Digital Modulation and Detection: Wha Sook Jeon

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Digital Modulation and Detection

Wha Sook Jeon

Mobile Computing & Communication Lab.
Signal Space Analysis

Signal and System Model (1)
 System sends K = log 2 M bits every T seconds
 Each bit sequence of length K comprises a message mi ={b1, … , bK}
 The message i has the probability pi of being selected for transmission
( ∑iM=1 pi = 1 )
 Each message is mapped to a unique analog signal si (t), is transmitted
over the channel during the time interval [0, T], and has energy
ESi = ∫ si2 (t ) dt , i = 1,  , M
 The transmitted signal is sent through an AWGN channel (a white
Gaussian noise process n(t) of power spectral density N0/2)
 Received signal r(t)=s(t)+n(t)
 The receiver should determine the best estimate of the transmitted
signal and outputs the best estimate of the transmitted message
mˆ = {bˆ1 ,  , bˆK }

Signal and System Model (2)
 Goal of the receiver design
− minimizing the probability of message estimation error
Pe = ∑ p (mˆ ≠ mi | mi sent) p (mi sent)
i =1

Communication system model

Geometric Representation of Signals (1)
 By representing the signals geometrically, we can solve for the
optimal receiver design in AWGN based on a minimum distance
 Basis function representation
− Any set of M real energy signals S = {s1 (t ), , sM (t )} can be
represented as a liner combination of N (≤ M) real orthonormal
basis functions {φ1 (t ),, φ N (t )} according to Gram-Schmidt
orthogonalization procedure
: Modulation
si (t ) = ∑ sijφ j (t ), 0≤t <T
j =1

− Orthonormal basis function: ∫ φi (t )φ j (t )dt = 1 if i = j


0 if i ≠ j
− Real coefficient representing the projection of si(t) onto φ j (t )
sij = ∫ si (t )φ j (t )dt : Demodulation

Geometric Representation of Signals (2)
 Basis set of linear pathband modulation technique
− φ (t ) = 2 cos(2πf t ), φ2 (t ) =
sin( 2πf c t )
1 c
− With fcT >> 1 for orthonormality
 Transmitted signal
2 2
si (t ) = si1 cos(2πf c t ) + si 2 sin( 2πf c t )
 The basis set can include a bandpass pulse-shaping filter g(t) to
improve the spectral characteristics of the transmitted signal
si (t ) = si1 g (t ) cos(2πf c t ) + si 2 g (t ) sin(2πf c t )

 The pulse shape g(t) must maintain the orthonormal property of basis
∫ g (t ) cos (2πf c t )dt = 1, ∫ g 2 (t ) cos(2πf c t ) sin( 2πf c t )dt = 0
2 2
0 0

Geometric Representation of Signals (3)
 Signal space representation
− Signal constellation point of the signal si(t)
■ s i = ( si1 ,  siN ) ∈ R N
■ the vector of coefficients in the basis representation of si(t),
that is, si (t ) = ∑ sijφ j (t )
j =1
■ One-to-one correspondence
between si(t) and si
− The distance between two signal
constellation points si and sk
si − sk = ∑ (s
j =1
ij − skj ) 2

= ∫
( si (t ) − sk (t )) 2 dt

Signal space of MQAM or MPSK is

two-dimensional 7
Receiver Structure and Sufficient Statistics (1)
 Given the channel output r(t)=si(t)+n(t), 0 ≤ t < T, the receiver
determines which constellation point (or message) is sent over time
interval [0, T )

Receiver Structure and Sufficient Statistics (2)
 In this receiver structure
− r (t ) = si (t ) + n(t )
= ∑ j =1 sijφ j (t ) + ∑ j =1 n jφ j (t ) + nr (t )

= ∑ j =1 ( sij + n j )φ j (t ) + nr (t ) = ∑ j =1 rjφ j (t ) + nr (t )

− sij = ∫0 si (t )φ j (t )dt , n j = ∫0 n(t )φ j (t )dt
− nr(t) is the “remainder” noise which is orthogonal to signal

Receiver Structure and Sufficient Statistics (3)

(r1 , r2 , nr )

r = (r1 , r2 )
[r (t ) = r1φ1 (t ) + r1φ1 (t ) + nrφnr (t )]

Receiver Structure and Sufficient Statistics (3)
 Goal of receiver design is to minimize the error probability
Pe = p (mˆ ≠ mi | r (t )) = 1 − p (mˆ = mi | r (t ))
 Maximizing
p ( si sent | r (t )) = p (( si1 ,  , siN ) sent | (ri1 ,  , riN ) , nr (t ))
p (( si1 ,  , siN ) sent, (ri1 ,  , riN ) , nr (t ))
p ((ri1 ,  , riN ) , nr (t ))
p (( si1 ,  , siN ) sent, (ri1 ,  , riN )) p (nr (t ))
p ((ri1 ,  , riN )) p (nr (t ))
= p (( si1 ,  , siN ) sent | (ri1 ,  , riN ))
 r =(r1, …, rN) is a sufficient statistic for r(t) in optimal detection
of transmitted message

Decision Region
 Optimal receiver selects m ˆ = mi corresponding to constellation si
that satisfies p( si sent | r ) ≥ p( s j sent | r ) for all j ≠ i
 Design region: Z i = {r : p( si sent | r ) > p( s j sent | r ) ∀ j ≠ i}

Maximum Likelihood Decision Criteria (1)
 Optimal receiver selects m ˆ = mi corresponding to constellation si
that maximizes
p (r | si ) p ( si )
p ( si | r ) =
p(r )

p (r | si ) p ( si )
arg max = arg max p (r | si ) p ( si )
si p(r ) si

= arg max p (r | si ) Let p(si)=1/M


 Likelihood function: L( si ) = p (r | si )
 A maximum likelihood receiver outputs m ˆ = micorresponding to
constellation si that maximizes L(si)

Maximum Likelihood Decision Criteria (2)
 Conditional distribution of r
− Since n(t) is a Gaussian random process, r(t)=si(t)+n(t) is also a
Gaussian random process and n(t) has a zero mean.
− rj = sij + n j
µ r |s = E[rj | sij ] = E[ sij + n j | sij ] = sij
j i

σ 2 r |s = E[(rj − µ r |s ) 2 ] = E[( sij + n j − sij ) 2 | sij ] = E[n j 2 ] = N 0 2

j i j ij

cov[rj rk | si ] = E[(rj − µ r j )(rk − µ rk ) | si ]

= E[n j nk ]
N 2 j=k
= 0
 0 j≠k

− rj is a Gaussian random variable that is independent of rk ( j ≠ k )

with mean sij and variance N0/2.

Maximum Likelihood Decision Criteria (3)

 Likelihood function L(si): conditional distribution of r

1  1 N 
p (r | si ) = ∏ p (rj | sij ) =
π N /2
exp − ∑ (rj − sij ) 

j =1 ( N 0 )  N0 j =1 

 Log likelihood function

1 1
l ( si ) = − ∑ (rj − sij ) = − r − si
2 2

N0 j =1 N0


Maximum Likelihood Decision Criteria (4)

 A maximum likelihood receiver outputs mˆ = mi corresponding

to constellation si that satisfies
arg min ∑ (rj − sij ) 2 = arg min r − si

si si
j =1

 Decision Region
Z i = {r : r − si < r − s j ∀ j = 1,  , M , j ≠ i}

 Constellation point si is determined from the decision Zi that

contains r

Union Bound of Error Probability (1)
 Aik: the event that r − sk < r − si given that the constellation point si
was sent
 If the event Aik occurs, the constellation will be decoded in error.
M  M

Pe (mi sent) = p  Aik  ≤ ∑ p (Aik )
 k =1  k =1
 k ≠i  k ≠i

a one-dimensional
sk − si p ( Aik ) = p ( r − sk < r − si | si sent)
Gaussian r.v.
= p ( ( si + n) − sk < ( si + n) − si )
= p ( n − ( sk − si ) < n )

The probability that n is closer to the

vector sk-si than to the origin

Union Bound of Error Probability (2)
 The event Aik occurs if n > d ik 2 , where d ik = si − sk

 d ik  ∞ 1  − v2   d ik 
 p ( Aik ) = p n >  = ∫d / 2 exp   dv = Q 
 2  πN 0  N0   2N 
 0 

M  d ik 
Pe (mi sent) ≤ ∑ Q 
 2N 
k =1
k ≠i
 0 

 M
1 M M  d ik 
Pe = ∑ p (mi ) Pe (mi sent) ≤ ∑ ∑ Q 
M i =1  2N 
i =1 k =1
k ≠i
 0 

Approximation of Error Probability
 The minimum distance of constellation: dmin
 d min 
− Pe ≤ ( M − 1)Q 
 : looser bound
 2 N 0 
 The number of neighbors at the minimum distance: M d min

−  d min 
Pe ≈ M d min Q 
 2N 
 0 

− (
In case of binary modulation (M=2): Pb = Q d min 2N 0 )
 Gray code: mistaking a constellation point for one of its nearest
neighbors results in a single bit error
− P ≈ Pe
log 2 M

Amplitude and Phase Modulation

Amplitude and Phase Modulation (1)

 Over the time interval Ts, K (log2M) bits are encoded in the amplitude
and/or phase of the transmitted signal
− Signal: s(t ) = sI (t ) cos(2π f ct ) − sQ (t ) sin(2π f ct )
− In signal space:
s (t ) = si1 (t )φ1 (t ) + si 2 (t )φ2 (t )
φ1 (t ) = g (t ) cos(2π f c t + φ0 )
φ2 (t ) = − g (t ) sin(2π f c t + φ0 )
 There are three main types of amplitude/phase modulation:
− Pulse Amplitude Modulation (MPAM) : Uses amplitude only
− Phase Shift Keying (MPSK) : Uses phase only
− Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (MQAM)

Amplitude and Phase Modulation (2)


Amplitude and Phase Modulation (3)


 Coherent detection (φ = φ0 )

 if φ − φ0 = ∆φ ≠ 0, r1 = si1 cos(∆φ ) + si 2 sin( ∆φ ) + n1 and

r2 = − si1 sin( ∆φ ) + si 2 cos(∆φ ) + n2 => performance degradation
 Synchronization or timing recovery:
the sampling function is synchronized to the start of every symbol period.
Amplitude and Phase Modulation (4)

 Pulse Amplitude Modulation

 Phase-Shift Keying
 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
 Differential Modulation
 Modulator with Quadrature Offset

Pulse Amplitude Modulation (MPAM) (1)

 Encodes all of the information into the signal amplitude (Ai)

 Transmitted signal over time:
− { }
s (t ) = Re Ai g (t )e j 2π fct = Ai g (t ) cos(2π f c t ), 0 ≤ t ≤ Ts 〉〉 1 / f c
 Signal constellation: { Ai = (2i − 1 − M )d , i = 1, 2, ..., M }
− Parameterization distance d is typically a function of a signal energy
− Minimum distance : d min = min i , j Ai − A j = 2d
− Constellation mapping is usually done by Gray encoding
 Amplitude of each transmitted signal has M different values
− Each pulse conveys K = log2M bits per symbol time Ts Coding

Pulse Amplitude Modulation (MPAM) (2)

 Over each symbol period, the MPAM signal associated with the ith
constellation has energy Es = T si2 (t )dt = T Ai2 g 2 (t ) cos 2 (2π f c t )dt = Ai2
∫ ∫
s s

i 0 0

− Average energy: Es =
i =1

 Decision region associated with signal amplitude Ai = (2i − 1 − M )d

(− ∞, Ai + d ) i = 1,

Z i = [ Ai − d , Ai + d ) 2 ≤ i ≤ M − 1,
[ A − d , ∞ ) i=M
 i

Pulse Amplitude Modulation (MPAM) (3)

Coherent MPAM demodulator

Phase Shift Keying (MPSK) (1)
 Encodes information in the phase of the transmitted signal
 Transmitted signal over one symbol time:
si (t ) = Re A g (t )e j 2π (i −1) / M e j 2πfct }
 2π (i − 1)
= A g (t ) cos 2π f c t +
 M 
 2π (i − 1)  2π (i − 1)
= A g (t ) cos  cos 2 π f t − A g (t ) sin  M  sin 2π f c t
 M 

 Constellation points: ( si1 , si 2 )

si1 = A cos[2π (i − 1) / M ], si 2 = A sin[2π (i − 1) / M ] for i = 1,..., M
 Minimum distance:d min = 2 A sin(π / M ), where A is typically function of
signal energy
 All possible signals have equal energy A2
 Constellation mapping usually uses Grady encoding

Phase Shift Keying (MPSK) (2)

Gray Coding for MPSK

Phase Shift Keying (MPSK) (3)

 Decision Regions for MPSK

Z i = re jθ : 2π (i − 3 2 ) M < θ < 2π (i − 1 2 ) M }

Phase Shift Keying (MPSK) (4)

Coherent Demodulator for BPSK

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (MQAM) (1)

 Information bits are encoded in both amplitude and phase of the

transmitted signal
 MPSK and MPAM have only one degree-of-freedom, but MQAM has
two degree-of-freedom. Thus, MQAM is more spectral-efficient
 Transmitted signal:
S i (t ) = Re Ai e jθi g (t )e j 2π fct }
= Ai cos(θ i ) g (t ) cos(2π f c t ) − Ai sin(θ i ) g (t ) sin (2π f c t ), 0 ≤ t ≤ Ts

Signal energy in si(t): Esi = ∫ si2 (t )dt = Ai2

 Distance between constellation points:

d ij = si − s j = (s i1 − s j1 ) + (si 2 − s j 2 )
2 2

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (MQAM) (2)

 For square signal constellation,

− Values on (2i-1-L)d
for i = 1, …, L
− dmin= 2d
 Good constellation mapping
can be hard to find for QAM

4-QAM and 16-QAM constellations

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (MQAM) (3)

Decision Regions
for 16-QAM

Differential Modulation (1)
 Information in MPSK and MQAM signals is carried in the signal phase
− MPSK and MQAM require coherent detection
− Phase recovery mechanism required in receiver
− Coherent demodulation
■ makes receiver complex
■ is hard in rapidly fading channel
■ is more susceptible to phase drift of the carrier
 The principle of differential modulation is to use the previous symbol as
a phase reference for current symbol for avoiding the need for a coherent
phase modulation
− Differential BPSK (DPSK)
■ 0-bit: no change in phase, 1-bit: a phase change of π
− Differential QPSK (DQPSK)
■ 00: no change in phase, 01: a phase change of π/2
■ 10: a phase change of - π/2, 11: a phase change of π

Differential Modulation (2)
 Phase Comparator
− Transmitted signal: s(k ) = Ae j (θ ( k )+φ0 )
− Received signal at time k: r (k ) = r1 (k ) + jr2 (k ) = Ae j (θ ( k )+φ −φ ) + n(k ) 0

− Received signal at time (k-1):

r (k − 1) = r1 (k − 1) + jr2 (k − 1) = Ae j (θ ( k −1) +φ0 −φ ) + n(k − 1)
− Phase difference
r (k ) r * (k − 1) = A2 e j (θ ( k ) −θ ( k −1) ) + Ae j (θ ( k ) +φ0 −φ ) n* (k − 1)
+ A e − j (θ ( k −1) +φ0 −φ )n(k ) + n(k ) n* (k − 1)
Phase difference in the absence of noise (n(k) = n(k-1) = 0)

 modulation with memory

 less sensitive to random drift in the carrier phase
 With non-zero Doppler frequency, previous symbol is not good for
phase reference
Differential Modulation (3)
DPSK demodulator

Modulation with Quadrature Offset (1)

 Linearly modulated signal may cause transition to symbol which

makes phase change up to π, and signal amplitude to cross zero point
− Abrupt phase transition and amplitude variations can be distorted
by non-linear filters and amplifiers
 To avoid the above problem
− Offsetting the quadrature branch pulse g(t) half a symbol period
− Phase can change maximum π/2

Modulation with Quadrature Offset (2)

Modulator with
quadrature offset

Pulse Shaping (1)

 Bandwidth of the baseband and passband modulated signal is a

function of the bandwidth of the pulse shape g(t).
 The effective received pulse: p(t ) = g (t ) ∗ c(t ) ∗ g * (−t )
− c(t): the channel impulse response
− g*(-t): the matched filter
− In AWGN channel (c(t)=δ(t)), p(t ) = g (t ) ∗ g * (−t )
 To avoid ISI between the received pulses, p(t) must satisfy Nyquist
criterion, which requires the pulse to equal zero at the ideal sampling
point associated with past or future symbols.
 Pulse shapes that satisfy the Nyquist criterion
− Rectangular pulse
− Cosine pulse
− Raised Cosine pulse

Pulse Shaping (2)
 Raised Cosine Pulse
− These pulses are designed in the frequency domain
 1− β
 Ts 0≤ f ≤
 2Ts
P( f ) = 
 Ts 1 − sin π Ts 
 f −
1 
1− β
≤ f ≤
1+ β
 2 β  2Ts  2Ts 2Ts
 

where β is a rolloff factor

− The pulse p(t) in the time domain:

sin π t / Ts cos βπ t / Ts
p (t ) = ×
π t / Ts 1 − 4 β 2t 2 / Ts2

Pulse Shaping (3)

Raised Cosine Pulse

in frequency domain


Pulse Shaping (4)

Raised Cosine Pulse

in time domain


Error Probability of Digital Modulation over
AWGN Channel



Signal-to-Noise Power Ratio (SNR)

 In an AWGN channel
− j 2πf t
Modulated (transmitted) signal: s (t ) = Re{u (t )e c }
− Received signal: r (t ) = s (t ) + n(t )
− n(t): a white Gaussian random process with mean zero and power spectral
density N0/2
− Ratio of the received signal power Pr to the power of the noise within the
bandwidth of the transmitted signal
− P
SNR = r =
N 0 B N 0 BTs N 0 BTb
− In system with interference
■ SINR =
N 0 B + PI

Bit/Symbol Errors

 For pulse shaping with Ts=1/B (e.g., raised cosine pulse with β=1), SNR=Es/N0
 For general pulse, Ts= k/B and SNR = Es N 0 ×1 k
 Define
− SNR per symbol: γ s = Es N 0
− SNR per bit: γ b = Eb N 0
 We are interested in bit error probability Pb as a function of γ b
 Approach
− First, compute the symbol error probability Ps as a function of γ s
− Then, obtain bit error probability as a function of SNR per bit using assumptions.
■ The symbol energy is divided equally among all bits,
■ Gray encoding is used
− These assumptions for M-ary signaling lead to the approximations
γs and
γb ≈ Pb ≈
log 2 M log 2 M

Error Probability for BPSK

 For binary modulation (M=2),

−  d 

Pb = Q  min
 2N 
 0 

d min = s1 − s0 = 2 A,
Tb Tb
Eb = ∫ s (t )dt = ∫ A2 g 2 (t ) cos 2 (2πf c t )dt =A2
0 0

 2 Eb
Pb = Ps = Q

 = Q 2γ b
 )
 N0 

Error probability for QPSK
 The QPSK system is equivalent to the system consisting of BPSK modulation on
both the in-phase and quadrature components of the signal.
 The bit error probability on each component is the same as for BPSK
− Pb = Q( 2γ b )
 The symbol error probability is Ps = 1 − 1 − Q( 2γ b ) ]

 Since the transmitted symbol energy Es is split between each branch, the signal
energy per branch is ( Es 2)
 The symbol error probability is the probability that either branch has a error
P = 1 − [1 − Q ( γ )]
− 2
s s

 For the same Eb N 0 and therefore the same average probability of bit error, QPSK
system transmits data at twice the bit rate of a BPSK system for the same channel
[ ( )]
− Ps = 1 − 1 − Q γ s
( ) (
≈ 2Q γ s = 2Q 2γ b )
( )
Ps ≈ 2Q γ s

Error Probability for MPSK

 Signal-space diagram  When using the union bound of

for 8PSK error probability and the nearest
neighbor approximation,
Ps ≈ M d min Q d min 2N0 )
 For MPSK,

φ1 d min = 2 Es sin(π M ) ,
M d min = 2

Ps = 2Q 2γ s sin(π M ) )
Error Probability for MPAM
 The constellation for MPAM is Ai = (2i − 1 − M )d , i = 1,2,..., M
 Since each of the M-2 inner constellation points has two nearest neighbor at distance
2d, Ps ( si ) = p ( n > d ), i = 2,..., M − 1
 For outer constellation points, there is only one nearest neighbor.
 The average energy per symbol for MPAM is Es = ∑ Ai 2 = 1 ( M 2 − 1)d 2
M i =1 3
 The symbol error probability Ps in terms of the average energy as

M −2
( ) ( )
1 2
Ps =
∑ Ps (si ) =
i =1 M
× 2 × Q 2d 2N0 +
× Q 2d 2N0

2( M − 1)  6γ 
Ps = Q s 
M  M −1 
 

Error Probability for MQAM
 MQAM system can be viewed as two MPAM systems with signal constellations of
size L = M transmitted over the in-phase and quadrature signal components, each
with half the energy of the original MQAM system.
 The constellation points in the in-phase and quadrature branches take values
Ai = (2i − 1 − L)d , i = 1,2,..., L
 The symbol error probability for each branch is
2( M − 1)  3γ s 
Ps ,branch = Q
M  M −1 
 
 The probability of symbol error the for MQAM system is Ps = 1 − (1 − Ps ,branch ) 2
 If we take a conservative approach and set the number of nearest neighbors to be

 3γ 
Ps ≈ 4 × Q s 
 M −1 
 

Summary in Error Probability for Coherent Modulation (1)

 Many of the exact or approximation values for Ps derived for coherent modulation
are in the following form:
Ps (γ s ) ≈ α M Q β M γ s )
− αM : the number of nearest neighbors at the minimum distance dmin
− βM : a constant that relates the minimum distance to average symbol energy
 Performance specifications are generally most concerned with the bit error rate as a
function of the bit energy.
Pb (γ b ) ≈ αˆ M Q βˆM γ b 
 
− With Gray coding and high SNR, αˆ M = α M log 2 M and βˆM = β M × log 2 M

Summary in Error Probability for Coherent Modulation (2)

Modulation Ps (γ s ) Pb (γ b )
Pb = Q 2γ b )
QPSK ( )
Ps ≈ 2Q γ s (
Pb ≈ Q 2γ b )
MPAM 2(M − 1)  6γ s 
 2(M − 1)  6γ b log 2 M 
Ps = Q Pb ≈ Q 
 
 M −1  M 2 −1
M M log 2 M  

 π  2   π 
MPSK Ps ≈ 2Q 2γ s sin    Pb ≈ Q 2γ b log 2 M sin   
 M  log 2 M   M 

 3γ s  4  3γ b log 2 M 
Ps ≈ 4Q  Pb ≈ Q 

M − 1  log 2 M  M −1 
 

Flat Fading Channel

 Outage Probability
 Average Probability of Error

Performance Criteria (1)

 In a fading environment, the received signal power varies

randomly over distance or time due to shadowing and/or multipath
− In fading γ s is a random variable with distribution f γ s (γ ) , and therefore Ps (γ s )
is also random.
 Performance criteria
− The outage probability, Pout , defined as the probability that γ s falls below a
given value corresponding to the maximum allowable Ps
− The average error probability, Ps , averaged over the distribution of γ s

Performance Criteria (2)
 When the fading coherence time is on the order of a symbol time (Ts ≈ Tc )
− The signal fading level is roughly constant over a symbol period
− The error correction coding techniques can recover from a few bit errors
− An average error probability is a reasonably good figure
 When the signal fading is changing slowly (Ts << Tc )
− A deep fade affects simultaneously many symbols
− Large error bursts that cannot be corrected for with coding of reasonable
− Outage probability
− When the channel is modeled as a combination of fast and slow fading (e.g.,
log-normal shadowing with fast Rayleigh fading), outage and average error
probability is often combined
 When Ts >> Tc , the fading will be averaged out by the matched
filter in the demodulator
− For very fast fading, performance is the same as in AWGN

Outage Probability (1)

γs Outage

 Probability that γ s is below a target γ 0, which is the minimum

SNR required for acceptable performance.
− P = p(γ < γ ) = γ p (γ )dγ


out s 0

Outage Probability (2)

 In Rayleigh fading with mean zero and variance σ 2 (dB)

− The received signal power is exponentially distributed with average 2σ 2
− The received SNR γ s also has an exponential distribution with average γ
■ Es 2 σ 2 Ts
γs = =
N0 N0 1
■ The probability density function of γ s : pγ s (γ ) = e −γ / γ s
− Outage probability γs
Pout = ∫γ
0 s
e − γ / γ s dγ s = 1 − e − γ 0 / γ s

− Average SNR

γs =
ln(1 − Pout )

Average Error Probability
 The averaged probability of error is computed by integrating the error
probability in AWGN over the fading distributions.

Ps = ∫ Ps (γ ) pγ s (γ )dγ
( )
− An error probability in AWGN with SNR γ : Ps (γ ) ≈ α M Q β M γ s
 In Rayleigh fading,
α M  
( )γ

1 0.5β M γ s  ≈ αM
Ps = ∫ α M Q β M γ ⋅ e −γ / γ s
dγ = 1−
2  1 + 0.5β M γ s  2β M γ s
0 s  
− BPSK: Pb (γ b ) = Q( 2γ b )

1  γb 
Pb = 1 − 
2 1+ γ b 
 

Average Pb for MQAM in Rayleigh Fading and AWGN


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