Business Book
Business Book
Business Book
Rosalinda GALLINA
Fourth edition published 2014 by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
42 McDougall Street, Milton, Qld 4064
Printed in China by
1010 Printing International Ltd.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
To the student vi
About the authors vii
How to use this book viii
About eBookPLUS x
ICT activities xi
Acknowledgements xii
Chapter 12 The business planning process 380
12.1 Introduction 380
12.2 Business planning process 385
12.3 Sources of planning ideas 389
12.4 Vision, goals and/or objectives 391
12.5 Organising resources 396
12.6 Forecasting 401
12.7 Monitoring and evaluating 404
12.8 Taking corrective action — modification 410
Welcome to the world of business! It is an exciting, challenging and rewarding
world. It is also a world in which you have been involved — by buying goods
and services to satisfy your many needs and wants, or working for an employer
with the purpose of gaining income. Perhaps you have even operated your own
business, such as a stall at a local market.
Whether as a consumer or employee, you rely daily on a diverse range of
businesses — small, medium and large — for your economic survival. These
businesses shape how people live, work and play. Life without them would be
radically different. It is therefore important to understand how businesses function
and to appreciate the crucial role they play in contemporary society.
Some of you will eventually decide to commence and operate your own business.
The skills, knowledge and attitudes you bring to your business enterprise will
largely determine the venture’s success. Operating your own business will provide
you with personal satisfaction and financial rewards. The business will also play
a crucial role in the Australian economy and contribute to the nation’s wellbeing.
In the past few years, we have seen an unprecedented number of changes in
the social, technological, political and economic makeup of the business world.
Businesses that survive and prosper in today’s rapidly changing world will be
owned and managed by people who not only respond positively to change, but
also initiate it. Such business owners will thrive on the opportunities these changes
During this Business Studies course, you will learn about the different areas
that together form today’s business world, including management, finance and
accounting, human resources, marketing, and operations. You’ll explore the types
of tasks these different functions require and the many and varied jobs that are
available. This knowledge will allow you to consider what kinds of jobs in business
will interest you most.
Finally, as you progress through your Business Studies course, stop and reflect
on what you have learned. Explore further the issues raised during the lessons. In
this way, you will gain a deeper understanding of what is required for a business
to succeed.
Each of the three topics The focus of this topic is the role and nature of business in a changing business
has an opening double OUTCOMES
page that presents the Students should be able to:
• discuss the nature of business, its role in society and the types of business
focus area of the topic • explain the internal and external influences on businesses
• analyse the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders
and lists the syllabus • plan and conduct investigations into contemporary business issues
• evaluate information for actual and hypothetical business situations.
The role of business
outcomes. A concept Role of Businesses play a crucial role in our lives and actively contribute to progress in society.
map allows students to business
Some of these roles include:
• employment and income — for example, BHP Billiton has more than 125 000 ❛ The world of
business is most
visualise the key concepts
employees and contractors. They are a global producer of major commodities and
the largest company in Australia. BHP Billiton typically pays their employees 11 per
cent above the market. definitely an exciting
in the topic. An engaging Business growth Types of
• profit — for example, in 2013, Woolworths’s profit increased by 24 per cent to
$2.3 billion due to the expansion of their food, liquor and gambling businesses.
• innovation — for example, Nike was named the Most Innovative Company in
and interesting one.❜
photograph and case
and decline business
businesses 2013 by Fast Company for creating Nike trainers with embedded sensors that
measure people’s athletic ability. The Sports Sensor is made from four different
sensors embedded inside dedicated trainers, with an internal accelerometer that
study shows business in measures movement. The data collected is then fed wirelessly to an iPhone, where
people can check their progress directly.
• entrepreneurship and risk — for example, the co-founder of Microsoft
Corporation, Bill Gates, is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the late
Influences in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Gates was only a teenager when he
business environment took the risk of establishing his own business. In just 25 years, he built his
business into a multi-million dollar corporation and became one of the world’s
wealthiest individuals.
• wealth — for example, Macquarie Group recently generated wealth for its
shareholders. In 2013, their share price had increased by 106 per cent since
2011. Many investors have been drawn to their growth and attractive dividend
payments. Macquarie Group has also generated substantial wealth for their
employees: in addition to their competitive salaries and performance-based
pay structure, many employees at the bank have been given an opportunity to
receive a share of the company’s profits by participating in the group’s share
purchase plan.
These are just a few of the many roles played by businesses in our society. The world
of business is most definitely an exciting and interesting one.
All Preliminary syllabus
readjust to accommodate another. Some managers are fearful of change, seeing it
as a destructive force. Others perceive change as an opportunity for creativity and
outcomes are covered in
depth to provide a sound
openly embrace it.
Change is any alteration in the internal or external environments; for example, Change is any alteration in the
Management and change change in consumer tastes, change in production methods, change in markets or internal or external environments.
products sold, or change in how employees perform their tasks. It could also be
a change to the way things are perceived, or new ways of dealing with problems.
basis of knowledge to
In response to these changes, many organisations have undergone organisational
change: the adoption of a new idea or behaviour resulting in a difference in the form prepare students for the
9.1 Introduction or operation of an organisation over time. The organisation may have modified its
‘Nothing is permanent except change.’ Although these words were written around
corporate culture, implemented new organisational structures, recruited employees
with new skills or developed different work practices.
HSC course.
2500 years ago by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, they are as true today as they
were then, especially in the world of business. For example, imagine the type of
motor vehicle you will be driving in 20 years. It might look like the futuristic car
The rapidly increasing pace of change threatens to overwhelm many businesses.
Adapting to change forced by the external environment is never easy for a business. BizWords, highlighted
in the margin for easy
While change may be the most daunting challenge confronting management, the
shown below. You might even be able to take to the sky if there is a traffic jam.
rewards are great for those who are prepared to accept the challenge and not only
The motor vehicle industry has to effectively manage change due to dwindling
react to change but also initiate and manage it (see the following Snapshot).
reference, provide
BizFACT oil supplies, stricter pollution controls, greater safety requirements and broader
Google is developing and testing a recycling legislation. Businesses only survive in today’s highly unpredictable
driverless car using software called business environment if they effectively manage change. Businesses that embrace
Steve Polosak — change management
Google Chauffeur. The car has no
steering wheel or pedals and uses a
change will profit; businesses that resist change will be left behind. definitions of the bolded
system of sensors to avoid collisions.
words in the text to build
One of the most challenging aspects of my role as an Information Technology (IT)
The car has a maximum speed of manager for a large organisation is to initiate and implement change. For bad or
40 kph. worse, change keeps coming in business and in life. Change is not made without
some inconvenience. Therein lies the challenge.
Previously, organisations faced one change at a time, and when it was over, people
SNAPSHOT a comprehensive glossary.
could rest a while until the next change came along. In today’s business environment,
the problem is that most organisations have a number of major change projects
occurring simultaneously. BizFacts present
A manager will ignore these changes at his or her own, and the organisation’s
peril. Well-managed changes can become the foundation of future growth and
success. For example, the organisation recently decided to implement a new data
interesting and topical
snippets of supplementary
FIGURE 9.1 Could this be the type
transfer system that would alter employee work practices. To create an environment
of motor vehicle you will be driving in that would accept the change, I began by explaining the four ‘Ws’ to the affected
the future? Technology is constantly employees — What the change is, Why the change is needed, Whom the change
changing. So too is the world of business.
Responding positively to these changes
is often a recipe for long-term survival,
will affect, and When and how the change will take place. Fear of the unknown is a
major barrier to change.
Then, I involved employees in the change process. It is only natural for employees
information to engage
because well managed changes can
become the foundation for future
growth and success.
to go along with changes that they have helped bring about. From my experience,
people will resist poorly implemented changes or changes that are suddenly imposed and extend students.
on them without any warning.
The changes did cause some initial resistance. However, six months later,
productivity has improved by 18 per cent and the majority of employees adapted so
‘Snapshot’ case studies
present profiles of a
well that morale has improved.
9.2 What is organisational change? ❛Fear of the
Snapshot questions
unknown is a major
In Australia, over the past decade, there has been extensive and unprecedented
change in the business environment. There is every indication that the pace of
1. Recall why change can be difficult to manage.
2. Explain what Steve Polosak does to effectively manage change. barrier to change.❜ wide range of businesses
change will intensify during this decade. The prevailing attitude in business today
can be summed up as follows: ‘There is only one constant in business and that is
and individuals, and the
Managing change
To help guarantee the long-term survival of the business, managers must respond
to these changes. Hoping that the changes will either go away or have no impact As profitable opportunities can arise from change, it must be considered a contemporary business
on their business is a recipe for disaster. Managers also find it frustrating to learn fundamental aspect of a business’s strategic planning. The ability to manage and, in
that as soon as they adjust to one change in the business environment, they must many cases, embrace and adapt to change will increasingly determine a business’s issues they face.
282 TOPIC 2 • Business management Management and change • CHAPTER 9 283
The Australian Postal service began in 1809. The 3 Explain why the Limited Liability Act of 1855 was important for company
Postal Act 1825 allowed the NSW Governor to fix expansion.
SNAPSHOT postage rates and appoint postmasters outside of
Sydney, enabling the first organised postal service.
4 Recall under what circumstances a director might be personally responsible for debts
incurred by a company. HSC ‘key process verbs’
Gradually, postmasters were appointed and post
what you promise.
1 Construct a PowerPoint presentation containing 10 dot points that reflect key
explanations of complex 3. Think about ways
to build loyalty with
your customers.
features of your new understanding of marketing.
2 ‘Marketing is not the sole responsibility of the marketing manager, but all managers.’
6. Develop a unique and
Summaries throughout FIGURE 8.19 Seven tips to becoming a marketing driven customer-oriented business
concepts. Summary
mass marketing approach, the market segmentation approach or the niche market
approach (see figure 8.20).
• For a business to make a profit, it needs to create and market products that
consumers will purchase.
• Marketing is a total system of interacting activities designed to plan, price,
promote and distribute products to present and potential customers.
Segment Segment Segment Segment
• Successful marketing involves bringing the buyer and seller together and making 1 2 1 2
a sale. Total market
• Businesses should continuously strive to not simply meet but exceed customer
expectations. Segment Segment
3 3
1 Outline the importance of marketing to a business. Mass marketing approach Market segmentation approach Niche marketing approach
2 Recall why most new products fail shortly after they are launched. FIGURE 8.20 Selecting a market to be the target market
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The authors would like to thank those people who have played a key role in
the production of this text. Their families and friends were always patient and
supportive, especially when deadlines were imminent. Stephen Chapman wishes
to acknowledge his father, Jack, late mother, Lorna, mother-in-law, Thelo, and late
father-in-law, Rae, who have encouraged him as a student, educator and writer for
many years — and special thanks to Wendy and Max. Rosalinda Gallina would like
to express her very great appreciation to her husband Michael, as well as to her
parents, her sister Isabella and her brother-in-law John for their constant support
and encouragement. Natalie Devenish would like to acknowledge the support of
her husband Mark and children James, Georgia and William and would like to
dedicate this to her late father Graham Kennedy.
Mention also needs to be made of those businesspeople who gave of their time
and expertise for this new edition: Michael Cavallaro, Trudy Croad, Michelle
Angeloni and Anthony Turri. Thanks also to Steven Takchi and Sam Dimartino for
their assistance.
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The focus of this topic is the role and nature of business in a changing business
Students should be able to:
• discuss the nature of business, its role in society and the types of business
• explain the internal and external influences on businesses
• analyse the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders
• plan and conduct investigations into contemporary business issues
• evaluate information for actual and hypothetical business situations.
Role of
Influences in the
business environment
Role of business
1.1 Introduction
Think of all the different businesses that operate in your local neighbourhood. Now
imagine what the world would be like if they did not exist. Ultimately we would
have to become self-sufficient: providing for our own needs and wants. Fortunately,
in our society, businesses of all sizes play a crucial role in providing us with a vast
array of goods and services. Businesses are at the very core of our economy and our
future wealth depends upon them.
Most people associate the word ‘business’ with large, transnational corporations,
such as BHP Billiton, McDonalds, Apple and Westfield, operating in many
countries, employing thousands of people and earning millions of dollars in profit.
Although these types of businesses are well known, they are few in number. Small
to medium enterprises (SMEs) make up about 98 per cent of all businesses in
Australia. Take a look around your local area and you will see plenty of examples
of businesses that are considered small or medium based on the number of people
they employ.
The one common feature shared by both the largest and the smallest business
is that they produce a product — goods or service — which is sold in a market
where buyers and sellers meet. The Australian business world has approximately
2.14 million actively trading businesses that respond to the needs and wants of
around 23 million Australian customers and millions of overseas customers.
Business Studies is not a totally new subject to you. In one sense you have been
‘studying’ business ever since you made your first purchase many years ago —
perhaps an ice-cream or lollies. That simple transaction launched you on life’s
journey as a customer — and as an integral part of the business world. As a high
school student, perhaps you have even operated your own ‘business’, mowing
neighbours’ lawns, washing windows or setting up a stall at a local community
market. You may be employed on a part-time basis and work in a local store or
fast-food outlet — both examples of business enterprises.
FIGURE 1.3 Developing an understanding of the world of business will help you in so many ways.
Businesses, through the many products (goods and services) they make and sell, have
an enormous impact on our lives every day. They influence how we live, work and play.
• Businesses play a crucial role in our society, largely determining our standard of
• Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) make up about 98 per cent of all businesses
in Australia.
• The one common feature shared by both the largest and the smallest business
is that they produce a product — goods or service — which is sold in a market
BizWORD where buyers and sellers meet.
A business can be defined as the • Businesses have an enormous impact on our lives every day.
organised effort of individuals to
produce and sell, for a profit, the
products that satisfy individuals’ 1.2 The nature of a business
needs and wants.
There is one thing people have in common — they all have needs and wants.
A product is a good or service that
can be bought or sold. They need food to eat, clothes to wear and houses to live in. Most of us also want
Goods are items that can be seen or
Blu-ray players, tablets, smart phones and cars — if only for the pleasure they give
touched. to us. To satisfy these never-ending wants is the role of business. A business can be
Services are things done for you by defined as the organised effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a profit, the
others. products (goods and services) that satisfy individuals’ needs and wants.
To satisfy the needs and wants of its customers, the business has to produce
the products the customers demand. By producing these products for sale on
the market, the business hopes to achieve a number of goals. Making a profit is
perhaps the most basic of these.
Management — coordinating
the business’s limited resources
to achieve specific goals (e.g.
the owner buys a new machine
that makes coffee faster and
saves on labour)
Organising natural,
Production — capital and human
creating products resources (e.g. separate
(e.g. new reproduction rosters are drawn up for
furniture line is created the employees who work
featuring chairs with a in the ‘Eats’ café and the
‘well worn’ look) antiques section) BizFACT
It is possible to calculate the value
of production within an economy.
The money value of all the finished
products produced in Australia during
Marketing products
Distributing goods and one year is called the gross domestic
(e.g. online
services (products) (e.g. product (GDP). This measurement
store established
the owner employs a is used as an indicator of Australia’s
to show full range of
delivery business to economic growth. Investigate the
antiques available)
transport antiques to trend in Australia’s GDP over the
various customers past decade.
at a cost)
Controlling production
— quantity and quality
(e.g. café manager
Planning finances,
seeks feedback from
production and business
needs (e.g. permission
sought from local council to
have tables on footpath)
Forecasting sales, expenses
and profit (e.g. café changes
to a supplier providing
cheaper coffee)
FIGURE 1.5 The main activities undertaken by this business, an antiques dealer with an
on-site café, include more than selling furniture and serving coffee.
1 Identify the one common feature shared by all businesses.
2 Summarise how Business Studies can help you better perform the roles of consumer,
employee, business owner and investor.
3 Outline the role of business.
4 Define the term ‘business’.
5 Identify two goods and two services you recently purchased to satisfy a need or a want.
Next to each one write the name of the business from which you bought the product.
6 Define the term ‘finished products’.
7 Explain why production is regarded as the most important business activity.
8 Gordon Su is the owner of a jewellery store specialising in handmade necklaces and
bracelets. Read about his daily business activities (in the first column of the table below)
then complete the table to demonstrate each business activity Gordon undertakes to
operate his business successfully. The first example has been completed for you.
Marketing products
Distributing goods
9 Reflect on what you have learned so far. State how this information would influence
you if you were intending to start a business.
1 As a class, discuss the statement: ‘The one thing I’ve learnt about surviving in
business is that it’s important to learn from past mistakes — and the more mistakes
you make the more you learn.’ (Richard Branson, British entrepreneur, founder and
CEO of Virgin Group)
2 Construct a clippings file of magazine and newspaper articles dealing with various
aspects of business and its importance to the Australian economy. Select five articles
and paste them onto a sheet of paper. Underneath each article prepare a 12–15 line
3 Construct a series of flowcharts to show the interrelationship between producers and
Wealth Incomes
Business activity results Businesses provide
in higher levels of income to business
economic growth owners/shareholders
and wealth. and employees.
Entrepreneurship Choice
and risk Consumers have
Businesses provide freedom of choice
individuals with the and the opportunity
opportunity to turn to purchase products
Through research and
their ideas and at competitive prices.
development, existing
passions into a
products are improved
and new products
are created.
The main activity of a business is to sell products to its customers. A business
receives money (sales revenue) from its customers in exchange for products. It
must also pay out money to cover the numerous expenses involved in operating BizWORD
the business. If the business’s sales revenue is greater than its operating expenses, Revenue is the money a business
it has earned a profit. More specifically, profit is what remains after all business receives as payment for its products.
expenses have been deducted from the business’s sales revenue (see figure 1.7). Operating expenses are all the costs
of running the business except the
Sales revenue cost of goods sold.
Profit is what remains after all
business expenses have been deducted
from sales revenue.
A negative profit, which results when
a business’s expenses are greater than
its sales revenue, is called a loss.
BizFACT Businesses have another important role to play. To be able to purchase products,
Many small business owners aim consumers need money. They usually earn that money by working at jobs provided
to continue their business so as by businesses.
to provide employment for family The number of employees hired by a business at any time will largely depend on
members. Do you think this trend will the nature of the products and the number of customers who wish to purchase the
continue? Explain why.
products. Generally, the more that is sold the more employees a business will hire.
Large businesses employ thousands of people within their organisations.
However, the SME sector is a major source of employment in Australia,
accounting for about 70 per cent of all private (non-government) sector employment
— approximately 8 million people. In fact, the SME sector has been the major
generator of new jobs since the mid 1980s. People are employed in many different
businesses, as can be seen in table 1.1.
Income is money received by a
person for providing his or her labour, Incomes
or a business from a return on its
Another important function of business is to provide income. For an individual, income
is the amount of money received for providing his or her labour. A business’s income is
A wage is money received by workers,
usually on a weekly basis, for services
the amount it earns after covering all of its expenses: a return on its investments.
they provide to an employer. Many businesses require staff to conduct their operations. These employees
A salary is a fixed amount of money provide their labour and in return receive either a:
paid on a regular basis, usually • wage: money received by workers, usually on a weekly basis, for services they
fortnightly or monthly, to a permanent provide to an employer
employee of a business. • salary: a fixed amount of money paid on a regular basis, usually fortnightly or
monthly, to a permanent employee of a business.
This means that part of the money received from the sale of the business’s
products is divided among the workers who contributed to their production.
A business receives money from the sale of its products. As previously outlined, BizWORD
this is called sales revenue. From this revenue, all the expenses incurred in operating Shareholders are people who are
the business must be deducted. The amount that remains is the business’s profit. part owners of a company because
This becomes the business owner’s property and consequently their income. they own a number of shares.
If the business is a private or public company, it will have many owners referred A dividend is part of a business’s
to as shareholders. (A share is a part ownership of a company.) Usually, some or profit that is divided among
all of a company’s profit is divided among shareholders. This type of income is shareholders.
called a dividend.
The amount of income a business can generate as wages and salaries, profits or
dividends, depends largely on how successful it is in selling its products. A business
that is aware of what consumers desire and attempts to satisfy this demand will
experience increasing sales. This provides the business with the opportunity to
offer higher income payments to employees, business owners and shareholders.
BizWORD Choice
Choice is the act of selecting among Choice is the act of selecting among alternatives. For instance, you decide to
alternatives. purchase a new toothbrush. At the local supermarket you find a bewildering array
of brands, designs, colours, shapes, textures, packaging, bristle arrangements, sizes
and prices. A vast assortment of options — and all for the simple task of brushing
your teeth.
In our society, consumers have freedom of choice and the opportunity to purchase
a variety of products at competitive prices. An average supermarket will have on
display approximately 20 000 product lines, with some hypermarkets carrying in
BizFACT excess of 40 000 lines. Freedom of choice exists when consumers can ‘shop around’
Most businesses usually offer a range and select from a range of competitors’ products. The more competition there is, the
of products as this will increase profits greater the choice available to consumers. Businesses competing with one another
in the long term. are responsible for the wide range of products in the shops. Every day thousands of
businesses are producing products for specific sections of the overall market.
The definition of innovation may vary, but it generally refers to the process of
creating a new or significantly improved product, service or process (way of doing
something). Invention refers to the development of something that is totally new,
but innovation and invention both result in something unique being created. You BizWORD
might have seen the television program New inventors, where Australian inventors Innovation is either creating a
are given the opportunity to showcase their invention and receive feedback from new product, service or process, or
a panel of judges. In 2010, the invention of the year was EVestG, which is a new significantly improving an existing one.
technique that measures the patterns of electrical activity in the brain, allowing
doctors to detect mental and neurological illnesses more quickly than ever before.
Correctly diagnosing mental illness is a worldwide problem, so this new invention
is a medical breakthrough.
Ideas for new products, or development of and improvements to existing
products, will often provide the opportunity for the establishment of a new BizFACT
business. Many small business concepts are an innovation on an existing product. Vegemite is an example of a
Blu-ray players and tablet computers, for example, came into existence in the great Australian invention. Food
same way as light bulbs and car tyres — that is, through people making technical entrepreneur Fred Walker hired a
food chemist to create an edible
advances with established products. Sometimes, a person has an idea for a totally
substance out of brewer’s yeast.
new product, an invention, which will satisfy a need that is not presently being Vegemite wasn’t an instant success
satisfied. Patents are legal protection for the exclusive right to commercially exploit though, and Fred tried a number of
an invention. tactics to convince the consumer of
The way we listen to music has been the subject of innovation over the last the value of his product. By the late
1930s, Vegemite was accepted as an
century or more. Prior to the invention of the first phonograph by Thomas Edison
Australian product that was a valuable
in 1877, the only way people had been able to listen to music was through live source of vitamins.
performance. Edison’s invention involved playing music that had been recorded on
cylinders, but these were eventually superseded by discs in the 1920s. Tape recording
was developed in the 1930s and 1940s, with the cassette tape appearing in 1964.
Compact discs came onto the market in 1982. Since the 1990s digital recording
techniques have allowed for music to be downloaded from the internet, stored on
computer hard drives and on solid-state devices such as iPods and USB flash drives.
New technological developments soon lead to new products, new markets and new BizWORD
business opportunities. In the same way, many SMEs undertaking research and Research and development (R&D)
development (R&D) have produced many new products that we take for granted. is a set of activities undertaken to
SMEs generally display a consistently positive attitude towards innovation. They improve existing products, create new
products and improve production.
constantly research, develop and test new ideas and products. Many SMEs are built
on product innovation.
SNAPSHOT describe it as a sports-loving nation that enjoys an outdoor lifestyle. Of course, the
country is Australia! However, if we examine another list of inventions — penicillin, IVF
freezing technique, cochlear implant (hearing implant), ultrasound technology, black box
flight recorder, flu vaccine — then Australia could also be seen as a nation of scientists.
What these two lists reveal is that Australians are very innovative. According to the
Australian Innovation System Report 2013, Australia ranks from seventh to twentieth
of 141 OECD countries on most indicators of innovation activities, including business
expenditure on research and development (R&D), generosity of tax treatment for
business R&D, patenting, and non-technological innovation.
Innovation and invention can lead to the establishment of a business based on the
development of new or improved products or services. Converting an innovative idea
into a business concept often requires the creativity and risk taking of an entrepreneur.
Success is something the following Australian small business owners achieved.
• Entrepreneur John Parselle developed a system called Fingerscan, which allows
people to make electronic transactions or gain access to high security areas
by pressing a finger on a flat piece of glass. Everyone has a unique set of
fingerprints, and Fingerscan can identify individual customers or employees.
• Greenspan Technology on Queensland’s Darling Downs has grown to rapidly
become one of the world’s leading water quality monitoring instrumentation
companies. It makes a wide range of sensors and water quality analysers for
the water and wastewater markets. Patrick Harmon established Greenspan in
1991. Over the past years, Greenspan has established strong relationships with
Australian universities and research institutes to access leading-edge technological
innovations in water quality monitoring.
• About 15 years ago, Gary Leech started toying with the idea of producing handcooked
❛ Australians are very potato chips. Using a domestic deep fryer, he experimented with varieties of potatoes,
different oil temperatures and different slice thickness. From this humble beginning
innovative.❜ sprang the enormously successful Kettle Chips. When Gary Leech and his partners sold
the business to Arnott’s Biscuits, Kettle Chips had a turnover of $18 million.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify some Australian inventions.
2. Outline what is required to convert an innovative idea into a business
3. Select an Australian innovation and explain the benefits of that innovation to
both the business and society.
Bill Gates topped the Forbes list of the
world's richest billionaires again in
2014 with a net worth of $76 billion.
He has held the top spot for 15 of the
last 20 years.
On a smaller scale, but just as successful, is soft tissue therapist Andrew Curry,
owner of Miracle Massage, which operates in the country town of Goulburn. Andrew
established the business in April 2001 when he was only 22 years of age. He operated
the business while concurrently working part-time at the Australian Institute of Sport
(AIS). Andrew’s experience of soft tissue therapy in private practice and in this elite
sports environment, laid the foundation for the clinic’s unique treatment methods.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the main entrepreneurial characteristics exhibited by Andrew Curry.
2. Recall the factors that prompted Andrew to establish his own business.
3. Outline whether you agree with Andrew when he says that an entrepreneur
should take only moderate risks rather than high risks.
4. Account for the success of Miracle Massage.
5. Discuss why it is important for Andrew to maintain an ethical business.
6. Predict what may happen to Andrew’s business over the next five years.
The more that is produced the more wealth is generated within the Australian
economy. The thousands of individual businesses operating every day act as the
‘engine room’ of society, helping drive the economy forward to achieve greater
levels of economic growth and wealth.
During normal operations, a business receives money from its customers in
exchange for products. At the same time it must also pay out money to other
businesses to cover operating expenses. Operating expenses are the costs involved
in the day-to-day operation of the business. The difference between the two
amounts, the value added, represents the wealth (profit) created by the business.
This wealth is then redistributed to employees, governments, lenders, owners/
shareholders and the business itself (see figure 1.12).
Taxes such as income
tax, payroll tax, fringe
benefits tax and goods
and services tax
Quality of life
In our society most people want more than the bare necessities; they want to
achieve the highest standard of living possible. Overall, we have high expectations
about what our economy should provide for us. However, we often want more
than simply to have our material wants satisfied. We also desire a high degree of BizWORD
quality in our lives. Quality of life refers to the overall wellbeing of an individual, Quality of life refers to the overall
and is a combination of both material and non-material benefits. wellbeing of an individual, and is a
For example, we desire to have leisure time for hobbies and recreation. Our combination of both material and
non-material benefits.
quality of life is improved by having access to a number of non-material products
such as fresh air and clean water, unpolluted earth, conservation of wildlife
and protection from toxic sources. Consumers have become increasingly
concerned about waste disposal, the greenhouse effect and the destruction of
unique habitats.
Many businesses have responded to quality-of-life issues and are implementing
environmentally friendly procedures, for example recycled materials, cleaner cars,
less energy-consuming production and ‘green’ food products. Because business
activities play a vital role in our lives, businesses have a responsibility to help
provide what consumers want and to minimise what they do not want.
• Research and development (R&D) leads to innovation (the creation of new
products, services or processes, or the improvement of existing ones).
• People who transform their ideas into a new business are called entrepreneurs.
They are prepared to take the risk of starting and operating a business venture in
the hope of making a profit.
• An entrepreneur’s drive and motivation to establish and operate a business lie at
the heart of our private economic system.
• Business is a major creator of wealth within the Australian economy.
• Businesses produce a vast range of products that enable us to satisfy many and
varied wants, which results in a higher standard of living.
• Quality of life refers to the wellbeing of an individual, and is a combination of
material and non-material benefits.
1 Recall the main activity of a business.
2 Describe the relationship between revenue, operating expenses and profit.
3 Calculate which of the following businesses has made a profit.
(a) Sally’s Pet Shop has expenses of $2000 per week and revenue earned is $3500 per
(b) Ben’s Gardening Supplies takes revenue of $6000 each week for a month, but has
weekly expenses of $7000 the first week, $8000 the second and third week, and
$3000 for the fourth week.
Term Meaning
A. Income
B. Wage
D. Shareholder
7 Define the term ‘choice’. Explain how businesses encourage freedom of choice.
8 Outline the role innovation plays within our economy.
9 Outline the role of the entrepreneur in our economic system.
10 Explain why people take risks.
11 Describe the two main risks associated with operating a business.
12 Identify the entrepreneurial characteristics that Yolanda Zurack, Bill Gates and
Andrew Curry have in common.
13 Assess your own entrepreneurial ability by completing the following questionnaire.
Question Yes No
Types of businesses
2.1 Introduction
As explained in chapter 1, any organisation that sells goods and services to
consumers in order to make a profit is a business.
Businesses may be organised in a variety of ways. Although no two businesses are
identical, some common features that allow similar business types to be classified
and grouped together. Figure 2.1 illustrates the four methods commonly used to
classify businesses.
Sole trader
Legal structure Size
enterprise Medium
Industry sector
TABLE 2.1 Quantitative measurements and qualitative descriptions of small, medium and
large businesses
Number of employees Fewer than 20 employees 20−199 employees 200 or more employees
according to the
Australian Bureau of
Statistics (ABS) business
register definition
Type of ownership Independently owned and Owned and operated by a Owned usually by thousands
operated by usually one or two few people and/or private of public shareholders
people shareholders
Decision making Owner responsible for majority Owner basically responsible Complex decision making, due
of decisions; simple and quick for majority of decisions; more to division of responsibilities
implementation of decisions complicated decision making among directors, senior and
with slower implementation, middle management; possibly
due to influence of directors slow implementation of
decisions, due to the layers of
Sources of finance Owner (usually from own savings Owners’/partners’ own Many sources, including
or a loan); difficulty in accessing savings or a loan and/or cash reserves, retained
loans private shareholders; easier profit, sale of shares, and
accessibility to larger loans loans from domestic and
overseas institutions
Market share Small, usually local area; not Medium, due to dominance Large, especially for
dominant in the industry within a geographic region; multinational corporations
some market dominance that dominate the markets
of many countries
Consider the suburb or town in which you live. This area can be classified as your
local community or neighbourhood — that is, a group of people living and working
in the same locality. The consolidation of all these local communities is what forms
the nation of Australia. Now, broaden your scope even further. Australia is just one BizWORD
of the 195 independent nations that are part of the global network. Geographical spread is the presence
Businesses, too, can be classified as local, national or global according to their of a business and the range of its
products across a suburb, city, state or
geographical spread: the presence of a business and the range of its products
country or the globe.
across a suburb, city, state, country or the globe.
A local business, such as a newsagent, corner store, hairdresser, mechanic or
pharmacy, has a very restricted geographical spread. It serves the surrounding area
and is in no position to offer a range of products to another suburb or town. Local
businesses such as these will frequently be used by consumers who live nearby.
A local business has a very restricted
The majority of local businesses tend to be small to medium in size. geographical spread; it serves the
surrounding area.
As a business grows, it increases its range of products and the area it serves. As it
does this, it develops into a national business — one that operates within just one
country. Coles, for example, commenced trading in 1914 as G.J. Coles variety store BizWORD
in Collingwood, Victoria. Started by George Coles and his brother Jim, it employed A national business is one that
six people. Today, Coles is a leader in Australian food retailing, with more than operates within just one country.
99 000 employees and over 19 million customer transactions a week.
As a national business expands and increases its sales, it will eventually run out
of new customers to sell to; that is, the domestic market becomes saturated. If the
business wishes to keep expanding, it can decide to export and sell its products in
BizWORD other countries. This allows the business to tap into new markets.
A global business, commonly
referred to as a multinational
corporation, is a large company
that has branches in many different A global business, commonly referred to as a multinational corporation, is a
countries. large company that has branches in many different countries. The multinational
corporation represents the highest level of involvement in global business.
• Businesses can be classified as small, medium or large.
• Their classification will depend on such things as number of employees, market
share, ownership and who makes the decisions.
• A micro business (usually a SOHO) employs fewer than five people (including
the owner).
• Businesses can also be classified as local, national or global according to their
geographical spread.
• A local business has a very restricted geographical spread; it serves its surrounding
• A national business operates in just one country.
• A global business — a transnational corporation (TNC) — is a large business
with a home base in one country that operates partially owned or wholly owned
businesses in other countries.
1 Deduce whether the following businesses are small, medium or large, and explain
the reason for your decision.
(a) Qantas employs approximately 37 000 people.
(b) National Australia Bank is an international financial services organisation that
has customers in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the United Kingdom and the
United States.
(c) Brookfarm is owned by Carolyn and Martin Brook. It produces gourmet macadamia
nuts for domestic and export markets, and employs more than 20 staff.
(d) Ripe Maternity Wear was started by two friends in 1996 to manufacture
contemporary maternity clothes. It supplies clothes worldwide, employing no
more than 20 staff.
2 Determine whether the following statements are true or false.
(a) A micro business is a business that sells only miniature products.
(b) SME stands for small to medium enterprise.
(c) Small businesses do not usually have a large share of a particular market.
(d) According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, large businesses employ fewer
than 200 people.
(e) SMEs do not play an especially important role within the Australian economy.
(f) An enterprise is just another name for a business.
3 Complete the following statements by determining the correct word from the
choices given. Write the sentences in your notebook.
(a) According to the ABS, a business with fewer than 200/300 employees is classified
as a medium-sized business.
(b) A common feature of all small businesses is that they are independently/
interdependently owned and operated.
(c) Small businesses have a complex/simple management structure with few/many
rules and regulations.
1 Construct a database of seven businesses that you have dealt with over the last few
months. Copy and then complete the following table. The first one has been done
for you.
Size: small,
Business name Business activity medium, large
The relative size of each industry sector is shown in table 2.2. This table shows both
the percentage of private sector firms and the employment in each industry sector.
TABLE 2.2 Industry size — percentage of firms and employment by industry sector, 2010
Tertiary industry
Businesses in the tertiary industry provide a service. Tertiary industry involves
people performing a vast range of services for other people. Examples include
retailers, dentists, solicitors, banks, museums and health workers.
Tertiary industry involves performing
a service for other people.
Use the Primary, secondary
and tertiary industries
weblink in your eBookPLUS
to discover more about
these industries in the past
compared to what they
are today.
Quinary industry
Quinary industry includes all services that have traditionally been performed in the
home. Examples include hospitality, tourism, craft-based activities and childcare. It
BizWORD includes both paid and unpaid work.
Quinary industry includes all services
that have traditionally been performed
in the home.
• An industry consists of businesses that are involved in similar types of production.
• Primary industry — businesses involved in collection of natural resources.
• Secondary industry — production of finished or semi-finished goods.
• Tertiary industry — performing a service.
• Quaternary industry — services that involve the transfer and processing of
information and knowledge.
• Quinary industry — services that have traditionally been performed in the
1 Distinguish between a business and an industry.
2 Refer to table 2.2. Propose reasons why the primary sector accounts for only 4 per
cent of total employment whereas the tertiary sector accounts for 77 per cent of total
employment. Discuss what this tells you about future employment prospects within
the two sectors.
3 Construct a mind map summarising the five industry sectors. Provide examples for
each sector. The concept map has already been started for you.
Primary Tertiary
• Providing something
that has been
provided by nature
• Examples – farming,
Quinary Quaternary
4 In your notebook construct a table with five columns. At the top of the columns put
the headings Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary and Quinary. From the list of
businesses, determine the correct column for its particular industry group and write
in its name. The first one has been done for you.
5 Outline reasons for the growth in the tertiary sector over the past 50 years.
1 (a) Construct a flowchart showing the industry sectors involved in the production of
a car.
(b) Analyse the relationship between the various sectors.
2 (a) Construct a list of tertiary jobs that are essential for the production of a:
(i) television game show
(ii) local newspaper
(iii) hi-fi system, bought at an electronics store.
(b) Place the letters ‘Qt’ next to those jobs that would be classified as quaternary and
the letters ‘Qn’ for those jobs in the quinary sector.
(c) Deduce what your list reveals.
3 Investigate why the quinary sector has included in it unpaid, voluntary jobs.
Private Public
Sole trader Partnership
company company
Unincorporated Incorporated
FIGURE 2.11 The four main legal structures of privately owned businesses
Unincorporated enterprise
(sole trader, partnership)
Incorporated enterprise
(privately or publicly owned
42.5% companies and cooperatives)
FIGURE 2.12 Business structure for
small businesses in Australia
Source: Data derived from ABS, Counts of
Australian business operators 2011−12,
cat. no. 8175.0, table 2.2.
• Personal (unlimited)
Advantages liability for business
• End of business when
• Low cost of entry owner dies
• Simplest form • Difficult to operate if sick
• Complete control • Need to carry all losses
• Less costly to operate • Burden of management Weblink
• No partner disputes • Need to perform wide Use the Sole trader weblink
• Owner’s right to keep variety of tasks in your eBookPLUS to find
all profits • Difficulty in raising out more about sole trader
• Less government finance for expansion
• No tax on profits, only
on personal income
• The four main legal structures of privately owned businesses are sole traders,
partnerships, private companies and public companies.
• Privately owned business structures can be either unincorporated or incorporated.
• A business that is incorporated becomes a separate legal entity from the owner/s.
• A sole trader — an unincorporated business entity — is a business that is owned
and operated by one person and has unlimited liability.
A partnership is a legal business structure that is owned and operated by between BizWORD
two and 20 people. There are exceptions to this number, including medical A partnership is a legal business
practitioners and stockbrokers (allowed up to 50 partners); veterinarians, architects structure that is owned and operated
by between two and 20 people with
the aim of making a profit.
1 (a) Explain why limited partnerships were introduced into some states of Australia.
(b) Examine the regulations that apply to limited partnerships.
2 Suppose you are a part-time employee working for a sole trader. The owner
has offered you a 35 per cent partnership and you are going to accept. Create
a list of questions you should ask the owner before you sign the partnership
3 Arrange to interview a partner of a local business. Investigate the following topics.
(a) The number of people in the partnership
(b) The advantages of the partnership
(c) Contents of the partnership agreement
(d) A brief history of the business.
4 ‘An effective partnership is one in which the partners always agree on all matters
related to the business.’ Assess the accuracy of this statement.
Proprietary (private) companies
A proprietary (private) company is
A proprietary (private) company is the most common type of company structure
an incorporated business and usually in Australia, and usually has between two and 50 private shareholders. Private
has between two and 50 private companies often tend to be small to medium-sized, family-owned businesses.
shareholders. Shares in a proprietary company are only offered to those people the business
wishes to have as part-owners. Shareholders can only sell their shares to people
Snapshot questions
1. Outline the factors that compel some sole traders to change to a company
2. Describe the advantages of a company structure.
Public companies
The shares for public companies are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange,
and the general public may buy and sell shares in those companies.
Government enterprises
Government enterprises are government-owned and operated. (They are also
known as government business enterprises — GBEs.) Although only small in Weblink
number — approximately 5000 — they are typically large, and include some of the Use the Australian
largest employers of people in Australia. GBEs are owned and operated by all levels Securities Exchange
of government: federal, state and local. Examples include NSW Trains, Country weblink in your eBookPLUS
to browse the public
Energy, Medibank Private and Australia Post (see the following Snapshot). They companies listed on the ASX.
are often referred to as public sector businesses and provide essential community
services such as health, education, roads and welfare.
Government business enterprises are established by an Act of Parliament to carry
out a function specified in detail in that Act. The Act defines the GBE’s powers and
functions. The government either wholly or partially owns GBEs.
Beginning in the early 1980s, a wave of privatisation — the selling of
government controlled businesses to private investors — began to take place in BizWORD
most industrialised economies. Australia followed this trend. During the 1990s, Government enterprises are
the federal government privatised a number of public sector businesses including: government-owned and operated
• AUSSAT — domestic satellite operator (now called Optus)
Privatisation is the process of
• Qantas — international airline carrier transferring the ownership of
• Commonwealth Bank — financial services a government business to the
• Telstra — telecommunications. private sector.
Due to the process of privatisation, these organisations changed their legal
structure from GBE to public company. The rationale behind this practice is
that economic efficiency is increased by transferring enterprises away from
the public sector to the private sector. It is argued by some that privately
owned and organised business enterprises will be more efficient and profitable
than GBEs.
Snapshot questions
1. Discuss the legal structure of Australia Post.
2. Explain how Australia Post is adjusting to the digital economy.
• All companies are incorporated enterprises.
• In limited liability companies, the most money a shareholder can lose is the
amount they paid for their shares.
Use the Australia Post
weblink in your eBookPLUS
• A proprietary (private) company usually has fewer than 50 shareholders and
to find out more about must have the words ‘proprietary limited’ (Pty Ltd) after its name.
Australia Post. • The shares for a public company are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
• A public company must have the word ‘limited’ or ‘Ltd’ in its name.
• Government enterprises are government-owned and operated and provide
essential community services.
• Due to privatisation some government enterprises have become public companies.
1 Select a public company from the share page of a newspaper or the internet. Purchase
a ‘virtual’ parcel of 5000 shares in this company and plot the price movements over a
two-month period. Evaluate the performance of your share parcel over this period.
2 Arrange to interview the owner of a local private company. Create a report outlining
the information listed below.
(a) The full name of the business
(b) A brief history of the business
(c) The business’s main activity
(d) Why the owner decided to incorporate
(e) The expenses involved in setting up and operating a private company
(f) The main problems involved in operating the business
(g) The long-term plans the owner has for the business
(h) What changes the owner would like to make to the organisation and operation of
the business.
3 A friend has decided to establish a new restaurant. She asks you to advise her on the
most appropriate legal structure.
(a) Construct a list of questions that you would ask her.
(b) Recommend the most appropriate legal structure suitable to your friend’s situation
and justify your recommendation.
4 In small groups, investigate the arguments for and against privatisation. Present your
arguments to the rest of the class. Compare the group’s answers.
If a business owner wishes to have complete control and ownership of a
business, then becoming a sole trader is the only realistic option. On the
other hand, if the owner wishes to share the ownership with other people,
then a partnership is the ideal legal structure. Of course, a private company
would also allow the owner to maintain a high degree of control and it
would also offer the protection of limited liability. This is because a private
company structure provides the owner with a large degree of control over
who can become a shareholder of the business. As well, in most cases the
maximum number of shareholders is restricted to 50.
Once a company floats and sells shares to the public, ownership will
be divided among thousands of small, individual shareholders and a few
institutional shareholders. The degree of ownership, then, is directly related
to the number of shares owned: more shares, more ownership. Therefore, if FIGURE 2.21 Myer, Australia’s largest
department store, floated in November 2009.
the original owner/s wished to retain ownership and control of the business, The prospectus provided details about the
they would need to hold more than 50 per cent of all the shares sold. company to existing investors.
1 Explain the general relationship between the size of a business and its legal structure.
2 Recall the purpose of a sharemarket float.
3 Define the term ‘prospectus’.
4 Outline the reasons a sole trader would be motivated to alter the legal structure to
become either a partnership or public company.
Digital doc
5 Assume you wish to establish a landscaping business. Determine which legal
Test your knowledge of key
structure/s you would choose if you wanted to:
terms by completing the
Chapter crossword in your (a) retain complete control
eBookPLUS. (b) share ownership with no more than 20 people
Searchlight: DOC-14305
(c) share ownership with no more than 50 people.
Give reasons for your answers.
6 Recall the percentage of all the shares sold that a person needs to hold in order to
own and control a company.
7 Outline how the legal structure will change as the business requires greater injections
of finance.
Digital doc
8 Investigate the possible advantages and disadvantages of venture capital as a source
Use the Chapter summary of finance. Share your answer with the rest of the class.
document in your
eBookPLUS to compile your 9 Explain why the legal structure a business starts out with may not suit its needs as it
own notes for this chapter. grows.
Searchlight: DOC-14111 10 Create a diagram showing the life cycle of a hypothetical business that expands from
small to large.
External Internal
influences influences
The factors that make up the business environment are not constant and certain.
They are continually undergoing change, and a business must keep ‘in tune’ with
the changes and adapt its operations accordingly.
Economic Financial
Markets Geographic
Technological Legal
Institutional Political
Evidence of a Evidence of an
contracting economy expanding economy
is seen with rising unemployment, is seen with falling unemployment,
decreased economic growth and increased economic growth
stabilising or falling inflation. and rising inflation.
FIGURE 3.5 The recessionary and ‘boom’ cycles. The government uses its economic policies to
stabilise the economy and reduce the fluctuations in the business cycle. It can do this by using
monetary and fiscal policies.
One important factor to consider in terms of economic cycles is that not all
businesses experience a downturn in revenue and sales during a recession; nor
do they necessarily experience an upswing in trade during a ‘boom’ period. The
businesses most susceptible to the ‘swings’ are those selling consumer or luxury
goods, as consumers will cut back on these when they reduce overall spending.
Some businesses fare very well during a recession, for example ‘bargain shops’ or
other clearance outlets.
SNAPSHOT however, have the same starting point: deliver a product or service of exceptional
quality. This means having the customer front and centre in a comprehensive
business plan that is sufficiently flexible to adjust to customers’ expectations and
enable fast implementation of innovation.
According to the annual Telstra Australian Business Awards, successful business
leaders are those with a passion for their product or service and who differentiate
themselves from competitors through the service provided to their customers. This
applies irrespective of economic conditions and small businesses can use these
qualities to their advantage.
Finding a niche is where innovation and creativity comes in. Publisher Textiles,
which won the 2009 NSW Telstra Business Award, found a niche in the market
and thrived in spite of poor economic conditions that were affecting larger
companies. At the time of winning the award, the judges were impressed with
the diversity in the company’s unique product range and the creativity of the
designers. Specialising in hand-screen printed wall coverings and fabrics, the
❛ . . . successful business began in a rented corner of a factory and sold its designs at Sydney
market stalls.
business leaders are ‘Because of our extensive experience and knowledge of the production,
together with a desire to create, it became obvious to us that we would
those with a passion someday start our own textile and wallpaper print studio’, said co-owner
for their product or Rhynie Cawood.
‘No one could understand why we would get into something so obscure and
service . . . ❜ niche, but if we wanted to have our designs sustainably produced to a high quality
we knew we would have to do it ourselves.’
The business is now more than a decade old and remains wholly Australian
owned, with a small and dedicated team who keep an eye firmly fixed on the basics.
It uses its website, blog and social media to market its product.
Snapshot questions
1. Outline what types of business are most likely to survive an economic
2. List the qualities of a successful business leader.
3. Explain the need for a flexible business plan during a downturn.
4. Analyse why niche businesses might be more successful during a downturn.
Financial influences
BizWORD There have been enormous changes in global financial markets over the past 30 years.
Deregulation is the removal of Deregulation of Australia’s financial system began in 1983 and it continues to
government regulation from industry, undergo change. This has resulted in a more flexible, market-oriented approach
with the aim of increasing efficiency
across the financial sector. A substantial number of new banking products have
and improving competition.
emerged, aimed at the business sector. The process of financial deregulation has
resulted in the opening up of the financial industry to greater competition.
A main source of finance for business is debt finance. Debt finance is significantly
influenced by the level of interest rates. As interest rates increase, businesses will
become more cautious in relation to taking on extra debt. On the other hand, as
interest rates drop, then businesses will take on more debt.
Geographical influences
Two major factors that have an enormous impact on business activity are Australia’s
geographic location within the Asia–Pacific region and the economic growth in a BizFACT
number of Asian nations, especially China. They provide challenging opportunities Financial deregulation followed the
for business expansion, sales and profit. Campbell Inquiry in the early 1980s.
It led to a reduction in government
Further changes that are likely to have a profound effect on business activity intervention in the financial system,
in Australia originate from changing demographic factors. Demography is the and an end to credit, interest rate and
study of particular features of the population, including the size of the population, exchange rate controls. The result
age, sex, income, cultural background and family size. Changes in any of these was increased competition within the
factors can lead to changes in demand levels and the nature of products and banking sector. The Wallis Report in
the mid 1990s recommended that the
services. process of deregulation be extended
A major demographic issue that has a considerable impact on businesses even further, and resulted in the
is changes in the age structure of our population. Commonly referred to as the opening up of the financial industry
‘greying’ of the Australian population, baby-boomers — people born between to greater competition.
1946 and 1964 — are now reaching retirement age, meaning that there are more
elderly people living in the community than ever before. This will cause some
skill shortages in the workforce as well as an increase in demand for age-related
services such as health and aged-care. Any change in population growth will also
have major implications for Australian businesses, as research shows there is a clear
link between population levels and economic growth (see the Snapshot on the
following page).
SNAPSHOT The National Sustainability Council’s first report predicts a near-doubling in the
number of retirees over the next 20 years, straining taxpayer spending on pensions,
health and aged care.
Council chairman John Thwaites suggested raising the retirement age as a way to
make baby boomers work longer.
Otherwise, Australia might not have enough workers to support all the retirees,
students and people on welfare.
‘The decisions and actions we take over the next 10 years will determine whether
or not the next generation of Australians will become the first in recent history to be
worse off than their parents and grandparents’, he said.
Professor Thwaites called for an ‘intergenerational discussion’ about the baby
boomers sharing their wealth with their children and grandkids.
‘The Gen X and Gen Ys will be largely the ones working and raising the money for
the baby boomers, who are the ones holding the wealth’, he said.
❛ . . . fewer Australians ‘If we have a lot of conflict, you’ll end up seeing the Gen Xs and Gen Ys saying,
will be working “We won’t pay taxes to help your health system and aged care”.’
‘People are sitting on valuable houses and their kids’ generation can’t afford it.
and paying taxes to How are they going to resolve that?’
The Sustainability Council report predicts fewer Australians will be working and
support a greying paying taxes to support a greying population.
population. ❜ The number of Australians over retirement age has been growing three times
faster than the general population over the past 30 years — and is predicted to
nearly double to 5.7 million in 20 years’ time.
‘A big challenge will be how to pay for all their health costs with a smaller
proportion of the population in the workforce’, Professor Thwaites said.
BizFACT ‘We will need to increase the participation of older workers in the workforce and
In the May 2009 Federal Budget, the
one way to do that is raising the retirement age.’
Australian government announced ‘Or you could support more flexible working conditions and encouragement or
that the age pension age would incentives for older workers.’
increase to 67 years of age from The proportion of over-65s in the workforce has nearly doubled in a decade, to
2023. It will remain at 65 for anyone one in four men and one in eight women.
born before July 1952. The first shift The report says that increasing the pension age to 70 would boost workforce
upwards in Age Pension age will participation rates by 1.4 per cent and increase economic growth by $25bn a year …
occur in 2017 when the eligibility age Source: Natasha Bita, ‘Why Australia needs you to keep working’,, 10 May 2013.
increases to 65.5 years, and then in
six-month increments every two years, Snapshot questions
until it reaches the age of 67 in 2023. 1. Identify some of the challenges Australia will face due to the increasing
number of baby boomers leaving the workforce.
2. Explain the solution put forward by the National Sustainability Council to
deal with this problem.
3. Recommend strategies that could be implemented to help deal with
Australia’s ageing population.
This process has been strengthened by the impact of globalisation: a process Globalisation is the process that
that sees people, goods, money and ideas moving around the world faster and sees people, goods, money and ideas
more cheaply than before. Globalisation, assisted by the technological revolution in moving around the world faster and
communications and computers, is radically altering the shape of world markets, more cheaply than before.
as well as the nature of business and everyday life.
Social influences
Rapid identification and response to changes in tastes, fashions and culture can
lead to sales and profit opportunities, and business growth. Failure to respond to
FIGURE 3.8 There is increasing social
social changes can threaten business stability and viability. pressure for businesses to provide
Three social issues are leading to significant change or have the potential to family friendly policies that allow
influence major change in business practices. The first concerns a growing employees to balance work and family
awareness of our vulnerable environment. Over the past decade, Australians have responsibilities more effectively.
become aware of a number of practices that lead
to deterioration in the environment. The second
social issue that is leading to significant change is
a growing desire for businesses to provide family
friendly workplaces. There is a growing belief
that businesses must support families, and the
provision of better childcare options and more
flexible hours are increasingly being considered
by businesses. Conflict between work and family
responsibilities is a key factor causing women
to leave businesses and this high turnover is
expensive for business. Consequently, businesses
have been under pressure to implement family
friendly workplace practices that assist employees
and, at the same time, reduce the associated costs
to employers.
SNAPSHOT With the growing prevalence of laptops and smartphones, work is creeping ever
further into our private lives. And Unions NSW says it is time to pull the plug.
It is calling on companies to introduce rules requiring staff to ignore emails and
leave their work phones and computers in the office when they go on leave, to stop
the invasion of work into holiday time.
The secretary of Unions NSW, Mark Lennon, said: ‘There’s a responsibility on
employers to set clear guidelines about using BlackBerrys and email and internet
during the holidays. The company’s policy should be, “When you’re on leave, you’re
on leave.”’
Mr Lennon said he also encouraged employees to break their email addiction.
‘It’s getting harder and harder to unwind and spend quality time with family
and friends, given the ever-increasing creep of email, SMS and work calls into our
personal time. If you’re taking a break … do yourself a favour: when you’re at home,
leave the iPhone alone.’
A workplace expert, Alison Barnes of Macquarie University, said the constant use
of electronic devices was ‘an insidious form of work intensification’.
❛ With the growing ‘There used to be an argument that technology was going to generate all of this
prevalence of laptops leisure time, but in fact the opposite is true — it means work never ends. There’s no
distinction between work and family life.’
and smartphones, Source: P Bibby, The Age, 29 December 2010.
Political influences
Government policies have a considerable impact on the business environment
(see figure 3.11). Major political change can lead to business uncertainty or business
confidence. As governments at all levels in Australia regularly face elections, there
is an element of politics in most major issues that affect the business environment.
A political influence that is having an enormous impact on Australian business
operations is the policy of free trade. Free trade policies mean that barriers to trade
are removed. One such barrier to free trade is a tariff: a tax levied on imported
goods. In recent years tariff rates have generally been lowered, meaning that some
businesses have been unable to compete with the cheaper imported item and have
gone out of business. Other firms have survived the removal of tariffs and compete
well with similar imported products that are sold in the Australian marketplace.
Environmental management
• Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
Government BizWORD
Australia has three levels of government: federal, state and local. Each level of Regulations are rules, laws or orders
government imposes a range of regulations on businesses to standardise and that businesses must follow.
protect their dealings with consumers and competitors.
Regulatory bodies
A regulatory body is one that is set up to monitor and review the actions of
businesses and consumers in relation to certain issues (such as advertising) and the
appropriate legislation. This is to ensure that businesses conduct themselves fairly Weblinks
in relation to the consumer, the community and other businesses. A number of Use the NSW Environment
regulatory bodies operate in New South Wales and Australia. They include: Protection Authority,
• the NSW Environment Protection Authority NSW Fair Trading, ASIC
and ACCC weblinks in
• NSW Fair Trading your eBookPLUS to visit the
• the Australian Securities and Investments Commission websites of these regulatory
• the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. bodies.
The roles of these regulatory bodies are summarised in table 3.1.
Trade and • National bodies that represent larger groups of employers (e.g. lobbying
industry government on certain issues)
associations • Examples include:
– Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)
– National Farmers’ Federation
– Australian Industry Group.
Trade unions • Main aim was to improve working conditions and pay rates.
• Union membership declined substantially in the past 20 years because of:
– new legislation that outlaws compulsory unionism
– changes to work patterns (increased part-time and casual work)
– workplace agreements
– privatisation and restructuring of union-dominated industries.
Australian • Operates a sharemarket where companies can raise funds by issuing shares
Securities in the company.
Exchange • A business lists itself with the Australian Securities Exchange to become a
public company. The main reason for this is to raise extra capital, usually FIGURE 3.14 The Australian
for expansion and development. manufacturer, Electrolux, recently
implemented an innovative custom
designed automation system to
Technological influences create their oven doors. This new
system utilises seven robots that each
Global technological innovation has increased at a remarkable pace, revolutionising perform different tasks and work
the workplace and every aspect of daily life. With appropriate technology, together to assemble the doors.
Electrolux produces 1300 cookers
businesses can increase efficiency and productivity, create new products and per day. As a result, Electrolux has
improve the quality and range of products and services. The use of hi-tech robotics reduced their cycle time to 14 seconds,
in many manufacturing industries is improving productivity, reducing operating which helps to reduce their overall
costs and eliminating many boring and repetitious tasks (see figure 3.14). Rapid costs and increase productivity.
advances in information technology (IT) have reduced
communications delays and allow suppliers and
customers to interact over great distances.
New communications technologies allow information
to be rapidly transmitted to an ever-increasing number of
customers with a speed that now makes communication
almost instantaneous. Since the introduction of fibre-
optic cables and digital information transmission in
the mid 1980s, the speed and capability of transferring
communications data has allowed businesses to
reorganise their structure and has fundamentally changed
workplace practices.
A business that wants to be locally, nationally and/
or globally competitive must adopt the appropriate
technology. If slow to use and exploit technology, a
business is likely to fail: the competition will strive to
capture greater market share and develop a sustainable
competitive advantage.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the technological influences that have had an impact on CD and
DVD stores.
2. Outline how these stores have tried to respond to these influences.
3. Identify other external factors that have influenced CD and DVD stores.
4. Recommend strategies stores like Blockbuster could implement to help
respond to these challenges.
strategies employed
by competitors
Number of competitors
The number of competitors refers to the size and number of firms that exist within BizWORD
an industry; it is also known as market concentration. There are four main types Market concentration refers to the
of market concentration (see table 3.3). number of competitors in a particular
market. There are four main types of
TABLE 3.3 Types of market concentration market concentration:
• a monopoly — is complete
Types of market concentration by one firm in the
concentration Features/characteristics Example industry, e.g. Australia Post
Monopoly • Complete concentration by one firm in the industry Australia Post • an oligopoly — where a small
• Firm has the ability to decide the price of the NSW Trains number of larger firms have a
good or service because there are no competitors greater control over a market,
(i.e. the firm is the price maker) e.g. car manufacturers
• Customer has no influence over the price • monopolistic competition —
charged. i.e. the customer is the price taker. where there is a large number of
buyers and sellers in a particular
Oligopoly • Consists of a small number of larger firms that Banks market, e.g. local retailing shops
dominate the market Oil companies • perfect competition — where
• Are able to stay in control of the market Car there is a large number of small
because they spend large amounts of money on manufacturers firms that sell similar products. They
advertising and this enables them to restrict the are unable to differentiate products
entry of new competitors to the market. from each other and so can only use
Monopolistic • Most common type of market in Australia Clothing price as a way of achieving market
competition • Large number of buyers and sellers manufacturers share, e.g. fruit and vegetable
• The goods and services sold are differentiated Local retailing growers.
from competitors using methods such as
packaging, advertising, brand names and quality.
Perfect • Large number of small businesses that sell Fruit and
competition products that are the same or similar vegetable
• Very little advertising is used to increase market growers
• The only way to achieve market share is through
price competition.
Ease of entry
Ease of entry refers to the ability of a person (or persons) to establish a business
within a particular industry. The ease of entry will be determined by the type of
market concentration. When there are many small firms (perfect competition and
Changes in financial/capital markets
Finance (capital) is now more mobile and flows relatively easily between countries,
especially since the 1970s when many countries phased out their controls on BizFACT
foreign exchange trading. As a result, international financial flows have expanded The following stock market index
very rapidly over the last three decades. Consequently, the world capital market is measurements have become familiar
now more integrated than ever before. segments in our news programs — a
Capital flows to those countries where the investment opportunities and returns reflection of the free flow of capital:
are favourable. It is now much easier for individuals and businesses to access the Japanese Nikkei Index, Hong
Kong Hang Seng Index, English FTSE
overseas share markets and purchase equity in foreign companies. (Financial Times Stock Exchange) Index
and United States NASDAQ (National
Changes in labour markets Association of Securities Dealers
The labour market has not been ‘freed up’ to the same degree as other markets. Automated Quotation System).
If anything, the labour market has become less global in the last 60 years.
However, two trends in the labour market have resulted in the movement of
workers. First, the movement of large numbers of temporary skilled migrant
workers has been very important in Australia, Europe and Asia. For example, large
numbers of unskilled Turkish and Filipino workers work in numerous countries.
Second, the growing demand for highly trained employees means that such people
are increasingly mobile.
1 Explain the impact each of the external influences has on a business and how the
business’s management responds. The first factor has been completed for you.
Political influences Elected governments at all Must comply with the laws
levels in Australia regulate and regulations introduced
markets and have the by governments
power to make or change
Products Location Management Resources
Product influences
Product influences affect a range of internal structures and operations within the
business. The main product influences on a business are as follows.
1. The type of goods and services produced will affect the internal operations of a
business. If the goods are physically large or require many raw material inputs,
there will need to be structures in place to organise and monitor the processes
involved in production. In contrast, a service may be delivered by a home-based
business or a franchise business, such as Jim’s Mowing, and will influence the
internal structures or processes differently.
The range of goods and services refers to the number produced by the business.
The larger the number, the more internal impact it will have on the business as
it will need to expand operations and internal structures to accommodate the
changes. Companies such as Coca-Cola have continually expanded their product
range over the last 20 years, and this has meant that internal changes to operations
and management have been necessary to allow this expansion to occur.
2. Product influence will be reflected in the type of business (service, manufacturer
or retailer). Internally, a service provider will be structured differently to a
manufacturer or retailer, and the influences will vary. Some goods or services
require extensive preparation, while others are merely deliverers. Consider the
difference between the product influences of a clothing manufacturer and that of
a clothing retailer.
3. The size of the business, as previously mentioned, will be based on the range
and type of goods and services produced, the level of technology utilised, and
the volume of goods and services produced. The larger the business the more
goods and services being produced, which will in turn influence the internal
FIGURE 3.19 Location must
structures and operations of the business. A café will operate at a different scale be considered carefully when
to a club bistro and therefore the influence on business functions will be relative. commencing a business.
Location influences
Location can make the difference between success and failure. A good location is
an asset and will lead to high levels of sales and profits. A bad location is a liability
that adversely affects sales and profits.
The choice of location is therefore important. This is particularly true for retail
and service-oriented businesses, which need a constant flow of people walking past BizWORD
the store — the passing trade — and thus need to be located in a shopping centre, A complementary business is one
mall or main street. Locating next to complementary businesses may be beneficial that sells a similar range of goods and
because more customers may be attracted to a single site, as demonstrated by the services.
clustering of retail outlets.
Each individual small business must satisfy its own criteria when deciding on
the ‘best’ location. Figure 3.21 outlines the factors to consider when choosing a
Proximity to Cost
support services
Proximity to Proximity to
customers suppliers
The factors in figure 3.21 vary in importance from business to business, and
depend on a business’s main activity. To understand each factor, it is necessary
to consider the differences in a location decision for a retail business (such as a
clothing store or café) and for a non-retail business (such as manufacturing or
For a retail business, location is extremely important to its overall success. The
location must be convenient for potential customers and central to customers’ own
location — that is, the business must have passing customer traffic.
If a business is not visible, customers may not make the effort to find the business
and optimum customer flow will not be achieved. A business wanting high
visibility would locate in a prime shopping area such as a shopping centre or main
street. Companies concerned with manufacturing would not consider this to be
a crucial consideration, so may choose a low-visibility location ‘out of town’ and
then advertise their location to appropriate customers.
Cost is another factor to consider when determining the location of a business.
Leasing or purchasing a central location in a busy shopping centre will be far more
expensive than in a location with lower levels of passing customer traffic. If the
business relies on passing customer traffic and maximum exposure, then the cost
factor is unavoidable. These types of businesses include coffee shops or cafés, fast
food outlets and retail shops. The business owner will need to be confident of
generating sufficient business to justify the higher cost.
On the other hand, location may not be a key consideration if the business
does not rely on passing customer traffic. Such businesses search for a low-cost
site, especially if they are related to manufacturing and require large premises.
These types of businesses include mechanics, car yards, equipment hire, and even
solicitors and doctors.
Given the rapid changes in technology, many businesses do not consider their
location as important at all. They are able to communicate with their customer
base through computers, especially with the internet (which has become the
fastest growing avenue for consumer sales). These types of businesses include
telemarketers or businesses that wish to sell their products via the Web.
Proximity to suppliers
Proximity to suppliers is an important consideration for some businesses but not
others. The main issue is the size and quantity of the raw materials needed for
Proximity to customers
The importance of proximity to customers depends on the type of business being
established. A retail business must be convenient for their customers and locate
close to their customer base, so shopping centres or a shopping strip with off-street
parking will be the primary choice. A manufacturing or wholesaling business may
decide it is more cost effective to transport the product to the customer, particularly
if bulky raw materials are needed. Other location cost factors could include leasing
costs in ‘prime shopping areas’, incentives offered by local councils and general
overheads such as rates or utilities.
Resource influences
BizWORD The four main resources available to a business are:
Human resources are the employees • Human resources. These are the employees of the business and are generally its
of the business and are generally its most important asset.
most important asset. • Information resources. These resources include the knowledge and data
Information resources include the required by the business such as market research, sales reports, economic
knowledge and data required by the
forecasts, technical material and legal advice.
business, such as market research,
sales reports, economic forecasts, • Physical resources include equipment, machinery, buildings and raw materials.
technical material and legal advice. • Financial resources are the funds the business uses to meet its obligations to
Physical resources include various creditors.
equipment, machinery, buildings and Although the quantity and quality of these resources varies amongst businesses, it
raw materials. is by combining them that all the goods and services demanded by consumers are
Financial resources are the funds the produced.
business uses to meet its obligations It is important to realise that these are only general categories of resource.
to various creditors.
Within each category there may be hundreds of more specific resources from
which the manager must choose. Gathering, selecting and coordinating the
appropriate resources from a complex array requires knowledgeable and efficient
managers. The skills and expertise of the management team in coordinating the
business’s resources will largely determine whether the objectives of the business
are achieved.
The characteristics of the two organisational structures (see page 75) reflect the
important influence management has on business. Collaborative workplaces allow
for a more cohesive and inclusive business culture. The management style that the
business adopts will depend on its size and main activity — for example, retail,
manufacturing or service (see the following Snapshot).
Snapshot questions
1. Describe Morgan Stanley’s internal environment.
2. Assess the impact this management style would have on employees.
Job seekers are increasingly concerned
about the corporate culture of a
potential employer. It is difficult to
determine corporate culture — or
‘the way things get done’ — at an
interview. Things to look out for
are the way people dress, how they
address each other and even the office
facilities. Some offices have gyms and
cafés to encourage work–life balance.
At The Body Shop, Anita Roddick, the
business’s founder, wanted people
in her shops ‘who care, who are
enthusiastic, who like trading, enjoy
FIGURE 3.26 The corporate culture of Domino’s is based on the idea of having fun at work,
rapping and don’t mind wrapping’.
which leads to great things happening.
Every shop is encouraged to become
involved in a local community project,
A manager must understand and assess all facets of a business’s unique culture voluntary organisation or charity,
as this is a powerful tool for achieving goals. Knowing and appreciating a business’s reflecting their social obligations.
culture makes it easier to get things done faster or to initiate a change to routine
• The internal influences on a business include product, location, resources,
management and business culture.
• Product influences affect a range of internal structures and operations within the
• Location will have a direct impact on the sales and profits of some businesses.
• Factors to consider when choosing a location are:
–– visibility
–– cost
–– proximity to suppliers
–– proximity to customers
–– proximity to support services.
• The four main resources that influence a business are human, information,
physical and financial.
• Businesses can adopt a traditional hierarchical structure or a flat organisational
1 Analyse the relationship between a business’s structure and its culture.
2 Determine how the choice of a good or service that a business sells will influence the
business’s legal structure, size and operations.
3.5 Stakeholders
Businesses have many stakeholders: the people and groups that interact in some
BizWORD way with the business and have a vested interest in its activities. In this sense you
A stakeholder is any group or are a stakeholder of your school.
individual who has an interest in or is Businesses are expected to be enterprising, to comply with the law, and be socially
affected by the activities of a business. just and ecologically sustainable in their operations. They are expected to practise
ethical management and do the ‘right’ thing in the interests of all stakeholders.
Society/general public
Shareholders purchase shares in a company, so they are partial owners. Shareholders
have a direct influence on a business because they have voting rights on major
business decisions. In addition, companies have a duty to hold an annual general BizFACT
meeting where shareholders are able to voice their concerns and are given an Presently, over 6 million Australians,
or 38 per cent of the population,
opportunity to ask questions of the Board of Directors. Major shareholders can
own shares. These shareholders have
therefore impact on major decisions. instant access to vast amounts of
Companies with shareholders also have to ensure that they maximise the return information about companies and
on the shareholders’ investment in a sustainable way. Shareholders want the the market. The result has been the
organisation they have invested in to be profitable as they receive a proportion development of new shareholder
of the profits (called dividends). They also make a capital gain if the value of an groups, many of which focus their
attention on environmental and
organsation’s shares increases. ethical issues.
Since shareholders desire immediate returns and profits, managers of public
companies usually feel greater pressure to generate revenue quickly. Shareholders
will therefore influence managers’ decisions and can affect the growth or long-term
expansion plans of a company.
Managers obviously have a major influence on the business. Management has the
responsibility of running a profitable or successful organisation. Most managers
today understand that ethical and socially responsible activities should lead
to increased sales. There are many complex legal issues that managers must
understand and contend with today and it is their responsibility to introduce the
policies and procedures that will affect the workplace.
A manager’s approach or leadership style can have a major influence on
employees and their productivity. This will affect the culture of the business and
can impact on employee morale.
Employees are vital to an organisation as they manufacture
or produce the product the organisation sells. Employees
will influence businesses since the quality of the product
depends on their skill and committment to the process.
When employees are valued, paid fairly, trained properly
and treated ethically, they will be become more valuable to
the organisation. If organisations can provide for their needs,
employees will be more inclined to put effort into work tasks
and will be motivated to meet customer expectations.
FIGURE 3.28 Employees need to feel valued and know that their job
is secure in the long term. Employees need a safe and psychologically
rewarding work environment. Such an environment would respect
individual differences and be concerned for employees’ goals, aspirations
and welfare. In this sense it is more than just providing a ‘pay packet’.
Snapshot questions
1. Discuss the impact SCA’s employees have had on the company.
2. Deduce how other stakeholders have also been affected by SCA’s employees.
Successful businesses know that the consumer is a powerful stakeholder in the
external operating environment. Today’s consumers are astute, better educated
and informed. They are increasingly prepared to seek compensation if they believe
they have either been unfairly treated or purchased a product that did not perform
as promised. Consumer groups are also prepared to mount publicity campaigns
aimed at embarrassing those businesses that do not act ethically or responsibly.
One recent example was the consumer backlash against a manufacturer of sports
shoes that was perceived to be exploiting cheap labour in a developing country.
Consumers are increasingly putting pressure on businesses (through their spending
decisions) to be environmentally aware, demanding products that are ‘clean, green
and safe’. Examples include recycling, environmentally friendly packaging, reduced
packaging and lower factory emissions. An example of consumer power was the
pressure put on supermarkets to change their plastic bags to reusable bags.
Members of the community increasingly expect organisations to show concern
for the environment. Some might be worried about organisations using valuable BizFACT
land resources or showing disregard for carbon emissions. They may be concerned In the 2014 Global 100 list,
about waste disposal or pollution. Others may be concerned about their future five Australian companies featured.
welfare through their own employment within organisations. Westpac was top of the list, with ANZ
Therefore, socially responsible businesses will participate in a range of 19th, CBA 25th, Stockland Real
Estate 32nd and Wesfarmers 92nd.
community projects and activities. For example, The Body Shop organises for its
employees to assist with a local charity of their choice. AGL Limited supports a
range of educational, fundraising and social welfare programs.
• Businesses have many stakeholders that will influence their operations.
• Shareholders have a direct influence on a business because they have voting
rights on major business decisions.
• Companies need to ensure that they maximise returns on their shareholders’
• Managers will influence organisational policies and procedures as well as
employees’ productivity.
• Employees will influence the quality of an organisation’s products.
• To ensure its future viability, a business should consider the needs of their
• Members of the community increasingly expect organisations to show concern
for the environment and to be socially responsible.
• There is growing pressure for businesses to adopt ecologically sustainable
operating practices.
1 Define the term ‘stakeholders’.
2 Identify the stakeholders of your school. Compare your answer with other class
3 Identify the stakeholders of your school. Summarise the influence each of these
stakeholders has on the school.
4 Are a shareholder and a stakeholder the same thing? Explain your answer.
Digital doc 5 Outline the influence managers have on a business.
Use the Chapter summary 6 ‘Employees are the most valuable resource of any business.’ Discuss the accuracy of
document in your this statement.
eBookPLUS to compile your
own notes for this chapter. 7 ‘Businesses that respect and satisfy their customers have a much greater chance of
success.’ Explain why this is so.
Searchlight: DOC-14112
8 Define the term ‘ecological sustainability’.
9 In small groups, use the brainstorm technique to identify reasons businesses should
adopt ecologically sustainable operating practices. Share your answer with the rest of
the class.
Stakeholder Influence
Digital doc
Test your knowledge of key
terms by completing the
Chapter crossword in your
Searchlight: DOC-1199
1 ‘The shareholder should take precedence over all the other stakeholders. They are the
ones who have invested their money; they take the risks. Therefore, they should be
rewarded with as high a return as possible.’ Evaluate this statement. Compare your
answers with other members of the class.
2 Recently, consumer groups, some church organisations and trade unions have
publicised the harsh conditions of outworkers in the clothing industry. Outworkers
are usually women who work from home sewing garments on a contract basis. These
workers have little or no protection regarding their working conditions. Evaluate Weblink
the impact of such campaigns. To help you, use the Fair Wear weblink in your
Fair Wear
3 What do you think motivates a business to engage in socially responsible business
programs? Is it:
(a) altruism — an unselfish concern for others?
(b) enlightened self-interest?
(c) avoidance of government regulation?
(d) fear of being sued?
Justify why you chose the one you did. Share your answer with other class members.
Sales Renewal
SHELSIE’S International
TRAINING Sale products
FIGURE 4.1 The four stages of the business life cycle. The graph shows a smooth line with
sales increasing up to the post-maturity stage. In reality, the growth in sales will usually
show minor increases and decreases within each stage. The line we have drawn represents
the average sales changes.
Coles–Myer merger
In 1985 Coles and Myer — a major retailer that had started in Melbourne in 1900 —
merged to form one company — Coles Myer Limited. After the merger the business
continued to grow, introducing new retailing strategies such as EFTPOS and Fly Buys,
and developing a number of concept stores such as Officeworks and Harris Technology.
At its peak, Coles Myer Limited was Australia’s biggest retailer with 1900 stores
throughout Australia and New Zealand, and was Australia’ largest single employer
with 165 000 employees.
During the late 1990s and early 2000s, Coles Myer Limited encountered trading
difficulties and was underperforming due to senior management difficulties, IT and
supply problems, and too much of an overlap between each division, resulting in
Wesfarmers takeover
In 2006 the Coles Myer Limited board finally accepted that the mega-merger had
failed and sold the Myer chain to a consortium led by private equity firm Texas Pacific
Group Capital, with Blum Capital and the Myer Family Company Pty Ltd.
Following the de-merger, the Coles group continued to struggle against its main
rival, Woolworths Limited. Its financial performance deteriorated with a resultant
fall in profits. It was ripe for a takeover (acquisition), which occurred in late 2007
when the Perth-based conglomerate Wesfarmers — one of Australia’s largest public
companies — paid $22 billion to buy the Coles retail empire. At the time, this was
the largest takeover in Australian history.
❛ Today, Coles is a
Over the past few years, Wesfarmers has been successful in turning around leader in Australian
the performance of the Coles division, largely due to improvements in the
performance of Target and the Coles supermarket chain. It has streamlined the food retailing,
supermarket division by selling 45 Coles stores and eight Liquorland outlets to the
independent grocer FoodWorks for $35 million. The sale was part of Wesfarmer’s
with more than
five-year plan to improve its network of over 700 supermarkets and more than 99 000 employees
600 Liquorland stores.
Today, Coles is a leader in Australian food retailing, with more than and over 19 million
99 000 employees and over 19 million customer transactions a week. customer transactions
Snapshot questions a week. ❜
1. Identify the main reasons for the success of Coles up to the 1920s.
2. Many businesses failed during the 1930s Great Depression. Clarify why Coles
was able to not only survive but prosper.
3. Describe the term ‘merger’.
4. (a) Outline what new Weblinks
(i) retail strategies and
Use the Coles and
(ii) concept stores were introduced after the merger with Myer. Wesfarmers weblinks in your
(b) Propose the reasons for the introduction of these changes. eBookPLUS to discover more
5. State the main reasons for the merged company’s underperformance. about the history of Coles and
6. Describe the term ‘takeover’ (acquisition). the structure of Wesfarmers.
7. Outline the strategies Wesfarmers used to improve the performance of Coles.
8. Use the Wesfarmers weblink in your eBookPLUS and access the Wesfarmers
group structure. Explain the benefit for Wesfarmers in having such a
diversified range of business operations.
• The business life cycle refers to the stages of growth and development a business
can experience.
• The stages are: establishment, growth, maturity and post-maturity.
• In each stage of the cycle, a business is confronted with new challenges and
presented with different opportunities.
1 Examine figure 4.1 (page 86) and then answer the following questions.
(a) Identify the four stages of the business life cycle.
(b) Propose why the size of a business is directly related to the amount of sales.
2 Figure 4.1 is referred to as a model. Explain how using models can help our
understanding of the real world.
1 There are daily examples of businesses that have suffered because they failed to
manage their growth satisfactorily.
(a) Identify two businesses you are aware of that have suffered because they failed to
manage their growth.
(b) Investigate the main reasons for both their rise and decline.
2 According to Edward De Bono, ‘Success in business would seem to depend much less
on natural talent and a lot more on thinking and personality factors. Certainly success
in business often seems spurred by a desire to make things happen.’
(a) Justify this statement.
(b) Investigate the ‘thinking and personality factors’ a successful businessperson
would possess.
Establishment stage
The first stage in the life of a business is its birth — or establishment. Like human
babies, recently established businesses are also vulnerable as their hold on ‘life’ is
quite precarious. The overriding concern is to get the business on a solid foundation.
This requires enough sales to be generated to bring in the much needed income,
BizWORD which will be used to pay expenses and to generate a positive cash flow.
Cash flow is simply the money The main features and associated challenges of the establishment stage are
coming into the business in the form outlined in table 4.1.
of cash receipts, and the money
leaving the business as cash payments.
Establishing a business is not always easy. A number of challenges need to be
responded to at the establishment stage. To overcome these challenges, the aspiring
business owner needs to become involved in some basic planning. Detailed
planning undertaken when establishing the business can help greatly reduce
the risk of failing and becoming just another business failure statistic. (Business
planning will be examined in detail in later chapters.)
Feature Challenges
Profit Usually slow to begin with, occasionally a loss. Sometimes all the
profits are put back into the business to ensure its survival.
Financial management Greatest source of start-up capital is from the owner’s personal
savings. This can be supplemented with a loan from a financial
institution, although such finance is often difficult to obtain
because of the high risks involved.
Cash flow Sometimes erratic, with a period of constant cash outflow in the
early stages
Costs Very high fixed costs. Major cost items include premises,
equipment, raw materials and insurance.
Management Informal, with all decisions being made by just one or two
people. Decisions are often made ‘on the run’.
Failure rate Very high, up to 33 per cent within the first year of trading
Risk level Extremely high, especially within the first few months. High
degree of uncertainty
Snapshot questions
1. Outline why the Cavallaro brothers decided to form a private company.
2. Summarise the challenges faced by the owners during the
establishment phase.
3. Deduce the factors that have contributed to the business’s success.
• The main challenge at the establishment stage is to get the business on a solid
foundation by generating enough sales to create a positive cash flow.
• Detailed planning can help greatly reduce the risk of failing.
• Small businesses, such as a sole trader or partnership, have unlimited liability:
that is, the business owner is personally responsible for all the debts of his or
her business.
Growth stage
The second stage is a time of accelerating growth. Sales increase and the cash
flow is normally positive. A customer base has been established with regular
clients accounting for a large percentage of total sales. The business undertakes
During the growth phase it becomes
essential for the business owner to the development of new products to satisfy different market segments. More
develop long-term plans. emphasis is placed on marketing and the use of complex computerised
accounting procedures. In family owned businesses, other members of the family
usually take up specialised supervisory and management roles. The business has
somewhere between 10 and 15 employees. Loyalty to the business is strong,
with many of these businesses taking on the culture of an extended family. The
business has a good reputation in the community, and owners develop a sense of
pride in the products and personal service on which the business has built and
flourished. However, with growth comes complexity, responsibility and the need
for long-term planning.
The main features and associated challenges of the growth stage are outlined in
table 4.2.
Feature Challenges
Sales Rapid increase, especially in the early stages of the growth phase.
New products introduced and some slow-selling products deleted
Profit Should increase due to rising sales and falling production costs.
As well, profits of other businesses acquired through acquisition
(takeover) or merger are available for use.
Main problems Expanding too rapidly and therefore losing control of the business’s
direction. Moving away from the core business activities — that
is, what the business originally produced. Business may not have
enough experience in the new areas. The need for finance to
continue with the growth
SNAPSHOT and her sister’s wedding provided the inspiration to set up a business in 2007,
Events by Design, which offers brides-to-be wedding planning, styling and
fashion advice.
Keen to grow, Trudy purchased another business called Maleny Weddings in 2010
and ran the two brands side-by-side. This acquisition allowed Trudy to expand her
business from Noosa into the Hinterland of the Sunshine Coast. In that same year,
another business launched in Sydney also called Events by Design. This led to some
confusion as many customers thought they were the same business. Trudy was
also finding it difficult to run two businesses simultaneously. She considered these
problems carefully and decided to merge her two businesses together and create a
new brand, Lovebird Weddings.
Even though the business has been faced with increasing competition and
has been operating in a tough economic environment, Lovebird Weddings has
experienced increasing sales and profits each year. As a result, Trudy has hired more
employees to help her keep up with the increasing demand.
Trudy believes that that the following factors are integral to sustaining growth and
achieving business success:
• Business planning and budget analysis: Trudy updates her business plan
each January. This provides her with a crucial analysis of the business’s
❛ Lovebird Weddings performance and allows her to set goals for the year ahead. ‘Without this,
we travel blindly.’
has continued on its • Relationship management: Lovebird Weddings places a strong emphasis on
growth path through managing and improving relationships with their venues and suppliers.
• Media and marketing: Trudy employs a social media expert to update and
diversifying . . . ❜ manage this aspect of her business on a regular basis.
• Product development: Trudy always ensures Lovebird Weddings are leaders in new
trends in styling.
• Systems management: Trudy is always finetuning the business’s internal systems
to ensure smoother and more efficient client management.
Lovebird Weddings has continued on its growth path through diversifying its
business activities. Trudy initially started out as a wedding planner, but she recently
spotted a gap in the market for high-end furniture for weddings. She therefore
decided to branch out into reception décor and launched her own Lovebird
Weddings signature furniture range, which has doubled her annual revenue.
This diversification has proved to be fruitful and now equates to 75 per cent of
her total revenue.
While Trudy Croad has been successful so far, she is still keen to keep growing her
business through increasing sales as well as through diversification. She is planning
on launching a book in 2014 and is always looking into other revenue generating
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the characteristics that indicate that Lovebird Weddings is in the
growth stage of the business life cycle.
2. Outline the challenges that Trudy Croad has faced while in the
growth stage.
3. Summarise the factors Trudy Croad believes have been integral to achieving
4. Propose some strategies you think the business should adopt to guarantee
future growth and success.
Merger Acquisition
Horizontal Horizontal
Slice of Golden Crust
Life Bakery Bakery
integration integration
Buy-Rite Supermarket
FIGURE 4.5 Types of integration: backward and forward vertical integration, horizontal
integration and diversification
• During the growth stage the business has increased sales, a regular customer
base, develops new products and improves its cash flow.
• With growth comes complexity and responsibility, which creates the need for
long-term planning.
• Growth and expansion can occur either through a merger or acquisition (takeover).
• A merger occurs when the owners of two separate businesses agree to combine
their resources and form a new organisation.
• An acquisition (takeover) occurs when one business takes control of another
business by purchasing a controlling interest in it.
• Vertical integration occurs when a business expands at different but related
levels in the production and marketing of a product.
• Horizontal integration occurs when a business acquires or merges with another
firm that makes and sells similar products.
• Diversification (or conglomerate integration) occurs when a business acquires or
merges with a business in a completely unrelated industry.
1 Explain why generating a positive cash flow is crucial for the survival of a business at
the establishment stage.
2 Examine table 4.1 (pages 90–1). Construct a mind map to show the main features
of a business at the establishment stage.
1 Arrange an interview with a local business owner. Create a two-page written
or five-minute oral report. You might wish to develop your report under the
following headings:
(i) reasons for establishing the business
(ii) brief history of the business
(iii) success and failure along the way
(iv) financial record keeping.
2 Are the advantages of small business really advantages? Wouldn’t every small business
owner like his or her business to grow into a large firm? Discuss.
3 Investigate a recent merger or acquisition. Outline the main objectives for the
merger or acquisition.
4 ‘Mergers and acquisitions reduce competition in the marketplace. They may be a
successful business tactic, but they leave the consumer worse off.’ Evaluate the
accuracy of this statement.
Maturity stage
This third stage of the business life cycle presents unique challenges to the
owner. It requires a great deal of rethinking about how the business should
be operated to guarantee survival. At this time, the owner realises that the
business could easily lose the energy, enthusiasm and vitality of its earlier
times. A sense of complacency often envelops the business, affecting both
management and staff. What is now required is a more formal, professional
approach to planning.
With such a realisation may come the need to completely restructure and
reorganise the business, which can sometimes be quite a painful experience.
The business might lose its ‘family’ atmosphere and be replaced with a
more clinical, professional culture. The size of the business dictates a more
formal organisational structure. The difficulty is to introduce these changes
without destroying the entrepreneurial spirit that laid the foundation for the
business’s success.
However, as figure 4.1 reveals (page 86), sales are still increasing but at a slower
rate. The growth stage has slowed. This is an early warning signal of imminent
Feature Challenges
Financial management All the correct procedures are in place, but their efficiency
needs to be improved to protect the profit margin. Finances
should be devoted to advertising and development of
new products.
Cash flow If costs are not able to be controlled, then the cash flow
position starts to deteriorate.
Failure rate Will increase the longer the business takes to react and
reverse plateauing sales
Risk level If costs are not controlled and management becomes slow to
respond to market demand, then cash flow falls and the level
of risk increases.
Snapshot questions
1. Recall why David Jones’s rate of growth has slowed.
2. Outline the strategies David Jones has proposed to help respond to the
❛ The rate of increase
challenges it faces. in profits has begun
3. Propose other strategies David Jones could implement to help increase sales.
to plateau. ❜
• The maturity stage requires a more professional approach to planning.
• In the maturity stage, the rate of growth slows and eventually flattens out; an
early warning sign of possible decline.
• A sense of complacency often envelops the business.
• Managers may need to restructure or reorganise the business.
Post-maturity stage
Once a business reaches this, the final stage, it is faced with three possible
outcomes, these being:
1. Steady state — the business continues to operate at the level it has been during
the maturity phase
2. Decline — falling sales and profits ultimately resulting in business failure
3. Renewal — increasing sales and profits due to new growth areas.
The post-maturity stage represents many opportunities but also many threats.
The decisions made by the owner will be crucial for the future survival of the
business. By constantly monitoring the business environment, the business owner
should be able to select the most appropriate path for the business to take.
As customers stop buying the business’s products the cash flow will be seriously
affected. Eventually profits will also decline. This process of decline becomes difficult
to reverse for the following reasons:
1. It becomes difficult to borrow money because financial institutions are reluctant
to lend money to high-risk businesses.
2. Suppliers will restrict their credit facilities and may insist on cash payments.
3. Products become obsolete, leaving the business with unsold stock.
4. Well-qualified employees may begin to leave and seek better opportunities.
The longer the business attempts to ‘stagger on’, lurching from one crisis to the
next, the greater the risk of failing and ceasing operations — cessation. We will
examine the procedures involved in voluntary and involuntary cessation at the end
of this chapter.
FIGURE 4.6 To reverse a decline in sales, a business may offer discount prices to attract more
customers. This strategy rarely succeeds in saving the business from further decline.
TABLE 4.4 Post-maturity stage — renewal. Main features and associated challenges
Feature Challenges
Goals To increase sales, cash flow and profits. Seek out and exploit
previously unmet demand in new markets. Undertake further
diversification and integration. Sell off any unprofitable
non–corerelated activities or assets.
Sales Increase over time, especially as newer products are brought onto
the market and new markets exploited
Profit Will improve over the long term, reaching higher levels than
previously achieved
Financial May need to issue new shares to raise finance to assist with
management research and development
Cash flow May decline in the short term as money is spent on research and
development of new products and markets
Feature Challenges
Failure rate Has been lessened compared to the maintaining or steady state phase
Main problems Anticipated sales may not eventuate due to inaccurate forecasts,
poor timing or inappropriate marketing strategies. Initial costs are
high, with cash flow shortfalls in the short term. Employees may
become disenchanted with the restructuring and having to adapt
to constant change.
Risk level Undertaking any new strategy involves some degree of risk.
Risk minimisation techniques can help reduce the exposure
to risk.
• There are three possible outcomes at the post-maturity stage: steady state, decline
or renewal.
• Steady state: the business is neither declining nor expanding.
• Decline: fall in sales, cash flow and eventual business failure.
• Renewal: new products are developed and new markets are created, leading to
increased sales and a positive cash flow.
1 Visit your local shopping centre and identify any businesses that appear to be
in the establishment stage of the business life cycle. Arrange to interview one of
these owners and investigate what challenges he or she experienced in starting
the business.
2 Arrange to visit a local business that is in the post-maturity stage. Interview the owner
and create a report outlining the:
(a) history of the business
(b) business organisation and structure
(c) strengths and weaknesses of the business
(d) future developments.
3 Investigate and create a report on the business renewal strategies undertaken by
organisations such as KFC, McDonald’s and Subway.
Ignorance of Increased
existing competition competition
Unfavourable CAN CONTRIBUTE TO Lack of adequate
economic conditions BUSINESS DECLINE cash flow
Failure to price
Poor location
product correctly
SNAPSHOT Billabong was founded in 1973 by Gordon Merchant with his then wife Rena.
Gordon, a keen surfer, was eager to create functional clothes that made surfing
more enjoyable. As the clothes grew in popularity, the business diversified and
expanded through licensees into global markets.
Billabong became a global brand appealing to the young, trendy, outdoor ‘cool’
market involved in outdoor activities. In 2009 Interbrand rated Billabong eighth in
the highest ranked Australian brands, with a brand value of A$2.2 billion.
After years of continued growth, Billabong’s profits plummeted as competitors such
as Quicksilver and Roxy stole market share and Billabong took on too much debt to fund
its expansion. As a result, the company reported a net loss of more than A$800 million
in 2013, its worst financial results ever. Billabong closed 158 stores and cut jobs.
Voluntary Involuntary
(of own accord) (forced by others)
Voluntary cessation
A business may cease operations and voluntarily wind up
its affairs. Any assets owned by the business are sold. The
business stops operating because the owner may wish to
retire, wants a change of lifestyle or, in the case of a sole
trader, has died.
However, most businesses cease to trade due to business
failure. With debts increasing and a negative cash flow, a business
owner will soon realise if their business is underperforming.
Bankruptcy Voluntary
Voluntary Involuntary
Sole traders (businesses owned and operated by one person) and partnerships
(businesses owned and operated by two to 20 people) may end up being declared
bankrupt. Bankruptcy is a declaration that a business, or person, is unable to pay
his or her debts.
Bankruptcy can be either voluntary or involuntary, with either the business
Bankruptcy is a declaration that a
owner or a creditor applying to a court for a bankruptcy order to be made. The
business or person is unable to pay his
or her debts. court then appoints a representative to collect any money owed to the business.
Realisation is the process of This money, along with money raised from the sale of any assets of the business
converting the assets of a business (as well as some personal assets of the owner), is then divided between
into cash. the creditors. The process of converting the assets of a business into cash is
called realisation.
Voluntary administration
When a company is experiencing financial difficulties, it can be placed in voluntary
administration. BizWORD
Voluntary administration occurs when an independent administrator is Voluntary administration occurs
appointed to operate the business in the hope of trading out of the present when an independent administrator is
financial problems. The administrator usually has the combined experiences of appointed to operate the business in
the hope of trading out of the present
a receiver, chartered accountant and investigator. The administrator’s main tasks financial problems.
are to bring the business and its creditors together, and examine the financial
affairs of the business.
Appointing a voluntary administrator is becoming an increasingly attractive
alternative, especially to small business owners. If successful, the business may
resume normal trading. If unsuccessful, the business goes into liquidation.
If a company is in financial difficulty, its shareholders, creditors or the court can
put the company into liquidation. Liquidation, commonly referred to as winding
Liquidation occurs when an
up a company, occurs when an independent and suitably qualified person – the
independent and suitably qualified
liquidator – is appointed to take control of the business with the intention of person – the liquidator – is appointed
selling all the company’s assets in an orderly and fair way in order to pay the to take control of the business
creditors. Once the creditors have been paid, any surplus cash is paid to the with the intention of selling all the
owners of the company. company’s assets in an orderly and fair
A company in liquidation can also be in receivership. Receivership is way in order to pay the creditors.
where a business has a receiver appointed by creditors or the Courts to take charge Receivership is where a business has
a receiver take charge of the affairs
of the affairs of the business. Unlike liquidation, though, the business may not
of the business. Unlike liquidation,
necessarily be wound up. the business may not necessarily be
The main features of liquidation are that it: wound up.
• can be regarded as the equivalent of bankruptcy for a company (corporation) Being insolvent occurs when a
• results in the life of a company coming to an end company is not able to pay its debts as
• normally occurs because the company is unable to pay its debts as and when and when they fall due.
they fall due – it has become insolvent.
TABLE 4.5 Main problems arising for stakeholders from company liquidation
• The two main causes of business decline (and possible failure) are lack of
management expertise or undercapitalisation.
• Voluntary cessation occurs when the owner ceases to operate the business of
their own accord.
• Involuntary cessation occurs when the owner is forced to cease trading by the
creditors of the business.
• Sole traders and partnerships may voluntarily or involuntarily go into bankruptcy:
a declaration that a business, or person, is unable to pay his or her debts.
• A company has two options when facing financial difficulties:
(a) voluntary administration occurs when an independent administrator is
appointed to operate the business in the hope of trading out of the present
financial problems.
(b) voluntary or involuntary liquidation is the process of an appointed liquidator
converting the business’s assets into cash.
• Liquidation normally occurs because the company is insolvent.
• It is estimated that an average 30 to 40 people are personally affected by one
company insolvency.
1 Define the term ‘undercapitalisation’.
2 Apart from undercapitalisation and lack of management expertise, state three other
causes of business failure.
3 As a class, using the brainstorm technique, propose the reasons why so many small
businesses are undercapitalised.
4 Distinguish between voluntary and involuntary business cessation. Digital doc
Use the Chapter summary
5 Construct a flowchart showing what happens when a business is declared bankrupt. document in your
6 Discuss whether, in your opinion, there is a social stigma attached to bankruptcy eBookPLUS to compile your
today. Should there be? Share your answer with the rest of the class. own notes for this chapter.
Nature of business
Multiple choice questions
In the HSC examination you will be required to complete 20 multiple choice questions.
Therefore, it is important that you become familiar with answering this type of question.
For each question choose the best alternative:
1 Which of the following statements about profit is false?
(a) Profits encourage risk taking.
(b) Profit refers to the reward that employees receive for producing products.
(c) Profit is the reward business owners receive for assuming the risks of ownership.
(d) Profit is what remains after all business expenses have been deducted from
sales revenue.
2 What is the person who risks his or her time, energy and money to start a
business called?
(a) A financier
(b) An employer
(c) An innovator
(d) An entrepreneur
3 Which of the following would be an example of a business in the secondary industry?
(a) Zenon Mining
(b) Heritage Motel
(c) Canberra Legal Centre
(d) Plastics Manufacturing Ltd
4 Which business entity is owned and operated by more than two people and has
unlimited liability?
(a) Sole trader
(b) Partnership
(c) Public company
(d) Private company
5 In which phase of the business life cycle does complacency amongst management
normally occur?
(a) Growth
(b) Maturity
(c) Establishment
(d) Post-maturity
6 What does the business environment refer to?
(a) The surrounding conditions in which the business operates
(b) Those factors over which the business has very little control
(c) Those factors over which the business has some degree of control
(d) A group who has an interest in or is affected by the activities of the business
7 What type of business would National Foods Limited most likely be?
(a) A partnership
(b) A public company
(c) A private company
(d) A government business enterprise
8 Which of the following is false in relation to why businesses are important to the
Australian economy?
(a) They provide employment for millions of people.
(b) They contribute to Australia’s gross domestic product.
(c) They provide goods and services to satisfy consumers’ wants.
(d) They import products, which generates income for Australians.
9 Which piece of legislation is designed to protect the interests of both consumers
and business?
(a) Small Business Act
(b) Consumer Affairs Act
The focus of this topic is the nature and responsibilities of management in the
business environment.
Students should be able to:
• explain the internal and external influences on businesses
• assess the processes and interdependence of key business functions
• examine the application of management theories and strategies
• analyse the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders
• plan and conduct investigations into contemporary business issues
• evaluate information for actual and hypothetical business situations
• communicate business information and issues in appropriate formats
• apply mathematical concepts appropriately in business situations.
Achieving business
Nature of Management
management approaches
Management Management
and change process
Nature of management
5.1 Introduction
Have you ever been shopping and spent all your money on the first few things you
saw, only to later be disappointed when you came across something you would
have liked more? What about the assessable task you left until the last minute
only to find all the information resources you needed had been borrowed from
the library? Or the dental appointment for which you were half an hour late? In
these cases you did not manage either your money, assessment requirements or
time very well. These cases reveal that you have actually been practising the art
of management for a number of years. Sometimes you have managed your affairs
successfully; at other times you may have mismanaged them.
Managing is an essential skill that all people need to develop. How well you
perform the task of management will often determine whether you achieve the
goals you have set for yourself. In the world of business, just as in your personal
life, management is a fundamental activity. It is what makes the business function.
The CEO featured in the opening story of this topic highlights a number of
important characteristics of management, including:
1. having the ability to analyse information, attend meetings and communicate
with a wide range of people both inside and outside the business
2. possessing the skills to manage change effectively
3. having the vision to see how things could be, rather than just accepting things
the way they are
4. providing leadership through the desire to encourage, motivate and guide employees
5. understanding your roles and responsibilities in order to achieve the goals of
the business.
FIGURE 5.1 FedEx’s Australian
managing director, Rhicke Jennings,
has gained a reputation as a good
people manager. According to
Jennings, one important aspect of
good management and leadership
is knowing and caring about your
employees. Jennings says, ‘Since
inception, we’ve lived by the principle
that, if we take care of our people,
they will take care of our customers.
And if we have satisfied customers,
BizWORD they will take care of our profits.’
The traditional definition of The traditional definition of management is the process of coordinating a
management is the process of
business’s resources to achieve its goals.
coordinating a business’s resources
to achieve its goals.
As outlined in chapter 3 the four main resources available to a business are:
• Human resources. These are the employees of the business and are generally its
most important asset.
• Information resources. These include the knowledge and data required by the
business, such as market research, sales reports, economic forecasts, technical
material and legal advice.
Contemporary definition
The past few years have seen a subtle, but significant, modification of the meaning
of the term ‘management’. More contemporary definitions emphasise that
management is the process of working with and through other people to achieve BizWORD
the goals of the business in a rapidly changing environment, as shown in figure 5.3. A more contemporary definition of
Crucial to this process is the effective and efficient use of limited resources. management views management
as the process of working with and
through other people to achieve
business goals in a changing
Working with and
environment. Crucial to this process
through others
is the effective and efficient use of
limited resources.
Coping with a
Balancing efficiency
rapidly changing
and effectiveness
environment FIGURE 5.3 Key aspects of the
management process
Myth Reality
2. The effective manager has no regular Although managers’ days are constantly
activities to carry out. It is all a matter of interrupted by both trivialities and crises,
coordinating other people’s responsibilities they still have regular duties to perform.
and then sitting back to watch others do They must interpret and analyse information,
the work. attend meetings and communicate regularly
with other parts of the business.
3. Management is a science and, as such, can be The manager’s job is more art than
reduced to a formula and set of ‘laws’ that, if science. Managers rely heavily on judgement,
followed, result in goals being achieved. past experience, perception and intuition.
1 Read the story about Naomi Milgrom at the beginning of this topic.
(a) Outline the features of effective management that Naomi Milgrom displays.
(b) Assess the effect her management style would have on both employees and
the business.
2 State the main function of management according to the traditional definition.
3 Describe the four main resources available to a business.
4 Distinguish between the contemporary definition of management and the
traditional definition.
5 Construct a concept map summarising the five key aspects of the management process
according to the contemporary definition. The first one has been started for you.
6 Distinguish between efficiency and effectiveness.
1 Consider the following statement: ‘Management is often demanding, complex,
stressful and exacting. Contributing to the complexity are globalisation, focus
on quality, increasing competition, technological developments, and the rising
demand for the ethical conduct of people and organisations. But at the same time,
it can be personally rewarding.’ Examine the positive and negative aspects of
being a manager.
2 Some people argue that middle-level managers have a more difficult job than top/
senior or lower/frontline managers. This is because the work of a middle-level
manager is more varied in managerial and non-managerial duties. Evaluate.
3 Determine which you think is the more difficult management task: getting
employees to work in teams rather than independently, or getting employees to
accept change in the workplace. Provide reasons for your answer.
4 ‘The main difference between employees and managers is that employees work and
managers think.’ Assess to what extent this statement reflects conditions in today’s
workplace. Compare your answers with other class members
Snapshot questions
1. Identify and describe the interpersonal skills that Jan Dvorak possesses.
2. Explain why it is important for a manager to display good interpersonal
skills if he or she wants to provide a workplace environment that ‘values and
supports staff’.
3. Determine whether you would like to work for a manager similar to
Dr Dvorak. Give a reason for your answer and share it with other class
A manager who lacks empathy, is arrogant, opinionated, unable to communicate Use the Developing
or who has difficulty relating to people will not be able to develop positive interpersonal skills weblink
in your eBookPLUS to
relationships with employees. Employees may actually work more efficiently explore how interpersonal
when such a manager is absent because the fear of intimidation or victimisation is skills can be improved.
reduced (see the following Snapshot).
SNAPSHOT results.
Jack’s recent behaviour has prompted staff to consider leaving. He shows very
little interest in the needs of individuals, or their concerns. He severely criticised
the work of the marketing manager at a planning meeting last week. ‘Carly, I
just don’t think you have all the facts here,’ Jack said. ‘Firstly, from what I can
see, you’ve done a poor job. And secondly, the rest of you people will need
some clear guidelines or you will all be producing the sort of rubbish that Carly
has presented.’
Some time later, two managers were discussing the deteriorating workplace
conditions over a cup of coffee. ‘Can you believe the way that Jack treated
Carly in the meeting last week?’ complained Josh. ‘Carly is a great manager,
she listens to her staff and encourages her team to work with her to make
❛ . . . he’s treating us decisions.’
‘And she was totally embarrassed by Jack’s comments because the new
like we’re kids. ❜ chocolate bar project her team is working on is still in its developmental stages,’
said Mai.
‘I heard him telling off Khalid last week for expressing an idea,’ said Josh. ‘He
told him that he’s the boss, and if he wanted opinions, he certainly wouldn’t ask a
subordinate for them. Mai, he’s treating us like we’re kids. But we’re experienced
‘I agree,’ said Mai. ‘It won’t be long before I’m out of this place!’
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the negative interpersonal skills displayed by Jack.
2. Explain why Jack’s behaviour has prompted staff to consider leaving.
3. Assess whether you agree or disagree with Jack’s attitude ‘that it is best to
be firm with staff in order to get results’. Give a reason for your answer and
share it with other class members.
Communication skills
BizWORD Communication is as vital as the air we breathe. As babies we learn to cry in order
Communication is the exchange to satisfy our needs; it is a baby’s first attempt at communication. Communication
of information between people; the becomes more complex, however, particularly in a modern global business
sending and receiving of messages. environment. It’s not just about what you say, it’s about how you say it and what
medium you choose to get your message across.
One of the most difficult challenges for managers is getting employees to
understand and want to achieve the business’s goals. Effective communication is
at the heart of meeting this challenge. Without effective communication the most
carefully detailed plans and brilliant strategies will most probably fail.
BizFACT Communication is one of the easiest and, at the same time, most difficult of
There is no simple recipe for great management skills. This is because of the complex nature of communication.
communication, but the Chinese Whether communicating with employees within the business or customers in the
philosopher Confucius once said:
‘Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me
marketplace, effective communication is essential for the long-term survival of the
and I’ll remember. Involve me and business. Well-written letters, an inviting telephone manner, pleasant conversation,
I’ll understand.’ concise emails, and friendly smiles and gestures reinforce carefully planned
business strategies and client networking.
Managers who are effective communicators and who are able to share their
thoughts and plans will find it easy to influence others (see the following Snapshot).
SNAPSHOT at risk when she mistakenly believed that the device used to check blood-sugar
levels, called the Accu-Chek Multiclix, automatically changed needles. In fact,
the nurse had to change the needles manually after each patient, but this did
not occur.
The New South Wales clinic has since switched to using single-use devices to
avoid the same error in future. A staff member with diabetes discovered the nurse’s
error when she asked the nurse to administer the test on her. Once the error was
discovered, all patients were sent a letter of apology and were advised to have a
blood test for HIV and hepatitis B and C.
Dr Michael Jones, chairman of the private radiology company PRP Diagnostic
Imaging that runs the clinic where the error occurred, said that he had been advised
by an infectious disease specialist that the risk of infection through using the same
needle on many patients was ‘low or very low’.
According to Dr Jones, the mistake occurred because of ‘misunderstanding at
multiple levels’ regarding the use of the Accu-Chek Multiclix device. Nursing staff
and patients have been offered counselling.
❛. . . misunderstanding
may have the most Snapshot questions
severe repercussions.❜ 1. Recall the miscommunication that occurred at PRP Diagnostic.
2. Outline the steps that were taken to attempt to repair the damage caused by
the error.
3. Explain the potential consequences of this miscommunication.
• Interpersonal (people) skills are those skills needed to work and communicate
with other people and to understand their needs.
• Interpersonal skills include the ability to communicate, motivate, lead and
• Effective communication of business goals and the strategies to achieve them are
crucial to achieving business success.
• Managers who are effective communicators and who are able to share their
thoughts and plans will find it easy to influence others.
• Miscommunication is to be avoided because it can lead to serious harm to
the business.
• It is important for managers to be aware of the power of nonverbal communication,
especially body language.
• Strategic management allows the manager to see the business as a whole and to
take a broad, long-term view.
• Strategic thinking involves thinking about a business’s future direction and what
future goals the business wants to achieve.
1 Define the term ‘skill’.
2 Recall two changes that have taken place in the structure of many businesses
over the past decade that have resulted in the skills taking on added
3 Examine figure 5.6 on page 124.
(a) Identify some of the desired skills needed to perform this management
(b) Clarify which skill you consider to be the most important. Justify your answer.
Application to
Skill Definition Characteristics the workplace
1 In small groups, imagine you are board members of a medium-sized private company.
The company manufactures electronic items for the domestic market. It has
284 employees and its current turnover is approximately $115 million. The company
is well established in domestic markets but, due to increasing competition, sales and
profits have been decreasing over the past few years.
The board is preparing to hire a new chief executive officer to lead the company.
In your group, create a profile of the business leader that you are seeking. Consider
qualifications, experience, skills and personality factors.
Conduct a class discussion on the similarities and differences of each group’s
profile. Propose reasons for any differences.
2 From your knowledge of Steve Jobs, Apple founder and former CEO and his notions
of great business leadership, determine four communication skills good managers
should practise.
3 Use the Communication skills test weblink in your eBookPLUS to take the test.
(a) Analyse your results. Weblink
(b) Deduce whether you think this is accurate. Communication skills test
(c) Propose how you could improve your communication.
Vision skills
BizWORD In his book Management: tasks, responsibilities, practices, Peter Drucker explains that
Vision is the clear, shared sense of it is ‘the first response of the manager . . . to give others vision and the ability to
direction that allows people to attain perform’. By vision, Drucker means the clear, shared sense of direction that allows
a common goal. people to attain a common goal.
Drucker argues that vision is the essential contribution of management, for without
it there can be no sense of cooperation and commitment, which makes achieving
goals impossible. Drucker explains that the most effective way for managers to share
their vision for the business is through the organisation’s goals. Knowing where
the business is headed and what it is trying to achieve helps employees understand
BizFACT where the manager wishes to take the business. A manager without a clear vision for
Having to develop a vision for the the business is like a person who attempts to lead a bushwalk without any idea of
business is very important during times where the group wants to go, without a compass or even a map. The walk would
of constant change. Without a vision, become aimless. The same thing happens in a business whose manager has not
any business will ultimately fail. communicated clearly its vision. The business is without guidance.
To share their vision and inspire others, managers will have to display effective
BizWORD leadership qualities. Leadership is the ability to influence people to set and achieve
Leadership is the ability to influence specific goals. A manager will use his or her leadership abilities to act as a bridge
people to set and achieve specific goals. on which to support team members as they cross from the existing ideas into new
and unfamiliar territory.
Problem-solving skills
Develop alternative solutions
When confronted with a problem, many of us search for an answer, jump at the
first workable solution and move on. Management requires a more systematic
problem-solving process when confronted with difficult and unfamiliar
Analyse the alternatives
Problem solving means finding and then implementing a course of action
to correct an unworkable situation. Although managers have to deal with many
problems in the course of a day, not all problems require such a systematic, formal
process. One of the most important skills a manager can develop is the ability to Choose one alternative
decide which problem they should give their full attention. and implement it
There are six steps in a typical problem-solving process (see figure 5.10). The
first step is to clearly identify what the problem is and what has caused it. The
problem might be an industrial dispute or a need to develop a more socially
Evaluate the solution
responsible organisation. All of the facts and information that are relevant to the
problem must be gathered. Some methods to use might be simply talking to people FIGURE 5.10 A problem-solving
or completing questionnaires or surveys. process
Decision-making skills
BizWORD The task of solving problems will obviously require making some decisions.
Decision making is the process of Decision making is the process of identifying the options available and then
identifying the options available and choosing a specific course of action to solve a specific problem.
then choosing a specific course of
Effective decision making involves being able to make decisions within a
action to solve a specific problem.
particular time frame. It also requires a manager to adequately assess the risk
involved if the decision is implemented.
Decision making can sometimes be dangerous. Not all management decisions
are effective, as NASA discovered tragically in 1986, providing a case study of
management decision making that shows dramatically the importance of the
decision-making process (see the BizFact opposite).
Managers today are often confronted with complex, challenging and stressful
decision-making demands. Accelerating change often makes it difficult to
accurately predict the full effect of any decision. Therefore, managers need to
develop an effective decision-making environment within the business. This can be
accomplished by tapping into the creative potential of employees.
Summary BizFACT
• Managers must be able to provide a vision as to where the business is headed and In 1986, NASA management had to
what it is trying to achieve. decide whether to launch the space
shuttle Challenger even though
• To share their vision with others and inspire them, managers will have to display temperatures at the launch site had
effective leadership qualities. fallen below the levels normally
• Leadership is the ability to influence people to set and achieve specific goals. required for a safe launch. Lower-level
• Managers must be able to solve problems — finding and then implementing a engineers expressed their concerns.
course of action to correct an unworkable situation. However, top-level NASA managers
decided to go ahead with the launch,
• Managers must be able to make decisions — identifying the options available a decision that resulted in the deaths
and then choosing a specific course of action to solve the specific problem. of all the astronauts on board.
• Managers must be flexible, adaptable and proactive rather than reactive.
FIGURE 5.12 The 1998 Longford gas disaster killed two workers and cut Victoria’s gas supply
for two weeks. Esso was later found guilty of solely contributing to the explosion by failing to
provide adequate workplace safety and employee training.
To maintain its profit, the management of a business may choose to cut costs,
for example, and ignore some of its responsibilities. These types of decisions can
endanger employees or society, or damage the environment through pollution,
raising serious ethical and social responsibility considerations. Management
might choose to reduce costs by sacking employees or by compromising on
product quality or safety, which also raises other ethical and social responsibility
Reconciling these conflicting interests is not always easy. Senior management
must assess constantly the actions of the business and attempt to satisfy as
many stakeholder expectations as possible, while at the same time acting in a
responsible manner.
Snapshot questions
1. Outline strategies Rip Curl has implemented in its bid to create environmental
2. Explain the impact these strategies could have on the company.
The triple bottom line refers to the Many business analysts are now starting to refer to the ‘triple bottom line’ —
economic, social and environmental economic, social and environmental performance — where shareholder value
performance of a business.
increases through the careful management of stakeholder value. More businesses
are realising that reconciling conflicting interests and increasing stakeholder value
ensures long-term growth and survival.
To reconcile the conflicting interests between shareholders and employees,
businesses can look into employee share acquisition schemes. Such schemes
provide the opportunity for eligible employees to purchase shares in a business,
often at a reduced price. This aligns the interests of both groups as a number of
employees become shareholders.
The more successfully a management team achieves the business’s goals, the more
it will be able to satisfy a greater number of stakeholders. Therefore, to succeed in
reconciling the conflicting interests of stakeholders a business needs competent,
informed, ethical and socially responsible managers.
In a desire to reconcile the conflicting interests of the various stakeholders, BizWORD
some businesses use a process of stakeholder engagement (see the following Stakeholder engagement refers to
Snapshot). Stakeholder engagement refers to businesses sharing information businesses sharing information with
with and seeking input from stakeholders, and involving them in decision making. and seeking input from stakeholders,
and involving them in decision
Businesses anticipate that by engaging stakeholders they are more likely to act in
an ethical or socially responsible manner.
Businesses also anticipate that a positive image of the business will be maintained
if all stakeholders have their expectations satisfied, leading to increased sales as
well as an improved reputation for corporate social responsibility.
Community organisations
Community organisations often represent local and indigenous communities near
BHP Billiton’s operations. Community organisations need to be assured that any
potential environmental and social impacts associated with BHP Billiton’s operations
are kept to a minimum, and that opportunities arising from the operations
are maximised. BHP Billiton says that individual sites work with their own host
communities, using community consultation and engagement groups.
BHP Billiton’s customers are mostly other large organisations. BHP Billiton
says that they are usually interested in product quality, cost and delivery. The
marketing area regularly communicates with customers. Technical support assists
in the use and handling of products. Customers receive information about
products and have the opportunity to visit BHP Billiton operations sites to learn
more about its products.
BHP Billiton has shareholders in Australia, Europe and North America. Shareholders
are interested in seeing suitable organisational performance and governance leading
to profit, BHP Billiton communicates with shareholders at annual general meetings,
through regular print and electronic communications, and through its website.
BHP Billiton’s suppliers include local businesses close to its operation as well as large
international suppliers. Its suppliers are interested in supply agreements and payment
processes as well as the standards that BHP Billiton requires of them. A single point of
contact at BHP Billiton ensures that regular reporting and communications are maintained
between the company and its suppliers. BHP Billiton attempts to use local suppliers and
supports these suppliers in enhancing community development opportunities.
Snapshot questions
1. Describe the term ‘stakeholder engagement’.
2. Identify BHP Billiton’s stakeholders.
3. Complete the following table to demonstrate how BHP Billiton engages with
its stakeholders. The first one has been completed for you. Weblink
Use the BHP Billiton 1
weblink in your eBookPLUS
Stakeholder Explanation Interests method
to find out about the
Community They often They need to be assured Individual sites work company’s work with
organisations represent local that environmental with communities, stakeholders in the
and indigenous and social impacts using community communities in which it
communities near will be minimised and consultation and operates.
BHP Billiton’s that opportunities are engagement groups
operations maximised
• Stakeholders are groups and individuals who interact with the business and thus
have a vested interest in its activities.
• Society increasingly expects businesses to accept responsibility and accountability
towards all stakeholders.
• Stakeholder expectations can be compatible or incompatible.
• Managers need to reconcile the conflicting interests of various stakeholders.
• Senior managers must attempt to satisfy as many stakeholder expectations
as possible.
2 Clarify why Peter Drucker argues that ‘vision is the essential contribution
of management’.
Digital doc 3 Outline the relationship between ‘vision’ and ‘leadership’.
Use the Chapter summary 4 (a) Identify two or three people who you consider to be effective leaders.
document in your (b) Against each name, outline the personal qualities each person displays.
eBookPLUS to compile your (c) Determine what leadership qualities the individuals have in common.
own notes for this chapter.
(d) Compare your answer with other class members.
Searchlight: DOC-14114
5 Recall the six steps in a typical problem-solving process.
6 Explain the relationship between problem solving and decision making.
7 Discuss why it is important for managers to be proactive rather than reactive.
8 Define the term ‘stakeholder’.
Digital doc 9 Recall information to complete the following table. The first one has been completed
for you.
Test your knowledge of key
terms by completing the
Chapter crossword in your Major stakeholders Influence
Customers Put pressure on business to satisfy their needs, act
Searchlight: DOC-1203
ethically and be socially responsible
Society/physical environment
5 Use the BHP Billiton 2 weblink in your eBookPLUS to investigate the company’s Weblink
Matched Giving program. Evaluate how this program would enhance the company’s BHP Billiton 2
reputation for corporate social responsibility with its stakeholders.
A business’s goals will alter over time
To be most effective, business goals should be S.M.A.R.T (see the following due to changes in the internal and
snapshot). For example in 2012 one of David Jones’s objectives was to have three external business environment.
women on their board by 2015.
S.M.A.R.T. goals
Using the S.M.A.R.T. technique — a common acronym in goal setting — is the best
method for writing effective goals. Using this technique will help the business owner
to define the goals more easily, and the details involved in achieving them. S.M.A.R.T.
goals should be:
1. Specific. Goals should be straightforward and emphasise what the business wants SNAPSHOT
to happen.
2. Measurable. Decide on goals whose progress can be measured so the business
owner can see the change occur. This helps the business stay on track.
3. Achievable. Goals need to be challenging but not be too far out of the business’s
reach, otherwise the business owner and employees will become unmotivated
due to the lack of success.
Snapshot questions
1. State what the acronym S.M.A.R.T. represents.
2. Explain what Nina Dravik means when she says that ‘The first step in
planning is to set goals’.
3. Recall why Nina Dravik uses the S.M.A.R.T. technique.
❛ I use the S.M.A.R.T.
technique because
it produces clearly Summary
• People start a business because they want to achieve something: they have goals
defined goals . . . ❜ they want to attain.
• A goal is a desired outcome (target) that an individual or business intends to
achieve within a certain time frame.
• Success in achieving your goals is often determined by the amount of planning
Weblink you undertake.
Use the SMART weblink • Carefully prepared goals benefit managers by:
in your eBookPLUS to
discover more about setting
–– serving as targets
goals using the S.M.A.R.T. –– measuring sticks
technique. –– motivation
–– commitment.
• The best method of writing effective goals is by using the S.M.A.R.T. technique.
1 Define the term ‘goal’.
2 Recall what often determines the success in achieving goals.
3 (a) Describe two personal goals.
(b) Identify when you want to achieve them.
(c) Outline what planning will be required to achieve these goals.
4 Discuss what is meant by the statement ‘begin with the end in mind’.
5 Summarise how carefully prepared goals will benefit managers.
6 Identify a benchmark you use to assess your achievement in Business Studies.
7 Read the following two statements. Decide and justify which one is a goal and which
one is not.
(a) ‘To improve customer service.’
(b) ‘To respond to every customer enquiry courteously and completely within
three hours.’
1 ‘We plan to expand our market into Asia, increasing worldwide market share by 2 per
cent over the next three years.’ Determine whether this goal is more likely to belong
to a large or small business. Give reasons for your answer.
Market Share
Profits Growth Social Environmental
share price
Profits BizFACT
Have you ever saved enough money to purchase an expensive item? If so, you All businesses have financial goals as
probably kept a record of all the money you received (revenue), the money you spent well as a system of financial record
(expenses) and the resulting balance. These records provided you with information keeping. Financial records are also
about your cash flow position. As you saved more and the balance increased, you used to determine the business’s level
were able to determine how close you were to achieving your financial goal. One of of success.
the most basic financial goals for businesses is to maximise profits.
As explained in chapter 1, profit is what is left after the costs of producing and
supplying the product (expenses) have been deducted from money earned from
sales (revenue). If the business is unable to consistently make a profit, it will fail.
Only profitable businesses survive in the marketplace.
A major indicator of a business’s success is the size of its profit, so many
businesses not only want to make a profit, they want to maximise their profit.
Profit maximisation occurs when
Profit maximisation occurs when there is a maximum difference between the total
there is a maximum difference
revenue (that is, the number of sales made multiplied by the price) coming into between the total revenue (that is,
the business and total costs being paid out (see figure 6.4). The goal of seeking the number of sales made multiplied
to make as much profit as possible is probably pursued by a larger number of by the price) coming into the business
businesses than any other goal. and total costs being paid out.
lower profits or losses in the short term. A business entering a new market or
introducing a new product, for example, usually performs best by initially setting
low prices to build a large customer base. This is a strategy that Virgin Airlines
adopted when it entered the Australian market. It offered cut-price airfares to
BizWORD tempt passengers away from the established carriers. Virgin has as its long-term
Market share refers to the business’s
goal ‘the desire to maximise profits’, but they realised it would take a number of
share of the total industry sales for a years to achieve.
particular product.
Market share
Market share refers to the business’s share of the total industry sales for a
particular product. This is easy to visualise using a pie chart that shows the
percentage of sales the business has in relation to all its competitors. In most
BizFACT industries, market share is usually a goal for only large businesses. Such
German global magazine group, businesses often develop an extensive product range, using many different brand
Bauer Media, took over ACP in 2012.
It publishes more than 70 magazines
names to gain an extra few percentage points of market share. Small market share
in Australia, with 40 titles selling gains often translate into large profits for these businesses. Bauer Media Group,
70 million copies each year. They which now owns ACP, is Australia’s leading magazine publisher. It dominates
include the country’s biggest-selling the celebrity weeklies category with 46.2 per cent market share; the motoring
monthly magazine, Australian Women’s
Weekly, Australia’s number one weekly category with 88.5 per cent; the health category with 57.1 per cent; and in the
magazine, Woman’s Day, Dolly, NW, TV women’s lifestyle category 55.8 per cent, with titles including Elle, Cosmopolitan
Week, Cleo, Cosmopolitan, Australian and CLEO. Overall, Bauer Media Group captures about 50.6 per cent of total
Gourmet Traveller, Australian House &
Australian magazine market share.
Garden and Wheels. Bauer Media
currently produces digital editions for Increasing market share is an important goal for businesses that dominate
47 of its Australian titles. the market, because small market gains often translate into large profits (see the
following Snapshot).
Most businesses want to grow. They can achieve growth internally (organically) or
externally. Internal growth could involve employing more people, increasing sales,
introducing innovative products, purchasing new equipment or establishing more
outlets. McDonald’s has pursued an ambitious growth program by selecting a large
number of sites for future expansion.
External growth is achieved by merging with or acquiring other businesses. A
merger occurs when two businesses join together to become one — for example,
when the airline company Qantas joined with Jetset Travel. Expansion can also
take place through acquisition. This means that one business purchases another
business — for example, when Coca-Cola Amatil purchased Neverfail Springwater
and Mount Franklin bottled water suppliers; SPC Ardmona, IXL and Taylor’s food
products; and Goulburn Valley packaged ready-to-eat fruit merchandise.
Maximising growth is not a goal that only large businesses can achieve. Many
successful SMEs have followed similar strategies and in the process expanded to
become large businesses. However, some small business owners are content to
maintain the existing size of their business to:
• avoid the added pressures of expansion in a desire for a quiet life or a particular
• keep control over the business’s operations
• maintain personal contact with the customers.
Stock price ($)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
FIGURE 6.8 The Woolworths share price increased from around $5 in early 2000 to a peak
of $34.85 in 2007. During the global financial crisis, the share price fell, as did most companies’
during this period. Since then, their share price has remained relatively stable, mostly within the
$25 to $30 band.
Of course, businesses must be aware that they operate within a wider community BizFACT
that expects corporations to act ethically. Unethical activities may temporarily Through its numerous values
improve a company’s share price but ultimately end up being detrimental to and campaigns, The Body Shop
a business. expresses its commitment to social
and environmental justice on a local
and global level. Recent campaigns
Social goals include ‘Walk in her shoes’, ‘Stop
sex trafficking of children and young
All businesses operate within a community and, like individuals, have certain people’, ‘Climate friendly’, ‘Rethink
social responsibilities. Many businesses develop social goals and adopt strategies refugees’ and ‘Stop violence in the
that will benefit the community, while achieving financial goals. Among the main home’. The Body Shop prides itself on
being a retail activist.
social goals are:
1. Community service. Business sponsorship of a wide range of community
events, promotions and programs rapidly increased during the past decade.
Many businesses financially support educational, cultural, sporting and
welfare activities.
2. Provision of employment. Most large businesses do not regard employment
of people as a main goal. Many small business owners, however, look at the BizWORD
continuity of their business, sometimes employing family members who Social justice in business is about
otherwise might be unemployed. adopting a set of policies to ensure
3. Social justice. Everyone has the right to be treated fairly. A business may be that employees or other community
concerned for social justice — that is, it adopts a set of policies to ensure members are treated equally and fairly.
employees and/or other community members are treated equally and fairly.
Sustainable development
So far we have painted a somewhat bleak picture of the possible future.
Fortunately, however, the world is moving away from many of its past
practices. Economic growth must be achieved sustainably. Many in society
now argue that economic growth should not occur at the expense of polluting
and degrading the air, water and forests that are essential to support life on
this planet. There needs to be a balance between economic and environmental
concerns — in other words, sustainable development.
FIGURE 6.9 Delta Goodrem is the
national patron of Ronald McDonald
House Charities, which provides
programs and accommodation
for seriously ill children and their
families. McDonald’s Australia is a
large business that provides financial
assistance to cover all administration
and management costs of the Ronald
McDonald House Charity, which is
an independent charity. Individual
McDonald’s stores, which are owned
by franchisees, also provide invaluable
time and assistance to the charity.
Sustainable development occurs
when the needs of the present
FIGURE 6.10 Johnson & Johnson aspire to be the most environmentally and socially
population are met without
responsible company in the world. More than 20 years ago, they developed their first
endangering the ability of future
environmental goal aimed at reducing toxic emissions. Since then, they have set a series of
generation to meet their own needs.
long-term goals that address a wide range of environmental impacts. In 2011, they unveiled
Healthy Future 2015, which outlines their goals for the next five years.
• A business attempts to achieve a variety of goals. These goals relate to:
–– profits
–– market share
–– growth
–– share price
–– social
–– environmental.
• Profit maximisation occurs when there is a maximum difference between total
revenue (TR) and total costs (TC).
• Market share refers to the business’s share of the total industry sales for a
particular product.
• A small change in a business’s market share can result in a large change to its profit.
• A business can maximise growth either internally (organically) or externally.
• Companies need to satisfy their shareholders by improving the share price and
paying healthy dividends.
• Many businesses develop social and environmental goals and adopt strategies
that will benefit the community.
• There are three main social goals a business attempts to achieve:
–– community service
–– provision of employment
–– social justice.
• Enlightened businesses are adopting sustainable development practices.
• Managers should attempt to achieve a mix of the above goals.
• Managers often have to make a trade-off between conflicting goals.
Environmental Social
2 In the following examples, identify which goal the business is trying to achieve.
(a) The business owner wishes to increase revenue so they conduct a large sale.
(b) A board of directors announces that the company’s profits are forecast at
23 per cent over the next 12 months and the dividend will rise by 28 cents
per share.
(c) A manager decides to undertake an extensive promotional campaign in an attempt
to attract new customers.
(d) Senior executives knew there was only one way to expand the business and that
was by buying the opposition.
3 ‘The main goal of a business is to maximise profits’.
(a) Define the term ‘profit maximisation’.
(b) Recount under what circumstances a manager may be prepared to accept reduced
profits in the short term.
(c) In your opinion, discuss whether maximising profits should be the only goal of a
4 Describe two strategies a manager can use to maximise profits.
5 Explain why profit maximisation is more suitable as a long-term goal. Weblink
6 Use the Coca-Cola Amatil weblink in your eBookPLUS to access the latest Fact Book to: Coca-Cola Amatil
(a) identify the five products that have the greatest market share
(b) discuss why Coca-Cola Amatil wants to increase its market share for each of its
7 Recommend three strategies either Coles or Woolworths could use to increase their
market share. Share your answer with other class members.
8 Distinguish between internal and external growth.
1 Set up a class debate to critically analyse the following topic: ‘All businesses care
about is making as much money as possible’. Share roles so that those not debating
are involved either in assisting with research, or in running the debate and keeping
notes on both sides’ arguments.
2 In small groups, arrange to interview a local small business owner to determine his
or her main business goals. Compare and contrast them with what you have learnt
from this topic. Present your findings to the rest of the class.
3 ‘A business’s financial goals sometimes conflict with each other’. Evaluate this statement.
As we outlined in chapter 1, innovation occurs when a new idea is applied to
improving an existing product or idea. With markets and competition becoming
more global, Australian businesses are being forced to become more innovative.
Often, a business can gain a competitive advantage if it innovates successfully.
Travel With Kidz
Therefore, all businesses should encourage an innovative business culture by
Wendy from Travel With Kidz
recognising and encouraging one of the most important sources of innovative ideas: meets with Graham ‘Skroo’
employees. For example, in 1968 Spencer Silver, a 3M technician, developed a Turner, co-founder of Flight
‘low-tack’ adhesive that would not stick — a glue that 3M considered a failure. The Centre, so we can share in
their trade secrets.
product was abandoned. However in 1973, another innovative 3M technician, Art
Searchlight: ELES-0836
Fry, in a moment of insight, realised the full potential of a reusable bookmark and
went on to invent the Post-it Note. It was through the innovative potential of these
two employees that the humble Post-It Note has become an absolute necessity in
the office. As the basic product evolved into an entire product line, Post-It Notes
are to be found in most schools, laboratories, libraries and in homes.
The innovative activities of staff are often referred to as the entrepreneurship
within the business. More recently, employees who take on the entrepreneurial
roles within businesses are called intrapreneurs. In some businesses, these creative
people present some managers with a dilemma. Highly creative, innovative thinkers
can be nonconformist in their behaviour and dress. Attempts to get creative BizWORD
employees to be conventional and follow the rules and regulations may actually An intrapreneur is an individual who
suppress their creativity. However, if a business is to grow and to maintain its takes on the entrepreneurial roles
competitive advantage, then staff must be encouraged and given the opportunity within a business.
to be innovative. The most important thing a business can do to achieve this
successfully is to demonstrate that it values new ideas and solutions and it does
this by taking them seriously. If a business just pays lip service to creativity then
the employees quickly ‘get the message’ and stop coming up with original ideas.
Other practices would include:
• rewards given to employees with innovative ideas that become profitable
• a trustful management that does not excessively control — micromanage — people
• sufficient financial, management, human and time resources to achieve goals
• not fearing the consequences of making a mistake
• use techniques such as brainstorming to encourage ideas.
However, research over the last 70 years has revealed that motivation is much
Research reveals that intrinsic motivation
more complicated than just these two variables. Different theories have been
— motivation that comes from inside
an individual — is a more long-term formulated which lead to the conclusion that individual employees respond
and powerful motivating force than differently to various motivational techniques. Figure 6.14 outlines a number
any external or outside rewards such as of motivational techniques that can be used. What they have in common
money, grades or promotions. is the need to develop a business culture that fosters employee welfare and
FIGURE 6.14 Motivational techniques that consider the emotional and physical wellbeing of
employees means high morale which in turn improves employee and business effectiveness.
Snapshot questions
1. Summarise the incentives that the article found effective in motivating staff.
2. Propose arguments that could deter managers from using non-financial
3. Conduct a survey amongst friends and family about what best motivates
them in their workplace, then compare and contrast your findings with the
list in the article above.
The reality is that people want to be involved in their working lives. The successful
businesses today will need to give close attention to involving employees in
the decision-making process. Good managers should, therefore, also be good
motivators, encouraging employees and using positive reinforcement to influence
behaviour. The overall success of the business largely depends on motivated and
skilled employees who are committed to its goals — that is, everyone working
towards a common purpose.
When talking with school students or employees about their school or work
BizWORD experiences, it is common to hear them refer to individuals who influenced them.
Mentoring is the process of Many schools and businesses have introduced formalised mentoring programs,
developing another individual by especially for new students or employees, with the aim of providing advice,
offering tutoring, coaching and guidance and to help with their socialisation.
modelling acceptable behaviour.
Mentoring is normally done by tutoring, coaching and modelling of acceptable
Socialisation is the process a new
behaviour. Most importantly, though, a mentor acts as a role model. A mentor is
employee undergoes in the first few
weeks of employment through which someone — usually a more experienced employee — who helps develop a less
he or she learns how to cope and experienced employee (the protégé). They act as a guide, teacher, counsellor, and
succeed. coach. Such a practice is commonly referred to as taking someone under his or
A mentor is someone — usually a her ‘wing’. Ultimately, the protégé learns acceptable attitudes and behaviours. For
more experienced employee — who example, CompuServe, a computer wholesaler, encourages its experienced sales
helps develop a less experienced representatives to take new employees on sales calls to the company’s largest
employee (the protégé).
customers. Teaching new employees what the business expects of them helps
strengthen their dedication and commitment to the firm. It also helps to make sure
that all employees are exposed to the values the business believes are important.
A formalised mentoring program is enormously beneficial because:
• it ensures access to mentors for all employees, regardless of levels of experience,
backgrounds, gender or ethnicity.
• the participants in the mentoring relationship know what is expected of them.
This is especially beneficial for new employees as it assists with their transition
into the workplace.
• it assists with the training and development of all employees and passes on the
skills and abilities of the more experienced staff members.
Mentoring in action
Some mentor programs fail because no clear goals and guidelines are established
at the outset of the mentor/mentoree relationship. Ideally, programs need to be
structured and overseen by Human Resource departments and work best when
both participants are committed to the goals established. At the conclusion of
a mentoring relationship, it is vital that an evaluation of the process takes place.
Mentoring programs are one way in which companies can both retain and recruit
Macy had been employed with Waratah Press for only a year since completing a
communications degree. She was enjoying her role with the company as a junior
editorial assistant within a small editorial team. For over 25 years, Waratah Press had
offered custom printing and self-publishing services for clients with local printing or
publishing needs. She really hoped that she could have a future there, honing her
skills in copy editing and project management.
She particularly admired Judith Carew, who headed the managerial team and
seemed to know everything about the business. Macy didn’t report to Judith but
knew if she had the opportunity, she could learn a lot under her guidance. So
she was very excited when an internal email arrived in her inbox one morning
announcing a mentoring program being introduced within the company. As soon
as she could, she approached her supervisor, Curtis, to inquire whether she could
apply to be a mentoree and whether Judith might be her mentor. He was supportive
❛ Judith would . . . act
and suggested she fill in the expression of interest form and forward it to HR and as a “sounding
Judith for consideration. Judith was agreeable and the company’s first mentoring
partnership began to take shape.
board” for Macy’s
It took some time to establish the guidelines for the mentorship so that both questions and ideas. ❜
Macy and Judith had a clear idea of the goals and the process for their achievement.
They decided on a mentorship period of four months with fortnightly formal
meetings as well as more informal contact on a weekly basis. The informal meetings
would involve a brief ‘catch-up’ over coffee in the local café. During both types of
meetings, Judith would aim to support Macy with her current projects, help her learn
the ‘ins and outs’ of the industry and act as a ‘sounding board’ for Macy’s questions
and ideas.
In their debriefing with HR at the end of the mentorship, Macy felt she had
increased her knowledge about the industry, confirmed her career directions
and become a much more productive employee as a result. Judith indicated that
being a mentor had also given her valuable insights into her own role with the
opportunity to share information and resources in a positive way to contribute to
the career development of a new employee. For the company overall, it seemed a
way to retain staff who promised to be valuable to the company’s future, as well
as being able to promote the mentorship program as a way of recruiting new
Snapshot questions
1. Outline the guidelines Judith and Macy established for their mentoring
2. Identify why some mentoring programs might fail.
3. Assess the benefits to (a) the mentoree, (b) the mentor and (c) the company
of a successful mentoring program.
• Staff involvement means involving employees in the decision-making process
and giving them the necessary skills and rewards.
• A work environment that maximises employee involvement and satisfaction has
high levels of labour productivity.
• Businesses should encourage an innovative business culture by recognising
and encouraging one of the most important sources of innovative ideas:
• An intrapreneur is an innovative employee who takes on the entrepreneurial
Digital doc
roles within a business.
Use the Chapter summary
document in your
• Motivation refers to the individual, internal process that directs, energises and
eBookPLUS to compile your sustains a person’s behaviour.
own notes for this chapter. • Individual employees respond differently to various motivational techniques.
Searchlight: DOC-14115 • Good managers should also be good motivators, encouraging employees and
using positive reinforcement to influence behaviour.
• Mentoring is the process of developing another individual by offering tutoring,
coaching and modelling acceptable behaviour.
• Teaching new employees what the business expects of them helps strengthen
their dedication and commitment to the business.
• Employee training generally refers to the process of teaching staff how to perform
their job more efficiently and effectively by boosting their knowledge and skills.
• The goal of training is to improve employee productivity.
1 Define the term ‘staff involvement’.
2 Think of a situation where you were involved in the decision-making process.
(a) State the decision that needed to be made.
(b) Describe the decision-making process used.
1 Suppose that you are the owner of a music store and you employ ten staff members.
Demonstrate what staff involvement techniques you would use with these employees.
2 Recall a mentoring program you are familiar with.
(a) Investigate the aim of the program.
(b) Evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
(c) Recommend changes you would make to improve the effectiveness of the program.
3 Analyse the system that is used in your school to motivate students. Propose how it
could be improved.
4 Investigate the theories of motivation put forward by Abraham Maslow, Frederick
Herzberg and Douglas McGregor. Create a written or oral report and present
your findings.
Management approaches
7.1 Introduction
Management has been practised for thousands of years. The great pyramids of Giza in
Egypt, for example, represent the combined efforts of more than 100 000 individuals
who worked on the project over a 20-year period. This remarkable achievement was
Like today’s managers, the ancient
the result of well-coordinated management practices.
Egyptian managers needed to:
• develop plans
• acquire human and physical
• arrange finance
• analyse information
• keep records and prepare progress
• monitor performance and
coordinate activities
• take corrective action whenever
FIGURE 7.1 Effective management practices were applied to building the pyramids of Egypt.
• Knowledge about management today is the result of a long and continuing
innovative process as ideas evolved over time.
• The business’s management approach will have an enormous impact on all
aspects of the business’s operations.
7.2 Classical approach to
The Industrial Revolution began with the invention of reliable steam-powered BizWORD
machines. For the first time, businesses could mass-produce goods in factories Mass production is the process of
that operated year-round. This posed challenges that earlier businesses had not manufacturing standardised goods on
previously faced. Problems arose in training employees, organising the managerial a huge scale by automation.
structure, scheduling complex manufacturing processes and dealing with worker
dissatisfaction. Business owners now had to plan, organise, direct, control and staff
many different types of operation.
In response to these many complex problems, managers developed and tested
solutions with the focus on finding ‘one best way’ to perform and manage tasks.
The evolution of modern management, called the classical approach, had begun. BizWORD
As the Industrial Revolution continued, this approach generated two perspectives, The classical approach to
each with a slightly different emphasis. First came the classical scientific approach, management stresses how best to
which focused on how best to organise workers and production methods on the manage and organise workers so as
to improve productivity (output).
factory floor. Then came the classical bureaucratic approach, which emphasised
how businesses should be organised or structured.
Classical–scientific approach
One significant management approach that emerged during the nineteenth century
was that of Frederick W Taylor (1856–1915). Taylor (figure 7.2) was an advocate
of the production line method of manufacturing, which he viewed as the most BizWORD
efficient form of production. This production system was used in the industrialised Scientific management is an
countries of the world until the early 1970s and was based mainly on Taylor’s approach that studies a job in great
scientific management ideas. detail to discover the best way to
Taylor, to assist his analysis, developed the principles of scientific management: perform it.
an approach that studies a job in great detail to discover the best way to perform it.
Classical–bureaucratic approach The term ‘bureaucracy’ was used by
The classical–bureaucratic approach was pioneered by Max Weber and Henri Fayol. Max Weber to describe hierarchical
According to Weber, a bureaucracy is the most efficient form of organisation and organisations. The word is sometimes
should have: associated with controversy. People
• a strict hierarchical organisational structure talk about bureaucracy as if it is self-
serving and uncaring, but Weber
• clear lines of communication and responsibility
described it positively. He believed
• jobs broken down into simple tasks; specialisation that it contributed to a rational and
• rules and procedures more efficient organisation, because
• impersonal evaluation of employee performance to avoid favouritism and bias. everyone knew their status and
Today, the term ‘bureaucracy’ is sometimes associated with controversy. People position in the organisation.
talk about bureaucracy as if it is self-serving and uncaring, but Weber described
it positively. He believed that it contributed to a rational and more efficient
organisation, because everyone knew their status and position in the organisation.
Fayol identified a number of management functions, including planning,
organising and controlling (figure 7.4). His explanation of the functional approach
to management provided a type of ‘job description’ for managers.
Use the Henri Fayol weblink
Fayol’s explanation of the functions of management was so concise and easy in your eBookPLUS to
to understand that it formed the foundation of most management courses offered discover more about Fayol’s
during the twentieth century. His explanation was often used as a definition of theory of management.
management itself.
The process of evaluating and
Changing production procedures if
3. Controlling modifying tasks to ensure that the set
goals are not being achieved
goals are being achieved
• A classical–scientific approach to management, pioneered by Frederick Taylor,
studies a job in great detail to discover the best way to perform it.
• The classical–scientific approach led to the development of assembly line, mass-
production techniques.
• A classical–bureaucratic approach to management, pioneered by Max Weber and
Henri Fayol, advocated:
–– that a bureaucracy is the most efficient form of organisation
–– the main function of management is planning, organising and controlling.
• The main features of classical–scientific and classical–bureaucratic management
approaches include:
–– time and motion studies used to reduce inefficiencies
–– production line methods
–– hierarchical organisational structure (bureaucracy)
–– clear lines of authority (chain of command)
–– discipline as a feature of leadership
–– autocratic leadership style
–– rules and procedures.
12 Compare and contrast Frederick Taylor’s ideas on how to improve productivity with
the ideas of Henri Fayol. You might like to present your information in the form of a
Venn diagram, as shown in figure 7.5.
FIGURE 7.5 A Venn diagram is used to compare and contrast information. Points of
difference are recorded in the outer parts of the circle and similarities are placed in the area
where the two circles intersect.
1 In small groups, create a list of advantages and disadvantages of a modern business
adopting a purely classical–scientific management approach. Share your research with
the class as either a written or oral presentation.
2 Examine how the classical approach to management helped Henry Ford build the Ford
Motor Company. Evaluate the criticisms that have been made of automated production
line methods of manufacturing. Use the bio.true story weblink in your eBookPLUS to
access a biography of Henry Ford and the working conditions in the early Ford factories. bio.true story
Vision statement
Top/ Board of directors
senior/ Chief executive officer (CEO)
executive Managing director (MD) Strategic (long-term)
management planning
Accountability team
Authority Department head Departmental/divisional
Divisional head objectives
Middle management team
Plant manager Tactical (medium-term)
Store manager planning
General manager
• Management functions include:
–– planning: a predetermined course of action. This involves strategic, tactical and
operational planning.
–– organising: a range of activities that translate goals into reality.
–– controlling: compares what was intended to happen with what has actually
• Management hierarchy is the arrangement that provides increasing authority at
higher levels of the hierarchy.
• Senior managers have greater accountability, responsibility and power compared
to lower-level managers of the organisation.
• The traditional hierarchical organisational structure has people grouped
according to the specialised functions they perform.
Leadership styles
The important task faced by all managers is how best to achieve their business’s
goals. This task can be accomplished only by working with and through other
Autocratic or
or democratic
(high task/low process)
The two main types of leadership approaches and their characteristics are shown
in table 7.1.
Autocratic or Participative or
Key feature authoritarian manager democratic manager
Decision making Makes all decisions and Consults with employees, asks for
informs employees suggestions then decides
Control Centralised — controls all Shares decision making with
activities employees
Staff participation Expects employees to follow High level of employee
orders empowerment
Communication Top–down Two-way
Motivation methods External — rewards (carrot) Internal — sense of fulfilment,
and sanctions (stick) satisfaction
Workplace example Military officer during Professional organisations —
wartime; time of crisis intellectual abilities of employees
are similar or complementary
The autocratic style of leading can be effective in a time of crisis when immediate
compliance with rules or procedure is needed, or in meeting an unexpected
deadline when speed is important. An army officer, for example, would adopt this
management style during military exercises. This approach is also effective when
individuals lack skills and knowledge. A McDonald’s crew trainer, for example,
Use the Autocratic
may adopt this style when supervising new employees. It is generally accepted, leadership weblink in your
however, that this style does not encourage the best performance from employees. eBookPLUS to learn more
The main advantages of the autocratic leadership style include the following. about autocratic leadership
styles and examples.
• Directions and procedures are clearly defined and there is less chance of
• Employees’ roles and expectations are set out plainly, so management can
monitor their performance.
• A hierarchical structure provides a stable and consistent environment in which
the outcomes almost always match management objectives.
• Control is centralised at top-level management, so time is used efficiently and
problems are dealt with quickly because there is no discussion or consultation.
• The two main types of leadership style are:
–– autocratic or authoritarian — strong, centralised control
–– participative or democratic — authority and power are decentralised.
• A manager using an autocratic leadership style tends to make all the decisions
and frequently checks employee performance.
• Managers should bring a range of leadership styles to their positions that can
change according to the situation.
• Most managers typically have a dominant style.
1 Define the term ‘planning’.
2 Explain why planning is considered to be the primary management function.
3 Complete the following table by identifying whether the planning activities are
strategic, tactical or operational. The first one has been completed for you.
Step 1 Establish s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Step 2 Measure p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Step 3 Take corrective a _ _ _ _ _
1 ‘The three levels of planning — strategic, tactical and operational — correspond to
the three levels of management — top, middle and frontline.’ Explain the relationship
between the level of planning and the level of management.
2 Account for the relationship between an organisational chart and an organisation’s
chain of command. If you were new to a business, explain how an organisational
chart would help you become oriented.
3 ‘Managers who adopt a strict autocratic management style normally organise their
business along traditional hierarchical lines.’ Evaluate.
4 Determine how autocratic managers motivate their staff to get things done. Assess
whether their style is successful.
5 Ask your teacher for permission to complete the following activity in class time. The
aim of this activity is to put your theoretical understanding of Business Studies into
practical use as you solve problems, plan and make management decisions.
Materials required: paper, tape measure, markers (such as flags or witches hats)
7.3 Behavioural approach
to management
Scientific management principles did not always lead to increased productivity due
to the repetitive and boring nature of many jobs and the dehumanising structure
of the workplace. Approximately 50 years after the emergence of scientific man
agement ideas, behavioural, or ‘human relations’, approaches surfaced. The
behavioural school recognised that to make substantial productivity gains, worker
participation in the production process was required. It acknowledged the workers’
contribution to output.
Advocates of the behavioural approach to management stress that people
(employees) should be the main focus of the way the business is organised. They
believe that successful management depends largely on the manager’s ability to
understand and work with people who have a variety of diverse backgrounds,
electrical components such as relay assemblies. Mayo wanted to find out what
effect fatigue and monotony had on employee productivity. He selected six
female employees from the assembly line, segregated them from the rest of
the factory and placed them under the control of a supportive supervisor. The
team was involved in assembling telephone relays. Mayo made frequent changes
to their working conditions, always discussing and explaining the changes in
To his amazement, Mayo realised that productivity had increased completely
independent of any of the changes he made. The six individual employees had
become a team and together eagerly participated in the experiment. They were
happy knowing that they were working without coercion from senior managers or
limitations from the workplace structure. They felt they were working under less
pressure, not being pushed or bossed around by anyone. Under these conditions,
they developed an increased sense of responsibility, with discipline coming from
within the team.
Mayo’s findings were at odds with F W Taylor’s theory, which stated that
workers are only motivated by self-interest. If Taylor was correct, the women’s ❛ . . . workplaces are
productivity should have decreased when Mayo returned them to longer
working hours. However, Mayo realised that the women had formed a social environments
harmonious team and felt happier at work, which raised their self-esteem. The
women talked, joked and began to meet socially outside of work. Mayo had
and employees are
discovered an elementary concept that seems obvious today: workplaces are often motivated by
social environments and employees are often motivated by much more than
self-interest. much more than
The section of the Hawthorne studies that examined the beneficial effects of self-interest. ❜
positive and supportive supervision, and the impact of teamwork became known as
the Hawthorne effect.
Snapshot questions
1. According to Elton Mayo’s research, explain why productivity increased even
after the original working conditions were reintroduced.
2. Outline what is meant by the Hawthorne effect. Weblink
3. Imagine you are a manager for a small business. Discuss what impact Mayo’s Use the Hawthorne studies
research would have on: weblink in your eBookPLUS
(a) how you organise your workplace to discover more about the
(b) the management practices you would use. history of these studies.
• The behavioural approach to management, pioneered by Elton Mayo, stresses
that people (employees) should be the main focus of the way in which the
business is organised.
• The main features of behavioural management approach include:
–– humanistic approach: employees are the most important resource
–– economic and social needs of employees should be satisfied
–– employee participation in decision making
–– team-based structure
–– managers need good interpersonal skills
–– democratic leadership style emerging.
Leading is the process of influencing
Management as leading
or motivating people to work towards Leading occurs when managers endeavour to influence or motivate people in the
the achievement of the business’s business to work to achieve the business’s objectives. The type of leadership in
objectives. a business depends on the attitudes and assumptions that managers have about
people in the business.
With a shortage of skilled staff
looming in Australia, organisations will
need to work harder to motivate and
retain staff to reduce termination rates
or ‘employee churn’.
Management as communicating
As outlined in chapter 5, one of the most difficult challenges for managers is
getting employees to understand and want to achieve the business’s goals. Effective
communication is at the heart of meeting this challenge.
Communication is one of the easiest and, at the same time, most difficult of
management activities. This is because of the complex nature of communication.
Unless managers are effective communicators and able to share their thoughts and
plans, they will find it difficult to influence others.
• According to the behavioural management approach, the main management
functions are:
–– leading: having a vision of where the business should be in the long and short
–– motivating: energising and encouraging employees to achieve the business’s
–– communicating: exchanging information between people; the sending and
receiving of messages.
1 Define the term ‘behavioural approach’ to management.
2 According to the behavioural management approach, identify what was required to
improve worker productivity.
3 Recall the two significant results of Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne studies.
4 Identify five characteristics a manager should display in order to be a leader.
5 Calculate whether the following statements are true or false.
True False
(a) Leading and managing are much the same thing. ____ ____
(b) Good leaders are important for businesses. ____ ____
(c) To be a good leader, you must be authoritarian. ____ ____
(d) Before you lead you must learn to follow. ____ ____
(e) Leaders should have only one concern: the task. ____ ____
(f) To be an effective leader you must be a skilled communicator. ____ ____
(g) A person’s leadership style should be fixed and unchangeable. ____ ____
(h) Leadership skills can be learned. ____ ____
6 Recall the meaning of the term ‘motivation’.
7 State what the Hawthorne studies revealed about employee motivation.
8 Identify four factors a manager can use to motivate the business’s employees.
9 When talking about motivation, the carrot (reward) and stick (punishment) approach
is sometimes mentioned. Explain why giving someone a reward or punishment might
motivate them to act.
10 ‘For a business to succeed, effective communication is vital.’ Discuss.
11 Draw a table similar to the one following to summarise details of management skills
in this section. The first one has been completed for you.
Skill Definition Characteristics to the workplace
Teams BizWORD
A not-so-quiet revolution is rapidly transforming workplace cultures, practices, Teamwork involves people who
operations and productivity levels. Many businesses are starting to realise that a interact regularly and coordinate their
team approach can be the catalyst for superior performance. Teamwork involves work towards a common goal.
people who interact regularly and coordinate their work towards a common goal.
Understanding how such teams function — that is, understanding the group
dynamics of teams and teamwork, is vital for managers operating in the modern
workplace. It is essential that managers foster a sense of cohesion between team
members, otherwise the team is no more than a group of individuals all working
separately. Such teams have no common purpose and therefore lack any sense
of belonging to the organisation. In such cases, it is quite common for conflict
to develop between team members. Ultimately, the team’s effectiveness will be
These self-directed work teams alter some of the traditional roles of management.
One obvious change is that managers have to work more closely with people
over whom they have no apparent authority. They are required to adopt a team
approach, negotiating consensus decisions rather than imposing demands.
Another significant impact of a team approach is the breaking down of the
traditional pyramid-shaped hierarchical organisational structure. Hierarchical
boundaries are disappearing as people and functions mix together to create much
FIGURE 7.19 Flatter management structure — a typical organisation chart. The span of
control is wider and management has more direct contact with employees.
Snapshot questions
1. Recall what causes teams to form.
2. Identify the common goal of the 1972 group of rugby players.
3. Explain why it is important to clearly communicate to employees the goals
the business wants to achieve.
4. ‘Contributing as a team has a multiplier effect. The whole becomes clearly
more than the sums of the parts.’ Evaluate the accuracy of this statement.
• Teamwork involves people who interact regularly and coordinate their work
towards a common goal.
• Well functioning teams can produce superior performance.
• Managers require a good understanding of team/group dynamics.
• The development of work teams has resulted in flatter organisational structures.
• The role of managers is changing from controller to facilitator.
• Businesses are adopting flatter management structures which results in:
–– ‘de-layering’ of traditional hierarchical structure
–– establishment of market-focused work teams
–– each work team responsible for a wide range of production functions.
• Reducing the levels of management gives greater responsibility to individuals in
the business.
• A manager who adopts a behavioural approach will tend to use a participative or
democratic leadership style.
• Participative or democratic leaders share their decision-making authority with
their subordinates.
• This style of leadership is most effective when a business is operating in an
environment undergoing rapid change.
6. Cultivate the ability to adapt to
FOR THE MODERN MANAGER changing circumstances.
1. Share your vision with all relevant 7. Learn how to access and use
stakeholders. appropriate information and
2. Manage the relationships and manage this knowledge effectively.
the coalitions, not the employees. 8. Be aware of how developments
3. Manage your own emotions in technology can improve your
and help others in the business effectiveness and efficiency.
to maintain an emotional balance. 9. Recognise and use the experiences
4. Learn to thrive on diversity and expertise of all employees.
not conformity. 10. Encourage ethical behaviour in
5. Lead, rather than simply managing, order to promote pride and
by inspiring trust and motivation. commitment in employees.
• The contingency management approach stresses the need for flexibility and
adaptation of management practices and ideas to suit a particular situation.
• Due to the unstable business environment, managers need to be flexible and
borrow and blend from a wide range of management approaches.
Behavioural • Recognition that workers • Hierarchical pyramid • Many management and • More participative
approach have social needs in structure supervisory levels or democratic
addition to economic • More consultation • Development of people aspects emerging
needs with workforce but still management skills,
• Teamwork and informal not full participative particularly communication
work groups important partnership and social motivation skills
for productivity
Contingency • Flexibility and adaptation • May be pyramid, • Depends on the business’s • Depends on the
approach of a variety of ideas and flat or decentralised requirements; that is, the requirements of
principles from a range organisational structure, nature of the operation and the business
of theories mean that depending on the abilities of employees
a range of options may business’s requirements
be pursued to suit the
business’s requirements
1 State why work teams are becoming more common in today’s businesses.
2 State what impact the development of work teams has on a business’s organisational
3 Draw a hierarchical and a flat organisational structure. Contrast the two diagrams by
listing their differences.
Management process
8.1 Introduction
So far in this topic we have discussed only the ‘what’ of management. We have
• the nature of management: its importance and what skills are needed to be an
effective manager
• achieving business goals: what the manager wants the business to achieve
• management approaches: ideas about different ways of performing the task of
However, we now come to the ‘how’ of management: how the task of management
BizWORD is actually done. Once a business has established a set of specific goals, the next
Strategies are the actions that step is to determine what needs to be done to achieve the goals. Strategies outline
a business takes to achieve how the business will attempt to achieve its goals. Strategies are the series of actions
specific goals.
undertaken to achieve an end result. This requires managers to make decisions
about how best to administer and coordinate the four key business functional
areas — operations, marketing, finance and human resources. This responsibility
of management is often viewed as the ‘doing things right’ responsibility.
The focus of management’s strategies is to ensure that the key business functions
are performing efficiently and effectively in order to support and implement the
business’s overall intentions. Specialist managers in:
• operations focus on strategies to improve production processes and to create the
BizFACT ideal factory or office layout
Strategies are a number of actions
• marketing determine the appropriate markets for the business’s products, and
to be undertaken to achieve a goal. decide on pricing, product features, promotion and channels of distribution
Strategies involve: • finance are responsible for the financial requirements, budget allocation and
• what has to be done financial record keeping
• who is to do what
• human resources are concerned with the recruiting, training, employment contracts
• when it is to be done
• what resources will be needed. and separation of the employees who are required to run the business successfully.
For example, imagine if one of Toyota’s goals is to increase its market share of
hybrid motor vehicles. This would result in changes to the operations function —
how the cars are manufactured. The marketing function would need to develop plans
for pricing and promoting the new type of motor vehicles. Additional finance would
be required to fund the extra resources needed. Finally, new employees with the
necessary skills will need to be recruited and selected, or existing employees retrained.
In a small business, the key business functions are normally carried out by few
BizWORD employees. They are required to undertake numerous tasks that will often overlap
Outsourcing is the use of external (see figure 8.4 on page 197). Occasionally, a small business will decide to outsource
sources or businesses to undertake one or more key business functions and concentrate on those functions in which
business functions or activities for the it is most skilled. In large businesses, whole divisions or departments, such as the
finance department or the marketing department staffed by many people, perform
one specific function.
The key business functions are at the core of all businesses regardless of the
business’s size, location, purpose or length of existence.
In most businesses, the key business functions are grouped to bring closely related
tasks together. Thus, sales and marketing are grouped, finance and administration
are grouped, and operations is grouped with research and development (R&D).
Consequently, the range of functions is generally reduced to four main functions as BizFACT
is shown in figure 8.2. For a business to be successful, it is
crucial that all the goals and strategies
are linked and working harmoniously.
These key functions are interdependent (i.e. they all overlap) and each
relies on the other. In many businesses, they are separate functions. This is
particularly true of large businesses. The word ‘synergy’ is often applied
to describe the benefits of interdependence. Synergy means ‘the whole
is greater than the sum of all the individual parts’.
FIGURE 8.2 The four key business functions
• Strategies are a series of actions undertaken to achieve specific goals.
• The four key business functions include:
–– operations
–– marketing
–– finance
–– human resources.
• The key business functions are interdependent — each relies on the other to
perform effectively.
• All business functions should:
–– work towards the fulfilment of the business’s goals
–– be coordinated so that they have a common purpose.
• In large businesses the key business functions are often separated into divisions
or departments.
• In small businesses the key business functions are not separated but often overlap.
1 Determine why it is impractical to expect small businesses to have distinct functional
2 Predict what will happen to a business whose key business functions are not united
in trying to achieve the business’s overall intention.
The nature and type of operations vary considerably from one type of good or To be efficient, organisations need
service to another. However, how the operations management function is carried to consider the ways in which they
organise production, as well as the
out will directly affect a business’s competitive position because it will: layout of the plant and equipment.
• establish the level of quality of the good or service The judicious use and integration of
• influence the overall cost of production, given that the operations function is technology is essential to successful
responsible for the largest part of a business’s capital and human expenses operations.
• determine whether sufficient products are available to satisfy consumer demand.
1 Define the terms ‘operations’ and ‘operations management’.
2 State what operations management is concerned with.
3 ‘Operations management is the part of the business that actually gets the job
done.’ Demonstrate this concept on a smaller scale by describing the materials
you would need and the process you would undertake to bake a cake (your
finished product).
4 Recall how the operations management function will directly affect a business’s
competitive advantage.
5 Distinguish between a good and a service.
6 Account for why modern large businesses combine goods and services.
1 One strategy to produce goods more quickly is to use better technology. For example,
if you used a hand beater to bake a cake it may not have been as efficient as using
an electric beater. Fill in the following table and determine some strategies that an
operations manager might use to achieve the listed business goals. The first entry has
been completed for you.
Increase profitability
2 Use the internet or look at the careers section of the newspaper to find a job
advertisement for an operations manager (sometimes called a factory manager).
The advertisement will most probably list responsibilities involved in the position.
Classify these into the four management roles (planning, organising, leading and
3 Anita’s Cosmetic and Beauty therapy is a business specialising in a range of cosmetic
and beauty enhancement treatments and products. Determine the range of
operations activities offered in such a business.
4 Demonstrate how an operations manager of a manufacturing plant that produces
confectionery might use the roles of planning, organising, leading and controlling in
his or her daily job.
Transformation processes
The main concept of operations management is transformation, which is the
conversion of inputs (resources) into outputs (goods or services). Sony, for
example, takes plastic, metal, glass and electronic parts, and transforms them
BizWORD into numerous electronic products using an innovative approach and processes
Transformation is the conversion of of design, manufacturing and assembly. Figure 8.8 illustrates this transformation
inputs (resources) into outputs (goods process.
or services). The term ‘transformation’ implies physical changes, but today it also includes
the conversion of resources into services. Your school takes its main inputs —
the students, the syllabus, the teaching and ancillary staff, and the buildings and
other capital — and produces educated, employable graduates. What occurs in
FIGURE 8.8 The transformation process in a clothing factory and a private hospital
Table 8.2 highlights the main differences between manufacturing and service
TABLE 8.2 Highlighting the difference between manufacturing and service operations
FIGURE 8.13 A car is an output that requires individual processes. There may be several
thousand inputs, such as nuts and bolts, supplied by hundreds of businesses.
• The three key elements of the production process include inputs, the
transformation process and outputs.
• Inputs are resources used in the production process and include raw materials,
capital equipment, labour, information, time and money.
• The transformation process is the conversion of inputs into outputs.
–– Transformation processes in manufacturing businesses are different to those of
service-based businesses.
• Outputs are the finished goods or services.
1 Use the Biz/ed weblink in your eBookPLUS to find the Virtual Factory link (click on
Virtual Worlds). Go to ‘Factory floor’ and then to ‘Production’. Complete the following Weblink
tasks. Biz/ed
(a) State the stages of production involved in the manufacturing of hot-air balloons.
(b) Identify the inputs, processes and outputs of the balloon factory.
(c) Determine what type of layout is used at the Cameron Balloons plant. Give
reasons for your answer. (Hint: Examine fixed position layout, product layout,
process layout.)
(d) Extrapolate why this type of layout would have been chosen.
(e) Propose whether the production of balloons is capital intensive or labour intensive.
Give reasons for your answer.
2 Contact a manufacturing business and survey its response to a range of questions that
you, or a small group, have written and emailed regarding the operations function in
their business. Synthesise your findings and present them to the class.
3 Contact a service-based business and survey its response to a range of questions that
you, or a small group, have written and emailed regarding the operations function in
their business. Synthesise your findings and present them to the class.
Quality control
Tip Top bakeries uses quality control to optimise its production process (see also
figure 7.8). Quality control reduces problems and defects in the product using
inspections at various points in the production process. Many businesses such as Tip
BizWORD Top have minimised errors and waste by ensuring that standards are met. Specifications
or benchmarks are set before the physical checks are completed. Actual performance is
Quality control involves the use
of inspections at various points in then compared to the established criteria. If the established standards are met, it is likely
the production process to check for that the business will be meeting customer expectations. Competitiveness increases as
problems and defects. the costs associated with waste and faulty products are reduced.
In a service business, an inspection of employee performance can be used as a
means of quality control. A bank might inspect teller accuracy, speed or courtesy. In
a call centre calls might be monitored for quality assurance and control purposes.
FIGURE 8.15 At IKEA, every piece of furniture goes through rigorous quality control checks. For
example, all IKEA sofas and armchairs are tested to ensure they are durable. Since people might
on average sit on a sofa about 50 000 times in 10 years, IKEA created a machine that is designed to
simulate this. The machine pushes a 130 kg weight onto the seats 50 000 times over a three week
period to ensure the frames retain their stability and the cushions retain their comfort and
resilience. For this reason, IKEA is able to offer a ten year guarantee on these products.
Snapshot questions
1. Outline the quality management strategies adopted by Ambulance
2. Explain how Ambulance Victoria benefits from adopting these strategies.
Employee empowerment
W. Edwards Deming was an American quality expert who was known as the
‘founder of the quality movement’ and is credited with the development of TQM.
BizWORD Deming believed that quality problems would be best solved with an emphasis on
Quality circles are groups of workers employee involvement. Many businesses use quality circles as a means of achieving
who meet to solve problems relating employee empowerment. Under this approach, teams of up to 10 workers meet
to quality. regularly to solve problems related to process, design or quality. The groups
often make presentations to management with their ideas, in order to improve
the performance of the business. Such programs have resulted in substantial cost
Australian Arrow Pty Ltd, a designer
and manufacturer of automotive
products, uses quality circles as a
method of problem solving. Issues
such as product quality, employee
performance and costs are discussed
by team members who meet regularly
under a circle facilitator.
Customer focus
Deming believed that quality should be the responsibility of every employee. The
TQM approach considers one of the most important questions a business should ask:
‘What does the customer require?’ All teams need to realise that they are serving a
customer. This is as true for the employees that deal directly with external customers
as for those that simply pass work on to other employees inside the business.
• Quality management is the strategy that a business uses to make sure that its
product meets customer expectations. Three quality approaches are quality FIGURE 8.17 Australia Post receives
control, quality assurance and total quality management. over 100 000 letters for Santa each
year. Australia Post has a strong
• Quality control involves the use of inspections at various points in the production commitment to customer service,
process to check for problems and defects. Performance is measured in relation including children, which extends
to set standards or benchmarks. throughout the business.
1 Outline the main features of quality management.
2 Explain why quality control is important to businesses.
3 Describe the ways a business can offer quality assurance to customers.
4 Explain what is meant by total quality management.
5 Summarise the three approaches that make up total quality management.
6 Read the following definitions. If a definition is false, propose a correct definition.
(a) Quality control involves the use of inspections at various points in the production
(b) Quality assurance involves the use of a system where a business achieves set
standards in production.
(c) Total quality management is a commitment to quality that is applied to the
business’s operations department.
(d) Continuous improvement involves an ongoing commitment to use of inspections.
7 Ganesh is the production manager for IBX technology, a manufacturer of internet
security software. Recently, the level of product defects has increased, although the
production process has not changed.
(a) Propose to Ganesh strategies that he should use to determine the cause(s) of the
(b) Explain to Ganesh the value of introducing a TQM approach.
8 The name ‘The Reject Shop’ suggests that it could not possibly sell quality
Weblink products. Is this true? Use the weblink for The Reject Shop in your eBookPLUS
The Reject Shop to search the company’s website and see how many references to quality you can
find. Explain how The Reject Shop ensures that it receives quality products from
1 Use the Standards Australia weblink in your eBookPLUS to obtain information
about Australian Standards. Assess the practical effects of such standards on
Weblink industry.
Standards Australia 2 Investigate W Edward Deming and his development of TQM. Justify whether you
think he proposed anything extraordinary or he just made businesses more aware of
their production methods.
8.4 Marketing
Marketing is vital to the existence of the business. Just because someone invents a
new product or improves an existing one does not guarantee customers will buy it.
Without some form of marketing, customers may not even be aware of a product’s
existence regardless of how ‘record breaking’, ‘new and improved’ or ‘revolutionary’
it may be (see the following Snapshot). Statistics reveal that more than 70 per cent
of new products launched on the market self-destruct in the first year of operation,
mainly because of poor marketing. Businesses make few sales if they do not market
their products successfully, eventually ending in failure.
Snapshot question
Explain why Edward Evans must quickly develop a marketing plan for his
SaferGate invention.
At the same time, many products that would seem insignificant and unimportant
have become best-selling ‘essential’ items as a result of a well-managed and
professional marketing plan. Who would have ever thought that brown, sugary,
fizzy water with addictive qualities would become the universal product it is today!
Marketing is a powerful business strategy available to all businesses. The
HSC course investigates marketing in greater depth, so this chapter will provide an
elementary understanding of the main concepts.
Marketing fundamentals
Marketing is not a new subject to you. Over the years you have probably been
involved in some type of marketing activity. Consider the following examples: BizFACT
• helping to organise a stall at a local fete Marketing does not always involve
• setting up a raffle for a local sporting team selling. Such organisations as schools,
• persuading your parents to lend you some money to buy an iPod churches and charities attempt to
• coordinating the publicity for the school musical. market certain ideas, places, causes or
Although all these activities are different, they have one thing in common: they people.
involve a number of marketing activities. Some people may think that marketing
FIGURE 8.18 Advertising is one of the main forms of promotion used to inform, persuade
and remind. Guy Sebastian supports the Australian Red Cross. Popular public figures often
support good causes in media campaigns.
Snapshot questions
1. A patent is a government approved document that gives a person sole
rights to their invention and stops others from using, copying or selling it
without permission. Outline why you think Michelle was wise to patent
Quick-fire Clay.
2. Recommend marketing strategies for this business.
7. Always deliver
what you promise.
• For a business to make a profit, it needs to create and market products that
consumers will purchase.
• Marketing is a total system of interacting activities designed to plan, price,
promote and distribute products to present and potential customers.
• Successful marketing involves bringing the buyer and seller together and making
a sale.
• Businesses should continuously strive to not simply meet but exceed customer
1 Outline the importance of marketing to a business.
2 Recall why most new products fail shortly after they are launched.
1 Construct a PowerPoint presentation containing 10 dot points that reflect key
features of your new understanding of marketing.
2 ‘Marketing is not the sole responsibility of the marketing manager, but all managers.’
Determine the accuracy of this statement.
3 Predict what will happen to a business that neglects the importance of
Segment Segment
3 3
A business segments its market so it can better direct its marketing strategies
to specific groups of customers, rather than the mass market. The ultimate aim of
market segmentation is to increase sales and profits by better understanding and
responding to the desires of the target customers.
Once the market has been segmented, the business selects one of these
segments to become the target market (see figure 8.22). For example, a rural
supplies business would normally aim its promotion strategies at male, 25 to
60-year-old, rural-based farmers with middle to high incomes. An exclusive
women’s fashion boutique in central Sydney would have a target market of
customers who are female, 25 to 45-year-old, city-based professionals with high
This approach allows the business to better satisfy the wants and needs of a
targeted group, because the business can:
• use its marketing resources more efficiently BizWORD
• better understand the consumer buying behaviour of the target market Consumer buying behaviour
refers to the decisions and actions
• collect data more effectively and make comparisons within the target market of consumers when they purchase
over time goods and services for personal
• refine marketing strategies used to influence consumer choice. household use.
Segment 1
Segment 2
strategies and
market Female, 30–40,
selling techniques
middle income
Segment 3
SNAPSHOT surrounding suburbs, but particularly to females aged 15–65 years and males aged
15–25 years.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the primary and secondary target markets for Beau’s Floral Studio.
2. Recall what four variables Beau Wilkes uses to segment the target markets.
3. Explain the importance of these target markets to Beau’s Floral Studio.
4. Analyse how segmenting the total market helps Beau Wilkes achieve her
long-term business objectives.
• A target market refers to the group of customers to which a business intends to
sell its product.
• Sometimes a business may be able to identify both a primary and a secondary
target market.
1 Distinguish between mass, segmented and niche markets.
2 Outline the purpose of market segmentation.
3 Recall the different ways a market may be segmented.
4 State why market segmentation is the most common marketing approach used by
businesses today.
5 Explain how market segmentation and target market are linked.
6 Use an ‘M’, ‘S’ or ‘N’ to determine whether the following products are sold in a mass
market, segmented market or niche market.
(a) Electricity (b) Ferrari cars
(c) Australian Financial Review (d) Avon cosmetics
(e) Fruit and vegetables
7 Determine who is most likely to be the target market for each of the following small
businesses. (You may think of more than one market for some businesses.)
(a) Convenience store (b) Mechanic
(c) Accountant (d) Nursing home
(e) Childcare centre
1 ‘Any business that neglects the role of marketing will almost certainly experience
low levels of sales and reduced profit levels.’ Evaluate the accuracy of this
2 In small groups, conduct a survey of 30 people to investigate what type of movies
they watch at the cinema. Using a database, group the respondents by age and sex.
Present your results in the form of graphs and charts.
3 In small groups, create a customer survey form for obtaining information on a
business’s level of service, product range, business facilities and suggestions for
improvement. Compare each group’s survey.
Marketing mix
Once the business owner has established the marketing goals (a statement of what
the business expects to achieve through the marketing activities) and selected a
target market, the next step of the marketing plan is to develop marketing strategies
BizWORD to achieve the goals. Marketing strategies are actions undertaken to achieve the
Marketing strategies are actions business’s marketing goals through the marketing mix.
undertaken to achieve the business’s One of the most useful ways of understanding how to develop a marketing
marketing goals.
strategy is to examine each of the elements of the marketing mix. The marketing
Marketing mix refers to the
mix refers to the combination of the four Ps — product, price, promotion and
combination of the four elements of
marketing, the four Ps — product, place (distribution). The business has control over these elements and uses them to
price, promotion and place — that reach its target market. As well, the business has control over other organisational
make up the marketing strategy. resources — such as information, finances and employees — that may also be used
to achieve marketing goals.
Marketing BizFACT
mix A business may vary its marketing
mix when it wants to reach different
target markets.
Promotion Place
Once the four Ps have been established, the business must then determine the
emphasis it will place on each of the variables. This will largely be determined by BizWORD
where the product is positioned or its stage in the product life cycle. For example, The product life cycle describes the
a product that is being marketed with an image of exclusivity and prestige will life of a product over four stages:
introduction, growth, maturity and
require a marketing mix totally different from a no-frills, generic item. A different decline.
marketing mix will also be required for a product in its introductory stage than
when it reaches the decline stage.
This element of the marketing mix involves much more than just deciding which
product (goods or service) to market. The business owner needs to determine the
product’s: Weblink
• quality • packaging Use The four Ps of
• design • labelling marketing weblink in your
• name • exclusive features eBookPLUS to discover
more about the four Ps of
• warranty and guarantee. marketing, and the strategy
The product is a combination of all these variables. Customers will buy products and implementation around
that not only satisfy their needs but also provide intangible benefits such as a these four elements.
feeling of security, prestige, satisfaction or influence.
National Schools
Packaging Design
FIGURE 8.26 It takes 2.6 seconds for a customer to choose one product instead of another,
so the packaging has to be right. A Year 11 student from Melbourne High won a prize in the
National Schools Packaging Design Challenge conducted by the Packaging Council of Australia.
His cylinder biscuit container preserves, protects, informs and promotes with its classy labelling,
including the mandatory labelling requirements. More details on this national challenge can be
found at
Product branding
An important part of the product development is the brand and associated brand
logo. Combined, these can be a powerful marketing tool. For example, the three-
A brand is a name, term, symbol
or design that identifies a specific
pointed star of the Mercedes-Benz and Coca-Cola’s distinctive narrow-waisted
product and distinguishes it from its bottle are famous brand names and symbols. Some businesses encourage the
competitors. instant recognition of their brand symbol rather than their brand name. Perhaps
A brand logo is a graphic the most famous example of this technique is the ‘golden arches’ symbol used by
representation that identifies a McDonalds. In some advertisements the brand name does not appear at all, only
business or product. the brand symbol. This is a clever and subtle method used to reinforce the meaning
of the symbol and associate it with a brand name.
To sell more of its products, a business has to change customers’ behaviour
through information or persuasion. This is achieved through promotion. The role BizWORD
of promotion is to inform, persuade and remind consumers about a business’s Promotion refers to the methods
products, with the aim of: used by a business to inform,
• attracting new customers by raising awareness of a particular product persuade and remind customers about
its products.
• increasing brand loyalty by reinforcing the image of the product
• encouraging existing customers to purchase more of the product.
Many people confuse promotion with advertising because of its visibility and
frequency. However, advertising is just one of the four elements of the promotion
mix. The main forms of promotion are as follows:
1. Personal selling and relationship marketing: personal selling involves the activities
of a sales representative directed to a customer in an attempt to make a sale.
Relationship marketing refers to the development of long-term, cost-effective
and strong relationships with individual customers.
2. Sales promotion: refers to activities or materials used by the business to attract
interest and support for the good or service. Examples include free samples,
coupons and point-of-purchase displays.
E-commerce is a rapidly expanding
3. Publicity and public relations: Publicity refers to any free news story about a
form of promotion. Approximately
business’s products. Public relations are those activities aimed at creating and one-third of small businesses in
maintaining favourable relations between a business and its customers. New South Wales expect to use
4. Advertising: print or electronic mass media are used to communicate a message e-commerce to sell goods and services
about the product. Advertising is used to attract potential customers, create a within the next 12 months.
demand for the product and communicate essential information.
Snapshot question
Explain the benefits of social media marketing.
• Marketing strategies are actions undertaken to achieve the business’s marketing
goals through the marketing mix.
• A business controls four basic marketing strategies to reach its target market:
product, price, promotion and place (the four Ps of the marketing mix).
• Products are goods or services, and consist of both tangible and intangible features.
• Packaging helps preserve, inform, protect and promote the product.
• Product branding is the brand and associated brand logo.
• A business must select the most appropriate pricing method suitable to its
product and market conditions. Business can choose one of three methods for
calculating price: cost-based, market-based and competition-based pricing.
• Promotion refers to the methods used by a business to inform, persuade and
remind customers about its products.
• Distribution channels (place) are a way of getting the product to the customer.
1 Recall the four Ps of the marketing mix.
2 Identify four intangible benefits that products may provide.
3 Clarify the importance of customer service.
4 Think of a product you recently purchased. Identify the intangible benefits you
gained from the product.
5 Explain why marketers prefer to use the term ‘total product concept’ rather than
simply ‘product’.
6 Predict what may happen to the level of sales if a product’s packaging does not
match its position.
7 Explain the relationship between ‘brand’ and ‘brand logo’.
8 Account for why businesses spend so much money attempting to establish a brand name.
9 Evaluate each of the following brand names. Indicate the strong points of each name.
(a) Nokia mobile phones
(b) Apple computers
(c) LG electronic products
10 Summarise the three main pricing methods.
15 Recommend a distribution channel for the sale of:
(a) a daily newspaper (b) a washing machine (c) an imported motor vehicle.
1 When deciding on a brand name and brand logo, investigate some of the
considerations that a marketer must take into account.
2 Determine how a business sets its price when it wants to achieve the objective of
profit maximisation.
3 ‘Some people would argue that “marketing ethics” is a contradiction in terms.’
Evaluate this statement.
4 Referring to a business you are familiar with, analyse and evaluate the promotion
methods used for one of its goods or services.
5 Using magazines, newspapers and the internet, collect and paste into your notes five
advertisements for small businesses.
(a) Identify the good or service the business is selling.
(b) State what unique features of the business are publicised.
(c) Determine whether you think the advertisement fulfils its function of reminding,
informing and persuading existing and potential customers. Give reasons for your
(d) Rank the advertisements in the order that they appeal to you, from the most
appealing to the least appealing. Explain how you determined the ranking order.
(e) Compare your ranking with other members of the class and discuss similarities and
8.5 Finance
A thorough understanding of accounting and finance is essential for business
managers. Accounting is a management tool that is concerned with providing
information on the financial affairs of a business, while finance is concerned with
where the business sources its funding.
• Income statements (also called statement • Show the revenue earned and expenses
of financial performance, revenue incurred over the accounting period with
statement or profit and loss (P&L) the resultant profit or loss
• Balance sheets (also called statement of • Represent a business’s assets and liabilities
financial position) at a particular point in time and represent
the net worth of the business
The main purpose of financial A business is an economic entity — it trades within society and has responsibility
statements is to summarise both to its internal and external stakeholders (i.e. the members of society who
information in a way that is useful for
are directly and indirectly affected by the affairs of the business). Accounting
interested parties. Together the reports
show accurately how the business is provides information that is valuable to managers. It also provides information
placed financially. to employees, owners and shareholders (if it is a company), suppliers, lenders,
customers, government (including regulators), competitors and the general public.
General public
Suppliers Government
FIGURE 8.30 The stakeholders interested in the accounting information given by business
Snapshot question
Outline the role of accounting for Samea Maakrun’s business. BizWORD
Accountability occurs when a
business acts in the best and highest
interests of its owners. Full and
Finance — introduction and scope complete ‘disclosure’, which means
Finance refers to how a business funds its activities — for instance, where it gets the to be open and not hide the truth,
ensures that the books of account
money to trade, why it chooses to use certain lenders — as well as the costs, risks, are kept accurately and that the
terms and benefits of different types of borrowings. Financial knowledge requires an information reflected in them, and
understanding of a range of financial instruments. Businesses, even very small ones, which is summarised in reports,
generally borrow money at some time — usually when they first set up. is based on the true and actual
It is vital for a business to be able to manage its borrowing and to use appropriate transactions. Another term for
accountability is stewardship.
types of borrowing — namely types that match its earning stream and capital/asset
structure. Borrowing represents a useful source of finance — but it is one that Finance refers to how a business
funds its activities — for instance,
comes at a price. It is management of the cost and risk of finance that is the key to where it gets the money to trade, why
successful financial management. it chooses to use certain lenders — as
Cost management is crucial because businesses tend to try to maximise profits. well as the costs, risks and benefits of
In today’s highly competitive markets, in Australia and globally, a business succeeds different types of borrowings.
when it can minimise cost (while maintaining quality, reliability, high service levels
• Businesses need to be led by managers with a good understanding of accounting
and financial management.
• Accounting is a financial management tool that is involved with the recording
and analysis of all the business’s financial transactions.
• The financial transactions are summarised into financial statements. The main
ones are:
–– cash flow statement
–– income statement
–– balance sheet.
• Finance details how a business funds its activities.
• It is vital for a business to be able to manage its borrowings and to use appropriate
types of borrowings.
1 Distinguish between accounting and finance.
2 Recall what the management of cash flow involves.
3 Clarify why some money for contingencies needs to be put aside.
4 State what a credit rating assesses.
5 Explain why a business would want to have a good credit rating.
6 State why accounting is necessary for business.
7 Identify the main accounting reports and statements.
8 Discuss the role of the internal and external stakeholders who would be interested in
the financial situation of the business.
9 Recall five reasons why accounting is useful for business.
10 Explain the importance of accountability.
11 Demonstrate why astute financial management is considered indispensable to business.
Weblink Extension
Australian Accounting 1 Use the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) weblink in your
Standards Board (AASB) eBookPLUS to find out more about the organisation. Investigate how accounting
standards are developed and implemented.
2 ‘Shrinkage’ refers to the loss of stock from a business. White-collar crime refers to the
theft or embezzlement of money from a business. Analyse the proposition that: ‘if
employees were paid higher wages, then there would be no need to audit as there
would be no need for anyone to steal from businesses’.
Weblink 3 Use the Count weblink in your eBookPLUS to research an auditing firm. Determine
Count the range of financial services the firm offers and present an advertisement for the
business to the class.
4 Assess the effect of an economic downturn on a business’s financial management.
Cash sales
for stock
Credit sales
when paid Payments for
(wages, insurance, etc.)
Other income
(e.g. interest from investments, Payments for
non-operating income) non-operating expenses
A study of the cash flow statement (see figure 8.32) of a manufacturer shows that
this business made a cash surplus for two of its first three months of trading for the
year the report was made. You can see that the business made a small surplus in
January and a large surplus in February. However, in March, this business experienced
a cash deficit. It should be clear now why such statements are necessary. A business can
track its inflows and outflows over a period of time. It can then use these statements to
determine why the inflows and outflows are taking the pattern they are. For example,
in January, sales to manufacturer A were down on the usual $2.5 million average. This
may have been due to the normal business lull in January. The surplus for February is
quite high and an astute manager would have ensured that a portion of this surplus
was put aside in case it was needed in future months. As it turned out, the materials
costs for March were very high and sales to manufacturer C continued to fall.
The business can see that it needs to take some remedial action. In the short
term, if these trends continue, the business could cover cash deficits with the large
surplus it made in February. It would not, however, want the pattern of deficits to
continue, so managers need to make some decisions. For example, they might ask
where they can obtain a regular supply of cheaper raw materials. They could also
look at diversifying their sales base.
By using cash flow statements in this way, a business is able to both control
finances and plan strategies for financial benefit. Cash flow reporting can be used
to plan and predict future cash flow inflows. Outflows tend to follow trends, with
some variations over time.
FIGURE 8.33 The format of cash flow statements for large businesses and public companies
It can be seen from figure 8.33 that there are various classifications of cash
that derived from operating, investing and financing activities. These terms are
distinguished below:
• Cash from operating activities — these are the cash inflows and outflows relating
to the main activity of the business; that is, the provision of goods and services.
• Cash from investing activities — these are the cash flows related to the purchase
and sale of non-current assets and investments.
• Cash from financing activities — these are cash flows related to the acquisition
and repayment of both debt and equity finance.
• There are three main financial statements created by accounting processes: the
cash flow statement, the income statement (also called revenue statement, profit
and loss (P&L) statement or statement of financial performance), and the balance
sheet (or statement of financial position).
• A cash flow statement shows the movement of cash receipts (inflows) and cash
payments (outflows) over a period of time.
• Liquidity is used to describe whether a business has a good or adequate cash flow.
• Cash flow reports are vital for the information they give on the timing of payments
and receipts of income.
• Cash flow statements are divided into three categories: cash flows from operating
activities, those from investing activities and those from financing activities.
1 Briefly outline what a cash flow statement is used for.
2 Define the term ‘liquidity’.
3 Recall why businesses allow credit sales when they prefer cash.
1 Cash is often referred to as the ‘life-blood’ of any business. Analyse the effects on
a business of carrying too little cash, and outline the problems that could arise if a
business carries too much cash.
2 Creditors, or accounts payable, are liabilities owed by the business that are due
and payable. Debtors, or accounts receivable, are monies owed to the business by
customers. Assess how delays in the receipt and payment of cash can have a large
effect on a business’s cash flow.
3 Research the terms ‘liquidity’ and ‘profitability’. Distinguish between these terms and
explain how sometimes a business will seek greater liquidity for lower profitability
(Hint: You might like to consider factoring, sale and leaseback, and inventory controls).
FIGURE 8.34 Typical income statement (or statement of financial performance) format (simple)
Net sales
Net sales are the amount of revenue a business has earned from sales when the
effects of sales returns are deducted.
Revenue generally means income from sales. Sometimes the business will offer
discounts to customers who pay outstanding amounts quickly. Such discounts
reduce the business income and must be deducted from the calculation of
profits. Similarly, when customers return goods, the cost of those goods must be
deducted from sales figures. This is the way to work out net sales in the revenue
Sales 100 000
Less discounts allowed to customers 2 000
Less returns of sold items 3 000
Net sales 95 000
The gross profit calculation is important as, essentially, it tells the business
how much its mark-up is on the cost price of the goods it has sold. This varies
somewhat from business to business but is generally between 50 and 100 per cent.
If the mark-up was enormous (say 800 or 1000 per cent), then it would attract
other businesses to compete in the market.
The cost of goods sold is an expense to the business. However, it is not grouped
with other expenses. This is because the mark-up (or ‘contribution margin’) on
Selling Administrative Financial
Selling expenses: These relate to the process of selling the good or service and can
be directly traced to the need for sales.
Administration expenses: Costs directly related to the general running of the business.
Finance expenses: Costs associated with borrowing money from outside people or
organisations and to minimising business risk.
* Costs of goods sold (COGS): this expense includes only the cost of stock sold and is shown separately in
the income statement (or statement of financial performance).
FIGURE 8.35 Income statement (or statement of financial performance) expense breakdown
by type
If all this information is combined, we can draw a much more realistic income
statement (see figure 8.36).
The income statement is always the first one to be compiled at the end of
the accounting period. This is because the figures from it are used in the next
statement — the balance sheet (or the statement of financial position).
When compiling the income statement, the manager should be mindful
of several things — the proportion of gross and net profit to sales and also
the level of expenses that accrue to selling, administration and finance. BizFACT
Because the reports collect and summarise a large amount of information, The word ‘net’ means all expenses
they also provide insight into how the business is both earning and spending. have been deducted.
This insight is extremely valuable, especially when analysing the statements
at the end of the accounting or operating period. The manager would also
be aware that the ‘bottom line’, or net profit, figure, provides more important
information than gross profit, which is really only a measure of the mark-up or
contribution margin.
U Win Pty Ltd income statement for year ended 30 June 2015
$ $ $
Sales 5 000 000
Less COGS 3 200 000
Gross profit 1 800 000
Less expenses
(a) Selling expenses
advertising 200 000
sales salaries 300 000
depreciation on cars 10 000
delivery 3 000
telephone 9 000 522 000
(b) Administration expenses
office salaries 400 000
depreciation on fixtures 5 500
stationery 1 500
security 12 000
rent 62 500
insurances 3 500 485 000
FIGURE 8.36 Typical income statement (or statement of financial performance) format
• The income statement is a summary of the income earned and the expenses
incurred over a trading period.
• The main classification of items in the income statement are revenues, cost of
goods sold (COGS) and expenses.
• Gross profit = Sales − Cost of goods sold (COGS)
• COGS = Opening stock + Purchases − Closing stock
• Expenses are simply costs and can be broken down into selling, administrative
or financial.
• Net profit = Gross profit − Expenses
1 Identify the different names given to the income statement.
2 Define each of the following terms and, where relevant, write down the
mathematical equation that would help in calculating the figure.
• Sales
• Cost of goods sold
• Gross profit
• Net profit
3 Calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS), given the following information:
Sales 700 000
Stock (opening) 100 000
Purchases of stock 400 000
Closing stock 50 000
1 Research each of the following items that can be found in an income statement,
define each, and determine where it would be found (under revenue, cost of goods
sold, or expenses).
(a) Cartage inwards
(b) Cartage outwards/freight
(c) Commissions
(d) Bad debts
(e) Depreciation
(f) Interest
(g) Security
2 Use the information below to construct an income statement (statement of financial
performance) for Sathya’s Skatehouse:
$ $
Revenue from cash sales 500 000 Closing stock 20 000
Purchases for the period 50 000 Telephone 15 000
Salesperson’s wages 80 000 Rates 3 500
Insurance 2 000 Revenue from credit sales 50 000
Opening stock 100 000 Depreciation 4 000
Rent 20 000 Electricity 2 100
Advertising costs 10 000 Water 3 500
Interest costs 2 500 Lease costs (machinery) 5 500
Assets are
on the left. Balance sheet for Real Quest P/L as at 30 June 2015
Assets Liabilities
are on the
These are Current assets $ Current liabilities $
right (owed
things the Cash 4 000 Accounts payable 550
to outside
business Accounts receivable 6 000 Bank overdraft 1 200
owns. Prepaid expenses 6 000 Credit cards 6 200
Stock 10 000 Accrued expenses 550
Total current assets 26 000 Total current liabilities 8 500 These are
things the
Non-current assets Non-current liabilities
Land and buildings 50 000 Mortgage 65 000
Fixtures and fittings 10 000
Intangibles 44 000
Total non-current assets 105 000 Total liabilities 73 500 Owner’s
Owner’s equity equity is on
Owner’s capital 35 000 the right
Retained profits 21 500 (owed to the
owners —
Total owner’s equity 56 500 also called
net worth).
Total assets 130 000 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 130 000
FIGURE 8.38 Typical balance sheet (or statement of financial position) showing division into
main parts
BizWORD Assets
Assets are items of value owned Assets are items of value owned by the business that can be given a monetary
by the business that can be given a value. Assets can be divided into several different types: current and non-current,
monetary value. tangible and intangible.
Current assets are assets that a business can expect to use up, or turn over, within
12 months. Examples include cash, accounts receivable (also called debtors) and
inventories (stock).
Non-current assets are those assets that have an expected life of longer than
12 months. These include large physical items such as buildings, land, machinery,
technology, vehicles, furniture, fixtures and fittings.
Intangible items are also included here. Intangible items are things of worth that
have no physical substance. Examples include goodwill, trademarks, designs,
copyright and patents. A good name or reputation (‘goodwill’) or an easily identifiable
logo obviously has worth — but how do you value in dollar terms something like
Liabilities are items of debt owed to
other organisations (e.g. suppliers,
good product design, a creative staff or reputation? Nevertheless, intangible assets are
banks) and include loans, accounts to a resource that the firm owns and must be recorded in the accounts.
be paid by the business, mortgages,
credit card debt and accumulated Liabilities
expenses. Liabilities are items of debt owed to outside parties and/or other organisations (like
suppliers or the banks) and include loans, accounts due to be paid by the business,
Owner’s equity
The owners give a business money for it to acquire resources and begin operating. BizWORD
This money is called owner’s equity (capital). As the business operates, Owner’s equity is the funds
it should start to earn an income to cover its costs and then later earn a profit. contributed by the owner(s) to
The business can hold or retain these profits to target money for a particular establish and build the business. It is
also called ‘capital’.
project or it may put money into ‘reserves’ for distribution later. The business
could also choose to repay the owners who invested their money in the business
at the outset.
Over time, a successful business will have its owner’s equity amount increase in
value. This means that the owner’s claim on the business will also increase. This
is the owner’s reward for risking their money — and is also the reason for people
investing in the stockmarket long term.
Owner’s equity is considered to be a liability from the point of view of the
business, because it is a type of debt the business carries. However, unlike liabilities,
owner’s equity is a debt owed to owners because of the risk they took in investing
in the business.
Summary Use the Balance sheet
weblink in your eBookPLUS
• The balance sheet shows the overall financial stability of the business. to learn more about balance
• The main items in the balance sheet are assets, liabilities and owners’ equity. sheets, including a balance
• Assets are items of value to the business and can be either current or non- sheet template.
• Liabilities are debts or business borrowing and can be either current or non-
• Owner’s equity items refers to the owners’ claims and is considered a liability
from the point of view of the business.
1 Identify the alternative title used for a balance sheet.
2 Outline the purposes of a balance sheet.
3 Identify what is meant by the term ‘T-format’ used to describe the balance sheet.
4 Account for the fact that the balance sheet is called a ‘balance’ sheet with reference
to both sides of the statement.
5 Define, with examples, what is meant by the term ‘assets’.
6 Distinguish between current and non-current assets, with examples of each.
7 Outline the intangible items of a balance sheet.
8 State what liabilities are, and distinguish between those that are current and those
that are non-current.
9 Explain how the business owes owners both their investment and also a return for
their investment.
Assets $ $ Liabilities $ $
Equipment 23 000
+ Drawings 4 000
27 000
61 900 55 100
1 Determine why increases in business wealth add to the owner’s equity amount and
thereby increase the wealth of those investing in business.
2 Account for the fact that the income statement will always be drawn up before the
balance sheet.
3 Intangibles are subjectively valued, whereas tangible assets are more easily objectively
valued. Extrapolate why the value of intangibles — such as goodwill, trademarks,
designs, copyright and patents — are very hard to value, while the value of buildings
and vehicles can be easier to determine.
4 In accounting, the true value of assets — such as buildings and land (which may
be revalued upwards), vehicles (which may be valued downwards) and goodwill —
is reflected in accounts as ‘depreciation’, ‘amortisation’ or ‘revaluation reserves’.
Research these terms and analyse how they are used to find a truer picture of the
value of a business’s assets.
A = L + OE
Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s equity
You will immediately see that the balance sheet is set out in a way that mirrors
the accounting equation, with assets on the left, and liabilities and owner’s equity
on the right.
Assets 145 000
Liabilities 110 000
Owner’s equity ?
Example 2
Accounts receivable 12 000
Cash at bank 65 000
Mortgage 250 000
Capital 230 000
Accounts payable 3 000
Visa Card debt 6 500
Land and buildings ?
Step 1: Identify all assets, liabilities and owner’s equity items and group them as shown
(into the format of the balance sheet).
Assets $ Liabilities $
A/cs Rec. 12 000 A/cs Pay. 3 000
Cash 65 000 Visa Card debt 6 500
Land and buildings ? Mortgage 250 000
259 500
77 000 $
Owner’s equity
Capital 230 000
By applying the equation we can find the missing item. In general, whenever
you see a balance sheet, it is wise to quickly do this equation to satisfy yourself that
it is correctly drawn.
• The balance sheet should always balance.
• This means the assets must equal the liabilities.
• The balance sheet equation is: Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s equity or
A = L + OE.
1 Calculate the missing figure for each of the following:
(a) Assets = $245 000, Liabilities = $43 000, Owner’s equity = ?
(b) Assets = $342 000, Owner’s equity = $152 000, Liabilities = ?
(c) Assets = ?, Liabilities = $63 000, Owner’s equity = $212 500
3 Calculate the total value of assets, owner’s equity and liabilities from the balance sheet.
4 If retained profits and owner’s capital totalled $23 000, instead of $35 000, calculate
the new value of the mortgage.
5 An artist, Candice Wahler, has asked you to help her construct a balance sheet.
(a) Briefly explain to her how a balance sheet is set out.
(b) Construct a balance sheet for her as at today’s date from the following information:
cash at bank $1500, motor vehicle $10 000, accounts payable $6000, equipment
$8200, accounts receivable $3000, bank loan $13 500 and stock $3000.
1 Goodwill is sometimes determined by the following two methods:
• method 1 — the difference between the total value of a business’s assets and the
selling price of the business
• method 2 — a proportion (e.g. 20 per cent) of the average of the past three years’
trading profits.
Application of method 1
A business is offered for sale for $250 000, but the valuation of the assets and stock
at cost is $200 000. Thus, the goodwill is $50 000. This reflects the good trading
reputation of the business, the stable client base and stable supplier contracts.
Application of method 2
A business records the following profits in the years 2015–2017. Calculate its
goodwill if goodwill is set at 40 per cent of the average three-year trading profits.
Successful business owners recognise that they rely on the quality of their
employees to achieve their goals of improved profit, growth and increased market
share. For a business to make best use of its employees, it should:
• take care to hire the best people
• develop cooperative and effective working relationships
• motivate staff to do their best in the workplace
• provide employees with opportunities for training and development.
Also, when an employee turns out to be an excellent worker, retaining that
employee may be crucial to ongoing business success. Without dedicated, trained
and motivated employees, the best organised plans will never be achieved. The
human factor is crucial in all businesses.
Most businesses that are successful in the long term maintain a balance between
concern for success (expansion or profit) and regard for their employees. Better
work and employment relationships, therefore, begin with the business recruiting
and selecting appropriate staff members (see the following Snapshot).
Snapshot questions
1. Outline what Brett Comer does prior to beginning the recruitment
2. Assess Bupa Health’s recruitment and selection process.
• Training
• Voluntary and involuntary • Development
• Monetary and
non-monetary benefits
FIGURE 8.41 The four main elements of the human resource cycle/staffing process
Each of these elements consists of related activities (see table 8.5 below) that
are carried out by the human resource department. Each of the four elements
complements the other, with the desired outcome being a productive and efficient
TABLE 8.5 Elements of the human resource/staffing process and their related activities
Element Activities
Stage one
• Hiring new employees • Planning: identifying staffing needs; job analysis (determining
the exact nature of the position to be filled)
• Recruitment: attracting people to apply for the position in the
business; internal and external recruitment
• Selection: choosing and hiring the most qualified; testing and
Stage two
• Improving employees’ • Induction and training: teaching employees new skills and
skills and abilities helping them learn tasks associated with their jobs
• Development: the process of improving the skills, abilities and
knowledge of staff
Stage three
• Motivating employees • Monetary benefits: rewarding employees’ efforts through
to remain with the financial compensation; pay rates
business • Non-monetary benefits: rewards such as conditions; fringe
Stage four
• Employees leaving the • Voluntary: employees leaving on own accord; retirement,
business resignation
• Involuntary: employees being asked to leave; retrenchment,
• Employees are the most important resources for business success.
• Human resource management is the effective management of the formal
relationship between the employer and the employee.
• Most successful businesses maintain a balance between concern for success and
regard for their employees.
• The main functions of staffing are to attract and acquire, train and develop,
reward, maintain and separate the people needed to achieve the business’s
1 ‘People are the business’s most valuable resource.’ Outline what is meant by this
2 Define the term ‘human resource management’.
3 Recall what a business should do to make the best use of its employees.
4 Identify the main functions of staffing.
5 Explain why good staff management is vital to a business’s success.
6 Identify the main functions of the staffing process.
7 Propose why the staffing process is referred to as a ‘human resource cycle’.
8 Construct a concept map summarising the four main elements and the related
activities of the staffing process/human resource cycle.
9 Predict what problems can arise if a business employs a person unsuited to a
particular position. Share your answer with the rest of the class. BizFACT
If a business forecasts a greater
Extension demand for employees than the
1 Demonstrate the relationship between the human resource cycle and business goals. supply available, it will adopt a
strategy of attracting new employees.
2 Traditional human resource management (HRM) practices were developed and
If, however, supply of employees is
administered by the business’s human resource department. A recent study of HRM forecast to be greater than demand,
practices revealed that line managers — people responsible for the management of it will plan for a reduction of the
staff contributing to the main function of the business — are playing a greater role in workforce.
developing and implementing human resource (HR) practices. Assess the value a line
manager can bring to developing and implementing HR practices.
3 ‘The future is unpredictable. The business environment changes so rapidly that it
is impractical to make relevant plans for future staffing requirements. HR plans are
therefore largely irrelevant.’ Evaluate the accuracy of this statement.
FIGURE 8.44 Tourism Queensland advertised a six-month position for an island caretaker. It
was advertised as the ‘best job in the world’ and attracted 34 000 applicants. It took four months
to find the right person for the job, with the top applicants tested for a range of personal and
communication skills. The successful applicant received rent-free accommodation and a salary
package worth $150 000.
Use the SEEK weblink in
your eBookPLUS to visit
the website of online
employment agency SEEK.
Snapshot questions
1. Construct a concept map summarising the main reasons why businesses use
recruitment agencies.
2. Explain the impact of a poor recruitment and selection process.
BizWORD Employee selection is the means by which the employer chooses the most suitable
Employee selection involves
applicant for a vacancy. This involves identifying the skills, qualifications and
gathering information about each experience of each applicant, and relating them to the skills, qualifications and
applicant for a position, then using experience listed in the job specification, to achieve the closest possible match.
that information to choose the most Selecting the most appropriate candidate can involve all or any of the following
appropriate applicant. options:
A curriculum vitae or résumé is • Written application. Some employers make use of a printed application form to
a summary of a person’s previous
be filled in by the applicant, requiring basic personal information, details of
employment experience.
qualifications and experience, and names of referees. Alternatively, prospective
employees may be able to submit a written application in any form they wish.
This will usually include a curriculum vitae or résumé as well as any other
relevant information. Applicants will often try to indicate how their own
qualifications and experience match those included in the job specification. The
employer usually shortlists a realistic number of suitable applicants.
• Human resource planning involves developing strategies to meet the business’s
future staffing needs.
• A job analysis is a systematic study of each employee’s duties, tasks and work
environment. It comprises a job description and job specification.
• After the planning stage, the recruitment of staff commences to find the best
person for the job.
• Recruitment involves finding and attracting the right people to apply for a job
• A business can recruit from staff within the business or seek new applicants from
outside sources.
• Once job applicants are found, the process of selecting the right applicant begins.
• Employee selection is the means by which the employer chooses the most suitable
applicant for the vacancy.
1 Outline why determining staffing needs is an ongoing process.
2 In the following situations, explain whether staff planning has been adequate.
(a) Anya runs a small café that mainly sells cake and coffee. She decides to offer a
lunch menu. It turns out to be very popular, but many customers have to be turned
away because Anya cannot meet the demand.
(b) The restaurant is always busy over the Christmas period, so Jon decides to recruit
some casual staff to ensure he is able to maintain an efficient service.
(c) Gregory knew that his existing workers would not have the skills to operate the
new equipment he had purchased for his motor mechanic business. He employed
someone with computer skills, with the aim of training the other workers as well.
3 Explain the relationship between a job analysis, a job description and a job specification.
4 In each of the following cases, the employer did not plan appropriately. For each
example, construct a job specification that would have prevented the problem.
(a) Joanne wasn’t a qualified veterinary nurse, but the veterinary clinic employed her
anyway because she loved animals. On most days, Joanne found difficulty doing
simple bandaging and could not provide the advice expected of her.
(b) Carrie was a waiter in a restaurant. When customers came in she would ignore
them until she had finished what she was doing and always suggested that tipping
was expected.
(c) Janelle was employed as a florist but most of her bouquets fell apart when she
handed them to the customer.
5 Undertake a job analysis for the position of ‘Year 11 Business Studies student’ at your
school and identify the key elements for consideration.
11 Select three sources of employees available to a business and propose why each is an
effective method of recruitment.
12 Describe two options that can be used in the selection process.
13 ‘In the current business environment it is crucial that small business owners recruit
and maintain the right people for the job.’ In small groups, discuss the relationship
between good staff and business success.
1 Predict the problems that may arise if a small business does not undertake human
resource planning in some form. Give examples from small businesses with which you
are familiar or that you have studied.
2 Determine how a business’s recruiting and selection practices may be affected by
the type of position that has to be filled (i.e. a part-time sales assistant compared to a
chief executive officer for a large transnational corporation).
3 You have recently been appointed as human resource manager for a national clothing
company. The business has a history of high staff turnover and low morale. To
correct these problems you have decided to improve the recruitment and selection
procedures. Propose the steps you might take to identify capable employees.
Determine how you would screen applicants.
4 Use the Job interview weblink in your eBookPLUS to examine the tips and advice on
how to prepare for a job interview. In small groups, think of a job you are familiar with and
Weblinks construct possible interview questions. Select one person to adopt the role of a human
• Job interview resource manager. Each of the remaining people in the group will become possible
• SEEK candidates for the job. They will need to prepare for the interview and then the human
resource manager is to conduct interviews with each person. During the interviews, the
remaining members are to act as observers and provide feedback to each candidate.
5 Use the SEEK weblink in your eBookPLUS to find hints for applicants preparing for
and attending an interview. Create a poster that contains hints for applicants to assist
them to succeed at an interview.
TABLE 8.6 Training and development provide benefits for both the employee and the employer
• Opportunity for promotion and self- • Higher productivity through better job
improvement performance and more efficient use of
• Improved job satisfaction through better human resources
job performance • Goals and objectives more effectively met
• A challenge — the chance to learn new • Reduced costs due to less labour turnover,
things errors, accidents, absenteeism
• Adaptability — greater ability to adapt to • A more capable, ‘mobile’ workforce
and cope with changes • Existing staff more easily retained
• Improved chances of future employability • Less disruption in the event of staff turnover
• An ‘insurance policy’ — employees are
able to cope better with business ‘crises’
(this is a benefit for employees as well)
FIGURE 8.48 Most major hospitals are integrating advanced technology into their operations
and this has required training for all employees.
Types of training
A number of training methods are available to businesses. The most common of
these include:
• Formal off-the-job training — for example, classroom activities, simulations
• Informal on-the-job training — for example, coaching, job rotation
• Action learning: learning by experience solving real workplace problems — for
example, NAB and IBM use this form of training
• Competency-based training: identifies skill strengths and areas where further
training is required — for example, medical education uses this form of
Snapshot question
Explain the benefits of Motorola’s training initiatives.
• Training provides employees with the right knowledge and skills to perform
their job effectively and efficiently.
• Development focuses on preparing the employee to take on more responsibilities
within the business in the future.
1 Identify the overall aim of training and development.
2 Distinguish between training and development
3 Propose reasons why you think ‘There is little evidence of a strong training culture
within Australian workforces’. Share you answer with the rest of the class.
4 Outline how training and development can benefit both the employee and the
5 Distinguish between informal on-the-job training and formal off-the-job training.
6 Explain why training and development expenses should be seen as an investment
and not just a business expense.
1 Propose what actions you would take, as the human resource manager, if an
experienced employee refused to undertake any training.
2 Arrange to interview your school principal or head teacher, and construct a report on
the training and development policy of the school or faculty.
3 Evaluate the following statement: ‘When people say they want reward and
recognition they really just want a pay increase and that’s all.’
4 You are the human resource manager in a large manufacturing company. You
have become concerned about the performance of two valuable employees. Peter
has worked in the business for many years and is on a high salary because of his
BizFACT experience and skill development. However, he seems to have lost some interest in
A contract does not have to be his work, especially after being recently overlooked for promotion in the business.
written. It can be a verbal (or Veronica is a single mother with young children. She is scheduled to start work at
spoken) contract. It is generally 8.00 am, but is often late to arrive. She says she is unhappy with the poor pay she
safer to have a written contract, receives and is looking for a new job. She is a very good worker, who produces good
especially if one of the parties to the results and is well liked in the business.
contract does not fulfil their side of (a) Using this information, determine what motivates each employee.
the contract. There is an old saying, (b) Propose the strategies you would adopt to motivate each employee.
‘verbal contracts are not worth the
paper they’re written on!’.
Employment contracts
When a job applicant accepts an offer from an employer, a contract is established
between the two parties. An employment contract is a legally binding, formal
agreement between an employer and an employee.
An employment contract creates obligations for both employer and employee.
All businesses operate within a legal framework of common law and statute law.
Common law
An employment contract is a legally
binding, formal agreement between The common law is developed by courts and tribunals. Under common law,
an employer and an employee. judges make decisions based on the facts of a case, guided by precedent (decisions
Common law refers to law developed made in the past). The body of common law is therefore developed from decisions
by courts and tribunals. made over time by judges.
Under common law, both employers and employees have basic rights and
obligations in any employment relationship. Figure 8.49 summarises the employer
and employee obligations.
Use the Fair Work
Ombudsman weblink
in your eBookPLUS to
discover more about the
Act in good faith and in the latest National Employment
interests of the employer Standards in Australia.
FIGURE 8.50 SES volunteers are entitled to take community service leave for emergency
An award is a legally binding
agreement that sets out the minimum
wages and conditions for a group of An award is a legally binding agreement that sets out the minimum wages and
employees. conditions for a group of employees. Modern awards came into effect on 1 January
2010. The ten matters that can be included in modern awards are listed in table 8.7.
Enterprise agreements
Imagine all the students in your Business Studies class sitting down with your
teacher and negotiating a set of conditions for your class. Apart from the essential
conditions, such as completing all the work and respecting each other’s opinions,
you might negotiate a homework-free month in return for one extra assessment
task. You have just entered into an enterprise agreement. BizWORD
Enterprise agreements are collective agreements made at a workplace level Enterprise agreements are collective
between an employer and a union, acting on behalf of its employees, or between the agreements made at a workplace level
between an employer and a union,
employer and a group of employees, about terms and conditions of employment.
acting on behalf of its employees, or
In addition to the 10 National Employment Standards, enterprise agreements must between the employer and a group
include the following: of employees, about terms and
• a nominal expiry date, usually two or three years after the commencement of conditions of employment.
the agreement
• procedures for settling any disputes that might arise in the implementation of
the agreement, including the right of employees to be represented in the dispute
settlement procedure
• terms that allow for individual flexibility, so that arrangements can be made
between the employer and individual employees
• provisions for consultation with employees on major workplace change. BizFACT
Once the parties to an enterprise agreement have concluded their negotiations Modern awards are new and
the agreement needs to be submitted to the Fair Work Commission for approval streamlined and created to replace
before it can commence operation. The agreement must be signed by the employer thousands of existing awards. The new
and the bargaining representatives acting on behalf of employees, to certify that awards apply to many employees and
employers in the national workplace
the agreement has been entered into voluntarily by both sides. The Fair Work
relations system. For example, the
Commission will examine the detail of the agreement to ensure no unlawful security industry will see a reduction
content is included in the agreement and that the employees will be better off from 10 security awards to just one
overall by entering into the agreement than simply being covered by the relevant national security award.
1 Define the term ‘employment contract’.
2 Examine the BizFact on page 262. Explain what is meant by the saying ‘verbal
contracts are not worth the paper they’re written on’.
3 Recall the obligations of both employers and employees.
4 Identify which categories of employees are entitled to benefit from the 10 National
Employment Standards.
5 Select what you consider to be the three most important standards from the
10 National Employment Standards. Justify your selection.
6 Define the term ‘award’.
7 Recall four of the ten matters that can be included in modern awards.
8 Distinguish between awards and enterprise agreements.
9 Select whether you would prefer to be covered by an award or an enterprise
agreement. Justify your selection.
Extension Weblink
1 Use the Fair Work Commission weblink in your eBookPLUS to find the modern Fair Work Commission
Award relevant to the retail or hospitality industry, or any other industry in which
you or your classmates have part-time employment. Outline the key matters that are
covered by this Award
2 Investigate workplace relations issues for young people by using the Young people
at work and NSW Office of Industrial Relations weblinks in your eBookPLUS.
Select a topic that interests you and create a brief report on what you learned. Weblinks
• Young people at work
• NSW Office of Industrial
Separation of human resources Relations
Gone are the days when a person would commence their full-time working life at
the age of 16 or 17, work for approximately 45 years, and then retire. Work patterns
and business operations have undergone radical change over the past two decades
and this has dramatically altered the movement of people into and out of jobs.
Due to increased international competition, many businesses — large, medium
and small — have been forced to restructure. As a result, there has been a marked
increase in the number of voluntary and involuntary redundancies being offered. BizWORD
Separation is the ending of the employment relationship. There are many Separation is the ending of the
reasons why employees separate from a business. However, it is possible to employment relationship.
classify the different types of separation into two broad categories: voluntary and
involuntary (see figure 8.53).
Voluntary Involuntary
Retirement Retrenchment
Voluntary separation occurs when
an employee chooses to leave the
business of their own free will.
Retirement occurs when an employee
decides to give up full-time or part- Resignation Dismissal
time work and no longer be part of
the labour force.
Resignation is the voluntary ending
of employment by the employee Redundancy
‘quitting’ their job.
FIGURE 8.53 Separation — voluntary and involuntary
Voluntary separation
Voluntary separation occurs when an employee chooses to leave the business
of their own free will. There are three different forms of voluntary separation:
retirement, resignation and redundancy.
Retirement occurs when an employee decides to give up full-time or part-time
work and no longer be part of the labour force. Until the mid 1980s, it was
common for men to retire once they reached 65 years of age and women 60. Since
changes to legislation in the 1990s there is now no ‘official’ retirement age. People
now have a choice at what age they would like to retire. A trend that has started to
emerge in recent years is for people to retire ‘early’ — that is, in their mid to late
fifties. How businesses have approached employee retirement has also changed.
Today, many organisations provide advice and assistance to employees to help
them prepare for retirement.
Resignation, or ‘quitting’, is a voluntary ending of the employment relationship.
People resign for a variety of reasons including:
• offer of a promotion with another business
• to start their own business
FIGURE 8.54 An employee may
• boredom with their present job
leave a business for many reasons. If
an employee is retrenched (laid off) • change of lifestyle.
or dismissed, it can lead to feelings of Usually the employee needs to give the employer sufficient notice of his or her
disappointment and rejection. Fear intention to resign. The length of notice varies from job to job, ranging from a few
of not getting a replacement job
and being able to pay the bills make
hours for casual employees to a month for some permanent employees.
termination difficult to bear for some Whenever a business wants to downsize, that is decrease the size of its operation,
people. it will not fill vacancies that have come about due to retirements and resignations.
A dismissal is when the behaviour
of an employee is unacceptable and
Dismissal it then becomes necessary for a
There will be occasions when the behaviour of an employee is unacceptable and it business to terminate the employee’s
then becomes necessary for a business to terminate the employment contract of an employment contract.
employee. This is called dismissal.
Snapshot question
Do you agree with the decision of the Fair Work Commission? Justify your answer.
• The final stage in the employment cycle is the ‘separation stage’, in which
employees leave the workplace on a voluntary or involuntary basis.
• This stage must be handled carefully and sensitively by the human resource
• Voluntary separation occurs when an employee decides to give up full-time or
part-time work and includes:
–– retirement
–– resignation
–– redundancy.
• Involuntary separation occurs when an employee is asked to leave the business
against their will and includes:
–– retrenchment
–– dismissal
–– redundancy.
• Unfair dismissal occurs when an employer dismisses an employee for
discriminatory reasons.
1 Distinguish between voluntary and involuntary separation, giving examples of each.
2 Construct a concept map outlining the different types of voluntary and involuntary
3 Recall some of the entitlements of employees who are made redundant.
4 Distinguish between summary dismissal and dismissal on notice.
5 Identify which of the following scenarios would most likely lead to summary dismissal.
(a) Todd bribed another employee not to tell their manager that he had been accessing
pornographic websites during office hours.
(b) Roberto arrives for work entirely drunk. He has just been out to see a client, driving
a company car. It’s the third time this week he has arrived in such a condition.
(c) Jazmin’s not very good at her job. She frequently makes mistakes and doesn’t have
the knowledge or skills to perform the job satisfactorily.
1 Compare voluntary and involuntary departures in terms of:
(a) how difficult each is for the business
(b) effects on the business
(c) effects on staff leaving
(d) effects on staff remaining.
2 Termination management is about managing the final phase of the employment cycle,
when the employee leaves. Investigate the issues a HR manager must be aware of
when dismissing an employee.
3 Read about the following case and then answer the questions.
Natashia Frazer and Civic Printers
I had been employed by Civic Printers for 12 years. One month ago, my new
supervisor warned me that if my work did not improve I may be dismissed. Prior to
this I had only received favourable work reports.
One Friday afternoon I was told that someone else had complained about my
performance and that I was being dismissed. I was not aware of any other complaint.
I had never been given any written advice that my work was unsatisfactory. However,
the supervisor’s decision was final and I was dismissed. I think it is unfair.
(a) After reading the story have a class vote to determine whether Natashia’s dismissal
was fair or unfair.
(b) Now divide the class into small groups. Each group has to determine whether
the termination of Natashia was fair or unfair, and then report back to the class.
Discuss the different group responses.
(c) Take another vote to see if the discussion has made any difference to class
members’ views.
(d) Synthesise what you learnt from this activity.
Snapshot questions
1. State the percentage of Australian-made clothing outsourced to ‘outworkers’.
2. Describe the conditions under which outworkers work. Analyse the ethics of
such conditions.
3. Explain why manufacturing onshore can be a viable option for Australian
clothing companies.
4. Discuss why boycotting brands that use unethical practices might be
5. Evaluate how the ‘slow fashion movement’ might reduce the unethical
manufacturing methods of some companies.
Some businesses have become involved in lengthy and very expensive court
cases, which attempt to resolve particular situations that are often centred around a
number of ethical issues or socially responsible actions. This frequently results in a
deal of negative publicity and a deterioration in the business’s reputation.
FIGURE 8.59 FareShare is a small, not-for-profit business that is based on social responsibility.
They give away healthy, nutritious meals to hungry and homeless people in Victoria using food
donated by businesses. FareShare ‘rescues’ food that would otherwise have ended up as waste in
landfill. Not only is this business’s work helping those in need, it is also helping the environment.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the factors that motivated Harriet Michaels to establish the Welcome
Home program.
2. Predict the ways that OzInteriors might benefit from funding the Welcome
Home program.
Ethical issues
Within the business world, the following ethical issues regularly occur.
FIGURE 8.61 Workplace bullying is an example of unethical conduct. Verbal abuse is the most
common form of workplace bullying.
Conflict of interest
Conflict of interest occurs when a person takes advantage of a situation or piece
of information for his or her own gain rather than for the employer’s interest. Such
conflicts can often occur when gifts or payments are offered. There is a fine line
BizWORD between what is regarded as a gift and what may become a bribe. Corruption
A conflict of interest occurs when a undermines the integrity of the business and, if unchecked, infiltrates the workplace
person takes advantage of a situation
or piece of information for his or
her own gain rather than for the Once a pattern of corruption takes hold and is seen to be acceptable behaviour,
employer’s interest. it quickly becomes entrenched within the business. Changing the attitudes and
practices of individuals within such a business is extremely difficult. What start off
as small incidents to which most people turn a blind eye may soon develop into
corruption on a grand scale. When such corrupt practices are eventually exposed,
the business’s image will be severely damaged.
Financial management
Businesses have ethical and legal responsibilities in relation to financial
management. In recent years, unethical practices have been highlighted and
increasingly questioned. There are growing calls for codes of behaviour to regulate
the activities of businesses in relation to financial management.
It is generally accepted that financial management decisions must reflect the
objectives of a business and the interests of shareholders. An area in which ethical
considerations are important is the valuing of assets.
In preparing budgets, a business estimates its expenditures and revenues. The
BizWORD common practice of overestimating expenditures and understating revenue to
An audit is an independent check of allow for unexpected and uncertain events is an ethical issue for an organisation.
the accuracy of financial records and All financial records should be regularly audited. Internal and external audits
accounting procedures. assist in guarding against unnecessary waste, inefficient use of resources, misuse of
funds, fraud and theft.
A Corporate Code of Conduct is a
set of ethical standards for managers
and employees to abide by.
FIGURE 8.62 When a store advertises a closing down sale, you expect that the store will close
shortly afterwards. This is not always the case.
1 State the benefits of managing a business in an ethical and socially responsible
2 Explain whether it is ethical for your school authorities to monitor student email
usage on the school’s computer resources.
3 ‘Everyone cuts corners in business. It is the only way to survive.’ Discuss this
4 Identify the three components that make up the triple bottom line.
5 Outline what Etiko does that makes it ethically and socially responsible.
6 Use the Etiko weblink in your eBookPLUS to examine Etiko’s business practices in
7 Distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviour.
8 Recall what James Burke’s research revealed.
Weblink 9 Construct a concept map outlining the five main ethical issues constantly faced by
Etiko business.
10 Discuss what you believe to be the most ethical way to behave in the following
situations and then compare your answers with other class members. Discuss any
similarities or differences.
(a) A customer is unaware that you have accidentally overcharged her. Do you inform
the customer and give back the money or keep it yourself?
(b) Your boss has told you not to record all the cash payments so as to reduce his
taxation payments. Do you comply with these instructions? As an employee,
what difficult position have you been placed in? How could you justify your
Digital doc decision?
(c) A disgruntled employee from your main competitor offers to provide you with
Use the Chapter summary
document in your confidential information from that business’s marketing strategy. Would you accept
eBookPLUS to compile your such information? Give reasons for your answer.
own notes for this chapter. (d) An employee is suspected of misusing the business’s internet facilities.
Searchlight: DOC-14117 However, the employee is the best salesperson in the business, generating
thousands of dollars worth of sales each year. How should the employee be
dealt with?
11 (a) Define the term ‘conflict of interest’.
(b) In small groups, propose some possible strategies a business could use to minimise
conflict of interest situations arising.
12 Explain how a code of conduct could help encourage ethical business behaviour.
Weblink 13 Identify what is required for a code of conduct to work successfully.
St James Ethics Centre 14 Use the St James Ethics Centre weblink in your eBookPLUS. Select the option ‘Get
involved’ and then click on ‘Dilemma’. In small groups, answer the ethical questions
raised with the dilemma. Discuss your answers with other groups.
Managing change
As profitable opportunities can arise from change, it must be considered a
fundamental aspect of a business’s strategic planning. The ability to manage and, in
many cases, embrace and adapt to change will increasingly determine a business’s
• Organisational change is the adoption of a business’s new idea or behaviour in
response to internal or external influences.
• The ability to embrace, manage and adapt to change will increasingly determine
a business’s competitive advantage.
• Successful managers are the ones who anticipate and adjust to changing
1 Define the term ‘change’.
2 Explain the meaning of the phrase, ‘There is only one constant in business and that is
3 Account for why some managers are fearful of change, whereas others openly
embrace it.
4 Distinguish between proactive and reactive management.
5 Examine figure 9.2 above. Explain why change is compared to ripples on water.
BizWORD A trend rapidly gaining support throughout the corporate world and government
Outsourcing is the contracting of establishments is outsourcing. Outsourcing has had a profound impact on
some organisational operations to businesses, particularly on the mix of employees. Many businesses have rearranged
outside suppliers.
their workforces to employ a minimum full-time staff and use as many people from
outside the business as possible — on a contract, casual or part-time rate. This
keeps costs to the lowest possible level.
Outsourcing may be necessary to help an organisation contain its costs and
survive in a global marketplace. Obviously, outsourcing has both positive and
negative effects. Outsourcing may mean that job losses occur within the organisation
and other jobs need to be created. The positive impact is that the organisation may
BizFACT be able to produce its goods, or supply its service, more efficiently than before.
Over the past few years Westpac
has outsourced its human resource
positions to GenPact in India; its
credit card and merchant processing
services to First Data Australia; its IT
and telecommunications to numerous
Indian organisations; and its mortgage
processing to the American Electronic
Data Systems (EDS) Corporation.
Flat structures
Flatter management structures have become more common in recent times. As
middle-management positions are abolished, greater levels of accountability and
BizFACT responsibility are transferred to frontline staff. Such businesses are characterised
Many larger companies are beginning by fewer formal reporting controls, sharing of best practice methods, learning
to favour flatter management focused on the business’s needs, a supportive learning environment and a focus
structures, and this has led to on continuous improvement. In the contemporary workplace, businesses are
eliminating middle management to
allow for streamlined communications
evolving from formal, hierarchical structures with many levels to less formal, looser
between workers and top structures.
management. In 2010, 950 Telstra
employees (mainly middle managers Work teams
and top executives) lost their jobs in
Coupled closely with the emergence of the flatter organisational structure is the
what Telstra described as an effort to
adopt a simpler operating model in development of work teams. Teamwork allows businesses to be more flexible and
the business. Some commentators responsive. Teams also motivate employees to be more creative, to develop a broader
described it as a ‘middle manager view of goals, and to contribute across the entire business. The development of
bloodbath’. teams is transforming workplace cultures, practices, operations and productivity
Organisational change will ultimately have a profound impact on employees at
all levels within a business. Consequently, adjustments to the human resource
management function are necessary to improve the effectiveness of changes made
in other business divisions, such as organisational structure and technology. Some
of the main human resource management changes are:
• Recruitment and selection must be altered to reflect the need for individuals who
possess the knowledge and skills required to handle the changing circumstances.
• If employees are to be made redundant then appropriate termination procedures
must be put in place.
• Training must be offered to existing employees in the areas of teamwork,
problem solving, decision making and change management.
• Performance appraisal and reward
systems that reinforce the new
behaviours must be put in place.
• More autonomous and
empowered employees will
require changes to the traditional
roles and communication
methods within the business.
• To attract and maintain skilled
employees, flexible working
arrangements will be needed.
• The bases of power will shift from
title, seniority and authority to
collaboration and contribution,
and this must be communicated. FIGURE 9.5 Considering that
• A clear vision of where the employees are a business’s most
business is headed and the valuable asset, it is important to manage
transformational changes sensitively and
benefits to employees will need professionally.
to be developed and clearly
• Changes can be major (transformational) or minor (incremental).
• When a business responds to the forces of change, the result will be a change
to its:
–– organisational structure, including outsourcing, flatter structures and work
–– business culture; for a business to survive in the long term, changes should be
reflected in its culture
–– human resource management practices, including recruitment and selection,
training, performance appraisal and redundancy procedures
–– operations management, including flexible manufacturing and quality
Outsourcing Flatter
• contracting to organisational
outside suppliers structures
• impact on
Work teams
6 Explain why the business culture should be modified in response to changes in the
external environment.
7 Propose why alterations to the human resource management function are necessary
in response to changes in the external environment.
8 Outline what human resource management changes businesses have undertaken
in response to environmental changes. Use the following headings in your
(a) Recruitment and selection
(b) Termination procedures
(c) Training and development
(d) Performance appraisal.
9 Select two operations management changes and outline how they assist the business
in achieving a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
10 Consider the following situations and determine whether the change required would
be major or minor. Give reasons for your answer.
(a) A sales representative complains that he is unable to access the latest prices on
some products quickly enough because price changes are mailed monthly to his
(b) A distinct decline in the quality of manufactured items from the heavy metal
section has been traced back to the high turnover of staff in this section over the
past nine months.
(c) The development of new technology in the paper manufacturing industry will
require the chief executive officer and the board to completely reassess their
present manufacturing operations.
(d) The responsibilities of several key staff in the accounting department will need to
change as a result of the new computerised accounting system.
company specialising in flexible workplace practices and the placement of women
returning to the workforce, predominantly into accounting and office administration
roles. We pride ourselves on being highly professional.
The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) meant we needed to implement strong change
to our business model. We needed to ensure that we could navigate the economic
climate and keep our staff employed. We needed to reduce our costs and requested
staff to reduce hours of work. This was a significant change to the business, and the
management and staff had to adapt.
Asking staff to reduce hours in a difficult economy is not an easy thing. We used
clear communication to employees, both individually and as a team, to ensure they
were not left in the dark as to what was going on, and to see the reasons behind the
hard decisions. Getting our team members on board, committed and connected to
our business was, and remains, our number one priority.
New technology can be frightening for team members if they are not on
board with the total concept from the beginning. It was very important for us to
communicate to them the reasons we wished to change our processes and the
positives that would come from change.
Offering training in any new technology or work duty helped us to minimise any
negativity surrounding the changes. We keep our staff motivated in times of change
by communicating effectively with each and every employee. We make our team ❛ Communication is
members feel that their input and ideas are valued and that they are an integral part
of Nine2Three. Addressing any concerns raised and giving our employees a forum the key to . . .
to speak about any concerns was also really important. Communication is the key to
great workplaces and managing change.
managing change. ❜
Source: Extracts from 2010, ‘Real life stories: Change and keeping staff on board’, NETT, pp. 42–3.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the internal and external influences that have had an impact on
Nine2Three Employment Solutions.
2. Outline the strategies used by Nine2Three Employment Solutions to manage
Snapshot questions
1. Summarise the main points of Dr Edwin Locke’s research.
2. Explain how goal setting affects a person’s ability to cope with change.
3. Propose why setting goals that are easy to achieve might be counterproductive.
• To manage change effectively requires the change to be as productive as possible;
to make it a process for revitalising and strengthening the business.
• Managers must develop strategies for managing change effectively.
• Identifying the need for change and setting achievable goals are two strategies to
manage change effectively.
1 Summarise the information from the BizFact on page 290 by completing the table
below. The first one has been started for you.
IBM’s ‘Making change work’ study
1. Common goals for change programs • Cost reduction
2. Main reasons for success •
3. Main resistors to change •
Read the scenario below. In small groups, create a plan to solve the problems and
effectively manage a potentially difficult introduction to new technology. Present your plan
to the rest of the class.
You are a divisional manager of 30 loyal, long-serving employees. Fierce competition is
threatening the long-term viability of the business. Sales and profits are declining due
to the lower prices of your competitor. The business could compete if it introduced new
technology. (It has the finance to purchase and install the machinery.) The introduction
of the new technology is going to mean changes to your division and the current
Twenty employees are required to work the new technology so 10 will become
Even though sales have declined, you have a number of very loyal customers who have
expressed satisfaction with the format of the current product.
Problems requiring solution and action:
(a) Retrenching of 10 employees — examine some of the criteria you might consider
regarding who should stay and who should go
(b) Training the remaining employees to understand and use the new and more complex
technology (quite a radical change from the technology currently in use)
(c) Managing the change with sensitivity: maintaining positive workplace morale and
exhibiting leadership
(d) Communicating the change in the product format to the customers and convincing
them to maintain their loyalty towards your company and its brand.
Resistance to change
FIGURE 9.8 Poor timing, or lack of At the same time as managers are undertaking — driving — change for the best of
time, will result in undue resistance to
reasons, there will be restraining forces working against the change, creating resistance.
Psychology has shown how difficult it is for
individuals to change their behaviour; how difficult it
is to eat less, exercise more, stop smoking or be more
patient. Resistance to change is strong because for most
people personal change is:
• achieved only with considerable effort
• often emotionally stressful.
Businesses, like individuals, also find some changes
difficult to cope with. When the pace of change is
very rapid or coming from the external environment,
then businesses may experience open resistance to the
change. For example, consider where you sit in your
Business Studies class. It is likely that you and other
students sit in the same seats for each lesson. Imagine
now that your Business Studies teacher changes the
seating arrangement and tells you where to sit. This
new seating arrangement will be permanent. No prior
warning or explanation of these changes was given.
Businesses often fail to manage change well. The record tends to be poor
because in the upheaval of a restructuring process the most crucial group of all, the
employees, are often neglected. As well, existing communication channels are often
inadequate when reporting progress. Such channels often break down in the highly
emotional climate that surrounds a change program.
A successful leader will market and
promote the change in a manner
that will achieve cooperation and
Management consultants
As a student, if you have difficulty understanding some information within a subject,
you will probably consult with someone who is an expert in that area. This could
be another student, teacher or family member. This is similar to when you have a
Business background
Name of business Magnatech Industries
Type of ownership/legal structure Proprietary company
Shareholders 100 per cent Australian owned
International division Pro Tag International Thailand
Core business function Plastic injection moulding servicing the
whitegoods (refrigerators, freezers and washing
machines) industry
Mission statement To provide technical solutions through high
engineering standards which meet the needs of
our clients
Employees 115 in Australia, New Zealand and Thailand
The market
Magnatech supplies mouldings to major customers in Australia (with a significant
❛ Export markets majority of the market share), with production facilities in Australia, New Zealand
are . . . a source of and Thailand. One of the characteristics of this industry is the increasing pressure to
minimise inventories, reduce manufacturing costs and reduce lead time (the time it
revenue that reduces takes to convert raw materials into a finished product) from one week to 48 hours.
the risk involved from Magnatech currently produces tinted trays and shelving for refrigerators and
freezers in 10 different colours. While Magnatech maintains a stock of white internal
domestic competitive mouldings, the coloured trays and shelves are made to order. With industry pressure
to reduce lead times, Magnatech can generally produce orders for standard colour
pressures. ❜ mouldings within 24 hours. A specialised colour may initially require a lead time of
two weeks.
4 Ecologically sustainable production. Over the last five years Magnatech has
implemented a ‘3R’ policy: reduce, reuse or recycle. This has benefited both the
company, through reduced wastage and more efficient work practices, and the
environment. Magnatech also adopted a triple bottom line approach in its financial
and non-financial reporting processes.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the stakeholders in Magnatech Industries.
2. Identify the sources of change in the internal and external environments that
have had an impact on Magnatech Industries over the last decade.
3. Describe Magnatech Industries’ core business function.
4. (a) Define the terms ‘inventories’ and ‘lead time’.
(b) Explain why Magnatech Industries wants to minimise inventories and
reduce lead times.
5. Outline how Magnatech Industries’ strategic plan has been modified as a
result of the changes in the business environment.
6. Describe what Magnatech Industries is doing to reduce the consequence of
employee retirement.
7. Construct a mind map summarising the internal adjustments Magnatech
Industries’ management has made in response to changes within the business
environment. The first part of the mind map has been started for you.
Training Rationalisation
New technology
• At the same time as managers are undertaking — driving — change for the best
of reasons, there will be restraining forces working against the change, creating
• The main reasons for resistance to change include:
–– financial costs (the cost of implementing major changes can be substantial)
–– purchasing new equipment (this can also be expensive)
–– redundancy payments (if employees lose their jobs as a result of change, they
are entitled to financial compensation)
–– retraining (when changes are introduced, some employees will require training)
–– reorganising plant layout (the layout of the plant may need to be reorganised if
new equipment or technology is introduced)
–– inertia (some managers and employees resist change due to a fear of the
• Driving forces are those forces that initiate, encourage and support the change.
• Restraining forces are those that work against the change, creating resistance.
• Resistance to change is common among managers and employees.
• Two strategies for overcoming resistance to change include:
–– creating a culture of change (encouraging teamwork)
–– providing positive leadership (sharing the vision).
• The main role of management consultants is to help businesses improve their
performance and assist with change management.
1 Outline why management and employees commonly resist change.
2 Explain how you would feel if your classroom was radically changed overnight
without your knowledge.
When change is too rapid or when managers and employees feel they have
no control over it, then _______________ to the change is to be expected.
Resistance to change is _______________ among employees and organisations.
The resistance needs to be managed _______________. Managers can fail
to achieve change by not _______________ the situation properly. Employees
may resist change because of the _______________ of the unknown,
the _______________ costs involved and the need for some employees to
be _______________. _______________ for reducing resistance to change
need to be developed by _______________.
5 Outline how the following can be a restraining force:
(a) lack of time
(b) poor timing.
6 When the new chief executive officer for Bradley Southport Limited attempted
to make some major changes, she encountered resistance among some
senior level managers. Explain why these managers might have resisted
the changes.
7 Based on the information from this section, explain why there was so much
resistance by bank tellers when they were first required to use computers to process
customer transactions.
Digital doc 8 Examine figure 9.11 on page 297. Select the two strategies you think are the most
Use the Chapter summary important. Justify your selection.
document in your
eBookPLUS to compile your 9 Recall the role of a change agent.
own notes for this chapter. 10 Identify the features found in a team that help others overcome resistance to
Searchlight: DOC-14118 change.
11 Clarify how positive leadership can help overcome resistance to change.
12 Select a major change in your life, such as moving house, changing schools or starting
a new casual job, and complete the following:
(a) State the reasons you liked or disliked the change. Share your thoughts with other
class members.
(b) Identify the reasons that were common among the group.
(c) Interpret what this tells you about the best strategy that a manager could use to
help overcome resistance to change.
13 Identify the benefits of hiring a management consultant.
14 Use the Pacific Brands weblinks in your eBookPLUS to investigate change in this
Weblinks business over the last 5 years. Evaluate the change the company has undergone and
Pacific Brands the role of leadership and management consultants in this change process. Write a
brief report on the journey of Pacific Brands as the company reinvented itself.
1 Evaluate the accuracy of the following quotes concerning change:
(a) ‘Change for change’s sake is not progress.’
(b) ‘Change is life. Life is change.’
(c) ‘Change what you can change. Accept what you cannot change.’
(d) ‘Change is the new normal for leadership success.’
2 Think about a situation in which you would like to make a change but face some
resistance. The situations might involve improving your Business Studies results,
changing the arrangement of your timetable or having greater use of the family car.
(a) Summarise the status quo.
(b) Propose the situation as you would like it to be if you could change it.
Business management
Multiple choice questions
1 Which of the following would be classified as a social goal?
(a) To increase market share by 10 per cent
(b) To sponsor the local school football team
(c) To provide shareholders with increased returns
(d) To improve the training opportunities for employees
2 Which of the following states the process involved in planning?
(a) Setting standards and targets
(b) Reacting to daily business crises
(c) Assigning work to employees and delegating authority
(d) Measuring the performance of the business against benchmarks
3 Which of the following items are classified as current assets?
(a) Creditors and cash at bank
(b) Cash at bank and inventory
(c) Inventory and machinery
(d) Machinery and mortgage
4 Which element of the human resource cycle is concerned with preparing a job analysis?
(a) Acquisition
(b) Development
(c) Maintenance
(d) Separation
5 Which of the following best describes a balance sheet?
(a) A statement of the profit or loss of a business for a given period
(b) A statement that shows the movement of cash receipts and cash payments
(c) A statement that compares expected profit or loss with what was anticipated
(d) A statement of the assets, liabilities and owner’s equity of a business at a particular
6 John & Sons Construction has developed a plan to guide the business over the next five
years. What type of planning is this an example of?
(a) Operational
(b) Tactical
(c) Technical
(d) Strategic
7 What does the contingency approach to management emphasise?
(a) Management as planning, organising and controlling
(b) Management as leading, motivating and communicating
(c) The need for managers to be reactive and respond to change after it occurs
(d) The need for flexibility and adaptation of management practices to suit changing
8 A furniture store has designed a new logo to market its products.
Which marketing strategy is being used by the company?
(a) Place
(b) Price
(c) Product
(d) Promotion
9 Calculate the value of owner’s equity given the following information: Liabilities =
$75 000 and Assets = $145 000.
(a) $70 000
(b) $75 000
(c) $220 000
(d) $240 000
10 Shimmering Jewellery relies heavily on their sales assistants to promote their goods
by outlining the benefits and features of their products to consumers. This has been
The processes of establishing and planning a small to medium enterprise
Students should be able to:
• discuss the nature of business, its role in society and the types of business
• describe the factors contributing to the success or failure of small to medium
• assess the processes and interdependence of key business functions
• analyse the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders
• plan and conduct investigations into contemporary business issues
• evaluate information for actual and hypothetical business situations
• communicate business information and issues in appropriate formats
• apply mathematical concepts appropriately in business situations.
Small to medium
enterprises (SMEs)
Small to medium
enterprises (SMEs)
10.1 Introduction
Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) are the ‘engine room’ of the Australian economy.
Governments at all levels have recognised the importance of SMEs and have
devised appropriate policies to build on the strengths and overcome the weaknesses
of these businesses. These policies focus on areas like access to finance, networking,
delivery of government programs, innovation and export programs.
The more adaptive and dynamic SMEs have responded to this environment
through increased spending on research and development (R&D), new product
developments, improved business practices and an export-oriented business culture.
In recent years the SMEs in Australia have performed better than other sectors of
the economy, even during the 2008–09 economic downturn. SMEs have created many
new jobs, become more innovative and are increasingly entering overseas markets.
Between 5 and
Small 19 employees
companies, fewer than Not dominant in the
20 employees; manufacturing industry (that is, small share
companies, fewer than of total industry output)
100 employees
Locally based
Owner basically responsible Reliant on internal Bulk of capital
for decision making support services provided by owner
Snapshot questions
1. Recall the factors responsible for the rapid growth in e-business.
2. Outline the effect the internet has had on Vetafarm and Slim Secrets.
3. Use the Austrade weblink in your eBookPLUS to examine the role and
function of the Australian Trade Commission and answer the following
(a) State the role of Austrade.
(b) Identify three specific Austrade programs designed to help business.
1 Contrast the various definitions of ‘small business’.
2 Construct a database of five small businesses in your local area. List the following:
(a) the name of the business
(b) whether the business is a manufacturing or non-manufacturing business
(c) the number of employees
(d) the turnover
(e) the asset value.
3 Evaluate how useful these data are when attempting to define what a small or
medium business is.
In real life, an economy must answer the three basic questions of:
• what to produce
• how to produce
• who will receive the goods and services produced.
Many different economic systems have been used, but the type of economic
system we have in Australia is called a market capitalist economy. This means that
most answers to the economic questions are provided by private buyers and sellers.
Now that we understand what an economy is, let’s consider how SMEs in
Australia actually contribute to our economy.
Contribution to employment
Employment keeps the economy healthy. Employed Australians will use the wage
they have earned to buy goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants,
supporting business and opening up further opportunities for job creation. SMEs
BizFACT employ around 8 million people, which represents about 70 per cent of total
private sector employment. (forty seven per cent are employed in small businesses
Around 61 per cent of small
businesses do not employ staff; 27 per and 23 per cent in medium businesses). During the last 20 years, the SME sector
cent employ 1–4 people and 12 per has been the major generator of new jobs in the Australian economy. During times
cent employ 5–9 people, according to of economic downturn, as was experienced between 2008 and 2009, the SMEs
Australian Bureau of Statistics figures. were more likely to try to maintain their existing employees compared with the
large businesses.
Kelly Engineering. Kelly Engineering began in the 1980s in Booleroo Centre, South
Australia as a family based business. The company originated from Peter Kelly’s
hobby of modifying and repairing farm machinery. The breakthrough came when
Peter Kelly created an innovative machine that provides an alternative to chemical
weed control and recycles soil nutrients. What started out as a hobby is today an
agricultural manufacturing business that employs 40 people and produces over
$11 million profit annually.
In 2006 representatives from the company attended a farm machinery expo
in California. Their big break into the US market came when they were spotted
by a marketing agent at the expo who helped them introduce their products to
distributors in Arkansas. Once they developed a strong reputation in this area, sales
quickly began spreading to other US states. They have since generated more than
$47 million from their exports to the US and currently sell almost three times as
many of their products in the US than in Australia. This opportunity to export could
not have come at a better time for the company since their domestic sales were
heavily affected by the drought that was gripping most of eastern Australia.
Prior to exporting, the company’s CEO, Peter Kelly, pursued an export market-
❛ . . . a world-class
development grant from Austrade. In 2012, the company was also awarded an manufacturer and
Enterprise Zone Fund (EZF) grant of $302 500 from the South Australian government
to assist them to expand their operations and meet increasing demand overseas. exporter of farm
Kelly Engineering has been recognised for their achievements in exporting over the equipment. ❜
years. In 2010 they won the state and national regional titles in the Telstra Business
of the Year awards. They were also named state winner of the regional category in
Business SA and Austrade’s Australian Export Awards that same year. In 2013, Kelly
Engineering was honoured for exporting excellence at the Business SA 2013 Export
Awards in the manufacturing category.
1 Define the term ‘economy’.
2 Recall the three basic questions that all economic systems must answer.
3 (a) Identify the type of economic system operating in Australia.
(b) State how the economic questions are answered in this type of economic system.
4 Explain what happens when economic growth occurs.
5 Clarify how economic growth is measured.
6 Define the term ‘balance of payments’.
7 Describe how a country can maintain a favourable balance of payments.
8 Identify the missing words to complete the following sentence. The first letter of
each word has been provided.
SMEs contribute to the economy by boosting economic growth, as measured by
g d p . SMEs also contribute to taxation revenue
because they e approximately 8 million people. The e earnings
that SMEs generate through selling goods and services overseas are also significant.
9 Distinguish between an invention and an innovation.
10 Account for the fact that SMEs often face difficulties in obtaining finance for R&D.
11 Describe the role of a venture capitalist.
12 Summarise the economic contribution of SMEs by completing the following table.
Characteristic Summary
Gross domestic product
Balance of payments
Invention and innovation
1 Use the Austrade weblink in your eBookPLUS to examine a small business that has
been successful in exporting its goods or services. Create a short report using the
following headings:
(a) Name of the business Weblink
(b) What the business does Austrade
(c) What the business exports
(d) Where the business exports its goods or services
(e) Reasons the business is successful.
2 You have been asked by the local newspaper to create an article evaluating the
importance of SMEs to the Australian economy. Your article will appear in a special
supplement dealing with small business. Prepare your article exactly as you would
like it published, using a desktop publishing program for layout if possible. Use your
imagination and choose a thought-provoking headline. After you have prepared your
first draft, confer with a partner to edit your article to publishing standard. Display the
articles around the room.
3 Determine why the level of innovation among small business employees is much
higher than among employees of larger businesses.
4 Reflect on what you have read and learned so far. Assess how this information would
influence you if you were intending to start a small business.
FIGURE 10.7 Starting a business may lead to greater independence, but may also increase
workload and stress.
so Some will thrive on the challenge of a potential failure, enjoying the process of
solving the problem. The majority will be highly motivated and optimistic, as
to in
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the personal qualities of Scott Bradley and Sean Towner that help
make their business a success.
2. Outline the research the pair undertook before starting their new business.
3. Explain the risks and challenges faced by Scott Bradley and Sean Towner.
Failure of SMEs
Sometimes enthusiasm and optimism cloud the owner’s vision of reality and poor
decisions are made. In the real world, success can be hard to achieve. Unfortunately,
many SMEs end in failure. Although we do not want to dwell on the negative, it is
BizFACT important to acknowledge the experiences of many SME owners.
If a business owner decides to cease In a sense, it is perhaps too easy to establish a business: there are no interviews,
operating because of ill health, the no tests to pass and no previous experience required. All that is necessary is a
loss of a partner or any other personal payment of . . . $30 to register the business name for one year . . . and even this is
reason not associated with financial not required if the business owners trade under their own name. It is not surprising
problems, then the business is not
then that many businesses end in failure.
described as a ‘failure’.
A SME is classified as a failure when it is:
(a) unincorporated and declared bankrupt — a legal process of distributing among
the creditors the property of a business or person who cannot or will not pay
their debts
(b) incorporated and either forced into liquidation or voluntarily closes down
because it cannot pay its debts and faces a cash flow problem.
Most small business failures are
FIGURE 10.9 Many SMEs have a short life. caused by factors within the business
under the control of management.
The most common causes are
Many SMEs start out on a ‘shoestring’ budget. Without sufficient capital — managerial inexperience and
undercapitalisation — the business will not be able to purchase stock and materials. incompetence, undercapitalisation
This inevitably results in lost sales. A business in this position faces disaster unless and lack of planning.
alternative finance can be arranged.
• While many people are successful in their business ventures, many others
unfortunately experience failure.
• The five common ‘keys’ to SME success are:
–– flexibility
–– reputation
–– focus on market niche
–– entrepreneurial abilities
–– access to information.
• A SME has failed when it is:
–– unincorporated and declared bankrupt
–– incorporated and either forced into liquidation or voluntary cessation.
• SMEs have a high failure rate.
• The most common causes of SME failure are managerial inexperience and
incompetence, undercapitalisation and lack of planning.
1 Explain how a SME owner can maximise his or her chances of success by using the
five ‘keys’ of business success (page 322).
2 Recall what needs to occur for a SME to be classified as a business failure.
3 Account for the high failure rate of small businesses in the first few years of
4 Outline the two main reasons for small business failure.
5 Answer the following questions by identifying and then writing out the answer
that you feel is most appropriate when considering the possible effects of small
business failure. Share your answers with the rest of the class and discuss any
(a) Effect on the owners
(i) Because most people who go into business know what they are letting
themselves in for, there will be no adverse effects on the owners.
(ii) There could possibly be some physical effects on the owners.
(b) Effects on staff
(i) Most employees do not mind being retrenched.
(ii) Being retrenched is never easy to accept and there is usually a certain amount of
Digital doc stress associated with finding new employment.
Use the Chapter summary (c) Effects on creditors
document in your (i) The high number of SME failures is bound to cause financial hardship to
eBookPLUS to compile your creditors.
own notes for this chapter. (ii) Most creditors are large companies and can therefore afford for small
Searchlight: DOC-14119 businesses to go bankrupt without it being too much of a financial drain
on them.
(d) Effects on consumers
(i) When a SME fails, consumers are not inconvenienced at all because there are
others to choose from.
(ii) Often customers find themselves not only inconvenienced by SME failures
but also feel left out in the cold when they attempt to receive some type of
compensation for their loss.
Influences in establishing a
small to medium enterprise
11.1 Introduction
The thousands of SMEs in Australia today are owned and operated by all types of
people. These businesses all had a beginning; they all had a person or small group of
people who decided to ‘have a go’. When establishing their businesses, they needed to
consider a range of influences that combine to determine the level of success achieved.
Yes No Yes No
FIGURE 11.1 Some questions to ask yourself to assess your entrepreneurial ability
For some types of SMEs, are few or no formal academic requirements needed to
commence operating. However, for those who want to gain academic qualifications
in small business, many tertiary courses are available. The Business Studies course
you are studying is of enormous value should you decide to become a SME owner.
Such courses give you knowledge and understanding of what is required to
successfully own and operate a SME. Knowledge and understanding can also come
from experience through working for other businesses. Your part-time job, for
example, is providing you with experience in a business’s day-to-day operations,
how to manage your time and other people, purchasing and pricing decisions, and
a variety of other business functions.
SME owners are a varied group. It is extremely difficult to categorise them or the
qualifications they possess that make their business a success. As well, a variety of
personal factors encourage individuals to go into business. However, two factors
that are often mentioned are motivation and the ‘entrepreneurial spirit’. They
combine to form a powerful desire to create a new business.
If a person has been working the last few years as a dedicated employee, then
during that time, they will have gained valuable experience. They probably also
developed new skills as a result of training or exposure to various aspects of the
business’s operations. Consequently, apart from well-developed management skills,
a person with hands-on experience will have a greater chance of achieving business
The best time for a person to gain management experience is before establishing
the business. This can be done by either completing a management training course
or by undertaking a management role within a business. The best way a person
can gain business experience is to work in the type of business in which he or she
intends to become self-employed.
These experiences provide a platform from which to work. The experienced
person will understand and be realistic about the demands, both financial and
personal, that a business will place on them. Figure 11.3 outlines possible
experiences, from working in other businesses, that could help someone establish
their own business.
Organisational and bookeeping Sales
skills presentation
Stock Time
control management
Being an Computer
employee applications
Leadership Store
skills presentation
Motivation refers to your personal drive, determination and desire to achieve a goal
or objective. The desire to be your own boss is a major reason for wanting to start
your own business. Many people start on their own because they believe they can
do better for themselves than if they remain with their present employer. Often
they desire the freedom to choose when and where they work, with whom they
work and whether to work from home. The underlying attraction is the desire to
transform an idea into a successful product by capturing the attention of potential
customers (see the following Snapshot).
that helps health and fitness professionals run successful practices.
How do you describe your business?
Practice Manager 24/7 has been custom designed and built by Australians, for
Australians. It’s best suited to personal trainers, massage therapists, physiotherapists,
or anyone that has an appointment-based business. Our program does all the hard
work so that health professionals can focus on doing the things they love. We strive
to give our customers the freedom they deserve and we live by our motto: It’s your
Practice, made Perfect!
Did you always want to run your own business?
Yes and no. I didn’t really dream about running my own business when I was in high
school. Although, studying Business Studies definitely piqued my interest. Once I
was at university, the urge to run my own business grew stronger and stronger. By
the time I finished university I was hooked! After that I’ve never looked back. In
that time, I have been lucky enough to own and operate multiple businesses, often
concurrently, within the fields of my expertise: health and education.
What motivated you to want to start your own business?
A belief that one day I could help change the world to make it a better place. Being
a health professional first, the biggest kick I get out of each day is being able to help
someone. That’s what makes me tick. So, through my entrepreneurial endeavours, ❛ Self-belief and
my aim is to help thousands of great health professionals achieve two things: firstly,
to help them stay in the industry; and secondly, to help them with their business self-motivation is
operations so they can focus wholeheartedly on their patients and clients. Achieving
these two goals will help the world become a happier and healthier place.
crucial. ❜
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the characteristics shown by Anthony Turri that would categorise
him as an entrepreneur.
2. Recall some of the things Anthony Turri enjoys most about running his own
3. Summarise Anthony Turri’s main challenges.
4. Determine why you think Anthony Turri has been successful in business.
Most business owners are motivated by the rewards they believe can be gained
from establishing a business, including both monetary and non-monetary rewards
(see figure 11.4).
Experiencing Having
some excitement something to
leave the children
own status Security
Possible tax
Developing own
creative ideas
Achieving a
recognition in
better lifestyle
the community
Accepting a
Increasing Contributing family members
challenge Capital gains
personal wealth to society
As was outlined in chapter 1, an entrepreneur is someone who starts, operates and
assumes the risk of a business venture in the hope of making a profit. The term Weblink
can apply to any person — male or female, mature age or young — willing to Use the Top Business
Entrepreneurs weblink
establish a business in a bid for success. Not all entrepreneurs begin by setting up a in your eBookPLUS to
business premises. An increasing number of people work from home, especially as explore the website and
computers have allowed greater access and communication with business markets. find out about different
Entrepreneurship is not just an avenue to wealth, but a way of making a living and entrepreneurs.
Sets realistic
goals and
attempts to Takes
achieve them moderate
well with
Keeps in
Tolerates good physical
failure health
SNAPSHOT entrepreneur: family background and motivation is that 90 per cent of 549 company
founders were from middle-class or upper lower-class backgrounds, and were
well‑educated. The entrepreneurs in this study gave their insight into what influences
success or failure, as shown below.
❛ What does it
Keys to success
really take to • Prior work experience in the field — knowledge
be a successful of the business
• Ability to learn from mistakes
entrepreneur? ❜ • Work with a strong team
Barriers to success
• Unwilling to take risks
• Not enough time or energy
• Difficult raising capital to finance the business
Cultural background
A person’s cultural background can influence their reasons for establishing a business.
Cultural influence can arise from a community’s traditions and beliefs, such as the
‘work ethic’ — the willingness to work long and hard in an effort to be successful —
which is strong in many European and Asian cultures. Many migrants come to
Australia with few resources except a strong desire to improve their lives. Their
determination often translates into business success (see the following Snapshot). BizFACT
Cultural influence can also arise from centuries of experience in certain trades or Approximately 31 per cent of NSW
services, enabling a person to use this knowledge to achieve business success. A small business owners were born
person from a Thai cultural background, for example, may be able to succeed in a overseas.
restaurant business that aims to provide quality, specialist Thai food.
Snapshot questions
1. Outline what motivated JinHe Xu to begin a business in Western Australia.
2. Recall the support JinHe Xu received from the government.
3. Describe the factors that have contributed to JinHe Xu’s success.
Governments of developed economies are realising that employment growth will
not come from established large businesses but from the creation or expansion
of the small business sector. Policies are being created specifically to assist small
business in contributing to the national economy. In response to these policies,
and to a general change in social attitudes, many women are setting up their own
businesses (in particular in self-employment) at three times the rate of men (see the
following Snapshot).
success with any business venture — qualities that Michelle Angeloni possesses.
Michelle started her own childcare centre in 1998 after working in the industry
for seven years. During those years, she spotted a gap in the market that was not
already being satisfied by other businesses in the area for centres that offered
personalised care as well as quality education.
‘I noticed that in all the childcare centres I came across, the owners weren’t
properly qualified and they didn’t work in the actual centre. I therefore felt they
didn’t understand what was important about the level of service required and what
families expected.’ After years of frustration at the way some centres were being run,
Michelle was determined to run a business exactly the way she wanted. She wanted
to run a childcare centre where the children become a family and where every family
is made to feel important. Michelle wanted her business to provide a level of service
that was not already available in the area.
It took three years of hard work and persistence to get the business started.
During that time, she encountered many obstacles and hurdles that she
needed to overcome. Her biggest challenge was getting the centre approved
by the local council. Michelle had to attend council meetings for three years
to continually address issues raised by neighbouring property owners at
her own expense. She also had to keep modifying her plans to suit council
requirements. To help her with this process, Michelle sought advice and
developed good relationships with advisors from the Department of Education
and Communities.
‘In order to succeed you need to be persistent, patient and passionate. It takes
time to create a successful business, but it’s so much easier to motivate yourself
when you’re energised by what you’re doing. In business, you are going to face
constant challenges. Success doesn’t come easy, but if you have determination and a ❛ . . . you need to be
positive mindset, you can do anything.’
Michelle’s determination has definitely paid off. In the 15 years since she opened, persistent, patient
she has never spent a cent on advertising. All her business has come from word of
mouth and recommendations, and she has always remained true to her philosophy
and passionate. ❜
and vision for starting the business in the first place.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the personal qualities Michelle Angeloni possesses that equip her to
be a SME owner.
2. Explain the importance of Michelle’s experience in determining the business’s
3. Summarise Michelle’s advice for people wanting to start their own business.
Use the Women’s Network
Australia weblink in your
eBookPLUS to visit the
website of the nation’s
leading networking
organisation for women.
FIGURE 11.6 The Women’s Network Australia is the nation’s leading networking
organisation for women offering business information, online services, business education
and networking events.
• Personal qualities, motivation, experience and entrepreneurship are the primary
influences on an individual’s decision to establish a business.
• Business qualifications and skills can be attained through experience, education
and/or training.
• These factors will affect planning decisions on issues such as the type and size of
business, the business location and the individual’s own role.
• An entrepreneur is someone who starts, operates and assumes the risk of a
business venture in the hope of making a profit.
• An entrepreneur must have a range of skills and characteristics to own and
operate a business successfully.
• Other influences are at work, including cultural background and gender.
1 Assess your own entrepreneurial ability by completing the questions shown in
figure 11.1 on page 328. Someone with an entrepreneurial personality would
answer ‘yes’ to most of the questions. Write a self-evaluation report based on your
2 Choose a business you would like to own. Outline the personal qualities you think
are needed to be successful in this business. Share your response with a classmate and
discuss the main differences in your answers.
4 Refer to figure 11.4 on page 333 and classify the possible rewards of business
ownership into monetary or non-monetary benefits. Interpret the results.
5 Describe the main characteristics of an entrepreneur.
6 Select the characteristic you regard as the most important and justify your choice.
7 Outline why an entrepreneur should continually set new goals.
8 Prepare a ‘T’ table format to summarise the benefits and burdens of
entrepreneurship. The ‘T’ table has been started for you.
Benefits Burdens
• Sense of freedom
and independence.
1 ‘The entrepreneur has an important role in the Australian economy.’ Assess the
accuracy of this statement.
2 Investigate how the role of women in business changed over the past decade.
Predict the importance of this role in the future.
3 Create a rap song explaining the meaning of ‘entrepreneur’ and describing the
qualities needed to be a successful SME owner.
4 Write out the 12 questions asked in figure 11.1 (page 328) in order of importance,
from most important to least important. Compare your list with the rest of the class
and be prepared to justify your rankings.
associations Federal, state and
local government
Chambers of Small Enterprise
commerce Association of
Australia and
New Zealand
Centre Accountants
Australian Bureau
of Statistics SOURCES OF ADVICE Solicitors
AusIndustry Bank
Australian Chamber
based services
of Commerce and
Other business TAFE
contacts colleges
FIGURE 11.7 Sources of help and advice for the SME owner
Professional advisers
It is important for the business owner to have a good relationship with an
accountant, solicitor and bank manager, and to keep in touch with them on a regular
basis. Management consultants can also be used, especially when restructuring the
BizFACT business or changing its core business activity.
Professional advisers deal with a
Business owners tend to be totally immersed in the day-to-day operations of their
large number of businesses and are businesses, so they find it difficult to remain objective. However, the professional
therefore able to adopt a much wider adviser is able to examine the business much more objectively and provide an
view of individual businesses than is independent analysis of the organisation. Professional advisers are also more aware
possible for the owner, who may have of changes within the legal, economic and financial environment. It is advisable
only limited experiences from which
to draw. The four main professional
for business owners to make use of the information and advice from the following
advisers for small business owners are advisers:
accountants, solicitors, bank managers 1. Accountants. Accountants provide valuable advice on all financial management
and management consultants. issues and taxation obligations. They have access to the latest changes to taxation
and financial reporting requirements.
Government agencies
State governments
All state governments have established agencies that provide support and advice
to business owners. In New South Wales, the Industry, Innovation, Hospitality
and the Arts Division of the NSW Department of Trade and Investment, Regional
Infrastructure and Services (NSW Trade & Investment) offers a number of programs
designed to assist businesses. The main programs are described below.
Business Enterprise Centres Australia (BECA) FIGURE 11.8 The BEC Australia
Business Enterprise Centres Australia (BECA) is the peak body for business website is
enterprise centres and the more than 300 000 micro and small business owners
This not-for-profit organisation assists home-based business owners, business
intenders and micro and small business owners with a variety of services. These
include business mentoring, 1:1 business advice, training, networking events and
much more. Most of these services are provided at low or no cost because they are
government subsidised, and there are over 100 BECs nationally in city, regional
and rural areas.
Federal government
The federal government operates a website,, as a service to
businesses of all sizes, offering access to all government departments, with advice
on everything from fair trading to taxation. Government departments such as the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Department of Industry provide
specific advice and support to businesses on issues such as exporting overseas and
research and development of new products.
Technological advice
Establishing an online business presence, networking a number of computers
within the business premises, or making maximum use of mobile devices can
all improve business efficiency. Purchasing equipment from a dealer who offers
advice and backup support, or establishing a relationship with an ICT consultant,
is another important decision to be made by the prospective business owner. As
a technological support service for small business, the federal government has
established the website. This service provides free practical
advice on how best to take advantage of the internet.
ABS statistics show SMEs are still
moving slowly when it comes to
engaging online. Only 44.6 per
cent have an online presence. This
compares to 97 per cent of large
FIGURE 11.10 The website is designed for business owners and staff.
It covers a range of topics including establishing an online presence, e-commerce, social media
and online marketing.
Local government
This level of government is becoming more involved in encouraging business
because it creates employment. Local councils offer advice on land zoning, assist
with subsidised land and consider development applications.
Other sources
Chambers of commerce
Chambers of commerce are local associations of businesspeople, usually centred
around a suburb or region. They provide legal and financial help, taxation advice,
an explanation of legislation, and industrial relations information. The chambers
also organise training seminars, arrange industry conferences and liaise with
government departments.
Small Business Association of Australia and New Zealand
This lobby group has a membership consisting of thousands of individual small
business owners. The association provides a forum for exchanging news and views
Trade associations
Trade associations offer specific industry information and assistance. Examples
• Australian Retailers Association
• Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association
• Australian Medical Association.
Each association is made up of organisations that are in the same line of business,
so it can provide specific details about product development and industry trends.
SNAPSHOT begin when a person or group of people have an idea for a new or improved
product. And so it was for Lara Solomon who, in 2004, launched the Mocks brand:
protective sock covers for mobile phones, MP3 players, cameras and other mobile
electronic gadgets.
The idea came to Lara while she was holidaying in Thailand. She came across stalls
selling unbranded, different-sized and varying quality covers for mobile phones.
With her marketing background, Lara quickly realised the potential of higher-quality
branded products with designs more appropriate for the Australian market. Lara
spent about six months researching different materials and designs while her family
provided financial support.
Due to the product’s unique characteristics, Lara initially found it difficult
convincing stores to stock her product. However, due to her persistence and
passion for the brand, Fone Zone decided to trial Mocks in seven of its stores. The
trial was so successful that the owners decided to sell Mocks in every one of their
110 stores.
Once Lara’s promotional campaign was underway, retailers started calling her to
place orders. Lara feels proud to be identified as the ‘Mocks lady’, and believes the
product’s quirkiness and usefulness are the reasons for their popularity.
Mocks products are now sold only online. Find out about Lara’s latest ventures at
Snapshot questions
❛ Someone, 1. Outline the source of Lara’s business idea.
somewhere had 2. Besides the original business idea, describe other factors that contributed to
the success of LaRoo Pty Ltd.
the idea for the
product. ❜
The successful identification of a gap in the market is a key to establishing a
lucrative business. It means that the new business provides something not already
available. Breaking into a market that
is already well served means that the
new business has to do something
exceptional to draw customers away
from existing businesses. For example,
if a shopping centre currently has
three hairdressing salons, would a
hairdresser be wise in setting up a
fourth salon in the same centre? It is
unlikely that a gap in the market exists
unless the other three hairdressers are
so heavily booked that locals find it
difficult to make an appointment.
1 (a) Recall the professional advisers a business owner should have a good relationship
(b) State the information each one provides.
2 Use the weblink in your eBookPLUS to examine the range of
information provided by this website.
3 Jamahl wishes to set up a hot bread shop in his local shopping centre. Identify five
government agencies or organisations he could approach for support.
4 Use the BEC Australia weblink in your eBookPLUS to answer the following questions
about Business Enterprise Centres (BEC) Australia.
(a) State the vision and mission of BEC Australia.
(b) Outline five different services offered by BEC Australia.
5 There are many ways of coming up with an idea for a business. The following table
provides some examples. In small groups, propose one suggestion of your own for
BEC Australia each example given.
FIGURE 11.15 Steve Takchi started his business Path to Health from scratch to pursue his
dream of getting people moving and enjoying a quality life without pain. He wanted to create
a business that is a one stop shop for health and osteopathy that offers personalised healthcare
and a holistic approach that considers the complete person (physical, psychological and
spiritual) in the management of the problem.
TABLE 11.1 The advantages and disadvantages of starting a business from scratch
Advantages Disadvantages
• The owner has the freedom to set • There is a high risk and a measure of uncertainty.
up the business exactly as they wish. Without a previous business reputation, it may
• The owner is able to determine the prove difficult to secure finance.
pace of growth and change. • Time is needed to set up the business, create BizWORD
• There is no goodwill for which the procedures, develop a customer base, employ Goodwill is the monetary value
owner has to pay. and train staff, and develop lines of credit. attached to the reputation of a
• If funds are limited, it is possible to • If the start-up period is slow, then the business particular business.
begin on a smaller scale. may not generate profits for some time.
Buying a franchise
Under a franchise agreement a person buys the rights to use the business name
Use the Franchise Business
weblink in your eBookPLUS and distribute the products or services of an existing business. The business that
to explore a database of the grants the right to others to use its name and products is known as a franchisor,
variety of franchises available while the business that buys those rights is known as a franchisee. The franchisor
for purchase in Australia.
supplies a known and advertised business name, the required training and staff
development, a method of doing business, management skills and materials. The
franchisee supplies the startup money and labour, operates the franchise business
and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the franchise agreement.
People choose to buy a franchise in the hope of avoiding many of the problems
of starting a new business. For a set fee, the small business owner receives the
benefits of a successful business formula, a well-recognised name and established
BizFACT trademarks. Franchising has a success rate of almost three times that of independent
Australia’s largest franchise operation
businesses, largely because it involves an established business name backed up by
is the IGA supermarket chain with managerial expertise. Franchising is the area of fastest business growth in Australia.
1393 stores, just ahead of Subway Subway® (sandwiches and salads) is an example of a franchise. Other well-known
with 1377 franchise owners. franchises include McDonald’s, Optus ‘Yes’ stores, Dymocks bookstores, 7 Eleven,
Bakers Delight, Domino’s Pizza and The Athlete’s Foot.
Advantages Disadvantages
BizFACT • Immediate benefit is derived from the • The franchisor controls the operations,
According to a report of the Franchise franchisor’s goodwill because the name is with little scope for franchisee individuality.
Council of Australia in 2012: established. • Profits must be shared with the franchisor
• annual sales turnover of the • The franchisor often provides training and through the payment of ongoing franchise
franchising sector is estimated at management backup. fees.
$131 billion • A franchisee can succeed despite having • The franchisor often charges additional
• the franchising sector comprises limited experience. service fees for advice.
over 73 000 business outlets • Equipment and premises design are usually • The franchisee is often required to
• there are approximately established and operational. purchase stock from the franchisor and
1180 franchisors in Australia • Well-planned advertising often exists. cannot shop around for cheaper supplies.
• the franchising sector employs more • Volume buying is possible, often resulting in • Contracts may be biased in favour of the
than 400 000 people across the cheaper stock. franchisor.
country. • A business plan and proven business • The franchisee must share any burden of
methods already exist. the franchisor’s business mistakes.
Snapshot questions
1. According to Madhu, outline the benefits of being self-employed compared
with being a salaried employee.
2. Recall why Madhu decided to establish a new business.
3. Identify one advantage of purchasing an existing business.
4. Explain under what circumstances Madhu would consider operating as a
5. Create a web page for Madhu’s restaurant. Provide a facility for ordering
takeaway food online.
6. In pairs, predict what might happen to Madhu’s business over the next
two years.
• Starting a completely new business, purchasing an existing business or
purchasing a franchise are the three main ways of going into business.
• The most common reason for setting up a completely new business is the
recognition of a gap in the market.
• When purchasing an existing business, it is essential for the potential purchaser
to know why the business is for sale.
• People choose to buy a franchise in order to make use of an existing brand and
• There are advantages and disadvantages for each option.
1 Recall in what circumstances someone might choose to start a business from scratch.
2 Identify and explain what you consider to be the two most significant
advantages and two most significant disadvantages of starting a business
from scratch.
3 Identify and explain what you consider to be the two most significant advantages
and two most significant disadvantages of purchasing an existing business.
4 (a) A ssume you have decided to purchase an existing small business. Select one of
the following advertisements and propose a list of questions that you should ask
before making a purchase.
(b) Justify which business offers the best prospects. Give reasons for your answer.
5 Consider a small business that you would like to start. Recommend which of
the three business options would be most appropriate. Give reasons for your
6 Investigate why people choose to purchase an established business rather than start
from scratch. Compare your answer with other class members. Weblink
7 Use the federal government’s weblink in your eBookPLUS to
summarise the advice provided for buying an established business.
8 The Red Rooster restaurant franchise mission statement is ‘Be in business for yourself,
but not by yourself’. Explain what is meant by this statement.
9 Clarify why businesses operating as a franchise have a success rate three times that
of independent businesses.
10 Identify what the franchisor receives in a franchise agreement. Identify what the
franchisee receives. Identify what each party provides.
11 Determine one main benefit of franchising for the:
(a) franchisor
(b) franchisee.
1 Read the following story and then answer the questions.
Bianca was bored working for someone else and decided to start her
own business. She lives in a small New South Wales country town with a
population of approximately 2500. The town has no major shopping centre
and no established franchises. Bianca decided to open a café in the town.
Her mother provided the funding for the business and gave her what little
advice she could.
After only six months in business, Bianca realised that the business
was not profitable. Her debts were increasing and she could see no
way out of her problems. She wanted to sell the business but could not
find a buyer.
(a) Determine whether it would have been wiser for Bianca to purchase an
established business rather than commencing from scratch. Give reasons for your
(b) If Bianca had conducted some basic market research, predict whether she would
have opened a franchise instead of an independently owned business.
(c) Propose what Bianca should do. Share your answer with other class members.
2 From the ‘Businesses for sale’ section of a newspaper, find three advertisements for
the sale of a corner store, newsagency or coffee shop. Explain all the terms used in
the advertisements.
One of the most crucial decisions that
any business owner has to make is to
determine the prices at which goods and
services are provided to customers. This
will have a major impact on the success
of the business, as prices set too high may
drive away potential customers, while
prices set too low may make it difficult to
achieve a profit.
As discussed in chapter 8, three pricing
methods can be used:
1. Cost-based: a pricing method derived
from calculating the total cost of
producing or purchasing a product and
then adding a mark-up for profit.
2. Market-based: a method of setting prices FIGURE 11.19 Keeping an eye on
according to the interaction between the current price of your competition’s
the levels of supply and demand — products can give a business the
whatever the market is prepared to pay. competitive edge in pricing. Even a
small percentage rise in pricing can be
3. Competition-based: choosing a price that very profitable as it goes straight to
is either below, equal to or above that the bottom line. However, a large rise
of the competitors. may result in lower sales.
When selecting a suitable site to
locate a new small business, it is
crucial to remember real estate
agents’ three important words:
‘location, location, location’.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify what a product-based online business needs to take into
2. Outline the potential problems businesses could face when establishing an
online business.
Use the Home-based
businesses weblink in your
eBookPLUS to discover
more about home-based
• The first thing business owners need to determine is what good or service they
are going to sell.
• Businesses fail without a market (customers) for their goods or services, so they
must always undertake a market analysis.
• A market analysis involves collecting, summarising and analysing information
about the market.
• Price can be set by using the cost-based, market-based or competition-based
pricing methods.
• One of the key decisions of a prospective small business owner is concerning the
actual location of the business.
• Different types of business will be suited to different locations.
1 Clarify the purpose of a market analysis.
2 State the methods a SME owner could use to gather information about customers’
attitudes, perceptions and opinions.
4 Calculate the selling price for a computer using the mark-up supplied.
Computer cost price Mark-up Selling price
$800 50%
$1000 80%
$950 100%
5 Clarify two factors to consider when setting a selling price for the item in each of the
following cases:
(a) A small publishing business has developed an idea for a new fashion magazine for
(b) John wants to sell his car online.
(c) Troy has won a new mountain bike in a raffle but he doesn’t need it.
(d) Jemma wants to sell her handmade jewellery at markets and online.
6 Explain how local council decisions affect the location of different types of
7 Outline the advantages shopping centres have over traditional ‘main street’ shopping
8 Summarise some of the main types of online activities SME operators undertake.
9 Demonstrate how an online presence can assist a business owner to operate from
10 Identify three types of businesses that can operate as home-based businesses and
explain why they are suited to this type of operation.
11 In small groups, propose what factors need to be considered when choosing a
location for the following businesses:
(a) fast-food outlet (b) dental surgery
(c) agricultural machinery supplier (d) HSC coaching college
(e) hair salon (f) panel beater.
Choose a spokesperson to share the group’s comments with the rest of the class.
12 Angela is considering purchasing an established sandwich bar that is located on a
main street, adjacent to a large industrial estate and near a parking area.
Explain to Angela the importance of each of these factors. In terms of a favourable
location, recommend whether Angela should purchase this business.
1 Copy and complete the following table. Propose three examples of items sold under
each of the methods of setting prices. Use the internet for your research.
Market-based Competition-based
Cost-based pricing pricing pricing
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
2 ‘Location is a crucial factor for the success of some small businesses but not for
others.’ Critically analyse this statement and provide relevant examples.
11.7 Finance
Finance refers to the funds required to carry out the activities of a business. It is a
crucial issue when an entrepreneur is identifying a business opportunity, especially
considering that it is often difficult to raise (see the following Snapshot).
SNAPSHOT in Launceston, Tasmania. The business has now evolved into Harcourts Launceston
after a joint venture with the real estate giant, Harcourts.
Dunphey says that she always ‘had goals for what I wanted my eventual, fabulous
career to be. It had to be fun and exciting, it had to give me the potential to push
myself and be really successful, and it had to impact on people’s lives in a positive
way.’ It wasn’t always easy though.
No bank would give her funding to open her real estate agency. She says that,
‘originally, trying to get funding for a real estate agency at 21 and to purchase
investment properties at a similar age was challenging. I ended up financing
my share of the business on a car loan and had to start small with investment
properties.’ She began her business operating out of a two-bedroom apartment with
her fellow director and no desks, no phone and no computers.
Despite Dunphey’s success, she says that early planning was ‘haphazard’. She
doubts, however, that a business plan could have predicted the fast growth that her
business experienced, but she still advocates having a business plan. She says, ‘even
❛ I ended up financing if it is on the back of an envelope or a full document it is good to have a reference
point as you can get swept up in day-to-day stuff’.
my share of the
Snapshot questions
business on a car 1. Explain why it was initially difficult for Kirsty Dunphey to find funding for
loan and had to start her small business.
2. Outline what she did to solve this problem.
small . . . ❜ 3. Kirsty started her share of the business with a car loan. State the risks that
might be associated with doing this.
4. Recommend other financing options available to Kirsty other than using a car
loan. Share your answer with the rest of the class.
Sources of finance
Finance can come from a variety of sources, but two main types of sources are
available to a business. The business owner can contribute their own funds (equity Weblink
or capital), which is an internal source of funds. The business can also obtain loans Use the Financing a
business weblink in your
(debt) from external sources (see figure 11.23). Advantages and disadvantages are eBookPLUS to find out more
associated with each source of finance. about the different avenues
for securing finance in
Debt Equity
Short-term Long-term
borrowing borrowing
• Overdraft • Mortgage
• Commercial • Debentures
bills • Unsecured
• Factoring notes
FIGURE 11.23 The two main sources of finance available to business owners
With an overdraft, the bank allows
a business to overdraw their account
Short-term borrowing is money needed to fund the day-to-day workings of
up to an agreed limit for a specified the business. For this reason, it is commonly called working capital: current
time, to overcome a temporary cash assets (receivables, inventories) less current liabilities (overdrafts, creditors). The
shortfall. main types of short-term finance are overdrafts, commercial bills and factoring.
A mortgage is a loan secured on Long-term borrowing, for a period of more than a year, is usually used to purchase
some type of asset. buildings, land, plant and equipment. The main types of long-term finance are
mortgages, debentures or unsecured notes.
Equity finance
Equity finance, also called equity capital, refers to the funds contributed by the
business owner(s) to start and then expand the business. If the SME is a company,
then this contribution is referred to as shareholder’s equity. Equity has an advantage
over other sources of finance because it does not have to be repaid unless the
owners leave the business. It is cheaper than other sources of finance because there
are no interest payments for the business. An owner who contributes the equity
to a business retains control over how that finance is used. A disadvantage is that
BizWORD the owner may expect a good return on their investment, but the small amount of
Equity finance is the funds finance may generate only low profits and low returns.
contributed by the business owner(s) Equity finance can also be raised in other ways — for example, by taking on
to start and then expand the business. a partner, or another partner, by seeking funds from another investor (who then
becomes an owner or shareholder) or by selling off any unproductive asset.
Trading bank Available for the purchase of land and buildings Major trading Standard interest rate cost for fixed period
loans for a period of 3–10 years banks — e.g. of time
ANZ, Westpac
Overdrafts Used for short-term finance to assist in the daily Trading banks Higher interest rate (not designed for
operations of a business in times of need long-term use)
Personal loans Secured against the borrower’s own assets Trading banks, A general rate of interest with banks and
building building societies; finance companies usually
societies, charge a higher rate of interest than banks
finance and building societies, due to the higher risk
companies involved in lending.
Leasing finance Allows use of an asset without actual purchase Trading Interest rates that are above those for
banks, finance short- or medium-term loans, but benefit of
companies tax-deductible finance repayments
Owner’s equity Money invested by owner/partner or shareholders. Owner of the No interest on the use of these funds, but
or shareholders’ Risk of loss of the funds invested if the business business or a return (dividend) on profits to be paid to
equity fails, but share of profit if the business is a company shareholders
successful shareholder
• A business cannot commence without finance to enable it to pursue its activities.
• SME owners must determine how their business will be financed throughout the
life of the business.
1 Account for the importance of finance in terms of establishing and operating a
2 Distinguish between equity and debt finance.
3 Prepare a table with two columns to identify the advantages and disadvantages of
using debt to finance a business.
4 Prepare a table with two columns to identify the advantages and disadvantages of
using equity to finance a business.
5 Compare the following two forms of debt finance by completing the table below.
Form of debt Main features disadvantages
• overdraft
• mortgage
6 Recall the three factors that will impact on the cost of finance.
1 Contact a bank’s loan manager and request a summary of:
(a) the different types of lending options for small businesses
(b) methods of repayment on money borrowed.
Assess the most suitable form of finance for a person wanting to establish a
computer repair business that is operated from home.
2 In small groups, collect five advertisements offering different types of finance funding
for small businesses. Use information from magazines, banks and websites. Compare
the offers under the headings in the following table. Display your database in the
3 Analyse why it is important to match the term of a loan to the life of the asset for
which the finance was obtained.
Business name
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is now responsible
for a national business name registration service. Businesses need to register their Weblink
business name, except when the name is that of the owner and then it is optional. Use the Registering a
But if something is added to a personal name, such as ‘Pty Ltd’, ‘Motors’, ‘and business name weblink in
your eBookPLUS to discover
Associates’ or ‘and Co.’, then the business name must be registered. This is to more about registering a
prohibit anyone else from trading under a similar name. (If two traders want to business name and the
register the same name, the first application for registration is accepted and the process of registering them
second trader must register a different name.) in Australia.
Registration of a business name does not protect or establish any specific
rights to that name. If the business name is a crucial part of the business’s operation,
then it should also be registered as a trademark with the federal agency responsible
for intellectual property (IP Australia), which administers the Trade Marks Act 1995
Health regulations
Local government also imposes health regulations under the Public Health Act 2010
(NSW). Each local council supplies businesses (primarily those dealing with food,
such as cafés, restaurants, butcher shops and bakeries) with the requirements and
standards to meet in order to receive a licence to operate. Some requirements
• the temperature for food storage
• kitchen layout
• employee clothing requirements
• time for which food can be kept
• correct food handling.
A health inspector will assess premises regularly and often without warning to
ensure the business owner/operator maintains standards. If problems occur, then
the business is given a period of time to rectify the situation or they will be closed
found in the kitchens of some of Sydney’s popular eateries.
The NSW Food Authority has ‘named and shamed’ 13 restaurants and food
suppliers since December 1 for putting their customers at serious risk of food
According to the Office of State Revenue, 836 food suppliers have been fined
$601 480 for food safety breaches in the six months from July 2011.
At Na Ju Gom Tang in Strathfield, food inspectors found uncovered meat
defrosting in a bowl on the floor, cockroaches and general poor hygiene.
Manager Young Hoon, who was fined $1320 in December, said insects had been
found after taking pest control measures.
‘When you do pest control, sometimes the insects come out’, he said.
‘They (the inspectors) also had a problem with some storage — there is a toilet
near the kitchen and there was some boxes in the corridor.’
Macksville Quality Meats in Macksville was fined $2640 in December for four
safety breaches including storing raw meat with ready-to-eat meat, poor hygiene, ❛ . . . putting their
incomplete monitoring records and poor temperature control.
‘I’m a small business. I got into trouble, I’m very sorry and I’ve fixed it all up. That’s
customers at
what I’ve got to say’, manager James Wilkes said. serious risk of food
Coolabah Tree manager Sharon Eaton copped an $800 fine in December for
repeated cleanliness-related offences. contamination. ❜
‘It doesn’t matter what we’ll do, the health inspector passes something one visit
and then jumps on something else the next’, she said.
Inspectors slapped repeat offender Jeme’s Fish Market in Ashfield with a
$880 fine in January for leaving fish hanging in a yard. A manager could not
be reached.
The Liverpool Rd outlet was added to the Food Authority’s name and shame list in
2009 after crabs were found stored in the restaurant’s toilets. Then primary industries
minister Ian Macdonald said at the time it was one of the ‘most outrageous cases of
food storage’ he had ever heard about.
At Auburn’s Harkola Food Worldwide, inspectors found sucuk, a processed meat,
being sold past its use-by date and fined them $1320.
‘It was clearly marked that it was out of date and reduced’, manager Joe Isaac
Jarmack Holdings was fined because the food premises of vessel The Pontoon,
weren’t clean enough.
Source: Rosemarie Lentini, The Daily Telegraph, 27 February 2012.
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the health regulations that have been breached.
2. Assess the impact the fines and negative publicity would have on the
TABLE 11.5 Undesirable and misleading practices illegal under the Competition and
Consumer Act
Misleading or deceptive conduct Advertisements must not use words that are
deceptive or claim that a product has some specific
quality when it does not. Such actions convey a
false impression of the exact nature of the product.
Additionally, price reductions or specials must be
Offering gifts and prizes in connection It is illegal for a business to offer a prize in
with the supply of goods and services connection with the supply of goods and services
and then not providing them and not provide them.
Conduct that may mislead the public For example, using a brand name similar to a well-
known brand, or using an Australian-made logo
when the product was made overseas
• All business owners have a legal obligation to observe the statutory regulations
when commencing and operating a business.
• Of the many laws and regulations that small business owners need to comply
with, some important regulations relate to:
–– business name
–– land zoning
–– health regulations.
• The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cwlth) is a federal government statute
that aims to:
–– promote fair trade and competition in the marketplace
–– protect both consumers and businesses from deceptive or misleading practices.
1 Recall the main objectives of imposing government regulations.
2 State when it is compulsory to register a business name.
3 Outline the purpose of land zoning.
4 Demonstrate how land zoning will influence where specific businesses can locate.
5 Identify the types of health regulations that local councils impose on businesses.
6 Read the section ‘Competition and Consumer Act’ on pages 367–8. Complete the
paragraph below by recalling the correct word from the list that follows.
The Competition and ____________ Act 2010 (Cwlth) has a function to protect
both __________ and business. First, it is designed to protect consumers from
__________ practices such as __________ packaging or misrepresentation of the
place of production. It also deals with product __________ and the conditions and
__________ associated with products. Further, the Act aims to __________ certain
trade practices that may restrict __________ (such as monopolistic power) because
they can affect the __________ and quality of goods for the consumer.
1 Use the Australian Business Licence and Information Service (ABLIS) weblink in
Weblink your eBookPLUS to find the NSW Business Licence Information Service’s start-up pack
Australian Business section. Record the types of licences the following businesses would need to begin
Licence and Information and operate:
Service (ABLIS) (a) beauty salon
(b) electrician
(c) tour operator.
Appreciate the importance of having a strict licence system in operation.
2 Imagine you are about to open a pizza restaurant. Investigate the government
regulations you would need to satisfy.
3 Evaluate the role of the ACCC. To help you, use the Australian Competition and
Weblink Consumer Commission weblink in your eBookPLUS.
Australian Competition
4 ‘Government regulations are needed to create a fair marketplace for businesses and
and Consumer
Commission consumers.’ Evaluate the accuracy of this statement.
Schools, universities
Advertisements in
the media
TAFE colleges
JobSearch Internal searches
Private employment/
Word of mouth
recruitment agencies
A business owner should always remember that the overriding objective of recruiting
is to attract a pool of qualified applicants — people with the most suitable skills —
from which to choose the most appropriate person for a particular job. Skilled
employees are more productive and create wealth for the business. This is the same
principle that a sports coach uses when selecting a team. To improve the chance of
winning, the coach wants those players who possess the highest level of skills.
The skill base of existing employees should also be detailed so that training
needs can be identified. If the skills level of employees is not adequate enough for
them to fulfil their jobs effectively, then the business owner has two options:
• provide training to improve the skills level of existing employees
• recruit people who have the required skills.
2. Annual leave. Normally 4 weeks per year. This means that the 673
employer must pay an additional 17.5 per cent annual leave
loading for four weeks annual leave.
4. Sick leave. Most awards provide for 10 days each year. This is 1 953
another 3.85 per cent.
6. Payroll tax. This state government tax is levied once an employer’s 2 725
❛ . . . the total cost of annual payroll (including superannuation) exceeds a certain
amount. In New South Wales the threshold is $750 000 and the
employing someone rate is 5.45 per cent.
on a base salary of 7. Recruitment. The average cost of recruiting the base-grade 2 500
employee is about $5000. This includes the cost of recruiting, lost
$50 000 is $67 054. ❜ production and training of the new employee. For this example,
assume the employee stays for 2 years.
The total of the on-cost for this ‘average’ employee is $17 054. Businesses are
responsible for these costs and must budget accordingly. Therefore, based on this
case study, the total cost of employing someone on a base salary of $50 000 is
$67 054.
The above table only deals with the most common on-costs for the ‘average’
employee. For some employees, especially senior executives, other specialised on-
costs can include fringe benefit tax, car allowance, housing subsidy, travel and meal
allowance, bonus fee and association membership fees.
Snapshot questions
1. Calculate the percentage on-costs represent of the base salary.
2. Explain why on-costs are sometimes referred to as ‘hidden costs’.
• One of the most important influences when establishing a SME is staffing.
• If a SME owner decides to hire staff, many sources are available.
• The overriding recruiting objective is to attract a pool of qualified applicants
with the most suitable skills.
• Skilled employees are more productive and create wealth for a business.
• A business will employ someone only if the return is greater than the cost.
• On-costs are payments for non-wage benefits, including long service leave,
workers’ compensation and annual leave loading.
1 Explain why hiring the ‘right’ employee is so important for a business.
2 Identify three sources of external employee recruitment.
3 ‘Skilled employees are more productive and create wealth for the business.’ Discuss.
4 Recall two options a business owner has if the skills level of employees is not
adequate enough for them to fulfil their jobs effectively.
5 Unscramble the following on-costs and then construct a sentence to explain their
(a) ypa dyohlia
(b) eelav gaoldni
(c) nnuepsnrtoiaau
6 Explain why on-costs are also referred to as non-wage costs.
7 Outline what the obligation of employers is towards employees in relation to
8 Discuss the likely impact of abolishing leave loading from the perspective of (i) an
employer and (ii) an employee.
Weblink Extension
Job interviews 1 Use the Job interviews weblink in your eBookPLUS to construct a list of what you
consider to be the three most important do’s and three most important don’ts for
people conducting an interview. You could also enter ‘interviewing applicants’ in your
search engine to find other websites that offer hints for employers when conducting
an interview.
2 Competent employees are important for the success of any business. Imagine you need
to employ a new staff member in your boutique store. You choose an inexperienced
salesperson. Propose three strategies you could use to train the employee.
BizWORD 11.10 Taxation
Taxation is the compulsory payment Taxation is the compulsory payment of a proportion of earnings to the government.
of a proportion of earnings to the Taxation is an important issue when a person is considering all aspects of opening
government. a business.
Tax Levied by
Income tax — pay-as-you-go (PAYG) Federal government
• Imposed on the employee
• Taken from the employee’s salary or wage directly
• Lodged with the tax department by the business
• Detailed in a group certificate that the employee receives at
the end of the financial year
• Taxed at progressive tax rates — the more you earn, the
higher your rate of tax.
Fringe benefits tax (FBT) Federal government
• Tax on the provision of a benefit to an employee — such
as cars for private use, low-interest loans, entertainment
expenses, and housing and accommodation — in place of
salary or wage
• Paid by the employer at a rate of 46.5 per cent of the value
of the benefit provided. Weblink
Goods and services tax (GST) Federal government Use the ATO weblink in
• A broad-based tax of 10 per cent on the supply of most your eBookPLUS to visit the
website of the Australian
goods and services consumed in Australia
Taxation Office.
• See page 376 for a detailed explanation
Company tax Federal government
• Paid on the earnings of a company and calculated on
the company’s taxable income (which is income left after
allowable deductions are calculated)
• Currently calculated at 30 per cent of taxable income
Capital gains tax Federal government
• Calculated on the profit made on the sale of assets acquired
after 19 September 1985, including the sale of a business
or properties bought and resold within 12 months
Stamp duty New South Wales
• A tax levied on the transfer of property (e.g. businesses, real government
estate and shares)
Land tax New South Wales
• A tax on land owned by individuals or businesses over a government
certain value (in 2013 it was $412 000 or more)
• Land used for primary production or an individual’s primary
residence are exempt from land tax
Payroll tax New South Wales
• Payable on wages paid by an employer to their employees government
on payrolls that exceed $750 000 at a rate of 5.45 per cent
All businesses must pay their taxes if they wish to continue to operate as a
legitimate business. Small to medium enterprise owners should structure their
records and finances in such a way that they have the necessary information and
money to efficiently manage their taxation obligations. Apart from the moral and BizFACT
ethical considerations, tax avoidance normally results in an Australian Taxation The ATO is the best free resource
Office (ATO) investigation and the possibility of a fine or prison sentence. for any queries a small business
Different taxes apply to different businesses, so a person operating a SME must owner may have about his or her tax
become familiar with all appropriate tax requirements (see the following Snapshot). obligations.
Businesses pay taxes to their federal and state governments on the basis of what
they earn, what they own and even what they purchase. One of the most important
tax obligations is the goods and services tax (GST).
SNAPSHOT The person must keep his or her records in writing in the English language
or, if not in a written form (for example, in an electronic form such as a
computer system), in a form that is readily accessible and convertible into
writing in English.
Any books of accounts, records or documents relating to the preparation of an
income tax return must be retained for a period of at least five years, either on paper
or electronically. If a business owner does not keep the right tax records, they can
incur penalties.
Business records that must be kept include:
• records of all sales transactions
• records of all business expenses
• lists of creditors or debtors
• records of depreciating assets
• capital gains tax records
• records relating to employees and contractors e.g. tax file numbers, wages or
❛ Under tax law a payments made, superannuation contributions etc.
Fringe benefit tax legislation requires records to be kept for five years.
person operating Other statutory provisions, such as corporate law, require a company to
a business must retain records for seven years after completion of the transaction to which
they relate.
keep records that
record and explain all Snapshot questions
1. Identify the records a businessperson must keep.
transactions. ❜ 2. Outline how these records must be kept.
3. State how long these records must be kept.
GST is paid at each step in the supply chain. GST-registered businesses must
include GST in the price of goods and services they supply or sell. If you’re registered
for GST, you can claim back the GST included in the price of your business purchases
as input tax credits.
Registered businesses collect GST from sales to their customers, then claim back BizFACT
the GST on business purchases as input tax credits. The cost of GST, therefore, flows While the federal government elected
along the supply chain and is finally included in the price paid by the end consumer. in 2013 has ruled out increasing the
Consumers cannot claim input tax credits, so while the liability for paying the GST GST in its first term of office, some
rests with GST-registered businesses and organisations, the economic cost is borne by economic commentators argue that
the end customer. This can be seen clearly in the example above of the manufacture expanding the base to cover more
and sale of a piece of furniture. goods such as fresh food, health
The example above shows how three businesses, each registered for GST, charge and education or increasing the
and pay the GST. The timber merchant sells timber to a furniture manufacturer for percentage may be necessary in the
$110, including $10 GST. The manufacturer uses the timber to make a table, which future to fund Australia’s federal and
he sells to a furniture retailer for $220, including $20 GST. The retailer then sells the state expenditure.
table to a consumer for $330, including $30 GST.
The timber merchant pays $10 GST to the ATO. The furniture manufacturer, who
is registered for GST, is entitled to an input tax credit for the $10 GST, which is
included in the price paid to the timber merchant. The manufacturer will offset that
$10 against the $20 collected on the sale of the table to the furniture retailer and
pay $10 GST to the ATO.
The furniture retailer, who is registered for GST, is entitled to an input tax credit
for the $20 GST included in the price paid to the furniture manufacturer. The retailer
will offset that $20 against the $30 GST collected on the sale of the table to the
consumer and pay $10 GST to the ATO.
The consumer who buys the table pays the GST, because consumers cannot
register for GST and cannot claim input tax credits.
Snapshot questions
1. State the total GST paid in this example.
2. Explain how this amount was calculated.
3. Identify who can claim an input tax credit.
4. Outline why the consumer pays the GST.
• Taxation is the compulsory payment of a proportion of earnings to the
• Businesses are responsible for checking their obligations concerning income tax
(PAYG), fringe benefits tax, goods and services tax, company tax, capital gains
tax, stamp duty, land tax and payroll tax.
• Goods and services tax (GST) is a 10 per cent value added tax imposed on most
goods and services.
• The customer pays GST when buying goods and services, which is passed on to
the business that in turn passes it on to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
• GST collection and payments to the ATO are recorded on the business activity
statement (BAS), which is also the means by which a business can claim input
tax credits.
• The Australian Business Number (ABN) is a single identifying number that a
business uses when dealing with government departments and agencies.
• Property rates is the main local government charge a business will face.
1 Distinguish between income tax — pay-as-you-go (PAYG) — and company tax.
2 Recall an employer’s obligations in relation to the stamp duty tax system.
3 Distinguish between fringe benefits tax and capital gains tax.
4 State the business owner’s requirements in relation to structuring financial records for
taxation purposes.
1 In small groups, critically analyse the following statement: ‘In today’s commercial
world, tax avoidance happens. The only problem is being caught.’ Choose a
spokesperson to share the group’s comments with the rest of the class. Digital doc
2 In small groups, arrange an interview with a local accountant. Create either a two- Test your knowledge of key
page written or five-minute oral report. Use a word-processing package for the terms by completing the
written report or a multimedia application for the oral report. You might wish to Chapter crossword in your
develop your report under the following headings:
(a) types and rates of tax payable by a small business Searchlight: DOC-14307
(b) electronic recording systems for tax records
(c) completion of the business activity statement
(d) penalties for non-payment or avoidance.
The first task of anyone wanting to
commence a business is to undertake
thorough planning. The planning
will provide the foundation on which
the business will be built. Strong,
firm foundations will usually result in
a successful business.
Snapshot questions
1. Recall how Kristina financed her business development.
2. State why the banks were not supportive in her early years of business.
3. Outline why it was important for Kristina to have a business plan.
4. Explain what Kristina means when she says that a business plan should be a
‘living document’.
However, preparing the business plan is only the first stage. Many SME owners
realise the need to prepare a business plan before establishing a business, but they
then make a fundamental mistake — they forget to constantly refer back to their
plan. This would be similar to a student preparing a set of summary notes for a
Use the kikki.K weblink
topic and then never looking at them. in your eBookPLUS to visit
Even if a SME owner manages to avoid the mistake of not regularly consulting Kristina Karlsson’s kikki.K
the business plan, there is still another trap. An inexperienced person may not be website.
flexible enough to modify their business plan as the internal and external business
environments change. Sticking too rigidly to a plan, and not adapting it to suit the
changed conditions, can be as detrimental as not having a plan.
FIGURE 12.2 The main reasons for business owners’ failure to plan
Planning is not always easy and it can be time consuming. However, the time
invested in planning is never wasted in the long run, for, with it, the chances of
success are greatly improved.
Depending on variables such as the product, the market, the size of the business
and its location, each business will have a unique set of information in its business
plan. However, regardless of their type, length, appearance and distribution, all
business plans have a number of common elements, as shown in table 12.1.
TABLE 12.1 The common elements of a business plan
Element Purpose
4. Business description and outlook An overview of the industry in which the business will
operate, including a situational analysis
6. Operational plans Details the production process and the people required
now and in the future
9. Human resource plans Details both the present and future staff requirements
Snapshot questions
1. Outline how Roberto Quesnay may benefit from preparing a business plan.
2. State the operations, financial and marketing factors that Roberto Quesnay
should include in his business plan.
3. Predict whether you think Roberto Quesnay has the necessary planning skills
to make a success of his business.
I’ll borrow $200 from 5. Arranging the finances to satisfy the Budgeting
Michelle. goals
FIGURE 12.5 You need to consider a range of planning activities, whether your goal is a party
or business success.
Use the Small business
tool kit weblink in your
eBookPLUS to explore the
Small Business NSW’s tool
kit and resources for small
FIGURE 12.6 The SmallBizConnect website contains a wealth of information about how to
write a business plan, including templates, video case studies and reference material.
• It is vital that a SME owner completes a business plan. Businesses do not plan to
fail, they fail to plan.
• A business plan is a written statement of the goals for the business and the steps
to be taken to achieve them. It is a summary and an evaluation of a business
concept in written form.
• A business plan will also assist the SME owner when arranging finance for the
• A typical business plan may include, as a minimum, an executive summary,
an operations plan, a marketing plan, a financial plan and a human resource
• The planning process acts as a link or bridge between the business owner’s ideas
and the actual operation of the business.
• Planning is the process of setting goals and deciding how to achieve them.
1 Define the term ‘business plan’.
2 Outline why it is important for a business owner to develop a business plan.
3 Recall why so many SMEs fail to prepare a business plan.
4 A friend has asked you to help her prepare a business plan for a new fitness centre
she wants to open. Propose the elements she should include in the business plan.
1 ‘Businesses do not plan to fail, they fail to plan.’ Critically analyse this statement.
2 Interview a local small business owner to investigate the following aspects of the
(a) the planning options that had to be considered when starting the business
(b) the purpose of the business plan
(c) the role of the business plan within the operation of the business
(d) the importance of planning to the overall success of the business
(e) the government departments and/or private organisations that offered assistance in
developing a business plan.
Present your research as a business report. You may wish to present your report as a
PowerPoint presentation.
3 ‘The process of planning is more important than the finished plan.’ Determine the
benefits this process offers a SME owner.
4 Bruce Thurow, senior loans manager for a local bank, receives a lot of business plans
from clients. He recalls one plan that arrived in three cardboard boxes as volumes of
looseleaf notebooks. Overkill? ‘I knew I wasn’t going to read them. I just put them
aside.’ In small groups, determine why such a detailed plan was inappropriate when
all the small business owner was requesting was a small loan.
Engineering in 2005 from a suburban bedroom in Perth.
The four engineers, all aged between 23 and 28, had worked for an engineering
firm that unexpectedly suffered financial difficulties. They were eventually forced
to move on, but the experience provided them with the opportunity to see what
worked in the industry and what did not. They decided to bring their knowledge and
skills together to set up a new company.
The business plan was written over the weekend. The team met at Parlongo’s
house and discussed ideas. Using the first-name initials of the co-founders, KAPP
Engineering was ready to be launched the very next week. A close friend, who is an
accountant, helped them to set up the financial and accounting side of the business.
The team moved into offices at the Stirling Regional Business Centre, which
provided low rent and training. They were also able to network with other new
business owners and access mentors who provided advice when needed. The four
young men chose to start small and concentrate initially on Perth’s metropolitan
market, while competitors focused on big projects presented by the mining boom.
They discovered through their research that most of their potential clients relied on the
internet to find assistance in solving process engineering problems. KAPP developed its
❛ The business plan
website and search engine optimisation to ensure that customers could find them. was written over the
Today, KAPP Engineering provides engineering services, various automation products,
project management and training services to clients such as the Water Corporation of weekend. ❜
Western Australia. It has a client base of 200 companies, and has designed train-lifting
and washing systems for Taiwan’s high-speed rail project, and the roof-closing system
at the Perth Arena. Revenue has increased 700 per cent since its first year, and in 2012,
KAPP Engineering was recognised as a finalist in the Telstra Business Awards (Small
Business Category).
Snapshot questions
1. Identify the experience, knowledge and skills the team of four brought to
their new business.
2. Outline the sources of ideas the four owners utilised to assist in their planning.
3. State the benefits of this planning process for KAPP Engineering.
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
What are our strengths? What are our weaknesses? What are our opportunities? What are our threats?
• What is the organisation • Do we have competent • What will new technology • What trends have been
good at? managers and staff? bring for us? evident in our markets?
• Is our product popular? • Is our computer system • Is the national economy • Are there new laws
• Are our customers loyal? obsolete? strong? regulating what we do?
• Do we have a skilled and • Have we experienced • Are interest rates low? • Are there new
motivated workforce? past failures? • What are our possible competitors?
• Do we function • Have we been upgrading new markets? • Are current
efficiently? our facilities to keep • What other businesses competitors taking
• Are we in a solid pace with others? can we acquire to over our market share?
financial position? expand the organisation?
• Is our equipment state
of the art?
• The internal and external business environments are sources of planning ideas.
• Information is the essential ingredient needed to prepare a business plan.
• A situational (SWOT) analysis can be used at all stages of the planning process.
1 Distinguish between a business’s internal and external environments.
2 Identify two sources of information for planning (i) within, and (ii) outside the business.
3 Recall what the acronym SWOT represents.
4 Outline the benefits of a situational (SWOT) analysis as a planning tool.
5 Construct a situational (SWOT) analysis for either:
(a) a business that you deal with regularly (b) your school.
David Jones
Our vision is that David Jones will bring the best branded department store shopping
experience to everyone we serve, anywhere, anytime, every time.
Bartlett Precision Manufacturing
Bartlett Precision Manufacturing is committed to:
• providing high-quality design and engineering services to our customers in accordance
with best international practice
• the safety and wellbeing of our employees BizFACT
• fulfilling the community’s demand for a safe and sustainable environment.
The vision statement of software
Visy company Galacticomm is, ‘To do really
Vision cool things in the field of computer
Visy will be the leading provider of recycling (waste), paper and packaging products and communication and make a buck
services, via a dynamic business model that fosters innovative, sustainable solutions for at it’.
superior returns.
The terms goal and objective are often
used synonymously as both terms
refer to something a business wants Each lower level objective • Determined by senior management
to accomplish. However, the people, contributes to the • Broad aims
timeframe and resources involved in achieving of the next • Long term — years
higher level goal
achieving each goal and objective vary GOALS
or objective.
Business example
— renewable
Term Definition Personal example energy company
• The vision statement broadly states what the business aspires to become.
• Vision statements guide and direct the business owners, managers and employees.
• Once the goals have been established, a SME owner determines the objectives.
• Objectives are specific statements detailing what a business needs to do to
accomplish its vision.
• Strategic goals, tactical and operational objectives are determined by different
levels of management.
• Many businesses strive to achieve goals relating to profits, market share, growth
and share price as well as social and environmental goals.
• Longer term growth is the ability of a business to continually expand.
• Longer term growth depends on a business’s ability to develop and use its asset
structure to increase sales, profits and market share.
1 Select a number of annual reports for public companies. State the vision (or mission)
statements for each company. Explain how these relate to the business’s goals. To
help you, use the Business vision statements weblinks in your eBookPLUS for the
following public companies:
(a) Boral Limited
(b) Westpac Limited Weblinks
(c) Origin Energy Limited Business vision
(d) Woolworths Limited statements
(e) David Jones Limited.
2 Identify which of the following are vision statements. Give reasons for your
(a) All breakages must be paid for.
(b) Care for the customer is our number one priority.
(c) Application of an integrated accounting system
(d) A safe and healthy workplace
(e) Commitment to excellence
(f) To increase sales revenue by 5 per cent in the next six months
3 Recall three main goals of most businesses.
4 Outline the relationship between goals and objectives.
5 Identify three objectives you would need to set if you wanted to achieve the goal of
improving your Business Studies results.
Strategic goal
Tactical objective
Operational objective
1 ‘The main goal of a business is to maximise profits.’
(a) Define the term ‘profit’.
(b) Determine under what circumstances a business may be prepared to accept
reduced profits in the short term.
(c) In your opinion, assess whether profit should be the only goal of a business.
2 Arrange to interview a local business owner. Create a business profile by asking the
following questions.
(a) What motivated the owner to start the business?
(b) Why is there a need for the business’s goods or services?
(c) How has the business been funded?
(d) Has the business been upgraded or expanded?
(e) What are the future growth areas of the business?
(f) What has been the business’s biggest problem or greatest mistake?
(g) What external threats face the business?
3 Examine figure 12.9 (page 391), then answer the following questions.
(a) Identify the common features of these vision statements.
(b) Explain why it would be important for employees, managers and customers to be
familiar with a business’s vision statement.
(c) Determine under what circumstances the vision statement would need to be
activities Quality control Accounts Pricing Advertising
Step 3 HUMAN
Group Quality control Sales Accounts Recruiting
activities Machining Advertising Loans Training
Designing Pricing Debt control Compensation
Step 5
Design a hierarchy
of relationships
FIGURE 12.13 The five steps involved in the organising process (organising resources)
While driving the business towards its central purpose, as expressed in the vision
statement, the benefits of a properly implemented organising process is that it:
• establishes a chain of command that results in an orderly way of communicating
within the business
FIGURE 12.15 Women make up 45 per cent of the workforce and 70 per cent of these
women are of childbearing age. It makes good sense for employers to develop policies that
support the needs of women during and after pregnancy.
• Once the SME owner has formulated the vision, goals and objectives, the next
stage in the planning process requires organising the resources — human effort,
time, money, equipment and materials — needed to fulfil the plan.
• Organising is a device that SME owners can use to gather resources for getting
things done.
• Resource allocation refers to the efficient distribution of resources so as to
successfully meet the goals that have been established.
• Each of the key business functions — operations, marketing, finance and human
resources — require specific resources which need to be effectively organised.
1 Examine figure 12.13 on page 397. State the five steps of the organising process.
2 Summarise the benefits of a properly implemented organising process.
3 Define the term ’resource allocation’.
4 Imagine you have been asked to make 50 family-size pizzas for a celebration lunch.
You have five people to help with the task. In small groups:
(a) Identify the resources you would need to make the pizzas.
(b) Classify the resources as either (i) raw materials, (ii) equipment or (iii) knowledge.
(c) Demonstrate how you would allocate the resources.
1 Create an organisational chart for your school. Determine the advantages and
disadvantages of this structure for you as a student.
2 ‘The purposes of organising are to give each employee a distinct task and to ensure
these tasks are coordinated and adequately resourced so that the business achieves its
goals.’ Evaluate the accuracy of this statement.
12.6 Forecasting
A business needs more than just information about present business conditions. It BizWORD
also needs information about possible future events. Forecasts (or projections) are Forecasts (or projections) are the
the business’s predictions about the future. business’s predictions about the
Students sometimes forecast the results they hope to achieve in an assessable future.
task. But just like weather forecasts, what is predicted and what actually happens
may be quite different! Nevertheless, forecasts are needed to enable effective
planning. An owner may need to forecast the availability of labour, raw materials,
finance and building requirements. For this task, business owners rely on internal
and external information sources.
One very useful set of data is the forecast for total revenue and total cost.
P × Q = TR
It is possible to forecast total revenue by estimating how many units are expected
to be sold. For example, if the price of each unit is $100 and 25 are expected to be
sold, then the total revenue forecast will be $2500.
Estimates of future sales are determined by the demand for the business’s good
or service and the amount of competition in the marketplace. Sales forecasting
• can be gathered by using market research techniques such as customer surveys
• are more precise if the business has some previous sales history to act as a guide.
Loss Profit
A business that does The break-even point occurs After the business has
not cover its costs when the revenue of the reached the break-even
will make a loss. business equals total costs. point, every product sold
Profit is zero. will lead to more profit
being earned.
FIGURE 12.16 A break-even analysis is used to determine the number of items that need to
be sold to break even — that is, to cover all costs without making either a profit or a loss.
Total costs
Fixed costs
Costs Variable costs
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Fixed costs
Sales Sales
FIGURE 12.17 Break-even analysis. Sales of $100 000 will mean a loss of $10 000 because total
costs at this point are $110 000. The point at which total costs ($150 000) intersect total revenue
($150 000) on the diagram is the break-even point at which neither a profit nor a loss is made.
Sales above the break-even point indicate a profit of up to $25 000 ($150 000 to $175 000).
BizWORD Monitoring
Monitoring is the process of Monitoring is the process of measuring actual performance against planned
measuring actual performance against
performance. This process involves constantly asking two questions about the
planned performance.
business plan:
1. What does the business want to achieve — that is, what are its goals?
2. Are these goals being achieved?
This will indicate the business’s true achievements, rather than vague
generalisations such as ‘things aren’t too bad’.
These questions should be asked at every stage of developing the business plan.
Such monitoring involves two distinct steps:
1. establishing forecast performance standards
2. comparing actual performance with forecast performance.
BizWORD The first step in the monitoring process requires the business to outline what it wants
A performance standard is a to accomplish — that is, to establish a performance standard. A performance standard
forecast level of performance against is a forecast level of performance against which actual performance can be compared.
which actual performance can be
A performance standard could be, for example:
• a 5 per cent increase in monthly sales
• a production quota of 1000 units per week.
SME owners evaluate their business’s performance to determine whether the goals
have been achieved. They do this by constantly asking:
• how the business is performing in terms of profit etc.
• whether the business is performing as planned BizWORD
• whether its performance has improved over time Evaluation is the process of assessing
• how its performance compares to that of similar businesses. whether the business has achieved
stated goals.
When a SME owner undertakes this task, he or she is engaged in evaluation —
that is, the process of assessing whether or not the business has achieved its stated
goals (see the following Snapshot).
Once measurements have been collected, the SME owner can compare them with
the planned goals. The SME owner needs to ask whether the business operations
achieved the desired results and, if not, where and why he or she failed. If the business
plan was successful, the SME owner should examine what strategies made it a success
Use the Studio Latitude
and re-use them. By evaluating a successful business plan, the SME owner may also weblink in your eBookPLUS
identify weak spots that could be improved and modify the plan to fix them. to visit the website of this
The three areas that need constant monitoring and evaluating are sales, budget business.
and profit.
FIGURE 12.20 Second quarter sales for DeltraWear Fashions Pty Ltd
Consider the sales figures for April, May and June — the second quarter of the
year — for DeltraWear Fashions Pty Ltd (see figure 12.20). The figures reveal that
total sales revenue increased by $11 000 or 7.1 per cent above what was forecast.
DeltraWear would be pleased with this result. There would be some concern about
the result in sales territory 3, which would require further investigation. However,
all the other territories performed above expectations. This tells the business that
the new selling technique is a success and should be continued.
SNAPSHOT expected you to deliver a profit of $500. This will be donated to a charity of the
students’ choice. The school also wants its own costs covered from the evening. The
key points to consider are:
• Between 300 and 400 people are expected, depending on the success of your
promotion to other schools. Art students at your school will be designing and
then distributing posters.
• The event is in the school hall.
• You are expected to provide food, drink, security and music.
• The costs for last year’s dance are:
–– School costs. Printing of posters, plus electricity, water and gas on the night
— $100
–– DJ Snoopy spins. Music and light show — $900 for 4 hours
–– Decorations. Supplied by local company Party Guys & Sons — $300
–– Finger food and drink. Party pies and soft drink — $500
–– Security. Two security guards from Crusher Securities — $400 for 4 hours.
Snapshot questions
1. Calculate last year’s costs for the school dance to work out its break-even
point (they charged $10 per ticket).
2. (a) As manager of the school dance, identify what type of market you are
seeking to target.
(b) Predict what might happen if ticket prices and promotional material are
not ‘positioned’ for this market.
3. Working in small groups, discuss ways in which you could reduce your costs
for the school dance. For example, you might consider offering your suppliers
(of catering, security, DJ and decorating services) the chance to promote their
businesses on the night in exchange for reduction in their usual charge.
4. As a group, construct a cash budget for the dance. You must also explain your
price structure in terms of the agreed cost of tickets.
5. You sell 380 tickets at $15 each.
• The finger food and drink expense increased by $63, but you needed only
one security guard.
• You had to pay insurance of $689 at the last minute.
All prices include GST. Calculate the profit or loss you made for this
event. Remember to reduce all amounts by one-eleventh to remove the
GST component.
FIGURE 12.22 Careful monitoring and evaluation by a business of its profits will pay off.
Evaluating the profit levels will also reveal important information about a
business’s costs and revenues. These amounts must be accounted for and business
owners need to be able to identify their source and quantity. For example, a fall in
a business’s profit level may be a result of simply a rise in costs or a fall in revenue.
Therefore, variations to the profit level act as a ‘signal’ alerting the business owner
to a change in the business’s performance.
FIGURE 12.23 These small businesses affected by record floods in Brisbane in 2011 had to
adjust their profit expectations as a result of external environmental factors over which they
had no control.
• Forecasts are the business’s predictions about the future.
• Total revenue is the total amount received from the sales of goods or services.
• The total cost of producing a certain number of goods or services is the sum of
the fixed and variable costs for those units.
• Break-even analysis determines the level of sales that need to be generated to
cover total production costs.
1 Define the term ‘forecasting’.
2 State how total revenue and total cost are calculated.
3 Distinguish between fixed costs and variable costs.
4 Identify three fixed costs and three variable costs your school incurs.
5 Outline why the break-even analysis is an important planning tool for businesses.
6 Explain how a house painter might make use of break-even analysis when providing
a quote to a potential customer.
7 (a) Calculate the level of break-even sales, given fixed costs of $50 000, variable costs
of $11 per unit and a selling price of $16 per unit.
(b) Calculate the level of break-even sales, given fixed costs of $600 000, variable
costs of $500 per unit and a selling price of $2000 per unit.
(c) From the graph below, calculate amounts for (i) to (v).
(i) the amount of fixed costs
(ii) the break-even point
(iii) the loss or profit if sales are $100 000
(iv) the loss or profit if sales are $300 000
(v) the amount of variable costs when sales are $250 000
Total revenue
Total costs
Total costs ($)
(fixed and
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Sales ($)
2007 28 18
2008 25 18
2009 33 14
(a) Explain how it is possible for sales revenue to decrease but market share to remain
the same.
(b) If you were the owner of Crystal Water, identify which year’s result you would find
most pleasing. Give a reason for your answer.
16 ‘No business should operate without monitoring and evaluating its profit levels.’
17 Explain why the budget should be regularly compared with actual revenue and
expense amounts.
18 A business’s profits have been declining over the past two years. Recommend two
modifications the business could take to correct the situation. Justify your answer.
1 CCD Enterprises has been very successful producing and selling a range of sporting
goods in the Australian market. It has decided that there is potential in the Asian
market. Describe two planning tools that the company may have used in deciding to
expand into the overseas market.
2 ‘The more accurate the predictions, the better the chances the business has of
surviving.’ Evaluate this statement.
Anna and Bill are technicians working in a relatively small electronics factory. They
are trained and competent tradespeople, and live and work for new developments
in the electronics field. At home, both have accumulated journals and papers on
what’s new in the electronics field. They met by coincidence on an overseas trip
and their mutual interests brought them together, eventually to work with the
same company. Before joining the company, Bill worked with the government and
Anna was in a sales position for a retail firm. This was a position that really came
about by accident through personal contacts by her family. The sales position held
no real interest and this led to a change in employment.
For some time they have been thinking about an idea that would mean leaving
the company and setting up their own business. There are a number of electronic
components currently imported from overseas that they believe they could
manufacture locally for a reasonable price and perhaps launch into the export
arena. Digital doc
They have both talked with their spouses, immediate families and a number of
Test your knowledge of key
friends about the possibility of branching out on their own. Together they believe terms by completing the
they would have some $60 000 available through equity capital and loans. The Chapter crossword in your
amount of money required to establish a factory and various outlets is unknown eBookPLUS.
at this stage, but they are assuming that individual funds would be available from Searchlight: DOC-1217
banks or other sources.
(a) Identify what other personal factors Anna and Bill should consider before making
the final decision.
(b) Investigate what factors may be important in the preparation of their business
(c) If you were in their position, determine how you would go about analysing
market prospects.
4 (a) Determine what is the most important aspect of preparing a business plan.
(b) Explain why a financial institution would require a business plan before approving
a loan to the business.
(c) Explain why a business plan should be flexible and constantly revised.
5 Recall a situation in which you evaluated your performance. An example could be an
assessment task, a part-time job or sports event.
(a) Identify your goal for this activity.
(b) Assess whether you achieved your goal. Give reasons for your answer.
(c) Analyse what corrective action, if any, you were required to take.
13.2 Importance of a
business plan
The vital point of the previous chapter was that all business owners must take
time to develop a business plan (see figure 13.1). Chapter 12 also introduced
you to the planning process and the activities to be undertaken to prepare
the business plan. No two business plans will be identical but they should all
contain some common information. Some plans will be structured and detailed;
others will be less complex and more informal. However, regardless of its
format, a plan must contain reliable and accurate information in enough detail
to be valid.
The business plan should contain:
1. a clear, concise statement of the goals of the business — what the business
wants to achieve
2. well-developed plans for achieving these goals — how the business is going to
achieve the goals
3. reliable control standards for measuring performance — has the business
achieved the goals; if not, what needs to be changed?
A comprehensive plan is essential for business success.
As outlined in chapter 12, the business plan is the ‘blueprint’ for future growth
and development within a business. It sets out the desired goals and direction
of the business. It is widely accepted that a business plan is essential to long-
term success and necessary for all businesses regardless of their size or function.
If prospective business owners neglect to develop a business plan or make
profit projections, business failure is distinctly possible because there is no clear
understanding of the business’s future.
FIGURE 13.1 An effective business plan contains a number of important elements that will
make the plan an operating tool that assists in the management of the business.
It is the same for the management of a business. A manager’s skill is the most
critical factor in determining a business’s success or failure. For example, a business
may have the most up-to-date computer equipment, well-furnished offices, access
to adequate sources of finance, a committed and motivated group of employees,
an excellent location, and an outstanding range of goods or services backed up
by a highly-expensive marketing campaign, but if it fails to have a competent
manager(s), who can make effective and efficient use of these resources, then the
business will not succeed.
Overall, the most important accomplishments a skilful manager will achieve for
a business include the ability to:
• solve difficult problems
• set and help attain important goals
If a SME owner wants the business to succeed, then it is essential to have employees
who are satisfied and motivated (as was outlined in chapters 6 and 8), as they will
be more productive. They also provide the business with a competitive advantage,
especially if the business offers a service where the customers come into direct
contact with the employees. Therefore, the management of the staffing function
— the recruiting, selecting, maintaining, training and separating of employees —
must be undertaken with care.
business approach complements that of the business. This is a philosophy that
Guy Bartlett, founder of domestic building company Bartlett Constructions has
passionately adopted since he commenced his business. Guy takes great care in
recruiting and selecting the most suitable employees.
Guy started Bartlett Constructions six years ago. What started out as a two-person
operation has now grown to a business employing five staff members. The quality
of the work performed by Bartlett Construction’s employees is largely responsible for
the business’s success. According to Guy, this is the main reason that his employees
must be ‘the best in the business’: ‘I can supply the equipment and training but I
can’t do it all by myself. I rely on having a committed team of people who enjoy their
work and gain satisfaction from a job well done. My staff members really are my
greatest resource. The high quality of their work has enabled the business to gain an
excellent reputation within the district.’
‘I like to think of my staff as working with me, not for me. We are one team
and all responsible for the long-term success of the business.’ Currently, Bartlett
Constructions employs four licensed builders, one apprentice and one part-time
office assistant.
Guy encourages his employees to gain extra qualifications, and he provides financial
assistance for course fees, materials and study days. ‘For example, one of my builders
❛ I like to think of my
recently attended a customer service training session at the local TAFE college. It is staff as working with
important for all staff to realise they are responsible for professional customer service;
not just the office assistant. An employee’s willingness to learn and to work as part of a me, not for me. ❜
team are two important personal qualities I look for when selecting new staff.’
Snapshot questions
1. Outline why Guy Bartlett believes staff are his greatest resource.
2. Assess the impact Guy Bartlett’s approach to human resource management
would have on his employees.
External recruitment
It is time consuming to advertise, screen and interview potential employees.
Many businesses use recruitment agencies as a way of decreasing the time
involved in searching for a new employee. They pay an agency to interview
candidates and recommend a shortlist of potential employees or an employee
suitable for the available position. Outsourcing of staff recruitment is
becoming popular with small businesses, especially as the skill shortage worsens
and owners see the advantage of using an expert to make sure they hire the best
A community employment agency such as Mission Australia Employment
Services is one of the most common sources of employees for business.
Mission Australia competes with other mainstream recruitment agencies for
government contracts. Their recruitment service is provided at no charge to
Use the Mission Australia
Employment Services
weblink in your eBookPLUS
to visit the website
of Mission Australia
Employment Services.
FIGURE 13.3 Mission Australia Employment Services will attract and screen candidates —
including apprentices and traineeships — without the expense of using a private recruitment
Skills audit
It is important for any business to detail the current skills base of the people
BizWORD involved in the business, as well as identifying any skills needed in the
A skills audit is a process that future. A personnel skills audit is used for this purpose. A skills audit is
establishes the current skills levels a process that establishes the current skills levels of employees and future skills
of employees and future skills requirements.
The aim of the audit is to identify:
• the skills that will give the business a competitive advantage
• weaknesses in the skills base which, unless overcome by training or recruitment,
will threaten the business’s survival.
Figure 13.4 provides an example of a skills audit form. One form should be
completed for each employee. Once this information is collected, it can be used
Future skill
Employee Personal experience Current skills requirements
Skills inventory
An employee database is an important tool used by business owners for recording
personal and work details of their employees. This type of database should be
regularly updated as new employees join the business and existing ones leave. BizWORD
One particular type of employee database is the skills inventory. A skills inventory A skills inventory is a database
is a database containing information on the skills, abilities and qualifications of containing information on the skills,
existing staff. It is used to search for appropriate candidates to fill new positions abilities and qualifications of existing
within the business. For example, a business may be seeking a current employee
with a commerce or business-related tertiary qualification, at least 10 years’
experience, fluency in Japanese, and with some knowledge of marketing. By
accessing the skills inventory, a search can quickly identify employees who match
these specifications.
As was outlined in chapter 7, many businesses are starting to realise that a
team approach can be a catalyst for superior performance. Teams are replacing
individuals as the basic building blocks of businesses of all sizes, especially in those
businesses that are adopting flatter organisational structures.
Businesses are learning that teams: BizFACT
• make more informed and creative decisions One undesirable consequence of team
• work without the need for close supervision (group) cohesiveness is the problem of
• create greater levels of employee cooperation groupthink: blind conformity in unified
• provide improved customer service and/or production output. in-groups. Groupthink helps explain
why intelligent people can sometimes
How teams are managed, therefore, is another critical issue determining make incredibly unwise decisions.
business success. However, it can sometimes be difficult for SME owners to
have the time or expertise to develop highly functioning teams or improve the
communication and efficiency of already established teams. Consequently, many
SME owners are seeking professional help from training and coaching businesses.
By investing time and money in the development and training of team leaders
and team members, the business reaps the rewards of improved productivity (see
the following Snapshot).
SNAPSHOT was so busy dealing with the daily problems that cropped up, I was not able to stand
back and work out how to achieve this.’
Not being able to devote enough time to strategic planning is a problem faced by
many SME owners. Don decided to hire the training company New Vision Pty Ltd to
work with the teams. ‘As the owner of a medium-sized business, I feel the pressure
to continually generate the entrepreneurial energy. What I wanted was for the teams
to create ideas and explore different ways of solving problems. This would help lift
productivity by reducing the number of production problems.’
Working with New Vision showed Don and the team leaders the importance of
setting clear, realistic and attainable goals. Each team was given the responsibility for
setting production targets and mutually beneficial outcomes for team members and
the business.
‘One of the most important changes we introduced was regular, informal
meetings where all team members are allowed to participate. We call these sessions
“participate and review” sessions. At these meetings we acknowledge what teams
have done well, how productivity might improve and set monthly goals.’
‘These new procedures have so far proved successful with the average productivity
❛ To build a great rising by 9 per cent. Not all employees were happy with the changes and three
business, you must employees resigned. However, the majority of employees report feeling more
motivated and satisfied.’
build great teams. ❜
Snapshot questions
1. State what changes were introduced to make the teams more productive.
2. Recall why Don Russell decided to hire the services of a training company.
3. Explain what is meant by the phrase ‘To build a great business, you must
build great teams’.
4. Determine why many SME owners are not able to devote enough time to
strategic planning. Share you answer with other class members.
TABLE 13.1 Net profit results for OzTrack Logistics Limited 2014–17
OzTrack Logistics Limited
Year Net profit ($ million)
2014 62
2015 78
2016 85
2017 90
On a quick inspection, you would say that net profit is increasing over the
four years. However, upon closer examination, you will detect that the rate of net
profit growth is decreasing; that is, net profit is increasing but at a decreasing rate.
This trend is best shown by graphing the net profit results (see figure 13.5). As a
business owner, such a trend could be cause for alarm because it could mean that
future net profit may fall.
Net profit ($ million)
2014 2015 2016 2017
OzTrack Logistics Limited
FIGURE 13.5 OzTrack Logistics Limited net profit results 2014–17
Trend analysis is a process of investigating changes over time and looking for
a pattern (trend) in order to predict the future. Trend analysis is based on the
idea that what happened in the past provides an idea of what will happen in the
future. For example, as a student you probably keep a record of your grades for
each assessable task or test. You do this to determine whether your grades are BizFACT
generally rising, falling or stable. Analysing this information also allows you to Examinations of a business’s financial
predict what mark you will receive for a future assessable task or test. You will base information or total sales are two of
your prediction on past performance. The more past grades you have to examine, the most common applications of
the more accurate your prediction will be. trend analysis.
Trend analysis is a powerful tool which, when used properly, will assist SME
owners to achieve business success by helping forecast such factors as:
• potential sales
• total revenue
• total operating costs
• gross and net profits
• availability of labour.
As was outlined in chapter 12, forecasts are needed to enable effective planning,
and trend analysis helps make forecasting more accurate. Overall, trend analysis
will provide more reliable information on which a SME owner can base decisions.
If, for example, a retailer’s trend analysis of past sales forecasts sales to decrease,
then appropriate strategies — such as new products or a revamped marketing
campaign — can be put in place to avoid the poor performance.
• Business plans are essential for owners/managers because:
–– they allow the owner to clearly define the goals and future projections
(e.g. finance)
–– they assist in the securing of finance from banking institutions or investors
–– they reflect the skills and abilities of the business owner.
• Management:
–– must make the best use of limited resources
–– is responsible for the business achieving its goals.
• A manager’s skill is the most critical factor in determining a business’s success
or failure.
1 Explain the purpose of a business plan.
2 Recall why a business plan should be professionally presented.
3 State what the traditional and contemporary description of management have in
4 ‘To be successful, every business needs skilled managers.’ Discuss.
5 Identify one advantage and one disadvantage of using a private external recruitment
6 Account for why businesses of all sizes outsource their recruitment function.
7 State three benefits of working in teams.
8 Define the term ‘trend analysis’.
9 Demonstrate how you, as a student, could benefit from using a trend analysis.
10 Examine figure 13.5 (page 421) and explain why it is easier to identify a trend when
using a graph rather than a table of figures.
1 Referring to a business you have studied, answer the following questions.
(a) Investigate the planning options that had to be considered when the business
was established.
(b) Examine what essential components were included in the business plan.
(c) Determine how important the business plan was to the overall success of the
2 ‘The output of teamwork is, in many instances, greater than the combined output of
its individual members working alone.’ Assess the accuracy of this statement.
3 ‘A favourite method of forecasting is to base the estimate entirely on past sales.’
Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using this method to predict future
Achieve economies CAN COMPETE ON COST
Utilise technology
of scale
Differentiation strategy
The concept behind this strategy is to offer customers something that is not already
offered by business rivals. The differentiation could be high product quality,
innovative design, positive brand image or top-quality service.
SNAPSHOT differentiation.
In their 60th year in business, instead of outsourcing their operations, Patties
Foods made the decision to become more competitive by increasing the production
capacity of their facility. This efficiency of operation enabled them to achieve
economies of scale. The company invested $21 million in product innovation by
purchasing the world’s best practice pastry-making equipment in an attempt to
increase production. Patties Foods added two new pie lines and a 10 000 pallet
freezer warehouse at the company’s bakery in Victoria. This investment allowed the
company to increase production to 38 000 pies per hour. Patties Foods have also
recently invested another $10 million in automation so that on one of their product
lines, their products will be packed using robots.
In addition to competing on cost, Patties Foods has also sought to achieve a
❛ . . . very competitive competitive advantage through promoting their iconic Australian brand name and
through their investment in marketing and the development of unique advertising
from a cost point of campaigns. The company has also been able to increase sales by innovating with
new products every year.
view. ❜ Patties Foods increased their revenue by 8.8 per cent to $19.5 million in 2012, at a
time when most food manufacturers were struggling. The increase in production and
improved efficiency has also made it possible for the company to begin pursuing an
exporting strategy.
Patties Foods began as a family run bakery more than 60 years ago. Identifying
Weblink and sustaining a competitive advantage through a variety of strategies led the
Use the Patties Foods company to become one of the biggest pie bakeries in the world. The managers
weblink in your eBookPLUS believe the key to their success has been their investment in new technologies, which
to view a company timeline allowed the company to become more efficient and very competitive from a cost
for Patties Foods. point of view.
• Business success and failure is linked (in the long term) to a business’s ability
to develop a strategy that allows it to gain a competitive advantage over other
competitors in the market.
• A competitive advantage refers to a business’s ability to gain an ‘edge’ over its
• A competitive advantage is achieved through:
–– price/cost strategy. This is best accomplished by achieving the lowest production
costs, which in turn allow it to reduce the product price.
1 Explain competitive advantage and how a business can try to achieve it.
2 (a) Explain cost advantage.
(b) Discuss why it is considered important to a business trying to achieve a competitive
3 Outline the differentiation strategy in terms of achieving a competitive advantage.
4 Identify three examples of businesses that may use the differentiation strategy.
5 Explain what is meant by a sustainable competitive advantage.
6 Outline how a business can limit the advances of its competitors.
‘All businesses must be able to achieve a competitive advantage if they wish to succeed.’
Assess the accuracy of this statement.
A business that overextends in terms of stock has invested too much money in
goods or raw materials. This may occur if the business anticipates customer demand
incorrectly, or purchases a ‘bargain’ from a supplier (such as end-of-season stock)
without establishing whether it is saleable among its own customers. BizFACT
Stock is unrealised sales, and a business with too much stock not only ties up Just-in-time is a method used by some
its own cash but potentially loses revenue. Many businesses avoid stockpiling, and firms to ensure that inventory (stock)
prefer to keep only limited supplies and order regularly. is not lying idle. The business has
an arrangement with a supplier that
orders will be supplied immediately.
Staff Thus the business carries little or no
A business may find itself with too many staff. This may be due to over-optimism inventory and relies on the supplier to
about sales levels, or just poor job allocations and hiring. Staff are costly, but fill the orders. Many major companies,
including the Coca-Cola bottling plant
options are available for a business to decrease its dependence on this resource and
in Australia, use this practice.
reduce costs in the long term. These options include:
• outsourcing
• redefining current job descriptions
• using more equipment/machinery.
Many businesses are using social
networking sites such as Twitter and FIGURE 13.7 Examples of the technology available to business
Facebook to communicate with their
Internet applications (e-business and
Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in electronic business, largely
brought about by the development of the internet. The internet, a giant computer
network connecting millions of computers around the world, has revolutionised the
way in which small business owners both access information and do business —
e-business and e‑commerce.
E-business BizWORD
E-business (electronic business) is using the internet to conduct business. It occurs E-business (electronic business) is
when a business: using the internet to conduct business.
• uses the internet to find information — such as suppliers, prices and product
details — and to keep track of delivery schedules
• uses email to communicate with customers and suppliers
• uses the internet for online working and paying of accounts
• uses the internet to research market conditions, industry trends and economic
• uses its website to market its goods and services
• uses the internet to lodge forms or apply for licences via a govern ment
department’s website.
FIGURE 13.8 E-business can bring a range of competitive advantages to the small business
Snapshot question
Outline the steps involved in starting an e-business.
The term e-commerce (electronic commerce) has a narrower meaning than that
of e‑business. It refers to the buying and selling of goods and services via the
BizWORD internet — it is a part of e-business. Today consumers expect a business to have
E-commerce is the buying and selling an online presence. In response, more Australian small businesses are using the
of goods and services via the internet. internet to cover all aspects of e-commerce.
Due to the perceived cost and complexity of e-commerce, some small business
owners are tentative in their use of it. Apart from having an email facility and a
website, they do not make full use of the technology and consequently do not
realise its full potential.
• A business can overextend financially by:
–– hire purchase or leasing overcommitments
–– purchasing excess stock
–– employing too many staff for the business’s current needs.
1 Identify the main ways in which a business can overextend financially.
2 Outline how a business can protect against overextending its finances.
3 Explain why technology is so crucial in terms of business success and failure.
4 Distinguish between e-business and e-commerce. Provide two examples
of each.
Weblinks 5 Select and explain two advantages and two disadvantages (for a business) of using
• Yahoo! Australia the internet to access information.
• Amazon 6 Use the Yahoo! Australia, Amazon and ninemsn Shopping weblinks in your
eBookPLUS to investigate the operation of the large e-tailers. Evaluate the three
• ninemsn Shopping
sites, reporting on:
(a) the ease of navigation
(b) the layout of the home page
(c) methods of payment
(d) the ease of product selection
(e) the return and refund policy.
Digital doc
7 Distinguish between an economic boom and a recession.
Use the Chapter summary
document in your 8 Explain the impact a period of (i) strong and (ii) weak economic growth will have
eBookPLUS to compile your upon most businesses.
own notes for this chapter.
Searchlight: DOC-14122
1 Analyse the importance of financial planning for short-term and long-term success in
2 ‘Business expansion should be slow and steady.’ Evaluate.
3 ‘Technology has had a great impact on the internal and external business
environment.’ Discuss.
4 Determine the advantages and disadvantages of the dynamic nature of technology
in Australian business.
Business planning
Multiple choice questions
1 Which of the following characteristics best describes an entrepreneur?
(a) An inventor
(b) A risk taker
(c) An academic
(d) A highly skilled employee
2 What legislation is designed to protect both consumers and businesses?
(a) Fair Work Act
(b) Small Business Act
(c) Consumer Affairs Act
(d) Competition and Consumer Act
3 What does equity finance refer to?
(a) Money obtained through loans
(b) Money obtained from the owner’s personal funds
(c) Money obtained from a financial intermediary such as a bank
(d) Monetary or financial assistance from the government that doesn’t have to be repaid
4 The variable cost of producing yo-yos is $2 and management suggests that the selling
price be $5. The business expects to sell 50 000 yo-yos in the next year. Fixed costs are
$30 000. What is the break-even number of units of production of yo-yos required for
next year?
(a) 50 000
(b) 10 000
(c) 20 000
(d) 30 000
5 What does just-in-time refer to?
(a) Producing goods quickly in anticipation of increased demand
(b) Keeping minimal stock and ordering supplies just prior to use
(c) Maintaining a large inventory so that goods can be delivered on time
(d) Avoiding industrial action at the last minute by agreeing to union demands
6 Which of the following statements is FALSE in relation to a business plan?
(a) A business plan is prepared only when the business is initially established.
(b) A business plan is a statement of goals for the business and the strategies taken to
achieve them.
(c) A business plan allows stakeholders to determine the viability and profitability of
the business.
(d) Having a business plan is a critical factor determining business success and failure.
7 Which of the following is considered to be an on-cost for a business?
(a) Wages
(b) Superannuation
(c) Staff training costs
(d) Goods and services tax
8 Which of the following would be a reason for deciding to start a new business from
scratch as opposed to buying an existing business?
(a) Easier to obtain finance
(b) Equipment is available for immediate use
(c) Sales to existing customers will generate instant income
(d) The owner has the freedom to set up the business as they wish
9 The owners of a café have implemented policies to ensure they comply with their local
government regulations. Which influence in establishing a SME are they addressing?
(a) Legal
(b) Market
(c) Taxation
(d) Sources of information
As a business consultant, prepare a report that could be given to Phillip and Janice. In
your report, you should:
(a) Outline the main personal qualities needed to successfully operate a small business.
(b) Create a list of 10 questions Phillip and Janice should consider before committing
to making an actual offer.
4 Referring to a business that you have studied, determine three critical issues that will
influence the success or failure of the business.
5 ‘Competitors can be a threat to a business but they can also ultimately lead to business
success.’ Explain how competition may in fact be good for business.
6 Investigate how the following act as the primary influences on an individual’s decision
to establish a business:
(i) personal qualities (ii) motivation
(iii) experience (iv) expectations.
‘Choosing the right location was crucial because not everyone is interested
in up-market garden accessories. We chose a location that had the right
demographics — people took pride in their gardens and most of the people
who live in the area are professional working people with cash to spend. It was
also a big decision to set up our website where customers can order our garden
accessories online.’ Sonya Mezups, proprietor, blooming nursery.
Construct a report for Jane that will help her identify whether or not her business
is meeting its legal responsibilities to its customers, to other businesses and to the
community. Your advice should include the following:
• how to tell whether a business is conforming to the Competition and Consumer Act
• the responsibilities of food businesses, such as reception venues, in ensuring food
• what Jane can do to ensure she manages her legal responsibilities in an ethical and
socially responsible manner.
13 Analyse why it is important for small business owners to have a detailed understanding
of the market in which the business will be competing.
14 ‘A business plan won’t guarantee success but it does improve the chances of success.’
Assess the accuracy of this statement.
15 ‘Undertaking a break-even analysis in the early stages of the planning process is
crucial. The information it provides determines how I advise the client to proceed.’ Nick
Aquilano, small business consultant, BizVest Planning.
(a) Define the term ‘break-even analysis’.
(b) Explain why it is an important planning tool.
(c) Demonstrate how to calculate the break-even point.
Your task
To best prepare yourself for the challenge of starting and, more importantly,
maintaining a new small business, you have decided to prepare a business plan to
help plan all aspects of your new venture.
In order to complete your business plan you will need to:
� Research the different sections of a business plan and gather the information
that you will require to complete it thoroughly.
� Investigate all the legal requirements (documentation) that you will need to
complete in order to establish your business.
You must also attach completed templates of the legal documentation required
to start a business such as ABN applications, Business Name Registration and
Taxation forms.
Your Media Centre contains:
� a business plan model
and template
� weblinks to research
� a selection of media
� a guide to starting a new
Process business
� an assessment rubric.
� Open the ProjectsPLUS application for this book in your eBookPLUS. Watch the
introductory video lesson, click the ‘Start Project’ button and then set up your
project group. You can complete this project individually or invite other members
of your class to form a group. Save your settings and the project will be launched.
� Navigate to your Research Forum. Here you will find a series of pre-loaded
Your ProjectsPLUS
topics which outline the main categories of your business plan. This will provide application is available
you with a framework for your research and investigation. You can view and in this book’s Student
comment on other group members’ articles and rate the information they have Resources section inside
entered which provides a source of valuable feedback. your eBookPLUS. Visit
� Visit your Media Centre and download the Business Plan model, template
and guide. In your business plan, you must address the following sections in to locate your digital
relation to your proposed business: resources.
– Situational analysis
– Operations plan
– Marketing plan
– Financial plan
– Human resources plan
– Executive summary.
� Research. Your business plan needs to be based on realistic data. In order to help
with your research, your Media Centre contains a selection of images of your
product, a series of weblinks which provide you with information and guidance on
starting your own business as well as a guide to creating your business plan. The
included SWOT analysis template may also be useful in supporting your data.
� You might like to use Microsoft Excel or alternative similar software to create
graphs to display your research and figures in a visual manner. A Guide to
Creating Graphs has been included in your Media Centre.
� As part of your project, you must also include completed templates of the
legal documentation required to start a business. This might include ABN
applications, Business Name Registration and Taxation forms. The weblinks in
your Media Centre will help you locate these downloadable forms online.
� Once you have researched and responded to all sections of your project, print
out your business plan and relevant forms from projectsPLUS and hand them in
to your teacher with any supporting documents.
Mark allocation
The suggested marks used in these examples are specifically for short answer
questions. Essay questions may also include a number of key process verbs.
Time allocation
In order to complete each question, time allocation is very important. If a student
does not complete the examination in time, because they have not calculated
the minutes/marks correctly, they will lose marks. A formula for calculating
minutes/marks is as follows:
In the above example, the student would need to allocate 1.8 minutes
per mark in an examination. Therefore, a 4-mark question should be allocated
1.8 minutes x 4 = 7.2 minutes (or rounded to seven minutes). This ensures
the allocation of an appropriate amount of time for each question.
change management: a methodical approach to dealing data: unprocessed facts and figures such as sales figures
with change, both from the perspective of a business and customer complaints. p. 292
and on the individual level. p. 299 debt finance: relates to the short-term and long-term
choice: is the act of selecting among alternatives. p. 12 borrowing from external sources by a business. p. 362
classical approach: to management stresses how best decision making: the process of identifying the options
to manage and organise workers so as to improve available and then choosing a specific course of action
productivity (output). p. 165 to solve a specific problem. p. 134
closing stock: the value of stock on hand at the end of delegation: the handing over of certain tasks or
the financial year. p. 238 responsibilities to an employee who is suitably capable
common law: refers to law developed by courts and and qualified to carry them out. p. 181
tribunals. p. 262 deregulation: the removal of government regulation
communication: the exchange of information between from industry, with the aim of increasing efficiency and
people; the sending and receiving of messages. p. 126 improving competition. p. 54
competition: rivalry among businesses that seek to development: refers to activities that prepare staff to
satisfy a market. p. 345 take greater responsibility in the future. p. 259
Competition and Consumer Act 2010: (Cwlth) a dismissal: when the behaviour of an employee is
law that protects both consumers and businesses. unacceptable and it then becomes necessary for a business
It protects consumers from deceptive or misleading to terminate the employee’s employment contract. p. 269
practices, and it regulates the trade practices of distribution channels: ways of getting the product to
businesses. p. 367 the customer. p. 227
competitive advantage: refers to the strategies used by a
diversification: (or conglomerate integration) occurs
business to gain an ‘edge’ over its competitors. p. 422
when a business acquires or merges with a business in
complementary business: a business that sells a similar
a completely unrelated industry. p. 95
range of goods and services. p. 71
dividend: part of a business’s profit that is divided
conflict of interest: occurs when a person takes advantage
among shareholders. p. 11
of a situation or piece of information for his or her own
division: refers to the separation of key business
gain rather than for the employer’s interest. p. 278
functions into specialised units or departments. The
consumer buying behaviour: refers to the decisions
business is divided into functional areas. p. 196
and actions of consumers when they purchase goods
driving forces: those forces that support the change. p. 296
and services for personal household use. p. 219
contingencies: unanticipated events that can lead to e-business: (electronic business) using the internet to
financial difficulty. For a business to be well managed, conduct business. p. 429
it needs to have saved money for such events. p. 229 ecological sustainability: occurs when economic
contingency approach: stresses the need for flexibility growth meets the needs of the present population
and adaptation of management practices and ideas to without endangering the ability of future generations
suit changing circumstances. p. 190 to meet their needs. p. 84
continuous improvement: involves an ongoing e-commerce: the buying and selling of goods and
commitment to achieving perfection. p. 211 services via the internet. p. 430
control process: involves establishing standards in line economic cycles: (or business cycles) the periods of
with the goals of the business, measuring the performance growth (‘boom’) and recession (‘bust’) that occur as a
of the business against those standards or benchmarks, result of fluctuations in the general level of economic
and making changes where necessary to ensure that the activity. p. 52
goals of the business have been met. p. 171 economic growth: occurs when a nation increases
controlling: compares what was intended to happen the real value of goods and services over a period of
with what has actually occurred. pp. 121, 171 time. p. 318
Corporate Code of Conduct: a set of ethical standards economy: a system used to determine what to produce,
for managers and employees to abide by. p. 279 how to produce and to whom production will be
cost of goods sold (COGS): the value of stock that a distributed. p. 317
business has sold to its customers. p. 237 effectiveness: measures the degree to which a goal has
creditors: those people or businesses who are owed been achieved. p. 120
money. p. 106 efficiency: compares the resources needed to achieve a
curriculum vitae or résumé: a summary of a person’s goal (the costs) against what was actually achieved (the
previous employment experience. p. 256 benefits). p. 120
employee selection: involves gathering information about flexible: refers to being responsive to change and able to
each applicant for a position, then using that information adjust to changing circumstances. p. 135
to choose the most appropriate applicant. p. 256 flexible manufacturing: production by computer
employee training: generally refers to the process of controlled machines that can adapt to various versions
teaching staff how to perform their job more efficiently of the same operation. p. 288
and effectively by boosting their knowledge and float: the raising of capital in a company through the sale
skills. p. 162 of shares to the public. p. 47
employment contract: a legally binding, formal agreement forecasts (or projections): the business’s predictions
between an employer and an employee. p. 262 about the future. p. 401
enterprise agreements: collective agreements made at franchise: involves buying the rights from another business
a workplace level between an employer and a union, to distribute its products under its name. p. 350
acting on behalf of its employees, or between the franchisee: an individual or business that purchases a
employer and a group of employees, about terms and franchise. p. 350
conditions of employment. p. 265 franchisor: an individual or business that grants a
entrepreneur: someone who starts, operates and franchise. p. 350
assumes the risk of a business venture in the hope of geographical spread: the presence of a business and
making a profit. p. 15 the range of its products across a suburb, city, state or
entrepreneurship: the ability and willingness to start, country or the globe. p. 25
operate and assume the risk of a business venture in global business: commonly referred to as a
the hope of making a profit. p. 15 multinational corporation, is a large company that
equity finance: the funds contributed by the business has branches in many different countries. p. 26
owner(s) to start and then expand the business. p. 362 globalisation: the process that sees people, goods,
evaluation: the process of assessing whether the
money and ideas moving around the world faster and
more cheaply than before. p. 57
business has achieved stated goals. p. 405
goal: a desired outcome (target) that an individual or
expenses: simply costs. Specifically, expenses are
business intends to achieve within a certain time
the costs incurred in the process of acquiring or
frame. p. 144
manufacturing a good or service to sell and the costs
goods: items that can be seen or touched. p. 6
(direct and indirect) associated with managing all
goods and services tax (GST): a broad-based tax of
aspects of the sales of that good or service. p. 238
10 per cent on the supply of most goods and services
external environment: includes those factors over
consumed in Australia. p. 376
which the business has very little control. p. 51
goodwill: the monetary value attached to the reputation
external recruitment: involves filling job vacancies with
of a particular business. p. 349
people from outside the business. p. 254
government enterprises: government-owned and
Fairtrade: a trading partnership that seeks greater equity operated businesses. p. 43
(fairness) in international trade. It promotes the rights grant: any monetary or financial assistance that does not
of marginalised workers, especially in low-income generally have to be repaid. p. 399
countries. p. 275
gross domestic product (GDP): the total money value
finance: refers to how a business funds its activities — for of all goods and services produced in Australia over a
instance, where it gets the money to trade, why it chooses one-year period. p. 318
to use certain lenders — as well as the costs, risks and gross profit: the term given to the sales less cost of
benefits of different types of borrowings. p. 231 goods sold (COGS). p. 237
financial resources: the funds the business uses to meet holistic: approach looks at the whole picture. p. 292
its obligations to various creditors. p. 74 horizontal integration: occurs when a business
financial statements: reports that summarise acquires or merges with another firm that makes and
transactions over a period of time. p. 233 sells similar products. p. 95
finished product: one that is ready for customers to buy human resources: the employees of the business and are
and use. p. 6 generally its most important asset. p. 74
fixed costs (FC): costs that do not vary regardless of how human resource/employment cycle: covers all stages
many units of a good or service are produced. p. 402 in the process of employing staff, from initial planning
flatter organisational structures: evolved due to a through to recruitment, selection, induction, training
‘de-layering’ of management structures resulting in the and development, performance management, and
elimination of one or more management levels. p. 186 eventual separation of employment. p. 249
human resource management (HRM): in its simplest internal recruitment: involves filling job vacancies with
terms, is defined as the effective management of the present employees, rather than looking outside the
formal relationship between the employer and the business. p. 254
employees. p. 247 interpersonal (people) skills: those skills needed to
human resource planning: the development of strategies work and communicate with other people and to
to meet the business’s future staffing needs. p. 252 understand their needs. p. 125
income: money received by a person for providing intrapreneur: an individual who takes on the
his or her labour, or a business from a return on its entrepreneurial roles within a business. p. 157
investments. p. 10 involuntary cessation: occurs when the owner is forced to
income statement or statement of financial cease trading by the creditors of the business. p. 106
performance: a summary of the income earned and involuntary separation: occurs when an employee is
the expenses incurred over a period of trading. It helps asked to leave the business against their will. p. 269
users of information see exactly how much money job analysis: a systematic study of each employee’s
has come into the business as revenue, how much duties, tasks and work environment. p. 252
has gone out as expenditure and how much has been
job description: a written statement describing the
derived as profit. p. 236
employee’s duties, tasks and responsibilities associated
incorporated: refers to the process companies go through
with the job. p. 253
to become a separate legal entity from the owner/s. p. 35
job specification: a list of the key qualifications needed
incorporation: the process that companies go through
to perform a particular job in terms of education, skills
to become incorporated, i.e. to become a registered
and experience. p. 253
company and a separate legal entity. p. 39
labour productivity: measures how much an employee
incremental change: results in minor changes, usually
involving only a few employees. p. 285 can produce in a set period of time. p. 156
leadership: the ability to influence people to set and
industry: consists of businesses that are involved in
similar types of production. p. 30 achieve specific goals. p. 132
inertia: refers to an unenthusiastic response to proposed leadership style: A manager’s leadership style is essentially
change. p. 295 their way of doing things — their behaviour and
information: processed data that have been deliberately
attitude. p. 174
selected and organised to be useful to an individual leading: the process of influencing or motivating people
manager. p. 292 to work towards the achievement of the business’s
information resources: include the knowledge and data objectives. pp. 121, 180
required by the business, such as market research, learning organisation: monitors and interprets its
sales reports, economic forecasts, technical material environment, seeking to improve its understanding
and legal advice. p. 74 of the relationship between its actions and its
innovation: either creating a new product, service or environment. p. 260
process, or significantly improving an existing one. p. 13 leasing: a long-term source of borrowing for businesses.
input tax credit: an allowable tax deduction that a It involves the payment of money for the use of
business can claim for any GST included in the price equipment that is owned by another party. p. 426
of business inputs. p. 376 liabilities: items of debt owed to other organisations (e.g.
inputs: the resources used in the transformation suppliers, banks) and include loans, accounts to be
(production) process. p. 202 paid by the business, mortgages, credit card debt and
insolvent: occurs when a company is not able to pay its accumulated expenses. p. 242
debts as and when they fall due. p. 107 limited liability: a feature of corporate ownership that
intangibles: include services that cannot be touched. p. 200 limits each owner’s financial liability to the amount of
interdependence: refers to the mutual dependence money he or she has paid for the business’s shares. p. 40
that the key functions have on one another. The key liquidation: occurs when an independent and suitably
business functions work best when they overlap, and qualified person – the liquidator – is appointed to take
employees work towards common goals. For each control of the business with the intention of selling
function area to perform at capacity, it depends on the all the company’s assets in an orderly and fair way in
support of the others. p. 196 order to pay the creditors. p. 107
interest: the cost of borrowing money. p. 363 liquidity: refers to the amount of cash a business has
internal environment: includes those factors over access to and how readily it can convert its assets into
which the business has some degree of control. p. 51 cash so that debt can be paid. p. 233
local business: has a very restricted geographical spread; marketing strategies: actions undertaken to achieve the
it serves the surrounding area. p. 25 business’s marketing goals. p. 222
long-term growth: the ability of a business to mass markets: in a mass market the seller mass-
continually expand. p. 394 produces, mass-distributes and mass-promotes one
management: the process of working with and through product to all buyers. p. 218
other people to achieve business goals in a changing mass production: the process of manufacturing standardised
environment. Crucial to this process is the effective goods on a huge scale by automation. p. 165
and efficient use of limited resources. p. 119 mentor: someone — usually a more experienced
management consultant: someone who has specialised employee — who helps develop a less experienced
knowledge and skills within an area of business. p. 299 employee (the protégé). p. 160
management hierarchy: the arrangement that mentoring: is the process of developing another
provides increasing authority at higher levels of the individual by offering tutoring, coaching and
hierarchy. p. 172 modelling acceptable behaviour. p. 160
manager: someone who coordinates the business’s limited merger: occurs when the owners of two separate
resources in order to achieve specific goals. p. 119 businesses agree to combine their resources and form a
market analysis: involves collecting, summarising and new organisation. p. 95
analysing information about the state of the market, micro business: employs fewer than five people
customers, the threats and opportunities that the market (including the owner). p. 25
presents, and any advantages or disadvantages that the modifying: the process of changing existing plans, using
business is likely to have over its competitors. p. 355 updated information to shape future plans. p. 410
market concentration: refers to the number of monitoring: the process of measuring actual
competitors in a particular market. There are four performance against planned performance. p. 405
main types of market concentration: mortgage: a loan secured on some type of asset. p. 362
• a monopoly — complete concentration by one firm motivation: refers to the individual, internal process
in the industry, e.g. Australia Post that directs, energises and sustains a person’s
• an oligopoly: — where a small number of larger behaviour. p. 158
firms have a greater control over a market, e.g. car multiskilling: allows employees to develop skills in a
manufacturers wide range of tasks through ongoing training. p. 162
• monopolistic competition — where there is a
national business: a business that operates within just
large number of buyers and sellers in a particular one country. p. 25
market, e.g. local retailing shops
net profit: the difference between the gross profit and
• perfect competition — where there is a large number
operating and non-operating expenses. p. 239
of small firms that sell similar products. They are
niche market: a narrowly selected target market
unable to differentiate products from each other and so
segment. p. 221
can only use price as a way of achieving market share,
nonverbal communication: any message that is not
e.g. fruit and vegetable growers. p. 65
written or spoken. p. 128
market segmentation: occurs when the total market
is subdivided into groups of people who share one or objective: a specific statement detailing what a business
more common characteristic. p. 218 (or individual) needs to achieve in order to accomplish
its vision. p. 392
market share: refers to the business’s share of the total
industry sales for a particular product. pp. 23, 148 on-costs: payments for non-wage benefits. p. 371
marketing: the process of planning and executing the opening stock: the value of stock (or inventory) that the
conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of business has at the start of the financial year. p. 238
ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy operating expenses: all the costs of running the
individual and organisational objectives (American business except the cost of goods sold. p. 9
Marketing Association). A more simplified definition is operational objectives: focus on short-term issues and
that marketing is a total system of interacting activities describe the course of action necessary to achieve the
designed to plan, price, promote and distribute products tactical objective and strategic goal. p. 392
to present and potential customers. p. 214 operational planning: provides specific details about
marketing mix: refers to the combination of the four the way in which the business will operate in the short
elements of marketing, the four Ps — product, price, term. p. 170
promotion and place — that make up the marketing operations: refers to the business processes that involve
strategy. p. 222 transformation or, more generally, ‘production’. p. 198
operations management: consists of all the activities problem solving: a broad set of activities involved in
in which managers engage to produce a good or searching for, identifying and then implementing a course
service. p. 198 of action to correct an unworkable situation. p. 133
organisation process: the range of activities that product: a good or service that can be bought or sold. p. 6
translate the goals of a business into reality. p. 171 product life cycle: describes the life of a product over four
organisational structure: the framework in which the stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. p. 223
business defines how tasks are divided, resources are production: refers to those activities undertaken by the
used and departments are coordinated. p. 396 business that combine the resources to create products
organising: the structuring of the organisation to that satisfy customers’ needs and wants. p. 6
translate plans and goals into action. pp. 121, 171 profit: what remains after all business expenses have
outputs: refer to the end result of a business’s efforts — been deducted from sales revenue. p. 9
the service or product that is delivered or provided to profit maximisation: occurs when there is a maximum
the consumer. p. 206 difference between the total revenue (that is, the number
outsourcing: the use of external sources or businesses of sales made multiplied by the price) coming into the
to undertake business functions or activities for the business and total costs being paid out. p. 147
business. pp. 194, 286 promotion: describes the methods used by a business
overdraft: with an overdraft, the bank allows a business to to inform, persuade and remind a market about its
overdraw their account up to an agreed limit for a specified products. pp. 150, 225
time, to overcome a temporary cash shortfall. p. 362 proprietary (private) company: an incorporated
owner’s equity: the funds contributed by the owner(s)
business and usually has between two and 50 private
to establish and build the business. It is also called shareholders. p. 40
‘capital’. p. 243 prospectus: a document giving details of a company and
inviting the public to buy shares in it. p. 47
packaging: involves the development of a container and
quality: refers to the degree of excellence of goods or
the graphic design for a product. p. 224
service and its fitness for a stated purpose. p. 207
participative or democratic leadership style: one in
quality assurance: involves the use of a system so that a
which the manager consults with employees to ask
business achieves set standards in production. p. 209
their suggestions and then seriously considers those
quality circles: groups of workers who meet to solve
suggestions when making decisions. p. 187
problems relating to quality. p. 210
partnership: a legal business structure that is owned and
quality control: involves the use of inspections at
operated by between two and 20 people with the aim
various points in the production process to check for
of making a profit. p. 37
problems and defects. p. 208
performance standard: a forecast level of performance
quality management: the strategy which a business
against which actual performance can be compared.
uses to make sure that its products meet customer
p. 405
expectations. p. 207
physical resources: include equipment, machinery,
quality of life: refers to the overall wellbeing of an
buildings and raw materials. p. 74 individual, and is a combination of both material and
place or distribution: activities that make the products non-material benefits. p. 19
available to customers when and where they want to quaternary industry: includes services that involve
purchase them. p. 227 the transfer and processing of information and
planning: the preparation of a predetermined course of knowledge. p. 32
action for a business. pp. 121, 170, 385 quinary industry: includes all services that have
primary industry: includes those businesses involved in traditionally been performed in the home. p. 32
the collection of natural resources. p. 30 reactive: to wait for a change to occur and then respond
primary target market: the market segment at which to it. p. 284
most of the marketing resources are directed. p. 220 realisation: the process of converting the assets of a
privatisation: the process of transferring the ownership business into cash. p. 106
of a government business to the private sector. p. 43 receivership: where a business has a receiver take charge
proactive: (management style) incorporates dynamic of the affairs of the business. Unlike liquidation, the
action and forward planning to achieve particular business may not necessarily be wound up. p. 107
objectives. p. 135 recruitment: the process of finding and attracting the right
proactive: to initiate change rather than simply to react quantity and quality of staff to apply for employment
to events. p. 284 vacancies or anticipated vacancies. p. 253
redundancy: occurs when a person’s job no longer exists, social justice: in business is about adopting a set of
usually due to technological changes, an organisational policies to ensure that employees or other community
restructure or a merger or acquisition. p. 269 members are treated equally and fairly. p. 151
regulations: rules, laws or orders that businesses must socialisation: the process a new employee undergoes in
follow. p. 61 the first few weeks of employment through which he
research and development (R&D): is a set of activities or she learns how to cope and succeed. p. 160
undertaken to improve existing products, create new sole trader: a business that is owned and operated by
products and improve production. p. 13 only one person. p. 36
resignation: the voluntary ending of employment by the specialisation of labour: refers to the degree to which
employee ‘quitting’ their job. p. 268 tasks are divided into separate jobs. p. 173
resource allocation: refers to the efficient distribution of staff involvement: means involving employees in the
resources so as to successfully meet the goals that have decision-making process and giving them the necessary
been established. p. 398 skills and rewards. p. 156
restraining forces: those forces that work against the stakeholder: any group or individual who has an interest in
change. p. 296 or is affected by the activities of a business. p. 80
retirement: occurs when an employee decides to give up stakeholder engagement: refers to businesses sharing
full-time or part-time work and no longer be part of information with and seeking input from stakeholders,
the labour force. p. 268 and involving them in decision making. p. 139
retrenchment: when a business dismisses an employee strategic goals: focus on long-term, broad aims and
because there is not enough work to justify paying him apply to the business as a whole. p. 392
or her. p. 269 strategic planning: planning for the following three
revenue: the money a business receives as payment for to five years. This level of planning will assist in
its products. p. 9 determining where in the market the business wants to
risk: refers to the possibility of loss. p. 15 be, and what the business wants to achieve in relation
salary: a fixed amount of money paid on a regular to its competitors. p. 170
basis, usually fortnightly or monthly, to a permanent strategic thinking: allows a manager to see the business as
employee of a business. p. 10 a whole and to take the broad, long-term view. p. 130
scientific management: an approach that studies a job in strategies: the actions that a business takes to achieve
great detail to discover the best way to perform it. p. 165 specific goals. p. 194
secondary industry: involves taking a raw material and structural change: refers to changes in the business’s
making it into a finished or semi-finished product. p. 31 structure — that is, the organisation chart. p. 285
secondary target market: usually a smaller and less superannuation: a scheme set up by the federal
important market segment. p. 220 government. It requires all employers to make a
separation: the ending of the employment financial contribution to a fund that employees can
relationship. p. 267 access when they leave or retire from a job. p. 373
services: things done for you by others. p. 6 support services: the activities needed to assist the core
share: a part ownership of a public company. p. 151 operations or prime function of a business. p. 74
shareholders: people who are part owners of a company sustainable competitive advantage: refers to the
because they own a number of shares. p. 11 ability of a business to develop strategies that will
sigma-six: process is one in which 99.99 per cent of all ensure it has an ‘edge’ over its competitors for a long
manufactured products are defect free. p. 395 period of time. p. 64
skill: the ability that comes from the knowledge, practice sustainable development: occurs when the needs of
and talent to do something well. p. 123 the present population are met without endangering
skills audit: a process that establishes the current skills levels the ability of future generation to meet their own
of employees and future skills requirements. p. 418 needs. p. 152
skills inventory: a database containing information (SWOT) analysis: a situational (SWOT) analysis involves
on the skills, abilities and qualifications of existing the identification and analysis of the internal strengths
staff. p. 419 and weaknesses of the business, and the opportunities
small to medium enterprises: defined by the in, and threats from, the external environment. p. 390
Australian Bureau of Statistics as firms with less than tactical objectives: focus on mid-term, departmental
200 full-time equivalent employees and/or less than issues and describe the course of action necessary to
$10 million turnover. p. 24 achieve the business’s strategic goals. p. 392
tactical planning: flexible, adaptable planning, usually transnational (multinational) corporation: a company
over one to two years, that assists in implementing the that has branches in many different countries. p. 23
strategic plan. p. 170 triple bottom line: refers to the economic, social and
tangibles: goods that can be touched. p. 200 environmental performance of a business. pp. 138, 275
target market: a group of c ustomers with similar undercapitalisation: occurs when there is a lack of
characteristics who presently, or who may in the sufficient funds to operate a business normally. p. 104
future, purchase the product. p. 217 unfair dismissal: occurs when an employer dismisses
taxation: the compulsory payment of a proportion of an employee for discriminatory reasons, such as firing
earnings to the government. p. 374 someone because they are pregnant. p. 270
teamwork: involves people who interact regularly and unlimited liability: occurs when the business owner is
coordinate their work towards a common goal. p. 185 personally responsible for all the debts of his or her
tertiary industry: involves performing a service for business. p. 36
other people. p. 31 variable costs (VC): costs that depend on the number of
time and motion study: a process of examining each of goods or services produced. p. 402
the steps in a production procedure and the time taken venture capital: money that is invested in small and
to perform them. p. 166 sometimes struggling businesses that have the potential
total cost (TC): of producing a certain number of goods to become very successful. p. 48
or services is the sum of the fixed and variable costs vertical integration: occurs when a business expands
for those units. p. 402 at different but related levels in the production and
total quality management: an ongoing, business-wide marketing of a product. p. 95
commitment to excellence that is applied to every vision: is the clear, shared sense of direction that allows
aspect of the business’s operation. p. 209 people to attain a common goal. p. 132
total revenue (TR): the total amount received from the vision statement: states the purpose of the business and
sales of a good or service. p. 401 what it aspires to become in the future. pp. 292, 391
traditional definition of management: the process voluntary administration: occurs when an independent
of coordinating a business’s resources to achieve its administrator is appointed to operate the business
goals. p. 118 in the hope of trading out of the present financial
training: generally refers to the process of teaching staff problems. p. 107
how to peform their job more efficiently and effectively voluntary cessation: occurs when the owner ceases to
by boosting their knowledge and skills. p. 259 operate the business of their own accord. p. 106
transformation: the conversion of inputs (resources) voluntary separation: occurs when an employee
into outputs (goods or services). p. 202 chooses to leave the business of their own free
transformational change: often results in a complete will. p. 268
restructure throughout the whole organisation. p. 285 wage: money received by workers, usually on a weekly
transformed resources: those inputs that are changed basis, for services they provide to an employer. p. 10
or converted in the operations process. p. 202 zoning: a means by which local councils allocate land
transforming resources: those inputs that carry out the for different uses, such as residential, commercial,
transformation process. p. 202 recreational and industrial. p. 356
Note: Entries in bold type in this index indicate businesses featured in Snapshots throughout this book.
City Health 125 creditors employment
classical approach to management 165–76, definition 106 by industry sector 11
192 impact of liquidation 108 contribution of SMEs 318–19
classical–bureaucratic approach to creditors’ (voluntary) liquidation 108 generation of 10
management 167–8 cultural background, and business employment agencies 418
classical–scientific approach to management establishment 335–6 employment contracts
165–7 current assets 242 awards 264–5
Club Assist 153 current liabilities 243 common law rights and obligations
Coca-Cola Amatil 154 curriculum vitae 256 262–3
Coles 88–9, 149 Curry, Andrew 15–17 enterprise agreements 265–6
common law 262–3 customer feedback 395 minimum employment standards 263–4
Commonwealth Post and Telegraph Act 1902 customer focus 211 nature and operation of 262
(Cwlth) 44 customers, as stakeholders 82–3 enterprise agreements 265–6
communication entrepreneurial ability, assessing 328
definition 126 data 292 entrepreneurs 15, 334
and management 183–4 David Jones 26, 99, 274 entrepreneurship
miscommunication 128 debt finance 54, 362, 363 assessment of suitability for 328
nonverbal communication decision-making skills 134 benefits of 335
128–9 delegation 181 burdens of 335
secrets of 127 Deming, W Edwards 210, 211 definition 15
truthful communication 279 demography 55 and risk 14–18, 333
communication skills 126–9 deregulation 54, 55, 60 skills and qualities needed 333–4
companies, types 39–44 development 259 environmental goals of business 152–3
company directors, impact of Dexus 83 equity finance 362
liquidation 108 differentiation strategy 424–5 establishment stage of business life cycle
company tax 375 dismissal 269–70 90–2
competition 345 distribution channels 227 ethical business behaviour
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 diversification 95 encouraging 279–80
(Cwlth) 59, 367–9 dividends 11 and ethical issues 277–8
competition-based pricing 355 divisions 196 nature of 272–7
competitive advantage driving forces 296 Ethical Clothing Australia 273–4
definition 422 Dvorak, Jan 125 ethical issues
differentiation strategy 424–5 conflict of interest 278
ensuring long-term success 425 e-business 316, 429–30 fairness and honesty 277
identifying and sustaining 422–6 e-commerce 225 financial management 278
price/cost strategy 423–4 ecological sustainability 84 respect for people 277–8
competitiveness economic conditions, and business success truthful communication 279
complementary businesses 71 or failure 431 Etiko 275
ease of market entry 65–6 economic cycles 52–3 evaluation 405
influencing factors 64–7 economic growth 318 expenses breakdown 238
local and foreign competitors 66 economic influences on business experience 330
marketing strategies 67 52–4 external influences on business
number of competitors 65 economy 317 competitive situation influences 64–7
CompuWorks 420 Ed Hardy Pty Ltd 105 economic influences 52–4
conflict of interest 278 education 330–1 financial influences 54–5
consumer buying behaviour 219 effectiveness 120 geographical influences 55–7
consumer markets, changes in 68 efficiency 120 institutional influences 61–3
contingencies 229 electronic information services legal influences 59–60
contingency approach to 429 main influences 51
management 190–1, 192 employee costs 371–4 markets 67–8
continuous improvement 211 employee empowerment 210–11 political influences 60
control processes 171 employee motivation 158–60 social influences 57–8
controlling, definition 121, 171 employee recruitment 253–6, 418 technological influences 63–4
Corporate Code of Conduct 279 employee selection 256 external recruitment 254–5
corporate social responsibility 137 employee skills 371
Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) 39 employee skills databases 418–19 factory system 165
cost 395 employee training and development 162, Fair Work Commission 265, 266, 270
cost of goods sold (COGS) 258–61 Fairfax Media Ltd 102
237, 238 employees fairness 277
cost-based pricing 355 impact of liquidation 108 Fairtrade 275
court (involuntary) liquidation 108 as stakeholders 81–2 FareShare 275
Crayons Childcare Centre 337 employer associations 63 Fayol, Henri 167–8
federal government, regulations affecting Greenspan Technology 14 interest costs 363
business 61 gross domestic product (GDP), contribution internal influences on business
federal government advice/support of SMEs 318 business culture 77–9
agencies 341–2 gross profit 237 location 71–4
federal taxes on business 374–5 groupthink 419 main influences 71
FedEx 118 growth stage of business life cycle 92–6 management 75–7
finance product influences 71
accounting 229–31 ‘Hawthorne effect’ 179 resources 74–5
assessing for a business opportunity Hawthorne studies 179, 182, 183 internal recruitment 254
360–1 health regulations 366–7 interpersonal (people) skills 124–6
avoiding overextension 426–7 healthy management 125 intrapreneurs 157
cost of 363 holistic approach 292 inventions
introduction and scope 228–9, 231–3 home-based businesses 358 Australian inventions 14
sources 361–2 honesty 277 SME contributions 320
financial influences on business 54–5 horizontal integration 95 investing activities 235
financial management, ethical issues 278 human resource cycle/staffing process involuntary cessation of businesses 106
financial markets 67 249–51 involuntary separation 269–71
financial resources 74 human resource management (HRM) 247,
financial statements 287 job analysis, specifying staffing needs
balance sheet equation 244–5 human resource planning, identifying 252–3
balance sheets 241–3 staffing needs 252–3 job descriptions 253
cash flow statements 233–5 human resource/employment cycle 249 job specification 253
income statement 236–40 human resources 74 Jobs, Steve 127
introduction to 233 acquisition 251–3 Johnson & Johnson 152
financing activities 235 employment contracts 262–7 Jordan Taylah 87
Fingerscan 14 introduction 247, 249
finished products, definition 6 recruitment 253–6 kaizen 211
fixed costs 402 selection 256–7 Kapp Engineering 389
flatter organisational structures 186, 286 separation 267–71 Kelly & Co 41
flexibility 135 and SMEs 370–4 Kelly Engineering 319–20
flexible management 288 training and development 258–61 Kettle Chips 14
floats (shares) 47 kikki.K 381
Ford, Henry 166 IBM 290 Kimberley-Clark 153
forecasts (projections) 401 income, generation of 10–12 Kotter, John 290
franchisees 350 income statements KPMG 15
franchises 350–2 definition 236–7
franchisors 350 gross profit and cost of goods sold labour markets, changes in 67–8
free trade 60 237–8 labour productivity 156
fringe benefits tax (FBT) 375 net profit 239 land tax 375
net sales 237 large businesses 23–4
Gates, Bill 15 other expenses 238 leadership
gender, and business establishment 336–8 separation of expenses by type 238 and change management 298
geographical spread of businesses 25–8 income tax 375 definition 132
geography, influence on business 55–7 incorporated businesses 35 visionary leadership 133
Glamazon 311 incorporated enterprises 39 leadership styles 173–6
global businesses 26–8 incorporation 39 leading
globalisation 56–7 incremental change 285 definition 121
goals industries 30 and management 180–2
importance of 145 industry sectors 30–3 learning organisations 260
nature of 144 inertia 295 leasing 426
S.M.A.R.T. technique 145–6 information 292 legal influences on business 59–60
see also business goals information resources 74 legal structure of businesses
Golden Estate Property Development innovation and business size 47
336 by intrapreneurs 157 factors influencing choice 46–8
goods 6, 200 role of business 13–14 and finance 48
goods and services tax (GST) 375, 376–7 SME contribution to 320 incorporated and unincorporated 35–6
goodwill 349 input tax credits 376 and ownership 47
Google 79 inputs 202 partnerships 37–8
government agencies 341–2 insolvency 107–8 sole traders 36–7
government enterprises 43–4 institutional influences on business 61–3 liabilities 242–3
grant 399 intangibles 200, 242 libraries 343
Greenleaf, Robert K. 181 interdependence, business functions 196 Limited Liability Act 1855 (UK) 40
limited liability companies 40 management process Microsoft Corporation 15
liquidation 107–9 coordination of functions and resources Milgrom, Naomi 117
loans 363 196–7 minimum employment standards 263–4
local businesses 25 ethical business behaviour 272–80 Miracle Massage 15–16, 16–17
local government finance 228–45 miscommunication 128
encouragement of business 342 human resources 247–71 Mission Australia Employment Services
rates and charges 378 key aspects 119 418
regulations affecting business 61 marketing 212–27 Mocks 344
location operations 198–212 modifying 410
influence on business 71–4, 356–7 overview 194–6 monitoring 404
selection of 72–4 management skills monopolies 65
Locke, Edwin 293 communication skills 126–9 monopolistic competition 65
long-term borrowing 362 decision-making skills 134 Morgan Stanley 76–7
long-term growth 394 flexibility and adaptability to change mortgages 362
Lovebird Weddings 94 135 motivating, and management 158–60,
Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics interpersonal (people) skills 124–6 182–3
153 overview 123–4 motivation
problem-solving skills 133–4 and business ownership 331–3
M&M Real Estate 360 reconciling conflicting interests of definition 158
McDonald’s 167 stakeholders 135–42 Motorola 261
McGrath Estate Agents 26 strategic thinking skills 129–30 multinational corporations 26–8
McMahon Services 42 vision skills 132–3
Madhu’s Restaurant 351–2 managers Nars Chocolates 126
Magnatech Industries 299–303 definition 119 NASA 135
management effectiveness 121–2, 123–4 national businesses 25–6
autocratic/authoritarian leadership 174, role 121 National Employment Standards 263,
175–6 as stakeholders 81 265
behavioural approach 178–89, 192 manufacturing, transformation National Sustainability Council 56
classical approach 165–78, 192 process 203–4, 205 net profit 239
classical–bureaucratic approach market analysis 355 net sales 237
167–8 market concentration 65 Network Video 64
classical–scientific approach 165–7 market considerations, small business niche markets 221
as communicating 183–4 start-ups 354–8 Nine2Three Employment Solutions
comparison of approaches 192 market segmentation 218–21 291
contemporary definition 119–20 market share 23, 148–50 Noble, Catriona 182
contingency approach 190–1, 192 market-based pricing 355 non-current assets 242
as controlling 171–2 marketing non-current liabilities 243
development of different approaches definition 214–15 nonverbal communication 128–9
164–5 identification of target market NSW Food Authority 367
effectiveness 121–2 217–22 NSW Trade and Investment –
functions 173 importance of 212–13 SmallBizConnect 341
hierarchical organisational structure marketing mix 222–7
172–3 role of 216 objectives
influence on business 75–7 marketing fundamentals 213–14 operational 392
introduction 118–19 marketing mix tactical 392
leadership styles 173–6 four Ps 222–3 oligopolies 65
as leading 180–2 place 227 on-costs 371–4
as motivating 182–3 price 225 oniomania 7
as organising 171 product 223–4 online businesses 357
participative/democratic leadership 174, promotion 225–6 online presence 357–8
187–9 marketing strategies 67, 222 opening stock 238
as planning 170 mass markets 218 operating activities 235
staffing and teams 416–20 mass production 165 operating expenses 9
teams 185–6 maturity stage of business life cycle operational planning 170
ten commandments for modern 97–9 operations
manager 191 Mayo, Elton 178, 179, 179, 182 definition 198
traditional definition 118 medium businesses 23–4 goods and/or services 200
within the business 120–1 mentoring 160–1 production process 201–6
management consultants 298–303, 341 mentors 160 quality management 207–12
management hierarchy 172–3 mergers 95 operations management
management information systems (MIS) Michaels, Harriet 276–7 impact of organisational change 288
292 micro businesses 24–5 nature of 198–9
organisation process 171 product, as part of marketing mix 223–4 retirement 268
organisational change product branding 224 retrenchment 269
and human resource management 287 product influences on business 71 revenue 9
identifying need for 292 product life cycle 223 Rip Curl 137–8
impact on business culture 287 product packaging 224 risk, and entrepreneurship 14–18
management consultants 298–303 production, of goods and services 6–8 Ronald McDonald House 152
management of 283–4, 290–303 production process
nature of 282–3 inputs 202 SaferGate 213
and operations management 288 key elements 201 St James Ethics Centre 279
resistance to 294–8 outputs 206 salaries 10
responding to internal and external transformation processes 202–5 sales, monitoring and evaluation 406
influences 285–9 products, definition 6 sales promotion 225
setting achievable goals 292–3 professional advisers 340–1 Sasy n Savy 231
structural responses 285–6 profit generation 9–10 scientific management 165–7
organisational structures 396–8 profit maximisation 147–8 secondary industry 31
and business culture 78 profit, monitoring and evaluating 408–9 secondary target market 220
flatter organisational structures 186 projections see forecasts 127, 255
new and emerging 75 promotion separation (employment relationship)
traditional 75 and advertising 225 involuntary separation 269–71
organising 121, 171 definition 150 types 267–8
Origin Energy 78 as part of marketing mix 225–6 voluntary separation 268–9
outputs 206 proprietary (private) companies 40–2 service businesses, transformation process
outsourcing 194, 286 prospectus 47 204–5
outworkers 273–4 public companies 42–3 services 6, 200
overdrafts 362, 363 Public Health Act 2010 (NSW) 366 sexual harassment 274
overextension, avoiding 426–7 public relations 225 share price 151
owner’s equity 243 publicity 225 shareholders
Publisher Textiles 54 definition 11
packaging 224 impact of liquidation 109
PaperlinX 87 qualifications, for starting SME 329 as stakeholders 81
participative/democratic leadership style quality 207 shopping centre complexes 356
174, 187–9 quality assurance 209 short-term borrowing 362
partnerships 37–8 quality circles 210 Sigma Six 395
Path to Health 348 quality control 208 SITA Australia 153
Patties Foods 424–5 quality of life 19 situational (SWOT) analysis 390
pay-as-you-go (PAYG) tax 375 quality management 207–11 size of businesses 22–5
payroll tax 375 quaternary industry 32 skills, for starting SME 330–1
perfect competition 65 Quick-fire Clay 215 skills audit 418–19
performance standard 404 quinary industry 32 skills inventory 419
personal qualities, required by SME owners Slim Secrets 316
328–38 Ramsay, Gordon 175 Small Business Association of Australia and
personal selling 225 reactive approach 135, 284 New Zealand 342–3
physical resources 74 realisation 106 SmallBizConnect 387
place, as part of marketing mix 227 receivership 107 small businesses 23–4
planning 121, 170 recessionary cycles 53 small to medium enterprises (SMEs)
planning ideas, sources 389–91 recruitment of staff 253–6, 418 business idea 343–6
political influences on business 60 redundancy 269 characteristics 313–14
Polosak, Steve 283 regulations 61 definition 24, 312–15
post-maturity stage of business life cycle regulatory bodies 61–2 economic contribution 317–21
99–102 research and development (R&D) 13 establishment options 347–52
Postal Act 1825 (NSW) 44 resignations 268 failure rates 324
Practice Manager 24/7 331–2 resource allocation 398 finance 360–3
price resources, influence on businesses 74–5 human resources 370–4
determination of 355 resources, organising importance 22–3, 312
as part of marketing mix 225 finance 399 keys to success 322–4
price/cost strategy 423–4 human resources 399–400 legal and regulatory considerations
primary industry 30–1 marketing 399 365–9
primary target market 220 operations 398 market considerations 354–8
privatisation 43–4, 60 respect for people 277–8 number of 314–15
proactive approach 135, 284 restraining forces 296 owners’ personal qualities 328–38
problem-solving process 133 résumés 256 reasons for failure 325–6
problem-solving skills 133–4 retail shopping strips 356–7 role 315–16
sources of advice 340–3 structural change 285–6 and staff involvement 162
taxation 374–8 Studio Latitude 405–6 types 260–1
S.M.A.R.T. technique 145–6 superannuation 373 transformation processes 202–5
Smith, Dick 182 supplier and customer partnerships 395 transformational change 285
Smith, Jared 320 support services 74 transformed resources 202
Smoljko, Mira 311 Sussan Corporation 117 transforming resources 202
social goals of business 151 sustainable competitive advantage 64 transnational (multinational) corporations
social influences on business 57–8 sustainable development 152–3 23
social justice 151 SWOT analysis see situational analysis trend analysis 420–2
social media marketing 226 triple bottom line 138, 275
socialisation 160 tactical planning 170
socially responsible management 276–7 tangibles 200 unfair dismissal 270–1
society, as stakeholder in businesses 83 target market identification unincorporated businesses 35
SOHO (small office home office) market segmentation approach 218–21 unlimited liability 36
businesses 24–5 mass marketing approach 218
sole trader businesses 36–7 niche markets 221 variable costs 402
solicitors 341 taxation Vegemite 13
Southern Cross Austereo 82 federal and state taxes 374–5 venture capital 48
specialisation of labour 173 goods and services tax (GST) 375, vertical integration 95
Sportsgirl 26 376–7 Virgin 189
staff involvement major taxes on businesses 375 vision 132, 391
as business goal 156–62 record keeping 376 vision skills 132–3
definition 156 SMEs 340–3 vision statements 292–3, 391
innovation 157 Taylor, Frederick W. 166 voluntary administration 107
mentoring 160–1 teams 419–20 voluntary cessation of business
motivation 158–60 teamwork 185–6 105–6
training 162 technological advice 342 voluntary separation 268–9
staffing 417–19, 427 technological influences on business
stakeholder engagement 139–41 63–4 wages 10
stakeholders technology Wall Sticker Company 314
customers 82–3 internet applications 428–30 Wallis Report 55
employees 81–2 and need for ongoing training 260 Waratah Press 161
environment 84 using 427–30 wealth, production and distribution
main stakeholders of businesses 80 Telstra 43, 211, 286 18–19
managers 81 Telstra Australian Business Awards 54 Web 2.0 429
problems caused by liquidation 108–9 Telstra’s Young Business Woman of the Weber, Max 167
reconciling conflicting interests 135–42 Year Award 360 Welcome Home program 276–7
shareholders 81 tertiary industry 31 Wesfarmers Limited 89
society 83 time and motion studies 166 Westfield Group 27–8
stamp duty 375 total quality management (TQM) 209–11 Westpac 286
state government, regulations affecting total cost 402 Woolworths 149
business 61 total revenue 401 work teams 286
state government advice/support agencies Tourism Australia 226 working capital (liquidity) management
341 Toyota 199 process of 344–5
state taxes on business 374–5 trade associations 343 strategies 351–2
statement of financial performance 236 trade and industry associations 63 workplace bullying 278
stock, avoiding overextension 427 Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cwlth) 365
strategic planning 170 trade unions 63 Yo-get-it 323–4
strategic thinking 130 training
strategic thinking skills 129–30 and business success 330–1 Zara 66
strategies 194 nature 259 zoning 356, 366