another one. Never run out of
these as they are the momentum necessary for life lest you backslide.

I could go on and on. I hope you enjoyed this book. I really enjoyed writing it and
sharing with you the knowledge contained. If there is anything I can ever do to
help you in your journey please let me know. There are many tools on our
website that you can use and services to assist you. I do one
on one coaching both in HIT Bodybuilding and Lifecoaching / Desire

Wishing you the very best,

To your strength, health and happiness,
Bill Sahli
Your HIT Bodybuilding Lifecoach

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